The Huron Expositor, 1903-10-02, Page 4�4_ Y 7, J - - -_ 1 1, 1 r 4 THE H M -ON. ]z XPOSI, T OR OCTOBER 2� igo3 -7 object is to &verb Jhe tralffo from, 2 ft-rial Notes and oom�ieilts. gradually *oakeningi passed away. SEAFORTHS LEADING SHOE STORE. OCTOBEIR9 1903 Western Coniads to the iSabosit. tZom 'Oon. Mr. outcome of's trade that BOARD took the obroader v0he &I native of Garmanyt and, horse and ould It to a second parpy for $65, adian, to American channels. Whatever r. R. 1%. Gamey. Manitouliold J11"Qtorlous a long in 0101n, As t Onling to this !00*nbry. many years ago, taking a' note for that payment, Mr. Siftion's ivtont this direction may h P. P., seems to be. h star attraction at settled in Stephis' 6 X T W F 8 be, he - 11 �] a. He was a mein of starl- Agar, finding oub who hadithe h roe, went will not likelv bai permitted 'to carry a. 10.1 A U&S I i U 6, t A 4 1 A 0 I an am , onew ran r one an a an and als, ed lu, ago, it no, po as meetings. no was ar, all og qu OtIv given at week , and delivered ion Will- ry THE FAMOUb tham out to the detriment of this country Is in eve sense of the word, Besides a fear- Up, took it home, and thLh entered the .... .... . 1 2 3 to long am the Cabinet I 'a constituted " It is 9 10 now. Bab supposing the produat . a rowing widow, he leaves a family of five charge of horse stealing, During the trial, 4 6 6 --T -8 of thin d Sam on Now Ontario; and It I: said lihe gate sons slid two daughters, who have the aym- plaintiff declared that he bad nevbr acomed 12 13 14 15 16 17, gh c6antry can be trans o ted throu Amer. V (folptif exceeded by $300 the mounts real- pathy of all. He was nearly sixty years of defendtint of stealing his horso,'htit thought 11 P SHOE icon channels very much more cheap y than ig lid ab, any former. fairs. He opone# a fair age. he took the animal by mistake or 'through a 18 19 --20 21 22 Aod 3 24 they can be over the r ilways and i wator- :1 qore Bay this week, and on October 6th 25L misapprehension, and when thin,pointi was FOR WOMEN 26 -27 28 29 30 31 1!y�of Canada, why--ohould the Q a I h, i in billed to open th ' d i e Orangovillo Fair, a_, L4 d-u.� I TT"Vabrk rJ^+,Q0 reached. the aaistrates din 'ismed the r and producer no prohibited I ORA -- 09 OliDUA I LU US W11A AlIt011a I .......... ; - '0"'A charge. At this stage in a donser " 9 the quesitien of the g the cheapest route even if it bO Amerr votive meeting in tI -C, A. Humber has been appointed police is town hall note was brought to the front� and, the loan? If the CanSdiano can make miney at ti Ore. On the 9.bh he will be the' Principal magistrate of Goderich, in succession 1 to 0. - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS a u el in ti 0 ns he case suggest' this ex nee of 0 -.he Vanlrding wh mhniim at eaker at the Conservative - lenia� In fhe Seaffer. idg th*b the par- r ties miglib agree among themselvc�', they re. township of Osprey, Grey county. -John Campbell,'of WiDgham, hsin� ' It takes all kinds of women to make a world, and all kinds of hoes to AW The figure betwoon the parerithenefs aft they nobbe allowed to do no? And, unless been D Am . er- appointed principat of the. Chealey Public ,red, and in a few minutes it was stated by as, danotem 6he. or each Canadians as' make money -by usi � ?Uality.11 age ot4he paper on whichith@ please them. Still they can all /be suited with " Queen counsel thab the parties had e;ttled that uten they are not'likelv to do so. �,he Toronto Weekly Sun says 41 The school. dwartivementwilfibw found loan ro is an entirely different construction from the ordi tter satisfactorily. nary shoe. Cold- Weather -Greig & Ste.wart.-i a tion of the Se".je on Dr.Tuck, formerlibf Gorrie has moved It is fitted Blanket Sate --B. W-Gaun-r, the Cattle Guard T -The large bank barn, i contents and a to the foot, notat the toe ind heel, but around the instep. IT FITS to orontog where he will prackoe his pro- b�l and tlie insulting reference to the far separator, togethpr with nearly all the farm Party ." ' - Elyth Fall Fair -D. K. McBeath--57 pgiance. m- fession. WHERE OTHERR FAIL. In appearance it is mo -et artistic ; it h Queea Quality -IL W131a & son :4 - as e moile by some of its leading members implements. a buggy, a cow two,pigs and a The Yollowing well.tk � I I -County Treasurer, Holmes met with a F Rlyth Fall Fa r-MaXinnon & Co -_4 mad and sonsible1e. number of ducks and hone, on the farm of more than 3tyle—it has distinction. IR is made of an extra grade of Maker No Error -,Wm. Pickard & C0_5 e materially strengthened the feKing In Painful accident the other day. A window marks we take from the Bras -sells Post of Wm. Penhale, on the west light, strong leather, with great wearint g. qualities, Then to make the boundary of cost" 4 of its abolition. The Liberal Neet re fell on his arm, breaking it. Auction gale --R, or 0 -W. i Tufta.-5 Exeter, were destroyed by fire Wednesday last week. a. 'Pratt, of Hamilton and Queen Quality a very easy shoe, it has specially flexible soles. Teacher Wanted It says �ve not forgotten the attitude whi�h their -Mrs. Cha "Some of the Opposition newspapers have. rt took toward the Seziate wheal it was daughter of Mr, W. Pollard, of Gray died afternoon of last week. A gong of men Auction 8&16LArthur Gilbraith-6 y were engaged in tbre6iing, and the fire in Our #all'styles of these famous shoes are now in, and we invite every lady to Wonted -G. E. King -S st4ing, that alt h Libe &I new&.; Opposition, -and the Conservativiom, no a 8 tember 12cb, aged 35 years. W n r3gr Mons, - To Lown -Expositor Office -8 "ug, d to have been caused by � spark call and see tl` ern. Boots, 81,75 Oxfords, $3,00, We have sole r papers chastised the Prov, _011not over at they have loob -their majority Harry, Dike, of Goderielitowfiehip; thero, IrOUntalu Pens --Alex Winter -1 the recent appointmen a in uron county, veno,16vefor it. Altogether the time had the misfortune to lose theforefingerof agency for Seaforth, 'frlot"b engine, &a a strop east wind was that they wouldcoutinqe to.sujp� lems ripe t his left hand, while feeding a otating box blo.wiag In the direction Flom prigine to art Libbral o reform the Senate or abolish ba�n. The fire spread Fo rapidly �hat noth. The Best -D, McLachlan & ina_ti -principles, instead of joining hands with one day last week. Thankagivinir Dinner-Kethodiat Church -8 Xowelt-s Y. 