The Huron Expositor, 1903-07-17, Page 6IW77
1 03
Uff, EXP Jul
THFA HU 081ffoR
ascertained if the borne wfil.aev 31op perma-
at th is time it tscavidenib to all; Cedric's
tment of the -horses,
ab have to be sebtled with. T'he
ardson. may y
HERB OF GRACE. u A-fi a was imposed for the LonV
frien a that a a] attachment waa grow- Skin s on Firo neat, injury. n
D lo u betwaf him and An W Mr. Rich -
BY ROSA OARRY, r -0 h years had not biden unfruitful to
wih, Eczema
110 sayn the borse most injured was worth
Ic Im, and his ZiAme as a powerf 00 when it left the stable ;,,when 1b
NNOT BE URED. sufferest, 1but about $i
WHO OA ju, cebaful author was firmly oi� blished.
Wbr SWelve yamn a, dreadftl
CHA-PTER XLL �_nd� had w" brought back he offered it t 3 the drivers
�0 ifiniformly successful hi a 'Dr. rierce!s He n 3 longer hold his appbintment i About a year ago -iny hair was They Havt
cared by Dr- ChAse's
YOU CAN BE: DINAH'S for $25. "alworite Ptescriptibn provel i In all forms dingy: chamber& in U In's Con�ing out Very faStj So I boug,,bit
Weakn Ily oocu '70him, It
us, or.7alling ei� olutmeuL
Female' S.4, rrolap fan. His own '*�tk fit i Ayer's flair Vigor.
So r�etimes I said.; This thing shall be no' 4 f �Yrom rue f
yo I f Woink and Len orrhea, t iat, after over is Blob, red tlood is ;rodu�ee;dl by Miller,* a bottle o
SEG and thanks to h , literair recei t and his Ecz�jiq itel I is torture, the skin, seems on ejalling and made �My
more r s eiperit n 6e i ti ct ri n g moth e? -a generosity, he. realize a goo'O in- Are - Ivith e Stin pg , umor Y4()U, call
I third of.a cen�ku h C ound Iron Pilb. stopped tb
My expectation wearies mind Ahall came - case th burning, ha row ve�y rapidly, UI�Lti I no, V It
0 le i�brst these distressing and arablex and W Orl. V. Fesee DFug Store, 8 siorth. W o m-& a.
iln etits Dr Pierce 110* fee n lengt
come, becomes almost -Mrs. A. They have,
I will resign it now and b at -peace Aebilitatin nd to. him frl inds thso is '4 inebesi h.
'�JPEIY $500 To his own regret a desperation yox could tear the skin to pieces. -While Mr.. Wm. MaXw ill market -ans. eon�t eat-
Cenuine Yet neter gave it qer. ully warranted in* �ye ing4, Boydston., Aichison, K
r longer &'membjbr of tb) Kenton You clue note ;ercise for fea
hich- he W no r of aggravating
ash for any case hese Pases W
hothibly I tba itching - nither can you sleep, for nO g �ner, St. Marys road, nes tratford eat. And 1
CHRISTINA RossrTTI �ot I men He. had, outgrown hii ;ard
lie cannot oure..
'IT STAxDs ALovrr-he' inPavorite Pre, quar r, and now occupied one 6 the fista !sooner doettht'bod bewu4e warm than the was returning from the garden iothe house Tlhere!s another hUllj 17 trung n
ng duringa thutider storm one t last I b - i.
I think you have make a mistake there _.Ivption�'stands alone, as the one and in C %�d lived' in qui a a pala- trouble be 'ns, refresbi _V enriih -
lor"In rVes wr-
no Walk, and Neadf retful
C, aroter s. r _V th
AX once into ese dist 'essin hion, thoug4 deep, it Is scratch, scratch a n that of t,
returned Malcolm, falling her remedy for.-th ffly co!n- many aip Ali still scratch all night week, he received an electric shoot th-a , . he 9tom
Resting,."tine, bu -to of which he still feels. k bolt, @Crack hunger, e. fr-houzzode
vein of thought LJ their non foems of wealieos, possesse of a0h @me In - Amiss' otitdiosa olm, had IQ. effet nd -Troceed. Flair ri�,r insta thesie pillis
; 't lie only itivdly specific curative pro�ertie* as to lightniinj
-,Work in cerfainly not ficiishad i iosi eme fi om his shell ani mixed friely in I rod on the house.
arrant I& makers in pioposingl'. and -ALL, PiDstmaswl eedsf d
broken off,' because probably they have gooie His was &name to coni rekwith, MR. ALEX"-. McDour For ad down -A to'the groand-just , Mr., Max- Hungryhairn -means trie,
Vittle UvO !?!US- emselves to forfeit, as the best worth kilowing Broad writes:-" well passed. He received a Ii 1 6 shook Ilroy, of
ed a port th d' indinl� th 4Cove ' arsh, N.S.9 0 an
reach at can only be. carrie, on i.ropriet6xs of tli�t wo�.derfhl and 0 the people vigor—*4yer s.
udersigped p a great stifferer fr9ru needs hair
unier certain coaditionv'." twelve years W23 wh'oh he am"s felt -as . though iomeone had
medy hereby do, to pa� the 4um �.f $50D gat h?.red round -him and delighted i o do him
Must. Beer Signati, eczemaonthe sideoftbe leg. Therewass- 'shoulder wit:i a-1simmer. S.
Lj�e Of Elizabeth used -to read his name struck him on the Thi I h We Sa at
legal* pricy of the; United State# in any 110m, I
Bliz%betp turned r,und in her quick way. t
ch of fl sh about three inches r
times in the columuff of Jhe 7 Imes and raw pa
seases in wbich' after -a some -ilaze, He was doubled up, tub did not fall, &1- un
Say thapagain she exclaimed eagerly" e above d�, d the itchir was- something feariul. Dr. Ayer's 1-1
qe tch of 11 Sa7iXv�or;.a ays
reasonable tri a whole -upper part f his �body_ I
and Mailooftip repeated his speech. ir and al'of oar treatment, a. to go an though th
COMP C, 7was o�
Ilike that,"-sbe murmured ow Chase's Ointm,,nt' -eted, F�r eome time fterwarde if one e fail to cure. . -No other* medicine for the Morning Post. He seeir I t l- cured me, took rb$tores color, and M' -a
ever rwh re and to ku 9,"l she ob�
4001 of woman's
uld only'grasp that thought."' he cure 4 arm wag a i a a a d
Go ea to Dinah Ive9 ,Of a h�q will away the itchi)g and beal,
hie�rlgh t*ff t th lbow. imarautee *1 sery d o ai'
Pit aid' it to have I b g a ould pal
There is no diffloti1q, surely,"'he re- )acked by su�h a. remarkable no hesil atio in recommending it AS A r grow
ya W
be t: rribl' spoiled.0' Bub she. ovil. for womanl�g III$ is' pos-r �y
ther medicin for itching skin disease-"
per Below. :p People often talk of. ocritinuity, of '0 0, that Miloolin Her. vronderful core would
pac.Sl�njlo wrsa EDANGER OF.
