The Huron Expositor, 1903-03-27, Page 7Mitborn cotih Me Pectoral Tenn. y a s the t -U S S th groat- ever U wil y you try it. rori, ordWary oL"alt, mass% anatter& York. W. hen, but of- the undergro-tir.(I t away - Little vhd� was placed Irt the, he] ' situated in tha park cie hill now Efsadn' 1� he matter was, com- �g *as one, of the fairoalt, a-�giuized ab the -time 'the fugitive slave 'law leo�od Dr. Downing t ;, . I - W 4come t 3 the Hurt �ao,ae fela 11 -1 Mr. Down. effeetve the, Aminy through his of - DO Ga OLOC Ounb of co,jo�v. io schools of that. the legialattire, for a.. wa -a �Qarried,and. Aii.lical one. . He became LEW! som& years ago retir. &- this n-,gro, made him. m% was respected for his, %n& will always be- held, ce:- for what he was and lu.::-Springfiald Repibli�_ ten Ohrea,- and four, e ik.cloudtd oer. atid in quick pursuit, thdy did awif tly shook- th�'sun between, be fretly seen_ Zhe;'�Iouds, each one, WS #qey neared the sun- �hxl vani,.ihed aay, ,mitm the lh; w6se elo'l-da of doubt, fbe dark pufb out. "a 4bim-cr-Bridgre- . I �)Iipg-Bridge, acroas thw te IwAst coricui br2ge in ;a4, as everyone knowj4 �a the Tay Gpposite Dun- sbt�a hr. (Igo is- about 24,.i Cathedral city. 11,6 r t n acroca a chaear .eOh wi(li. But such a brLA. a y(u can. see, the 9 by a, suacesedon, of ci A cataract is at tha � Ary does the river pre­ ZhAhe ohasm th%t thick spray are, caEt far above Lim; es y on can even feel. t=�'Aer yc-a. Then the, � waterUl, the gloom ot hTwigh which it flowirr wmsea form altogether ble: scene. For a, E -pace f, and When 1coking front �laierva it far below 'mov- 4uA peaceful current. built a, single plank pkaamaul used by foot� XCZ-185'. MOLD, h*Ving Met wA ts,'en a., drp m!the plan QU- the back 6y. ext morning. he and when he aa. -w ihat �a ta was: so ( truck Wilk. to Led and died.-&:B- 7�— ,of Deafness. pi�6ired hearing aredua inflammatioa, P, -nanent aura is r, h4i inhale- a�arrhoioav 41bd after traversing ML h4 respiratcry, organs, is - it complet3ly !am- any part �f thw nose and throat, awa I Oxogestion: and =8- Ringing in i4ea, Catarrh, Asthms. science can deville- Catarrhozone� Com—% n, h f uie, f Eaa ,t'Druggtsts, or X. U. are ff6otive. s, via Baby - os the hiby L::. do - 4 ta1oa, 'Ale pride; 'I body of it -i the baby y dimples l ,�j the baby Xrt,you drop him, 0 uv!k� xo,� Va ro,,tir cheekar. r1is arms., ;�tls sturdy lega, ,0� charmff� t3 the oktes� Ares ras eyes. zr%� ta lAdlee --Hays wbo lived ia ia St. Louis, her daugbttrblffi, Her property 12, ��tq Mr. Thom -is Blk- it for the Past twelve "d at Striaford hoop" eek,. of Mr. wGora of eaaaed ha(I been in. tbo typhoid fever. 00 ' e after !-persted upont. 1-ronx which he did" �*viiss Tehan, by whom two boya and "T Does it not seem more eft'ective to breathe in a remedy, to cure diease of the breathing organs, than to take the remedy into the stomach AV Eslllishcd xS79. Cures While You Sleep it cares because theair rendered strongly antiseptic is carricd over the diseased sur- 'face with eve4 breath, giving prolonged and constant treatment. It is invalu- able to mothers with small children. Is a boon to ast.h.-natjcs. —FOR— Whooping Cough Bronbliffis Croup Coughs Catarrh, Colds GriPPe and Hay Fever . i The Vaporizer nd Lamp, xvhich should last a lifetime, together Whit a bo! de of] Cresolene, Extra supplies of Cresolene 25 cents and p cents. Write for dcqcriptive booklet contain.. ing highest testimonyas, to its,value. VAFO�CRFSOLEXS: IS SOLD UV Vapo-Cressolene, Co. �Z80, Fulton Street zPLx Notre Dame &-reet New Yor Recommended and sold by I. V. Fear druggist, Seaforth. DIISTRILOT MATTE1118C Dubhn. SPRING1 The oaleud&-r says spring. This 'store s(h:)6s. No matter what the day may be, nol time for anything but I h.ughts of spring and sanshine, -ni all the ptemure -attendant upon their cumiu.-. And th:nk �o _- plemura, too, in making aelectioas fthe from the marty choi,!e ilrng3 in - wearing apparel,, McFaulis, Seaforth, are displaying ,moftt tempting materials i -i all , cla%ees ofall g:0.1asuit),ble I ftr epring and �U-nmcr dress - .186. 1840-1 NOTES. —Miss Hanlan, v; ha h4s been visiting her mathEr in Ingeraoll, bai returned home. —Mise Carroll, who his been. spending her h­.lidaVs in the home a- r1e, h -,s re' urn4d, to betmit.—MissKenny, Michael'a hot-, pital, in Toronto, is V-0 no to recrait her health. —Mr. U. Williams is confined to his family resideiiie with an attack of Vie grip. -Miss Kleman wits. a vis -t. -r in itchell last week.—Miss DtInnally, of Goderich, spaut Ban -lay with her p_%renta. - Mr. John Downey, of Mitaheil, was in town the other day.—Mrs. L%mb, of Bean,foid, was the .gu)at of&Mrs.,James Pierce since last i3sne..7— Mrs. Holmes, of Brantford, was a visit-ir at the home of Mr. and M ri. MoIn t6sh - last, week.—Mrs. M.. Madigan vbited friends in Seaforth last week.—Nir. and Mrs. John' McConnell hare moved to toaii to reside.— Mr. Frank McConnell is th& proud father of a beautiful boy.—Mr. George Simons has gone to Preston, wh-re he has got a grol poaition.—Mrs� John McConnell -spent Sat. urday last with Mitchell friends.—Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rayan., spent Sunday with. INI.r. and Mr. John Wor.di.—Ur. L. Looby -spent Sunday last in Stratford.—Mi-as Wil- li6ime, Was a Visitor in Seaforth durin the coame of last week.—Mr. anti Mrs. Nagle have return;,d from Toto ito.—Mr. ani Mrs. PhilipKennyr,turakd from Lndon last (Churtdq.y. —Uisa Creighton, of Sb. Marys, was sk visitor in town last, week.—Mr. Fred. Davis, son of Mr. James Da is v' was married re L oent)y in North Bay to a young lady in that place.