The Huron Expositor, 1902-07-18, Page 4I R W U T T A i Ali i r Ell, ULY XULY 181 1 THE HURON tXPOSITOR 4 -902 mama ,NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ambi 6e pro- ability tion to rema r in actor they have rece_;v at 04 the AT* The figurerbetween the parentbezes aft 3r eqoh, foosiou.L The induceniente,al-e not each as people in 611 parts of this; ovinceo akU4 a public, Ohl gation rests u a them to � treat ot th4 PaT on WtIlob the o,,,,e,.d-notes. theL Page �4er are offered in -other walks life, The f all l9c4iti )a with fairness i But there no a rtiffewatwillbe found average salary of a rnule� ablia school; foirneisir Making the e porfi rateollfrom, Vacation Trips -W. SofneMtle-5 we Keep. moving -w. n. counter -8 teacher will,not exceed $500� year, while � poinI lg north of the'. 'rand Tru#k 25 ban the lutes from Ooints TeAchers Wanted-Joebph Snel" Estray Sow -John. Walkor-:4 for one who receives that 4m�o at there are per colit, lying t 0 South of it, especially I when Teacher %Vanted,-A� Stewarkl--5 a score who receive ab*�j $300. Now, ar� many Its northern poi da are ne r the Houses For Sale-M.r& J. S. Porter-$ Fbr Sale -L. 0. Vwi E anond--9 when we- consider the- time eirp�:nse re- seaboord ban many of tl southern 0.0illats, Sutnmer Wo --D. U. UoEleath--6 quired, to propare for the P10 1 ion it -mast be The v4ill( 9 shipPiDg- f) ' al the hiAh.rato Oool Shoesi--IL Willts & son -4 A Record Breaker-RoKinnon Co. -5 admitted that this is a verV 1. adequate re. points. ob, ctrion to thp die- I xai ad vigorous llb I orimi,44ti, D and both oup.milroads a4coded The Resls.-Greix & Stewart --I Local Inaprovements-­W. Elliott -5 e muneration. In many of, walks' of life, 'IV by brinj 4g the. rut as on to tW 0 V South Huron -John Laporte -6 the ability tbe� geaeral! a man who has a d ,q'u,;r._1 an uointB to" froi �! northern speclaia roi Saturday --4-W, R. WiUi 1--8 ScatcbweWs, Attentioa­-8 get up to make a. good mud L 84 "Coaaftil school ' 11 �0 'I. On grai itself, = �0 he gouthern, IeO Great Reductions--fi-J. Laudsbomugh--S Glawes--2-J. F. Daly--& - . r I teacher Could, Without mil a L earn. however, the'rate remaidi unohmage�. and the faIrni a are thus plao d at a He a dia- ric F -tea Concerki.-I, V. Fear -8 an, income three times as ar And, the' advaii.1 If, like the millel thq had ag The- American Hotel, Brucefleld -6 best that is before the, public ifahool I teaohori i they Would have an. astsioci tion of their OV5 ' 'ei� i to aspire to, is 1 the princ p iship of Solna been �blc to secure the same treattnent." village or town school -at. De r iapo-- salary It ill be W li�arl ily onclorse el �ry word f the a, ab % 'Phis is a case wl lch hhould ot be OV of $800 or $1,000 a year. rbaidilyj allo, d to continue. it' ut empbaSiZUr the admitied there is not muc i ir � this! to ift- necoll for the appointi ient , of su inde. ,%EAFORTU, FBIDAY, July 18th 1902* d as a, man to make teach 111 iis life's work. .00 Pendoillit railway'. mmii iion which, would ha Jower to regulat(I matters of this But there is"enough in. A 0 (Jaable� him O� :kl nil A 0hange of Premiers. ing bet. snake it a stepping stone't) s)metb,3 One would naturally thitak, the present anr ter. But, while thin ial. being done, a E rial Notes isi !d Comn�en-t inopportune time for a change, of Premierst teaclhing profession suffe�s III d it will ever I ho Lonlllon Advertisei Isays 9jhe On. in England. But, so it is. Lord 113alisbury,. ba R6 until the remuneration is i4ereased. tario Pxoveininenti has � a !majority of one, . who has been Premier of Gre&tL Britain since In proAperous times, wlida, other avenues wit' I PONO at to add to its i inumber." There 1895, resigned his position on Friday last, are opening, the depIqUoill, will be� greater is n:) 4oubt about the fire �.part of the� state - and his resignation was accepted by the, i depression. than in a time of commi rci . f. 1 We are just now enjoying R, buoyant period ' 9 4 Judi 1,i an J*e hope the oc �ond part is equal - il !have to ])a an - Jy t It not there wi Kin'Lord Saliabary'a successor is the 9. R�ght Ron. A. J. Balfour, Government' -1 and this accounts in a lar i sa urfi. for the. .g n a rue,. otih no person desires otih r ker eral election, an 4 le�deriathe_ House of Commons. Before decrease in, the number 'o male-teachers,1 ths b. acceptling the Premiership, Mr. Balfour con- simply because there is m)r3 repionerative R,3,4 Re"IS. G. And 11 f !Wrox grace, past6r bi sulted with- Hou. Joseph Chamberlain, 'who,. employment in other walk 3 :JJ life. If we, ater Pxeab�teriau chur is the Author of a it is said, eheerfuUy gave his assent,: and. are to keep men in the Ito c 1 Sion beald poem in the Initial num�er of I al pzomiaed his earnest support to Mr. Bal- � 111OV*Ofes we June t increasp the pay. 1 f we' cannot fford to do that., tb�er 1 hqi W 65tm1n9ter,"_. en,il "tled 14 The Great four. Locd Salisbury is 72 years of age, and; a we must a er other alternative, of which. some ace no:w corn. Gulf Vixed." Mr. Andei on is rapidly tah­ hasi occupied a prominent position in Brit.' ing a for racist place as a' oet. The West- He had: the 'feeling ish polities for a great many years. He has plaining. With the. female teachei, t�e p�ooition is MiEst save ancl Ir touhh,:'Of % true poet." been Premier on three differen4 ocoasious, Aifferent. Her ambitions. slrp in a 6iffalrent lAmerieskis, is from 1885-86, 1886 92, and since 1895. He' has been. in, feeble health for some, direction. As a rule she 10411 not look out I 9 h Clki�agp 0:1nadian which edie by one-' ime Can 4diars, Concludes an time, &nil his present step was not anex- for an occupation which will! f orm� bar life"al art oll, Ot k be Ontat io pol (tical iitualiion as "naturally pected, work and make provisioii for Old aqe. -Shp, f * �ransitory foll),Wa - "The Conserval are l Ut, Balfour ia a native of Scotland. and., too, is 112 a mood, t at i