The Huron Expositor, 1904-07-29, Page 3� ,
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--,--- - orrial instinct and scratched gravel for
T whanaver t,bey ft ol the least bit outof sortv, matt - ,
- I p.omiance of a Milhonalre% '
- will form & habit of invalidism when they them as it they were her osin progeny, bur
T)suirliter who Eloped. I - I reach misturity, How oitt n do we ose euch the hen's app�tite failed and the look of
- Aluch interest Was tAk8n in the law - I girlit 11 brace up" at once. wto never any- surprise grew into one of didguat au the
I . 11 s which hatereela or excites ducklings grow ani were given a pan of
courts in' he casae of a youris I - f tbivg huppen I
Vienna in t I �,t ." i ... ? . tljamo�lveq,
Herr II von Tt6kacs, who I � I'll - I I them ! An invitatiolu to a, recepLion or any water -in which to disport
goblernan, ' noteat; in fact, was
wag sued for debt in romantic. ciroura. I I other pierisantnociallunction, actn' like a Still the hen would .
R.- . f . tonic, For the time being an instant:ineous never known to eat a morsel fioM th9 tIM-3 I
- $tanun. r Herr von Talracs fell in love I 11 1--awk I;, - I cure in effeeted. They are as well as any. the duck egg shells were broken. The ,8
. 1A#t 211mme - I i t I I]
with the daughter of Mr. Hart; an Ameri � . - ip VNI body until after the entettainment.- strain was too much. and the other day,
'. ... . with a last look at) her charge, the hen t'I
I ,,30n millionaire from Ohio. Neither of the .N. 1-6 success. toppled over and died, undoubtedly from a E
I �Vcuog people could speak the othees -]&rig; 17- 0
;age, -and while they . were engaged in I., % 45Z . ElosPitahtY. broken heart, er re-ident of
� . jearning to exprass their feelings the father . I -St-muel Scott, a form
discovered thostate of afl%irs and secretly , A -V.I./ It is said that Hiog Edward tells with Kendal, Oat., but now of the Northwest,
.- ., - � � I great glee that when in the weA of ,Ireland was storing away a cutter in the barn some
took his daughter to Moscow. . ",;,� , . . . I F..- I last year he one day werit into a cabin
, ,
, . a
,�� I - days' go, when euddenly a cyclone raitsed
Barr von Takam who was very poori I ., .. �. li
'. " aly occupant ,a house,
- 14v ,F'i, �Jld , � , whose o was an old woman
" - -his baxh from its fouudatlov� also hi
� want to Vienna, raised. Z1,000 oil- bills for . &A4 - ;� ,%. .."11\ � � Airig an old clay t
� . IV;';711f:�-�z;\, who SaD by the turf fire Ism and carried them for nearly hall a mile, It
.,. \ � -
twelve times the amount, and also proceed. '1V t' ` 'If I % " I. t'.11 .
. V111 , '-.'�. ( , ", 'k, �,�, i, .
.,,� '' . I , ,/ � I . pipe. The old lady welcomed the King, finally throwing them down. Afire,which
" , - .. , �� I
� . w. On the day he arrived' he .� i. :;.."� 1-.4"", z -:*)-,�*., -him to sit down wiped a tnree- W '
; I . . ( I
� ad to MOICO I ., I I and asking as in the stove at the time, set fire to
.. I met III Hart in the street. and next 11. t. 1:1��- - ,-,�, -,,,, - I log3zed stool with htr apron, The'King everything. - . .
morning the father and daughter had left I - did . so, and said: , � 10-
I .
the town. I FIBROID TUPYIORS CURED. , 2o you know who I am, MOM " -
Finally', bearing that the family were in - 'Begorra ! I don't," was the reply. Wit and Wisdom
I .
I . Paris, tbe. ardent ]over followed, ancl ar. - 7T,Lr!,4.j-[a,V(,%S'FirSi Letter Apl)e-.vl- --Why is it that the piano ,in your
ranged snelouement. The plot, however i" to Mr.s. Pi.�'kham for ifelp.: "Well, I am the King of England." . I
11 , llyy& tell me sco ! said the old lady ii! a house does not jAr the nerves like the piaDo j
I Was discover, " DP,A:u Mns. PimmiAsi:-I have been In tb
� � ea, and there was a scene be- tone of surprise, and tben, remembering e house next door? I
... tween the girl and her parents, resulting under Boston doctors' treatment r E -Whou a man, says Peter, wakes up
I I . 'on. 4 cf. , rhe� the rights of hoopitality, she took the pipe and finds himself f%moue, you can bet your
. in the latter allowinR the- marriage- A rg time without any reli . I C'�, Gub of her mouth, wiped the shank with 't
, nevertheless, refused to give Wit me I lj,ave a fibroid"tunuor. 'In- bottom dollar that be bas been sleeping
.. Mr. HIrt, , her hand, and, passing it to the.King, said:
his daughter any dowry, but merely a not sit down without great pain, and "Will yer honor shmoke ?" with one eye open.
pressnt of k2,000 for the honeymoon. This L the sore-ness extends pp my spit c. I . I � - -0 -Crawford-"It doesn't do a
sum wasinsufficient to cover Hervon Takaos have bearing -down pains both back -, Ith weak harm to be thi own on his own raoour eq� ,
. debts, and as theme fell dew, fresh bills and front� Aly abdoMeLn is sw41'01' Wherever. there thre eicklY Vople w Merritt -"No, the trouble is it alw y I
Is hearts and derst,od terves, Mi burn's Heart and a a I
were, accepted. No help was furtb,DO'nil3g and I havc- bad flowing spells for three Worve Pills will be found an effectusl medicine happeue when he hasn't any."
Herr von 7i They restore enfoebled, eveivated, exhausted, de. - begin to ,
l from the father, who finally sent years. MAY appetite is not good. Icts- vItalized or over,worked men and women to vigor- Cawker-" When do babies I
,skaes to Vievus, to arrange with his not walir or be op-, ' my feet for I any one health . think ?4 Walker -"Well, mine began to
I - - � .- - - think that I ought to walk the floor -
I I 0 ra d It o re, len-th of t1me. I - - - -
_ % family had again dis. 4 ' The sympt with him the second night he was in the
_�__ on his return th oms �f Fibroid Tumor 'holei Cramps,
. For U a marbug, ebolera lnf*rjtum.
- appeared. and after tracing them to ZGrich given in your little book accurately Colle,lDlarrho6a,Dymentery and Summer emnplaint, house." �
=d Paris, the young man found that they describe my case, so I write to y rom
J ,�tl fOl' Dr Fowler's Extfacb of Wild Strawberry to a p pi6 -Tommy-#'Im every hair in your
bad left for the United, States. Nothlug advice. " - (Sioned) Mm E, F. 11 i&yr,s, safeand sure cute that has been 6 popular favorite numbered, grandpa. V Bald Grandpa- �
I for nearly 60 years P
daunted, Herr von Ta s oo 2.52 Dudley St. (Roxbury), Boston, Mass, - - ,,Yes, my child." Toromy-,'Well, grand- '
11 . his sweetheart in the hope of an ultimatis ' -469-4111- pa, you haven't got much of 1% howl for fig-
, . 31rs. flayes' Second Letter: It's not the vi eather tbaVs at taI it's your a
rgencilliation. I - . 1; ures, have you ?"
I -0 - � INKIIAM'.1 - tow, clogged with poisonous matefialF, Oat moye
. - .. " DF,A,R MY.s. Pi Sometime fbeldull, drawpy, wtak and misorable LC* -1 'Didn'b I meet,you at the party at old
� F ago I wrote to you describing my symp- ru'r6ek Blood Bitt*rs clear away all the Poison$, Simpson's )sat night, You were there,
, -- yound his Father After TWentT torn-.% and asked your ad- vice. y ' pUrify And ODrieb your blood, make you feel bright wereWo you V ' I ' ye -e -s- I was." "Bat])-
, yearell , . , re and vigorous Bv.tbe-by, I
I I ,711od-, and I followed all VoUr J.Iilred: or a lame affair, wasn't it?
