The Huron Expositor, 1901-08-09, Page 4� . -1 �
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NEW ADVE RTISEMENTS he is scarcely a man to submit to strangula- dition'triatbrially improved in this way. . It National Immigration Society, , ' 00
. - . I I - sit Montreal. prescribed plan so was not in at the finish. I*t Noted for selling Pure Drugs t;�
I tion an peaceably as his predecessor did. would be difficult to get machinery to aid Soriie 50 have gorie there from Dublin dur- The interebt is growing keener and (he ' _
4W The figure betweeh the pArenf hea er each t, t -of the Con- mat�rially- in cooking, sweeping, dusting, ing the last month. The next part will crowd will be bigger next Saturday. -Mr. <� � � _
one, denotes the page of- the part (r on which the Ba he fate of any member y . 1Z
I I I . - C!I*b
Well Dressed Foople-Gret . g & Uacdonald-1 I . lid washing, and ,t e thousand They all go t seek employment as domestic road, att nded the wedding of a re n �-%
- . concern and is of I and one other household duties which - form 'servants." I I
. actrer4feement will be ound. . I � minding the babies, to say nothing of' 'sail by steamship Tunisian on August 16uh and Mrs' 116bett Maxwell, of the Bluevale Q . I
. servative party is a matter of only. party churning A h 0 lative i Z �
�Reductlon Sale -Wm. Pickard & Son -5 � - ittle public interest. ,The . . Mitchell,� last week. -A oar of hogs was I � � Q4
Tewher Wanted ---R. 11amilt3ri-5 I the daily routine of the tidy house wife. . -
Farm to Rent -Mrs. R. Tfiompwn-b public may well leave them to patch u . � . . . shipped .�-o Palmerston on Monday.-Messro. ;�% I I � �
' P But,. an the pecuniary position of the farmer, Stei3hen. ' Jam6s Mpffatt, Robert Musgrove, John- ;.) ; %
A Bridle Takon-A. Hummic-8 their personal differences among th inselves. improves, he can afford to procure additional _%,-a
For Sale -V, Knechtel-5 � . q A LAw CASE. -The case of Buchanan vs. Munn si" and Daniel Munn left for Mani. ;�, ' - 1Z
* , , I I
L:16arders Wanted -Expositor ofilie-3 It is possible that Mr.' Whitney, like his help for his wife, as many now do, and in Stephen-sebool trustees had a h,eariug in to6a O'n, iucaday, on the harveisters' excur. � **�
- . � t . I .
Tlemlock Lumber Gibp-Qa Bros ---S .1 old friend and patron,- Sir 1.0 Ackenzie this way. her pooition is greatly, improved the singl-a'oourt at 04goode Hall, Toronto, Ilion. . (7� - -
Sh Rargaing-R. Willis & Soa-6 � . ; trom what it used Vo be. I I k� %.)
Faorma to lteut--7P. K-orrlsort-S Bowell, would. prefer retirement- to. being � on Tuesday,.before Mr. Justice McMahan. -� 'FEAR9S 121*
Firm for Sale -H Meters -5 . I . --- . ;. -
� ' I , The counsel acting for plaintiff, a rate- Kippen. '4*�) a ,.Q *4
Lo(,kct L,!O-Scott Bros --S continually surrounded by A 11 nest of trait' , The-Globesays: "After a summer spent payer and one of the trustees of school see- D. Hay, Commissioner and Conveyancer ; CO ;. , . - M
Pure Druiza-1. V. Fear -1 ore," who delight in humiliatirg him in to good purpose, the Canadian Ministers tion No q6) � 5 IZQ I .
Formaldchydo-Alex. Wilson -6 , - 7, in the township of ,Stephen, Wille, mortgages and deeds drawn up. Money loaned ;.) -
. Wes'ern Hair -J. A. Xeltos-6 public view and who are continually eon- -who have been'in the old land are returning moved to continue an injunction granted by at th lovest rites of interest. 174041 0 ,�.Q AS ;44 ot
lanitor'Wanted-W. K. Peare" - spiring to destroy and dethrone him. the local judge at London, restraining the Mew Sailor Hat may be your Hat if g qD � . .
- Now Stouk-4-W. 11. WIVN-8 .. . home. Thi's has been a year of Imperial in. F -ea %-ZN
, . defendants, the school board of the section you like, and you will like if you look at -Q DR-uG - ,
Pea Harvester for Sale -T. Br.own-8 r I While, therefore, thes� Party bickerings terests,, and the visit of'eeveral me Mo q.� F *.;?
Furniture Specialtios-John jL%nd9b19roq9�--8! mbero of, and the two rem ini ees from remov- those shown by The E Faul Company, MQ 1 -4 - . -.
. - and private aspirations are not of material me n ' . t Q "t
the Cabinet to Britain has rved i man) -ing the school h a Wrotrutoh'e school site,and i "'i cz-,Q A
- . . - I Ouse Seaforth. ' * l"56-17-\ rfti� I
- —: . pt in so far as to commit the defendants. the two school , 4-1 L I
. . Interest to the Public,- exce ways to keep the Bricish people re;ninded NOTES. -The Misses Robertson, of Otta,- :9 :
- . . t�2 Q I Q t-�.
Zhe , trustees, and one Sherritt, the contractor wa� are -guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. �
,141,roa (gXyJ00j they slow the lack of harmony and 'Cohesion of the, place held by Canada in the structurql, V , (% ,.,;.,
10MA � for the removal of the school house, for dis- R. MeMordiel.-Mine Vinie Ivison, of Bridg- t . 1 (% - -
'tor 0 and consequent lose of strength in %* great of the em�ire. Sir Louis Davis, Messrs. . , STORE
*Y * obedience of the iDjunction, Motion to com- ton, is spending &few weeks' vacation at V . . (Z Q
� ;.1 'y
. political party, it is a matter of the greatest I Mille, Fielding, Blair, Dobell, and Fisher of � init dismissed with coats, upon the ground the home of' her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F -Q ;% I . I
I - - � the Domin . ion Coibinet,'and Mr. Rose, as w that there was no wilful or actual substan. Wm. Ivison, -of the , village. -Flax drawina Z 04.) Cf.) %t
� public moment what are the character and, I ei�? *
I - . 0 CC *+Q - . - M
SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, Aug. 9th, 1901 antecedentsof the leader of that party. representative of Ontario, have beeh' to no tial disobedience of the injunction. Upon is now keeping, many budy.-Master WM. . T1%
. ' . small extent in the public eye in the centre the motion to continue -the injunction the Butt, of Toronto, son of Mr. Elam Butt, of e t , . I I t.::t
C!ft �
---- - - - - This is so, because it is always ,.within the of the empire." This ia,,no d ' oubt, all very plain�tiff.j contended that, the school board the Mawiey-Harria works, is visiting with Q � . .
