The Huron Expositor, 1901-12-06, Page 4DECEMBER 6
1 4.
4 THk OR01 E TOR
-VERTIS Of his il As an! day V a
6le b and tire
or by *leoting Le, Meat liatMr.Oarter64 rcason a be thankful havereturned fri rn M a A John 111-V
gWature with a view eviden t 6 rapid m ih of. improve _AJA S
forendain *t the gazter elAction. tur ed,,.'home I am Shorite and, fawily,
either upon the law 'itself am iii a re last , ask, Thowbund s a Painful on
4air The figure between the p%roa III this Iint may -at I b was nOb more si rious.-Messrs, Ih S�n( NOT
I �, we ring ih Mr. ersamn's h It is. -1��v. W,
thoi e3 aft3r each mainly to that particular issue. to -mark that, the th a OOUP
sad in ogbam. &boat 11 Wiffliamean & Willis, eon hi ve pajenhased, a J. W eat � took 1!1 ebecca"
one, denotes the page of the V. tVcr oil which the speech 19t 'a 11subjeo, --busing
antwillb found The lVestminsteri "hich to the leading
0 clock iti � t, was pri bad with coasidee-�.J-now Climax.'atibUng-box, mantafad"Wred by on Sunday sirening.-The (Irrio party �S
�86 d distribi it 4 in the, a fe which r.'re
Furs -Greig & Raedonald-l- paper of the Presbyttrian body in this �'able fol Waeks i in thial b WOE
Toroiiiio the Wilkin4od Martulaoturing Company, of hunter"i, after opendia
-hter sal-;-zLlff. ia. Humphreys & Son -S I � le
Blau), 7 bk Toronto, wl�iah they I ill run. in coanec�iou virgin forests of Btu V.11a, returned homb Not' T ar Off. V�SUor
Glo, on b out the at, 7eet a of that oitj a
UnderwearmktKlanon & Ca -S. Province, and whose 'editor,is Rev. J. A. 'I be t hur
1"t T
Ing morningG
-SIX a C t follow with their threshing iind gr riding outfit.-., Idst week, -Asil at r of their'prow a,l rt On,
100111a, ve Nee iyV KOF%ul Co- --8
%lacdonal -,a very able The pa
soarorth 111astrated-k Wlatzr�l Preebyterian clergy o" 1. 01 e:!It ri es tell
Amestirgof th4oattons a d shareholders two. deer ap-ea consisted o
Gifts—C. W. PAPA -8,
XU has come oat
60-8 � - I
M. an aVrongly in favor of a The iggibitt ate expf nee of, taking th� at the.W alton 11nion � Chem e 'Factory :was , James Thynne e rge TArv, F. Brabury,
-J G- willjou-8 all
R g, W
For Sale referendum. That is, that -the Legislature, vote Garnie and, Wil. We are all e'kdy I OT
Furs Warited-Richkrdsou & MOT1111111--8 7 eltobion hold in h I oK.- im�ii li till, On T eaday afternoon Armetron it. It's a goo&plan that sol V -
.1n Ll a recent Now York lit Of lou'r
of this w ek- ding up Garnias, jr. The report a tomers d -of the -Year.
Ironest, Bat at its'firat session or for'the urpcs of win I ea ason Thay�
I y a op at tl is Be com, e
pass a prohibitory aot wasV70 0, or about ! �1. 08 every man, �th, ffa early i nd d th
�Texeher Wautdd-G. Robeittoa5 i # - o aarii.of the leason -Annniversary cidents from she ting. Th Messrs. ; I I � 1. 46
Farm for Sale -4. Bolger -5 such ab it is intended to '-enforce, but have; it who regii Or 3d z , -&4 make their deleeti(n. of Xmas gifts before tb�s? -nicer,
ul A is
Thil i 'as aOq include the, setvices vill be co'Aduited it Duffs Presby- of Turaberry, viierd not as an cissf U
a t Uing's d
Go to the Biesif-D. MoLaclilan-5 �P. f Oat.. - . !tea A X
subjeeteid. to a ipecial vote of the people, to cost of t by tev�- I I r. Sawers, of Morris Anon.-' W. J.-,Dnff ha qhipped three 1 picked WE WILL fUREPTHEM FOR YIDIT
xluas Suggestions -R. Wffilg-5 a employed by the telii'
:00 depatie iri a iu�ob,
-U LIKE. Ilts *-nd localit'
sup in b
0.rogsn's Advice -Richard5on, Uolnuls-5 dent of I elections. Gov 'Brucefieffl, on Sunda r, Dec( mber 22ad, and car loads of potAosil this fall.. Two f rorn P.Ismis it, Yo wisaom
-5 be taken as soon as p9ssible after the general ernme�t from'Br CH
it ) f anxiety to Blt� -- HER N D9
--Charles Troyer
Wob��ee a4ea-MeSting will be' held a I I he.e�ening of Wiogharn and .9n.e �els. -Wealey T
a. on a wi at u eighbors'le,a Costly thing. %Ve gav�es you ft 1A D y
k h for Hidea--Wm. moaougall-6 CorneIr'bas moI4 50 a r I .
C, election I this lawAs sustained the 23rd. Its farip on the
Stavesj eto--2,1%. Mullett & CO -8 �Ormn ti thiok our election maol inery is
vote _by 'a specified miaJority of the p6op!e, Blu�vale read, for 2,400. W AIT TI 'L XMAS,. miss JV)
For S.,sle--E 'Rannie--8 -Pero
too 0 catled, and consequently too ex. iing -a school
X ma% Supplies--5-Cariluo, Bros --8
then it shall come into force, no Matter -.Pon V t to 0 Bruce eld. ed'to
lWay 00it"Ohn SCA" omparis. a with' the Ameri-
in oa y simple ond cheap. BI.- R, ItiocIms, Bru oefleld Notary Publip, ip]oen- his
Bargalas--W. J. Miller -8 which party may be power at the, time. n it is I -J t 13'
:Kmas Want -6—J. F. Daly-& Others: again Conveyancer, Fire lifellnint-'ainec agent. 4ny ra 'Uwe
about tv
26t� To& -4 -Be Ei. Hay, (,,am and 'Conveyancer
say that , the Government,
attieBros cc dimi of mon4 to*loan at lowi gt current rates (if V FEA R D S
T, Oliar ce w! h re�jueat from the 51 first ol --Inuch In
in their MOI-tgagas 60 wit ap� Mon-ey loan ad
Xmas Pieseuts-4-P. Dill ---S should adopte prohibition. as a plank sea farni - secur ty, All kinds of will
Brit TIVar Offi chelaply. At V maker, bas.
Dog L: -Sb -C. hetwl-s thq; Oa.aidian Govoru�, poaveysuo ng *ork�'done well to at the Id-veot ntes! 1140
A-- platform. at the general elections anastand
id of emoh
Parcel Lost -E MvK&Y-6 botne ey try morning ad W a9day WFOUD,�
Jol-IN. An- J
mea art) no eagag'd in -recruiting a '-week. Several ire a or on6l 1. 167
Methodist Church Anuiversary-8 or'fall by the result. It seetna most, likiily other Iii tiltain I h binds the SIE" 3F.0TZrr
DEATii Qv r
Mon, -�-Thi anni, -,the
d of 1 8�'
U.quhart-8 that either of these courses will be- adoptO. llai , , , ,
i, i i, W.
