The Huron Expositor, 1901-07-19, Page 2• READ DISEASt. • See ; .ot•I _ ' ; . • - • REAL .ESTATITITOPs SALE, esss Will buy a geed 7-r0osoToi hoe e, plea:tont- it" situated in Seenorth, 41t0O4t now. Go• od hard and soft wate o Apply to soorr 13ROS., Seaforth. • 17el-tf GIOR SALE —The home aloe grounds belltiglea to 17. the ht e S. G. Meiamahey, corner of Olturoh and Cerotre streets, Sotto:di: The prepertv will be sold he and °a easy terms. F. HOLMESTED, Sea. forth. , - 1734.tf OR SIM IN SE %YOU:Tao-9n the corner of E feabeth and letbM14. streets-, Jervie survey , • a frame house, 22x2 with 2! be lroome, 2 &meta, pantry, eatiur room, and a good kitchen and wood• eind attIched. There is a small garden with fruit -trees. and good water on the pleee. The above will be geld cheap by apply ieg to W. KEMP, on the p'ace, or Box Co Sea'orth P. 0, 1750x4 MIAMI IN:STANLEY FOR- SALK—For sale Lot 11 U and South half of Let,12 Coneeesion 4 Stanlen. coot lining no acres, 90 acres awed and in a far state of cultivation. There k a frame dwelling:louse with caller, lotek barn with stone stabling, stone pig pen, stave allot two good well ilia3 a deer rues at the baok of the farm, alt is conveniont to churchee, echools and markets, beIng a Intios trona Brimfield and 9 mike from Seaforeh. Apply oh aro pterniens o address THOMAS GEIIKELL, Brumfield. ' • I722tf DE3111,001LE PROPERTY IN SEAFORTH SALE—Beautifully eituited on Centre Streit adjeining Beattie's Grove. There are two lots plented withthe choicest of fruit trees of all kind % and shrubs. A frame houseatone cellar underneath tho whole home, &sitting soon; dining room, eunamer and winteekitchens and four bedrooms-, hard and Boit water. It k one of the most pleasantly loeated, eorafortable and convenient residences in Self orth and will be sold cheap. Apply to JOSIAH WAT- SON, Seraforth. 170041 MIAMI IN FIIBRERT FOR SALE,—For sale, West 12 half of Lot 23, on the Oth Coneesaloe cf Ilibbert, containing 60 mores, more or less. all cleared and in a. go3d state of cultivation, There are good femme, and it is well underdreined. There are on the premises a good frame barn and stable, Jog homeland frame kitchen. There is also plenty of water au the beck and front of tho farm; Mso a good orahead, It is c,onventent to gohoole. churchee and poet office. Apply to WILLIAM BURKE, Pro - Printer, or to St. Colunehen P O175 alf tfARM iN IIULLETT Pon SALE.—For sato L' cheap, the Et half of Lot 7. Coneeedion 9, conteiniug50 aores. nearly all cleared, well fenced, erdratned with tile, and in a pod state of ottItivation. There 14 a good frame house and barn ; plenty of water, and a good orchard of all klnde of fruit. It is within a 'mile and a half of the village of Constance. The proprietor dosites to get more land. Apply on the prerniges, or addrees Canstanee P. 0, JAMES bleGILL. 17614f -MOM FOR SALE.—For ego that very doatrahle fann on the Mill Road, Tualrersmith, adj the valage af Egmondville. It •contains 97 aore4, nearly all c!eeked and in a wood state. of cultivation, and weil uoderdratned. There Is a eomfortable brick -cottage and good barna, with rook cellar and outbuildinoe. The buildinge are eituoted neer the centre of the farm and on the Oil 1 Road. It Is well watered, and plenty of oft water in the kitohen. it ie entweniently eitutted nor church old seheol and within a mile and a half of 8 -.retort'', Will be sold cheap and on Beet' turas of paymeea Apply to the proprietor, ROBERT FANSON, S2a`orth. 174841 _ -LURIE FOR SALE.—For sale the fern; o the late JU George Brown Lot 3. Concession Hullett, contMniog 100 scree, of whiot . about ea acres are cleared and in a e03d idea: of cult:ea-aloe, tha balance good hard wood. There ia a new two.storv briok hause, with furnmee, hard and soft water and all modern couvenienaee. There ie a lerge bank barn, with stone stabling, sheep heuee, Ittle*e•Ment house and all other neceslerv out buildings. There are two good wells and a (towing eprieg A good retard. There are about 7rf aeres seeded to graae. It is within theee-qusrtere of a mite fro n the villaee of Constance, whare are fame. ecbo.I. charches, Pao. Apalv to the undue -grail, Oithi;ance P. 0. GEORGE STEPHENSON, Exetertor. 1741- 11ARU 41N HAY TOWNSHIP FOR SALE.—For I! sale, Lot 22, on the North Barani ery of Hay Township. Thia farm coatatns 13e aac, 85 aerie; cleared, the met god hardwood Wen. t la well un- derdrMned and fenced. There ia a good stone home with a No. 1 celltr ; large bank bean; Implement shed; eheep house 70x75, with first.ola a stabling and root c„liar underneath ; a good orohard ; 2 gocd wells and cistern. There is 1.2i mores of fall wheat sowed on a rich fallow, well manured ; 40 mama seeded down re3ently, the rest in good shape for orop. This Is a No. 1 foam, well 8114.111ed for =fleets, ehurchee, 80110018,p3st offnet, etc., arid will be ;toll reaeoneify. Apply on the premi.4J4, (Ir addreas ROBERT N. DOUGLAS,Blake,Ont 1668xet1 I - 'TIARA FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—For Hale or to _,U rent, Lot 20, Battled I Road No th, Stalk! F. containing Pal acme, 123 metes ole %red