The Huron Expositor, 1901-08-09, Page 31901 Numfta 711.E ATURE wset$ b RIA tales Only. it azyons to ;tell .: eromise that it .. wee every pier- �i3-T•-O-R-F-�, •YirT wrapper. faction in rt and dur- 1' made -to - the cern- , of how tt:e latest the ground 4 fits or very cia.I lines 11 intents Fif ds, and and 'Holmes :tion- 1901. i.a 0 V Maily. s by he Con a t.trc es. tahe nt ki Boys t. 3rd. ar I. lttr43 AUGUST 9, 1901 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. VALUABLE 200 ACRE FARM FOR SALE - fn Waw•anosh, Huron county ; 160 acres clesred ; balance good bush ; welI fenced ; in good eat* of cultivation ; 2 acres orchard ; modern Acne entitling, and other outbuildings good Rause ; a desirable property; school at corner of lot; two and a half m les from Auburn, 6 from reveal station ; inspection invited. Apply to TH0S• BROWN, Auburn, Ont. 17760x8 'Letra.ftif FOR SALE. -I have decided to sell my farm, beautifully situated in the growing Town aWiugham, containing 88 acre;, suitable for term- ing purposes or for building lots. The soil- is excel- lent. seri le we 1 eat° ei with three wells and two eyerfloaaiog apringe. There aro on the premises a geed brick tome., bank barn and el€ necessary out. buildings. This meet desirable promerty I offer for ale ata bargain. D. STEWART, Wtnghatt, 1766.4 ARIL IN 'IL'CKERSMITII TO RENT -To rent, Lot 4, Conceesion 7, Tuckers' ith, containing 100 acres, about 85 acres cleared and under good cuitivatior. There are about 60 acres seeded to as,- There b a frame house and other outbuild• lege. Ir le within five miles of eleaforth ; there Is -*good orchard and plenty of water. For particulars address Staffs P. U MONTGOMERY PATRICK. 1754-41 ESIRABLE RESIDEtNCE IN SEAFORTH FOR elf SALE. -That commodious and pleasantly sit- uated reeidecce on East Godet ich street, at present occupied by Mr,. P. Keating, will be sold cheap. The hence is a two story fame, with splendid atone cellar. It is fitted up with beth root' ani all wedeln improvements and it cleated by a furnace Hard and soft water in the kitchen. There are two iota and a good stable. Apply to MRS. P. KEATING, in the resideece, or to MR. STEPHEN LAMR, flea - forth. 1754x4 riAR31 FOR SALE. -One hundred aeros of good Clay land in the Township of Hay. in the Comte' of Huron, one rano and lk half north of the Village of Daeh.wood Well improved, good:: build• ;nes, consisting of large bsnk barn, frame; hon e, dticing seed and all outside buildings neeessary. Four acres of valuable fruit orchard. Well watered with a beautiful spring brook ; well fenced, under- drrined and under gocd cultivation. All ole red with the exception of four acres. Ch.u•ches and school very couve Tont, beauti use locality. Must be told as the proprietor's health has failed, Apply to *0. DIETER€CK, Dashwood, Ont. 1755x3 'TEACHERS WANTED. m0 TEACHERS. -Teacher wanted for Union j, School Section No. 12, Stephen, for remainder of the Fear. Apply immediately, stating eatery. SILAS SrANLAKEt Jr., Hay P. 0., Ont. 1755x4 TEACHER WANTED. -Wanted for School Section No. 2, Cabernet a Hale Teacher, holding first or second class professional certificate. Duties to commence August S9th, 1901. Applications re- ceived up to august 10th, stating salary expected. Personal application n to Iru tee e P referred. AN- DREW HODGERT, Seoretary-Treasurer, Farquhar, lent. 1755x3 TEACHER WANTED. -Teacher for Union School Section No 16, Townships of Hay and Stephen, duties to commence August 19th, 1901. All appli- cations ehould be in by. August 12th. Aoplioauta to addreas any communication to JACOB SCHROEDER Secretary-Treaeurer, Dashwood, Ontario. All applicants must appear personally. 1763x4 AUCTIONEERS. !l''IIOMAS- BROWN, Licensed Auctioneer for the I, Counties of Huron and Perth- Orders left at A. M. Campbell's implement warerooms, Sea'orth, or THE Exeostron Office, will receive prompt attention. Satisfaction gueraoteed or no charge. 17e8 tf A UCTIONEERING.-B. S. Philips, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Huron and Perth. Being a practical farmer and thoroughly understanding the value of farm stock and imple- ments, places me in a better position to realize good pricee. Charges moderate. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. All orders left at Heneali poet office or at Lot . 43, Concession 2, Ilay, will be promptly ttended to. 1709-tt STOCK FOR SERVICE. 110 PIG BREEDERS --The undersigned will keep 1 on Lot 26, Concession 6, L. R. 8., Tuckersneth, a thoroughbred TAMwOaTlt PIG, also a thorough- bred YORKSHIRE PIG. A limited number of sows will be admitted to each. Terms, $1, payable at the time of service, or $1.60 if charged. JAMES GEMMILL, 1608-52 MURRAYtf.,E, THE GENU NE & LANIVIAN'S Roriaa later " THE UNIVERSAL PERFUME " For the Handkerchief, Toilet and Bath. . . . REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES ? Our direct connections will save you time and money for all points, Canadian North West Via Toronto or Chicago, British Columbia and California points. Our rates are the lowest. We have them r tuft everybody and PULLMAN TOUR. .ST OARS for your accommodation. Call ter further information. Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Seeforth and Clinton stations as tallows : 4onNG Wear- SEAFORrE. CLINTON Passenger 12.43 P. M. 12.65 P. M Passenger.... .. 10.12 P. 11. 10.27 P. M. Mixed Triter'.... 9.20 A. M. 10.16 A. M. %fixed Train...... . 6.16 P. M. 7.06 P. M GOING EAST - Passenger - .... 7.63 A. M. 7.38 A.M. Paeeenger ... - .. 3.11 P. M. 2.56 P. 11 Mixed Train.... 4 40'P. I 4.25 P. M. Wellington, Grey and Bruce. IOINQ NoRTII- Passenger. Mixed. Ethol 8.07 r. M. 1.40 P. M Brussels 8.17 2.10 Bluevale.. .. 8 27 2.86 Wina;ham.... -- 8 38 8.25 Gorse South- Passenger. Mixed. Wingham 6.63 A. at. 8.66 s. et Bluevale 7.02 9.17 Brueale.... .. 7.18 9.45 Ethel_ _... . . ...... 7.28 10.02 London, Huron and Bruce. GOING NORTH- Paseongor. London, depart 8.16 A.M. 4.40 P.M - Centralia 9.18 6.65 Exeter • , • . 9.30 Haneail-. 9.44 Kippen. 9.60 6.26 Brucefield._ 9.68 8.33 Clinton.. _. _..... - 10.15 6.65 Londeeboro .- ........ 10.33 7.14 Blyth_. Belgravo._ _. Wlrtghanl arric a ..... GOING SOUTH - 6.0. 10.41 7.23 10.56 7.87 11.10 8.00 Passenger. Wingham, depart........ 8.53 A.M. 8.16 P. M Belgrave - 7.01 3.40 Blyth.. 7.14 3 55 Londeaboro....... ._..... 7.22 4.06 Clinton 7.47 4.25 Bruoetiold.... ... ........ 8.05 4.49 HIPPBn - ..... ...... 8.16* 4.67 Hensel' 8.22 5.02 Exeter. „ _... 8.85 6.14 Centralia.... ... 8.46 6.23 London, (arrive)........... 9.37 A. M. 6.1L &me- Aft'* 174rObaiS Phoaphodiae, The Great English Rented. `• Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Six ppadkages guaranteed to cure all forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse for excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt Id -2f will cue. Pamphlets free to a5. nyaddre , The Wood Company, Windsors Out. Sold in Selforth by Alex. Wilson, J. S. Roberts and 1.1`. Gear, druggists. f rerY>r.sie'P' This signature IS on every box of the genuine Laxative Broino=Qulnjne Tablets �$ retnedy that cares a cold in one da TOYING ,WITH IDEATH HOW "DEVIL DICK" HANDLED CANS OF NITROGLYCERIN. Bombarded ni Lyth `irisin as Four Quart Torpedo -00.d a Package of the Stasi While!, Another Fellovr Threw Stones at ft ou is Wager. "There were a good, many reckless and daredevil chaps among those whose busi- ness it was to haul and handle. nitro- glycerin in the early days of that explo- sive agent in the oil regions," said George Place, who ,was one .of the first to work at making and canning nitroglycerin for the wells under the Roberts patent, "but there was a teamster nalned Dick War- ner who would Clare nncl risk mare with. the terrible ,stuff than any other person thereabout. He was known as `Devil Dick,' and it was a fit name for him. He had a churn named Dan Sutton, who was almost as reckless as: Dick, and 1 have seen him- and Dick Play catch many a time with cans I glycerin they. were un- loading, the dropping of one of which to ' the ground would .have more than likely! swiped/ out of existence every: person around the well. "It ,lot so that whenever Dick Warner had a load of nitroglycerin to unload at the well everybody