The Huron Expositor, 1902-11-21, Page 47i THE HURPIA PY oft NOVEMBER 1902 Pat laid. ockings Prite as may li's mutua, n4halmost me X10W ADVERTISEMENTS lara tztored away in the -it woollen st ly agre.�d upon. but atted up 1* doin svii, r,' witl i of i1a land 114,26 poulads of onion.. Pat under the rafters. They are prosperous, at. not in any OAF$ib to ekcqe $3 pq� atare., They separate class roor is, etc.,, a Cal not fa 1 807 pounds 61 picklers 'The former tit 4 o4nfm EAFORTHS' LEADING SHOE ST6AE., —M_he ratep:%yers W The figure botween the parentheses attar each though they have the largest debt of any cannot get land untii,,they put settlers on to ba a vala ble at �xiliary to t be go(& wor r. a I Dund and tho a Ce0 per latiLo�, at one, denotes the prEgo of the paper on which the tom nation. They pay in interest alo�a $250,- 1 t. Thie n e w settl fianisome sum of $574.27 fur&i W-orkz M ON %dvertli"went will be found fire will, be principally of the chure Tie �alldience ro - h Y vo ind, niattod the als 000,000 a year, or almost $7 per head' to� from the farming ecointunitles"ot New Vjag�- been thorou b1fr(mcd 13*-iT Sale -Greig & Stewart -1 - elledi The vi id- wlich serveo to ehow at, under avorable —A little�AOXI Of v d and ropl iabi Shoo Dep-trtrrient,_�&.Klnnan & Go --s say nothing of the taxes requ!"d for the I'land, the Middle, VVestern and Northern dows have San re To a i , I bF -airournat B!, such goo sea i and r Large Ra' re of Re PIN an roo 01 Sol a d -Ribbitt, Wb 58 Of thoL government.' h ault 8 �ab !can Fine Shoea-H. Willie & Son -4 TateeeEatiry exponsi States, and east of the MisEi0lippl. Rivery windows of �,Cai is glass. he old seal a go cultiv lion, t 0 Pao re Ago, ried to jump [ 11L eclat An 1011MIMI-lArcksou Biroe-5, This all Retrial to Ttbat a' frugal, and some', from W and. ThO comparly, of have been takei oat and repl cod by pews be obtained fr�m a em stripF of land, and indicate whan, his fent lou' industrious and cqeful people oau prosper. which two Chicag Fine i ShiDeS ride, 'Dat� r 0 ' V apitalista 13 to the prin. of the most modera design, b ing b th com- will* no do E bt be enc ta�aging to thero.-;--; a a crt ea 'd I I F'sar 4 Vh R�v Fountain Penfi.:-Alex. Winter -1 and grow rich in epite of the extravagant cipals, advance the ew settle a money with fortable and. prAty. A ne da -s i rith a Mi. Them a Ballan Vue raturn:dt home 3 Was Caution-NI'lul. smith -15 vvheei passed �ovgr h and corrupt manvgiment of their rulers, -which to make a g od starb!!! d as they neat and mpdez a book desk, as be a wom- laeb week rom Man bobta, wh be h Zale-John or( ad _,g: b Bull For i Uol:: rOkeD, although with economical wad hopest g'ov- progress ;will . rep it with i i terest. bones Were Overcoat Lost�-4ohn Carter -6 In ad and albrigold i -of vrhic are 0 oft bet in spend g some ni riths, and 1: ai taken braised and he bai ernmerib they would hexiluch beVer cff and this way the company expect o at a profit- seats, The' ceilin, � has also For Sv&-9 Roaattr-5 een fini it ad i a up some flu land thei e. � Mr.' Billant Tne 0 yourf j U stice idt range- bongo Dar cing L�,san a -2�Wilt McLeod-& would receive a larger return for their labor., able investmtrit for their capi t If prop. oiled hardwood at d the walls nicely an oyed th trip and ii -looking And, feeling )U T5 ill fail to d if you overlook our V County Council -W. Liae-6 i - mi of W. erly ma, d the a ekne m Ork.out all The whole buildix Is heated with i at leal.. be iter than when he �ef� here.ju7b the bl- Vaafed-G. K. Klng� A ren"is F ine Shoes. JJt is by far St selection of up-to-date Bt ehana Pawl right. what h: kil, come ar the Yan- and lighteu:by %s tyline lighto. thl nit f the tow ship of . _Jr. Alex wleve� died in �baugea mail -hould be :all ungtll Ifootwear Wst.vd-John Horm-g Thera have been several eller.sliown, The qualities ii L our estimation are j list b t they �s d the Farm For Sale -D. Mf Gregor -5 a in kees? We used tofear bh all Canada seems to ha," bee left uudox a whio won rei ently put abased at the sale of D4 r. James the judiciary during t Am-tioa Zxx e--9. V. Rozers-5 h,e )f t Sri 41, of H Ilett, a very fine thomig1hbred o ir va ues tre unsurpassed Before iuvestin�,g- in your next pair of fine 81joes, UobertL K."llor To Rent-fitrit., James Wlezpie-5 Past week. i Sir would be located un ler the Sti �f and Stripes. add to the 6omf or and attractivenei Henry Strong has resipued. I the Chief 4ua.., It now looks as if r i0t of *Yin keedorn will edifide. The C( i egation is now i plig wx I U to see what ;e _�avel as we are con-fident we can PILP 4, in ap_ V no Farm For S31e-J. L. Ki tiran-6 Sh)rthorn I ull. Mr.i Ruohanan A one- of VO SW a a a.- -w ppoi I and will, we have n oub on ! mo3t soccesEf til and progres ive far- E0 tt t price 'At ke a note of these p eq.) 3-1, YO J ticesh Supreme Con' rt, and is I aue.; be pl nted under t 'Maple L ly ell equi: I -The railwa 28c TeA-4-BoattfeBe, s-9 ip of the you want io pay. then colne 11-mneet in'stfial f Oi a 7 enter upo'n 9, new era of. progress a d us mc ra and bolieves in 4avi ood s�O'ckit not slid yourself Wise! Aid Tea-fts. 0- G. Wilion-8 Le Inga--4-W. H. NX ill -9-8 cead by Sir H. E. Taschete%v. The vacacy Ing g a m on ly in the �iattle line 1 -but also in hDrses. Sir William &so Nuald, t illionaire fuluess ear eamplalilts fi -to from W an 912stmu Fruits by the latter's promotion is filled bi the tobacco t6anufactur's, len's Fine Buff Lmed Be m. pair. i Parcel Loat-M&% Bates -9 trvnelation from Toronto of Chief Justice r, of lYiontreal, gave 6ts,neatandwal:l adeJor$l.S0& Te* -A. Young -3 x.. - � 1,_ t, ..: f", Waterloo a'n -to a whoes -oxoter. Kid Lace ",Boots' extend utterancel Ome trea trinsm in d on soles, -2-J..F.. Daly -S I Bayfleld. an's Dongola splendid r $1.75 a pair, ChrIstinits Sluft Armouri of the Iffigh Con t. Mr. Jurstice I _ value, f,' B ck has Auction Sale -James, Jordan -5 hialvidetioe. beford�the Tobicao Oominia- NOTES. - The in is me rn evilis, Oil Buff Laced Boo#3, extension folog, and solid itak every eat, for $2.00 gea )me OTOS.