The Huron Expositor, 1901-02-01, Page 7re or less on axle enefirens th. AFORTH. eamer prices- may other way. In Chi. be Breeders' Gazattee rnproverrient in the rivele reaching 1,844 largest reported for In some grades the end ou other offering1 se arrival of several] mulated the foreign were firm to stronger, effering being closed with the bulk of the 10. Heavy draught. dy active, the easter*t tieing light. The best to 11800 pound ani- el!ao, with medium to s1•25 to $165. n One Day. Imo Quinine Tablets he money if it fade to rove -a eigna,ure is on Bobs. : Correerontienta rd Roberta is the moat ipire, these two simple 0, told us by one who ," may not be without 1 Lady Roberta were heir estate in Ireland aut twice the size of y overtook an otaa with a rope tied to la. he was leadinh Lady. toor woman, havini to Rebeite ordered the he would give her a. But she didn't know - ted the ride, but she So what did 'Bobs an' the pig to get in, p at the big inn, an' .ut to eee what they Roberts irithroduced r two frinds-the meld And all the while the e on the best blessinge ipon his head, for bje occasion, when Lord 7, hare sprang into the i after it. The river a bridge at this place, 'that came up all his ending about looking. le making a -move to te, we are told, when 5 very hot tempered, remark to the meet, r a short distance and o river. The horns auk in the soft earth -Luckily there was is heleling onto- a larancth teen" awung himself to iis horse, got it out, tawarn the river and tuntsmen as a lot of aat so goea the story - he only lived as far ae Ats off him." ,LEY LIVES. by of his Friendet would be. Jan. 2a -A young lay wham many peo. rset,. Man., no doubt grave. His name is hen he left Somerset jest atagea of Bright's " Many will be Bur - Enid thee 1 arri alive" [was utterly proatrat. itse and Diabetes. to live. .Now I an kethat pain and weak - le. I am a farmer, el a dey'e work ea edgy rring Dodd'a Kidney ere die with Bright's a Kidney Pills saved This wan in 144. .1 stay cured." r s - Church. 88 well tkg a divine. Ian and a preacher ppointment of Chap- ond. When preach - Mg he soon noticed d Da keep hihear ip. So calling upon .me, he said h " fely _ sorry to naterrupt t beg of you not to Iyou awaken yoawaken hi* r. Thom, minieter of ilar plan. On ode. topped in hie sermon inore sae loud, Bail the Peovoat." On an - to a complete halt, [tapped it on the, lid, hen lifted a pinch to tie everybody in th,e 'awake and wo-ndered in After a little atey : "My iriendth, Provoat has had a o" we'll just begin flL (*prompt to relieve eore throet, pain in ete. Price 2.;.)c. Enough. rowed I:5 from the to bring it beck one millionaire let him time the borrower hew, Mr. Bullion,!' "I've been square r, a.nd I want to bore ht." The old man ry," seed he,‘' but X "Why not ?" and greatly astonished - appointed me and X abated again." The rprised than evern y being. disappoint. •is, explained the you have that .1:9, get in back again, A, you have .f.:50, t again, and 1 neve dded, conclusivelYa is enough. Gooa leo FEBRUARY 11 1901, jaill.1/111•1•011••••••1101111111NP THE HURON EXPOSITOR. iliffiffillattatilkaresioa-Meseeesesesselee t4s.le Special Attention Horseehoeing and General Jobbing. Robert' Devereux BLACKSMITH and CARRIAGE Opp. MAKER Queen Hotel. derich street, • • • Seaforth. 114 :The warnitig cough is the faith- ful sentinel. Ittells' of the approach of consumption, which haskilled more people than war and pestilence com- bined. It tells of painful _c hests, sore lungs, weak throats, bron- chitis, and pneu- monia. Do not suffer another day. It's useless, for there's prompt and safe cure. It is Our direct connections will save you time and money for all points. Canadian North-West Via Toronto or Chicago, British Columbia and California points. Our rates are the lowest. We leave them co suit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR. ST CARS for your accommodation. Cab or further information. Grand Trunk Railway. Trsine leave- Seaforth and Clinton (Rations as ollowe: .401140 WNST- SierOaTil. CLINTON!, Passenger 12.40 re H. 12.65 P. M. Passenger.. .„ 10.12 P. M. 10.27 P. M. Mixed Train_ 9.20 A. M. 10.15 A. M, Mixed Train ' 6.16 P. M. 7.06 P. M Sorsa EAST- PaSSonger 7.53 A. M. 7.38 A.M. Passenger.. 8.11 P. M. 2.55 P. M. 'Mixed Train.... 4.40 P. M. , 4,25 P. M, Wellington, Grey and Bruce. -GOING NORTH - Ethel Brume's.. Bluevale.. Winggam GOING SOLTTN--- Patetenger. 807 P. M. 8.17 8 27 8 38 Passenger. Winghatu 6.53 A. 11. Binevale ..... 7.02 7.18 Etlael- ..... . 7.28 Mixed. 1.40 P. M. 2.10 2.36 3.25 Mixed. 8.55 A. M. 9 17 9.46 10.02 Loudon, Huron and Bruce. GOLNO NORTH- Passenger. London, depart 8.15 A.m. 4.40 r.s5 Centralia. 9.18 5.65 Exeter 9 80 Hensall. 9.44 KLPIPP 9.50 Brucefield. . . 9.58 Clinton. . 10.16 Londesboro ...... .7.. 10 33 Blyth.. - - 10.41 13elgrave 10 66 , Wirigham arrive ...... 11.10 8.00 soro sGsTa- Paennzer. Wingliam, depart.- 6.53 A.m. 3.15 P. SI Belgrave 7.01. 84u Myth. 7.14 855 Londesboro 7.2 4 O'i Clinton. 7 47 4 23 Brueefield e 05 4.40 Kippon_ 8.15 457 lieneall..... ........... 