- A most remarkable e4m of a man finding tions carefully, and to-�ay 1 am well - _0 didn't catch your name V "Oh, iVs Of no
. Mrs " , been - "
� him-160sr After twenty 11k just w0=111 . Get Rid of That Cough com aence I'm merely old Simp000.-
.. 91 e? ,,Have you heard that, John-
� &Mot under our volee. Twenty years ,., -t Ir on N rw -s Impson
� _ I w man left his family to take The use of Lydi L Pinkham's Before ibegummer comes, Dr W d's o sy
AV a 01"go Vegetable Compountj entirely ex- pue syrup conquers epought, colde, Sore Threat, son is engaged to that clever Miss Brown ?
� �
� va� , in America, Soon after he ,ed my Hoarseness, Bronchitis, and all Diseases Of 11111 She is very wall sduested, you know, and
- bit, position pelled the tumor and strengthen
jat tboy lost all tram of him. The young- Threat and Luop am speak balf-a-dozen languages," Wil-
, . wh e s, w. I can walk milej nov;.
� ys ., � d toz-,' Dear me I Poor Jobilion I MY
lot no, now a. man of thirty, had - always a 496 PlnlrdiaiWo - Vege- , 0 a ow -
1 dm to find hia father, so about a year a- ydis - . # . but it's
do ., . e ompound is ,vvorth, fLve dolt. There is no kd y troubled from a back f
I I with thab boped Word has I � aclio do. to =Ygbt 0 I is= , that Doan's Kidney wits knows only one language
. he setoff lars a drop. I advise all wo m-cn wbo Pol# will not r6I core . quite enough, I can tell you,"
-1 rMn recsived thet. he has been suo0essful. r female - it you are
� are afilicted with tumors 6' I troubled witis any kind of kidney 0I -She--*' To think you ones declared
� .
� . � Is the letter which ho sent his brother he trouble of any kind to give �t a fa,ithful, plaint, give Dostes Kidney Pillis a trial . . that you would love we " long as you
1 - g&yg,--, i 1.4 was more by chinm sov- . . �
. � I . thoks triaLl' -(Signed) Mrs. E. Y. 114 rr's, was I lived I- And tow, hsrdly�married-a year. 1
- �
� .. thin# eke' tbab I discovered father. 06 . . . '
- 052 Dudley St, (Roxbury). Boston;'Mi m. . and you GAI nothing At All about me I" �
I d at Last- I
� . I #07 fis my travels I camo AI AD old, - 06000 forfc1t if crlyinal o� above looera pmoinj Foun . He-,, But, you see, when I told you I j
gray-hairIed man chopping wood. 1,hM a peaulneirew qann6t he produced I - I A liver pill that is mall and sure, ihat NA4, 96nt- *ould love you as long" I lived I wasn't
I tow Words with himI an4 to MY grI -joy - -- NEE I Ms I quickly amd thoroughly, that does noi gripe
. � I found he wax father.": They intand 0- - not "an a - sob other for a long , 0 b 76,xa-Liver Pills 1,00ell these qualities, A and Lore a feeling very well, and I really didulb think
- _ _ M t� '01 sure cure for fAver Complaint, C0119t1P MON Sick I should live long." .
I I top home shortly, and no doubt it will 1: would rob shoulders untff they w Ire . Headache, do . -M&gistrst
I : . .. wl"161 . ,p-,, Will you tell the jury
.... � 6: IGI r8-UDIO1l* A rich maI servant gets so slary; yet . j - - -- - what the prisoner said to you, Mr, O'Han-
� . a many are the applicatite ; while big -salaries . News Note& . . Ion ry Witness -11 Yer honour. if one of
. Ound ofChrQni0Diftrrhbea,Aft0r are jaid 6 ille servants of the common yeo the jury men will stlp over ferninst me from
-- . ple. but few make application, The per- . -A c1sauge boo been made in the post- 11
,. . �, Ten Years Of SuftrizXM . . beyant there JV* with plisurs 11 tell him
� . I "Isites'of the forwei -often . �nore than Guelph, whereby Mr. Arohi. that #&Mo. P, ,, Come ! Do nouseneu I Tell
� 46 I whh t, !gx a tow wDrds in praise of Jr. bald Little succeeds Mr. David Stirtond,
- lie ' tri 9 the salaries of th4 - . the jury from where you are 'Whitt the
I � Chamberlain 1 I Cholera and Diarrhoea � n China one can always be w money Mr. Stirton has retfred through iMhoalth oner maid," 11 And, fxfx, bow Carl 1,
. Remedy.,,, saj mrs, Mattie Burge,, of ttle, wbo boo . been prh A
� . on the strength of having 6 80 . ut nobody and in favor of Mr, Li mor 1.) The wretch only spoke to me wid
� X . %roo
artinsviijo, Va. - I suffered from would advance him a cent if be- ad a dozen deputy post master for a great many Y9
, . ebronio diarrhoea far ten yeart, and during, daughters, The former is tes onvible for :-The London and Western Trusts Com- his boot." -
that thne tried various medicines withoI " -
. - obtaining any permanent relief. fAst sum- the debts of his father' for tbree notations. pany,liqudstorsof the Elgin Loan Com
meroneeirrijobildran was takeg with -The latter is only responsible fo.t the bebts pany, ,jouounce that another dividend of NOT FOUND YBT
I f her husband.--- 124j per mt. will be paid the depositors of
- abolers morbus, and I procured a bottle of c . the F
- -0 - ,Igin 1,0an Company on July 30, This The case of Kidney Disease
I this retnedy. ohly two domes were re- . Iren, will make 87je paid to date. �
- ,quired to give her entire relief. I then do- - Safeguard the Chilc : k -of the contract for 12,000 rifles which Dodd's Kidney PIUS cannot cure
------ -----
e'ded to try the medicine myselfp and did - ,� Notwithstanding all that 1� done by � yet to be discovered.
I I the government has with the RORN Rifle
not use till of one bottle before I was well, kpards of health and charitably inclined Coj�paby, 4QO have been received at the
I and I have never sines been troubled with ,rfjons ; the death rate among small obil- marine department,. There are 4,000 ready LowrU WINDSOR, ClArleton Go., N. B,,
. that complaint. ODO cannot Bay WO mu3h then is very high during the hob,�veather of V
I to be tested and will be received a' the july 2ro-fteeial) -T, H, Belyes, postmal-
I in favor of that wonderful medicine." This the summer months in . the large cities, milltary Japartment shortly, we here. has voiced the sentiment of the
I remcd is for sale by Alex, Wilson, Drug' There is not probably one ca4e of bowel � experiments
eist, -Following up previous =�f this part of Now Brunswick, " I
�Uforth. Complaint in a hundred, however, tUt and inquiries relative to flax culture in this it says tha postmaster, " that
- - m - '
� 0 could nott, be cured by the ti I 61Y nee Of Province, Mr. A, L, McCredie, apeoialiqt, Dodd's Kidney Pills Are the remedl for
. n a in 4
1 -- Her Name -was Helen. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dia , fiew gone to W�WIOO County to i q 're - Kidney Disease, and that thoy will 0 all
Acea Reme
.- follows, a bachelor- and a ,dy, Sold by ALVX, WIT-SbN, to tne procees there. arid to endeavor to that is claimed for them'
I Two Young , Druggist, Seatortil. I find out how the Ontario flax fibre may be s, Kidney troublo botKered me for years,
t married man, partners in trai?e, were the I -.0 I I in, proved ohould it be found desirable to slid I did not get much relief from the
bw., of friends. and ,.'hair intimacy extended The Odd One in the FamilY, culi,jivato it for flue manufacturing Pur- different plasters smd medleineo I tried,
-1 to personal as w tters.� I Whence comes the strange diversities in poses, Then I took Dodd's Irldney Pille, and mu;,t
1, One of them, the bachelor, a simple-minded' . Four prominent HUNPID&D capitalists, say they seem to have made S 0OmPl6t2
I fellow, was in t6 habit or' reading to big families i Childron,born of the name par- - ' I - I
'viron ever I
vartner extracts from letter - onto and brought up in the same ell - J, Bruner, of Brussels ; J, E' jacobst of care in my cage. as I ftel am well 68
t ' a
I � - s of an arden meI moulded by similar influences and Antwerp ; P, G. West .ad R, A, Demme. dld,y�
ja affectionate nature from a lady in the . I few days f Kidbey Dig -ease that D dd`#
- i , The trained alike, develop d;ff0r011t traits, and of Paris, arrived at Winnipeg a The imse 0 0
1 3wrth, who signed herself " Susie." a Canadian Wrthern. They nuot cure has yet, to be dis-
-arried one'went ositions and tendeneies, ago over th Kidney Pills ca
. ml -Abroad for twelve - tore of banks in Belgium
I months,and returned -just in timO to attend to a degree moot puzzling- to the observer. are heads and diree seek , covered.