. I probabilities that the, leader of .a Party, true. We hope, however, that the bills for was never properly organizsd ; that all the friends here. -Miss ,Florence Chrysler, of 11� - �-
A Timely Resolu-tion. although in opposition may assume the these outings will not appear in - the next pr6ceedings of the trustees Were irregular, M-ucefield, was visiting friends in this �Z
. , -
. -
The West Wellington Farmers' InaitiWte I volume of the Auditor General's report, as it and that they had no power to order the re- vizinity the past week. -Harvest-, operatio Brind .- OLU' friends in, to see. ou 1`�
leading band in the controlling Of the ' . . =0 y I F 7� ..
seems to be fully a -live to the interests of . A. very doubtful if thel .services of any of. moval of the school house and the sale of are rushing these days, Many in this pau't' M!t -
destinies of the province. , this being the 'them ' xcept, perhaps, Mr. Fisher and Mr.- the old site and pu 14� la7ZOy C-171,ina Department. ftp- a- �-
the farmers of this country and, to be pre. ' 6 � robase of the new one, will wind*up this week. -Miss Annie Wey- %0Q
� ca3e, it believes the� ptiblic to scrutiliiza Rou, of aufficienV importance to the - Z
ton of ,,600ds rece,ived and plae'd * " 4!6�4
partd to do its share towards securing them � � - aspire .1country'to justify the country in foot' Judgment reserved. Norman Buchanan is brett., of Port Huron, the' past week, was Q 9, 7,7Z, 11E
o �refully the character of those' who . 1139 the prosecuting trustee, while Peter .Me- ' vitAting at ohe home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. �� - st
- . . Kenzie, Wm. Sherritt, and Michael Fink- McMurtrie.-Mr.-�ohn Diecbert and Mr. I
their - rights. The following resolution to that position. Mr. Macleon is, unques- their bills. It is too frequenily the case ock'since tast week. ,; (b -.
which was passed unanimously, was present- � that when public men go. abroad on what beiner are the tlustees being proceeded Fred Hess, of Zurich, were calling on -- . - � r4
tionably, a-ffian of ability, oJ originali'ty, of is in reodity a holiday ard recuperating trip, 'against. The affair -is creating quite a sen- friends in the village-' during the wee,k..- I
ed to Professor McLean at '-Tuelph, when be , ublic businees is affected simply as an ex. Ration in the ne'Pghb'orhood. 7 ' Miss Ina Bryans officiating as organist,
resource, and is above all ambitious. He i's T � Among those whom we have heard of in around,bere a few da'�4s, then lie is going
was pursuing his investigations there last what may be called a'i'l Ifustler," but,unfor. Puse- for charging the expenses to the coun. � -1
week, by the president, Mr.' James Me- . - try. It is not likely, however, that it will - ' this vicinity, who went on the Manitoba leading. The service was thoroughly eu- back to Winnipeg, wl�ere bis situation on .
. i . I j .;yed by all. More prosperous � days than -,the Canad-jan Pacific Railw
.. I Chiselhurst, - harvest excursion, which left on TueFdav, I ay has been
EwiDg� It would do no harm and might tunatel.y, he does not always bustle in the be 1Eo in this instance. .. - �
right direction. He is, politically speaking, I - - I - CLTPPI-'q(,S. -'Chiselhurst civic holiday was were : Messrs. Hugh Aitcheflon, W. C. i Yet attained are prophesied for the Sunday kept open for him,
do much good if. other' Institute@ would pass a kite flyer and a player to the gallery while- 'A man named O'Brien is to be hanged in hold onAugust let. The tig men of the Kyle, George Alair, Jaseph Hood, Alex. school now that it ia so nicely settled in its �
� - - you MqMurtrie, Henry Ivison, Joseph Butt and I new home and a cordial invitation is ex -
similar resolutions and forward theni to Mr. he has -the unfortunate habit of pandering Dawson for having committed a' murder neighborhood being rather dilatory, the Gilbert Sinclair, 1 All frienda left behind I tended to both the young and older people Hensali.
McLean. Such resolutions would show -the �. - I . I - young lsdiei were forced- to take the initi- , in the Leighborhood. . I . LOCAL B=Fs.-Among those wh? left
. to the baser element for his, popularity and there. It was said that R.tdoliffe, the offi - ati - ey pr bespeak for them-�Il a pleasant and profit
. I -- .
- I - ve. T� ocured R, Jarrott's large . thin station on Monday evening and T -
feeling.iamorig the farming community as � able -trip and a safe return. -Mr. Pete; I - I lie$ -
power. In no sense would,a change- from ciai hang man, is to be'sent from Toronto to - picnic rig,- and at six o'clock. about twenty I day morning on the ch -a
s well as anything else could, and if they . � . I (4rant, one of our old, and much esteemed � e p excursion to
Whitney to Maclean be a good one, an4 it Da,wson to officiate. . On this a contempor- of the " beautyOf Lhe neighborhood," minus . Brucefield. Manitoba we learnea of the follo�vin
. I . * citizens, went to the hosoital at Clinton on �- I I . g - a
reach the Government,, as they no doubt would be a misf ortune to;'the province if .a ary remarks : " The sending of a Toronto the youths, were en route for the Bend. Tuesday, for an examination of his eyes, -B. R. HrGGINS, .Brucefield, Notary Public, I James E. Troyer, William Jackson, Aletirly
I will, may have the effect of strengthening- - I - They report having had a firob-class time, I Conveyancer, Fire and Life Insurance agent. Any Jackson, Isafic Jackson Peter -
I man of Mr. McLean's loose moral code were hangman away out -to Di'*aon City, in the but we believe some His sight, has been poor of laie-owine to the 0 Stewart,
- . of the young men took t of money to loan- at Joweet current rates of Fred Pilef Arthur Dign ri, Charles Dick,
the Governmental backbone when dealing to at I growth of a cataract. Mr. Grant purposes xin'teorest, on first-class farm security. All k,inds of 3
2 . . tain a position of . supreme power in Yukon Territory. to perform a- little job ; in -it so to heart that they neglected to meeD . John Tapp, Albert Fee, aJames AQ, p.
with the railway companies. No Govern, I - r their- sisters,, and, &a a consequence, two pr going back in a few weeks for an operation. conveyanoing work. done well and chcaply. At i RVeliman, P. Midingei, p I -
the province. He may be more brilli�ant his speohd Ii e of business'. will strike the -three' -Miss Annie Martin, daughter of Rev. Mr. home every morning and Wednesday of eaeb J eter Eicber,I Win.
ment can aaba*t very long in this country of the girls had to walk home f rom. the Week. Save-ral good farms for sale. 167 1 Perkins, Charles Campbell, R, Ben ough
111" �, and a better schemer than Mr. Whi . tqev, orAinsty taxpayer as a piece of needlesis ex. . village. Oh ! boys,- boys ! What will be. Martin, of Exeter, was in the village for a -rl - DALLAS. -The gen- 1 and William Johnston.- g �
without the s pport of the farmers, The but he lacks the morall stamina r -f ihe pre'8. tpavagance, and -will set old Californians and !'come of you? Don't think for a moment few days, the guest of her cousin a , Mr. %nd DEATH OF MR. Joi ,� I Airs, 'Elliott, of
. . tleman referred to in the following notice, � Chicago, and her sister Miss 84 Carri4, �
farmers, have, therefore, the power in their Pike'a Peakers to woudering what sort of I that Lhe " new woman 11 is going to sit at Mrs. John. Balfour. -Many are now making �- I lie, of
ent leader of the Oppoeitipri. It would be I which we take from the Forest Free Press of Toronto, are here visiting their sister] Mrs
own hands, if they see fit to exercise it, of � people *the Canadians are. .,According to all J home until you -call for her. , ready for fall wheat. Some complain of the I � .1. .