D. Locki, 1T9u ergary iervices
Money Folind-9. Lzrab-S tea tsg� 'eat of 600 men.,for service i6 rik in ItiO
I reed i , rsin6 -
present to the pas has been, ievered tho rugs N
i' is to be style 18 i1a de 3ided aWoemo,' Rev, h
h this wee' wor
death of Mr. John 10rawford of the'Lifido
Sout The force id thol t1a week to
Both have their advantages and Ai8adva it. 'Mr. Stewart, of � Olin live
On, pr m(hed �wo
ages, bat it is scarcely wort Road, which took �Iacb at h sYreside n` e on A
h while disodis- 0, a n -0. tdomianry,.and, will be under ithfi cellent of iiniOns -ort Sa )babh a la them jpl�
chat, al I of Winnipe . The atur ay as . in a ye Lr' r. raw- me
I V �]
'Ajurou ityposito sinR the meritii of either until there.iia some 9 g%Moios, Rev...- !Rob irt Jot as b -on, D. D., of t
Men wi 1: e regral is i am isac a a sev. ford a il nose was a shor r twu, us h hie week. uring r. a sy a ay ose presou T. eth
Lqndov, delivered an excel one address or1i jo of -
letroit, g%tten&d' nw e rom t-ju i
cortainty as. to which will be adopted. In eral n a iii� of t e-.1 omiaion. � tarioAl be Tdoo'day pre ton a*' his deat� among the people here, he becarnO very JL the marr
01 �hi&oou
Monday eve SdC it sh heroes at Was On t oiof.
the meantime, those whose pr quol; 1,. -1; 6 en. It is hopad to have doing the chores at ound his -hi�: rn'. 'Oa the rand gospel sermazip, for Mr. James Bonthron, Ion � n - we 0
erogative it is His e we
_RgAFO'RT-R, FRIDAY, Dee. 6Lh, 1901 oblarch and state.11 The. iusic, was prop. tries 81MY at 111114
to al hay Or Thureday,previou;3 he 'oompl%'ined al not a ular, o and a, are rar fly d d. a4[
-fbr de. a.-tut:6 by -the first Ll ct� ondon d' i
the' or e r�uen lej we!ok.-Misi MeHug� w STY,
kU January
seco -bi
se week visiQng friends.�
ake a decision is given no vi4ed by the t th bt M e; ex e a of
sign qr ch a rch c air, unc er the leads feisliag well, but s� idness m no Ong ay carries away witt him. is eat,.
word a -will, be and it T ylor, add was r. J. Uwe
8 to,whattli6ir c� ehWof -Miss Tilly T much
-be of a sort tare until ishes of, a host of friend hc ?i I ever thoS 'David Shirmy ; were 'in
7 ij
burse I D. o6k and Mr. alvi
ti o
.�to On a a pt riday, when 4
enjo ed by all present. M iMurray Gib, 0�1 0
West Huron is 611 Right. i not likely'.they will do so until' they are The oare he gradually sank.! ;The -�roc ble was a wear- �ieinh or is welfare,-Mr.JainesHu garth, GodeAch on W ednes4aY -MTs. F,. S4o%er WM
council of' Grey moving to h
on- and sist
11) so'of Rofuge: er, Miss Mary,. spent Thank6t or so ce
West Huron Pat its best foof foremost ton 'forced to 6how their hand.. Both the party ha�vO 0, established In that ing out o:f he'pystem. Mr. Crawford w, s TJ r, of Hengall, drew frc m Mr. R. B. was in Shipka- during -the past 'week as 11i
giving 'at the home of Mr. and' Mrs. Jam e d
leader born in th C rm h 4,sAn's barn *iL load of oats dontaini.. g 235 visiting her eisier-in4aw, Mire. jakcles
ria. coun Y. hole will II'DOD be an institution pr essrs. Thoma ave appeared on public 0 in the yea ISM a Ming t nUanada wi atibels. Jan;Ies thinks a � omplet load nan, wbois very seriously ill
Wednesday. Iteleefed Mr. the a h �tfori t LS oat, i ear Eqmoudville.,�- io�6nty� of Fe 1reland, ia: ut 41
laske 300 -bu ur en -bli
a decision of he rivy very �otjnty in the Province- arent *in the ear IS shels.-Mi pell� Me- M dbck were in London and Lneani
handsome: and substantial Maority of 300. wai; of 4 is I ,1 3 in C�mpbol' and Robert Foote have retur, ne ' L I
from Manitoba,-Quiteanamber the fiat
7 settling .�wquld ma die
known, but �either oU. them reforred to the This, is t�l 1ndead t4ere is no r, all iendp here week-vitithig relativg�g and ft al Stu
Both partiesaiabhtir' level best, and the 3 from here �'g' P if -aught
I ro. s� in the Huron Traci, Jn 1838 in in of Clinoon, wo-s -viaiting fr iends: Mis gels,
a- K ippen on Tup
an pleasing to tb hat'the people are.91ill in the vines Id iel )amlaian or 6 State in attended the iadct ion i Doan., of Zurich, was in the Village! recentjv -a',
result is more th Le irlends subject. So.t the Louda,4 Road,wbich wof at that.time eek� For,. ytb�' 4,
the, day afts�noon.-ReV. E. H. Sawerq preached,
I - A , P ppen a few dayt The J
harO with bli,
Government. This election has vast- dark as to the attit de of t dense foro 1P. � Rer he unde wf n -,th
of th e contending Uhidnv tit ire, t poor and unfortunate are in Clintou"Jast Sabliatb.-Miss E,�Rh Saw-' . het.6 he opee- days, a Sheffer. -The church ohoirs of o�r O-gLvl ships of- 06 fi�, Wroxete-r- 0`16 are ba more h -u m anal, cared ftirthan in this Pro, ers, of Wes at
tinin0tar0perib 'hank lag, e - siae ti b i pai away, 0 oUt
ly more significance than simply the gaining political parties to,the 4uoati�n. Indeell it I
And much of thi
ti ce� ch
vine I Bgmps.�-The public school ada C1 e bol
or loaing of a, seat in the. Legislature. It is is almost certain that they have not yet g a
Briod of 63 years n the on rm. tieing for Ohriiftnas entertainineu.-tit
er Mr. night wa's a decid4d sue- I bit, t1i
119 for his is tie to tVe assistance and co-oper. bp Miss Matlie4oll all of London, w n ThanksgiVI
the last bye -election to take. pl ford took for is partne Nlisi3 Miss Muiray, otmear Wo�o& -cc air
of 0 lta� a i cre(U4 ho e.-Mr.`and' Mrs. Johes,_ accompanie tinned to r t he�ld and Sabbath :r oily engage
ace..previous arrived at any.defirifte d6terratiqation on the atio raw
F� dad by �he Provincial Govern.. guests at the maiise on Thai kagiving day. -4- a The teAcbera deserie gi eat creai t for Visiing
f thieillaw . . . . . .
e cause dr --are ttoy: likely to do so for men Mr.- Will'am Graham, of the"2a4 cancessiou� highly eificient maniter e
to the ge4eral election, wherx. the Gov.orn- subject, a AneCarMle,Laiiid y'this u:tion ai* -of a It in Y/hi6b. thb"Mrs. JamirsG '
fhie Wefoe�
ment will he put on trial before the people. siderable time to come, If the; M�. An Ur- -he
thex Omo. A) w
bles as a man 3hildren were'trained. The' ev. or e power engine j'p
some eon' Stanley, 148 puicihase a r sidence in the tine new 150 h
'his i SSL 1?X-A
storling integi.ity, ho e we W
Rarlabd Smith, of Toronto,, vicinity -of Parkdald Tomato, Intendin: rsoii made' ideal chairman, eIr lways chased,by Mr. homiss Welsh 'i*, i0h WL
Ott mber of the Gove!rnme' f d ; a kin and father and . I . .