9 �ecaajonally there Is an odd one who al- and France, and are In the Webt 0 1
1 partner, 41 I hard- 0 ,.nt for capital.
I tend the wedding of his Olt gs&m@ lil;6 a changling in the brood, Drofitable investmo
i ly feel like a stronger," he said. in his m - - - When Kol Floato in Japan,
I sweetest tones, addregaing the bride. " in �and the onlooker seeks in vain for an ex- A baby hurricane passed north of Port
, 6 last week, it extended from Bowd- whell tile kol floats from Its bawba*
fact I feel as though I ought to be well planation Of -the intrusion in the common- Hop U I R cc pOle it nit -fans trouble is brewing -in
I acquainted with rry p%rtner'@ wife, since he place of the family life. If there were an- ley, the western PO4 t 0 i Lake, to
read to me sitio or ancestral records prob- pi.ousajount, and finally spout itself On the Japam The kof is .11 p-lper flob �rzve is
I has often done me the honor to captra' "o t"'i lake, Nearly all the trees WerG torn down, I
The ably the &$ion of the dissimilarity would I)IIII)IC jil)d gold, orange and black, z4
extracts from his dear Susie's letters," be fOundi. r.,�'ersjojj to typo, in a resem- chirrineys were torn off bouser, a now barn
faces of the husband arid speaker were irly h ad sicillfully inade t1lat the wind, inflating
up and blance in feature and obarn-,ter to some far- owned by Wm- Coates, which Del
stuifes, as the bride drew herself - I beg away great-graodfather or grandmother, the stone work completed, was vorn down it, getil it f5wfrllijg and swerying its M
I . safd, emphatically and distinctly - ho almost ap -a to be reincarnated in and smashed into kindling wood. jilive Willi ail ellergetle flapping of its
. your pardlon-my name is Helen V w n w .
11r,24cendant, I -The junior leaving sod junior matrie- fills, A fisherma 10 tell YOU that it 1
� .
- &-- the person of i a I ----#---------f I nlation papers are being examined by over represents the earp, that mighty i%WJM-
I , Model . at
A Book for the Home, marching the Wrong WaY. 130 high school toadbers jn the lll(!r NvIlIvii makes Its W11Y 11P,,,rears
Dr, Chsaeo Tast and Complete Rec6pt Book, � School in Toronto, The work will occupy a111,4t; ,-III obstack,s, A poet 11 nf-
- oueand iredleal, cookingt 11 The war correopondent's greato&t djffi
aoBtains over three tb is wid at culty.11 said Richard Harding Davie, 6& ifj about two weeks), as the senior papers will ag that fhe kal typilleg predomJnanm
vateerinary, d,mis-,ellanwU8 reCciPes, : fc)llow the junio.-I The teachers receive 85 Arm
9&75- post Tb;;;; is no book published which the eennorshiv." it Is ail oile and tile same, Wben th#
a, "Ir�
lvaoulef'X%,"t -1home. Afteruaipg ig a mouth � ed, a day for their services.
you wOI not exchange It for 610, it you don't He smiled, Then he reaum -Oae of the worst storms of the season 11sh float,5 over a J-dpallMie dwelling It
consWer t worth more than the price return the 11 The brilliant and unfo0unate Stephen male child,
` 1110neY blk, Crane was one of the r'oporterm of the passed over SpriugGld district, Elgin annollnel-P, tile birth of a
I book in good condition and ot your "
jilustfated-cl "z1arfree. 491manz-on, BatC4 4 Co., Graeco-Turkish war, In a certain skirmish county, last week. R&in fell in torrents, btlt when %vdir Ig Winlille t or In prog.
. arful, George ress the 81FII(ItS Of the cities are gay,
Toronto. - I the Turkish forces turned. tail and fled, and the bizlittling way fO .
I . - - . Crane wrote the story of this skirmish and Derneray, who lives on the l0rh concession, with The polyMikoinatic emblem. ,fiaunt-�
. �
.. I A- 309undffstanding- . then submitted his manuscript to the Tax- wag struck and refidered unconscious, He ipg arlt, jj,q.-;jjljig J)efbre the door of'
. , .
. A of3bool teacher in on. American town kish censor. . .- was in the barn at the time &a&- the barn every loyal botisebr;jd, This is t4ulY.2-
,, � had her class the story Of the - The censor read it gravely. - . -was not injured, nor has it Any APPOI ,jplay of bunting U. ths
� - � landing of the Pilgrims, and when she bad - I 0"ThO -will have to be toned down ". he of being struck. � The barn# of Mrs. He&- lent to tb� (11,
� . `"r-
� finighea she told each pupil to draw from 6aid: And where Crane hs4 writton that venor, near Motsub Vernon, were burned to ocef.dent wh I en troops go fortb iof .
� "
bit or- her imagination a picture Of 6 1 . 'IY' the Turks had fied, the censor made It that the ground. I -------- - . I
. Most of them went to work they had retired in good ardir ; where -On Wednesday of I&O week I William Nongrolian Rhee , v Killevs,
mouth Rock.. . ,then I man of about Igor 20 A recent travelPl' In .%joDgolja WrItest
I at once, but one rjttj� follow hesitated - Crane had "I they had turned tail, be Tfimm, s- Y00119 th Mr.
mq,de it that they had fallen back steadily. years of. -age, Who �s employed wi "on arrival in �camp a sheeP re killed
- at length raised his hand, " Well, Willis, Side St. Paul, Perth county, .7
whavis it ?" asked the teacher. " Pl"", Finally the ceV6Or came to the expression ey Hayman, load of bay, when the for tba.-stranger's Veneft It IWWOrM
madam, do you want us to dr&,W a hen or a tt routed," and be frowned .intently, unable ,was standing on a 11011goija to, eat mutton, wbieb
I a rooster r, . to think of &an SuPhOmi@m for r -Out- I - horses made a sudden start, thrbwirg him 90149 i�
. � - ' a nd, 10 Unlike any otber In my experience.
