The Huron Expositor, 1902-10-03, Page 47 - W-00-1-01—, -:J_ 7- - - - - - - - 6 -7 T EX 9819-10R, OCTOBEV. 4 OCT NEW ADvERTISRUENTS exceedingly r(atleae and in, some sections 180371 at a time wh a this section but fill m crop, bieh werna' long a'boot it. W4 erna r sorry Ing up of the silos. The coi SEAFORTH'S LEADING SHOE STORE. turbuleni. Y, any are anxions to retum to a,, wilderness. Goderiob was their first was khought at the tore part of t a s ason they were quick aboot it, � for it wais a wee Air The ftru�e hmreen the pareptheses after �&�h work, but are Drevented. from do- abiding placia, and they rimained there :for to be a failure on account' of tbei'cleld and thing cauld oot-bye that #I fit. The next donote the rl%ge of the PArDr on whloh� I a Ing so by otheri who are members four years, and then moved to Goderich wet weather, has proved the -Dr. J. reveise and I.- thing pper, an we a a a ready for .141-itla,,ment will be found I to ichl all Sale-Greiz and Stewari-1 of the several labor unions. latitni- toi*niabip, where they lived a pioneer life a good crop, which ; all goes to rl�mind us U, batwflOarBlu' that there wis, Eir left thau Our WLA W OLther gone dation and even violence is �heing for another four ye rs, but finally settled in that we often squeal before we ar hurt.- wad hl�e dune anitlier 'we tin', no' tae Saturd%y where they Many in lifting their potatoes are ading a speako _ I the frogmen 6 1( na, pit them .8ali-LeardA & used, to prever it work lining proceeded' with their present home in HAIllett, to ; wl Zlyllh Fail Fatr-SfcKtz)n-)n 00-5 �nd the United States troops 'have lived ever sitim. barting in a dense good obare of.rotten ones, which a pears to in bas�etp, but there was a I. g�e'feak o' he Sta, Wet weatheir Favwear-IL Willis & Son -4 in Lhe mines, Fdotweia, r in great demana. 0 the prineips� Ociod Will -W. Pickard & C" have been called out to preserve peacili, aud forest, Mrs. Ford riised bl�r family, and as- be a general O'cimplaint. them. After supper the rninis rsl jot UP ir 4u3tlou SaIL several encour tore have already takenplAce ai0ed her husband in cleating the land and an' saddle, wheen wordieg, tol. t us! G,' wha uotiorr Sale -Frank O'Brlon--6 between troops and the'turbaleut strlk�rs. often at fa ng, herself cqal to he -mitf"rtu notion ale -U. VeN.'auzitton-6 r r' 1 V arna. a fine lassie the bride wis, 44n. 00 we wad of W Some take this as an indioaf Ion Of a spe�dy any man vvith t;e Ycyth. 4r at binding, and miss he as if we didn't ke it ! An' then This spell 'at eather soon finds the holes in the shoes and as a consequence, lkqc lon T Walsh -6 SECURE Now.-Wai ra wool. -The Bil' C. atilities. No doubt the�e fkre ib is said wtli 2 miles to the presents !-everything k wet -weather footwear th- )Farm To Rtnt -Juhn Littl-5 ssation of ht 111d eat y ber.bhild I e e d think o' ; we have had a great run,on our atoe. ipf a par few weeks. We len underwear is not a luxury,,it's a traces. dist , unds.] gulls, wid P;;,,,i Par sale -R. Cadmor 3-5 faults on both sides, but the main diffeteoce Goilerioli, and bring ba3k her parahaseR with Again, n ony a thing ye wad 'iver tbink o". are 4uite equal to the oapasion, however, ag our stock of Boots and Sboes for Fall War is L_,st-Expomlor sity. At this time of the year the evenin s a -ace of -over 0 , �e4 9 1 now is that thi � mine owners will not ria 0 She leaves a grown up family of 7 sons A' kinds o' dishes an' table,c Hire an' blan- -one bf the largest in theaunty and n7'w goods are constantly arriving. We have a large elfgr-Robert Scarlet",' are so a hev arel�w ool, - aftentimes sold, it iE simply teacher. nize 'or deal with the union. T 51f daughters. Ot —T enry Beattle-5 don crone to be without it. The old as kets, an� spunee, an' forks, an' knives, an' amorbment of Ing 9 y- uud-UrB. J. A. Qwrnros" to grant concessions to the. � men On Thursday evenfiR'g, while Pearl 49 two, big 10happin, clocks an, � a but not a Writ : 0 k�tlrtz and Raxie R lber, of Zaricib, were Ing, an ounce of prevention is worth ot inair that I this season rangbrig in price from our -house *a W-4 ait-Expositor Off! lie as individual�, an n. 'i - forg t, an' mair that f cotild0a, name if I MEN'S FOR FAR -WEAR Ouse To Rent --A. Chrl9sworth-S The leaders of I the union object tt a settle- 'play Ing with a straw cutter ifi Mr. 0. pound of care" should, be borne in mind mud Ma split leather shoe at $1 a pair to Ouir fairly wall 4uotion J. Ros-5 ment on these [terms, and so two, three or four suits of underwear pre- Wis lookin' at them. The , fqlb tin hae Notice---Sesforth Cider M111-6 the atrifa� goes barn, Pearl got her�riglithaud caught thoolit Mary an' her man we: a felt fond 0' Own'Make inkip at $3 a, pair. Oar chrome tanned waterproof Ehoe 'with alugged bottoria eutiop secipred at once from The E. Me- r �,ewelj;�ohn on. Wha vs Usiment m 4 'b gearing, with thez result that the v and large eyelets at $2450 a pair bas, '---an a great seller. opera Ouse UOudmy,0ct,3bPr18th--8 a na as the Faul Co., Seafortir, where assortments are pickles, for there were nae less than fower finger was Alexander there ia no do bb but that the workmeti and like nea4y tor off and the 'hand Maybea whee.n pickles wad 1h Eoa=cl-Chesuey&SMiI-y--8 greatest, qualities pickle dishes. we start our range at,,Il a pair but our war, the pe their fa*lies will be the greatest ;okere Othrwise very baffly crushed. Thedo'otors Pest and prices 19 t i�16ultry Wanted-Reattle Bres-8 we" dae theta rise hairm, it Wad �e p them frae IN WOMENI'S WEARING twe1w 'A 181,61 best wearers are our glove grains and 'holce Array -E. McF.al CO -S and the most i evere sufforers in the end. I put, the young girl under chloroform 'While gettin, war sweet. But 1�1 �m auna 'forget pebbi gotice-G. U. B x1dwin. & Co. -S does seem alm. )at an outrage that a tire Bing the wound, whic occupied nearly Picsic,.-On Saturday last, the annual the braw a o at ver ea twn �,; t 6 0 0 es at $1.25 and $1. PO and our ka g!! �clf shoes at $L 75 a pair. ir o Estray Helfer-Kennely Bros --8 demagogues a] id monopolists 'should be al- an, our. The first finger had to be en picnic of St. John's uhurch Sunday s6hool the kirk gied hat-. Bch, eire I but its brow W Horse Wantel-A. G. &ul" we recomme d our chrome tanned waterproof shoes ab 1�1.25,und -Df I k at ! Aweel, FOR THE BOYS $1.50 a pair. A new line for boya is our felt lined shoes at SIM lavved to have complete control of an ronioved.and it is p:)aaible some of bheothers was hW at B&yfield, in Mr. Jewit �'a grove. tae be bounle an' wiel of such primenecessity to lie many pejolile, ma' become useless. The day was all that clould be deEiredi,and when supper was o E bid-nals *f mal war. had some d $1.50 a pair. as anthracite coal. Bab this is bu.t one 14- , _�A committee consis ing of Bridge there was a good turnout of both old aqd speeches, an' singin', any giolik, . A then an t�ier of X-161201 out gurrawn stance of the way things are now being in in- Co missioner Ainaley, o Huron county, 'YOuRgo and all enjoyed themselves to the we had a bit dance, till the'we( sma'.'hoors, we ate showing a large assortment at 715 cents aged by our neighbors of the great Repi, lie. ark: Commissioner Jam eson and Arm. utmost. A sail on the lake on the steam in' then we slippit awa harne. It� Wis a IN CIRLS' WEARING SHOES 22aa. atro'ng, of Lambtota oouut , met the other tug Was enjoyed by all and everyo a spoke braw W ddin'. . I wadna hae d it for a pair- and upwards, every worthy make T bein represented. n as3e fE 3rc go,) The Londoi Advertiser says IP is da�, in the office o] County Commissiotier 'in glbwiag terms of the gentlema ly crew. onyt beem S! AFORTH, FRIDAY., Oct. 1, hing Mary has got a r If guid lookin' When you want reliable F t for any member of the fAm ily�-footwear that Grand t -sign understood the t the oross-patition an 3eied %lbot, at the c6mity b ildings, London. The, muoin, of the bagpipea, by onE of the man an) a braw now name, en' she, seems will ive you satisfactioii and be ea97;n the pocketbook -make -it a point to se' g a What We the def alited 16 Was decided to ake, nb action in the boat crew, I added very materially 10 th,e 011- rale prood o' them baith. The hav-d to oifer. KAT against Captai T. E. Robson a IlIffitorial Notes and Comment,�- matter of erecting bridg4 over the Sa�lo joyment ofthe company. y'r I gain up 5ae New Ontario, at they're takin' candidate in Boat Middlesex, in, the Pr)ykn- riv pr A A A A AAAAAAAA- However much we may differ from �A r. �r, between the townii]18 Of Stepheb, NOTEs.-Mr. Thomas McAsh is rughing wi" them the best:washei 0' a' that ken 'elected to �Ofl ]one, Will be droppi -MIT. ia: ciai elect ad. . Capdain h1c4illivray a 'd Bmanquet, until such time al�rlg the new post offibe.-The Eyapolrator them, an' if the half 6' the gui wishes she's d tie in his viewa upon the tariff- and ufar Robson hav* definitely stated that he� Will as Bosanquot council puronase a roadway to is chuck full of apples, and they are, still gotten come true, sh cidbratd 1 11 never;need a pocket. ansportation, there is one thing abont ina thel bridge side. coming in. -Oa Tuesday evening last, 'Mrs 1 1 ego. Alftb� not, under any circumstances, be agiLift a napkin tao dic�beb he e'en a' bc r life. Lang Rim W IL41 S SONg Seaforth �Thci borne of Mro. S. Erb, Clinton, was Fletcher, of the Thames Road, gav very life tae them. -W. T. G. 4hich all should admire, and that is his! in- candidate in the Voirservative interest in interesting and practical addreals in the of one, wtra the'scene of a quiet but pleasing event on wftl tl�nse Canadianism. Every speech he makes East Middlese, it would serve no purpose _VVeidnesday evening, Sept mber 24th, wben Presbyterian church, Var�ua, in ai of the -enjoyable tin hb6a the true ring of Canadia patlzioti in. Leadbu M. herjt eldest daughter, 0 rtrude was Varna Auxiliary of the - I Blat Convention for the Wingbam di triet will V'riz: to- proceed with the personal charges in -he Women's sign 17 hford, 'Mr. Neilan a, Mr. J. 0. Stone- anada, first, last and always, seems to , be t1D#ed in the holy lion Ony �o Missionary Society. owing tothe wel and Be sure you get I ticultural f "ratiby rubbers the best man and Mr. -James ClarK. Miss McBrowa, be held here on !Friday next, th 10th I t, do Of , matri �x e us aounter petitio entered against: him.1 a without eXieOption. No ripore bad wearIng rubbers If 11si mo to and he consfaubly strives to 'Liti. Chorles E. Shaw, of Cron I , Ne Jersey, dark night, there were not as many pr senil of Undon ` was present, and, in addition to -One hundred[ and twenty-eight appeals shovm At, t -b-, d the OQnaervati -as have not claimed th a at, You buy Granby. On) - e YtO be had a this store. W. �itethe minds of the Canadian peop a with for6erly of 0 ralton. At e' hour c f six the as there otherwise would have beer hai the H, wills, sole muoic by the choir and ',hlldren, have been entered against the Winghayn for Captain R bson, it would be imposs le Agen the -pecia toneman, t for S�aforth fol (Intiby rubber 9. bridal party enters( the strairis Ot a true sense.of the importance of their own night been favorable. Those who hich were rat P a ere n rich an- voters' lists for thin yefkr.-M. 8. Me to go into th charges of corruption b rlor to t gave violin selections, w rn for the best 10 c6irixtry. In this respecit,, at least, Mr. y 61; e weddiDgirnar h, pla ad by Misol Eva present missed a real treat. ��rs anti slieli field, who moved from agents... For t see reasons -it is highlv Prob- Their pountE e3 are bearing loyed. In the evening & song servicewas Wngham to H-explar the firsf�by I Marte might be emulated - -by some: Of our W, siat9r of the,,, room, * The ceremlony the weight of hundred hundreds held, which was Med much enjoy with rheumatic fever, and I at theseeodb.1 able that the &tdtion against Captain Rnb- of eA, the lately, Ili ill other Canadian statsmen. we ;ear wa performed by Rev. U . Dunlop, in the h eing crowded. 'At the evenibg ear- present, confined in Galt son will not be pressed."' This is a very Zurich. tine, new, perfect an D code, anon i ish popuilal reas,G Igh about the greatabea of the Bri Pre ence of only th a im ediate relabi peart lr�arkets. This just received from Euro lee Carmel C'hurohl, the get rh�dai was Peter Fowler, of the B-1wevaleoad, won,the a ire f cultivating sensible decision on the part of the Liberiais -a being no attendanUz. D�n'b bother coal, buy blankets v ir t In the young men The special prizeat the tai here for the b"t and the desirability 0 �hei d ad principally t( ir of' East Middlesex. Whatever maj ibe showing of Tb E M F ul Cb.'s Store, Sea - buy, warm clothing, �s, urs, 11 ritish connection and entirely too little --The voters' list for this year for an tette, driver ahwn.