X . Mr. Garrow, being a -me utdetermineto adopt tke refcr- as his ban trio li 4fte=ooi Uvv
mov ght plan w , run for the
0 -to re there to- re6ido. Mr
ving an 1-ritir:61tipg anecdote applic this to *h i as 1108ri,ig" ca the cQr!ttract for pur- after a ti ne
West. Huron has. not oely en. endurn system they Ar bligink m(, 11inisband place on Sat
e not likely to malre 'I t&V
ther song a recitation. e, M
Governmerit, Graham� asbeen,a, resident A theltowashi an 0 iltrue iend I and i% ti; e.since.being �ut ii� . I ink �he
Ohasia�&: the Canadian Yi geniA,compa ion. a -was in: -xieligion of -e re in the 1%
evening"I&A., and is fVIng-OLD1 ndid �i stia-
dorsed him, but the Governiften ale for the past thirty, y an( owded to nd qu' to a 'r umber, -gre . I - -
the Legiz- of Sta -'ears the doors -aL 4the
t which he theirdeterminaticin known until ints Of
r 1 to t the ohur*of ngt n es a ori- ere turned away.
�nd it p�i 0
at time has the josition'o ow town all is� fiiction.�Mr- Jc I eylba; COLMplet. dfia
oto"South Africa says he will during t I A It
d urin held'
M an a eFia
$14 a
represented. Had. he been defeaed.a such lature meets.. 'If, on the other band, the-, M aly tive. F w I $lie life 'Were 'bad ly,-James.Allend w- tho. ZA , - io, tario horses for the par. serva tinla the paintin
lily reeve Of, he towrship for a numbelr of years anted DOW n g of 8
so wid-0y kno so highly dru� store
e the Government and the Liberal deterniiae to te thit ball by the: I orns and Zu I h. sISO a V�
tim pose,. XC,has reached lthis�� determina ion the lo&q Wn 0 1 wido*
ch, rie, Andt Sm la. a were
esteemed Eke emphill blodk, where the ne
and ry ai tive inemll:�r on th party woulThwve r r Ile eaves or Ile with not f tb Presbyteri�n ohur r. omely fitted- 1or him.-
wres, ti
eceived a, blai eye, which him at the 'polls they wi�ll el combe are a bottom: made f al Us beaW�
managin ba�ard o a, been hands
Ti y
baltle liatil evor min e-
a ter It of the cxperionce of Colonel Dan t, and sU O�fa �mely Ja es, on and curling,and. theirrink willso.010 �eth eon.
would tell heavily against them when the likely., throw down the guage of its �rect'on is)die 6venty-fiv To. George Brown is the uest fif hot
the- homes tead ;Pill
who- a baen pumhsjinj horses in Canada' years, ag). r." Gr ham's Many fri'nd am, of Riple tughter Mrs. T. W.'Gibson n To onto and' y
dangei has they are ready for the conflict and uat I t, Y, -0 tre of attraction for c a in. This r both old
-onflict, set I
Brook, of Owen Sound, is reillowing re -60 a
for ;tWe &16-9� atmY 'in South Africa for ert, of Toronto 3. Jackson, V 11 Thankegiving day was observed 1* tl�2 ughout the 6 un6y, in which, he a
Go w
n' House is dissolved and the election is on. Ovv a t T it) of the horE ley Mrs. Henry. Mofi�eith and Mrs. 'James general holiday, all pkees of busin*ss He known and highl': respected, wial !qua intances iii the village. A- H. �Moffit
bee 'iave'ted, and bite odd@ are on the other es that wi ely Y; ing
h. he in. -cc was
)a eat a"V6, - succc�;i and proapdrUy in the city ckere it -eturnedfrom Owert So'Und.-
ly been sh of Tqckere
The Ross Government is growing in At any; rate, they bi ev B. McLean, both Osed. A'uni egiving eer�vf
side. oulct. be foolish to give fted to South Africa, I er3 -A di on Thank'
d son have z
0 th Fran stow gbareb, in-- of. the'., W e n Metbodist- d p ion be-fore.that p r 12 eatern., animals were to teside a the future. torment ttook plap Mil r, of Tc6nto Junction, visi at 6ld in the - - - - - - a ifore� gmteal
per bu&a
he funers 0 ters took
cot ednesda7, t bet g n doident nu
PAIT 4 per cent. of the Oatario s horn here on Satarday,- Mrs. ',Henry
public fuor wh re he parposop bolli which all �tbe r
an opitlarty daily, and the any hint of their deteriiot Metery on W
Was -p Ilen Winl�bam, is the gule b of Mrs. D.
res'alt"in West Huroft iEr aiiiinply an dic&4 time, as they would be!"only exposing thdir- h �rsw a I f ilM t e jouiney. Thi.5 is comil g s horn pirt. The'atton-dance
largely attended, man comb from d'
a make L i very Ood and
4rale. _erbuat
tion of what it will be hand to the enern giving bilauehanee V Blue tanceto'�ayalziiottribinteto one so mu theservics much erijoyed.�.Nltasss.
inthe-ProviL, pexb aud:
Ouabl a j abiplony as, to 66 superior en-
ao.- illiaip Adair if, able a be �round
CL (Too i4te for 'eat week.) -ser ice was coa,
glLf the good,rec rd is kept ap �ud no to Marshall. hi i. for ed, and P ostj dtirane al atario bred -horses, and should eateemed. The funeral orreat, Ay1m6r'Ryckn&u and D, IryMple
remier P
sprin a a a r a week's illness', -A Barnird has
istal, inistake is matae: between this tril that tac"i-a6l. land, e L of affor Ai e c NOT A DispRTED ILLAQ1,; --Not a de? duated by the Rev S. H nderson of QVed nto !his now r6sidedw--V�ailace por -1
not the( man to make a' c( dra. emeat to. horse brgeders in, who went oat to dMaritoba; -0 the Iiine :of.,
V11 a go, de, too a e Ves
iir� J., X C. Mle-A ion no
this ibroyihce� sorted Ir Wiighan r Hensall, assi t d the bar t excursions, retuined ' �Dme on
aIn the. Mean time the whole- Liberal �his kind. ckie, of arriston, spent -Sbudav lat his
1 -me. while vie" and. the cheese fuct ry stidk t nan. For 10 tax -
me fiere. ies.Otwrrie Lauffie visited in Tuesday Morning lUt.-QUi
te a tfm Of
0 pitail wo'6� ma, out a THE INDUC�16N �11�aa last
he- ti
rty in the Province is iniebted to Mr. he people, howe er, should rt�t be too it, Oh I what �e WaS an our villagibrie, on -Wedneadjay. faren
. I I
Nyingbarn last week.