'I of waterr., t Farm Pot gals--Kre. A. Ingram -4 o This� is very likel true� ing could be-Aaken out. The barn was a -While carryings pal he The calling of one's There is considerable epocu 6thet day, Miss E. W�nu, of Exeter, slipped very large one, being 75 feet long and 50 feet, 'Thanksgiving-St.Thomas Chukh par to time is a plain, Ation In both -8 wi e, an Auction Me -Henry Warden -5 agreeable, duty sition on a wet board, and, in, the fall, wre:Uched but die 0 d d was built only four Year# go and Auctio Sate -J. A. smith -4 litical camps he to the eff�ot the break- fibted oub with all the modern mprov 0 doesn't know much &be t, practice, and her wrist badly. I Ments, Re WILLIS_ SON, Seaforth by 'Ottboequeub dis, -Mrs. James ChoWen, of Clinto wn in the Boo and. the such an aement Ira so the a Btll P -1=00-2-G. K, Baldwin & Co -8 yet this is the way to I tandard. n, died floor, sheet -iron roof, and a Sole h e for wome A father whips his ehildl for a misdemeano�r, n the pending suddenly dn Saturday,: 19bb ult., of hemorr- (300 About 40 tons of hay and Agents for the Slater Shoe for men and the Empress S oi wasches-4. F. Nly irbances there' will have a b of Paint. Ell A Drug Store -O. Aberh%rt-A. but does not expel him from his home and 'b, re-election in that conatit hage of the �ungs. Deceased was 40 years 2,700 bushelf; of grain were stored in the uenoy, Before Side Trwked-­!Csrduo1s opera Hall -8 so in poli�icsg the straight - criticism and of agog and leaves nin children. barn. Mr. Pechales loss is $3,600, He had For Sale-Chmay and Smilay-4 he break -down occurred the Liberals we;e MoMordle and nephew, Wil- The funeral took Place on Monday atd *atching out for an avoidance Of the error $1, 100 insurance on the born and $700 ins r- Miss Mary A. Cardnola Opera Hall --8 is E. 0. Attrill, of Ridgewood Park, -Was tolerably sure of victory, hub mattere are rell Oed a tine imported once on the abook, both in the Hoy ual liam, If aMordie, of London, are here spend- verylargely attend( -d,.. many coming from U &,much better line of action than going out Goderlob, ban pui Mut on abrike an 1w,very much complicated and it Is"im. Hackney stallion. company. The separator, which was a now Ing a �ew day@, on their way home from considerable distan(eq to pay a last bribute d, like a baulky horse, refusing Of a to say what . the go recently disposed of one AM Olintop, where they were attandiug the wed- of reBpeob to one whom they had so bighl to dD your duty., Govertimentl, often 'need esibl resulb may be. the Hckney stallion�. Lsogton's Datiagelt, ] owned by a syndicate of farmers, y cost $700, and iq a total loss'i din 0 'gMiss Mary Monteith. esteemed in life. g rep. under the moat favorable Oircum. remiluding. that they are i f 0' -he servants f ille and a two year old Clyde!stallion, ther being no stincen, there will of necessity be great AftlMONIAL -The Clinton Now Era. electorate, and not theit-'bou,, slid if there -3 ohn- Budd ha acre farm 'insurance. 'ken comments tm 0 were more honest, out -opt I ange" in the electorate. Before the else- lot 18, concession 8,6 J. H. ana mtkes the following reference to the mar- BRAFOPUR, FRIDAY, ti )n comes on Wm. Sellers, of tb riage Of a former popular Kippen young PIxter. Oct. 2ad, 1903 public affairs, instead of lault finiing only many will have moved away The price lady "On Wedueday, September 24bb, A BuzAtm OP PROMISE CASE, -A case for for party sake, a more �,manly management paid as $2,300. and will not be eligible an 'voters :in the Mr amily will breach -of promise Of Marriage was tried At Madman & Stanbury, barristers, at Hen- at hi What effect this maj have 'on move to Brus e of publ 0 affairs wodld have txisted before an exceedingly pretty wed - The SmashUP at the Soo. at nbtiT#ueDOY- a Is. "ll Tuosday, Thuisday and Saturdays. , 1862-tf ce in Clintn, at the residence bhe Middlesex aasi7es ab London this week ;0 the-respeative parties it is'im 941,0010, this. litics are clean, but some. of the possible to say, -*r. Al!x. Welsh has purchased the' 150. G. J. Sutherland, notary publio6 commis- ding took Pla which has occasioned a goad deal of inter of Mrs. Monteith, Ontario street, when her' There hall yet been no� adjustment of the -polibioiarm are iP need of somp." fuirther than to --create a feeling of, uncer2 acre f�rm, situated on 1 the Bayfield coi _Weo- 4iober,j conveyancer, fire and life inellirsnoe agInt here, where all the parties- are no 'tainty on both aides, and istuer'of ma"lage licensec youngest daughter, Mine Mary, be wn, Min Of course.- the Gov- sion, Goderich township, lots 65-66, for the Deede, mortgages-, came the 900 difficulty. Ib was rumored, ihat a syn. There can be nothing -more contemptible ds ONeill, of London leaseii and wills carefully drawn it life companion of Mr. Thomas T. Loitie. was suing Dr. Bilk 101 according to law than a newspaper that has degenerated into 6 remonable rates. Private funds sho:'loan 001n. It Will� be unnecessary for us to introduce 4lia4t0l Of English manufacturers -and cap, eramout will -have the best of the situat a, sum of $7,500 cash. This is one of the �$est of that city, for damages for breaoh of pr7 am any aeoistanoo.they may be able to render farms in the township,1 and formarl beldpg-, "pan3tg�atiowutraWofiiiw-eresi Farm . and village either A the.intereste ISO of Morris, italiets were figuring for the. purchase of the a, mere party. back, or a party I 'organ, " as it in the way of relieving -the necessities of the ed to Mrs. John Beacoir. proportion for sale. Office at the Post Office. d eouple 6 -our read- get the dams es claimed be. Ing 85,000. Dr. Silk 1 9 portiew and. fr is popularly - termed ; ibst will co"mmend P00pl,6 and to etraightening matters out -Early Th' Lr8day e b ell known and enjoy 1862-tt ers, as th are a w a practising dentist pro ises at the Consolidated bil'okedited to the orning Of laeb week, the bei v,,ol reputations. The interior of ihe in London. He Was engaged to Win Lalre Superior Company,\ this being th-le what it believes to be W�ong, on (he part of h �m and may'- make up for burglars SUM red A. Straohan's -store,. I For 'Sale. -The HensaM foundry V� at'they fn�y materially lose in ob residerlefi was charmingly decorated for the O'Neill for four years, and, withoub termi. t �er Bruse'ele, and 3%rried off a quantity'of under. shops with the andobelongingto the Mame under which the Clf�rgua enterprises satilz Bate cheap. Fol partioulars apply 60 o0casioc, and the ceremony was ge= nimt with lier, got mar. its own partV leaders, I and 'condemn that ways. n9l eto. Thb- fnr noting him enga wer which it known to be clothing, hate oboes, clothi Rob��, Bell, SeAforth, under an arch of asparagus an ried in fteter, on the let of June last, to a conducted. This fepoit, haw rih�,,' 'on, the part of - - - ever, burgl6refoundan an anoe by foroingthe econd thought hif Sovareipn Bank of Ca iads head office, Rev. Dr. Stewarb amid the words t Mist O'Neil, at the time of the proves to be fouudatiozilei� The bankiog the leiders of the opposite poUtical party' he prov n to be the bet. front!door. Mimi Piok Sal TordkA6 ; executive office, K nfireal. A branch of �he bond of union ; Mine Sarah Monteith marriage, came to Exeter to try and -stop it, And the paper. that w be thought with the Son be -N. M. lohardso thisank has been opened at � feniall, Your patron. *sited on her' blit without avail, She then eTitered the i5rm'in New York, that holds a mortgage on ift even keep quiet, Jite. Ib will n, 7th conceanion, sisteras bridepmai4, andthe Grey.