The Huron Expositor, 1900-12-28, Page 8t• .e , 7 8 Lr Til 1 HURON EXPOSITOR e DECEMBER 28, 1900 A FEW HINTS FOR XMAS GIFTS. • TO BE IIAD AT PAI?8T'St BOOKSTORE At prices -not equalled by any other store. STERLINt NOVELTIES STERLING TABLEWARE RICH CUT GLASS EBONV GOODS SILVERWARE FINE CHINA FANCY LAMPS BRASS AND ONYX TABLES FANCY JARDINERS LEATHER GOODS FINE PURSES BIBLES AND PRAYER BOOKS FINF BOUND BOOKS FANCY CALENDARS PHOTO ALBUMS GAMES TOYS DOLLS Good stook of above and of many other linee. SPECIAL Ask to eee our SPECIAL 25c -and 50c - TABLES of China and Fancy Goods. Many bargains to be found there. -7kEir1.1AttEll PAPST'S BOOKSTORE, SEAFORTH. DOMINION BANK. CAPITAL (Paid Up), - $1,600,000. REST, - - $1,500,000. SEAFORTH BRANCH, Main Street, SOaforth. A General an kin lEiusiness trans- acted. rarrnere' Sale Mites collected, and advances made op same at lowest rates. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe.' SAVINGS D E PART M ENT. nterest Allowed on deposits of One Dollar and upwards. R. S. HAYS, W. K. PEARCE, Solicitor Manager. • Grand Trunk Railway Xmas. And New Year's Holidayea Round trip tickets will be ieeued at Single Fare for Christmas going 22nd, 23rd, 24th and 25th, valid to return on or before 26th. Or for fare and a third you have from the 21st until the 27th, inclusive. The same rates and limits apply to New. Years also. Teachers and pupils have the usual fare and a third going December 8th to 31st return- ing -on or before January 20eh. Excursion and other tickets always issued the previolui clay for mealy trains. W. SOMERVILLE gent Commercial Building, SEAFORTH. 1646 W. N• WATSON'S AGENCY. NORTH MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. DEALgR IN —FIRST CLASS SEWING MACHINES— RAYMOND AND WHITE Also sewing machine parts, supplies, noodles, at- tachmente and oil. -A-11 kinds of sewing machines repaired promptly, charges reaaonable. General. Fire and Life Ineurance Agent. Only snit class companies reprceentod, Agent IA' the Toronto General Truets Corporation. Money advanced on farm and town property, at low rtes of intereat, and charges low. 1\T... W-ALITIS o 1\1--, NORTH MAIN 8T., SEAFORTH, 1630 XMAS. GIFTS. Why be carried away by fine printed eisee.loguee when atCounter's, the old reli- able headquarters for Chriatmas gifts, you will find the real thing, A fine and well selected etock of Watches, Clocks, Diamond and other gem rings. Solid gold brooches, pendants, stick pine set with real pearls, eterling eilYeranovelties, gold and gold filled epeeteteles and eye glasses, purse's, brushes and combs. All goods sold by us engraved fee of ehterge. Counter's Jewelry Establishment, SEAFORTH. W. R. COCNTER, - - - Manager. IF YOU CANNOT DISTRICT MA IRS; • Slit *WM (t5 pooitot MORE OLD Bootee, —Our 41d friend, Mr, •Charles McClelland, of Bel rave, sends in the following : "1 have b en very much interested in your notice of softie very old books in this week's Ex °sewn, whicb caused me to examine som old books I have. I find one by joeeph Mede, B. D., ' Discourses on Scripture te te,' which was published in -1652. There re some others very old, but, unfortunately, the dates of publication have been oblit rated." • TRAVELLERS.—In additi n to the usual holiday travel, which wa comparatively light this year, tho followin were ticketed to the more distant points by W. Somer- ville, uptown agent of the Grand 'Trunk railway. I Mr. and Mrs. Ilavid MeLaugh- lin, MoKillop, to Port Per y ; Mr; 8. G. -Stone, to Sault Ste. Marie ; Mr. G: F. Rogers, to Brookville; Mrs E. Latimer, to -Sarnia ; Mr. James Lonna, to Saginaw ; Mr. Cowan, to Chicagb ; r. Wm. Camp- bell, MeKillop, to - Bad xe, Michigan ; Mrs. Riordan, to Saginaw ;1 Master l Robert Dickson, Walton, to Toledo Ohio.; Mr. Wm. Moran, to Atlanta, Toledo, ; Mr. i Frank Lennon, to Detroi `; Gerdon Mc- Dowell, Tuckeremith, an Wm. Mont- gomery, Hullett, to Gravealhuret. • WEDDING BELLS . —One of those happy e.vents that always cause a Iripple of excite- ment, took place at MacOr, gor, Manitoba, on vecember 12th. The - o casion was the -marriage of Miss Margaret ittle, of Mac- Gregor, Manitoba, and forro rly of Harpur- hey, to Mr. James W. Brie ou, of Welling- ton. The ceremony Was p rf rmed at 11 a. m., by Rev. A. Chisholm • the presence of a number of relatives of iie eontracting parties. The bride was bedomingly attired in navy blue rusell cord,i trimmed with cream silk, and was giv n away by her brother Walter, and aseiste by her sistea, Miss Jennie, while Mr. Se1,. uel Little acted as best man. The -beet wishes of their many friends go with them to thei new home. , • COUNTY Conseil, NOMINATION.—The nominations for county cou ml division No. 5 took place in the town hal, Seaforth, on Monday last, Mr. A. G. 8 illie, returning officer, presiding. There w a a fair repre- sentation of the electors f the diviaion present, but as there was n vital issue to discuss, the -proceedings ere somewhat tame. The following no inations vaere made : , John McLean, Tuckersmith ; Thomas E. Hays, Seaforth Peter McKay and Wm. Doig, Tuckers ith ; Bernard O'Connell, McKillope and B. B. Gunn, Sea - forth. Messrs. Doig iind 0 nn withdrew, and the contest his' likely to be between Messrs. O'Connell, McKay, ays and Mc- Lean. The last named two have been the representatives for the pa.t four years, The nominations closed, M . Smillie wee appointed chairman; and the several candi- dates and their movers and seconders ad- dressed the meeting, the -H use of Refuge and the county bridges b ing the maip subjects touched Upon, as in eed, these are about the only matters the plenty coancil now has to deal with. The election will take place on the same day ais the o0eer municipal eleotions. • CHRISTMAS MEATS.