The Huron Expositor, 1900-09-28, Page 3E' Children - any pre - ore ((Ames xt ere t a it LO the er.lidren. Igen *Pe brtii SEPTEMBER 28 1,900 „ Does I No Py to IMPORTANT NOTICES. zVITANTED.-Weavers and any good woollen mill V help. Families preferred. Steady work and . good wages CANADA WOOLLEN MAW, Lim- ited, Reveler. 'i 1709 4 I es. A e MII.L-The TuakersmIth chiersemill is in CiDER running order again and is prepared to grind any afternoon. Also copper kettle to rent out or will boil apple butter for people it required, Charges moderate. ROGER PEPPER. 1710 3 "CIARM TO RENT. --Being Lot 4, Concession 8, J Mullett, consieting of 1C0 acres, Ai good fall wheat farm. Will be rented on reasonable terms to a good tenant. For further partioulars apply to MRS. JOSEPH MARTIN, Constance le 0., 1700-tf RENT. -One hundred acre.farm, 96 screechier. pO ed and under tultivation ,• 60 acres in grass, 7 acres In fall wheat; eltuated hall mile eat of Blue. vale, 4 mien emit of Wingham ; sell, clay loam and rich ; fall wht at averaged 40 'millets per acre this season. J. J. DENMAN, Proprietor, Box 18. Blue - vale. . _ 1710-3 TORN MAWR, Clerk I the Second Division ej Goan, County Commissioner, of Enron, Con- veyancer, rand, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds i wetted end to Loan. Office -Oyer Sharp & L vela store, Main Area, &Worth, 1289 TO RENT -A firtteolass •farm to rent, Lot FARM No. 7, on the 2nd Conceselon of Mullett, con- taining 100 'tarn, about 00 acres cleared • no stone or privet, only first-olsos soil, and well adapted for 2rops; large barn and ether outbuildings; a large frame steble for hopes and cattle, and a comfort- able hones and five acres of good bearing orchard ; ten acres of . fell wheat it. is situated five ranee from Feafortb, thmearne from Clinton, 100 rods from A school, le miles from Alma church, ei- miles from Kinburn, and parties wishing to take it can get the privilege of workirg right away on it. For further plateaars. apply on the premises. FRANCIS KETTLE. 170941 TEACHERS WANTED MEACHER WANTED.-Applicatione will be re. I ceived up to October the 20th, for a teacher for echool Section No, 1, Morris; duties to commence January 8rd, 11/01. Addrese, etating salary, to eNDREW LA1DLAW, Blyth P. 0., Out. 171Cx4 MEAGHER WANTED, -Wanted, for School Sec - 1. Hon No. 2, MeKil op, a mete or fema's teacher, holding aecond or third-class certificate Duties te commence January Iet, 1901. Appli- cations, stating salary and goring references, will be received by the undersigned up to October Ilth. ROST. McELILOY, Eeeforth P. 0. 1709x4 - - t REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. TOR SALE. -Nine acres of land for sale, -being Lot 12, Conceesion 8, Hay. - There is a frame houeei and barn Wee email orcbard. Particulars apon sepplication. MRS. ROBERT KYDD, SR., urich. 1609 -ti - gigODERN HOUSE FOR SALE,-Soltd brick, nine In Tome, furnace and bath room, elegant lawns, ornameetal elude trees, large and small fruiter. rums easy. Apply to C. CLARKSON, ; roprietor rr to HENRY BEATTIE, Barriater, Ce y's Stook, eaforth. ‘ 170441 1SE4LND THREE ACRES FOR SALE. -The R0 underoigned offers.for sale his cottage in Hate yurhey with 3 acres of land in good state of Quitters. lon,pleeted with trult-and ornamental trees. There s A good stable on the place, with plenty of hard and oft water. Fences aro in good order. Tera are even rooms in the house which is good repailir. The !remises may be viewed at any time. JO EPH P. ItIlieE. 180541 c TALUABLE-PItOPERTY FOR SALE. -For trete in V the village tif Egmondville, the valueble and pleasantly located premieres of Hie undersigned. The set petty correlate of two aores of good lend, we 1 endued and (militated. There is A comfortable frame house, a goad stable, pig ren and other nee. emery outbuildings on the premlece, also hard and loft water. There are also 14 good fruit tierce, apples, ',Wren and pears; beeides °erne choice small frulte. _It N a meet desirable place for a retired far- mer oer u arket gardener, and will go cheap. Apply o WM. C. Clerk, Egmondeille. 109841 --.4 -----, el 001) FARM FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN IF ,X SOLD BEFORE FIRST OF NOVEUBER.- les farm la eituated In the County of Huron, town. 