� who hai been a cesident of thab to; wn- ago is solicited. John idsoartpur, manager, groom's brother, Wm, J. Leckie, of London, tha'whole; property for something over five when it knows that a fiagr&nt 'WrOn embered that when the Railwa Amend- ship from his hildhood, - has purshasad 450 suit. The ease was t.ried before Mr. Justice y UIS perform d the duties of groomsman. The Boyd, withoub a jury, and Miss O'Neill was Joillions of dollar4 and who'weri the im. JP0eu committed by its 1politioal friends'isF nt bill was before that body, and they- acres Of land v t Manor' Soubbern Manitoba, LOCAL BRIEFS.-Robeit, TinneY, of the awarded damages to the amount of $,2,00(). were �.pass gowns o the bride and msid werei very rich, axediate cause of the auspension,have ad. "b much better-. There is entirely tOD ing on hin the committee stage, 60 miles west f Brand�n, from- W.T. Hogg, township of Hay, had the ' misfortune, on the for r wearing white silk taffeta, with V16 much of this sort of thing, on both aid! as of they amended the of Oakwood, ( ntqrio, and expects to go West Tuesday-lawb, when using a strawJoutter on rtlood the sale of the properties under, 'clause respecting the kill- I bridal v il and orange blossoms, and carry- nexb 4%ring and n�%ke �is home there. the lfatdi of Win. O'Brien, to geb, all the Brucefteld. Ableir mortgage and the sale is to take place -politics, for.the real gobi of �he pamio� and. Ing of cattle and other farm otook so as to ing a bouquet of white roses - the latter, an a -A utif at aster dad fern wedding took filog6ra' f one of his hands out offi by oom- AP.PREcTATRD.-Mr. Beverley Ketolien, ;o b ow the onus of proof o genoo on the place at "Tile the resildenos of Mr.. thin month. A readiver-for the, company !Of the coantry. If the o6jecti bf f negli, attraotWVe gown of a Ing in dontact with the knives, whe'n in the ream etamine, and a student of Knox Colleg' ptivate'owner of the animals 4illed �ustead and Mrs. Re -has also been app6inted, who will look after of on the railway companies, aa it won in the a of white carnations, The e, Toronto, and were, simply, to retain In poiftions f honor, bitp1l;iOtt, of Sbanley, at 8t Of Putting in his hand too ftr I to clean oarryizig a bouquet- son of Mr. John Ketchen. of Stanley, has 8,g high noon, on Seoember 16tb, when their away some straw from the knive' James bride' oing away gown was of, white zib. d ame up eldeat d r, Gertrude M., became the 8eowa�t has sold his th hat to match, and she �ouked her ()hatba;m does no' . seem to be a trust and emolument, balf-a-dozem or or ginal bill, But when the b 11 c property 4-iodger- during ihe summer. the properbiesn the mesintime. Bat there eline, Wi been supplying in Dr, Batteabys chure in ny negotiations. on foot oxen men, collectively known as a govern. f ol -its final reading they agaii i remodelled bride of rettie0t. After the ceremony, phe guests The other M r. ;dgar E. Gibson, of WoHesley ville to Henry Cook. of this Villnge.-Mr evening aeceptio), was given Air. Ketchen, likely to result in tha resumption of the ment so ninitter what they �may do; tbezi th a clause no as to make it oblij atory on th rforming the ce e Rev. �E. 0. J nuings Pe re' McCa�ghey, of the Commercial hotel, h d pumbe i g about forty, repaired to the' mony. dining �rloom where a very tempting wed- an there would be some 8h f co panies to prove neligence an tile part'of 'big cash register and a few dollors in it d he was presented with a purse of fifty dollars as a slight okenf the appreciation ding di#ner had been provided. Those pres works in the near - future. On the con- �w o rpamon in such th own6r of the Injured animal' before A -pretty wedding was the attractio istolf[int. some time between Fridayl night or of the congregation. trary, it looks: now as if there may be a blind part;zanhip. B# this would be n at Sub were 1*11 relatives$ with the exception of a th companies can escape the Payment of - the home of Mr. and Mra. Andrvw Mitchell Mr. Ketehen 1*8 a 'Sattirday morning, The registfirl6s found cleve'r young man, and wilt yet be one of the le mries: of lengthy law suits before the works' burlesque oh common sense. Partiev are, damages. The law an it now'nbanda is not two f milies, from wwn, who of Turnberry, on tWeUeed&y of last week9 -the iiext dry a shorb distance away, and friends, i The bride was the rec are 0, f aders in his chown profession. M many t ice was held in ditposed of to those who ha, nobler purpose tha Was when it left the Commona,bnt it is in marmaje to David so of Turn- M ethodist parsonage here, of the i Klpven, 60184tisfaotory from a. farmera 116a i fortunately was very little inju;ed.-The NOTES, -Child rtn's servi can be got into- shape or before they can be surely, maintained" for some higher and when their daugh er, ,a rah- won unit� 4pient dau iful gifts, chowing the esteem i ve the means n thir. , What akes it Breen, all the Presbyterian church, on Sunday &-E rent deal better than the old law ard bet- berry. . Abo�t oixty -guests witnesse which I ihe was held. Mr. and Mrs. L ki, Chl'olhurab and Hills Green ciroliO,-is being ple of thi t than the Senate at first proposed to intereating ceremony, oh was Performed Ile . mprovo it very and the ability to L mtter to nine-tentb d the '30K nake use of them; a of � the peo Dr. McIntosh had the mjsfortun�c to lose a under- the most favorable a! Iwl�i -up house. Even country whether itlis -Sir Wilfr h Z12Y painted, which will I )aft ou.