The Huron Expositor, 1903-08-07, Page 4I�THE fTITRON 4 EX 0SYN X�R AUGUST 7: 1903 A _G1 won = "MUNN weft stood for one moment that he Is. goverr A tained, it is ivdioated by the. returns t st fore �fs desift had beep working or the the A PerieAD-40tol, *6 bas been very low SEAFORTH'S LEADING SHOE ST' ORE. �T 19 6 3' pri ,,y sent A TJ G by iment of hatred to -the Pr6viAce there was from 5 to. 10, or, oentl. less I nd Glod4rioh Engine Works. Mr. oung was with I iihoull fe er, has. Iftiffioiently re(over- I -of Ontario, is#' not only to do injustice to sown to wheat than Is teen years ago to Dintih ed to Do around.—Miss M. Gibson is spend- year. The wh at married about 8iRb bq -somet hin as in total v London friends.—Was tke main, butto talk.'in a most uppractioal crop will olue Bell, a &istenof A Bell, Goderiah, and tn ing hf r holiday - with of Agi 9 a X� 2 J�W I T IF 8 than last year oats an barley will be up" had neveral children, two of whom a rvive. Ella, Ballanty 8. of Hennall, in vitIDIng r. Young *as Do'llar Shoes on Saturda .— — ___ — — — - 1. troubled wil;�h his heart and friend a.—Miso Nellie Ross, of Wingham, is to or slightly- obove,tho average and the f ax M y d thO Yfol I 7y'The D0=13nion Parliament. .crop has fallen off mlste�rildly. duriug the Ia6t few weeks be(ore his ds th visiti ig frjejids around here.—Qmite a num- Is put at 31 -Tbe -a 7 8 Since Sir Wilfrid Litirier. delivered hilli Some of became subfuct. to pftioffical weak spel m. her o our young people drove 0 Bay6eld We are lanning for another big day�al buiiness on Saturday, Ir 2 3 4 and -vvith tha bbe.Cj6serv�t vepapers are d ng He was forty-nine years old. The body Fride y evening, and report ol, grand time.— I ana the vi,e] 9 t 10 11 12 13 14 15 speech in the Hu3e, on Thu reday.. last., ori a lot of eque4ling abtl sking up was taken to. Galt for interment. Whil) gebting,6ub ice the other day, Mr. T. end in,view we intond giving You n opportunity of buying shoes regular1l', In the eaRe 1 6 17 8, -000 b "Ili the proceed. 0 new f 11 wheat this yf ar was Jonsi, of the Americtin hotel, le,� a piece fall _Over 1,00, 20 21 22 the Grand Tiunk PAcific bi —The firs' .4 old for $1,50 a pair, for the small sum of One Dollar a pair _a bV I 1 9 ieklistrbubio - bill is li'kel3 to - on Is foot, :a , all 23 1 21 -15 1 28. 27 28 29 mitch the I delivered at the Wingharn flour mills on hi a result, he has not been saving.for in the case Of ings have been of a comprrativedy Itame as. give that par in Ontir o, They say t 10 you of 50e a pair. Here are the particulars oW bushelp, ture. $ime of the tTuesday of last week, by Mr. Harry Boo- able to mov a, und in him 'umal way.— members hav'e taken ad-, it will reduo the- Conservative ' vote by man,"�( the Bluevalo ro%d. TheL wheat was Mrs. Wilson, of the Dixon h:)use, has been itDba, vantage of the introduotion of this meas 4andid sample, and tested 62 pou,ndo to indis omed,the1ast few days.—The Lhower In Mau ure. twenty and it oremse th 'Uberal vote lix, a R1 NEW ADVERTISEXE nday night has setted th 18 pairs Ladies' Oxford Tie Shoes and Strap SllipperF, this seas 8 styles, ome o will 1 to sic their views oki Government owner- on the basis the bushel, of M du8t, to it oni o'the vote at the last Domin. n on rebetween the pn6 hip and of h qr theories. Altlioug�h Phe Op, Ion election. If this is e case, it will be —Mr. 0. 0. Partello. former res�dent of is sot iethig lihe living now, Lia the heat and patent toe caps,, some kid toe caps, all turn, soleF, size- to 7, regulsr Air Th nibee alter each s on i he mixb�j er on ht Clin�on, died from the effects of vaccination, dust wvf re almost unbearable, —M re. Waugh, $1,50 a pair, 'On sale Saturday. for $1.00 a p i.r.. ve; denotes. the page of the pap oh $be ihere an rather hard 4 the pax Gy. Bat if it values $1.40 and I an cri ic�jing ppaiti6n have be Avarditem-3atwUl be lodud just and proper rqctisl ributioti',1they shc uld in Detroib. 149t week. He y"vas a sister of of Gi elph, and Mrs. Emigh, of Blytb, were -a mild way, and . ha4e giVpn notice --rican hotel last week. GetRich quick—Greur a StdTart--i there in nqt complain �Ioven' I W I c Mrs. A. H. Oardiner, of Clinton, a#d was gueht�s at the Amf rtwrighp and I at t Flummer Goodt-McKrhnon & Co -6 of a couple of, unimporbant amendments go mu:ch rega�ding oth r consthuencleis, 1but married laol:l �Marcb, to a Miss C. A. Oakes, 115 pairs Ken's Laced BootF, Doston, calf, *ith toe caps 'and riveded soles, zizeg 041run over te Dollar Shm—,R. Willis & 8on-4 they have as yet -not declared them peak to 116ron a d Perth, kd of the same1own. solves on we can o Blyth. 6 to 10, regular value $1.50 a pair, on gale Saturday for $1.00 a pair. 'a, wedo say moA unhesitladrigly that amore ' —OaFriday evening of last week, the Farm!rb. Reuf�A —5 q $u DnN DETIJ.—The citizens of Blyth lex. MoDanald this matter, and even X' Bo�don, the C)p- last of the sho to for the Goderioh Guu Club ly run 15 bu; Farm For Sale ---:Robert Corliale-5 juit or equittble divisi6a con not be made 0 very much surprsed on Thursday were Jgdlovan Da the f Farm Fovlgal.�—Ftetcher Roe -5 positin leader, hiss refdsed to speak of the mud if the othpr countilos in th PLOvince afe trophytook' lace on the club's grout d3 near Msny other lines of Summer Footwear at cut prices thiz month, 0 make ivoin For We Or R�nt—Robert Cainpbefl-L6 mat6r at, all. The nature �ot the. Govern- divided e e morn Ing. y heard that Mr. I �6d as was quitably ' peraoa has a right Bingham's, in presence of a -large nu nber of for now Fall purchases. XM—G. K. King ­8 0 V�h&t any James Hill, who bag conCuoted a plan- be canadiv TO Rent—Henry Horton --4, I ment's agreement seems to have, 6ken th ei to complain,no matt7rl the reou!ts people, including In guests at t4e sum- mill in.