The Huron Expositor, 1902-10-03, Page 8It fIIjqi I III4� IIIrl� L!
�fiI Lit 4,1 IIIl
haj al o� one wi Gregor, who passe j x6mpl#y ng the re4byterian church, ou-Friday.�-Mrs. Udow for sse away fie�yesori 11 �Mk. Habkirk is a �most
%J V mio ix U Piciard's tb .7
!epe I rid his. 'gool one,!!The Brawn and Mrs. T. Hem phill, jr., Ivisited thef"for hate and th4l lially� Byron and ]3ruoe.v7ho live, athom man a sole-ati�njs a furs and theeoy T, belts, coilars" rib-, funeral will be held Friday aft 11 Ipretty things, such as cop Soaforth Collegiat-p1ristitix *,a, intend holding in Teowater several days of last we0k.-A oDISTRIOT MATT 'bona and laces bhat loodiles like to'loA at.' -from the 10opgregational church, two th' ir annual sportit.on Fri� al Octol 10th. new �h6ir has been instituted in the '.qetbo-
RANGESW It soems useleils to try a describt �he Orettyl oclock, under the auspices of the In end - Alargenumberof tudent�iarein tiaining disb ohurch.-Mrm.F. V. Dickson leftfor Array of hats in these two eat& lishment forlthey ant Order of Oddfellowe." and the events Pr , iiise to be close and in- Toroi �to on Mondisoly, to attend her husband, -A quiet dding was i WEDDINO BBIJS really seemed �tb have more tbat'l usual of toiesting, In.the evening an opei� 66mcart who lying seriously ill tnere, suffering solemnized at the �residenoce Mr. i i We carry the largest stock of 11 M. Ass :ly rdoin-Vt the fz orn %ppendl� itis.1- -'Jvseph Clark, from near
Wednesday such as one likea to se�. We can calk ad- Tlin LATIG MR. IE .-UTOHISON. -Mr org will be hold in the eml Somerville, John :street, on! th b pri as v it Arch. offatt"'s evening. The occasion was to makri4ge of 0 som,
go Mairit streeb, Seaforth, Imb Frid ter. students will be I resent d Mrs., Gerald blacksmith businessand rented the s op.
visa the ladies e' Wn and vi�oi to Hutchison � died %) his residence, orb school at which roi' by, tlie Waltion, has bought oi 3.
-STOVES and RANG�S his sister, M iss* Annie Somer ille, to Mr. see for themselves. b -i be sure Wh le e� are 0 A a up.! n He had b n ill scarcely al week Siftou, of London, is visiting at Mr.,'John 1 3retty tMcKillo . I I pasing away ver Pea � ad. MoIntoah's. -The I Aid of the M oth- Each of tb � stores shov� , an endl a vqriety� cefully at th before all th t1i .0198 oon. Robert T. Dodds, of The eere- mony wan performed by Rev. L kin, In -the County, and if you nee4, a in the ence of only the im�m diate rela.- of dresa goodg, and suitings of the new iamal! vanced age of 87 ye ra. The decaas�T was odist church will have thei - usual dinner and A 600D S 4Mr. Alex. Smith is sale,, cook or bati-ag stove this Fa 1, :also of Ithe tertainmen6 on Thanksgiving day, of AME. Merchandio raves. Trll� and Mrs. Dodds *ill reside on bait effectand smoot er f �nisb.l botri in the county. of Cavan, Ireland, on an on *nday last,. v�as very largely at, iended, be given later on. caft and i5ee our lir*s. We e Piokards have added ai ladies' tai orin ? de-'. July 12bh, 181b. When about 13 y6rs of which full partioule re. will the surrounding townships, as well � s H41- -the Dodds boinestead, in MicKillopl� * The partme with I rid a, i other -Mr. Foster Hu chison', i ot Claremont,
agen ts, fo-r ut to their estaoishment' age, he came his parents an beat wishes of a large circle ol trionils will lett, being well represented. Bidd be extendodd to Mr, and Mrs. ! Dodds, in turned oub some very stylishT -cost meti.' members of the family to this country -set- was in town over Sued&' attendiaR the rge Hu �chi- spirited awl good prices were realim d, Mr. L J g. which THz Ex)?osiTo-.. most 46�thy. Oina. Although tbey. do not show any, milli ner tling in Sydney to wriship, near Belle rille. fu6eral of his brother, Mr.,. Goo The as Brown, the people's auci Iioneer,.
Y4 rod,
Bucles Celebrated- the Learoyd Company have iome�, xce(diug� Some years later the famity moved to 0 arka soa.-Mr. W, G. ant6n,'"rantfo and shrewdly taking advantage of the favorable
Now that, we are fairly into the whirl of Durbamo V bere Mr. Nelson Br ly Pretty coaturne lengths in t air shop. - towbehip, in the county of P of -Vt kord atter A a stances to get the last can, I usiness, wet make emphatic,
Rinpy Thoug-bit Romiges. REV. DR. WtST,�The i � i ` j ad The early fall b _-K, re. Hillmer, whose millinery show room is for years the Hutc son homestea. A the the funeral'of ej *,. r. utchioon, wrhloll�ieale amounted to $1,440. Mr, Smith
British Colum ia,[Worjd,� the the statement that each of the manv ale. Inext to the, post office I has ale& fino die, home of the minist a as well as th 'or ach- onjSunday.- a. Dr.) hitel' Of , GDde- left'da Thursday to enjoy a well earnod holi- Over 115,000 now being use(V in 22nd inst., makes the followi4g refere a to e pr , I I yo in our two a as is justly Vancouver, f M unal h
0 d y her to play of hate and tri;;Zgs. f any' lady ing place of the ethodists, and al th rich acoompanie Mrs. La day, proud of its groat 'sho ing of new
the Doinion. Not a efilgle a former well known Huronit.10 and a g atle- er, ;oond visit hieb.rother and other friends