. . difficult to find two men -more, cpposite in t -Alra. McDou- land being t the let inst., was a brother of the I -at ' Alr ! Thomas Neelands. -The picnic to Grand I
securing justice at the hands of the railway .� radition,, the one thirg that a mining,coni- ald, of Stratford, is visiting her -sister, Mrs. cc hard to work on account of James Dallas, of Tuckersm-tb an a wa; ' tend, on Wedues
their sentiments, and- of t1)e two, Mr. Wh it- :munity has always been able to do neatly . John Elgie. -Mrs. McTaggart, of Ei-ater, - is i the dry season. -Mr. Albert Taylor, of ' I d day, under theausp�cas of --
carporationa. If they do not take interest known to many in this vicinit ays : * the Home Circle lodge, of this village;
ney is, by long odds, the prefe' and expeditiously was to hang a man who visiting relMAves in i London, is -spending a few well earned holi. ,, ! - w"
enough in their own affairs to use the power - . rable. Look- - - this neiLrhboAkQA,- the parental home. =T. Mallis, the Oa Sunday, July 2] at, John Dallas, one of ,jery largely attended by the members, their
. ing at it from a purely party pCint of vie needea hanging. Sometime@, indeed, it has Mrs. J. Stark, who has been very ill recent. . I dai the older residents of Bosanquet, and a man I wives auil fAmilies and friends. They-, were
they possess, and prefer remaining the bond L ro be6n feared that there was a proneness to. I i leased to - ku I king plumb grower of this vicinity, has, ,
- the exchange would add material strength y-, is, we are P ow, able to be ' highly esteemed by all, departed this life at i accompanied by our band. Tbe .day w&#
slavesafthe railway oGmpaaies inf-ead of i i 'get the banging over before the trial began, around again. -The Ladies' Aid of the 1 this semon, a big crop. -Air. au.d Mrs. the age I in I most favorable and a �ery pleiisant time was
' 11 I
- to the Liberal ranks,�an-d those who view hub in in oat inatancea the rough and ready 0 in Ifred Whiteman and son, of Chicago, are of 70 years. D2ceased was born I spar . it at that now very popular summer i
being their masters, -they need not h- sur. ' - Methodist chur h is in a very flouriahi g I A , Pettlishire, Scotland, in 1831, and- with his
everything from that standpoint would, investigation of.the crime Y, reeeded the exe. condition. They hold their meeting this ; a -pending a pleasant visit at the parental parents came to Canada in 1843, eettr,Dg on I sort. -The Centennial hotel looks re.
prised if they are laughed 0, by t', -Ir op. . robably, welcome the change. cution by a b.rief. interval. ' -It now turns week at.the parsonage, Hensall.-Mrs. R. home of the former, Mr. --and Mrs. John . much improved since it was painte very
pre8sors, and the bleeding process st, 1. goes P i . . - But. in ,the out, however, that Radcliffe is not to be' I Jarrott., Heneall, was in the village last Whiteman's.-Mrs. McDonald, of Stratford, a bush farm in North ,Easthope, Perth d a nice
' higher and broader sense of -the general t to Dawson. The sheriff there has been. haR, for soine days, -been the guest of Air. county, travelling through the Woods ftb.m white. -Mr. Lorne Scott has returned from
on. Tile resolution speaks for itat:lf- and sen I week, ViSliting her sister, Mrs. Wm. V�D- Hamilton, with oxen, -then the only. means his trip to the west and reports having elm-
. � - safety and interests of the province, the notified by the department of justice at O'U-. liorn.-Mr., -Fitzaerald intends erecting a and Airs. Rabert Elile, Ta--kersmith. . - . -
18 as follows : . of tTansportation. At 18 years of age de. JOYed it very much. He met in with a
- change would not be welcome. l tawa"that he must provide his own m4n, and handsome brick r"esidence on the site of hie I I
Moved by John Honor, seconded by John � - � . in the eve!it of failure I � to get one he n . iust do I c5a,sed learned telegraphy, and obtained a great number from the counties of Huron
, .. . � . former dwelling, which was burned recent- Wroxeter. � situ' and.Pertb.-Al.r. J. W,
' '
!;- 11 I the iob himself. Th a is one of the not very .1 -Alr Al.v' .Q�i #- L, 1. I ation. at Acton. Some- years later, in . Ortwein opened up
Fairweather, that whereas the farmera of . I i
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or -many ves,ra Editarial Notes and (',nrnmn,ln+u pleauant functions that attach to the osi. f - I . ,�A . .A- -4 , W U wall nocked Just received a car of Muskoka �Hemlock 1868, he came to Thedford, and wa e Lplo Ur au Dome
thig province have been f � . I I .7. . s M. y- his Store for business on Saturday last. He , ..-1 . Arttl - L
. r L — � "a' waslenbeFLng 1 -he barn E% I Lumber, all longths. Shinglesof silkicdiandLa1h ed as telegraph operator and switchman on' was taerenaded by the bandduriug the even.
suffering a large loss annually by reason of ' tion of -sheriff i"n this country. shorb time ago' and s4iously il�ijmred, is not - in conetant supply. Gibson Brc8.-- ing.-The .Alisr.e�j Weeloh, of Berlin, and
the unjuat and unfair system of railway dis. Those Coneervative papers who 'pretend . , I . 1 1756 � the Grand Trunk Railway. That ,year he
- - - - improving. -The neigh�.orhood has been be. I '
crimination in the matter- of freight rates to be be bursCiDg with indignation. because . - - I JOTTi-Nos.. -Thomas W. Gibson, dir�ctor m-irried Catharine Anderson, who prede, formerly of Hensall, are visiting friends
I Our good friend,. the Hensall Obsterver, re. ' !
' I - sleg�d by flax,�pullera from both Seaforth I of the Bureau of Mines, Toronto, is here f6r, ceagod Iiiiii eight years igo. After three bere.-Mr. James Sutherland is in Grand �
and supply of rolling stock ; and whereas Ron. John Dryden invested a fe.w dollars in ma-rks : 11 TnE. E Hensall lat'ely. They have harvested ' a week's holidays, wi Lh fri 3n da. -)Rr. E, G. 5ears service Qn the Grand Trunk Railway Bend this week visiting- hie brother-in.1 -
. . . xposiToi� is anxious, that and - - 1W9 -
this discrimination has been largely in favor a little ranch in the United States, do no ite a large clop. 711r, Oliver, contractor, 1 Brown is spending a few days in Durham, at, Thedford, be was tranzferred to Forest as Mr. Dent. -We are pleased to see Mr.