8.22 5.t2 Exeter e.t5 1.14 Centralia... ....... e.46 5.a8 London. (twelve) - 0.37 A. M. 6.14 6.0 6t 6.26 6.33 6.55 7.14 7.23 7 87 LOGS WANTED. The very highest price in cash will be paid for any quantity of first class . Soft Elm, Rock Elm, Basswood And all other kinds of Saw Loge delivered at the Seaforth Saw All Logs will be purchased and paid for according to quality. Length of Logs must, be 12, 14, 16 and 10 feet 2 inches. Cash will be paid as the logs are delivered, if desired. Apply to JOS/AH WATSON, Seafrrth. V22 -tt To the public of Seaforth and surrounding country fAVING PURCHARED„,,,messeene The Meat Busine,ss Formerly conducted by' T. R. F. CASE & CO. I trust, by strict attention to business and supplying a first class article at a reasonable price, to merit the patronage bestowed 012 the late firm. Will pay the highest market price for dressed poultry, good hides, skins and tal- Ow. (RED GALES, Seaforth. THE SEAFORTH . AND . . Chopping Mills R L. CLARK Wants any quantity of good logs and heading bolts, 40 inches long, evhieh the highest price will be paid. Custom° sawing done on short notice and at reasonable prioes. Satisfaction guaran- :.v.d. R. L. C TARRI 04th. tacKillop Directory for 1901. _IANIEL MANLEY, Reeve, fleechwood P. 0. ALEX. GARDINER, Councillor, Leadbury P. 0. JOHN G. GRIEVE, Councillor, Winthrop P. Q JAMES O'LAUGHLIN, Councillor, Beechwood P. 0 ARCHIBALD MeGREGOR, Councillor, Seaforth P,0 JOHN C. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop P. 0 DAVID M. ROSS., Treasurer, Winthrop. P. 0. - WILLIAM EVENS, Assesser, Beachwood P. 0. ,eIlARLES DODDS, Collector, Seaforth P. 0. RICHARD 'POLLARD, Smitten/ Inspector, Lead, bury P. 0. The 1Molsons Bank. INCORPORATED, 1855. - . . $2,500,000 ESP:P. E VNI) . . S2,050,000 .! Ain ES ELLIOTT, General Manager. IIENSALL Money advanced to fanners on their own with one or more endorsers. :olleetions made in all parts of the world, • 1 returns promptly remitted, at lowest of exehanges, Drafts sold on all points 0 oanada:, the United States and Europe. ▪ Inge wt1Ameriean s- change bought and • Intetest allowed on deposits remein- . era orif: Ilanah or more at current rates. - Depertmentheintereee allowed 011 ef al and up warels. IA -vial attention given t he ,.•ellertion 5t farni. S' sale Lilte(3, 11=1.lik 1.1 n n -daily for.tr,,neacti0,4 a -ed neeking le,eutees. F. E. KARN, lit, Drench, naeof eeto hich cures fresh colds and coughs in a ksingle night and masters chronic coughs and, bronchitis in a short time. Consump- tion is surely and cer- tainly prevented, and cured, too, if taken_ in time. A 25c. bottle for afresh cold; 50c. size for older colds; size for chronic coughsand consumption. "1 always keep a bottle of .nyer's Cherry Pectoral on hand. Then every time I get cold I take a little. ot it and I am better at once." JANES 0. BITQUOR, Oct. 19,1898. E rim, Texas. Write the Doctor. If you have any complaint whatever and: desire ehi best medical advice, write the Doctor -freely. Address Dr. J. C. Aun, Lowell, Masi. 1 Uxtremely Small . Mercies. A ong the members of Parliament fr m Scotd nd, at the end of last century; as one r. Dempster, who was • especiall jre. markable for the tenacity with whic he cheri hed the national sentiments And p e- judic s of his native land. One evening an Engl sh member,, in his peroration; ade some jests respecting- Scotlandewhich alve sad fiance to Mr. Dampener. No s oiler ' had e finished thanfup Jumped the 1 ttier gentl mane -who in ao aggreved .voice thus addr seed the Speaker, evidently bein e - solve that his pithy 'rejoinder ahoul3l be heari distinctly throughout St. Steph n'p : "Sir I beg to inform the honorable menjbr, in r ply to those most illiberal re ar with -which he has concluded his epec that I am proud of having been born a - Scot man and broughtup a Presbyter an," and own he sate Hfe honorable oppene t imm diately rose, and said : "Mr. Spe k r, all I have to say is that I consider the ho • ' orab e inember_very thankful for extrenly smal mercies." • 1 -Giving Power and Virtu? ig Every Drop. i NE'S CELERY COMP,OU HAS :NEVER DISAPPOINTED THE SICK. - Lif PA ver Retains The Confidence 4f ThePeople; Wherever once used, the sick and ouffe ing of all dunes of our Canadian people a a made to realize taui t ntine's Celery Co pound does not belong to the ordinary ,pa ent Iaedioineranka, such as nervines, bi term pon para chea nd sarsaparillas. Paine's Celery Co d is as far beyoad these ordinary pr ions as the diamond is superior glass. Paine's Celery Compound •possesses extr - ordinary virtues and powers peculiar to it- self, for health -giving and lengthening lif It hes saved men and women young a old -i --after all other medicines failed. It h so much astonished physicians by its cur i tive power,that they now prescribe a reoon mend it. Professor Edward E. Phelps M. D., ga Paine's Celery Compound to the world as positive cure for sleeplessness, nervousneis liver and kidney troubles, neuralgia, a rheumatism. - Thousands of thankful letters from pee of erery rank, give proof of the fact th Paine's Celery Compound " makes sick pe gle ell." If hette inedi one b you sigh and