wants a dress'i! a coat, i hat, or all threle, sh English church, mam who has many friends 06 Ong �'th:e read- or$' the firit chlarches Gear, of Jackson, I lich i were the guests in DA'ko.ta. ores� of E goods-, proud of the' ptir g qualities, or TuE Exrosi:ro& It says Rev. r i -ohn Me buyer of a Happy Thought h a§ cannot bu� be euited at, any one Of Dur �t were built. In 18 3 Mr. Hu'tohisp and of Mrs.' I grriondville, a of proud of the close -tri pricet. I Mi ad to t a towns ip o I . a ever regretted his choice. - Th 3y Dr. D. L. McCrae, who 06cou � ied, the, I �41pit and she can also get a pretty flanz al 0 Alk f ly mo�y h f Hi�b b er t, last week. -Mr. ff. ecR Torc nto, Morris. To some, it seems a b wil ri stock. Well, whote he purohased, a farm, which *a 3 th 3 formerlv of the Dominio� Bank here, has -The weather' has been �emark- blouse that will alway's be a joy to he4 N , I it has been gathered wi 11 the view 0 are perfect baker and the smalll- of St. Andrew's church yest,1rday, is! E n old i il- TE' family hoi�ie until he - retired from aotivB been spending this week with friends in ably inthe past week, just w t was est fuel consumers made. newspaper man, having 'beep uite! young giving your individusol to ates and pra- 11 . I life, comiDi-to Seaforth, where he h 8 ived town. -Next Sundly, In counectiox'i with go and w hL - " �wedarf`
Our Coal and Wood'Furnaces I give When connected with the Guli phi Dail P and THE ]Kousp, oF RkvuGE.-T re �'s 110 wan e&for the fall wheat.-Threshi ferences the idest p0sih elatitude. Weekly Advertiser. Sinco en�terip the for'21 yearo. In 184) Mr. Hatchis was Rally Da -for the §unday school- the 'Rev. public institution in t �e cor-rity of 'Which y rj cutting have kept the farmers sy, and On a basis of legitimate klual ty our prices pre - Mr. he boys and married to! Miss Julia Mahoney,wh,. Wallwin will preach to t .-Mr. perfect satisfaction. ministry, �Dr. McCrae founled 4atd'[.11 dited very little plowing has been done
the people, of Huron h solve greater calime to will speak with the eloqu ance f low- the Northern'Pre.0byterian, Pf deceased h in nine 7ears. The famil con. girls in the morning, and in the OvEalug T. Forbes, 3rd line, had' a
Coiling ood, feel proud' than the cc inty House!of Raf uge. big an6ti n sale neas�lowest, lowest lowness. w- 0 sday of tbis'.w S. Scott i was And we give you the best of werything o yam g ith the A visit that inotitu 5ion a few dayq 'go' dead, Mrs. Lakemi6n, of Tilsonbur . an i youtig'men, entitled, Is religion a hel � or f sisted of nine chil( ran, two : f wh m are will give the last a Trmon of the iories to which was ultimatel al ''m ted' to'! on Tue eek. F
CHESNEY SMILE Jo Wastminater. Dr__McCrae,;i:O. or a was, ihmainy�respects a a g t n 61 eat auc�ioneer. E;er its kindy garmen or gthing sold well. Cows ior, not o number of years pastor of t�e Firs P esby- mr 8 ther Mrs. KinEman. of Listowel. The Burvi%- a hindrance to a Y,�ung m T" -The pr veto brought $25 to each ; one year . ld'ca- SEAFORTH, faction . There are 04 0 inztew' Vard of goods would; we Ondanger our ing members of the family are Mr Job a car of Hon. J. I. Tarte p sad here on Wed- �old for -terian church Collin d'wood is now T%s or of at preFent'. They are of both sexes, f al. tle 426�,25 each ;; a brood mare f Successors to S. Mullett & CO. Robbint, of Hibb�ib, Mrs. Richard iHonej, nesday, 'attached tQ1 the d ress, , O' I its 8135 ; Berkshire slow and ten igs 3 )days reputation by offering nything but -ban barge most all ageso� and in many stages of d oripl. P* the Westminiter pariah, an perfectiod-it buil Ane".
Len! agaii on �, Hardware, Stoves, Etc. at London, Ontario. Westfninste' of Stratford and "Mrs. J. D. 'Rice, o Ayl - way to Goderich, and r L old sold at $37. The heavy rain was draw- ,r r otude. That those whom Providence has so M - Robert Wiater sidered the finest chsilrve of skin A the mer ; Mr. James Hutchison, of Mi che I Thursday rnorning.�M back, but everything was sold eaKly. Mr
afflicted abdilld be e 3" comfortaWy �'maln- A Live Business 8136t. and Mr. FJ D. Hu tchison, of � Sta�ao � soul jr., went to Goderioh on VVqdnesday� tc see Forbes!has sold his farm to Mr. Johnstom- Dominion. Mr. McC�ae is greatly eased tained must, certainly, be a source dl very I in on
Misses Saiah and Lucy at bo a. The ft - the ihow and. bear Mr. Tarte.-Rev. 'Mr.
DOMINION BANK. with Vancouver, especially lviththe,ct urch cne who has. any James Thuell has $'ald his 100 aer(§ f irlia, Wa to be found right i6t' the Dre;
great satisfaction to a rery two excellent f 08 Goods
i and newspapers.". I t i eral, whici took p1s.ce on. Sunday last, was Craig, of Petrolia, preached the fth� line, to John Kelly, for $5,250. Mr.
ofthemilk- 'Of human kindness in their see' ion where the seasoasf-avoritefab. conducted!by Rev. I. B,W,alwin, who irn- sermons at the bar 4st ho pservices i -Sun ak,to large oon� $25001000 ompositidn. Thattleise people; are well St- Kelly has got a good farm.-Threal ersare rice are making these sue 2 busy days f
CAPITAL (Paid Up), 11 C proved the occasion by speaking f �orr' th a Thomas' church, last very -busy, so areitbe corn cutters, -John, selling. REST, $2,500�000 TRAvFLLERs.-Tbe follow�ing were, ticket- Bond comfortably care� for, a glan�e tbroug� words " Mark the perfeet'man andi behold gregations. The J churc a tastefully I .. ad to distant points this we0ok b Q Omer. the institution will an ply prove". Indeed it Clegg got his silo filled, and will have aft Yes, the new weaes, correct styles, large y, IV, � E the uprigh for t�6 end of tl,at mdon s decorated with fruit, grai daflowers and i olou of feed. E. Please had tb jpb�- %u ville,railway andatearriship! ageut.Sea,forth: would be difficult to a 6y which delftervis this nice. a8sortments and splesidid values are the
SEAFORTH BRAN Robert Gardner, of MeKill to Univ6risitYi most praise Mr. Frei �cb, the manager, or Peace." A very appropriate emblem wi a the choir rendered appro te musio.--Mr. Mealira, McMurray, Yuill' and W Ikinson 'agora
trade -winning, businerse bri -and.
placed on Oe caskeb, in the form of a sine 11 Will Johnston, son of Mr obert Johnston,
-O�vbr V to wil e4oh fill so'silo this week.-] Wgrave we know it. i
Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. J. Mrs. French', the ma xon. The inslide of t ]Aairi -Street, Seaforth. I sheaf of ripe Swiss barley. The funerf I wl a left on Saturday fo betraito He ace pted 9 week.
