The Huron Expositor, 1903-10-09, Page 6THEHI�RON -EXPOSITOR R 911903 GHOSTS TN JERUSLBM. gather, t iough it. -drove off my merchant to ve-galloa can." The mlaolilvery for insking sw�!S6 M" L, re cooents the can has been so developed I hat While, in Rome W110 I I . I #pot. aud when I I 1fiff"AND DARN-� looked sroundo' Be! Amish had disap- Skin was on Fire 1865, when Mr. !diller began his work, uns I M A. WHZnzu1 IN HAnnn's MAGAZINE. A-BaLUTE peared. in a day Day and night, sunshine and shadow man and a boy soldered 850 cans CHAPTER 1. are not more different from each other ID was not di moult to make the acqaint- with Eczema in 1880, thrae men made 8 OW, and slow ance of thin mpo, and what he had said J893 three men have made 24.000. It is an than a health�ul from a Sicily woman. One night while I was in Js&,.waitivg The healthful lwoman carries light and piqued my cnriUiby. Ho -frequenttd one of For Swelva 7can a dreskYul sufferers, L'ut 'actual fact,thtt a tin can ij made by Miller for supplies and forced to do a good deal of Sunshine withl her whereve she goes, those little bszs�rs that:overhang the Barada. now entirely cured by Or. Cbm"'A an uib the same time it takes to walk from Oriental Wading, I accidentall diocovered There he @petit I& 'deal of Time drinking good y T h vv o m a n 4HAtw-Ant. the noint in the ftory whi r3 the aheetyj of that - n are unloaded to the point where the y man, Biab, could see the moose of ho suffers a thin pornegrawaw wine, and lamoking the W Eczema's itch is torture, the skin seems on To be sure, you are growing Jupiter with the naked eyes. from ill -health elga"etwe wh'ch.the Oyrian girls jolt so the burning, stinging humor; at finished article in filled with oil. old. But why let everybody Wowere,lyivgon ourbacks on thetoof. dextdouily, and lightlfor you so inimitably fire with a shadow And here in a ni combination. Cenulne t! t - i times it becomes almost unbearable, and in the stone bodse. looking at tb at the Ut �lo - brap li§mps that forever swing of a @tars, r own hap- ; see it, in your gray hair? ir - Not far away from the canning works, on and sniloh a all r6iiud the place, desperation you could tear the skin to i which shine with a mystical raidance Newtown creek, is an oil refinery. This oil PLn6q and the through the Syrian stmosphera, and listen. He was, I shoold may, bixty-five or seventy You darc not exercise for fear of aggravating ruom w the canning works, and, aa the new- Keep your hair dark and rich P postpon_ ness of , ing to �Jjo growl 61 the.Mediterranesti, I iras 0 thle X, yearlil old, but marvellously preterved, al, the itching, neither can you sleep, for no made cans come down by a obute fforn the andi age. 11 yoll VAII S. She Cafter-'s most to i lie hardness of a mummy, and was WOM-1 dos the b,�dy become -warm -than the thinking of the girl I left babi nd me in works above, where they have just been can ot help it, )uble begins, and instead of restfijl refres] 0 Ameiies, trying t remember whab it - was thID solor of an 0!& mahogany carving. with tr( , they are filled, twelve at a time" RVAL Th who our- cratcb Scra nigh A" 1 6, 0 -d,'A cans era placed at once in woadon boxeil vig t- with the oil made a few- miles away. Tht; Mim- Poo said about a particular star that always furrows radiativi in all directions over bis sleep, it is scratch, tich all fer cannot seo&lbd the woman he lovcd, and wonder- and sing. face, He wcre the addidowd beftril of th long fittle L1VVL_ Pfflse patriroh, somewhat to6eco_ -ing if it vwUld be the ot&r that I w" looking stained., but standing ready, and, afters, 24-hour wait, for -woman theri wall Dot is, 'hair on himbrown andshm, 111-heidth ren' rally trace- , t, is ggen ilicate Broid Cove Marsh, N.S., writes.—"For discoverLog leaks, are nailed . up and carried e io diseaw, of toe de womanly g poll, In 0 'onl` use Ayer's Hair Vigo - Must Bear 31gnature of I was astonished'at Bleli'm pow or of vildon, to PIts of P Y arganum. NOy women lia e been re- is go ang oequiremetstp, twelve yagrs I was a great sufferer, from to a nearby door. Thin &or opens on ths It awakened a now -interest in the fello*, dolence cluog round his mouth, but his eczema on the inside of' be leg. There was a river, and fiber -9, at anchor by the sida of the your tyrav hair will soon have stored'to happtness by tho se of Dr..� and I got him to tell me his whole history large, liquid brown eyes were'viyetical and raw patch of flesh about three inches square, ffctory, is a vessel chartered for 8,,u:h cep, rich color f Pierce's, Favont� Prescriptio all �he d -- if there - while we were lyivg. rhers.- magnotia and the itching wa- something, fearful. Dr. America or China, or where no—waititig to nt su Orin How dresmily that Wd 6nin lifs with 1 its ff from His lood reptitation for medical lore was Ch s Ointme t d an invalid 1�wdmai yow . Sold for 60 years. ase n completely cured me, took. receive the caus, which, a little more than -female weaknem. -prolapsus dr, -fig Fentfulnessand-its -fatalism, fitted ling of a puro gious, but I think be so- away the itcMng and heated up the sore. 1 24 hours before, were tin sheets lying in flat six now over SCI years olcL and T ba7e the womb, I- feucorrhea who has-ukd' Sth] �gl*Asy besot *T-J,�Ugb.1irWl19CbJ%.0 5" FW-StM110 wrspw Bdow. time land tb�. : 01"s I Here was- poor Dr. pierce quired & rest, d al of him iofloetkea byac. have no heitation in recommendin it as a boxer. It, is a marvelous example of econ It! Vavoril on with- r %o7 crery one wbo sfts W And �ns)* a fe Presc -wond Arab who did iot know how