The Huron Expositor, 1903-02-06, Page 2SHE PATIENTLY
A Sad idler from a lady whose
Husband was Dissipated.
tiow She Cured Him with.
Secret Remedy.
I bad for years patiently borne the disgrace,
sufilsitnee ntisery and privations due to My bus- -
bares ,drinking habits. Hearing of your mar-
Yeilous'reractlyi for the cure of drunkenness, which
I could give my husband ,secretly, I decided to
try it. I Proeured a, package and mixed it ia his
food and coffee, and, as the remedy was odorless
and tasteless, he did not know what it was that
so quickly relieved his craving for liquor. He
soon began to pick up flesh, his appetite for solid
food. returned, he stuck to his work regularly, and
we now have a happy home. After he was corn-
' pletely cured I told him what I had done,. when
he acknowledged that it had been his saving, as
be had not theresolution to break olTof his osset
accord. I heartily advise- all women afflicted as
was te; give yourrettrecly a trial."
FREE and pamphlet giving full
particulars, tes tina °nulls
and price sent in plain sealed envelope. Corrcs-
pondence sacredly confidential. Enclose stamp
for reply. AddreF.s. The Samaria Remedy CO.,
23 Jordan Street Toronto, Canada.
TARIM FOR SALE. -Rare bargains in farms In
U the Townships of Hand% Morris, and Wawa-
no3h,Courity of Huron. Inquire at onoe.WM
CAMPBELL', Blyth, Ont. 17744t
020 aoftE nem FOR SALE. -In beet whost belt
ej In Southern Martitoba. Ninety acres ready for
wheat next year; 00 tierce hay. Good new stable
and granary. Twelve ctollare per acre. Several
other improved and. prairie farms for gale. Write
OHAS. E. SHAW, Box 17, Boissevain, Manitoba.
--DARK IN MeRILLOP FOR ALE -For sale, that
JU very desirable term, the old Imamate zd Lot -a7,
Concession 3, hicKillop, cootainiog .103, all
cleared and in a good state of cuitivatio% Beautiful
home, splendid fruit orchard, plenty of water and
everything required. Only oue inile no th of Sea-
ford.). Apply on the premises or to Seaforth Post
Office. SUSIE GOVENErOOK 1809x41f
LURK FOR SALE -or sale Lot 27, Con-
cession 4 MoKillop, containing 100 %one, all
of which le cleared, well fenced, underdrained and
a hrgh state of oultivation. There is a good
oriole houe,e, large bank barn with stone stabling,
plenty of water and a good on:thud. It is wIthia
two miles- of Seaforth and within a mile from a
school. Apply on the premises or to Seaforth P. 0.
WM. GRIEVE. 1767-U
J. Coneessiou 0, Hanel t. containing 100 aares.
There are 80 aorea cleared and eesded to grass and
the balance In good hardwood bush. There is a
frame barn on tlae farm and a small orchard. There
IS plenty of water and it is wen feaced. If not sold
win be rented for pasture. For terms and other
partieulus apply to MRS. CHRISTOPHER DUX or
JAMES DALE, Constance P. O. 1332x4
'DAUM FOR SALE. -Farm in Stanley for sale, Lot
E 29. Cancession 2, containing 100 aores. All
mear but 16 ores of hardwood bush. Ibis in a good
atate of cultivation, well fenced and underdrainei.
There ism the farm two barns, with stabling, and a
large dwelling house. It is conveniently situated,
miles from Clinton and a mile from Birds sehool.
Address all inquiries to JOEEN MoGREGOR, on the
premises, or MRS. D. MaGREGOPe 2nd Conoession,
Tuckersmith, Seaforth, Oot. 1758-1!
la IN SEAFORTII, caeraatia.-The undersigned
has for sale a number of choice flems In this vimnity
all first class lands with varying improvements.. Oae
a good 220 acre grass farm. Plenty of money can be
made out of thie and with little troublesimply buy-
ing cattle in the spring. grazing them for the sum-
mer and selling in the !..IL In fact this plane has
made money in this nay, every year for the pest
thirty years. Also a tine resideneo in Seeforth with
about 4 acres of orchard, gardens and pleasure
grounds to be had at a bargain. Terms reasonable.
For particulna apply to W. GOVENLOCK, Seaforth.
0 STANLEY FOR ALB-Censleting of the Reath
- Bali of Lot 14. and the South Hair ot Let 16, Conces-
sion 8, and 10 aeres, a part of Lot 14, Conceesion 7,
in all 110 acres. Oa the farm there are two barna
sheds, ete, frame house and gond orchard, well
fenced and convealently situated, being about two
miles from Varna and one quarter of a mile from
eohool. There la abundance of goal water, an over-
flowing well at the rear of the farm making it suit-
able for either grain or grazine. There are about 10
acres of bush. .The farm will be sold cheap 4nd on
easy terms. lf not sold will rent for 1 year or a term
of years. For further particulars apply to B. R.