'hip of Stanley, beteg Lob 4, Conceselon 13. It eon. ains 80 acres, 10 acres of which le hardwood buy'', he balance Is all cleared and well fenced and under - [ rained. There is a good cemfortable ,dwelling rouse, a good bank barn and a frame straw oiled, a (rod well at the house and one at the barn and a 'ever falling creek runs through the back end of he farm. There le a fine orchard with all kinds of ruin Thia farm kr convenient to churches, schools, 4Arka, etc. For full particulars apply upen the !remises or adereser ROBERT P. DOUGLAS,. Box 13, lake P. 0. 1706-13 ?ARM FOR SALE. -For &ale, a choice fifty acre 1 farm In Tuckerernith, beirrie Lot 2, on the 13th oncessiou, Th. s choice farm has rre 80 rod frontage, t well feneftd and draired ; It N wetly all Heeded, nd le free from bad weeds, There le also a good et hard and a small buete On the premised le a poet rame heuse, conteining eight rooms, with rone eel- er and woodeired, and a now bank barn. There Id a ever-faillug opting at the house. It is within a water of a n fie of a vIllego, a here there aro hurelle3, peat t Mee, etore, dee and Is three and 4 ,alt miles from 110.041. For further partioulare, I ply on the prmulties, or addresa Chiselhirret P. 0. . K. EYRE. 1702 tf STOCK FOR SERVICE. 110 PIO BREEDERS. -The undereigned will keep ' a on Lot 20, Clones:melon 6, L. R. S. Tuckm-sneth, thoroughbred Cm:Km Witten PIG, also a thoroteste red YeeKeriiithe PIO. A limited number of trowe will et admitted to each. Totems, $1, payable at the time f service, or $1.60 if ohereed. Ale° a few Chester ehite PIge for eat°. JAMES GEMMILL 1803-52 r,A4W0E".1.11 BOA R FOR SALE AND FOR SER.', 1 VICE. -The underaigned will keep for eervlou, 1 the Brucenold JGOolla itacitory, a thoroufehbeed areeer_h Beer, el% re e. eeroci pedigree. Terms, l ; p ly ebbs at Leer el rervice with privilege of re. ming If neeeeeary. -itto) a number of thorough - red ,s-oimg Tantworth Beare and tiows for oak), MI MoCit KILN kJ , Betteofteld. 1406-t1 - A LIU PIONEERS. — — BROWN, LIM' Sid AueLIGneer ter the F1'0 I Certain of Huron and Perth. Ordtra left at i. M. Careple lee implement wareroonia, Seaforth, or 'llit E‘postrOtt )tiice, telt receive-I:ranee attcnt1on, attefactioagneerantecd or no charge. 768-tf A veruiNFERIN“.-- B. 8 -Phillips, Licensed 4 Cls. Areetiore sr for tire eountlee of Huron and 'crib.rra We g a te:eel f inner and thoroughly lnderaaretierg the value of farm stock and tropic- ients, elate K Ine in a be, ter position to realize good , dem Charges moderate. eatiefaction guaranteed ; r en pay. All ordure left at liensall post office or t Lot i3, tioneeetion 2, Hay, will be promptly -heeled to. 1009-tt — 2 0 STOCK FOR BALE. IIORTII0 EL): S FIL1?-LiALE. One cow and I two- ° 3 ear -old heifer, eupposete ts calve in October 1 yearling heihr, I later tale all good animals with regieterest pedigree. I aloi keep for et -refer; an im- proved Yorkshire L -oar, bred iron Toronto Swesp- stake %inner. A. O. /WILLIE Lteneall P. 0. 1807-tf AUGTIONaSAVES.1 UCTION SALE OF 45 STEERS AND 10 COWS.- -it Mr. Timmer!. Breen hris been inetructed to sell bv penile ate tion at eicelcrereller Stock Yard, Dublin on Mondey, Oetober lot, len at 1 oenock p. rn, sharp, the fo:lowire prepare.% , viz. ; Cattle -45 eteers, ell irOOd IstCt'kuls and feedere ; also 10 good cows and to -lege -re. The whole etock is all of the first (petite, nee the 'owe would do either for the dairy or for hretcline perroeep, The stock mu,t all be tield As lee pruprit ter. bee no place to e•inter them. Terme eTwelee mouths' cremt will be given 0i1aprottj&it macre • A diteount of 6 per curt writ (re elleveed for eater, JOHN McCONNELfe, pro- prietor; TILOS. DROWN, auctioneer. 1710-2 UCTION- SALE OF' THOROUGHBRED AND GRADE SToelv. Mr Thomao Brown has.been Instrueted to trell by public. auction, on Lot 11, Con. melon le Mullett, on Tueedity, October 2nd, 1000, at 1 o'cloek- 11. tn. Aare, the following property. Horsee-Oue geldin.c. 2 years old sired by Slander, 1 eucking-colt trrcd by Red Hero. Thormshbred cattle.