—The butchers of 'ea - forth made excellent display of Christmas meats, while they had the•r stores nicely decorated with evergreens, etc. Mr. Fred P. Gales had three hne heifer fed by Mr. Joseph Dorrance, of MoKillop ; one heifer fed by Mr. RObert Scott, of Tuckeremithe and another fed by Mr. Jam a Datling, of McKillop. He had several e cellent lamba, which were fed by Mr. Ted C se, while the hogs were fed by Mr. Dexter,j of near Con- stance. Mr. Thomas Shilling, aw, of Tuck. smith, supplied him with the fine turkeys he had on display.—Kennedy Brothers had an extra fine heifer fed b Mr. Thohnes Ryan, of Hibbert, and o e ' each from Messrs, Frank Maher,of McK llop ; Thorna,s Shillinglaw, of Tuckersmit , and Frank McConnell, of Dublin, They were all fine animals:I The lambe were fed by Messrs. Joseph Krauskopf and James IRyan, of Alc- Killop S while they had 50 xtra turk,eys from Mr. James Cameron, ofj Tuekersmith, and 50 from Mr. Donald Mcl innon, of ithe same township. The hogs were fine young _ones, fed specially by themselves, with the exception of one extra good o e, purchased from Mr. Abram Crieh, of eaforth.—Mr. James Gilohriet, who recently purchased the businese of Messrs. Chesney &Robb, despite the disadvantage of having' jtist, got started in business; had a good dieplay, of which three fine heifers were fed by Mr. Daniel Ross, of McKillop, while he ;had an excel- lent assortment of turkeys, ptm irchased fro Mr. Robert McKinley, of the Huron Road. possibly arrange to spend the Winter Term in our College, froth January 2nd, do the next beet thing and take a Practical Course By Mail. After several months' preparation we are now able to offer first-class instruc- tion in Boakdreeping and Businese,,Forms, Permanehip, Shorthand, Etc., by Mail. From a reliable school , with eleven regular teachers and a good reputation for honest work you may expect good results. Write for nerticulare. Central Business College, TORONTO, W. II.' SHAW, Principal. venee and Gerrard sta., Toronto. 1686-52 OPTICAL GOODS _ How about a ;it of spectacles for a Xmise preaaant to some of your friends who may need them. Vou can pur- ehase them now and after Xmas we will examine their eyes and change glatieefi free of charge. DALYTi ANDI- tE Oj T IECLALZ1 R SEAFORTH- Winter Term Opens Jan. 2, 1901. "27 tames STRATFORD, ONTARIO. The demand made upon us during the last es , three years by business colleges for our gra- to Egniondvillbrother, Mr . George E . eand in company with Jackson, started; in his duates to take positions as teachers in their ; eehoals, has been exactlysix times the supplybusiness there, and for mapy years they Surely this is convincing proof that our work ! carried on a very successfull and extensive is of the sassy highest grade. Our students mercantile and tanning huffiness and the are highly suecessful in getting good posi- firm of G. & H. Jackson was one of the hest. Mona with broil:mole firms. ,Write for hand. I known in these parte for many years, About sixteen years ago this firm was diseolved, norne eata/ogae. SV. AT, ELLIOTT, Principal. and the business has since becn carried on by 4414-62. Mr, George Jaekeon, the .deceased continu- lit:ATI( Or MR. TIEOMAS 11011,—Mr, Thos. Roo passed away .at his tesidl-ce, on North Main street, at 2:45 Christm a Day. Mr. Roe had been Suffering for about a week from indigestion, but neither the doctor nor his family apprehended any: it mediate dan- ger. He was down town as a ual on Mon- day, and.sat up with hiefamil all the early pert of the next day, though uffering with severe pains in the stomach, ad ehen, witim out a moment's warning, slip ed away to his heavenly hem°, the imme late cause of his death being hemorrhage of the brain. He was talking to his wife just a moment be- fore, and the next inetant he- yeas not, for God took him. He will be g featly missed, especially by his family, and he church of which he has been a coneiseany member since early manhood—nearly all of !that _time oc- cupying the position of locat preacher and class leader—missed, but to the gladest Christmastide of a leaves a wife and step-claught im has come 1 his life. He r, Miss M bel Howell, in the _home ; two 1 sons, Hector and Egerton, on farms in D oKillop, and three daughters, one of' thern in Manitoba: Mr. Roe came to Canada fro n Ireland; in' 1849, when he was 19 years o- age, and set - the township a fine farm. p, where he remained for about 18 year. About six years ago, deeiding to retire from the more active duties of life, he came to. reside -in Seaforth, and has been. a releidents of this town ever since.. The remains wore taken to Bruseels for interment on hursdayar • DEATH (.1..` Ala, Ilesitv citizens were surprised and day last to learn of the deat Jackson, of Egenondville, which occurred on that morning. Very few 1 ad previopsly heard of his illness. He had been suffriring, from what was supposed to b a severe ,cold, and was confitsed to the hou e most of the time fora week. But on Thursday he felt fio much better -that he ea le down Own. On Friday he was prostrated with an attack of Milammation of the bowels and from which he never recovered, althougl his case was not considered serious until i aturday. Mr. Jackson was 60 years of age ' He was born in Dublin, Ireland, and was the third son of ilf.i the late Alexander decker) When pine years of ago he came to thi 'country, end with the other members of the family Het. tled on the lake shore, God rich township, • near Bayfield. About 40 ye rs ago he came keg in the wholesale liquor business. He leaves a widow and family of fve sons and two daughters. He was a eh ewd business man, and his affable and genial manner, combined with a strong sense of business re- aititude, secured him the confidence and re- spect of all with whom he came in contact, and ene.bled him to leave a liberal compet- ency for his family. He will be much missed in this community, where he was so well and highly respected, and his death will be deeply regretted by very many outside of hie own family circle. Cm very enoug try et • ' LISTMAS.