and in a :roe,' state of cutti -ation, the balance k good haoloo al bush. The flan la well uncle:drained and e ell fenced, There i'd a gnod 1) lair home two good barns and Ether cutbuildings. P:cey of hard aed soft %voter. Two acree of cholee bulk tree-. ThLa excellent farm is within a quarter of a litre of Verne, where there is a postoftice, Heh.)01, churches, etc., and 31 mites of Brimfield e•atton. II le in a mkt desirable loaation, in the lc,t frarinnto section of Huron Will be sold on reasonable 1:rasa or will ha rented for a te in o! years' if not sold by September 1st. For further partieulaIs appy to 8. A. MOFFAT, Varna. _ 1750.tt 11 -lo, ARM FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot 1, in tho Town- ie ship cf Tuckeramith, Conoeestort 3, 100 acree et land, 95 aerea cleared, well un 'erdraiced. Fnelend:d farm for grain or stock, well watered, a or -pale springthe whale year runs through the tam. Aso On the farm le 'a splendid (mac barn, near y ne v, whiola ir 005, with ;Una stabling underneath. Also frame house 21x1.8, and kitchen laxie, with good stone cell.r, and two good wells. Moir pro. perty ie situated in a very deeirable tonality tit - splendid gravel roods to market, onty a:: mileto Seaforth. Aso a good dwelling hou_ei.Seliogt situated on Coleman street, olose to Victoria Park This house ig compogrd of 8 rooms, well &flailed, plenty of bard and so't water, and kitchen 23x16, with pantry and -wash roomattmacd, and a good woodehed.-A good stab'e atxts. All of this property must be sad as the undersigned ba liming to the United St ttes. All partioulars concernine this property can be- had by aoplying UE TEXPOSiTOS, Office or to the propietor, JAMES KEEIOE, Seas forth, 175241 'VARA IN STANLEY' FOR SALE —For sale, Lot 9 and the west halt of Lot 8, on the 121h concee• ion, or Bronson Line, of Stanley. This firm con• tains-150 acres, elf of whioh is clewed, except fJu r aoree. It is in a state of ftretadasa orativation, w ril 7 fenced and all underdrained,ososbly with tile. Toe -rd is a large frame dorelling house as god ea new, with good none foundation and cellar, tarp bonk barn with stone stablino underneath, and nu= roue oth Jr buildinas, Matadi ce- a large pig houte. Tao good orcharde of choice fruit, also nice sh ado and orna. mental troop. There are two ep ing creelea runnina through the farm, and plenty of rood ware - all Cne • year round a ithout pumping It ia well situttee 13r market, chwettes, re.th,o a it oill ,e, eta , and good gravel roa is leading from it lu all dire -Wm. It is attain %iota of Like Huron. awl toe iroata ea b eeen parsing- no and do en from the hroi.3.3, t4.13 13 On Of the boa t (Farmed farina in tut C et: It , o I a al be sold on evi-y: as the p.oarsetor wort; to retire on aecourit of ill health Atm' •)*1 t1i poru!. see, or addreas Rieke P. 0 JOHN DUNS'. 1741 11 Coors Cotton Root Compound :.. Is suceeesfully used monthly by over 10 ,000 Ladles Safe effectual Ladies ask your druggist far Codes Cotton Root Com- posed. Take no other, as ell Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Prioe, No. I., 81 per bor; Moos, to degrees Stronger, $8 per box. No. I or !,mailed on receipt of price and two 8 -cent 'tamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. PY-NoS. 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all responsible Druggists in Canada. Sold in Seat nth by Alto,. Wien, J. S.: Rol,ert i and - 1. V. Feer, dru;eaiate; The Neirilarness . MAKER . . Having parehaaed the Rerues Shep and - business of Mr. John Ward, I solicit the patronage of all the Old customers, and guar-, antee them and all new ones the best of workmanship and maserial. Always on hand a full line of HARNESS SADDLES. WHIPS TRUNKS VALISES ETO., ETC. Prices right and satisfaction guaranteed. Give me a call. ANDREW OKE, Seafarth, WARD'S OLD STAND. Inand MONIEY TO LOAN Money to loan at 41 per "ant cra good farm rie3uto IV. Apply to JAS. L, KILLORAN, Berrieter, Sea forth. - 1312.0 EXTRAVAGANT LIVING The Cause of the -Great Financial Disturbances. MEETING 0N'E'S OBLIGATIONS. • "As -the' Partridze Sitteth on Eggs and liatcheth Intern Not, So He That Got- ten', Riches, and Not by Eighl, Leave Then) in Mel' Midst of His Days and at Ills End -Shall Bo a VOW." . . . Washington, July .14.—In tips dis- course Dr. Talmage shoWs thel cruises of the great financial disturbanees which take place every few years• and arraiges the people who live beyonel their means; tekt, .iforentiali xvii, 11, th' part ridge sit te1.14 011 egg's end hat cite( h them no t„ 'se he .