-- Durharns--Clow 7 e eers old, Lady Mirror), by Prime .Minister (imp) Mgr (63194) darn, English Duchess - 2nd 21361 suppoeed to be in calf, 1 heifer 2 years old Hullettee-Beauty by %%demo 2I11i ateatt dein Lady Huron, eup)esed to be in calf, 1 bull calif 6 months old Huron Prinidefinieter by Shortreed's bull, dam Lady Huron, Hereford bull calf 8 month e old General Buller by Wonder 961, dani Lady Mocteland 1340. _ Grade Cattle 1 eow to cave in January, 2 fat coves, 2 cows supposed to Ise in calf, 10 steersletting three . year3 old, 22 steers rising two years old, 9 heifers rising thrto peen old, 7 heifers -rising two years old, 2 dry come 4-setring, craves, 1 lerge eroded sow sup. posed to be 1112 pig, 1 second heed Maxwell binder.. Lerninrcie-ntlAthi,e emirs of eni and under, cash; over that credit will lv given on furniehing sp. proved erne notes. A discount at the rete of 6e on the dotter allowed for earth an credit amounts, E. - FARNIIAJR, proprietor; THO$. BROWN, arm. Renter. 1710-2 APPLES APPLES thirty your aeries to make eider mill and have them made into delicious apple butter or Jelly, no peeling of apples to fill in requiredbring them alotig awribrioleeh.olJpgniH OinIINTILIlleili, Blake cider, apple butter 1710-tf 1 J THE HURON EXPOSITOR. ; THE CANADA :SUSI ES, ' COLLEGE CHATHAM, ON1 . , Is doing more for itr pupils than an school in Canada, in. perhapte then connote t, HOPI c n wo do th a ? them a noticel, n t a theme Moan businees life. Second -The buI noss ed that them is this vest differ° graduates of this school and t oso our go ill 8TY, ,Ist once the etrong demand for has enabled 280 to be planed I te•cen September, '1 9, and ten month:, The geod work Mayo been placed betWeen Jul 1 t of thle year. We give be cote t few, showirig-the_ntriety of ;resale) our graduat et ; I J. R. Summerfeldt, cache: R der Trenten N. J. . . C. Parkinson, term er Mon t i Clemons Business 1 University, hfount CI mens., Michiga• n , T. G. Stegmann, Bak of Mo Oval, Chethuri, Ont. Feed Cowan, Ontari Banc onnt "met, Opt., W. T. Butt, with Armour . Obboago, nr. M. N. Maxwell stenographer Detroit Lumber Co, Detroit, Mieb. Calvin Laird, alth iCana a yole & Motor Co., Wfreison tent . Rebutter are 'le test to a pl in deoldlog ae to which sehool a meet Worth o your patronage. We allow ra Ivory fairs to atu entit front a distance, provided it dote not exceed. . lOood board for hetes at $2 per week, and for g Title men 61.1.60. Our catalogue is so' owledeed to be one of the hendsom let is,ued bili any buelness school on the centime It is mut roe by addressing • 1.), MicLACHLAN & CO,, 1684 ; . Chatham Ont. i SpavinsP RilisgbonesrSpIlliats . . Curbs,, and All Forms of Lameness Yield te • , . • y other. business any other in the First -By giving preparation for Olio has learn- er) between the f othor colleges, raduates, 'which poaitione be - 1900, a period of pee on, and 72 and September be nam:s of a ie occupied by trainees College; Works thonsands of twos annually. Endorsed by the best breeders add horsemen everywhere. ?rite, $1; ids for $5. As Aliniment for (mon) use ft has no equal. , West. Lane, Onto's'. o, Can., Dec, 34. 1888. DR. 13. .1. KENDAIJI, CO. . Dear Sir,; -A year ago I had a valuable horse which 'got lame. I took hint to tho Veterinary Surgeon who pronounced it Occult fipstvin and gave me little hope, althesigh he applied sharp blister. This made matters only *Ors° and the hortie becanie HO lame that it could not stand up. After trying eve thing in toy power I wont to a neighbor and told him bout the COM. Hegave 7110 OTTO of your 3)1101114and d it carefully and be. Ing resolved to do the utmost in f vor of my beast, went to the neare'st drug 'dere and got bottle of your Swan Cure and applied it su etiy neeor, ing to direetIone Be- fore the first bwas ottleused I no iced an improvement, and when the iteventi bottle vit about half used,my horse wart complettly cured ar 'without leaving a bleinism h on hi,ifter erasing treatment 1 gave the horse good care arubdId some light Work with hlmrwish- fng te tree ff It had effected a eure, then started to work the horse hard and to iny entire satisfaction he never showed any more lameness throls it the whole summer. I Can recommend Kendall's Spa in Cure not only as an excellent, but am st sure remedy, o any one that It may concern. Youre truly, . Ald IJEL TRITTEN. Ask your druggist for Itendall ti ApavIn Cure, also d•A Treatise on the Illoree,” the book free, or addrette. OR, O. J. KENDALL