The Huron Expositor, 1902-10-03, Page 3- for us,
.qn. to our
he patterns
good Wear-
eyond yout
-4-sr for the
will -give
aiture you
rth of the
sootIst old
3 -tee
R. 0.
,p 1. a.
Atwood, P.O
Ieatorth. P.O
Marriages Without
The poet and divine,
who became dean of St. P
married a daughter of
Moore without the cOnsen
ents. He was told by his
that he was not to expec
from him. The loridegroon
and wrote this witty note,"
Anne Donne, undone," wl
ohn Donne,
uPs in 1821,
Sir George
of her par-
any money
went home
ohn Donne,
ich he sent
to the angry father, and his had the
effect of restoring them to favor. They
were very poor at first, but things
soon got brighter, and the lived most
happily together.
Sir Joshua Reynolds af er Flaxtnan
had married told him tha this would
rain him as an artist W ten the hus-
band related this to his ife, she re-
solved that marriage s ould make
and not mar her husband and, to this
end further resolved the he should
study at Rome and do eve ything that
he might have done wi hoot matri-
monial responsibilities. But how?"
asked Flaxman. "Work and econo-
mize," rejoined the • the ve woman.
So well did they do this t at he found
that -wedlock is for an rtist's good,
rather thau his harm," and they -both
discovered that they. were made for
each other.
A Detinue store.
The younger Dumas o tee went to
Villers Cotterets. his. fat eits native
village, to the unveiling o a statue to
the creator of "The Three I uskoteers."
At the banquet in the vetting the
younger Dumas sat next t • one 'of the
oldest inhabitants who, in perfect good
nature, but without any tact, began to
tell a story of Dumas peret
"Ale" said he, -he was a gay soul,
your father! How we loved him. He
was so kind hearted and generous. The
last time he came to Villers Cotterets
he gave a banquet in the Hotel de
Ville. He forgot for some time after
to pay the bill. Sett that fat man over
there? He was the butcher -who fur-
nished the feast. I should not be sur-
prised if the •meat were still owkig to
him. But that is nothing. He is proud
to this day of being the -purveyor to
Alexandre Dumas,"
The story was an ironieal commen-
tary on the set speeches Of the after-
noon. The seri was anxious then and
there to settle his father's score.
Lamb Gourd of Samara.
In a book called -The Duke --of Hol-
stein's Travels Into Persia and -Mus-
covy." published in 1636, there is an
account of a curious vine product
caned the "lamb gourd," whieji runs
as follows: -In the neighborhood of
Samara, 1 :11.S.Sia there grows a gourd
which closely resembles al lamb in all
Its members. It changes place in grow -
lug far as the stalk will reach, and
wheresoever it turns the geass withers
and dies. This change of the gourd
plant the Muscovites call 'feeding.'
They further say that when it ripens
the stalk withers and that the out-
ward rind of the gourd is then covered
with a sort of wool, whiCh they use
ineteid of tart"
-Sealigee also- makes meiitiou of the
Iamb 'gourd and says that It grows un-
til the grass fails and that it then dies
for want of nourishment. He also says
that the wolf is the only animal that
will feed upon it.
An Intereating
Proprietor of Menagerie—Walk up,
ladies and gentlemen, and see our fa-
mous non, Mustapha. He is as sensi-
ble as any human being) A French
sergeant once pulled out Of his foot a
thotaa on which he had stepped. What
de you think the noble creature did?
It devoured, one by one, in order of
rank, nil the superior officers of our
sergeant until, the latter found him—
self promoted to the grade of colonel.
Walk in. gentlemen. Only a .penny.—
From the German.
, The Hopping Rheumatism.
"Yes," said the old ran, " 'peared
lalt he Wliz give over inter de han's er
Satan, en Satan 'fated him vvid de
hoppin' rheumatism. Fust it "WUZ in
one placeen den it wuz another, but
he went ter prayin' ter b relieve' of
it en one day, whilst it Ivuz a-hoppin'
fum one j'int ter anothe e it hopped
into his \modem leg, an' I e pulled off
de leg an' titowed it in de tire. en it en
de rheumatism wuz tee °tally con-
foamed" -
A Generous lamp esti.
It is said that one thornig at break-
fast a general related to he emperor
the misfortunes of a brither officer
who -because he had not 15.000 francs.
must be dishonored." While the em-
peror questioned further particulars
Eugenie flew to her room and, ram -p-
ing with a package of banknotes, said,
-Take them, 'general, and never tell
me his- name." And his name the gen-
emus empress never knelt.