-thilil town for the past iner hotel. Mr. Dan McIvor won the tro- Ing ja&;%ndon the Farm For Sate—David Ferptson-5 ma� be polibically_- We! only wish the On. Obeap Plow wind out of their sailo,i?,nd so far they'. numbe� of years, wias found dead in his bed as --W. 061will-9 phy., N nium about L Roberts—li -_�;Fipestne 1 -tario Legisl%ture would y out the Provin(e b bi 9 miter's in town. The latter left him have not b9e4 able to recover themsehr —B,6atty Brothers, of Varna, o J, ered to v Rent�Xrjv. Wm. Ireland ­6 �1 on the same lines. so a he consti- Farm T the night before wtrking at, his books and 01.. ood zhapp, abo'i —5 me t1encies f obert Fitz)i,nmons on Tuesd , nine- Kanufacturing Cm,, Limited It.'was �'expeoted th�t the bill',' would, co or both Dominion and Provincial' Mr, R ly in his uqual health and when she oSelling Qut - Mrs. R41olph-8 n the �Sme, I would be a teen hogs, for which they received 212-55. Beerning Re WILLIS cx� SON Sea rm � p for Wto seolond readto y great y I 2c, : - buoheI4 and u, A, will!" ng yeste.rdi when purpose saw bim the noxt, mvrning he w&4 cold in The price paid per cwt,. was $5,40 a that it Oblakeps Wnted;--2_Kenna4y Rroa-8 No rx oonv, I onionge and ofou savoloonfudon, 0 the xin g is expected W follow, May @aoily be loarwd wbut the Vo deatb, The trouble b; ouppoo(d t b, or the Slater Shoe for men 'Ind the Emp me m0i ited� deba�ilh fillers 'It'is probable thiwfi 09 oppoolf1wi will bovo The 0.0j)4ory PrO$04, F47,4MmQng/1,biPP§. . di, Sole AgenU i 34ble, beenibeart; disease," Rio bo"dy wao token t orn Lum, "11120A 4tive-4 0010 ta have '&900 on Wir dooker to 1"gormoll. I list 407? ThprmdAy oftr,! , by &h0 Oomgy 1*4 OR told %P4 are making A blero noon whoro it Jay till RAWrilay when Qno of ran 16 ropAnp *opt; $ Snell rp, job @to" light"Ja . 9 Rr4d oy, spi, both in VlAy ,%b t4106 140 Will @n4g*v@y 10 M#k@ thIng; AN of him, At qost Gowdo ovor ###0 *t.% funaral. in J;e *T in 00ro Poplar 008 in Own ot 014 fWasa of Mr, I 09 I"t 4#0044 of filway .9 bam vlyi� JUS - line v@n blip *� -thfw P,*Tt* showad tha §Stm In whigh h blo f 'of t, 6 an V of tho leading �141 -and brW, 109 rirY44 mud livoly AN JP01#1 0 VMVP0, Lowor Win plitt4eg rospe4lvely of tb* gv)om the Dayp 1w I _gb*"1, A W&O 1:1414 11 06 publio, The MWANJ of sp A urgo n4mbff of ths witn4t80 J*v@ .00mrVativ" thwo Vine# wmo; promt tb@ 088 fif�j 4@6 down st@4 throwj off tho ny us Quit@ 16 flulzibor of f4alillev ftu�, .W.IxubtlA per *1111 J ho WON a rn@mbF.r, exdadodl tho vrem pfiq�mt� an4 tij1oveil 0@ oymmo thq bom 1~#J, fwd. -'Mr, F &Wk stidlifi4bo over ths hotm, Thq_oaaft, ftnel misah seoy gu@sf, A14w ih@ &r4fiopy 06 h&VQ (Jt;&,n4 %ad-, of wit- b*d* bar- J!"S 11 Ap'pollv, V601 W&OK h4s 111trox Oad *ddiesfilwd Ibo gsohoringo whil@ it 1*04r �Vofitf W@f@ j�rf -at, Bvqywy who know him @Peaks ' U. v@ry highly of him -" he W" * vely qt1lot young ma F&WIV4 tho fflf, nIUA, Aug, n, 1903 ftf*lho 16,4fi Wits re mi, 1whitfiv f fly ft, row meav, Wt, flo on@! wag ritittirait. than fill iw to poftako has bsen wofftlai; fler fit 9 KA10 his r64614116"s giving efived thelf V bush U40 tO tho Iron "4 AW M"affiattit 01ro, 400111119 1*1111 tt W011 't, bo it wig@ tbovo M9611V84 m*n paying strfa ii&Widon to bi@ i - M6 it fly hod thqy allow6d him Willis' V44yor, b(minefily of wh,66 hal hAd Made a Nuo"", of a ttaly #tJLrJVttvU I dletinef, Me, atd lz&.,/, Mr. afm &II, snil Wrt1wid I'd th# 077 and *110 pro�ldjni that ths r#dval"t fitti, dharah, 01intoof fiA# JtJ �6 fmahed tho `11 k TAylor, timid grlsst 6howtir,# of 0w.4sibfP of lt*y and i6 1 f4d, ry Tha Orind Trtink P&46ifle M41116Y hol IWO& 6blivion to Thad 9 laft to talrb hilln art! hIN b­,-utA16# paid on 4#61's food' ft'. a tu 10 W" of, hf# wiffiNtry In that, 6 rJoet 1169kif0d the 4,90 0, F1 F., train for To- Johno, 61 0 ualph is "ndlog A (sw I 16b that th brAhto slid a sister, ffe, had neVet rito I -ther p On their return with friend n Mrt. WM, It illb, A 00) Lffiemld bo olitiroh, to M u#koks thin week for r6 and 01 W;r Wilfrid t3utiir delivered his trft1h el In C&nida;1 be pbstpoped for one ad,,� 10 hid dpeOdh isme abowed hi been tntirried, a min Y aoil WeZ hol aytrlpf d on his return I they will t4ke tip their residence at the Wal- garth and children have bee' year ai pe ading tW looked to r"eah on the GovernmentIs pol� The -so resolutio][141 are Weeti, lor . , be as brizen and blatall - w of old, 'He refer. his people ogpoot to ealisbrate the event i Diumm—Mr, W. H, Campbell, who has past week at Mrs. Hoggarthlis will be made up agwith 60nil in a f ker.homestwad.l J home, jiftr Joy In oonnootion with the proposed Grand red to.the itidges and It, ie Provinall been head of the drese goods department of 'ken, of BeJetoa, w able opposition, the feeling haing prh(ty Is! 800re- worthy manner. Walton. —Mr. Ai -ho W" Trunk Pao' tary i4 anytMog but 'parfiamentary langn- a lar�e store at Lindsay for the past year' Southern Mau Messm Cook Brothers' firs� miller, was ilffe R3ilvvay, on Thursday after- general that theme'. manufacturers have -_ been —Frank Stret ton,of Brusselm,in hoine from and a half, i4 at present home for a rest be- Columban. ; - I age, inact, If we are to judue by the re- the "Boo" whither be w I the village last w4sek, renewing acqual bout I bwohelim soon last. In another column wili be found ent owing to the fore leaving for Winnipeg,'where he has lit- Goqin-i porta of his rpe6ch, he was- ihe only virtu. looks for Iiighvr pretty liberally dealt with by the to his brother. Ile reports Our grea% leaderr for ladiet. Splendid ances.—Mrs, Britton and ch�ldren, of- IOU04 sy-nopsis,of his speach togethe'; with an, flierit, senous accident him and hat 'it is nearly tiuie, that one. one, mud ill oppose4 0 him were his i_ the pationb �making favor mora responsible position awaiting Ed-: faced boots all sires, always in otock at 02 a pair. are vielft; Mr. an John Soc bb,_ - able pooArema &I- Dr, outlive of the. agreement entered �into be. they garda'and liars, is a very obliging malemcnan. and 4 here is no Saimples in North Window and lots more'linside. W, ULM Inub bat that he the front.