COMPANY, ENCORING FALLS, -VT. SEAFORt1-1 DY E -WORKS Ladles and eentlemen, thankng you all for put petre nage and nt..w OM a new own. is at hand elith to :et ycu know thtt I am dill In the business, ready to do my best to give yo .;every aatiefaction theng your work in the line o cleening.and dyeing gt utletec fee and ladiete clothing, done without befog ripped as welters to have them ripped.Al] wool goode etrarant(Ted to give good atiefaction o 'h)rt• eet nc Hee. Stawle, curtairre, etc , at moderate p lees Pelee do not fall to Al e me a call. Butter tree eees taeen in exchange for work. HENRY NICHOL, God erich street oast, 'eposite the Cathnlic hutch. 1801-tfee The Old •Reliable Diarrliffla and D Remedy for ysentery, Grandma_ Mrs. Thos Sherlock, Alrn- Used It. FerMioyr,liOttlnet.g, rl, reoathenretleyywrrosteoft ag-e, was taken very ba with diarrhoea, and we thought we were oing to lose her,, when I remembered that y grandmother always used Dr. Fiewier's Extrztaf Wild Strawberry, and often' sal that It saved her life. 1 got a battle and geee it -to my child, and after the third cliose he begap to get • better and slept well! thatlInight. She Ern. proved right along and 'was soon coma letely cured,' D, flicNA13, C. E., ONTARIO LAND litlyEvoR, EATOIITH - P. 0, Engineerfor Wingha-n, Seaforth, . Egio _ , Oen) nt Siticrwalke, ewesSand Township 'brains willtneteiven; speca1 at elation. At Queen's Hotel, . 1093-tf ------"--7----H-4-- Fig over a year we tree had the sale') ler the sale 01 INDAPO. Our first order, Warr for 4i quer er el a dozen, our last for One Hundred and Forty -I ur Lo tars north. YR EINNEDIlidap Made' a well Man of e:1 ItIDAPO • TILE GREAT HINDOO R MEDY rnonvt,Es Tut, ABOVE , Rest, Us In 30 (Lowe. . outset ttil Nervous Di)'eesee. FAiliu g Memory . Paresis, Sleeplessnems, N 3 gh tly Ernie-, dons, Uhl., caused' by past a uttes,1 Orem vigor and size to ebrunkenrgang, and quickly but wi surely restores L. t ,Ma7ahood in ld or young. Entrileenrried i0 vest pocket. Prece $1.00 a package, Six for $'5.00 with a written ittz raxxteo to ouro or ntoney refunded. DON'T UITY AN I ITATION, but insist oti having IN.DAPO. If your d uggil, has not got it, we wil I send it prepaid. • IlINDOO enmity CO;.; Prem.., Chic go, 111. or our Agents. . This meld increaei proves it is a eme y thet everyone who tries it epeaks well of; Yours rcspcthully, 1 , I V. FEAR. Seaforth. Ont. i McLEOD'S System iReno' -AND OTHER -- TES -TED -REMEDIES ator A apafliand antidote for Immoi poverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sloaploe Won of th Hoorn Liver Coutplaipt, of Memery, Btonchttise Consuniptio Jaundice, Stoney and ;Urinary Dive Dance, Female Inegulereeles and Gan LAB01AT0ILY-Goda.ri0h, Onterio. J ajVf McLEOP, "roprie.tor , facturerr-L':-: Sold' by J. S. 11%01514i:1..147Se 160141 ask in4 Im ens, Pa pats. aural& Loss , Gall tines, es, fit. hum eat Debility. and IvIanu forth. NOT PARTICULA The Poleen to Wan Too unary to ilia Cont:iff fy. A crowd ": t);•1 con':rd ,rates WOIT awe pea; ! wori-e, lase ngit when one of liken role '!ie ;Ile: "Once or te, -..-1 riking tgores in the armies- et tie, .wost was G -!neral John Magruth,r, C. 6. A. He was what might be called a 'Murat' oe a man, for in the hardest tittles 'Prince John' could always show a natty uniform, and he always went into battle, 'the soldierei said, with enough fuss and feathers to have march- ed dosVn a dozen Men. It-evas evidently his determination to alie not only with his boots on, but -with all his good clothes ' as well. A,dded to his love of dress was a fondness for good *eating that led him to every promising home near a camping ground.' .1 one occasion, with his staff, he rode up to a haudsome, old fashioned home in Tennessee, and .With his meet courtly bow and gallant manner: hinted that f,00d Would, net be unacceptable to famished soldiers. The womaneof the mansion bade them eater, and haetily sent servants running hither and thither -- to pre -vide a meal for such handsome and gallant soldiers. I , "About the time the .dinner was'weigh- leg- down the table and jut before the officers had been invited to enter the diuirigroom a poor privet., Nth° in peace would have been stykd ,a gentleman, sneaked up to the back door and .begged a bite to eat. . • "The hospitable hostess'absolutely ig- tweet of military etiquette, told him' to 'con`, in immediately; .that dinner was just on the table.' • "'The oflicerse General Magruder and the rest, are just getting ready Os eat,' she said. 