RIO GINS, Brucefleld P. 0., or to MISS 'SARAH Mo-
INTYRE, Mensal. 1824-tf
-10A1114 FOR SALE. -For sale In the township of
Tuckersmith, Lot 1, Concession 8, containing
100 sauce, nearly all cleared and in a good state of
cultivation, newly underdro.ined, well fenced, two
good wells. There is on the place a good comfortable,
frame house, large new bank barn with brick has>
ment, driving" house, hog pee and large hen houao.
about an acre of young orohard just beginning to
bear. The farm is nearly alliaseeded to grass, and is
In excellent condition for either grain growing cr
etock raising; 16 aores of fall wheat in and fan work
nearly completed. This excelfent farm Is well situated
being two nales from a school, post °filo, store and
blacksmith shop and six miles from Seaforlh. Good
roads in all directions. Apply on the prarniees or
address Seaforth peat office., SAMUEL MUFF, or
to HENRY BEATTIE, Barrister, Seaforth. 18114f
"DAM FOR SALE. -Choice farm in Hullett town.
JJ shin for sale, being Lot 4, in the 131h Conces-
sion. containing 76 acres. The farm is all seeded to
grass. except 16 urea There is a good Irene bare
and large frame stable, and there are fair buildiaga.
There le a at ver -failing spring eel at tbe house, and
a- awing creek. that never rune dry; there is no
waste land; there is an acre of orchard of choice
fruit ; it ie first -claws land ,• taere is a soiled hour),
blacksmith shop, stare and post °Mae in Harlock,
within a lot from the place; first class roach' in all
directions; the farm is suitable for grain growing or
Meek raising. For psrtioulars apply to the MISSES
street, Seaforth P. 0. 18194!
it GOOD FARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 1,
it Concession 13. Tuakersmith. containing 97
acres, ot which 80 are cleared, .well underirained,
fenced, and in a h1gh state of cultivation. There are
17 acres of splendid hardwood bah, unculled and in
first class condition. There :is a comfortable houee
and one of the beat barns in the county. It Is 76x46
feet, with stone stabling underneatb, cement floors
and everythleg finished up in first °less style. The
farm is well watered with living spriegs and is suit-
able for grain or grating. 11 is convenient to
churches. Ettore, post office and blaoletsmith shop and
only a few miles from a railway station. It is one of
the best and best equipped farms 10 the county and
will be sold cheap and on easy terms, as the ploprie-
tor is anxious to retire. Apply on the premisesor
address Chiselhinst P. 0. JAMES CONNORS. Pro.
prietor. 1806.1f
Jo 9 and the west half of Lot 8, on the 12th comes-
sion, or Bronson Line, of Stanley. This term con-
tains 150 acres, ail of whioli le cleared, except four
acres. 11 10 in & state of erst-class oativation, w:.11
fenced and all underdralued,mostly with tile. Thera
Is a large frame divelling house as good as new, with
good stone foundation and cellar, large bank barn
with atone stabling underneath, and numerous other
buillinge, ineludieg a large pig hou3e. Two good
orchards at choice fruit, also nice shade and orna-
mental trees. There are two spring- creeks running
through the farm, and plenty of good water all the
year round v. ithout pumping. It is well ;situated for
markets, churchee, schools, post Mlle, eto , and good
gravel roaats leading from It in all directions. It is eta
within view of, Lake Huron, and the boats can be 1ea
seen paseing ap and down from the house. Thi3 13 '
one of the best equipped farina in the county, aud ttle
will he.scid on easy terms, as the proprietor wants to kin
retire on account 01 111 health. Apply on the premi-
Who Suffered That We Might f. ye In
th,e Smiles of tire Father Porev ore
-.& New Light Thrown on the spet
Parable by Rey. Dr. Telma e Ilis
, Sunday Sermon.
• t
Entered. accordingto Act of Parlia ant
` ado, in the year 1903, by William Bally
rout*, at the Dept of Agricultural Ot
I '
Chicago, Feb. I. -In thie 8, ;anon.
Pastor Talmage, while not exc sing
the prodigal, throws a new and
searching ligict Upon the ha enter
and conduct of the eider br th. r el
the famous parable: The jtex is
Luke xv, 28, "Aad he ,was ang ye
Who was the prodigal's elder *o-
ther? -"I know veto he is," an 'wera
some one. 'I ste him almost 've6,'
ay of my life. I e is the hones up=
'fight sen who seays at horn.° , and
gets: no .bredit for being good; e is
Vie'respecta.ble plodder of the f • ily
who does most oi the hard wor in
the Once, in. the st6re and on the
farni and then has the extreme lea -
sure of seeing all the young girl run
after his dissolute younger br ther
merely because that brother is iv-
ing fast horses wad sowing his wild
vete,' The elder brother is th son
W110 is always sober and yete re -
ceives he not one extra dol ar from
his parents as a reward, hile 'et,he
drunken. son of the family i co etin-
natty receiving extra. mom- to 'get
his clothes out o pawn, so that he
may have .another start in life. , The
elder is the `good. boy' upen Whom
the mother depends to. help give! his
sisters new dresses for the Winter
parties, yet he never has a party
given for him. Ile never had a.
