The Huron Expositor, 1902-08-29, Page 47�-
UST 29
4 T, H "OSITOR AUG 902
1i N E
do 4sed.- The Ontario Gov- Northwest T
NEW ADVERT1SEMENTS not play private corpo their df the community in W1 lich he has lived for nieces of he erritories, and, British Colum -
rations toinvfe b S�AFORTHNS LEADING SHOE S
money in a fast service it is ve d 6 ult s� number� of -. years, S114 still, str"ge to ernment, �f couise, comes in for % share hie,, the ecture.sbould be entertaining, and
tful it
fir The ft abetween the payonihePes attar each slay he allows his paper to send broadcast under th no ain UU4 Act. The Mr. Ma -.Lenqau shoulo have many- good
orke, denotes e p%go of the piper oo which the it Will pay Canada to doF so.
over the 1nd staterrients he knows to be propertyi!both rsa and personal, rith the things to tell the people� The proceeds are
adve-rhisetnerO will be. found libiolutely false and unfounded about men exceptionlof a few� articles specifically be. in behalf of the W clmen'� Foreign Missionary
New and Good-Greiz and Stawart-1 Vacatton: Nearly Over.
ed is all be off iety of his cool
whoa� re�at 'ared for sale, under Soc jregatiion.
Fag traportations-. Pickard Co. -5 MiNg - BlUo
tion and every day li I are,: atqueathed, is all
Editorial Notes and Gomn�sn is.
W 11. The 'ex Tian L AVII MRS. 0 zhe guests 1
n., ]Ero w t We made men -
Yellow Kids --Alex. Wilton --b f6sat, equ4lly faultlass with his ow he terms�of the ecuiors are
Of Goderic1h, f t
NeW Dress Goods -D. K. M037ath-5 The Toronto Mail bf ten- gbs off Is The 'e Ephraim Downi and W. J. tion last week 0 h;e'd'e�tl of Mrs. William
good I Uhl's can any person explain ? d- 9P -Re,
Stock Brokera--W. F. Dever 00-5 i place rne.
Pais of thi i �lac which took
theVimes knows that there has not I ey, oild
thing outside of poftbics.. This. ne r of cli t Cooper, i r.
Noirly over --R, Xvilliq Bit Moe ale H. W -11'.R-6 sbeen rasoalities in the polling boAhs, and T110 holidays are drawing to a close, -and ou -will n
%mple Coal dealers declare th�t thei're� -A short ti go M ra. R. Johnston, of on the IE th Of August. She passed -away (I that pair or
Ing am, W I a3hing 016thes, ad the like a full shook'oj -oorn ripe for the bar- Sc 1 Sh s for your b or girl. We hava- wh t yo
Oy looking for—
yowlt Miss I St. �V_5 will be lots of fuel for all if th� pub ic wilt 0
HW -ware -S s& Mu.di5
that attcnipta to prove hat then has b i
one of- vest. Hepi�n&idennam w A n Webster
have sign�lly failed. I a also 'k loWs that misfortune to h* a a -needle, left in as n that are neat and inexpensive from Vibitif
StoVas and gee--Chc,,rV-,r & Sadle-S o) shooe keep cool. There will cortain'ly bel no dim- #o ballots hav6 been wilfully spofled either Bch nd will sta4, th the garments, tub into th ball of' the' Butcher. She wai a n tive of ' Aberdeen,
Fatm For Sato smusil Oinil-5 - born in the year 1813. L - Ity in keeping cool if ithe strike c6ritilau'les 6er at thumb om th t hand. he cffeudiug Scotland, and was' and' kicks the average boy- or girl is capable of. $uch are our
On I
�efore, on', or since p(14ng day ei a v g' ONE the wort V
to be all i emovcd but as She had, tho'reforE
much longer." e NED sh6es. for boys at $1.25, sizes 11 to 13, and.
the instance of the Governtrien i or ol:l� steel was auppoe a& had the great age of OH TAN
rentlea `W�nted-lglactric Light C�-S. I ! *er" �.Of
person else, during th recent cladtion to the hand Iwas v ng troubi 3 from 'some- 89 years. She was a m rnber,of a family of sizes I to 5. They are soft, pliable : d waterpr o,
this, wh d 'poets t
n Times very trulyl says *�'hioh he 'refers. Knowing oes thiuglikeiblood-poisoningan exa�nination 'nine chil Iren and or parento came to tion. Maud 356
atimer-5 0
HquaeForSaU Miard L, oat) - -and we re -
end t eni to give excellent Eatisfac
The Hamilto
Reducing the customs tax On goq&from �e, through his paper delibera (I make was made by a d doctor who� the re- Canada in 1837. whey first settled in the W4lated�
-neahte" 0
& FuIrniture-V. r V;uye 4he miserable miss-stabe ments abo e quoted ? maining portion nee4l� was discover- township of Nichol" Wellington county,
�ovr village,
se��ng machi es -W, W. Wataon-S Britain by one million dolls i (I do In Girls' S�hoo: loes our pric6s rng-e from' 75c t $1.50 a par
ery worthy
a�tnhv�e`ry sore� the swelliD near Gti'tlph. The same year ahe was mar-
W`4nted-G. T. McKikv-5 ad. The and w
�.on Wediel
a To- Let F. Holmested-
H4us more to promote trade with Brit��in than having exten ad th ried to b -,r late huaban who pre -deceased make bein� represented. When you want School Shoe;�, that look w.
amHuron Notes. fit well and wea�rwell, call and -see what w h
Soo of Lands -.F. Holmested-5 the payment of two million dollarg !in sub- -A pteAsant 1 rriatrimonial event took her abou,-nipe years. fter their marriage ave to after IOU.
ink at
ders Wanted -Mr& D. Hay -8 the J
B sidies to steamship' companies, And there
-JaTr.eo Ball, of Gray, shot an eaglethe place in Clinton pnThdrodayl s y came to th a count, of Huron, settling
J. Sntherland--S ther day, beilitthe marris :a of Miss Aw on the L)ndon road, in the township of
ro Salo-Mra.!Lyuch-8 Mrs
o 8410-F. U Willi" ness of the two plans." daugb Tuc4eretaitb, on the farm on which they
Sim ial
For 8�1 can be no question as to the r lati�ral cheap- which measured eightleat from' tht) occasion
A Saturday�
to ti of wing. Gibbings, t6r of Mr. Jphu'qibbingo,
-4 -B�attla Bras --S med to reside until removed by
28� Tea _Herb�Alexan. beoder a employ(o in the of Clinton. to Mr. J. W. T�eleaven, princi- hoW coni
Shoe Sale -3-W. Ef. Willi" inieter of the Almo t ell,
rgan faol ory, y
-Box 465 Mr. John Millar, Veputy! M 61intou, had his halid, badl pal of lagiabe!IusLitilte, and death. t the time of her sebtlement in Twenty -ono pairs of -Ladies' (or girls') Oxford ShoOs and Strap
Bohrdera Want�d S)IiPPOrs, tan or Marie, vvhc.