'You are in nice Wee "Had he not *been so fitingty the pri- ;ate might have run on the spot., but hunger conquers all fears, and he quick- ly followed his hostess into the 'dining room, determined to snatch .-81- few bites and run before he could be sent to the guardliguse. • "The officers had not entered. The private sligped into a seat and began a savage attack on the food efore him. Chicken, ham and everything in sight and reachAvere seized by the hungry eol- edier. When 'Prince John' and the staff -Came in, he expected nothing lees than death. "The dm' opened, and with the hostess on :his arm G'.eneral Magruder entered. -the dining room. The staff was close behind. , "In a moment the general saw the pa-. vete. - - "'What are you doing there?' thunder- ed the officer. - . "The private sent half e corn pone to join the chicken he had just swallowed, ,and reached for a piece of ham. He was -too busy to talk. , "General' Megrnder strode up An his splendid uniform and touched the dirty gray coated:figure sitting coinposedly at the table. • , " aSirrah, do you now with whom you are to eat?' "The soldieepever leaked up. Ho only grunted out between bites: 'Don't -know -don't care. Was a time *ore° when I was mighty particular. All that gone now. Too hungry-elllieg to eat with anybody.' "He was llowed to finish his meal." • Important' Temtimeziy Omitted. An ex -justice of the peace tells the fol- io:wing story: During thetime he was in office a young man- was brought up be- fore Iihn on the charge of gamhling. The eviden.ce was conclusive, and the fudge imposed a fine, which was paid onethe spot. When the ease adjourned,' the de- fendant remained behind and asked the judge' for a few moments' conversation. , "The case is over," he began, "and the ' fine has been Paid and It's settled as far ns thatgoes, but I want to tell yon how It happened. You see, the cop told us if we didn't stop playing he'd run us in. Well, we were- playing a jack pot. I had an ace, three ‘queens end a king before the draw: Idiseardcdthe ace and king and dreW ,another queen. There were • good' hands • out against me, and they tried to bluff me ,out find 1 staid with them. Now, what I want to know is what you would have done in a case like that?"___1 "Staid Ihvitig them' if the gallows ho been in sight!" cried the exc.ted fuclgel "Why inTihe name of canmon sense Wa8 not that evidence hroneht out at the trial 7" 1 - i • Ito War* the Carpenter. . The great sculptor Chantrey eommene- ed his career as a journeymat carpenter, iii c.onnection With- which fact there is an odd story told. One day whi11i inspecting i a coxily vase in the hotiee of • ie wealthy peat Rogers' he asked, with a smile, who ' Made the table on which the curio stood. 'fOurionsly, enough," eaid Rogers, "it was not made by a cabinet anther, but by a common carpenter," . Chantrey milted, "Did you see it made?" and Rogers, supposing the query to 'be one, of incredulity, replied poSitiVely; "Certainly. I was in the room while the map finished it with the ahhitsel,---and I gave hipi instructions in placing it." Chaf4rey laughed and said: "You did. I re3t-10(11)er flint neeall the, circuit; stencils' perfectly well." ' .''You!"-* excle lined the poet. "Yes," said Chantrey quiet?'. e carpenter." th "I was Guarded by .A village constable, patrolling his beat, was one day surPrised to see the front gate of a cottage tenanted by an old Indy flanked on .each side by a mouse impeis- oned in a penny. trap. Seeing the old lady peering cautiously fl'OLYI an upper Window", the constable called her attention to the mcrisetraps. "Yes, I know," she repliee. "I got Blobb's boy to put 'em there. The ele- phant 'as escaped from the menagerie In the town an I'm mortial afeared o' the 'monster cOmin about tny )0115e. I 'ad the t»ice put there to frighten 'im off, ICOR I've livered that elephantare orful frightened of enice."