I of our foreign and western competitors in ' t religious teaching form a part of the. curri. qu r . . -
tell.their readers that Mr. Thomas, 0 aw.- cul * I and men are very busy here at pre8edt- He j the guest of Mr. and Mrr. James Ireland.- night operator, holding that; . James McFarlane, wh
the markets of the world ; amd whereas , . . r eum 'of our public schools. While - this - position during o bad his leg broken a '
I I . � � expects- to complete the large drain they I Miss Turnbull, of Grey, has been vif:iting the years of the rebellion. S.,hortly after number of weeh-s ago while engaged at work
this system orf d iscrilmi nation in freight ford, M. P. P., is a rnembdr-.of the sam,3 is beautiful in theor 'we believe it would have on hand this seasoi:l.-.:-7Mrs. George at her uncle's, Mr. 0. .Smith,- in town.- t1a, is lie gave up that line of � in the gravel pit, able to go around again -
. I ' y
- '
- ratea and- supply of cars at suitable seasons company ; that Mr. Crawford is the , I * less trouble if put in practice - � . occupation for and hope soon to see him strong e I
cause more or Wrep,a former resideut,has been ill for some Mrs. S. Walker is having her home- nicely farming, and settled on the farm in Basan. nough
has been- in existence for many years with- hand man of M r. , Whithey in- , the Legidla. I `thne. . We are sorry to know that she is not to walk about without the a
out the railway . corporations conceding to ture, and that in the event of the Co'naerva.- for the rea,son that even in whAt are-consid. - . . J repainted, -The picture gallery in Wrox-' (I net, wohere he died. Not only did he look ,i -d of crutches.-
, -
us fair and just rates and shipping facili- tives coming into power in Ontario, Mr ere(, the I ubdamental dootrines there -would improving. -If -the beautiful- weather eon- I eter has been opened again, by an agent of after his agricultural pursuits, but alpo took - Mrs. J. S. Henderson returned to the manse
' . I tinues, harvesting in this neighborhood will the Art Studio and Photograph Company, an aQti%,e part in municipal and other public on Tuesday, after spending a few weeks --
ties ; and whereas the Government and Crawford is -the man most likely to be Ea - be. a difference of opinion as to the wording. soon be a thing of the past. -Mrs, A. Me- 1 of Ontario. It's now you'll� get your - pic. affairs, being several timea'reev�e of Bosan. with her,mother and relatives at
I � Becher,
:municipalities have granted millions of del- lected for the position."Mr. Dryden now TnE EXPOSITOR should remember the fate Tavish, of Acwn, is vioitin her parents, 1 ture's tuck "In good at le. -A genuine case quet and represent -Mr. Wm. Aloir and Mrs. I
Lvra towards the. building of th6 railroads, holds. If they were'. to tell all this, if would Mr..and Mrs. D. 9. y , - ed his township at the near Sarnia. -
ged � ported at our sister village, county council, . He wa3 one.of the
' .le work, which pl8a, I Wren. -Mrs A.' Foster is I of allpox is ri- . organiz. Moir were in London this week. Mr. Moir: ,
materially weaken the vitrpl they, are so in- . , vieitina in the village with her aunt, Airs-, � Gorrie. cessary precautionF are ers of the E tat Larubton Farmers' Insurance has not yet revained hit, usual bealth.-Miss -
wh-ich should entitle i he people making said of Dr. Ryerson's litt ed as , sm
grants to at least as fair rates and shipping dustriously throwing on Mr. Dryden'a head. somebut not all, and was never, us . I- a T. Hi'c'ka.-Mr. Gibb, �son-in-law of Mr. I ' ,All the ne
- I , . being Laken td prevent the spread of the. Company, of which he was president for sev. Hepworth and.Mise Harris, ,of Wroxater,
facilities as their competitors ; be it, there -- . text book. , The R,)sa Bible, which was 8 ! m' Quarrile, has rented Mr. Quarrie'a farm, and I disease. -Mr. Robeit Ferguson shipped 40 eral years, and afterwards a director until were the guestsof Mr. Heur Cook durit;
fore, resolved, that we Aeem it expedient OntArio'a gifted Premier, who ii at prea ply a selection of scripture readings,. drew intends ere3ting a new dwelling. -Threshing I head of prime cattle - he accepted an agency with the com . p J an y 9
. - - I . :i upon it the -ire of some of ouv-��politi. to Undoi), Bi agland, y a the- past week. -The Misses Foster, -of
and necee.sary for the Government to &,p eat on a visit to the old country, does nut dow is now the order of the day. Messrs. Ryck- I last week, 4'. . ! - �
point an able and independent B6ard of - � cians who were ready to abuse- Jesus Uhrist . and accompanied the shipment position he held until last fall, when failing -Varna, were here .recently visiting their
,r to investigate , . � . He ha% done this for several uncle and stint, Mr. and Mrs. ThOmam Cam- -
Commissioners,: with poWe forget his native land when away from it, and his teachil) simply because those tewh. man, Staley, Hall, and Brintnell are on the ; personally. health compelled him to reiiign. Up to that,
- I I . - . . 9 road this season, and are all doing good -
and regulate rates, supply care Jor shipping. but uses his ift8 there to advance its inter ings were compiled by persons in politleal years, consequently it must be a paying time Mr. Dallas had hardly experienced a eron.-The farmers in this section Are neatly
. .
- 9 - life. When it comes to a question of Christ work, so that no one will have to wait long trip. -Mr. John Hamilton,:the veteran cat- day's illoess, but in October last he ;was � all through harveati,mg. -Mr. Gordon Mauna,
goods, and various other matters that arise eats as he does here, A defjp&tch dated for a thresher. -A number of the young - tle dealer, of these parts, also made a large e- of the bron mploy of Mesers. McDonall
between the individual and the railway cor- ,August, Ist, says : " Hon. G. W. R - and politics, politics must have precedence men, taking advantage" of the cheap excur- taken with a hemorlhag cl�ial who is in the e , 11
porations. , 088, every time " All this is, no doubt, true to I I shipment of cattle from here last week.- tube4, which was' so Revere as t -i greatly Brothers, batl the misforturie this wetk,
. wh le operating the large shears fDr cutting
Premier of Ontario, addressed F6 meeting,of - a.cerWn 6x'tent. But no good reform was 810013, have gone to Manitoba to aid in har- The cutting of oats and peas is'. general this weaken his conbtitution. Baing advanced , i
the British Empire League at Manchester ever accomplished without some trouble and vesting the immense drop there.-Ou Mon. week in this locality. The latter � are not a in ye�trs, this attack, followed by the illness � tin, to cut the top off the second lin.1,er of
A New Conservative Leader. last evening. He made an eloquent appeal more or less friction. Even now, there are day last, Mr. John Wh e h ood crop, owing to premature ripening. - and death of hill eldeet son four months ago his left han-d.-Miga.M. Ingram, of Wood-
- - on behalf of the claims of Canada upon the what might.have proved a very serious ac- The quality - of the flour turned out at the l- stock, in visiting her brother, Mr. H. B. Inw
A statement'is going the rounds to the interest of the British people, and -declared compla ' inings and * grumbling8, ,and there cident. While ploughing in the field with caused a goneral breaking up of the system,
effeeb that Mr. W. F. Maclean, M. P. for that British muscle, brain and money were will be to the. end ' of the chapter, as there a spirited team of colts, the doubletree Wroxeter flour mills cannot be eclipsed which finally resulted in paralysis of the gram.--Rf. Thozas Murdock is thisweek
always have been but, because of these, it in the county. Mr. Robert Black, the threat, the immediate cause of death. Mr. having the front of his livery stables nicely
Ea.dt York, 6nd-,editor and proprietor of the - needed to adcquately ,develop Canadian re- would not be wisel to entirely abandon . r broke, causing the horses to start. He was proprietor, understands milling wheat, and Dallas has- one sister, Miss Dallas, living in painted. -Mr. and.Mrs. Wm Mitchell and
. 1k sources." . .� - 4 . I I on jerked over the plow and dragged for some r.ince changing his mill to the r syn. ,three daughters, Mrs. W --
� n imin- . . I ; . excellent school system. and all ild- Stratford, who is now the only survivorof a trf. Wood Mrs.