else, except Dan Sut-. ton, took to the woods and staid there' until the stuff was out of their custody. Once Devil Dick' held a great can of nitrogla'cerin above ;his head and let a drunk:n driller-natned Patterson throw ten st Ines at it from a distance of 30 feet o a bet of $20 that he coildn't hit the ca a once out of the ten -times. This was at Roan's camp, and the whole camp watch d the insane proceeding from safe distan es on the hill. One of the stones hpt Di 'k on the arm, not two inches be- low the can, and knocked it out of his band. He caught the can, though, before it rea shed the ground or the throwing mach would have ended there and then, With t e burial of such .bits of Dick end the dr ller as could be found, and they` would have been' exceedingly few and small. The driller came close to the can • several timesduring the trial, but failed to hit i , and Dick won his bet. "In hose days the woods all through the oil regions =were full of wild animals, and it 'n"sn't an niacominon sight to see a bear o • a Canada lynx or a c- tainount prowl; g round the camps or isajlated oil village The lynx was freque fly very. aggres ive and bold, and it wa greatly feared by- the drillers and others at the wells. More than- once men ad been attacked by lynxes. and Ja-mes Carker, a pumper. was so baldly hurt in fighting off one that had jumped:'from n tree upon him es he was drivingthrongh a piece of woods that he died 62 his injuries. One day `Devil Dick' was on his way to a well with a load of nitroglycerin torpedoes, and he picked Dan .Sutton up on the way. On a stretch of the road through . what was known as Conway's woods Dan discovered a big Canada ly x steal- ing along through the branche of the trees at one side of the road and keeping even with the wagon. He called Dick's attention to the animal, and Dick said that it was watching for a chance to at- tack them, but declared that if' it follow- ed theta as far as Clay's opening ie would get rid of the dangerous beast. "Clay's opening was a gap in the woods and a ravine 20 feet wide and as many - deep. The lynx did follow the men. as far as the opening, and Dick stopped his wagon. "The lynx crouched a few feet away from the edge of the nearest wall of the ravine, and before Sutton surmised how Dick intended to get rid of the animal Dick grabbed up, a can of nitroglycerin and hurled it with allhis strength at the lynx, which was not over 20 feet away. The can struck the soft .body of the lynx square in one side and knocked the ani- mal over on its back: The flesh and .fur of the lynx did not offer resistance to the tan sufficient to cense concussion enough to explode It, bat the can rolled on the ground and slowly down a gradual de- cline that led from where the:lynx lay to. the edge of the ravine wall. , "Sutton, with all his recklessness' in handling ,nitroglycerin, stood aghast at this deliberate risking• of their lives by - Dick, for he knew that the instant- the can rolled into the ravine and !struck the rocks bele* the terrible explosion that had been ,so luckilyaverted by Dick's good ahn -lynx would follow. Quicker than a Sash he jumped from' the wagon, tore like mad up the ra ine and stood beneath the spot where the torpedo wonld tumble into the gully hen , it reached the edge. "A scraggy bi,ish bf some ki d grew out of the top of the wall, and just as Sutton reached the spot the can Of ,nitro- glycerin had rolled to th edge and struck against the main stem of the bush. The can had struck it a trifle out of the center, and the heavier end of the torpedo, moved on an inch or two until it extended a lit- tle over the edge. - • "Sutton stood below with upreached hands to catch the can if it fell, bat there ' it hung against the bush, in a, position that looked as if a breath of wiin would topple it over into the ravine. "All this had occupied but a f w sec- onds. As soon as the torpedo lodged against the bush Sutton ran bacl to the road, shouting to Dick to drive on so they could get to a safe distance bee re the falling ef the .can and 'its certai explo- sion on the rocks below, . But hen he got to the wagon he saw Dick n ith an- other torpedo: raised. ready to hue; It aft- er the first cine. He lowered it, *though, and looked around at Sutton as if he was disappointed. . . "'The infernal wildcat's give me the slip, Dan, and tookto the woods,' said he, 'Lora, but I'd like to bust one of these shells on him" . 