-London _Answers, ; Not Gone For Good. Seadda-What's .become of year pretty typewriter? Treydee-She and the bookkeeper both left me very srichkely. Scadder-For good? Traydee---No "For befler, for worse," I believe. -Phi adelphia Press. "I believe," "In giving, you adeice whenev deesn't cost y l'It costs pot raid the wise It Costs. aidlthe well meaning man, • frIeud a little wholesome r the occasion arises. It n anything." your friend very often," an -Philadelphia Press. _ MARRIA 4, E LICENSES I SUED AT •THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE, 1 8/31AFO ONTARIO. 1410 WIT ESSES . REQUIRED. 1 IHE SEAFORTH •/11.21•1•41... 0/11/..../.0,/•••, • SAW , AND . . Chopping R L. CLARK Having purchased from Mr. Josiah Watson the Seaforth Saw Mills, has placed in the mill A new and im_proved Grain Crusher And is prepared to. erush grain on e the shortest notice, sealer 5e g bag. Give us a trial. I .R. L !CLARK C4th. 88641 MONEY TO LOAN. Money to loan at 4e per cent on firet-olase farm and security, Apply to It S. HAYS, Dominion Bank Buliding, Seaforth, • 1007 "E. &D. Quality Satisfies" •-- - D. The E. & D. wheel is the only Can adian bicycle that has_ built up 'United States business. It is the only bicycle with Four -Point Barings. Iz mit ed in a direct line, and there is no jam. ming bearings the load is trans - min of balls• in the recce, In ordinary bear- ingsthe load is transmitted at an angle, whi h greatly increases the preesure on the parts of the bearing. In the E. & D. four - pot t bearing, the bearing never sustains greater pressure than the actual load on the bicycle. Inordinary beariegs the pressure s -often three times the actual load. E. & D. locally guaranteed National bicycles have our -point bearings in the crank -hanger, the ubs, and the head. The bearings are guar- nteed for three years. ' E. & D. Road Models, men's 1 880 E & D. Road Modelle ladies' e430 R & D. Special Modeles with gear case. .870 E. & D. Racing Models 170 . Liberal options are given in saddles, gears, tiros, • The E. & D. being a netional wheel, is locally ar- anteed. _Cetalogue on application, Lumsden & WilsOn, SEAFORTH. emember that you cannot possibly be happy or successful unless you sleep soundly, eat heartily, and digest what you eat. emember that if your nervous system needs toning you will be miser- able yourself and make those you,come in contact with mis- erable. member that in Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills you have a Ternedy ,that has never yet failed to. cure • any l disease , caused by. im- . poverished Lod, such as Tale Greenish or , Nervous lvVe- i --c Lc?ss of anU Stcli ache, Lack of -,•-riu -- Dark Ctrc!e0 -t c1! Pain in the iT Lt.f_v and Liver Pind Catar-11, 60 ete, net' bole en.%) //r,X f ir !fee e.", enetee or 6er1 %VII.. = se, e.r..), „ et) , THE KIPPEN MILLS Gris rnill running night and day, and all kin& of work done on the shortest notice First-class roller flour exchanged for wheat, ()GRIT On hand a quantity of good feed corn for sale at leweet 'nicest LOGS ,WANTED. All -kinds of first-claes legs wanted at the mill, for which the higher4 cash price will be paid. Call and see us before disposing of your logs. JOHN MeNEVIN, Kippen; 187041 , Sight Restored Science points out the way to therestoration of sight. i If your vision s defective we can by scientific methods measure the defect and supply the necesSary glasses to restore it. J. $ ROBERTS, DRUG( IT AND OPTICIAN, SEAFORTH. L.,...,_ .: . TAKING Ti-ee REINS. Charley Royt's first Winning heat of li,eiscofte IT 2;07% constitutes fa werll'e Pi1aster,-2:18%, by tgotist, is one of the best trotting race horses on the Leke Brie circuit. Ananias, 2:06%, pacing, t� wagon. If he keeps on, Arr. Emery will beat his turf record of 2:05 with him. Britannia, the 3 -year-old filly, by Toni - my Britton, 2:0714, owned by E. A. Lord of Chicago, worked a mile in 2:19 at Jo' liet the other day. Cutting's heat in 2:10% at Joliet the other day was the fastest fifth heat that has been trotted this year. It could have been in 2:10 too. Rdstler, 2:1514, winner of Wen rtes reight starts this year,lsold as a y ar- , in ling for $35 and for $125 as a 4 -year-old. He cost his present owner just $200. Chelsea, 2:091/j, recently pacing at Dover, N. H., is a new 2:10 performer for Gambetta Wilkes. Tonita F., the ex -western mare, was beaten but a head In the heat. James