wasi, Dinah. She knew hQavy. sma autne. see lied. iess�4 of the ubparallel4KI curative urop-
. . . . . . . life -and ccntinuity of love, -and why not
-'Xties that would warrant its IminufacGrers -riokhadDo overweenig eatim of hita. Dr. Chast?s Ointment, 6o cents a boy, PA
I CaLD110 intinuity (,f work? Think of all the thotf--' your drug Ist call"t siI,
0 in.. making ch an offer; tio other femedy molit-i-th,it, in spi -his on -co s! and bin all dealers, or, Edmansons Bates and Co -9 Wqd us one doflr jindw ckp reta� tbay <1i u
ofilidi of worUero who, have -gone hence, ias such a -record of cures on whichtto be friends, and All the milen ai id Ada A;.
Man, Be sure and 'Iva
o protect the n M-3
uch a remarkableoffier., im, at', heart Toronto. T you against imitations !most desdly Season of the yotk a bottle.
Many of them in the prime of their youth or tion IsAshed on r , aitit f Dr. A. W. "hase Summer is the L r astexpressrUce. Addivs�-;, to -try Dri.
h li e Po I C I matihood-votaries, of science, of art, plon Therefose; insist n having.. Dr, Pierce's y Parhope in her way Elizob6th, th ' rtrait an I signature o year for little onles. The little life hangs by ofJou nearg co., Lowe).4
one, t book author, are on evay J. C. AYElt orded -to d�
n your back the Iambus receil?
'room 7avorite Pres
io and tui 'diarrhoea, I ub cholera
ee DIZZINUL 6,ers and missionaries, soldiers of the C
leriptio a more thread
pite of bir d otion to �Wan I
I d ler- wh would wag lonely, too' In a a box.
)n any unscru n a ea 0
:ud soldiers of �the Queen-& vast army,t "an thi -and other hot weather Oilmen come quick
e by attempting to _Lre
9 V.UO1 nsult you p T Dav d's father,.there we times
Here Malcolm r inte d h r '1y, and sometimes, in R Jow. our# a4b'n� 19.02, on the farms of Tilmiiiu Sha last spring!
o man 'can number f a of her life oppressed h -when b ex-
oigt-rupon you so n or substitutei- narr 3wnee
e each summer a and Dinah spejut weeks al
pane(A. 13 a, bright little life. very mother warden of the county of. Waterlo - Frank- 'nose.:
inder the plea that just a -,.good.,' her road sympathies *and stro rming o, all
"I CONSTIPATION*. on �Ifza- the Priory, an had succeeded intranO fo should be in a poeition tb guard against, or
Yes, yea-;-�oh,' plesee go usist on having th artic16 which has a seen �ed to cry out] for a larger ife, for a Shub,Waterloo ; Louis Koehler, reeve of'- Value of
the place. " no would have a lovely homei
''hen she oure theme troubles, an (I there no medicine
Nit OUOW SKI& b4h wsis,driqkir�g, in'lifa words as -tboxxib ecord of a third of a century.of cures and widir' cublo k -w trod t ie wood. and the Dim country life would. - be far . the township of WatrPrIoP Lo is, Sch, ones got
01 - known to midical Science Will ob so surely, ficial am bel I
tb 0 - -
war new wine.' hich is bac�-ed by those willing to forfeit land paths w th a sense of wearl ess-the d bei.n.
1004- TNEGOIA 0- ure you. at 8 w more to her eta thad 0 dily 1 and a safely , Baby's Own Be�lin ; Danle , Webw, Borlin and many
PLUION, M of. Sol i� they bannot e p ver town ba, so speei weitzer, Britifeporb, Sim;on Brpbacher,
You know what the Wiedo sami �, pwlt�h de after day say tho pill
Even Mrs. riek, 1who would feel her lose
Ta tp Phould' be puted. am gratef
won says In the - eight of the un*t ins In. cases attended y a leociprrheal draitt Tablets. A bo: of the -ot
Row t r d one g6te of it all I" I
so of. Dr. Piei ,bhe said keenly, wn this. herew.whose judgment cannot be dig
-is Idtion ce' Lotion Tablet 0
!1hey seemed to dief and their departure oon' as sh a came- in kept i� eve�y home where thqre are little ence
the� use o wu at tur.
once, an
y sigh, of the orch where agolds Dr. Willi
My to h )reelf on M my afterin And Mr. L errlok is to be Asked on this Farmers have kno, for years th
takpu for' miser -i her hou'4 be psed coujoin d b.* giving an ocoakional Tablet
-HXAOAC looking at e"MiyoritePrestription." Theyareold Mr. Carl yon was, rand occasion ? I am glad iza- - and
of that, Ell nips and ma are hard n land
bo0weathee, ailments will b t Dd and
C.,uRlt SICK
y owith i, smile, yowand I know bettoer than reading tran 'uilly an d enjoying�'t a sweet ;r Carlyon puebed up his w talking will not oisli 6
y all Oruggists or sonf poWpiid to an' ta-th,'? and here M
dreso, on -recelpt Ot"25 centS in stamps, Spring air. The ourat looked other medlh'
little a will be kepi d happy- any amount f us
e-in-ch4r er in his li�ild, ur their mind of the idea that sugar �oete are
t. wait nt
eV JiL
',Do you know, my child,
n 50 cents in stamps for,Dr Pierce's aliglioly older and bad taken to a ectsoles, horb-sighted way.' I ail- hard on land. This is not tho as", how
Mr, Corlyodi does, d g :pectmoles and peered at h y
f VF And you think, as Doup u il the troub� ces-t4at
are will' be active U164 bild r innion Sense,Me A eso but th bbere Auge in there is some;hing I have been wanting W ever rinere are no! *very P.%rt o
that 4r, Addr 0 IBM a may be too site. Remember '.h
work dical d0 was tee
as hundreds of our fa
there. anil Elizabet a large sad eyi6si menite -can -b nted *
a., honor, radusto of OMWOL bRLD's DrsprNSAPY, l3tiffalo, N. Y. 'was a keeping the
him Oa the whole, hii exist in
:my to you foi a long ii iine,'and I my sawell suitib& for
-Voterinory G =of Doning 0 PMA a the quep- Wea invited to actual experience. i
-tWa treated. =pg -xibuded So an Were toll of, k and sick wotnen arO stomaolk an bo elp right. ro, A. Van -
d o �d It suitis me all right," I am
I erj peaceful one. He loved herw id
cam y t16a. i consult Dr. PieTce, lettp ee, All v my it DOW." My
didwamoderals. voter naq vientoiiry a spsolal`0 a simp tied 11 11 1 am just tickled with my -beet
How cc utlu
I vitue, 4a�
Godedich 8 -
redidez" on hdi I Q `5 sociecy baby wa
if I -did not correspondence is lield as st etly priv, Elizabeth' I)oked ab him rather appre en'� derveor 'Porb Colborne, Oat, says
Ite, pqd th I kinaly. folk am)nj t whoin h n -
5"t, one door uld I face th Dr. R, V. Pierce, it 0, N. Y. - N bko 5 ozone, restless and had diarrhoea.