— H. Will(s, Dole agent for George A. Slater haei; for ondn, was'lin the AH t ding, on their own, legs. t4ough he h4a no recollection of 'the %coi- acarthur,of L' W'P" 61 doub Will PUE-NtO Pe tween the Government and the railtay com. As the dc;to on the Gra'nd Trunk Pciflo Some ddnb. A piece of the skull that was broken eii and Dorothy Dodd ab000 for ladlio, Seaiortb. last week, vishing his brotfier,_Mi,,,- —M-'- r of the Consefivabive papers in the Mr. and Mrs. BArtlett and their d)ughter, i W Kate pany The Premier was in his bi3O form bill is expected to be a protracted one, pe r,ru- w4s removed' of Dotroh, are at present visiting -friends 1800-1 Petty in visiting friends rvassed th6 eximni county h�vo been kioldpg about the di- Pmrcmwfias.—Last Tuesday moining the Frlid G. Bonthron, of and for three h -)urs he spoke most e4quent - gcat i -Mr. E. -P-. Bploher, who has been choir, and I elatives in town*.—Mrs. Proctor, who '.'Jhi0ag'o,.ham been in 0 the past weelk, vititing ionimnotlluok(id' foruntd the and of visi n of Huron, as not out in the redflitri- leader of the Viotoria, street MethoAllab has teen visiting friends in Ripley for the marriage of Mr. �ameo O'Connor and Mad. te village for ly and-foroibly to a crowded house, aml the I - his _,Mr. 'and MTA September or'beginaing of November... The 'bution bi, �huroh, God 'rich, for someyears, was the Amel Mary Butler Ya4er was solemnized parents.—Mr. � Robert Dalrimple hm pr. I - - - . 11,'when in !v�ality th6y owe -6 pabt wo weeks, returned ho-ne Saturday.— have bemopeudi frequent bursts of applaueo' which greeted in Lev, Albert MqKaon. This makes abased another lot from gria, Gilohrist embers vIM certainly asru theirextrainm othtr evening presented with a well filled here by P debt of grstitude-to th 1LlbtrIs­6r Mr. Croo. Higginbotham, who has been In Ur. P nd im-M Jol his, remarks, seemed to indicate that'lie bAd giving parse by the 7congregaition, who greatly ap. I the seventh wedding in �L Columban vince which will give him more premieen in the demnity this year. h. Nort iorn Michigan for the past six months ' , _141r. 8 them even a' flgbting 6hance. Their own pre"ciate the mervican oft ir leader. i Februa�y lut.—Tbe following are a few of village,—A-n adjourned special meeti�ng a large majority of the members in sympat by returned to town last week aul is engagei bas purvbmeda I I the boa 0 comers; that detrained here during Presbytery.was held in Prahbyterim friends at Ott" preparing a dr,A —Mr. D, F. McDonslid, of Wingbam, has wibb Mr. John Betinett, —There was a very ffarr, of Iditch 'th hi Compulsory had lek Goderich towrigbip received an 61fdi from tb�Bonnio Briar Bush large crowd at the Methodist church loot the pse � �week: Miss E. Prendergast, Harris- church, on Tuesday fbreuoox� last, the main -vn IM. Voting. of the coupty, -gri ly tolib" to a burg, P i James She& and A Cronyn, Tor- busiaees being to receive I the demsionf —Iffq made a strong ppeal to the patriot- Duriag the prooeint Kession of th;� e Dor : rin- out of their, calculations i altogeoher, What CO., of Now York, to-triavel with !them dar- und my evfning to bear Rev, Mr, Floody, of.; WA -ism'and CtnAdi&Di8m of the people, and i &Vorioui place for Li� ral'osudidate. Hu- ing the coming season oni act am piper for Boitan, son of our towusmav, Mr. Charles 1 onto; i Irs- Hargraves and iss Foy, Seal- Rev. J. S. Hend"coomi, of t4is village, Ire- -have been tnpg,-. on.Parliamcn� a special committei wag ap. lompany;, t a good salary, forth ; dime Kathleen GiJmurrav, oobovrg; gardfiag the c0l he had recolVed fr;W $6.1 I I ron would �e if wwc logiola�te oat Gode- this ( 1. - The euff6ge- Floody, preach, and they certainly were ships in Romeo 61 seemed to touch a responsive cord when he pointed to , consider and devfse meapures rich townsUfp. Ho the To y sttil- ment would itie Mr. M6Donald &way from' Misses Croty and Minnie -Prendergast Andrew's churob, Westmiqster. Rev. C." tit what, is uni &-ratford. W fleen well -pleased, as he preached a splendid ser-, North Parkdale; Mrs. Grav, Stratford; frs' Fletcher, of the Thames Roado, a�ppealed to them to carry o that will tend to lessen cor',upt pra rds-df tb' t bidwric I y Tory stronghold hor4 from lilt,' C.September to lot lot May mt. occupied the .oticm at W* n, full of everyday facts and lasso -no. -- A --The gatAeu I -ld hav# turned ha he Liberals tAken. ual occurrence happoned that, or, :Trinity church, A doubted on made up hi's Mind as to Pxereiric-s and ly the gralatest national undertaking elections, wifh the'view of amend rig and tb l"As not yet very uOus Doyle, Brantfo'cd; Angels Crothy and Ethel.- chair, land, after devotional' in the history of the country, Sir, Wilfrid a Conserva6ve draft the counb7 as t�ey ..W1191 li'V'T' he Will accept the offrr, when the,pistor, Rev, Mr. Holme Williams, Dublin; John Wingle, Detroit; L � the reAiDg of the minuten of the last op". John Rogers lupil ening, mprovirig the present law in I hAt direct, on. wished it. —The Jackson Manufacturing Colinpauy's D. O'Connor, Lopdo-,; James Berven.Wiiii-' ial meeting, held recently filbood up be ho.(l two old Blyth boyf, one on� am I O.'tawa correo ondeut -of' tile, ipor; Jo3eph Butler, Syracuse, N. Y.; Rev. J. bapiness part of the meeting !was taken -up, said the project was a national and commer- The speefa 'a Clinton, t'hs The-prceed-i p ernploycej, of Climov, had a . golf corn @Di- each side of him who ire b th in the minis- —Mr. Wrri. Gi p 'tj -in. -on , atitirday of lact week, for four Piamonault, Clinton. —Tli,;� St. Colnmban in the courre of which Rev. clat neemity, and n -)w, that we were on the Toronto Star says 6f lbe concludonm ar. News of' t a Week. try, Rev. Wm. Irwin, wbo at one time ed- recognizing the tidal wave qfprospority, was the oppoirtinve rived at, by this comm n, In ths) ladies' compethi" Miss �4- ited the Standard, and who is now locate�i� Quadrillo 6aiid is engaa(d to play at the Henderson statd _tbaf, ittee as folti)wfi Jrowned Pat Mittli The 'd- took i fint primi, and Miss -Con- and Rev. Mr. Fjfoody.