18h 0 1
T. -tie th FJ y *1 WVo
'arrow an s John 0
d bi friends for their plackyan& a u ate U LLL awl;
and they should nab by their ffico has cableid to t a �hcre'ii n P attended the funeralf the,l Twi. was per bubla
impatie it �t, he(se fact6ry. H now High day for the b tbria a of air v i
De�pa1rtl V of,Agrtcal tare at 04awa, or. and we idi2t 40al t from' Tom Hood lage, the�occaiiiolr e Jig the induction oi ford, of the London -road.-MT. Wil isirn per byw
essful fight- The folloing� is state- nee try to force the hai�'d of the
Af Rev. M. i1C., MoLen a a into t ei, posto Mitchell and daugh LeLr,i 'lea , a W!16 eibhee. i ID t r I M" Cl does, -a ent
Vho wild J was to b ViLma.
defa iol a and Oats or �outh rica u ate of t aord
of the vata' cast s far as it can be as. Goernmer-t. It is an important: question If that *ere true 1D. Andrew a an il n congrgi part of last Eek and this with rtlativ W30 petroord:s
short of r -ady mane BRIEFS. _TlIanksgiving serV ces weJe
th�e dlpf F'brhary ne# amddnGing in t a c1ree or
crimhav]. But it i The day was favorabi 3 for th occasio he PrE sbyLerian p
certained at the present time.. We hope to a fraught. with far reachin g n Th�raday
a-uO one thi at ii hen I m. a wiret III a and in t church London and A
hort Pf monei r as a result I re was. it lar e turnout of
75, 000 tons, and ri�.pre' en tiDg an me ridiep us to be last. Ou'r village was very qiLieb tha� dayo -A very happy CIO geed
p0lish the fall offi6d returns xtext week is the, rn�st important he HunusToy
- I I �
irely suspended.
expe�d tqi 0, in�cluding frleikhV ch'. -s and �at the "hindher nd when one tarts ou church being ack ut,iness -was almost ent or
� :� .1 . 100 1411-0.
tion that ha'Zz teen before the peo .4,rgf people, the d a took, place at the residence. tif the br P
ajornies, A M ple of On- tran-s jioh,�of $3,606,000. ex�ravagtptly. Tnat pictilroqu: pile y dooiswi�hilsrze and attentive ail lience, 9me went shooting, and repoi -t good bport. mother, &Ira, S. B. Huniest6n, Heneall, on! c w, per lb- - oo number
a presen on that occasia I were Armstrong of Wednesday evenin , N-ovembor
Garrow Beek tario cings' Oanfedeiration. And while it of jite�n dh ps rquired 0 convey. all -this h iii six!
MaitNud`s' sul�t roar, qu6te frar� The ministEr t 'Mr.. Hurry tent his 'T�ank
r t b3 46aisively 'dealt with, it mit b oublit Afrio� vpill bei 37, iiwhich 49 the dedient4ry with gok Revs, A. Mcuan'. b,yt ri. Hai nilton �iyirig at Drambo. He retur ed on Won. 6)clgck p. m., Vheb her eldest 4 htr, I aughter, e forag God�HO Mr- M M Killop J. 'S., ol, is !visit- Mary A., wab uniited in marriage to Mr.,
Goderich township 94 day lan
at the r As bf 24000 iona: per vessei. Up to badges for the di�gictors, ccuncili)etc. rgrve,'
Gode 31 mue p
slartel off
Ahfield 69 calmly and diapms' co.u&idered by nee) In f w weeks at hi- dparentS.- -No*# b tne ex r eq � gra taq ;offerings ef AN
; f --r iL
the end c fl' it dhil4 'of two Header 36n, -He Mr. ifeNeil, Ba'
are in Y, aminent young
those in auitihotity. )n e rid en, 14xeter A f rilints a%ale a horses im.- 6f Usborne. better gr4d.
West VVawanash 9- no, Occa
the War Qffioe f4 upplies foe yie,rs-touch-ed -t�e button, " cr`�"ck weab fleld ; W. art, &were e� do, Who was hands Me.; for the
ld tar hate. If ib -ca be -settled wi heels." Mr: Brucefi; ng of til M owned in white organdie, Ioaked.ah
E. W&,wauoffh, with two places 11 :Sout the whip, roune ent the vV Od . ernenCo! eto� on ednc sday at. "'here
IS w
hlilff 4-a aniounteld to 84,068,514. Adid- e hodisi
to hear frorn,Lvi.hich. will give ringing it wUhiathe realm, of p thia' gold chain, lUra. Bullock dhur. h. 1 Tf �io, crowd, Uotwiths anding th' and caDried a -bo iquet of -e ae cc ts�in;
b ing Bullock ri ttl'ed fib 0 1 1 8 of ibe in( notion was a V party olitics, V IlLe of, the a �ders just 're: Wbit eia.
peived, it,
P. I -t re opene -by the =y day� Ben is hustle sure.�-Oav -6 witt irforrited the era
If not, then- let the p f over ad I met 36
give, Garrom about 30 50 clinked hE r -tea. tirigs 6& big� machi oderato Pros ev.GedrgeJ
olbD so much the better, -lay n this count4y a the only I or Bomew.g IT'o btery, Re 'Mr. 0o ilton, v is being -thorougfilv rerovated, ad S-7 C ne in (ainada ti,! ri Id repses *hich made the happy to 200
i couploone, while 1hig dairy
Odjft Ttxia dots not orders
72 d by., Dr. Little, the genial host diiity Iargo voll I
ic-Al pati(s wrestle TV i it, and. let the that, inve ate a Canaidlin fo4 the Na- were giv�n y 'Rev: r. Md Mr kn3ws hoivAo
little daugher, Xnalewitt, made a pr 4
h o4her agehoies' thai� the D� - cNi i;, Re
'began to look for some Mfiograv6 al d R4v.; H.'SaV ei�s. he ad� has i�aid of honor. The *edoing March, was, and 1OW4 10
Clinion 79 temp6rance people, irr4pective o% �-vrty' 'h or the e ` endi�nre x thioge to the best Advahtagf, Qad h� ft`air�tdm'�b� i t f.Agridultur t onal Irox VVorks,,
verythings. clean as a n of Exeter, 1d.demand rtilli
Hallett 36 Looking at the war; from a 'fie bind playeq Poais dedstses, i#ere all of A I igh orde ew -pin and in by Miss Higgins, go
honestly, w! thing to do,- and iearn d
lines,#Pal fairly And �h 'thcsc fot here a
-iositi to
a Afer te ceremony the ji�pjy
23 -ul I tend. t( 4imul;tealan- the groom. Fly,] Prices ave., A
Mr, Bullo k from hom all blisiEsi�gs flow." practio%4 whic:h-wo rat -class order, and is Dow in posibi
sp P
their Cause, no mt' purely but�jleas atandpoint, it 1wo' Id. sedm 'irinci me AV
itter a an nap
GarrelvVe rnsaiiey, with two places to that Cani da. boo not done ad badly ment, How are the interest in the liatge:.s ad atten, �i' ai�udi to of the tr ling p ea /"by e Ire -Are juo—tea*v
lio. douple were v�armly congratuJI&t
wich side of the House that partyjnay b n in the'. was Ilen ? ead,. something in, last After th ropbubdin of ques ions b� thV under and asernbled gu ists, aum�eing about ai*,t
hear from, wilich will give him &boat 30 matter a j�rni 4 g tapolies. 1 -160;
hin I mighty fi he.d� his good lad
Ow a AT
Ult s I, the temperance people r cp 1 week's Br at, m wr ex- hotel should b ran, rof. oderat r, Mr. ,t( McLehnan ter which all, poce6ded to the dini
t�0. hand of fie lowshtp as a M her veterinary. dentist, h ing am, whipre 06 tam. ully�arrspx
un eit� 9UN is a or mukes,
it th ',.,o tenib
Exeter. over 20 years' experience, and comes very The remainde the eve
the ro do. I hav neve 7 be of'Huroo Presbytery and paster of S� mA., alwaited them. t
Garro's total majority pake your last isentence ttl
majoMV, is -6 e
was a mea I hint a, ua4r: letting Ion cow$ tended
their min. definitely ed spi
wil�l b610G. unitQdly to do tbid the cause of temperance 0
BYRY, B., A., (late with Me. Ming north-, drew's "d Hills G;ee ations. The ighlyre4ommended. and jameg, The
;TMaotities. for Grrrow, 1864. 112 1894, same sincej my viol to that i I ar 3 cong I was spent in Val ai to and probfbiii.)n will receive the severest wrister, Oonve
-k Co.. T*ntoj Bi
town, bt04 toia y enquir cs forl Me, you 'on bei 1 over the i Oung On intend �aki up their 'ie e -lection of 1899 Mr. Gar- Cr'h toll V- services of thgi induc-li c 0 Offices lately '00.
ohs fil-
a -un, er
ve some Hi �gi-a a splend',
In th bye -id as ever been given it. anaer� �'o Mon h In id �nomentsl I bly diopa*d to th ball', hetie 29
-r. Beck: was 45. blow- tha.W-h here iu, cupled by q Ilins 4; might say that I e aiseezin ence on Mr.
ury, riin, - 5,
rowff metjority over U Itanti, over O'Keills� Binik t rg HenzaU.