—Christmas day passed over quietly. Although, thei e was not h snow for sleighing, still it was win - a and the steady fall of he beautiful saved ua from a green Christmas, and made thinge-look about as t day. Although a n bf themffie cheap fares to v 1 hoe the erawas vious years. In the ey should do on that mber took advantage sit friends away or at ot as heavy as in pre- orning the curlers en- joyed the first game : f the season, while in the afiternoon and eve lug the skaters had their innings.. In th� afternoon the band was Present to enliven the fun. Special Christmas services wee held in St. Thomas' and St. James' 'Shure es. TH WATER. BABIE..—The 'lecture deliv- ere on -Friday vening last, under the es of the Colleg ate Inatitt te, by Pro - Clarke, of Tr 'lily Colle e, Toronto, ered I 'wept feasor was ell -attended, and was a delight to all who heard it. The Subject was Kingsley's Water Babiefe." allegory, illustrative trine of "doing as y and the advantages a tled on the 9th concession of of Grey, where he cleared up He then removed to MeKillo ecasoe.---eQur ained on Sun. Of Mr. Henry e treated this as an f the Christian doo. u would be done by," d pleasures rebutting from the practise of this doctrine in every day life, and he showed that t iis was the leading thought of the author in writing the book. The lecture *as intensely interest- ing and very instructive, and was delivered in a most pleasing and engagi 3g manner. The intereet elicited by this, the opening lecture of the ceurse, will be sure to attract even larger audiences to thoee that are to come. • EWIONDVILLE NOTES.—Ile a3nual school meeting was h and was atten31 or so of ratepa retiring trust() years.—IVIesere are home ape week.—Mr. Jo spent his Chris Beattie'e. He nesday to resu Boland, who has returned of Breitlaw, wa calling on old quaintances. ld on Wednesday morning ed by the usua. half -doze's era Mr. David Moore'the , was Fe -elected for three John and Frank Jackson ding their vacations this eph Collie, jr.'of London, mas holidays at Mr. John returned to London on Wed - e his work.—Mr. James as working in Woodstock,' orneMr. James Wright, in our village last week friends and renewing ac - To THE FAT emns.---;Kennedy Bros. pay the highest cash Hoes for hides,reheep skins, tallow and fowl,1717-tt Accounts for, 1900 &re now ready for those desiring thorn, 8 Mullet ric Co., Scat rh. 1724-1 Choice roll butter 0c; dried apples and fo vl wanted. 11.w furs anted, No. _ blink or Fox 33.00. G. E. King, Win ham. - 1723-tt All books m et be returned to the Sea - forth Library by t e last Saturday in the old year, under penalty of '1: fine, So as to allow book a to be arranged for the ew Year. 1723-2 • lien- FUeRS. Highest cash price for raw furs at Jaek,n's annery, Egmondvil e. women who expe t to 'attend a fIrstrclass commer- mie7n2laxn4d BUSINESS C LLEGE.—All young cial echool shoul write, to the Central Business College, Stratfor , for a catalogue This insti- tution is not exc Iled in Canada for strictly h,gh grade work. Th s present Is a favorable time to enter. . 1715-11 BARGAIN.— , brand new mede-to-order Portland outtor r sale.REID & Wir.Sos, Hardware Merehants, Set& th. 171911 Scores of tuines Colleges have ap- plied to tho Contr 1 Business College Stratford, for graduates to ta o poeitions as tea° Jere, in tho:r sehools. This irely Is strong evidence that the Central Buelnes College enjoys a oontinental reputation for tho oughness. 171641 TIIE .FLETC [ER METILOD-- Mires Dobel Is now prepared tC receive music pupil', in theFletch. er music method. Apply at Mrs, W. D. Bright's, Seaforth. eteeei -tio r Teacher wanted to ea as substitu three months in January Seaforth Public School. Duties to commence on 3rd, 1901. Apply to Wm. Ballantyne, Secretary, Seaforth. 1724-1 " • CORPORAL B THUNE'S RETURY.—Corporal Bethune, son o Dr. Bethune, who has been serving in So th Africa, arrived home at six o'clock on ,Wednesday evening. He was met at the train by his frith° and other friends, and, led by the band, they were driven to the town hall, whe e the mayor welcomed the returned soldier, nd in a' few worda Corporal Bethune thanke the people for their reception. Mr. Bethu e haa been in sixteen engagements and ha come home without a scratch. A liberal a m has' been subscribed by the citizens, and it is the in- tention of the committee w 0 have the matter he charge; to show the ppreciation of the people in a substantial manner, as each of our soldiers return. A the request of Corporal Bethune, the reeept on on Wed- nesday evening was of as sim le a form as possible. - • LOCAL BRIEPS.—Mr. - Cherie of Willoworoft, Bruce county, the Christmas holidays with fri mondville and Tuckersmith age Mr.: Upshall was a prize this vicinity and was a winn prizes at the matches which use —During the holiday season bueinese-here has been exceed Mr. Somerville, Canadian ex informs us that it was the heavi here, and covered some eayri Chrietmes instead of the day b _previous years —Misses August Pickard are heime from Toro holidays.—The other day Mr. manager of the Dominion Bank • letter from a. gentleman in States, stating that he had s EXPOSITOR that Mr. Pearce h pointed resident agent for Sant incloeing a ,cheque, together tions how the rnoney was to be Pearce, although somewhat sur new duties pieced upon his sh cubed the oominission to a James MoNabe of Harrieton, mas al the home of his father MeNab.—Messrs. John and Di son are home from the States f his studies at Trinity ac urt df Maces is n 4 • • ' ho se with irifiamma M sere. 8. A. Dickson D. McLeod, all rm mber ball club, Seale t , lef St. Louis, where tibey p te m, having been( ohos ount of their a perm e.