— b Moss, of the Court of Ap 1, beol' V. John' McNeil fireii! the first Ai meeting f t a -John Xurmy-4 ur�l D ix Lod he 4D 'hit ann6al sh t in the atereat of prohibition last SUM - Chief Justice of t from Elora. - P. iol He gr?undal o 2 an' Fi gh We Arm -1 siodat M ntreal a �'e w days t 6. He ex- ne Dongola, ]K*d d Box &If Laced Boots. up-to,date an -porfect fitting, niour, and Mr. J. J. Maclaren, K. 6 Bible Society, was holdl! in the thodi U I i "al" 0 Pressed an unfavorit b14 opiniot of encourag- frr $EM0 9, air. church, o the COUIL da m t04K strong Toronto, is of n -Thur.3day. Rev. Dr Appointed to rt A at mis th P_ del era ace of t�e Assehiblies of h 8, Fill w3lettinew), at-iiiadi ing tobacco-growilq by mef,ln4 of duties. agent of the society, ad reiset I the a 3tho I fen' Dongola Kid and 13�x: Cittilif L41ced ii400ts, Goodyear w(Hed peal, vioe Moss. I : - Pr aby eriw i church for the last 20 air#, Ole, for $3.00 bu&131- V I bvish(A- - - - r He believed, he I ali4, that tlle country The attendance ir a SIB e- d Mr r_,B;pV, er tv i eir, war Sa- ub shed,in the ovemb Jet J.1 '33 Brill, of Teeswat the guests of Mr th r rb what In I t, 0 sutler, tub - Many a boy throughout the R produce -There i i to b, i r NO. 1, 100M' 7ao T. G. Hemphill n Th gliFhi should endeavor t Pr byterian Rea d. r per nee rally in b.� Androw"i chu.-ch SEAFORTE1, FRIDAY, No. 19 speaking world will bea with regret, bha�� be d' d pri iduciog should ins - 02 t a eawmcebing hold i Zvi per WE— poffr� 7forapeotenettapth tronn of boys4abtenae i �Iltlh`!T ne t Thursday even g.-Revdo. Yell�nd fo I gn countries Salem, on rwi� lng.--Georga� Dam George A. Elenty is dead. Boys 644 hla� aj eveff, I H fat ious shoo is note� for it's perfact-6 ing and great wearing ualitie, be al rind most an eil are annou aed to exobi Every those articles that Oula be a nge . nl. -9 Brqtberp, O.n�trba pi M air is, )rood oar welted and f Ii ado in's dozen different works were great, and, they outvote4 the' economic travelle: for. u t of M gu a t�ed, M ohapes, and ay. Th neftsunday evei and tc prit sell P Editorial' ally obtai led in tb a a t a in all Notes and Comments. visited friends mi the 'village fcr save 104her , at I �.50 a pair. In en, a r, Pat . Vane 70 years of age present duty of 34 )bzita a pou i on tobacco in, to per 6nee Fermons.-liu, Saturds 7 mi rn. Bt calf and patent vici! kid., at, &r).,00 -a -$-hot critics. Mr. Henty was I a gn w a th in r. dTVene- Slater Shoe Ahe nameand price branded o� the sale in a W-00 r.of the fo! as Mi ner w is d ick P1 h ab The Sturgeon Falls Palp&Paper Com- and had a somewhat vitied ca-re'er.,- While eat of her dat ghter, il� Fordwich. -T. elite fri C. ave sole cQat no t days. -Mrs!. Li wry apprit last B w b h< forced the comisume '.of the fo! leaf to Charles Gardi eneburage, t! a production -J"J 4p that sum to gu sh Oti g on the river, in stepping ont of his lol of the 1.%ter Sh for Seaforth. pany ba�ve spent $950,000 on buildings and pay �7Vcid -por cord quite young he went to the Crimea, where, of domestic tobacem,' Sir Wi Hain thought and Mrs. Hemphill, and Mi bo t� It I slipped and in s�me way; his run , and soon will be Ing James Allan 'attended ;he oddin tons- of,palp per day inba ppar, a marL- F_ t artiole of their cot %towe of commeret sh P ors department of the British army. After ring 120 he spentfseveral years as chief of the purvey- that the grow 0 �Csniiidian to, acco as an ao di 1harged. The shot struck hia 'eft ould Wbe anoour i1sin, Alas A. 'Bolto i, iin I arm be Wee i the wrist and the elbow, tear. on lit N 0 Is CIO" Wedn�ada .—Rob6rt I bornimon, of It f or that quantity -ing been. found. They aged. 1,4 would be; all rialit sty gash in t hav some years spent.. in, mining operations in f br! the farmers ing a n he fleeb. Under the Brussiils,� gpent Sundiay, in be v 11age.­ their own uke. The R%009, 000 t s, Italy, he became a war corr spondent and to grow tobacco. foi Jh8_,,A_ have o invest in enlargmen, a care of re. Gunn and Smith, he is, getting Franc.1, farmers or the tariff would not 'change the -when they BOB, coniLions to justify the ortt� was through the Aiiatro IV Jobil Gemmill, of Pilot' Men i M knitoba P on;, fa rob' .—Mrs. J. Hadie pvr goes TAHOW. is renewing�-6cq laintatipes in tb4 vi(inity. excellent mulgic was given �by t ae Walton St lay. This i only SAmpla of whSt of soil or German and Turco -Serviin wars, the Ash character the climato �of fianada. AS Ain on %trip to Florida this Joseph. Br- fill made l�ney on week. S g0lu,g Oi Miss Jennie Campbell, - of A. S. Faust and daughter opent a -coup o t nion ob anti and. Abyssinian expeditions, and wa Tobacco could not a grown h4re of as good Mi is A nie Whidd6mi goes to London this Dai on in the country and it all goes to show le of with Garibaldi in the T 'rol. ti 4 villp, viE:ited withl rel aives and dLTS with her u#cle, Mr. Louis y He roto &,quality as in mo opical I Be. week, a take a course of training ' 1 th-at thia country is notg�ing to the b,�Pw- JdL tHensall. at the 01=in t is vicinity du the past W�lper, in.&Wwocd.—Rev. W. J. yage wow9fo f severai uove4, but latterly he has been cneouraj a raiaing t; b 0'a - here," Cobse"Fat0y Of Musjc.�A tug f0brn S r movernet i r to lack � of moreL protection or I - wOu asnia ; G. J. SuUler and, conveyam r for Rem - week.2r, ndrew Br a uce ost ve It Of delivered two Powerfal-and convincing chif-fly known as, the author of books for he said, any morit than I w I t wah employed for. severill. days last W�eek tem. nd ralle. is ft�ftly b 9t nufactres, and ta es for the general a grow sall, has had tihwei I in big hands tot e a Nry ecin- cattle 11 ek in a mysterious way. kd ga eri go logo at i the tle perance errmobs in his church 4:und&Y last, a f vp e ng I i sroo bo s, of which he wrote more than '0. in' of tea, coffee c r spices r . dh beach sout4 of vex 9 ortable and well I lanued brio by juo, =eatis �o pabl blunder, a gross b1l Luder to o location, wltb- riloe lawu, wiilks and B4' fiel .— W Wedneiday eveniD* , M , H threshe I earl in the harvest and —Mr. J.