'Exeter. 0
1681.4 yet, and t ley let e hout for arf ian 'our he ladies of the eon egati had made on J.1st were pr4cot
unqutationiibly, 4 very largo majari�y of' the FSED..A* large quantity of i aill f east of Exeter. Gue1sts Is 'good
t. luesti,
Am J. White, every day, There, I've pus )ed yo� off the� full piepiiation r he rece ;on a t1i6i 13 d, opi composed of three p, rts wh ad f -am Peterboro, Brucageld, Wing -
people of this Povince in favor of Prohibi- editor of pe rece h
iMea, me� I At
That has been proved twice, 've ABOUT TOWN. -Miss Alice -Daff s3hool laden with all t -b( good things in richI3 - and t Price $22 per[ -ton, foi a few �d a. 'bd
with a very' nfor. dah' Dont you cra* up agli'lu. past6r an 0L The P&I "go ' Quebec d all Orese i :. U on I am,, Ex, �eg and other
South Huro the Exet r veran ntL t4bles were. q Is m t1l j1ho ostei The cheapest an( beat
tion. I e rke .
; 0 r- tunate a eat n Sunday evenin by i rhile the numera a a costly presents WP
Some of the Conservative, 0spers. are air.
I ill accept Oraers up to 9tono. A Uyqiihart,
If, therefore, the 11 be 4d up for the wint$., t�acher at Forestville, visits I at h. -r home abuhtlantily prepamill tho g( Al ladies who- t eatify to the higl� eatcern 1 14 15o.
par adopting prohibition whi6 he In P 1713x6 n which the It 'de
caatin a at ty Hengall Oatmeal Kill.
r company 1% th his. -wif e4 and sisters, he '* i h
,#ternent to: the 'ffect, that; Air: -Mr. Jw n ii held. i'The 4ride will b9uddh Miss 9 -ard not successfal at theS polls, it will be was ere on Satu'dayi. es Ar natrong, always, on such-coct, no, do heir part so- illa. argain
Have a look, great b 3. 'Having
w)rtb, visited at P..' N. Duffd I trictl fmah, i
a church,' wl r Alcr.
on hio;wtily 7as ap 3 a A
F. Hess, ar., the Liberal eaiAidate for South ped on Of Moles on well. Af tqrwa�ds a so ble ti t by rchased the harne --a bu8i tie is fronni Ir.H. 420�1, the Sunduy school and Epworth Leaga
assumed that the. tern hen he slip
peranoe people h ave
�V Ott and Mr. And- r. L�unaa is a� wn goingtosell sto'st forthane)d 30 da),q:ffa.�- oh, wherefth 22o .0tr
Saturday.- D J pastor ano al -
from the eon-- mulated in I es So people.
Huroa, contemlitfs retiring some :cc oh 6d ¢ the Method',jit'chur 49nt of a as, Robes.. Blankeks, whips, Rugs, Balls. 01 ome
A thor brother, 'y ungra4njuateate�i g on- U. prime f, virays a �w wark-er Urhed, 6 to:
rity.: Of Mr. Hes4 not proven tine to their temperart6e pria the ri sid6n 6eaf John i Taylor, Main itreet, rew Re tib, of Seaf rth, visitg: 0 oias,�with th
test. We haxa the, atitho 0 a d examine goods before purchasing elsewheir qtiag and. helpful
Opals,and'anii.�repsrable hsi tor the . W lit subli forge Mr. F. B. Paott, orStifidaVItUilweek. It Ii e, stro�a aiidirobulst, well 'r tEe* Exposr-T eir msav um n and secovilk
te and ft 11 q AJ�ifiedfdl dollar -a ived is VL dollar wale. Also
'for statfug that any each report is- eatirel
I m to fraot4e his a fine �6k of
y n BIuJbv&Ie-.t t Dr. Scoi ark befi�e bi R claque an
a Is leg ni. d 3 between the knee and thi h. b first, I �rac bised wi t-11, d fluent: boautiful cutters and sleighs, wbich Ralanot li� our. extendip warm congra ulatione.,-Q0.5.1-.1
perari,.,e caus�. will be the result. b i� It t
cheap, loome
untiue. He hm no iatention of ratining. as a, phyiician, apil no doubt the hard preacher, he has abi ig ht and pef ul I i ture Passed ih the county. Will be sold ver,
hot only the passh�g of a. prohibitory law is a, re I -gs thing. that Mr. hite?a
elves. W. J. h1hler, ReasAll.
�t wi�th here e look fo�war& to ai becomin Pa Ok I if S
bat on, the contrary, will remab4 in the field father b bl:� 'hJs leg, a few years a a, by cases " he Mi ave him Sam to and see for yourr
1#3-tf Port Albert.
that has to be'consideried,but the' forciDg shipping 6�; thesidewalk, at about th a %,n. - practical (xperien�e which I as been of ser- Andrew's'and Hills GT en Olin ches.
po111ed. oa elaution, day.,
u til the lasti vote i3L is LOCAL BRIBFS. -Mf8. David Clark hail the- .-Mko. F, Hamlin and her po r
turk Vs
of DO
Blyti, in isfortinne on Monday last to lip on her SiA,
'Andrew e I , ter, Mrs. Gay, of- Dungannon,, vialted
t after it ia enacted' place vice to him in later years. Mr NOTES J-9 A.
of i",, rob'b law
�Farthermore, we %,,r -eaied, obe able tol Scott also pent alms ye 'a life i6 this ami ton of G7,044- topl -y I Notm��Miss Sproals,of To nt', and it h if company, w�it� ev.
unirdorci?d, or even vel, ad ro Ara ( III much
y ea- car step, and, in falling, U r ak bet' arm liriends in Exeter last -week.- -The Fores*ra? bt-tter grades,"
state that his proapecta for are mos,, fore6d, would e an intolerable f Our M iss, IF, vielul yt lying, i the daye of 'hie youth,, -rich, wer6, on-Tueed laisb, ;he gue it :of t
8 4abory, a Bsyfiel 1, sp W,olded - ; -
b the between the wrist and elbo, &196. had 'ball here,'on Thursday evfning law , pas
holiday I c I Mr.and Mrs. J. Sta bury,
as and tie hire in'mopterion's� school- his old fri�end, T. M Ills. M �. McLe he PIT� .18 fair. plrit6l
homt andford r)tdrned her eye cut in the fall, bubf rturi ately i :wag very largely attep -pe pair for Au- ki
alleGuraging, had the are he would be immeatiureably lesq de-iir�ble thii -house Tur aberry, -There is quite i scarcity aw*hole h6at in birns If and ha i titc. ded, MiLm D-eLng IlRnd
by -a gobd )n Sa urday %onor of not.
the law we a.- M ett" .art hed -8-0-per POund
w -ill redeem the. constituency now have. So that$ thl P�litieal from a i W Mnnilob Harry lof 66 older than Ada I y boin'g the old Juron _Selioaaly injilred.-The.. eon! in Mr. Green, two, 4 our former young people,
young asthe ster I th
operai-house, on-- Saturday ev wng were among those from Goderich.-Harry.