—M�. time t PATIMM BLIKr)'Fum BITE -Eli— Goderieh picnic next Wedneeday. --Tbrp-jh- rnng claims f the Wiest, t --- ------ in N iebigan, 9nd the special n ent, go vast influx of ib SUV mouient 0.1 hesitancy now, inight mean the The Comthons will recommend to-' ar (ten and. etiffling hea hich o _erW118IMad no too ing wheat is now in full blast'liare. The nefd for active, oggreesiva 11, church work Second, while in the meti's compe car piercing fhrick of John Hodeuli ehtom� that, while regretoug oeparatingwitb As staying, population ard liament, thee actment of & law W.Ovil. 109 London has brought ch a plai(le tition Mr. DJ McIntyre came let; and - Mr, visit ng the latter's mother, Mrs. Lockie. o -t a d. 4ro, Brodia, of Detroit, are at pr�s —Mle, Bridgem b&lk_ing_ of to -NOW York to- I for Compul"V'ry YOti]Dg at, e le�- of mosquitoes me. the city has never bcfo:e G the the rapid devielopment of our Dominion 115 Collve�r 4nJ with I.&so Jackson' 37A atie whi,stle maken the welkin rivg every congregaticn here, where be had lived for tions. Any qualiflid voter who fails fo expprienced.. i Tuem lay wa lappoilited, its our Civic h�lid i -on the pi gre. —The new:iron bridgj at Lowei Wingham I -ning at F,�ix, It rapidly agnead-) and-?Ie� so roany years and t-ourze at West,, klid, jadging'� from the com-, i - - -, I theri bein a Sunday Saboal excuroloqu t mo . receiv0d! much kind. Conservatoryf T maka nesof hh franchise will foritlit the I REsuLT OF KiNG's iRiT ---�According to bad been com leted. '16 wfts built, by Hun.- 9 t ma.ends the chrom-atic f5cale from midIle 0 to nerso and encouragement, he! had decided to criti i Of the right to vatq at theinexD sueceeding gen ral 'the Chronfole, ib is not impossible that the ter Broo., of incardfw3, The walk for the rained the second G above the staff, The chrom- accept the call from And -row's church, psratively , litde adverse I i aism Kin,%rdioe But in the morniag i scheme, this me6ms to be the opinion of the election.. very-h!ird, keeping every person at homq'_� co M�paniid by, I tic vvbistle does not harmonize with our -An- Wfatminster- Rev. Mr. S.��vve of' Brno& King's visit to.Ireland wi�ll rerulf, in the op- people, at ori� side of ttIe b�ldge and out of In the afternoon it,-, cleared up, but it wss� a M T13is, &�yx John Chiarlton, will fix �]Iave e0ne- to 'Porl majority, and would seern to, indicaite that pointmenD 'of Archbisho Walqb, of the the wa 1gR is gelas bell, but it frightens rat,3 and arouges field,wa8 then elected Miodeiato P rmel,�,l - y of Ooi.nger from. borses and r' 6o late then to go any place, All the mills., r, of Ca the man who sits on a rail fence an4, witty Diocese of Dublin, to tbTlshief orivy Coun- an improvemeut. Mr. F, Gu'tterid the torny-handed sors of toil from their church session, durin tb canc and the conceLous of opiniou is that the Govern- ges Of kept running all d%y.—Mr. Roy Simm, who� a Y, he five yeav for a -consideration before peaceful @I ambers. —Mies D*y, our St. C,)I- other matters of bus �89 were dealt- with. polling bia vote. oil. H'thert.? no Oath lie prel&6 hs been Seaforth, built the concrete abutments for has be atts-1 go -)d barg4in, It cer- Yo an visiting hie grandfather sib PJ -Of tfirat Henderson wil I ment.have made a urcorre�pondent asked whether his on the clouticil, but ib imigaid to have bee a this bridge, umban teacher,* is visitiDg Iriend!i at St M r I preach his aris*o tairay, looks so when set in comparison with proposal *as likely 'to�pajg into law bbis ch6rio'hed dream of ville for the past two,wookE, returned bomel, ment. one JMCrniJ3 L4,i Bea(�nfli . old to —Coi ductdr Algie has been transferred, the aer�nou on Sabbath. Xbgust 16th..xud tgo the C. P� R. agre session, M r.' lr-- have on th neil a pre ate pooseq,iDg he mud commenced last�,.wee on his now Foute. last Wednegday,—The Blth base ball tea�n[ Marys. Dn ring M iEs Gilm u rray's absence following Sabbath I lie pulpit will be de --14r- ment, �Charlton's`aniqwer was, right leg at the I If - " _�Ii. W. 0. I I the Governmentis williDgto,suppo 6 - �We� confidence of wen up to Winghatu last Friday to p',,.y the:' piesided ab the church or�an very accept I . the Irilh� pfop% land 1 lie He now take the 6arly morning train ab ed vacant.—Miss Lattie iser has bqon 0 ersi�y Of i4ea. , , i - . 0 and by ragged playing in!�, While there seems..to be's me div. Pope. �e- team of that town, V eller for I he C i tween Londo0 and Toronto, and the evening the seyenth, when the ser -re stood 9-3 in Quei ieiting friends in _f3e&foitb._Wxn. MKK;`&y C opinion an to the rolativ6 value of the � 'The commititee Is ri ND BALD HF�s To(,,ETji m� itrain from L60on to Owen Son* -from � vipiting relatives on7pany, liml I ht �ud Mr. Ohlir ton - TooTHAciiE!A. 9 nd. Him Jim returned favor. were defeated 15 13, buD an this in the Hensall. near D11 (lovernment owner;hip" and Government talks solid sense, am he always does. We —Dr ` J acq aes of Paris, Fraxice� publisies place on tho boderieli-Stratfnrd ran 18 tern- first,lefeat of thb season on frierd3 in the northern part ?f the county of r boys don't i Sovereign Bank of Canada, head office, —Mr. and MrE the result of many years of study d9vo;ed porarily- filled by Conductor Robert Gordon. Huron —Flax pulling is- tbo o. -der of he ba discouraged. We aderstana, Toronto. executive office. Montreal. A branch of d Angeles, Ctkliforn agreed t -hat t e sinberely hope Parlianie ill ad6pt the to the- bald head question, He comes tq Mr. Algie wi probably remove his fa, ay. coatrol, all are, appavmtlyt Lit, W want to u conditionsunder which t&o Grand Trunk recommendation of the com' milY Ahe inghar� team is coming down here: this bank bag been opeved at Hensalf. Your patron- and Mrs, Ja-s. (1; miDtee i ?'tbik re- the conclusign that baldness is coincid ut to London er long, F on; If the !do the townspeople wan t to�', age is solicited. John 31acartbur, Manager. -Pacific are to procure the assistance of the i&peet. A -compulaor'' attendance of"elec,ors with bad. tecith, and vice ver4a. He recalls —Mr. Jos h Jacobs, of Varna,, died oud- 0 y noldo. bee -51, M c turn, out well,and there is no doubt our boys n Ufficiont to y Air. %villiant Mr Government are.9 repay 06 Gov- at the polho is the fir# and mo it the well knd.w' 'fact ih%t; Arricrican negrDeg last We k He, had nob,been ver Go to W. Colwill's for eheap plows. NeLW will ivio,—Mr,lfand Mrs. Jam. 