d'f. farent.directiou, firom h6,t b: in a latil *1.1ilant over the reduction of the ii 54 years of age. He is said to be geni4lt otla�rl th a niaj 0 b: against them, bit it Mr. Ro's' ma - Mr, Whit vey has and papular, although not conspicuously, profession. She looks rwi rd to mabri- mosaV, when a home will 4 provided for jori 113 1 imall, none at all, a4dtl i chances of attaining power be- U1 -tt. He has. been the Oonaervative, br; im her, and all she desires. fron� the teaclaiag Minot general elect ! Ion aria nop ver y for , I r leader in the House of Commons Eince 1895,1 professiou is 6. living un14! tb b 406ked. for and his accession to the Premisrabip is the * time arrives. Hence she, daii a o rd! to war Ia trie, a leading !French Cradian natural step of saccesEion. Although more is by means so brilliant a i I � for less remuneration ana i h' req4irenientaf .16 I pap er Y' atten- Moutreal,'has 1�eu calling,, porpular7he -no,. man as Mr. Chamberlain, and, the latter' re 81i ' Whilb, there -1 a fewer and lesa expen.ii e. 'int tiox i to v hat it considert J� the too meagre fore, through the erigagep�'eut of felaiAles sale ry pa d to the Oana� �au Premier. It has,,, 4ecicledly, the. stronger miind-. of thel' : f the profession,. the beuellito, :of paimaneney rerr aika it at Sir* Percy irou4rd, ' on of G re t two, and will be the dominant figu in he; are not mu2h better attEdLi ad � than in triet I Mr, Justice Girouard-, of Isuper- new Cabinet and its p4licy will, rid doubt,.'i case of the male teacher, a h s is a groaV interill n; )f railways in �outh Afticla, gets he very largely framed aa' he desires. misfortune to the pr ofe 1 11 1, ehe#ness 48 $10,0 v yehr, and that while it is ot an I Another incident of importance is the r.signation of Sir- M ichael Rieks-Beaeh,, 1 assured. And it is this he*11ness WhicbA's eXC)s ve i alary for the services re dared b y � 3) d i cluard, it shov a how nigga dly . Js the Obameellor.of the-Exabequer. This event.' responsible for all tne a 1 41 at are deph r- 7 i I a'. r. r.,Danada al its Prime Wisl 0 a ows f )'llow1ug so soon after the resiguation 4 of the, fre nen anges, ed on account Ch' and ter. ir Wilfrid Laurier ete.aboub, 8,000. 11 �8 I " ident," says �9% Patrie, that which will also account f rth 3 fallilifg off Qfj f Lord Salisbaty, and the elevation, to the, ad t ei -ioreas the males in the progesai r h it b )r4- lo- ig a change mum � take place, n, the sa arips allowed our minij era." Premiershi of Mr. Balfour, has. created ing number of female much intereab,not to say exniteraent,in Eng - Cut brJbren and sisteis, across tie ses lish political circlet-. Sir Michael,. next to! Tha King and thb Alremiers.. M -great seein tip ])a hero They rehippers. Mr. Chamberlain, was- the ablest man in the- The King has so far r elovl3red 'me! to -per- 1 can e th Be more in 1. line than most En, -U94 Cabiaeb, and. his withdramal,. it is,' mit of his removal from i 44i ugliam Palace, pe:1 -h ple. Lord K ener. is nc w f, e oth 3r iW universally admitted, will throw the con-� where he was s; io,- big oi4n4 on.- i H a w as � he hour in old L' udon. H her) 6f t. a krrived trol of public affairs pretty much into thel carried from the palace io a alt�bulance 111a, I aturdq 1&' there fro South Africa n , S at, handa of the latter, as Mr. Balfour, unless, i il lat apd- thent and conveyed to the roy y the 1$lth inst. His pro rose throu h. the be developea unexpected strength of charac-T taken to Gowes, where he is�l I low! �n board, met-rcpol.9i after three yiors' absence at the tier and vigor of manner, will simply be an; the yacht which ha3. be04 4 ieciall� fitted! Boll r war, was one of theii- most me orable amiable figure head. The cause for Sir up fok his accommodation -i] 10 stood the! of t h warly remarkable Teceptions of thre 'bree Michael& withdramal is not stated, but the removal without incoi1venience, An& hip.: pas� years. The E all proces ion of ca containing th Lreneral and his probabilities are that. he feared Mr.. Cham-, health is daily improvin�.: J he expectation, sta i F imple, servic able veldt I dress, * berlain would be the dominating figure,, and is that the cor6nation, pro lceoc� in a vl�ill take -9 lac ze, spectacular featuil a, hub ev dently� he had no taste to play second fidile to Oud place in the second week in Lugu:" the! c; w cl Iwas there in it tbno of the asanda He hot for whom he has long cherighed no partiou, lar love,. but whom he has, we might sayj� isr,is still �ili Premier Laur* ond b't iis `iJ ; to H4-ei to the an of the and not a pag- cant. Frc1mr the momet b" he set f Ot in feelings going Paris and will retura to:Lon-! Londlon a the time of his di.sapp.arance bar. - h St. James" Palace, be re�garded with of mistruat, and, pero don in time for the coron%ti i t should it take' a �t a portal of haps, contempt. Hia. withdrawal from tb� place &.4 anticipated. r imier Ross' has� wall eobjeotofauchat outburst of popa. 'ow CAbinet 5p the. preselat-time is to be regret- 'What, 1 left London and gone to oi�ay,' wh�r6 lati", lar e tht sasm as to clude overshad the dot Jot stra ions on previc a auO similar oc- tid. -- the result ot the preeent will investigate the timbe q4estion of thatt cis: oil Changes will be it is imposisible: to predict. country, Norway being: Qatiada'al la est: rg They do show, hov(evrer, that there is no , 11 competitor in pulp wood. 1 4a has lwJI is 3marke .1. ;Uoi arvative cout�mporary ri great harmony existing in the inner Circles to Hors. Mr.. Harcourt 11M he i tended' tha; *hile.