—Mrs. W - it- liam. White, of St%ffa, was a, gueEt of Mrs. James Davis last week. SIGNS OF SPRING. It is a Season When Most People Feal Miserable, Elasily Tired --and Fagged Out. The apring season: affects th bealth of almost every Oi13—of Cour.Q in diff-,rkrit Ways. With some it is a feeling of weari- ness after slight, exei tiGn ; others are r ffiict� ed with pimples and Pkin etupti(ni. Fickle appetite, s%llow cheeks p6nd lack-lutt-ii eyes are olh�r aigni that Vie Wood is clogged. With iraparitiea: and must hwe mafttance to regain its health, givivinr properties. Th -s is the season above all othErs xvhen everyoue—yc,ung and old�need. a. tonic -to brace them up,,, and the beat tonic medical Polence has discovered is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These pills tone the nerves and fille the veins. with new, pure, rich, red blocd. That's why thevy give you a� healthy. ap- petite and cure all blood rid nerve dia- eases—anaemia, akin diaaaaea, frysipelas, rhoumatiami neuralgia, palp,it;&tiGa of the heart and a &core - of Wh- r troubles caused by bad blood and bail blo-)d alone. Dr. Williams� Pink Pills -will gi7e: you new blood, n -,w life, new energy—you canrot do better than &tartL taking them to -day. Mr. Jos.. Porier, M. P. P., Grand Anse, W,. B.,, s%ye : 11 Both my wile and datighter have been greatly benefit�ed by Dr. Wil, liams' Pink Pills, My daughter was in very po i- lvmlth ; pale,- thin and apparent- ly blo)dlese but throdgh the use of the Pille she has regained hcr health, and Is, again able to. enjoy life. I ) think Dr. Wil- liams? Pink Pills is the bast inedibine when the, blood is poor." Substitutes are some- times offered, but they never cure. If you C%nit get . the genuine Pills from yoar dealr send direct to. the Dr. Williams' Medicine 0Q..Brockville, Oak, mid they will be mail- ed at 50 cents a box or six boxes fcr t-1.60. Ethel - STOCR &i.ts.—Mr * David Milne, of the M.'attlandbank Stick Farm, E!Ixsl, whose fine herd of Shorthorn. cattle has an envi- able raPuation, has been making numerous sales. this season; Since the first of Janu- ary last he haRL disposed of five fine young bulls. two cows and a heifer, and he Etill has 7_2 head of the choiceab breading to 'select from. The following are the pur- chasers : Bulls, Gavin Kirkwood, Chealey ; Thomas Dickson, -Atwood ; Thomas Steph- en$, Ethel - Mr. Corrilla, Yallartan ; Mr. Burden, k'iidlemios, Ontario. Females — One Cow to James English and a cow and 1% heifer to John Crultev, Belgrave. A Frerxchman�s Description of Football. M- Jules 'Hurit write s- bik to his con.- frers of Figaro his irnpreskrI3 of football as observird at the Yale-Havard match. The value of hie pictura is this, * that it thows what the present game lcoks like to an un - Prejudiced observer, and shows why the rules should be chauged in favor of a less Niolent, more open and more interesting game. The resourceso!the�Ungliah laha-i r� rosentatiati In t colbs fcr at least two years in Vie mountain Liabowel. a bride was drasecd in white. FOR SALE, age he U Dper chamber fro�n On- - I The Girl Who'Gets Married. are to:) feable.to translal�e M. H�iit'41 6krio. Mt. Edwa i a to a farmer as well as 1 tmoiphere befo�e he takes them to the Iow- silk, and Sasisted herister, while de;jription of scrimmages. Let' us t0e,! ' You may call fiunjollarit to mention it, a wi lumberi4an, oul i ating. Some six hundred r country. Mr. Jefferson believes hat the groom aided Dr. Turnbull, of ORSES FOR SALM-Two good working harm Vnen, his descripti(n of who the exoerllli b� t it; ie n3vertheleas true thaD some - girls e H for Ma cheav, also I nice drIver, abd one- un "res of la�ud, an �c wrying oni the business with t hs advantage of bhe greateet capacity - Toronto. r a short Vine spent im, visit- han plain looking.� c4 anot be called oth�r't of French Burr miII stanes tomplete. A�pply to .call h iva behind 11 interferaiiae mixeill fa]rmirig He also indulges in of lung and increaked hear.' power thait this ing friends! Ur. and If chained (mark the word), one �of the 01 I am] Y1 t these are often the girls who get mar- will entail, hie horses will excel those thab for their Zatem home. r*. Pugh will. leave JOHN THIRSK, Blake. ; stock-raioing and d drying to a large extent, r�(d most readily. tons succeeded In getting fre6iwith th' having alflas collection of "Ayrshire cattle. y have had equil advantig49 in other _Anniv(roary services were held on Sun- A FOR SALE. -For sale two thiroughbred 0 �ba ma and in d8caping, then you have .,a t6irif Phe fact is, some girls instinctively know': Ee has likewise devted ooneiderable atten- particular ,sach as blood iza and nourish- day, Marzl Sth, at the Mount Pleagaut ap- B'Djurbam bulle, agQd iii anii 17 montM 'both rttoe 1' They thtow thems do : li�wtofindthewayloamau`ahaait. This' red In color. Bred from firft plves All tion, to Sliprthr-ract, 1having gathered around Clasestook. RXM3RRT at eo much by their looks� ment, He coifidently exects that his pointm,mb, and, notwithstanding ths bad CRICH, Lrt 25, Uonmalon 4, H. P� S., Tucktramith m, and you see hi4i , crash Oow 6-m the largeat her4 of this class of stock- in : mountain-brcd horses will have more *tiy- condit'on ofthe roadq, te att-nisirie -was Seaforth. P. o.. fiont of hi th q accomplish n tightly hugging the ba,"ll lik.6 a. chedoh as by their tact and ready sympathy. 6*. luo if h, I ' in, quality "'than the average . plains -bred large. Tw 6xeellent se�mons wera prauch- baby. Or, it ha escap often a man's female relatives exclaf In W'ithi es this' dbinger, �ob horse, ani he expqcbs to denftoastrate their ed by Rev. Mr. Brown, of Mitchell. The OR SALS.-Fourgood, s!raigM byed Sborthon asonishment when he,givem it as his opinion! hands grasp him an he.runs, il�v tile ; lea( F bulls from imported Btcck of nod ;ouklng y evenin w A Righ' to tudloe- superiority before h3send3 them to the sales tea on Mon I as also largely at- )tmi C a . 4 1 - the body, the feiat until he i� sttetchA, tb �t a, oei t%in girl is prett. Pt ob4bly she, n n. Also a few good cows and heiters i4 ealf or �31 1 Perioni ring. tended a was a Rreab guess. with calf at fo-.t. DaVID MILNE &ON, Ethe the ground . Without inq4tring whathi hobaveuselDrIChase'a Olutmeut.have h- 3 n,t a gocd feature,in h�r face, and other I f3at Ontario, 4 tl4e best A ht to judge �f Its ln�rlta, And there is no -M a. *kIe Sawell" One of the 0 1-840 tf this great amourt of fol aril �%E tRokli 1�"paratloo on the mar" :at . to -d y which is be4ked by w(mEn would vots heiplain, but the -secret 3side ratfo.rd, died on March 12� THE MOST NUTRITIOUS ro 8 0 t h is ch rgesble to the players drto;. M. 1�H isuca a n1ass of unsalaited mfilmony. It ourea is 1h.st she has i O.n1BbhJng about her that A $ _ff OUSE FOR SALS.