Toronto - Mrs. Staples to 'er h' me:., �Parkl show was held on Wednesday of th] me� if you watad,.- I the building, from Uie baseme b , to bho .1 For your tailor --made coatti
rans- very l4rge�y attended, relatives of the d )oea i- a kood situation in that elt on Monday. -$om' of the grain stacks are in er� bad have it both stylish' and ervic" A General Banking Business River, North Dakota ; J. 0. McMillan tol garret, is kept so clea, ), tidy an co fort. 7 a a
ad coming from I ar to Pay a last ti 1bu a . I- I a I .. I f # acted. Farmers' Sale Notes coil cted, his -home, Vancouver, Br tiala dolu:mbia condit;on for thre'hing, on account of the we recommend. aeboo inch and'advances made on same at I West Thomas �urnett to able that it is a pleasi xe to inspebt, i -, Th? of respect to one inuo4 beloved in lif, i, and Lo�d r'o. Dau bin, Manitoba outside isequally wel kept. Whild. Mra. wet weather.-Rov. F; H. Larkin, of Sea- goods named as Vicuix* Tbibefiftes,.,
whose metrory will long be affeebioi ately -a([ two fokth, will conduct the anniversary services
rates. Miss McKay, of Goderich street� to New Ffench may well be p to down as a mode1l NOTES.-Aev. MF. Ka6hedy delive. Panne cloth Venetian, Z beline, tread.
Drafts sold on all points in,Ca I ada, York ; Mry Sloan, Seafor6 9 I I cherished. �-Co-u. is nt sermons un lai, Oc- cloth, Chevictnr Homo� 0 Dani' I Me- housekeeptr, Mr. Frop6h may be,- styled 'a I ;
elle * her 10 on Sunday last. in�Knox church, Belgrave, on Sun
he United States- and Europe.1 1 Gregor and Gilbert McMior, 'ael,.of HE Those who were present) Ought to h been 'to�er �9th. No doubt there will b a large We mention Homespun agair because lt�*
116tb, model farmer. The g ounda are: no.1w com� ave to Clpveland, Ohio, where hey were called greatly benefitted. The Methodists intend dienoo present.�A'few of our op r6s talk demand has not absod i no iota. It' ing to ebame the not overly' Or' SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. -Interest �stentiL- LocAL tRI"EF. --About two weeke aj 0 7. y to. MuskO ka in No
L�- and to attend the funeral of a ,'relative in that oun building. They are pleael g holding their anniverear inneir on Th inks- Of going vernber. a good favori-te for '�rig it downi hard
allowed on deposits of One Dolla to th, 6 Mr. Alex.1 Davids n had six of his h rgej t i O' s'M*aud "oodwin is i,gain —0 th city ; Alexander� Park of', Tu ckerom th, to eye and creditable to the taste a d !sk 11 giving Day.-Mis wear. &ad a tip top �ng for the -out-of upwards. I and beat c'uliflowe s stolen out of hia `ofoll�,,"wi thoE@ in charge. Tho stables rid Olt* ga '- teaching after holk ye. She has at Br' ucefleld. the Northwest. The ng aidd tional her� town woman who needs must do a
W. K. PEARDE, den. Butv, n6twit standing this loss, �4 - & S. HAYS, went out on last Friday a4'd Saturdav a ex- outbuilding .1 - present a large class 1 her .-Mrs. Wh,itley S1,.Ea1AL SALE 6F HAR-NESS A1TD I ICYCLES driving.- Wehave- i0these goods a: I a are also folean and t dily, k,pt,� Dt%vidson hadi: enou b ood ones lef b to carr * Soheitor Manager. cursions Mr. and Mrs. �harles ma while the farm is so wQ tilled thati n, 9 returned from Michigan Monday even-, for the 'next 80 days at greatly reduced prices. I driving line at drivingp4ces. ge o rat prize at t a a& ort e ow. r t
b6 a
Ir Mi f f fe I�n
,�d ye
and Miss Mary Maun, f MoKill P, to 'weed can orarcely be f �und in it from ing, after visiting friends there. -Mies Allie have a large 6tock on hand of all kins of h -ego, all To
on the consolation of the thief we ma, ou f r own, make, and guaranteed to, be st_c stock. .9 a at De. Enter Now if Possible. Cleveland, Ohio ; Mrs. homas't rcell, -V 8 Bell is at present visiting volativen Furs That Fascinate; end to the other, and lit is our rising th' that three of those stolen were not fi; for Also robes, horse blankets, trunks, whIP3 �tMdsevery- Seaforth, to Saginaw ; Mr Thomas 'rown amount of roduce rai,ed on it. troit and Londbn..-The Vvaporatorjs ivork- P 6 I work,, thing found In a first-class harness shop. Icycles- and son George, George hd rdie, NVill bhn- also, is all done by thf inomates, under . the human food on occourib Cf a decoction that ing at full force at'preset I Havinz bought at a boap 7 bicycles 12st dek, will Styles The Latest. 1 ' ce ; worth $10. I 1rat come was put on them to bleach thein. --Mi. clear tbom out at $5 ston, Mrs. Morrow, Mrs. E. Hend.-roon, direc"o of the manager. The onl� mis. Alex. Cardno, Fir., has left with us a sample (imteerved. Aall SU-1ceited. JonN And there's the -highest qual.ty, the great- Sta Mrs. F. G. Neelin, Fo�ndlMo. M H.1 take made in conneati o'n with to a ; iipstitu- of triol beautiful and delicious' peaches D McCutaheon and J- �iers. 1 tq De x0it ;I tion was in the buildi: Whie comfort- SFEDIAL SBRVI(JE rvest �ome eat comfort in the ha A Orris, Furs that, an I IV. 8 _rr 0 hagrown in his garden. hese peacries lire C tile best and most
