The Huron Expositor, 1900-09-21, Page 8ret.
. 1.
SEPTEMBER 214 1900
Itt It Isif an
Eastman7 It Isn't a
Itaving secured the agency of the
famous Eastman Kodalcs, we can
now offer you their products at
the same prices as they are sold
at Rochester,iretvYork.
The prices range from $1 upwards. -
Folding Pocket Kodaks have the
finest lense's-, "automatic shutters,
are made of aluminum, and
load in daylight.
Oa te in and examine the Kodak, its
neatness will delight you. You
can put _ 'a Kodak in your
Other styles of cameras such' as
Glencoe Folding Cameras, also in
stock, together with a full line of
Our importation ,of _Winter Flow ing
Bulbs expected in on Saturday, ---22 d.
Watch Your
And when you find it nekireeping perfect
time bring or send it to Counter's Jewelry
Establishment, opposite Reid & Wilson's
, Hardware Store, Seaforth. All work fully
Counter's Jewelry Establishment,
W. R. COUNTER, - • •
CAPITAL Mold Up), - $1,500,000
REST, - - $1,5-00 ,000.
Main Street, S'eaforth.
General Ban kin 6usiness trans-
acted. Farmers' Sale Nates collected,
and advances made on tame at lowest
Drafts sold an all points in Canada,
the United States and Europe. •
allowed on deposits :of One Dollar and
upwards. _
Solicitor Manager.
- Bicycles For Beason 190
W. N. WATSON', Noqh MainStreet
Seaforth. -
Agent for the Henderson Bicycle Corlipany,Goder-
ich, Ont. A full 11 10 of the latest up-to-date wheels
for the season of 1000 on hand, The " facCroadY7!
" Common_ Sense" and " Goderich." Also agent for
the celebrated "White Sewing Machine Company
bieyeles of otedeane, Ohio. Ali wheels guaranteed
and pricea right. Call and examine before you pur.
chase*. A fuil line of bicycle parts and sundries kept-
th stock and repairing done. Also dealer in " Ray-
mond „ and "White" Sowing Machine, needles, oil,
partA, etc.
EFeneral InsuranOe Agent 86 Dieftl-
Ter in Sewing Machines.
• I- p )
A &thou' Ord hi doing the -best work in
business caw. stion in Canada to -day. Our
magnifieent c:vtielogue gives full information.
Send for one. Enter now if possible. _
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Grand Trunk Railway
,tuntud. Western Excursion to Port
Huron, ePetzoit, Bay City, Cleveland,
tlieagoesOraucl RapidseSt. Paul and vari-
One otherl” points.- Good ,going September
271.11, t2.Sth and 29th. 'Valid for return
leaving destination on or before October
Idth. For rateer routes, connections, &c,,
see as. We wiltaccompany all passengers
to Stratford, holding_ through baggage
cheeks, to assist, with fleeing of baggage,
Commercial Building, SEAFOR.TH.
WiiiBirn Oak, or Wal-,
nut Clock.
Thi (sleek runs for eight 'hays'
half hour, and ie ar
riu'ed tU give satisfaction.
ralatkal amEt. y AND JEWELLER
- Maboi cK enzie, of West Zorra, and
hie hived ma have been arrested on Et
eharge, of tee" jog lowness. At the time of
hie eri t. 11 te: :on Lie was showing horses at
the Leaden 1 dr and on the animals were
found stole- liaret'sS. lt is reported from
Weet Ze net when thepeethises and hay
loft of It cRenzid's were searched, many
other se, harness, alleged to have -been
stolen, w tied. .Many petty thefts- of
harness ocuurred recently in .the town-
ship. .efeadant is very -well known in
the emu. and on account of the Wide
connection e; thdfamily in the -county, the
affair has eae..-ed a sensation. Mr. McKen-
zie wren.' began proceedings against
Robert C he, of the Bann township, for
$1,teet tges for !dander eliegred to have
been circu. ted by the defendant that Mr.
-fat:Kenzie sole [skimmed Milk,
gite, itron.(154oxiito
BIG Cola -A fen, weeks' ago, we m
mention of several large stocks of �
which had been taken from fieldsin
vicinity, hilt now bhe harvest has come
the test of these large stooks is before
Mr.. Alex. ptewart has left ,us a coup'
ears which he Ceok promishuously from
James Archibeld's field in Harptirhey,
which, as far iss stalks go, is a vetit
forest. The ea s are immerese, one of t
measuring 114 inches long, with 22 er24 r
of corn on lit.. The others -are not qui
long, bat Etre exceptionally large, and
covered wiil a fine eareple of corn and
very uniforirre There is a great lot of
cellent feed in this corn
beat it ?