Addre& B ved. Hi o �nd Hlizsl a
sivoly - ther i was something significant in or P,I" ire the remarks now heard from in
earnestly. visness. I gave her Baby's Oww ablets and they
Of DT BooWs, Ofno#, behei it? rati rued M Ic pass d whi 'h ill v
'Dr. Vierce's Pellets cure bil war his chief pleasures. If th, i d 0 hismanner. telligent leading farmers, whose judgment Is
lee talent Ole d gif.ts of, I --- holped bor limost at once. I think the Tab,
W are these talent , t wit iout seeing that he had throu
her, Theo not oat So#,netbi g ? What do you mean? she based.on eiperience.
iu -b' t forl, kin w efitlese andf pro-occupi6i lets an tin id med.][Ae for -children." 'D08t PLI&A
gen s�', this D ;rs Is go given to bete *an, no o oili tio Nn III tone you The ougarp b
LEGAL, on a a 0 gre, v r set Industry in success in
1 a 2d finally f aliter-ed. eloped and nake t+Ings' haider fo 'The ab to are guaranteed to cure all
u if _, o be � d, r me. lklIzAeth, wei t act o a to the l� Wood House or some GX- YOU hav# been a dear, good daughter to 'Waterloo county, ad will be preciatea
turned to account hqr4fitar ? Think of the -aid ii'hii, bat the minor Imerits of little one#, they oon- 'L KILLORAN iinght vot to have o the h'%ppi cue or other, to sure himself thab nothing more axii more by our 'couitry, AS SMedi
JAME Im, be went on, clearing his throat fromi a
conditions uader.whioh s�oh wOrk will be tain no opi a or paiisionous drug, and emu
ison of the much wv amiss. you were my own 0oursymn" and Ito" me two ddye ban be'en too Actories become established In suitable
sli;ht huskiniss, and if
sum* r ibe. Sold f
fd,jL8j0%, . done And here- MalooltWs v oiee wat, full to be given as Sly to a now bom ba
roney t* 160n. offloo over Pi" or me. I will keep oway u4til I have re. Father thinks 6h%t there h no one I localities. worthleass;
&goo Ike flabli and blood you could not be more -nto
�ylover-mysis)f 'n I will Elilsbeth," The A. H. SiiuTmENvmTu.
ni huslaism-
1528 e the wisdom A he aincd masts, �ad t1l'a o 7ould obsery inothing me. We have so much In common, have we m.edicine dealers, or mailed at 25 ot you.
d us, the great onis of the earth there is anything- tho, box by writing to T4o Dr. Wiffisms'
&roan -in ome. V you W,qxib me -if she says or does is, wrong.
not my. door -and th6n we both loved Agricultural Superintendent.,
Medicine 0)., Brookville, Dab.
8.� HAY89 whose footate r *a ave striven to walk_�'_ can do for, yuu� or your sister, you must his my thiy would never be alart," and
David.?' The Ontario Sugar Company, Limited,
beside u -w in thb f allnese of their maijesty-no, yal-ye she murmured, and thei rnOnti.. eyanoor and Notary Publio. . en for mew 'Th was I
0alidlori.0ont 'hysical weakness, 00 1 61
r10 , i4f.Domiulov�Bwk� omae--in rear of hindrances, uo-p aould not d th t The returned, I spite of -his Ishort, sight,lMr. Carlyou
Solictio r 0 a ready tears oprang to bar eyes. Sugiir B et Cultivation is a Sue- land-'*, Beet
to loan. 1285 ful conflict between the human will a ra of white 'go
Inion Batik, anfortb. Money nd the verting her face, And aliow o deteoted"the signs, 'of menal weariness We mourJaed for our door boy together,. a S8 Waterloo' County. 31
Scrawny Peopl. embers of
there �iwora
W BEST,, Barristere. So EDITOR -The Ontario S.ugmr
clouded Intellect - the heir of all the age@ ther--. foeti as on lizabot for a As �oeated v16 Wly, '0,and grouped our way
F et*ls powdered the groun We Palo face ;
Hator'. convoyanoor will have entered his goodly heritage. Ob he went on i X11 SITOR,
r nervoue&fingers unconsci .0 him, he ple grow thin ocrAwny, pale and'
-offloo datirs, ova 0. W -sly lo� tbro4gh the darkness. How Compin' imited, made a - wist choice of the 0 drainage b,
ou ripb the, her all on the woDdeh bench b ok Pe wisk wben
alk junhapp paissed. Tb
1;o"ry Pubiloi
forgive me ofiao6ing himself. ruofltO @-'I you hAve ma4e that fippossible.", D&, in his to at, homel 1and in han yl blooil Is thl� AnA watery Wbat in - needed to
.4povio'bookolore. Main 86W _pat ad her he we we're'Gree ears ago I Even location w 'on it decided to build its factory round ul the &Dgles and ffl out fhe form, is not'. fat
M 1 the -tears were Weaming dovi iii.* Z. z.,beth'a d then she continued impulsiviely, " Mr., wa,
now it � painfal to look back on tbohe days, at) Berlin, he county town of but healthy mmoular tissue. By enrlAing ithe ot h arm f or r
el Waterloo
-rfok, you must believe how Sorry I am-�. What is -it, rri�. d"r h a ask edgently. bloodand IncrepAing its nourishing qualities, Dr.
but, thank"' oJ I time and His praoa has -county, wh oh has a typical spil for growing C)baWj Nery Food odd -i new flesh and timue to the
74NRY RZATTIZ, Barridef 801100" '60 4d No-ny, it hs� been such comfort I I --innicipal
oi bave been wah a friend -such a trae1 if )I ou look tlred,� Elizabeth."