long for a new health, r life is your sure reward if yeu ,use t eine that has oured others. The use ottle will convince you that there power and virtue in each drop. Beware substitutes ; see that your druggist giv you " PAINE'S," the kind that cures. • es of the Late P. D. Armou Sto a le a je if HE GREAT CH WA(;() -PORK eArK ER, Onn day just after Mr. Armour's ratu n from European trip, a .Chicago news appr sent reporter to interview him in r geld to hi observatione of life and -busineaa a broa Th millionaire packer received th re- porte courteously, but added in his na. f, direct way, witha truizzical smile : " I am no talker. I made my money iy learni g :to leeep my mouth shut. Wh the te th are shut the tongue is at hon.. Beeid s you'll never be convicted of foe hal nese i you follow this rule." That he has always been deeply ineeresteel in yo ng men and happy when he ha si h d' the o portunity to encourage the youn a ambit (me has been well illustrated byjtho4e than ne incident. He has alwaye shown a desire to do the,gight thing at the 1g1!t time o shape the character for growth n the aieht direction. in young persons in t e plastit period of life. One day while trev l- ing be wean New :Yerk and Chicago he b came ',a:treated in a eolored boy, a slecpi car p•rter, who. he saw trying to read book. He named the boy " General alt'o rest." . , " neral," said- Mr. Annour, " 1'11 is e you a '5 bill if you willreart one line of tin t book about stopping to spell :out 1 c words. 3 The boy grinned, but eteerpted the :hal'. lenge, nd read out a line with'-uheel te tion. Ile not only received the a5 note t en :further questioning stirred Air. Armen r to etill greater interest., He 'disclosed a le. deo for knowleelgethat impelled Mr, Arnsoe r to propose -a way her hie- cducatien. `Soon afterw rd " General laorrest" resigned from the slot pieg-car service and 'went fo Oberlin .To c re a cold in a night -use Vapn-Cres • t: iene. Jt has been Used extensively during ince e then te -iny-four years. All Druggist's. a i 1 College, where he was educated at M. Arrnour'e expense. . • Only ti hose close to Mr. Armour during the last twenty years know to the full wt. -tent the !thousands of appeals for moisten e , that have coma to him in every oonceivab e form. No appeal tha- was not a hand o its face has ever been gnored by him with. out inveatigation. He once said that he did not like the idea o refusing any modest appeal without inveati ation, as it might be from SOirl0 person in fortunate but most wor,tshy. a. ,tri iri ge ups and d wns heppen in thiis world," he added. " t is among the posiiii- bilities that my own s n might see the time when he would appeal for help to some man that had once been urned down by me' Stranger i things have happened. For thi reason I believe in rel eving human Miser so far as Is inmy powe . For this reason 1 is well not to turn a d af ear to any closer, ing care of charity." - One day several yeas ago a Chicago min ister, apparently .of he Chadband type called on him and rippled for help for a Imo woman in his parish, whom he had found in poverty and destitutio in the most teyin* hour of child birth. 0 was supplied with a sum ample for imm diate needs, and rei quested to see that the oor creature receiv.i ed necessary oomforte ith the least possible delay. Mr. Armour's ability to shunt hie thoughts quickly was one of his treas.! This matter wasnapee 1 ily forgotten. 1m agine his urprisa whe Chadband returned , the next ay and said : "J have brought yo r money 'back, Mr Armour." " '" What does that me n "My dear brother," said Chadband, "1 am sotry to say thakw en I applied to yo yeeterday my inforniati.n as to this case for Christian oharity had :been received only bY hearsay. , I have eitice investigated personr ally, and discovered that the poor woman id -- child birth is unmarried and living in sin Shelties not sought salvation that is freel offered without money and without price 1 could not, therefore, conecientiously giv her the money. To satisfy my conscience must, therefore, return it." , 'Mr. Armour's indignation was aroused He dismissed Chadband curtly. Then h sent a special messenger to relieve th unfortunate woman and make her unhapp lot - as easy as circumstances would pe mit. 1 • " Above all," he said, in recalling thip ease, " a minister of the gospel of Christ should have been the first to show mercy te this fallen one, and if she was in sin and the slough of despond, he should have been the first to reach forth a hand to lift her out and start her on the right road." • On one of his journeys through Frei* Mr. Armour found entertainment in a man- ufacturing town, where he inspected a fac- tory in which several hundred girls were employed in making lace curtains. Saunt- ering through the workshops' he observed that many of the girls seemedto be in poet. health. They appeared to be overworked, pinched and worn in appearance. Many looked old and withered before their time. He thought that he had nevilr Been a lit4er army of : work people 80 forlorn and hungry looptwinga.s. a sight that weighed heavily 00 him. Before quitting the factory he calIell at the private office of the superintend° t and requested the privilege of leaving a su of money to be distributed among thee girls, whose wretched appearance le& touchedlhis sympathies. His request beiri readily gianted, he handed over a han some sum, and before he parted enjoyed t pleasant sight of its distribution, all t girls beteg lined up to receive the gift. I . Mr. Armour used' to be :at his desk in Chicago r office every morning at sev o'clock, an hour earlier than some of clerks arrived. -He had his breakfast befo six, ancl his customary retiring hour w nine in , the evening. In those early inei times a eomioal thing once happened. 