'MeMurcbia� —MT. W. J. 'A have excelleh'b teeth apd 1 retain their I air well of late, ut was always able to�attond in a roM walking 0197s for $10, Pdcoad hand gargB, differcrit vQitb ri'ther- -A of, NOTES.—T] e stone school hou*e i -i befog ornment and the country for, the oufvlay de- iitip to be t%ken to secure eleotoral:pnrity. Very long. to hie work. i The day before his death he left MOLday mdrning to joi pirty f makea and olzes., The bas 64!ng plows, double And r3paired ond lefama mauded �OL tarry out this �,�vaet; nati I Clintan for Atlantic City for a two weeks' single in the market. �s Irene Clogg onal on- Until tbia is secured, all other t SOCiETY OF RED CR088.�—A gr Ptices to san, customers. While pitemAg J-.� eat national had been hayinlg. That night lie 2 went to acation,—Mr. Jas, Nembitt is at presenb 18W-3 is o,�pending her vacation w�' h - her- ,grand. - WiLli be more or less 'ineffective. Tjik �X. relief orgauizstion, with 1 branches, in ev ry bed as usual in the momin when they taking a vacation visittvg his brother neari.' G, J. Sutherland, notary puMic, commia� mothr.—Mies May McCly-m� ut,of N he torprise. - The money in -vested by the people 99 to 4 and fell from the F He was ,sev-trely 1. city and town in the United , Stateii, witih went to so him, they were horrified to -jpe,—Mr. Jam. L,!ecb, of Mit-.h-.Il,i Moner, conveyawer, fir and life inf.-urance agent 1, to v io is agenre4 to them by first mortgage on. the ivi iTor arou M1881881PO , isit'nz with Itt friends on Gs has advocated this for years, �nd to n Port 114 Ah branefi'No I in her nali a of Qxfo�d, see him in do 44h, Mr. Jacobs was 78' eari a -ad faimer of msrrfa�-e licensco, D e fin -t line oil Morrie.—W. BI MoCdt.-h- p�operb y was ivi� b hii family Tueaday of this week. eeds, viortza ps, y, w4ile at the same time. conJitions we are pleased to note -that there is' no� F so, is proposed by Miss �1 tern —1 lease; and will@ carefully drawn acenrding to iaw �A younk,44 I& a -Bar6ov, foan or of age, and le� vok a widow, three dough Don't, forget the lawn social to up eon, 6r line, has been botber.ed with b" we exactedl which H carried out, will ins� be held 0 at refir0139ble rake. Private funds algo loan ef)tn- who- ig, fpc iir e good a prospect of.our hopes being relal ae& aud,p!esid@nt of the d 'roes Society./N iss and six BODO. He Was laild to rest in B&ird's the I rerbyWrian lawn this Yciday evening -I rany"i at loweet rate of intere4t. Farm and polsonin 7, but *e hope he will soon be 4 *nele Mr, Gi L 0, VIIIW to the, taxpayers immunity from railway in'this rerpect, Barton prnilous hat a nat4onal fund be _e It ametelry, Re�, I,. 0. Jenniage, of, Bayfield rlght.,�Wm. Findiater, of! k ords, and Therwis to be 4k nice unch *erved by t rropurticisfor sale, Offlev at the P.st luftice. obrolre i-�ri �Gf his Monopoly'L to be at readi 1301131134�d o a officiating J J� ladiesan4.good music. Mips Bar!let f. IM -1 b is brother Alex., of BelMor-f, are attending- finauce'oomm' �G. T. R. ittee of moof national re u-( —There wmequ)ite afre at the Goderich t' LoCAr, Bpmws. —Thu r3day was obmiveif theld boys' re -union in Ayr this C)OMMen te Dotroit, is to renler a solo in her -usual fi no bmak waa a try, 0 n- Harbor I a of last styl so te dden, of the was ountry hu practically built the road o The Conservative the fiocicty be, week, a itre onthe bank over, Vng his sister, Mrs. David Walker, 6th k Our experience in the past has b n that E&torial Notes and tation when calamity br 'ke upon the 0 afternoo e.—Mr, A N. Robin n, who has -been, the o I P&rk,�0111 8unday. I Lif-ra as our annual Civio holiday. Quite % Barr" ter M. _McF& —The majority in Manitob She Ruggelilts 2 i6 of grass on the eick list, is able'to attend to bu i I number took advi7mfaga of Llia cheap rail�t visi 'known as the N&tfoaa Society of Rod- looking the oad to the btirbor being bar sine" tbrae mites fv�l and -hmnd-d them o'vef to those who have ie' ned I way excurFion to Kineardine, while many line. He 'Was a former resident of this lo- ()74e, � L f . , A growing. At the- election in the Swan Crosy. again —Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Walker, of dest rL 4 by, Ii. from theisummer house to near the entrance W10P. h were -the guebti of Councillor oth�m spont. the d*y v#,.ry pleasantly at the eabty.—Mre. W.'C. Wile.,Ji, Mials Wildon mout -And half ft - afterwards, bled the people &i2d discrimins t . River distriot, on M16A*�,y Robson' the EDif5OS's EYESIGILT INJ " D, —That lose to the pa" ob I rt, differear, point; along the bike short,.—Mrs. muFNIrm. S. Lz,we left Iwt week 'for their r of foreign cc in- C 0, UUE rk -,!It in thought the fir.6. mu and I SloanL cn Tu"day.—Mr Goldie small mg; dimem v mud even 4? from a match thrown into the James White his been qnite ill curing the waw home s the -N, W. T." ay Gazes" -ad against them in favo ontervative or.' of eight, cancerous th have starte� ho continue sly Gralism, accompanied by his alater, Mill V2,00. The bt�- petitoro. In, this Instance, however. the may come4to him TV X- grate. The fire doe& not seem to have b�en Ella, of Brue6field, visited their sletet, Mrs, Pao,,t week 0,- to, but at att3 of writing w"' wltend thern is the Lisli f Inivy.­MiN powd to orinexperioncedlin the ula 0�. 