- Dc�nmiie his goni6i to urap grow akdi in. Goo I y r.1 ' t iresbii ig lat r oil, built a s6aw tack along whro re he bas 4 good -,coming forward ftt� fnrnace ard sk I modern convenience an 1 9' tkrd always Darro-w. of he COMM)rcial h tel, and'Alis. we StratfordL school board is eozaideriag t1he Hon.Riymond Preforitalne, the new Mic, ing it here. But 3overam 8 wlII bo 0 Jil in a shoe tore. 9611 so'd at 9. ver reasonable price. Intending P James s�l de of, he at 2er. The cattle' had 1 worked an Mrs. Don is will remain a makiDg, blunderp.' Sir William might also us Pollock were i �nited in marriage, at ivith her f ister of Marine and Fisheries,and Hon 0 . Ale) for t`h� weather, Creame" ing of the public eebo,71 course by have stated that a pound of �Myrtle Navy or to rent ft wrteres on good ce 'I the re (Wenibi betm een the two atacks Ucm one Mr. G. H tltn�an, for a tirn�.---�Mi. C. Hart- we * xtend hasers will b givc n full patticular j lo 3ition, 0 a Aen(e of M Pollock. T ire a d o -al 7, an� owin'r, to the mud, bich is �0 -hau res lib Word on 8 half a year. The rushing through of chil. easY terms. 9 to pri es and. pa af ply to G. many was p 3rformed 3y Rev. N eil. _%>0 to 21c - rieshc Tarts's auccessorin the Dominion Cabiue�,, tobacco that used t) cost the' consumer 60 Mr. Me I , receh a un last of. the ged. valei it in farm espe �ially this serious is fathe J. Sutherland, oonveyaricer, Mi. I "ruce- had not been n the yard a by el To RENT, L $ * sc- it thinks, ia. to be. depreciated. The ae- i -law and has had a somewhat unique career. He was-, cents per,pound now, costs 90 �'centall On �fela I 1811-tt P yards, I -A rat-olacs bric otord to rent ompaule 52 years of a a last September. He ii count Of this atte&)'t to fight sigaim,4 nature Mrs. Hartl left the isiry tubs and .9 SS cratford eabool b -)ard is right, It is too vi i Winth fj r t or t� situate on th M h strcot. I the VI I e 0! Xleneal rop. hr in le, to see me- d which be piointedll,t,and all to eqcourago ree d�ys, bal"t w.nfto and da for 84 frequen'tly' hit lawyer by. profession and the head of Bell PRESSNITATion —Al surprise party was fi am C�4 bar� from anothep' way, kimid did .4vil known a toorj;o I of tbel I k, N r-bich WEI 3 14 to 150 the case thorougLiaess is the growth of tobacco in Cana,$a when the recently 0: 1 1 d 1 y F. G. Arnold, wl io as rded on a to -180 Urge X01 ou H d in it;s pi I store nd r flIllnery busines rn in response to -the gener- prominent legal firm in Montreal., He 0 land,and labor use fiehl at the ome of r- George Henderson, �)t rlol'ti,_e th bell: for cra wa in 'the spack.1 The fi ve d fl vo�uctiop could iren-wa, It is, one C f 10 at eesire o,,ri the part of pireuts to have their :fi the besh business *da enimig laii , and presenecd the d kttle h h tbe� into the Dn,Frid ay a w �]S�TER GRPG,A-. N rat elected mayor of Hoachilag4, a sub� be used very much more prctOtabl in-th ands In the place and t 9 a firi t 's,, bted with dwelli Ir non a on thD a a� uaplb pipe, and the host ess. apertur. aril you we a Four of %very comfortable bul din Tal About Veoisn. rushed forward. The qual ffiations ur �production of some. other produeb indigen- second. floor" t with a eau ifullamp. Moab of the Dg biek oti all 'amothared.- k s L ch, hoot an, no eacm �t posoessir thel instinct to ban town to Montreal. Afterwards he o teachers are too:often, judged hy the rapidi- 19 was twice elected Mayor of Montrea, OLC6 ous to the s:)il and. climate of �thi3 Ountry. is practically new, having been e�ee ed mly four y rush theirpupilatbrough ,at. 12 to 12jo for I ty with which the ra E-o Mwill e rented' of Vearg st I people in the neighb rhoot were preamt t tem were ad when taken out and the yea fer a M j�)-Jj itwins, instead of by, the actual in!artra.-tion they by acelmasition, and held that- iLi o 5;1, all Ye did't ht-rike off to Wishkoky _POE C -n tem n e re,,,, or further parti is re a( �dress th a n * tr ped the: "light fantastic" tilt lihe to iher ore onl lived a short time., 'The lose wid eiiable them to absorb, aad assimilate. pr)prilt T BELL, Seafor�h, )r ply it a sever th' rist iv th' h; imtera,'� I s ra Ki pen. am 11 hours )f the morning An a 0 to Bruce; to Clancy th' even while he was a inembe d then depart as some of the r of the G. J D, R e BE 1. 1814 t i Bona y to SUrHERLAN the priceg are vel. n ner arid. Oblivekancer' y*r al y had ap)nt a wmn1 h'As had several I- wills, raortgages and deeds drawn ul�.J Mon�yloaiied most enjoyable evenitag. hlmns§ ohnston iand Mr. Robert Camp- i t'. ld.,country Dominion P4.rliameut. He wasaeleatccl �D. Hay, Commis io I ed for their respectiv homes feeling t iat cattle *are well �r�d and valuabl�.—Mr. 0 �Iler'day.' "'as ye toc busy. wid MARR ED AT RAINY The, Presbyterian RIVER. —A friend the burdocks or to the Legislature of Quebec- in '1878. rl lowf at the lovest rates of it terest, IT4041 Benda us the fall iving which wil be of int- NOTH35.—Most farmers have finished tik- hav that says ey. Too be � u stron, and yell wzitten av0clas urging its 1886 he was returned to the Darolalon - -1 taken the contract of e it�irg 200- h re th-' hIOVaVr, ana terest I ture are -not untv cla* - e 0 �vill b Ir bi i if me sDard era oota and ompleted fall plan gh- ej)rda f wood for� M r. J. T. Der nison and readers to, veto, for ancl support the Refer. House and haa been returned at every eleo- Top a :a many Of our readers b we and ing up their barsocks im a go here. C&]A weather We ocrimend* operations. is shoal r e pot tan of tions t Ing — art Bates I raged t6 hi ain raison Was the 9demavA and give tion Fi3ce, tha time. At the last gericral received up till D.-cember Jet to will unite ia extending congratula as een eng d totime, but me m "A the home o we k for Mrl J. money to git anclarn on December 4th. Referring to the caretaker uf St. Andrew,'s church, K Pell. 4ihn Me. the happy ybung couple,: "A money to spare, U- costs election he was returne Scott, Of boro, this sea.* s6pply some of our citizens hi the nece Secooda and eplits ;E� d for two, conktituen- Nevin, secretary, Kippe�. 'MI Rain OX time. at there an'ib ca s money to. git back an' obea ion urged by some. that the conditions and Mrs. G' W. Davis, B%swi son� 'Pickink� applcs is he' order of 'he silryan much coveted fuel Maisonneuve and Terrebonne. Andf OTE-,�,.