'That was. probably the first and, last time a wild animal was ever bunted with four quart nitroglycerin . torpedoes, and that was the last trip 'Devil Dick' ever drove ,for the company he was working for. He wasn't discharged because be so recklessly : endangered life and property .by throwing cans of nitroglycerin at .a, lynx, bat because he dro-ve on from the ravine withent getting back the first can - he threw, and the company would not stand such a waste of their property. "Dick handled nitroglycerin` for four years after thalt and never had. an acci- dent. He then quit the business and.wen't to breaking on the Allegheny ValleyAnil- road. He was killed at Miller Farm be- fore he had railroaded a week." se Taken :.On. Hoax -Funny! Did you ever notice it? Joax-Notice what? Hoax -Why, , in the beginning of the world a rib became a woman, and now it's ribbons that become a woman, -Phil- adelphia Record. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED AT THE . HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE, BEAFORTH, ONTARIO. NO WITNESSES REQUIRED, THE HURON EXPOSITOR. SO-CALLED STRAWBERRY CTehriPCUNDS ARE 'IOTHIPG • MORE OR LESS THAN RANK IMITATIONS, THE OENl11NE 15 (Put up in 'yellow is,rspper.) CURES Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic, Cramps, Pains in the Stomach, Cholera,'Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum'and all Summer Com- plaints. Safe, Reliable, Harm- less, Effectual. HAS NO EQUAL. HAS NO EQUAL, Mid-Sumrner Sale of Fine Boots, Shoes and Oxfords It To keep an up-to-date stock like ours it becomes necessary every six mo>atbs to hold a house cleaning sale. At Present we are sold out of some sizes in our _beet selling lines, and we are going to make it an object for you to visit our shoe store and see if we haven't the size you wear in some of the reduced shoes. In the lines where some sizes are sold out wa have reduced some to below cost. Our Mid -Summer Sale starts to -day and will continue through July and August. Every day will find new lines on our Bargain T.►blee. We keep the largest and beet at ok of Trunks and Valises in town, at the lowest prices. Richardson & M'Innis SEAFORTH. BRITISH TROOP OIL LINIMENT TOR Sprains, Strains Cuts, Wounds, Ulcers, Open Sores, Bruises, Stiff Joints, Bites and Stings of Insecta, Coughs, Colds, Contracted Cords, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bronchitis, Croup, Sore 'Throat, Quinsey, Whooping Cough and all Painful Swellings. A LARGE BOTTLE, 25o. FURNITURE . EMPORIUM. J. Landsborough DEALER IN Furniture of all kinds At live and let live prices. 'Upholster- ing done and satisfaction in every re- spect. Picture framing neat and cheap New Williams sewing machine always on hand. No travelling agents, and no high prices. Goods delivered in town and country free of charge. Undertaking Department. We have a large and varied assort- ment from which to choose in time of need, at prices that have been a matter of agreeable surprise to all who have dealt with us. Two fine hearses on hand for summer and winteruse. Night calls at Mr. Landsborcugh's residence, corner cottage in rear of Dominion Bank, will be promptly responded to. JOHN LANDSBOROUGH, SEAFORTH, ONT. McKillop Directory for 1901. DANIEL MANLEY, Reeve, Beechwood P. 0. ALEX. GARDINER, Councillor, Leadbury P. 0. JOHN G. GRIEVE, Councillor, Winthrop P. 0 JAMES O'LAUGHLIN, Councillor, Beechwood P. 0 ARCHIBALD McGREGOR, Councillor, Seaforth P.0 JOHN C. MMORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop P. 0. DAVID M. ROSS, Treasurer, Winthrop P. O. WILLIAM EVENS, Aseeseer, Beechwood P. 0. 7HARLES DODDS, Collector, Seaforth P. 0. 