Education, has x plan to enicourage� the en- IoA eg* The Tackersmich she was the,nly woman for blac id, turned' sole's, siz 1 21. 3y XeDonald
cut the other day by, ca bohing it on a saw. tormerly of the linton Q I rate. 3-, and 4 only, formerprice
dougola k es 21
Girls Wante Mrs.1houlas Stephen" -Is, the It months-cld �son' of ceremony was orined by Rev. . Tre- miles around ther -nd $2,� on sale Saturday'ext for FIFTY 0ENUS I& PAIR.- -LIN
awas. efore, fully
-Harry Me. ed receD
Ph oL7r%phFcrS&l"-WillAlcLeod-�6' gagingofhigher class teachere,by'l special $1, 1.50 a
a a e, e ev, Dr. eau priv-
e bell, bws re -
grants of $50 or $100 -to sahOO'ld a Sa les can b:c-s en ln our noith window.
M. e-0 41r. Harry Ryin, of Nile, died r centl' leaven, Of Gle I assist d' by red to pioneer life,� -with all its
itureFor'Sal E. Crabb -8
m For Sa'a -Robert Carlile -6 Is' illneu ever. ions, PIPY'D9 -After a few do from brain f Gifford, of Clint �n. The bride ba -a been at b)peo andd' ouragements. But she -with Pi nos, Orgaas, Eto--2--G. M. Baldwia-8 them. There may be something to- be said -Begi Dirli Sunday, August �lst, the organist of the Ontario str at ethodiat bore up linder thein all with a bravery and
goo el it gelils a Or sal f 1% numbei ar o the earlier settlers of for the scheme, but there is a, danger of ey&n,lHunter, will con church, Ciint are and patience po6u!i
drifting into a case of helping the ric va geli servialls in DurigantrOD. was allitably r he choir and this diatiiet, By dint of industry arid good
bA h shall V
chools-a eort-of to him that b tion.
er -hue- 0
The thelmethodiits paythoirpastor', corigrega. nianagerr ent, however' herself and h th
h 4;UO06 nt a eZbered b
R LLl S, S Se or
all be given, deal. Rev. Mr. Wel 9 $700 this year. Improve- -The followingipa,sperigers were ticketed bandBooi succeeied in converting their barfl
rpento tothe J;rsonaEe are : also dontem- by T. Farrow, Q P. R. agenii'st Brussels," forest borne into a comfortable and hand -
k -V! L as�`, eiate4`with
Harper's Weekly advocates the removal
Mr. W. Mc4evzie Messer, ;of Detroit, is $Peet of all 'o became vim. onto.
�lated. for the west, last Week. The drat t o went some fa -instead, and in their declining
pending his 1 holidays under the parentai] A number Of years ago he
-a able to retire from the more
AFORT#, FRIDAY, August i9th, 1900 1 a X� Irried Rliztboth
of the United States duty on who, t, which -The Wthodist obarch at Imeaville by boat : Matthew M en years we. of. -Dr. C� Ambrose Toole, of Brussels, 'daughterl the late Mr. A' Oun exau4er Robert;
'improvements, M r e. K a a a t 0 F 31 r b W. For Winni- active duties of lifp on a competency. Do.
is underoing exten i've
. . L an Hj, wife d,
it says effects nothing to the adV' Intage of d dsughte� Edith,' vi, ited 'in Bluevale on son,: of Eas� Wawanooh. ed:ao
fe, Pete 61-n- at ag6, Mrs, Cooper was in the
1y to its app�arauee peg f
*h1ch wil add materia' W. JohrLhtlbn and wi r M spite her gre' John UtlOc
Saturday. a. Brownlee,,: formerly Miss eleven yeapiago Is conily gra-0
r ll�� nown, and the c)mfort U the vorshippera. to8h, Alex. Cout �, Donald Brown, Martha full possession of 11 her faculties until the
The anitoba Harvest. oar -own growers." "That, has bee T of sir
etuFlaed to their he married
children. Some ye 8 1
says the Hamilton Times, "to the r al baue- Bina, Farrow� and children r' -tic Se4ence
-The i nauy friends Df Mr. Win. ut six waeks previous to her
arvest i now in full owing in Manitoba Wei Brown, Idifie Br John Coutts, Riebard last. A:)o
home-ia Lonoonon - Tuesday, 4fter several Jenaleyoungest daughtei 'of MT 'WiliiiAn the Domeat'
ormerly f Clinton, 'wi.1 be please C to learn Cleaver, Alex, �D 0�11.b, J, Bi McLaughlin, death ebe tell and was physidally disabled
ficiaries of the tariff all along. T$e tariff f,
ul th the bI � stia
and the Ter itories. According to accounts 11 eks spent With old friendis around Blue- Anderson, of Turnberry.. ilTh
th t, alth gh he met i g 'ac- Fred Mason, Mi. jie Cantelon, Gavin and by the accident, and this, no doubt, hasten- we a wii low and 'ge.
-to on a
P -grain -never helped the Unite'4 States a about half t,e grain has been cut. and a vale and at 0e. home of her father, 'Post- Lhre small children survive b -M _MT. ail
di (lent, as eported, his sight will not be- Baxter Belwley, a a a Mary Mit- ad her d!ath. gut although at times a
ma g
t 1�
ster Farrdw of BrusselO.-Mi_uo Agnes rie took reat interes the -wJlf
ad*rmer to the extent of a dollar, and simil- '111�'ffeotd. chell, P. Crerar, 11, Cannio ham, 'Thomas very oevi re sufferer, she humbly and uncom
the present me untoward event has occurr aeJ Herbert, oliganist in the Presbyterian t.,s Tornberry agnquitural society and for graic�
arlv the0anadiau tara on Waa so -Before leaving C,inton for Hensall, Cooper, Win. Q17, Eli Bra a and Peter plainingl submitted to tbe(Will of her
to mar the visiting friends for
I right proopects of the farmers
church, is in!Manitoba' Ocilla years past has been t1 a bono a large nu�
much dust to blind the farmer ile the *here be will engage in the hotel business, Jackson. Divine aster,. w o for long years had been redpreld.
there. The wea-ther has been -most favor- few weeksJ Mrs� George�McDonalcl will dent of tha -, organizaion. Im religion --bo ef6utifni Vj
monopolist picked hie pockets. T farmer Dr. Blackall was Oreteuted wit;l a' gold -The home o.;. r. Richar Tichbourne, her stre gth and omfort in life:-aud at its b
r abnerice.- was a Preallbyterian and in, politics Lib. mas spenL!