old be w' commods ing hi self to the common sup&r. wonderful cure for itebing skin diseas-_" emy. not only in m attrials, but, in timi and 9�=y of ; ­ In It. all dne tnATWs out compleA4� Success Dr. P1 e would ptitioum. I fou that he prescribed man- MRs. M IL but he cotild took farther into Heaven than lik to heir fr6 footete —Ida, M. Tarbell in McClur,6'& e In such —and it ps to take Awassam, 1 could, His mAher -bad borne him 'while drakes, Fullod ob the Anti-Labscon in the Dr, Chases Ointment, 6o cents a box, s4 91A albottle, ro,, will anta e be to htr adv, ite as he the pre- all- dealers, or Edmanson, Da and All 44991021� A the caravan was on its way to Mecca' He moonligh5, for bgorenneem, and tcs Co" WO RHEUMATISM SINCE. or offers, in perd(e.et. ith, imitations FaNFABACRE, had worked am a laborer on the Suez Canal, reward Of sori tioul had a One Sbaksperian flivor about Toronto, To protect you against P $Soo for any case Of the a maladies it,- W. Chase, FOR DUZINESL and be had beedl "og-nocker in Qmstsn, the portrait and signature of Dr. A. which he cannot cure. -n evay tinople before that. He had gone hungry But there could be no question of the the famous receipt book uthor Are 0 rhat is What W, J. DLxon M1 Whitiv in the wadies of Idumaes, and had run ai a ' 'I f�el it my duty to inform y %'that I bad matila #A, acity and lore. He know mora box. FOIN TORPID LIVER. been a sufferer for many years f oni nervous. *eports After -a Trestment. of camehwr bardooL in the burning manda of alicut th ruini of Syria than any local au. ness with all its symptoins and co inplications,il DodXa Kidney Pills, F81 CONSTIPAR011. Arabia Petraes. Its - hail' vegetated thority bad mot in that laDd, mud he had writes Mrs, 0, 1q. Pisher, Of =Jfg cington Avc,, soullby calliog on him raOon. to prove that 1 in carrie' aii brickf ts nailed an the FOR $ALLOW SOL Y Rabb, nisphoed on 'the lower 'itraltum of tb New ' York, N; Y. I was going to a Rabbi talent for reading between the which he knows. Do I try �to prove that 't e crat'. 94 I was isiduced BARwicx, Rainy River, October 5th.— If on, 7 a EM311 D ;0 . , ee a rhyoidan, to ask Dr, lines of 0 Kabbala, Some of the Greeks grapes of Ea2hol are sweet, or that the fleas to' Piereelo advice. I then took five bottles of I Fa- i nibet of ch;ckeae are to strange Oriental existence, content t U lieve that life was an unavoidable our" n Jerass Ism told me that be was over a 8 cial)—Rheamotism, one of the terrors of yodte Preicriptiom, I alft not now i � of Galilee will bite Do the isekals of he fattei P-ackiog bo"m can he _sdaptssa- I cram and the Irritable, and I have a good color in my race, hundred Id, and had climiliett the with a drowsy intimation of oterni Is new country, cannot -stand before or ty in if9 Syrian Desert run from & fee that, is Unseen the purl oee. Toe open top of the brxj abou !ears d a ga a alwa - in weight Tul-ws-ii 0 have Iso i ed aboist test pdun& iys assoeiated with the tinkling of be�lsl ja t look for by us ? Will the Moabite ass dissever the o d's Kidney Pillow. This is the plemant -tile erj�te and one 1kousand. of. coinjorf, for. am a- new become he tbo Lot 1J ; om Jr)f "d one the rattle of casteets, and thei mmee me to be la u djan before the driver son him Will the sids sho ild be renloVed for the 1"t, Sl&U �t woman ofice More,,, peared t4 perience of many -mettler&. W. J. Dixon CURE GICK "EADACHE !I u ni 0 po eo'U 7 SUJ). -h no Mohammedan fatalism, �iare'eee pi of them. He speaks as follow*, of Bolrnt tobaceo. But he could ass some The dealer who offerls a StitUte camel of Xubis walk on holy ground wit - abotdd t e:1nailed up and down -the Irong, for and Hebraic sto.liAity 6f faith, He was thi to that wpro beyond 11 Duping the summer of 1901 1 had an at- ni K oub kneeling ? Will the uttbk grow on e to letil f!2wi&o of -Ili-, -crate, io forla-ale, iiFavorite presmption .11 does ISO to gain lldny6i. tho d grounds of the Temple ? Have you not Ls Wk floor. A board -should he loosenedn the lop wondered if this tine ebi never one thing* auffietently to of Typhoid Favor, aul Ruetimatiam set VETERINARY off 1rD, exclude the little more profit � id h a othe and Ylamtho in, your own clumsy versioa 0 010 -had less meritorious medic born uluder indigo, skits, of a that piai,fn e sale of th w I -could not quite story of Balsani o of the after efreate. I had pains _ln -rowf Glams, Y. IL, Aimor mftsta. 0i On"&. been ui4ed a' - tho days of -bloilem Sri d if" mYN4 If from; the impressira. that, his of the Lsw n my back land, right hip so bad I hod to Of tile c ate to rtmGve the cl�ickswo and A 0 VeWirary 061L-jo. A, Monephtab by th pillars of fire by on S'en� Medical unperour md air of sut�o,ity, his quible zoo a stick be wal1r. teed trough arranged in front, na Daring th 'M. .Pierce's 'Comm I could scareal dress tThese are qufttiovs.'