-Up to date b-.uee, in gOO4 11 [ . etz�nia, shlb rheum and 11 so promptly and at th om6 of her do6ughter, Mrs. Wm. we' orAtin bli ads the man to h�lr a,atual looks and W1 I -L loca-lity, modern convenjence!,, on Fa�t Wil- r(va bewildered ilnagitati0l]i " l : I rleasure to renom.. mv kes him see in her appea: rance the rz,flee- ce, jnlizr 83rd ye4r. She was born 'I'M fftrO, Senforth, not fiveL tniuute3 -alk. front ttioroughly that people ! -el �hl k Lawren with his description Of � the 'I' inti rfer ra wend it to other suffer(ra. Am t -in 1820, in Kontreal, and came t,) Stmt- Main streef.' Will be -Bold xeLmoulwhly. Apply,atr But during the run, those 6n I .is a, newspapers. ost'mon'ala In, the tion o' her pretty ways. Epps's Cocoa ford with hbr d, wLo died in 1886, THE -EXPOSITOR O.PFICE. not remain idle; they burl t�srnE e Undoubtedly the way of a girl with tip at which time h-3 was town clerk. Three thoie who try to a, op; t hj !course t t The Management ok F�Irm, Labor man has more to d,) hEr popularity An admirable food, wibh all Its na- soas and two4aughters 0urvive. r"IMBER FOR SALIC._-Raving dispoFed of sa and early marriage an runut r, knock them down, p4ah ' t ythil-ig else. tural qualWes intact, fitted to (Written foi Tua i" Mapwomen can, witlicilb elffftt, adapt' 6W6 fuet, them The melee is general , ana 1proAigious:-o 6.1 build up and maintain robust _1$le deEA ocourrEd IaBt'week- of Mir t!mber 0 sawe. The building I � i r . - bee, feet I that Unquestionably t ere is'nothing connect. themselves most naturolly to the obhFr eex, health, and - bo resiab winter's ex- cf frame, would 11 this sepa rapid, fitrJe and complica;Q Gforge Lojagfoot, of 86 atford. Deceased are 18 p)eees 9xi2 3ne ong, Ind ! endent rate il dealres-, nem- was a, nitive of &ratford' and had been for ly pil I . , 01, 4GONIENLOCK BROS, eA with the busines i of Wining which gi and being good frienda�Vth all, finally meet: -pound impossible to follow." ives treme cold. Sold M- quarter bet -fate. By the un ning those girls: tins, labelled JAMES EPPS & CO., volautei!er fireman in the Winthro. ixe as much annoyaw a,pr ahich isaadifficult. thefr ever 20 year's' 9 r xU86 of the, brigade, holding also th4 position fcr six t on a ratisfaot )ry baiis as farm labor. ri frcquently labelled' ffliti, beo A,True Nerve onio imited, Homceopathio* Chemists, ULLS AND PIGS FOR SALE. -the underfigntd thgere are various oi uses which tend to bring gaieral popularity, Lub this is offi-I"k caused ndon� England. - ycars as foienjRn of Ilia brigade, whielipoci- Durham bu:1 16 Will act, r9t so much dire tly np, 41 the Lo B h�w for sale oxio tborouahbrtd ' d1ontV118, LtAtO Of affairs, and perhaps nonla by mc -re jealouay. A girl is rob� a � flirt Vou he relidqIiished labt 4pril to become months, roan ; I eight months and one five nerves as upon thq digestive fua6bioniq at d rcore so than the unri moaableness of em- beeause men ficd her society EO attractive' 8witchman �Ioi the G. T He' leavea a Also a nutubtrtf-heifers one yenrnd under. Also thsab,undant formation of Ired, 5 vit-4izir ployere. Socialists tell Us that the world th* t they -would ratK6r talk to - he"'r than wife and one 4aughter. The esu3e of (14i 1 th.. a number of thoroughbred Yorkehire pigs and g-mq, blood..- Nerves can't be fed on' medicin).1 6culd produce encu 1h for ft,s needs it every an one else. She only becomes one when- Ep Ws Cocoa wa ion. Deeteed was 40 ve&rs littered In August. Sire and dam fro�.i hu�_ They can, however be ! et'rd P p, ported stock, frew Blatt's herd. J?o.r part';culaw ar i rfaau worked but hai the number' of hours shi i plans to drxw all within her tiils and. o't�, tni ht6d been ailin me address 8. CUIMORR, Hurondale P. 0, 181.6 -ft strengthened by aarimilated f od. D i . . . g for some ti I that is now oonside -ad a working day bat he �p them ther�, deluding each 1bh the GIVING STRENGTH AND VIGOR. past. i ffiarvelc-m aetion. of Ferrczooe a�rize_3 fro -4 I i I ivnforLun�t)ly, on -,uc -06,nadian farms, it idf a that he is the only man for list. The 1819-26 --Mrs. B�11%rd, of Stratfnrd, m ULLS FOR SALE -Pr sale U orou bred its aotir n over the - digestive and I BDur-ham bulls, 1-5 monthsld, re in col)r; ne neems neiceseary for thq fa4mer and his mpn really -popular, tactful,- sy-'Mpathetiol girl rc- the labe Serkot If. Bklil'oa d, of the first and 11 2 year ----------------- ative processes. Wben you akel Ferr�oza bul a old, red. Also wo 3 �eikr old 1 ieit,2 to ntiDgeii's, whose at foatt� Calves �got by New Yeaes Gift. ut,,ah day a solid day's work all the M- ns a favorite even when she is mayried. third South 'African i�o str 1h .the blood in purificti,_ ngt liene i �'a a. ye&r rou a and even then it is, difficult to ae frcquery hears poople express won- Get Rid of That Cough 'death on M rdh 4th was o6ttributed to sal All "I "ow down blicky kind. Apply on j_%at L growa rich and red. Then y u g1row vig lxold oaeN own an cng t o . keen Co1inp-ti. de thatEo many plaill looking g:rls are Before the Slimmer cornee. Dr. Wood's Norway oide, has co oluded, aftep . investigating all 24, 'Cncl�skon 3. Ti. 11. S., Tuclzerawl.tb. WILLTAX I 'I ady� for tWv p; CHAPMAN, Brueefield. OUR, healthy and beautifidil, Pine Syrnp annquers CGuggha, GrIds, Bore Throat, tj(n� 14 these day i when the comp�t.ton me riad, Vhile their beautiful, sh-Urs are the businesi a -- personall correspondenc-e of beeoine yon have the sirciigt td do M!! Huarserest, Bronchitis,, and all Disepoes of the 4 her late son ti hi3 death was this to ac- OTO! SHORTHOUNS FOR SALE. -Por gale, a � Co O� IiLtween�capital an� lkbcr ha#e bo'cole Eo lef a in old maid's blis�. The uival reaull Thr�at afd Lungs. i tonic fc�r the brain, blood dr n6rves' , m all accoujute regarding his n bn1l, also I t'pnee tat a little extra abrain. at any time, isthat tho plain girt is not so selfia (r * at cidnt. Fr I So number of young Sootch �Shc-rthot r it Jultq ib, lea 9 b so � $ It's n nanner on thd evening p seeding his death covts and brifers of the imost lafbionable stralght pare. with Ferrozone. � Prlce� 56 at 461-.Abst rbed, and is therefore free ob tl:e wevither that's at faulh, 16's your sys-, I , . r6ay bring aboub th ) moat -serious ree I W Scotch and So-Ach topped bref dlng� � Don't wait for glats, or Polson & 0o,1 KirIoaton, Oni-tari feeli ge tem, (logged Mith poi!orous M&tetIS13, that nialces and all ca u is a matt�r of r o am %11 