have cometo us from STRATFORD' ONTARIO. Mrs, Morden andMay, i3d Mrs. ,Iaml(38� able enough inside, th outside i unpreteul services will be held on,. Staffe, circuit on R. N. i Barrett has disRo�sed of trustworthy manufacturqn-a d here'$ the early �.nd laue' cra*ford variety. One Cf NO#S. — Rughes to Chicago ; Sam4el M�`Oooc andl ii6us to plaiqpeos if n b to ehab ines�, an 9uoday and next week, )Aober 6bb, 7thl A school that occupies front rank among the early Crawford pe%ohes measured 8J his barbering business -here to Will Duncan the firist word of their tar rivool, in quan-_ little boy, of Egmondvill�, to Bay City,l is not iii keeping W i b the di nity of 8bh and 9bh., On Sabbat"k t1wo services will the beat business colleges on this cont nent inehes around. Mr. Cardno ho,s nine Creas d has prchs:ied a similar business in tities. Michigan. ; Mr. and Mrs lMnrdoch 0'amp-1 wealthy county like uron. OWever, I all grown from the stones and this year had be held at each church. I'fiese services will an
W ingh�am from Francis Kerney, w'ol is un- Styles of character and exQ'IV siveness mark ava E rltrop, Torc Those desiring the beat in business edca- bell, Tuckersmitb, Fran ling' and i Mr&.1 a rapidly becoming t small for the need be in 3har *. ' . E
tion are invited to write for our cata'LOgue. Masters to 8arnia ; Ale, ander mith of a yield of five btooskets from each of two ge of. R into rberiny owl g to ill, our extrem e -tionof ail fur a .1 able to'carry on the ba, aly large tei of the county Ewd will soon have to b It, is very rarely that such fruit "can be seen Brown, of Mitchell ;, Qn, ind,e, of London ; : haalth�' I.Mr. Barr tt went to am on pieces, both the large akk - small, such as- W. J. ELLIOTT, Prin0i DaL Hullatt, to Sheldon, Nort4', lDakobit, Wher added to.! When tba� time comis Ali is t Steadman, of Point Edw rd, and Cranston, 4-62 growing -in, this pir t of the country -and'M Tuesdayl, but, hie family will remain here Ruffs Bose, Muffs, Qa intlets, Cape. i withl be hoped that those in charge wlI i be abl 'a Cardno is j ustly. pr 3ud 0 his peach ore bar of Cromarty. A grand iiiisterial concert fora�hile. The Wingbarn people will find Caperines, long CO4tE and short, he will spend some weeko; on a visit' ps
friends ; Charles Crich t§ MacLeod� - Al -I to improve - its areb �bectural dpoea Lrancel will be hold as follow's staffa, MO day r -Mr. James Chesrey of the 3rd concehat Mr. Barrett Bill �right.-The new Instru- 06ats. berta, where he intends to resid Mrs.' With a moderately sightly building, ing Salem, Tuesday evening Bethel, we L. R. S., Tuckers nit -b, has a pair of tw even ie band, lf you want depe r buy them SE'WtNG MACHIVES. Hannah Cooper to Olevelai!id, Ohio,, ments arrived last Saturday for ti ridable would have an instAution of which wlis year-old colts whieh weiih 2,890 poand Wednesday evening Zio 2, Thursday even- b , eing organized lby- the Maccab(es,�' and from us. We buy from lm�kers. that will �Ilight jUatlyLbe ' roud[and one which we Theo ing. Tbi-4 will blo, boU a brilliant and I E p a colt's took firab'and second priz)s at in I us. 'We
W. N. WATSON, North Main Str at _�T I ng the �eafor . th show last week. They are a ractige has already began. We bope the gladly right a claim fro' THE LATE MR, Iff ARTL & ; de4th of! could have pleasure inj taking stra, ers tb unique concM and I wil I be varied. each SEAFORTH. Rev, R. Y. Hartley, of IPA Lennan Alkorna, E L b. by and protect ourustiouners- e ye will make it a success as our town is 8ee. Ipair of beauties ano would delight th( eyes ev 11109- aoh in need of a'band. -Arrangen Lents are and formerly of Hensall and Bluev le, in mu I have on hand a laige and weill assorted of any love 1, the horse. r (9)f tha noble anima this county, was announced in these columnsl 'WANT -ED -Good, capable girl'for general Mr. and Mrs. George Murdie have re. Lulkil r. bairig completed by some of our citizens to You Must Be Ready. stock of first class sewing machines Ray- some weeks ago. The fol'Owing parti�ular,91 bouse work, threa in the fainily, no ohlloren:' Refer I - hold a !series of four concerts here d tiring the mond, 'White or Goodrich, in Cabinet, Drop moved into town -'ram McKillo anc . , are NOTES. -Mrs. Kil at I Of Bad Axe, Yes, ready for this fall"i Moth Jackets. concerning his illness an(,[ death wxilil be bneea r quired. Apply to Mrs. J. A. 04imcross, 303 pi, 'Winter months, which we think Id be a Read and covered machines, prices ranging Wolfe street, London, Ontirlo, n igan, was here I strl k on a visit to is way some ie beat We have -the jacketo all ready for ow located in th& r comfortable , re'si lewe Migh g d id In th' OW10 11 read with melancholy inteye.4t by xn&,�y of, on Goderieb stree, �. -Mr. W. G. Wil is ' s her "i ter, Mrs. P. ok and otht ir re- t�co ea. from $25 upwards, also a few goo a lent in the Province could be sec red at a you.
d second the friends of!the deceased among Ouriread-1, Lost on Fai'r GrouLds, Friday,'&ptembe having repairs in de on his residence rei ,- latives.-Mr. JarrieslGlelln is on a tour Fooshion's particular favorit,es,comprise the hand machines, which will be sold cheap for ere : "For sk' few months previous tlo his[ .26th,twofive dollar bills. The findet vill be r moderate exens6.-On Saturday ievening,
cash. Allmachines fully guaranteed, and I' L I warded on Itaving them at TnE ExPOSITOR�1 oMre. dered necessary by the late fire. Tk, a through Manitob�. Mis: i M. Ellerhigton about six o'clock,: Misq, Kate War: n who collection. NOta Ja�k_LetLainong
death be bad' enjoyed thlb best boa �h for I - 0 them e' 1816-1 chimineye 6ad to ba rebuilt, the roof r - has returned to Gu�elphi ai ter her vaoi tion proper instructions given free of oharg durin I ' ' 1 ' 0 has been making lier home with M Win. but was purchased w -4h due consider- USE several years, and g7 this time his, the palreniall roof.- -Messrs. H. a, A J.