� I: replied, that -fall the I -es call be placed outdoor�, in Adviser is sent fi-ee on I Ullyfiteriel Bud his c0m adjuetment of irre- T cannor, answer ; but I have been long shrUered on or in a vacant shea or %dwls, 0 SWWO. to an had not prote-rIve some P Vision receipt inyself for nearly two mouth*, and for three owere of Of 3 -thwits man VOL= S496 ry 0 Op4ok"Y' that,w8re COMMO12 to the primeval MA*'u 'One -cent stam�s for the pa er-cov&ed e6jicilabl i facts t9 be a precanceived ideis enough in Rdestine 0 observe that the air pr four weeks I could nor, laze my rigbt �uffiow_ and resldmm on Godorkh sire#k ont do6v H never lost the true Oriental disdain. or book oz. 50 stamps for tth bound, belonged to -a dim and f ar-awaY is thick with fables that no one attemptal t) #hoe. Flyui,� ul h rocks, wyand Ater, c r chickfn, iprise and Dr,R. V. Pierce, HqiTalo, X. Y, ounditior of the race, when explain, I hae been khowto the footprit On my brotber's advice I started to also contenippradeous dis-" men of & simper type, wti hing from d and he madii bi �vo apprehended a Dedd's Kidney Pille. After taking three 9 , 0 an she@, *113 engineer may gr3at mmoy of Lazarus in the limestone rock, and blve half to f)ar nods each, are preferable for it -LZGA.L work, moon in the light of thi � no U34. ed ulity that was more 81zgr&v&thig than her thingi which they are now struggling to assume a codtiouqual miraele to keep lioxes I began to-wlk and do my work, I 0 - *tars, -Was. after' all, an impettitien indignat',on &vs been. 0h to comprehend. and. I found myself compar- *as cured, and I bave had no pain since." fatterif a) ". SbUkens of medium ofzt and a would h no, it there, without purpose, against the warrin , f 9 it short, ttriaizh-� true perm out I sve come over bo -.d i �quaro shape. wi, parish., coilda't be IF ovei I woo too ino him t � thq:Arpst block of fitone in the and wearing element. I h Dodd's Kidney Pills tske the uric acid JAMES L KILLORAN a ego setellapart, fatteur the men *Cfit- Inlightss well confesg at once that I fatally enmi rel that, aud,- being a Man Rialbee wry which the unknown ut of ti2e blood i%nd the Rh3umatism goes work- the Wuat of Olives with a devour, partyT of 0 ably. nfoo oom4or, Oonveyw�m and xotsiy ould not lisve Win In I'Allistine if ib bad Was too' week." men out, thousands of, years age, and DO my own coun'trymer, and they were 0,11 with it. A tuit Is fattening ftblic. NoWtolosa ration Ise-netbatis notbeenfor tentimestality and pique,;o Emp rosidy"I feel thaill can talk subacquent, workmenjmvs been 6041 to deeply affected by the votiod that they wore ---- Main Stroei 3saf-mbla, mixed that I could not 4ep&rate, th*m, ti�lj I frankly to youand you will not lquarrel with move. palatatil and ih;4t li przduce ahite- walk intho footsteps of the great Chris- Fattening Chickens, colored ash. Ground o d t at he grcurd tuck� got into this marvellous atmolhere� where me. I shall take good ears Ithat it ver I unde fitn h owned some grazFng tian ing 18.0 Too'her. Even Canon Farrar mud R. 8- HAYSr a man contemplates his owA mysteries by is permanently, I am goin to leive 6he hich h [Written for Tun ErosiToRj, wheat, ound barley and low-grad.aflou.- I 4, iw. w bical 9 coan- lands in Kim e fannOd our, Stanley gave way to this typograp are meal i that have -been fed mitn ptoft at, heavenly radiance. Thire was not a Froije-11' try, and you are the only unburned bridge 9 ti 9 Pr 0 illusiov. But to the man trained to the The crate Uttenling of chickens is a prafit- et n a Ott 'ure Inoomoin that way, surf4er, Solftdtoi� Gonveyanoer and Notary Pubile- SoUenor for ilbe Dominion BouL offlos--ii way ot offieer in the whole commission that us. leave li�hind mo," the istativii. Tho Phickens are -fed -a mash, even whgn the kigand tax -gathers of the observation of physical faete it is lrnov�vjl Able business for almost every farmer to en Dminton Bank, oftform. monsytolo", 1206 pqct*d me of sentiment, and I oer Oh ?"shm said, with an obi exelusivi ty. No wb,ole grAin is given, 8ev- -r broot lout belief in Turkish Gove ment had been appeased. gagain Itis it rjimple undertAkiDg, that b that the attrition of the elements w"ra iwas this boat*-nisde him ob out down the murfaeo of the hajdast, mountains son K. B ed a word to one of them w.h- I an's fraludulloney that, alwav,s makes be managed by a member of the farme oral mea' mixtures ara given, to illustrate d tpog I I 4mily who is sufficiently interested and N U offio" up oil, once a- ear generally about shebp- at the rate of how a rA on can be formed; (1) �Ground ovor 0. w now for the first P�mle,' reeklegs. When do you go y about a fc6t- in a hundred 1spol"s boo There I was, lyihg on -my baes, stoing shearing time, on a donkey, and oats, cold r 11mlisenoved zw�a pounds I remember saying fo_ mymflf. With Zia- ng ears otitrii-ri6ig to study the workandonp., true Given eighteen hundred years of tl over the Lib �ho fattening crates. ground o tu, two undo grounti buckwbeal,4 sick satisfaction, when I was on the French P&tion io joggi y i ; No special buildi 1627 into the fathomless v&ulo w ith an in, snus and round the h ark, and the ' Oath whee the Galilion one pu id able hommi e s; and a deepi vs. 9 bas's of trmon!O wind down into the pas. wouldba-,re be required, in which to place the crites. groun; cors ; M one pcitad I:fZNIRY BETTIM, Barrlwr, solicitor, ft teamer, that thesi womlt' will: learn now epabout twelve feet above grou JLjL onsy to toss. omoe_�Asdys Diaci4 us canoy of reproach iwithin me, I had Iried toral vat ye of �AniaiU. on hand, -with the exception of corn or nd a. �tn, one p6ilod ground barley, one to have some respect for a an m re#olu- the heads of the prownt tourists. To the pex�o ourvi gr nd IMV the offiesay of dtotanee and the cure all of I had cul9vate him cautiously. He engineet it doeA veD appear to be nezesiary when finely ground and inlxei� p buckwheati ; (4) two pounds tion, 'With akim'- rk. but the -was that 'ghost of the: pe bad a re CiOnt 6010t31111pt for the work that !ey, two 'pound;, low�gmdt flour,_ all wo I iilk'or butttwmilk, is fed, with profin, to ground7h 1-11' rbspa I oughb to say heri: that it was to the beanty,alad ver"It of ths tradition �w A0LUZ9= noftem to no his. sm of -filling all th areas of the Orient � d Em's fiathor,tJudge H w h I ve me the brought o6l forcei *b' Id stand still. ookass"d, ftaidst ftmew heart on a es w a to Polliestins - but ha tre&te4 me � that the physi on the obickens� If iti is necessary to buy one pfJuU I wheat bran, The letter to the Freveh captalist has been llotown by Wilson grain, fine ground oats is reftr&ble. Tab ground m[nal thruld be mixed to a 9 A mon Y, do0ecially,as 1 paid fo: his That they do n6t =M 904d serure'd* Indulgen I' Nomay solidsor 7;; jbi C�,. pliantaming over�thiv di 9dimBank of Cdwweroe� Wo ic I=& Ira= idiosynerasion, and bi& idiocy to well, pomfgra iste wine.