TRAVELItERS. -The folio
_ticketed oil their respeetie
Macdonald agent C. -P. R. Seaforth a
Tens J. G ay and her. InOcher,:Mrsi. Ro
ick Gray, o Michigammee Michigan, w
they will viiiit Mr. Wm. Gray, for a ino
On their return home they will visit Ti
to, whichIplace Mrs. . -"Gray ha; not
since 1853, when' it was known 1 as M
York. Mss Jennie Gray l left at the
time for Dayton, North Dakote, wher
will make ier heone for some time.
-In ad ition to the usual lodalibus
the follow ng were ticketed to more di
points this week at W. Somerville'S r '
ticket ag ncy : J. S. Roberts, to- L
burg, Virinia ; -James Hart, to_ Was
Muskoka Miss Millson, to Detroit ,•
James Archibald and mother, Mee. Me
to Croswell. Michigan h Dr. McDougal ,
of Mrs. McDougall, Welt street, to WI"
spells, Minnesota, where he 'intends I
pleasant gathering at the Gripp H us 011
while in the employ -of ' the bank h re, as
Tuesday evening, the nocasions be'ng he
:assembling of, a -few of the friends of M A.
IR. Sampson, of the Dominion Ban a if,
'Montreal, and formerly of, the ban 's aff
here, to have a last evening with hi be re
he entered the ranks Of .the be ecli te.
Mine host, Henderson,- had prep red an
excellent supper, which the compan t r-
oughly' enjoyed. Later .the tabl s re
cleared, and the balance Of the eve ing as
spent in song and !lineal. Mr. S mps n
exceedingly popular, and 'Many expressi ns
of good will were given. around the boa d.
At a reasenable hour the company relu t -
&fitly broke ,up, after: wishing the gueet of'
the evening all possible happiness and pr s-
perity in the life on which he was about to
. ,.
MATRIMONIAL. -The marriage of Jan
(Nettie), youngest daughter of Mr. D. li.
Wilson, to. Arthur Regnee Sampson of he
Dominion Bank, Montreal', end formerly of
the Seaforth branch, took place at Inglesi e,
the residence a: the bride'sh father, in S a -
forth, on Wednesday-. The ceremcny as
performed at' one o'clock; by Rev. Co in
Fletcher, ef the Thames -Road, assisted y
Rev. F. il. Larkie,in the -presence of a lar:e
number of guests, including friend's ft in
Toronto, London, Mouit-Foreet, Walkert in
and Brussels. The bridesmaids were M 3
Margaret Wilson and Illiss,BeithaSarnpso
of Toronto, and the groomernae, Mi. Edg
Sampson, of Toronto, while Miss Nett
Wilson, neiee of the bride, was the pret
little maid. The bride was given away
her father, and Miss -Helen Wilson laye
the wedding march.Aftee a ter/Tang we
ding luncheon, Mies geotte of Mount Fares
delighted the guests with two excelle
vocal solos. Mr. and Mrs.Sampson left o
the three o'clock train, amid a shower f
rice and flowers. The Many friends of thee
popular eoung people will extend theirver
beat wishes for the future happiness of , Mr
and Mrs. Sampeora They' will reside i
Montreal. 1-
A SEAFORTIL Bo v Fioeroaore -Mr. Alex
Bethune, youngest son of Mr. C. Bethune
-of this town, who has been employed in th
Canada Pacific Railway offices in Owe
Sound, has gone to New York, where he ha
secured a good position. ,Prior to leavin
Owen Sound he was given a send-off by hi
friend,: In its report a the event, th
Owen Sound Times says,: ." Mr, Alex
Bethune, aepopuler member of the Ciniad
Pacific Railway freight office staff, left . o
Tuesday morning's steamboat expreste, fo
New_York, where he has acdepted a promis
ingiiositiots in a large business eaablish
merit. Mr, Bethune, -though only a eesi
dent of Owen Sound for two years, was on
Of the most popular young nieo fibent town,
his quiet, unvarying good nature winnin
him {deride everywhere. He was the sta
cover point in hist yeartn,crack local lacross
twelve, and is one of the ',Most expert
players in Canada. His 'departure from
Owen Sound is recognized as an irreparable
loseeta local athletic circlee, .but his friend
are aoafident that he will win fresh laurel
on the speedy aggregations of Canadians
whoein their American home, have ailing t
the game of their boyhood. The evenin
previous to his departure his fellow clerks
members of the lacrosie club, and the boY
abont town gave...hien. a royal sene -off a
Thompson' e restaurant. '
. •i.l , ,.