�t,he 3 23 train, for a honeymoon tl good Jersey cow lafit w"k. The aiiimal rournfit%wbea id Laur- by Rev. W. J.1 West. east, after which they will take muo .-Mrs. B. Kaiser has moved lqto Wm. fell down in the stable and 6hoked to death keepinglin. London, May t a richest blesi- 14ings, do not look any too bright for the ier- or Mr. Borden that is at the -Nuncillorl Warren, of Hullett, who Elddes ftelling, at the west b has 1� end of our before assistance arrived. This ia the second 11 oe-i--james Beverley, of Brantford, and NO have it on good authoriby that !strong been In Londo� hospital for six weeks, F�oplle of the now city. head of the- Govei�n:hent in Can'adf), re- vi 8' ing th earth can bestow., fall them J racy he has lost this season. The other turned home Wednesday of last week. He fO of Hensall, was in t. lage dur- f happy wedded was a tboroughbr6d cow, for which be bail or Mr. 4oss or Mr. Whitney in the Pro- proasu r on Mr. H. rnlei -The, unfortunate resulb that was feared re is being brought to be - througa� many years a 'he vi has had a hard! tirre of it, and is much run ing the Past week, combining busi. paid & fancy figure.-Mts. Sparkv,-of Hani'l- I ber,.M P. P. for South Hur n, to dow 'avoirdupois, but he has improved Bit to r lativ6s an d ton, and the Migeen Maegie and Janet Lind- 26�1 along lime -taken place. The dompan Vince, excipt in so far a# they administer vi e y n in ness *ith a an the time comes, to- reoign his considerably lately,- and t hich hu been -Mr. Joseph BI&ney, wheu it au3pended, was in arrears to the �e business of the people, w him, wh' his very marly frienda. ho has Dubhn. say, of Bayfield, ViSited ab the home of Mr. sei t in the Legislature and become can. friends -are now, -for n rusted to them, Wi8elyg honestly and as hopeful of his speedy res been as bartender J,0TTtN(J,9, -Ming Carpenter attended the James Burge last week. -Our villagers were workmen who were employed In the various i't th we may believe in the best interest dii ate for the Dominion - Par Com ercial hotel, has accepted a maition fair in Saaforth on Thursday of last week.- veryisorry to learn of the death of the litfle -no of the I argent lin the ation to his usual good health. departmentog and th6re in Wi , Comme roial ab Cliaton.--T. Mar. M IN" W141liame visited friends in Kinkora ast' son of Mr, Philip Murray, formerly of ow which to pay these clai a. money whole eople? If', the fore, they vly-formed consituency of Soilth Huron -The Brussels Herald says : ,A big do k, week.- Mrs. Gribbons went to Mitchell Iamb village' S�averai hun a ."Joe Stanton" won fiii-t prize money Ti ere is no doubi but ths Mr. :U1 ilbe black bear waulshot on the 17bb of Grey, in but now of Seaforth. A number drede of men, of all conditl t o,8eaforth races on Frida, lai t. -Rob. on n f I om these lines even un2b.tingly or throu�h *o aid be, by long odd@, the trongest can in Matthesou'a !swamp, last week, by a Mr. aM y week on busineas, -Miss Shea, went to. from here attended the funeral on Tuesday. 'last week to attend the funeral of error of judgment, is it k ate the Consery out, Vance. The ear bad bee acen before and ert Steivart and George To4d attended the Dundag I 1111-tiOnalbier, were employed in the woods not'th a part o fth one atives could brino b -Mr.E. James Aikenhead is 'Visiting rals- fair at Goderich on Wedneeday last -Anew her aunt. -Mr. Wm. Given and family will tives in Kient county, -Mrs. J.Dunbair, who land mines being wo who are Bu),. if he is wise-�he will sob �on thel prin- 'Vance was on its trail, wil the result that rked byi the company. supposed to be and who should be con cement walk has been put In at St. Paul's reside in StnAtford in the future. -Mrs. had been cip IS that "a bird in the hand is worth two he bagged his game, -ib wf�uld have had to visiting at the bome of her wer, to point out in, isvisitiog friends in Seaforbb.- Mhosemenare being broughtintothe Boo stantfyo�nthe watch t chur6h� which given the front a no&) ap ar . Lamber 0 0 be bush,V andremain where be in.j In a be a big bag tolreoeive 4b. It is said that mother. Mrs. Baird, has returned home. - and many, of them -are penniless, and In need that error and to condewin that wrong? there are more bears in the Elms a amp ance.�-T!,,e friends of Thomas Ball utine ol Miss KOO William is taking a course in Mrs. N. Yellwlees and daughter, Miss Do minloD. as compared with a Proyincial VV roo dmil m B Manitoba, will be pl ased D3 telegraphy under I. Cossey's tutition. Helen, h of their wages, How much more inoumben' electioR" Mr. Eilber would lose a -Mrs. J. Horne, Exeter North, received The wages were to ha've b is -thin duty ority at returned to their home in Bow - word one dav recently from herbrother, ered nicely1rom the manville.'-Mr. James Araher, of Rayfieldf of I rom 100 to 125 In Goder�cli township and learni thab he has recov been paid an Monday. - Bab on that day a when w. know fha6 the I objeotioDable act . he would have against him" 9, majority of John Thompson, of Oar;2dul, As acei 't in which he had his lag br ken, and Ztirich. has been derli fla., former- is who had his leg hurt by W1 ',tted bh the -from 75 �to'100 in MoKillop, and it 49 not ly of Exeter, that his 6rns and the greater d again. h A SAO Sr*,iimo-xs,-Tbe Hamilton Times, agog was here this week, He is now able notice was posted on the office to the e0ect commi nojr�ble to go aroun ail im- log some weeks that the wages could not bb paid, but it was utmost disregard for what is plainly ki provAd: much In health since toing ub, to the to walk w4th a cane, and expects to o to - glib pr(bable he would materially iL&orea'e bin Part of their contenta were destroyed by of MOndav last says Miss Clara Buoh- Went Iiiat apring.-Alli arlial , of De- war promised that every effort would be made to -and just and bepause of a rdid or improper vo!3 in the. other municipalities. Hil,' maj, firo, including 600 bushels of oaw The fire again, of Zctrieb, Ontario, who was visiting ks000, His many friends- here ai!e glad troit, who to learn of his recover a elga rr y at the Isob Provincial election was .53. is supposed to hav6 origiiiated ix -o"' was home foe a week or o, on se- Mrs., N. Beesley, of Bartoa street east, was y procure money, to pay wages as mbtiveb? lb must, theref(Ire. be,& very dia a severe cold, has returned to thab soon an Pon- counb of Tb i wisdom Of the. advice we thus g�atujt. stub, dropped by a podlar. The Iona- to r. called home on Saturday by a telegram in. Xible. This did not satisfy the rdered mind tha coul Ouse a 0 d a manlor a umaly tender him 'Will be apparent, city, -Quite a number from our v Ilage at - men, but Thompson will'be aboup $2,000 ; 1 4 formibg her of the death of her grandfather, tatherserved to exasperate th journ%] of r 1 . ! tandod the fairs lield at Exeter,Seaf em. A mob wrong do: f a, $800, rth and Ing or treachery to Mr. M'. Zeller. Mr. Zeller was one of the Brussels. em I no th, -An�ong thoae from bble county who won Zurich, last week.