. To. anto-World -is likely to get the � r � ; ow our ch gyrato i
r ,, — . . distance, but fortunately be was only slight, tern, the highest satisfaction h family of six. W -m. Peart, and Miss Clarissa Mitchell, are I
i ren to grow up in ignoranca. resulted. In Mr. Dallas' death the �
�ation o,f the Consorvative conventicn for the Referring to the investigations being con. I - ly injured. Bread that is white, light and aFelicious to community loses an upright and valued spendink' a couple of weeka camping at
'lame constituency fcc the Ontario Legida-, ducted by Professor McLean, in respect to' . - . .� I - -- -- . eat, can be depended upon, if the baker citizen, and the neighbors a true friend,3�- Grand Bend. -Misses Fulton were in 8ea-
ture. Mr, Maclean has" come to the front r&ilway freight.charges in Canada, �he Tor. News of the Week. -" Bluevale. . , I knows his or her business. -Messrs. James Mrs. McBeath, Mrs. Chesney, James And forth during the past week, visiting frioadf.
' ' Ballantyne, - George Graham and David John Dallas and Miss Jessie Dallas, all of -J�cssrs. George -.ud J&luesPetty met with -
� rapidly as a Congervative politioian wit�in onLo Telegram hits very close to t4e mark - HORSE SICKNESS I.N CHICAGO.—Ni NOTES -Miss Nirene 11., second daughter Myles go to the Manitoba harvest fields this . Brucefield, neices and nephews of deceased quitie a stRitlillg expe.Cience and narro so-
. �
thx pi-st two years. He is now cerving his when it says : " The trouble in �Canada is cent of the horses in Chicago are now sWer- of; Mr. Thomas -Stewart,- was married on 1 weeL-Mr JamesNeilson, an ex-tsacl)erof attended the funeral, the latter being at, he, - cape from very serious injury w
ing from influenza. The disea,se is proving Wednesday of last- week, by Rev. R, Paul, r oil Saturday
B03ond term in the D3minion Parliament. not lack of knowledge, but lack of desire t . the public school here, was in town ,last uncle's home some weeks before his death. �fternoon last. It appoirs they were com-
01 fatal in from three to five cases out, of at, Victoria cottagb, Brussels, to Mr. Milton week. -Miss' Gertie Brawn, of Buffalo, is ing out of the lane on their farm, a mile and
H:3 is a young main and is ambitious. It is use this knowledge .for tho benefit of the ( ever . S.�i Watson, postmaEter at ,Sunshine. Mr. I , . .
I public. The railroad corporations have I v hundredi . I visitin her uncle and au't in town, Dr. and a quarter north of Hensall, London roA
Mt surprising, then, that he should preler SANDALS BEcwtuNa FaHIONABL&-The J+n S. Stewart, brother of the bride, was : nK&te Martin and . Blyth. . when a horse hitched to a hay -rake broke -
, .
a, leAding position in- the Legislature to - 6 ways Of muzzling investigators, and if Pro- -" latest seaside, fad in F,hglmnd is the wearing grbomaman and Miss Lottie Watson, sister ' Mrs. trawn.-Misses BRim.,-s. Mr. D. D. Crittenden, wh i I
festorMeLean has the pride of intellect, of eandalsby grown persons. Many girls of the groom, was bridesmaid. Mr. Watson Z JPasie Robertson are away to Manitoba on at preseut working in the Exeterflour m'O Is loose, and dashing down the lane with :sH
se3ondary one in the Dominion P,irliament. which -can keep him faithful to li-is mission a holiday trip. . ills, speed crashed,into the buggy in which the
seem to be especially taken with the now is a Ron of -the Morrie aGsessor. We wish 'I I was renewing acq .
I -
Mr. Maclean was an aspirant for the le his work ought to do credit to the' '.overn- idea. The -sandals are generally worn with. Mr. and Alre, Watson much joy. -The gar- I uaintances in town' the Melq�-rss. Petty were riding, before they
- ader. G . st week. -Mr. E. Livingston ' � -
� meat which appointed him," The.fir8t sen . pa is at present could get out of the .road, ,breaking the
ship of his party in the Dominion, but ' out stockings.. The craze has spread even. d�n party given to formally open Viotoria I Grey. on a business trip around North Bay !and
; tence in this quotation is especially true. I . buggy and throwing Mr. James Petti out
. I � to London, where well dressed women can Hall, Jamestown�- on Monday eveniag of i . -The cele. ity.-Mr. McNally, who recently with such force as to injure him -considerably,
failing to obtain that, it is not at all im rob- � OPKINING OF VICTORIA HALL, vichii
. r -r — I . I -
I .
able that he would be qui.te willing to Be- Thenames of Patrick Boyle and the Iritib beaten sandaled in the park. la,8t week, was a seventy-one dollar success, , bration in connection with the formal open.' secured a patent on a machine he invented' but fortunately not seriously. After being
a rahip in . the L 1. I t Canadian have been'familiar i I A SMALL YIELD, -The wheat harvest in although the rain fell steadily all day and I , f Victoria Hall, Jamestown, was held fo-r malting cement blocks for bulldLug pur- confined for a few days to his room, we art
un�e the leade egislature. I n many house. the United Kingdom has been in Mll swing a large number of people were thereby kept in, 0 Preparations had Pu F1119 leased to see him around &gain, Lain
.I I on .4 nday of last week. pores, hassecured the contribb cif. t * -
is an opea secret that a considerable section holds in this Province for' a generation or for a week, and the Mark Lane Express at home. Had the weather been fine the , been m%de for t,he serving of sv�per on the up a house for Mr. Jac-ol;il, It is W,erel�- an' grother George escaped without inJury,�
- more. Alany, therefore, will regret -'to read ulates t Ickf experiment, We lludoistand that, if it is a The 4nnual ,5*l;lI;li - ost-r" I
of the party are not satisfied with the lead . cale hat although the quality is fine, one hundred and fifty dol!ar .mark would lawn of Mr. George :E nier, but the %th 44901
erahip of Mr. Whitney. They think he is of the very sudden deat - the yield in the most important counties doubt.Jees,, have been re%ohed, The .pro. ' weather spQiled that part of the programme. success, he intendS dis osing of his _fWato Qf i
. b of that kentleman . .. I P W89011 church Leto be held at- Grand Bend t-b'is .