-- 4ost of the food for fatrening averages ten thin porr 4go with thick sour skinimilk or con)", for me. &be position on tho sUiff in F6162- and Warren, who found sixty feet of debris 4ents per chicken. It j advitabje to pro- butttrmil k. A small quantity f t�dt to Sao, 0016a to amwe = main 811606 out thsrply in that Syrian starlight;! I tine. I maid i o him one day, when we were sit- in the VAlley of Joboshaphat.11 ting ther in 04 0offee bootie, thit I thought The MrSument, I must confess, bad nee chick . e" with wbite-color3d.fleab, an slibud bc added to tha maah. ry to I sly t _ e old Chaldes w- no ap. h" done just VP',hst thousandi �-f oibei So $Jjoris I way, on a toof in Jaffa, ie , young men have d6no—pulkil It qui lonal had a po bite -color#' fieth is more. palatable than The ch,ckeno should -remain in the fatt�h_ GARROW, Barrister , S0110W much in ilie'coadition of a mon*ho.hms pub parellb we ght witti Bel Amish. in erate; for about twenty Jour days, 0* ete.j 00(fer-loh, onterlo. leagull lie and stalke& away,ex. an . ,impusable gulf between himilelf and the rnd's Qft of vision that had been lost "The Western man," he said, e in gram aq(1 ex- 9 Be D14"'ONAND 0 boots of pry, 44 is ellow flash it," firm, tin 9. U DFOKINSON ult*utty into det4lation, to put it mot&- objeob of -hit iffewtions and thda begins to to The rA . T ey'studied the heavens with ways'digging in the shifting earth for tlie a din I tender. There are fat gliioulea fore thee hickeus mlis Placed in the cr&tft, lmtf ;DHAU1Z8 GAURO'WU t, IB� phoridally. Quarielled. witli thi girl I lovedl. fall in love ail 0 theirun ad eyes, and invested the istribu thioughmt ibe theythmIdbe duxttd ith sulphurlookill o ver again. III with glory that entiureth forever., He meatu Blab and -under ilia skin. When the chicken to ecoked, the -iould and burrW myself in the lancl of the Ph laid, your read the an intere th4JS astotiishing, wheD we the mtonem undir the Temple, but he cann4 thelice. The first v�e4 the chickeusil Bimho be if d tile mash sparin three times a ticle* of fat welt int-) and wicresee the gly, ietines, to pdb it plainly. con"sider eir see with the doveb' eyes the new Temple i Var start.- Do the rt,xrs ever vllll� day, in oitr to accustom them V) th DENTRORY. Buhl, wi�h�, tho;� wonderful. tb6m any- ' I said hio wi the Pcomposure of a man m juicises" of the flesh. With unfatted chick- thire about the -friends who era far away ?" 4 !Yef,� Of Wl, changel Siez and the confinement. Affte must have caught me wore thoW once look- CM an orginal Can the doves see it ?" I asked quickly, lar, water takta the place o! the xnajo who feels that has worked rity of 0 0110 thought, ilih looked at, me with Will the doves of Olivet fly thlough iti th-i fat globules,', When the ebickn o, master," retilied Bish n the -first , reek, the -chickens should be given, jb*p but Brl Am1sh.Y.1 'in twice a d ty. as mu --h mash as will con- ing at Lou's.photokraph when did'� not !see do r Bel F, W. TWEDDLE, him, but -he uevtr gave a sip of sythpathi'or jast the,( iokt r of an indul b smile on his touted thq water dvapomtes and leaves the they Who is Bel Amish *&fix ? Do they nub always go round 9 the erst, falt,d fin- or one, week DFNT.XST rest 1-ght,l had a ;to calived fa 30, Ali i he bad maid, Well, my the' dry. The muscles of before the chickens into vo and yet, after that n' He is it gisar, Rsbbi std. lii�os In Darrim- killfd, A eMS11 quantity of t&M'W- abon lurking OUIPAOU that th a man who eduld son, whal i then obi --,ken are more edible, through lack of ex- ld Gisduate-of Royal CoUve Of DenUl Sureone of On I smiled incredi3wily 011P. He only oan tell, by looking into the. --And merely remark - be added to the maubes to -increase the juei- 1. WA Urfa, postgraduste couirse In crown and bridge work 6" the moon of Jupiter co me I i thin -king," I continued, that ed that the doves of the Awt h4vo fin Orcise. To kill a lane chicken is wasteful. r friands love y6u -the'sarly psi riarelis may also have bact a fancies, nersfthi fl-3th Fiesh, water �Pljoulld be, s*ffseks1rf-83hoo1Ghios0T Looslanamthetiall for things In a iellow's lissit tataret "d b art, you The proport.4D 2 of dible meat to bone and q0 Valow extrutim oi Logo.' Oftwe--Ovor A. Young'# for ordinary eyes. I I ought tei have told Binh that we have 4ffal U so smol. givenin -a trojgtj twice ad*yvd ageitor V60ilty Sims Hadorth. 17" wondered, as I sy quality vision that enabled them to tee No," an3wer(d Bel Amiph they towomen in Blesoket- Sir4b, in Xew Yor* things 11hat are voijoiDger visible. What hav;efiueeyfs. It isthe vision that my ith the exceptonal -a w,,ek. At all the ffin imation therein that mystio'liglitI" what he i All broods of chickenr,WE graytJ trw Lee wo But J soationa tha hickens are fed from the YWIL. 1P, A. SZLLZR-T, NOW, groduMe of the Bish all aboult It, he old under 3n ind ho claim to do this; affA Is not Now Jacob ram Ily saw when the ladder was let brother from the West is It ol&iDg for and of leghorns, minoreas ani similar dmall pot Dft"� 91"Polms Morooloalso may something with that' 0AMI'LiVe; ague York. There is"a great difference in tSeir down from Heaven we cannot now d0er- cannotfind. Thodeserr, destroyal thewOak chickens, can be fatted in the crates with trough -hr.