.- '. il I cWt think," he said, " of a milder off. He alighted besirilly on h rd grou
-- � expression than this one here-" the Turks badly in juring his spins. A physician from No travel,or who, has written on the
- Tomm'Y's Lew,pn- are routed.." Can you help me ? Yen Stratfora was called to sI him. -The - couiatry falls to mention It M1691011-
� I thought when a boy was old enough to W unfortunate YOU09 man io conscious, but sries, Protostitnt and Catholic Alike,
have a slate and book and go to school he are a writer. arms or. logo, He was
care and Crane answered gravely .- taken to Stratford hospital. refer to fts suceWence. The method of
- was big enough to take Of himself, - If I were you I'd simply say that the killing sheep to curious and un,pleas-
go the way that he wanted to; so I did not ' Woodstook,
I her indomitable Turks changed -front and ad- -Chie'f of Police Z88ts, Of Rut, The animal to tbrown on Its back,
- go straight down the road, As my mot Tanced." received a pleasant surprise when he open- en the butcher makes an Inels"Lon III
, told me� but climed the fenae to go across � � ed a letter he had g -it out of the Oat, and - Wk
. - the field. By-and-by something *aid -. The Liver Its belly, Into wlifch he thrusts his
!11 and there was a to Blame, found that it was from his brother Arthur, all
" Bow wow-wow,wOw Didn' t I ,run, , ft long as the liver is scilva in filtering the bile whom he nad long tbonght dead, The let- hand, wbere be presuniably severs
big dog running --ight at me. from the bloW there is no biliodane" and no con, ter Was sent from Sultans, California- J nsues and the car-
� , That dog almost oaugh� me before I got to stipstion because the bile to Passed from the Ji"' Young Zeats went out to the gold country cass Is 6ulyllsed with blood, M then
� the feu,c7e and I �umblad over and scratch- into the InjapI where it &oft 89 0 cAthAffic is - 1895, and from that. day to this his takes a ladle and tratisrcrs the Wood
t � ed my aj��, and broke my 51W, and tore jI the bowefo sqgv.. Becauve ,of their direct 112
- s well as tho bowels, DrXbwe's friends had heard nothing of him. When
I had to go home to UlOthfrt IctiOn On the liver & U to Alaska he Mob with bad to.fL receptacle at lils side, -No drop 19
- my clothes, so . Kidne-y-lAver Pill@ thoroughly cure c0n9t1lI Ze&ts Went 0 t �
- 16 spilled," .
� She said . Ali, Tomi my boy. people Obe real cause Of 8111c46131hO Of tho common illa of 'lack, He went broke, both financially and -
I : Rever get too old to go in the right , viisy in- life. . in health, Not caring to eommunicate-his rr.
I � ht Vath Memo
stead af the wrong onee. The straig I W- .1 ill -lack tp him friends he spout Noma durie
! is the safe path. ',11temembo-r that." And The Habit of not Feeling Wall- in Dawson and Seattle, endeavoring to re- The dirferent kinds of memory ard
that is all the lesson I learned MY first day - 1 in CV*
1, ,(muse I didn't, go. . Few people realize that their ailments trieve , his fallen foitu,ne, but Inck was described in an eitentled artielt
at schoo I a against hini all the way through, Fitiolly mos, Paris. it -is noted that sorne C1111,
a are largely -self-induced. They get into . he drifted down . to California. Ele is safe dren, wber, tiley learn a lesson, ljaV4
1 habit of not feelinR well, If they get up in and sound and is doing well, ()Vi.r a reNv t1jues; othen
Chinese OU.OtOms- �t, the morning With a slight headache or some only to read It
I Boats are drawn by horses; carriages other trifling indispositfon, instead of try- -The Notbodist1gission Board, In fes. will ,lot remenjlq-t, it unless they baY4
ing to rise above this condition, they take 13ion in Toronto last week. reports that heard It revited; otilers ujust repeat 11
move by sails. teg while a positive pleasure in expatiating upon while oomplete returns are lacking from . bese are thl
. Oldmenplayball and fly ki no who will listen. two districts of the work, an approximate ftloud to the"IselvCH, "f
I .children fold their arms and look on. their feelings to SnYO e from ordinary three 11indis of niejiiory-- visual, audl
- , is to instead of combating the tendency to calculation assures an incom .
The highest ambition. of a chinaman ' ections of over $270- tive arid inotor. Those -who need t6 re
have & nice Icaffin and, a, fine funeral. illness by filling the lungs with pure, fresh subscriptioPoll -and coll ,,(I It) tlj(!ms(,lves an
expects, a present air, they dese themselves with hoaaache (M, which is an advance of nearly 810,OW cite the lesRni fll()
When a chinaman p6cific war- on last ye&r's figares, Receipts1rorn lega- at once, guditive ftild 11jotor. i0ertali
- and it does not; come he sends one of lesser .tablets or some other patent al about $23.000, an advance of over -ell only aft
- - ranted to cure whatever ill they think they ciee are persons retain a pat.,sage AN
. $3.000, while miscellaneous items are a P- copied it vilt. The4c havi
. value. ey bav �
. Men wear long petticoat"nd carry fans -Bra suffering from.. They begin to pity i er th '
I short jackets and ,.themselves and try to attract pity and trifle less than laab year. Full returns are a cornbinaiion of motur I and visua
- - . . . sympathy from others. Unconsciously, by not- yet to hand from the Indian depart- . i
. carry canes. detI and dwelling upon, their symp- ment for the June quarter, but assuming 113 M 0 rY . - - I
A previous al�qnalntance between the � simple oug- that they will be about the same an last
- tomp. they re-inforea the first Alphonme Karr1#4 Dixgxer.
Male and fernali'llreff-Lents them from mar gegtions of illness �by a whole Army of year the total income from all sources will I . . of Alph01314
riage. For this reason a man sold - om weds 42 000 at least.' This -On thewall ill tho "tudy I .
. I . thoughts and fears and. images of disaaae, probably reach $3 , jj:,11.r,.4 dN,V� '. 1. 'I
I a jirl of his town. - one three . � - til they are unfitted to do a' day's work . see of $12,000 over �,11ill.!,, ,)It*,,, *tj:-,nl , t one tin)
1,*ve making is dL dais before un � - amount will be an were n one of hl
� � marriage. It is Doi ored the in their homes or officen. i the total income of 1902-3 The receipts to jj,.j1jg ,,I. t!W,-:-r. Narr i
.1 - ,, only consid . I , 1),j.�v;l a )od deal of fu -D 11
ad of a rival but the It is said that maI a lazy animal. We from the bicentenary �und are of course not swries had
safest way to, ket she wi-fe. without, losiD I g are .811' mo -.0 or lees prone to indolence, and inclued in tne above figures. . : A t .)�me. 0Ae
. surest way to get a . host natural thing in -A decidedly peculiar oirsumstance is a Nvoinan iiatiled , Coh't. butt 0�
. I t is the easiest andfi . med at beliv-, ujade a
. Aftuch time, says the.pittburg Press. I � atom related- in connection with the poultry rais. (ning - 'er
, I
- To encourage honesty and aiiceriti, 60n- ,the world for young pe)ple to. &CCU n a . ratione'of Thomas W. Jones, of St.- stabbc�j.. Karr. L If(! on his recov
� es themealves to lying down- or lounging o ing ope ,
fideatial clerks and salesmen in &H branch of his Plymouth Rock bujig, I lie d .tggr.r ,-zl3e had i3tabbed lib
- ' duotry receive an annual net percent- of& because they think they are tired or Catharines. One . ' _ -
of In , s, uch so-called invalidism is hens hatchedpat four ducklings about six - ,l)0%.e Ilis il(-�-ik. witli. ibis inseril
� . . . ago of tho firm!s basinees besides their reg- not well. M ' - ,vith t. I, ti, it: . ,
. ular Balary. I simply laziness, fostered and indulged from weeks ago. It, was noticed that the heri9s 'tiol) 1,�(.;,(�"
- another he childhood. There Is a great danger that countenance wore a somewhat surprised ex. 11resented to All,,,,-jljse Karr -b
When & Chinaman meets hands 'and girls who are delicate while growing up, pressjon when she first gazed upon the web MWe, Col(-4-ja t . be back. ,I
shakea and squeezes his own d for tbem with I � -
covers his head, if great friends had and lounge around the house and lie down f000ted b.-Ood, but she care I .