-Mr. Whitney ould not thi k of t� his Cabinet, im in Bagland. If the Liberal party of ToryiF sailing for home in the fir O -Z eek -i a �u us L I ? tak'n ill he hpd an oppor- 9 - had a, leader worthy of the nume at the pre &.' If, however, the coronatidn, is to - coma off tun [ty ot f rming one, any. of the members ent tinie,aud were in anything]like working 11 1 on the second week in Alu tfst, he nl�ay (10- ! lafthelprasent Govern e't, he would not, 1 obj 3ct to selecting Hors. H. Blake as a condition, they would have a goodopportuni ty lay his dep%rtlire for &not er week 'land so of coming to; the front. Ent in, their present be present at the corons,O)M' opl) ea�gkie. Perhaps �ay be so. Mr. condition this is, an, impo' asibilify. Blake se ma to have got Inis back u,p be- Ca e� a OM4 of the member of presenb Much t k r. o Be Th F� 1 .8 -the Male and Female Teachers. We, in this Province of On ario, cortainly, Go a ardent did not pay a much attention to a bethought t 14" he should have done, There Is a good deal be! g said just now live in a favor d land. We I Lve mu�h to b6 ealthough bril it I'S �arcely likely t iat the old gentle - in some of the papers about the undue pro' thankfulL for, we' re fre neatly rnm,wo Ill! permit his op to or big vanity to, portion of female teachers in the publici schools of the pr&vlace. It is said that the prone to COMLplain and.thait ' th ve: -y Iii �tla I cause for our coml�laiftts.. i e it if not all, oarry�fii so far as to ti rn his back upon the in ip'les of a life Upe and join his for. male teachers are becoming fewe� Year by! continuous sunshine is qait�� true:,! but s� but e, on 6 With a hide -b lid Tory like Air. W6itae3 However, w I would like to see year and those. dropping out are being re. momen.Vs reffection and a, o4partson of our- h ey and M :M �tli r. lake harnessed up placed by female teachers.. This is, nd lot with that of -those in 11 so, favore� lands. to at er ; there would 6on be tun. They doubt the caae� Some also 'are seeking would. lead us to tee tha It t he clodiliq are 'Ill -wo �Iil b about aW amial Ia to each other as a air of, she bears wouh 1 be if their tails reasons for this Change, w�ile others are comparatively fewJ and f�r . be6wee The I we *a tied together. A i �x-foot stone wall speculaling on the effect it is having on th' Toronto Star points out ha, i while! we are W01 lit rf�t'keep them fr �m trying to kill ri%ing generation. . It is said that for young4 complaining in Ontario Of 00 mu�h rain 1ea(h loth 4 By all melliis lot i us have a er children a female teacher is equally good. ourcouslasin AuBtraliadre sufferirg#o k OoElition6overnmentw3h J. P. Whitney at )n e and S. ':H. ab, the if not better than a male teacher, but the consensus drouth. But our over supply� �Of rain ii . -Hon. -Blake otter woald be reaI.,nice. I of opinion ia that for-ohildren of more in I � local, and, after all, only triffing in,REJ bad ' I . I mature yeure - and the more ad 7 - vanced atudiee, a male teacher is effects; the drouthin Atist liais 4eneralli, . i I J Lf ter thefuser&ia0bythe Corserva- 'tiv is ubc a North Grey, �Iae Court of appeal preferable 1 In, so far as this is concerned, no doubt - a and has extended over severA seaso1ris,* - In T I bet fi ally: fixed the majc1tity of Mr. MoKay, I good deal depends up6n the teacher. Therd . parts of Victoria and in ',he back 66un�ry, the L ba!�, at six, thus �iving him two of a are femalle teachers quite competent to instruct of New South Wales and Queenaland the condition is geriout. The Lyge t sheo' * flocks mabrity ifidependently c f the our ballots properly any children of school age� 4 hAve dwindled away becailso- great s�retepes' calls) or ih opponent, an4 which were de - whetitier large or small,. and female teachers are frequently the beat disciplina "'a"' -of comtry have become v�eritable ;ideshrts' cla� ed It iltave been sp�-Aled after ihavin 9 ftoulled 00 the other hand there are male teachers without , blade of grasq.. The m . 4tary bee n by the dep 6, ty ret urniiJg Offi- 1, ;W I d it be v; 6111 for the Mailo wh' are, not much 400d anywhere.. So that loss to individuals is eatirp,ated atnifflions, car, not Mr, W tl ley, at al. to c t ieir tactics greatillealmore depends upon the natural andintelayears the num�her of sbqep has no'iv?��- Ustead of trying to get into; power adaptability of the individual than upoij decreased by threo-fourt4 it is 3a'idL that by a Ilir g their opponen i1s bad names and m,klzg,)r,e half of the of th a the sex. Although, for the more advanced while the losses have basal heavy they havei been bearable, bat that a 600tinuanc�,of the" poople pro vince�'bo ielv'e that the other and'lar&r half V+ pupils ib is, no doubt, as a rule, advia6ble t � I I I are thiei -e4 and robbers, 3owt would; it do have a male teacher, and perhaps it would drouth will produce widelipre id tniseir hy for thern tIo try to show that their4 policy be in Lhe interests -of the youth of the cou In this coiantry our far era Be etimes, f r a m a a ering a a largo a provin2e .0 is I ore Avaticed, econot lical, and iia: every try if an& could be procured for the higher have their hay, crops inj4re by toy muchl � I wa �et ei than is the pi ilicy of their op - departmenta of all schools, W d do 11, DAU rain, or their grain and friJit,larnagoo by a pol al 8. This, at any rite, would � be an thiak,- however, that any school -would suf_ early frost, but on the whme we onjoy .0 agr HE bl 3 change and wo ild be more in con - fer materially in the hands of a self relian�t kind and indulg6nt climate. sousi a with civilized mAhods. Although it Ili t 0 in t be so congenial to thomselves and effiaien-tr female tea-eber. We shoulil Th a Toronto W eekly S in sa) 9 �Bothi� and. ig it, perhaps, not be quite so easy, it much prefer aue.1i %,teacher for such a I de. the Grand Trunk and the Ca adian Paoifio' WO 21 b) iiastly more..acliepta�le to intelli. geat.. do ple, and would ')a more, creditable partment than an ifiefficierit male teacher, railways still continue to charge the 1higIJ to ih ir )wu sense of hor or and justice. If whose heart is not in his work, but who is I rates on shipinents of grai a h ona. poin,4 the p loy a are n4 3t tired- �f this name call- aimply u*ing the, teaching profession as 0, e' the