TIIEY mict-L-S'ExpErrEnf .X. -It 'i3 some
times said, as illustratiN.-e of 1.he compare
tive anddlne ,s of this mun ape, sphere, tha
a person of even limited ersper ence can no
go to any part ()Rho earth; tha% he will no
see some pe son twttoin he has known- o
heard of before. - The tri4h,of .this was il
lustratecl in the experience of ..111r. John A
Stewart, of this town. While on his mean
vieit to St. Paul and Mirmeapolis, hi com
poesy with a friend, he one day visited th
Minnesota State Prison. While being show
around by one of the guards�f the , institu
non,. his surprise and oonsternetion Ma
easily be imagined when he heard one of th
inmates call out. after- him, ‘` Halle°, Jack
how are the Seaforth Yreden Toes?" .- mean
ing by the:latter expression an orgashlzatio
of night -hawks that was -said to exist in thi
town some years ago. HiS -surprise was no
leesened when, an looking round, he recog
nixed, in fullprison uniform, a former wel
known Seaforth youth. Upon enquiry fro
the guard he wae informed that tide youn
man -was sereing a term of' twelve years;
three, ef whieh he had already put in. Hd
had ben convicted of being the leader of
gang of desperadoes who had held up a rail
way train and robbed the passenras, an
he was described by the guard as being on
of the most dariegand expert ,crim nals i
his line known to 'the State police, W
have often had occasion to say with' prid
that Seaforth boys usually distinguish them
selves wherever they goebut we are happe
to say that in an experience here of thirt
yeers this is the,firet time we have had t
mention one who has distinguished himsel
in this direction.
n -
Coot) Roe -Mr. Editor,-Abotit -thee
miles east of Seaforth, on.the Huron road
may be seen a sample of very peculiar road
making. There is a ridge of loose grave
along the middle, on each side of this is
hollow inede by the road grader, on the out
side of each of these hollows and bet ecu
and the ditch is a ridge of earth. t doe
not require a very vivid imagindtion topic
lure what this piece of _road will e lik
when the fallrains set in; and.yet th Work
manship beidowed on it is only a' degre
worse than the t bestowed on the r ads o
the surrounding country. .Of the mut]
travelled thoroughfares of the Provin e tha
part of the Huron road between Clint n an
Stratford is the worst kept. Seafort ' peo
it s
a s
M y or October, when ea
co ld be rolled at once,
rol er and made sinooth a
cannot afford to throw
give allegiance to th
Li 'Speaking of road -
ems to nee that a ste
ery valuable piece] of
• icipality. When bo
ut on -city streets it is
iately rolled down am
eam roller. Gravel
roads of your neighb
usta and teamstere a
hey can. If the grave were ipub on i
rls are frequent, it
ith a very heavy
d solid. FreehlYi
son of the year e
oads leading into
a marked cheract
r season. If the
are fairly good a�
,other counties,'
kill of the roadl-
g eat naturaIad-
esF a suitable bed
avel, and few
incessant labor
districts must
roads !nay be
would realize
in return for their
I do not think I
sing the opinion
nel Huron coul
efforT, be kept
queen's park, Ti.
have far better
gads tbat would
id farms,.and be
of the people.
stones as long as
Anderson pave -
eking in general,
m roller would be
machinery to a
en stone or gravel
watered and im-
oth 'and solid by
generally put' on
rhood in July orl
oid it just. as lon
led gravel isat one se
minent feature of all
forth, and loose stones
tstiic of them at anoth
ds of the two opunties
pared with the roads
s not because of the
kers, but because of th
tages-a soil that ma
gravel, abundance of
a. If they only saw w
residents of leas favo ed
form in order that thei
sable, the people of H ro
little they are giving
at natural advantages.
exaggerating in expre
t most roads In Perth
h a, little well directed
oth aa the road aroun
to. It is possible to
ds in these counties,
monize with the splen
thy of the intelligenc
ars truly, TRAVELLER.