—The-orow in was a record bre in far and near to p plies, and Or mere of trade they have 's slid there were a that day as h re re. A. W. lea tis4 Columbia, h , Mrs. A. , YOung, s. Aleasdell is cco o a student t Mh Another of uro the person of r. at end, Tucker mit land :on Satnr ay o id his share to m hociaest man an a w n e found it. We e additional partio ea ed next week.— theKincardine' eleo rls mas with he pa Rid, •Mill road, id s a colleague of o rdine, and has a r and Mrs. 1). Le ew days with the Cr e, of towz, on is visitin fri rs. J. L, mit Christmes vsith y.—The Hare Cardno la all as a decided so i oe prevents our all and dining or ted with the er was a good atte pl from out of O music was furnis ac fa as fr su ru It on Br te al. in te an th gi de of S. Ki a Jo an ep 00 he in ed de pe or of lit 8. re pl pr re fo SC an ev di ot g es Mas and fo i in vi le nt nt di ep liege, Toronto, on w confined to the. ory rheumatism,— John Jackson and of the, Huron foot - on Thursday, for ay with the Berlin OE by that team on proficiency in the town on Saturday ker. People °erne rohase their holiday ants had the largest ad for many years. many people in town reon last shove day. ell, of Fort Steel, O visiting her els- and other friends. periled- by her- son, 'ill College, Moritte- • honored pioneers, mes Oriel), of the passed to the bet - last week. He was rthy, useful citizen, ke this world better hope to be able to lace concerning the r. Alexander Reid, ic light works, spent ante, Mr. and Mrs. Tuokersmith. Mr. Mr. A4 Ingram in good position there. is, of Bluevale, spent atter's sister, Mrs. is week.—Mrs. D. 3.ds in London.—Mr.. , of New Hamburg, riends in town and ' reunion aiisembly, n Wednesday even - 1 suocess'but limit- oing justice to it. ooms were prettily olore of the club.. dance, a number of t wn being present. d by the Imperial Irs, Harry Jeffrey, istmas with Mr. and d Mrs. Gibb and as in Berlin.—Mr. is employees at his ight. One of the h evening was the Ilett of a handsome Mr. and Mrs. John a geville to spend the 1 ft here on Monday here he hopes to e.—The Sabbath n church will have i. mentrthis (Friday) e invited. In ad - y the children and of St. Thomas, a ill give a recital.— n d from New York d ta receive mils !etcher method.— Z rich, and his, son, vile, Michigan, were , isiting Mrs. George f Mr. Steinbach.— f New York, is here d sisten—Mise Fow- s till very ill.—Mr. o, Ohio, is spending a e, visiting his father friends.—The music church at the morn- oes on Christmas Day, • reflected the highest he taa.—Mr, and W nkham, apent C e. . Borten —,Dr. 1 le son spent hris M nett entert inee. Id nee on Chrietma as nt event e Pf t se tation to Mr. U ol ing officeloh-air. g have gone to Or lid ye . —M riin Sone 1 . 8 ult Ste. rie, ke his futuzie ho o 1 of the Pee byteri in eresting en ert pi g, to which all to to a progr mm er , Mies JOhnson of Miss Mo aul oble bee retu is now prepar straotion id th . D. Steinba li of . Steinbach, f Ric to n on Thueeda ld4vin, dau hter as Nettie E lag, it i e her r puthy, moheer a lHa m. Kelioe'of ole ays' holiday he f mily and 4the d red in St. J me a d evening erv s specially fin, an di an all camoisrne fe and re in or Upshall, s spending nds ia lilg Some years lowman in ✓ of many to beheld. he express ngly brisk. ress agent, et 9n tecord previoas to fore, lts in and Edna to for the r. K. Pearce, received a he western en in TILE d been ,ap- Claus, and ith instruce pent, Mr. rised at the alders, ems- • icety.1—M r. ent Christ - Mr. John ark Patter - r. the hrist- mas holidays.—During the rpsh a the poet office on Saturday some on& passed an aluminum tea check for a 10 oe 1 pied°. It is just about the size, but in v lue is, only worth one cent on the purchae of &bother pound of this ,tea.—A fine bi Newfound- land dog, belonging to Dr. M sGinnis, was truck by it special train, whi h was pass- ing through on Saturday, and illed. . The dog was a v luable one, and the - doctor deeply regret4 his removal t dogclom.— Mr. Gilts Kidd, of the Grand rank Rail- way offices, Niagara Falls, ape i t Christmas at home, —The Misses Bella. a d Jean Bat- lantyne are eriendingthe vacation at home. —Messrs. J. J. Ryan, of Port : uron, Tim Ryan, of Detroit, and Frank liaan,,of Sand- wich, are spending the Christ as holidays at the parent4l home in Me illop.—Mr. Wm. Moran, who has been member of THE EXPOSIT R staff for the pa t ten years, left on Wedn sday for Atlan a, Georgia. He has two brothers there, an he intends spending a couple of months with them, taking treatment for .his eyes, which have been defective for a long ti e. If the treatment is auccessful and e likes the country, he may remain tkere. He is a clever, steady young man an has many friends here Who will always b pleesed to learn of his suncess.—Mrs. Jame Little, of McGregor, Manitoba, and four •hildren are vieiting at the 31iome of Mrs. Li tie's mother, Mrs. A. StereY in-Tuokeremi 4 h.—We are sorry to hear lt4at Mr. Lloyd : odgins, son of Rev. J. W. odgine, who • ad to leave ru do a a 8 a fu eh se ca le 00 Or eh sh ce th fo fe te a st ITI a Di is . Mc illop. ntlirop c1-oripin and oider mill will 1 F ida and 8 tukday 1 eieh week. Good work o nd nod va1 1 e for y ur monoy. Chop1p712n4g5o ag. J hn W. were. x1 O E ERCI1k1NTS ever seem to know ou h to knoW that they don't know much ou advertising. 'MB E. McFaul Co., afdrt , is an .eiciepf on They seem un - le to write advert sertients that do the s he sell jtistice. Without doubt you u d irly fu a ,fro them if you would ee fr m the riolie t and best in coats, e me , coil rettes ruffe, muffs, gaunt - s, pto 1724 1 liE - ROU DATE —In our, report of the nail proceedings, last week, a mistake ; pt in in refe.eboe o the date of the nomi- time. - The repel. date is Monday next, me le r 31st, and e ery ratepayer . should ow hi intereat in t e affairs of the towne ip y ttendibg the no nination., NOTE .