Itoneyso losmi. Vffice-Ba's woci� oft a iLholred tie an I we no longer tuffer." ized F. n6lPmot forget you have done me BuMr besto; foods stock, chi fly beef cattle, body, as well " now vigor and energy. You can
10 ma0h' inii friend, -and I have been oo grdal to Do I?" she returned ahmently. "Ifeel e - naively, and 18 farmed by Germans, wh prove this by noting your Increme In welot wbile to)q
orlh� I I am not sure of that," returned Eliz. y- her tears I i Xte 0
gfbl," and then she wiped. aws, 'ton miles with pleas. not using this greAt food cure,
an hough I could walk
hot areoharacterized for their thrift', industry,
h h in a low voiO4 but he seemed to estimate Vn
11,03["M movessor 60 the Isle am of and tried to smile, and by� the -time they #1 1 tan never be'your frieniii, Ellizi-bot ure, That is the worst, I am no s roug that --------------
bear her. W"
U00sughipy"j; nobasood, MarrWor. Bolld*W rinsbhed ecoomioal;habits and close application to
the Ina She had regained her-com'- here -was a ead finality about Malcolms not bin tires me. Sometimil I fancy it
faithful-. Elizabeth. The Old World as Vim , juderoad W 4
ve beeri'verT for of 0m, You ha
!*.I�Areysnoar, 1wid Nouly 5011011101 duty.
10 bud,-, Farm pa,urs. During tha'ir drive horns Malop OD6 that mad oth shrink from him wo ild 9 a pleacatit. experience to be'houest.
1, Bigink of Commerce. money a Blizib It you
w you could
occupied the seat next hf r in. the None put road in I
*Xcept the actually experienced,
ofam in -ftofl's Blank, Main ft"i wag a- no Oana&axi.
tqer timidly. - I F, tigued in some ool cause. How a o9raed for Min more dea a
to, soli. ply; buts realize thq'tremandous bank ranting' upon
gpdaite to m, Car. d 'with a lit-
ette, mind. Dinah, who 1*04 0 i 3ou 6ot? she ret6rne' a sleep after lit VF nob have m
'Pw David's I her, I *ould bid you mourn no 33Y -,Nlu. R. B. I tile 1A
I company slid farmer &like, the, first year of -,noticed that Bliz!6both more to' in ile sob. But you ogn'be &I wais i lept I
more. estatiflabmentof the beet sugar indus-
.10NM90M AND: GAROW BarfloWfIr then she had done since. thab'ualuN Af or. undei-42 fp
6 not. let her
suffer because of this if we d sends thousand's c "lle, &It
talke n%h's friend. I thought that you
Irelan at
or#, eta., Goderibb Sboatsred at him with parted6 lips, but try, :Tbaluduetry danuob begin- in am sew-tir
i, Ontario. ides r ?"
noon at the Pool, and that Malcblm loo ad mail ages,* to England and Scotland. 11 don't
L. DICK[$80N. to both uiuh3pp�, there isno need that she Oh,'sa I do Often I fall Dole )p Vill 40011 Pipe,
words would not come.
uuu,uilly bappy.' way, ��ub must launch out the first year for think Ireland requires a land bill an badly
wahould be; and you are one of her greatest an I ny head in on �Pe pillow. BA I Why should you spoil your life, Elizi. its.. thousand acreo. Thus is oc. ab Sootland, ThaT us 'We will make Buv- his content was of short duration. mfortab." oar �V the first twitter of the bi do rouses th ? You Are aly thirty-five, and please yy
The next nioraing, as they were waiting :f You are ri _�more Voise, Anyway, and we may gab sometbiug.�
me -and a -be 0 CA4=04'ex pressure through unpr pored hal leg I
DENTISTM _gbt," replied Maloqlm then life,looke to Ion Elizab bh God there are many, many years before ydii, land, Wk 'of sufficient labor, Inexperi t dew need here. sud. SIM on the waggonette I a take the tat -ion ways be. at Miss sp a eld tone. Once, There is too muoh moun min
ently,ill eked I. ishall �a p -in a dejecti - -
Hlizibetih wainlerid . into the dle'2erte� i kno* you Wb uj heart to be empty and your large &or eages loaded upon the entorpridug A commercial paper says the las di4tll_
F,, W WEDDL an, and Malcolm, who followed her,f Come and walk," was r. Carlxonl ed because our precious boy is in few, eto., eto., etc., almost innum -on north g i.,T rd verything,'Will, yoii let liar know' this ?- oul ranswer to thii I hav son writing arable, lery in the world in in London4 I wit, empleton's eervi tell her arm y I
8 an we of.
lot 27 tf) 35,_
DEIMST, lksujud bar s:a ding under a 'Gaelder to me, When either of you a I feel a bib Paradishil ', )o you kDowt my dear, DuAng this 6XperlmouiPal stage the Indus- in it, 1b in past. description, If to
th hea� ihe wan my sernAqn all the moring,
Picking no a of 1 0 rnowy blossoms. - i ton spokeof this -he and J. Thank! God. lr� has to endure the annoyance and the In- fXotione in this coun were adi0rsduste of p4yaaouej� f on , i ' there were r o secrete between usi shd he try�
ioiLpenW Our '101- ant me, I will come if needs be from the oth'and heidsohy.. Lotus go win tb j (Irelefrid)
-'She greetin 6 . . ? ar, aaiaing wtr.c
-,Wo,'poot grsdute:oour��Iu 00, d bjeouit, to
ork ith a smile. are., nde of, the earth. You will believe this?') ley ';"and as Elizabeth mail told me imor i than once that the thought of int rely abol, bed,
m and=e W him w of the prejudiced critic, the wilful cemented together, or I
Chto�go. L0061 An"Wetis for -nde me of Cedrie's r a y ibb lob- #111, always believe 0nah?a friend.": she thi i,'he got his bib and atio4 the jealous, tba'idle YA were tho
ikells 83hw1f r -days, en6my, talker, the the country aliquid prof, -or. ey don't
n tbey�sal
ofteeth.� 0fflo*--0y*rA.:T*uVg!@ your future, vas always on his mind." e, uninformed, adVlaer, and the injud
served. 11 His u1% t: wit ici- p
1764 �11�1018vla to pelt - -me ithk aturned in a voice obe hardly raoiognizM- liet forth together outside t gate they import very much. The d Juative paid
S=Z1rrZ=r1*. .1911mbiath )owed her head on her hands. purned To#
- those Soft white balls w en he wi I a mi a of t was go Bolt a w eping, now. rs ous, often Incorrect press references, which where proorly tilled, which o not of -ton
nd full of feeli 3g - I, but �OW anti is upon the' vicar,, and the a Walked She ram though the toa, even the leading papers sometimes ci the 6th Amy
I onl, talk
0, A. SZLLZRT,� D"UNk POduate Of W .8 thing in a. white frook and blue ribb no.