nortlaw stern part. of tbi i province to ing and Wit throwing, t�ey ought to be. I, cosav-enience and a stepping atone to s,omo Atlantic port8- The action�o E the W.0a�h', 'and lw�theritriurnphinth�.m�thodsof scien- other mpre rem"erative profession, and Michigan Central roads wt May ii� r, a t lboomlotion has be la scored by the who, porlampas ial devoting the best- efforts of his, mind to himself for that duclug their export rates 6 n I rrain from, 13� ai Jan Pacific Ca Railwa i Company. Tbis i� preparing pro. fession. Saab a., teacher, and there' are a to 1IJ cents per hundred led to w sinU-* 14'r re-� 1 1 . an r a cluetion, by the Canadi c do in. ag i,ilinelvTo-tor car. This car was- bailt �ough, r thousaude of them,. DeVe can and never a uth. 0 western Ontario, but frorr a,11 pciint aorth� in England, curiously the . more espm all as the design Oas local, hub other will do 1 work in the. school 0 f the maia line of the'Gra nd. rrunk between I cars hich are to follow, �Ivill, of course, . be room no mi"Itter whab his othe. r 4fat3dities and Toronto and Sarmi, the rates that pi evlifled 11 malle loW . ly. The, idea 's admirable. The qualificitions may be. As to the reasons for the falling out of the before the reduction. by th a A neric-sir, toads' U In rf er car is lig at and easily�p d . There a'ge still continue; From Lucan for insftance can b ! eno�agh gaso line itoi made for profession.of males and the iz)creasing murm. the export rate is Ill- cents per hufacilred'. fou � e ay! i.: There is no � moke. There is bar of females, these are not fat to seek, . while frGm Exeter, bat 12 mi as aws�y,, the, little ioiSa.' The car wei:,he four tonN. it These reasons, are not to be accounted for rate is 15 cents. From Glely h the I ate- is Ill cents, while from Fergus I ii!1444 cents ' wil. amoxn�trlodate 16 peo 4e, although, in a pineh� 2(l mi,41at find roon . �It is ope 'on all 4 hy any defects in the educational systern* and from Chealey-.151 can;& From rawp- aid( H "d thus supplies tE a idea.of an 1� ob t-er- nor by the. examinations, or any- of the ton the rate is 11�, cents, whil.) fr;oni.. rahge- 'and vat o:11ear.: vihieh is the v ary thing desired minutia of 'the education departillitent, as I ville-ib is 14� cents, fro n BrAdford Allandale 15 cents, and fr:)m 8 aynor :15ir in t [Je Imc untains, where t he eye expebts an idei Oj or and height a id grandeur" The same try to make us believe. The reasonsi i . I cents. This discrimination ag in t nortbern car ra apon the standa A rails It can are to be found nearer horrid. The salaried po-nts is, of course, grosol af ir, i Aail, make I cord of 30 miles lan hour it runs paid are not Iarge eaough to Ir-duee men of' . reads are undert-Akings of a � public� char- _ amcotl upon. the track � there is nd-noise, 110 am ion is dne of leas-� I �Ans left on Sat�r ay to visit friends `9 SEAFORTH'S LE and the sensat' ADIING SHOE STORE. arei It was test ontrm� a fe* days � aris.-The Centrk�ia creamery was sold b 4ry beat Fiat' factiln. It I t de, 1go ano gave the ountign on 8, r, t A. Bobier, a ntly old a ff wl A wa at Varna o he ba0e of the R ooky 'o'nnt ins f1or the Tuesillay, attendiog PL ES is inte'llied for u. a at Ban a a skirt Fixeter.-J. j,.864 1buory t Ribe bour 0 rayision. HO All— i j a oonVel4ionoe-and comfort of ilariate. It nd dau liter, and Mr -ay in Lucari� O'Ne'lo wife ,,I be,1an7 Vee6ra until tte, pouderous of Brantford,'spont Su ad mind to -stsrtf4l +.-Mrs. R. H. Collins gave a large afternoon T A 9 Ar alt. ste engi a be eatireli suppreeded f il F HP Y S am tea, on Thursday pf last week, for her lad 'von r ra way raffie. �;_Th Oiends.-Rev. Mr. Wm'lah� and wife, 6 I I A A A A A0A �m Scotland I WeIllotioe a go!bd many papers arO talk- �3rampton. were the guests of Mr. and Mrb frA in the James Cobblediok for afew!days this week ing about there being a scrutu y of t�o ba We have all sorts of t) eO0l footwear for all sorts of peqple, bt& -The Latter The reverend gentleman oon4ucted the He'- +ra lots in- oevetabalection trials hich iare an-, this. week we desire o oall he attention of -the ladi�s !'to ur larg.e?, in, & -V -vices at Trivitt Memorial Church on I'm 5ab ticipal otion with protests which ' ractile I took of Vho lie- urg ad in Conn ath eveving, -delivering a I most p have I eon ebtere Those wh) expoob arly.- bermors.-The fund &I of Earl, the five-ysa, - son of Mr. Israel Spaith, to6k place o 2 1 n# Stra S thin ,rom- this- source evid )ly ido, not Oxford Shoe a P 11 111 1 bo 9 Morsday afternoon nd was largely attendec! know bbe situabi 1J., - - The preaBnt Wlot law the community ex resaing he doe syn p Ev lady should hav a pai 'of,,these sWes to wear ring the hot hasbee'ninoperati6a. in Ontario for np- �pathv felt for Mr. nd Mrs.' mith in thei ety S 4weather. Whether fo house street wear, there is -so WO4 wards of a uairter of a centurv, and, -during affliction. d hand� nd t costs'so little mone, 4 all th1t klaotla single scrutiny has been to N -egg hari to beat. Wid an IdXpr compiNted. One was commenced good liensall.; r $1.06 we.show a nice line cf Oxford?s and 78trap slippers -4 -Burly in A $1 a good assortment with thin't urn soles, patent or kid t ypars.ago in� 4incoln, if we ri8colleot 'tanbuiy, IOr 13190Y Yeurg: many J. G. A., Barriater,Solicitloi, or to ight, but it ha to be abandoned 1�efore it ;Notary, Conveyanoelr,l moil to i0an, kxeter, Of t -and'61.75, we carry a, tplend�d -stock, with thin turn beavy was ir, uoh more hmiJ well oommon0ed, on At Hensall every Tnesi lay. or ?)kervou ao0ount of the t dious -ure it the FOR SALE.—Hol:180611 dai -y' business, Ali-, o tension soles, . . . . . . . . nut inganatheeno ousexponse atteri0ing it. cludingrigs and who's outfib, f)r�sale by tender.: c r $2. 00, the geerless Oy ods in atest styles. w- er . 