—A nionste so 1 elm tree was re - n4' c t dowp an t e arm of Mr. Thos. rude, n the 1,14th oncession, This tree s 29 f et in Mr um erenee, throe feet from O gro nd, an fifty feet up, below the kii, it girth:d 14 feet. It made three elve fpot log, besides having about eight t outoff the butt; it was a little rot- o at the eta p., . E oh of the lidibir made ood elm log.--I-Jos iva Dennison had a range experie cis th o :her morning. He s milking on of hi cows, when she kick - him. To c astise' dr he picked up the lking stool a di thr w it at the animal, d killed her —Mr. A Gardner's hired n had his hand t ke off at the wrist, th a straw o tter, •n aturday last, This the second a oiden the e in two years. A HIT TII ner 's not subj than the table way. How w ce new snow your supply? SOM time duri and from The klar ON1N Ot to any inen, W uld y u 1 o .01 li Ifi y g th m IDIcFaul lAndre worki cured a e ore, Se y ung ma new u ✓ for a b oha, has la aive9 i is E:ita N TES.—Mr spent the sum Cam role, has e son MoInnie a p in taking BUM SS in hi Cooer,1 travel e pany ii Manb f iends and r short ti o Will am Ga diner, of ing rel tires 'n this vi Haeknly and arnily at of Mis Bru e and Vl Bla oh rd. on Christmas ple , an time —Don't con 'ert to -nig t (Friday Misi 041e has u t retur eels ol of ora or , and ten will be well rend aasistee by other ta Fulton, who tasi been i tense, retiarrie I tahme on her Chilistinas holidays. • it Ra Aka: LOO e lo s ni els pri ti will b furl us arni we w part au! r. Lu Gibt n 1ros. J TT NOS,— ta sen1 the h ent 1 r of are MO Join Bra ick and Miss others. Since light pant ha er. T e mill source lIf pow e eared land a violent wind down te smo D mire. I, D. John Hjapfer with si knees represe t Wr xe r, in the county clean town hall here, on Was a large tsirbout tl u learn in evidence who has been One of - a couple of terms, in a neat, concise and businesslike speech, *eve an account of his stewardship, which, it is needless to say,has been entirely satisfactory to the electorate. Mr. B. Cook, of Fordwich, _followed in a short speech, and warmly recommended the re-election of Mr. Miller, and endorsed" his actions at the County Council in every par- ticular. Mr. Miller will be elected. /4.r. Samuel Ferguson, Mr. Wm. Weir and Mr. Andrew Doig, of Howiek, were also nomin- ated. All four are successful men in their - own lines of bueinese.—The Methodist social in the town hall, on Friday night last, was one of the beat, if not the best, Christmas tree entertainmenteever given in the village, and reflects the highest credit on those who were instrumental in getting it up. The musical and other performances of the chil- dren were unique and pretty, and in several instances great talent was displayed by the juniors. The pastor of the church, Rev. C. V. Lake, is doing a splendid work here. • , Uorrie. NOTES.—Mr. Joseph Ardell, son of Mo% George Ardell, returned to our village h week, after an absence of five years. Joe is an industrioue young man, and has suc- ceeded in the west.—Miss Jessie ,'IsloLaugh- lin,- assistant teacher at Londesboro is spending her holidays at her home.—kies Mabel Campbell passed the professional ex- amination for third-class certificate at the Clinton Model.—Mrs. -Guyer, of Port El- gin, is visiting her uncle, Mr. John B. Campbell.—Mesere. Robert and Samuel Greer, of Toronto, are spending their hell- daya with their mother, Mrs. Samuel Greer. --z-Mesers. Walter and iferman Evans, sons of Mr. John Evans, are viating their parents in our village.—Miss Mary Turner, of Clin- ton, was the guest of Mies Mabel Campbell from Thursday till Monday of thisweek.— Mrs.-Wright, of Hensall, is spending Christ- mas with her daughter, Mrs. Nelson Mt- Laughlin.—Mr. Robert Coad,of Trowbridge, was in town on Monday.—The thaw of last week took away the sleighing.—Mr. Wm. Bennet, of Grey, has bought,from Mr. David Sanderson'the house and lot at present oc- cupied by Mr. George E. McKee, principal of our school. • Hills Green. The store that was literally crammed with useful, elegant things for men and for women presents a different appearance to- day. The Xmas trade played havoc with the catchy novelties, yet The E. McFaul (Jo., Seaforth, have many things left to in- terest you, and the quality of the goods need not be queetioned if they come from their store1724-1. A SUCCESSFUL STUDENT. —The many friends of Mr. Robert F. Stelck, of this place, will be pleased to hear that he was successful at the Clinton Model school ; also that at the last July examination he not only got senior leaving Part IL as was published in the papers at, that time, but also got senior leaving Part I. This gives him first class standing. This is pretty good, taking into consideration that he Is only 18 years of age. Well done, Rob, climb up higher. HAPPENINGS.—Mr. Charles Sheffer, of Michigan, has, for the past tew weeks, been visiting friends in this vicinity.—Mr. John McAllister had a rousing wood bee last week. In the evening 'about 100 guests assembled and the night was spent in danc- ing. The evening was most pleasantly spent.—Mr. Andrew Keine is home for the Christmas holidays.—Mr. Levi Stack and family are spending their Christmas holi- days with Mr. John Smith, of Zurich.— Mr. Thomas Jarrott, principal of Court - right public school, is home for his holidays. —The football match, on Christmas morn- ing, between Hay and Stanley, was well up to the mark. Notwithstanding the fact that the wind was blowing a. hurricane, the game went swiftly on, and resulted in a victory for Stanley, the score being 2 to 1.—There was a happy family reunion at Mrs. J. Jar- rott's on Christmas day. ar. WAY.