hliz,4beth 4 an together, as Mr. Oharriu toi Intended rculate. the case ; inuch of It which- was tilled At
thall miss mine f'� and here quel very q istly.i 11 If he had ed
'P6wder puffins 11 be. 'need- to call t Sm. 00
JLF 70=60#040 Such parties -gloat over unfavorable re- one time N now In grass,, They tell me"
or griduabs 0 Deva0ment of' DONA;; T to yes werei. very Said.- She� looked ab the. Cal Ing at th Cr ' N b. Ih sboth bad
own to mp I" she murmured.
fn ibe FoW bbok, KwolL "be w tO 08 are flower stalks in-har' hands rather re-' been very silo rit ow easy had lef t ports or disparaging remarks coming from, Is, 131Y
What a protij little'fllow the that, teinhabitaute-donot live as D i
6 go triai to do to more' than quee, re -
a 10,01M - hose land being od of
�ro' as Ma ib may be, someone w New life
sw I W 11 M Herrick," ry endemen. formerly. The - emigrati6n thip -gesson
r yout u
Inn Z:d I 0
alaL e pound-
Atonday, oomnionduff Un- m %_a ormifully before she thre* them away and the converaition to th t" turned Mr. Ca I b each time you condition, occasioned much labor and yield. reach. d 6 000 for. one mouth h P, a-
a rep y, so our little jauvVia at an the house., When Mr., Charrington 4 them,
Would' yc
Oa their we -to the Station Maloolm.oc- n a p that, S�ar tion it now about 4,500,000. At L V.
end. P, stopped hi Pullike meto tell 't
It h hey,turned into the long wodui ad small returns. The Toronto D
really been ve pleasant, don't ove It
u R R ROSS, L. D. S., DentW, srsduo* Of y you whet he said well sel I can remember t
a 4.-, of ftw0i ant cis" Honor you think so of June 15th, the Globe e for0wibg was 8,000,000 at one vime. If
npied a seat next to -the driver. Now and ski ribd the val Wy. It was a be 61 lo-nat thewere
D, I have enjoyed it," returnea. Malcol his words?" She nodded, m s day, and oLher Vmpets, thoightlexsl�, ib- mav
o n h -en Eliifieth glanied up at the brOAd- f to rqaort of Eliza th Aie induitrious and frugal, they would come
us of ro vo
us 'a still hidden$ be, have circulated the following injurious wealtby.. There re many tbouiiads of
rnor, And very near L_-sT W,
order. of marts in a larg 0 fosd shouldem a ttle wintfully.. How o d. to"borsithe the spicy iies a 10 It1was It Vent the
He spoke with marked omphapis.
dste dentistry 66
Oho so have we all," p 0 Ig and misleading article
em a u
IL:he ' It d % htly. ilent, he was, she did Lot once hear bial Kfz�e;ssmud to,watoh the shado 'in ov across employed In factories in Loridonderry
ton of tooth 0 —living Waltzmatt, 4
in mat its. various fo Painiess ex to ya 'Ile and, and he was talking &I out you #nIc'pa1w alonei not to speak of Other
It is so delightful to tvie tw6 bo ey, A number of the clerks of rural im placeeJ -1 paid
byLocal AuSeethetlof and! witbout any Asthey seated. hem vsqun-
bad Altair oice! While they *sited for the train, he
affectx Gas Administeredtad all.overations."re-. 00 0 lid 11 d pmcei.�up and down areau of a veft to the Gimnt?sCau-jeway. It 14 a freak Mr. and Mri
ridiculously happy ;" for both Cedric a or -dying yc a were W oi is 'thought. I itier, in making returns to the B
nd Harry Stri an Aet a clump of flre, they coal down- know how n 3a will grieve,
Labor, indicate the wide -spread desire they nature.
rme Harry Strioklard had behaved . during he; platform. in w i rather' full,
lullypertiol da 011iot otq DUrs Store, 8"fort The tra a itit) the dark woods -far: -belo I round -ughtq
but, father you ibust not let her grieve too
breakfait time like a co'upleof- crazy pichool n6or two btrangpra were in' their oompart- have for the establiaiment of best sugar te-
them were heather, bracken, borbl'barziee, long. I tbb k 4 would trouble me even in toriei. On the other drifting wi th 'the vlsitin$
As for Scotland, Win
boyr ent, and whothek accidently lor�'by I br'mbles, and -later on tie hillside h�nd, the clerk 'of world. The rural distirlot are becoming Zit,
pqrPDRe, eng a
�(ou have helped to make them so," Paradise -if such a thi Id be -it I Guelph townebip strikin a note which shows
aloolm was shit off from the rest of his w6 21d beA glory of purple. depopulated -drifting to the cities, with
I thou , all
observed Malcol ningly. ght I h d spoilt he is 6bab realiz!%tiou iss6methiog differant, from
In me& ir
I I Well, Elizabeth, whiO in ib V Asked
arty, c 1 .
made foi he pineos-:-oh� must nob waste her their temptations, and' where life: Is eight and
Oh no." in a careless tooe Dinshis '. At Waterlo):& milnt hand-phake Iwas a at tell a I im Ina inticipatioa. He says; During the year
Dr. J6hn McGinnis, If. Carlyou, as the rtill 8 ad then -'shall I go -on ?" but 1802m -I years shorter than in the rural districts, -1n homs. of
taking the liou'D share, " If J had my wayi, sweetu6le.'� A arge-acreage of a gar beete were
lied araduale �14ndon W ygml% I hat passed between him apd Elizabeth, and pu azed and all the same he didLnot' waitfor consent- 11 1 1 - -4 Idinj
astern Uniordi -bor brown study, and' her brow'1pu cotland also people do not live as plainly
ave rootored tb a-boadtiful ol yen lined with thought. 11 1 am an a I have
;W would h place to Dinah he'said littlo; but as he drove cultivated for the Fug&r factory ab Berlin. I
Qnjorio. College of Physician ib was the 3 that David told me something may say that for 190 as they did when I was here before-.jeveu-
-1rormorly owupled by Mr. WAM'. ere are
but twi6 lawy �( sh any bansom, he told nimself thst he bee patif nt alinougb." Then i he e arted d b Sootchman's! porridge
emoug4-to 13Y it in the t there in a very Small
0280 and Reddesoi tionse efor -thab genie one -of �Jtqjv.+!
that I ha a teen Years ago. The
viesoris sir"J, most to the 066hoho church *bman." Acreage sown.