n been -
-lot pr ide at th4 orgs.6, during he
abler for bar eating operations. There has who expects to -benefit by a protec� ve tariff dhain apd fob, 'and Mrs. Blackall With Goderich, has a ited by -the close ohe was able, to say I know tl a.8 -Tbom
beeR no frost and no rain to do any harm, On b
Miss Eliza Messer isvieiting bar kiatri Mrs. eral,
is pro(inots is the raw tnatelial from fiandsoine ring by their friends in 1i Death Aqgel, bbB summons In time being my Rede merliveth and as for me I will Irs Bsrclay,.�t Yp(fijanti, Nlichigan. lAiss horA�
hich green goods sharps, bunco *men and W. L. Mason -had purchase, to his wife, MrE; Tichbourn , who Thure- behold T y f
the ace in righteousness. I.,
a o
nd the p, that the immense Shall Mary Richa�,dsou, of Boissevain, Manitoba, and who ii
spects are
?I political fakirs make fortunes," ores, ea# half of lot 26, concessio � 7 Grey da morning of mt week, a"ed p�acefully be safi8fi ad when awake Bayff
with Thy like. -steid
crop will be garnered in good condition. y p
ast of Eithel, froa� Robert M(Kay, whd1away, aged 57 y a rs. The lecessed -lady ness." She was ru y,,gGod woman in
, I is; spending Ome time with relatives in
t � I - BLows -On Sland last', the-,
4fi E!7i! The crop is. % record breaker. It is said ailing E,ince "last fall, b&t until every sense of the term, And -while not mak- Huron coun�y.-Miss Beruha Farro, of which his t
The Hamilton Times says f n N, w 1�ought it Ilast year. i N r. hel ason's f ther hm bad been � was formall �elned and de
Goderich, spont8anday at Mr. Robert Moe- di� as mal .
d -oining, s their plan ition is A quit t ntatioup show of generosity, no oate(I for blic worshi 9
Whea will average at least thirty bushels York atovd coal is $10 a -ton 900 4d been ible to me �p, v. A. MtAal
egg aind fatri. acres a recently ve iDg an os e big one ndw. around. She v es in
the eldes daujhter of deserving person ever apphed to her i vain, 9 cove E. S. Coulte848 home from of Mitchell' preached to t'')wde4audiene was puttio,
P cam er ware all round, nd oata from sixty to ace, $11 to $11.75. And the etri4e is still William and Jane, Ellicltt, a d w6lll born in either fo� needed nee] 'or more P!r-g out holiday, near Lake . Huillob, -hen,
tangible --Joseph Saunders, one of the first in con 30 P. in and 7:30P,. in. M
Miss Laura Snell has arrived honfi a fr
fGo ell 0 A. Rat eafor!t wag organ
Sa t - tbp. old townahi in 1 45. In evidence i'of kindness',. Conseqqently she
only bu hels, While barley, of which on, the workmen grow hungry, 4nd the r4atos of I he House ofReflage, die, on deri hely, of 8
Common, Micbigan.-Mr. Robert Pearson'L
Miss Mc Q a een, of Potrol's sat)
-b:ere is a oniderable breadth sown, is coal operatrr add to their bank 4�,ccounts. rday, 16,h inst. He as aged Dbqut 68 187 1 she married land reside i in iugham was not mly highly respedted by all who of Grey, a ot ident it Victoria University,
ears, an 'Elowick ; with her aband, a Borne an ed er aequaintance, but was beloved
joy f Sela
equally g3o There ii help enaugh for the The worst sufferers appear to be a con- originally c),me from now bereaft hu preached the Methodist church Jast Sub- irgand evening. - Mr. ic fortb,
Is I
ioved to G)c by man mong the oldest main. a tern
a rem were interred in Us Hoirge two years later lerich, whor She was a $An o0n a an
'eat I
ag young; an r. Pear
in Ilia of Seaforth in the �,venj;
Lit Wh
harvqt, bu it- is said more workmen are re- surners of coal, and tile MeLL who ant �to liurial PI the familv have! -,a, resid, ie de- bers of Sb. Andrew's 6humh, and h-er life bath eveni For � t QL
(laired to, a sist in the threshing, which will tabled -Willi fully correeponded.Lwith her Christian pro. son did well, f bein reading desk: was a handso a 1pit bibl . a
go to work, but who are slugged or a I m Deyql, of Wiog�,Arn, met ceased.wao the r�oiher� of seven children. al3d'gives promise o g an Ver bu
able speaker. He is visiting his une'ej Mr. presented by Professor S. h ch, of 7T
bs commen ad Hitt once. The rush; of new
or shot if they attempt to do so." In the 'Ith a he vy fall on Sktiirday. He was - An Aberd ee n D ota, pi p or of a recen f�ssions. In short alfe Manifested the great- C u bi
interests of humanity as well as of the a building of F. G. �'parling's date,, thus re ag rove. -Miee,8 Jennie and Min- an p rm was&
Robert Mo
-tle 'll.unabated, and this crop will fer t the marriage of a rootb, and i t d jo
settlers iia, a orking for At zeal i a every �oQd work and was able, )Butter, N -P.
Davidson, a
nie Miller and Mr. Gavin of co
n :1 A quiet -fa
public, is not this a case demanding state ear the 841t works, �vhen be fell striking mer Clintonia mily weddin atitil within a few vveeks of her death, to beautiful 5 1 ver mmunionitpery t 'L
serve to ac eerate it. Wroxeter, visited relatives il�,ft-thia vicinity. preaft
interference ? Surely it would not be �n a joists' n hii Eid, anl breakirg several took place last g t at 0 `1ock at the oboupy her place in the sanctuary. She was �d b Mr. hrls McDon Id, o
:, . y Toronto.
and dangerous . interference orne of Davi cLaughlin, at wh t�e mother of eight children, five of whom -h oth - - - - - - -
-undue iibs. h Rev. Mr, McKay, of Lteknow, and Rev' Df. Stewarf, of Clinton P b asy ver reac
W. J. we �t, M.A., exchanged pulpits on
The Fas with the liberties of the :i -subject -Mr. John Irwini eldest son of It win, hiR daughter, Lillian McLaughlin, are still living. William Is in Rainy River. n ne... SUIliday,-Mr. Hides or,102
Transatlantic Service. Sabbath last. -The 4ppearance of Mr. Win,
.'Ir a morting land afternoo
Clinton has refiiggei d ome Ia�elt We
for the state to reqdire a settlement by f the managament d art Ji Lit J. L Peter in 3,alifornia, John Manitoba and n eturne
d Sellars' boas is muqh improved,by painting. fro . ek
of was married to Is, Rev. in Job Whiddn r
A corres ondeat sas it has,beeD learne
compulsory arbitration in cases of �bis kind Denve andRio-G.-ande Railliay, and Myers, pastor of the Chi istia church, pe bavid at home and Mrs. B. Blair, of Sault in a pleasant sit frien
? 1 _Rev. W. J nd Mrs. West are on 9. driv- Northwest Territories.