-ugl-4m � tbo fattening p4riod. The 1,r� Royal, Cal* Tomato bonorgraduo"of rtment of Den_i4w, of his that would have an atmospheres, I doubt if Pester would have mine, EU' �) if the' crammitip machine has not been used for 05foullftyi. ofilov occult encourage- re should burvive, in this eye with mind, just as tha son destroys trot! - Fatted chickens -can te marketed in Ahe Fafty block, Hounit. seen that sh".tht down from Heaven if bg uoprogrej sive country, men who have pre- th Wansda and Great, Britain for ten to sixtze fo:ediug tl ucktfip fr!r tw years. WHIVI*zUrich tv"Y 31"day, _r Uft. tuent in it. Ir, w"' the same feeling, that e weak egg with' heat."' had been in Bleilker Street instoad"of. off on served in Pome degree the original quslity 0! ThSD,�`l said, the doves of Olivet, fly Youm very truly, 1=6 UL IM one has when he goes to a for itne -teller. I -4 ts per pound, pluoked weight. A great 001mu", a hoose top in Jaffa, And I had been in vision, w', isf an admirable thing it vould be #umber ot farms vs eagaged in ti!t, fat. W. A. CLsmon. cannot help laughing at my6elf now when I round the Temple ares, and never over it, the Orient two. years, ra h Are prepa ".EL, R. IL 8,., Dentiff, graduste of think -how near I came to making a __ can- for sciatic i to authentiostg and determine it, on scot nub of its unseen walls and dowee ? �eniog business mol ring their D,?pa;rt, neat -of AgricuUnre, _0.ttAwa,&-P_ JLJ F., 0. D. le tember 24-th, 1901 I have 14 ng suspected . that some of the "My brother can see for himsiolf f he Of 0Dt*n0, 11rat 013" Hen" fident of -that Arab and tell ing him all aboul, b kene for the home =%j.k.ts or for ex 'port. jcmduato of Toronto. thAversity. Hjgbe6t ru"1119 my aboard freak, as if it had been t lie most CHAPTER IL lower atif nals aro gifted with this f unction, In order. of warlL W, Abe 1prgeat e16% es�er AraduAted watches them, and he will try to explain it . The f6Jl0w1n4 It tter was reo--ived by me do- Compared with - Jerusalem, Dam%scus Is showing the etstio-fac- from S -e college. Modern an d up-to-date dent'stry Notious-affAr in th6,world. Of course there and see t iffigi that entire17 escape our pir- but thera is too much sand in hia elve. He' �srtment Isar, weeir, In, all its varfoZx tornit, . Pajvi�w rxtmttan of teeth Woplet anyt West �,wy results of the first 3 eseis ch;ckt n bwd- Earache Cured. - I cannot see that ]lie friens from tlj�s hing to tell' and Biih would not Parimian. The Jerusalem -�ir presses hem vily ception," cid to kv LOW Anwatheties and. 9�ftout Any W: 4fter h&v6 u4derat oud it. ab all. I Acubt if even t.: hAJf a scora of are re with'its melancholy pas How much science my Weet9ro brother end the encouragement, ofte gess Mf;" J. J. Johnson, Inni4dailt AMA., vals vv" &dudufstered and, all operatfoup care-. looking for him." 'en- tmul)ltsd Vith Farm -he for a long time. and noth; fully perfonud, Me# over DfWb Store, Seak4b you,. that thavegot to.tellit to,will on. soots make it a readezvoo4 for pillage or for will 0, said Bel Amisit, "to prove Rabbi, I exulm�mad, -you must ex- ho*4Wd we x -Ail I u4ed 1t&gyzrd1a.YtJ WAS age in i mor e en6lve (m, wbief_ r ISIS impolish- W of my cured we ampJaUt y2l 4t mummeryi and'its memor' "Imt yea a in I&U. derstand it,"unloss you have had a simila that whit i no good man doubto explain yourself. Whao do you kno Do V i Ocale with orwta. ickens and the rei experience, I can see Lou standing in the able events have to be looked- at through U'mean toay you have no doubt friends middle of the floor,, her irdign the dust o animals a o thitifin the universe' mobcu*, u i Salsin aleyyk," W said. I have as ko satisfactory that this year I am go- L%x&rAvt r Pills are the JW favorite catba-Ve, antl-eyes fla,�@h I lieris-had ZTnesties, It is -mly"., weu� is prsotio&l that are i Idden ilng to prepara all my' fowl in tha;t monn ing at me, but disdaining to make any ex� tie solenin, arcane. DAms Im spoken. God be with I ou men as tbe) do.rot gripo or pzin, sickgn or weakta, or planation. . I can still hear -my o win,impolu. positive and even mrorry, The ail of (To be Continued.) Does any o4dod bb he asked, a Ishould like y(,u to send me the nimo of mu -a the Aghtem loconvimience. Pece 250, all charging her with being..& coquette, rael iounds along the arid ll' of Zien, cept the then of the West ? N&y, even they Joine U ost- reliable dealtrr, in Ott I . drugglets. AWE* or Upadon W40 capnot doubt it,ifor some of them live tinder -em Urniven9ty metAbot And thou, tuag by her maner, working up but Damascus sings a voluptu(juq carol by 1�661, to whom I v -An ship th-3 Utted c6ickeuml ot Cbfte of Pby hurgeow. a melodr& gatic farewell ard mitalking out, means of its ice-cool"fibled river. The SAVED BABS LIFE. and m the stam on the gkat plains on4 are mighty �rheu ready." byp- WA ail fire with pride and h3diggaticlf, But- tinklel of itis bello mingles forever with the 2 .313ing who 11 44 Dion Instant Reiiekf. hordernem-B A Mr. F, C Htre, Chief of the Dej ni Mr h or that wool not ,t�e w ab of lt� gWfien urgle of its watera. and above all you bear I where the muh ON Do they not tell you Mrs. T. Brissen, Gold Rock, Oat., writes- *ontry Division, in thiA article, will izi-we hAV40 v"d D'. Lovei Toothiche 6ow for I gob up the next day, with a doll menso of e'silvm -ir,of the Syrian that their flockq i4s panic-stricken when to —" Baby's Own Tablets saved in Jhtle directions for constructing the fat_;4-niUg lau4ljt gf r1p, A sever tooth hj, and totelmd IntUnt riffef. lk- y �th VwAney, I went tol work peacticlly totAill �%t&ihe di6voing humor of. their dArk man por'l boy'# life when there seamed no hope, and atexaind feeding thii ,chickener. A -ubse. f &* Oils. itiw-AI jss a splendid tempomry mni;, d he is nov4 a bright, rosy, healthy child. 