Shevlin, the high priced Baron Wilkes -Stella Belmont 2:19 trotter that was a disappointment last year, connect- ed with first money at Buffalo recently and now has a record of 2:10%. The chestnut geldleig Monopole, a grand eireuit performer for ses'eral seasons, record 2:081,h, pacing, In 1898, is now trotting and recently took a record of 2:23% at Worcester, Mass. Jim Ramey, the John R. Gentry pacer, tut his record to 2:11% at Joliet the other day. He is a big, stout gelding and easy going and will step in 2:10 if his pins, which are under suspicion, do not give way. It is said that the pacing mare Evolute, by Nominee, who took a record of 2:13 recently, has raised four colts and was never broken to harness until 8 years old. She is a sister of Evolutio, 2:13%. W. L. Spears' bay colt Jay McGregor, by Jay Ilawkee, 3, 2:14% -Notre Dame, 2:23%, by Robert McGregor, 2:1734, trot- ted a work out mile at Lexington lately in 2:2134, repeating in 2:201/2, last quar- ter in 3414 seeonds.-Elorse Review. MATRIMONIAL JARS. A St. Louis inan whose wife wants him to get a divorce so that she can marry another fellow refuses to do so, • saying she must suffer for her sins. The "other man" seems to be having all the best of it in this mix up.-chicago Times - Herald. A woman in Washington is suing for divorce ou the ground that het. husband is not as prominent in polities as he rep- resented himself to be when he married her. This woman evidently entered into the marriage relations without a proper understanding of the uncertainties of po- litical life. -Lewiston Jourual. A SalLouls woman married a man and divorced him, married him, again and di- vorced him anew, then married him a third time and is now suing for her third divorce. It always takes a woman time to make up her mind. -Buffalo Express. An 'American artist married a model who was widely known for perfect!figure combined with her heroic size. Three days later the model lady gave the artist an unnierci Cul thrashing. Then in a spasm of remorse she turned about and tenderly nursed him back to robust health again. How truly feminine! THE WRITERS.: The Will of the late Stephen Crane di- rects that his library be given to Lafa- yette college. Joaquin Miller, the California poet, an- nounced in a recent interview' that in the complete edition of his work, which he Is preparing for putilication only after his death, his real name, Cincinnatos Heiue Miller, will be used. Count 1.1 eo Tolstoi Is assisted in his literary work liy his two daughters, Tat - Jana and Marche, who have more than ordinary talent. "However great I may or may not' be as a novelist," said Tolstoi recently, "I am much greater as a,corre- spondent, because my two dadghters write ell my letters." Gordon Craig, a son of Ellen Terry and well known both is an artist and es the editor of Page, a Monthly publication issued from the Sign of the Rose, Hack- beidge, Surrey, a little magazine devoted to woodcuts, music book plates, menus and all sorts of artiatie trifles„ is ;becom- ing very favorably Walt as a designer, engraver and printer Of book plates. FOOD AND ODORS. --Butter quickly absorbs odors and should be kept iu a tightly closed jar. If any is left over on a plate, it should be covered. • Articles of food that ate made of gela- tin or of milk should always be kept covered, as both milk end gelatin are literal scavengers of the air and absorb not odors, but germs. , Neither cheese, cabbage, fish nor baked betels shouts] ever be put into the refrig- erator. rirbey all leave un odor of which It is difficult to rid the refrigerator, and they also finvor the food. Flour shoeld not be kbpt in a, storeroom or pantry where there is cooked food, as it readily absorb. odors. Ignore -flee of this fact accounts for poor bread oftener than an inferior quality of doer. THE NURSERY. Children should be encouraged to walk alone, for they are often made high shoul- dered from being led by the hand all the time they ere walkieg. Saishe.tetains should net, as a rule, be put In -the nursery. Children tly to the wititloiga at Vvery street sound, and the curtains that impede their ViOW Will soon suffer. Itele-of the greatest in4ortence to keep 1 a child's scalp in a clean and wholesome condition from its earliest