0 Wij�el 1
-Pell Ij is supe intendin g the xport
4ion- must: &:Iso qe Imoraing d w in Bfuevale J at now. Many resby isVig far 35 yea it begn p;%stoi I at, under the %uspices of the. bandj,"wag Bannett h "-g6ne to Chicitgo and e.
ty. This rerriads 4s, Lhat fla Con-
pvrtY adopting probdii ter�' I I
servative candites have been selected in prelpred to ats of fovil f, t & Company.- -Revii Win. lof our oitzens aie *obliged to forego the in Blyth.; H� tel Is of ra ny bea 111 lion,
ame 'the' res.1 I rgely ati ended and was once ple9are of � their cold baith 6se morniDge scenes tiIa'thave h harnio ized - fo - the wery Hawkins to Sault Ste. Marie�',Mrs. Snii
enforcing t.* These ',%ad other �dor,� ristipect. The singing of Miss pis n1gxn, and Mra. Borden, of Corrans,
m oat other constituencies, there has not y I IY Of Martin, D., wind 0. E. Brow 2, B. .., ex. 'r
Piderft' hangled for lack of the nedusary altua pua.?' The close rela�ion which 6i4ds past --%fe 1109 Decie
PIpits last Sabath morn or and eople laboring und ei e been any iseleetion rudder for South Huron. 13 is of although she Was pold- i relativis bere at presenL-Miss M,
-012red the w-ntrabt
tions, makeU imperative tha t P�,�eat at Miaff;Nlin i �inaman la rt on M nda a at. g ad wiveF also a under the - necessity of together. Well may- he gooJ
What is the. troahl?L TIJORd WlkU heLl &eat y -0. gave evidence df a linely trained a' &a gone
going, n some cases, three �Ots f or, anc nd Od. L
Isted voiep, and was much enjdyed, lhile m akink.�' Mire. Havyden and' her daughter Ito 1 h
care and ebusidefation tgsn&�he T(Tonto Conservatory Blyth be proud I of "�hi ir pa Ito Goderich to learn the dre1gs- It dbf t
must be ercieed of MILSIC.-' -the i th-d pvre as
ly,. and tI is housi thold b beat wish of your 1corre3po ent 'is that
u4ting reports. about -the re Mal 1� L
tiremeab of Mr The 413n va, jeary services in .00 !P
ieri �d
Vfj� coon U requi ed for t
with ts non I nes botif maylong abide !in strong h, and, ti ough Miss LaDell, as an elocationist fairly 1 ap' Evelyn, spent Thanksgiving iu,Toronto.
b3fGre final action is'disteranined g�4n. Tie maiu�, st 01s, Mothodiab hur' h ectlon *it 14 conse- horses equivex 'run emoQt
V - , . -/. p
Hess, better emplqyed in explaining I ' on Saud4y - tivated t9e audience, redeiving" to. en-
re8pae Alo e, river -y to 15.2. dark. -J rogaLb it will have: on the tive al and ware r ence. N!Vhen a add t is weary in the wark, be imay Do be we y of
the reason that no Consetvative. candidate iqu cbres. Tha band rendered aeve elcions ,tly gonna.
etting is Tukersmith.
&rah 11 "rery low,, ' d th armers h it. -Mr. John B. McLean was -P
parties is the least imporbant consi Jo Li ington, pret! dent of the
has yet be�i)electe4: In. coniiectirm with R V'� ave diffloulty in this week at on the�- ofiegst, which gave � evi ence that ought on the
with conacien ous People who 4( Ndon ITitiference, preached! to pmqked vatTer for I 2eir caV Is, it wilt be seen Goderiob, attending county counoil.-M.s.
9 & they wera� making good advance ent Viader es have
'of Blair, of 1 or
iitatsment, was made Liat Mr. 4 both services, and' onday OMe
this yarn th THE OlmETERV..-The truste
audience what a sad, conditi Affairi exists here. Win the vAlage,whc has. f
welfare of LhO people on bq, it Is thi go hich help to' ti m b "tag viith her aughters
_O: Fran Res' chased from Messrs. Dougall and Ho
-before all ��ftv a4d- e.v611i eof 08 e eeo vial 11 t4eir gkeierit - leaJer.- Mr. 99 z og Ahe chief speaker at.-tho fowl - Pater Lamont, the very (Maient reeve of In 6 Mr. Charles A. 'Redmond is in M1oant six"tenthe of an cre of land' ad
isrsonfkl considerationi. Make autumn the oat Mi ela oholy season of has r4arned home, f ter a pless-
Hattia White, of'N.i' are,
H-ky,is to step in -to Mr. Hets' shoes, Mr. Lw-
Rodgerville cemete'r W.
0 ksgiviag Day wi friep the year, ii the a tal V,ait f tbip tax 001-t. ant visit.�The now pastor of b. A�d -ewe' 0�einens, Michigani for treatmet it for iheu- y addn Und
Mont also assurea us. that he has ao, pirlia- spent th �Is in -'a is receiving muct. beneft.- will not Only affordl'& driveway M, le 11 Ably ioundsanekii
-lector. Tie vi lagr wh loaned iif dog to church will occupy the pul it atism,�!, an,
id to*n.�- Dignan, f Droh & Company-,! t Sabl ath.
0 neighboi v the ssesoor' comin a wee vie
at Sunday
raiia-,Wry aspirations, bat. that, he wfll agai -dent London, sit at home. 'as i ex kaiNiog r t56 -to 00.
tes and Oomi sa,6 do eon-
itorW go r., Ambrose ftith has- recove ed fir ' his around the burial giounds'
when -Mr Charles Coopei was hi ogit but :ad
in 9 il hess suffialently to ro areand little and siderable more space for cemetery purposes.
DEMT1 6� up the roa that beawif 4 M)rning in earl -at hs parentail home fn Ho�,vio Charlie is
RU -5 3ELL -Last week we y
home, fid F
be a,� c1laffiftlate for the, reaveahip of Hay, his The plebisicite V�Ote taken on prohibition gtime when-tho PL one of the stady. y I now at hi ther's 'at Csit- WEST END -NoTss�-A number of- he V
iecorded 0� birth of a pair of tin z apt In dro and the on a of this vici ai rM
�g me
a mejaity of �39,2924 ;a.favor and boad ere laid up fth.
pre.,i, i position. itt. 1898, show y r g. Rev. ;P . Doherty. of Thoradale, paople of.this neighbo
r a.
almes' Russ w ek we crocus we opQuik their.potAls to� lintob, was,
ill, and this 8 0 the re- -Mh a Malindi COO;
2� I rmerly of ' Hensall, 'Conducted sery Os in severe colds. -Miss Grant, of N*. 4op
ing infil e of t e w
atari havre to t �J the awful Oquel. ving infl no h rm sun rays.- now duiin g the wee#, visiting t he pa I
-a el. Oa Th raday �. Paul's church, on Sabbath morning last. i a unable to teach thit wek. -Mir. and are steay from I
(if prohibition in the Province of gi IkE -Mr. and Mrs. -8. J
nd 0 1 r t, �at ar.