-that get - tot h riches, and 'hot :.by right., shall leave them it1 the - 'midst of . his -days < -and at his crid shall ,be. a fool. n Allusiois .liere mado to a well known Suet in fiat Ural h istory , It a . partridge - or — a qoail or a. robin brood the eggs. of 4nother species, the young will not, stay with the One that happened to .brood them, but at the first opportunity will assort with their own specice. Those of us who have been " brought up in the country have seen the dismay of •the • farmyard hoe, having. brooded aqua - Ale Cowie.when after awhile they tumble' into their natural element, the ' water. ' - So my text suggests that a mato _ may gather under - his wings the property of -others, but. it will after awlille eseapo. It will leave the ' man: in a sorry predica- ment and make him feel vory silly. What, has _caused all ihe black days Of finaucial disastere for the last 60 years? Some- • sty it is tbe credit system.. ' -Something back of that; . Homo ens . il is the spirit of -gam-- bling ever aud 'anon becoming epi- demic. Something back of that. Some say it is tho sudden shrinkage in the valuo of Secaritios, which even, the moitt honest and intelligent men could not have foreseen. Something back of that. .1 will give you the primal cause of ell these disturb-, anees. It is 1.11P extravagance of modern society which impels a -man to spend ' more money than. he ean honestly make, and he goes into wild sPec e la t ion in order t o get the inea,ns for inordinate .:display, ancl some- . • times_the man is, to bleme and some- times his wife and oftener both. Five_ thotteand dollars become, $10;000, $20,0-00 income, is not enough for a man to keep up the style ,of living. he ' propOses, and therefore he steers his -bark toward the,. maelstrom, Other , men have suddenly snatched- up $50, - Ono or $100,00C. Why not he? The preseat ineanne of the- man not being • large enough, he must move earth - and hell to catch ,up wit -1i his neigh- . bor. Others have a country seat; so must he. • Others have an extra- vagant caterers so must he. Others heve a palatial-. residence; •so must he. . • -! Extravagance is tlul cause of all the defalcations of the last GO years,. and, if you will go through the his- I ory of all the great napes and Lite. great financial disturban es, no soon--; . el' httre you found th!e stary than right back- of it you Will find the st ory of how many horses the man had, how many carriages the Lan had, how many residences in the nt ry the Dina. had, how -'many banquets the man gave-ealwaysf,„ and not one exceptioe for the last 00 years,. either directly or indirectly . extravagance the , ca use. Now for ,the eiegatices and the re- finements and the decorations of life. - I rast my vole. -While I am cOnsid- erilig this subject' .ft basket, of flose- ers is handed in.—flowers paradisiacal in i heir beauty. White calla with a green background of _begonia. _A clesti.r of heliotropes nestling in some geranium, . Sepal and- perianth -. beariing on them the marks Of Godhi fingeh. When I see that basket of flowers, they persuade me that God loVes beauty and adornment and dee- E cseat ton. God might hit,ye made • the earth so as to supply the gross de -- mends.- of sense, but left ite without . adornment or attraction, -Instead of the variegated colors of the seasons the earth might have worn an : un- changing dull broWn. The tree might have put forth its fruit without the prophecy of leaf or blossom. Niagara . might have eome ' down in gradual deacent without thunder and winged - spray. 1 , Look out ,of your window any . thorn inta a f ter. there) has been a clew' and see whether -O ced lo-ves jewels.'" Put a cry-5-tul of snow under re micro- . seofte and see what God thinks of . a rchi tect ere. God comnianded t lie prieet of olden, time, to have his robe , adOrned with a wreath of isold 7 and ' the hens of hiS garment to be, ens- ' broidered in pomegranates. Ther, earl it sleolas, n ‘, ofiod blankets it with the I bri !tient s : of t he night .kv. The . world wakes, and Clod washes it front I the •bornistesi :laver of . the sunrise. ' ,Ho I, have not noitilt patience with a -I 11,1011 NV110 11111(8 08 1 hough. decoration ', and ad (»el wont end 1 he el egancee of -1 life are sa sin when they are divinely recomnietiderl. Dui there is 0 line to In' draWn. 'i . Nit Wt.i.'n. adornment and decornt ions thut '1,Ve can afford and - i hose we cannot afford,- and when. a ic num (lease.; 1 hat line lie beeonusto cula , pa ble...o.4 capitol tell Doti What, is ex- g travegant for yoto• You carinot tell- ., un. Whet is extriovagant for suis. 'What .1 is right fie. o QOPV11 .1110y be 8C111011- •(' (tering for a duchess. - What may be ' ,, crononitcal for you; a man with la rg•-• L er income, will be .w4ed waste for ine, w i th smaller incOme. There is no iron rule on this su Woe 1 . Every 1 man bl..fore 0 o -d - and on his 'knees. ; must judge ' what is extravagance, ,i` and Ivhen a DM IV g'004 into expendi- " •-•.` THE HURON „ atm Inv grocerymen.w.1 1-seit truen no noire eugar. Then th ay find the re- gion unhealthy, and t Ivy hire a ear- . man,- whom they neve .. pay, to take them to somer new q lintel s where . the' Merchants,' the fruggists, the butchers, the • bakers ii id the grocery- merr come and give them the best rounthi of beef Sand ,.,t_ to best "sugars and '' the befit o erchandise of all ' sorts 'Unlit . • they find out that the 01 ly Compensao tion they are goieg to get is the ac- quaintance of the 'pall ons. There. are thousands of swill thi Ares in all Our ,big cities. You SOO i can them by .. the right name, for if a man buys ainnthieg he does, .not Mean to pay ,,e for he is a thief. Of course sometimes men are flung of inlistertunes and: thsy cannot pay. I know men. who: aro j st as honest in, having failed as other men are honest in succeeding, 4. 