"Right here." said the surveyor,
"will he a good place fot your 'saw-
mill.• The county tine will run exactly
through the middle of it." '
Not much." said the pioaeer, "We'll
have it all on one side or the other.
When a man gets sawed in two, I
don't want no two coroners' inquests
over him."
An teoersoll Story.
John W. Me eeay once invited Rob-
ert G. Ingersoll to visit the Comstock
mines. As the cage descended to the
furnace heat at the bottom of the shaft
of one of the mines Mr. Ingersoll said,
gasping for air, "Privatelt- I always
believed there was a bailee somewhere,
but I never dreamed it eould be so
A Coveted Receipt.
- Agent — Here. sir. Is a book that
should be in every family. It contains
a receipt for everything. sir — every-
Cholly—Give me three copies. If It ,
has a receipt for my tailor's bill, -
take five.
Pear Chips.
Wipe eight pounds of pears, remove
stems, quarter and core. Then cut into
small pieces. Add four pounds of sugar
and one fourth pound of Canton ginger and
. let stand over night. Then add four lemmas
cut into email pieces rejecting the seeds.
Cook the mixture slowly for three hours.
Pat into a stone jar.
ood for everything
that runs on wheels.
Sold Everywhere.f
.Maide by IMPERIAL Ont CO.
For sale by M. Broderick, Seaforth.
IEW FEED STORE AT BLArn.--We Will keep
I on hand a 0 supply Ot lour nod Mi 1 Flour exam:wed for wheat. ive us a ttial.
JOIN THIRSK. 1788 tf
OU E TO RENT.—To rent, the house ore West
William street, at -present. occupied by MIT.
Ha well ; Oen one on James 'Wet occupied by
Jobs Corby. Apply to SCOTT B110Sa Seaforth.
RENT.—The house in Seaterth owned by Mrs.
1 Robert Coleman, an i how oeoupied by Mr. John
Hae , °outdoing ten rooms", beeides oleaete, pantriee
and all conveuiencts, sl.o atsuin. IVMild be sold on
rea nable terms. App y on ths prelates or to Mr.
T. . HAYS, opposite. 814ttt
tOF HURON.—In the estate , of J n.00 Edwards
late of the Township of Tucktrsreitn iii the County
of uron, farmer. deteeeed. Notice is hereby given
our uant to The Revised btatuteS of 9ntrlo, Chap.
ter 129, that all persons having spy el len against the
estate or the saki James Ede ars w o died on or
sbo4.s the 14th day of July 1902, a e r quired, on or
bef e the 11th day of October 1902 to send or do -
hive t to the undrrigned, solicitor for Merles Wilson,
of the town of Seaforth, Gentlemen, t e Adminie ra-
tor, full particulars of their clainie, aliji the eecority
11.1 by them, if any, duly ver:lie by Affidavit.
Atter the said Ilth day of October 1042, the Admin-
istrator will preceed to distributs the estate among
erence oral t)
1 notice, aed
tor win not be
ha 1 oot have
C for aominie-
of September,
i 1813-4
the partici entitled therete, hsving re
such claims as he shall have reeela
after such distribution the Admiaistr
respentable for any claim of which he
ved notice. .7, M. BEST, Soilioli
trat r. D.ted at Seatorth thie 8tie da
You May 'Need
All Bowel
It is a sure, safe and quick treed.
There's only one PAIN -KILLER.,
Two sizes, 25c. and Nei
R SALE.—Blacksmith Shp and Tools, old es- .
tabl'shed business, good, stand, rare snap.
rietor intending to retire.Apely quickly to
3, Blyth, Ontario. I813x4
rn MBER FOR SALE.—Efaving (Revved of I saw
1_ mill machinery, we are now offering for sale the
tim er cf same. The building it, 60x38 fret; there
ate 18 pieces 9x12 inches, 26 feet br g,11 dependent
of fame; would sell this separate if cleaned ; near-
ly 11 timber is rock elm. GOVENLOCK BROS ,
Wi ilhrop. 1.782-tf
VARMS FOR SALE.—Rare bargatns in farms in
U the Townships of /Juliet; Borgia, and Wawa.
nosp Ceunty of Huron. Inquire alt case. Wki
CA PBELL, Blyth, Oat. 1774-tf
ACRE FARM FOR SALE—In beet wheat belt
In Southern Manitoba. Ninety' acres ready for
wh at. next year; 60 acres hay. G od new stable
an granary. Twe:ve dollars pete acre. Several
other 1 . proved and prairie farina for sale. Write
CHAS. E. SHAW, Box 17, Boissevalin Manitoba.