tedcalf killed that he 'inigixt e#ter-
taia his friends, though for yearhe
has cared for the cattle by day and
has seen that they were pro erly
milked at night. He is the ' ood
boy' who never li d a fine ling put
on his finger. TI e folks la.ughe at
his horniy fingers, Which Were k i.ot-
ted from , handli g the plow . and
-wielding- the hoe tricl the ax.
feet were never m zisured for den ing
slippers because h s sandals wer , :M-
ways soiled. and irt begrimed. 'Ile;
was alweys world g in the fields.,he
drunkards, the pr fligateS; the
night carousers, he libertines land
the associates o lewd compartiOns
are the ones who, when they reform,
have the smiles an the dancingjar-
ties given to them not the elder to-
thers - who have never done any
wrong." ;
But neither of t
trayed as an exa
bad, though in di
Can -
p1 TO,
e brothers is pa-
ple. Both Were
erent ways. We
easily see the faultsof the yeunger
brother;' they were open and scandal-
ous; but the fault Of the eider bro-
ther, being decorot sly covered up by
dutiful conduct, ar not so easily re-
cognized. In esti s ating char cterion,
God's lines we h,av • to ask net only
what a man has d ne, but what he
is. Meanness an. unbrotherlin s
and cruelty in th heart deface a
man's character as indelibly as o en
iniquiter. They m -e men, as Christ
said, like t.'whited. Sepulchres, whieh
indeed appear beau iful outward, blet
are within full of dead -men's boites
and of all unclean ees." Therefore I
place my chief erij hasis upon the
sinful life of the lder brother. to
show that the so called respecta le
sins of self righteoueness are of all
sins the most to be dreaded and that
it is the duty e" of he preacher to
warn his hearers a ainst them.
The elder broth r is the modeler"
Pharisee*, who than -e --God that he is
not as ether men. He complacently
looks upon the dr nkard and, the
social outcast and he pauper • a#d
says to his friends: "Just look t
me. .1 never had any more advant-
ages than those, p ople have had:
I was of a highstru g, impetuous na-
ture, yet, I never w tad let my eVil
desires get the bett r of me.
never been drunk. .1 have never riia
up a bill I was u able to pay. I
never was a freque ter of the clubs,
nor a convivial ssociato of mid-
night carousers.
But, my pharisaic 1 friend, though
in one sense you ma, never have ibroe
ken the criminal co e of your state, -
yet there are more a.ys than. 4ine of
breaking the moral n.d the spiritual
laws. Shylock, th outraged Jew,
may have been leg -a ly an hon rable
man, but in the sig t of God nd of
the community in which he lived
Shylock was a fiend and .a mu derer
at, heart. Like a panther crot ching
among the long gra 'ses of the Afrie
can prairie, waiting for the tii le he
coulc1 spring upon helpless 'ante-
lope, Shylock was longing, for the
time when he could lay Antonio a
corpse at his fret.
Eider brothers, yon -have no gt
for pride if the rest/ atilt that bas
Rept you front prodi' ality is it. elf a.
defect of character. It is true that.
',von have not gone o as a prodigal
into a far country of sin. You II -ave
not: giveri a tid tight baSnuet
and started your yot ng friends' on
the path to a. drunkard's igrave by
teaching them how t4 bury thei lips
in the red poison or the wine cup.
You may have been lloo stingy for
that; You may have betel so nean
and stingy that there is no fear that.
you would drink a g ass of wit e or
smoke a cigar unless Some one 'else
Paid for it. It is no principle that
saves some men fron !going to de-
struction by the brot 4 highway of
dissoluteness, but penurious CSS.
They hold on to eve y dollar they
have and are too stir gy to .pet d • a
cent. They keep theit ,money as long
as they can and neve give a .ce it to
hreymake that 1 iend
ss security
payfull interest. : 1314, my so c lied
respectable and upright pharis heal
friend, though you atie not a p odi-
gal, you may be a ueurere an eetor-
limier and a slanderer. You ma be
a robber of the poo widow's nite
and a contemptible frant in our
dealings with your del tors and our
employes. You may le a peddle- of
evil reports and a nairderer of our
neighbor's reputation. You may be I
oLW of those keen, cold automa uns
thout one drop of .h man kind ess
your heart. You ay be so e er-
ss in your dealing with
d that you will no stop for one
ment to consider he sad causes
which led your friend into sin or
sea, or address Blake P. O. JOHN DUNN. 173441
1.1 to tinaltai: line taw. ,
Satatt -4 no' nee tr.- being a Chris-
tian 14041 orn a 1 for dressing hinisel1.