5PPose there is hardly a man who haS gone througn life but the e have been some stimee- When it' has been so hart of. misfortune e could. oot meet his obligations, out, all that I people_ who ' buy th put aside. There are .o. newnilitilethutd,teheoyf L .never intend to .pay, 1 r, for which - there is no reasona le expectation , . they will ever be able to pay._ Now, if you have become ob ivious of bon- - esty and inean to deft awl,: why not save the merchant as much as you can? Why not go som day to his store . and when nob dy is looking just shoulder the ham or the spare -- rib' and - : in modest silence - steal away? That would he less crithinals - because in the other ay you take hot only the man's ,goods, but you take the time . of the 1 erc,hent and :.the time of his occoun ant, and 37011. takes'the time of the 1 essenger who. hroughtf you the good,. Now, if you - =At Steal, ,steal in, a, way to do as little damage to the t'ader as pos- s.ilglei., 1 ant so glad. -- Ob, it's not the ab- solute necessities of lilfe which send.. rteop le out into- (Hell mestie.s and flipg them into misfer unes. • It ifi aluliist aleva ye the suf. erfiuities. Cod' has promised us a hot's°, but not ce palace; raiment, but -1 �L chinchilla" food, but not cansatisback cluck.' 1 nip yet to see one of these great defaleatiOns which is _ sofa ,connected . in some way .with • extr tvassanc.e. Extravagance accoun s for the dis- turbance of national fa ances. Ag - %legations are made 11.9 of units, nod when. one half of the people of this country onle the other half how can <,ese ',expect financial. prosperitY? Again and again at the—national election we have had a spasm of virtue, and. we said, "Out with' one administra- tion and in with another and Jet tie haVe.a new deal, of thing -s and then we- will - -get all over our perturba- flora" 1 de not care who is presi-d dent or who, is secretary of the trea-. sury or hoW. much breadstuffs go out of the country or how much .gold is imported until we learn to, pay our debts and it becomes a general the- ory in this country that men must 'buy no -More -than they can pay for. Until that tittle conies there will be no permanent' prosperity. Look at the pernitious extravagance. • Take the one fact that New York every year pays $3;000.000 for theatrical Tnmusements. . While once in a while tn Henry Irvitig' or an Edwin Booth or 11. J oseph .1 efferson thrills a. great eiudience witit tragedy, you know as well as I do that the 'vast majority of the theatres are as debased as debased_ they ,cien be, as uaclean as, unclean they can, be and as damn- able as damnable as they can. he.. ThOee natilibn, dollars, the vast ma- jority of these chillers going in the Wrong. direction. . Over a hundred millions eaid - this country for cigars and tobacco a . year, About, $2,000,000,000 paid . for ttrong drink in orte year in this country. With .such extravagance, -pernicibus extravagance, can there he any - permanent prospetity? Busi- nese meta cool-headed business Men, is such a thing .a, possibility? These _extravagances also account, es -I have alteady hinted, for the positive crimese the .forgeries, the absconding's of the ofIlcore of the banks. , The storeonthe business street swamp- ed by. the residence on the fashion - 'able avenue. The father's, the .huse band's craft oapsized by carrying 100 much. donaestic sail. That is what springs the leak in the titer - Chant's money till. That is what cracks the Oistols of the suicides. That is what _tears down. the kanks. That is what stops -insurance com- panies. That is what halts- this na- tion again and again in itd trium- phal march of. prosperity. In the presence of the American people so fat as I can get t usir attention 1 want .to arraign this monster curse of extravagance, at d .I want, you to pelt it With your „cern and hurl at it your anathema. now many „z lett Os every year wrecked oo the. wa •drobe. Things MVO got to such a pass that when' we cry over our sins in .ehurch we Wipe .• th 0 tears away with a $150 oocket handkerchiell 'ehow you a demestic trageay in five acts: Act the first — A home, plain ind :beautiful. Enter _howler Married oaho Entee contentment. Enter os mulch happineSe ever gets in. Ole tome. Act the second — Enter discontet Enter desire for 'larger expenditu Enter envy, enterjealousy. Act the third — Enter the queet ly lreesmalsers. Enter • the 'French ni'l- iners. Enter all costly -plate and .111 teat extravagances. Act the fourth — Tiptop of F'Ocie y. 'duces and princesses of upper t lom floating in and out. Eveeethi ig- 011 a large and magnificent scale. le er Contempt for ether people.' _ Act _the fifth and ast — Enter t 143 ssignee. Enter th sheriff, Ent u. he Creditors. Enter ht./mina:1On. E er the wrath 01 0 d. Enter the co - enipt - of society. . Enter 1(1111 411 d eatht Now drop tl e curtain. Tle tuna; beyond' his metals he is c•xtra.