I 1767-tf
Lot 10, on the ate Concession, B. R. 8.,, con
Sal ing 100 acres of choice I ni„ all (dewed and in a
go state of cultivatioo. There are c n the Prem -
ale a large and cemfortable frame house in first
el a repair and heated throughout with a new ooal
or wood furnace, with excellent cellar and large
we d house with herd and iott water in the ,rear.
Me. a large bank barn 50x90 with stone foundation
at. • new stave sill in the` barn in C31IISC of erection,
lar e sttaw shed viith stone basement for pig aed
her houses also in course of erection, a good driving
bo se and other outbuildings . There is a large
ore .ard of choice fruit trees also some small iruits
an. a large number of ornamental, t °es. There, is
ab ndance of watt rat all times. The well at the
bar • hating a new steel windmill erected this eurn-
ne for pumping !purposes. Alec) a never failing
w.1 in the field. This property is situated within 3
mil • rf the town of Seatorth on the Kippea road
an • will be sold reasonably arid on easy- terms. Ap-
ply on the premises or address Egmondville P. O.
WI Istai BUBOLZ. 1813x4
O -U5 jE etTe • N. ,
MU ,.. ...„ • ,...
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• T i 1 E..,U N i V,E:r--, .5eki-ri:PkRPUO'E..k..
" .1' KE Fiti' N,D1/4KERCAV .fl•,
.:.40111-118t BA,
• _ .,.., , . .. 4 .... 4
. 'R:E_Fuq 4ktii....-Isi4 es:hp.**
.-. , . .,..,- ,..- ,,-.. . e .• ',. -
m EAcHER whyrED.:__..wanted for Scheel Section
1 No. 7, Hibbert -,a trolls teacther heisting Beeond
cis 9 professional cc -titivate. Difiee to eminence
Jar nary IA. 1903. Appleetione, stating salary, etc..,
wil be reoeived by the ender -sinned up to Novembei
1st DANIEL k cNAUGHTON, Secretary. Chieel
hu at, P. Ca . 18 56
ACHES WANTED.—Wanted for Schoel Section
1 No. 6. Morris, for the year 1903, a school teach
ea Applicants should state standing and Selare
ex . ected. Penionel applicatians preferred, Ad.
dre a HENRY JOHNSON, SecretarY, Belgeavo P. 0
EACHER WANTED.—For Soho 1 seetien No. 4
Mali flop, a male teacherhol ling eecond oi
thi d elites certificate. Applications, statker Ware
ti be sent in before October 30th. 1002. Dntieri te
ea mence January, 1903. ROBERr HAM IRK,
Sc entry, Sea'ortb. 1816x4
of age
. .
Vhen girls of 14 and 15 years
an speed 8 or 10 months at
nd immediately afLer graduation go
ut and decure positione at $6 and $t
er week.
e have at the present moment cal's for
male stenogrephers and book-keepers,
ere the wages offered are trim $35 t ) $50
moath, that we cannot fill as those pre.
ed are all engaged. Write for catalogue.
54f Clostham, Ont.
-I -
. The Elder Sotlievu'a Tact.
It was in the year 163 or 1864. Dur-
ing the sunnner Months S thern,- with
John T. Raymond and $ verel other
we I known actor, beeupfed the local
the iter of a seaside stimMer resort, to
which he tiud his' cempikly drew a
houseful of people several nights. in
the, weak to hear and see them act --
rehearse it really was MI preparation
for ther neat winter's Ne' lvork sea-
son—the west important og Shake -
silicate's plais. .
The :ittle "building had of course a
gallery, and in the' gallert the "gods"
peetune so obstreperous 4n Occasions
that it was with great • iffi tufty the
play could be proceeded with. The
ringleader, a -well.known, ough of the
town, evas man narned Bill -Hants-
han. One ight a helm Inspiration
seised Soth rn. Hating learned the
name o this prominent m mber of the
rowdy elena nt, he addre sed him in
the; mi st of the most une rthly noises
as 611 ws: 'Mr. Hanrah n, will you
be goo enongh to take charge of the
gallery and keep order for me, and I
Shall f el very grateful."! The result -
was ta gicah Bill became at once an
official of the theater and as such
cracke4 the llieads of a fe ' (34 his etst-
while f low rioters with $ ch- good ef-
fect th t it was' only a li tie time be-
fore tih best of order pre -ailed.