in broad0oth. '.1 he hangnian's npoSe
Is no les§ fat for being deftly 1)1ace
cs4 about the deomed throat by white
fingere a4glitter With dianiond ri gs,
II, cause iipu, . h, elder brother, tay,
at home and li 'e under year father's
rciof, that is n reason why you may_
not be living 1 ,000 .miles, away from
your father's 1 ve. ,1 do not belieVe
there is a mor conteniptible charare
ter painted in all the 'word pictairee
of the Bible t an this' cold blooded,
unforgiving, snieering, ;carping ' eld
brother, who - Was ready to take !e
ery advantage he could Over hisl
low Men -4 he mind only do so wit
out disobeying- the letter of the la
Instead Of, being ' drunk' with wine
Wa.S intoxicate with self conceit -a.
seltiskineSee In teed of being a be
gar or earning his- bread by teredi
swine he leeaS r ady to unkennel t
bloodhounds ' vindictive' raneo
which would tear a repentant lar
ther iimh: front limb.
'The elder brother thinks that ' lh
Divine Father's. house is not big 'e
()Ugh to hold. two eons. He fee
that it his brother is allowed to c�
back the returning prodigal Wi
crowd hiM out lof sonic room whi,
rightfully belonas to 'him_ He ea,
to hiense14 "There is that; drunie
loafer ofa. boya He has takeii
On half of the property; now, he
co ing baek toi eat tip part of in
hall. I know 1 that father is so lqn
hearted that he will. give part of ni
rightful inheritance- to this laz
spendthrift; this boon coinpanion
dissolute Characters. If he has sp
Itis elle then IetIlim starve. ; That'e
juat what' he deserves; i ge has .'n
right coming back, to be a varal.
upOn., my property." o the sel.s
-older brothers in many of Our lar
chtitrehee refuse 1 to let 'the prodi‘
cozne among. them and will not 41
low them to be I received as ; equal
their Path r's house. They seem ! t
think . that the : advent - of the poi
And. outcast means their own soeiall
extinction and their spiritual debase-
Where can the despicable, phariSa-1
ice' spirit of the elder brother be
found more conspicuousethan in some
of your modern Sunday school class-
es? i vOli',,'" say the - well dreeeed
yoUng girls of that class, tyoui. are
not goingato gift that poor girl' in
our class. e Whye it' will r in, the
whole chisel Yeti can't, exp ct the
daughters . of Millionaire§ to ' assoc-
late with sewing girls even • in a
Sunday scliool." Where can you End ,
a. moreedeepicable, , pharisaical ' spirit
than inathe :miseionary life of some
of Our , large city churches? There
are many large and wealthy churches
that are siipporting missions in the
foul stun's lef the city, yet whcese
members WoUld not for one. instant
allow the Poor to sit in their own.
pews, or kneel at their communion
The elder brother never longs to
satisfy_ the divine cravings of his fa-
then's love. I have no sympathy
with some of the excuses that are
made for that prodigal son. I have
no SYmPatify with those who declare
that young i men 1are led astray into
the far ,co741try Of sin because they
liave genetous iimpUises and abnor-
mal affections a!nd therefore cannot
say no to the tempter. That prodi-
gal. . was an ingrate, contemptible,
Clissolute rake, NO man is , large
hearted who will take a friend ' to . a
saloon or oPen. a bottle of wine ata
club when in. order to do it he Makes
his owp children. go hungry and 'dress
in rags. No generous hearted young
man will gei into the far country- of
sin and recklessly I squander his money
when at the Same 1 ime he knows that
Itis old father is weeping at home, with.
his eyes a. .founfiten of tears; but,
though that yoenger son was a self-
ish, despicable character, the elder
was j uSt a4 'despicable. When the
elder brother heard the music which
signaled, thel parental joy ()vele the
repentant prodigal's retuize .:when he
saw the eyea of his father glistening
with, love end his cheeks flushing
with a holy thankfulness, he would
have, rejoiced for his -father's sake if
he had not , been: selfish and would
not have triaRl. to stab the old man
to the heart. Did he not say in
effect: "Yes,; we; shall drive that
dissolute debauchee t� his Swine
trough. Then we can have the plea, -
sure Of seeing father again reetlessly
pacing the floor through the long,
weary hours .of ti e night."
If that eider br thee had been the
right kind of: a s n, he would have
si.,en what joy c e into the fath-
er's heart at. the return of his re-
pentant son. . He would have Mune-
diately said: -What difference , does
money make if i can make fathee
happy? Away with the quest ion of
dollars and cents if my brother's re-
turn iS ouly a true return." So
every Christian te-day, if he is the
right kind of a C'hristi'an, does not
think about the .secial condition of
his repentant fello man. He imme-
di t.t ely says, when the publican bows
at the mercy seat "Oh, the joy and
the rapture of he en. Oh, the look
of triumphant 10V which is upon my
Divine Fathee's fake. Oh, the celes-
tial Music which, in great tidal
waves of sound le rolling through
the Olden boulevards of the New
Jerusalem. - .011, the angelic . voices
in heaven. avhirla are everywhere
shouting the glad tidings; 'The pro-
digal has returned 1 The prodigal has
returned to his Vather's house f' "
There ought to be joy on earth as
well at joy in heaA'en over one sin-
ner that repenteth. There ought to
be the' same joy 'twhb h the good
shepherd felt wb en he found his
, sheep that was iloSt: the same joy
which the once ft- ntic wife experi-
enced when she recovered the lost
piece of silver, \veil.' was part , of
her wedding dow ay.