-Mr. George B. Roe, of :the bout the greatuesa of gained in a pa ty point of view fro Wool underivear and any other dry goods fbrth, iacludes the w rthy wiDaves that rill atte4dance was iocid, I d the q u I ar - ricE township, have just ieen issued. In I Corn' ren4,ered by Mr. F. Rues, M . � A 4 - -on Wednesda mu" Canada and its secutingpetiti irs'againot sitting me I be worn this fall an, the,,." r I Smil Queen's hotel, was married _y mbe'r', it need from The E. McFaul Co., Ing Winter. I .3Ats per who tremendous resoare6s and the. desirability of h list of those enti tiled to � vote at both aaf Coal may be oxpeiasive utl warmth and, lie, Mrs. James Murray'and- Miss M�Allis- � last to M-iss Jennie Q.,-damghter 'Of 'Um is certain that othing oqn be gained 1fr ond-there will be no freeze ott. Cold Pale 'Per -Ovishej culgvating ia our own people a pride in *ud �akgeii�l�tive and niun' cipal elections, there are comfort can certainly� be -pToc'u red from this ter, !was' much appreciated. Barlevp J The !morning James Duffield, of this town. -.W. F. It.. proseuting petitions against da q'dL-- weather is on the way.. Good, t- a is his ato 21namee. ere i persons enfided was Kerney, who has been engaged in the b a love for their own country. In stimula es,. more - ecially in Chose where fhe 8 Th ire 15� doing a rushing business, firm in 'Rich Fars, Suiting q for the children, an� arb. istiiur, -wo- -13, b t6is sentiment in the minds of young Thenew goods I 1cilas-, Jackets servfce was d-_ an. to ote only in, mun cipal electiorrB,.i adA 38 and Underwear �ricbd w t4ill your� easy Made very interesting for"-- them. -A%Iips bring business in Wingbam for -some nine parties concer ed -do not intend again being areiii aseortmentato rival anything you 075— w4ians, Mr. TarVa speeches will do gooc. �rh can vote. for thi L ring reach. weak' sold his busine I I egi�lativo Asseiribly haveseenbefore. BriDgyou butter, vey was in candidates. I fact, under such cir,64'ril r 1$,161 Hat Clintoni this vis� years as last week to Mr. friend .-Oar 'merchant re mcal �lio a ; 617 are eligi )16 a Purors, A �ium- ibQ1 a ha I been Barrett, -of Brussels. The new proprietor in r stances, it is persecution, as we are sure, I* ELt berlof wido . . 11 your eggs'. bring your mo y and have, DOTS. -The con'tinued wet i ill causing die. �o . - � ;;r 100 e4As to whether or nob the tariff as it now in no case have offenses -been commit,ed we on tl �e -i's al 6.4 a as your wants supplied at the I �e may to �hose who at holding their inillinery openings during the now in possession. Mr. Kearney recentl 41 flirmers are oweet cost. I ill have �eas oub� in the . y ts is higher or, lower than that in force which would, justify prosecation III he' which I not a correct defi, ition. fair, on ad. fields. -Rev. Paetitwo Weeks and the displays-havq beeta purchased a farm in Morris, and we under - for k votcral list, but it will make hD iffer- TnE FALL FR. -The fell -Mr. Carseallen, who hap been t the stand he will commence forming next sprin- itz'-1897, the data of this last general Te. publip interesti aday and Thursday of lag 81 pastor of the Walton oir�Ctlib for. some- so fine and lar�e that we have not gg t weel , die pite spac� at our disposal to' partieulariize,� and 'Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Reid, fo anco in cae they wish to vote at mun cipal n. ierjy f Sin (rest) pal g very f Wednesday,' li ad the months, is leaving here. 40 � r ndere'd him- wwd pw our4 4 vi�sion, the Globe applies the followin oleqtions. th downpour o i . even -had we, we feel that we could n t d Wingam, but now of Toronto, have recently I i tbreatenin weather of Thursda was a self pop4lar wiph the people during his stay. 'W-todperaord I says ciday I%sb was an unlucky day for a 9 u�ffered sore family afflictiono. Their four siraple and satisfaccory test.. U '1�uron Notes. 1 full ]Justice to the very fine displays ri thoe a' MOB Miss Martha Menary, of 'Grey, has been Apples perbxg- es:,r. R sit d . Ransford, of Cti laul-ber of . ingbamites. � On Frid y morn- b gratifying success. The in oor. do- jriendslw this section Our merchants are oun The imports have increase4 80 per clint. 0 to , visiting #elatives and latelit fashions. d children were 01 taken with a malinant to k J It partenents were taxedto their utin st capac. a -this year, n aster Fred of M r. '64 as to . I g! Howson,!eldest a , vlariety form of diphtheria, and the two eldeaC boys on had I' !If o a, t a which 11 x fenr i st few days. -Although to bei right up to date,,bl th Tituothy Wed In six years, dud the tevetiue� from txati ity, and, witb the e3tc for the Is the men. M. Howson, of the Wingha fl6ur inills, eptioni It b mbed to the attack The other two I a, quality a openings ave eeri eirgo. succ aged 75 bushel,Ao the sore. t probably the largest a L 7 ot. agemeut had the misfortune Ito eelect what -60 per cent. The rate in 1896 was more -The Western Foundry bompatly, at elLfrom a swing at his hcFme and broke his ver seen gere. ly at ended by the fair sex who are I I U in chil�ren, a girl and a bo 'are recovering.- Tal ow, per lb -7 L ptoved tO be a y than 19 per cent. on importa . eatered ',for eft arm just above withstanding. the cold, three samewhat we' and disagree- Wingbam, ha 7o commenced opera Uhe wrist. A f w hours tenihg 4 a tb�er, able evening fo garden at ty al their admiration. -Dr. and Mrs. Grlh�m, of Miss Susie Burgess, the 13�yeai-old daugh- and will manufacture ^all kinds of stove Mr. John Gle n, who was wo king at uOB were croi Clinton, were in tire village during the past ter of Mir. Herbert Burgess, plablicl school consumption. This rate applied to the of Thursday, the grou Fded the 3 David ports for . consumptioa in _L902 would have �he:flour with people, and ell re Bovd's, yet the'attendance w 9 rery fair and -After a business carear of 29 year mill, got I is le(b hand U 1(ome paid were they for I a in 'llibinery and lost a was ent.- wee visititigMr. and Mrs. Jamea,S�uther- inspector of North Ore died at Oweh. f yielded $38,500,000 or $6,000,000 more tilla" Wingham, Mr. . J. Homuth has retireil 6ia �ho top of on of his Bving braved the weather, for iiie excell- a pleasant tim 01p a prize lists land Mrs. Charles McLea y ave depress D, of 1 Gordon Sound last week. Miss Burgess was a native was actually collected. The rate of duty. on ame morn once of the exhibits was a record breaker. at the fall fairi will be larste'y in evidence I rela- of Turnberry, her father having been a gelling rather - on ra. The a rank. for some! ime. , I Lak , Manitoba, is here visiting h0ri and the busine4a will in futiire be carried ing Mr tie ' t intl.L ting reading last year's importe eatered for consumptiou The ahow of horses was Rationally I no a had two of hill fingers on the 'Light i by his son@. 1 tives nd f I mil - schoolteacher in that township fr several 6.5c ver ba2 vi Mr. Bernard Thompson a a y. was 16 per cent., as against 19.1 in! the year moot keen) dontested, or the majority of people, a d yet -Dr. Rivers who recently sold out ais hand �at by a eaw Y -bile at work In Bell's y while the a hi t f 11A we pre. Mr. "P. Murdock carried off the firOt prizs years. -Mr. W. F. Dulmag�, of the Albion Pot;toe 189U' It is quite evident fr6m these factory. OnFrid&3 aftergoon Mr, Adam cattle, both as to quality and 1111h) era, was ume that the lady or gent �o Wine a prize ra practice at Ore itOD, and went west, has Is- with his colt Joe Stantion, in the , ces at hotel at Gorrie-, and formerly of the Brune - figures that the tariff as it now exists is ma- cided to locate at a new town called R ky- 8"fer, an emgtovee at the Unioul faoto e largest that has a r been ould -be huff -ed if their nam id no A. IDent wick House, Wingliam, Was married on ry r in the t. - notice that terially�,-Jovver than the tariff which existed mond, in Alberta, about 20 miles f6m, had one, pf the firigera of his left li�nd cut seen in the history of the socie y. The '6a a public prin t ap- Exet9r,'oxi fair day. -Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday of last week to Miss AMy May, of under the old Conservative regime. 0131 a se, sheeo,-pigs, and especially the po I )tie of those periodical CA( a, " A Farmers' of Mitchell, were in the village the firot part Tno-N-TO, Lethbridge. while working I I Y4f were W. I losoo atiOn," h of th �s week visiting Mrs. Sutherland.-�The Walkerton. :_'Elizabeth, relict of t 0 late Henry ]0, we I represented, quite a tin flae -License 13spector Miller, of st h 6a pree t(d itself. A M' John Willis will' be are v_ry swill. friends of r. The Liberals of North York have arrang- Pugh, whoEe mai prize winuers.of birds at the London E X. ew years ago orre of i these- he Grange- A,90dl Huron, has sec�red a -list of name den tip' ' and Be I sorry to learn that he is very ill in th L n 950 8 of you he me was D&wes, vas to the fore, a ted with im- Exeter. ed f -Gr a grand demon' _New. under 21 years �of age who are; in the hl�a,! i departed this life at &he home of hibition being exhibited and truch - adrt�ired er -pair 1i Aration in son cis ta wit ny opies, 50 to '170cs fez i Jo)es Blueval l!Ler I by the many attendants, The procee ings )urLty that there e�b irps�tances, whien the don I P . �ery �ittle, if a t 0 NOTHS.-Mr. and Ms. Cirus Aldwrth -et in honor of Hon. E. J. Davis of frequenting botela aud has warnedl� ��Iie a, o a Tue1aday, September ante tainf for his! reco pfr�r. The t.�,Ouble I -tur mark com- were minch enlivened by the exe rasping land mean element c 3uld not make idressed he hotel keepers of Brussels as to the la ' in 3ra. The dece;aso� was born in th6 county ellent n111,1910 is an inward Rrowth-so situated that A can. have retired fr4orn their farm III H y town - W b aul of! the mercharlib, they (lid not h' esibate missioner of crown lands, on Saturday, 03- reference to them. OfStafford, England, in �Septemb r 1827, of the Zuzi3h brass band, and ever3 One not a accesef ully be !operated upo- n. -Mrs. R. ship, and have ta.ken 4 tQr residence itt. tober 4:tb. The denionstration is to take -Mervyn G., Hicks, a son of the ll�te and, at her death wa, 'seemed to enjoy themselves, and all sef med o grab f om the more;'honest ar d honorable Exeter, having purcha, L sed the Westaway '15 years of a She members at E. Clegg, of Kippen, 'president of the' to be satisfied, whil of the soci ThE laws and ence in the north end. We have Andrew Hiaka,: formerly of Exeter, die' Ivag united in marri ige to, her late usband a on every hand we a to Wonfen's Auxillary Mis ionary Assiociation resid TO R 0 IN 0, placen the fair groarids, wbich afford ex- i ;tatutes f the conn* ma large amount I 11 at I the year 1853 an I t e words of praise . for the exhibits pleasure in welcoming Mr. and MTs. Alcl- al-sike ceptional facilities for the holding of a Riverside, Cali'�ornia, on Ttiursdav, I$th n wo years lat.r, iwith OF Paul's church, Ing all, is � in St. i 48 - I and hearty thanks to the'society fo� the. ex. )f co-ope.-ation'compulsorv,i a 'd the customs worth to our village, and we trust their is a poor forefi ged 18'y�ara. Consumption waso the �rre�cihild, came to this ountry, and on Thtas this weeki attending the gerni-an- monster picnic. Addresses will be deliver- u!t,, a cellentshow they had conducted. The'pro- ind uEages of society in plaoes de. cauEe of death. t l coming' they made I,ondon: Ontari), their a may be ad by Premier Roes and other membars of residence he lqzig and pleasant.- t -country poi co-ope a nual meeting of that association. -Mr. John a om an moving to ceeds on Thursday amounted to o nand a sympathei i tion. The a Some days argo Mbears. Bowden & McDon- than -pufficiZzit. the Oatario cabinet, also by Hon. Mr. Mu- -Mias OlarwlMoffst, of Bly�'h, met witp. b i a for a short ime, th ver $100. rming community Va a japokeorban in Gibson, of Saruia,,has been spending th ell's stable, of 16 imported,horses, which ere. PA-ceg Ivil t a other after 'con. While The Prize list will be found on page 7 this James Spark d lock, Ron. Mr."Sifton and others. This bad accident Clinton and finally settled down at B.1ue,vale, issue. ol�inhoa, Of Elgin. arliament, Mr. Ja 1 past week with Mr. sw- aeping at th ' head of the 'stairs in er whare they rernairred till the - end of life. all ad just returned from -Toronto and London per bushel f, p will be the fi.