—Your din - sharper criticism are all made that ke to secure some er., and replenish ish to do so, buy •nth of January, Co., Seaforth, 1724-1 Campbell, who • g for Mr. Thomas osition in Richard-, forth. Andrew is • and we wish him dertaking.--Peter •ot and shoe corn - returned to visit this vicinity for a ardiner, daughter anitolea, is visit- inity.—Mrs. Jphn nded the wedding illiam Pringle, of day and report a orget Miss Cole's ) in the public hall. ed from a Detroit cndoubt her selee• red. She will be ent.—Miss Emma Stratford for some Monday to spend, Wrox sr. -s-We ar in the market for le ior roller for which the highest paid. B ing thorn in fast and 11 kustr,ntt satisfaction in every iber, lath nd shingles on hand, 1722 -ti rpong those who have come ohday ee I E G. of T urine 'o t e 1 b en r w go of Sa e tac Fors nd.T. atFmp te LID re a er son under the par - Brown, of Ottawa; route ; Mr. Freder- 1, of Detroit, and thaw, the electric ing by water pow - is not the steady efore the days of ment drains.—The ba h night last blew the woollen mill.— John Rutherford, •son, jr., are laid up 801 t.—Nominatiorse to H wick and Tureherry il, took place in the on ay lest, and there wth oonsiderablel en - r. Robert Milller, he representativesfor a th • Leadbury. COLD WEATIIER SUITS.—We are " enit- ere" for men and boys when they're after ready-to-wear clothing. We begin the good work with a boy's suit at $1.50, and give dozens of chances for satisfaction before we quit with our best man's suit at $12. Almost any step between these prices Claims a worthy suit. The E. McFaul Co., Sea - forth. 1724-1 NOTES.—Mr, Lockhart has expressed his intention of retiring from the reeveehip, and it is difficult to say who his successor will be,—Mies Susanna Moore, ot Toronto, is v'sitiegjher mother and sister and other rela- tives and friends in this rection at present. —Miss Rose Smith, who has been attending the Collegiate Institute at Seaforth, is home for the holidiye.—Miss Edith Gray has gone to visit her grand -parents and ether re- latives and friends at Sarepta,—Mr. Madill, of Bay City, Michigan, accompanied by his sister'have been visiting at the residence of Mr: James Hilton. The gentleman and lady referred to are a brother and sister of Mrs. HIllen.—Miss McLeod, of Seaforth, has been re-engaged to teach the school in section 9, McKillop, at an increase in sal- ary.—Our Grit friends still continue to crow over the late elections, and when the unfortunate Tories think they are through, the other fellows break out in a fresh place. The funniest chap is the Wroxeter corres- pondent, who appears to be almost tickled to death. time. Mr. and We. Upshall have the faculty of knowing how to make all feel at home.—Mr. Thomas McGregor, who has been in Manitoba the past summer, with his nephew, Mr, Thomas McGregor, has return- ed to our village, Mr. McGregor prefers spending the winter months in Ontario.— Another Christmas has come and gone, and while theia would be joy and merriment in many horaies, till in many homes there would be the silent voice and the vacant chair.—Mies Jennie Anderson, of London, is spending the holidays at her home.—Our merchants report a goced Christmas trade. They are always up-to-date, which accounts for the good trade done.—The Lord's Sup- per will be observed in St, Andrew's church on the firet Sabbath in January, the first Sabbath of the 20th century. Kippeu. D. Hay, Commissioner, Conveyancer, wills, mort- gages and deeds drawn up. Money loaned at the owed rates of interest. 1669 John ISIoNevin of the Kippen mill is mak- ing business hum again. He is prepared to do all kinds of custom work, inaluding chopping, cheap and quick. The very best family flour always on hand for sale or exchange. Remember the old favorite. John McNevin. 17124f LADIES' ATTENTION.—We have a large stock of the famous Genet Stamped Mats on hand. We want a quantity of poultry, dried apples and honey yet. Ilighest market prices paid at the Poet Office Store, Kippen. John Balfour. 1723-2 NOTES.—Anniversary services will be held in St. Andrew's church on the 271h and 28th of January. Rev. Mr. Larkin, of Sea - forth, will conduct the services on Sabbath morning and evening, and on Monday even- ing an old time tea meeting will be held.— George Taylor, who has been under the weather for SOMO days is improving.—Rev. and Mre. McKibben, Of Strathroy, who were spending a pleasant visit with friends here, have returned home.—MasterGordon Gauld, with his brother Harvey, are spending holi- days with their grandmother, Mrs. Gauld, of London.—Among those noticed home for Christmas dinner with friends were Mr. John Thompson, of the Medical College, Toronto; Miss M. MeMordie, teacher, of London; Mr. John C. Media, of London ; Mr.' Stewart MoMordie, of Toronto; Mr. W. M. Doig and hie nephew, Alex. Doig, of Detroit; Miss M. McGregor, teacher, ot St. Joseph; Mr. Albert Taylor, of Petrolie ; Miss Emma Ivison, of Brigton ; Miss Retta Upehall, of Port Elgin.—On Christ- mas evening a number of invited guests assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Forsyth, to celebrate the wooden wed- ding of the worthy boat and hosteee. Mr. and Mrs, Forsyth did all in their power to provide an enjoyable time for their guests, and that they succeeded was manifestly shown by all. At a late hour the happy gathering dispersed, all wishing Mr. and Mrs. Forsyth many more yearb of wedded happiness.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Upshall, of Port Elgin are paying a visit to friends here.Mis. Elgin, and daughter, of Clin- ton, are guests at the home of Mr. James McDougall.—Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Upthall, of the village, on Christmari day entertained a family gathering, consisting of their sons and sons-in-law, with their wives and the grand children. All spent an enjoyable Brussels. NOTES.