iml icr�anae fo: farm. to conaid(r her coanioup a i aLd ,-o from Ithe Una o his busineBs let any.suctlon Bice as you - -a b _vb Hamilton�a Plls are ive. op nions, � Now, no girl 'who is 4aptable i�u feel dull, drowsy, weak and misemble. Lot Bur- tere she is cbdvinced of is. He h%d erp r--u--!h cheaper �ffe ere to consider w! iether some'thing more dook Blood Bl�bcn dan awa all the poisons. purily ust and en your a vvn terins find ycu ha've 7o head to concluded ah reliminar'i s prior to accept- selcoh from. - SpEcial bay.gAins to va-ly r U)t be'done V) pit the labor question, if, ne d despair of winviag a man's lov'16. She d enrich yoty blood, make you feel bright %nd buyers. a DAVID AtfLNE & SON, Rtbel 1.828 tt 134 lorousi. The AVerage baby., a affecta'! tbo farm, n a better basil'. sh aid be able� to pat him on go,*d terms ing a position lin Montreal. The baby of normal weigh� tips'! the sea In an 'Ideal conilion of aft -airs, a6 em- wmh hi'self and the world, she mukt pron' -A ve:y Bad death ovurred a short time STOCK VIOR :5F.RV3k,-.b, down at blit'i at the 7 ioaul mq6plk, f 1.� ployEr wculd never a5k or his- men duce in hcraelf the inerest ih him -that she* There is no f§rm of kidney trou�lej rom a backathe ago in St. mys, when Doaglis Conpland, down to Biigbt's di'sease, that Dgau's Eldney Pills son of Mr. and Mrs. Ch tb do more work th Nu was i or k he is much heavier or miph ligh r1lbItIolor reason- wi ihes the man to know she feelo, ''Fin A all at es Coupland,. was i v%,Ill not relieve! or cure. found I IG FOR SERVICE. -T1 -e undereiJ13el Will keep or she is at odds with the av rag6. W and when hri ;g woz id in all'oasies be -this must be done in a quiet, unj,'UruBive If you are tr�ubled with any. kind of kidney com dead �nibii bed a a yougg P on Lot 29, Canceiaioa 11, Hibbert, a Tho ur man of 21 yea�j, and i culiar feature of bby Weighb,'is that 1 g mady an�l willing to give a J&ir ard just w laint, give Man's Kidney Pills a trial. ;as�n:veraiavcrl rug bred Yorkshire boar to which he idll drougli mit a ths first day of its life ' the �ouvgstar4-t Q rbinnaGratloiiii for se vices to be pt rformed, few girls of c-xoepbiunal charm, �vlvscity ged. Deat�i� w.,as due to heart failure. % Just limited Inumber of sows. Tarwq.-41 at,,theiwe of and well as -rvice the evening1before liewal bright JOHN ELGIA. Chirse!bura, -00. 17714f i% the perfectly normal-13�OUD� 3ter' lo)3�6 el wnd would efideavo. to r4,; .t a system an ad ractiveness may for a time succeed Found at Last mination m(Lae O& t 4 �f firming th%t wcl ild in ol pcu,id. Thus, exa t to in ding aman th-,y have fa8einstod while A Uver pill bhEt is small and Eure, that acts g6 giv employmen 0 evei he was, And spent a kood -part of the arently running counter to some: of 'his My', quickly and thorcughly,' that does not grl�',e. evening painting, as was'his wont for past second ar- (I fourth day will' - ho V�� a Nttig 6hinsprien 'in the alacl � part f the. year. The a time, an art ii�' which he had attained con- wi the :1 fi 0 a .41 allo, would no tatte undue ad- ch riahed ideas ; but in the long � ran it -Liver Pills posses i th�se qtvAlibles, and arei, o! six pounds only. , But ft( I sure cure far Liver Comp%inb, Con3tipabion, Sick sidera y w(ek, at the end of which tirn. th4 I io Vantage 0!thaem� oyer becauseof a tem. 98 erally happens that they go over p the-- Headache, _e a. f ble e4ill!. The deceased was highly pcuad ahoald be regaiuEd, tl ere iFj a �te7i ary acar3ity '6: labo'- would Over In 'a way of thinking, 0'0- respected by the people of St. Marys, and advance. Ten pounds shc �td have b _�V hid work, but wouT I in ever R -ra are siclily people with weak hearts was a mom 0 ian ebirk e faitlifit Whey 4 b�r f the Virst Prepbyteri t,bet h s a LAXA-LIVER PILL May night lok thlrbY and ddraaged nerves, Milburn's Heart and Nerve church. Teached by the time the baby is eight We zq doing- his daty, �wlv employer were I makes aoompleto aura of billouaressland con. Pills willthe fmind an eff ectual mbdidne. They ro- old, and when it is -20 weeks�-old �he kig it with him or not., ati d would in all oased�ibe L118tOd, devitalized or twy tion. Tho6t Is-jusb 26 cents to be curfd. store e feebled, eneivated, exhf Grind Trunk a sh(idd be 14 pounde. At seiVer. rpoatha t Mady to'piA forth an exti4 Effort in a, b0ey ked men and�bmen to Ylgorous health. TH E OMNIBUS. figqre Ehould be 16 pounde, drid the ye ir-o time-, over_wo� go a - 4 System? I Attacke - by An Bull. baby shculd h%v & mark of I 02-1 11 n- 0 a 1' It is soar.,cly to be ejpected, however, gry Et For 6h3leraUcrb�s,0hoiera Infantum, Cramp% 1. owned by Allis ' Rok L -e �Nked its credit. And so tbe fulara na-tipp,n 6 -at such an Utopian Et:4 of affairs will Guernsey bul on - (]ollc, Dlckrrhoea, Dysentery and Summer 0oniplaint, I until, ad e t hle fra.1 hurnan-natu erann, a wealthy farmer of C irlstadb, N.J,, Dn Fowler'a Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt, Ratlway Ttme Table. re remains NO (?1*SO11.11101tba1i the fmous - i -ecurethathaa been a popular favorite _11 i - 8a; and su Trains leave Seafortb as follows ,re ano known'throughcut New Jersey as astook citiz ness goes on Luilding age of, twp, years,.it !a able to puiat' wi 1 43 it 8, ut by tle exeroke of a little fc�neafly()Oyears. Bshiisc'l Pascal, is said brdcder, attacked -Mr. Eckerson fti� 9, field pr de to a recard of 27 pounds. tihoughlulness and mutual forbean6nee, the 9.20 a. w. Foi Clinto, Goder-jah WinghaIn and to haye i4ti.-oCmced tile velilelle lyhich Hineardine. Fed on his farm �Ozme time* ago, goriugand relations between employer and emplo, A Penalt-Y, of Riches, I rpay bemuch impro4ed. . In conkidering,tbe -stamping upon' him and. causinginjuri0s wo call tlie: "oim.)*ib411 " Unlike most 12.40 p. In. For Vinton and Goderich. A Burden to Self d OthEirs.