0- noticedfor sometime, as churab services ime,on Sand nsiaerubly better,—Dr, Maodiartriii he time and no Asrm was —Mr. IGovernment. has taken the precautoa to King Edward has ju4 co I t d entgen rays hiss been dem' strated in al i V. had not,olo$04' of Do rolit, is at present vibiting relations tu.­wd on Monday hom a plassamb tlip up sent, five pupils lip to the r.,eoent aw-irsuos Jag, ay.—Mr. Will, Nrrot, r2- N'n-s J. Isbister, tew-her in Xv. 7. Al orrah, bi Ioff the 06bourg C ve inioited in the agreement between successful tour' p At ab�o manner in. the l4bois ry Of Th�mms!A, rut; . A number If boys got the fire out and LLL ieudy In town. 11� had just left the through I*rle ev ary to rhe Muskoka lKkee, anoi while there Visit- eXaMinaLiao� They were and ugs, N w Jersey. Clat..4 ce pails of J�va_te from the pump o,,2 the hoapi al in Detroit whOre be ivas havin ve obta:xliaO bon-ocs,—Tbe tiomfolvelp and the railway company ciondf Edison, at Oes, witf *tu&nt -at point visited by His Majesty, he was rr L't d Dr, and M r3. Meid, whom he found much lrbree out, of ,the fi 0 66 wjz*ia of The path ru ning .bank part treatt ient for 111, NoTo knoo.L—Editor rAdwin mw w -h Daily, on'ssoistant to� th, I &long the 9 phew of mr I t Ichi, will prevent the creatioli of an- ent'husi&9ticall' received. hill, proved in health sod enj-pying the rueged r)�O-acre fartn, west lot 14 f evep-sion .5, y King EdA B I rd Menlo Park;`Jia� contributed iin arm an( a of the way down t o fn3line- proveAted the is grAndear of the Highlando of Ozmrio.—Mr, b&g been purchased by JpbO T. NJ-eArt*r, in. oronO ibis week on a buiiness and other railway MOU0001Y,- and will in -aura the meems-to becon�sidsrabls of a, dilomist-, Ina hand to this demonstratic a, while M r, k df- fire readingibstow' it, : 1 Win, Tf6mpton, of C10caga, acoompoipic 'd his f&rw Property* a blodora, N. K Ash,wee Zq, alf suffqrs from U i ie disturbed fo 3us lesioure:trip,—Mr. J%*. Doddo and his - d b V00-attoo'k Wit -bi p _v %Lho fif)* patrons of the road aainrt. the charging of his visit 6 the Emerald Isle wfil bt- ion his wife, ia ber viiiting bi-; mother, Mrs, G, W, T,. Ust spring. Wr Me ter will build _Uodoul me he moet�ng of the women itd! stitate in motber are taking a driving trip up north exhorf&%nt r4tes.' It be seen in the edly go a long way tO:W&td#1 allaying AOMQ of -of one of bid eyell-througli experiments with E, hot, July Z bh, was attended by over 100 —M -r. cid or I t Jjn� Who An V T ? . M P 9 d r; C Re for shou of weeks,—Mrs. Watson. of S. Thompaou. ani William and Joha I a boulseon thi� fdr'n and make his hamn L13o bi,t-,r feeling soinst I the mot I h,.r coan- this myliter,,ous light, in an endeavor to f nJ women. An interelflOng mud fastruCtivO Tampa, P'eorida, is at present visiting agreemeak whiob Wp publish elsewhere F1 Stonernam—The farmp-ro sre mAking r er w a, ang try, i for it mome commercial utflity, programme wan given to,the su&qnce, Miqs goo ra. Mrs, t d - hterofTho& gold thsin "d Is the Government, while leasing the eastern friet)(Is in town, heisliway with tho barw�nt and roport the Miller of the adjo,iniog farm.—Tho.'%inputs- NEW USEFUR TIm AuTmjoBiLY,,—Bu g- Murrsy.of tle technidal scho(Ij Toronto, ylWd aDd qamlity very -govd.—Tbe tion of a PorJon 4f Jameal RussewA fingair 1 16 Zt4Mnber of i h - section to the Grand Trunk, retain within The many frienas in ihis countr5 will re- farm are finding the �utomoblle a usqful- w- ave a talk on Coaking and demonstrated flZi ds of M r, James W a-Farlaue, ' of tbe'. waa renAered nece"ary by d W Follick hns I i . rnsge 4one by If the Hon. Eopisf or, Mrs. Mo fZwnhip of Tuckeromiib, wil -grA to a rope, sttached to an animal he was leading them'selv6s theight to grant running vow- grot to learn of the ilfns�me o y as well as the otnugglaro. 13apti is, fer work while the talked Tavish . �J V -4 oConstance, ri a deal;r on the Rue VActo YS&M jl�" "rc Oro over that part of'bbe road to rd Blake, While his Magog is not c Masse, Pai is, of North Brug'e,gsve an add.reme on th� nepd learn'tbat, be was very evriiably ill Ln4 ljkt� getting woun-A uround it and when the boams auv other wa, Cn__ Tho:: store of real eeonDMiCli is the YJ N1 ,-- Imrance, as closing thei her evening, wl on of the Wome s institute a d the n Faul Seaforth, It, in ever wnrkt' 0 effonto of a PrArted to run he was jer1red off Lis company. or.com snies, I this way an oideredslarming by. -his amily, he ham b@(,n IS reasons rig to � ter part of last week, from tl1l P a man arrive(Il and illiked if � he could lei ve favor of Vio women becom! ornbers of pt&IS tic btroke, but. will bejoleased wbo was ion ng Mi e4b ep ihi- 0 rest for (,ix his tber -0 0 Bight, Bag ably improved.— would bavebeen.pullailpff lot 4 '-W � ontlet to insured from the West for all time advived by hisi phylioir e-0 t fie mich an inst%titlon. The society (44 Fhel ave e6methibg for its cuqtorners but, nover hr,tL,�,J�.fi% now (�6D� to leard Fortuvarely the rope broke 6r the finger In �e atth(vxpenpeof quality, Yonll r'o wifiel who monthi. This will hia relia4nigh. took. in the machine, lat d: next morn Vwt tto ftifends. to come. Ga the western section the Gov- jug aldded t4ix new memberd to the rolli Thia in tbo budV asagon the fnrme a untailed. —Thim wft-k wre I 0 � acre farm tihopping, get extra quality and save some, uf -ni-r counsel for Chnsia. fo�nd hiixto'ro riflp(l of' a I Is to Is —Thu red sy, ,'morning of last week Urm. T. thing by pu,ehasing "ow anything you I*re l0- Ing his Postion oc valu%b and (uruderchan's find effeeto of it In tiging to, J. R�ms Stu' bA, hAf ot aeation with tile Alaakan boundary �ndaoces6ies, Anaccomplice was hidilen Varbes, of Wiogham, died at St, Jr d ernmerit retain tha power toL regulate rated, in con 608WO likaly �to eo n need in cottonr, Fh,�Pf ingo, Jean D03k, Praf,-'hiono 0lacOnsion 9, I t I Ti.o -Me- He is au. 0 St. war"! - while they will have aq well a ropreffc�ta- matter. in the mac le, A man u kmed,Rtblifer vnLo H�Ppital, Lon0on, whither she harl go' no �to Durso, is Y orne visi I i ag her parentr, M r, P, n i Call, of Wevvxnatb, for S4,8 - poomesslas lev rd when an t9wo- un4erg,) an operation for cancer of fhe Jliver, &;urom e givvn on March 1!tj M tive on-tha board of directors of the com- walking Mo g the, Boulev iekino, liminp, printo, muslian f -1A �11 �O A bicyclist was arrested o' or dryoods, 186011 1 him Thmas Dick,—The annual picnio of will b ii Stiodayl at mobile mou ted the 'sidewalk. R&iller wFis, The operation wao performed on Weldn,'* isy. Tu -4 Sabbath wshfl was held at, runs �Yparm and b4 ft *a Oyster Bay, for swearing at Preeiden . ti Ro - a' untou4bed, bub.mo scar,ir 1hab fie SDAI, wag an No,Tks —M is Phillips, of Seafol 0, f Pont the A has the farm fo.r d h De�osfoed was 47 yoars of age ;I - vife 4 Mr. Tbose are, wief- pmc&utions, mud should Sullil) S -g the gilelt of Mrs. Saloll.