The elder bro t he -'s conduct also ,
ahows a lack of fa th in his father..
ex -
oe , cri
; -1 in z
: sist
mo ,
11 y011
.aal I lift
Je;;! I, sins
; tha
a .re
y; I wit
re ; sak
"I the
go! ate
is cou
he repen
him • ut at onee. Let
poorie use, where he bel
the yu meg girl who has
bite 1 fe wants to: lead
instea of finding; the
of fo giweness held out
hei el r sisters she An
shut el ore of a oonte
buke. y? Because
elder tem do mit beli
prodi a, woman with a
can eei even by divine
ch4ng d into a sainted
a future. . The
ser s penitentiary
lib fromthe stone
gret w rid at large re
giv 1 and receive hin
heo oh. o nr
g tor a, la le w fie •tit
y get seine inone out of
0 forth On anoth spr Jeri
len LO tot
ngs.' WIT
led dis
a pu1re lif
illir arms
to »er
s o ly t
ptueute r
the '1 cynic
ve that
black pas
rm land
cell. I Is t
dy o fo
Lc4emplceyment if hiIC
e) 11:flit
The elden ;biothers nd
are so bitter aga' nst ti
ts - that ',many a. eepentan
h delibe:atelY ret rneell to h
ause he eteuld ern a Iivin
lot er way, Ary bi oth4s an
, can it be ,po sfb1t tha
o not believe tl at : t
God is powerful: encegh •t
nen?e Can it l)e pdssjhle tha
ndj I do not, pelieve the: onm
n laud of Christ is illA0 t
ti e eilest of sinners out 'of thei
theywill only reach lip fo
aVang hand?
elder brother does ',no realiz
hat his Divine Father ii ahou
ot'e magnatimity 111
As' respectable, mea me
-lice:ening back th r
raI boy. g.efeel sorry
v ho is married to
o a gambler or to
man: That must be. a
s for a nother to eaery
f her children -to fael
b by's welfare mus
nj ith a man from whoin
•'t of the land, would giv
✓ if She only preseneed
e. But, though
feel almost as soiry
.--ho has to live wit
cross grained, 8110- riri
fault ;finding,je. lot
who are wear'ng o
at '
be I
en p
s°- Ie,-
111d -
He refuses to belie$e that his Divine
e .
Father lovis 'powerful enough to.
changee a sinner into a Saint. infi-
delity often introit: tes itself in the
pew abehind the church pulpit..
Some ..Church members, and some.
ministers of the gospel, are only
theorizing when they profess to be-
lieve that Jesus Christ can pardon
sin. 'They prof esa to believe that
Christ can transforin the Seven dev-
iled Maryls into the' Marys -who are
willing to sit 'at h
ship, but these ske
thers go forth ito
sinful world en
behavior scatter t
eat; theoiles 'tee t
When :the refer
home, they cry u
good of letting
loafer into the o
like other drunk t
s feet and wor-
t ical elder b ro-
the great, Wide,
their practical
heir ideal spirit -
our winds.
drunkaed comes
"What is the
hat. unprineipled
tse7 He is just
§ee IIe .onlv en de
r the
di unkard
Os °lute
• •ushing
for the
hat for
1 associ-
the law
i her a
ay be
for - a
ne of
irt 1-
bus -
id sap-
ess of;
hear t-
rouid with
ies nd yet
et hrust-
40 has
esiders .
3 , able
1r; 01 37
has t
are as
line a
to liv
do. 1
way the life and happi
home -I inioan a ,avi
jive with . One of hes
rutal men whO go ,
ices and smiling fa
merciless es a hoe
sting; I mean: a wife
with a inan tii c
lay wastekeinhss he i
:reach somebody and y will
oVerreachiagitt suh ;polite
fame tial waS: 'that
!nothing and hh no re-
te justice.
alter all, the most im ressive
' the elder *other's hietory is
sipt way in th. par-
ds'.Lhe: e' is no 4loiuJ t the
N doubt
le to
Pleaut how ,
ed and
'id he t
e the I
I- do
a et ;
rest ,
$ -far
Or th(P
15 one
4, the
r - the
young e; eon wae '1Orgiven.