-Mias Lute Moir was in pion ers of Huron 'bounty, and for may of about six hundred gathered at the works party Interesti, who cond' The Dominion Redistribution bil)[ has EpwonTjr LRAMIE C0NvzNTTo-iq.- The is wrong, pri2es 0 the Weatern,Yair, were Geor Goderich on Weenesday Net, atterdin tl seventh annual convention of the 1,pworth and demanded admis' although perpetrated bee finally passed by the- Commons a d ban -ge So V,)0 ye4raholdthe o0iceof treasurer of Hay sion to '%6 business by the leaders of wedding of Mien Gibson to Mr. Jam I I - Dale plecond for yearling filly ; Ephriam township. He wAs th man widely known Leagues of Wingharn d-istrict, will be held in OIRces of the co the -party vFW.i3h beea sent to the Senate for ratificati4, It Butt' son, of that town. -T. L. Bone and wife, of mpany. They were resisted they re�resent, or who Orst for yearlin agricultural fillyj and respe 3ted. the Methodist church, Btusselg, on Friday-, by.the Pali' Ge, who were in charge �of the wouldsuppose th%tt-his condemnation in- I.@ got likely, it will be interfered with l�here. second for broad mare, In th Daneville, Illinois, and Mrs, F. Garden, of - Tim $11ow.-The aunual'fall fair, under October 9th, There will be threegessio, 9, dioated-an -intended depar'ture from party The two counties that were and a COMPsinift property., and a collision ensued econd for Polled A�gua bule Same all%$", Det' I hing Mr morning, after,aoon and a principall 1. Mr. Alex. roit, were here recently, v ei the ailw1com of the Hay Agricultural So- venlng� Yor ofinah Innes won first oill brood mare, Canadian and M rs. James M t e la -9b ciety, 141d here on W ay and Thute. ;110ion, a good and antet,iining programme alIggiance or a desertion of prinaiplei forlt Jected to by the Conservatives were ater' draft, and thi' 'a ore. - between the mobi and the polleel Two -m' mentioned being a sisteir ecirtf rs. cdneid rd an ree-year-old filly,' day of loot week, was, as umal, a succeas, were merly upheld, It will loo and Hastings. has been arranged..' A number of the protni. ty were -un%ble be a mighty d But, before the bil. was while Mr. John 1 Avery on second on two. Ma a w th Miss espite the fact that, the weather was not an nent church workers, in the distriot, will te shot and the force on dd ba Mr Dd'Mrm. John Rabkirk, finally passed, the Goveriment, and Master Amold Habkirk, re visit - to control the mob and,the military bad to day1or the country and an cqaally gotd very wisely, year-old filly, 0snadian drafti. 4 prel favorable as could be desired. The first, day lent and give addesses, The convention Ing -Mro-Habitirk'a sister 0, and throughout prornise8 to be a mosibintereeting on ; In Chic g J* called Out. The raiders oo day for the practical and' dishonest pqli met the views of the Oppositf A pretty wedding wise that at the resi- was nor, so bal, but Thureday was raw aiid In m pletely shat. and a' eLd- tician whe� such a dootorl' e generally ed the bill so as to leave W_ e4 celebration, now cold, -and it was nnything and Instructive pro. ad being held in that I - , aterloo di field, at 5 p.m., on Wednesday of last week, . ofty.-Mrs,'lKenuoth but comfortable one, ard will no tered the windows and ev6rYt iag break deac 3( Jacob Qrozier, �bh concession, Ash. enjoying the Centennial vid doubt bo Utquharlb, of 0hatham, was here last week, -9e vy (iVern able, in the business office as I was under the old law a standlug arc-und on the show ground, and a well atte'uded. X which W1, vails. nd they 'made the con4racting parties being Miss Mandell visiLing her brother-in-law, Mr. D' oat and thfak wraps were almost NOTC.S.-J, Milhamen, Grand Trunk sta- as'One f Ugo so even the Opposition: could! not second da'ughter:of Mr. Ortzler, I Uqu- in otwithatanding this draw- T11or, a b here, was u isp.6naible, N alte.4-In iharriage, on par, a A oa of regulars were 'ale which were proposed by the Go b try. A for f their, political friends for fear honest nor, of i�indsor. There wbre no at.' 1 is new a k,'however, there was a large crowd dut, ues g e of this week 6 Miss Daley, a, the, finest- and beat apportioned in the co Those who condone Wreng doiDg- -on the Hal ti and Richard: barb,�-Mr. Thomas Walsh has had 4 *,-4 un- find.an fault with it. By theie chingea, MIN d o, sent vernment, dwelling, at the west end of our village, gate receipts were quitWaati ge, lady. After a ab rt wedding criticism and condemnation may 11 inj.ure these counties will be enabled to 'no y took place from Toronto, and it ig now supposed there ad two tautily painted. -Quite a large Trow 0Y tendants, and 'the 'coremon an the brid $factory. rvative representatives each to W, on Lbe whole, was very good. will 'tak-e up onse Par - re t our villagers attended the fu eral Of the late Th i iboalt, noticeable displays in the hall their residence on Princess Ptreeit. Long under is pretty a��ch of �owers and trailing nifimbtr Of Th sho tour, Mr. and Mrs. Milhausen the party a he worst 4neniee the party vines, R J. W noon to n is 811ffiolevt millbary 'force in the- OD ev, liament, instead of two Refor Robi of Dungannon, m memberin, being the Officiating min�'ster. ers.