, ' I will be four quarters to the %ere, agai')pt thfj gramine'ad Ai2pp6r wrb 6xcellent, Those 1-,Howee.r, an adjournment was made to the shop in town and pushing the rights of his year on Tuesday August l3bb, and tke
not a big enough man for the poaftion. it at his residence in Toronto, , on Thursday us1W Aye quarters. Barley,likewise, is of who did.not attend this year may have ali ,'comtnodfoug now niuj;�- �Jh�d !�t �he,rear of MaQhin'0. We have no doubt of it being a Methodist Sabbath' school
is galling to men like Foy, of Toronto, Cars. morning of labt week. His pfts8ftge from life ' good quality, but the quantity is below the opportunity to do so next as Jamestown I the hall, where'a most eLib&Fabc- 1, I tu�Qep�, Jf handled r;�'I- wh1c'b Mt. "q- same picnic, to the
e- and t'empt,- 'i iur� I -d* " �.Ail..T , - I -Flavp a All following Thursday.-
oallan, of Hamilton, and others who repr was edsy and speedy. He was in hia offica', average, and oats are too -thin to ,make- a - intends to make the garden party an annual ing spread was laid- befor the assembleg..t,, Naliy i , � t� ti. -T 0 , 111ax mills eta W Mr. Thomas Reeiands �L;A hii eons, Mseterl
seat p,)pu-Ious centres'and who are high , -, Wending, his ue'ual d'uties until late Wedhes- I big crop. The yield of English. aDo Scotch I affair. The hall was. built to accommodate 1 "n -to say th'at all Aid ameple justica to t� r t,h � .
. � In.
. .0 up MoLday, after being shtt down f9 e Roy and Dongla% have been spending the
UP dAy evening, and the last work he perform- potatoes will be fully up to the 4veragd, -tht, 1Vnion Sabbath school, which for years ! fea8t would bc putting it mildly. At the past four years ; everything is on the boom past week with relatives and frfen'as lid
in their professlors, 'to have to follow Mr. ed for his paper wa.3 to write obitu�ry noti, I while iiel%nd promises the beat yieId since has met in Mr. J.amea ?5traqhiku'q h9pq§, but ' conclusion of 11%is part of the celebration an around it now, and no person needs to
Whitney, who, whatever his other abilitias oem for two well known and worrihy� citiz,ins 1895, which wa" a' grand year. ' will be used for all neceewy tll6etingi, Qa ' adj,)urnment was made to the ho�!l N1 r, idle. -There was a great many. went to t!0 Sand Hill. -Mrs. Craig, of this village,
and qual,iticationu may be, has never achif.v- of Toronto, Hcn. Senator Allan and Sir I NEVER 14 -N -ED SO WELL' BEFORE eneral Sabbath special addresses Northwest on tb-e harvest . . a ,111t0ildo going out -to Manitoba in the near
. . �. - were given to the I Thomas Strachan occupied the ohale AFid a excursion ast r
. � - 7 1
L I)ora -and 11L,atv�,
i w4 -as a Presbytei
- be
I and a L11 -rat
L He hwa�brothe,
: and sister at IT4
. . �
k � NOTF:S -A larp
�, I ;surrounding eon
I 4Goderich on . Th
other excursion �
also,one to Kini
i � 13russels will bo
- -day and several,,
to Kincardine, 101,
. on has Oomplete'
. --- town bridga'�'
-- .
� take in the -Pa,
I Erierace -4.
� 11 ne�t
I busy. at work -in
bury this weel
took In th� Iser
Wednesda� r.—.N
� - Sol], is visidrig I
.�L -Scott bao peturn,
-be �hlaa-beea' *Pei
. -P. N-1. Ftasier,
-days in Brusself
-Airs. Wm, Ainli
. wltb her sister,,;
! .
- . i an
I —
- ! .
: P -f
I �
—Sergeo,ut V�i
served for tivo S,
-try in -8buth Ali
MT� -and Ali
- I . -braska, are payi
. Mitchell, after.
years. �
--On ,account-
-BAirns, of �t. B
,grocery bu, iness
'- lGill. - 4
, I —A. H, NV -,,e
holneis in. Par]
- witted in the po
1p.ragtiming imedi:
. -.
- ,?was fined,$35,, �
-From 1 die -
. JListawel A;ti�
. year., we le . tj
,raisedfor ,11 pi
-debtedneari 74als I
� i
- ,5,500 was given I
--w�T;hq little t
--. -, , ,
- ' I ,
rihivu nani�;a R,
. .
I recently, from t
treMineut. Hw
- -rested on a char
falso pretehees, ,
ingbin wift au4
-at-antes. ' .
I _Wedlsesda�
-very pretty v
8tratford4 whel
.,I Ai +; I,* ! .* 1-homae GAL.. Had iviLr. Boyle lived itnMh— liaderi-Powell asserte Anst Mrs r1.1 or anknn, — #I, . #,�u . r � I � �L A I t J I 1: u-bure W visit Der son Ann daughter —&,lr- 11 It -
- ne on n h a profedsion, and seems . . IS I I V VVU95C V11 L/ e r rat, 8eung I c v, y an n creating programme of ma.jic Ities ay.-b%st- Thure(laY Was our c .
after President Kruger left South A [viO William Hodgins assumed the management
' fortnight he would have been the recipient i0a for in the hall, by Mr. Thomas 8',rachnaln, Mr. ; and specchcs- was carrifid to a successful holiday, and a great many Wok in the lex- of the , C on Thursday and I
content to remain a village lawyer. These E uro po, u fitil her Ileath, b ad been i4 rpoeipt G. F. Blair, Mr. James Strachan- and Rev. ; conclusion. Daspite the unfavorable weather euroion to Godcrich.-Kev.' and Mrs. Mc� has everything in good shape for conducting
Z) of a handsome gift.from the Iri�h Catholics ornmercial hotel
' i-ir. Whit. of Toronio, ai; a mark of their high appr�ci. i overn-, John Rose, of Brussels, who prekded. The , the ceremonie:3 -'in connecLion with the open. Vicar and family, Df MontrepA, are at ptes-
-men are growi - ng re8,',ive under ,N of f250 a month- from the British ' ' '
hip. ladec,d, during the last pent, and that she also had the free' , * 0 the same. -Mr
ney's leaderst ation of his personal character, 'and of the I . William McCloy is eon-
liusil of 4 tngiug was led by a good choir with 11 ism 1 ing of Victoria hall were a most gratifVil)g I cut visiting the I�ttor'8 parents, Rev. M r. otantly making improvements in the matter
ii:iteres�-he had always evinced in'the cause nt ,carriage and Gov rnment illds,Bryans as organiet.-Mr. Will success The proveprIs amounted to over ' . I
ses8ion of the Legislature, they made little ' ism H., ' McLean. Rev. Mr. McVicar occupied the 'of his premiEee, the latest being a very nest
- .