-st political occasion on which his man, who � has family. -Wise Metroom, of Londo, was -7 father's hcine, be accidentally, slipped nd Mrs. Pugh was the inother�of 9 chi'dren, 8 1 bet th& head fairs, *Were photograph *ad on -Main --street by 0to. raney 1i Mr. RC83 his appeared in public since the nd,tail f the Grang the guest of Mrs. D. UrqiIhart this week. - a for-aoTe fell head first f born are livin time,.Inever Mr, Joseph Senior. The lot together was a, general- election, and his speech', will be 4own the stairs. She 9. Walton. Rtv 1(Dr' , ) and Mrs' Medd rendered a. duet 4over is Prot pens bi mouth but' what he cays some r I At nine o'clock on Wednesday morning I - fine and- one ca1c ated o lease the -:85.75 per bush awaited vvith considerable expeeba#ey. ceived a severelahaking up and was ball"; AiJvANcE FuR HINTS. -If you are con. hing, in act what _h6 knows and what he at t *he morning service in the M-etfiodist of llirit Week,' there as celebrated at St. templating furs.for the coming win cbur6h on Sabbath last, which was imuoh bruised and hu�t about the fade and head) r it is '008 not. now wou-Id Olamightly big�book. eye and gladden the he*rtof any lover4 Trimottry. is un . � t Jo8epVi church, 01' pre ience of wel .1. . . - ciated.t.-We have this week to record horse flesh. -Miss Harrison, of Clinton, is bushel for mat Hon. J. I. Tarte, Minister of I ablic -Successful nniversary ser Ices 11a Icon- Laton, in the I to know that, even at thii earl; datel t might be advisable to wa,�n ti else joining appre i,t a lair a n Works, visited. GoJerich on Wednesday, in nection with the Holmeavil e Mothod 9 - umber of fr [ends, the wedding Of The E. McFaul Oo.'s Store, Seaford , boo on his new ;Ociety to -keep thiai el lea -Open to- the 1� 4eath of Miss Jennie FQllick, the guest of Dr. and Mrs. A -moo at present. church, were 13 lid on Sunday and Moiiday- icbard Brennan, of Hallett, to Miss Mary display the most ch dauglater of Mr. David Follick, of -Mrs. Ferguson and daughter, of London, I arming and captivating ards th� kcloF of its � eare.er, or t[hr. sharks response to an iuvitation from the directors of last week. )a Sunday the services were Cra,Velle, daughter cf Charles Gravell' stock of Fur Jackets, Caperines, Boas, Cape, ill �ob a up this !place, which occurred on Tuesday were the guests of Mrs. H. Collius over xOnO.N-To. $a 11 Of of the Agricultural Society and the Board of taken by Rev. �J. Holmes, of oderich township. Rev. 'Father M6 everytfiing in ig4t. Sunday. -J. G. Staribury was at Goderich i B an- Gaulitlets, Mulm last, 'after a h- la bore --z9:to 70a ; red' lyth. amin performed the etcl,. that it has -been our I painful Illness, W Icrool this week, on legal bu$(Jaeas.-W. Bowden Monday everrit g addresses were delivil red ceremony until blessed I Wed- spring, 66c ; o Trade of the town. He attended the fair pleasure to x �e for. many years. his withlgreat Christian, fortitude. - by several clergymen and inugic was f in- tho,happy couple on their way, while Miss mieni On to an in the county towit on Waidnesday.- and delivered an addres firm's' deter give its patr no bet. 131ansal 11 - need y af ter -noon last, at the home. , f the W to 44-. per b a. Afterwards hel isbed by the choir. -The proceeds amouil 1, ed Clifton, of West W kwanosh, attended the bride's parents, Mr. Wm. Digman, eldest George E. Crawley has purchased the cot- ter viiiolue tha they could procure ii i a Icity . Stanbury, B. A., B rSollaitor, tage on Andrew street, lbelonging to Mrs.A., inspected the harbor, and in -the evening -wag to $025. bride, and Louis Gravelle Fu wy 'Straw 917. waited on the store, brings pe;dable re wit il'ift 'easy n2oney to Exetoy, Ont agn f Mr. Warren Digman, of the titiOnsh grooin. The couple, with their attend 111, 1141 on uesday. 1792 y, was happi 0 Misimily presented with an address lind was enter-'� -Among the prize vvioneral from an to, reach of any p ree. t Ifensaii every of H ly, married t Sheers, and will move in about November $17 for ears �rj took their places atthe altar railing, � and Ist. -R. N, Rowe has ur ased a stock of at the Western Fair; London were therland, do oar for. �bulk east -or' inil tained at % banquet by the town council arlial V LoC&L BRIE S." -Farmers are no 01 J - i Hen'. Troy r, eldest daughter of Mr. Stephen Board of Trade. The Goderieb people Butt, wb( took a first for his 4c It, rieli-red (luring the strains 'of the wedding 6ney sall, bas bad furniture at Clioton,anil John Atkinson will -feed isitesay, I I a 8�1 $ate av4y corn- Troy r, of the townsh of Hak, � The wantl raim :�t March played by Mij fillink their a los.7-Mr. and Mrs. illiam ortable and wall-Olanned b �f I charge of it. additional improvements to their harbor, second for his brood mare, and� bird forl I is] Shapaban, wlio�offi, dvv 11' 9 iu� i good care ony wag performed Ip remain in his employ and take 17 -for bran Blashill are v iting friends in- Y sil ti, ocation, with nice lawn, iva by.Rev. Dr,Medd, obn I oa�ptured w i 'M Good Mr. Atkinson and family will move to.Olin- freights. which, no doubt, accounts in part for the t Michigan. -Mr William Hoy is is in urnaceardall modern con e ken es and %0;1)1. to with the team ; J Lvery. who I ed 0i tod at the organ. thtoughout.� a Rn arden.7 be of Hersall. We uni i! ap y attentioa they paid the genial Minister ticket with a two-year-old filly, and Ge4rge Marhie Shanahan eat g. a solo, and the choir iold at a v r uple in wiahing them Ion d ton shortly. -R. Knight has taken a posi- Dale k their placies du.-iog m friends in Fallo ville, Michigan. r v reasonahle price. I tendin,� pur. CO tion in O'Neil's bank. having gven up big of Public Works. IU is needless to say that who secured two firsts With his el[('Ure too � ago. After the �.hasers wil be given full particutArS.1 Also tor sale continued happiness through 4. ceremony was over t iev left f9r their ents, Mr. and rs. Kearney, will )r If o reUt f &me stores on good cenlra tailoring busirress.-Re Mr. Tarte, said many nice things to the horse, and also two firsts with! a Vwo-y,&ar- new lobablon, on Mies.MeMartin and Miss Jessie Uorn n, Va. W. M. Mattin retain -iasy fer.ir oold filly. home, which the groAa has had nicely with .. -Mesers.'John ardiner As to pri., as and liii,�rn n.'s a,? I to G. B. D., and R. E. Milld h ged pul- very . Sutherla d, 6on' eyancer ].,a- Gl5derich people and left them in the tted and Robert uncanson left on. Tu aday vi pll'i 1 - t f who were home from London on a visipk were sold at G, -The follow�ng notices of transfer of 4p, for the reception )f his brid'e. a l"t Sabbeth evening. -Chris. Eaker. -of best. of good humor and all feeling that he is this keek for Toronto, where the API�LES WANTED. t the Hen. turn4d to the city this week. -.Mr. M� U. Pit on eray gel&v licenses have been received ;by Insp6cl or U Exeter North, has been appointed- a county a prince of good fellows_ fall evariorator any quantity ofgoddiound peeling is driver, -and A61 takirig an arts course in the varsity. Wood was fortunat� enough to shoot,; constable, to preserve the- neace-itt thtt p Paisley, of West Huron : George Buxl'�(ri, apples for which the highitst markbt price *111 be week, in a nei . aIrt Kil ipen. Thesb� young men. have already proved ghlid-ring woods, a a a apecisil effered., ou� to D� H aid. of the town. -Wiley - Miliyard has entered The dates for the hearing of seven more of the Colborne house, Goderic:h,sold ay, Commisgimer arid Conveyancer - themselves to b clever Students, and, 1 1814-3 turkey buzzard, which measured ove ix told A no Alex. Robinson of Auburn ; James !M0- willaimortgageaaudd�e(*�drawl2up. Moneylosirrej doubt, will yet attain to bigher hoors. ToRMM-Afirst:-cNasbric a�oretorentl feet from tip.to tip. Mr. Ellwood W' 0 Dr. Browning's drug store, to studypharm- quite so Oatario election, petitions were fixed by the Donald, of the Cintail house, sold out to at tho loest rates of intwest. 1740-tf E ituate on the Main street in t I ag3 o acy. -Exeter court of revision will he held goo,A May success attend their efforts. wf hHenewalls, doubt have -it mounted. -Mr. R. A.' Bach - Judges ab Osgood Hall, Toionto, on Satur- Neil McDonald, of Kintail -Mr. Jae. known as otore No. 1 of the OCK oh and A�lqx. DL-AT11 OF 01 -TA UE WIIITE5 a anan' divinity student, of A' on October 0bh and 10th, when Furs 89.ap- fAlf.-We W. Aifowbray and bride left on M4day of i ecently ocoupied by F. G. Ar a h 3 carried $ uburn College, that down to A They are as followb : Addington, iurn hous sold ou� �tb lea.'rin with deep re&et of -the death of this ireek, and will visit friends i�jHatnil. eD,,ra a ore an i williner3,� b 8i e is one of New'York State, is here spending a few peals will be heard.-MrB. John White has urday. Robinson, of th) Auk Oil a Harry AlcBrieri of Auburn. Uharlie Whi he besli bnainess stands in the had her house repainted and a neat orch against R aid, Conservative, a Napance, on teman, cl Chi�ago, son of Mr. ton and Toro Place a d has a grat days with his parents. -Miss Martha� Hunt- -�Ve give th following -on the authorit nto, before going to ffili ir new Mass cellar and Ili fibted with dwellil3r built on the south side. -Rev. Mr. Thomas, 046ber 2lat at 2 o'clock- p. m. Stormont, y John Whiteman, c f this place, ; Charlie. home at Gertrude Mines, New Ontario. �econdfloor. Itisavery bomforta'. 00mg 01i the er bak returned home from viaiting 'If�ien a I �le building and ir V� nt to Chicago a few mor� , Lclndonand Woodatock.-Mesers. Geor 8 -To. of the Rensall Observer Robert !�V we thb ago, to stay Mrs. Mowbray will be rrinah misse in go. ia practical y new, having been er�ected only four of 1�ondorr, who has been isapplying for TGim, Rev. Dr. Hantion during the attees absence at Est MeCarb, Liberal, at Cornwall, Oc- Allister, of the Parr line, Ha ised i is with� years aqo. It will be rented'fer a to' xnarket is eta Y,. ra his brother Alfred, of thab city, and cisl circles, and is leavink behind manv true rril of years at a MCE en and T. Murdock and Mis s! r 21at at 4 O'clock 'p. m. Lincoln, pat &toes the otter day with a 'pick, as t while there obtained a responsible positi reasonable -enb. For further particulars address the Murdock were in Goderich on W I n d peg. e7he -offerings b t -be on friends, who will all unite in to the General Conferencle at Winni �gainot Jesisop, conservative, ab St,_ Cather- were rather too large to wishing bar 1wripri-tor, ROBERT BELL. Seatorth.,.or apply per- fad takei up with. a in the office of Messrs. Kellogg, Cameron & 11, , attending the fair. -Miss Mar )Qtz; a this week for his home. While here Mr. Paoli ineq, on October 24th, at 11 o'clock a, Our in n prosperity in her new home. -Mr, Daniel 8011111131 to G. J. SUTHERLAND, I 181.4-tf y GO Thomas has -won golden opinions from all 'isell. -Choico id - hoe or spade. forr6a't says thley McKay, of Chio�ago` But in the midst Of 'McMillan has renten his farm to U r. Alex. LoSINL� A GOOD CITIZE_-.,-� visiting relatives in'Hamburg and, W 't'r-lo 0. Bee. His sermous have been particularly North Porth, against Monteith, `oorrservil,_ were beauties arid perfectly sound." Tne life,' with every pronise We thentioned elas ereamery in eloquent and impressive. Last Sabbath even- -Creantery pi 18 to I successful future be ore him, he was seized McMillan will li&va�an Aucitiod sale of stock posed of his harness bu9in4L8aJ8h(,3re, and we genial Robert is deserving of all the �Obd of a brighb and -Buchanati, who ow�g the adjoining lot, Mr. 19at, week 'that, Mr. J, C Cl n had dia. tive, at'8tratford. on October 28bli at one clocl- p. m. North Grey, agairilit Mae. things going and more too. Winglialn. Ing J ames street churelalwas crowded with a -Boll a with appendicitis. Two 0(the most Ekilled and implements about the middleo Octo. now hear that he contempla,,tes: rem Bmig s. -The fair of the Turnberr Ag��i I % p congregation, who thoroughly enjoyed the ebowe dair otober by �iciaus of the cit 7 stood by his bedaide, bar, as it is his intention to leave iia the the west, The:Oboerver says cultural f3ociety. hel 6 an' t kav,� Liberal, at Owen Sound, on 0 What mighb have been a serious E�w - oving to dent happenea the Otber day, to r., A. d � id all that hnl ien hand -a able addreso.