� . thooe of fruit a d roots and the ladies' 0 00glPanY's property from the and the country can have. To do on is both am would' moat likely be th� case under the londay. Jife and ha,ppicens is the 'wifli of a, large Mr. Michael Zellar, ol Zurich, on -A serious aooident apporied at -Mr. James Beveriley ha (.1irole of friends, afternoon last. 11 angry workmen and to proservef. dishonorable and cowardl and the nown. inal,division. By their James de0a; Cment. While in the fielil t -Sinc r hero was, o the burglary at action, there' Dow's 11 - Wawanosb, on Thusday 1�et. order gen- Y rented his store to a gentleman, ual at Zurich, an. excellent show of Alex. Straoban's store on Wednesday night Ave actually d6pr'v- A you) man no ed David Chamnev. of the fo store here, - erally. Many of the men, as they came to paper that will go degrade its noble miss fore MaryF!, who will open a muo in St. as lis ion ed themselves of four supporters :in Par- heroes, both as regards quality and number, of last week, exeitenlefut has boon running town, were engaged by other companies to -either !be coafl don' M is not deservirig of �e or lianiont. Better proof than thi ninth oo aession� went o�er to Mr. Dowle to r, F. Reese has sufficiently recovered from while tb%) cattle were well up to the perfee. at fever heat and almost evervibody it; tee. a, of the At work at 1: mberl- aee wb his recent, illness to resume hi duties Eke pre - ug, rilroading and other Eupport of the public. e he aoul securo the machine thab lag or spirit of justice by which they have bee tied mark. i4 IR sentor Bit Carmel Preabyte Everything passed'bff vat' hearlug burelaks, On Tuesday morn n Isfas' quell work, but th3 rank. was thr hing there that -,day. Whit Han churob.- torily, awl all seemed 0eased that of this week. H. L -Jackaou disonvered' I8 of the workmen in act IL:Lted throughout, could not be given. e there they bad ing 1b ill true that the Conservative metriberm he saw t at the strawoutter of the machin" Master Melville Stoneman, of Sbratf(')rd, re- come out,.and, despite the cold, most ap- just outside Vic back floor of bis jewelry own e. aently of Mitchell, Wae Clio ad up, and endeavored to relieve -Mr. have been kept well supplied by new D�ominion P rhainent. t W oume still continued to paiir(d"Lo Pnjoy. themselves. The is here oil Ek Vill' shop, an old coat caubaining a file, razar, complain, but it. David Wren preached with much aceepb. pf 'Unfortunately n f his hands came in pair of qer, a pipe a accessions aonr"nu&IIY coming in from the The present session t�ia Dominion Par- their. "Complaints are weak and groundlees. last, in a London West DRATIC OF A�IONREP_ -Many of o1jr read. ud a bottlq of whi3. of I country. It is expected that most and it is' easily contact 0ith tlis�knivoes, shd wan hacked to ere will v*ngret to learn of the death key, togethor wili a large slvdge an a observable thati they are oliuroh.-Mrs. McDonald, of St. CAtheri of Mr. Of liament isdrawing to a' close. All th pieces. The ph, inifian found it necessary to crowbar, The discovery cauised r -in not t 0 he injbred hand. ter, talk around town isnd whil .thie workmen wi4l obtain EmPlOYment else- e Im baiug made fo'effect. It -on much t Michael 74iller, ibne of the oldest and most (mite Portant measures -of the session have amputate t who wan here visiting liar daugh where before Idng, and- i'� arrangem barn sayr hat the present Redistribution bill i3 I�Irs- high) vreopect-eq reeidents of this district. e looking very outs disposed of, and it- is. likely that next week thei aireat find least objectionable -The death o� Mifie M. E. Howard, third Rob, rb McArthur, ­has returned boine.- Mr. Zell%r paustid- peacefully away � his luln1clous, a great many seeyn to thiuk it a could be made to pay the men tile wag' hap h t%e daughter of Jatnes N. 4oward, E We rc-gret to have to record the death of joL-Z,, perpstrated by Rome of the boys evei been adopted in this country, o6od no of xeter,' residence, hvre,.on Friday last, having com- due them ttiere would s000, be 08, will witness the w.inding-up proceedings, Mrm, John Vollick, of Dixie, towns,hip of . to n I �njn a last week, help on the scare. -F, H h�ernbers wi4 be Allihougli he o danger 9 Ing and UliefUlL life GlIr y, teller in and that mrson has just cause or provocation to com- occurred on Tueeday mo f Hay. Vie dooeaf-ed was of a quipt, retir ng pleted 14 lo 0 13Y Th permitted to par- plain of it. on. The deceased y failing for eeveral cloac, call n Ua further disturbances under very sad circumstac i had been pAreeptibl the Metrnpolitan Batik, bad a 0 heaviest take of their Thanksgiving had been visiting with Wer sister, in Galt nature and waii posocBsed of many excellent Tuv�day evening of Ainners at their moritba, h did no� Boom to suffer train any ell. He was will Nit on those who. have faLMilieg when sho, w 8 ta en down with some in qualities and had been.in failing' health for this WC homes. Among the Si Mackenzie Bowell is terna partieular disease, but gave way to a graid� cleanivg a, r vover in- Mrs. Fletchees jew. and more important mea8- reported to- have & some time. The remains were intorrad in 40 trouble. She was iemo�ed to the hospital eiry store, and pulled the trigger thinking es 0 tho M the'statement in the Senate the ophcr and an examination' revealed the fact that the ebarnber empty, when to his nurpriso a property in the town, and wbo, on this ur of the session may be menti med ual wearing out of the physical flystem, and �ti� account., can not get e,' the Fimsville aem,)tery and weIre follovve(l to wa, so readily. he was only confined to his bed for a fpw ly Ib Reflistribution.billi; thelbi and a similar statement has been rna6 she wa�o siffering from a- the grave by thA neighbora an4 frie'odo of will alfro be disastriou I J fz!� Or fa� merchants and 11 amending the e tumor An oper- dayn pretlous to his death, Ile wam eartridge exploded. On examinatili it VVS68 ation wan deerned necoahary and was per -tie dceewie� . The bereaved husband and years of a L ge Railway Act and establis�ing an by iveral Ceinservative papers, to bhe eff fob He was a native of Bavaria, thnnigh the other business men, as" if t.,ho worku independ found-Ahe ball had gone fleshy do not ent -Rai formed, but sh never ralli famil have the sympathy of �he coinman- e Germ yfao me to Canada in 1836, get- below the knee. A V. if the duties bad been Woreased on effects. The decoaaed wait 23 years of age, *ices ;wi§ be tling firm� operations tile, town wil be largely IWSY.Commismiow; ihe bill incorpor iron ed from th ity, -Hiiiirvept thanksgiving set an (I c part of his left tog, illab I hPld in 9�. Paul's church hern,'Ou 8�bbath, been a reqident of Zurit], and vicinity fol, and7 f, el instead of a bonus mying been The remains were brought to Exeter fo n d Trunk �Pacific R�ilwa 4 e mti g the (;ran in Waterloo county. He had physician was called ani the wound band- otepopulated. A tow r in- n lot in the 800 is not aged uT, and it is. hopod no serious - Company, and the bill authorizing th�le con uld terment. Rev, C. R, Gunii, M. A., will prAfliol) at 11 in, very valuabl� 'AsSeb M the pres g1viin, the Soo works w.o not h�ave been over lislt P.. century, and came hert, when ilie results will follow. Mr, Gilroy is a4la, a. m. and seven p. m. -Mr: D. Urtilthart is ent tit" e- struction of a briing-contineilf.al raiiwa�, run, This is she'ar no: -The funpral of the late Mrs. Alary A- country Amuod was, practically, a wilder. neenae, - Although fn atte�d to him dutbeR at 0,) bank. - Bat,, there is little doubb, tilat those who ning from- Moncton, in the Lidd icotti- relict c f the 14te Wm. Liddicott* inaking large shipments of oatmefil.