0 morning hei discovered a clerk in the offi ahead o him. , "Goo1 nornisg," said Mr. Armour, ' ther early or you, isn't it ?" ' " It hi," said the clerk, with a flush embarrass_ ent. " I'm down a little ea this morni g, but, you eee, I'm a little hind with ny.ledgere, and I want to oat up.)/ " Nothi g pleases me more than to See young man faithful and ambitious; one th isn't afraid of working a minute over hou You may gio and order a new suit of cloth and tell your tailor to send the bill to m The dlerlr almost fell off his stool with tonishrnenti. The truth was he had ape the night painting the town, and with c siousness nf guilt was quaking in fear o discharge. , He ordered a $90, suit, an when the bill came in, was lectured by Mr Armour for his extravagance.- Mr. Armobr pointed out in a fatherly way the danger lof living beyond (me's means, r • /What It Will Do. Poison's Nerviline, the great pain cu e• never fails to *ive prompt relief in the f l' lowing complaints :-Sprains, bruises, ou s• tie douloureux, rheumatism, epinal pains neuralgia,' toothache, lumbago, sciatica. Bnit to -day at any drug store a 10 cent sample bottle, and test it in any of the above oottn plaints. It never fails, for Nerviline is cct , posed of the most powerful pain subduet remedies in the world. Geta bottle at a drug store, You will be made happy. T and 25 cents a bottle., - E4 A Cowboy's Religion. , A converted cowboy once gave this veily eensible idea of what religion is : " Lots Of folks that would really like to do right think that serving the Lord means shoutih' themeelves hoarse praisin' His name. Now I'll tell you how I look at that. Pip worIL' here for Jim. Now, if I'd sit around the house here tellin' what a good &Row Jimh is and singin' songs to him, an gettin' up in the night to serenade him, I' be doin' like what lots of Christians do; but I ;wouldn't suit Jiin, and I'd get fixe Mighty quick.- But when- I buckle on m KIDNEY DISEASE FOR TEN YEARS. A Glen Miller Man's Terrible Trial. He Found a Cure at Last in Doan's Kidney Pills. Mr. P. 1\f. Burk, who is a well-known re:oaten ee Glen Miller, Hastings Co.; t t • , was afflicted with kidney trouble for 11.yeefe. ezo pleeeed is be at having found in .1),-;1):‘; Eidney• Pills a cure for his all - 111. which he had begun to think were i. that he -wrote the following tee, -• WI his ease so that others simi- 1: 1.e inev profit by his -experience: ; ir tee i tion :119 ivied with kidney trouble II•11 y!,;11'S anti have tried several "teeter received any real • -ortil I started toleing Doan's I :in, 'My bark used to constantly .1 en- urine was high eolored and leaky ioehino at times.. Since I have teeeine; the 1 h box (.,f. Doan's Kidney e1 ern hoppy to gate that I ftni not bothered vith backache at all and my urine is elleir as crystal. I feel confident thateliese pills are the best kidney specific in -the country. • straps and see that di and not suffer& for being off the ra,noh thieves, then I'm decal be served." 's herd is all right, water and food, or nd branded by cattle ' Jibe as he wants to Working Eight 'Heir laws are i less, little workers -Dr Pills. Millions are alw and day, curing Indi Constipation, Sick Ilea vertime. no ed by those tire. Ring's New Life ys, at work, night estion, Biliousness, ache a,nd all Stom- ach, Liver and Bowel troubles, Easy, pleasant, eaTe-, sure, nly 25c at Fear's drug store. No Prisons For Women. Austria is the one civilized country in the world whioh never puttee woman in prison. In toad of giving a female criminal so many m nths in jail, she is sent, no matter how te rible is her record, to one or the other of the convents devoted or the purpose and kept there during the tine for which she is seritenced. The convent is not a more prison in disguise, for its ciourtyard stands open all day long, the o ly bar to egress be- ing a man who acts a pbrter, just as in other convents. -Tit -Bi a. * Bucklen's Ar Ica Salve Has world-wide fane for marvellous °urea. It surpasses any other salve, lotion, ointment or balm for Cuts Corns, Burns, Boils, Sores, Felons, .1.71cers, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chapped Hands, Skin Eruptions ; Infallible fctr Palen Cure guar- anteed. Only 25c at Fear's drug store. ele -To test milk place a dr,6 on the finger- nail. If it stays there he milk is good ; if it- runs off like water do 'tse it. i -Eggs are best store i a cold place - about 