-A. J. Clark, of - C , M an id We learn d her on'l are a d young man to 14c - at 2 O'clock- p. m. North Norfolk Ph rrangLU pting to join his brobher in th( r J. (). Clausen is d to go into of London, agent for the Imperiail Life Anur- )rolls 1.5 to to early a a*diist Snider, Conservative, atimcoe Wbittingham, of Clinton, while in the'! iieb Cbeck the dread Friday of last week', was fairly SUO(eosf on diet ase, but God villed it Ing business -in Washington Teritory. Lusiness in Moo�aejaw_, Xort�wht Territory; despite the bad weather. The atte 3idance ance Company,� has moved into A. Hbiopees �Cheeae-3dark� No,veTr ber 4i -h at 2 o'clock p. m. North of driving a large load of lumber into o�'theiwise and He tock him to himself. -His We are orr Cooper's planin fvCtory. The load to loose an industrricia younu where there is 'an exceptionally fine open- was larger than last year, and while the house. -Thomas Howe, tinsmith, has left vVeatworth, against R.. A. Thompson Lib. t 4rothers Alfred, in whose home he died -vanle. Jebbe, ��t r - I I eral, at Hamilton, an November 4th being bound, th i grOater part I I and man like Mr. McMillan from our I caliti,' ing. We have not learned what Mr. Clau__ diablay in the in -door department wa4l light, 4-14u, of Toledo, ari ived here o or Durham, where he has Becu-red work.- 11-10 for twjn� u We ties- but trust in this new venture succE as may s n purposea taing o t his �am the exhibits were of good quality. T!1e out- Miss Gertie Kemp, who, has been Bit -the Inand is -for seli o'cloak a. m. off and fell on bi m, burying its v d[ay evening with all bhat was left! the attend him - and we hope that,his 'ondest Clausen vv ill be ily. Mr. neath it-; but w Iling hands ,Q con of I -much misseld i connection side show was very, good. i�nd was --fully 4.p-. Children's Hospical, Toronto, as narse, for - Fresh are ��right tand happy bcy wbo was the life and hopes may be more than renlizeft.-Mr. with St. Paul's churchi where h was S -Ab- to former years. The export judg(§'o'gaTe the, past three months, hols returned home.- �Ondsl are Uneh Mr. Borden, the leoder of �_a- him from his pe itone condition a j9y Of -bis home and the favorite' a mong big Janice Cololouch has purchased tba WO acre bath acho(I superinten lent an good 11atisfalition. -T tive party in, the 6ordeb, for The speeding c6 tests Clifford Spackman is in t. Thomas visiting ardml -DOmirlion, together with him unhurt but ornewhat frightene I . cOmPaniOns. He Was followed to his last farm. of Mr. George Shields, being ot 20, many year a. He also has associated afforded much interest is -The fine fari a belonging tolthe a �e th and the several =nte relatives. -Last Sunday was Chfldren�s Asy a fair aillouz several prominent Conservative polirici estatw pf rpstilag place in Rol erville cemetery, by a conceWsion 17, Grey. This is -mostly a bush v; i th the school boar I for five years; and were well coiates ted. -The Epworth --Llague at Caven and James street churches, boldera are firl an$ the late James bleGee,on the I�t conoeselo6i long! fiineral train as � a last token . of re- lobf, but no'doubt Jim will make it p 96y a:nd tooL a live interest in due tioira matters, �Quebee makes from Ontario and the Lower Provinces, are East Wawanosh, has beeneold � to Mr. IRI spec�, and th 0 only ight to brighten the soon convert it into -fields of waving grain, , He starf ed his harnes3 busi 3esp in Rodger- at 1%, e. Fine closing up their tour -in. the Norbbw McGee, of Woodstock, a brotk4r of he cle I gloorn which overshadows the home of his -Mr, J. McKee met with painful a oidenb v Ile over25 ye%l wtb� the con- tovniships TO eat. c -100 acres n frearb stricken parent re ago, and They addre-imd. several meetings in British eased, for $4,500. There are- i and Borrowing broth- last week, while drilling a"Well on t a farm- ef'ruction ot the railway moved . t " H to, 101 a and fp ensall, - finle, Columbia,. the Territories and Manitoba, and it, with good orphard, brick bO111113 ir. ers and Bisters, is the hope of mellting !him of Mr. Eanes Crich, and while holding his 86 that lie is one of the oldeit bu ineoB men -The market 9 ad On the piping, a large swivel pull�-fell 0'' the PI 0. Being a barne ; the price is considered reasonable, a* ain-as was his last request to his lOved hat SATURDAY lid '9 tin rkman, he Aency.: w9e, have, evidently, succeeded in stirring up a Wesley Farrow, who had a ithree Yee% olies-where there is 30 death nor parting. from the derrick, falling on- a g d e ti amony their friciida obleirwisie irJuring ery, 211 to 2 good deal of efithu8jasi h April h T leas" of this farat, leaves it ipex' his hi nd, break-- b lilt up a 00 trade." XPOSI OR, 0 1 Arriorig those, who attended the funeral ing one of his fingere and while regrettig the -remov ery, 201- to -24 inthevreet. At amass meeting inl%loose* the rrison farm, a the, '4� of so good, a jaw, Ing rented 5. h vvero Mrs. Wilson, of Bright ; Mrs, Henry, his hand. The accident wl�'ill lay Mr M�' citizen from Heneall, unites concession. - some days ago, Mr. Borden said the people M r. Clau- 201 -bO -_904-C ol� Appin ; Mr. Silcox of St. Thomas ; Mips Kee off work for some time. ri(n's hoats of friends in t is mcirity, in �eraaml ast could not possibly understand MO�VBR&Y-GA�tDINER. SaturdQ, Alight Sale. in the � -What might have.been a erious acell- goldeworth, Mr.' and Mrs. T. Potter. of --It's kin 91" 'wet W;shing hi long life, ha as and pros- to 16C ; dairy the western country without a personal dent occurred at the electric �ower & hou4e golniesville, and Mr, 0, 0. Potter, of Por- ppin the clay ' Maister ExpoSITOR, an' a! body perity in a new field of labor.' We can viazt. and the trip of hiniself and his friends in Wingham, on Mond%y evening of 14 t togs Hill. -There is A f cauna pleugh, sae a'thoebt Pwad jirj�,.write - heartily reaomm�and him to j th.e prople of prices. I WWO 0 two of b I I screed aboot & weddin' 'a' Moosejaw and vicinity benefit when they were 9 Wo -TEs. -Mr. W. NJ. Doig, of the Soo, is yo a ijit" would prove of great week. Mr. W. H. Green -and Our Saturday -Sales te-bec,mirrg very popular. Last Seturda night -ere ir skit 9qhe� will find y cantiled atock, Opposition, but held thel reins g with friends in this vicinity. Mr. last Wadensday, jist afore- the S f th him an hoaest, reliable urday no longer in, worknien Ni ig a conne tionbetween 81110 6 at the t pi or n a good we were crowded so we could not wait on the fleople. This Sat straight noe' :1� ia - 1P power. Mr. Borden claimed that not- brokewao large boilers, when *a a Doig reports busineso booming at the Soo. Fair, �e min'. It's a queer th,ingyae�me' w)rkman- a man who will W Vithataliding the result- nd let tbc scalding water cub of t, Is Afr. A. and Mrq' n and im- Sale pices promiEe to be exceptionally good. to 14ein, 8 of last election Charles Upshall, o oo a folk main get marriotlon a Wad n zj aday prove with acquaintance, as- tb 0! boiler. The men were on top OF the boi r Elgi th � . re they there were signs that (,)uebee Province was at the ti ' u, are visiting with 'Mr. and IvIre. noo-a-days. I dinna ken whether i a !be- have to do si him the b(tte they Will Conservative me cf the break and might he 6 Jds8p Upahall, of the vill SPECIAL LIST: still �ge,_aud other cause,they think Wadensday means day Iiie him. IAV48 fr�cnds.-Mr. John cNevin, during Ithe There is nothing like been scalded ver whistling to keep one2a courage up. If Mr. 1, badly had they not in for w ddin's or what it is, but if tha is the L00AL LoiDox,_ En ad. , There was 1.10 pounds of RrEFs. -There .. will b two I - Borden's trip does ni�t bear fruit until his -steam' on alt Ber- Ladieg" Vests, orth 40c, Iona sleeves 25c eacb. !veek:'was &ttending Goderiob. fair,'peforin. r6a � maybe we had better no' thri p wil vi,,es in'St. Pa Ou American eatj; predictioR is f ulfilledi the present viE it will the time of the break. Ing his duty as a juilge.-Rev. Mr. Crans- them kor wbatever it mean a morning, at 1 o'clock, a a day. In Ladies' Black Ribbed'Gashwere Hose, wOrEh 25c, for 17c a pair. Canadian catr, -John Washy -Joh tr yince the 6 hae t1i ch loren's �ser- LIVERPOOL,; no Uolborne, p too, of Cromarty, on Sabbath evening last, been sae mony waddin's on Wadensda late- vi ie will be held, and the be out -dated, and he will have to, make an. went with his brother to 'the wei regula, Iservicie in nother. conducted the service in St. Andrew's ly that it seems tae mean t 75c and $1.00 Dre'8s Goods for 69c a yard, 56 inches wide. vattl, -6d weeks ago on one of the harves or's exc4 -hat noo.. tel, the evening, When the holy cominfinion 'will 81 MONTREAL, Penusylvanis c y eburvir for Rev. Air. McLennan.' Mr. as I wlis sayin", Mary Gardiner, o' V�alton, be adrrlinislered.�-Mr. J. W. r yein bad a Wrapperettes, worth 121-c for 7c a yara. were . a mil] 2 present i Tile great strike one, died and 3eril last Saturday 'a Cranoton is a good sp,-aker and our people wis mhrriet last Wadensday tae Jame Mow- very flne elect ic 0 lin Oal Boissevain, Mani,oba, of r , illumination in trade in �cattle regiGnS is St pueumonta. HkI Lre p ways pleased to hear him. -Mrs. bray,-�but we a' oA' him jist plain "Jit 11 ery windows during the Ope till on, with little or no signs of was a son of Nat] n ohns, a ell know h IiFn�)r, of Glencoe, is visiting at in aye. He Table Linen, 79, inclies wide Woth 50c, for 39c,, the home ye kefi,-at bar father's hooee lop'. had something like 50 electri( prevailiul weddin' wig tee be in the even an' windows, viltich made a very in few -of tte bosi settlement.. As winter approaches there is and highly reepec ted resident c f liolborzei, of 1her brother, Mr. Al?x. MeMurtrie. in Me il li ts in his and was only 18 :,ears of age. The bod' 0. sma ffect and 85c Bleacbed Table Linen, �eautiful quality, 6 c a yard. Per pottaid o' o' was much admired. -Mrs. Do vi 18hirray is growing uneasiness in the public tnind. W4 n is spending a few weeks visiting afore the time wis up the hoose wis If"01 So I t was brought hone and the f neral 0 0 with !her two sisters ia Sag�naw and other folk, y they cam' 6ot on in Torotito, visiting her mot ie 4 -The Mar. 1r -OM 31 to 40 large,art e.ytent of country and go many are place Thursday a ternoon from When a' wis reaod Bath Towels, two for 25c, wbrth 20c each. r. Jdbri poi,nbs. Mrs. Wasmah's friends here wish frtil 2 -to Ze er by vides in th hracite coal for their reeidence on cono ission 4, to tl�e ColbornEo'; her a'pleksant vi the fr6nt stoop ; Mary had Jim's sia� Presbyterian' a 2d, ethodist Hundreds of Bargains all tb ouirrh the store for Saturday. cemetery. sit, and safe return.-Farim- the slide O'her, an! Jim hed Mary'a brotber churchc-s, o Sabbath last hildren's lay, from to 2c.p< winter's fuel. that this feeling of uneasiness el's Ate finding it a difficult matter to harvest I , " - 0 -$1-9 -One of the o est, if not bond crop wi' hith,-twa Jima an' twa Marys, yb ry', were very I lit Att 13 t vaeb ia not surprising. The supply of anthracite the oldest the Be o o or, he weather being tae keep them company, I guese, for thev ad. Bot c re. as were tas,,eful y decor - resident of God rich townsh , depaite In -of failho' coal in the United States and Canada is all this life on Sund , September 2 so wet. -Our grain ma ket., as usual, appears only linkit the twa middle yi t atEd with flowerl and the seiri�ej were of 0 0 0 0 but exhau I pounds Waighe, ,at. in the to be, jeoeiving its lar a share of grain, if The bride's class were a white, e'en t�e 'her a special characlter. At t is Nethodist sted, and there seems to be no person of Mrs. Jo n Ford of th 2nd conl� the large loads goizig i i daily are any indi. baits, an' some white' really satisfactory substitute. Wood Is the ce"ion. Mrs. Ford * fl000rs in b r ha��, an) 3e morning servic tEle pulpit as in her 92ad church, at t aye of her dea . th years i hail been n ted f Rev. Mr.Ayr is, ot London, %olce loads �,G. ke beat and that is nearly as scarce as coal. and up to within a few d year� cation, The grain in rket here for many she lookit rale bonny in them -as' 8' occupie I by However, many are still hoping the stri enjoyed com oted f r a good market, and does, f6gs ! The groom's claes vreir; jiyeet who preach id with very mue I acicepta Iparat ve health. Her, unaei,the new proprietor, Mr. Hay it will ties. -per awt Exp will still end in time to permit of a supply Plain black wi' a grey necktie.- Her b ither- In the after ioon there was a meeting Mr Us hut,band died abo t ei Real C 0 - -b ight years ago. �ally sustain ts ormer raputation�- in-law, Rev. Mr. Mar2h, 0' Hamilton, clin- nf the children, bul of coal being available before the very cold Alrs.� more LEAR �YD old� Ford was when, in add t* ' to Rev. zoid -at weather sets in. The strikers are becoming i born in �ermanagh, I'L'!aland, azy! Farmers in this locality who have large corn kit them, �afther, an' Rev. Mr. Ma Nab, Dr Medd, the ehildren we Tiefly ad. C; JLV*4M]&MTr came to this coun iy with her .4usband �a� fields are now'giving their attentiouto the 0' Walton, took a hand in it tae, an' they dressed by Mr. J. W. Ortwei ARDNO " 00 f, -A A; the J6 A6&X t Mdo Frances test vxportere.,_ T VT 0 i1b Tit 1 13 06 W a ,3 o 11e Joul r in Pe if k 4 D �4 E D! 11A w� f t 7 - W-00-1-01—, -:J_ 7- - - - - - - - 6 -7 T EX 9819-10R, OCTOBEV. 