� 011 -parse of ridie4e,W.hich, it.is 6.16 p. In. For Clint -an, Wingant and Xinear- i .1 -as inore -ciha*vq� no �,iixhtjtc question of farm I bor, its it affectFi the from which his. physician feared woold prove -uh g,!Paseal vA dine. Edward Jackson, a hired man, who cor Take care of ycur.henilth ; y e tb quite wlarge�numbcr of American S in ieo �q frairs of prac- 110.18 p. In. For Olinton aud Goderkh. ogt lt,on,:�i and thus becoma a bui'don to urqclf an dperations and profi I a of the farm, ar. d the 0) or los L �re,, I in t yo dur'ngl, the past few. years made 7.63. %. m. ror Strallord, Guelph, Toronto, OrIllia, North Bay and p�lnt NyeSt - perhmps to others." When,' the IVer ets lig&h reEcuad his employer, had, his arm!: pierced who it.,ill life, Ill b lJorne life of the dw3l tri there, morally,and onsi6rable for�unes, is indig-Patior, du3 ti A , C -was tho 1UN,011tor of t e tbokidneysinixotive, and;the IDWeIS Co s pa -e 4 horns &:udiswa:s feared t .� socially, it will generally be found on lurge by the animal'a Iiht i�ow our Belleville ud Peterbow and points Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver' Pills will ro My a I may be termed too good living, The i h 4t blood poison wotild set in and neceEsi-� 01rt. t qr modErately, large farms that the employ- American.- filtering and excretor$- syste ii in rfe 1, or r sudItu bramiton from a simple 1,08, where and and - i Aing themselves, p 3.11 P. to.. For Stratford, Gualpb, toroutc, insure good dlgc�,Uon z6od h a] ThQr thent of,iBrried In n boa tate!am utation of the meril'ber. hard work was required eirly'and late, to a built treal-and-points east, anowediciasEugenerally'uBed and Oone �o s�d The bull was one of Mr. Eckerson's priza t � is,alcogethek. e e ble to boardina men in in ilie heart of d ceszful. One pill &dote, 20 cent�a bb.. life of luxury with but little hard work, h -An Paris. 4-40 P- nl- For Sbmtfor , Guelph and Toronto. the heuie. taic the question of pi ofti, W1 aners. it was grazing in the pasture proved a change too great to be healthfully 11-i ortant consideration of when the farmet entered ibintendin to herd 4IO alliecl hImself in this undertking tberis i -i the 9 e. It is a changr. uhich h%fj come to Palmerstgn au Kincardine. earn. I 1) animal into mad with h1flelifl-al ftiLds, .1., Some Good Things'to bome life -the ho e life cannot by � any tb thp barn. On the way a req -bes line in thi many w -ho have not during their previcus Q01NG.N*arm PAN. XtUd, Mixed Learn to laugh. A gocd �%ugh is bLtq icoat hancling on the clot 3' W110111 1.? Duke Ooasibility be what home �ife ought to be PP )t a - - - re 7.30p.m� 12.20p.m life had to tike into acc.,,-unt tb%t whe than medicine. yqd�. caught te eye of the beast, hi In I= Lonis Ethel- 8.07 3.07 -2.40 when the farm house Is nothinc, better th%n w lah exercise does not come witlia Learn h -)w to tell a story.' ALI W61L tol E4 bo3,rd ng howe. It is not too much to say im nedialely bellowed, Ao (rad its head,and P"y"I'lld"alily purallits some means- of obtain- P,'ItUt to in wh�ich it aid Brassels.... 8.17 1.10 10.00 story is as welcome as a kikabev4m, in �a sib 'hat ths fn a- bright boy or be ,un raving araund fariou3ly. Me. BokEr- ......... P;27 1.30 10.20 it through oult-of -do)r sports of a grest- that tlio-,�e %�-ere hitelided for Avingbam.. 8.88 tura life f many 1.85 ro6m. a son tried to dodge, but was hno.kW down Igirl in this coalmy has been a fallur -u tror less ii-thletic character is essential if- tl�c C011111ort Gf p -or l4mle Avilio liLl to GOING SOUTIL Pass., Mixed. pass. Learn' to keep Vonr troubles to yo�rself. through too little attention lir*ving been an I trampled pan. ad health is to be maintained. or justil e or bo were winghanl.- 63 a.m 9 a.m. 1 05 P.m The world is too busy to caUe fo yoqc illi aid to their yearning for, hoine comforts. Elia cries for help attrcU0 Jacktoo, W1.0 0; a eat and drink, possibly to excesp, to to (ma,ts Bluevale,-_.. 7..92 9.17 ,Ms �T and sorrows. One of tho firab thir go to :be Aimed ab in raiL out into the field.',. Jackson attacked siVk aDd so poor that �`Iiey Could not af Brusse live luxuriou-fly-that is, to satisfy all one's 7.1-8 10.00 3 25 Learn to stop croaking. If. you c4nnot the bull with a pitchfork. The bull turned ford to pay the two pt toes exact ...... 7.28 10.16 8.36 qpeirating a farm in this way is to employ* on him, and one'of the� horbs' ran 'nto the desires! withouti material physical exertion- S 11.80 4.20 see any good- in this world keep the b�d the chaiiinen aud :tbe drivers -of eximerston -------- B-20 none but gocd mf n, and then to do every�- Jach�c n how. 18A M yourself. 0iing in reason to make bbeir'lives comfoit- m6n1a arm, tearing tlIe flash. I a certain to be phytically demoral. Zkngs :Dd the*number of those not beyond 6'aches. Learn to attend 6t-cictly- to yruP owq'busi; if they ever, Eneceedad in getting the bu'llin�o the i London, R-aron and Bruce. able. Farmers hive no righb, even w3as. Very important poiet. d with adsistaued. carri,�d the far- the middle period of life who have in the At first tbe use of 1he vehicle was , to make t�pir men wcrk t bl�, a,,,,, %No NoTan- P191c-e-129871 have the.power "ll 11t Ja4 t few yeani acquit ed grAt wealth, who not gener�lly perinittled. A roal 6- London,'depart__..__, 8.16 A -U. 4A50 PAF Learix to [Lida your a.chea and pains padet, fMM Early moni*xig until late Et night,. and mer i �c e house, A phy�ician wLo was ar & pleasant smile, No oae- cards wbethee, oall- now under medical treatment, n4btao clee forbatle its u. e b� soldiers, pages, lookedatfrom no other standpoint than lied, said Eckersons 0ondition was cribi- 0 SO 'O.07 you he a heartach, haadaphe cal,"and-that thcre was smal much for nervcua ailmeLt3 as for what may lackeys a-ud other liveried servants, as ueneall_... cr rhinna-1 I chance of bib-. tbat of periosal gala, it is a, very decided, be termed an ex6ess of luxury, is said to be well as artisans and porters. 9.1550 9,26 matiam. nilatake. Incident Ily it tnay nct be amiss recovery. r r. Ei ck- excet dingly large. -9.68 6.8a h a amile,;- a Pahcal, tu spite of ibe f Learn to greet your friends wi� to say thab the far er ought not to ask his ..ha bull, which. was; valued by M I act that he ounto__ 0 Tbe�e ie, perhaps, this compensation in inan, .6 They carry too many frown� in I their owii -erwn at $1,500, was sold to a Mew Uni ed to be-thixty-nine, is said 6' Lond"boro 1010 M2 s�ns t) do what no reasonable man m ould an lifle, that the man of molerfit3 means, who 0111Y 11v` heait3 to be bothered with aoy of yours. Many a good Hi I Lutc.,her for elauo,4tsr for $10. Blyth'. - 10.88 7.20 expect h. a hired me a to do. in bo haye made no il]dOUS�derable sum od Belgrave- -1 .,15V 788 mpalled by the necessity of the case t:)� -0 boy has een driven fiom home by thA sort Ises li e in a reasonbly simple marm-3r, is more of his hlv(�ntion. -wingloom 7.65 Sure Cure for Sick Momaclio. of i r. atmont. AGYARD'S YELL0W QIL oJireg sprains, I)ru UTH_ I so 8, wounda, cuts, frostb�tos, 'chilblains, tinge of likely to enjoy better health while -he lives Af ter We yehicle 14ad �been in use Some so raw-enger. Such maladies as N&u3ea, Sick 81 dmaoli, Then gain it is s; matb(r of the firsri nq t8, burns, scalds, contiialoua, ate. Prie 26c and continue on to a gco I old age than is some Sixteen years it ivas abandoned A,71. 