2ICHARD POLLARD, Sanitary Inapecter, Lead. bury P. 0. The Largest Sponge. The largest sponge ever found came (robs the Mediterranean. It was about three feet across aid ten feet in cir- cumference. Green Tea. Green, or gunpowder, tea is colored by a mixture of prussian blue and Chi- nese soapstone, which is added during the process of firing. Abyssinia. Abyssinia was converted to Chris- tianity in the fourth century. The country has now over 12,000 monks. The Dolphin. The dolphin, a near relative of the whale, Is credited with a speed of con- siderably over 20 miles an hour. For short distances the salmon can out- strip anyother fish, accomplishing its 25 miles an hour with ease. The Span- ish mackerel is one of the fastest of food fishes -and cuts the water like a yacht.- Predatory re tart' Ssh are generally the fastest swimmers. India's Plants. India has a greater variety of plants, than any other country in the world. Greeted With Tea. In Japan it would be thought as rude to neglect to offer tea to a visitor on his arrival as not to speak to him. Longest News -Item. The Chicago Tribune had the entire New Testament, as revised, telegraph- ed to it on May 22, 1882. It was the longest item of news ever wired to a newspaper. It was sent from New York, and the issue of The Tribune comprised 20 pages, of which 16 were occupied by the New Testament. The message was made up of some 132,000 words, or 933,000 letters. KeepAway Keeps Gout. Gout is rarely known among . the working classes of Ireland. Their im- munity from this complaint is thought - to be due to the fact that their food consists largely of potatoes. Planting. All things that grow. out of the ground, such as peas, corn and the like, must be planted in the increase of the .moon, from new to full; all things that • mature in the ground, like potatoes, must be planted in the decrease or waste of the moon, from full to new. Our First Boat. ' The first boat built in the United States was the Virginia, 60 feet long, built in 1607: The Faraway Stars. There are only 18 stars bf the first magnitude. The light from these takes about three years to reach the earth. There are 55 of second magnitude. Like the Ape Language. The bushmen or low grade Hotten- tots on the plains of South Africa have a language- which has been proved by Garnier to be a close approximation to .that of the higher apes. It consists -of hissing, clicking and grunting sounds. A Klapter. In Austria wood is measured by the klapter, which equals two tons. Chinese as Linguists. The average Chinaman possesses a remarkable memory. He will learn to make himself understood in almost any foreign language in less than half the time it requires an intelligent English- man or American to make himself un- derstood in any one of the many Chi- nese dialects. Nutshells Used For Firecrackers. The nut of Balanites roxburghii is employed in fireworks - in India as crackers. A small Vie is drilled in it, from which the kCrnel is extracted, and, being filled with powder and Bred, bursts with a loud report, so ex- ceedingly hard is the shell. As to Being Foxy. "De fish dat can swim Pastes'," re- marked Uncle Eph, "ain't always de las' toe be caught." -Colorado Springs Gazette. Clear Air. The air in the English channel was so clear one dayrecently that the dome of Boulogne cathedral, 28 miles away, could be clearly seen from Dover with the naked eye. To Soothe the Scald. For a scalded mouth drink cream slowly. It will be found most soothing. New Mexico's Forests. In New Mexico there are two enor- mous forest reserves, one on the Pecos river, in the northern part of the terri- tory, the other on the Gila river, in the southwestern section, comprising 3,701,- 040 acres. This domain is as large as the states of Rhode Island, Delaware and one-balf of Connecticut combined. Pares Carbon. All of the diamonds that yon see in the jewelers' windows are pure- car- bon. They are carbon crystallized, the most permanent of gems, for they can. neither be melted nor dissolved. English Newspapers. Ot all the newspapers published in the world 68 per cent are in the Eng- lish language. • A Jape eye Customs. It is the custo on .the birth of a 3apanese baby to plant a tree. This le carefully