4 OCT NEW ADvERTISRUENTS exceedingly r(atleae and in, some sections 180371 at a time wh a this section but fill m crop, bieh werna' long a'boot it. W4 erna r sorry Ing up of the silos. The coi SEAFORTH'S LEADING SHOE STORE. turbuleni. Y, any are anxions to retum to a,, wilderness. Goderiob was their first was khought at the tore part of t a s ason they were quick aboot it, � for it wais a wee Air The ftru�e hmreen the pareptheses after �&�h work, but are Drevented. from do- abiding placia, and they rimained there :for to be a failure on account' of tbei'cleld and thing cauld oot-bye that #I fit. The next donote the rl%ge of the PArDr on whloh� I a Ing so by otheri who are members four years, and then moved to Goderich wet weather, has proved the -Dr. J. reveise and I.- thing pper, an we a a a ready for .141-itla,,ment will be found I to ichl all Sale-Greiz and Stewari-1 of the several labor unions. latitni- toi*niabip, where they lived a pioneer life a good crop, which ; all goes to rl�mind us U, batwflOarBlu' that there wis, Eir left thau Our WLA W OLther gone dation and even violence is �heing for another four ye rs, but finally settled in that we often squeal before we ar hurt.- wad hl�e dune anitlier 'we tin', no' tae Saturd%y where they Many in lifting their potatoes are ading a speako _ I the frogmen 6 1( na, pit them .8ali-LeardA & used, to prever it work lining proceeded' with their present home in HAIllett, to ; wl Zlyllh Fail Fatr-SfcKtz)n-)n 00-5 �nd the United States troops 'have lived ever sitim. barting in a dense good obare of.rotten ones, which a pears to in bas�etp, but there was a I. g�e'feak o' he Sta, Wet weatheir Favwear-IL Willis & Son -4 in Lhe mines, Fdotweia, r in great demana. 0 the prineips� Ociod Will -W. Pickard & C" have been called out to preserve peacili, aud forest, Mrs. Ford riised bl�r family, and as- be a general O'cimplaint. them. After supper the rninis rsl jot UP ir 4u3tlou SaIL several encour tore have already takenplAce ai0ed her husband in cleating the land and an' saddle, wheen wordieg, tol. t us! G,' wha uotiorr Sale -Frank O'Brlon--6 between troops and the'turbaleut strlk�rs. often at fa ng, herself cqal to he -mitf"rtu notion ale -U. VeN.'auzitton-6 r r' 1 V arna. a fine lassie the bride wis, 44n. 00 we wad of W Some take this as an indioaf Ion Of a spe�dy any man vvith t;e Ycyth. 4r at binding, and miss he as if we didn't ke it ! An' then This spell 'at eather soon finds the holes in the shoes and as a consequence, lkqc lon T Walsh -6 SECURE Now.-Wai ra wool. -The Bil' C. atilities. No doubt the�e fkre ib is said wtli 2 miles to the presents !-everything k wet -weather footwear th- )Farm To Rtnt -Juhn Littl-5 ssation of ht 111d eat y ber.bhild I e e d think o' ; we have had a great run,on our atoe. ipf a par few weeks. We len underwear is not a luxury,,it's a traces. dist , unds.] gulls, wid P;;,,,i Par sale -R. Cadmor 3-5 faults on both sides, but the main diffeteoce Goilerioli, and bring ba3k her parahaseR with Again, n ony a thing ye wad 'iver tbink o". are 4uite equal to the oapasion, however, ag our stock of Boots and Sboes for Fall War is L_,st-Expomlor sity. At this time of the year the evenin s a -ace of -over 0 , �e4 9 1 now is that thi � mine owners will not ria 0 She leaves a grown up family of 7 sons A' kinds o' dishes an' table,c Hire an' blan- -one bf the largest in theaunty and n7'w goods are constantly arriving. We have a large elfgr-Robert Scarlet",' are so a hev arel�w ool, - aftentimes sold, it iE simply teacher. nize 'or deal with the union. T 51f daughters. Ot —T enry Beattle-5 don crone to be without it. The old as kets, an� spunee, an' forks, an' knives, an' amorbment of Ing 9 y- uud-UrB. J. A. Qwrnros" to grant concessions to the. � men On Thursday evenfiR'g, while Pearl 49 two, big 10happin, clocks an, � a but not a Writ : 0 k�tlrtz and Raxie R lber, of Zaricib, were Ing, an ounce of prevention is worth ot inair that I this season rangbrig in price from our -house *a W-4 ait-Expositor Off! lie as individual�, an n. 'i - forg t, an' mair that f cotild0a, name if I MEN'S FOR FAR -WEAR Ouse To Rent --A. Chrl9sworth-S The leaders of I the union object tt a settle- 'play Ing with a straw cutter ifi Mr. 0. pound of care" should, be borne in mind mud Ma split leather shoe at $1 a pair to Ouir fairly wall 4uotion J. Ros-5 ment on these [terms, and so two, three or four suits of underwear pre- Wis lookin' at them. The , fqlb tin hae Notice---Sesforth Cider M111-6 the atrifa� goes barn, Pearl got her�riglithaud caught thoolit Mary an' her man we: a felt fond 0' Own'Make inkip at $3 a, pair. Oar chrome tanned waterproof Ehoe 'with alugged bottoria eutiop secipred at once from The E. Me- r �,ewelj;�ohn on. Wha vs Usiment m 4 'b gearing, with thez result that the v and large eyelets at $2450 a pair bas, '---an a great seller. opera Ouse UOudmy,0ct,3bPr18th--8 a na as the Faul Co., Seafortir, where assortments are pickles, for there were nae less than fower finger was Alexander there ia no do bb but that the workmeti and like nea4y tor off and the 'hand Maybea whee.n pickles wad 1h Eoa=cl-Chesuey&SMiI-y--8 greatest, qualities pickle dishes. we start our range at,,Il a pair but our war, the pe their fa*lies will be the greatest ;okere Othrwise very baffly crushed. Thedo'otors Pest and prices 19 t i�16ultry Wanted-Reattle Bres-8 we" dae theta rise hairm, it Wad �e p them frae IN WOMENI'S WEARING twe1w 'A 181,61 best wearers are our glove grains and 'holce Array -E. McF.al CO -S and the most i evere sufforers in the end. I put, the young girl under chloroform 'While gettin, war sweet. But 1�1 �m auna 'forget pebbi gotice-G. U. B x1dwin. & Co. -S does seem alm. )at an outrage that a tire Bing the wound, whic occupied nearly Picsic,.-On Saturday last, the annual the braw a o at ver ea twn �,; t 6 0 0 es at $1.25 and $1. PO and our ka g!! �clf shoes at $L 75 a pair. ir o Estray Helfer-Kennely Bros --8 demagogues a] id monopolists 'should be al- an, our. The first finger had to be en picnic of St. John's uhurch Sunday s6hool the kirk gied hat-. Bch, eire I but its brow W Horse Wantel-A. G. &ul" we recomme d our chrome tanned waterproof shoes ab 1�1.25,und -Df I k at ! Aweel, FOR THE BOYS $1.50 a pair. A new line for boya is our felt lined shoes at SIM lavved to have complete control of an ronioved.and it is p:)aaible some of bheothers was hW at B&yfield, in Mr. Jewit �'a grove. tae be bounle an' wiel of such primenecessity to lie many pejolile, ma' become useless. The day was all that clould be deEiredi,and when supper was o E bid-nals *f mal war. had some d $1.50 a pair. as anthracite coal. Bab this is bu.t one 14- , _�A committee consis ing of Bridge there was a good turnout of both old aqd speeches, an' singin', any giolik, . A then an t�ier of X-161201 out gurrawn stance of the way things are now being in in- Co missioner Ainaley, o Huron county, 'YOuRgo and all enjoyed themselves to the we had a bit dance, till the'we( sma'.'hoors, we ate showing a large assortment at 715 cents aged by our neighbors of the great Repi, lie. ark: Commissioner Jam eson and Arm. utmost. A sail on the lake on the steam in' then we slippit awa harne. It� Wis a IN CIRLS' WEARING SHOES 22aa. atro'ng, of Lambtota oouut , met the other tug Was enjoyed by all and everyo a spoke braw W ddin'. . I wadna hae d it for a pair- and upwards, every worthy make T bein represented. n as3e fE 3rc go,) The Londoi Advertiser says IP is da�, in the office o] County Commissiotier 'in glbwiag terms of the gentlema ly crew. onyt beem S! AFORTH, FRIDAY., Oct. 1, hing Mary has got a r If guid lookin' When you want reliable F t for any member of the fAm ily�-footwear that Grand t -sign understood the t the oross-patition an 3eied %lbot, at the c6mity b ildings, London. The, muoin, of the bagpipea, by onE of the man an) a braw now name, en' she, seems will ive you satisfactioii and be ea97;n the pocketbook -make -it a point to se' g a What We the def alited 16 Was decided to ake, nb action in the boat crew, I added very materially 10 th,e 011- rale prood o' them baith. The hav-d to oifer. KAT against Captai T. E. Robson a IlIffitorial Notes and Comment,�- matter of erecting bridg4 over the Sa�lo joyment ofthe company. y'r I gain up 5ae New Ontario, at they're takin' candidate in Boat Middlesex, in, the Pr)ykn- riv pr A A A A AAAAAAAA- However much we may differ from �A r. �r, between the townii]18 Of Stepheb, NOTEs.-Mr. Thomas McAsh is rughing wi" them the best:washei 0' a' that ken 'elected to �Ofl ]one, Will be droppi -MIT. ia: ciai elect ad. . Capdain h1c4illivray a 'd Bmanquet, until such time al�rlg the new post offibe.-The Eyapolrator them, an' if the half 6' the gui wishes she's d tie in his viewa upon the tariff- and ufar Robson hav* definitely stated that he� Will as Bosanquot council puronase a roadway to is chuck full of apples, and they are, still gotten come true, sh cidbratd 1 11 never;need a pocket. ansportation, there is one thing abont ina thel bridge side. coming in. -Oa Tuesday evening last, 'Mrs 1 1 ego. Alftb� not, under any circumstances, be agiLift a napkin tao dic�beb he e'en a' bc r life. Lang Rim W IL41 S SONg Seaforth �Thci borne of Mro. S. Erb, Clinton, was Fletcher, of the Thames Road, gav very life tae them. -W. T. G. 4hich all should admire, and that is his! in- candidate in the Voirservative interest in interesting and practical addreals in the of one, wtra the'scene of a quiet but pleasing event on wftl tl�nse Canadianism. Every speech he makes East Middlese, it would serve no purpose _VVeidnesday evening, Sept mber 24th, wben Presbyterian church, Var�ua, in ai of the -enjoyable tin hb6a the true ring of Canadia patlzioti in. Leadbu M. herjt eldest daughter, 0 rtrude was Varna Auxiliary of the - I Blat Convention for the Wingbam di triet will V'riz: to- proceed with the personal charges in -he Women's sign 17 hford, 'Mr. Neilan a, Mr. J. 0. Stone- anada, first, last and always, seems to , be t1D#ed in the holy lion Ony �o Missionary Society. owing tothe wel and Be sure you get I ticultural f "ratiby rubbers the best man and Mr. -James ClarK. Miss McBrowa, be held here on !Friday next, th 10th I t, do Of , matri �x e us aounter petitio entered against: him.1 a without eXieOption. No ripore bad wearIng rubbers If 11si mo to and he consfaubly strives to 'Liti. Chorles E. Shaw, of Cron I , Ne Jersey, dark night, there were not as many pr senil of Undon ` was present, and, in addition to -One hundred[ and twenty-eight appeals shovm At, t -b-, d the OQnaervati -as have not claimed th a at, You buy Granby. On) - e YtO be had a this store. W. �itethe minds of the Canadian peop a with for6erly of 0 ralton. At e' hour c f six the as there otherwise would have beer hai the H, wills, sole muoic by the choir and ',hlldren, have been entered against the Winghayn for Captain R bson, it would be imposs le Agen the -pecia toneman, t for S�aforth fol (Intiby rubber 9. bridal party enters( the strairis Ot a true sense.of the importance of their own night been favorable. Those who hich were rat P a ere n rich an- voters' lists for thin yefkr.-M. 8. Me to go into th charges of corruption b rlor to t gave violin selections, w rn for the best 10 c6irixtry. In this respecit,, at least, Mr. y 61; e weddiDgirnar h, pla ad by Misol Eva present missed a real treat. ��rs anti slieli field, who moved from agents... For t see reasons -it is highlv Prob- Their pountE e3 are bearing loyed. In the evening & song servicewas Wngham to H-explar the firsf�by I Marte might be emulated - -by some: Of our W, siat9r of the,,, room, * The ceremlony the weight of hundred hundreds held, which was Med much enjoy with rheumatic fever, and I at theseeodb.1 able that the &tdtion against Captain Rnb- of eA, the lately, Ili ill other Canadian statsmen. we ;ear wa performed by Rev. U . Dunlop, in the h eing crowded. 'At the evenibg ear- present, confined in Galt son will not be pressed."' This is a very Zurich. tine, new, perfect an D code, anon i ish popuilal reas,G Igh about the greatabea of the Bri Pre ence of only th a im ediate relabi peart lr�arkets. This just received from Euro lee Carmel C'hurohl, the get rh�dai was Peter Fowler, of the B-1wevaleoad, won,the a ire f cultivating sensible decision on the part of the Liberiais -a being no attendanUz. D�n'b bother coal, buy blankets v ir t In the young men The special prizeat the tai here for the b"t and the desirability 0 �hei d ad principally t( ir of' East Middlesex. Whatever maj ibe showing of Tb E M F ul Cb.'s Store, Sea - buy, warm clothing, �s, urs, 11 ritish connection and entirely too little --The voters' list for this year for an tette, driver ahwn.