- :play is- ended; am the 1 ;gilts are' vagant. When a man buys anything out. he cannot pay . for,. he .extrava- gant. There are fa 11111 1438 in all. our cities who cart hardly pay- their -rent, and wino awe 'all the Merchants in the nOighborhood.. and yet have an ap- 0E001 unlit for their circumstances • and are all the time sailing so near shore that bastion -Hs misfortune or- an attack of sickness preptigs. them for pauperism. . yim know N:ely 'Well tbere ' are -Thousan(1s of families in our great cities who stay in neigh - k) borhoods tint il they Ohl. S.e .exhatieted all thIlii: capci acity , t‘.. 'eget trusted. They stay in the neighbo thuode until the druggists willletelirein have no - more medicines, , ,suldtsethe butchers will Kell them no mare Mkt, and the bakers, will sell tleens no more broad. ,. '• • • call it a t raqed:. That i14 a in 8- .moner. lit, is -a, farce. Ek Ira vagance acc( uuts for nieph of the pau6e1'isi13. Who • are these pecir le - whIpn you have to help'? Many of theinkore .the chi 1(1111 of •da rents who had plenty, lived in luxury, 1,11d more 'than 1.11W nteded, spent t 11 they •load, spent more. too; then diedf and left their families in povert Sortie of throat. who -call ono aoiti for aid had 011 011Ce. (111(1 81.11/1)i,C1 011 111.11'g1111(1•Y Mid- woodcock. I cou (I 1111111e 0 ' 84301'4' of men Who h." Ve.0 very luxury. They smoke floe best, cigar and they -;drink the 3est wines, al (1 they ha V0 the grand ait surrounding and . ‘..11en they diet teir fW amilies 1 11 go on the cold chaeltfeC.:01 the wort - Nov the death Of such a won is a EXPQSITOR grand larceny. BA 8Windle8 tne Worlct at; he go08 La iis e0fild, anti he de- seretes to have his bones fo ld to the medical_ Museum fer anal ot spe- • chi -tens, the pr Wean to furnish bread for his children. .know it cuts close. I did not know but some of you in tiigh dud- geon would get ep and go mt.. You stand it well! 8011)e of yoti make a. great wash, in life, oeid alt et' awhile you die, end ministers will be sent for to collo and stan, by iour coffin and lie a unit your eX -Mendes. But they 'will i ot come, -If you send ,for mei 1 will .ell you wba my text will be: "He hat provideth not for his own, and ;specially forthose of his own house] old, is wors than an infidel." And yet we find Christian 'men, men of awe means, ho some- times talk lequently 1 bout the Christian ehlirt h and about civiliza- tion, expendin everything on them- selves and riot' ing on the ause of Clod, and they rack the bac c of their -Balais Royal g ove in tryine to hide. the one cent II ey put in t ie Lord's teeasury. Whet an appor ionmentr rrwenty thou, and dollars .or 'our- s( lves and ot e cent for • God, ' Ah, n friends, t its extravagance ac- e unts for a g cause ofeGod si - ;And the dese on, . even t1/4). the funeral ( now very Well that there o die sol- vent, but 'the so great before they get they are. insolvent, The 'e are faMilits that go Seto penury in ieked resporse lo the domands oft1i1Js day. They put in casket and t imbst one t h it • w11431 they ought. pot -.in bread. They --wanted bread; you gave them a onebst one. One would th nk that the last two obligations peo tie would bo particu- lar about \void 't be to the ehysician and the. undertaker. Dec; tate they are the. two 1 1SL oblige-U(11s tilos° two professicins are almost, always cheated. They send for the doctor in great haet awl he most come day and night. riTaly- send for the undertaker areid .the great -solvent:1i- iese ancl often hese two men are the very Itiet t(3 be met with compensa- tion. Merchants sell goods, and the goods are not epaid 161.. They take back t goox s, -1 tion I old „ Bet there is no reit in_ this ease The ma.n ,spent ull he had in luxuries and exeravagance WIl ile he lived, and then he gSi-ns. out of the wOeld end has left nothing for his faniily, nothing •fier the etsequies, ad as he itoes out of the world he st: als the doet oid's pills aild the undert otter's slippers, ' Oh, my friends, let us take our stancl against the extravagances of :Hickeys -Do not pay for things which .are frivolous wi en you May lack the neeesei iettee Do not poi te one want h's wageor Salary into a trinket, just, once trinket. E.-eisp your credit good by seldom askii g 'for any. Pay! Do .nol, starve -ro whole year to effoial one Belshazzar' carnival. no not, buy so coat of 114111,5' COI 01'S and then in six months te -out at the elbows. Flourish met, r0; sOme people 1 have known,' who took aparements at a„ fashionable hotel and had elegant drawing rooln$ at Lached itend then vanished in the night, not (even leav- ing their compliments for the land- lords,. I tell yo 1, my friends, in the day hf Clod's judgment we will not, 'only have to gi *e an a.ccount for the Way see made 031' money, .but for the way spent. it. We have got te leave all the things that surround us now. Alas, if any hour .felt like th .asked That the brought to her over with her "Alas, that 1 h soon!" Better it treasure Of ho troussead of a to have been se a. _banquet whic .of dollars kw' to Our last resting and princes .as that consecrate