been laid up for ad -few
t. -Mr. Jacob Schmidt
g to have an auction s
d -effects on Oatober 6t
nds leaving for Manit
ter with his daughter.
nge will benefit his hea
. Thomas Rolley, wife
ple of dayii With Mrs.
r Dublin. -Mr. Georg
up for a week or so w
t thought to be typhoi
ly improving. -Mr. T
de Moving into the hou
upied by MreSehmidt,
. John Prendergast h
se of the late Mrs. Mill
600. This house is pl
he centre of the village
t struck a anap.-Miss
American Soo, is spen
st of Mrs. .A. McMurra
1 ance, with gr nol thic walkel on both sides
from the atat or* to thescorner of Gloderich
etreet.-Mrs Coon, of Philadelphia, spent
part of last eek hnd this, the guest of Mrs.
M. Y. Mai n. -The Seaford* fall fair will
be held on Thursday and Friday- next.
'Every person should make a paint of being
in Seaforeh on the days of the show, as it
promises to be the best in the county. In
addition to the nsual exhihits and a long
list of special att actions, there will be some
excellent sp edin contests. Come to Sea -
forth orrfaite day, and have a good time.-
The few °bid, d,a s this week have appar-
ently come es a eminder of what we may
expect la* on -Mr. John Laporte, of
Drysdale, was in town on Wednesday. He
brought in his' on, who; has been at the
Deaf and Demb Institute, at Belleville, for
some years, and who ha q returned to that,
institution. --Mr Wm. Kerslake has pur-
' chased the nest and comfortable residenoe
of Mr. .A. Ikigrn, paying for it $1,200. -
Mrs. D. Molntiyre attended. the Exeter
show on Triesdey, and carried off several
Prizes for fanoY work. -Mr. Archie Scott
has purchased he property of Mrst
: Mc-
Bride, the honetwhich was recently injured
by fire. It adioins Mr. Soott's propetty,
and will -make a valoable addition to it. -
Mr. Robert Freneh has, purchased the Sharp
' residence from Mr: Bullard, the recent
owner, and intends _occupying it himself.
He paid $700 for it.--iMeriers. W. Freeman
and S. Watson, of the Seaforth band, went
to Exeter; re Wedner, and played with
the Exeter and at a e show. -Captain J.
S. Roberto s in Lynchburg, Virginia, this
'week. Mr, Roberts was a soldier in the
American a my during the Mail war, and
was invited to a reunion of the surviving
veterans.- mune. Wm. and Henry Ches-
ney, of Tudiersenith, were successful ex-
ibitors at he Exeter showethie week. -
Mr. T. Ra .- Case has disposed of hie bush.
nese in Clin on. -New plate glass fronts are
being put i the stores of the estate of
Johnson B othera-Mr. and Mrs, E. Mo.
Faul return rd home thieweek, after spend-
ing their olidays at Lake Huron, St.
Thomas and Lake Erie,-" A BreezyTime,"
a most amuing and refined comedy, will be
given in Ca dno's hall, on Monday evening.
The compa y is said to be a good one. -The
Woman's ristian Temperance Union, of
Hurorecoon y, will hold their annual con-
vention in Myth, on the 26th inlet. Rev.
R. Hobbs, ef Wingharn, will address the
evening mePting. A recitation by the young
lady who wen a silver medal at a contest
given by the Woman's Christian Temper-
ance Union, is also on the programme. All
interested in temperance are cordially in.
S. A. Dickson left on Thursday,
WI resume his legal studies in Toronto. -
Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Wilson intend leaving
for the old country about the middle of Oc-
tober, and expect to remain there all win-
ter. Mr. Virilson goes on business. -Mr."
Archibald Scott has now recovered suffi-
ciently from his late illness to -be able to get
about to een.-Mr. Bert Van'Egmond is ode
ot our most expert and successful amateur
photographers. In the July competition,
conducted by" The Young Photographer,"
a paper puhliehed in Vermont, Mr. Van-
Egmond won the Candian- special prize. He
eumbitted three different subjecte, the one
especially worthy being entitled "Tired of
Play," whip!' depicts thirteen little girls
arranged in a semi -circle on the grass, each
one's head pillowed on the next. We con-
gratulate our young friend on hie success,
and we hope to have the pleasure of an-
nouncing oven greater laurels, -Miss Agnes
Grieve, daughter of Mr. Wm. Grieve, has
been re-engaged for next year,
at an increase
of salary, at eection 8, WestWananosh.-
The Seaforth Auxiliary of the Woman's..