-Our -_province of New bolffities are objectionable and should not buginese men report trade ness. Ha,was an energetic business man, While Will Laatherilale was pqllffig,up the can afford to wait. will come aia all right"or Brunawick,�to the Pacifi took plavefrom tliq Exe"r stationonFri- as good for the c coast, in 911 be relsorted to except, in very elcepbional day, Septembfir 18th, to the Exeter oeme- seamon. of the year. -Mrs. Harri BrW and di(I hi� full share towards aiding in (Ifi. awning in,frout of the farnituie. store, on arly so, as, a ial Coltimbia. 0 and veloping this 0 Tuesday, one of the p�ljeya c' t not at all probable that ountry and making it wbat.ib am(i out find -ith t4e The 8'386ion is notab they aya not nearly so Had as a ter'' - Mrs. Lideicottdied on Wednesday, daught6r and Mies Strathie, of Glasgow, is to -day. len the division court wag roe w 8 cotland, have been visiting their qousin, I ystem we September lftb, at the orne of her aor, E formed hiare in -1875, he was appointed natural advantages ab the Soo lengtb, as well as for the iff'Portwe and far know what giving ; by th h clerk, an4 c0'htiDued to occupy tilis position trialsbeld it) the town ball here, on Man - burdensome tariff. for Its extrem"' By Y. Wl struck the I&rge plate glass with Buth f the valuable properties established there -reaching i we are o pther the L. Liddicobt, of Lond East, where" Mr D. Urquhart, find were; very� muc aff to break,it.-There were two magistraule nfluence of the measures passed. the e ervice was co all bounties nor duties wouid have the remaini; wege 5aken the G.T.R W years ago when, on acco will be allovvve(l to, lie 1011g, idle or go It i4 the longes cost, an not be ascertained But, neither- funeral a pleas � d.with their first visit to Cana4a and day of this week. The firkt, case vvaf, a young to.de- t session iii the history of the a (I eted, after whi uritil a fe tint of with our nest and progressive village.� eay- They will be utilized b couh:try, and by the close wiA h ia��ed die t depot infirmities. he resigned to be suc- ave extendfd an suing hi employer, A. Tannan of the Y some person ove� a period Soo enterprises; An amsistidlnoe that a and brought to Exeterfor interment. Mrs. .3rd concession of Grey, for wages.. After of about eighe y ceeded by �his son, Mr. hd, Zeller, He was 90 soon they can be made availa months. There Govirnment uould,give' in either way would Lid3icott former I lived In -the township of ble. If seems to be a well gronnd�d feeling in the 1uppen. also one ofthe oldest Jabdoes of the Peace several witnesses had b on I-eard, the case e reckless extrava Vaborne,with ex husband, who predeceas- was dismissed. The next wasa charge laid 'Ibere is tong and expansive litiga-tiioTi, tl1ey public mind that this will be the last giaegion not cveroome tp gance and D, Hiiv, Commissioner and Conveyancer. in the comity, and for a great many years e of the present Parliameutgr mianianagementwhiob,ib isnow made to ed her by nearly twenty years. Death was winfl, moft'ga'geo sad deeds drawn up.! Money loaned he did a -large conveyancing business, and in's be silent for a long. tinie, bat 10therwise by John R' Miller, license inspector, agalgab y term, and that appear, revailed -at the Sqo. Even the duetoold age,�sho having livedoverthe at the lo �est rates of interest. Peter McGrath, they sbGu'd be ubder before another session there '�vill bean was the chief advisor of the people for miles of Beechwo3d, for asking w kv agai4,by nexti Peal to oticoeam , the Soo enterprises could - be allotted three-soo years and ten. NOTES. -Mr, Robert Murray and daugh- Wm. Blasbill, Walton, for liquor during the people J aroundi He was strictly upriglit and hon - alt 0�gh­ there bought t too dear a price, 0 pro are yet two years t' he present sources of Canada bad been !p1aced ab the Wedresday of last week, at the guilty, and was fined $2 and c and if the re. -A pretty wediding took place at ter. Miss Jennie, of Gorrie, sire he le o hibited hours. The accused pleaded n 6f "oon, a a orable in aill his dealings with his fellow term. a Hon. J. I. Tarte sill cont[aue There is no doubt Iui t i' InfluenCO di9po3&I of tile refi visit to their many old friends. Tbey are men. and enjoyed in a very high dugree the �sto in an omoter of these enterpria,es dance of Mrs. Alex, Monteith, Clintor,when on their about SIO.-Jobn Duncan came horne this 110dreising of the members will be a inet a dismolution, way home from 1hager, whim they confidence 'of the people. If Michael Zeller Fie Mary klonteith, wcra vis ting Mr. Murray's daught-ir.-Mre. said so Andl� eo ib was all right ther week from Guelph, where he has been em- u 0 wo aessionolfn. the works would not have be in ii �h ne' became the hride of Mr. a were Conservative meotinga ir, the Provint- h 9,r of s it will cut them out 'f 6 would have nkrupted the trea6ury and her youngeet daugh ter, NE, Quebec. He addreEsod a large, meet�pg a played for the past year and a half. He `Z3 000 a M c demnity, arnounbing to $3,000, Arer T. Lookie, mail H. Sba r, who has be and thig is en In the �obpjtal in no furtherquostiom He, therefore -3 asked. succe3s than they are 'The ceremoDy was Clinton, for Borne weeks, undergoing Ually an important consideration,�'o noet of them. now. It was �not clerk on the L. 11. & B. Jqliotte on, 8sturda treat. wielded a livide influence, but of which h' leaves ehortly for Vernon, British Columbia Re doei rot -us bigher,duties' that was required to m a But their ob ake,the performed in the presou e cf only the im- ment, has so farorecovered as to if�otionp will not weigh Thlich be Bible to never'took'undug advantage. He was of a where.he bae socured a good situation, vary fses a SUCC01111, ch., Dud eon -fiats hil),,,l with the Government if i Soa eaterpir, but more ecqno- mediate relatives of the c(,�mtraating parties. go to thO houle of her daughter.' kind and i0ciable nature,and won and main- John Donaldson left on Tuesday for Mani. self n7uinly to the trade avil Lranaports,tior, ne - Miss Sara Monteith, eis o� the br de, waa of Seaforth, where tobs, on a six weeks' bneiness and pleasure ave an fer t is' considered mical and rational management in tb air in' Mrs. Dick, censary to h -Alention. There are ception find catrying out. bridesmaid, while Mr. she Will visit, for a few tained friet(le, He.will be much missed in trip.