—Mr. Ga don and bor twosister; River Distr �ot on the af ternoon I Of day.—A. number of O'UVyOU13g people atte d- _n to 150. cie, , thin t1heres ye4 boord an� amyni-tio of the Referan'dum ara such thab. it is next strange to say, notwithatandinig he fa so the Mis dcz 180 per en, Bes NJ OK who have �een reeidentii 22nd a qi.,i t but pretty Vag 4�1 ad C wed liEg lost toime an' 1 bee idea that they tell 1�e strong with the. people, his appoinment t Farquhar.* to impossible' to: carry it, the Presbyterian Of Brucefield fo some time, lalit week rnov.' eecontraQtiug parti a bei i Walton on. edneaday'and Thursday ev, in - the oys er suppe, a at Constance i nd (inized, th to th' dee is gittin so scarce there no. 9 sed by the Witness and ad into our village a n ber. ot or Nov quiet, but i d have g t nicely Pat- Geor a All art Dix embt!tr cold, Novern- mesa says - The vote rcquif ed is by no meano Rachel L. Pisco3 to Mr have to p about twoice all MuLh the Herald, thi two English Liberal pa * era' tled ia the home t .1e reercu ly purebaLed on, a pro.,pe OUE farme of thi t ingg of 'ast took and r,3pprb having spen, a Nove dry ',r as it may be', you'll find t a deer as, did �-wo or Vree y p b()r wet, plade, Th' a maority of the voter, on the list ; in�eed, of Montre3l, They also opposed him ir., his 1, most an joya le time.—Mr. -and- Mrs. CraWg, ears a yel We webome them to ceremony wa it Ghrea ou cif evety eight of the elooberi go from AJ r. Upshall. ip trim io sei ve you exactly to your ma ha oat I is performe by he R Mr? of 1��,inc rdi were 2 -tint! mesilf wid *h muniLipa t ve to Coll Sickat sgues a o r, B'sr our vill6g ctiandie eed 5. And your oUar' -Ther-o in a -gpoa d 'black Squirrels: out by entibled to vote on Dcember 4th mark VV�Jiiam _'�ison, of the Fairn8wortb, Tla�. brid� wi6k the ast week. —The people' th' T of Rainy Riven wi 'I a! i - of t, is village, ha st me a new; dignity when they are apex their hallGts i favor of the Oatario, L 9 returrie I from a Ileaeant vi4f, wasattired in cream, �rimm id in J)6at Is; vicinity re shockedl D he heAeath of itake a thrip wid th' 'qor Mr. j. p we now an� thin I -ery, but eupplies Whitney, the-1,ader of the' to her daughter, Mike. (R h re. I hey ve a purchasing power whic 4Zer "N I Egge-1 e 1p ime 3c - Maud arid pre -ea -are ed "at 84 Milverton.—Misa.Li'llie Parse 6 of Harpur- ceived ehov�a I he respect ii of beiiefib o you, and estiecia ly 11 you niver goes to qe the law of th ev. Barnby, of �laceandrib�on. !The!many preseWts re' Mr. Phi into tb? WDildsliv McKillop Th' Maj6r Act, that A4t will becor. On. ar of t �DBErvativea, was ent C ertain Murray, his wife at one Provirica. I� the temperance entiment so and esteem. in ing'a reside4t of Lamilbury.—Mr. Samuel ut but he comes back wid I some- tb way f r Far Jackets-, (),oth —Selected, 2213.; -cat hey, was the guest 0 a lie t1jis which Mr. Mc§pad len -returned Iasi-, week f �e t cots. V rNe week- that 0ree out of eight of the electors compimentary �acquet by the London on- nd I Dxon ar� held,". 0 me our 0 Tack- t,- ing no mattbler what i rom. I 'at D -real Iftned, V L RIEFS :Prov ace, wher he has been tra el- erw lia made it a rulei" says T1 M' to e(a, Fum of all kinds,- Unp YS cannot be petsuacled to vote for the. strong� weak. Her old frie idA in" ar LOCAL B '!George 80(it b, w airie' re Jim selvative Club* in that city, on Ftiday a al he- Pr ways pleased to b �ve a i G Doda", Mil iery and Staf receiptu, IS' eat piece islatiGrt the purchaEod the gi And seed bus lin 6 Pao year. el oo a as. I t lat Fa lire lost! co I . 18231 m. n td, _17JO cold Btixi tetaperauce. leg was ac�om- Mrs.'Wrn. Blair, wl o has beefi her. ) Mr. Joseo try a �e Dry Goode. cintrvdg t." Hes anard spoortern -evening last.. �Mr. WhiLU. i:yr - iue�a of a6mat"ing. iv,rk thrip a Province can enact ? We do, zot think so, - ieF ding %itl T:Le E Ile il Co., Seaforth Cafie, nd rented the gr a with hii n. e'is the p IOBF Be- &nd were it s,4 it followa that the time: f ' panied by Mr. J. J. Foy, r. Beattie Nee. her dauahter Mrs. WEiSMil ter, of H6 -n - I wasteirn limed, 1:6,21 —Tli RoyalTemplars have secu- is Jimm; "Did ye bear what luck t -cup, t Or for a term o a moved hi il silver gold NOTE a f y( a, has sor f a )eau ift lined wh all 7 round loai. sall,.for some MOLt� i, has ret rned to our be on ra bno Camp ad Miss Wigg ins, of Toronto, organizP I do bad isbkoky thlis tt rip 9" 1 san Prohibition tli� Ontario- ia not- yet," bit, Mr. St. John 'and othet leading 6612-- over the stor"(s,_ w ich 'will prove i 6 :rreaP rol the C3 any In a r fqr m r isone of c ir oldest and y village. Alm. Blai - Unio. x. nee had hard luck," a ay a Men a Phristi 1Z 'arthwest eo things an s,.rvatives of Toronto ai .—Large shipml-la (if six a bi M a R ::,Ttey convenience to yole race. his opeaJis 11 ti a- We an Te4era The oe -H 'd Utica, DAiry -Board t -Che pc oplioof the c8s"u was most eateemed cit., �si aud w are pleased apples and grain re being thi4 for �otber Huronite.—A� meeting ill be tc in ti a interests bf the ofer ma4e fr speak Whither thuy run ant essful one and waa attended by 6 have heir I a very auce mck agaln.—Our rain market, station' at Wbite, of isor hel in u It o Edgii in the ThamesRoad Presb riah amyDition, cit whithr th",deer wis toosho), tire at mpi lug in a. large- ecale ta church as well &a in secular -400 ad-mirers of the leader. M r. is as usual receiving it Large Bold ut I over m D, fr ch E riday' even e ii share graiD,which 6 J� nst. Do he oc p 0reamet butter. 2*2 ite a large 1] 6x from th.9 cause -a, heart lb ack at 271 proves.that we have a good In kket.—Large acquaintane has that good. of nct fail to hear this gifte, and eloquent dinnaw, but they gQt not bit a bit iv affaire. A ll�w church was o ened in the Whitney seems to have the faculty of kee wab in th a on 'Tuesday ritoewing th interest (if the ' ref re: idum.�" uyone at urch, on thb evening of the 281h i or whither they lost t Lethook-a E --age 1-ouse- Jaw a few weeks ago. There ing his fallowers: warm ey(n. if he does not numbers from th u rounding towns and ioi itly attnded the] re'_ ri fawn that didnt know tther. I town Ot IN a r aker.