The Huron Expositor, 1904-07-22, Page 6-
RIM FOR SALE.---Raire bargain* in farms In
the Townehipi of Hulled, Morrie, snd Wawa.
eriesbeeCounty of Huron. Inquire at once. WM
CARIPBELL, Blyth, Ont. 1776-tf
A NY ONE wishivg te buy or sell Winnipeg city
ea_ property or farm lands in the Province of
Manitoba or the Territeriee, your clorveamdenee
with us is solicited, and full inhinnation given.
P1 me cello* or tractive@ HARE LANDSBOROLIGH
No. see Hain street, Winnipeg,Ilaniotoba. 1E8641
GURU FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -For este or to
C rent, a good 100 acre farm, being the East hell
of Let 19 and the West half of Lob 20, on the 9,h
4nUint-k o 1&oKi1Wp. It is all eceded to gram.
There are ten acres of good bush, There is a wind-
' will and spring creek. It le well fenced arid con-
verdently situated. Apply to or addrew ARTRITP.
GALI3RaITH, &Mortis. 194f
FOR SALR-Being north half of Lot 17,
Concesolon 4, L. R. S., Tuckersndtb, contain-
ing 100 urn, 44 acres seeded to goes and the bal-
ance in busb. Gravel boure, good well at door and
a small orchard. It Si situateci six miles from Sea -
forth sndai miles from Kippen and One mile from
a school house and store. For further partioulus
apply on the prekelecs or address Nippon P. O.
MARIAN MoHAY. 1907x4
(IOUS& AND LOTS FOR SALE. -For ule, brick
house rind 2 lote fi, fiesfortie. One lot Wee
on North Main 3iseessitttne other ore West Wil.
film Street. The hottest is * comfortable briok
coMage and contsles IbedrOonte dining room, sit.
ling room and kitchen, With gooa cellar urider tbe
whole house. Hard and soft water in the house.
There 1, 31)0 a good etable and driving shed. All
kinds of fruit on the lot. Apply to J. L. ALLAN,
Londesboro, or to C.- W. ATKIRSON, Seaforth.
lre:ARM FOR SALE.--liouth half of lot 83, cermet
r don 16, Oorlerieh township. 40 acres, good
clay loam, 6 sores fall wheat, gocd tome house and
kitchen, *good cellar, foie and hard water, iratne
barn, 2 frame riabkre sheep house and pig pens. A
good never-failbg spring creek rune .through She
lot To be sold, as ths propretor is not able to
work li. !ties quarter of a- mile from s school ,
and two mike from (Melon. Apply to WALTON
DOD8W08III, on the prtmiles. or Moto'''. O.
-LIAM FOB14L&-Yor eeb, Loi 24, CfnevolioU
r 4,Towarthetif MoKiliop congaing led sore,
of .t-Ii4Situateitimiles from the to of
, one mile front einienh and school. There
lea good brit* house sod IMMO boon and outbuild-
ings deo good wells sad whedmill, w&1 fenced and
underdrsiaed, 8 sorsa of exodient hardwood bulb.
lithium kin ezturiestreadition, it hal been all
seeded tomes foe Dumber of yaws. Orchard of
choke fru* *rasa thiolle 'nod oonvenisatly situ-
ated ferns and suitable- for Atha groin or stock.
Terms esey.Araniovaremine or to Seaford'
se 0. 1.11624i
DARN FOR 8ALE.---For eels, Lot 32, Canoesolon
r 2, L. R. 8., Tuckeesesitir, etuteining 100 WM;
The land is all dears& sad Inc good date of ould-
vadat and well bland mid usderdrained. There is
a good. bent 80x4ii feet whit 10 foot -alone wail
- underneath. Twa implement houses and two
froze stabbra Thank also a good frame house
with Mohan and woodelesd. The bonnie bested
hy a furnace. Thie (salient hum Is lituated on
the mill road, owe mile from Brumfield, where
there is every convenience. Also 6 miles from inn.
forth. There is a school hones on the corner of the
iarm. Porression osn be had three weeks after
purobase. For further partioulsai apply to CHAS.
MASON, Brueefleii. 11391.41
r -Being West patriot Leto 1 and 2, Concess-
ion 2, L. Re 8 Tueltersmith. Good concrete, 11
roomed house, 40x26, with kitchen, woodshed and
baggy howee attached. There is a new bank barn
Melte, with wing exteendiag tbe south, 24 feet -
Aloe Wick arched roothouate 40 fees lens, wider
gangway. All buildings in good repair. Orchard
maths, two and a half acres of choice winter fruit.
There aro two never faith* well., 5 soma of bush.
This farm le in s good .tate of cultivation, well
fenced and unclad/geed, situated 2 miles from the
village of Hensel). For further particulars apply
to TIIONAS KERNIOK, Herman, Onterlo, 1806-11
WARM FOR saers-For sate, Lot 26, lathe let
U CODeeellOn of the township of Bay, London
Road, and the south east part of Lot 27, adjoining,
containing in ail lee acres more or leas. The pro-
perty it altwell fenced anti drained and well sealed
down with the exception of about 16 acres under
woods. There las frame dwelling houeeernd baro
40160, cow house driving houee etable and large
shed over 100 fee; loog. Two splendid wells, good
new wiod nulil, pumps and abundance of water.
there are also two good orchards mostly Northern
Spiel. This fine farm property is within 11 miles of
Hensell and the mime clieUnoe from Nippon and is
on the London road. This land is No. 1 and will be
odd cheap and on fstrorable terms as the pro-
prietor intentisevinup the fume For particuiers
apply 1., GEOR P TY, sr. Hones% or *0 0. J.
SUTHERLAND, ouveysncer,��fliall. 186941
'ARM FOR SALL-Loi 11, Coneetsion 6, Hul-
je lett, containiog 100 &nee of land, all cleared.
and in fine oondition. It in at preseet all seedel to
graseand in gocd shape either ror hay, pasture or
cropping, There is- a comfortsble frame house with
wee kitchen attaehed, two berme one 84 x 60
feet end the other 80 x 60 feet, and other cut build -
lave Tbia farm is situated nine miles from Sea -
forth, @even and one -bait relies from, Clinton and
jut one mile and a quarter from tbe village oe
Kinbura, whore there are two general store_ two
blacksmith shops, post office and whose. -This term
is well situate.4 and wil t be sold cheap as the pee-
ptietor endow to sell; For further particulars
apply to rt. issetATO, Berrieter, Suforth, or on the
premlees. wieLlraie LEITCH,,e, Ont.
UAW& FOR SALE -For gale iD the township of
• Tuokersmith. Lot 1, JOneaceiOn 8, containing
100 aeres, nearly all cleared and in a good state of
cultiVetIon, newly 1mi-et:drained, wet( leveed, two
good wells. There bon the piece a good comfortable
frame house, large new bank barn with brick base.
anent, driving house, hog pen And large ben house,
about an acre of young orchard just beginning to
hear, The farm is nearly ali seeded to grass, and ie
in excellent condition for either grain growing or
stock rafting. Thie excelleet farm Se well situated,
being two reilee front a Sallee!, pciet office, store and
blacksmith shop, and six miles from Seaforth.
Good roads In all directions, Buyers should mime
and see the farm while the crop is on. Poseession
can be given efter hailed. Apply oo the premises
Of address Seaforth poet offiee, SAMUEL CLUFF.
MUM FOR SALE. -For gale, the choice 150 acre