'He it with -the i6 secand'best." an , in'so mossm as through their little veils.' i Jerusalem aunt artiale will contain informat u., ftce 10, w N. R. sont M. 011 I ihoui,, it.it remarkable fhat be' should ion appeared, tuidetily As its husEere phameter soots need this fact—and fact it is. an suffered more tnan oaguo call teh fftrow ob- illing and marketing the chickens. The of self-willed dot have to stittaia. Its Offic over Greig & St4wart's Store, before blisle tmily'llawoo—you mustiexe mpl6s are iombo, It -i weight :oi poi every rano hms n kro -vs who box had a berd stinate coustipstiop, and medicine gave him teningerates in use at theill use pant uetri- ion q propertt" of 4he *a zre iml., Ned np " -0ows N - Soxforth.. me for 'calling lit r Em, -" there's loeid color iistory keepal it grave. But In, "Ong of cattle a mpeded when there witill n dis- no 'relief until I gs; s4tioDs are vix feet long, rixteen orway Ing Syrup, It Is the Dam vebim Baby's Own Tab- MIgH osE AtMuded So sil the office. in ft. on aro under to obligationa 'to ills past coverable lause, " Von Pre right," I said ; late. I would not be without the Tablets *ids and twerll�y inches high, insitie Em", I said with ominous promptitude bat, the present cannot make :�Jon fotgot. " they ba a told me. I did not, think It in the hoti-to, and I think they ebould be umments. Each cr&te is divided intr-, vmee I kept in every he I to innumf rable shitittles and or Each compartmet 'bold* J you need not be iurprited to see me. t Arm '16g call jue"emary o invent an imaglimary cause to me where there are young epmpsrtment4. M on,. Ott. F., 40 BUIRIROWS� waamy toberjoad, sense that br-uglit me g ON lef of fit the ph o . on, or deiloato children." ur ebicken4. Does Cbhdren Good, ou back to the hustlia Igen A frAme is built of our life, nch 11 That a rimarkable in mv brother, wbo All theminor ills of childhood, such in o inch lumber anl covered with I h So this b 0 you, for you at wide'retand me, sud he coffdo bzma defy melanch Y, ave a Wd Dr. L30s ;form syrup in my ILM have enough sonsil lefb to dl� the sensible andtirl city on the ebores , time—Cho inventai w at*ver he w%Dtx," eso Psi Am- digestion, colic, stomach trouble, diarrhoes' so Aste ore place4 lengtbwi*e on thn�p fly, x-nd Is b; 4,41way* bc, Offift and Ues1denoe-_G f the thingtometimm." ld cii wh r I cot rodes— imb. Orle 3tal frony iq like OriontAl madi. uIrms, oonstipation, IlliMP16 f676rS, Dn-Ji cTidlem—hottom, bafak and tot) tbtx ebildren 100� I --*a Wigbly texvuwend A!' odorich street, mt o see mopques nave nd -up atd xegbodfst chn She looked at mJ with bet �bsrbed direct ks in the-smi and eatA figs iiterrily just cive—it In buried in fig.p4ste, colds aral promptly relieved and speedily down in fi out. Tbe slat -s are'O—DR'& inch wide Mrs. Jostpb Z_Mgt"" Divekvjlle, out, 0, uses ani said, You have quarreile with it, did when SAul. of Tarput j6urnyed that The V restero mind, I ventured, t4) sayll cured through tbe use of these Tblebs. The spam% boween Coroner for te Gausty of 11"roji, std half an inch think. They are * uaranteed to contain no opiate, Ilia mla&a in font, sr,� two inob" Uid tv "is t3ught Lou," Nomewh st to StUP, Tog headach-ef aro eured. the bWA d- eal(d We have partod," I replied, ctively El Worj appeared to me to b�j the mollt, know, not bseNoelvogttleally' and they may be given with abolute jisfet.v enable the chickens ta feed from the ir,u -.1burn*s St4rng Ret -d b. iwd the brxi I btighteaed by U It wu inevitable, I 'b9nff1l:iet7 stretch of greesward I had But we were talking about tbo eye 11 h to the youngest and most delicate chi1cf.- Th botiom, back and top *Late are one and "bD Pe "el - They do Lmn wmken the herw-* and grandiotely. MacKAY, came straight to you." wer scon—but that was because 130 goes go ramarked,, ard,it boo been taugha not to Price We a44.25c. DRS. SCOTT & Sold by all rdediciae deslerv. or sent post a half inches apart. The top are cut V PHYSIOUNS AND BURGEONN, When I think of the superb masculine ittle gr.*8 in VAlestine it would hove see, The men of, the Went most hive spec' aid at, 25a a box by writing The Dr. Wil. above each partition and three rri pti A or pe� �d ri to r 111fupidity and ruffia�isml of it, I wonder that coked very stertle befilde a 11 wet, bird. taoles to 10ok Wto Reaven. The he Flams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Oat. lckgooiroAh men of I formed. The doors are hinged to the rear of Was Too Clever. Em did rob order me out of the home. Bub ounttd lown of -EngUnd,ll It was it fay.' E -.9t lot Heaven took into them. The pride the frame: The crates are pla,�ed on --tards. An amm�ing awry is goingr the roundiT, (Prite fliling Pla 'because it Pixteen inehes from the ground, A light G. SCOTT, Kradu&U V1066vUland Ann Arbor, arld that was not lier way, She treartri ce of min3, is here of the mfud busts for facts with a focus, and a em.0 Collegs pf aye a Qrov�lncial contemporary, of t, rbAct&ns %nd the matter with a self,&"Ured inered- the ships of the deserb take-tbele departure, it misses the trutb, which Is a general irra, Y.