tended until the party 1s about to be married, when it is. cut down and made into an article of fur- niture for the'new home. British -Shipping Sale. I No British ship may carry a deck - load of timber into a British port be- tween the last day of October and April 16. _ CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The st tipsterster's otevery it es Sffoe Style. When you wear a"King Qual- ity" shoe you get all the style, the fit and finish found in the best American shoes. The "King Quality" factory is the onlay one in Canada, that makes Ladies Shoes better than the American article, which comes into Canada with a 25% duty taken out of its quality. The "King Quality" brand is worn by the best dressed Canadian ladies ; it is a true note of shoe fashion, of correctness in dress. 27 styles, 4 widths, all sizes. Branded "King Quality." Gold medal awarded at the Paris Exposition, 19oo. Made by The J. D. King Co., Limited, Toronto, GILLESPIE'S HARNESS: I have removed my harness shop to my own store, ONE DOOR NORTH OF THE POST OFFICE, where I will be pleased to meet all my old cuetomers and many new ones. - Gillespie's Harness is the best Harness. A full stock of Horse Blankets, Robes, Sleigh Bells, Trunks, &c. • Prices right and satisfaction guaranteed. Give us a call and we will pleate you, delight your horse, satisfy your purse. asfrRopairing a Specialty. JAMES GILLESPIE, Seaforth, One Door NORTH of the Yost Office. 171841 You May Need 'Pgin-Killer For Cuts Burns Bruises Cramps Diarrhoea. All Bowel Complaints It is a sure, cafe and quick remedy. There's only one PAIN -KILLER. PERRY DAVIS'. a Two sizes, 25e.. and 50c. Scales ! Scares Have yon ever seen the low, handy truck scale, the farmer's friood ? It is the handiest farm reale on the market, and. as for durability, bag no equal. The mhterial in it is guaranteed all through, and more, there is a guarai t. a printed on etch scale for 10 years. We also give a Gove-nmont certificate from the Government Inspector of Weights etanap<d and guarantreI to weigh correctly, and will w. igh f out lj pound to 2,0)0 pounds. We, the undersigned, have -purt•haaed a low, handy truck scale t" one J. H. Wheat'y, and find it to be the handiest and the most useful eea'e on the market for weighing all kind, cf farm produee, also live stock, such as fat cattle, horses, swine, &e. : Hullett,-Walter N. Cunningham, Adam Elliott, Daniel Stevens, James Reid, William Murphy, John Kirkoonnc•l, Itoi-ert Btattie James Watt, Wm. A. Bryant, Wm. Shephard, Albert T ewin, Robcrt B. Rope -son, Charles W. Rogerson, Joseph Ii. Brown, McKi+lcp,-W. H. McGavin, Robert Archibald, Joee�h Ryan. James Ryan, John McClure, Jatue3 Mann. Any parties desiring a scale woad find it to their interest to call or write to J. H. WHEATLY, Hariock P• 0., Ons. Sole agent for the Townships of Hullett and Mefi illop. 1752 tf These pills are a specific for all diseases arising from disordered nerves, weak heart or watery blood. They. cure palpitation, dizziness, smothering, faint and weak spells, shortness of breath, swellings of feet and ankles, nervousness, sleepless- ness, anaemia, hysteria, St. Vitus' dance, partial paralysis, brain fag, female complaints, general debility, and lade of vitality. Price 5oc. a box. (�t t,ee is Hereby Given That a by-law was parsed by the Municipal Council of the Town of Seafortk on the lbth day of July, A. D. 1901, providing for the issue cf debentures to the amount of $8,000, for the purpose of paying for certain local improvements in the said Town in the said by-law mentioned. The eaid by -lay was reg- istered in tl1e Registry Office of the County of Huron. on the Nth day ,of July, I901. Any motion to quash or set aside the same, or any part thereof, must be made within one month from the date of registration, and cannot'te made thereafter. WM. ELLIOTT, Clerk. Dated this 31st day of July, A. D. 190L 1765-3 UP-TO-DATE BUSINESS MEN Use the Long Distance Telephone and have Long Distance Equipment in their offices. Ask the Local Manager for Rates. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA. PROGRESS IN SCIENCE. A Most Strlkin `,nntntary of the, Pas* Century's Advan(•t':neuc--An Admira- ble Instance 01 tt. tun) in Parvo The nineteen tli century received from its predc•ct•ssttrs the horse. We bequeath the bicycle, the locomotive, and the automobile. We received the goosequill, we be- queath the fountain pen and type- writer. We received the scythe, we bequeath the snowing machine. We received the •sickle, we bequeath the harvester. We received the hand printing press, we bequeath the perfecting presses. - We received the painter's brush, we bequeath lithography, the cam- era, and color photography. We received the handloom, we be- queath the cotton and woolen fac- tory. We received the gunpowder, we be- queath nitro-glycerine. We received twenty-three cacmie al elements, we bequeath eighty. We received the tallow dip, we be- queath the arc light. We received the galvanic battery, we bequeath the dynamo. We received the flint -lock, we be- queath automatic Maxims. We received the sailing ship, we bequeath the steamship. We received the beacon •signal fire, we bequeath the telephone and wire- less telegraphy. We received leather fire buckets, we bequeath the steam fare engine. We received wood and stone for structures, we\beciueath twenty - storeyed steel buildings. We received the stairway, we be- queath the elevator. We received ordinary light, we be- queath the Rontgen rays. We received the . weather unan- nounced, we bequeath the weather bureau, We received the unalleviable pain, we bequeath aseptics. chloroform, ether, and cocaine, We received the average duration of life of thirty years, we begaeath forty years. His Mother. The oldest emblem of deathless af- fection is the natural love of a wo- man for her child. Maternal love remains, indeed, a fixed, convention- al type, as if the tender eminence be- longed to every mother. To illustrate the child's hold upon the mother no ordinary instance would be new, but an incident in the last hours of a condemned crim- inal furnishes one of the crucial cases. For the brutal murder of a help- less old plan a youth of eighteen, in a neighboring state, lay in ail awaiting execution. He resisted every approach of - kindness, and resented the 'friendly offices of the chaplain with bitter curses. The boy was ap- parently a reprobate. :.___Two days before his execution a telegram was brought to him in his cell. He snatched it, and tore it open with an oath. In an instant ti, change came -over his sullen face. Ile threw up his hands with a cry, and began to weep and sob. The chaplain took the telegram and read these words: -`'Your mother is loving you yet." The. message had conte two • thou- sand miles. The mother in her dis- tant home had not heard of her run- away unaway boy. for three years.The young prodigal had not changed his name, and one day, in a brief newspaper mention, she read of him -a murderer Condemned to die. It was too late to save hint. All her bleeding heart could send him in his ignominy and ruin was the last fond sentence. Her Motto. The members of a Bible class in. a New England parish were studying St. Paul's rules for Christian living, set forth in the twelfth chapter of., Romans. Among the questions asked by the leader of the class was, "What motto should be adopted when strangers are to be entertained?" The proper answer of course, and the one given by all the members of the class, with one exception, was: "`Given to hospitality. In the class, however, there was one young person who held a differ- ent idea; that was the minister's daughter who, since she was fifteen years old, had been the head of the house, and the manage's' of many a difficult meal. "I don't agree with the others," she said, firmly. "I think very often the motto should be: `Patient in tribulation.' " - No Iteaamblauee. It costs nothing to be ordinarily polite, even under adverse ;rcum- stances, and it generally pays. A plassenger in a. sleeping car, who was tired and sleepy and wanted to go to bed, called out to aman who had just entered the coach and was hur- rying through it: "Say, isn't it about time to have these