�. �
� I . A
i - -i -, � 1.
. . . . . . . - A i . "
� �- - I L t .
':'% � -:!� - �
�- ,-�,I?� , - - , 0 ni. te Grade 0 nly, - - -
MILBU&NOS � 1, ��_ 1-1` I �
I - . L
- -- 9 - L . . � , F � 1
I - M - -1
I - � �
- � � �
I . -
� I i I � and Tbat the Be-st. �--- 4
, L -
I � 4-; �
L � - -41 r
. -1 ,I � � --- -
i J, � I . -.- �
i;,!� 4 - � I., --- . I
. A �---,.R�01 -- - - % - I -. .�
� I I
- I I � ,
� T � I "t0l Lave a ff-W Mt L I ughlan. Buggies on 4 - I 11
- f1%
.2rand ,, run' Railway I lit it I awl say p, r -f n think rig of pur- I
e.jabiDg. would do %ell to make their I Air I I ,
, I
` Z.
-4 .., ! 4-
; I
. I
re a combination of the active PrInciPlefl cf Systellf. velectiou wpw. as I need the mom for � " - . �
- I A
it; Tilotit, V:tluable vegetable retrjedlefi for difi- : v�l �-, I
. �
I 1, z
. my fall. Mock. -
-- , * �
L -i" 4 ana disorders of the Liver, Stonikell 9611d , - - :
- � -
Railway Time Tablf, . -4 -�. I T I
owels. Trains leave Seatortn asiollows'. 171)'RF41, Blugiai-�r mily not be tho elleapiest on I -, � I
- . I .
. 11 i
I . , I
, . - - ill.- -.1jay are � , �� �
. 9.50 A, ja, For Clinton. Goderich Wingbam an A 1'� �
I 1� I Xine , ardine. I the mut utt, I a - I Al, w-.;13. . i 'L 11 .
I . v - - I � -
I I ,
. - ..- 12.4f p. m. For V-inton and Goderich THE BEST. 4 i I - ,. . � �
� I 6.0i P. m. For Clinton. Wingham brid Klocar I , - .:
. I ;
, �.- � .
- , % z
I - - I .
. � - : - �
� Ain*, First,Class Harness may be pllrCl ouEed L j A �
� - � - t
I jo.18 p. m. For Clinton; and Gaderiph. . � - -1 I
I -,
� - �
btre theaper ta�*n el-tevilie-re . 1. , - ; z
lick Headache, Jaundice, HamPt- 7-63 a. m. For Stratford, Guelph, Ttr%nto, ; r
- . . �
, I i
i . I I
. -L. -. L I �
,-urn, Catarrh of tTaq Stomach, M224- 00111a, North Bay and points west ; I aI of GILT P.I E, ar-A 'If A 1) LE. iL - - 11 �
I j , , �
_ I .
jar,s, jalotches and.?ImP186- I Belleville and Peterborc, and poinft Oar br F� �A:* a I ;
� I
- - �
- , 1. � � �
a,sL IXAF Binder T%ine gives perfecil. Eat- I 11 � �
, For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, Mon. - . A 7
3.37 p. in. I isfaction. 'rry It.. -
. , ;
- i a
. trasland points east ' - I I -
� _: �
� i�- � ;
. 6.33 P. M. For Stmtford, Guelph "d Toronto. -1. L 11 -, 11 r
� �;,, A
- I T."). WASH11%,-G- I . - � i
- � ` 1 �
t 7
XGF � it �� �
I . - -. MACHINES. WRI., ,RS, etc,- al- I I , I
Palmerston and X.incardine- . , �
. , - z
ways on hand. � � �, 2
- -
. :, �
� �� � ,�, �!
GOING NORTH, Pass. pan. Mixod L J . : �
- � t I -.
)ySPoP;5l&, SOUP Stomach, wator . � �
- .
Palmerstou ........ 7.30 P.m - 12-20 P,M 8,80 &-m 11. A ..- I I � 4
, .
n fft i- ., . -. j
I - - � 4
1 .L - .
. � - �
U 1V1 -1 I , � -, " z
3vaoh, Liver Complaint, er.1110-w or 9tht3l. � .. 1. ...... 8.07 1.01 0 M I
duady COMP10I A. . Oarnpbe
Brussels.... .. . 8,17 1.17 1000 I � - � �
_ , .. E
- i i ;
- i � - '' -1 .
Bluevsle .......... 8.27 Uo 10.20 1 � I i
. L - i
� Wingham.. .. .. .. US 11,10 11110 I SEAFCRTH. - . . - I �
. i � � �
... GoLNe floum. Pass. Mixed; Pass. � VU . i -- t
7 . I � . I
-I - � L � �
I I I I I i
I - -- -
Winirbam.. .. .. .. 858a.m 9 sI 9.05 P.m -1 I .
. � I ;
I .
- - i . - -
3luevale.,.... .. .. 7.02 9.17 9.1s I � � I . 'i
- ;
. -
� j c
I Brussels. .. .W.. .. 7.16 10.00 $25 VOTERS' UST for 1904. 1 - �
� .
' I ,-� �
'weetan the bftath and cloar AwaY All waste Ttliel .............. 7.25 10.16 3.36 1 7 1� I i
I - z - 1, �
Lnd noisonous matt,pr from thit s-ys'elll. ?jjMCr#toD,.. .. 8.10 11.30 &.20 - , - L - � .
- I
1,rico 25o. a bottle or6i[or $1,01), AlldeAlers 0 1 Township of Tuckersmi-th. . z � �i
)r Tax T. WIT usx Co., TimILGd, Toronto, --- I .
London, Huron and -Brum ; . �
Iat. Notice is hereby given that I bavo traromiWil or I �
Iwo Nolma- Passenger. delivered to the pervons mentiontilln *ft,VoI 8 Aud , - � � .
14ndoz,, depart--..-.. 8.15 A.U. 4,50 P V 9 of the Dntado Voters! 161at Act. the A re- . L L I � I
- . I
- - C .1 -
, t �.or -4e- .-- r
a I .
- - - cantw.14I .. 9.18 543 by raid rections to be so tmnsmittr, � .
14.1. -.1 I .1 zX6Ur-.-- - 9.50 h1i �,113�1;,C;1�4f of the lid, MadO PUTS . . 1. I
� I � . , U&nt to P414 AI Of All - 41
I . . . I
- 11� Hanwi. 9,44 606 Ong *ppearing In the last revised AssomMmik _-1. ,I I
. � I
. � . L ;
. wra .
I - 1
4 L t&n 11 A"k Kippon-.10 ........... .. 9.50 46:11 Poll of the *aid Uunicipality 1A Aections for meln- I 11 .
- 0 8moafi@ld-*.,*... 9.68 6.19 her# to the Legielxi4va Assembly and I at Municipal I - ��; � !
I _ �- " `1 !
- L' q
� - .� .
ellaton --.. 10.1f 6.26 I Mections. and that said list --w; first pm" up in . I I ,� �?, 1,
. A
�, - I Lcudeaboro --- -- - 10.00 S.52 my office Intho Township *1 Tackerstnitli, in the 1! . � �
I � L! � I
L d i
I - Myth_ ,..�,-.." 10.2�, UO c(rLinty of Huron, an the 18th day of July. 1906. &Ud 1. - - H :
I - �
- - I
. ulgrAve- -- --- 10,bo ill remains thelefor I t, X I ctum are called- . � !
- 4
W Lfa" winb-bra "-AV* .... . .. 11.60 7.86 � f .
i# '10 upon. to tall,and ex=no = ja esin& 1! any oml.m- "I :
kW � - � - ; i I
. i
I . 3 2=0 som- rh*"ager. tons or #my otber errom are found tberein to take I - � �
L I .