Every - Convenience ,
T.liertf is a dock, laborerin Glasgow
who is osseSsed of a great eet se of hu-
mor. erha s it's becanse he's an
Irishm n. Pat had been distu -bed sev-
eral ti es in, his single ,etsartuient by
a Well eaning lady inise nuary. See-
ing .Pa
of a h
"An' hem
a comf rtabi
Pat. H,
1 .
"Wel ," she replied, "yotl would have
more a ome-More convenl Imes."
_ "Cen aniences is it?" said Pet, :With
a smil "Sure, an' at prisint if 01
want o go td the drain' room or
the dit in' r mu or the Conservatory,
begorr, OP -e just got, to sit still, •
Phwat could be handier?"
The ady Ouldn't say.—London An-
I 1
was rather an ex, mplary sett
isband, she sugg,e ted that he .
e able -to afford room and
wad 01 -Want lavIn' such
house as thie for?" asked
NO an Occasion For Haste.
Durh g the Sikh wer the late Field
Marsh 1 Sir iceville Chamberlain, who
then h Id the rank of colonel, called for
volunt-ers to assist him in blowing up
a bast'on. Three or four responded,
and t e colonel led the little party
close nit to the point where the mine
was to be fired. As soon as the ex-
plosive were in place and the fuse
lighted the volunteers stetted to .run
in ord r to get out of the way of the
explosi n no less than to effect, as
speedil as possible to retreat to the
safety of the British line. They had
not got e a dozen yards before Cham-
berlain shouted: "Come back! There's
to be o indecent haste, young men.
Well -elk."' And walk they did, while
the fuze slowly sputtereddown to the
waitinr • owder.
Millor Consideration.
The ambitious young woman was
attract by an advertisement, one line
of which read, "How to Become an
Anew " The advertiser claimed that
by his le ethod failure was impossible.
SO t e ambitioos young woman sent
on the i ecessary triang sum of money,
and b return mail the received, a slip
on wh eh was printed this bit of ad-
vice, " ttrite something."
"But" she protested by letter, "I
ahead have done that, and it hasn't
been p -inted„,"
"We congratulate you," was the re-
ply. ;" f you have written something,
you al eady: are an author. Publica-
tion i a minor co*ideration, with,
which e have nothing'to do."
care o
die on
the he
is on
all, yo
the w
on his
Managing the Baby.
g Matron (with theories on the
childten, to nurse)—Jane.
Matron—When the baby has
his bottle, lay him in the era -
his right side. After eating a
hould always lie on the right
That relieves the pressure on
rt. Still (reflectively) the liver
he right side. Perhaps, after
had.better lay him on the left
No, 1 am sure the treatise on
Digestion". said right side. On
ole, Jane, you may -lay the baby
back until I have looked up the
more thoroughly.
An Earnest Salutation.
"Ah, '. said Biggs as a prosperbus
loolthe man who had cordially salut-
ed Ditgs passed on, "that's the way I
like to hear a man speak. He seemed
"sincer ly glad to find you alive and
Yes" replied Diggs. "He probably
was. He's the president of the com-
pan sy life's insured in."
It NS as Tommy's first glass of soda
water that he had been teasing for so
asked his father.
1. Tommy, how does it taste?"
"Why," replied Tommy, with a puz-
zled fi cc, "it tastes like your foot's
asleep "-
A Natural! Question.
Littl Walter was eating lunch, when
he ga e his arm a sudden shove, and,
splash! down went his glass of milk.
"I new you were going to spill
that" aid Mamma angrily.
"IV 1, if you knew," queried Walter,
"why idn't you tell me?"
Solving the Problem.
"W at can I do for my little boy,"
asked mamma, "so that'he won't want
to eat between meal?"
"Ha. -e the meals flicker together," re-
plied he young hooeiful.
issuEo AT
• _ : • ._1••
The Surest
- ,
It never fails to ere a SI
all RRONtg.t1 T.
Large Bottles $1.00. III -Vitra &i
Small or Trial Size 25c.
Endorsed by all -Oho have tri
pook kpe
Business Law, W iting„ 1 Corresi
pondence, Type titmg,, e c
oughly taught by' ex rienced
teachers at the Forest Oiy
mess and Shorth pd College, Lon -I
don, Ont. We have no lifficultyl
• in placing co petent p pihs ini
good positions.
College re -opens
Send for
J. W.
1810 26
eptemb r 2nd
BC"' After' 'Wed' Phosp
The Or at English
Sold an recommen
druggists in Canada.
able medicine disco
pacleag, guaranteed
forms of Sexual WcaetThe s, all effee
or excess, Mental Worry. Excessive
haze°. Opium or Stimuli+, ts. Mailed
of price, one package $1, ix, $51 One
&IZ will cure. -Pamphlets free to env
Tho Wood Co Balky, Win
Saki in Seeforth by Alex. Wilson,l. S.