cially at! O,rt&wa that all negobiationa for les been offered the �uperintenciancy of tile forming the care lubny. Onlyj the - inlembers 41e. Marie, Michigan. There are also three a -James Arm -
where so much lose, misery and tw'Corioil re- 11
ing trip visiting St. Helens,' Lucknow -and
erican Refrigeratol- Trantit 'o m1p%ay) of the family we e, present to WiDness the brothers and okie sister surviving, The re. str6pg, of the Bronson
Am I 13e, ba I rat
the fast AL antic service have been postp, Wed salt from human sa"'ubborness. raed
neighboring villag4.-Al crops in,
f W,:)0dp0r cr
hich covers the e 'ti -a Gould s',stem of ceremony, Th ride is well -known as an mains were interred in the family plot in from visitiE g in Dakot Ar. D. 11. �f untit Sir ilfrid Laarier and his colleagues
neighborb I are qception4fly good, and,
i Apples ve
oire ofl Mond dmirable young lady, and t' a groom 00( ter, of London, was in 0' 0
The Toronto Mail and Eml ay a has Baird'a cemetery. The funeral was largely ver Sunday.-
-tawa. They are expected -to be farmer -is -�;lover ke d-
m86Pv of ther I first- lass. IThe
N raturn to
i.1.11-1 Re v.' R. Go rdner -and wife a re vh iting Mrs.
_�-X i 49 I �MichaolL Raymond, of Detroit, and one -been engaged in ork here foil several years. attended and testified amply to the high G. Wk Ross, P�ernier Of 0 1 - said t;o pay f)r all, herefor6 we eh&ll look
te 0 many good back in th ir places early ia October and Bays Hen- rdner's mother. at the �'Oet -0 Fork, per 100
cif the pioneer residents of Grey )Wn'sbip, They will be the recipien esteem in which the deceased was held by Ga TXl;oW. P
Ontario, arrived in Toronto from Xpw York is for perity.-Mr, Robertl McPherson has
W; um
eo0a after 04biaet m3etinc, will be called on a viE b to old fr�iends in the Granbrook wishes. Mr. [in(. Mrs. Little' will make those wh were beat qualifibd to judge of mar visitors are lavi, avety 4day -fqt
sy L p
pare a: lue dri- rer. 4
ndcteSaturd night, and was- me by the eigh orh)od. Mr iiative of their home in Alrdeen." her kind disposition and Christian chars,
the w ale subject will be threshed oat ell
r. their' homet
Rlymond is a .1 chip in
erman settled I a Grey tovi Tbe"followin I The friends f om a di tan'
h. members of his family at the'Union station. and )-clipped fr the Orysta r Is ce who attended
12i ��' y
idall its d tails. It is to be hoped t is is '854. He is 87 years of ago and at i [I in the City (Manitoba) Courier, refe -a to'the death the fu:nex at were M re
I. John and Mrs. Ed -
The Premier is feeling well after, his trip
the case. he scheme is of entirely too im- enjoyment of good hea �th. of a former 4( 1' known r isident of Us- ward Bul cber, of Carriek, and Mr. and Mrs� Ban n.. -Division oclurt.w!as hold here on
qz f, T�ORO_?�"
ings eon��.
ff abroad, and was in his pew at old Sb. And-
-On aesi
partalrit a nature to be decided in any o -The y uug man John , of Stan- borne: By the death of Mr. William Wilbert 'Colton, of Bruce count Thursday, J dge Holt, of Goderich, presid. F.iTAL I 11STA)iF_
It . I y
raw's church I
I Wedh I of about 11 o? �,lock Alex. Hu er, afi ld- nd
h Sunday morning. Mr. Ross I iy, who 7as charged ly agipgyho,3e,tra.der Worry, on esday, Aug at 6th! in the ing.-Mrs. keltong and MrE. Alward Alex. Hu 4 -
alad way ad without the most careful con- greal SurJP11
a. Indeed it is a most W 8618$ led from
'ith getting from him a horse un er false general hQspit well known reeident of Bra
as reticent, however, and dectined to al, Winnipeg, od took to thill St. Paul, Minnesota, are the ga"to of Mi
ai4eratio' critical dairy, I retensea, iwas,honorat ly acquittedby Judge home of heaven 6; Hilis Green. the effects f a dose Of :c olie acid And
faithffial ember of the W. J. He'duk-an.-At the �ecent exammia-
with grant an interview to the Mail and Empire
Herbert arseme, tal �en by mistake ut
subject for the Government to deal are iteady.
1 :Olt, at GOd week. The Xial was Crystal City J 4hodist 0 iurch. 1 Win. --Mr . Johnson too'k-charge of the tlons for p II )r ldaviqg
erich th 8 Notes. jin lour
.9 revious. It appe 19.1 VD
a5 I d prose to many Pon the subject of his trip abroad. On was 'ho Cornwal England, in" services in the Methodiab church on Sab- Gre Omas' G
difficulties, u Saturday his Eenicr colleague, Hojo. -J. M. later -had
t le after -oath f b trade eml �Iia, Werry 90TY, son of M' r�gory, J. P., P are that
da-iry tpbi
1839 been engag ad inuring %n4,,jstu g A tird
some of 'returned from England on or -a _`011 r grada- and when Bb,6ut six yei rs of age his bath, in the absence of Rev. Mr. Milott.- of Exeter, was the only cindidote in the surmoantable. The Gibson, who !, -Mr. V�illiarn Tier Z. A., honc 1
ate of Toronto Uniie s - to Darlington, Durham Mrs. Robinson, of Rochester, is visitingz -at county to -ain I onors �!Ab - from and had several bottles 4r
u?s titting 'OR
1�sityta haso arents moved on b 0
Thursda , was baek at his- desk in the Par- m 140 i
Ganadiau �'Pacific, Railway Company is hot y pointed rn!athemati4 as _ r f Clinton county, Ontario. In 1860 h( was united in Mr. Jotin Forrest's,-Mr. and Mrs. Charles here took in 11 a excursion to the table bi ifore hirn, when� in Eome unba-
Ifament buildings. The only - u ;the 0 ngeme'
after the 6atract and pa.rticularily after bjecl le Collegiate Institute. For some ye ra M r. marriage to Mi is � Mary Ann Osborne, of Troyer v ited frjenda in Hensall on Sunday. Detroit on sturday -Dr. and Mrs. Amos countable way, he picked u the ottle 0011 -
very Ing
cared to diacuse was the Bisley shooting, in Tier has b�en first alsEistanin1judan high Darlington, and 'after a few'yearo time -There, vill be a watermelon social on the are a taining the mixture of ca��bolio acid and
the ls'nbsid�. The Canadian Pacific is a which he thouaht the Cnadians made'a xpede4 home this week, the doctor
'p�hool, whore he ell�ltabliahed an enviable they made their home in Exeter, Methodh t church grounds on Friday even. having repai0ed his usual health. -Miss of t
arsenic and: it �e liquid.