I � :
� : L I
- . Wittillsm, depari.. - .. - 6.60 .4 ,- 3.10 r. .m ediate prcceediage to bave seld erre" correct- . I i
IWVMT6 ---- .. - 7.01 '* � $.23 ed according to law. A. G. SMILLIE. Cleric. . I i L
- lei." . - I .
Blyth-'..... ... 1.14 8.35 - - I I
- -- - I - q , L
I 1. Emodesbaro ......... - 79,22 &" . I - I .
, ' '
- r-, WnS"...... 7'rl 4.15 I . , L I �
. � Bto,C*ff#M--...## 8.05 08 U t �L :
. I �
. . . . a HURON 0601Y HOUSE - .1
. ; .
KlpjI ....*.---- .. &26 4A T swmsz�r- � � �
� . .
-- - � I
� Hensw -*.----..- L22 C52 of Refuge � . I I
. NW -V � ..
Exoter. -- U6 5105 - � �
- i � I .
. #I &" 6.15 Cz', MD INDUSTRIAL FAM z . I � �
A � - - 11
loons r ;
I-acm. (srovel .... -O." A. fig. &,10 pufttiom for Sh ,f ]K. eper &ud 3104- 1 . � � L
, A - �, � L -1 L
# --------7�--- ----11 17 [Wf"Ir.,nd 113dustrial Farm , �
yon or the Hou" 101 - i - . .
in the County of Huron wirs be r#ctived on or before 4 . m Lt
L - '-
. - ,�
� ,
, I
Baby Carriages, %^"- Carts the IgI day of Dwember nert � �
� .
Melotte Cream Separators. . � I L - . � I
Appliciatio" to -be in wr[lingand addressed, t* W- ?I 1. ''I I . I
--- md- Caniers Line, County Clark, GQI Ontario. r I I
. - .
' T , L'
' L I �
Ate the In the latest up-to-date stylev, and a large H� SPACKMAN. Chairman House Of Mugs -1 . I
. �
. I I
� : . . I
I Crgflstfbecmfefoaimlliis"trpssfjktor# for several Committee. - 1
029ons. tad bore. Tho bowl -. -
longs an a bardoned I- steel spiridle " which to- � amortment to choose frorn. � �, �
� - I
. 1910-2 1 � .
rolvo,s an bill bearings " as free AS thO asikh �00 its IWO July 18, 1974. 1
. i .
i 4
- I .
oris " it bag no Lother suppork but has as free and Window Shades. " . �, t I . �
. 1-1 i .
� I
InIMPIsdisd & course " & planet, and finds Its Own Our entire ;stock will be -closed out at ,qN - i I - -1
11 ,
Wanes. , This simplicity Of construction saves fri0- - � -
� - - .
. � -
3on. saveis repialre, taves oil, and sav6s E0 per cent. a great reduction in price. We have the ,he Hand � L
4 1
)f tht weir sad teAr, to which otbqr cream Paperst- latest idelt in Window Screens -different i . I I . �
)f# Ars ,Fubje4* The only umwbins with Zusmaled ,- � . 't, ;
Bowl cuing, only two pieces In the bowl, nasking s1zop. . t I
� .
it exty to W"h. -Tho Only machific 1I with 0, A large and varW as-sortmentof Couches laundry 1, .
A fy. - - � -1
I �
6roke, handle easily taken off and put on. without and Pailor Suites, add and fanoy ebairs and � �
Ws or nut. All wearing points of esso hardened L � 4� -
rtegl. aearing 0 enclosed. I rockers, dining -room and bedroom furni- Holmested"s Block, - �. ��, � I
1 I
ture, ate. - I I I
--- I - . :
, I !
MZW= CjaEAx 8r.P,E&A,TojtQ- have gain- The vertfeal feed Davis is the only tow- K A IN ClIi a L
Of it% :ST RIC ST, Seaforth. I 11 ��
� I %-. ;
i : �, �
� .
ed the bigheA honors and award@ At All the leading ing machine kind, and fineb"t in the I � �, a
,,o try. doors south of Fteid sad WiA-� . .. 1. f
exiiI and trials throughout Lthe W Three I 1. 11 7
_ orld. L 1113 We have it, - � ;
- ron's Hardware 'Store. � I
The Standard is also a gem machine- L 5 . 2
- :
This gaperator bas only to be inspe,qed and tried- two in L - - �
on�-�hain and look stitch. We ACHARLIE YhNTv � - . - ; - �
Prop., L , �
w have Ita merits fully appreciated, over all corn � � . ; - .
� . .
- I
petitorg, g_-wember we lead end don'b follow, In h&v6 is too, # . i I
, I - I
I , . I
,j � Vr"es to say to the peovle rf .Reatorth tbo%tibs - ; � .� L
_ � . � 11
apectloo kindly Invited, � - . -
. trily CHV;91-�R LAUNDRY In the tow,* 11 . L -
� � �
- . . a
J �
At A, M, Campbell's Wareroom, Sea, that is CqUIPPed *fib Ill the ]IIIII JDOI al)- 'L� i � I
Knechtel & McKuenzie ' b9s' i - . --
. .
. I , . - - i
j �- - : I r
forth. I I f1j"CAES "Cf8I for laundering, 401hes In the i . I . �
I i
Duncan MCCallumr. agent, SeAforth ; ! Furniture Dealers, Undertalrers and Em- best mxjazei�, Ties dune to lcok Me ntw. A -lit. � . .
i �
- . I T . . t .
oullottironed stialplit so as not to 'hurt the ; ; � I 1�. I ;
- balmers, �
� - ;
J, D. Walker, agent, Staffa. . t netic, Oard-up crIlars frened -altbrut U109 I ; i
! I .
brclI in Mo wiM lad!W J.esses ftuted wad L � . :
' �� I ; ! I I i
Read whic. your neighbors may about the; SEAFORTH. veste- irc,zed. - � � . �
I - � %
. ;, , L 'L
I . L % � i
I � � I
, just letvt 3curstidttso and Wv, will rall Ur . . ;
Melotte Cream Separator . Nighb calig for Undertaking answered at y(ur'solk stdieturn tarrelaundemd in* por- . .-. . - 4
. �
We have aq,ci a Ueln'tte Cream Sepamtor,'Ior two Mr. Knechtel's residence on James street. W � fectly satist"Wrywaaer. '- . - �
L ;
years sod are highly le"ed with it. There are 20 * I I . - i
- I �
I ' - I
or 12 In our nelghborU,U,lVl13g - I � �
. gO-d ftthf"0011- TAMILY W ASEING A SPECIA11Y. � I . ; I �
- - -
- I � _ ?
- -
We find It easily 0WrA , cAI 'Clt2ucd, A flr4 I I � _ �
clgfjfi #ktmmer r. g eat labor saver and very profit- k - --'q I I - L- z
I ' - viU be plcmedj I I
I woulw Dotrbe witbout It for double -,Ybzt It 6AP%T'rkE-S Give me a trial oI y,ou I
able, ,�. Ivu - - �t
L. . � .1 i
coat, � i B u rd ock � L-. i
- I
, ,
-V -
� � . D. 0"11 r. 77-Id`I�l SPEAK ENGtIlM. L
tb, Ml I _ .
joupb,,�Ibkfazoij, Tuckersull p2b", DOI% A i .
6-. A Don't- forget the Place, Leave � . s
- :
.. . 4 v
y. �
. �ugss a y8jo,j,,tc Cresm Sepmator year I Maples, -c*r � � .1 I .
- e .
nab pleased with It and It eavee a ! I I our Washmg with M6, t118 ; �,
Ago 0 arjrn �, -1 I . I
allk. . --i-, m
I Men LOOD i
loto r B I 9-.#zdwhe& z - L �
, I labor in the handling 0. : --- -result -vrill be sel,jefaetory. ,.