I. V. Fear, druggists.
ed by all
Only reit-
erede Biz
cure all
s of abuse
use of To-
n receipt
viii please,
d d rem
sor, Ont.
- I
°berth and
THQMAS BROWN, Lice isscl Auction
Counties of Huron and Perth. Or
A. M. Campbell's implement warerocens,
THE EXPOMOR Office, will receive prouip
Satisfaction guaranteed or ye chew.
TAMES G. MetfICHAEL licensed. nem
ey the ceuety at Huron, 'Isolate atiendc
p.rt of the county at moderate rates, and
gtiarante,d. Orders left a the Seaforth
or at Lot 2, Concestion
prempt attention.
t),, Auctioneer for the
Perth. Being a practical
understanding the value
merits, pieces me in a 'mite
prices. Charges moderate.
or no pay. All orders left
at Lot e3, COUGebEd011 2,
ttended to.
er for the
t rat lett at
eaforsh, or
a ttention.
11-08- tf
. I
ione for
d to in any
pest iffits
, Mullett, welt re ewe
S. Phillipe, Licensed
counties of Huron and
farmer and thorooghly
of farm stock and heele-
r position to r:alize good
Satisfaction ituarmoteed
t Hensall mat ofthie or
Hay, will be promptly
170 41
Opinions of Lea inn P'hyician.
th meat etit'steotory reenite, and can
I have u -ed IV. T. Strati 's Pile Re dy in, my
practice wi
cheerfully raomMend it. JAMES SUTTON, M. D.
Price, $1.00. For sale by druggists, er by mail, on
receipt of price.
W. r. STRONG, Merit:tutoring Chend t, Leeion,
Ontario. 1796-52
Hardware 8 ore.
Complete stook of B4ildere' Har lware.
Roller Bearing Barn Door lEfi gee, Tee
and Strap Hinges, end, Latehee t bottom
A2000 lbs. Standaril Steel Bea ing
form Scales for $28. Calland exa ine
them; fully guarantee
Eavetrpughing and Furnace Wort
tt* .
Sills & Murche
Turns Bad B.
Ri h R
No other reme
perfect cleansing, eal
fying properties.
Externally„he s Sores, Ulcer
oo into
sses es suc
ng d pur;.
Abscesses, and all Eruption
Internally, restores the Stomach,
Liver, Bowels and BI od ta healthif
action. If your pp tite s poor, '
yoter energy gon?, your mbition
lost, B.B.B. will resto e yo to the
full enjoyment of ha py vigorouS
Special Attention
co Horseshoeing and
General Jobbing.
-Goderich street,
• .
'Mt and
Money to Loan
At 41 to 5 fer cent. on farm sectlrity. Life and fire
insurance written in best companies. JLECR
Crai 1'1 2.Infivrritty.
'1'4at the em-, the place to ate -
an I pros lue health is a' theory
that has been cr.; floded 'by the EThited,
es c4n;:-4,:s stn isties4 W)e vt, here- '
tol'oire -td go to the hills
and' valet, the 'Le id and woo(11:120. the .
lu anclriver, where -there is an unin-
terrnpted pros! Kit and the air of heav,
eu has a, free t ',veep, but now this adi
MUSA C ;0 1.g.':ed and be pont .
cities reoinnieqed for lien Ith, it' the
(peens ainnori it are right.
'to the official figures the
city 'has: a deei 4.! 1 ladvantage over thtt
rural eistricts n the matter of bumat
lougevit3. The s nage age reached ie
the eitice is 33.21, and in the coital
try 31.1. Thu4 he urban has an ad,
vantage ofLi
Ef rs over thesuburbani..
The advantage 9 pure air in the coun
tryais aipixrehi ily more than offset b
sanitary and roo advantages in til
llospit ble Heathen.
It, was higi noon and. Monday.
Worse yet, it ns the thirteenth da
of the month. k knock was heard a
the kitchen dodr of the Burns man,
stole The Chili4s servant opened the
door. A tramp b 1Mig an varied ex-
perience accosted ' -
"I've b en trai ling and have played
in migh y thaVe luck," observed the
tramp. "I lost ihi Of my money, and
-now I' Itunery very; very hungry.
Can't yo plea e give me a little bite -
of somet ing t e it?"
The C inaman omprehended the sit
nation a once. benevolent, plac14
smile a read its -if over his entire
countena ce. !