Foreign Miseionary Society will have their
annual thank -offering services in the Pres-
byterian church, on Monday, October let.
In the afternoon, at 3 o'clock, an address
will be given by Mrs. (Rev,) Grant, of St.
Marys, and in the evening, the Rev.Harvey
Grant, late of Henan, China, will deliver an
address. The afternoon meeting will be
for ladies only, hue at the eveojng meeting
...all- will- be made welcome. -The annual
meeting of the Seaforth Christian Temper -
arum Union was held in the basement of the
Methodist church, on Wednesday afternoon,
whenithe following officert were elected for
the current year : Mrs. J. A. Stewart,
president; Mrs. Russell, Mr. Larkin and
Mrs. Neelin, vice-presidents ; corresponding
secratary, Nrs. Coulter ; recording secre-
tary, Mrs. M. Y. McLean; treasurer, Mrs.
G. B. Scott. Mrs. G. B. Scott, Mrs. S.
Mullett, Mrs. James Lawrence and Mrs. F.
G. Neelin were appointed delegates to the
county convention; to be held next week in
Blyth. -Much regret was felt here on learn-
ing of the death of Mr. Douglas McDonald,
the oldest eon of the late Rev. A. D. Mc-
Donald, D. D., -which occurred in Winni-
peg, on Saturday last. Mr. McDonald went
-to Winnipeg.when quite a young man, and
resided there for about 16 years. -Mr.
Charles Petrie died at his residence in Eg-
mondville, on Thursday morning. -Mrs. C.
-Clarkson and family leave here for Toronto
on Tuesday, Ma. Clarkson having been
there for a couple Of weeks. They have
many friends- here who will always be
pleased 'to hear of their Well doing. -Mr.
Adam Hays has added a handsome team, of
well matched brown horses to.his already
well equipped livery outfit. -We (regret to
hear of the serious illness of Mr'. Stewart,
of North Main street, whose husband is the
senior member of the Stewart Milling Com-
pany. -Mr. Earl A. Crich Leib for Coiling.
evood last Monday, where he .is to take
eharge of a barber shop which is being
opened in that progressive town.
r. Albert Allan'
ays with a sore.
of our village, is
le of his house -
Mr. Schmidt
a to spend the
He' thinks the
h ve y
d fa ily spent a
olle ' parents,
Hill who was
what was at
fever, is now
o as Colbert in -
e new owned and
fo ithe- winter. -
s purchased the
rew for the sum
asantly situated
Mr. Prender-
May- Stanley, of
ing a, month, the
inc Millinery Opening
Th raday, Friday and -Saturd
28t and 291h, to which a oord
ten ed to the ladielfof Seaforth
Ow went.
ill take place on
September 27th,
al invitation is ex-
nd vicinity. J. W.
Mi s Bates has started a dress m
ov rScott Bros. store, in tho ro
pie by Miss Assay, and is pre'
of ruts making promptly and sat
on Seree..,-A good brie
wit good stable andthree
tog ther or separate. Apply to
for b.
king establishment
me formerly men-
ared to do all kind
sfactorily. 1710xI
.dwelling house,
ole. Will be so d
F. Gutteridge, Se
ong and short wood for sale cheap, ea h
onI . John Landsborough, Sear rtb. 1710-1
OULTRY WANTED .-Ke nedy Bros. p y
tbe highest cash prices for 11 kinds of foal,
Be ttie's blook, Sesforth. 1709-tf
•or Sale. -One large co per kettie,
goos condition, for boiling appli ibuttor, all rea
for use, very little used ; holds ei ven pails of wate
Wil be sold for half value. A ly to S. Mulle 1,
Sea orth. 1709 2
-1 11 visitors to our fair m d welcome
call and see our stock whether 3 ou buy or n
Jo n Landsborough, Seaforth.
ET THE BEST. -Don't f 1 with educ
tio . If you want a thorough bulrjcss dr ehorthan
training, attend the Central Bind es College, Stra
or . This college has equipped mewls of young
e and for business life. 169,841
all and see our mammot
iture at our show room and
you buy. John Lancleboroug
you want something g
he King Quality, they are a 1 t
h two pairs of ordinary brand
agent for Seaforth.
display of fi
e our prices b
1, Seaforth.
pecial diecount given en
nd 2n8 days of the fair. Jch
orth. .