—The nomination for county conn - °Hors for Brussels, Grey and Morris, was held in the town hall, on Monday, and the old members, W. H. Kerr and James Bowe - man were re-elected by accalamation.— There is some talk of a run in the village municipal elections.—Sleighing is first class in Bruesels.—The town people will celebrate the home -coming of Leon Jackson, who will arrive home Friday evening from South Africa, where he has been in active service. — J. N. Gordon, of the Standard Bank, is holidaying in Toronto.—The familyof James Sharp has returned home.—Lewis Jackson, wife and family, of Teterboro, spent Christ- mas with Walter Jackson.—Jonathan Kit- chen, of Brantford, ate his Christmas dinner with George Howe.—W. Lowry, of Lon- don, speut Christmas in Brussele.—James Thomson, of Montreal, is holidaying with his parents this week.—George Levy, of Brussels, visited his wife and family in Exe- ter, for Christmas. • 'Brucefield. B. R. HIGGINS, Brucefield, Notary Public Conveyancer, Fire and Life Insurance agent. Any amount of money to loan at 5 per cent., on first-class farm security. Mortgages drawn and money ad- vanced free of expense to the borrower. Also a limited amount of private funds at 5 per cent. AT home every morning and Wednesday of each week. Several 'freed farms for sale. 157 CHRISTMAS VISITORS.—Mr. and Mrs. Yellowlees'of Bowmanville, spent the Christmas holidays at the home of Mr. and Mre. Duncan MeDinald.—Mies Edith Sewers, who has been teaching in Red Bay, is spending the Christmas at her home here. — Miss Flo E. Chrysler, of Okmondville, is spending Christmas at her home here.— Mies S. Moore, of Palmerston, is holidaying at here home here.—Mr. Will Stevenson, of Windsor, spent Christmas at the home of Rev. and Mrs, Sawers.—Mrs. Laird and son Johnnie, of Clinton, were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong on Christmas.— Messrs. Charles Sawere and Walter Baird,- ofClinton Collegiate, are spending Christ- man at their respective homes.—Meesre, John and Duncan Aikenhead, ot London, spent Christmas at their home here.—Mr. Arthur Ketohen' who has, been attedding the AgriculturalCollege, Guelph, is home again. Grey. STATISTICAL. —The total receipts for the township of Grey for the current year amounted to $13,884, less $922 balance car- ried over froni last year. The taxes collect- ed for the year amount to $10,130, and at the time the statement was made up there were still about $4,500 in taxes to collect. The principal items of expenditure were as follows : Roads and bridges'$2,122; drains and ditches, $630 ; gravel, $569 ; charity, $102; schools $2,325; debentures and con - pone, $2,129; aid to wire fences, $84; sal- aries and fees, $812; county rates, $1,500. The assets amounting to $7,562, are made up as follows : Uncollected taxes $4,571 ; bal- ance cash on hand, $1,741 ; township hall, $1,000; road grader, $250. The liabilities are $6,055 and are made up as follows : County rate for 1900, $2,264; balance due schools, $3,204; government drains rental, $507 ; collectors' salaries, $80. The follow- ing are the amounts paii the severed schools: Section No. 3, $384; No. 4, $353; No. 6, $323 ; No. 11, 584;$Union No. 3, Wallace and Grey, $135 ; Union No. 16, Howick and Grey, $146. • Stanley. SCHOOL EXAMINATION AND ENTERTAIN- MENT.—Friday, December 218t, was certain- ly a gala day for school section No. 10, and will not soon be forgotten by those who had the pleasure of being present at the exer- cises on that date. No pains had been ?pared by Principal Baird and his assistant, Miss Mustard, to ensure suceerre. Both rooms were artistically decorated with ever- greens, artificial flowers, pictures, maple leaves, drawings, etc, The examination of the pupils cernmenced at one o'clock, and was conducted by the visiting teachers, G. Baird, sr., A, Scott, H. E. Fair, and ex - teachers, -R. Baird and P. Campbell, in the presence of many of the elder people of the reation. The manner in which the pupils answered showed a thorough knowledge of the subjects, and reflected great credit on themselves and their teachers. About 3:30 allcongregated in the principal's department, where a literary programme was rendered, consisting rf eingiug,recitations, etc., by the -children, and addresses by the telsobers and trustee's. After this programme all repaired to the assistant's room, where a sumptuous repast had been served by the ladies of the section and which was certainly enjoyed by all. is previously announced, a grand en- tertainment was given in the evening, and long before the appointed hour the school was packed to overflowing. Rev. E. H. Salvers occupied the chair, and a programme of some forty pieces was begun. The pupils contributed largely to the exercises, and, al- though all did exceedingly well, we would like to make special mention of the school choir'the singing of which is seldom equal- ed. Of the outeidere, little Mamie Sproat captivated the audience by her sweet sing- ing and lovely appearance, and was heartily encored each time. The duet of Misses Moffat and McKenzie, the solo of T. C. Del- gaty and the Music of the League Quartette were well received and brought encores each time. Lastly, but not by any mean i the least, we would mention the instrumentals of Mr. A. McKenzie and wile, who, in their first appearance, were accompanied by the Baird brothers. Proceeds amounted to over $32. • Bayfield.. F. A. -Edwards extends best wishes o his friends and customers for a happy and prosperous New ',ear, thanks them for their patronage during the past and solicits a continuance of the Inoue. Commence the new century on the pay SO you go plan and you will never regret It. 1724-1 BLOWS.—The English church Christmas tree entertainment, on Friday evening of last week, was a decided success. The pro- gramme was varied, the hall was crowded to the doors, and everybody was happy.