50 to 60 degrees i be t -and with the large end down. 1 - -A pot that cannot oil over has been invented up a Berlin m oh elfin It has a perforated rim, throug wh eh the overflew. ing fluid returns to the pot • Get What Yo Ask For. When you elk for any of Dr. Chase's Remedies look for his portrait and eig ature on the box, other- wise you may get an imitatl n. l3aware of the drug - glob who tries to induce you o t ke something Bald to be " just as good." if h su, etitutes medicines he will subetitute drugs in restiriptien. Insist on getting what you ask for, an re ember that there are no femily remedies to b co pared to those cf pr. A. W. °hate, author of t e fatuous Receipe Book. 1 -To tell when a cake is dime test it with a broom straw ; if no dou h adheres it is ready to take from the oven. Another infallible test is listening. If t e ticking sound is Very faint or inaudible t is done. -M. Jacquet stated o a, meeting of the Paris Hospitals' Medi al Bociety that he had made inquiries int the personal hia- tories of the phthisioal patients under his care, and had found th t 16 out of 17 had been heavy drinkers foe- softie years before their first attack of tuberciiilosis. • For The PatriOtic Memory. The first flag of the United States had 13 stripes and 13 stars \n a ircle. This was p adopted June 14, 1777. ; ti remained un- changed for 17 yeare.i In 1749 it was pro- posed to add two addlional stars and two stripes, because of th admission of Ver- mont and Kentucky. IThiji continued to be the national flag for 231 years, and the battlee of the war of ]81218l4 were fought under it. On April, 5 1818, another change was made and it was decided that on,the admission Of a ne%v state one star slinuld be added and that the 15 stripes should be reduced to the °Nina! 13. The width of thorflag must 150 two-thirds of the length. The adding of the new star is to be done always on July i4, fdllowing the ad- mission of the state. : a A Fireman's Close Call. "1 stuck to my engine although every with pain," writes C. "i;'il.ellarny, a loco. 1 joint ached and every n rve was racked motive fireman -of litirlington, teem "1 was weak and p le, w tho4 any lappetite, and all run dow up, I got a bott af er taking it, m life." Wea . As I was about to give o of Electric Bittees, and, felt aa well as 1, ever did in , sickly, inn down people al aye gain ne life, strength add vigor from their use Try them. Satisfaction guaranted by I. V, Fear, druggist, Seaforth. Price 50 cents. • 011ie Gives GhastlY Warning. Mrs. 011ie Royce in the Philippsburg Dispatoh " Girls, never marry a poli- tician ; he will: forsake you for the cam- paign; he willkiss the babies of every other woman in the distrIlet and spend all the money trying to get office for himielf or some ungrateful friend. You will either learn to talk polities or findi the flow of con- versation limited to one side* the house ; you must smileon all alike,46 just and unjust; you most learn to rata year hus- band's unworthiness and oonspiracy in his enemy's paper .Without one extra beat of the hart and with it faith that can't be shaken; if you can't do this, don't marry a poli- tician." 1 A Surprise to Everybody. The promptness with whic's Dr, °haunt Kidn 3. Liver Pills regulate sod Invigorate the anion or the kidneys, liver and bowel,, 19 a surpriee to everybody. They aro the people'e favorite eere for kidney dis- ease, liver oomplaint, indigestion and constipation. The sale of this great presceipt'ott Is simply enotr»• ous. One pill a dose, 26 cents a hex, all dealers. What China Loqks Like. In some parts of China the type of country made familiar to us by the famous willow - pattern plates may be recognized, says Mr. J. W. Robertson -Scott, in 1-41 The People of China." But China is so vast that the picture of one province is altogether different froin 'the picture of another. Landscape, language habits and characiter may be alto- gether data:Aber kind. A quarter of a million of square miles of China are covered with a fide, friable yellow earth known as " loess," Ie often reaches to a great depth, and is exceedingly rich. Perhaps it is owing to Obi that yellow is the Chinese mourning color. Generally epeaking, the country has a very Old look, not, howev r, due to ruins, or; owing to the climate a d the nature of the buildings, there are riot iany dilapidated EttrIuncotuhrita. Pr.oper you ape enerally in sight of water and boats. The a poet of the coun- ry has been greatly alt red by human labor, nd has the effect of a hu e garden. The ads are tilled with he are usually be - towed on our flower ga dente Nothing hat cannerve as a fertilize is wasted. In he 'spring chimneys and kitchen walls are tilled down, so that the hILl eoot-covered Mud slabs may be powderpd down for the stimulation of the crops. Rows of stones take the place of -hedge roWri, fences and walls. Where the country is rocky "tiny crops ar obtained from patches of soil no lar er loin a bathing t wel." Poultry is kept to ti peat extent, and artificial incubation of gg3(as well as of fieh spawn) has been pra tiseel for e'enturies. i Most of the