'Th e highest tende I acosIptaclan1poa satislacuory.1 J -Jand, Ba3h' allot has 0 be examined before the ! )r D For $2.5p, the Empyaps O:dords Iles and finis mr. Men Can have poeseasion !at August. Addrees Jotni ders in style, fit I thor, an shoe for court M c6una.. on both sides have.a right Paterson, Hensal 1804.8 Queen Quality, the famlons Ameic Ige in ar ument to their heart's -con.' ir $3.00, th omen J. W, LOCAL BiauEFs.—Mrs. Hunt was in Clit L. ll *&o1it*h9 ban bet to iL each bal ot b f deelsion is ton. last, week visiting �reiatives.—Mil a tent o a COTAFORTABLE ,HO7USE SHOES. 13.if 1h was tim:ter7th'aJis scrutiny of -un the house, ladieshou I -ion give who was at tbB: of Thorn urst, For a0lid!.comfort aro id try House Slip- the liallate of an oidinari� constituency -manse for a num r of weeks� ';i3itil3g 44 ri nella, i,t 50 at 81.i00 -eu woul , deoubfy a ut 5 years rid costj the -birs. F. Ras a per in liht leather pru e a pai ..better �nt sister, has returned home. litigauts about aiquarter of a railftion dol.� Lai!n�to'n countT. pai in 6e grudlastj lars. As none Of 'the conteqtants _A3nong thIl in the W. G. Jo .. visitjng in Donfiek ind hn Con wasin' ClintontWal comia election court Conte are C�rnegied i led in pi week.—Mrs. John Eyre, of Denfield, was, 'here;Broderick.—M m1nd as all of tl lam etpect to �$ g her moth last week vi4tinj er, Mri die some time it� is not. likely �hat soriatinies or Roi elfare r. and Mrs. Johnston aul tLLIS & N' Sealli 0 will clit any gre�t figure., iMrs. Smith, of Sti, Louis, Missouri, wereL ents wit a 'Oere last week spending a few days aKippen. Mr. and Mrs. Will1am M oor6. _�Mrs. Robell t I arkhill, has now become settled in the par- Clark that the pctititin'wao iLLL validated by A very forth, I as been spending the pal t� D. my, commissioner and bosiveyancer - Bell, of Sea ; ( — i losti a )hage at Varna. 116. B. R. Higgins the striking outi of the Aala2ae containing --the xesidencs week or so with relatives in this vicinity.- -: 1 3 Wills, ortwageean4 deeds dra�vn ui�. Moneyloanai valul' I co' this week.—Art1mr and tKe prayer. 0Vaces ion bit the I est rates of laerest. 1740-tf Our junior football team, in; their rnatUllI ery 4b e W Acc[DENTS.—We feel.,sorry to mention �arles Mason, I jr.,left,ontlueaday for In- A cross-peti tion against Ar. M. Y. Me. recently with Zurich, helil their own, ti a �4jslaioa b that Alls. William Cooper, ar.,.an old and 'score beirig even. In all other matohea imn Read, Mauitobai witli a car load of Lean, -the Liberal candidat b South Huron, -4)ilfore bl -r_:�tul b as also been entered in beh; d� - of Mr. He much esteemed resident of"Our village, hadvi . season they we:e winners and are no v, 7ses. ury Agoettler Eilb8r, Al. P. P., -whos afed sarioul accident during the week. !praoti6i13gu`pfor newlgamessin'd ho�ed r a alet ti Dn is .&'P:,Pe Wbilei NJ rs Cooper was attending tb 0 over. Zurich. against. The dUqualificatio. Mr. I&TASla and I I 'conquests. —Quite & number fiom this vi sigbt of some work out of d ore, Ae fell, inity attended ibe Orange celebration t BRIEFS-rz-Dutiog the heavy tbu nreto,rm is asked for. dislocati-bg the hip joint. Th accide.ab Will 'Goderich on the �welfbh,—Yr. JohnStace �Jich pa4ed oiI;,er this vicinity on Monday The Conservtiv-69 enter Petitions urray,. Was He d for some has P'ainted the lal el)iogs of Mr. John M aa�t, Mr., Reu�be he Allso.. access tate her k ping --her a John Dei:cherVA woods ied during the next few days t longtb of -time, which will be, ery trying on 7arlane, Mr. Thq as Welsh and his oww. -a of t is baild Mesr. ax. 'got �v_ar as. bears. truck by lightning. The aid - 4013 n M. in h J11 L it t to , buti fo.-tunately I no Bruce ; A. G. M�Aay, in 315oJrth Grey, and milit Mrs. Gfooper considering her advanced age. �Mr. and Mrs. Pennis. Brintnell� of Mae 13� was somewhat to J She is in her 89b year. 'Mr . Ooope� has denia, Michigan,j i vere in our. village lai )v ar dam6ge was donfe.—TOo daug tera of - R. Bulrber, in Hutton. Ottawa on IV_ the sympathy Q) the whole c mmun itiy and week on th out to 11ibbert to via t he late- M. Su e fro ichican, .4irs. Shor- air wa3 t, ' + blie hepe ofull. a that she wi I soom be re- !Mr. Brintnell'i Pa.,esats,—Mrs. H. Worde , )n; a viF-.ib to their giandfatber, Mr. 1). Sr- Canadian PoultrV f oi Erigl murdarer. nov- and. storedtoherus I -and woute lhealth.—The If Chicago, is here visitinj1h6r sister, Mrq�L hr i1e. It is a Aumber, of years sin ce they Poultry farming in Can ida -is a busi- Vincent de F. Past eak appe a to- be a r cord breaker frc: m here I - imm, Ireluo ames'Carliale, - 8 ie is . alocOmpanied by h �r n4ved to Pigeon —,A nuffiner ness that - for accidents am ng the. lades of our vil. little daughter.—The coment walk contricl-w 'went, to London I io see t I he eireuwi�-Dr. be substantial. Y' evolved A reqUeat mad several market branches The Eelling to Is, lage. Mrs. Shefer, while performing her bell aud'� bride have returned from tore finished theirm ork here the middle of this 0 of speefally plump, well dre 4d Chickens t whdomes tic work had the misfortane to let week and go from herd, to Port Colborne th=irp wedding' trip.—The Dashwood con- Canadian city merchants, qox to.. commilssicmo a ker [a of bob M later f all' on o ie of h air f set T on Wednesday been. irefus, Mr. L. Harold� Grand Trunk Railway table passed 9rough. here on Jbw , merchants in Great, Britain 2) the oelling 6f scaldi g it very severely, which, for some ;agent bete, has be n transferred to Winj is way to Godefich,, where he was ti Lking, an —Josepts. W time, 3aused her much pain a d severe suf- live chickens to firms who 3Xpor them �-W boro.;died in a hange to take effect - th a neane man.—Rev. and Mrsi W. J. Yager ham station, the I Great Britain, aad:(.3) -the �t dTag of fresh hry- 4G*hl I foring u is n w nice . imll: roving for the week. Mr. Harbl. has'been; here for quil I ere a re i on an I ay � 8 1 a; w a day -.'E. 11a r eggs. ee are a -most pr -his 'WAY herneli bette .