of his countrymen. Preliminary steps had ' horses. Tho (Tespatch from Londo to the Stewart has resigned the post of principal $70. The ,hall ip 2606 feet, witi-i por,?h in ' pulpit in St. Audrew'o church, on Sund"'
attempt tj hi le their contempt, for their just been taken to raise the � Journal and Advertiaer, contain IaYp and convenient stable.—Mr. Thomas
I I Sum Of $1,000 � . . g this of New Hainburg public school and will as. front, has colored glass in windows and is I& ,� preaching Lwo splendid Sermons. ' -J,
I . Ita"Ier. Although there lva9 no open r�bell.' for presentation to him. . � taternent, ,goea on : " The Mafdki g hero sume a position on the staff of Lucan h nea�,, nicely finiehed. conife' � I Berry, horse buyer, left here on Tuesday
lion, except on the part of Mr. Marter * tile . I — � . :ISO, states that Mrs. Steyno Wife PreFi. school immediately a1ter the holidays. igh rtable sr-ructure. A WULCOmE HonE —Laist Wednesday eMen- for the old country, where he intends par- �
) M. r. It was .originally a CoDgregationat church ing, Mr. Hugh'McQuarrie received a t�le-
irritation of the othora - -vieht to It is E'aid there is considerable rivalry be- dent Steyn. of We late Orange r , State, Stewart is a Bluevale boy —Rev. W. J. . located between Wroxeter an i Belmore and chasing some fine horses. Mr. Berry has
. �11 . ' .
" I I
was quite ex F e gram that his son Archie who has been put already crossed the briny deep over twenty
, .was paid 9100 a month'by thie Gov fnmeDt, West,. M. 'A. and Rev. Mr. Fairbairn, of was purchased last winter by the people in ' in t '
- C ca he past IS mon�-ha.
- x thE8,3 cir. and likewise had the use of rr'kc ard Dungannon, exchanged pulpits last Sabbath. mestown communit , taken down and first as an artillery maDi, then as one � of for a number of weieks visiting the Misses
evf 11 P. casual observer, and untie . tween John A Rockfeller, fhe magnate f South Africa for
cunistaaces Mr. Wh;i' the Standard Oil Company and J. P. Mor , i I Ja 7 i times.—Miss Watson, of Ayr, who W"
. tneV's p3aition as lead. ' , - h-orbea, ThigIatter statement i� said to be —Miss Annie 'Oliver, of Toronto, is visiting. I rebuilt there. A Rood bargain was secured Baden-Powell's scouts, wo,uld return h � 7
,1� gan, the head of the -great steel trust. These confirmed. by Mrs. k9teyn to a ni Ome Yungblut, returned home , on Tuesday last,
er must .be anything but a Pleasant one, , , . , ece in at the residence of her grandfather, Mr - and as a large share of the work was done I on the following'eve ng train. Some of
t .two men are known to control more money, Sc-atland in which she wrote : I . —In the recent examinations, held in the
Whether or not he would be willing Lo.niakel ' . I . �� never John Burgess.(,�Miss Hattie McCracke., oi ' voluntarily, the building will be completely the leading citizens hearing of it, decided
than any other two - ' i to city of London, in connection with the (ion- -
way for Maclean, no person outiide of the li ed so my life." . the Bluevale road, went to Dauphin this I out of debt as soon as the .subscriptions are give him a warm reception, so they got o-
United v f I t servatory of Music, we .notice the .name of
- D�Atu ur Tilt DoWAGEn KnVR98.b� �—Dow. week to reside a year with her sister. Mre. - paid. A board of trustees will I getber and organiz d committees, and when .
I ager Empress Prederick died at &onberg, S. McLean.—Mra. Robert Black has' been ' affairs of the new hall, the following I h late excursion train arrived from Gode- qst u Bell, of the London road, young-
rvaUve party Alias Addie
innermost ciratee of tile Conse' States; , An authorityi who -is in close busi- .manage ,the e
. gentle. I't. e
ng end ill from the effects of heat.—Miss Mabel" men being on it: Alex. Bryans, George ',rich, with Sergeant McQuarrie on it�-there having very successfully passed her first -
There is no doubt that worcb at -least a thousand millions of dol. painful illaess of cancer of the throat, The Scanlon, of Jarvis, is visiLing her grand. ; Coombes, George Eckmier, D.- M. Miller iWas o,3e of the largest crowds ever
can have any idea, ne.98 touch with Mr. Rockfeller, says . he is Germany� on Sunday night, after a I� da ghter of the late Robert Bell, am
both Mr. Foy and .Mr. Carecallan would lai e, and* that he has been Piling up wealth - Dowa�er 11,'mpress was the eld est . seen 'at year in piano, with first-class honors.—Min
. � chi Id of the parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Smith.,— 1 and John Cutt, Mr. Eckinier is the treas. I'the depot. Uader the leadership,of Captai
like the leadership, It is not at all prob. at the rate of $30,000,000 a year for the pa'st late Quee6 Victoria, She was born� $ . n Jessie R. McLean, accompanied by a young
' , on No. Miss Jesiie Robertson, of Wroxeter, went , urer, The land on which the hall stands - T. Rance, they formed up in procession,with lady friend, Miss Ethel Wilson, of Toronto#
able, however that Mr. Whitney would ten years. There is one consolation for vembe ied- �o Fred- to BoisseVa . in, Manitoba, this week, to, visit ! was leased from 0. Stokes and is an eligible I' the band leading, followed by about 00 have been visiting relatives and friends in
I I I r 2I.; 1840, and' was marr
give way for either of them. common folks, end th%t is that e�en Aock- crick, Crown Prince of Prussia, wh n only- her brothers and sister there; — Messrs. I site. Horse shieds 18x70 feet were eecured : torches, with 8 e
. The public feller can not digcst more than three Equare, IS yearsof age. H ,�- I i erg ant McQuarrie, aco m- Wingliam the past week.—Mis's Minnie
. er eldest son is h4l George Scott, of Toledo, Ohio, and Andrew with the church and are -in their place at - I
rnay rest sasured, therefore, that if Mr. .mperor I panied,by his father and the council d i
� rlv:139 Sheffor has beenin London, visiting friends. .
meals a day nor with comfort wear more William of Germany, The Empr,oss ,was ,Scott, of'8eafort h, visited their brother Mr. the rear of the ball. They will accommo. I in the centre. They escorted hi'm . from —Mr. William Eacrett, who is one of lion -
not well known, except by repute�l to the Frank Scott, last weeL.—Fred WaBnia'n is date 11 teams.' The people of this section i the depot to his home', then picked him .