roads ar s neglected and -i become so deepened by ra Iic and rain that there is a saying that in housend years a read becomes a river, The bridges and templeit are beautiful. The houses, nearly all 01 w ich are of only one storey, are built of liof4 blue bricks or n-sud slabs on a foundation cf stone.. - I Streets in cities are .aid, and are very i - 'Phis signature is on ever oh of the genuine 'Laxative Brom-1 inine Tablets e remedy that cures ei in one daa- Get Rid of it. If you have catarrh, why . don't you try to get rid of it? - The first thing you know it will go down into your lungs or stomach and cause serious trouble. You should use Vapo-Cresolene at (ince. The cure is so easy and so pleasant. You put some Cresolene in the vapor- Jzer, light the lamp beneath and breathe -in the vapor while sleeping, that's all. The healing, soothing vapor, goes all up through the nose, quieting inflammation and restoring the part to a Vapo-res Ilene is s )1d by druggists every here. healthy condition. Doctors prescri e it. C. 1 A Vapo-Cresolene outfit, inchididg the Vaporizerand i Lamp, which slimild lest a life -time, and a britt,ie of Crosolene, complete, Sep; extra supplies of CrPSO. I Ilene 25 cents and ocents Illustrated leesklet c tain- ; i ng nitysicians' tesiimcmials free epee r. wear. Vee0-- 1Ce1tsoeitee Co, is(' Felton St., New Yolk 1.;.S.A. 1 Reeommended and sold by I. V. Fear, Druggist, Seaforth. Inarrow. In them the barber, chiro ndist and car -cleaner, broken dish riveter, book hawker, and "Punch and Judy" prop ietor ply their callings. The shops are w'thout fronts, but put up horizontol shutt rs at night. The better-olass shops compar well with the best in Bond. street and Regent Street, London. - The windows of private houses d4 not look out on the street, but upon the ourt. yard. The furniture is always entr mely simple, and generally books, drawings and ecrolls of writing are the prineipal fea urea. The Chinaman feels bewildered when he enters the elaborately furnished apartments of Europeans. , • Had to Conquor or Die. "I was -just about gone," writes Rosa Richardson, of Lsurel Springs, "1 had Consumption so bad that the doctors said I could not live more t month, but I began to use Dr. King's Discovery, and was wholly cured by bottles, and aro now stout and well." an unrivalled Iive-saver in Consum Pneumonia, Le, Orippe, and Bronehit fallible for Coughs Colds, Asthma, Fever, Croup or Whooping Cough. anteed bottles ,`50e and $1.00. Trial b free at Fear's irug store. Mrs. . C., best MI a New even tion, 8, in - Hay uar- ttles -The Breeders' Gazette says that a bull which was purchased in England for $ .000, for importation into the United States!, was n arty killed ' by the application of the t berculin teat at Garfield Station. r The United States vetetinary officer in ciarge oil the ease admitted that the bulil was siker than any animal he had ever seen w ich still eecaped death. Still that bull h d no tuberculosis, and was releasedl after t e application of the test, Of the Seven bad imported at the same time a this p rticular bull, all but one was ser °ally inured by the applicatidn, and one eifer lo t her calf. • Itching, Burning, Creep rig, • rawlIng Skin Diseases relieved in a few nutes by Agnew's Ointment. Dr. A w's Ontment relieves instantly, and cures ' etter, S It Rheum, Scald Head, Eczema, Ulcers, B etches, and all Eruptions of the Skin. It is s othing and quieting and acts like magic n all B iby Humors, Irritation of the Scalp or hes d ing teething time. 35 eents a box. -:7 For sale by I. V. Fea.6, Seaforth. • . -American Holsteins eontinue to Make S Q e marvelous records. , S. Hoxie, euper- in endent of advanced registry, reports a H latein heifer an one: year and nine m nths making nine pounds, ten ounces of b tter in seven drive A two-year-old :made ni e pounds, thirteen ounces; and one just u der two years made ten pounds, 'eight o men One a little over three made nine- te n pounds, Nur ounces; one just nder ei ht almost twentynne pounds, an one Rearing ten years of age twenty' three polunds. Faulty Kidneys. -Have you ack- he ? Do you feel drowsy? Do your lijnbs feel heavy? Have you fre uent h adaches Have you failing vi ion ? ave you dizzy feeling? Are yoi de - p essed ? Is your skin dry? Have ,ou a ti ed feeling? Any of these signs prove ki ney disease. Exnerience has proved that uth American Kidney Cure never fails. -6 For sale by I. V. Fear, Seaforth; -Mr. David Smeaton, of London, n- ee tly received a letter from his father who re ides in England, and the latter. referring ca welly to his being in his 82nd year, m ntions that he has lived during thelreign of tour Britieh sovereigns, viz, : George II ., George IV., William IV., and VT toria I. This is very interesting, coming as it d es at a time when the whole world m urns with us the lose of our b1oved Queen. Mr. Smeaton can now boatst of having lived during the reign of five ritish sovereigns. • P1111 Alonso.