--M I Hensall and,�v sh Idl atten4 this meetin x and- Wm. Stewartl ha& returniB4 an- .1 their -sP the orvic J � from po give them much mental f�cd of a ztreigth- Wages atten WE llac4urg, where he; has been buv'- was buildin' on gittW St. An- ing of St. �nd church, -Kippen, cn * V I 1i aarira�ht� iev were a acial �ervdcoa an Sabbath, and a sae- as t accordingly on Decemer 4tb ViUiBJD;t Dg from wall iv thini, but I h a ya es for-' M r. R.. Lai U�s Mi Warn Cudir6re has Put followink —The coatinued fine this beasm, and reports haviog had a good be continted wid a bit oft' r ulmid. a�' Var?ia�, day evening� The Sarii&y collecliona now totteriag to a fall"and thatIffbe E no even ug. red c;_)acert.a#d aocial oa t4a Lilowing Man- an - iag nature, We ara told, by the mail (rew'sellur--honStindayand ondayeven- Sabbath laot� a the fowl supper on the ing and hipping appl that hia chief theme was " The Gdverriment i 3gs last. — Wi ther press on pr asing hay u t ti a. -- He says he never hea�rd- Prohibition occasional rid herrin' amounted to$3jO, an the to,t&1 prcceeds of for our eve poi -star fur ange. corruption praetised bythe mach'imet was I orhood, in order t keep up wibh the de- m. Reid I and -George t.F ster m tion(d in that locality,—Mirt, Gibso won't min. -andaruallimlIg bisineefs�is still gCinig In Wa orsies were so hisneigh- weather is most avorable �OTES.—V! d urned froF the opening services: amountad to $a,240. scathingly dealt with." All this is old, old. riand. —'Mr. and William Foster, .6f there.—Re J Dr. Giffo' a Miss L. Gibson, of Goderich, were visi gtili'measured fu asum 'er Buit laeb. r . On have both ret. rd, of Clintm, Co.-* b*t there w -As notlil. There; are not m�ny cangreg Ons in old Surely it is time Mr. Whitney was -ink 4icbigan, are tpent nearly Ithree mi g, ab pr sent staVilg with Alro. D t biB in the Pr %itie d a quaintances i won't Canada that could equal thi3. Rev. Dr. a new text. cupied the b1pi I f the Methodist chi iroh, in l in this, neighborhood slipring th" boss, J to he wwa The itafferinga cons corruption has been prac.' Foster�s motl er, IA� to. Blairl'Fin the on Sabbath r, -old N weel -.—Mr. and Mrs. Mordock,of-Hen- says to me, Are ye fond 1v rjui�iolj Mish- Vil- region, amid i raport) . rosoe!ity� 'and Bryce, of Winnipeg, conducted the 8abbath tised by the Liberals the place to exp l , orr ing and evening la A, -do. setyleealbTy und 4 Goo Ige. They �.iave been residgilts of Micbi- weather, so dbld as to �reeze ice eight in,lics loeg liverimigrpw able and-impres va iteri sa 1, war( the guests of Mr. S. Campbell, en tier Clancy he oaly-i. n1l kno used aboitt town, Yi in the tlups.—Mrs.l James At�-A.-oug 8* mid 11 Lot.—', Mr., and Mrat James Hack- gurl." I It's not- he 'mayo. hdwevtr, wbuld o servi.ces. He gimilarly, officiated at �the that corruption iii the election courts, But, a fo twent ear�, but hav� disposed Of on each 6ccl Sian. He 'aftended th� � 6nni- opening o years ago, %a a e 'Iles deer mate." a:, f the old church twenty ilthoug.h this is the case, 11r. Whitu�y has t air property there axid intend! to become vereary- set vice I i picked some B'Weet peap iii bloom on the, n who bav' been on the sik list, wo, Are Td, a Gin and which is now b --dug discarded. At the eld at Bethead in the 118Gh of NovJmber; k do i farm work, Prices allowed his agents to wichdraw '15 par ent. r siden to of nada� Slid are;jhow lookill 127 'Coo! eta rto pl ase& ;o -hear, are arou4d again.- $125, WI -S close of the recent service the paetor invit- 'of the Petitions entered by t —Mr,, mate is ddar mate no afternoon at d th I owlsupper the ff Ilo wing Thursday forlOalgary of the t�p figura, hern againsh a suitable farm. We w0come the 8 nef Well F M n, up to ad all who ha m evening.— F ay. Dr Medd, of this vil agii, ex. A, ectirdy, one of the few remaining i*h in th1fxlV' weighing a;�66u-.� -1 to Leaf. 'a remain. There W or 'd to be in a t d been, present at the former Liberals, thus acknowledging that there w -as b ek't( theta d of the Mapil —Mr. changed du4ies 1 dth the R9 ANNIVER, CES. The ann ver- of he ea ly settlers, is rep Ig church opemijagL v. Dr. rd, sary 6ervices,in an' I'm got bri�g buk _re- noLcorrapLtion to be exposed. Beaides this, onia 3 -El connequon with Varnarrtis. vc ry low Condition. couple 9" derj,' of the 3rd a 6cession of of Clinton, an Sa)ltath last. wevelymuch bytedan church, werel hc Id o deer. I'm gain" a afew iv for cn4 Liberal candidate that ucke e, old timers P, La% Elilith who ha6 spent he last regret to le I me bisht c6litmers a thralt What, part two n8abbath ast. to cordially &ajap the hand of the man -who been 'ULS-ated there n�on he with friends in: Manito 3 pulpit w�s occupi9d both moruibg and have bioent t n th at while there he tc qk very 'Th 'ke 'a lip �a and Dako- seriously ill iv tW bWej Wud ye Idi had beeift witti them in the day of smaller two Cor-aerva'lives. In view of these facts, t , has return( d home.i Mr. E�3*der !and is at th,p present time un- evening by D�. Murrai, of Kincardin Zurich. looks 08 'derthe.'.dootorlo cire, suffering from con. e, who take a bit i1v th! surlina, I ays"i 44anj�& B 'lit; T -ed. 71ja pre SA EAVEMENT.—We regret to have a 4 . things. which are known to every person, r. t ough the good oqt able amill instructive er Lone _,ebby r3se ; - 0 7 People Of the. West bad ached rn Pt i gest'onSf the lungs. iv th' bind qarther, W Whitnc-y'a denunciations of corruption ad him well.— a hope, h)w er, to cbroni �,Ie this week the death r vc of Miss Rayp- in td timothy hay, S- 114 AnJraw ened to byl 9 -ga- two," I holl 4; d, of Hai- rge con nauEd t rta a un er good t eatm the will see ra. tion8. The a n Clara Sippel, eldest daugbt!r of Nin and hey" a the Detroit bank wrecker, ba a Miss Mul th t and was list wy and the machine fall f13,tter than rh ey, was the gL inm t wain a sad: nest of Mrs. ame!3 Mus- gain his acokistionietY he Ith, and be ab Mir he don place h' other d I to [sly sa hay, to$ been taken to,Jaiekson to serve a sentence aticake. t d tifis week. the following� Alond Mrs. Phlip Si'ppel,! of I I ;), 0 T a evening and� was a thi I village. -Th � - 9 - a &ya. again. to. �gratifyintg su4c B d even V- took place in Dell oit, on 8 me a ve-got bac Y-110 as* 6 —1S:8tVhdV. Cars resUMeL his pastwal duties again. y -Opening re ess in every respect! J�De- of I years. His story carries, moral. He RE OPENI_',-(:� SERVICffi. —Th M unda vinison?" 