8.10 7. X Is Ell bervi 1 1 3.28 Cramps and Colic, yield inetAnbly'to P61sonli portance that th ng tificn1d be to I the man who - doon not,have to place the for vvirious reasons. It was not until Blyth_ Nerviline, e ni if you an r Deriodicalli well tra ted. Th1c houses, if not large, eing Reb? least restriction upon hie expauditure3 ani 7-14 S.B5 W I 7.22 '11.46 from any of these Q �11.)Uld &� least be made comfortable. Tne Could He He�lp'b a, 181� that it was agaiu� introduced, this Londesboro ...... empl ill a j ivat; keel who oaDnA with3tand � the temptition to TA7 A16 Nefviline handy and take afe'w . drops. ir araens 6ttaohed s ould be arge enough he trial of Colonel Lyn(li is a reminder consurne all of the daiAties procurable by tbne in Bordeau�c, which city was foi- 8;05 4.40 water for quick r3lief. A 1�rge �250 lc�ottl( to') enable them to grow vegetables for their t is t there is arol h -3r Irish,man still living, sy,-Boa0in HeraU lowedo m" 1821 'by N es and in 1827 Kippen- 4,50 8_22 4.65 nown use, but not so large as to take up too vOh was coavio The vehic* was improved 'Is . Kevin Izod Ifteter.... 8.26 b.10 of Nerviline is a comfort d 8 ted arA sentenced for trea- Mon by Paris. any household, and will sav4 gr�tgs�uoorii uch of their time and if a few apples and i6 53 yeais ago. He isi Dr. 139 M Use Lever's Dry 86ap (a powder) to and rapidy became DO 1111= NOW it i Ceatralia.... 8.46 L20 �Car. D ou small frdits can be grovi n on the ground, C' herty, government medical ol�ioe'r, df London, x. 4,20 and big doct rd' bills every� y st d--Lspl tram- ; i I t �!d b eoiated thin by I ri bone, Qaeensland. Idth judges cannot wash woolens and fl�nnels' -you'll like has been E Inio J13y WO 113e Nerviline-? Try R. a more appr tibos3 who can affor I to buy them. A cow bal joking even in treason trit19, and one it� 32 WfLY- Hamilton's PLIls do�% G�ipe. i d C c r is ea'd -to have' xe 14nd an ar�angemeiu should be made to hale e � lainit d, ifoly. Perth N otes, called an innibus sirlip'y fr the rea- Sanitary Surrouiadih-s. I In mod rn times fh, � vehicle was U. ip almost a neoessit r to a family on the form o P e three who , decide d . the- fate of the FUR -n T it pasturad, but on .o acecillat have it win- N. a 3se How could a man. with -a name son that it- was intend(d for the ear - In the hopeful a l - ;, �n-Tl�e Presbyterians of Millb&nk have nticipaticii of spring, an te�red, byhe farme... It i6 too severe &trial li ce thjf, help being a rabel ?" . He, was a . . I placed a Karn'organ.iD their church. riage of all, without a4y restrictios as, -AND- of warm and sunny days, t�e! thoughts o� 0 human:nature to allow a 4ired man to a edicial student in Dublin,: during the. year -Mis Minnie L. Enouy, of Stratford, to.lackeys, pages or f6otmen. t lie housekeeper ntur4ly t rn to t ha' quest feed his a. amp.oycr a Meal box a i evolutions 184% and a arted a# lusur- ow tram bis has 12nne to take up a courise of training in n of how beit t!) keep bio� a U ' R hO gnd is alliCSb EUre to cause trouble. ri c lorary journal called The Irieh Tribune e. ERTAKI tio nee � fro tM Union Hospital, Fall River, Maes. His 11list�L c, 'I ; The faculty of getting I �ousehold. This oan oily b0 do�e by lean' Ion vll�ll with hired I had raaohed only ib4fiftl,� number. when ib' Mr. W. A.. Siegner, of Tavihto.,k, gcei tenCo to -ihe� fire# i4en on the fa i g.1 vi ai suppressed by- Lor .014rendon. 'Once a a pafty," sAlm' a Scotch cler- linees, and. by strict it rm h well worth cu'tivatin rule of health -fresh r, co -O'Do- this spring with a Government surveying �gyman, itiliere was a crusty old Scot ai ta an plep4 My own Q'xperienae leads me to know that N 7hat followed is beit told in Dr. Good Quality, Fricefi, -Cour tiftil in every part of rbe h I Re. W a, ar� n, there is, little h Bdy's own words at an Au4ndian press ban. party of fifteen men to Saskat,3hewan. se�ted at whist t0le playing pas- if you engage gco me -miss Mabel Dore, -'Of ALt3hell, who has teous Treatment and Straight no longer afraid of catching ]d if a. C-11tren trouble in keeping them, if we, as employ- q ieb I have wrllt-)h only one leading ar- sionately, and hispart4Er-was young of pure sweet air passes thr iIgh our si 'ting td Ilgot . ien year4 for it." been in Mt. E. A. Dunbar's office for sev- grs, do our.part. It is curduty totry to make t cl a in my life, ar cral month's as typewfltbr, is ledving for woman, the daughter f a nelghboriDg rooms. We. even @leap wi 4 our be too to t%ble 413 cir3uinht%nqo 'yop-rig t�,hem as com ill I �e was taken in a wars�ip I oTumania,liber. Detroit. lalrd. Yo, i are to ilff-19 ne this windows down at the top nter 61) � the 1 medio%l permit. f we do so we may�expeet fatful a;eff on tioket-of leavej -joined sMr. Alex. Stewart and family, a Furniture of an kinds, Win&DW e long wal s ibto �h iiervice ani from g d men we- ,will get it, E, -ilf of St. Mary 0 boa i woman's 3ur rise in the heart of the summer ; we tak e COU 4 Hobo6ru; slid ra- Logan, have moved onto thq Nrin he recent- I P dui, Shades, Curtain Poles PPitture, Pi- -Lmsta:n ' p ri Lebthexulea b� Etrictly laid down and rr a: ned there till y Queen Vice g1me when the old fellow threw try whenever eirci ces nd I tim par& zied b ly bougU from Mr. Kleber, on the 15th con. mit and -we have wisely, lo 9, BV, dihcsr I ajdhered to: and oa no'oonsideration keep a mr a. fien'be settl6a in Brisbtne,' and has hip cards and bawl'ed ot her: tuTe Frames and Fram- m -g, ad the hiavy outer wi cession of Logan. -Ind of a giiu�e are ye Phv- Repain. mps �ith whic a � inan-after his tl%e a out it he has at any li dd there eyer,aince, with the exoeptic n of Mr. Jolia AI'rafth, of Crcmarty, h%a 'What L done promptly. Special grandmothers- and great gr, ndmothero (ill a vs o: d f impertinence. a bief period spent in the House of '-Oom- auldl- attention given to recoverimg u hol- me give -)Mr. Ar(hie Robeition. m,, ye da�.r ed cumbered themselves ' I f1i eath, eold his residence t P r, ow;nS to the conditons in rr. o: 29: `as member for M on the invits- Imself, he Mr. McIlrait'i stered goodai Howevo intEnds going to Durham, ' "'And then, recollecting In Yetwithall these impir vemonts -: th t ok of Mr. Parnell, -Lcii Ion 0hrodicle. 