Dealerin; needlesoil, sewing imachrul at- Ho To RENT. 'ood brick house t ehingled��d several rooms plastered Sri under 1
he esom viRor and energy had not eon more riptice-i M 4arton for the past couple of Yea died, ation, special attention I eirse laiven. ' b Anderson and wiv a attended the wedding taohments and parts, Bicycles an ur Tent in Egmondville. 7P y to A. Chariesworth, papered. r. and Mrs. A. H� Alexandey after a week's illness, aged 20 years and 10 every detail. able than during the clos ing weeks Of his Separators. General Fire and Life Insur- life. Egrpondville. ofStratf span) a couple of days with of their niece, Miss Nelletia AndersoCk. Of months. The funleral.took place to Brussels Now we are able to offer 31 worthy jatr_ On the Sabbath pr coding his death, ance a2ent. Risks affected on all kinds of To RENT. -A good brick hoidsO wi4 friends id town [ast week. -Mr. James Constance, on Weilnesdi,: r. Wfn MO- c6meteryonSunda afternoon, -A � ipleasant ments, goo no4ip, good in&.- he preached two such .6werful sehnoa& li�L hos� Hills, Egnmadville. - I I, . Y. d worm a rd and soft wafer. Snell, of Hullett, vi as in town on Mo d43. Cullough, of Detro tooLwaa on Ir Lende ti,me Was property at lowest rates. Houses for sale spent in; Melville church- terial and good R is. Guess they -are that many of hie congregaltilon went to him 1816x2 I or, oocoo �n TueeL and to rent. Office next door to Q een's at -the close and thanked hirn personally forl tint of bavi Ha.barns and feed do - in this vicinity ieeentb. -'Messrs. James day evening, the Occasion being a ifarewell as near perfection as it is possible -W po Our fall importations of fashionoible dry stroyed byfire Mr. Milloort ai di Thomas Elavin service to Mr. McLeod, who hat baen sup- costs, handsome coal and their prio- Hotel. nell is under the i woo - Anderson, Win. them. The two rema�rkab�e':i texts were, for! irods are wieekly arrlvlg� We invite inspec sity of having an auction sale of thor)ugt - were each presented with young daughters plyingfor Rev. Mr. Rose, and who leaves ings will certainly mal4e rapid salm, live is Christ' Butter 16 cents. G. E. g. Wingham. 181141 _VS 0 W, the morning, 'For me to, .1 I i bred stock, the da �e of which will bi i all - recently. -Mr. A , lCole ' Pat returned from shortly to take up his studies in Toronto. NORTH MAIN ST., SEA"RTH. , and ta die is gain," and fo� the evening, Opera House, Seaforib, Monday ev�pnin I 1630 Whsteoever thy bmnd fin�&Ith to do do It October 18th, 1902, agran concert will' be 11 0 nounced shortly. -Mr, French, manag r 1c f an extended visit to Oto and ood- A short programrne was carried oat consist- EXquisite XMinery mis� an, 0 the county House f Refue, desires -us 1) stock. -Mr. and re. J ii Glenn, accom- with thy might, for there ils 6o work n)r'de-: -hieb tho following si are will take part t I a i�g of addresses. music, recitationq etc vice, nor knowledge, nor! 'McFaul, of Seaforth ; Miss j Nellie Durhin'� of Lon. to express. on behal1 of himself arid this in. panied by Mr. anod� : a., .Mcclinchey and Several Brueselitos attended the'�eddiug, Beautiful Creatios (if
wisdom in the! don; Mack Vincebt, oonledIan, of Ex6ter and Will materi of that ft stibution their er on Tuesday at, Orambrook, of Mi�s Jean, Henderson's Photo' sine a Miss Carroll, of Seiforth, tiended the wed- grave wither thou goest.' �Risaotivlerature; McLeod and Walter Pickard, of Seaforth. 'Al the. daughter of Alex.�MoNaoir, tnerchao�t, to Dr. i P*0_ thanks to the teaciers,add children 0 the ding of Mr. J. D. Wilson, who married 11168 The great exhibit of trimine is had often caused him to; pipreas the hope. opticon. living pletures and illustrated eonge, repre- centre of attraction in ner Studio. sentinz the crowning of Ki6g Edward, South Afriban SeooforthRreebyter�au Sabbath school,tor 6 Ray, of Blan;shard. that his last Malaise might! not be lorig andi I J. L."Turnbull, of Goderich. Th newly. IPhii1lipine and Spanish Ainerioa ware, Buffalo Pad- donation of beautif al flowers. These fl )w� parlor. married couple took the 3.30 train ab �Brus- 8� , I nice death came quietly and u pected, at if in AmeriOAD Exposition. the great volcanic eruption o, were contributed by' the children on flown- const els for New York, Boston and other Places Brilliant ideas are brought' Iii io promine answer to prayer. Darin Thursday night Mojnb Pelee, Oberammergau Passion! Play, &d. aiAl e. 'inour stylish -and be�oming -headgear Fall stock of Mouldings S nday.-Mrs. LaoJoelot Tasker of Hurpqz- befo'
Watch next week formorelparticul3ris. 1816-1 u of ifiterest, re settling. down 'in their
he had not felt well, bat r ie Friday orn- has shown s a raspberry b anel, IMILLINERY.—Re�ady-to-Waar, hats, we home -at Gbdoericbi-Mias Nora, HoI�"� will and Picture Frames. hey, for fall 4nd winter wear. ing, attended to certain d des as usua and Use our odorle" pipe enamel for drums, have lots of them. ' They have more dash The Hats are on display in, the nicely fitted
taken from a bush in their garden, which leave on Tuesday of next" week, foi- the a ho of stove pipes, etc. Chesney& Smiley, Seaforbb. 1813 after breakfast lay down in th was laden with rip berries of large ai, a had wid go aind style arid b30011111iDgI2088 than Pacific coast, where sbe exp . up room where our silebladies are feeling better' 'Mrs. HarLI for a We pay cash for poult _iacts to remain
Photo Enlarging a 6 ey left him ry, eggs and butte in' ything shown, for' !save mli seasons past. ready and glad to -show you a- I the,
Y. of,the second growth for this year The during the winter wit4i�--Iin a utl�. pecia few moments, and returni We also wank agar or two Of potatods, for which th a _u was shoc4ed to They ure here in �many d fferent � stylee. highest, warkidt-forice will be paid. Btotty Bros cluster looked very pretty and tein ioting, are isiting Upon .inspection 0 factory choosing. you wil� d. that the
find that what appeared[ to be a Ploassint Many of the bushes have ril at &Pea' Lawry and son, Joe, of K1,44w, J. P. HENDERSON' Seafo th. Gi�ocer' Stisifirth. pe fruit on hem, giving chance for 'sa wIthlMrs. W. H,. Kerr. -Mrs. E Henry iin sleep, was nothing else t��n the 051 ep of And speak -Ing of triknme I millinery, there -or pAces a considerably'l�wer than such
Be sure you get Grah'by rubbers the beet but this was the I rgest cluster As had d family, who have resided here for �quite w thout death. Quietly, as if fallink �o sleep� lack of art and ind viAuality in our a' hats could command. witbout exception. No more bad wearing rubbers �,f come across. She ntends getting i photo- 'O nu';ber of yearei leave next week for To- & movement, he bad passed; to his r ard. you buy Granby. Only tolbe had at thia store. W1. reations, which arl i P�riced to make 0 It's the game old, bat tru atc ry, we are ..... .....