At the vote'. t PVenlv =es no effort to �?mcec his canine, but, home, c a!1 an6d
-P,robibition Question. With a y hearb, he c en i i his wife up and I'm Wm. Crawford, �f R ad wei
Tile kealia 1894%he* majoifty rher -passe 1%.Way3 -Miss McLachlan, of Pa&hill, is visi�ting -Amos, Townsend pent. Thank It,) Tel e,
ifo a ix SM41*01ii ren to"
rg a Irb and I leavi hea, Q . ipley., ere
%bout 80,000. At the 1%st V?te E.Ia� HUL viliage.. -Miss �Sel, hiands. in Mornington.-Charle ich's er pound.
The dedizion: of the Imparixt Pir1livy Co.ui ran and gies.Robeftson, of this p
mourn stairs to fe( I in aatteti ding ths�,'f aw pe
dem as. The- fune!al on: Is vicinity
h��, arly dem the pokets of his obb, thi i Peek in thi
faVL ery, of ''Kineirdine, -agiving 'Detroft.
oil ark- the prohibition, cluestion it, s�ill the all gave w majority:of 1,946 fix. or of �rohi. 'Sunday aft" rnoo pants whih he'turns awn,y his 6ad to' hide eral, IN' their father, the late4o, in Crawford. has. bfen..-s, nd- Thank onnell awas,,ory la4ely &)tend-- p
600 Canadi a
t a broth Cameron and Laytod Brothers hate- been were
Thanksgiving da t Is hot as of �M
abs-arbing topa for discussion aimang the bition West, Harop, 1, 125,, outh 6d, 00 by rbE ide to of thii villag a, bat M4 emotior a. No doubt Mr� M�oney would -Mr. Wilbert 6ad 'Mrs. mg I Fulton, of rg the past' week wWiJ1 her
a be sympat see many Walk)rton spent Tbarikagivinj with their cuttingstrawand grinding grain for the goad deniand arli
Haron, 781. Seventy-oie - eoritfti�u6ncies by Izers fiom t fecting scenes of this nature in s
newapapers. Ther, opinions expr seed are he our- obort Moir, a very mu h r�'Jspect ed r
gave majorit rounding is rounds last week moth, r, Mrs. Tolton'-Of out village. issis eni last few.weeks for -the farmers beke.-M�o -to thelee
- 600 in i..tiory. To Russell we a
iea ranging fr ra 89' ta -1 .-Mr. a6d Mrs. Daniel -Mrs.
our village,, ver -eboige
very varied, but. there appears to, a a very f4var, while only 18 ems attended thii: funeral f M Ricket, of the village, spent !hanksgi ving r -plea ing Mary Martin vlaied friends herejast wie�k. stew
Lpndop, �eice, the li�te1lisjls Walker, of L9n Clinton, viai
stituendes 'gave daughter 6, Xr. Thomas gw�ist, of
rent. We refek to the meoting of Mr. nd Sbipfey, of a few lchriatm* I
general. this 'te as a R a a d .1,3p t wil,,h, frieudid at Bri ht.,Mr, Georg(, E. 11 1 last ted 'MI
conceneus of opinion. that the prohi. ma.loribies against. Ta i t1h5l faa� � was t ut in her 26 thl yqar,. ro. Moir's four daughter4 Mi 3. George George Turner week.-Ihei sV9 L don,who
prohil� I
was f the or.
biticn qtzc. ericerion, theparty adopta i�ion as Th6 cirv�bt riiathric as are very sad, and buried, in Brussels las week�-.Wliss Anderson and Mr Balkwell, � I good shippiAR
ae whioh has iAow came friends of Mr. Robiert P1
general Wection gay D&vid out; of k4lioxeter, visited her sis- eater's ledge, Exeter, paid a fir iternait 7iisit ucis its rallying crX/at, tho uex- evokqd basiDnis of ton ckman, of South -Ijoardffi4n, �Iia1hig�u ire -fires will regret to
dereat sympath
y R. W
to stay, and that, it will, remain at the virill make as big j��r the b( r to Kippen Court hn Tuesday evi ning. I hoir, r0- Wm. Russell, of' Hay'; IvIrl lear-a that he is not ealth* 1w Mrs. Ch is.; mo�att,laxt i reek. -There is 1119 -go
lton,,of Henoall, and Mrs. James pr
1w, �','Bgroat dern nd farl 1cau heifers,
'a 8 e( r
sw!( dd h
8 as H00. e
front unil ib is grappled with and settled John 181acdonald W in, ,a toba. gh v ps, Norway purpose was to� iaatil.� new Ife into the* esent.
teii� of Brussefii The sisters have to $4 13 31
e,Syru ;on C-
in some dcfiLaitk manner.-� The Toronto i!f P, Oh`erry� Pectoral, r C. 0. court, and to giv;e a p&ctical outline of t e Ot
W i oin jUs� g t al. together for over 23 years, and i is we been
-Ne received iu� Mary
'rhi go of the iord
The Mitohe11'Rf)-eord&r, of lasit- vi�eeki- ic- wo or. Their visit Is a
'World,, the japsior Conservative 'organ of No.`77, etc,.,, 6WI-1 dw The v .5a to 165 LOCAL I he ritertaiante, Vid cold are . numberless.- b r e t hate who ib�e at a very P1 by"Mr. and Mrs. George t r I ro,.
at -uri�er- �im edle is to say th ea swit
a of the good impression on the
of thit Li%dies'. Guild - a ag t
this Pro-vince, has 'come, out fairly and,, ouys Mr. Nelso, h Mon eitb,, b4. P. P., the auip 6 as of ant by all. It was wahrer irn6 in rri, John SpeLarin,.& traveller for a Kao choice:
f i8t. James Pugh is Maki r impro vemouts on his so f ortunate -as to be 'in a e;dahce, and
0 have and ell. do.