powerful �corporation and in its dealings �most gratifying showing." Tbi
.9 tooks, 4nant
He at once mn to Dr. McN ghton�o
o1', is th
rOputation as, a teacher of mathernaftes.. Ontario, where the family resided until ing, September 511lb. In addition to Ahe Levitt, of P kh a gae8t of the
and the country al- r d; tit c
-A pretty wedding was celebrat 4 d at the thev settled ir Mailitoba in the year social pa t there will be a good programme Misses Johne.. -Mrs. Joseph Townsend, of wbi"h. is on y a short dist4 oe away, ad w*y In concluding an article about the- three hing was d,
pasidence 9f Mr. William Henton, A Gods- 1880.j onis to ro� ieve him, but
a triestto get good deal more than it conslatin r of music by the Rensall quartette Tuckersmith� is the'guest of her nephew, J. ElvarYt
ir colonial Premiers, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, 8 r oh., o2 hur8day of last- week, whea his and by h r. Whiteman, of Toledo, who is -a G.,-. StanburyL for a Miss W, without INVI il, as the awful' drug gradu gi a, andja the past it has generally one- few duys. -
Edward Barton it r., Addresses will Ball, of Godorich, left for her home n Sat- did t
and Mr. Serddoh, an Bug- ughter, ottie was ited : in ma rriage to lito delai ly work. Deces ad wm in he
caoded in[this respect. There are, also, f Dashwood. professio ial on the gui a 9,9
I he care. 59thiyear o his age and hao been� clerk of
liah writer says These men, so dissim. r. F. J. oolaie, o hatha`m. be delivc.-ad by thelev. M,. C. McLennan, urday� after 'spending over -a week ViSitill _9i to 2 c,
ot�er Powerful steamship companies and DOTS -School r�-opeed last week, Mr. . . . . . .
I - i. mony was performed y the Re Mark a 4th di ion court for q0 ite is laumber f
ilar in other raspects, yet in one tbing a I of Kippe 2 ; Dg- Mead, of Hensall, and Rev. friends here.-�,-Mrs, (Rev.) Martin returned th 9ad corporatiois. These do not like tile idea of re Geiger, of Hensall, taking the place of prin. ' I years. Be des Mrs. Hunto three Turnbull. Mr. Mil!)r of Varna. Everyone 9 . -Uaion there. are neat
ome and home froin 'Muskoka this, week
entirely alike. In not one of thew, do you '-Word �ao been re ived of the death of M for Mr. T. Snell. -who ia ill. -Mr. J. enjoy th(nielves.-Miss Annie Col sitt has se held in Caven churah in the
a aubsidise� competitor and they are vigor. In rvices were vono and tv?b daughters left, to mourn theIr
K'allerman and mily have returned from we quota
see a trace of pretence. They stand in the Mrs. William Aloock, t Emmerood, Mani- been re -e agaged to teach in school section in loss.' Funeral on Friday tc� J Brussols come-
orning and Main street' Metbodiet church
OuOly prot4sting against the proposition to
to'ba. Mrs. Aloock former reeident of the west, much [leased with their� trip.- No. 7, Stanley, at an increase of salary. in the everii Rev. R, Millyard preaching. tery.1 Befc re coming to Brp1sselo �e raided
the contract and the subsidy to the to 1-82r,
gi: towns
outer lobby waiting to see a Miriater, as Mrs. Taylor, of ]Qchigan, is visiting her 18r
the 14th c cession, �Tey hip, and her AHAPPYEVENT. 'Avery pretuy wedding -J.G.Stan)ur'y Was at thecourittown inCranbrookandhas bee reoident of
though they were cuuntry cousins asking sister, Mrs. M. ann. -Mrs. 8. :Baker and 1�113 ; Canadian Facide Railway Company. These many old friends in neighborhood ill took place at the residence of Mr. Jopeph on legal buainess Saturday. -��Exet�r fair this vicinit moat of'bis lif HO was -8
foraticket in the gallery, They speak Winkenw left last week lor the .0 flue treatber
-n who was
arn Of h
co4tendi-ng elements must be reconciled in regret to I er� d ath. The e,.eased Win' Hudson, near her, on Wednesday of last will be heidibisyear on'September23,-d.- justice of ti a peace and we*
with the same perfect courtesy and the west, or- the farm. aborers' a cursio'n.-Mr. ma to
was 87 yea 8 Mr. Alcock died a much reope ited and possessed in: ahigh de-
mith 't some way before final action is adopted. sense of equality to all sorts and conditions Ezra Miller, of he Northw tern College, week, when Mr James Logan was united in A. P. 8 ellpr n the 8overign Bank,
of ago
niumber of ears ago.� marriage to Miss Annie, youngest daughter has rented ocker's house furnn- aree -the coi fidenee f the people. ?f politicians. Of pride, there is not a trace 0. J. Or
Then, adain, there is strong competition her
-Avery quiet we ing was 0 ebrated
Napierville, Illh is, is visiti g his mot of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hudson. Mr. Lo- iihed. Fqrt�er par iculars next week. NOTES.- )n Monday af rnoon nine of
and other inity.1 While
in any one of them. All three have me 16c, in a Jol
In the 00 at the born of t rents, I ruesels, relati a in this vi our townstr a
irk he in nal port.
gan is an old Stanley boy, being a son of n drove out to $amul Shine's, I
from the high, fresh mountain air of, he br a d P playing around at 14.1 io
r t P,ac i the church in M--orrio. aid took in over acre 0 grAM
4er of the termi Logan, fo merly of the Parr line,
n on Wednesday evenin of 1, Olt wee , when abed, on Sunday fternoon, L onard son of in I.