'I s i4 we Medd left Duday for Cliuton.� re. Y me a hunk iv th- KnuxGD1 connection with% lareatertin ea�her $15-ZO to and servic in spite the d4'11 and t I t, and the remains were brought here oil didn't g - anny, Pin t, a he;"y4 -nr in was trusted and honared,and on the road to an,-- who says many gaod thip t. Andrevy's ng pleas a caps it of tarred n the Lutiter-' They're gettin' moi Ff ail 0111. an, tV ga F. Rae, on hunday evening f JaSj� eek, e of bulk east o:Lurchi were held on $unday. r ntly (ntert�ined thechoi.- the church b' Wed the utmo The decewei y The Sunday services were tlug t t ac. dimeadayi le steady -i -th lionor.L He took to speculating and says them well and who has the happy e reuink lart the Method" at c u rch ai� d all speak wall of th onday, land were in proice hail gone away be ht a wealth wi th r6 was'a lArge andiprice, coet sorry t� to ery on We U faculty '6f being able to ptn't more sez;Be itIL �commodate tnem. a particularl bright an( lovable Young 149 _811d. $18 for bra, j with other people's, m9ney, The appetite, cmdaoled in t�a forenoon andi evening by n - wVV h th e�. were en y the manner T a literar an n usi- w "I y to tainted. photygraf t iv. a deer hin I -live, comile AJr. Tol ]a ly. She was Only 24 yearo w 15 L, lees 8pa-ca than most peope, in his weekly� le, of cal 6&at was t.rasided ver by the r �eted of age and her grew on Mint. so that. he could noir, sto' Windsor, � and . in the Mr. Trott, ur p Oographer, t elpe Vrough Gravnbrid-ge all' t4at's VW nearest P Oak a lash - r parents a ternoon by the RO. Mr. L pastor, Rev. Mr. Da idsort, death is a severe hook to bb letter to the Preebyterian, gives the follow. arkin, of Saa who Act( d'as and when he h-0 a trillion t 1! light view the ue preee;nt.—The continu*al, I came to gtt ia' a6ny viniflon. -a affi 0, th good. Luck f r ends. She had bet Add 11 re f rth. These', services were arkely at'Lend- ress s w re deliv ail worl�,irtg in Detroit' too bad an' I'm sorry to disiipp I ing timely hint to some good folks who 0 a �urt y -he rains are t I o our roads, ani'show' Ing -is grai -a] r,�eq uire h: r, 1 and kt; wid me,�' be his Own, life. He 81ya 16 a Aff. turned he lost all and ruined hundreds of to 1, the ev. T by fo.,:om a ears, and 'ab tA two months churchlbe' crowded tb its utmost Mr. Sa�vers of ru field Re% Mr. ago But have a ne sometimes allow their zeal to get the better ckpac where mor Mill r, of Varna., ilev MeNtil, 6f Bay. wi 6 taken ill, but it was thought -0 oth(r3, audkrecke it at Ca h diet 't Nvorabip by a most she Was here, but offe boinef last Mrs. Henty Forsyth return says, an' I'll thry an a betther;' field, and R'e,�. Dr. ZVI til th ad ilews of her death L of their god sense. rra . The letter i ook 111trovi" un L 6 11 owe n Sunday. bills luo guano s 11, n. ;,%a ;of the sormons were. to tone Park, or the wl 'The deceasO 'W'. Roes is q E h at followl t e would have been 41 riht but for the e eays "'Assuming a Aenti � e and apparently, deeply intereLt-ad week from- *anit ol a, where th y bad been as -Moore concern going inLto thetele- for a moment that Ron. George cmgreriatio r a coupl. of oliths on a _ed c fall." "Far away g Everette ds theme 'The Ye rea , phone business and brin-iag the iDfluence of )18 alad derland of hadbeen, taken to the hospital -Bayao an' th' anticypation ni--vqr comet up as black as som -Position� of Gospel, Wbn bure was bar, Ameri a His lee by Mployer to th' reality. That is," 1� sayo, "ar re- side points a of his opponen' elcquent e� Sutherland" nd iss H. Sutherland were In both intereati 3g and natructie, while big ble was '66.7_5 to bushel� ueh it, and him were well calculated to leave a 6111ployer and everything w� th bi, lie has many friends in his :*)wn party di the Bell Company to,,or 'truth and possi eas I I C.1inton on need y Nat, vititing fri ends, done to s gards spoot. Ba in bus 's d-Morent it., But ti.ece's always an if."' The map. aep irnpre�sioh for 4'col on the many who word pioturei of the wonders of the Y%ow- a her life . but to no avail. Tb —sometoimeo. Take fur nsh ce Rich - and M an 1 not a, fevy admirors who Oo not belong listened to Mr. Jol Sharo, of inear Varna, stom Park were vivi I and realistic. The 8'"erest PYMI athY of &I ';Wl be e-sctend edium, $6 25 ft in t'h v at noun emi t94 hin in, bus -cc to his party, He is a aelf-made man, who wer Mal a on Thursday af ernoon' doon an� Mclanis's an to -choice pe a ia nqt surely w, i8e who speculates with CC the The church alicir, which I atisisied y local talent from outside, m I the a the W Ou it ba gal per ing a�qu they say they're show bushel, U50 'amGaeytb-*th-ae been en�rusted to has worked his own way up from the lower of I%eb wee ren aiatoe . M ra.': NOTES. M Hudson. of near Hi paoplf us'a was furnished b boir' of to the be e91v faroilv d d mu6b to a &to the! impreo8` n church-, him for safe iure�t.ment. Presbvteria ea!oitb under 'the Indeea he !a fool� to the highcE t rungs of tb e ladder, and Beit iveness a Is nd Sharp wa's ell k i wn hire a a aggie counter $2.50 shoes fur $1 sample, Farley, 10 iih ti, specul.Ate even with his own, uni-z!" ir tereO Of tho �eivfcoo.: Isadore bip of ise GrE ce Me Faul.. and ey Gi aeu, nd iss Mabel -Mellick, of th6 ;ye an d�.Piva iah peaple rKrely fail to admire a man who The abbath Berl Hartley, d �ghtc f the I Bxone3n �ine, on V -trifie were. ate ev. A. Y.� b iVeroight. MebbV hwyen% isean V1 Were cro�vnod the tea. meeting pn H did themeelv a ercdit and delighted t By,, were un'l*d in marriage� air ha has iso m. ucl, that he can afford arid has does that. He ii a older in the Preab y artley.— thti�r bargain counter ? 'Yelshud4 Y_ iss Ila de (lis A ited friends the ncrve to kc:ep &,3arsiderable reserve tc tf.0 following *onday evening.! The Lnfav- audience by heir wel rende on Weln91. The cerem6ny w rian church, a mcmher of every General in Clinton On atan red seleati no. as pe lay aiid Sa bath last.