Mrs. Ro Jert CampVell, of hose, t c rontq, The funn'ral took place ion Tuesda , Au- . Willis, sole agent for Seiforth for Granby rubbers. graphed. h where the intend to mak at we al- Ir Mew York ptaote, vVis � the guest of tick sales. This way for alf Millinery, The y , 'a their making great efforts to c o -v rh We Keep MOVIng. gust 26tbe to Laird cemetery. At tie re- r , 1�1, I f atura home. John Donaldson has pur- E. McFaul Co., Sesfotth. 1 1816.4 l C . Y. Mel Bek.-Farme I --- ways do -excel in this e epartment and
questo of the family the oeiricee, were[ held HoRsEWANTED.—A good, reliable'VOU13 ean this w re � are no 11 chased their comf4table residence. oms.-Mr. Alex. Dickson, of Pittsburg, please the great majorit. busy getting their corn cut and their �il, at the house, and we f 114thort and horse, suitable for town delivery purpojEe3i' �. When you cor
qimple AuT.T, Seaforta. 1816-1 filled. The corn, which was so unpromisin Pennsylvania, is visiting liis� uncle, James ne you will fin i a brand now character, which was Mr. artley's: o vyn de- I - McGill. Mr. Dickson br u t with him a I'UVth. Our stock' is underselling all comptititors i stock of fall and w ipt r 'street arid NOTICE.—We have purchased the: stoc duftrig the early pao�rt of the season, ba iot sire on such occasions." globe of goldfish. -I h rd Anderson's NOTES.—Th resbyterians had 1 their walking bats' xelling. in Watches, Clocks, Rings, Pins, Bro�dhes, 'Usic, etc., from Mr. Wi ma a remar a y rapi grow an o ver iced for swift e of musical histrum ntso residence has been improved 'by a new coat church beautifulIv decorated -with Ifibowers Chains, and other articles. of jewielry.�l Our. McLeod, and secured his ae vices to assist us in o r good and satisfactory crop will be harves - 1 and TiiE MiiLr_\-ERy OrE_N1iZ(;s.-NVe 1have musical department, where all his former customers of paint. Times'must be looking up Fith on Sunday, it beft S Children a Day' There reputation for fine goods, low price� come to think that our will find bloq. For the benefit of t1lose. Nvishing to ed. -Mr. L. L. MoFaul has been in oronto honorable dealing, does the business for us, fall fair days bear th. yianlrolw;�mrc will 91 -ye a free rawical ?n *t for a week waiting )n his brother, Me- Richard. -Mr. Henry Taylor in getting was a large bouqu b on each side the also the show days for oun dry good mer- cement floors pat in his new stables. -Mr. pulpit, also a beewtiful bank of an and we endeavor to live up to our hame. on 3 and 7.30 p. pin. The priblic a Faul, who was very ill. -On I riday We carry a well- assorted stock, and !every Obauts. So we took it as 6 matter of �,ourse cordially invit ed. G. M. Ba', dwin & Ce., Scatorth. Main a is this week COMD18tiDg the stablirig maple leaves in front Of the ohoiri Rev. Thomas E. Hays, tr e, easurer of the 3 illop 1816.1 sorticle-is warranted as represented. that we should go to the �iiflineory o ings Insurance �Compan5 under Mr. James MoGilPs barn. Mr. McLean gave i an address in the � a Ming p paid Mr. Jamed nell, _10-V y a sermo a Repairing a specialty with us. last Thursday and Fridaj�. We did not of Hullett, the amoant awarded hi and in the evening preached more m by.thi * rid hae good weather. It w487 drizzling rain DF -ATH bF MR F 10GREGOIL-7Mention company as compe sation for the lose (f bi Bayfleld,- particularly for old people. -Last I 'Iv nd�Saturday evenings the oat of Thursday,.andthii day ended up' was'made �, TH� Ex'p SITOR, recently, of barn and crop by fire. The amount pai( milline held Counter's Jewery Estab1ishmient, in BLoNys.-Work on :t.Ne b�rbor is roing a 0 ro with a good, smart ehow4r.- Friday was the death , in Minnes Of Mr. Frazer Me- was $3,186.50. Th iLe is the largest at loun forward rapidly. Theidredge, John An oldi, their openipga, and, altbough the ather W' her miserable, there w dull, and there as a bountiful sup y 0 regor. The decease( was a brother of was rat !large Dry t,uooes SEAFORTH ver paid by the cot ripany to one cl I I I I !i at is dredging a foundation ]or the e3tte ision I mud on the streets, but we had no rain. Meabro. Thomas, John, Duncan and Archil- -Mr. Win. crowds coming an going all the I a, ex -
W. R. COUNTER, Ament has leased the 80 fortl to the south pier, and the oribs wi I be a - We don't feel that we art boasting when bald McGregor, and of Mrs. Thom' bausting the good, nature of the m 11 *anager and is re placed in position in a few days undet the Lj4th's Greate's-t as Rob saw mill from Air. R. L. Clark, we say that the merchants of Seaforth show ertson and Mrs. Dun(an McLean' Captain Joha�Brine, who has been for all of moving the machinery from the Br 0 field superintendency ofMr. McLareai.-Mr. W. the past two weeks trying to - re I his a larger and more viLried - stock the a do Tuckeramitb. Although he left the paren- factory to Seaforth rid will have it iAs �alle( H. Woods and Mral G. H. Howson left for THE CANADIAN� others in towns of the sawe -size, and that tal home in Tuckeremi� h, to rou strength, is Im oving.-Memers. a leolm Dry Go ds �S,Yore. the millinery shown i ::: t as tunes sh �his for- in this mill. Mr. IlmenOs works will be a trip to the bid country this week. They our-, town is in the then new s re8t,whe a lit 4 it A n a u:i te a lZ valuable addition to the aoufacturil) * in oniers and Huckstep spent undayI I expect to ale abeent for about five weeks.- stylish, if not a bit more so, than ont sees he will still be remem§ered by many of thie teresis of the town. -Miss Bessie ! our -11 I a in the Connty wn.-Mrs. Win. �� Ker- Oung A deputation from v 4 go Waite 1` on y, one �o' M -or in most towns. Indeecl we oftim have older residents. The lue Earth: Qoun ' left on Monday to reRume her studies at thi ni"VtOles ;