time, 'their all; in .everlasting r have the author announcing th wicked shall rot eat deal of frers. !ration goes ay. You k are men wh erpenses are underground what the of you in the dying •itig actress who cas set of jewels be nd then turned them pale hand and said, see to leave you So 'that hour have one von than the bridal Marie Antoinette- or ted with Caligula at i cost its thousands have been carried to place with 'senator pallbearers: They their wealth, their .o God shall be held membrance, while I ty of this book for it the riaine of the • hy? "Why is the chief 'word in the voCabultuy, Why does the sun shine? Why does fire burn? Why is Susiels hair red? Why is Mee Smith's nose so big? W11, do sheep have wool and ducks feathers; and dogs, cats, pigs, horses, an cows have hair on their bodies? "A id say, ma, Why do not some people have.blue hair' and green eyes and lack teeth and poin- ty ears like cat ? Why is' water wet? Why is ice 'old Why are stones heavy? Why clo.s tic wind- blow? Why does the smoke curl up and the snow fall down? .1%Ity? Why? Why? And so it goes qn until the urchin gets a little old r when he takes up_ the word "how'l by saying: "Say, hoW do tree, grow? How do ears hear, noses smell, and eyes see? How do -birds- fly? How? How? noir?" And so he goes qn leaking soine qUeS- tions that the Wisest philosophers Cannot answer, Takin Domestic TI wants to see yer Master chair. Domestic — Ile and the table, t( the furniture sho Things. • 01'0's a rentleman on business, ask him to toke 's taking. '1111 (111, )0. 11c romos front P. roStrCIN INSECTS SP An Important Circular Issued—Mosqui- toes tiiid Malaria, The Canadian iirector-General of Public Health at Ottawa has Just received from- Surn geon-Geeral Wv- nuon, of the -United States • Marine. Ilospital service, in. copy of an impor- tant circular Sent to all the medical officers' of the 'service throughout the he circular has 'an lasses. of Canadian. as follows: ."Yoor ted' to the ,import- ance of insects as factors in the conyeYance of dis 'use. 'There is no longer doubt. as o the relatioh • of the mosquito to the material., dis- eases and to (Halitosis. According to Simond, plague il. trilr1S1.111t,t(2d 'from' therat to mart 1y the flee. hM e - I T fedion of typhand oic fever, to a certain extent, cholera, may be con- veyed limn tlie e: Orela of flies. .Ac- cording tothe re ent work of the Army Commissi( plays an iinportal mission of yellow therefote ' directed to give particular attention to this subject. so United States. 'rj ,interest to • all citizens, It reads attention is dire , the 2110401111 (0 t role ip the trans - fever. " :You are far as , L relates to tile NV )1'1 in epiarantilie anal the the spread of corm( to You, are (Advised t c patients suffering 11.01 from the bitee or am. insects above mention lid to place mosquit( the sick bed. Excreta, 43(1 111 a manner no pro Timing food or. breed nsects. liospitels wl able diseases ere trea. horoughly in.otected ot all windbovn, (1001 openings. paiticular mid to the kitcliee, (1 irotection .of the 1001 initoos, flies, or 01110 e-itrance to the \verde 1)0 ott once destroye(L. )(1 of killi»g insect. 00111 is by sulphur 111 naldeloyde CannOt, be ts i1 frequently fails )yrethrton pow der WI an encloSure only stup 11111 flies, 'and wiliest u eecte must be subSieqi • (1 (lest. royed "Yon. are also clhast “Shinst the breeding 7 ,V1.1.1 21101'11 11110 111)8 .1011S, quarantine amps by the methods : of the servo's: prevention ef (Iiseeesse ireful ly g not la I aal(I diaoa' toe A)YLInee 01 the 3(1, and to this -) netting over nme1 1143 treet- vent theirho- ng places f(e. iere connenthic-- sh on Id Ile With fly sere,ns .8, and other ittention being' ning-room and .' Should mos- . -insects gain they should The best. 101'i h- itt. it Jorge tnigation. Foe- lepended upon, to kill insecte. an burned in 'lies mosquitos -ed these ii - tint ly collected t C11 tO guard of mosquitoes 3ital rescrva- ationS, and now in. vogue. c„;'011ections of water i i buckets, bar- , .els, cisterns, and the 1 ike are fav- orite places for inosquitoes. Such cal te carefully covered, s not practicable, pe 'iv poured on the st rface and ire- olonished from time to time. . A11 collections of stagnan ditches, and the ilk( servation should be c he formal ing of %a:ikons aahOuld r, if the cover roleum shcauld water, poOls, (11)0 (11. the re - rained, or, if 713)praeticable, .petralouln Used t as nbove. Approximatele one ounce is suflicitelt in still 'Water for 15 square _feet OT surface, and ( rdinarily the applica ion • need not Jf% renewed for one. *111(311(11. Concern' g the- cultiva- ion of certain plants or 'WS, and other means of exterminating mos - ti Wes; Y'ou are 1 eferred tothe works of Giles , a 1 loward, which ave recently beei urnished your elation: As far as s lips are con- ( ernocl„ particular • atI. t ion shOuld be paid to tile wote tanks, casks, buckets, and other Wtt er collections, especially in regions where malariw end yellow fever prevo il. In vessels coming from these re, ions measures s above indicated should be taken with a view to the estruetion of ossible mosquitoes oe their larvae." ••••••• Mountain A r. . The reason why e3101 ntain air is riore healthful than lo air is that riountain air is cleanet • than low air. : .Tbe chemical composit'on of !he at- riosphere differs but, little. On Pike's I ea,k the relation of oxygen to M- t 'ogen and other cebstituents of the" atmosphere is 00 8(11110 415 ett the f level of the oceanTI . 