order that the Canadian fast and democratic communities, where men 1�1 Mr. Win, 1 121 to 14c
Al- and a g gan, one of
Win. Thomson, march nt, jheRsalw, �randson of:Mr.'James Lo Mr. Shine' recently had s h d badly L line ME mpote with the New York fast fight on equal terms, and climb to the lofti- Mr. J. Kell �Av,
gpma, and Mies Eli4i Helen d he fi� the respe 3ted-'pic Di@ATH or. 1 7-K �! T=IED RESID'ENT.- ur bowl-
ly c Keller" had one o t I gers of ineer settlers of this dia- lasce�rated i rhile at a three
'lines, Sydo y, Nova Scotia, would need to eat positions from the workshop or the desk au,, hter of his right haind bi ten off bv o a of the ani- Again the stcrn rnipgwnger has called away Obeese Bu I
racy in them Biussel
4mes andtMrs. Oliver, of 3. Were a dfeateo is by -18� or the court of law. Dernoc trict. Miss lludso'n is a most estimable, er L' towel hots, -a game
:De at male. ne of the prominent citizens of this locality, play'
the man poicit of ca11 in this country. u)3ited in I 1 1 accom hedandOpular young lady. and el&her� on Tuesday.- t FrIday Mrs.
least io justified of her children." 1 ma siage �, b R T. Wesley 0 yo c6upi inthaperso'n of John Currie, who died on j. G � Sken4 took an overd a of , headstihe
',Bu�t this w ald entail such a long railway osene. th a start life's journey under -7003 and -K
Only the imm di I ati %,as were
Kippen. the er an for some time after heir life was
i Monday aftemoon, in hi6 46th year, after powd
resent. 08 favorable circumstances. The
�ourney bh t most passengers would still The Mail says Maritime P�rovinoe
an illnesa ofi 11 weeks. Mr. Currie Was des- b she is all right a*ain UM
sli, re ever inte -�gting ceremony W P,
�profer the I a York roatL4, by which they Premiers propose to resist -A pain�al accident �ef I Ora '-.tee, of D. Hay, Comi� I issioner an4 Conveyander as erformed by taken serlotly ill with a braia- trouble paired bul
0 the reduction of oderich, the youngest laug . biter of n
ills, Mortgages andidoeds drawn u). -Money loanBd Rev. M. ). MoLennan,Kippenand was wit- -Prof. Ha court, of Guelph, who is in
could rrake, s fast time with a mud'a shorter the representation of their people in"�Parha- at the 10 Arest rates interest. 1740-tf exactly 11, eeks prior to the day- of his t exporime4ts in this
playing TOEONT01
tea, on laturday ever ing. Whil3 nessed bN a goodlynumber of the friend@ ofthe charge of the sugar bee
tailway voy�ge, and besides can get a steam- ment. Unli death. Prior to that time he had a ffered
NOTES. -Dr. Ams�xong, :)f Bru,cefield, contracti xg parties. T he guests were most section, was in town on Tuesday. i e say'?
do i
le W b h�
'a B
ke Mr. Ross, they are alt over. i a yard adjoining hei own home she '70
ran ho for some -he 11 white,
W W!e'kEi has been on a pleasant royally intensely from headaches. During the beets g w -a around ero are of A I
ainst a e and was thrown down on a
a he %rents of M P.
P her calla bone being bt trip visiting t o se and a most happy -46 to 47d -
k, loken 9 uality. alph Tripp, Of ViOreat Vill Wig
A.Itau line they could only get bne Steamer a Ross, the Maritime Province Prevatera are 8 r etludition for fully nine and a bi
OfDakota, and time was ap Mr. and Mrs. Lo- A I a
or an day i� awed by Mr. Tarte." Yea, unlil a r1e Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jameson, w id hospitably entertained by the in 9. sleeping
the week,whereas by the Can Mr weeks which �he was. confined to bed e was q
ment W a. Armstrou worthy boat and lit ate'
two nlai a and her rm dialocat at the ont by'al a brother, W. A- Crip, of the 18tandstd
talking for effect. a half weeks.. 0io disease wiL8 one -of the Bank. -Alf, Denny, of BuffAl 0, viliaw
t week. So tiliat a fast Jitis with its termi. They know as well ,%a s�oulda'r. ' 'i mong otherfrieri!ds, who retu ned home the Rail left ffi� following day for Moosejaw-, Al eike., 0
parst week, was, urihg the fo a part o this Northwest territory, near which place Mr most peculia we have ever seen and it i his mother and other d ends 1here this 1-_
r�us alb Sydriely would not leave us in a much the Mail knows that the representation of -S. Smihia, of Heneall, receive a tele- I ft�j Beed, 614y)
ek, calling on rieuds in on . villag�. . The -Logan's father residee, and where they Me now h&*,
rhQ1re desirable position than we now oc- Province in the Dominion Pa ament gram on Salturday eveni g informll h* f e, Wil baffled the beet medical sill. Deceased week -J. 1). and Mrs. Ronald -or � d here
I doctor'much erij) ad his trip, and his rk was the onl son of the late John Ourr
the death of Mrs. Smill'e's nephe 'Ja any spend tht honeymoon. A hostof friends will Y, Le, thiweek 4ftergeveral Months' ��ojournfng traw. ',00�
mes i % �aj�y. Besi4es this, the m%ritima prov- is fixed by the constitution, and hat if the Gray, of To[ronto, who ad been ing a friends here are.. leased ano�,her join who with r. Robert Currie, or-, were in the South W. T. $17-50 for t
to hae ' Tfum gxposrroR in wishing the worthy ern States. M . (Rev.
would ulation or an, Province tails below the of his hand.. Miss Martha kenn�rd, young couple much happiness and prosperity among the piOn era or the township of East Claff I
et of grip and children, of Wathroy, soe0m,
not accept Sydney, Nova POP ir�.edical course with very pr r �eiasl
specified requirement, the represent n o wibh bar sister, Aisi Lottio, of St., 'Louis, in toeir new relations and in their western W awanosh. iThe an] ject of this � sketch
f soccess.: T' anied thern here. -MTs. George Cardiff Ariw
'thinks that Ha a io, �e deceased, ho was merg- millfeeil j4V
$00tia. f i4atance, lifax P
Is that particular Province must naturs.1 de- niece 78 of Mr. Ja r Es Miller, of the. village, home. was born opt a farm' )n w hichhe died, and rivedhome, from-Mani.oba this week.
t�6 'o ly irig into. ma hood, had b en ailing r sonle I And 1,117 iO�
OnlYSuitAble point for a terminus. New crease and the opposition of , any -Pro inoial were visicing at i is home of Mr. and Mrs. had always F ved in th 'a neigyfib6rhdo& Mr.
ti)aie with li ng trouble and 11ii deil!ri was Currie waO well au� fav
Premier or Pro7inciel Legislature v i i
Brunswick ifg ivat as determined to have vdl avail �'l �i-sbly kno�wn in
nought. If the basis of -representaLi not unexpected. James Miller. i3a Kennard, -some twenty i Lakelet.