0 *hich mo.,t farmeri are I : I - , Upholatery coveings and muttrial. wl�ere he will punue hie trade of Fho3mak- bowed and said b=013 to th ason- are tome among us who co�ld be, still mi)r( ha: ids. are unmarriEd inED I 0 . ; number o: f arm in iqlied girla particular regarding the at0oaplibre of it. OWIDERS 9. Tow, moss and euTiled hair. 'who are 1,oirded inithe house, and this is MILBURN'S STERLING HEkDA011E P -Mrs.'Tbomas UcClocklia, of the Huron d, madam. x chen and soullery. There ipi oae I very a m, most like t e a a . e of *,affa;rs that will con. oury tfie worst headacbe-in'from five to tWenty w1n. "'Yer rardon's be4,e Farniture padked either at your s road, near Mitchell, held a very succe9eful lit for a pie guids to an nahealthy ep"te of aff Air - utei, and leave no bad after-elleots. onepowdor5e, took ye in the excitqm. iy ain Unu-3 for ome time to corn�. It is a difficull I - : bome or at my Stare. badcd-ra. Sometimea!thqe6 maybe 1ra ee 3 p( %vde,.ra 10a, 10 powders 26c. sale of her farm and farm sto-1k and, mach,*n- quet ton to deal with, and as far as both down which Bob a one haq, ro- try la3t week. The farm was pur3hased by UNDERTAKINO to the sink e.mp!oyer aDd employed are concernad, it i bably poured cabba wat k if this I us I Ing Chinamen in Now Yor Win. Rogers for the sum of $6,900. Marriage nd Crbae- . ge al most unsatisfactory state, largely arisi -Before leaving Mnukton for Mitchell, be dona (and in the 'an � of flats I (I,:) notl f TheAh Sine of, Gotham appear to bef, 3 prove that In f' tho I act that i i many sections t here id the it is 9 that Statistic Will,receive special ttention. Night to see anv altiernative) le it iestantly I 1:8 01. i: where he has secured a, situat' n with every 1,0(0 bachelors h ore are tbi in Tear ome boiling at�f r to wbiel gomparal aly litti 3 , employment for one stcadily inor�caking in numbers. No doubt T . S. Ford Co., Mr. J. E. Goforth was pre rfy- call's answered at my residen-ce low6d by s 0 lial the ar ; ani just -so lofig as the farm, th( Celestial popoulation here is ;ecruited - eight criminals, wbile in every 1,000 ion ; - sented with an address and a purse by the of Domini haveaddeda plentifu S rply of. clelsell 4 � 0 w men every sprin t by smuggling immigrants over the i or has to '.a k out for no' pupils of the Sunday sebo3l of Knox church. married -a en the criminals number only !C This will clear the pip an� remo.ve e or5 'I �nd good men find themselves discharged at Ca iadi6nborder ; but it io also true thab trace o! the unplemantnes t New York, abovT other American 6ities, is -Mr, Geerge Neigh has told his buLt3r eighteen. If this is i surely proves. the first a g ill r before, it, wil e Whirl Creek form, on the erna require a ab fre� no amount:of philosophizing is magnet,drAwing queua weaOrd from other I rem factory that the prE d'a , ;oj Our ciat lealn, ng cut ain so and -and �Sellt m quent intervals, but m t i� by no me %I is e 1,4vill Put i right. The rapid extension of If des in the Upited States. But the Stratford road, to hi3 Boa Amos, for .. $10, sex labeled coy and 1�ar to please have' V11"KN C . . . . . . Ll P 1 000. Mr. Gforge Neiglf' will give Ilia time congenial t1sk Nve go 0 A iting it of the psst few year� Ch Laeue h(ra are almost -wiot �ceptioii at least an immense capability for' in. i-er da rying during the home farm. SM SSOU TO oux LA.N-imonou.GH, though we Va'161y FA pe -t that th)ra I asdone ddealto eusMra kt5ady ein;� quet ind peaceable! and do n6 harm. now 'Mr. Thomas Loghrin, of Downie, son of keeping ULen out of miseblef, sufficlen 0 a disease- el e I something wrong. V ei a - sadder an tow!: D�VJAFORTH. lo ment1the year r und, bat coadltio-,s' IV_ nhattan's China .4 is: r) ths lat3 Alex. Loghrin, of. Ermose, - was to '07utbalace peTb the Uill mysterigus. illness atta i a list one M a b re still qati8f%QtDr . y in many districts, b - 3eding pekthole, as' Chinese set,tlemeats married at St. Jarnaa' R2ctory, St. Marys,' rputatiot, -handed dOW3-tbe age�s by., of the family and then! nc b I Ler we are a s In coa usion it may be said that as are said t) beiin some regibnscf Asia and 11 of the � 0; 4 . the other day, by Rev. W. -J. Tayler, to Motber ed into acticn-the old' t r'y of the � ole deneral tfling the beat men are the oheapeF ev 3n Arneri a. The :death- rate in Mott Titter. - L Min Fonaia Holmes) of Dosn;e. steed and the stable d the vi.oinit is nob Try d me4 and - where conditioft: Etre6t, P611 street and rho 1bK ffil op XUAI Fire ger of sewer at it. worse thi 211 Mr. Alex.- Brown,' a former resident of AUCTION SALES. The dan tZ' g??t ha�e profitable employMeril ex aesaive, and meet of the �eople in that 1: *ill d St. Marys, died in Harniots, a' short time being inaidioui in its efl cc, 4. . For wee a i i - nsursuce Comwir. %"m1l'und, and use therrilas 3 oa voul( the Sear di itrict are in:,fair healt.h. NiA a few Of Mr. Brovin was well known and re- UCTIO S&LE OF PARM STOCX 'AND 1 - is unobserved, perhaps, and a first its &,, a 'good old age. -New York PLE TS -Tho.W:A1 Brown hAs' been I 'like to be� used if y Ion' were in'their.'circum th Bib live t A -1 lmto Towo I eeling of I spected by the pecple of St. Marys and vi . AND ence is only suspected ly, structed by r, Elam Butt to ei 11 by u ic aucti a FARM- s1tances. Tj ibuns. sinity, and was an nuebioneer in that'Jown n out of soiti. if yG11 ari: not quite pure i on L:t 22, O'neeesion 1, L. B. ue ram3b. PROPERTY INSURED F V. f 101)SON, ior to his moving out west. Tuesday, let, at I i�ciccl M. f 11 , I pr WA ah 8 a 0 OW31 Lr the fault lies it a bst to consu t Live Stook Commissioner, rses. woiking horits 9 ears old, 1 tnt Z where th conces Forles w Mountain Bred Ho Mr. Frank Waiker, of the 6 ; .:1 OMMM. -r, wl,m W. 11 tell you a, 120 I 'ed mart-, I geld g rising 2 years a sanitary insp2et years eathig�e�periment in hor;e bre6d- sion of Wallace, had the misfortune to have j. 13. mcLoan Prefdaenk Kippen r. -o. Thotass whence the mischief Rnd ycue An ipter 4 Cattle w ewly calved 0ow3 4 cws suPperell 0 On 0, hiai leg broken the other day.. He -had been. te In calf, 3 rrow co-xs. 51tte a rising 2 years "old, Fraser, Tki ;;jdent Brumfield P. 0. , Tfiow-" X. MR. CASS"'Dt SPEAKS. begun by T. 0. A era at el. I it g h.