4"Ightoolls a"onds4proxuiptly. I am ionfffi tb%nkfn.l'th&t also loved y a a dearly. I am �Jmft
ad - doing tight,; and that he did not regret a an laughed a little nervously.. will noun be a thing of the pas the whie- a t
we'are able to jingle word be �ad sp�ken. Aod This article states that the acreage of the
How stupid I am thin &I ra oa I right,am I not$JKlizabieth?' Xo answer,- kav Is 4n evidence here ctis well as In Irelindi,
check suohAiifal extravagance, ha,,rettrn- Berlin Sugar factory is lose thin year than it Tge
-Xtii, w9a far better for 1her, to know the I ve so much t3 tell You, a go: *ohs'
"0' but he coul see" bo her hands clutolfed result of all this will be the lowering tof ma the villog
ad os elieve g6neroeiij a, n de�'
DR. N., Re Ropy M. B0 .1nily; 61 1 b �rutli he und6retcod heio 'well -she was ad of myself, for I'ought: to b I NU Dh good was in 1902, *%6d 'further, it carries the the nobIoinei] life in England, Ab present;
be In '0itive vioe." ]Jut Elizabeth each other, i a though in sudden agita�ion. diy at �is S
injurious--itaference thab farmers -who grow
i62pe oedt, of voluntary recruits: for the rWsitr& Store, o hii' was' wilfully blinding spi Its., The young people b 0 ome tote
3ot dense, but' a
office over Greig, & Ste refiiied to in 4& to this. 1_ w beforahsnd, and he had no beets in 1902 were disappointa h an
ding at last. Cad and A
ior eyes; very likely sh�. was misled by his um ersta rio n" army,are rejected on accourib of;,physical
i E(eaforth. It it had bi�sn Cedri�'# 6113C I 'Would, hanoe,l D&I id want on, I but he Is im su- infe'rence travelling opt among the prop-
hai e'written to insh I left ter crying y
-ofifact manhe'r. inability. I was up through the `01ands a (Y To rs
arerything '-he , wan always so pective beet growers injures the industr Night 001111aliended to-hil the office. have done it u� . front-garrep to baseinent'M attei
for joy over bheir,11.9ttere. perior In y d of the hland sommer tch(
1802 1 mean' jo� -" She thinks 1. have got.bVer ib-thab I of Scotland, and inatea
she said wilful�y. 11 Anyhow I do not wonder at that- 'humble in h is own estimation, dear fellow. well as tbs. Gritner. who"reads' it, The
M isi, 0heldou ,
Is f\ and accepted 1he- ctsheep upon a thousand hill# are tb door -013
1AV6 come to my sense . L I
take the garden in hand, When you come' ather, Malcolm, Horrick worshf; 'the --is, there ' re 830 farmers who grow bots PIN we era Many
eXt YOU is a sweet girl." land@, leased by wealthy foreigners
�do to the Wood House 11 obaill U, ground she walk@ on. a must in 1902, while there are Lover 1, 200 *bo are nevitable-that we be: friend
F., di BURROWS# a& ' I I One day h
Cedric thinks she, Is per. e(b. I 'wall of the landlords spend their ren6 money
hear all my piano,. and )omfortable, approved fiefiioh "-here'Mal- have his reward.9 growing th r for the Berlin sugar f". abroad An ible
-E of course we sh*ILI r; 9 ra' t
RM. T Id have soon ur, yes
B IR1 A -:W C) M his liefte r
have �ne of our old figliti over them." I olm's eyes flmabed with sudden fire-". ou Obi hue 2 -hush, f t p1by's- Sake," and to d eglect theiirtates. Sil
no fire
Ann& writea 0 a sistly ry. That is an increase of\,nearly 40.0 x Ujr and Tott
Now what was in this spa ch to cause he line found out her mispake. No, there ously happy. An.4 V,; tched out. b,4 n mortgaging them, ostensibly for
cc and Residetioe cast of the a tbs says it mi Elizabeth a r him d to oto growerg this year over last year. ot, only
-Goderich street, like a dream tkab:' she p
011adisthurch, one revulsion in Malcolm's in hall be no more decep' When I tee ments, when they could Ave enough to
Such a ouri mi' d him. bub he tainod ib*tly. is the 6orsage in Waterloo, county under
!an hardly believe in bei'hspp as thst' a virton for 4
X�. 46. or again I, a] make improvements and then live well. In. rn� tine colors- long enough the cultivation of ougar.beeta for the Berlin
Elimbeth was speaking wi�h'tihe utmost ��Il wear Elizabe three Oars are
06ronerfor she does t deserve it, and tbi 6t ;181�rlo Is
the. Quntyf Hnron. some of the northern shires the ru &I
ism -and at any other moimejA h :for mournio and Mr-,Affarriok has been facto great�� this year tbad I 'Os
good humor 6ugh Heaveril fo.rbid. that I I should perse-. popu
ever thivithat she could desi t v -in 1902
ute her with attentions, thqt only embar- lation has. I am told, fallen' to 11 to the
would have thought her imperiousneo6 61 very patleub Why, shoold another life be bub two total no' r
IF N B safer -bI
obaraiing-so what posoleoned bim to d#a distroon he ut they a 0 young -life [d�)N not.seem range is considerably AW square mile. The farmers complai 2 of the Omiio On the
on And r. P, you ar y shoul& a - doom m. all Ahis year than hwas loot. DRS. SGOTT A M�'CkAyf ith me dear," he murmiared in long h e RlizabDth-?":� She spoiled ? M b I have not elf up and say rather a.0fTly that 'he 0 . , oes Ion nets ? hime ardly - to sh well an yourself to The necessary evil of large acreages 'with Scarcity of help And, incresee 14 wages.