berths made up?" "What do you take me for?" an- grily replied the other,, stopping and coming back. "Do I look like a seeping car conductor, sir?" "No/' slowly rejoined the tired p ssenger, looking up at him wear- ' y. "You do not. I beg your par- d n. My observation is ;.hat a s eeping -car conductor is always a g ntleman." An Opinion. "Upon what," said the student of tiquity, ..do we base the state- • ent that Solomon was the wisest 1 al.?" "I dunno," asnswerc rl Senator orghsam, "unless it i:; on the report that he met :also the richest.." "rakk .1 re ay tar. Do;; "Mister! " cal led the 'mast er of the h use- trona bcncath the l,rdelothes. 11'cl11 said one of tl,e burglars g u ffly. . „Would von mind- carrying off that ornamental watchdog of mine in the front yard'?" A Soldier's Yearly Cost. The average cost of a British sold- ier is £64 a. year. ; The Swiss sold- - ier costs about £14" a year. - STEPHEN LAMB, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Umber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Timber. fur lumber consists of the beat quality of Hemlock and Pine, being well maeufactured. Any amount of Red Cedar Shingles always on hand. Bring aline your hills, you will be sure to get them filled antis- taetorily. Aoderioh street rt. 171141 After Work or Exercise Soothes tired muscles, re- moves sore- ness and stiff- ness and gives the body a feeling of comfort strength. Don't take the weak, watery witch hazel preparations represented to he "t -he same as" Pond's Extract, which easily sour and generally contain '{wood alcohol," a deadly poison. d Red Cedar Shingles. Full car just arrived at the following prices : British Columbia red cedar 4x per bunch, 78c ;- 3"x per bunch, 74c 3x pine per bunch, 73c. N. CLUFF & SONS, North Main Street, - Seaforth. 1748 Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the Estate of James Ritchie, late of the Township of Bowick, in the County of Buron, Farmer, deceased. Pursuant to the provisions of the Revised Statues of Ot tarso, chapter 129, eectton 38, notice is hereby given that all creditors and other pereotts bsving elaiins or demands against the ott.te of James Ritchie, late of the Tow nehip of Howlck, in the County of Huron, farmer, deceased, who died on or about the lith day of Jure, A. D,, 1801, at the Township of Hoelek afar emit!, are, on or before tho 1st day of Seltember, 1931, to deliver or Bend by post to one of the three executors, Thofras Ritchie, Belutero P. 0. • Alexander McKercher, Wroxeter P. 0., or Tindall Ritchie, Belmore P. 0., full particulars cf 'their claims and a statement of their accounts duly verified, and the nature of the security (if any) held by them, and after the above named date, the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets cf the estate among the persons -entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of ankh they then shall have notice, and they shall not be Iiable for the assets„ or at'.y 1 art thereof, to any person or persons of whose claim they shall not have notice at the time a hi loch distribution. THOMAS RITCHIE, Executor. Hated at Hetrick the 22nd day of July, A. D. 1901. 1754-8 Seaforlh Alitls. The undersigned having purchased from the Ogilvie Milling Company, of Montreal, the well-known Seaforth Flour Mills Are now prepared to do all Minds of Custom Wore TO WHICH .... - Special Attention will be Given. The very best quality of Flour given in exchange for wheat. - Chopping of all kinds done on the shore' est notice. Price, five cents per bag. The best brands of Flour always on hand, and will be delivered in any part of the town free of ::harge. The highest price in cash paid for all kinds of grain. Feed of all kinds constantly on hand. The Seaforth Milling Co. 1689 STORE UNDER THE TOWER. CD 101 TADE' go .1. =.1 Zita; pot 112 li oia ma. a got1-5as low Cic L' Eli H 0 H N t $orreeieshoeingi and C URIACE General Jobbing. MAKER H Goderioh street, - . - - - Seaforth Robert Devereux BLACKSMITH and MONEY TO LOAN Money to loan at 4i per lent os good term se3ur- sty. Apply to JAS. L. KILLORAN, Barrister, Sea forth. 171241