-Mr. George B. Roe, of :the bout the greatuesa of gained in a pa ty point of view fro Wool underivear and any other dry goods fbrth, iacludes the w rthy wiDaves that rill atte4dance was iocid, I d the q u I ar - ricE township, have just ieen issued. In I Corn' ren4,ered by Mr. F. Rues, M . � A 4 - -on Wednesda mu" Canada and its secutingpetiti irs'againot sitting me I be worn this fall an, the,,." r I Smil Queen's hotel, was married _y mbe'r', it need from The E. McFaul Co., Ing Winter. I .3Ats per who tremendous resoare6s and the. desirability of h list of those enti tiled to � vote at both aaf Coal may be oxpeiasive utl warmth and, lie, Mrs. James Murray'and- Miss M�Allis- � last to M-iss Jennie Q.,-damghter 'Of 'Um is certain that othing oqn be gained 1fr ond-there will be no freeze ott. Cold Pale 'Per -Ovishej culgvating ia our own people a pride in *ud �akgeii�l�tive and niun' cipal elections, there are comfort can certainly� be -pToc'u red from this ter, !was' much appreciated. Barlevp J The !morning James Duffield, of this town. -.W. F. It.. proseuting petitions against da q'dL-- weather is on the way.. Good, t- a is his ato 21namee. ere i persons enfided was Kerney, who has been engaged in the b a love for their own country. In stimula es,. more - ecially in Chose where fhe 8 Th ire 15� doing a rushing business, firm in 'Rich Fars, Suiting q for the children, an� arb. istiiur, -wo- -13, b t6is sentiment in the minds of young Thenew goods I 1cilas-, Jackets servfce was d-_ an. to ote only in, mun cipal electiorrB,.i adA 38 and Underwear �ricbd w t4ill your� easy Made very interesting for"-- them. -A%Iips bring business in Wingbam for -some nine parties concer ed -do not intend again being areiii aseortmentato rival anything you 075— w4ians, Mr. TarVa speeches will do gooc. �rh can vote. for thi L ring reach. weak' sold his busine I I egi�lativo Asseiribly haveseenbefore. BriDgyou butter, vey was in candidates. I fact, under such cir,64'ril r 1$,161 Hat Clintoni this vis� years as last week to Mr. friend .-Oar 'merchant re mcal �lio a ; 617 are eligi )16 a Purors, A �ium- ibQ1 a ha I been Barrett, -of Brussels. The new proprietor in r stances, it is persecution, as we are sure, I* ELt berlof wido . . 11 your eggs'. bring your mo y and have, DOTS. -The con'tinued wet i ill causing die. �o . - � ;;r 100 e4As to whether or nob the tariff as it now in no case have offenses -been commit,ed we on tl �e -i's al 6.4 a as your wants supplied at the I �e may to �hose who at holding their inillinery openings during the now in possession. Mr. Kearney recentl 41 flirmers are oweet cost. I ill have �eas oub� in the . y ts is higher or, lower than that in force which would, justify prosecation III he' which I not a correct defi, ition. fair, on ad. fields. -Rev. Paetitwo Weeks and the displays-havq beeta purchased a farm in Morris, and we under - for k votcral list, but it will make hD iffer- TnE FALL FR. -The fell -Mr. Carseallen, who hap been t the stand he will commence forming next sprin- itz'-1897, the data of this last general Te. publip interesti aday and Thursday of lag 81 pastor of the Walton oir�Ctlib for. some- so fine and lar�e that we have not gg t weel , die pite spac� at our disposal to' partieulariize,� and 'Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Reid, fo anco in cae they wish to vote at mun cipal n. ierjy f Sin (rest) pal g very f Wednesday,' li ad the months, is leaving here. 40 � r ndere'd him- wwd pw our4 4 vi�sion, the Globe applies the followin oleqtions. th downpour o i . even -had we, we feel that we could n t d Wingam, but now of Toronto, have recently I i tbreatenin weather of Thursda was a self pop4lar wiph the people during his stay. 'W-todperaord I says ciday I%sb was an unlucky day for a 9 u�ffered sore family afflictiono. Their four siraple and satisfaccory test.. U '1�uron Notes. 1 full ]Justice to the very fine displays ri thoe a' MOB Miss Martha Menary, of 'Grey, has been Apples perbxg- es:,r. R sit d . Ransford, of Cti laul-ber of . ingbamites. � On Frid y morn- b gratifying success. The in oor. do- jriendslw this section Our merchants are oun The imports have increase4 80 per clint. 0 to , visiting #elatives and latelit fashions. d children were 01 taken with a malinant to k J It partenents were taxedto their utin st capac. a -this year, n aster Fred of M r. '64 as to . I g! Howson,!eldest a , vlariety form of diphtheria, and the two eldeaC boys on had I' !If o a, t a which 11 x fenr i st few days. -Although to bei right up to date,,bl th Tituothy Wed In six years, dud the tevetiue� from txati ity, and, witb the e3tc for the Is the men. M. Howson, of the Wingha fl6ur inills, eptioni It b mbed to the attack The other two I a, quality a openings ave eeri eirgo. succ aged 75 bushel,Ao the sore. t probably the largest a L 7 ot. agemeut had the misfortune Ito eelect what -60 per cent. The rate in 1896 was more -The Western Foundry bompatly, at elLfrom a swing at his hcFme and broke his ver seen gere. ly at ended by the fair sex who are I I U in chil�ren, a girl and a bo 'are recovering.- Tal ow, per lb -7 L ptoved tO be a y than 19 per cent. on importa . eatered ',for eft arm just above withstanding. the cold, three samewhat we' and disagree- Wingbam, ha 7o commenced opera Uhe wrist. A f w hours tenihg 4 a tb�er, able evening fo garden at ty al their admiration. -Dr. and Mrs. Grlh�m, of Miss Susie Burgess, the 13�yeai-old daugh- and will manufacture ^all kinds of stove Mr. John Gle n, who was wo king at uOB were croi Clinton, were in tire village during the past ter of Mir. Herbert Burgess, plablicl school consumption. This rate applied to the of Thursday, the grou Fded the 3 David ports for . consumptioa in _L902 would have �he:flour with people, and ell re Bovd's, yet the'attendance w 9 rery fair and -After a business carear of 29 year mill, got I is le(b hand U 1(ome paid were they for I a in 'llibinery and lost a was ent.- wee visititigMr. and Mrs. Jamea,S�uther- inspector of North Ore died at Oweh. f yielded $38,500,000 or $6,000,000 more tilla" Wingham, Mr. . J. Homuth has retireil 6ia �ho top of on of his Bving braved the weather, for iiie excell- a pleasant tim 01p a prize lists land Mrs. Charles McLea y ave depress D, of 1 Gordon Sound last week. Miss Burgess was a native was actually collected. The rate of duty. on ame morn once of the exhibits was a record breaker. at the fall fairi will be larste'y in evidence I rela- of Turnberry, her father having been a gelling rather - on ra. The a rank. for some! ime. , I Lak , Manitoba, is here visiting h0ri and the busine4a will in futiire be carried ing Mr tie ' t intl.L ting reading last year's importe eatered for consumptiou The ahow of horses was Rationally I no a had two of hill fingers on the 'Light i by his son@. 1 tives nd f I mil - schoolteacher in that township fr several 6.5c ver ba2 vi Mr. Bernard Thompson a a y. was 16 per cent., as against 19.1 in! the year moot keen) dontested, or the majority of people, a d yet -Dr. Rivers who recently sold out ais hand �at by a eaw Y -bile at work In Bell's y while the a hi t f 11A we pre. Mr. "P. Murdock carried off the firOt prizs years. -Mr. W. F. Dulmag�, of the Albion Pot;toe 189U' It is quite evident fr6m these factory. OnFrid&3 aftergoon Mr, Adam cattle, both as to quality and 1111h) era, was ume that the lady or gent �o Wine a prize ra practice at Ore itOD, and went west, has Is- with his colt Joe Stantion, in the , ces at hotel at Gorrie-, and formerly of the Brune - figures that the tariff as it now exists is ma- cided to locate at a new town called R ky- 8"fer, an emgtovee at the Unioul faoto e largest that has a r been ould -be huff -ed if their nam id no A. IDent wick House, Wingliam, Was married on ry r in the t. - notice that terially�,-Jovver than the tariff which existed mond, in Alberta, about 20 miles f6m, had one, pf the firigera of his left li�nd cut seen in the history of the socie y. The '6a a public prin t ap- Exet9r,'oxi fair day. -Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday of last week to Miss AMy May, of under the old Conservative regime. 0131 a se, sheeo,-pigs, and especially the po I )tie of those periodical CA( a, " A Farmers' of Mitchell, were in the village the firot part Tno-N-TO, Lethbridge. while working I I Y4f were W. I losoo atiOn," h of th �s week visiting Mrs. Sutherland.-�The Walkerton. :_'Elizabeth, relict of t 0 late Henry ]0, we I represented, quite a tin flae -License 13spector Miller, of st h 6a pree t(d itself. A M' John Willis will' be are v_ry swill. friends of r. The Liberals of North York have arrang- Pugh, whoEe mai prize winuers.of birds at the London E X. ew years ago orre of i these- he Grange- A,90dl Huron, has sec�red a -list of name den tip' ' and Be I sorry to learn that he is very ill in th L n 950 8 of you he me was D&wes, vas to the fore, a ted with im- Exeter. ed f -Gr a grand demon' _New. under 21 years �of age who are; in the hl�a,! i departed this life at &he home of hibition being exhibited and truch - adrt�ired er -pair 1i Aration in son cis ta wit ny opies, 50 to '170cs fez i Jo)es Blueval l!Ler I by the many attendants, The procee ings )urLty that there e�b irps�tances, whien the don I P . �ery �ittle, if a t 0 NOTHS.-Mr. and Ms. Cirus Aldwrth -et in honor of Hon. E. J. Davis of frequenting botela aud has warnedl� ��Iie a, o a Tue1aday, September ante tainf for his! reco pfr�r. The t.�,Ouble I -tur mark com- were minch enlivened by the exe rasping land mean element c 3uld not make idressed he hotel keepers of Brussels as to the la ' in 3ra. The dece;aso� was born in th6 county ellent n111,1910 is an inward Rrowth-so situated that A can. have retired fr4orn their farm III H y town - W b aul of! the mercharlib, they (lid not h' esibate missioner of crown lands, on Saturday, 03- reference to them. OfStafford, England, in �Septemb r 1827, of the Zuzi3h brass band, and ever3 One not a accesef ully be !operated upo- n. -Mrs. R. ship, and have ta.ken 4 tQr residence itt. tober 4:tb. The denionstration is to take -Mervyn G., Hicks, a son of the ll�te and, at her death wa, 'seemed to enjoy themselves, and all sef med o grab f om the more;'honest ar d honorable Exeter, having purcha, L sed the Westaway '15 years of a She members at E. Clegg, of Kippen, 'president of the' to be satisfied, whil of the soci ThE laws and ence in the north end. We have Andrew Hiaka,: formerly of Exeter, die' Ivag united in marri ige to, her late usband a on every hand we a to Wonfen's Auxillary Mis ionary Assiociation resid TO R 0 IN 0, placen the fair groarids, wbich afford ex- i ;tatutes f the conn* ma large amount I 11 at I the year 1853 an I t e words of praise . for the exhibits pleasure in welcoming Mr. and MTs. Alcl- al-sike ceptional facilities for the holding of a Riverside, Cali'�ornia, on Ttiursdav, I$th n wo years lat.r, iwith OF Paul's church, Ing all, is � in St. i 48 - I and hearty thanks to the'society fo� the. ex. )f co-ope.-ation'compulsorv,i a 'd the customs worth to our village, and we trust their is a poor forefi ged 18'y�ara. Consumption waso the �rre�cihild, came to this ountry, and on Thtas this weeki attending the gerni-an- monster picnic. Addresses will be deliver- u!t,, a cellentshow they had conducted. The'pro- ind uEages of society in plaoes de. cauEe of death. t l coming' they made I,ondon: Ontari), their a may be ad by Premier Roes and other membars of residence he lqzig and pleasant.- t -country poi co-ope a nual meeting of that association. -Mr. John a om an moving to ceeds on Thursday amounted to o nand a sympathei i tion. The a Some days argo Mbears. Bowden & McDon- than -pufficiZzit. the Oatario cabinet, also by Hon. Mr. Mu- -Mias OlarwlMoffst, of Bly�'h, met witp. b i a for a short ime, th ver $100. rming community Va a japokeorban in Gibson, of Saruia,,has been spending th ell's stable, of 16 imported,horses, which ere. PA-ceg Ivil t a other after 'con. While The Prize list will be found on page 7 this James Spark d lock, Ron. Mr."Sifton and others. This bad accident Clinton and finally settled down at B.1ue,vale, issue. ol�inhoa, Of Elgin. arliament, Mr. Ja 1 past week with Mr. sw- aeping at th ' head of the 'stairs in er whare they rernairred till the - end of life. all ad just returned from -Toronto and London per bushel f, p will be the fi.