0 -lint Johns, 1while the People of Quebec are n is to 1 . business circles; bavin 7 been 1 engaged in the -Urs James Doble and little son have
-A Port Arthur de'spatch -dated liallat year,, ago, was a esident of tf 8 village, and
rid lIng businers for a 41
oarid that, their city and none be hanged, the constitution of the OuntrY 2-1th, says � The first accident t occur her many frie 91 and comlpyinions� of by- Baj;,Em�.-Mr. Brown, proprietor of our auctioneer, number of years. left Mitchell, to join Mir.. Dobleat Vin -
other shall mu(alt be changed, and the Provinci�� Pre- to any of Ith saw mill has the contract of supplying the His di Poo ti n wap happy and g couvor, wheiethey will make their fatum TouoN-7A
excursioni8 % g6ing to t a west were �nuch p1pasel ;to �have a I
-le timber for the new Forresters' hall at Ford- eam�d or Ai the hearty good will and re
be the Br qtea point, gone years I enial, and home. ofteringgs,
and Montreal is miers have no voice in the mattOr. 1%,
Of happened ta-day east of Schreiber. fresh renewal ok friendship.,. 'Tile' M'iBses
4jually certain that M' course the Mail knows all (his but an bbi man on Mbriday last.- wich. He is at work filling the bill now.- oulv, for 10,
on-treal is the proper Y Ing nAmed Ma�tirl, from Wroxetei Huron Kenard returnec ome
-a+, 3-5 to
make a point, agaliest Bose. Cutting iE about done, but, there is a vast
pi�ce. Eachfione of these contending points to etty, agel 73 yeare, bound for ni,)ep
r:V i M r. R. MeMordi � and M r� D. C.. McLea -a
amount, of stuff to be taken in. -Charles
are this week in i`1` el northern district, look -
are very deto'runined and will be painful)y is th9ught t -have wa..Ikel off one f a 0
th and Goorge Ruttan, sous of Mr. Bennet
We wh o h ave to a tay a t home and could ing up steers for grazing, and, as they have
only enjoy the coronation fostiviti a knowledge of g ciod stock, th,
a�,,ect�d and tivery angry with the Govern ttains ia his pleep. He as picked n by a - Ruttan o[' the 16;h concession, left for
ea by fdill Ing tr�'in and brou ht to the 3y will likely
Mont if any Of the othera is favored )8pital Mariibo6a last Thursday. They may �Ilie a e t" n
at their reading about them in the b�re. He isl in a critical condition, nuin. return with somi it hing worth lookinp, at. -
L papers, are, prone their �om 3 iv th prairie promince. -John -and Jeman�
e�pense. Wj,,th re ard to the .1 Mr. James Prinf 1�, g -rain dealer, o Sbrat-
"t r of bones�beiug fractu ad. Bell, sonof MrP.8J. Ball, of the 16th also
9 k- - L%wrelice �chickens ot
to envy the lot of those whom we conau or
spondcut puts iC i -0 y afte ford, who,manly . ng years ago, was known and young -1
�his way : more fortunate and who ha a,. had the- Op- any of the -fa mere of this vicini y,while to -5ft.
P A ('r who left f
as A. Htislop' M x Ely, WEL reaP' doing business in 'eafort�, wa t is ek in rom this vicinity. -Mrs. J. Bell
A fas' , lioe with either of Lheve ports, portunit5 of', personally participating in iog oate wib� machin I his collie g was and family made a party I for the young
0 aebea or Montreal is _the
n Wed ilaeada noon of last week, to ill left for M initoba last week. These are all
I Full ilswl ng.
I Out of the queliLlon, r business a -
Ir, is impoagi�ble for ocean greybounda them. But perhaps we are not so badly off caught by the knife and had a fron t and , this vicinity, doi 9 at t�e same
to peoyle in 'uhis vicinity laeltTuesdaynight at U
time calling on IN r. R. B. McLean, .'when a i�_X__ D�Z
keep up anything xilke a fast rate of speed in after all, as even the most coveted ple� bi�nd leg am�utated. I he dog was lying which all eiijoyed themselves immensely.
sures L- ON -D 0 NK,
down in fri C3 pleasant time we enjoyed and thier mamor
le Sr,. Lawriance river and to attem, - I ant of tba.�binfler while led, and the i naty, changes lar man' preseDt was Mrs. are quotod
Pt to do will sometimes pall. Sir Wilfrid L urier M His- ics of each refres The most V,pu
a, would not !be an inducement for people to lop, was arrauging the� coid and did t get Bell's elde8t" son Willie, who a couple of Hun4r'eds- bf people are attending dailT obr �umqt cut-plx�'ce sale. pound _40
t a long past
But Montrea out of the `�Ilay soon encu h and the real
patronize th' 'steamers. I and in a private letter to a friend in M and the ups and �lowDs 0 weeks ag D' arrived home from South - - - - - - -
9 years diRcuseed. M r. 1�
Quebec want� -the trade and the Canadian complains of his utter wea'rinCS3 of dinners, caught him - rip -,Ie, although I ieces 44 inch Serres and Cashmeres, A pure wool, &;ftd in all the
�nd drew hi'm in front Df the over 70 years of ge, ']a still' keeping the Africa, rhere he '� had been fighting the
-were pre,
Oovernment laranta the votes of the cities.,, recentions and such like entertainments, siokle. He Was -lespate ad to put Ahi r I out Boers. I a left Irme some- -years ago and leading s4a, e1Q worth -15c, for 2,5c a yard..
brighu side of lif in d1ppearance ai
and was looking forward with great pleas- of mitaery. nd bat-
lAside, ho-�vever, from theee wa w plies being,,
conflicting tling away with I a usiness of life still. s 'ork ng in Bqitish Columbia where he
are to the time when he could leave. I them -While thresh g at enry Bub�8', con- priliated a id went forth With-, the last 'Coll- T enty-three pieces of Black Figured Dies� Goods, worth 35c, for 200 had a dotvri
the Government has to grapple In hdr. Geori7e MOE y,.of Toromo, an�d son of
sr owe, wh I
all behind and got back to every da Can- cession 4, C91borne, on Tuesday , c� laRt
tiDgent. He took'part in one engagement. a yard. prime catt
was in
But, speaking of the c6lonial w1laek Luthex� llin met with a ver TT. ;. � - ; 11 4__ 1 111 n A
ith, there remains the fact that the Can- adian life the lateDr. Mohay, �f Formosa, I t!�
the village, makir g a %lisit at the home of Lt, .6* ng young
a iau farmer, the Canadian producer and �onference, 1�ir Wilfril said that thy sub- aacident. H, 1 bad been (utting b%ladi and mr, man and i iit only his immediate relatives, 4lieqanc-
Jects discussed had been mast iDtaroat- R. Mellia.- [ ur threshing mills !of this Thirly-five'yirds of Blach Venetian- Cloth, $8 inches worth UK*
Ing, wpa using a n ower sickle to- which a wood- but also a! I bis friends gave him the glad while ca-41MI.