— ler all n, 0 ie's parenta,i unleza ho Asieembly, a Sunator uf Knox Cullege and i Me �veatheri di(I A14! seem to niili�ate in Mrs. T. Ha�' gbam,l Th p%stor a d peoph are t be congr tu formed' the ime of the b hil-r1ren a by R old and chiloren, f Wi the,axiniversary er- have been, as ealring. o So ure is 8 an i g 0 t. ree vices and we, ha�ve n dnbt the flaa ial g them all teady at -1b ii tmel a re the ppoidted b ur. people came fl.AcL-- tb -pefAker at ecclesiastical sgain4t t1he !itlendance; Even be- unite with! Any person d good Pl-tle s- in gret demand as r lated on the success o av, J Yager. W TORONTO. tir y fr ends in wiaEi,in elati ve i in ta n IE happLnees._Mj� H� 0 It he hae. and amdemical functions in Lvery chutchi in weeks with g boot and shoe businei-s ould,4110 Wall ft i in , to IV 1directi"9 an q Ily gratifyin in Ing unt yins Foul firra a cry aval I ig �hei conclusio 1 of the proce�)dioga tho cl 'here i ' Ig in fro�'l all enoall. rcaults will be Miller, of communicate with the abovo aeffingt 63 Ontario, Exccpl� perhaps, one. Now, we d icy kept on —Mr. Rob b 1. 9. At Poll, tin as-- turne I - f: 1\4 pierville '11docig, who NY.' 8 as we avA i are quoted a 40 tQ n T-ronto TMail sas'; it 8.1ut-11 0y. evety sane Prohibitiorit mi Otarib if lable inu I Of faPace IVIanitoba, ere he lad mber iQ)r lar, positvely retiringfrorn bus neall. i . Und the churdi I it tee -n f r a Ift I tairte�, at t a M8 nee we* wi din� up his fathe�'o­,sstate, has! and bO to 70c f -Dr "tcsaro Lo lie gained by attack-inT a W.An. of arid.ard Jappear to lie Oc. were hoepita ily enter h P 08 3ecti g top s" ould be �f that of months O� a .—M a,". (Dr.) 'befote taking their journoy homeward, —Mr. C. Eil� that kiTtd. Is it good policy to SO CU ped. The crood. 14ies a&' t i;et urr c home, lienate his tio;�3, h to concrrega- CAmpbelL -f Z er, the -gelling -at 60 wil givu the Pr 'uvernment tio , h 91 ir cli wa� in vill a his cl. Ir dau Wfl mattv friends by keeping up op wever, '.he t ly Eclaal, to the ter ere in daV, good hnrse to Mr. E. Bossen_-�!' R 'In '--s (.v position- to pro d, -ful week. —My `.�]Bia kall ana It :r --t thrtiqhi_­ it has evel- Theqe' che kefer C Z iarge oy 'in urn eold it ichrdson X a I 1� I ( Ily and be; ry, w7join -to�Mr. Smith. a endum ? The Ref Ll I erendum. is here linton thid. eel .--The tneeti held in the WaJ to�i., ing we temptirgty fieri -ell ho viauds:were of the INJothodist hur(h, on Thure ay tivening I LoCAL -To' xov�ey arc- iai.,Ynant at the al tcrn�)! to de- and it is the beat th have, and many 1��st a . --- , I - I Cl in the ip coucerb pCople, nevEr called fools, think it is nclt -a re4test abandance acd gotun i of last Nve i, in the �te �iteady ad the 0 9 PaU resti of temper- u etntinues ra wbre at JiL yi who. we 10- W968 i SUM533 In (,N, -e am! to he-ve i4 t: 1�road bad thing after a 36641 A lost if th Let us stop this h i.3d "y P' ere p by the 'Wgrkmen society, of this , place, nt D0ay ry p 4irticular. Mr. - A. of thing and �ring out the votes." iunLry it mt1at zellipg fredly, hoviri ance, was voy-w M att 9ded, and nin was! M, T artleited in thi important J: White, of Tcironto,� ted -havo lie 3n th E ir o wn fa�lt. : are 'OfferC-1 daf�jy. etv F. V.ith th. more than deligh 3 bpera the la rge t a matter.—T i corcert, J, d in iller 13 Sale U n �d el -a',; r tst and The Oatari� Government. are negating fO1lOVJ3d -whs in keeping hall) on Fri 6y ev -ning a last wee17, was t b.dturded onlito changed at 80 t, 8 ig in 17 th tbi hear him, a a shbuld he a 1 phyaii a. ore A if tha an capitalists Eor 1tc,_r t chai 1 it Vi .4 tho agoiisted gain viEit this th a s5ndic�te of Americ very ell aft Jering and potateas out;, h q ta ccn y w ande I, coi;si the number lace, no doubt will be rewarded with a .ould Occur-" will nut be c- Lite placing on the lando of Na_w,6at, b P., of tea meeti�ga and fowl a e thbt were bumper hous _-A 6rgo crowd atended beg. ario of the rezp te UPP- ecte aqd tv, %?ry re u I Ing nd ls�8;b , The the auctOn Pa 0hailes LO 50,000 settlers and to settle 0,000,000 acres were ple taint] perforrne�, they were entertainmep St -x �_-k,f.ed his being held this WE ek a e of M� OM or, A t-wa.givan ythePark(rCon- Tuesday of th s week The bidding was -t!s of Oxford or in coparatively light sti nther LrnWit- C110atario laadswithin ten years. Isloet VOZtth Indil--t9 cert Oqmppiii in W.-lich ve ta ented cows Be But. the 'the izewpfort,3 young ling asJ �Erlglau inFep ruble fron� an i- igh via $50 each, and _for. -the Men, L t e N! a: I uf thase new sEittlers will be from theT Lxtcn. ladies take 'dart The conce zan cattl it doeEt, looku. wry Jnited s. rt wa very other itock I roportio 3atiely well. crowded licliao, a mor# oi�derly.or good tbro d r uch e are finnt, u Elout nd r uch oye and pouni, miach like rt.xving -lie a3�-for the apeening of 8"tates, although settlers from Ontario are at tenti.:,m-audie �nenls, which we I d qiality, omosed wti, nauch credit is du :tMr Mille s.rcd. ro 0 u exp 11 the Virls ects will t%ke,, the Owner rathe b t EO be given the preference. Under. the A4er,­4Ps were delivore' by Ra�lde.. Aless han is ut,ul'o at auction sa' per pound', dreas of the hall, 2d w engaged If ii r 0' 6r i3 opened, a 'PrInde;Martir ofE,,c t is co panyl Thesalenette agoodifi ure. Mr.Ritafile bee! launhamged i agreemedt-,;,tho Government, have absolute ci�er ; He! eon, Of for securing i i4ch ood tal ent at a co t that bas prchased the bous an lot Anersom i0i God6 The ado Pf I r. 101! be unsuatid and this cp.u- LxvERFooL, Nov ep, it s i ie h t of a ventare fo' him James Turnbull, oiBruselels, andwil not be, done uiqkc�a corrupt L�Os are proven. I control as to the class of settlers to be were ill. of' I M S a i high 0 er, being from a finar-pM-p',ir re- tractive ard t.. both in 01 view. 