—,We al o mention Wre. i Gilbert a number of years! and will be missed I y nu I chillresa� services. Mrs thp an al branches of poultry farming., the Dick, who hadoccasion to be up0mirs mud' his frienda.—Mr Perry, !who has bem $oh al e, aud her sister arrived E ere Thi�s i an extract from avice -ust in Comingdown, by somd met no, mi�aed her here for a number of we4si visiting Mr, !Otb r a and will ''pond some -tie with ;_Poterboro thre issued from the Departme"- -of Agriculture is here be treaVied by' . footin g-aud fell to -the- b.O;tton of the 8tmir8- Billings, returned home to—Wbitby t4 8, f ri a.— iss I oltz an, of Illinois at.0tt&wa, and by attenion t it a Further than a '�ahaking u and'i a few neovered. tha+ week. —?Aiss Aggie Buchan�n: is , home fro a ��Jsiting her n clef G'Holtzmall.-Mrs'. of small farmers may perhapa�tsecure a vom slightt scratches no serious i ijury iresulted him home. London, on a vi it to her . friends.—G. 1'. Donnie, of Walodhard, spent - Sunday in our fortable addition -to theii incomes. At 'home gtte- wben bil at Btitain Dnlv from Mrs. Dick's unpleasant i nishap. Monday.—I-Ar. A& Gr BpAirs,—Mr. Beverly Ke;ohen,,for four Sutherland, agen � for Mrs. Pop6, hao a d �village, return rig etroit, has been h are on . a present Caawdu sendi to ar the stock of furni! are and furnishings of a �am -Fassold, of; D a two per cent. of the !lwhich the old :Ii -01A Sabb�t.ha 'Will conduct the a rvices of St. late Mr. Pope's - a tate,to r. Welle,of L - !vielt to friends.—Mis. J. Preeter race �'tly Dou hrmerit asserts with a ouncing -land imports, a -ad thb oud 4-yeara Audr4we churob in the abse ce of the pae- nted her'; husband that the Canadian chicken�lt -side is Duly u3 an, don, who intends arrying oft the merchi it !p,rese mr, CQumbus ly ; tor, ev. - M. (1, 1 111! McLean whq;� is tailor business in the promises opeupied I ' 'baby boy' —M is. -A. S. Faust and two ebil- its infuncy, and that ita substantially holid trip to Manitoba, . Mr. Pope. Mr. Wells bome]a very; highly re- Aren left, on Tuesday on a visit to her de veloped. '-down the UaCi 36 c ever a an i% an a (Ong a atill of commended.—Dr. Campbell and,his e mother. an, a or riell 8 in a 0 A. ar In Montreal, and qo do in Toronto, thoujgb�t thr St. Andrews i very fortun; te, i )Javing returnea home from. their tirlip on Tuesdl�y oo, are merchants Pay from '10.to Mr. Ketchen w bii them dur rig th lb who will Ej aelliols evening lasti—Ml. A. �-Des!it. of Mitchel, 11 cents a pound for a praifloally Unlimited 6 J3rtLsse1s,. of thelir pastor. Miss Lily N hitess: who !was in the villa vl� vikiting I is I . ran through U. g �:. tb is "k, I , latiy of the right kinds o dressed -bbidk- for some mont has been in Detrol t'takiag sister, Mrs.- J. J SAherlan& on big -way ;o !NOTES. —A. jolly. company asse blecl t qua ft th comfortablI6 and commodious home of aria. One merchant alone n2ffers tG, take leasonts in the �her art of music, has re- ;his summer cottarko at Grand Band.—T is, there shollild, home. — r'. William McMordie, of Mieses M I n I I Mr..and:M- rs. David Moore, on Wad.-nesday 500,000 pounds this fall nal 'bably I uat-ard, of- Gladstone, Manitol R,, therefore, be no d4ager f over sapply- turneo siang with 'hiendo 'in this !forenoon of this week, to witness the' inar- bones*ere bri ,sa, is vi are visiting thei auat, Sirs. John Me- . .4 vicini�y. Willi krA is an old KippenUy and riage of their dough . r, Miss Lizziq, to Mr. this season. —Why I# Gre or.—Mr. Charles XicholPs. of Lond( 0, niel )r, which As -to the kind 61 dremsed;clhickeus nq amo ig ysi Quarrill, of Rainy Riv --tereated in'F he aiv'Fays feels &6 home the bdo was in the vill4e Tuesday � and WedneadE y, market; t a four -inoutu 0 0 1& t 1-1 o'cl(ek. Rev. D. B. Me. ed for the English I Fridav, Amoil.g those , v -h left her � on [Tuesday visiting relatives.—Miss 1�icholl's, of Lon- old,plump, full -breasted, er 4e -fattened, arid morning on the -Manitoba ex mraiO4 I& the ' e, o ranbrook, I erformed the cereony. Ds 'don, who ha b a a div�g a few weeks I or weight from four -to five FOI L fil. 1"tthi p a ea senceof-Rev. Mr. Rom. Afti POI L ,POI L west welre a n, and ' drs. i McLev- With her gigtereFrs. �nUrquh% - ru, returned !dinner a large.1 weddilig p%ety -so a liv-e d d )Len markelt in v I I nan 84nd childr. Air. ohn Cameron, horr, a Wednesday last ior,4 of. the There is &I junior, . of the J*,h lifie of _3banley, and toWrox�eter, where Mr. and btrs. England, and several firms '.n West.ern ey, or the Mi�sEs Cooper.. We -wish for our friends �Czaar .a took. the rain f ei r future tariowill buy all the chdi-ens,they can 4d Won= i _QV . I a ple�sant trip 'and a safe rbtutn.—The I roxet r.. 11i'me at Rain 'River followed by the well secure. Y'l -court room b�� On application to Ottawaithe Commission - o daughters of �be late BRiErs.—Miss :Florence Stokes, of !o- wishes of a hoqt of f ionds B G,-rry met Rice trial ldiese� Muatard, ill furnish Hugh�,'AMustard, ol Gladstone, Manitoba, are routo, is spen�iug a week! with her eist r, wiibh an accidebt on he Qrlin� of the 12th, er.of Agriculture and D&irym Woman aftet I t hif rmation they visititioramong fr�euds in this vioin-ity.— Mrs. J. Fortsyt e.—George Spotton..a d which will A1im u for Home time. He applicants with what inf. about tiny bran 64 of the padl 'Ray M elli i, -�l 8 bratfor� , is`gpl�nding 'a Mri.- Spotton of Arthur, %re' renewing u- Was meting as i�marsball for the'.0 quire try Miss ASMSet 10MU011 34inadiam rnont�s visit at 6r fathers horno in the quaintances i� thl i village. Wis. Detweil r, one of R. LeAherdale's business. It is a pity that U -do n6t nd mounted on us B d in 'and I villag .—Mrs orkman, of Lampiey, with of Berlint is the guest of er parents, r. 1grey horses, doingGver onb of' the F.0 more in -to poultry. There' is money Ima ali pad and herd ingheer," 0. R. P. Belt th i and Mrs. John K Tensl Snn th gianolithic crc saings the horse U.