WANTED. ---Eggs 13c, Bu
Sale still goee forthree weeks wit
way Rates. Ask those who have b
1ikothtiWparce1. 0..E. King, Wi
ew houses furnished the
low :st possible price and time. giv
-er. -John Landsborough, Seaforth
bus nese is the man with business
men get it by hard exeeriente,.ot
told g a course in the Central
Stra ford.
ecial.discounts given o
'hirti day presents. John Landsbo
" I
ly ole good cook, dining room
goo wages and stmdy employmon
re. Thorea8 Stevens, Queen'e.
eve desigesin bedroom
tabl 8, sideboards; pirlor sets a
Jah Landsborough, Seaforth,
S mething new in nearly
men 'of cur larze.fgrniture empar
boro gh, Seaforth.
I3REEZY .TIME. -This ro
•prod lotion will be. presented in Ca
on onday, September 24th. It i
is.sp 'cially adapted for la ly audic
it. .•eats now on eale at Fear's Dri
ectof; connnonly known as -1
ecture in the Methoditt cher
September 23bh. The gen
n popular lecturer and Eho
ANTF.D.-Dried apples,
tithe "Maple Leaf Store."
place in town for dry goods
full I
W i
CAL B -M r. SVni,
oldest citizens, left o
ghem, where he intend
e.. Mr. Moore has beei
d in rubbe
0 dearer but a
W. H. Willi
goods on t
tr 18c. T
he cheap, Ran-
t! here how the
?am. 170441
hout at o
o suit pureha
ngB sinus Co leg
rs acquire it 1
weddinl an
11, Seaf1r
kitahen I gir,
Apply at one
tel. 171 x2
its,. exterisio
parlor tables
1. 171f0.1
eery dear,
ut.); John Lbnth.
ting chied
id'd Opera Hall,
ill of fun an
neer. Don't MIE
g lore:
h Black Knigh ,
h on Friday even -
• an is ar web
greeted by
ter, eggs an
11* cheapest an
nal groceries P
Seaforth for 26 years, and f
librarian of thehlechanics' I
was greatly due to his untir
skill, that our institute rea
standing it -has- attained. -
many reverses, he. peesevere
one of the first. libraries in
Mr.. Moore're many frien.cls in
regretting his ; departure, n
him their, vera best wishes
prosperity. ---Mr. and Mrs,.
Moore, on
to reEdd
a residen
r 25 years
stibute, an
ng energy an
hed the higl
a the face o
until it wa
the Province
ealbrthe w
ill eXtend
for fu
J. 11-: L
of Toronto,' were visiting -Mein
in t wn this. week.
up t attend the wedcl
niece, Miss Nettie Wilson.
home services, in connect
Thomas church, will be hel
The services will be taken
Kerrin, of Mitchell. The c
decorated with flowers and
tic of the harveet season. -M
an, daughter of Mrs. P. Cav
Seaforth, but now of Detroi
friends here this Iweek.-A ra
the Sunday schodl children °
terian church, will be held in
of the church this (Friday')
mencing at. six o'clock. S
served, after which a good
music, etc.-, will be given. -M
of Egmondville, who has be
Mr.' R. McLeod's, in Clin
home a few days ago. Whil
a cataract removed from one
now, after' being practically
three years, is once more abl
well. -Work on the granoli
the east slide of Main street is
rapidly forward, and at the
going, it will only be a coupl
fore it is completed and ready
Main etreet will then present
ng• of thei
The hartesel
on' with Sti
on. Sunday
by Ren.
ureh will b
ruit, embleina
es Grace Cav
n, formerly o
, was visitin
ly meetbsg.o
the Presby
the basemen
vening, com
pper will h
. Neil Brown,
n visiting a
on, retuened
there he had
f his eyes and
lind for over
to see quite
hic walks on
being pushed
resent rate of
of weeks be -
for use. Our
fine appear-
Hills' Green.
- HAPPENINOS.-Owing to the illness of his
father, Mr. George Rill left last Thursday
for Blackwater, where the formerresides,-
We are pleased to see Mrs. Francis- Cole-
man in our midst again, after an Iliuma of
several weeks. -Mn Noah Sheffer,' of the
Toronto par workS, ' visited at C. Troyer's
last week., -Miss E. Maxwell returned home
from Clinton ' last Saturday. -Since the
heavy windstorm of last Tuesday paring bees
have been the order of. the day, or rather of
the night. ---Mr. Alnx: Forrest has purchas•
ed a fine .horse anddig. Alex. einea good
judge of horseflesh,. Rebert McAllister and
family picnicked ct! Bayfield on Saturday
last. ---Me. James 1Ersons and sister spent
Sundisy at the ho h of their mother, in
Goderich townshi -On Friday evening of
, last week Mr. 0 orge Greenslade's barn,
together, with the Other outbuildings and
the year's crop, were totally destroyed by
fire. - The fire is e ippose.d to 'have been
eauSed by spontari ous combustion of the
oontents.-We are , orry to learn that Mr.