'Our a untry F46rcu it in ve�Y, ar that it the Conserv-- brought into be placed upo b t, 6d i ohe More tit the. lan,!, ith an oc. and villagefi ie'd 7`ove to it ehoftly to ret;e frorn tb� -&WJD ':PIP -eswhohavebLf�j gljilty i11 tt histan(:e I casional epice o� oVve�er, a owed thbir active,diaties of farm life. 1 Maybe be ed o6-1- "Were �out strorig,all The choi again gave long on s fleeced-lin w the quantity of land which may behanded appreciatio-I)l 4nd 1. ion flec-ced, f or. Vc a s azid niat. ths as 'the N161 Would like I dore�tion I , gODJfielVioebythi�ir,a�pfrol)riat. and well e 190 a pared to onj4y the fruits of his laboril Me a Striped wool, worth 75c, f -)r, 50C a sait. -0 it over each season, and while the maxim a av,�, M Lo mak P!�Z!ar. um readered msiell 8 crilona nt t mid r. Iler a bal nee M eorge Muldoon hao purchas a c- E- S ne unshrinkab.lie Uaderwe� extra heavy, at $1,00 e6h. 4 stated to be 2,000,000 L n,pre3idimg houiseandlotih Bruqselo,�bbldngi to th' aamd biougbt 11 amount of land i Mra J. B. I riah sidge I I re. t. H' no re urned 'home r ng At th:organ� frI099visid g rel ttives Burni? estate a d willire in 25c u to Su!iida� on Tuesday, :V61111 III ve.to Bras el Boys? Uiderv. ear:fro. the wtIl-krtiwn acres, the agieement will provid 0 le6ticina am, ad to I . a P) both in :ffeeced) unin and plah W,�01. �5165, ar, d th Ivroxeqer, in cc do of the tea m tledge, of Bramptorr,' wo ha -3 been g;rdling t testing which vao reached a that at c Mint e pro- and friends in ghat i and Rev. Nir. Ru See our lable of Childrien's Under*, ear�all the� leading make' -best pairof ateera the any time the Cxoverzimeat may discontinue under other place, —M& An4rew p wiaeld, hits a serif�s of tbe. auspices of the -Laidias' Aid o I the can- Ohnstom re- in the Methodist church here laud Sabbatho LadAs" Ve4ts Pound, and a few. th Prices in IaMe�' are wonders. Ladies' leeced imaer- land when it seems to be in a P 9-r(gatio 3, footed vp ceived,tbis eek, the sad intellige as of Wind will take c3arge of th6 Walton 6irci 411aperound. P wear, ligbt colors to sell -f 9,-- pound. P r _01C. Ladie�natural color, hea-ly'qualifik *0i'th n equal�aurn, mak. the death o her �sister, Mrs. or the comiug -he � annual r�eeti t -AD, The syndicate agrees the ntire I rocee Stan ham, f! very intere.iti-i- life I intere3t so I at do. 0 8, icl I of th year T g the f"nners in leading roads, and to � 6 re -opening of - Ctidton an -at of the Walton TTn D 11 40c, to: Be'. 1. at 25c. sS30 a Cdnt ibution mosb cred. er. ouo 11,-� h%s bc(�n amon to construct cerLs together with : h able vests and-,,: draivers, at �oc ic, �re on bath Sebodl es- unj3hrink -2 to -so ae i err, as ion SN Ladi co�,,xntty, aad rpeaka very Word otber ad�antages for'the opening. b of aner- ecoiat ion was held in DOM' Preab 9" t fine all pure wool T_Tiwerwear', at 75c each, 4re ing, f�wt. old -ZOWS Were of that 4usband an4� daug ter, 4tended the; f highy of i tablo to the libBrality of the ao gre ation Jove'ph 0 se and family left here churol too' Val -I e. Ladies the country. Thp land will be paid'fair at mrid all coln:'cerne. The and ev'rillig. 2 i il a on Tile day afterrib 11 ta2e perpoun Ho hsv,.,;� dZescribect Ea -land as the usual roceedia sthroug on Five dozen lailies'pure whit settlers of 50 fall opica e wool Un erwear extra quality, for $1. 0 (laverntpent prioa to- Dul: were conducted without a a ow,,Dg th owned bV the low, bt gle hitch on Saturday;� laGt or Tolonto, to 30 1 Mr. were! di. oupsed 1a the In I . a Inarkett were ts white wool Overalls fo.- 5o.0 -,t Fraee, he says, is --Oape in theN new hom Mrs. &!R e('r a o o n T a paotor's sows �nfaj2ts, pure wooll a, the Paieut Only' to issue and wcr4,, as �quc,ossf fc, tt vftts, wl�ifte fro -M 3 to 4 -le per cents per acr �.—Mr. and ing, was ta an e,ac.h. 8 ey c( ild be and kirk are' l'iorne florn :ManitobB, and are by Rav . M.G. Jerrow; 11 th only peu in Fronts, are a b� autiful owne(l by the �nany. There are 5,500,000 u hen the usual settlement cohditions are wa:s ali U I wb g e cred tabico 'to all wb a teacher' wi. 0 qu4lity, 50c eacli. ODie our U Thomas R(bert- i Sao 13Lnd Owners among the 3i,5�XJ000 people complied wiLh, and only to the.,-ett,ler and pat I iii L) g i 94 �y Rev. Mr. Webb;. dery �ar 8ale. our au� t bma3i usth'avebeeri gratifyin 'the pE reubs m g AppkidOo parents.— in nr� on,3c, to L.tl-- company, and ach settler to �'Qth llaElor abd Mr. Tohh a rg. Berry cc 4 a ovRr U v. hich rM-ke u� the French Republic. 13 geta the mutd qur peep wing," by M can &myth �ng a ric 'fat h sold -at. i� kntity of. rovided for --T ood people of b t1aining of our teacheis ghest 'aid for Prod is almost 4 land owner for Gvery family, but he s F Thi land Andrew's con-. ZcFaflane was in IdQuidon; on Wednes&Ly.— d)ne in the ace. in the L r. Peter M r Ole 160 acres. This Boo or; ,ma to �a a pro guco i. has purebaaed It fine tr ore itflicien t work, 'by R�v. A. M 3 bi �ad off the cars. mel ting in the interests of He sayhe F!r =1 � -how have a a irch ediE c ri� Of lanJ,",: 6early thre3 acres, adjoining A the average holding is lesa than six acres. hty—odarraugement,fo WeProvince. p c red, to their gen aresity had Chr"to prohi Diti BUR.F.AL0 Novel r mig a which qrt ench people are aboub the The company -farther bind 8 own Tile put;chase was ads was It Id in the evening.' themselves to riche tin, i zeal and of r, bich tAe tnay well from M r. G G. F. 111w r, I 2W powa and heilt eab on the1ace of the earth. "They paythes-3ttler'a transpoltation tohis.loca- proud. T y feel' Petrr, aqd will now give oA Brussels, a a very tereatinE lly ILI) to Z50 Uwe . 9S were. able ti�- Pay the -enormous Fra he 8 bb.ath..s�hool rdO, which &1r. Fergusoa mearlVive acres of fin� 'nar- edifyffig a dre s, tem uco- tion, loan him money to help in the erection d rance,' E nd Prussian war debt witho, as just I Ben act pleted Ond whic 'loon is an ad- ket garden 14mid. That PP Ut feeling it, and of buildings and improvements, makes go6d use a ow a m 'AIR01 hay. a no and will it on to, the, M& n edifice, rol'usia ii dress ay he 4t6er1j,, �$4 W hundreds of muliollB of dol., have is a i oat com. of ib, is evide� pti� 11-6 f 6-c ra M. I the right to. [jell to the settler at ovell a tte Jacb that dur- �P)obi ition cause,' was gi n b Re V.25 to V f)rfiabledndcon� odious'attachinflit. It is i g the past kLurninel. Ile y Suitabl. and :SE lbuf4. -Zo to _S4 r�ised from 9# trip i% asley Coeens, of,Brus, PA E In d T la a 'i�', n 9 13 1 1 a r IV 9 g id r y h 0 r r t r -- ---------