-st political occasion on which his man, who � has family. -Wise Metroom, of Londo, was -7 father's hcine, be accidentally, slipped nd Mrs. Pugh was the inother�of 9 chi'dren, 8 1 bet th& head fairs, *Were photograph *ad on -Main --street by 0to. raney 1i Mr. RC83 his appeared in public since the nd,tail f the Grang the guest of Mrs. D. UrqiIhart this week. - a for-aoTe fell head first f born are livin time,.Inever Mr, Joseph Senior. The lot together was a, general- election, and his speech', will be 4own the stairs. She 9. Walton. Rtv 1(Dr' , ) and Mrs' Medd rendered a. duet 4over is Prot pens bi mouth but' what he cays some r I At nine o'clock on Wednesday morning I - fine and- one ca1c ated o lease the -:85.75 per bush awaited vvith considerable expeeba#ey. ceived a severelahaking up and was ball"; AiJvANcE FuR HINTS. -If you are con. hing, in act what _h6 knows and what he at t *he morning service in the M-etfiodist of llirit Week,' there as celebrated at St. templating furs.for the coming win cbur6h on Sabbath last, which was imuoh bruised and hu�t about the fade and head) r it is '008 not. now wou-Id Olamightly big�book. eye and gladden the he*rtof any lover4 Trimottry. is un . � t Jo8epVi church, 01' pre ience of wel .1. . . - ciated.t.-We have this week to record horse flesh. -Miss Harrison, of Clinton, is bushel for mat Hon. J. I. Tarte, Minister of I ablic -Successful nniversary ser Ices 11a Icon- Laton, in the I to know that, even at thii earl; datel t might be advisable to wa,�n ti else joining appre i,t a lair a n Works, visited. GoJerich on Wednesday, in nection with the Holmeavil e Mothod 9 - umber of fr [ends, the wedding Of The E. McFaul Oo.'s Store, Seaford , boo on his new ;Ociety to -keep thiai el lea -Open to- the 1� 4eath of Miss Jennie FQllick, the guest of Dr. and Mrs. A -moo at present. church, were 13 lid on Sunday and Moiiday- icbard Brennan, of Hallett, to Miss Mary display the most ch dauglater of Mr. David Follick, of -Mrs. Ferguson and daughter, of London, I arming and captivating ards th� kcloF of its � eare.er, or t[hr. sharks response to an iuvitation from the directors of last week. )a Sunday the services were Cra,Velle, daughter cf Charles Gravell' stock of Fur Jackets, Caperines, Boas, Cape, ill �ob a up this !place, which occurred on Tuesday were the guests of Mrs. H. Collius over xOnO.N-To. $a 11 Of of the Agricultural Society and the Board of taken by Rev. �J. Holmes, of oderich township. Rev. 'Father M6 everytfiing in ig4t. Sunday. -J. G. Staribury was at Goderich i B an- Gaulitlets, Mulm last, 'after a h- la bore --z9:to 70a ; red' lyth. amin performed the etcl,. that it has -been our I painful Illness, W Icrool this week, on legal bu$(Jaeas.-W. Bowden Monday everrit g addresses were delivil red ceremony until blessed I Wed- spring, 66c ; o Trade of the town. He attended the fair pleasure to x �e for. many years. his withlgreat Christian, fortitude. - by several clergymen and inugic was f in- tho,happy couple on their way, while Miss mieni On to an in the county towit on Waidnesday.- and delivered an addres firm's' deter give its patr no bet. 131ansal 11 - need y af ter -noon last, at the home. , f the W to 44-. per b a. Afterwards hel isbed by the choir. -The proceeds amouil 1, ed Clifton, of West W kwanosh, attended the bride's parents, Mr. Wm. Digman, eldest George E. Crawley has purchased the cot- ter viiiolue tha they could procure ii i a Icity . Stanbury, B. A., B rSollaitor, tage on Andrew street, lbelonging to Mrs.A., inspected the harbor, and in -the evening -wag to $025. bride, and Louis Gravelle Fu wy 'Straw 917. waited on the store, brings pe;dable re wit il'ift 'easy n2oney to Exetoy, Ont agn f Mr. Warren Digman, of the titiOnsh grooin. The couple, with their attend 111, 1141 on uesday. 1792 y, was happi 0 Misimily presented with an address lind was enter-'� -Among the prize vvioneral from an to, reach of any p ree. t Ifensaii every of H ly, married t Sheers, and will move in about November $17 for ears �rj took their places atthe altar railing, � and Ist. -R. N, Rowe has ur ased a stock of at the Western Fair; London were therland, do oar for. �bulk east -or' inil tained at % banquet by the town council arlial V LoC&L BRIE S." -Farmers are no 01 J - i Hen'. Troy r, eldest daughter of Mr. Stephen Board of Trade. The Goderieb people Butt, wb( took a first for his 4c It, rieli-red (luring the strains 'of the wedding 6ney sall, bas bad furniture at Clioton,anil John Atkinson will -feed isitesay, I I a 8�1 $ate av4y corn- Troy r, of the townsh of Hak, � The wantl raim :�t March played by Mij fillink their a los.7-Mr. and Mrs. illiam ortable and wall-Olanned b �f I charge of it. additional improvements to their harbor, second for his brood mare, and� bird forl I is] Shapaban, wlio�offi, dvv 11' 9 iu� i good care ony wag performed Ip remain in his employ and take 17 -for bran Blashill are v iting friends in- Y sil ti, ocation, with nice lawn, iva by.Rev. Dr,Medd, obn I oa�ptured w i 'M Good Mr. Atkinson and family will move to.Olin- freights. which, no doubt, accounts in part for the t Michigan. -Mr William Hoy is is in urnaceardall modern con e ken es and %0;1)1. to with the team ; J Lvery. who I ed 0i tod at the organ. thtoughout.� a Rn arden.7 be of Hersall. We uni i! ap y attentioa they paid the genial Minister ticket with a two-year-old filly, and Ge4rge Marhie Shanahan eat g. a solo, and the choir iold at a v r uple in wiahing them Ion d ton shortly. -R. Knight has taken a posi- Dale k their placies du.-iog m friends in Fallo ville, Michigan. r v reasonahle price. I tendin,� pur. CO tion in O'Neil's bank. having gven up big of Public Works. IU is needless to say that who secured two firsts With his el[('Ure too � ago. After the �.hasers wil be given full particutArS.1 Also tor sale continued happiness through 4. ceremony was over t iev left f9r their ents, Mr. and rs. Kearney, will )r If o reUt f &me stores on good cenlra tailoring busirress.-Re Mr. Tarte, said many nice things to the horse, and also two firsts with! a Vwo-y,&ar- new lobablon, on Mies.MeMartin and Miss Jessie Uorn n, Va. W. M. Mattin retain -iasy fer.ir oold filly. home, which the groAa has had nicely with .. -Mesers.'John ardiner As to pri., as and liii,�rn n.'s a,? I to G. B. D., and R. E. Milld h ged pul- very . Sutherla d, 6on' eyancer ].,a- Gl5derich people and left them in the tted and Robert uncanson left on. Tu aday vi pll'i 1 - t f who were home from London on a visipk were sold at G, -The follow�ng notices of transfer of 4p, for the reception )f his brid'e. a l"t Sabbeth evening. -Chris. Eaker. -of best. of good humor and all feeling that he is this keek for Toronto, where the API�LES WANTED. t the Hen. turn4d to the city this week. -.Mr. M� U. Pit on eray gel&v licenses have been received ;by Insp6cl or U Exeter North, has been appointed- a county a prince of good fellows_ fall evariorator any quantity ofgoddiound peeling is driver, -and A61 takirig an arts course in the varsity. Wood was fortunat� enough to shoot,; constable, to preserve the- neace-itt thtt p Paisley, of West Huron : George Buxl'�(ri, apples for which the highitst markbt price *111 be week, in a nei . aIrt Kil ipen. Thesb� young men. have already proved ghlid-ring woods, a a a apecisil effered., ou� to D� H aid. of the town. -Wiley - Miliyard has entered The dates for the hearing of seven more of the Colborne house, Goderic:h,sold ay, Commisgimer arid Conveyancer - themselves to b clever Students, and, 1 1814-3 turkey buzzard, which measured ove ix told A no Alex. Robinson of Auburn ; James !M0- willaimortgageaaudd�e(*�drawl2up. Moneylosirrej doubt, will yet attain to bigher hoors. ToRMM-Afirst:-cNasbric a�oretorentl feet from tip.to tip. Mr. Ellwood W' 0 Dr. Browning's drug store, to studypharm- quite so Oatario election, petitions were fixed by the Donald, of the Cintail house, sold out to at tho loest rates of intwest. 1740-tf E ituate on the Main street in t I ag3 o acy. -Exeter court of revision will he held goo,A May success attend their efforts. wf hHenewalls, doubt have -it mounted. -Mr. R. A.' Bach - Judges ab Osgood Hall, Toionto, on Satur- Neil McDonald, of Kintail -Mr. Jae. known as otore No. 1 of the OCK oh and A�lqx. DL-AT11 OF 01 -TA UE WIIITE5 a anan' divinity student, of A' on October 0bh and 10th, when Furs 89.ap- fAlf.-We W. Aifowbray and bride left on M4day of i ecently ocoupied by F. G. Ar a h 3 carried $ uburn College, that down to A They are as followb : Addington, iurn hous sold ou� �tb lea.'rin with deep re&et of -the death of this ireek, and will visit friends i�jHatnil. eD,,ra a ore an i williner3,� b 8i e is one of New'York State, is here spending a few peals will be heard.-MrB. John White has urday. Robinson, of th) Auk Oil a Harry AlcBrieri of Auburn. Uharlie Whi he besli bnainess stands in the had her house repainted and a neat orch against R aid, Conservative, a Napance, on teman, cl Chi�ago, son of Mr. ton and Toro Place a d has a grat days with his parents. -Miss Martha� Hunt- -�Ve give th following -on the authorit nto, before going to ffili ir new Mass cellar and Ili fibted with dwellil3r built on the south side. -Rev. Mr. Thomas, 046ber 2lat at 2 o'clock- p. m. Stormont, y John Whiteman, c f this place, ; Charlie. home at Gertrude Mines, New Ontario. �econdfloor. Itisavery bomforta'. 00mg 01i the er bak returned home from viaiting 'If�ien a I �le building and ir V� nt to Chicago a few mor� , Lclndonand Woodatock.-Mesers. Geor 8 -To. of the Rensall Observer Robert !�V we thb ago, to stay Mrs. Mowbray will be rrinah misse in go. ia practical y new, having been er�ected only four of 1�ondorr, who has been isapplying for TGim, Rev. Dr. Hantion during the attees absence at Est MeCarb, Liberal, at Cornwall, Oc- Allister, of the Parr line, Ha ised i is with� years aqo. It will be rented'fer a to' xnarket is eta Y,. ra his brother Alfred, of thab city, and cisl circles, and is leavink behind manv true rril of years at a MCE en and T. Murdock and Mis s! r 21at at 4 O'clock 'p. m. Lincoln, pat &toes the otter day with a 'pick, as t while there obtained a responsible positi reasonable -enb. For further particulars address the Murdock were in Goderich on W I n d peg. e7he -offerings b t -be on friends, who will all unite in to the General Conferencle at Winni �gainot Jesisop, conservative, ab St,_ Cather- were rather too large to wishing bar 1wripri-tor, ROBERT BELL. Seatorth.,.or apply per- fad takei up with. a in the office of Messrs. Kellogg, Cameron & 11, , attending the fair. -Miss Mar )Qtz; a this week for his home. While here Mr. Paoli ineq, on October 24th, at 11 o'clock a, Our in n prosperity in her new home. -Mr, Daniel 8011111131 to G. J. SUTHERLAND, I 181.4-tf y GO Thomas has -won golden opinions from all 'isell. -Choico id - hoe or spade. forr6a't says thley McKay, of Chio�ago` But in the midst Of 'McMillan has renten his farm to U r. Alex. LoSINL� A GOOD CITIZE_-.,-� visiting relatives in'Hamburg and, W 't'r-lo 0. Bee. His sermous have been particularly North Porth, against Monteith, `oorrservil,_ were beauties arid perfectly sound." Tne life,' with every pronise We thentioned elas ereamery in eloquent and impressive. Last Sabbath even- -Creantery pi 18 to I successful future be ore him, he was seized McMillan will li&va�an Aucitiod sale of stock posed of his harness bu9in4L8aJ8h(,3re, and we genial Robert is deserving of all the �Obd of a brighb and -Buchanati, who ow�g the adjoining lot, Mr. 19at, week 'that, Mr. J, C Cl n had dia. tive, at'8tratford. on October 28bli at one clocl- p. m. North Grey, agairilit Mae. things going and more too. Winglialn. Ing J ames street churelalwas crowded with a -Boll a with appendicitis. Two 0(the most Ekilled and implements about the middleo Octo. now hear that he contempla,,tes: rem Bmig s. -The fair of the Turnberr Ag��i I % p congregation, who thoroughly enjoyed the ebowe dair otober by �iciaus of the cit 7 stood by his bedaide, bar, as it is his intention to leave iia the the west, The:Oboerver says cultural f3ociety. hel 6 an' t kav,� Liberal, at Owen Sound, on 0 What mighb have been a serious E�w - oving to dent happenea the Otber day, to r., A. d � id all that hnl ien hand -a able addreso.