tha 'ef e4ant prodigal. ea
enjoy tho rest and the h
S.1.1 re,
abet' t
sk 01
he g
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La nel
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Pea re,
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man t
t -tat t
(hat NN
f the father s house
hat. cynieal, self eatist
!ling elder brother ?-
eiVeness of his- fat bee?
ntie the banquet who.'
eas being keti..4brated? -
•xr. r cannot telle: TI
s with the, earnest pi
ter. We must take th
'ill: Personally 1 hal
about tile salvation of
rothere 11 is somei.ime
--o the sinner dow4 i
come to Ohrist than
'o 1 living -in a luxuriious
London, missiOnarY wt
lied tip to go tot ;A
This sew-war(j child a
s living in a .dis
-Mien the Ma -y.ission• 0
u, he found a 'sin I 'ul
in her arms the head o
cr•rl, and she •Wtte S -
tie, it -is all 'right. Put your
n 1 trust in Jest's. Die ; died
euch sinful girls as. wit . are.
put yottr_. faith th ''Jesus
Yes, we can all feel that
t licd for the prodigal so 1, but -
a fully hard for somd of the
e der -brothers and Sistets to
ta it was necessary for Jesus
0 , die for - them iand their
. Ty elder brother MI sin, .are
oingto stay out of Yourtfath-
ot Se? Are you going -Ito 1 efuse
t your faith in Christ! and coma
t marriage banaitait of the
Moody tells the story of 4i sol-
xing in one of the field ospi-
f he Civil war: The sc Wier
01 his chaplain t� come to help
the hour of death. Ilr. 1iody
wish I could help you iI,ie in
1 ut Christ alone can help!' you
t " Then Mr. -Moods; teaja to
o u his Bible passage tfter
eI until he came to ohe o the
Stj VerSeS of all, "As 'A oSes
the serpent in the wi der -
.1• 11 SO 11111St the Son: of Man
up, that whoseev4 b iev-
tnn should not perish/. but
N erlasting life." The c4ying
t that point ceicii: "Stol ! els
-e? Oh, I did not I now
k s ill the Please 'cad
those tee -Words again." T.hen, the
dving 1 tan just !Allowed his lead
u nut til t 'promise and Went to'loop
in the arms of Christ to wake an idet
the ho nnas of heaven. Elder bro-
thers d . elder sisters, - will you
look t that cross to -day ;whic
lift up Will you hear the g spet
vit at n . which is given to yo to
come i1 0 your Father's hotis.e/ Vill
:volt h and new sit down y C1 rist
•and by the side of your pen: ant
peodia 1 :brother? •
- TO
and. pre
Brat pl
are du
that th
which t
After b
of the
nil* of
ever, p
th 0 poi
de' th,
hese Two Terms in Tiedigitne
Mean Made Clear.
r, the great French sav t,
of the sciences of bacterio ogy
entiVe medicine, proved in the
ce - tli at the epidenaie , clise1 ses
to minute living organims,
nd animals and that for ach
iseese there is a specific m'cro
. This was the greatefu da -
Later it becaind evi ent
croscopic parasites cause
ertain. chemical 1 poisjons
roduee, called toiins. In
the ruler° organism, if
ture tubes outside the
oduce the same to s.
eparated from the li ing
roduced them these ub-:
roduce all the sYmpt ms
when injected ' into an
1 -
Its cells celle react' aga nst
troduced and a rtru gle
d of which is life or
hting being purpos ful
The body cella see ete
se in
n c
111 p
ody. The body at the be
n attack of fever is not, h
ns Id
the e
he fl
0 0 R
C 0
at are Piles
es, • r hemorrhoids, as they are semee
ca led, are small tumors, which 'form
ti ad bout the orifice of the 1 rectum.
h a le caused by an enlarged and
aft med condition of the veins* which are
er numerous in this part of the body.
3 rule every feint of piles becomes at
un acutely inflamed, and extremely
al ful. The itching and burning usually
cr as at night, and the misery which
p yle endure is beyond description.
T ere sno guesswork about Dr. Chwe's
intImen , as a cure for piles. It has
ee tin in the crucible of time, and
realm!' won its.way into favor with the
edical brofession, as well as with the
ublic general. It has a wonderful
s °thing ad healing tffect,, and wherever
a plietkt. burning, itching, inflamed skin
fies of d sease and healing the raw ulcer-
s orsalmost instant relief, cooling the
; I
A k rem, friends and neighbors about
Ir. Chas Ointment. It is recognized
by asuririsingly large number of people
asthe on y actual cure for piles. , It will
not fail you. Sixty , cents a box at all
deal4rs, • r by mail post-paid on receipt Of
prict, by dmansonaBates & Co., Toronto.
specific chemical body which ,has the
weir of neutralieing or rendering
nelegi the particular toxin introced. This antidote to the peisenous
in we call the antitoxin. When a
an recovers from an attack of siaiall-
x, it is because his antitoxins have
ved too strong for the toxin e of the
elite, and his after immunity, it
1/1$ probable, is due to the persist-
ce Within his body of the antitoxins
ee produced. -0. E. A. Winslow in
I tic.