— Dr. Woods is improving his houee by the addition of a handsome portico.—Mrs. John Rathwell haa gone to spend Christmas with friends in Detroit.—Miss Addle Bothwell goes to Toronto to take a course of study at Iltavergall Hall Ladies' College.—Mr. and Mrs. J. Frazer spent Christmas at Luck- now.—The many friends of Mr. John Whid- don will be plea_eed to know that he is able to be around again, after about ten weeks of illness. The members of Mr. Whiddon's family, who were down with fever, are re- covering nicely.—Kenneth Moorehouse is home for Christrnine—Mr. Ed. Sellers is also visiting his parents at present.—Mr. and Mrs. A. Eety, late of Bluevale, are guests at the River House.—Mr. D. Gardner spent Christmas and part of the week at his home i in Clinton.—E. Sellers arrived home from Detroit last *eek.—Mrs. Riley, of Raine, Wisconsin, is the guest of Mrs. Sellere.— I Wm. Sanderson and E. Weeton, who have • spent the summer at Owen Sound, arrived COUNT ON THIS, SURE PRICES shall be at least as tow here as any where else in town. DECEMBER DAYS We've already swung fairly into the stream of holiday selling. The surge and rush will soon be on. We have planned to have things whirling fast as paddle wheels to keep the departments from getting flooded with anxious buy- ers. WHY have we brought this store and the stooks into the grandest condition of fitness and completeness that -they have ever known for the holiday trade? BECAUSE each year's lessons have been to us as stepping atones to better doing, to hieher achievements, to broader, more liberal trading in every branch of our business, OUR, GOODS They're the beet that money -can buy, we've proved that. An OXILMinalli071 of our shelves and tables will soon con- vince you that our holiday offerings in- clude no "hard stock." We know our trade appreciates new, fresh geode, that makes us overly anxious. LINENS There isn't a housewife within reach of the people's popular store that hasn't reason to be interested in its linen show- ing. We've the best linen store and would be doing poor store keeping if we didn't sell linens beat. Linen is linen at thcis store, no tow, no trash, no poor eott n admixtures. Our table linens napkins, tea cloths, towels, etc., are the hese. RCHIEFS HANDK Which had,I better take? We listen to this repeatedly. That's the one sorrow of having so many handkerchiefs, A whirlwind of styles, the patterns are prettier, the designs neater, the prices less than yor expect. -Visit our Store Christmas week and you'll step into Handkerch ef land. We could give you handk-erchi4if talk from one copper to one hundre cents. FUR RU FS We've any variety of fur coats, caper- ines, collarettes, eto., but will just make mentien of the ruffs, We have them by the dozen made from the most popular km a of fur. We sell a few as low as 75a each, but for quality and style in ruff at $3.50, $4.50, $5,50 and $6 50, no sI re discounts this. Why, we have sable ruffs in price as high as $16.50 No trouble to select a ruff whether yo want a cheap or more ex- pensive one. JACKETS In looking through the jacket 4ock many attractive coats caught our eye - A worthy Otte is marked $4.75, fawn color, light pearl buttons, silk lined. A black co t, rough cloth, black saik lapels with silk braid trimming, is a, -- beauty at 6.50. The higher priced coats 'speak for themselves and a look at the $5.001one Convinces. WHEN -READ, come. Don't keep put- - ting off. Y u're going to do some De - ()ember buyi gs you're going to remem- ber your fiends andwe would also have you reil ember that the choice eel - lection of 0 rietmas fancies is with the E. McFaul )ry Goods Co. -14 •-l-1-1-1-1-4-1-1-la • E. Dry C s The . . eF AUL Goods Co. eatest Cask - Dry Goods Store. home last week. Mr. John McLeod arrived home from Mu koka, for the Christmas holiday*, on Monday.—J. G. Stanbury, barrister, of Exeter, spent Christmas at his home here.—Mr. and Mrs. Jennings, of Parkhill, were guests at the rectory last week.—Friday evening, January 4th, has been selected forithe annual ball and .upper by Court Bayfield, Independent Order of Foresters. Good music has been engaged, and no pains wilt be spared to make every- thing enjoyable I—Henry Mangey and George Howard left for Toronto on Monday morning, to take positions on the Grand Trunk Railway. -i -Rev. J. W. Andrews, of Verna, preached the annual missionary sers mon, itt the Met odist church, on Sunday evening last.—J mes and Nellie Haines, of Riversdale, open Christmas with their sis- ter, Mrs. H. Dr hmanitheaDr. Woods seems to have a great f ncy for good horsee, as he has purchased another ne driver from Lon- don. hisel Urst. DEATII OF A 1000» AN.—Many of our readers will regret to 1 arn of the death of Mr. Donald Me an, vhich took place on Friday last, at he ree denee of his brother Mr. John MeLe n, on be 12th concession hi Tuckeramith. 4r. Me ean had been very ill about four w eks wi h typhoid fever, and it was hoped he would eoover from the at- tack, but be tock a turn for the worse a few days previous to his death, and passed peacefully awafr as tated. Mr. McLean was nearly 40 ears of age. He was .na- tive of Tuokersnith, b ing a on of the late Duncan McLean. He was never married. He had beer, for several years an elder in the Chisellaurst Presbyterian church, and was siiperinteudent of the Sabbath school. Although quiee and un- assuming, he was a valuable citizen and was erteemed by all; who knew him for his many good qualities of head and heart. His early wdehmerte ihsea hdaisd4lareetsidloes; to the community deeply regreeted by a Ivearylt hlaiargleifeAra-ented oil; friends. The remains were laid to rest in Brucefield cemetery en Wednesday, Rey,. Mr. M artin, of Exeter officiating. + _ • - --, • - • - a