—Mro, Gran,41 Bt-nd (in Thursday la4t, When a VPry iniproveed it He ovvn r, bag sue e o wnerl of th a automobile f( r the ob the 1�6� T ingurd to th6 People Of the Wes 15: relief from Veit, who was driving in his carriage to oak to 14 adolyte"I drug�tor of Thox. and Mem, Max- Ra tier plemiant time was Ppent,—Nlr, And Mr aectiu near Now Hope, As8m., i 7 rrid nervef, and the court . awi R%Ilier 30 Armstrong hmi goe, to Amold left, here lw4t week P)r Toro'Lt land taken up by hie drwea-ied )-rotter* D-er dewt ohurvh, I Well, Lof BruoRdlo, and was woll knwn to & burg, I!o j Au her- hshand, %ho went i hoP4 It Ficerno the pre4dent's carrfi�ge dimagtis.. ­- I themauygrievancesof whi3h theyn,rocon. . 1 � , I number f u tha � place who vvill regret to beFir where a learn Mr, Arnold 6s recei vd i-" and Al r. fq-ubs may ;4) out West fog And other a crowded tile bicyclist off the road. When reeendy.—MissMillifon hae gone t3 D,--troit Vinually complin ing. They -will hsv ----------- of her demise, Intermtrit t,uk place, in �poaillnn in tbe overeig BAnk,—Mits To im her 48th m7ftr Wall . a time. We hope be will7dicide to rem' fit) at) Xtf uded violt.—Mrsi. Sftell aud MT& Usband in�,Lio+., arresi,ted he gavelas an excus�! thai fie id Huron X6 I -1y viL -i. b tranocouthi3rita,l line in direct co Wingbam cmf,ery. per, of Votroit, wau here reeen it in thip locality, h,)wtsver, as would mpetition W.B. i 9 not kno* that ib was -the president he fisd —Mr, Arvlmw Porter —Alemors. William an i Joaph V-68telr and ber brotber, Mr. Louis Walpor.�Mra. (;if- to lote the farin a few,lyir. s been appointed on Tu loday of last week, I� was the mr. wi I _J1r. _C L , C. WithL the present lines and one fully under insulted, What a blow, b-Fimagine thst accountsr, 1` Phe their of, ter, MI Y. Cba.rch, of SoutlI,'McA11111Z �cbvto- and daughter, Alipg MArtha, V Clinton Sovereign Bank, are t I 13 fer, Indion Tellri!ory, are vimil ing 61d.-fri, nix 1wPek viaidng eat fou uf M re. These con. would be the inore serious offen-de in the e, res- —Mr;'F,,obc-rt Oree, of � �'lintov, wao rnar- of Aj6prr Coates had the 'migfort the control of the Gavernmen' riage op.—A little isr neighbors.6 of V1 two 0 :WfgLldko aw cbildreL�, of P,-.rlj n, f i Wit,, ki r+, haa tj, fing4-1-f) tailiou 1he Old ceosioris have, irt a rneaEttre, been secure of many of our' ried racAi;fy, ro Miss Anuile Finch, in Clinbor, St leandGodrrich to'%ushiP", break-, Lie leg recently, by a fall from a 111hey n P' of H- still, ave been viAiti,ig jjien�s iler,.3 �?Gff v, hale operaL ng a buzz, plainer et the Me, of three y1ea,ro. from the c.vioting roads, but they have been tolm, after an ab011 0 of about, 0 vear�. ple 8,_�,phonton is via' A. despatch from Ottawa says the gove 12- M i83 are natives of 1'xoderieb rownobip apd epenb Ating durm 4 the past V�eelft-.—Our band 1) -w been L�g,ii T,� aory, 5tratforJ, dAy last'weak., t Au r dearly bo4ght, and the present 0 Agnes Ohidl of Clinton, If as I . - overnment 0 i, on of Mr. A. blocL- ,f if, -in er ex in (at ition for c . u their early days on the Ifth conoonion. in ment has -decided upon the salaries t; b b -present in3tance, t1lat be been Eucceseful . , i citel ill perbikly hi ilypooed at I,reseni;. — 'd,t Tha have shown,in thd� - of tl�'e Tipper lry settlemelh.t.. tric-rcip-1 opecialint. the m. poild the -railway. commissionerp, Thechair- liram PIoett.r, of Idaho, is---Viaifing trip _t Mepra. Foaterlh%ve for many yi-ars been cn- h. pmod a horr they have gained wkdom through the fully man is to rece'.00 a salary of $10,000 a year, _Hodvetp Broo, arn: opened anot Pr 113frillinefs here at pre*tent.—Mra. Prieto-, -he 1) of their predecescors, aul it ramains,'L for storeinGoderich. This od3 will be devo d gaged exteimisiely in the caulotiae as (if Bru 6selo, is visi I ing f riendo bere, and the other tw000mmissionerB 88,600 -ea b. exclusive ranchers and'F-hipporg. afid know fli,� outh- —While the MATF1310STAL.—The following paragraph, rd made The oalaryof the secretary is no� to exceed —Dr. T, Chiabolm, of W�nghsm, has Not - I Lhom now to see that the company iv ly to Ned. west like a well read book. SA UR- AY S LE Zear 11trato 6 IL ettar of every condi. Harriston Tribune I t live op to the very published a vit'imble.,littl —Oat, evenibig Jaqt week Wm' Pll3aco.