PHY8101-ANS AN BURMON81111 smile look or hei Their proftep they say, are ofteal on the
r but even for �your ewe rigotten his look thab vening when -you was the -Oslo last.1year, does not
fea ad ib would be solne time, befori6. they at he I will not to bring her 4owilon I know a
49darloh Aretfh-oppodie Kothodist aburobtRoatodh saw him at StaplegrovIe. 11 You kno is a
I gi
la a nriA�� )Ja fo side. ome in the *�uth are
et a lie. I am '-Dinab's ixiend, but your were ling1l to of -it tbs look of A man oxfowt1thie year. The judicious prograramic,
Wednesday;,,..and a wanti Mr. Herrick to distribution, wrong
Al. 500TT, or"nait Victoria and Ann Arbor, and going abro&A this summer wi4h. my imothir I)0r, Elizabith-and mumbi be is long as I who is ta ag for a Ut happiness, for the of those I giviniz up their farms which generl'ally run g
arge aoreagen among many, how
-a and oonid, too. Dins, meant to oak him, I be. for 10 years,
member Oniarlb Coll= Ph end arid Anna, Sheldon, he conti ad gravely., ; I ave. lif breath "-4ad.A , Somehow this comfort a We n once that only a occasioned the misconception of the Guelph
anrgebno. coroner' to of we Am going to the E 'din lie a. I tell her hat he'la a far too � of Shipbuilding on the Clyde it a are tow M
slid the a
V �
lemu avowal of * his 1heart'm secret did, a Personage to wife can I im, Th'ie, I will may' no township clerk, Who is the newspapers' nu. ,bb4th
lalcolm kcol. But Dinah uot�ioed that and important t able. wit
a. VA(MAY honor fradusto Italian Lakes. mora -1 AV dischargeid -iny cons (Igo from appearances, is flourieb meeting fa te
rts ; but Dinah Iwas 09% some
n. non tamily conoe uite olduce and thority for The publication of such incor.
Id m;Jx1bi,1Tr1n 67 Medloid College. Member was, more tbs ally depressed oar
Ira 46 But thab is not until st," return6d . repeated boy's -words'. I trust they root and injurious information 80 craft having been launched - thi ire since 4d Th
Collegs of f1halotans and Burgeons, Onlario. Ind i nont when I aid thak" and impies-
Elizabeth, rather taken obee by Maloolm'a flor some time after' tll'()Ir ratu . rn to tile the has great r faith in b P friendship, have not spoken in vafn." His band ione. January lob. tvood House. 6. 1
oudden gravity.- She had'be�n so pleased yot 66a.ff Bub t this Elizabeth made no rested light on bar head as though in In many ways the augar beet Industry, Now a word about the eatUe trade. -
btesoijok, bu no word escaped bis lips. wisely located and r1jhtly managed, will Our cattle are preferred here to th? Amerl-
with him the previous afterno�n ; berliking anoWer. She we b on talk�ng 1w] th assumed -Then be rose, and after a moment Elizabeth prove beneficial to the 'farmer ; but these can cattle by both 2 the wholesale men and
IWTRNIT DW or him -had deepened, and s!)ie bad felt a QHAPTER XLIL 4r
481 e-rinets of the )Ong couple.j.
genuine desire for his friendibip, . In her THE. WHIRLDNIG OF TIME. oined him &ad they walked back allendy benefits being confused the firt year, with the butibbers. WAre all
Cedric -Intends to be marrie aooni"she They recommend o4 -feeders
FU meant heart she- knew how wall 6 had be- together. the difficuities of inexperience, were not to dehorn, and feed them �Cojnmitteea Give whab you have' mab Mr. Strickland is-goi�g to let them,
to some it may be on the grass be.
haved _56nd *" grateful t6 him for his dell You are�nob vexed with me, my dear ful17-realized until'the second year after fore- shipping, together with meal, that they .:-AND- totter than you, dare to think.-LoNGFEL., . 11 lie, the Priory, and has tmk�eln a cototage, lei ty will Obey And- toot ; :b�t,ab this momenb she felt he asked. anxiously, when they parted at the the establishment of the factory.. may take to the dry feed better on
for 41is'qwu -use. How obairmW Ann& will
as though she had received a douche of cold- gs�te of Rowan cottage. Then Elfzsbeth Our farmers who are cultivating their voyage and not shrink so much ; that covro Tf the ehif
UA be h
of an she sees I -thb gardin is a,dream
-no mice as
water. 11 Thab�ia a6t untl August', and it Possible stands by us ever fresh. auty and the iouse is deligh 4 al V' For raised bar oa4 eyes to hie.' second beet crop clearly perceive ino essed with calves Should not be shipped that we,
is only May now," she ropes r
ted rather Seri. Pairer Why sh6uld I be vexed ? You are al- pro6te in Bight through decreased cost of should cross with tbs best Shortoorns or to, I
,than ought which any life ba(h �; Pl
ously. *ays so kind -so kind ; but you have said production, of which numerable instance# Polled Angus bulls, and, above all, !that we At I V. 1
ly sold, owned,
Furniblara bought with care In easi Yes, I know 11 -o. -but here' Maloolm 'loEt And makes divine amend him might bo,advanced.
things that trouble me," and she, l0t
must keep iree from disease. If oilir oattl&
Many y les me
eaW experience ez%b to aeloob he self-oommand. Perhapsthe May-oun- AN INGELOW. are found to W diseased we will lbave to
-JL, and walked on rapidly until she found her- Generally speaking, the cost of
ta t d" with good constraotion,and abine daz7led him, or the soft-frienoliness in self In the familiar woodland path, and then and cleaning is less than half of the amouno 0aughter at home and ship refilir rato
ea Jigs
or and sold at righb pri IGHTS
414 an, Z14abieth's eyesand w3varying kindliness Two years had pasped �wsy since M41colm ithe unconsciously slackened her pace. of last year. As Illustration of this fact) hoaf,,mnd'refrigerat�or beef sells at aidi6count mk`r.I mutually,ple"ant, and pro- trieo his endurance, but for once the-undr, bad nioterea his passionate loonrt of ir& il
fitable. s She felt strangely shaken and agitated. take the case of Jacob B Sn der, of Berlin now In Britain. Rough -animals are elow of 4
I W bitterness found valib 0 -
Y I - hope eight acres of fi'e 16, - ' I Alipt
.1 Priory garden thot May morning,when phe The words bar old friend had spoken had M 11 eta cost Mr, sale in, Glasgow. L 61 can hadle that
Upholstering receivaii special attention.J, cannob come before � go abroad -r -you,
bard Corlielt,
Upbolxt�ry icoverippe and material kept W of all white petals of Guelder roseolin Eflz0eth'a ISE i $Fm thrilled her ap though by an- electric shook, Soyder o;n)y $17, out of which be paidhired class better. Our = should return
people, odght not,to, expebb it I' 'Y6 lot 8, concei"
u haqflay like;snow on tbs gravel path, and Itwas; a massage from tbs dead. Half, in. hel $1 and one meal 'for ten hours work, better profit, I think, if more care: wali
must know ho* I feel-t1fab it. is noti go' ill, thli I :�. I
od time he had sternly adhered to his -is th deLdliest and 'voluntarily 9 a pank down on the bank in exercised in loading on, the vessel. The to aul, 11talidd
Picture. Framing done prompti nTallowed himself the same. Few grow X
y. -- No- for me ! Whoin I am with you, I can Ocafoe- roffoludon, n7ul - ir alady to w I very spot * where Malcolm had pi in airnply brats], tind animals are �ftan _ M
ye. e a
Als psi the loked ing their second crop have estimated the
tures land frames for, sale. o .'Window IV endure mi pain !!? He spoke harshly, a , t. D d the honeyouc "Is. She kne. was a per ted by those engaged to look afte!