-A. J. Clark, of - C , M an id We learn d her on'l are a d young man to 14c - at 2 O'clock- p. m. North Norfolk Ph rrangLU pting to join his brobher in th( r J. (). Clausen is d to go into of London, agent for the Imperiail Life Anur- )rolls 1.5 to to early a a*diist Snider, Conservative, atimcoe Wbittingham, of Clinton, while in the'! iieb Cbeck the dread Friday of last week', was fairly SUO(eosf on diet ase, but God villed it Ing business -in Washington Teritory. Lusiness in Moo�aejaw_, Xort�wht Territory; despite the bad weather. The atte 3idance ance Company,� has moved into A. Hbiopees �Cheeae-3dark� No,veTr ber 4i -h at 2 o'clock p. m. North of driving a large load of lumber into o�'theiwise and He tock him to himself. -His We are orr Cooper's planin fvCtory. The load to loose an industrricia younu where there is 'an exceptionally fine open- was larger than last year, and while the house. -Thomas Howe, tinsmith, has left vVeatworth, against R.. A. Thompson Lib. t 4rothers Alfred, in whose home he died -vanle. Jebbe, ��t r - I I eral, at Hamilton, an November 4th being bound, th i grOater part I I and man like Mr. McMillan from our I caliti,' ing. We have not learned what Mr. Clau__ diablay in the in -door department wa4l light, 4-14u, of Toledo, ari ived here o or Durham, where he has Becu-red work.- 11-10 for twjn� u We ties- but trust in this new venture succE as may s n purposea taing o t his �am the exhibits were of good quality. T!1e out- Miss Gertie Kemp, who, has been Bit -the Inand is -for seli o'cloak a. m. off and fell on bi m, burying its v d[ay evening with all bhat was left! the attend him - and we hope that,his 'ondest Clausen vv ill be ily. Mr. neath it-; but w Iling hands ,Q con of I -much misseld i connection side show was very, good. i�nd was --fully 4.p-. Children's Hospical, Toronto, as narse, for - Fresh are ��right tand happy bcy wbo was the life and hopes may be more than renlizeft.-Mr. with St. Paul's churchi where h was S -Ab- to former years. The export judg(§'o'gaTe the, past three months, hols returned home.- �Ondsl are Uneh Mr. Borden, the leoder of �_a- him from his pe itone condition a j9y Of -bis home and the favorite' a mong big Janice Cololouch has purchased tba WO acre bath acho(I superinten lent an good 11atisfalition. -T tive party in, the 6ordeb, for The speeding c6 tests Clifford Spackman is in t. Thomas visiting ardml -DOmirlion, together with him unhurt but ornewhat frightene I . cOmPaniOns. He Was followed to his last farm. of Mr. George Shields, being ot 20, many year a. He also has associated afforded much interest is -The fine fari a belonging tolthe a �e th and the several =nte relatives. -Last Sunday was Chfldren�s Asy a fair aillouz several prominent Conservative polirici estatw pf rpstilag place in Rol erville cemetery, by a conceWsion 17, Grey. This is -mostly a bush v; i th the school boar I for five years; and were well coiates ted. -The Epworth --Llague at Caven and James street churches, boldera are firl an$ the late James bleGee,on the I�t conoeselo6i long! fiineral train as � a last token . of re- lobf, but no'doubt Jim will make it p 96y a:nd tooL a live interest in due tioira matters, �Quebee makes from Ontario and the Lower Provinces, are East Wawanosh, has beeneold � to Mr. IRI spec�, and th 0 only ight to brighten the soon convert it into -fields of waving grain, , He starf ed his harnes3 busi 3esp in Rodger- at 1%, e. Fine closing up their tour -in. the Norbbw McGee, of Woodstock, a brotk4r of he cle I gloorn which overshadows the home of his -Mr, J. McKee met with painful a oidenb v Ile over25 ye%l wtb� the con- tovniships TO eat. c -100 acres n frearb stricken parent re ago, and They addre-imd. several meetings in British eased, for $4,500. There are- i and Borrowing broth- last week, while drilling a"Well on t a farm- ef'ruction ot the railway moved . t " H to, 101 a and fp ensall, - finle, Columbia,. the Territories and Manitoba, and it, with good orphard, brick bO111113 ir. ers and Bisters, is the hope of mellting !him of Mr. Eanes Crich, and while holding his 86 that lie is one of the oldeit bu ineoB men -The market 9 ad On the piping, a large swivel pull�-fell 0'' the PI 0. Being a barne ; the price is considered reasonable, a* ain-as was his last request to his lOved hat SATURDAY lid '9 tin rkman, he Aency.: w9e, have, evidently, succeeded in stirring up a Wesley Farrow, who had a ithree Yee% olies-where there is 30 death nor parting. from the derrick, falling on- a g d e ti amony their friciida obleirwisie irJuring ery, 211 to 2 good deal of efithu8jasi h April h T leas" of this farat, leaves it ipex' his hi nd, break-- b lilt up a 00 trade." XPOSI OR, 0 1 Arriorig those, who attended the funeral ing one of his fingere and while regrettig the -remov ery, 201- to -24 inthevreet. At amass meeting inl%loose* the rrison farm, a the, '4� of so good, a jaw, Ing rented 5. h vvero Mrs. Wilson, of Bright ; Mrs, Henry, his hand. The accident wl�'ill lay Mr M�' citizen from Heneall, unites concession. - some days ago, Mr. Borden said the people M r. Clau- 201 -bO -_904-C ol� Appin ; Mr. Silcox of St. Thomas ; Mips Kee off work for some time. ri(n's hoats of friends in t is mcirity, in �eraaml ast could not possibly understand MO�VBR&Y-GA�tDINER. SaturdQ, Alight Sale. in the � -What might have.been a erious acell- goldeworth, Mr.' and Mrs. T. Potter. of --It's kin 91" 'wet W;shing hi long life, ha as and pros- to 16C ; dairy the western country without a personal dent occurred at the electric �ower & hou4e golniesville, and Mr, 0, 0. Potter, of Por- ppin the clay ' Maister ExpoSITOR, an' a! body perity in a new field of labor.' We can viazt. and the trip of hiniself and his friends in Wingham, on Mond%y evening of 14 t togs Hill. -There is A f cauna pleugh, sae a'thoebt Pwad jirj�,.write - heartily reaomm�and him to j th.e prople of prices. I WWO 0 two of b I I screed aboot & weddin' 'a' Moosejaw and vicinity benefit when they were 9 Wo -TEs. -Mr. W. NJ. Doig, of the Soo, is yo a ijit" would prove of great week. Mr. W. H. Green -and Our Saturday -Sales te-bec,mirrg very popular. Last Seturda night -ere ir skit 9qhe� will find y cantiled atock, Opposition, but held thel reins g with friends in this vicinity. Mr. last Wadensday, jist afore- the S f th him an hoaest, reliable urday no longer in, worknien Ni ig a conne tionbetween 81110 6 at the t pi or n a good we were crowded so we could not wait on the fleople. This Sat straight noe' :1� ia - 1P power. Mr. Borden claimed that not- brokewao large boilers, when *a a Doig reports busineso booming at the Soo. Fair, �e min'. It's a queer th,ingyae�me' w)rkman- a man who will W Vithataliding the result- nd let tbc scalding water cub of t, Is Afr. A. and Mrq' n and im- Sale pices promiEe to be exceptionally good. to 14ein, 8 of last election Charles Upshall, o oo a folk main get marriotlon a Wad n zj aday prove with acquaintance, as- tb 0! boiler. The men were on top OF the boi r Elgi th � . re they there were signs that (,)uebee Province was at the ti ' u, are visiting with 'Mr. and IvIre. noo-a-days. I dinna ken whether i a !be- have to do si him the b(tte they Will Conservative me cf the break and might he 6 Jds8p Upahall, of the vill SPECIAL LIST: still �ge,_aud other cause,they think Wadensday means day Iiie him. IAV48 fr�cnds.-Mr. John cNevin, during Ithe There is nothing like been scalded ver whistling to keep one2a courage up. If Mr. 1, badly had they not in for w ddin's or what it is, but if tha is the L00AL LoiDox,_ En ad. , There was 1.10 pounds of RrEFs. -There .. will b two I - Borden's trip does ni�t bear fruit until his -steam' on alt Ber- Ladieg" Vests, orth 40c, Iona sleeves 25c eacb. !veek:'was &ttending Goderiob. fair,'peforin. r6a � maybe we had better no' thri p wil vi,,es in'St. Pa Ou American eatj; predictioR is f ulfilledi the present viE it will the time of the break. Ing his duty as a juilge.-Rev. Mr. Crans- them kor wbatever it mean a morning, at 1 o'clock, a a day. In Ladies' Black Ribbed'Gashwere Hose, wOrEh 25c, for 17c a pair. Canadian catr, -John Washy -Joh tr yince the 6 hae t1i ch loren's �ser- LIVERPOOL,; no Uolborne, p too, of Cromarty, on Sabbath evening last, been sae mony waddin's on Wadensda late- vi ie will be held, and the be out -dated, and he will have to, make an. went with his brother to 'the wei regula, Iservicie in nother. conducted the service in St. Andrew's ly that it seems tae mean t 75c and $1.00 Dre'8s Goods for 69c a yard, 56 inches wide. vattl, -6d weeks ago on one of the harves or's exc4 -hat noo.. tel, the evening, When the holy cominfinion 'will 81 MONTREAL, Penusylvanis c y eburvir for Rev. Air. McLennan.' Mr. as I wlis sayin", Mary Gardiner, o' V�alton, be adrrlinislered.�-Mr. J. W. r yein bad a Wrapperettes, worth 121-c for 7c a yara. were . a mil] 2 present i Tile great strike one, died and 3eril last Saturday 'a Cranoton is a good sp,-aker and our people wis mhrriet last Wadensday tae Jame Mow- very flne elect ic 0 lin Oal Boissevain, Mani,oba, of r , illumination in trade in �cattle regiGnS is St pueumonta. HkI Lre p ways pleased to hear him. -Mrs. bray,-�but we a' oA' him jist plain "Jit 11 ery windows during the Ope till on, with little or no signs of was a son of Nat] n ohns, a ell know h IiFn�)r, of Glencoe, is visiting at in aye. He Table Linen, 79, inclies wide Woth 50c, for 39c,, the home ye kefi,-at bar father's hooee lop'. had something like 50 electri( prevailiul weddin' wig tee be in the even an' windows, viltich made a very in few -of tte bosi settlement.. As winter approaches there is and highly reepec ted resident c f liolborzei, of 1her brother, Mr. Al?x. MeMurtrie. in Me il li ts in his and was only 18 :,ears of age. The bod' 0. sma ffect and 85c Bleacbed Table Linen, �eautiful quality, 6 c a yard. Per pottaid o' o' was much admired. -Mrs. Do vi 18hirray is growing uneasiness in the public tnind. W4 n is spending a few weeks visiting afore the time wis up the hoose wis If"01 So I t was brought hone and the f neral 0 0 with !her two sisters ia Sag�naw and other folk, y they cam' 6ot on in Torotito, visiting her mot ie 4 -The Mar. 1r -OM 31 to 40 large,art e.ytent of country and go many are place Thursday a ternoon from When a' wis reaod Bath Towels, two for 25c, wbrth 20c each. r. Jdbri poi,nbs. Mrs. Wasmah's friends here wish frtil 2 -to Ze er by vides in th hracite coal for their reeidence on cono ission 4, to tl�e ColbornEo'; her a'pleksant vi the fr6nt stoop ; Mary had Jim's sia� Presbyterian' a 2d, ethodist Hundreds of Bargains all tb ouirrh the store for Saturday. cemetery. sit, and safe return.-Farim- the slide O'her, an! Jim hed Mary'a brotber churchc-s, o Sabbath last hildren's lay, from to 2c.p< winter's fuel. that this feeling of uneasiness el's Ate finding it a difficult matter to harvest I , " - 0 -$1-9 -One of the o est, if not bond crop wi' hith,-twa Jima an' twa Marys, yb ry', were very I lit Att 13 t vaeb ia not surprising. The supply of anthracite the oldest the Be o o or, he weather being tae keep them company, I guese, for thev ad. Bot c re. as were tas,,eful y decor - resident of God rich townsh , depaite In -of failho' coal in the United States and Canada is all this life on Sund , September 2 so wet. -Our grain ma ket., as usual, appears only linkit the twa middle yi t atEd with flowerl and the seiri�ej were of 0 0 0 0 but exhau I pounds Waighe, ,at. in the to be, jeoeiving its lar a share of grain, if The bride's class were a white, e'en t�e 'her a special characlter. At t is Nethodist sted, and there seems to be no person of Mrs. Jo n Ford of th 2nd conl� the large loads goizig i i daily are any indi. baits, an' some white' really satisfactory substitute. Wood Is the ce"ion. Mrs. Ford * fl000rs in b r ha��, an) 3e morning servic tEle pulpit as in her 92ad church, at t aye of her dea . th years i hail been n ted f Rev. Mr.Ayr is, ot London, %olce loads �,G. ke beat and that is nearly as scarce as coal. and up to within a few d year� cation, The grain in rket here for many she lookit rale bonny in them -as' 8' occupie I by However, many are still hoping the stri enjoyed com oted f r a good market, and does, f6gs ! The groom's claes vreir; jiyeet who preach id with very mue I acicepta Iparat ve health. Her, unaei,the new proprietor, Mr. Hay it will ties. -per awt Exp will still end in time to permit of a supply Plain black wi' a grey necktie.- Her b ither- In the after ioon there was a meeting Mr Us hut,band died abo t ei Real C 0 - -b ight years ago. �ally sustain ts ormer raputation�- in-law, Rev. Mr. Mar2h, 0' Hamilton, clin- nf the children, bul of coal being available before the very cold Alrs.� more LEAR �YD old� Ford was when, in add t* ' to Rev. zoid -at weather sets in. The strikers are becoming i born in �ermanagh, I'L'!aland, azy! Farmers in this locality who have large corn kit them, �afther, an' Rev. Mr. Ma Nab, Dr Medd, the ehildren we Tiefly ad. C; JLV*4M]&MTr came to this coun iy with her .4usband �a� fields are now'giving their attentiouto the 0' Walton, took a hand in it tae, an' they dressed by Mr. J. W. Ortwei ARDNO " 00 f, -A A; the J6 A6&X t Mdo Frances test vxportere.,_ T VT 0 i1b Tit 1 13 06 W a ,3 o 11e Joul r in Pe if k 4 D