infancy, as on this condition depends the character of the hair later on. ELECTRIC SOARKS. The aging of titnb4, which formerly required long storage, is now completed by electricity in a few hours. Six hundred and seventeen million tele- phone messages pass over the wires in the United Kingdom exery year. In Vienna telephone booths are fur- nished with napkins bearing the inscrip- tion, "Wipe Off Your Phone." The nap- kins are changed frepuently, and it is said this serves to keep the mouthpieces et the fasten -meets .free from microbes. • CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tin fur 11111110 tipster. ton 1441‘ won't. a When a woman buys King Quality Shoes she saves $2. They cost $3 and have the appearance of $5—that is how she savgs $2. 'These shoes are irre-- proachable in material, style, fit and finish. th11 trimmings are of silk, and they are the best shoes foifthe price on this earth. All the words in the English lan- guage could not tell the facts plainer "Id ile that. Remember %.4‘.4 'raiov usty ic It16 QuALIY Truest teonomy to get the Best A cheaply made cream separator is dear at any price, because faulty in construction, liable to break, and diffi- cult to operate. The Sharpies No. 1, with a capacity of 325 lbs. an hour, and the Sharpies W. 11.8, with a ca- pacity of 300 lbs„ are the finest pro- ducts of the largest and best equipped r, cream separator factory in the world. The materials entering into the con- struction of these machines are the best obtainable. The work is done by Ekilled workmen, and is subjected to the most rigid inspection. Without fear of substantial contradiction, we can say that for e -ase in operating, clean skimming and cirn ability, there is no other hand power cream separator made by any one anywhot that is equal to the Sharpies. We sell' the s machines on their merits.L We her., ve that the buyer should be allowed to d cide which machine is bet for him to buy. We leave them to any intending b yer'for a week or ten days, with priNkege of returning the machine if not pc/fee ly satisfied with it. Price of No. 3:machine, $90; W. iL S. ma- chine, $75. Write for illustrated catalogue. See sample machine at Hinchley Brothers' wa erooms, Seaforth. W. L. OUIMETTE, Londesboro, Pntario. PI "NOT LIKE MOTHER MADE" BUT BETTER ONES BECAUSE THE Imperial Oxford Is superior superior to any kitchen cook stove available in "mOther's time." If you, care to see them, call at our agents. For sale by SILLS & MURDIE, Seaforth. The Gurney Foundry Co., Limited, Toronto, Winnipeg, Vancouver. 1111111.112- "0 U R BOBS," HERO of MAFEKING," " STRATHCONA," And other popular portraits in colors on the new, five cent Scribbling Books just reeeived. Also, all the latest School Supplies 14 Text Books AT ILEX. WILSON'S, Seaforth, NEXT DOOR NORTH OP PICKARD .S H. R Jackson Seaforth Mills. & SON. The undersigned having pureh tbe Ogilvie Milling Company, of IM1'OIITEII8 the well-known Jules Robin & Co's Brandy, Cognac, France; Jno. de Kuyper & Son, 1101 - land Gin, Rotterdam, Hol -land; Booth's Tom Gin, London, England; Butloch & Co.'s Scotch Whisky, Glas- gow, Scotland; Jamieson's Irish Whisky, Dublin, „Ireland; ale° Port and -Sherry Wine from France and Spain, Agents for Walker's Whisky, Ontario; Royal Distillery and Davb Ale and Porter, Toronto. To THE PUBLIC: We have opened a retail store in connection with our wholesale bud- brufiness in the rear of the new Do- minion Bank, in- Good's old stand, where we will sell the best goods in the market at bottom prices. Goode delivered to any part of the town free. TELEPHONE II. 1514-U MONEY TO LOAN nds of private parties, also cempany funds, te loan at lowest rates on first mortgage; terms to snit borrowen. JAMBS 1.. KILLORAN, Rs:ester, &adores. 165241 ed from lontratal, Seaforth Flour Mills -Are now prepared to do all kindis of C UStO M Work . TO WHICH . Special Attention will be Given. The very best quality of Flobr given is exchange for wheat. Chopping of all kinds done on the ehort, est notice. Price,five cents per bag. - The best brandof Flour always on hand, and will be delivered in any part of the town free Of dharge. The highest price in cash paid for all kinds of grain. Feed of all kinds constantly on band. The. Seaforth Milling Co. 1089