-ft stands to reaso that •r. Agnew's Little Liver Pills will rowd o t of the market many of the nauseous o el -timers. A better medicine at less -than h If the price is all the argument needed to k ep the demand what it has beenaaphe- n menal-eo doses ro cents. They cure 5 ck Headache, Biliousness, and ally all s omach irritations. -5 For sale by 1. V. Fear, Seaforth. -John S. Pearce, of London, made good eculatioilin hogs last fall., He bon ht 23 in November, paying $154.60. Reeen ly he sold 21 of these hogs for $235 60, !ceiling 2 st 11 in the pens. In the meantime he had fe1 these hogs a ton of shorts, thirty b shels of corn and some mangels, the bal- aiice of the rations being made up of skim ini lk. • Eat what you iike.-Giv the d gestive organs some work to do. rhese f nctions need exercise as much as an part o the human anatomy, but if they're deli - c te, give them theaid that Dr. Von tan's 1 ineapple Tablets afford and you cai eat a ything that's wholesome and pa1ataib1e- 6 in a box, 35 cents. -8 . For sale by I. V. Fear, Seaforth - 1 1 ,-King William IV. died on the 24h of J dne'18;37, but it was not until the tat of July following, that the news reachedCan- 'z ada, at which time Queen Victori had reigned 41 days. As the Queen lay dying at her beautiful home in the Isle of ight, hot week, the people of Canada., a d, in- deed, almost every civilized communi y, re- ceived every few rpinutes with meth choly and regretful interest the intelligence f her slowly sinking 4ondmtion. What a revo lution electricity and the Atlantic cab e has effected in the i tercourse of moder hu - inanity ! One t uch of electricity, in cir- cumstances like those affecting the fatal illness of our beloved Sovereign, has i3deed brought, the whole world lute kinship. 5 Doctor th.e Horses. Mr. Tiisieas Thorepeent Roland, Manitoba, writes; " My husband woulse nct he without ITaetar l'e Oil ib the heuse ;as he eeee it a good . al for deetorini up the 1tT1, and ccneiders it spl sndidel Price 25.i. ' --ese • All kinds of Couelee and Colds, Broaabitis, beep- ing Cough, Mae in the Chest, Wheezing, Hoarse ness, Sore Throat anti Asthma, yield to th Lung healing properties of Dr: Wood's Norway Pin Syrup Sick With Worms. Mr eit J. D. Mayo, South Stukely, P. Q., wrote -the fallowang : "Ono of my children took sick with wpm, and, after trying everything without getting reticle we piocured Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup, which Dated promptly and effectually." i, The undereigned i • e• 1 !1 the Ogilvie refilling .1 stse . i 1 the well-known reined' to eer the head and Fettle the (stomach than M ibu;In'S Sterling Headache Po esters. nice los. -and 26e. at all dealers, - ---es -- -. • ew---- -- ..a,x i Li ver Pills are a positive cure for sick Head- aehe, illousness, Constipation, Dyspepela, and all stromaCh and liver complainte. They neither gripe, wiaken nor sicken, Price 25c. at all dealers. 'Seaford' Mills: Aftler a night with " the boys" the:, is no better , Neuralgia. f, 1 hlad been suffering about six months with Neu- ralgia When I stated taking Milburn's Rheumatic Pills. They did me more good than any medicine I evtr us d. Mrs. Annie Ryan, Sand Point, N.& AN11111•1111=111=611111=121=11 SOUTH HURON Farmers' Institute MEETINGS. ---- Wetings of the South Huron Farmers' Institute -will beheld At the following places on the dates named, when addresees will be delivered by the speakers and °lathe abbjeets named below. , 1 SEAFORTH. On Tuesday, February oth, 1901, in the , Town Hall. r H. Glendenning., Manilla, "The Hog and xport Bapon Trade." Mrs, J. L. Smith, Whitby, " Women'. In Mutes, ani aim" object anaim " James McEwing, Di yton, "Why and bow to underdrain." EVENING M ETING.-Adciresses by H. Glendenning, " Farm- er' Fr tit and Vegetable Gard -e." Mrs. J. L. Smith, "4. Talk on Domestic Economy." Janice MoEwing, "(oin1ng Probleme." VARNA. Wednesday, February Oth, in the Township Hall: lOn 1 H lendenning, "The, hog and expert bacon tr de; " cultivation of corn for the elle." Mrs. J. I, 3 )mifh, " The boy who stays on the farm " James If Ewis gr, " Maintainine fertility in soil," EVENING MEETING. -}I. Glendenning, " The farmer's fruit and vegetable gerden." Mire. J. L. Stnith, '• In and about the farm house." James McEwing, "Some thlings boys should be taught." i ItENSALL. On • Thursday February, 7th, in Scott's e r Hall. I 1 M. Glendenning, " Feeds and feeding." Mrs. J. L. Smith, " Farmers' wives and dauehters ; their de- lights, 1 dutlea and die oara.gereents." James Mo. Ea1ne,11 '' dystematie nutmeg." EVENING. -11. Gkindebning. "The farmer.? fruit and vegetable gar- den." 'Mrs. J. L. Smith, " Our grandmothers' days and way's." James MeEwing, ' Soma things boys should be taught." 1 ' 1 .ELIMVILLE. On Friday, February 8th, in the Town- ship Hall. . Glendenning, " Cult'vation of corn for the eflo. Mrs. J., L. Smith, "In and about the term home." TA C3 McEwing, "Mistakes made in farming." EVE- NING.e-H. Glendenning, "The fartneee fruit and vegetalle garden." Mrs. J. L. Smith, " The food we eat; an ite preparation." James McEwing, " The gospel iof home inlieence." 