%B been will be -set at rest-on4 w! ..y or the I I R 0_ I ish hauling o lVeS. 10300ments- laye, sepy- rem If hDy t0de vegetWbri ii allow(d to re- 4; I -- : I rn-ness in the bi ut some logs'when his � -2 belfirs ria z years dd, 6 si coessful breeder and developer of a w...'s. r, I a=20PORS. iris binder! I Hartle Inowe ioned between the - lo andi Ore Masse . ju leg became pin g-8 "nd haro-s, William Chesney -Sestatth; Jobn 0. maln in the scullery y6i M�. Je:fftr- "U=o -Gweve, W -10- r ae will qn! 3klj Well Known Xtawa�': Man Tellj� ri cehorees at Lexington. Ky. r,ke, I EeeU, I hnd rollet, I 8 t : ors cord' one ad:oining,-with the above result. ging plow, I f, asorgo Date, 8"forth, Johu,Beunewo�a,, guide you to it, fortu and no 1 im e( -3, who has been breeding h eis so Ing I sulKy plow� 2 walking plOwei i4ro �, I tel I 11V - , hn Wott, Ho,+ Dod4fs Kidney . Pills -Tbe choir of the Central Method b ; James Evans, Peecbwoo4 i8t nIng mill, 1 000t cutter, 2 lumbi r wagow, I Eet o - Dub o t( the ac bulgy, I cutter Ian R, 0 at onId b a lost in burni g �t ; this is bE tte lee�ted plan in the blue grass region Oured Him of Stone in thelKidney-. -eivedi 'church, -Stratford, gave an entsrtiinment :Ielgh3, I too, 2 i bens and a lot of Hadock, Tboma# Amr, Brueeffold -i - James Connolly, Clinton. and safer than consi n ng anything olth f r eever&l years, is said to have. con. mall ixticl�i. he wh,0 will be solA without Ve L6ajx,,X PPOU 9 I c . one evening not long ago, which. created Termp, kind to the garden o� t e dast-bin Many I a i(lea of his experiment through watch serve as the )roprietor bflA sold his farnI6 * t t Besides a mubical pro'�' All sum@ of I 5 an4 under, I cash ; over that amount Robt. . SwIM HBA06k -, Z. HtDahleY, 80810rth oubt poesess Orrof OTTAW4, March 23 of the- mountain men who some amusement. of us by this time, no -(Special). -Mr. S. A. ing the exploit3 gramme, they had an old fashioned spelling 9 months aro dIt,*h11 be glVen on lurnithing approved Jameb Nwznl�g Pgmondv !0; J.'W. Yvojud�nft -those u3eful refuqe hol : ri of which tin and Frank s- Cassidy, the genial proprietoi of-.. the Bijod sti intervals drift into Lexing AAIecount of 6 Fey cent. per annilm -vine P. G6fte Nutffie �and Jobn 0. Mord" ateh between the ladies and geademen of Join DOtsf- cently spoke. By its ut e there is nO the Hotel, on� Hetoalf streeb, is one of ' the beat ford. After considering" the matter care- 01 church. Thematchresult-d inth9de- illowed cff for joagh on. credit amountg, ELAM suditm, slighest ex r less known : . the capita�. fiffly, he has arranged-. for the lease a BUTT, Rrop letsr T110S. BROWN, auctioneer ftweo dedmu to effel InMISMU"0241 IUM euse for Vou m 3a I to be ca' and mo3t popular me� in I e promptly AWIlded 0 )I 1, 181�-2 # ct o1be* budness will and slovenly in the wa, 7 ell glass farm in t o 'Mou b4ns,� at feat of the gentlemen.- potato p�r:ugs, A good word from 11 Sam " goes a long way he Colored PpResdop to *nyaf iba above 'affinori% ohdry "-w- 0 tea leaves,. ard other ti I aU � in J ter !in thia pity, consequently his -experieneb tie greatest altitude that horses are know n leff'respeattvA vogi omen& threat Slit Df th g%o Is il n'e So' ry C*ughs. cold&, hearseneu, and other being put into the top e ir to ' ith D,�dd'e Kidney Pills is well worth rd- tc and has msc I the as a ailments are quioklir relieved by Cresolene 1 d several of the choice t M' if a plane to sen drain they are simply ur , � an 1 Ittle -psatin& fresh coal is put on the to , and the' Amp 94 My friends all know," said Mr, Cassi of his establishment with the purposeJ of tablets, ten cents per box. ll druggists dV, DkedOZY for 1,9030 er opened for a few minu as, the cdo , if b tone in the having their foals for the coming season evgraux MCKMOP 41 that I �ave een a marfyr to S I nomw � - 4 1 -The wedding of Miss E, McFarlane, of any, will pas3 up the i n .- in i e 1;:. lkidne �Thry knbw thab though I consult- bq'm in &: high altitude. 'iOksf 'hl�jcg &EL XURDIB, Reeve Winthrop P� 0. Dowie. odthe y be 10 lie Wa Is that -COlts born to the rarefield Elrn&, td 'Mr. J.. D. Pugh, of Oko HNS BROWN coun(dGnseaforthp.a. t physicians in the city and trie I ­ fi. I in ountal h1r;may i Alta. of'the bride's mother, 4 0HALULj9_ LljiL�, Wuncillar, Winthlop P. O.' ry me4iolne I could think of, I wa§ u . m be taken 'till higher n , at the home SMITH jad Jo 1.3 WORK SYR�Jp; safe, an r 10 t nd re Ove )wiyag'to maturity in Elma. on Wednebda 0 March 4Lh, was a special kttention Je%T[N .]&UURAy. B�unclnor, Dewbwo(A P.O. DR. LOW able to get better. Some time ago a friend tl e firs3eir, and, gr( hoeing and CORIAGE �SWTJY, 0ounomar. wbibrop P, -o liable Nvorm expeller. Acts ieq�,:,el lye, well on children me ver 100 guests were Co Horm n . - WIM] et,.Lo tli%t Dod4's Kidney Pills would Me thin air turailly! wilF develop. very hq6ppy affair. -joHN 0. Mo"IsON, Oark vop P. 0. or &dults. Be our you g told Ivrtm, Listowel, -Atw6ad General Jobbing. AKER SS Tre"UfarS I M Winthro - P. 0. last esort I tried them, and greater lun eansion than: the � ordiria peekent fro cure me., Asa ry DAVID X. XO of, *siniply' fipm the neces, N 30L01 . __ tr;wry XON J SHA"ON. J.- F., swbwy -Mr. W. 0. Edwards, M, P. for R 9i4ell they have cured me. h �rae is oikpable formed i6t 4.15 WiuUuvp P. 0. � Millbank ani the Enrrounding coun go much - further, he cereniony wm per Godertah i itreet, eeafdrth tc the Senate, thus Dodd's, Kidney Pills cure all diseases of a! ty of life. � He PI&DO to,: county, has been called by the Baptiet minitter from Win 70 oaney in th e 1 neyst hmeverl fe his p. filling the last rema 9 r it it him inkAliqU to. train h ui lvd 0 hem