—Toronto World. maton 4were a oaa:'t. —The ban returned from a. week" h I'd Ur Gerry'a week visibi g w th.friends in L 9 w t f�ll, breaking both bones in ban r- log, a IiWe ab p gTaph new pastoi ot a Methodist churb here, Brussels friends. Oheater. �Iru?a �isaryecM;e I ve the ankle, and dislocating Englan&s or A.Tle 10, tho -police iO4 Rev. Mr. Mallopt, is busy calling a I irLong his iag from a serious illnpps. E. Black left li'a big toe. its wa is 'carried hoi no o. a -;.associated wit -1 8;r PeOPI giViLg a ppportuni�y for pie . tor and for the X-Ortliwe t. TarritoryI on Tuesd4y. i etcher, and �Iae injured member attended The latest thing in thiavf!6�te 6.1deoun _t;1T peopl to beco a i acquainted. 'M�! ]Robert He expects to Pb!e beat amut a' month,;- to. Mr. Gerr� is garting sloog as welt as __J*hU th-0 to provoke the criticism. c f Itheew world .1 . , I - 'Mrs. Artbur at a time an old and Mrs.H.Lowr is spendi&g'a I few days �j h could be expected. —Mrs, J.' J. Gilpin re. &at y 1 101 ing for eatee ad citize I of this �a buo �Jow of relatives in F6rftich.—Miss Merle M ri� dived a ainfial injury last Friday morning. is the postoffice method of . tauri ru those who want to send teleg, r%rat, sayo the Loud n, is at r6sent visiting with; his old of Teeswater, is the guest oi her- aunt,, re. Sbe had eon a window wh in Camp London Daily, Mall. frien Mr. Job Whiteman. --Mr. �nd Mrs. George Allan.—Oliver . Smith has retur Jed some wa,� it fell and caught the th rd Tager i & in . ast !olla her r lf �u A an from Boston, whosd ViEl to Lon Ipehnuts, urid -A' Robs Elgie, f uokeramith "Iring tho from Chill wb�ere_ be hq�s ight hand, ti�king about h, T domis connected with a ea- weekl,were visit with friends ft SUat. hi.—Mrs. James Yora�the, of I i�Lh of ib completely off.—A new f late roof "Pasin.g blin 11 'rprL, , was e Taylor, vi -bo 17aver' on Toronto, is visi Joe ford. is ting her !paixents, Mr. md i is ng. put on Melville manse tbiE week.— to raphati arid fm ":on hevain eudeavo 9 subject Yesterday. -��Mr. Goo osod of -51 Mrs. J. Saude�rsoa.—,Misz Nellie Gibso as Miss Kspe Wilson hais been engaged as eHoare mae s d the hfa tle among! I cattle has disi of It beate me 7bow.youpeople. head f steera W . n returned frolm Detroit,, gall is the guest teacher i)a our public scho'ol to 'Dike the 21-'e7 �h A htgh will Im goia Away I bq* be ina-me I - stand the arrangements oir Mi lace of Miss Brock, who, hell ' resigned.— u ears. Co(kl;. as Minnial Miller.=M41colm Allen,and RL pitali Defrojtl abo a. week, to 41-e - ug 3rothe p here. Firat time I wanted to Bond a- few of Ldndon,­F&ri*era have been makin Mrs. All -on, a Colorado 80rings, are spolid- Williams and W. F. Scott are �akiiag. in vwitL- alod X-rk, 9 e W0_ rink wires I drifted into your Flbt -street office. good Age of the fibe weathex in thi i way of ing a few we�'km with th �otmer'6 mot�ler, the races in Detroit tVis week.— . . a hus!k� The I - ardent In the very datke w a few r -*b - bored away. Mr, Robert ches. Nailed to- a rough* corrugated gettirig the hay a Mrs. AlleD.—Miss Eanicel Hapfer left for of our bowlers took p4rt in the t urn st corner I;ea 4hild seemed bib hut "the rig Wiarton on Frida�,, where 'she will visi 'for at Seaforth this week.—The Qae u.q hotel 'beartyainuex Elivieli is fir t: we have itsard of bei: Chu J Oaepl QL wooden counter was in due pne of the pius wolau4 up with the Hay, he [Javing finished some time.—A teara of horses owned b J. nged hands this week, aer.rin I vel r Mrs � G on Monday last. No grave grows under Hupfer, of Turnberry, took a li being'tb�e new propriet - wasapiecoof string atts 'Dr. Hgare ma Whit or- "'O'ge- of an inchf lead pencil,w44'ent a point. Robe� t's feet.4Mr. William CadinorolIvao �aturday, frouil N. e's blacksmith Baeker, who has b visitingr) for telegraph form�i came I to me mt the ehild in Al iston during the'week icing business. lel I Tuesday : liampau diodk shop, but stoppe& at the sheds of the Gof�on the past few weeks, aft there on 11 The —Mr Ribliard SWillie,- e Cl6veland, is house. One of the horaeli was badly cot, of this W6,ek fqr a 6ip to Dakn —i bla doubled up, ohe at a time, *ri-1 there was no j3o Beriou-s ! 'a pad to write on. I -- was exp�ctod 'to *crib- visi i g -with I big motheir, Mrs. ! James otherwise 'no damage was doxie.—Mr. and Duncan went to Gielph on 5, , -4 . moned. The Sin 11 a of the village. —The five you ng pupils Mrs. Win. Smith,: of HafhAll are visiting . he' has secured a good oit:xa�_t' n ble down my WiVes In a0og ' mbee there here tic., but fro =ber 2 -school, Tuckersa ith, who relatives ip the illage.—The Rev. W. pd tailoring establishment.—W. F. Stewart was no light, on a ceD uper, cil, and tUe bard grain of 8 with a blu.,Xited pen -111 d On a old has been seriously ill this weak wit an at- the hust- wrotl at the an ranoe examination, were all Mrs. Ashton Ca many. of' th ir" tb!.,: 1 48 the counter making hills &I dales of every brokenp. r succe lef al in passing. This is a creditable friends in the village 4aab week.—M'.8 tack of appendicitis. —Rsseil Flet.hqk., of- show rg up I fo th . a young aspirants and MarySmithia visiting frieude in Brussels Chicago, is h4e on -a hOliday Tisih 4. —Rev. word. I tell you, We not good -enough. hom -in Youon't telegraph go -.you are In also f )r their popular and ex3ellent teacher, this weeki—The 4ome,of Mr. andMrs. Wih. Mr..We.,b will officiate in St. John church Mr. R. Mallig, 01 the � scene of a pret y next Sabba Mr. Poraythe ir genial Greer, of Rowill was, th. hurry, and with th6 pliyeim I cult es putr your y -of your and r iuch estee ad citizen, while te ing the wedding, on Monday evening,: at six o'cloc in wav and the supellioit woman C 0 0 0, 1 iome re $I harness off hi Jipree in the otable fju red an when about a hundred. gueste aesembled o, I Political. unple &sent b the witness the mar"Hige of tibeir only,!daughte business. it seems to -me qmiker to -walk- tor ZLw squelez,e y horse ressir- �%n . lount �01 Inon him a minat the � otall, hic in thel Nlit;W -Minnie Weir, to'John HartleV, f I The Toronto Mail of Thursday a a to th� man you want to get A. D I'" Mr. Hugh red I have been to , lc�s o f Mifirate, funds fraett ring of his ribe. Th Mr. Wroxeter, Rev. I� A.