years he -our ect. - D d to oit of th'inning, ad cleaning above $4
In I hos two W what it
badionly paid f imankind i 9 suN
Sbades� Curtan Poles, Cottage Rods, Pillow �Almoijb Hinging the words at her but. she visit$ to tits W46od Hous K16ey P Ils will cure be tired th b. If
answered him quite humbly, a, and on two 'of 'A now for t a moment she f elt weak sore. them, The chop is seldom, free from beiag
Sham WIdeirs and many other such thinga these'o o, ElIza eth bad been a eat. Cal" of IrIght's Dig a and w I a Obild. They also recognize the stock feeding masted, and many cattle refuse to Uste itt
belougip to 'house, furnishing. Forgive'me, 1 -did not wanb 'to hurt I sob, bi ie had
.11 1 p ly lue of beeb pulp, which is Wing freely fed sod the voyage will help to Make the bI
come on noble in'vita- They hav, i never fitil Ovarsa'd o or again she repeated dumb Va p- lot I
Babk arriages -in tbs! very lattat styler, n a trembling voice-" .1. d d here
not un- ti C - half vi
I L;�give her --the' help a conneeil. she one mingl Case# Th ro Mr. Carlyon4 wordii. How could she doubt morningis sed evenings to grass fed stock, perN vrofits Smaller. The waleenipa
and away wrt I price. ter"I'taud." th It, complain that too many sheep are Out over ente
do� elad. rind more than once 0 had miP bar the onl medy 2 er that David h poken them when he had wbi- red owm
h, as a rule, greatly relish
0 Ma
a '04
Mr. Allen Battler, of Badery, is draw. Advanced with lamb ambs weral also ine' tri with Ing unselfishness to isaythein
I also sell the vertical feed Davis. sewing, No, yo have never understood-" but has ied 10
Z Qiteen'S'Gate. our* it, and the re
a w and had the only m e. d th t n. to he Id she ever forget the )uTp regularly from the faot-ory several that condition. This butt the safes,
machines, then which thers, Is no better In #or Cedric had bad hi 8�y- r VV 0 tender 1939 1 by ZWr
a vertical feed on these 'acted an Introduction between his sistera miles to his farm, And informe me that with coste between $22 and $0 to ship bu 0
the country. Tit' of There Ar Imitation
solemnity of 1�im manner ?
viAohinee makes it a pleasure to' ew an 'at d Mrs. Herrick ; and. as they had mutual- Dodd's idnek Plus III I pulp given night and motnin hi AGW reviee4
(To be Continued.) I& I COWN to this country (Great Britain) at I the 455
The a mi Ana fabric, and puckeri is impossible. ��.,Iy taken to eacb, other, a pleasant inti6acy box And n4ma-bui that are on the posture' giv enotigh to rate.
price putte them' easy reach of any CONTINUE I hi�,d been the result, and Ann&. paid two, 6r tions are dangWare"u 'feed both calves and pigs ; while on pasture The Government gives a premiuml of 140" for
, %. . I . Four yo Sootchmen, but recently -ir .40
JAmir;na #L firaf.-Ma" manhinn. I + -:.1&. 4-- 61L.- tX7_1 0___J 'LL- I ^A-4nal -".4 --t- - - 11 4g, . I --I- &L- ____ ____ -'-- -',I- - _ .- --c A - L_ r- _,_ t---- - imAt
A_`iAVZJ AU Auvo W111AL AJLAAMLJ. LULA ujuau LIVIO U� py agemenri or rearmeno or nornes, nirect a --y-, 1"U" UJUKU vul)wr mould WHOU pulp to a nomiumilee, 13my ;,-,u wv"Uffiv U."U 111ol, I—
think that I do not care for Miss Eliz�beth team from Ri 3hsrdson',s liver in Struistford ti&" ha �"
SC- "IS. FMU[ fed, Numerous other instanoes of good re- number is reached the owner ohs.
And Embalming carefully and properly done
oil on 5
According tol the latest method#.' Night T67119ton," she had observed rather sbyly - on Dominion Day, and after Ling out Bev. oults from feeding pulp mighb be given. I regular fee for the service. woul it 1000
hould contlnueithL6�tL
could mention the names of scores of Urmerm be a good system to Introdu to our,
calla answered at my resideincet South east r;6atment to Icolm, after her first visit to Staple-, eral boars, br)ught it back in very bad eon -
fn hot weather; sryral-ler 4ciose
carver of J&Weo an4 William atirdets..' - an d a "I I ttle 0 grave -I" for I admire and like her more KIDNEY dition. Both horses bore ridges slong� the who have fed and who know that beet pul country,,? It would help to ve tli&
001 Milk with It will p
is much superior as a stock food to d
tb an I can say, and I i '' d
do &WAY with any object166 am never tired of back and sideii from liberal applications of pulpe stock, here would be fewer L r N, 4!3
Which Is attached to fatty pro
ta king to her -but I do love ni r turnips. the sto wouldbe of better
diuOts clurfins the heated P# a seeme
_y des: Miss, PILLS. the whi d to have come in for
D ua�, I" And indeed Dinah - abeeptid the Not only is-thare a, dirsob benefit derived
80ason. more of this t an the other and wan after -
Send for frite sample, gi I's Nnocent worship with great kiudnexo� Dodd's KJdney Pills i4re warde so stiff nd sore that it is likely in by growing sugar beets, but indirectly the
To Cure a Cold In One D�7-
ghd is J.dear . child. and Ellz'abeth 4nd' I fifty at benflbted 'through his land beoom-
SVI 8COTT & BOW;�E, Ch�nilsts cents a box Jared utly. The' reckless drivers firmer in
Toronto., I -Ontario. r nd k 'her," were lug cleaned and improved by bhe cultivation Take1axalive Bromo Quinine Tabletd- I At
ar ve y she wrote oltee to druggists. U0 befor this police magistrate on the
5w. and $r-eo; ah dru " I
SEAFORTH. M1 co zu 1- 11 the: thoughb *that some one else Information"!, a Mr. Richard# hub the of - sugar beets. Take, for' bxmizogle, the drIncl Isibs.refund the money if It falls to Outv
on!, f
case was ex ded for a week uatil it is grain crops following \the sulgar Sets 6 Gi ve's gignatu a Is on a&
.6nd of er makeeme very happy, For ch boir, 250
Mal jaekeoti,-
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