1 DASHWOOD. Oa Saturday, February 9th, in Moaer's Hall. II. Giendeuning, " Poultry for the exput trade." Mr.. J. L Smith, " The boy who etsys toe the farm." Js es MoEwing, " Why snd how to underdrain." EVENING. -II. Glendenning, "The firmer's fruit an vegetable garden," blre. J. L. Smith, "The dare and ways of our grandmOthers." James Mo. Ewlng, " Some th'egs boys should learn." On Ti.iesday, FeSbaruiParKA yl'h'th, in Ifannan's i r Hall. r - H. Glendenning, "rho hog and export bacon trade. Mr . J. L. Smith, " Farmers' wives and daughters their dutier, delights and discouragem nts." James ; Mo wing, " Maintaining the fertility of the soil." EVEN NG. -H. Glendenning, "The armor's fruit I andyeI; etable garden." hire. J. L. Smith, " A com- mon s nse talk to young farmers and their wives." Janfes MeEwing, " The gospel of home influenee." At each of the afternoon meetings addressee will &lilt beteghivoein the l00&1 eveningnlin e n. eetlegs the pro ramme wilt be varied by 'ooil and instrumental tom c, The afternoon meetings commence at 1:30 p. ns., and the evening meeting at 7:31 All are cordially invited, and ladles wilt be made specialty welcome at the afternoon as well as the evening meetings. . S. A. MOFFATT, President RO BERT8 e ()Fe arAerRtgzuDr hyl i aN, ER, r P. O. 1727.3 SIGN , OF THE 4- Es CIPCULAR SAW 0 5 CD - CD CD Plo CSQ p•-• • )-• • CD Ft' (t. t -t1 w oeLd rg-s PiD et - .2•2 • A ca r°1 1• =1; ta's en • Jema4 t° tr' t) •Ti 1:5 ct tr." cr, cr SEAFORTH DYE WORKS LadieS and gentlemen, thanking you all for patt patronage and now that a new eeasen is at hand witth to let you know that I am still in the busfnese, ready to do my beet to give you every Benefaction in doing .our werk In the line of eleaning and tiveieg getieletet Ws and ladies' clothing, done aieneet, being ripied as well a8 to have thew ripped. All wool goods fri aranteed to glee gocd satisfaction on short- est ;nett e. Shawls, curtain, etc., atmoderate prittee Picase do not fail to kive me a call.' Butter and egs taken ir„exehange for work, HENRY NI HO , opposite tbo Laundry, north Main street. 109141 having purchased frorn Company, of Mont reel, Seaforth Flour Mills, Are naw prepared to do all kinds of Custom Works . . TO WHICH , . . Special Attention will be Given. The very best qualityof Your given in 3xchange for wheat. Chopping of all kinds done on the short st notice. Price, five cents per bag. The best brands of Flour alwaya on hand, nd will be delivered in any part of the own free of eharge. The highest price in cash paid for all inds of grain, Feed of all kinds constantly on hand. The Seaforth Milliner Co. 1689 efore Using. The populatity of FEAR'S "T'SfAigas Is growit°y, with the farmers, because ofthe satisfaction it gives. The sales of it this year are away ahead of any before. Its the cheapest and best horse medicine' made -three pounds for 50; :and the dose a tea- spoonful. To be had at 1FEAR'S Drug Store, &aJortk After - Using. SOFT ELM LOGS WANTED. The undereigned is prepared to pay $9 per thousand-, board measure,, For an unlimited quantity of No. 1 Sole Elm Logs, delivered at the Brucefield Saw and Stave Loss to be eut 11, 13 and 16 feet in length. Will also buy timber by measurement, or lby bulk, in bush. 117204f WILLIAM AMENT, Seaforth P.O THE SEAFORTH Musical* Instrumeni EMPORIUM. ESTABLISHED, 1873. 14110•11.1•11eMMININI, Owing to bard time, we have con - eluded to sell Pianos and yrgans at ,Greatly Reduced, Price& Organs at $25 and Upwards, an4 Pianos at corresponding pries. See us before purchasing. SCOTT i PFOS rhe MCEiIIOp Mu lig Fin, Insurance Cora any. FARM ' AND ISOLATED TO PROPERTY ONLY INSURED Fraser, J. B. MeLeanz PreellClalerint, Kippen P. 0. ; Thonieti 0 railer'viee-prestelent, Bruceffeid Pj. 0_,..„. ' Thomas E. Hays, 13eoy-Troas., Seaforth Pis. 0, . 11 W. G. Broedi fleet, Inapeotor oi Lomas, Seaforth P. n valsoro W.G. Broadfoot, Seaforth; John G. Grieve, WI throp ; George. Dale, Seaforth ; ;John flennewele, Dublin 1 James Event-, Beeehwoled ; John Watt, Thirlock • Thomas Fraser, Brucelield ; John E. Me, Lean, Reppen ; James ACeann. onn011y, C thton Robt. Stelth, Hisrlook; Robt. M Milian, Seaforth 4, me, Cumming Egmontiv e; 3. , Yee, Ilolmetst vildleitP.80.; George ,Sturdie and J hn C. iforrisor34 suor ieir respective pest 'Alan. Partin deelrons to effeot In anus , Or *rata* r i other busines0 will be 83rompti &tie' : ad to p oil !leafiest: to any of the above oll an, • reeed 11 McLEOD'IS System Ren vator .-AND tYTHER TESTED - REMEDIES. A epecific and antidote for Impure, Weak and Ina poverished 13lood4 Dyepepeta, .8 eepleuneee, Palpate Con of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neurelgia, Loa j 01 Memory, Bronchitis, Constamption, 0-11 Seoness Jaundice, Kieney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitale' &nee, Female Ireegularleies and General Debility. 1 LABORA.TORTe-Goderich, Onterio. , i . M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Kann] 1 faeturer. ' 1 Sold ,by J.,i S. Ror.r.R.T.4, f5eaforth. 1-tt i , I I .--- erton: Stock Farm, , LOT 27, CON'C'ESSION q, HIBI3ERT 1 Thoroughbred Durh.aan Cows, Heifers and Bulls o the most fashionable strains for sale ✓ asonable prices. Pc' uflee address, D VII) HILL i Staffa, 1661-1f