- Mc'Kelivia, !of W o I Clar has ente telega, ' phing Ir ethi be pro. that aoroes-p on in con 3ection wit ftCati�ne in London. and it seems to. me Mellb confined o the house for a f 3, days. later, officiating. r. and AIrs. HarrtlO test in Centre 6 Bruce.' The diaq a fication thesil conditions' are the norp* conditions in His Tr any old f ends.here hope soon to bear on a wedding �rip to Mani obo. on Tuesa larpon of Dr. J. M. Stewart,- bhe Liberal ca didateo I don't won4e t, of his 1PI !berry crop Is. morning. this country.' prove ent.—T e c is'asked. � The full Cc art of !Appeuanl ill also Morgan "goes back to the St when be nearl a failurb in this vicinity this season. so b; asked to decide as to the Hours nesq of wants to d me real aliA business. lt� )h 6-80 .0*," -per busk —Grand fields of fall wheat are to be seen notice Oiler's *ision on h�e in Bru Mr. J motion saves time to onera -a in Eng �and from New pe.r Ilmho d titi( blaff All qu4rtera, in act all crop nevei looke on all the LAcEs.—Val. lace is as neceseary to th tci dismi 39 the Liberal pe� in Centre York. and J. P. Morgan kis i bettet. -gutter, S 0. It completeness of 8�mm�r dr'ek sea as perfurn Bruce. It was held by the counsel _.r Mr. time."- Satur. tub�_ is to Summer flowlers, and �ho greater von XZga pt- �dO7 Exeter. det-irs tn have a pT'etty goivip, � the more lace, per .you must have it. You can w, abtended the R In 0 n Vy i th e .afford to pub on 96 yo art. dd na of his siater, at Blyth, on Wednes-, Omf . p 8beop we F5,Pier Ce 11111 -off all -01 hing B EFS. —W. W. Taman al WxToo carry, at prices suph as pre ty laces co4t at 0 day Mrs Fowell entertained a larv�e num-T'. The E. McFaul Co.'a store, SP&I 1.805-1 I diets at her home on qes E er- N-Ts. � 1 0 & bit per to b ir aft 0 it! noon. I Frank d4se, of the Lond n Road, i HOTbL IMPROVENIE t1e, : the new pro Wa�od r Usba ae, its very ill with appendicitz, neces- prietoll of the A;erican ho6el a ation, but he is still holdirig here, evidently knows how toi cater to the 4,000 Worth of Read sitatilig an op his Own, and ho Dea are entertained for his public and what his guests require for com. motby d recovery.—Mr. E. Scott a f Louis- fort. Sincepure asing thio property- last ad wife, per --loo - ion&, Eave been th spring he has mad mony apdlextenaive im-r a guests of Mr. George log samyl; ell this ek.—Mrs. J. Spackinan and provements on it. - In4act FA has re -modeled Mrs. Powell arei few dayq at it from 'Cellar to gkrrat, a has 'added to spending a Grand Bend. —gra, Esther' tephei is, relict the original building a Ia ge dining room f"t I Ramp a rooms as well 0. of th� late Wm.! Stephens, di d and lenly on 'and kitenen ; severa, It ai mte'la an.0 Urer .81 TIORON", Mond�,'a as she was dntsill ing the as a new and commodious e i1vi ag abed and white, y eveningi I I home f a neighbor, in Exete 'Nor &. She stable. He has �quipped his hotel with U 2a per buff was aria higily- r(spected. every, modej n con nience 1 Ind now has an �very dollai 'a woith of lothitg in our house must be cleard ou-t. If her 58th�l a i e I The funeral too, place to Exeter cemetery upato-clat-) I one *, spect. Bruce- u require a suit, taese prices S1 uld make yon buy. 0-ne-quisrteT aff the day-Mternooia, and was 'largely field can no, v boas f bw of the finest Just imaginh gi vinj 1, 25 pei cent. ff on very nAt 1 on Wednes P ice of avery suit. -quo country hotels in province and the way.; attended.—Thle friends of Mila Horne �,helo will sorry to,=that she is,coil.fined to ;farer who strike this place Ca.'n always he r em at preseDt, as the result . of an count on receivii ; a hospitable' welcome 010. 0 6 (Ittar 00), I med on $96tu day. $he is �and accommodatioA, ood e,nough for a its quar e. rra Lion !8 0 su* 0 -freights. ope perfor, howeyer, prog Stsing __fiLvorabIy.--R. (i kiDg. .9 re .0 'aar L r at Lang i has r urned from 'his trip to the ITEM-S.—Mrs. MpGre or of New York itil a Suits. 6 Off, PaA' I Coast. —Sergeant-Major Weatcott ar- the guest of Mrs. Wolfe._ ev. Mr. Saww. qu, 2. 0 Boys arter off, 1.50 rived home On Sianday from the Coronation era lef t on M onda�, f r �ees' a er, for a few' Hi.4giD8 has been reserved a at is sale at 2 ilint. aff All elotluing trip, I�e having peen Eketer's soldior� daye visit.—Mr R. ANO 'rOOd§ 11 must o per c repre- hial hay during the past! aeutavl�ve on the, contingent from Canada.— very busy gpettin� JJ. -the house. These goods are al'. new, upAo date, made for tits s("Ws trade. "t e a, jv�. The �Ilxete seball clab bept Crediton 4week.—Mosers. McIn sh and Snider re- 'r b stc(k Of clothing must be sod. -20 tol .0 JC club at Credi n on Friday 1; �st, by a score turned from Toron.1to' Saturday last, with; ton tube 0 e Ore s.' M r. Fra of 35*10:9. The game on E eter �,rounda car I ad of valu9bl, nk'1 High, st Prie Pal for I I e 14t was a tie 7 to 7.1—The wife a Mr. Thomas Guttridge, of.Seaf rtb, as been busy 1,�Lyirsg� Cann, f Usborbe was buri A at Exeter the cement sidewa k.onr Station street- dur-; H ateady s;t, &ady 0 A F ig hil o 0 cal hAt Fo rin =io�wao i�validated by fd Tor--� & all iry on Saturday.—George El acrett and ing the past week.�-Qmte a number took in, for 8 Twelfth at Gocferic�.--Mr. Lees, of X�o Wm.-Brooksleft on Monday th old the -Idorna d onto, was the guea� of Mr. 'Robert Watson _U ountt y, with 40 head of catit Ia foll � LEALL Lyardinan-141dwin, Spaokmau, wile - and on Sanday.—Mr. -tn. Amdut, of Seaforth. has been very shippin istayeg during iaugb, or, df Blen heina, called (in friends here GA7DN&=0 SEAORTIEL lob )n the r way to Orand Bend —Mi&s Ullo, �he past week v, Mr. iller, lately of� to L 4