h, ty I char and Mrs. J. Hamilton. of W xeter, -Mr. Thomas Gr4 ladies from other places come to ou I I Hon. J. Israel Tar4o, at derich, on VVed- were visiting Mrs Robert Knox thi eek. moist esteemed residents, passed away -011 CAPITAL(PAID UP) i lin. Ente prise, bf Was gton, Minnesota, of Boston School of Oratory. Mrs. I 011101 needs, , to urge on 'him Advisability of -It is our sad du y thi's week to d4ronicle era Apite� of 'the SeptemberJl9th, has t a follow] y Monday night of last, week, at Burns, in his Eight MUlion Dollars $8,000,000 for their best hats. 'In ng concern, accompanied her as far as Corning, New dredging the chanoil 0 the harlor.- 000: veather, there was a big crowd in town ; ing Mr. McGregor For, several weekp York, where she will visit friends. --Dr. the death of Mrs.' .Z. McKinnon, o has 65th year. He had been I taken ill -the Rest, the shopis were full and the millinery show it had been known to t a intimate friends of the Communion service.� will be held ir the been laid up for over a year from thpi acts previous Saturday i, -,h ges reen of the $2,006J, . Hugh Ross has been confined to , 2OUSS Presbyterian churc4 ;ext Sabbath. Rev. of a stroke of paralysis. She passefl kway lungs to which his d ath was no, He loaves i rooms just crowded. It is' real in6resting Mr. Frazer McGregor that his hold upon' for'a few days throt gh illness. -Mrs. lVr. D, Mi. Sawers, of BraleieAeld. will preach pre- n on Ju �.h an life was soon to be cu� short. The nowi df McLean is visiting friends in Toror to. rmons ao� I§myfi Id and Bet hany f 'AFQR�THBRANCH' liu very quietly Tuesday afternoon, ab;
S E to watch a room full of women on f pa atory as . u) six a wife and family. ig� A general Banking occasion. A woman takes up a pretty i hat his death, on'ThursdU3 morning, was ther6- Messrs. George Murray anid W. I ' o'clock, Bomeo herfamily being tl her -One Sunday a t as Mi. J. G. Hamill- on Friday. -The Ba�Aeld Auxiliary o! ' the,- businoss tran- and one thinks it might be becoming t9 &r,� fore not, surptising, bu,-) *Aaos received with shipped a car load of live geese to the Unit. at the time. Wheii she was able, hl i al- ton,. of Milverton, wie return ing home from
vacted. Farmers' N-0te'S dLISOOU rited o but wheri she gets it on the opinion I t&kes sadness by his old COMIL WDmen's Foreign baiiision 'ry Society will ways took. tive part in every I Ing in church his horse gJ,t fighif ned at �sojne
and special attention given adts and neighbors. ad States on' W duesdv.--Mr Georgo ho,d a thank offering meeting on the 5 h of leaves straw Michipi otiD, was his 03tober, in the -Presbyterian church, 8 -badly out c,ollectian of Sale Noto t:6 thO the opposite hide. "Another woman.1 aoes Mr. McGregor was -a ei ilf- made man, 4ad fiis Ewing, of connection w3lli ble church work. Sh ontheroad. a4druad0' i bolt for the
not look a bit like the hatlshe has� io' 'ther life's succe"indicate8 ovhat may be &cc at 8 behin a husband �sud son, John, 3f the wire fence, where it ot Fiorn I what SAVIN:GS BANK.--interestal c motherand sieter here this week. -The o'clock, p. M. Mrs!.! (Rev,) :'Shaw, of Eg- JlOw- hanid, and yet it looks bet�pr on her I ihan plished in any walk of life by peorseverenca recent heavy rains IkaVe made the street firm of S.F. McKinnon & Co., 3rDnto about the ga ocy. The .0.0 le . and ed on depailts of $1 and upiwar m4,ndville, will address the meeting.--Tbe 08. one expected. At other times one 8' els a and good- management.1 Afriendof the d and roads very slushy. A couple o and Mrs. (Dr.) ilne, of towh, �vho all of the buggy were u;ihurt �ut r-eceived Special facititles for tran a, and When ceased informs the wr f weeks eviporstor here is disposinK,i of about 300 hav6the sympathy of a large an, or of very bad fright.. busines3 in the Klondike Mstri liter that a sunshiny weather would now b P- buhhols a daily. that One comes along the hat is just friends. -Another' of the old il ents Mr. R. S. Les B ho, taught in sact on Of hat that just looks like some on � whei6i 111 of fin' of apple lie, - A..� lKoney Orders, payable at.any bank,lesuk &jthe hat McGregor arrived ia apleton, in June o!f preciated by all, and especially b the f she wants. There is always . somi'thing the year 1858, he was a poor boy iul farmers. -Mr. Areb'b*ld Hislop, M. P. passed away last Thursday in the pe son of school section No. 6, Worth 14asthoope, in thor ollowing rates a De 94, and"93, has Under $10 .08 $20 to M M pretty for each one, and it,is 9 womain- 9 own -country, bu b he was nc t afraid of Mr.'Soott, of Mor'is, who h1a8 beenri resi- years'93,' I work,an for East Huron, was in town on Tueed y.- r a n$10 to $20 .10 83010 $60 I4 fault if she does not get it.;' This season the as a result ot his indL 8trl us charac4or, h Mrs. Marvyn, form,-rly Miss Minnie RIEFS. -W. Frei �& a s h: p led a carloi kd of dent of tha township for �6 great any uished himself, winning the Ebert Cars- o icks, ip
F. 116LMESTED, G. E. FAI�KHS, hate are all rather large but cornfo -tlioble laia the foundation for a comfdrtable� com is boandoattlefrom. this station Monday. years, living about a mile and a half from well scholareb of $1,0 the hi best honor of solioMr. Managior. no very phowy 36,lora dered one of 'h - and her little son, % he have. been vii iting y . Hit funeral was held Saturd and 'I class 1'1624 looking. There are otency, being consi . Wt 'a well - friends here for aev6ral weeks, return d to iss Ada Nookes, of W�nghlam, is vie itirig BI th I second year theologi�a of Mnitobs.