-!haped feed trough, two and a blaif inches 4argeona. cowneg Wr Ommy di Huron, younk flln�v and ilia prompt activity of in front of each crate and mind. H� wad looking for an empty eom- lleri,�aoof old, still gather thecameleand Amerchant,sho war verypunctu%l in inside, is placed U. biAOXAY h0nor xrAu-%ta T.-Inity 'UnIversT17, the watfr-akine, and bore assemble the poo- I am loot giving Bel Amfohs wordr, bub I all he dido one d oiqer an order my gave a j L LQ;JAW, Trinfty.Xediosl CM!oge, mber "AV irn think I have .... II T for some work. Knowing, ie man r, 4 i W MS to sav an , 0 41- L, P&r'-mPnt uh an excursion trisia which was U 0 egd Claw isad burpo2n, onis rather careless, and oftin promised but did Us$ the sound of the kamenjoh, Then fades afikeJ him one dby if he could give me th'a if not perform, be said to him slowly AWAY eastward, like a Orage, the Smallest ploof th�b the lower animals Olin lony and dwindling line of the caravav, in 900 thijigi 1hat see hidden from men, and 11 When will you have my work finished?" 11L Ir the directian of Babylon and 4- the otaer biop amwor only shows I ow unlike are t 41 On Thursday next," replied the joiner, ho wamto places of &tory, Eaetern at�d Western mothoi of reason- -Thoroughbred Durhams For Sale. if I am living vou shall have i, iDg, Thursday came land seed without the It was hf r.9 that I firs t met, �el Pa promised work. Amish No," he said one does not intuit, his on of whom I had heard so much from Binh, ­e­ijgr bix1h; &ad helf- 11ribbert, a nurcb cr of cbtl L J�r40= the -jakeeks and hrif b6d4ing wn blood and 4 is Palo. Mwd t are bealf io bre*th 04 -the blood it Fel �Jecljve And 44 so 1w, nicine Po gerta am -am law, ri- %3 ut& th,�- AR roof of thiAl iqry of this yop told by ber !W to dec-litie in es i were lose SM(l all Aversi f vowea by mi 40metimes f'sinting fit, 'and*11ow" greatly Z' would Vint o con svuujber�of her -then a 40t*v, s*a -very hapeleAm At *a *dvicef A I*dY g few 1w--er them her couditim 4d takfin -ni mi baxlw A h ht WAS 4 - ' - 4a, wbj14 thi-'. I -Triniams Pink Pills -- All the Ws ot J&*e AVid they"m em tj-.ch blood. tbus 1 �,Vjwy part, of ths, bo ly' owt, and is the Te" utod af ter oths.- *4 are tome -wh; me tbut ttia fuu, -Van pwr. Pills -for PAle Pe *,be wrsvper around ev, �Sdvdait;ct to The Dr 1* "Writ by rn��! -at slix b-oxea for 92 The Brusak Oz the Utr Jad Frea r f JA40 We* Hop -sl'-, SOB* J . "'sp-mi _-Jeta FtM. 'Two v*ar jog filiv. J --,ba Diiudfov t -saw. Mht Drce. Ar or =ary uny oge. Sire F 2014 Nekr-on Brow, AT XrliRD1chrrn.4; T I Two yra'. icla fill� x*t bull, w T,40 Y rKay, as r. -i, L -4 ad Jas Bvan 1000 D Milne a: Ono-,) Aleisticer. H�)ro `Ur Z H Black. J 8 sruit& -1 J 8 smitli, U N110DOna Ye" Old fidy or xeldin� Uvinps if) e, B 1A Wpv., Alton Speir. Buggy h, -;r*a 15� b� Zahn %v_;t-or, A 9w-gy horse under J A Kefly. Uou 'f4WD year 0. Id 1i v. R -if)b . <)4e i W. Het ry 7, �61al, bi r P 7 P. P T D Y11hap �Ud Ssur. 0 1 cowi, 4-yti ond soi% P 16ow.­a4der 4 ond Srd- Twi Year 02 4 h Lf er, *,11 I P Cal-. I bt A'19; t nearly re d at -art.. All were full. Com - Iing to th: he fltmg open the 01c; 11A Ul to r " iago door, and er�ied inn aultli ricative msnn.-r. Zid and V5 D Year "'All cbaivo litri -, thi carriage ion' 3( F! U&rjri�!0.21 Tbiere was a scuille amorg the paseen ro, 91P P an4 the whole carriage-fu)l of people tarned ont, grumbling, and stowed themselves away 04 ard T-1 forward M- th-m PeNeted a c4umnartineet.An L, ie evening the merch,%nt calha at th6 to _his liking, SU4, r am: ffoln the best, stralro of Daiham esttle, 001 choice The man was standing begide an' Albanian in a corn- AnIMAW Thahipffergare 11.1 cAlf to the iwporUd Scott's Emulsion iS ]I,. n erchant, who was selling Jore potiona, newspaper office, and atiked the printtr to By the accompanying illus- or, lightt(I ciusir, anti imid within himieff, butt. Prince of Daaff. t 4 intertamongthle deaths the name of the tl�lc a nulets, and Albanian bearls from a little tration we can but sugg-est "Ies a gr%uil thing for me that I was borr. DAVID HILL, StSIT& P, 0, nicans' of 14d and of ell- joiner. On taking up the pa'per next day, table. I was liatel)in t the mer- the exceptional values offered elsver. I wish thoyd burry up �aad atsm.- the man was surprised to find an snnoujice� chaI a solemn declaration that no woman -of Presently tNe stationsaiiatf r Pat his besil Joynient of, life of men t of his deal h, and went t 3 the printer b us in Brooches. r Notice to Gredi'tors of Joseph�'C. Ped go-wirbou, t4e buiband of 4er choice at. he vvhnOw &;id said yrsu're Men, wom N Q ta demand an explanation, Kinny, Oeceased. -n and cluldren. If ilia t0light hill snow -water hom Ararat. qurflallsm the smart ung fellow who told the peg. He was referred to the �merchauo, who, on SLC.,)tt'.j 11, or kept next, to her heart his little creseent, To thc otice Is hereby r,-fvft- trursaxot to R evised Sta- seeing him, expressed some surprise, for, that his wutritv,g isn't, o- el Yoa�l inadefromthemandalof laprofit. ButAm- In U�c AcjJ[ in the blood. Ald the CieVer young man. -Well," saill 6469 Of OntadO, Mr. cbxptiv 129, so-efion Se, th%t Sion gives t I le said he ou solemnly promised my work ithwAs"lookingab me with fi,�mild starp, the stationinapt--!r. with a grin. Ilit itnls� alf ared!Wrw an& ot.ho-re, having CIA! Eno sesimt the Unhesdthy 4idneys are the for Thursday if yoa were living, and as it eathte of the Ists Jo0cph; G, KIDD I late of the to fren,rth so rently. quite oblivion& of the chattcring cause of the' acid being Y wn- f 0r th a A p;irter hel d 3niu telliog the people, aj�i 