"You likee filei ?" he asked of the
tramp. 1r
"Yes, I like ds • first rate. That w91
do as w 11 as an hing."
"Come FLiday said the hospitable
Born land p d the Same, Day.
"Born and di I On the same day"
Is true f the if Ilowitig conspicuous
men: Slaeltespeaawas born April 23,
1564, an died 4 ril 23, 1616. Raphael
Segio d' "rbino, he great artist, was
born on Good iday, 1483, and died
on Good Friday 1520, aged thirty-sev-
en. Coed Frida is a , movable feast,
so the d y .of th month may not have
been tht same. Sir. Thomas Browne,
author f "Bell o Medici." was born
Oct. 19, 1605, a d died Oct. 19, 1682.
Timothy Swan, compeser. was born
July 23. 1758, a ad died/July 23, 1812.
St. John of God, one of the most emi-
nent of pottutru se saints, was born
March 8. 1495, a (.1 died'March 8, 1550.
John So' ieski, ki g of Poland, who de-
livered lenna tom the Turks, was
born Ju e 17, 10 9, and died. JuneJ7,
A 'I ragedy."
A Mis ouri pp er. gii-es an account
of an a using little **-agedy" which
it claims occurrs in its town. , A man
and his wife re riding home, on !a
street eat. He as reeding his pa.per,
when a other dy got. on. The -car
was cre ded, a without glancing u
he arose and ga e her his seat, receliv-
ing a gr dous ie- irt -payment The
map's ife am ediately got up, gene
the, bellrope a ard jerk and invited
her husband t get off. When he
looked atound t learn the cause of her
anger, he disco red that the woman
to whont he ha iven his seat was his
first wif , who he hod divorced two
years b fere. hey Walked the rest
of the way ho e, and he is still ex-
plaining. 1 -
The DI nner Table.
The w man fr tn NeW England buys
a "table pread,' while leer sister from
the sou buys, a. "tablecloth." The
wrom - va. Scbtla orders the
servant°mail1 o "lay he tale," while with
most of us nett s of the United Stats
the command i ce"set the table." In
the comitry the hostess says to, her
guest% 'Sit by,' when it is time to
eat: in -tjown it $ "Please sit down;"
In the lty am g the swells there is
no furt ier in y tation than the an-
nouncement of t ie servant that "Din-
ner' is seeveddi
Effect of Fr t on the Stomach.
The m lie lie a of ripe apples, either
rata or ooked, 'ill neutralize any 4 -
cess of ehalki atter engendered loy
eating tr inue meat It it also the
fact tha such if sh fruits as the app e,
the near and e Thin. when tali .n
ripe and wItho sr' ar, diminish field-
ity in th ? stom, h rather then provoke
it. I The! N'el-; ble st6ees and julees
are converted i 1 o alkaline carbonates,
which tend to I'co teract acidity. -
Lover -t --One k
Lover—Oh. n
can't be intre
promise 'suit
is worth a hundred
ou're very sentimen-
,The kiss, you know,
1. ced in a breach of
Soft nil 'Warm.
The latest de ice of girlhood is a
fancy for stuWp pihoWs with old love
letters. There one thing about the
contents' of ther pillows that can be
depended upon ith a marked degree
of certainty -0 are eure to be soft.
More Whan Clumsy.
"My fingers 4eem to be all thurobs
today," epolog ically remarked the
clumsy butcher
"Ale" said the customer significant-
ly, "that accoupt for them getting in
the weigh."
It is discouragi
a young man iw
nursing a few, a
uppet 14) for tl r
girl sayt "Olei
let your muste
The reason
faults le that
enough for oth
g, to say the least, to
o haft been tenderly
niggling hairs on his
e months to have his
arley, why don't you
e grow?"
dont see our own
ur eyes are just big
people's.—New York
The Seaforth
Tea Store
You can get all time of fruit gems Eit
j sat a shade over cost. Pall and get my
, prices before you buy. ,Also all kinds
of sager from the darkest right up to
Reapatee'd beet gtarcutated ; eyt ups and
baking molasses, also all kinds of vin-
egar, white wine eider and malt vinegars
for pickling; pickling spices and fievor-
ioge ; pork, king Clear , smoked hams,
shoulders and rolls ; hest lard, fresh
butter and eggs, all kinds of canned
goods, salt by, the barrel, herrings in
boxes, dour, cornmeal, all kinds of oat•
meals, graham flour, rolled wheat, cream
of wheat, and all the different kinds of
breakfast foods ; flour, rice and rice
floure cooking lies .8 lbs. for 25e, 4 lbs.