the great mass of the Canadian people are and at timea the part are.pretty V ell taxed, c n account of at this Sale 1$1.10 a yard. per 1*1111 ;�
discusaion bad beeni'most e0 handle ha� been attac ied. As the v were band of w &ome.-The first call of the new d_
110 interested in a. fast passenger line at all. the big crops of 6 2, farmiere being� scarce -tie V111
animated. The suggestions of the C61onial finiahiag up t ae handle g t caught in some ore away th grain. -Mr. subscribed stock at the Hariiston pork fac-
reight service. Premiers were well received by the 11ome manner, and- �he blade vVis pulled across his tory has been made and the facto enty-fo yaTds'of Black Venetian Clotb worth 61.65 fb-t 1.20 0 -.1 .0
Nyhat they desire is a fast f of barn room to E
I fr`om $20
Government, and Mrs. ty, which
0 contradta which the Government has and given every co James Miller,' with their two
asiderAtion'. fingers with teriific force, inflicting a evere - has been ille for nearly a year, is expected yard. pound. :S1
In fact, he Faya, the c , the Misse3 Kennard, enjoyed� a trip
attiempted a olonial stat4man wouad. The cuts are ve'-y deep, and will to be running -in a' few weeks. -Nor- Pound lat
tb Bayfield a few days 'ago. -Mrs. Yinlay-
49ood lots
to ater into in the past for this have no reason to c!omplain of the treaiment be some time lbefore they are healed. man Gow:c'y, of school section No. 2, was Ore �iece of Nav 00ating Serge, 58 inches, worth 81,295, for 750
freight as they have received from the home a4thod fore part of thik week y�
-ser,vice provision was made for eon, of 8eaforth, the
cen2ablic school leay.. yard. er pouad,
isiting with 1her sister, 'Mrs. :George
i- -On Monday of last week, Samuel 4 b-ine, wag v successful at the -re P
This was out ot ties.
a _A10
wa.i as pas.sengers. f defer- ing-exami ations.-D. nderson, agent for BUF1
0, Grey. bad 'an ugly, gaE h inflicted o a the
McKay of the village. -Mrs. Walte.' IE(an.
enoe to the vilews of the majority, and, it is b"k of -the �ight hand, while the Maglse�, Harris Company, sold R. G. Libe t Sil
Blic k,, all pcile Silk for 39c a yard.
Referring to feed jig a son, of Hensall, igi spending a few dave at
no �, I t i - -Z8 ty S&S'
W 1 1 4 me of Mr. ViVm. Iviaou, of this vil.
0 1 brothers 4.6 in this vicinity'. threshing these -steers, S-7
the W'oodstock ilmes Rule. The shelf band cutting was being done 0141y 30 a�rZ more to sell of 'Oui famous Black Luxo' Silk, worth
the present situat f the t ire8hing madbine on tile farm of R' hard the ho Nay a neT �binder last week. -The Binkley
aract - i4ly admitued that a, 222 knot Ontari GovernTment 4 y
lage.-Mr. and 'Ora. James Grie�es and Z46.50 1 ph
Harry At1woodandUe vonnectio: be- Pon, of London, era vi iting t�t the home- of $1 �2 foi 8 9c a yoqd.
freight servi�6 or even an 18 knot freight says As is well known, emissaries of b.� dayf, and Era doing first class work, they &I.
racticable. The fast freight sheaves W ways do.4-Albert Haskins, of Huntingfield,
'since er and the *boiee hoil
se6ice is iinp the Government have done their wors�q� tv -een the feel too Mrs. Grieve's parent , Mr. and Mrs. T.
Be consideration -and ompanied by the
rvice shonl4 be: the first oloale and wa4 Ace is also ardu�d and has' an'' excellent out -
polling day in the way bove MeLymont.-Mr, Alvin Whit. I 6n,of Michi. Htndreds of Bargains all through the st-ore.
of spoiling b�lloi.,s fit. t4()
if the Governoent can not procure a satis- ni-ritioned reiultg. Mr. Shinla will a off gan, is visiting at the I arentallhome �of Mr.
._��__0111104 okmillll 04illll - - - - - - - - beet fat w
factory servidte of this nature they had be.
On V V W --- V V V V V V V V V
and i!ucb like aets in which they are lade work for som time it! is I eared,; as the 6rds John Whitman abba i
P�a th i lasti -in St. 33 to le,4.251
in an eiideavor to thwart the will t the lAdin g to the, fingers wer a save ad. Andrews' ohurob, he astor, Rev. Mr. Me- Bluevale.
Highest Price Paid for Produce.
ter abandon The estat� of tho la �e SarnueV 8 [)one, an impre NOTES.! Miss
tera ma have nive sermon,
t-� a whole scheme and leave it to 'people, but while �he Nlinis� hennan, preadhe I *ary 8cot�! is visiting in-
er; of Goderich, is valued at
Private ant �riae. A million dollars a year T� abo to V
obtained some temporary' advantage! as t $10),000. making More particular reference to the life Senfortb. -Mr. W.i J. Johnston, sr., and
;,a A�nong the bequests ar ne of 1,000 jo the and death of tbc late Mrs. Cooper. -Mr. Mrs. John 3ton, of the firob 1�rle of Morris,
can be pat tot steady
i a much more profitable 1180 reEult of rascality in th4� polling boot be London confe6n'ce of the Math dist ciurch Win. Ivieon, of New York, is visiting at the went to Nj anitoba laat week'to visit rela-
than aiding r�
few tourists to cross the At. must feel that the day of judgment isl tielar." fo� the Frene-4 missicle work inTebelr and parental home in: tiis village. Rdv. M. C. tiyes.-Miters. Richard, - John -and James +j_ 0
-Uy $28
lantic in a fow hours less time than 04e of the same amount t the Presby1rian McLennan will lelctute in Sb. An[drewa' Hockridge and John and
they The relspOrilsible editor of the T-irnes �ais tb Dahiel.Munn went
a M75 u
church for a stmilar purpose. -ROYD, & Goo 1i
can now do i4 in. There is ample money The bf &nee church, Kippen, 6 1 Se&ember 8th, at eight to Manitoba on the 'harvesters' excursion 'Vemig
reputation of being an bonbrable, trixthflu'l of Ithe estate 1� left, almoilt without c -0-P
cepw o'clock P. m,, on is trip tc the West. As last week.�-Miss Ethel King, of Wingliam-, 'R7 25, *o
eeeking profi�wble investment and if it will iri%n, who enjoys the confidence and �eBpeclt tiq'n, to bqatherB and sisters, nephews and [AA0N on r, H.
Mr. MoLmnan hill beau in Manito�a, the is visiting at' Mr. George McDonald's." AF