1( favorable ef- fects., therefore,c of a hange tof air' are not to be explained by any dif- ference in the proportion of its gase- ous constituents. One limporeant dif- ferehee, lionever. is the bacteriolog- eel 1 • one., rrhe air of high - al ti tunes C mteins no microbes, r nd is, in fact, sterile, while neOr the ground and S 3110, 0311. IO110(11I,11 feet above it mi - c '01.W8 are 071:01(10111. _. In the air of chicagie and other c •owded places 1101 ,01111y (10(.8 the 1114'1'014e impuri l y- incretitse. but other impurities, such as t he • products of c anhast ion of coal, accrue also. Sev- e.or I invest inott ions have found trocas (1' hydrOgoa and cell :lin hydroettra I. Hos in the a i r. a nd especi ally in tee air of pine, oak (Ind hircit fore eels, It is to these bodies, doubt - 1( ss consistieg of tritees of esseni ial c) 1s, to Which the curative effect -4 of certain lovail 11 resorts are to- crilyd. Tina: tho lacalii v of u fir fOreat is so id to give relief in diseases of the' l't Spil'OtOry t rn c 1 . But, all_ thki :some, •theee traces of essential oils and Iw- o natic products; must be counted, sI ei et ly spell k ing. tis impuri 1i'.'s. since they are 1)(31 appaeently macs-. fe ry constituents (31 the air. As le -a ,c( nt analyses haveh sewn, these !sod- . ics tend to (Hs:ippon!' 'in the air as a . higher altitude is feyached, until they disappear aitogether. Fleas Are Great righters. Fleas, taken as a whofe, are very quarrelsome and are great lighters. When several are confined in a -glass tcgether, they fight incessitatly„ do- ing most of their battling by stand- ing on their hind .legs and striking their opponents with the others. In a big battle a half dozen- of them - may be seen • rolling over and o'ver each other, losing legs and antennae and at last giving up their lives' in. the struggle. There is a record of a flea which lived ten days -after such. an encounter with no. antennae, three plates of his side broken in, one eye g ne, and with only our legs, and ti ese cut off at the first •joints. Mexican Mars and pgarettes. ast year Mexico manufactured 3 0,000,000 packages of -cigarettes a d 119,000,000 cigars. This is an increase of 10 per cell( over the pre - Vi Us year. He—" Stunning hair that girl over th re has. If she let it down I'm sure it wo Id fall below her waist." She—"Be- lo her waist ! The whole of it would go do n on the floor." Many School Children are Pale, Weak and Nervous. D bilitated and Exhanited In Mind and Boly—Dr. Chase's Nerve Food Is surj els (ugly Beneficial for Children. he severe and ever-increasing strain of competitive examinations coming at a time when every boy and Kiri Is undergoing trying physiological -eh nes does much towards making not nsal and physical wrecks of schools ch Idren. Run down in health, with th blood thin and watery and the ner- vo s system- exhausted, children have no chance to.escape the many ills that be. et a feeble body. There is no treat- ment known to science that so natural- ly nd thoroughly restores strength and vit lity to the nervous system as Dr. COS Nerve Foods It mekes• per - feels happy by bringing back the color to the faces rond the strength and eta -Hefty to the bodies of their pale, J) :1Y children. rs. S. Dempsey, Albury, Ont., wr tee:—"my lime granddaughter, nine yen rs was pale rind weak, she had no: a fleet' te and eovrenol • to by arnelual- ae rowing weakor. Dr. Chas's Nerve Too rrl moved invaluable in hor case, ro- sae hoe herlth and eolor and making her etrong and well," ifty cents a box, at all dealers or Ed uanson, Bates & Qo., Toronto. • JIILY 19, 1_901. What isH N.. \'.‘seNs‘‘ • Castoria is for Infants • and Children. Castoria a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It containS neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish- ness. Castoria cures Diarrhcea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves Teething- Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria assimilate? thle Food, regulates the Stomach and Dowels of Infants and Children, giving healthy and natural sleep. .Castoria is the Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. Castoria. Castoria. "Castor's is so well adapted to children that I recomMend it as superior is any pre. scription known to me." ...N.. H. A. ARCHER, M. D. PrOORyn, "Castoria is an excellent medicine for children. Mothers 'have repeatedly told me - of its good effect upon their children." Da. G. C. OSGOOD, Lowell, Mass. THE FAG -SIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. THE CENTAUR COMP ef•-, TT MUI‘AAV STREET, PI The Proper Combination. %AAAAAOW1AAAAAAAANtiAANVVIA0 There is only one combination that will insure ycu satisfaction