'dneys acted Ship of MaKillop, In the county of Huron, farmer, there, If tho ki did not come I thought you tj�tist be dead." h bub around him. He sudde lincouphd He though-. you werts ruszy, 1923, we requmted to mead by so -Jeovased. wbo dkd Oft Of about the 4th dy of Feb- CLIFC Of constimption af-61 tj 6 excellent Huglilgh, Jly said' in as they should they would P09t, prepaid. and from ths he# (I -offica." or deliver to Dent & Thorny stmin the j�v Acid out Scrawny People. *on, of the town of My brother is lonely his heart 01, s-Alit4bell, Obtana. sollottors, the turns to the Weat." of the sytetri and rheuma- People gro'w thfn, scrawny, pile end weak wben r iviR-of the safd Aecewd, on or before the 20th d rould not, help being a. I wouldil't occur, I Wbst Is needed to People of this Place. Y ally t 11 disease. tism the bliod Is Wn land waWr.,, ement hi, writisixL of their ittle startled, of October, IMalatlst round uff the angles and 1111 out the topin is not fat There sre�Tgle in every town snd village -)f Wv Ina now"andaddruwcalindL4all" partlewars of thes d I resented what appeard st, the me tism is A Kidney Dis- h Im"n try % r 'For but hesittry mm"ar tinue. By ejuriching the -ve tom cured 41 Jtchfn:rbJedInK and elldrbs sn4 thw, nature of the eecuridev, ft any, held ment 1*6 an impertinence, I case., DodWs Kidney PilLs blocd sad Inareado as, Dr. prrtrudiry pfic s by the v" AD;1 or� Chawg I _g its nourfshing qualit! Isy them, A duly verlfie& ADd notiw fa burd b have made;t x _I I �OT$t thl. gffat PfejnM1100. =L,,r F.io docs tlus I't is It is not given to even to gre�t a Rsbbi reat part of Chwoole Nervo Food add 4 n w flershod tissue to the PLOO farther Kiven: ttiat after the "Id Ust vaiped date Unya DelAmieh to refid. my ' eart;ll I said their rep4tation curing body, " well as neW vlgqr and a You can Can to 11 you of Ita great eiDn,tblng, healing at4 ai- timep"fic Powvw. More T"!PuUbje P-01010 bave ta- -idc AAw a fo 4, d Rheumatism. so gct at prove this by not inx your Poreme igbt while Kul Sunburst lo -ectifors: will vro(-eo.4 to d6fributc the 6 of I most su" In this beauti the essfite the Indies ent!064 thereto, hivInK UJIng this [,aost food curt. and wbtn it is, he will not read i6 in th' dor.-W, Dr. Chs "'a 01arnsent tbau any rmparAtsor. rogard only to chsfw� of w.h(ch ndlc4l�qhall heve begn to-.iic for the ,co the cause of 'hose filarful Brooch there are"6 Pearls, you can =ent.16,2. it r given sogibovenqui.-ed, and the said executors will Peci I t i4s th, , d stiff, shobting, pams an nat te liable for the Paid amets or any part thereof WOMen to 1)car He put, hil; band on his� breast in the I mounted in 14k. Solid Gold. &Ching jointo;. There is Rockefe.11er'6 Economy, to r - p6roon or persons of whise ajaw or graceful Oriettal manner, and bowed slight- —Mr, W. Hoye-. of .13.. Yfrys; met with claims r6 way— Order by mat;l, If y" are not per- Mtfc� shall not, haic been received at the amo ot 1'0 c1lildren, ly with dignity, se; but o0e su Lowhers does the policy of economy which t your money Jn fectly jadified with ful ani. troublesome -accident one day 0=k distribteion. 'Scott's U if accepting the reproof, pain, fCy()Cl a11C1 Sti- O,od news -is not, ungracirui even in the Mr. Rockefeller bail worked out ahow beobr Will bC pr4DMPLJY 4 -it week. 'Whion, standingon a ladder than in one of the Stidard'eamnin- Works, p%ijiting,thi ladder slipped at the battwn DENT & THOWSON, Solk*om, ffit�hell. em rtil the market -place", he Paid, Ut my Write for our handsomely D%ted SepUmber 7th, 1W., Several months ago the, writer visited the hraw him to the grauod� Up, fell nn for errol'All of an d b( ne. Nother take comfort, for -the West comes to and 0 tbo East," Dodd- S 11. - largest, 0A he Standard can factories, illustrated new Catalogue. h:- wiia�.&ud tr-,ke Vio small boner, wilft APMY�IRop D#eotory feur 1903. (ri t that moment one of those Arago' the Aar, 'I J . jg I 0J leg at 1-rulate. e ivey I ov. I -t er Z* HURDIE, Rftve. Win f r t1iin all,,- ickly boy.4 Sco -t's who lot o'ut others of their follos to tour;� b has a aboacity of 70,00"O ive-gallon can —After sit ilt' *ud a loego Of abolli throp P. 0, Is came galloping into the day, avd is probably the largesu can factory fttk- JOHN 9- DROW61 Gotwollfor.. Senforth: P, 0, e crowd, He iY 10n L' -a gi DUOd Up4n the 8ticrup and waved a Bed, intho woxid LITTLk 0ourselflar. Wfathrop p, 0 11 Is' -cal- lidp. QY�IE BROS. bsif Wnr I 1. wife of M r �f. B. D 1 lock, of Strlford. AncturubtA t" the r*v- 101M MURRky &Q K id e EWELERS The five �%Ilon can turned out at the De- wood P, 0. Sorld forr,-zo sampla. o in gun in tbe air as he ohouted in freozio-d age* of ccntru p-ios. he was in her 29th GOVENE/Jelc Councillor, Winthm P.O. Ila 1470, 122 ad 124 4-- He was followed by half, a score voe hi a marvel of evolution, The pre" JOHN o.monplsom Ci 030/WNE, ChomllS'0. - of t year, oni! lei a a faily of two. a :girl and DAVID X, ROSS, Trewurer, w to. ontar'a, other mounted men, who ma ti 't., Toronto ok, Winthrop P, 0 I r4 S T ornen I methods of manufacture arn almost en irely intbrop �r 0, do t1lie hubbub DeteafeJ waz n daughter of 11r. R. SOL*-UON J. SHAXKQN, J, p,, gwit&ry bglp� 'Pill the v, ork of 11r. Herberb Mirknown in 50c. ar.9 $LOO.; all drugalsts. 31:1 confusion worse ; but it was I only the od, of thak, ity. Two brothers and two winthro . NVO el F. 0, I L ro rd c- cles as the "father Customary attempt to gob big re�la iners to- n 61'anda. Ar sixters survivi. MW d J k-rn 4L _tL Daw , r. vftber, A A $-f 8 amb, -Pon f Waii, A iR in This C�Spk i-Chol, A tei Year, A 41.