; . z
A, D, $000f McKillOP. . � . �
. .
P I constipe.11M . .
- I
,As I hsvt �aaged one of. our NO, I lfclOftc Cye3m L I n WE - - L �
56TICrAtols w1thgood eatagettionand find 11. ez�u to I r. j Loss of APPOUCIft Charlie 117 em � MO - -
- L
- I -
- -
i - ; :
tqrn, ea4y jo clean aI firstel-MildMwer, Islo I BI TIF lWoll � �- - �
' F, � �,, A
f . :�, sslt,Rheumt , - "
-----O-- - � - �
flud It esoy Vi Oftfatc and wy to understand, and . � � ..
� . I .
blesi cojustruction an4 the quslity of I I I . ;
_ L � I �
froul the mccha E"m1pelop 11 I I . , z
sI I find It to be one of I A I . 1. �
thc material Of thO m , I . !nA*.--,MQt ry m . =-. z
lay, Iscro ftiz, 9 i-% ?%,&�-AIII %,--Owfiat : - - %,
. . �
the leadjog mo,chinits of Ow ( � I I - - I
� nmith. � L z
I :
John Alexander, Tucke, I ift . L �
Two y ago,voui figbot,wrXer-41lum, put In atze : .
i t
It 19 giving ' u'"I"" I Watch for $12.00 - �
"all, 9 e - - �
No. 1, melottj eream fterater for rpe. arizin from thas �1 -.
_ . .
VO; f(et gat.jsfaejon, sad takes very MAR POwer *0 I ftoinzetL LiVrur, . I
mmey, is as*ily, cleaned and I 7S I . - �
turn, is W a Wma 0 1 �
11 I Would a,dVj',e every IAN- O-r1=71le 1 1
=zzteue n�iIU raPffe zowels m- MOO& I - �- -
I I t
to 'I perstorand esn with confidencere- � � - I A- I L �
- �
, 11
, ig -
- 1� .11
- xelwm" %Mm A. - I -- . �
20mmend the I I I � =
, "
Thowas J, Mequalde, MeRillop, qdp I
I of Rally, �� .M -_j I I �
. I
vrz�. 10 .,. i I L i �
IM . if=t � .. �
- would b.&To beirn it � 7 - L -_1
.. . I
- . q
ID My ve long I I .;
. I - I
-1 , 1". d h" rz not bm In - - I �
e t . - -
j; QVW Rwt Coa-Pu I , - t
1,"Jehp Fa,VQ--:--,, -- jj�jj�k 21"4 Idt- K- I I � . . �
t#m I vr" run down UI -I
,� r�,,*0,101 i I
I Is the only, .1 . - .1 I
- regulator on 1334111 u%,j.,.n, to Mob " 6zk%* . : I YL I
n V, � tw" 7 owald saarot- I
can depend "ITL 14"O : abwrt %be I . -� I I
- L T ..
� -"s � -- �- . �
11.11 V �-r
id tirne of ,nf-f,, I - .. . -
AW7 r
ar, I was �ravect I ` 5
.. - I
Prepared in two 6-grhw,og to "Tere b 4seboaIt j r-.1 C -1- - I � L. I I - I .
11 I No, I alin Nfj, ,-' I - � I 1,
otrength. " backu'hes &Ed &=!, � III --- � - .. I L'. . - 11 .
or C)r;jfLL-y (-';'Z -'-'$ , � �P . . � i
-4 0, L -F I . - - Ii . .1
2 now-, my &Fpwt* I . I ---
c. j;III,.;L jl.�jjar - - - . - - ". I I", ; - �
Is by far tb Was Fane Wa A W" I --- � - - - - - - I . � ��,- � I f
- 7- . I
- z � . . . . .
f �� - I ..% ,
- A
. - I
,edic,no 'known. I � - ,IT L - , 11 , I
- - -1 a
. I - � � " If V � X, - I �
uns1l* to do MY I , -
�IF , L - - - k
-,- I "I - ; - q , L .
- -10 ' " -k, i N.' A . - L11 - !
- .1
If - .
Or opecial MO" dt." S kousswo, Af ter ,� 1�1 - 3 J& e- . -
I -, , �- 'L
� No. _ I A` -
-. - � - -1L. L - I, L
,4", - - e. - W .... � �
'Nuonge ree dollarn Per N�=- --sing twor bottleil at I& I � I I
I 1.40 r, your drugigist for COC'�,f4 B, 33. 13. .1 = I - . I I. ;
'M 11 - � i : - �
Tt;*... a�-,' T40 - I
- �
cuottola Olt C,oinvouna- jr- . no j, it. *r tbfuur �.' P - I . I
1 -eco -1�-71 - I �
'r arna r 1111nond I 1. I .
gA. all pilig, mixtures and ImU.-It's-L I -', -:` MW z . - - I - .
, 2 or- ,--A, I 6 "I it to Z-� Ursid A" , ��
-4angerous. No. I and No - _j --- " . I I
.tLL " f (
recommended b3r all druggfStV 1 , . j- it Unn ouswomand, 7 . �
31alliA V# lin ." .1014-,- '!Z - - �: -1 -
. � - q
- --
, mInlod Of Cana,Cya- - - I �
on receipt 0 Ice and four 2-11; ift PubtaZIZ . �
I 3
. �
"AnIvs 9= COOU compar'-Y, oat,� TOWN 0F.SEAFORIMP "I �, � -51 -
viirulf-or.# � I
. - . � -
No, I find'so, 2 are sold I" Sesfortb by J. 9, Bob Treasurees Sale of Lands in arrears I . 1. I
cro, Alex. Wilson, C. Abernart and 1. V, Fear, driW I . � F - i
- - I
MO for Taxes. I . . I I I -
I . . . -:
__ L . F-334 - V I ;
919ts- � -- 7 I �;: W
I a � 4� . �
. L �
L L ;
I � . I
� I WN of SEAF01117H to Wit. . - �or - .
TO ;
� - .
, :
prize Winning Sbort Horns f0r. Sale, By virtue'of a warrant, issued- by the The ease of this W,at&b ie� 14k filledo #n4i - I �
I - 4. -4 .
., am -with the veU . �
-- �
, 9f the Town of Stafortb, under his warranted for 24 yt - . " :
Eight young Scotch Short Horn Isulls, from Im- Mayol own WaIltbamiWorks C: - . li I
porwd and home bYiad co%@, got by Importtid b1111 hand and the seal of the Corporation of the ka .01000ow L ? �.
- � .
' 7 . � . -
_ . -e the 17th � - - �- I
also younfir cow 4 with calf a foot air in call to im Town of Sesforth, bearing dat 4 It will give Satisfiraiction I -
- .
ported bull, " a number of hwilars of broedIng day of May, in the year of Our Lord, one . t �
I of the L .
Wger. Also a lot of feed �:jta pea thousand nine hundred and four, and to me cl-er guarsI this. -al&o, the price May go �
age and yot VV � . - �
early June varlety,& medium sized , I . i
grown from sftd got near -Nodt Ds car a to levy upon the up, as it has gone up in torne miAtwo f
jv Lut y - directed, 60MmADdiD9'ul . j . - I I �,
They yielded over 37 bushels per zero and not a bug several loud# herein mentioned and deverib- alreadv . I ;:.
� �
in tfiew, Prices very mode 380t.f. - ed in the said Town of &&forth tail off - -
SON, FAhal Ont. - which lauds are patented) for the arrears -. - 4
�i. �
6&po_Otjvej- ,
of taxes due thereon r _,, together F .-M Cff I .