'best reisine for 25o, boneless fish 5 lbs.
for 25o ; green Rio coffee 103 a lb., or
11 lbs. for $1 ; all kinds of china and
crockery and glassware very cheap. I
have a lob of good soaps, which I will
sell 12 bare for 25c. A cordial invita-
tion to all to call and get some of the
cheap goods. Wanted, good fresh' but-
ter and eggs, for which the highest
market price will be paid, either in
cash or trade. 1 also keep a first-class
article of coal oil.
Are a Heart and Nerve ;Tonic, Blood and
Tissue Builder and Constitution Renewer
for all troubled with weak heart or nerves.
As a food for the blood, thebtain and the
nerves, they cannot be c Iled.
If you are troubled 'ithINervousness,
Sleeplessness, Nervous Prostration, Pal-
pitation of the Heart, Sh rtness of Breath,
Weak or Fainting Spells Anwmia., or any
form of Debility, take
• Their curative power I is quickly mani-
fested. They purify arid revitalize the
blood, brighten the brain and "steady and
strenghten the nerves from the first few
Price sec. per box or 3 [boxes for $nes
at all dealers or
The T. Milburn Cp., ILIvaited,
Toronto, Cht,
This store now contlaips as large a
stock as was ever showin in it, and more
goods arriving. And the goods, are
right, the prices ar right, and the
terms are right. Bef re purchasing,
Solicit your inspection of what I offer.
Remember, I am introducing myself,
and will make it int4esting for you.
Dining Room Fm'n.ture is cut Close
now, to m ke room kr 'the Fall. and
Christmas cods._ Co e early and se-
cure your argains.
Undertaking and imaiming is un-
der the management of Mr. Wm. L.
Leatherdale, who ha both the com-
petency and experien e.
Night arid Sunday ails answered at
my residence in rear f he Dominion
Efealt For Women.
"Few things are t,re important in a community
than the health of ite omen. If strong is the frame
of the mother, says it reverie, the sons will give law a
to the peop`e.”- Dr. base's Nerve Facd is eepecially
wonianel needieine. 3y Reaction on the blood and ,
nervi a it Weer; etre gth and vigor to the de icrate
feminine ci ant sn moires their regular and health.
ful tuned es. It g I, es color to the pale. strength in
the weak, and a rinanded form to the thin and ,
After liWork o
r xercise
Soothes tired
muscles, ra-
moves sore-
ness and stiff-
ness and gives the body a feeling of comfort and
Don't take the weak, Watery witch hazel
preparations represented to he “the same
as" Pond's Extract,_ which easily sour and
generally contain "wood slicohol," a deadly
The Bell Telephone Company
OT Canada.
A new issue of the subscribers' directory,
for the district of Westerni Ontario, includ-
ing Seaforth Exchange, wig he issued early
in September. Orders for new connections,
changes of address, ebangei of names, dupli-
cate entry of names, acc., should be placed
at once to ensure their appsarance.
I. V. FEAR, Local Manager.
110 PIG BREEDEB.8.—The tuederalgned will keep
I. on Lot 28, Concession $, L. R. S., Tuckersnetth,
a thoroughbred TARWORTH Pm, also A thoneunh-
bred Yozasmitit Pia. A limite4 number of sows will
be admitted fib each. Terms. $1 L. tl•Peble at the time
of service, or $1.50 if charged. JAMES Gormn,L.
DIG FOR SERVICE.—TL e undersigned will keep
• on Lot 29, Conee erion 11, Bibbed, a Thorough-
bred Yeirkshire hoar to which he will admit a
limited number of sows. Terme-81 at the tine of
s rviee. JOHN ELGIE, Chieelleurst, Ont. 17714f
-DIG FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned has on
▪ Lot 28, Concession 11. IdoKilion. a thorough-
bred Yorkablee Boar, to which be will' adroit a limit-
, ed number of clews. Tertris-1-75c, payable at the'
time of Ben lee, with the Privilege of returning 11
necessary.° HUGH T. GRIEVE 1782-U
Railroad Time Table's.
The genius to arrange a railroad time
enral. or tiiiie wide. so that it may be
rend.iy, eetely etel accurately unAer.
stood i•y tl!,‘ (weal-Am:al traveler is not
VS'i nom. Perltips he will have to be
:elan But. no mater how mueh the
patrons of a road may be mystified
the management takes particular pains
to supply a special card "for the gov-
ernment and information of employees
only." This table is so simple that a
child can understand it. The second
page usually contain -s a table showing
the rate of speed required per mile for
a train to travel a given number of
miles in an hour. It starts at fifteen
miles an hour, which is four minutes
to the mile, and goes as high ae 100
miles an hour, or a mile in thirty --six
seconds, and shows 200 subdivisions.