Maclean le�ves the Dominion- house and than one suit of clothes at a time, and when . I I
I present gene I up don -'a live business men, was here last .week
the end comes the most impecunious in the ration of 14,'nglish p opl�. Ge 7 visiting in NI'itchell.—Mesersi John Mathers 1 of Grey are proud of their new hall and ! on their shoulders and carried him in -side.
rune for aa,Oatario constituency, it is with e r- - I
-Eican . '
the distinct understanding that he is to be land may be at least as well off as -be, and many bad been her home for 43 years, and � of Belleville, and Thomas, of abe: I are certainly entitled to no small credit for I Then, on Menday evening, there was an ' - visiting his father, Mr. Christopher ls&crett,
. I im of Victoria Park farm.—A meeting of the
. I
- ,perhaps a great deal better off. All, his I her public appearances in her native land, Michigan, are at home visiting their father, I their enterpriee and the success attnDding it. : men,,e crowd gathered at the Park to do Women's Auxiliary Institute, of - South .
the Conservative leader in tha Legislature. millions will not add one moment ctf t,imb to� especially d u -ring the - last decad�', were Mr. Robert Mathers, of the fi,rat line of - A long felt want has now been supplied and 14 honor to the returned hero. Colonel Varcoe,
Hel is not the'niiiin to play second fiddle to his life, nor allevia ' te one ache or pain. This, rare. She was by far the most clever and Morris, who is very ill. —Mr. John Black, , the wonder will be how they got along with. ; Quar�ermmtcr Beek, Major Young and Huron, will be held in No. 1 school house,
Foy, Caracallan, or any others of th at least, is some satisfaction to common tactful of all ueen Victorii's ohiW�n, and Tiickersmith, on Friday, August 16thl b ' ,-
e . 9- . Rf Turnberry, lost a valuable bor&e a few : out such a ball in the past, On the previous I Captain Rance all made splendid speeches, A ,
calibre of thoEe who fill up the Conservativ people, who, perhapi', have not as -m 'any half & great judge of character long Ago de- days ago, from inflammation.—Mr. Gilbert ' Sunday afternoon, the firat service wan held ! raising the work of our Canadians, who S o'clock p. La., and to which a cordial in-
. e cents as Rockfeller or Morgan has dollar .` scribdd her as the cleverest wo'�,'nAn in Gillespie, a Turnberry boy, now teaching 1 in the new hall, the oce vitation is extended to all the ladies.—Mr-
seats in the Legislature. Ic may be eon. . . ars - Europe.. I - 11 %Rion being the meet- Eve done such good service in the South
- � . I nea ee ite a , r urg, was here dulling
I ting Mr. T. Neelands.— .
One of the sigbts', says the Tor6nto'Globe, IRISf( ENf1(;R-ANT,S FOR CANAD'A.—A Dub. .horne in the holidays. —Ouarterly meeting I heavy rain there was a good atte lance. - Quill&u and Penhall also made excellent
eluded that he is, to be the- leader and that D i Af ican war, - Rev. Messrs. McLean Mc. the past week visi
--7-- r Brandon, Alanitc,ba, is visiting his old ing of the union Sabbath school, I J�obus, of Wallacell
. which always shocks the chivalrous mind is ion service was held in the Methodist church last I The hall was beautified by a ' ' a . . ayl
- I display of Peeches. Mr. Graham, of Toronto, gavO a Sound, are visiting 41
he has been selected as a compromise be lin correspondent says : " The am rat Mr and Mrs. Thomas Murr of Owtia -
t I returns show that during the =g I
tween the Whitney and the Foy-Carecallan. that of women working in Lbe - fields. u tithe of Sabbath and the willing workers' ' tea : house plants. The meeting. was presided L, couple of patriotic songs, in good stvl,,e ; his parent Mr. and
B t I'May and'June three timeti more went from the previoug Friday.—It in reported that over by Rev. John Ross, of Brussels. Mrs. James Mlirray.—Mrs. R. H. coiling,
with modern improvements it is do Mr. ; also Messrs. Campbell, Watson and McGill f Exeter, and her neioe. Mine Bontbron, of
24 arter factiona. What would become of . - ubtful , Ireland than during the same months last Samuel Aehtob, a barber, is down with Thomas Strachan gave a short historical ' and Mieves Livinestone ana Moffat - ' ' 0
Rang Toronto, were in the village -on Wednesday
'I tif i
whether women would not have an easier I Year. I The returns for the first six trionths smallpox at Gorrie, Mr. Ashton is S 80D Of 1 account of the Sabbath school from its or. I some very appropriate selections, after renewing acqu
Mr. Whitney under such an arrangement, I
1 4
it would, of course, be premature to attempt time in the fields than in the farm house of the Year 1901 show a large decresso in the Mr. Fra k Ashton, of Morris.—Rev. R. I ganization 41 years ago with Alex. Cowan as ; which Mr. T. W. Scott readan address a d of the Methodist church, of this village, .
I * I numbers gohag to Canada from England and Paul andldrii. Paul, of Brussels, visited at the I first superintendent, who was succeeded It, sintances.—Rev. G. Jewitf,
to predict. We can hardly believe that Sunlight and fresh air would not be 0; bad ' Scotland, but a very considerable increase Mr. Joseph, Pugh's thig week. his little daughter presented Sergeant 111a. and Mrs. Jewitt, are in Buffalo this week
, I —In last Sat. 1 -by the speaker. G. F. Blair, of Brussels. Quarrle with a
lie would serve under any other person in exchange for a red hot stove and the fumes from Ireland. Some splendid ,,�, ) I roll of bills and s. beau, ,a- attending thl Pan-American.
I specimens of urday. evening a race, Eddie Bryans came in i took as his subject " Mau'a place in Ore&: - ly eng1raved riog. Archie was then call 3d -
of cooking and wasbiDg. While recent im. I youn first beautifully, Jack Coultes, second ; tion." Rev. Mr. Ross' addressed the ohil- ! r an address, but he was so affected by
Vie Legislature, as in the event of such an -g Irishmen have gone out to settle in I on fo ft�
eni provements in farming machinery have made I Oanads,within the last month. The'steam- Christian Brinker, third ; Will Haney, I drenand parentr, and James Strachan briefly 1 the kind things that had been said about —Mr. Graham McDougall, B. A.., of St, '
arranryernent a!9 we have hinted -at, it would, farm work much ea3ier and more pleasant ship Tunisian had quite a number of young fourth, and " Susan" Smith, fif0. Stewart I spoke of the work being done in the school. 1 him, that he could may but very little. We Marys Collegiate Institute staff, h" =-
I � �
of course, be forced on Mr. Whitney, and for mein, the women have nob had their eon- ' Irish womed also, going to the Worrieres did not follow the course acoordiag to the � Good singing was rendered, a choir, with I understand that he onIV intends atW�g signed his position.
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