Hannibal's Downfall. ,
be fate of Hannibal turned Upon
th resnit of a promenade. ft -was aft-
er he had crossed the Alps and entered, with winter quarters established
at C pua. His residence was oneof
th best houses in the city, and while
w lking in the garden he heard a fe-.
m le voice- singing not far away.
S uek by the tones of the voice, he is-
su d an order that the Singer sheuld be
br ugat before him. He was so greatly
im reased by her charme that he at
one 'attached her to his household,
ells °sting ef the husband by beheading
1i114etribution followed closely.aipon
th34 e wardly perpetration of the 'out-
ra e. The balance of the winter was
de t d to pleasure, discipline and
dri Is fwere practically abandoned, and
with 1he advent of spring the Cartha-
gin'an army was so demorallzedl by
the dilsipation of the city that its pres-
tig as lost, and with it came the
'doi nf 11 of Hannibal.
Te Affections of the Arab.
An rab-ncieaning a tent dweller, for
In in quine 'sense the town dweller is
no .AI le -loves first an-tf above all , his
hor e. Net he loves his firearm; next
to his gun he loves -his oldest son. Last
co es his wife or one of his wives.
Da gh ers don't even count; I mean
the Ar b scarcely takes the -trouble to
cou t tjhern unless in so far as they can
miristr to his comfort, dietetic or �th-
ertvise. Until some neighbor comes
along and proposes to marry -in other
words, to make a still worse slave1 of
one of them -She is only a chattel, a
soulles thing. And yet she is said to
be i pretty, amiable, helpful being-
sai to be, for no one by any bap ever
chaecesi to cast his eyes on one worth
seeing. ; This disregard for women, be
it said to their honor, ' does not. always
apply to the Bedouins of the Syrian
and Arabian -deserts.
, I An Artful Scheme.
,A neWly elected official would 'some-
timeS return b(eme late at night after
his wife had retired, and when she
asked him what time it was would an-
swer, "About 12" or "A little after
mi de ight."
On one occasion instead of making'
the ioquiry she said:
"Alfred, I wish you would stop that
clock. I cannot sleep for its noise." ,
All unsuspicious, he stopped the pen-
dulum. In the morning while dressing
his wife.inquired artlessly:
"Oh, bY the way, what time did you
get home?"
"About midnight," replied the ad--;
"Alfred, look at that clock!"
The hands of the clock pointed a
Clay "flutter."
It is not generally known that in
many pats of the world day is eaten
on bread as a substitute for butter.
This is termed "stone butter" and. Is
used in Germany. In the northern
parts of Sweden earth is often baked
in bread and is sold in the public mar-
kets On the Italian peninsula -as well
as on the island of Sardinia,' P6sia,
Nubiatid other tropical countriea.
This pre. tice probably had its origin
In th ? k owledge that all earths have
some sortl of flavor and take the place
of salt, c necessary ingredient in all
kindsof food.
la Oow She Caged Him. 4
"Ar yciu fond of birds?" she asked
innocentlY as she stood at the piano
fumbling the music.
"I 4ear1y love them," he replied with
never' a shadow of suspicion.
Then she ran her slender fingers over
the keys and began to sing, "Oh, Would
I Were a Bird!"
Little Men.
Little teen are the disappointment
and defeat of God's purpose in making
men. ! All men were intended to be
great-sor4ae greater than others, but
all great. Bi8hop Candler In Atlanta
Mor deaths from snake bites occur
in In4Ia in houses than in the fields or
in the jun le.
Idleiiess Is the sepulcher of a living
'OS ll. -Ho land.
Tel0 re a Cold ha, One Day.
Make I -Axel ve Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
drukgkiiis fund the money if it fails to cure.
E. W. Girov 's signature is on each hoz. 25e.
Just now it raay be that you are hardly, prepared to buy sp
clothes, but you need a few odds and en34 of heavy -clothing t
put you through unt1 warmer weather comes. 'Whether it
an odd pair of pants, linderdothing, socks, lor odd pieces of cloth-
ing of any kind, our store is the right plaice to get thfm.Oa
in and see us.
,t 4.
• ,
PaeWoieen Wive ae e: on
it...4 COnt iu nus eoil (not erimpetl; ii 1 =-,-
beet eteek-hoiclei g fdpee made. Pege Ne
7 wire etands a 3, IV po mule strain -rem Men
No. 7. -wire only 13701 pounds: Comition wire
will not -coil -it !straightens out again -it
hasn't "a spring temper--- Page wire has)
Tho Paze 'Wire Fence Co., &ironed,
ViTta tor011ie,_ Ont.
ntontreal. P.a., and at_ John, N.
TLe season. for the looking about for Furniture is at han The quantity
dose 't matter, but the quality is everything, We can 601 :yea any quantit,
but nly one 'quality, and that is the best. 1
,...f.17".;:.An inspection of our stock would prove a rautual pleasure Intl benefit.