This card gives It -mations of regular
water stations, yard limits, situations
of standard clocks, maximum speed of
freight trains between different towns,
what days are holidays, speeds at
which trains may cross bridges at
various hours and a list of all stations
and trains. It is likely, of -course, that
were similar cards furnished to the
traveling public there -would be no
abatement of fool questions. Besides,,
it is not to the. interest of a railroad
company to take the public too entire-
ly into Its ceialldenc%
-Who Executed Charles '14
In the burial register of Whitechapel
under the year 1649 is the following
"June 21st. Richard Brandon, a man
out of Rosemary lane. This Brandon
is held to be the man who beheaded
Charles the First."
A less distinguished candidate for
the Infamy was one William Howlett,
actually, condemned to death after the
restoration for a. part he never played
and only saved from the gallows by
the urgent efforts of a few citizens
who swore that Brandon did the deed.
Brandon was not available for retribu-
tion. He had. died in his bed six
months after Charles was beheaded
apd had been hurried igneminiously
Into his grave in Whitechapel ‚church-
yard. As public executioner London
be could hardly escape his destiny, but
It is said that remorse and horror
shortened his days. In his supposed
"Confession," a tract widely eireulated
at the time, he claims that he was
"fetched out of bed by a troop of
horse" and carried against his will to
the scaffold; aleo that he was paid £30,
all in half crowns, for the werk and
had. "an orange stuck full of cloves
and a handkerchief out of the king's
pocket." The orange he said for 10
shillings in Rosemary lanee—Harper's
Magazine. -
After the Strike.
He tried the door with his key, but
the thing was' locked on the inside—
locked and bolted. And just as he
was about to apply the knocker a
voice, stern and adetiomlory, reached
him from above:
"Hello! Who are you? What do
you want?"
"My dear," he called, "isn't that a
trifle gratuitous? I -want to come in.
D'ye see?'
"Where have you been tin this
"Club, my (baling. Been down dis-
cussing the sulked'
"Very well, then. Now you can go
back and discuss the lockout. Does it
still rain?"- '
Checking a Hemorrhage. -
'Dv& a very slight hemorrhage is al -
Ways startling, but it does not neces-
sarily mean anything dangerous,
may be caused by a slight disarrange-
ment of the Sit:Attach as well as by a
disease of the lupgs or heart No one
but an experieiked physician should
decide this question, however. Let the
Patient lie quietly and give him 'cold
drinks until a 'physician coulee. A lit-
tle salted wafer is a simple, familiar
household remedy for such eases.
Quiet and rest are positively essential
If the cause is a serious one;
Turkish Cemeteries.
Upon the graves of the dead In the
Turkish cemeteries. little vessels of
water are placed for the benefit eftthe
birds, and some of the marble tombs
have basins chiseled out for the same
purpose, the superstition being that
birds carry messages about the living
to the dead and, like everybody 'else
in -Turkey. are suspected of being -
spiteful unless something is done to
curry their favor.
Period of Deepest Sieep.
The period of deepest sleep varies -
from 3 o'clock to 5. An hour or two
after going to bed you sleep very
soundly; then your slumber grows
gradually lighter, and it is easy enteugh
to waken you at 1 or 2 o'clock, but
when 4 o'elock comes you are In such a
state of somnolence that it would take
a great deal to waken you.
Truth Is always consistent with it-
self and geed s nothing to help it out.
It Is always near at band, sits upon
our lips and Is ready to drop out --be-
fore we are aware. A lie is trouble-
some and sets a man's Invention upon
the rackand one tank needs a great
many mote to make it good.
A Stay at Home 'reit-vele-le
Stranger—What wonderful tales Old
Blinks relates! He must have been a
great traveler in his day.
Native—He was never outside the
county in, his life: but, you see, his
mind has wandered for Years.—Ex-
One of Her Brothers.
"Don't you know me? im your long
lost brother."
"How do you suppoee lean remem-
ber all the men I've promised to be ss
sister to?"-
and thorough -1-e' -oared.
sommon-serese Method.
late Ne trans no
E. A practical11!.
on thea-bt"
vent/re of LotapJaw,-froo if
onaskfor Pamphlet- 7(1,6 2z1
Fleming Breves oftetnieta
Ite inert fit., Wegt, Toreaps,