With Cot" "L hereinafter set fOr'b. I here- JOHN B sup L (0.3% E IR,4 �
Money to 11-Oan. L v 111.)
by give notide that unless the said. arre-ars JEWELLER, I - I �
The Corporation of Tuckeremith bave 15,700 of and costs be sooner paid, I $hall, on Wed- �# ?
good farra I �
school fund =out" on hand to Imn on nesday, the 24th day of August., A. D., " ' SEAFORTH1. - I
swarittes at Amrr-nt rates of. intere A. Parties re- 2 0,010 " noon, at the I I L - - I L 4
iring such sbould sMly to. G. X. svmer, tram- 19%4, mt the -hour of I oa, ;
q1t in tbe Town I I- .
r, Clinton p, O., or to A� o. sminj e, civrk. Hen. Council Chamber, Town lua 1, I
ure I Wanted at Seatorth. n k .
9611 P, 0,, or to the undergigood,.0,8. Bliack. Fft-ve, of Seaforth, &,foresaid, proew to . y I �, I I
seatmil ?I 01 188&tf pvblic auction 50 muell of said lauds re- I .-- -
A re"blo persor, jo Lh&nd - I
epectivaly as may be sufficient to discharge I I-- Lbe NAM -Y Hwliy Go- i
I fall line of rarn. jmple=ente� Must -W, a workm I I I
such arrears of taxes andsald costa thereon B. SWIM Gt,nes*1 Ageut, Um -dot- � . �- -
�ilw -
� . I
- At -ply to & I r%* ?� - 6 1 1
i - A
respectively. oniArife, - I . � I
� -1
F, . - --- - �,
. . i 14
- --
. .. . I . - ,-;, 1, I Description, Texco. Corts. Total. -
. I- . i - .. .. � :
, . . -
- - ' Property. . .
I ` illi !A Valuable Business ,
r - 1 - �, )t 1,2,3,4, Corter's , 14 I
-i . � I Sub -division ofblock 1I I I
I I ; - I ! � I 16' Survey, STAND Folt SA -1"E. * , i
I - %
I �
�r' M ILB R -N � " e , 1�1�ji"erdv to belong - . - *
. ,� to Mrs, Biler, me. yr� j%mes jones hu re-ceivrd instrus-&W-re to 1. I
I � . ; ��- * I
� . - . I.-
� . � ' L ' $43-85 V- -1 116t '. i
i ' .. -... -4 Namara. - - I 89-4.85 $19-00 1 H by Pritlio Auction- At tht Commercial 141, jz . . .
, i � � - L� 15"forth. I - -11
� . 2�; I 1897 to 1903,inclusive. - , .
� I HEART . vl�,� i . I I ON MONDAY, AUGUST 15th., -1 �
v MFM 1p.r -. - �
- A V- -1 . �
L , , , pri, --
, " i 'R P 11
� .- T - . . �
;1 1 .,4 j 11 iAT 2 O'CL-I - M., �, - I
0 1, , "' , ' - . * ."A Town Treasurer, Wxt de-glijbic bUnd in CramxI e7DOW09 lot 11 I - I? -- - I .
-arc .L. I z
� � LL A Tre" -r'a Mep, wzrm of land, on kLeh is crt��Vd the Stora, RON, . I -I
. ,� N. PILLS,, Seaforth, 17th MAY, IN4. M1 -13 -110000 - - ItI . ," L . .71,
ERVE V I Hawge, Stable and (W - &d.Wning the
. L - . A . and built but a few years ago, is ,* two tw.z4tarly ;- -- �.
L . t
11L . � ? I n to tba 4
P F'(1 Q � .1 ' Brick R(*ideoee, btated tbrourb-,ut, c --v '. �, �
, -
k L F rhe McKfflop Mutual Fire kiv-h,eu, with furnI Hard 1I W-4 ws`t"- everl . .1 . .
L e0nVf,t)jejnce. Cromarty is In the m -10M Of ttc �i- AII� .- I
��, I
� 0 W! ' . I f�� �
1, - in - "d t -Ma 1 tI , � I
. WEAK - A' Insuram fine -at faming 8C U006 ' Qwzda I - I- I ��
company. .
;. I
I - . -
I , bas We- . L ...
R IL � I - - - -- A out -doubt ona of the best MAnds In Oat,010 and has
a. _jp t- ek - `1- 011HP11 always been a monzy maker. The Aore � 4
IL I pbone connection jr,d the pyoperty vill be mll on '. �. -.. .
� : ;
I ILL ,�Lr ,,,,-,- FARm AND 1SOLATED - -, -
r-�j - POfteedoa .given 1st *1 ..
pROPERTY ONLY INSURED amy terms, -without OCCOR, -"e �exp;rr,--- FCT ftr- ; " � �� "I .
Septemlwr, when Present le - .
- -�A - I tber Irarficulare aPplY to the,owner. - _-1 �
L I - j E M,I,, 0 WSM JAB. HISLOP, 1 4� * - �
0 Are a True -11eart Tonlic, - I . an president, Hippen P.O. ;Thonsas 200 Welle4ey ,�86., ToronI � .
I - -
- - . . �
Fraser V10I ,,;;1d.nt Bracelleld P. 0. ; Thomas Z� or to jAS. joN
a dEnricber, They buJid - qs,I 'Regf-Im'a. &sI P. O.. � IjS. A,je4jou."r, YUchell- 1-3104 . . . 1�1 M- , . I'll �
- -
f4erve Pood and Bloo . -A
I I .
. .,
3 UP And renew all -the wwrn out and wasted - I �
Vnillam Chesney g"forth; John G. Grieve, Win. .
tlisusts of the body, and restoro perf"thegith . Notice to Drain Contractors. . . I I .
owrge Dale, Scafodh John Bennewels, , I L 4 - I -
--- . -.., I .
t and vigor to the on ting OYJ'tcm ' I . ` e
I :,
'Neryous Pros- njbj'n� - James Zvs,ns, Beech400d ; John W&W L
, Nervousness, 51960006DOI a . Th=" prager, l3rucefield; John R. Mo T�.endaro will be y"- jv6d by The underAgned to . 1:, I
10 tration, Brain Fag, Lack Of Vitality. Alter he municIPAIRmunell of the iownsI t. -r I �
T . 10� behalf of t �il -
1."'I - . I
, k and , jsI ConnoDy, Clinton. of HeRift, Until ' 9" � .
, leffects of La OHM, A00010, Won S mt, SATURDAY, AU43URT 6tb, I �
, - �
Din-ftalls, t,o" of Memory, PAIVItation of . A01919- an of A dmib, 6X milei IoAg- tlae . . I L L
y 4; V. HinchleY, StIfOrib for Abe congtrnOt'l L I .
tho start, L"s of Entry, Shartn"s of n6t. Smith. HAA00 It of which is 1131w, ;I10I tt2= Work. - �, I :
&meb Cumming rgmondv 0; j. W. yeo, Hajm4ag cWmaUd coo - - .
a broath- etc,. c -n AlIt bf care y using Tenders will be opmen As themuncil. =ftttng At Lesa- - . V 1 .
� � I -
L . I I
ViDe P. LA),; Georg* Idurdle and John C. Morrison the alovenaMed ,date, "d by- . I .
�- . bury at 2 #'Cl0c;f Do . I LL- -, I
Milburn's HeaA and Nerve PiUS, -udltoff -PlAns tan be - teen M th-a Cerwo � - . � -
- PUMP desIms tO effect 1119WAI 01 UAM L%-, proffiezed ; we vji,)r to that date. If - .
- . .
I -k ,4AI be promptly *Wnded tat Office, Winthrop, at Any 41 � - . I
prico50c,aboxof3for$L%5. *IldOAI OA othe'. bumne" T, L J00i C. XOIMjfw�N, Cl -alk. .. -
y, T,uz T. 3uLsvnx Co,, LijaT=, Tormto, OuL a any of the above officalf, "drawd 1W z L
Wilcasiop i IM -31 I I ?L#
1) balf reNwrive "" spac - � I . I
I . I . LL L
- I � - -
;1 . . . -
- I
- �
. I i .