This department is complete with a large selection o the best goods,
,obli ng attention given to this branch of the busin'ess.
Night calls promptly attended to by our Undertak4, Mr. S. T. Holm
God rich street, Seaforth, opposite the Methodistt church.1
En cased by best Engisb Medical doornails. 'Supplied to British SOldiers •in Booth Africa.
Foeati hroat and Gland' Troubles, Pleurisy, 'tamps, • Abscesses, Bid &Wes, ilionrs, Pelona, Skin
Dis ase , Eczema, Pimples, Stiff Joints, Rheinnatism, Lumbago Sprainls, Brolfies, Piles, Cutts
Bor Fe t.
he King' of Raerigee-cee
Happy Thought"
om the worst worry
e highest satisfae-
One stepping stone
Re -Opening o
ON JANUAR*. 5th.
priwipmt Itimotbd
The school is the ac nowledged
leader in Business an Shorthand
in Western OntOrio. , it's meth-
ods are superi4 Its facilities
are unapproached, and its courses
are the raoht coMplete. Are you
inteaested in a orthaindl We
1 teach theselebra ed Gregg system.
eT. W. itestprvelt,
The 14ntllated Illuminated Oven.
ave your culinary troubles,
wor 'es and expense behind
youl; njoy the economy, the
colvenience, the absolute
reli bil ty of The Happy
Th ug t." The best friend the
earful ouaewife can have,
J st touch to the patented
daniper and it is ready for any
Its e 11 clency will be a revela-
tion to ou if you are using the
commo kind.
LIAM not worth inveatiga-
tiont ? end for booklet to
unite doeir Brantford
or cal and see the agents.
Sold by
Chespey Smiley
Elcltplo Directory for 1903.
MICHAEL, MU DIE, Reeve, Winthrop P. O.
JOHN S. BROWN', Councillor, Seaforth 2.0,
CHARLES LI LE, Councillor, Winthrop P. 0:
JOHN MU RA a Councillor, Beeehwood P. 0.
GEORGE MIT Councillor, Winthrop P.O.
JOHN 0. OR LSON, Clerk, Winthrop P. 0,
DAVID M. ROB , Treasurer, Winthrop P. 0.
SOLOMON . ON, J. P., Sanitary iespeotor
Winth p P. O.
Money td los
ty. Apply to
still per lent on good farm seeug
-AS. L. KILLORILla, aarrioer. Sea
Still Thy Come.
Fresh Goods Arriving every
week at the! new store
In Winthrop.
Friends and Citizens, we ere determined to feature
your good will and patronage, sad by selling good
goods at lowest prices we hope to Licenre the Bores
We lnvite inepection of eur good js sad Loomparison
of our pricee with otherst and will do our beet to
supply your wants and eater to roue tastes In every
line of tor business. Small prt fits and quick returng.
based upon the cash Jaye ano, is pour motto. All
wrongs made right. Call and be cetnanced of what
WO say,
Ceeelman Eltros.', Type-
writer O?rnpany.
Underwood, Ernizsire, and Slick-
All visible writingesitachines, for sale or
Ito rent by the -month„ ribbonS, ete.,, and all
!other inakits of ,typewlitere, Iseeond handl
1for sale. Apply to
L. VAN E0/10$D, Agent
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the eeta,te of Martin Me
Taggart, late of the township of Utborne, la
the county of Huron, flume; deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to the revised
statutee of Ontario, chaptctr 129, that all creditote
and others having e1aini againsi the -estate of the
aid Martain McTaggart, who died on or about the
let day of December, 190P.. are reeuircd on or be -
ore the 201h day of Febrb ry, 1908, to tend Ivo*
repaid or deliver to H. J. D. Cooke, of the village of
uterof s the last will d ha said
eneall, in the countyofatrtestament of turon, solicitor for tba
deceased, their uluistian and surnames, addresses
and deroriptionethe full • rticulamol their cialost -
the ttatement of their • tints and the nature of
the securities, if any, held •y them. And no1ieole
further given that after such last mentioned date Ow
said executors will proceed to distribute the assets -41
the deceased among the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to the claims of which they Oita
then have Loth's, and that- the said executors wig
not be liable for the said aeiets or any part therecif
to any person or persone of Wholes claims notice/bell
not have been received by them at the time of sash
distribution. H. J. D. COOKE, Solicitor for ex-
*eUtors of MARTIN aleTA001ART. deceased.,
, Dated the 204h day of Jann, ary, 1903. 18324
Merton Skick Farm
Lot 27, OonCession 8,
Herd established in 18l2. D.i Hill, 'Stift
Breeder of choice Darh% cattle and Vlyderalale
heroes. Five registered Cly esdaie „fillies for 'aelt.,
prices right. Inspection invi d. Wilton, on appli-
cation, will be oheerfully metiat Ileni3411 or Beam*
lititiowl. i 182841