-DAvid Moore ban gone - Wi qdeetiova,, and his rea�ron for re two meaeures pRed which would render an Le kie was asoieted daye.-Mr. and Mrs. R. MeMordieo, and the commuloity where he hadao long lived tirilav from 11 to innipeg, through bhe ordeal by lis or. The Miss Annie and Mr. and Mrs.� Alex, Moll. ppeal to the people excusable, Ther first is bro, wherehebas fiecured a situation in adzy aml in whi6h he was an much and so desel-v. the: Cabinet. On Sattirday, however, lie the Redistribution bill, which materially happy eonple left 01.1 the afternoo train for teith were in Clinton last wee�, at nding adly repo6ted. -Oliver Qaerrio arrived home, . k -A. well -k of Stephen a honeymoon nown resident He was a moPt enthusiatic goode Ptore, vaded this same%luat bvy mak- a hitter at. , trip to eaEtern cities, after theweddi gof Mies Mar Monteith I The Liberal in tolit, on Wodnesd changes the repripsentation of the various township departed this life on Tuesday of y too, and alwaYs took a deep - wy his trip to the old Misses Riel3ker, of the village, are vieit- ing pertainjug to the Pub. from e fton. He said it wa lost- week, In,the pereon-of John Sch don. John Bowden'e, CenLrMia.-Mn and Mrs. lic ffairs of the country. tack on Hoa.. Mr. 8i Provinces. The 'second is the Tranicon wh ch they will take up their ab�de in Lon Fo country4�-D. M. Scobb, of Hamilton, was rooder �g at in tereat in �verybhi tinenEal railway bill. It i'only reasonable Tho d3o' been suffering for m�ny Y last, Gelor Borland, of R, Clegg weru in London, this week, attend. i 6he cause of his leaving ased had His aged partner Mr. !�ffton who vvaa a town for a few days this week. 90 3urvives him, and be leaves a family of two montl 6 from 'cancer of the atomacb, and, Asbfield, was charged, b fore John K8rnf� ing th� funeral of that the Government should desire the ap On-.Monda t the Cabinet and see-ued him of beigg in Praval 6f the electorate before launching on a brother-in-law, a Mr. sonq and five daughters. His son Jacob is -The Laides'Aid are busy renovating 10agus with Jim Hill, the American the immense expenditure which this scheme houg i at bimes he showed signi of improve- gban and WM . Lane J.P.'s' of Coderich McCormack. -Many in this neighborhood in Wisconsin, and the other is the editor the First Presbyterian churab, St. WArva. ment n his condition, about two weeke 6go with stealing a horike -Agar, of the are now d1ling up their s los, An a gdneral and nroprlotor of the Zurich Herald. Mrs. They are having tbo interior Paint railway, magnate, and said that his will necessitate. he -wa 3 compelled to take to his bed and, same township. ..-The caae oeems to be the thing, the oorn crop has been a good ad and a one.- (Dr.) Buchanan ia one of the d%ughters, now carpet laid down. 10 C BEY, To Sue, Wily, lgof dayfi 113 f eafor7' fit'spexit8unday. T-OMUW, after I;V�SU =to In the Vi I , - �go ali, 101me I 0 V" be offered"hU11 L ured tothe PIPW jisthadist, JainesChrietie, Va as a book. ko-per i at ng friends in Mitch _]Kr. Veorge Ayt fra L in - Neloon..`, tly the ii Xw, Alfred P. Aye" 'I hospitsl tbefe. Age -and unmi 'rearp of had been in -or, ikud ten. Years. Public- WA i ishers of The F nopnbl f,L�icf Montreal Wokly Star AVWdjn1g an offerl made I hame t .010-whst similar i.s offered in a Ablubbiol 1g,teporte.d to the publieb the offer bas beeni w A lei wwas The V� that would. I In quoistion has ny) 'The Family He it is the Family 11, ;t to offering the )if and large eclored. an pramium& Th�e - - - - - - - - - ...... vh=� AddrA asurionahould have i a ou tl;#ir Ruard MARK] -J tusbal - - - - - - ton'(61d) ........... 1111M new� per, us (new). - )per baml- cord (long).. lb.- ---------- Dairy Warl, j6tO.XTREAL, September -W -seleaw, IS to 190 1 1%,a - townships, 1 l'i7l to J Jo i1jr. "Butter-Townshi .and Quebec, 20;o westert leA better inquiry for croa I V1, -tU -Other idde., and to -4143 y tine aii A%btl S' r feeling. D *d atd traile for Sri but 0 Vreamery i,prints, 20a $- soli jeheiee dair Paud Tolls 1Z aboice dairy tube, 14,_� to niedium Wry. 12 to 14 ziarket continues firm in itc ad unchaard at i2c per P -4md 1940 -lot twins. B g ig contlattea.good. The mut. 104e.) Vad is unchanged at. P'OW4,ry, T09ONT0, September --Y,, ' free, but are well ital qut 1 0138 a._M -�W p6and ; fowle at 6 to at 10a per pou, �Pota-to6s. S9tember 09-1 lVdieupplies for the time all 4outions for out of store *pr bag higher, t6t"65 to Gram, etc., 411F. ITo, I UUMN September 29 to 82a 7; re d,,81 'to 82 SIC ; oats, oldi Q,pp barley, 48 32- to 5 Ia. H, Allithy, 69 to $11 ; sbekC low straw-, -S6 to $8,SQ. L Mil 6ft: of shorts are qu�ted A uAblan. at $13 to $13, , 50 hal Ofteighte. Manivobxmi =Ii,cari of shorts, as eolrudod. Tbronto froil E[omse Marl, TIDIRONTO, September 30-4 Id at Grandgm od Tut, 1004 type of Carriage 16 hailudr, 5 vears;oid t IS at Well -am Aciarriage. -1*097-50- A very good I I Pi standing about 15.3 1 $06for tb; pair. Dtbeir *""Sold from the. prices q1 4115, A bu'jer LfrOM __q '6410 happen d to drop in 4, 01114de bi. e 0 Ugs lively in I I Dro"i Xuumheirof these, pold from Iff arland Smij ftud f h Or � ornes of thiA �4411 'Good to ordinarli Wto.8,5()upta-6111). )Livestockr Mar y1gland, Septe dy at I to 121,0 4 --stpers, &4, J*.* 10 d to 111c per p Per pound. S h 0 Wi600TIJ, Septembar q9'� 44111% to W 4 "REAL September *4b&ttle rharke t to -day tbel., hLI -110 all lines and clearan� . 064 -were ab b -the samme %thequalirty0iof tb4 offe. Ojos cattle sold at :1, �! to 4- a at 3140 4e--; ni, Tilt Teig T n `B " and CornInCT) AtOCk Sheelp s')ld _"t 0 t."'D Was a go( I L -I . Ambo selli- Id I emand fv 09 at 3 to '4c per At a Per Pound wo Aiftrd Calves brong-lit from $.k.- 2 Ingto, quality. -17YZA-Lo'l -�&Ptember UtIvel aticad�! to otroni'L lower s�r) '35 it to butchera? a; ellers V L14 ' bu $3 50 to �L_A - Y - list $2.5,0 to A11141111" S4 43 to $4 61 to01C - fresh 30,8 and sprin� J iDod to 111ra 'to 90011 - $35 to $43 Ve 25 a14—Rfteipta v . ; lightabout i "ke 50 Tnixed, I Son t', $6 60 ; OW '54.75 airit-a aua ffrmsars, And a ba —43tead Y- 1; 4.25 to $3 85 ; Wethers W4 21 �0 to 8�1 ; , canada e_Pteinber30_(; laudB Of exporters P0reWt;rgdiUm,, $4-60, Export