in Oposition, to a ptobibitor . law the genial representative of go 'e n the* house this pek. ii� M iseei Treleav'en and who
uttiJ �rth in reb which was held' i e lih i of Mr, Kfoir, who is has been, lorpa, Btiffith'Coluinibia firm,- has not. bee'lu to oiee, -
y . I io h - hope in the near future �U_
eg; n, r g other visit from the worthy br thers Mr. n
in any ab ape, or form. The to **I i
i. 10 It, 1'rn, Tues� Itilpatrick, ]of)* Da -gonna fin he as an ifivali for q heard from for -a long time,,audouil play is :e,rs, 9
Mail and the the &ritai io L isl&ture -,�i on lay evening of last we'e visitin ood
M& jL,
week waill 4 eel led a opess, The aploictus" Miss Sarah Juhnst e oftime. The event was itill fuith- jUiLpected., His reWixes �chofce to txtra,�
Saturday, inqLuiring into of the line, Morro, andb-4rs. R. P. Bell, the' put we k, retui nee,
other Oaaservative p@�pera.have not yet de_ is ohiLuces for hall -'as oic:q: e
I w Q.Lr* a
ed to th6 door long before Ithei" 1�ot wee. --j "he M6.thodist a an. interesting one and to be i re- quiry into the, circumstances. Ap
hqol home�ftorn a plea�sznt visit amo g� -friends in
d for the entertainment
ared- theraselv hoth6r. term. - Although isho is a -good hour bad at e
cl� eaL On the. main iss�ie, They I ntends hol( ing ctiberts be Efmii4, Oalt, Guelph, and also -at Beeton
follovi he has no chait. dxt else- begin. ai.- was t %ken bv the Rew G. church on Cl iristma night. wher0 they: visited Mr.. Tho Boll, r. 786. 50 to rj�; hl
cc i�
the n ine
am content to glom over teth ught that Furth --par-
J, Abbey, 1A I ngthy t ion, and we don'tL like to se -him beaten, so and triteresting pro t culars will be giin later, -G
the Government havo got th4maelves into a -Fairly
an iqs rument.;: onald had i na;rrow escape one day last day ir, out viliage. Mt. H. Hier, se 3re-
hOlA on the subject, and are iltiag their best
inusles og so, ri OitAtid .*eek. -dc wn Jolephipe tary 6 f the H lat. o
would most solemnly adVise him to' stay at graminji, ipti -of V, I e6rge Me- Befflio� brother. Thursday last w stir jog F
al Repu r C/ t 0 home and at ick to no etc., Viraw e farm. His He I raq walking ay Fire Insurance Compa ay,
effoits to try and drive ihem, further into vpciation at hoine is far belfto than: -a life of 11 rend an 61 fy listenii d to by si�reet, Wing hatfi, when, as ho was passin was hi the village receiving the i amme its, 9
large &.see 11 1 o had gahered z b wberetht pernthwiBre triaking, repairs to heavy,
the: hole. - The Liberal. papers-, on. tbieothei Olitics. It rii.qitIirea a broa shoul'der an4' Zr lr
which broughtut a large nunib i j
n To spreading'far an I near r making Laidies' iTailor-made Costumes. Tho I to 15 40 a
-and while admitt i3 a. 'subject .1 'tm, 0 p.. t perfect fib and styl h a * arance of every, garment is acknowledged by. AL
a!fleshy arm like Mr. Stock' gether to ik Ira adoial evb-ain ng tilat i a:8 got to stand g. The be t the'teleph)n6 sysi ne I thern et b!is era. -,Dar grain market ke b&rp
The. Off' h tchet drop from t6 top Of a po e. It Lanius �Sheepl
the wear ind �ear of a' a i ical iife.� Let of good with 4 large delivery -of grain coming i The reason of our t me done ouceessAs 'on account f the first-class I
Vith whicli the Governm,0
he. 9,
Ur StockhavO the blo I the bc 6 i 'a, toz a u6k Georg 3 on thel'back,an slid ha mleaE- Mr. R obert- Crawford, of Toronto, was. hc �me: i.: ability employed b o5o 'fiTm. in the manufactur.6 of our Jackets and Skirts.,
at must c1al de- 0 In show, and let t evedi Vit .$3.1010 ci-ively and are pre ty well �Jds of Northern ar
promptly.,,2 t Nr'. KoutCh"atay atho � the Mi8%i07 10 ri he� to the grobud, btit, had it fallen Ja few durfrig tbis week, attending- fthel funeral of These are the te'stii rionialel we receive from, thn to time. Oeady wn� e$
&PPY"" ladies at St.: 1) 1,
divided in opinion as to what form Govern- eel ge a ur64 to be eon ches nearer,it would; 0 her Fuit is as nice 6 a i culls and
almost certaird s father.�Mrs. Ingles, i poosibly. could be. We nee greaticare in the Wee
F&, Open
The pe6ple of Wi ham in gratulatied; E a on f the oe of th�iiir. U . . . . . .
ton 7 ,
apted for tho
theft- first On rtunity 0 1 e are glad to see Mr.i Mithers. sitting Of the village, -Miss Moggle NeLyin at
"y dan nicetrade, which g ve'Sen#ral satisfaction.
thatib ciaity had
roont action should tftke.L A-lladmib Ing h ro� Tal
n 4n Ivi entertaih�e van On a lznock-ro� It bloL�V (In the hoad. Thanksgiving wit her sister, tion of our finenat 3rialls',, *pl only -keep, good� specially ad
oalso fQrt6 ood,w
is a kno, and a, p Ing to Prom. which- tbei if ve uderibike kogiVin TORO
_gMus question for n.- as Jennie' a ound to well - Visit ng
a a on Mon�day' Than
ier R a' agoi a. -Roy Thorn on, of irr Lndon'on
d Us grand -parent , Mi. her siser, Mrs. James Grieves. he ma as,.:
a evcning, ait. He de- Stewart� a V� Ik tton, is. visitia was I Gentei' Tailotiog is what we like b talk &Pont. Every garment we part
ny overnment to handle. Thoie aue with her ingbam, v��ip
I masterpiece. On I g rom. Nrouto, who received a stylish y6ke
li�g�rcd a",ii �ddro6s there to a large audlen siateri Bu obanalAi We are Oeased a d Mrs. John rept *rites'f
ce, week.- T
the It is, U seems a. i
somez w6 urge tha a prohiitory law Mrs, A.' GarOiner,.;hi o in connection with St. A:ndrel ye, -ADIl from char h- coat from u's to his )rder. .8 S& oal�-! fault I see.14.1
to state Oh i is:. mu 3h irnprbv�d in �he IV a w Lad he ends us an orderifor another odat for friend of cwsshould, be submitted to and- was, apparently, very wa mly alth.- cars at hogs las I
and passed by the -received.. rere shf�ped I rom. our t4tign which,i for the pait t a iihonths, eal little too awe
it 'Ma- hall, of 'Kirk ton, visited a�t'week. MiasesF1 Agg is - Herbe and goingander a thorougl n,. bot
the; iepbr t it w h renova
9 hie, who' is delight with
is, -appr III` the Odress the former 'a of the w1ek with their a
and i IV.
Legislature. at th Judgio; BUHS-Heavy
unt, Bella, Burgesi
n. It *as plai
'Os' Mg session' of a staitesma and in, in order to have I ta
'Kidih n Bru els. - outaidiii
sint' I
opinici d every. ill ad- gradZ.- G. ]d op. sty �nd 'per c_
This, ita our ft, eon_ esers. Roe e ano M -a. 4sbf4ter, c f �Iorris, �islted comfortablb, is now occupied b the n�' Before y6u buy your Fall Suit and Oveeo*ts see werk
bout or nb n V
lb tian pain Of vincing and 6loquout and4t ha throng t nivni I 3d Moody and st�le are corre(t every! time., Our �ricee are low., but oat
even from a proh so at F. B. gcQt a ozi S turd& -'-Kirfg V rand: his good wife' who,' have g I - id t
inter pasto I
t a ring of tinceritr Vvhibh true have cap�j ollsnd ba M . i - : "
a entirelyi.too important prie, w ittled in, thetir new Jame -Mr.;
via Such a law I' 08�ujbts here is back. at thi old stind, hi Is and hea, ty lit$ nicely. i's
vated the-audieacei.� We *h&V ofteft said they wilfb a, re in 'a
t woodi evor. He- a pt asch b ality t
to be deat with by a dying Legislature, and y some Mr. Gilbert inclair. are to I.;
tb�.t if. Mr. Roes ;totlld I deliver but -one dring t6 1 41 ortth . M I iful We* H gh Aicheson and
ApOech in each constituency in the PL,-Oiirfa�e ay "aricbe a at. id�ally beau ther 3unday night e latRat to arrive.*home ftorn 'Manitoba.
the peopilp should be given another oppor tend the ' . 1 tha r kay
jr.,Alb4pit.. irterh'ilthefiogr. ta, k &r M a c' to, .40.
oni'the eve of the 'elect ion cam cc Id h rdly excef. d. ei *oV: Patt irson, Their trip,, by their appearance, agreed with
w 0 w� bee -mskiir at the' them. -Rev, Mr.� McKay, of Godarieh, who
tunity of, expressing an paign, there era of hlaillet� %la!ad badly Isoorate'd by being al sistailt
apinio upo� it would net be much doubt'" to t4e` success I caught in -611P a Of at s tra OPPOSITE 00M 10 HO TEL mixodd
w Cutter, one M(lesworb otoky his umnie le or many weeks has been isupplyiog the p TH�;
lea 04