an count in] . - college Mr. Leslie �took first lace in -his
hat is not aa much in ev* e Y. hi -Miss Mli Anderson, -attenq d an all red dInce to-do frmers of the n hii their home in Toronto on Tuesday, -_Oar at eorge Nicholson' a.' there was a large crowd in, ID often is. Brown, green, grey, black country needed. assistance Mr. M cGregor re;- old friend,, Mr. Don iori McKinnon, of the of �$lytik. visited M* ary Miller labt Oar fair i3 to be held nexti, uss. exams. a year ago. - , ago n returned � to Chi- day and Wednesday, and t -ArWylt, Plae, and white seem. to be the , pop..ular 1 a, as, sponded to -the call for troops, and served as 10th concession of Tu week. -Frank Sand3 e horne �of Colonel and
PLEASURE & PROF -IT. okersmith a 112 tba" bue new combination, 11 Drake,V_ a member of Company cago oaturday.-Ings.'liaOK101 L611) for Lon- no doubt, if the weather is f r blo NI -re. uamp?.,31131 OV aw ei, - W
First MinInesot: town on Wednesday. Mr. McKLinn n is does not need any expla a i doa last week, to att a id h er'daughter, Mrs. there will be r You can combine pleasure and proifiD b nation, for t Inhme Mounted Rangers. I member,�of the 76 years ot age and a boasts rbat h4b � C id a one of the largest ciowds the seeke of a decidefflymarlt wedding On V 131192ests a combination of blae and reen local G. A. U. post, ber of Ma le- ,l work all h ' pbell, 006 of I dealing With George M. Baldwin arvast. He is one of the Ca who- is or the sick -list. Miss that- has ever beenj here.. The man& al rient Wednesday aftem t week, w1tep p tiA Morrison is a end, g a wee no expense in their eldest dngli T er, MIS GO-, which is very pleasi g in spite of * th fact ton Lodge, of the a Inem t Order of old stock who had indomitable pluck com- Ll i k with have spared getting; Is, first Winuiet WAS deatera in Mason & Risch, Bell, Nordli imer, that , n ? �, -
one might have a shiver over gteen Oddfellow �ble r Gregora�mieht bined with a grand constitution, and Vrho, fri a at Hepwort b. -_C Soosiderson, A. class band, the 33td, of geaforth, b n an- married to Mr. F. 0. Willi I!, of the Pub -
Dominion and Berlin pianos and Do inion t haM I I I - a Ii I, -tment, Toronto,. The and blue arranged in any Ord inar y� way. Hemphill and H. raux I if Walke rton, g&ged for both day rthey ar and Bell, organs, tried and tested. A so the be said byo;om a 20 t6l blunt unfortunately for th country, are, rapidly 's,,and ai o e of lic Institutions Depar
ho c0ld- be growing feer.-Mrs. George Dorranco has Cr sby the beet bonds in Canada, there on ceremony was performed by ay. Dr. Mur -
Fur trimming does not seem to be us A to in his ways, he was a man w speckt Sunday in he v liage. i here Ong t be
moved into town from MoKillop and Tor ab his ome a large crowd to lice, ;wa 3 tutting corn,, New Williams, New Home -and Idea sew- as great an extent as in former seasons, but relied upon snd under whose coat 4 tru� La(kie, of onto, vial heir them, alone, I ban ray, of Kilacaraine. ing machinea. Ne6dles and parts al ys in I stock. - ri occupies the residence on Goderich 'street er .-A load of yo j pe 01 of the pis- the prizesl, for the horse racing a rge -Wm. Ische, of E still we saw pretty hats with mink b, l me heart could be found. As a neighb�i and now d also those with ermine. As this is friend he hold the frien Iship an . cop I church, pent, used iovening the enough to draw a 'good string of ho�s on -the farm of Georg f3chrodd or, lot 4, oon We are always pleased to'give you a select an il� est�ein of recently vacated by Mrs. Bethune. -Mrs, 0,80 coronatioro year the erminel miL-it con� in all, and his death will be sincerely reg, reo ry, Gorrie.-Mi Mit, helL of Tor rito, we may well expect a monster gatherin goo as cession 5, Fullerton, , wben h met with on, concert on the Gram -o -phone whill Y u are rettEd T. Covenor',y and Mi a Coventry, of Strat. a t a guest of her kit, to.! W. Mit ell. the rest of the shows around a had accident that will 14 im 1) fdr several somewhere, and besides thio fur the effaciti is by a host of friends. having repairs done or looking over our iven in velvets. The i :a Y'razer McGregor was ford, werelin town n Wedne8day.-Word a er.-Councillor others weeks. He was windows of the aul'-COMPaony'a store 1838, and w&6 therefore 64 years � of age.' Wilson, w o went t Winnipeg a few *eeks r emery wheel burst, *�iod piecei ofit tore his
music. We sell Pianos, Organs, Giramo 9 U. M�r bow roo rid born at Comarty, Scotland, on Juli � 29bh, has been received h re that Mr. DeuglaR -The sad news of do �h 'of Mrs. an miserable 'weath gyrin�ing- a nifei, when the
phones, Sewing Machines and Bleyoleal Fra�ick, of Turnli�r wt ini death took and wife entertai nod a numbe f iheir and these of W. Pioko,rd wbre ertaiDly, liery When eigbt years old be removed to ago, wag ostrated y an attack of typhoid pla in London h 'ibal, retiohed here on friends Wednesday evening.- he ,Tubilee hand in a manner thb�t colues(I eat 0 M OUR GENERAL REPAIR SRO tastefully decorated. The': MoFauls 6� a Ameriia, locating at Kio Ontario� Can. fever. Hal �ae a poi ition in the Dominion rd y. Deceased had neirlousl y Ill Singers, ucider the auspices of the 6a as, and will leave mal fer life. a color scheme of black and yellow nl I I ne soda. Twelve years or he remo*ed to Bank, Win'tilpeg.-I Ir. John Go venlock' and number of montI6. so th at death w a's gave an entertainment last Thurs �� al an- -Mr. W. J. Moo of xatford, has We repair any old thing, umbrellas, lawn- ,sit for 1�14( L a.7, of window and blue and black * in the It 1�er. Minn6sots, �! localing on �h not lunlooked for by her In in friends A ing, in Industry hall, which was V well gone onan extended businea trip to the
mowera, knives, soisaors, bicycles. A cl'U The figures in each were dr'esaed in a farm, where he Mr. Lundy, iraveller for the Seaforthi En. soqowing husband and ch 7 are lef to attended, considering the kind 0 a ther coast in the interear of tlie BTritr, & Des- solicited. We can please you and we lgaar- readymade skirts and coati and moo lish' died on Thursday of th" 7eek. About the gine.Workp',lefb on Tuesday for Cal�oory. mourn her loss. -The funi ral took ' lace we had, and all those who on. con Company, limited, of While he in presi- antee everything. �be- firdt of May, last he cc enced to ] fa'il in They were lboth tick ated by Greig & - Stew- were' thpr.e coming 7hats. Then therew' ere pretty hate from' the family 14 isideno i., Tumberr , to joyed themselves 'very much. -The � Kenn dent. He will visit and auto, 1iah agencies health, but it was not unt I about six weeks 'art, 0. P. R. agents. -We are glad to learn y suitable for children, ready, to wear, and ago that his condition was considered den- that Mr. John _M ON , who -has been' so the Wroxoter new ce n�eter 'on NVedne day HuT Company are 1pving ik ounceit here for the distribution of -the security envelope
G. M. Bald altao600 ext %ednesday evening, the seeon4 night file cheek system of 'keeping a.-Oaunte at all wli4 ea—finr dressy hate for ladies and ribboris and laces gerous. Then the beet odic I Bistance seriously i'll, i�e r overing nicel n. - Misees goo Black We n
in great profus r Mr. erri-
ion. The farthe wir�, Ows was secured, but to no avail.. Mr. Me-' Frank Habkirk has een appointed col Martin and Luln Her phill visited in r- of the fair, which will oertainly �os weLl -the principal ts in Manitom tbe
in I 0 onized, an they are both good ar�Jia
General Repair hop. of thiq store'were used for the h wlug� of Gregor was the father of Iour sons, B n Friday. -Rev. Mr... astie, of al- patr ts, tories and Br rtish Columbia. l I I .l F.] pondent for' Ontario ud.Queboo,at8eaf6rth, kisto