�k,nf which 6 tak�- from 00 self biner, on I !a book, called tile 4�000, and the salaries of other members of! (Jf last werk, Will be of interest to tnanV tion of thq agreement, 1� the Bayfleld road, engine cleaner a I G. , in bars" becomizo tht ataff, as well as the expenses of the, coiln d' Dialogues OD English h itory. - I Ilia n lie libor ood, the gro( -1 T. R roundho se, Goderich, mot with a sev. boY was _W. J. )m befueagr'ind. misailon generally. are to be fixed by i fie Goderich bnr, haj c ich will lay h Lon of ra, Sr Al, of tais plac:_: "On the p, et. i Deured a good position fi lam ., era accident iim off ivqrk for. tily naded lawn ab tho residence of Mr, and Made f Governor -in -Council., The Palaries (if the L eral w4eks. He had gone under the en- The U treal. Star, Co �Arni',, and �Overtura d tud nservAtive to thez n I A BIG H IT commissioners are to -be paid mont, rasign6d his positio on tl 61 civil service at 'B!v hly out of riles core ala it X­gf has at last been. oicken6d by the ievenue of the country, the p�,fle� gal Ottawa, lZine t) attend to his duties, and when t" M4 a. IJ , T4ylot layt Tuesday a hippy boy uninju i ze was �ootrat,. fireman opened! the damper to let, out the marri led, Mr. Thoo.Walk. annu -jpby for 19( the touseliss bellowings of' the Toronto ies and t�e expphves ire to be v�u�d —T. G. Allen(wou the� 6 riew I , 0 1 It whichan given by Lthe� DUngann fire inta the pi� below there se( --.ns to have or, of arr1ot,qn,g%v0 aw-ay Mo eldst davgh� Rswe! Mail, and adminifiters to that jiiu�,-diced ly by parlitment. The provoi6no " to loll R; Is to r, M Fie Midide Louisa Walker -1, m olub- The trophy i been m, ru-b of kwi which embedded some of 1, to Mr. i 'Ind cont.jacto;r aalarieg atd expenses, will be adds' th(, is,& haAtome gold locliet Harry W, Taylor, eldest orn of Mr. -gan the following stiging rebuke- -The bill bofore iLs third reading 4 takpA. suitably engraved, o all afternoon or the ashes in the flesh of him hande, �,osck and and One thousand gents' 4 ply Linen 0 lars Mrs. J imeo A TAyl,r, Rev. U. C. Camer- j Mail and Empire hardly- pays a cornpl.1ment Dr. Wh tely, of Lo epboro, bu, �. lat ly chin and the whter from the pin below, the ground fnom a engine lyadly i;�alilled him. tied fhe S rs wli'eu it Harvesting operations have already be 0, has on on, B. D , pastor of Knox church, hap'es and sizes, worth 15c to 20c, Wo Ir.g. The to the intelligence of its reade of Humberstbn Y�t ()Ut a. ptket cc cerdmonial, knot, The groon,sman was Me. at Gorrle, and left last w ek for that' Rig UaV4_- -ift pf cc y, makes the statement that the p; u- in some parts of Alanitoba,�" 'Although th JameaF. GrJ(il, of Harriston, and the e to;enter upon bid duties, Brucefl�ld. bridesi 15�aid was Mitso Sarah Taylor, of Bras- poaed-- '914herre of redistrilnt;on for crop will be a fairly good one on the who.e, Mi9FJ MaV MON'Ei) ANVA�.—We regrA to say that eel;, of c rrip. has gone 0 U. %0 otheri Ontario, is ( Ike expression of reports seem to indicat Winnipeg, w6re',ur e., uh �Iro. MeCfimmon, played the wed- A Great Snap for Saturdau We; ich -As Troved from tbioneigh. d1lig r arch as;, the bridal party took places vras badly eat U�. Sir & th 1t ft will f all cc n- erstwid, she, Mr. Thom. Boy�,e h Wilfrid Laurier', of hire skntiment ; of sidembly short of the bigyieldo of the - past be married to Mr. Robert DonRlas, form4.r- borhood and has taken uo his residfnee in on the awn ini the prcsence of a -large %a- - - - - - - r4cover. ly principal of the Gorrie public school, Mr. B,)yco has; bee" a sembli ge of guests 0VW ,combined hate: Pnd fee r of the ban6er Pru- wo years, The condicioa of the croP4 11. 86rang, B. of Go lerich raoident �f the f The brid,3 wao da vilam., Imagine a Eeasoned and experif nced e of the border i road,ocarhere,fir,30 dreowei I in b' t d with cream Ithe oth.er Ftid 9 not - nes, fu� Eatin, TIMME Highest _r1V tifr iR spending hs bolioila�s at the Georgi agn years, and we regr"at exceodingly a I PrIGeS. Pai& for ProdUee. politician. head of a great party, having a ali hat' in to i have appliq e, nd wore a tdlle veil, The bea�utv Ietncouragiq Manitoba and the Bay, He -will be Ot, auEfit of Prinrlp�al him 1-4ve us. but we trust he may W lolag of her sentiment of combined ha�e and fear ' for Northwest. The P xco-Ptlo i ally dry ppearan,,o- was enhari-ed with natur'- weath,.r Merchant, o! the LGndoll '16'llegfate Ina I- f -par d to enjoyl the lake beeezes at Oode- fira to Acme Any particular part of the country. al flow ro, and mhe carried an exquisite 0 An dir in Dakota bam meri,_uily affected tlj� Jeror , tute, who -is going on a y-�c Itilig riche While picking ur), U. -r. PDyce ran eliowerlbouquet of white roses aLd w OLYD wriiigwe aegome, even as other men so nluc-h so that in, InanY places; they Y�il be —Te death on Friday�� t,'n�rning o a ente, w0bicb f lt acropq a copy nf, Tni Wm-osj`r�' , �(I,Aed 8 �p- catnatihni,. Th bridesmaid wor3 a swoft W in's veiling, trimmed wfth cream are. What be wants frorn OatairiO ig va�es, an almoht complete - failure. Reports r - week of Henry Young at hii rieFiience, C -n 1. tr-Inber let, -IS7 hich is qtd.ie a cano i, -y gown (if N deat and he aik$ no .more froth 611YOther c­ived from reliable -mcureeg cov�pring tit I wife ar d lac,-, arul f, Ila carrie;i a bouquet of pink roea LEAR 01 e erich. can a as,& heavy blo 0 Ild ,eree lapt -tu- as.-bnon ­ry, ardearbationLy. The br&?utra%elliag 008- vince. ' The �onstifuepcieo he I*Ven are threegreat hard whest growinq States— children. lldr.�Yoollz vvfll�i brother of.tf a X0'6_,'s.—OLIr little village ti th v45rn- blinn000ta, -North and kots—ili&. Ho. Jag Yo qui ose that eled, supporters of his Go Sotith Da ung, of Gait, �L�d hnd also -a,, I't -u%ghbor op. sycrage yield Of I other brother and a sister I Torr)nto. Y; but har hani- MAKERS OF LO PRICES by xnent� A cart4tif uency in Ontario that ro- cate thut the probable te fately, as ormers are buj� - tumewas of browniladir'' cloth. and ftrus a ' gto.1 Liberal " will be dearer to wheat in thoi8e etites-will be 14.05 bu Up vesting wilil soon be ov-r, then -we hopr- it some bat to match,J The gifts were numer- �iim, we venture t.) say, than one in this &a sari-, she [a till a year ago last Apd Mr. Young bi d will boom " usual,—We are glad'co gee AD-. oup, conly And its ' 1, M. and Mro, Tay- lro�&Tja ter bi.i T mor Whilo a reliable estimate of tl�e been engaged with Goldle &IMCCulkngli, f dro* ScotVable to be around agAin:af lor'pregented the befTide with & U04106-f-ffeere-1 Province thal roturs a Conservative. To acreage Fown, could not in. oil cases be o1j,_ Gait, but bince that time io to a month,, b i- severe attack of mealea.—Mrs. M. ' I - a %yo of tary wmd bookcase- combined. Mrs. Wm. ecesion Joel f