in your clothing. It is this—the combination of style, comfort and dur- ability. It is this combination that is to be found in our made-to- order bias, and is not to be found in other makes. This is the com- bination you are after, and we want to give you an example of how we work the combination. We have a nobby stock of the latest Tweeds and Worsted in the proper colorings and effects for the ground work of this great combination. Let us WOrk it on you. 11.00AWV1AAAAAAAA01,41911110101000 BRIGHT BROS*, PLRAPI$IIERS, &WORTH. joar jefbove "/// O*rs• That's the standing of the "Ring Quality" shoe for Women. Many Women imagine that they have to pay a big price when they want a fine pair of shoes. That's a mistake. • "King Quality" is the one shoe that gives comfort to the feet, wears long, fits snug and nice and looks stylish. Sensible Women buy the "King Quality " shoe. They cost $3. ' Made by THI J. D. Km ea Limited. lilDRONTO. Furniture Cheaper than Ever. On accOunt of great reduction in expenses, and manufacturing special lines - we are now able to put furniture on the market cheaper than ever. All intend' ing purchasers will do well to call t,, our warerooms, wheret_. full lines of up-to- date furniture -are sold a right prizes. 71Ei Hi X, oit- - 3_111A_CAlgr This department is complete with a, large selection of the best goods, and obliging attention given to this branch of the business. Night calls promptly attended to by our Undertaker, Mr. S. T. Holmes Goderich street, Seaforth, opposite the Methodistt church. BROADFOOT, BOX & 00,1 smALT'opaga.. GILLESPIE'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS. All persons having any claims againet Vaa estate of John J. McLaugh hi, late of the Township of MO-- Ktilop. farmer, deco gel, who idled .on the Nib Of June. 1901. are r (paired on or before the dth agog Animus,- 1931, to send to the undeiVgned for the Exeoutors full par4i3u1ers of their claim. HARNESSI I have removed my harness shop .to my own store, ONE DOOR NORTH OF THE POST OFFICE, where 1 vvill be pleased to meet all my old customers and many new ones. verified by allidavii. Atter the said date, ties Zs- ece3ratteersamwiolln prtohceed ttc‘i di •trigtsd the anateefoorferedro only to the famu3'.P.1 ergair they 'have igetreiVed."' lice, and after such distribution they will act be re- sponsible to any creditor, of whose claim they lha not have received notice, for any Dirt of such aeletft Tbi ; notice is given pursuant to the statute in that behalf. F. HOLIIESTED, Solicitor for the Rectal' tore of the will of John J. McLaughiin, der:weeds Seaforth, July dth,.1901. 17M-4 Gillespie's Harness is the — best Harness. A full stock of Horse Blankets, Robes, Sleigh Bells, Trunks, &c. Prices right and satisfaction guaranteed. Give us a call and we will please you, delight your horse, satisfy your purse. " ifarRepairing a Specialty, JAMES GILLESPIE, Seaforth One Door NORTH of the Post. Office. 1/1841 • TALK TO YOUR HOKE. Night Rates, 6 p. ui., to 6 a. m.4 reduce expense. Remember that no charge is made unless we can connect you with the party asked for. Look for the sign of the -BLUE BELL!' THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY • OF 0,A.NADA. - • - Stanley s4joelvedupto' um, APPTY leer, Varna. a E•011W. 004STRAY ST viteheysirdtb, • beirreen*redi the litineOfl • SAIKTICI, Slo0 STRAY PA . guout • keritita_ellpini tad etkerFi - sANDERsoti4„ rOETANT on the -col tiny Oregon. 44 • cod Uwe hot or tale or rent RIARGARIq rIiLLcBER isetion etcher havimi the Normal S tgui, 1901. G. Personal SITH, Soo In 13;170111 OlIwe t. -BROWaten 013:aaj4:07tufirtgottasiltiaatmei'vv: e‘ineibeittlabbii ii131 CI46VIttl%iliClIC:1801:etilli' tbe Ist Co o. le in -the ere eei Weltits,10N, oBnri:dhrfiteg.e'.!Ittred1 "4101dAS 11) C,ountlei A. eirluP1* TUX ExPOSITC, iRotisfaction A uvrIONO exict1013 rertbs Beteg oneesetandini anent!, placcea *tom ur no pay. A St Lot aZa_ ttituded to. ST( wo sues A New Yea smulifei•to be Will be kepi OHAPMA r1, FOR keep for eranithi the formerly oaa Terms, RD for Parties coining iced. PETER ' DIAZ FOR kefp to liullett, the Hereford bull hureber of cow January let, DI Hereford stook 0 PIG ItRI on Lot 28 A thoroughbre bred Tolman -a be admitted to -pi service, or Onr &roc time -o ana Vh British. Our rates limit every', ..ST OARS V for further lx Grim Trains loave Aglow/ ,Rima WIEST*- Passenger Paseenger Mitred Train. tidied Trildo„.„ HOW EAST— ;Passenger Beasenger. Mixed Train We Goole NonaU-- . Ethel., „o ; Brussels„. almanac.. oa Wingharn.- vows Sortere-s WIngbeenssi Bluevale Lon& litence Niottrnal LOndon, Contrails. Exeter Henan .O, Kippen.on Bruceneldi Clinton-. o Londeebo Beloave WInghatn Oonts Seent-1 Winghant: Beigravo.4 Myth. Toondes'ir; Clinton— Brumfield Eleven.- 4 Exete aor. Coretredia: London, 4' in the Es Town Nalco is he that behalf, 1 the above 441 day of Augu Rillorau, Soli the exetuters their elainur duly verified eseeutors will estate stump **said only tl have received ,oxecutors evil *Kate to an have receives Onkoio Solid • fltei4 tbe 8 AN - 'arm loans suit borrower ndenee oh ham, 0 lk *tree