'Robert StoPhensog i is seriously ill. -Miss]
Annie Lipphart, , ho luta been visiting at
A. Iov&s for the past few weeks, has re-
turned home.-Iti . W. Love and wife spent
Saturday and Su clay visiting friends in
Stephen. -.Mr. F e inancl Stelck has pur-
ehasecl a new bug y from Mr. Millar, of
• ..,
oxeter. ,
Cider, apple butter and jelly. For excel -
erica in quality and rdiispatch in the manufacture
.ve cannot be surpassed! A hot water hose outfit
nables Us to keep otir Premises in the very pink of
rder and ,cleantIness. Lumber, lath and a large
lock of 011,4103 on hard, Gibson Bros. 1710 1
NOTES. -Mr. F.V. Dixon, court reporter,
a in Toronto this week. -Miss Jean Gibson,
f Goderich, s the guest of her sister, Mrs.
th V-. Dixon.- -Mrs. Robert Black and. her
ldest son, Scott, were at London last, week.
-Mr. Calderj our energetic foundryman, is
moving his fetidly to town this week. -Ow.
ng to some ureforosen circumstances cocoa .
ing, Dr. McDonald, of Tc ingham was not
ble to hold a meeting of the Liberals e
n the 14111. -Mr. Ceorge Leckie took in
he fair at London last week. -Mr. John
• ouglas has had a busy time delivering coal
for his customers lately. The amount burn-
ed here increases every season,and the day of
the cheerful fire from the maple and beech is
passing rapidly.-0ourt of Revision Was
held here last week, by County Judge Mas-
son. A substantial gain in the list was made
by the Liberals.-Mra. John Moffatt, of
Blyth, is renevVing old acquaintances with
friends in towif.-MS. B. McKelvie was
in Montreal lest week, on business. -Miss
-Robertson haagone AO take up nursing in
a New York hospital. -Quite a ripple of ex-
citement was in evidence laet Wednesday,
when the marOiage of Miss Alberta Smale,
Only daughterad Dr. Singe, was announced.
The lucky bridegroom was Mr. C. .F. Mc-
Lean, of Montreal.
GROIIND.-You ean't live through the fall
and winter and not give your person and home
some new Dry Goods. They run into dol-
lars so fast that only the moat cautious buy.
ing will enable any person with limited
means to take from any store, a good sup-
ply of what he or she needs, that is and
know the values are good, an: prices lowest.
Seaforth is a good Dry Good town, and The
E. MoFaul Co's. Store is the place to go.
PICNIC. -Grace church Sunday school
will hold their annual pionia at Brown's
bush this (Friday) afternoon. 'Among the
speakers are Revs. j. G. Kerrin, Mitchell;
Henderson, Staffs; Scott, Cromarty; Ten
Eyok, Exeter; Howard, Milverton.
RUSHED. -Would they be rushed with
trade, think you, if former collo-mere were
not regular patrons? Remember The E. Mc
Foul Co. Seaforth, are no novices in the
Dry Goode business. Their establishment
is a base of supplies for the Dry Goods
wants of hundreds ef home/. Their eelection
of Autumn Jackets, Millinery, Dress Goods,
Clothing, Furs and etc. are on sale and
will prove quick sellers to satisfy customers.
Are you to be one?
BLOWS. -Mr. C. Cook, of Goderiolitown-
ship, is building a new house. Joseph
Brown Lis doing the mason work. -J. Don-
aldson es driving a handsome pair of Kansas
ponies,1 which he purchased at a sale of
horses at Clinton .-Thomas Heard is build-.
ing a stone foundation under his house. -
Fred. Geminhard rode hie bioyole to Lon-
don, a distance of over 50 miles, in two
hours and 40 minutes; one day last week. -
The wind storm of last week did a lot of
damage to orchards in this vicinity. Over
half of the apple crop was blew° off the
trees. -Mr. J. H. Elliott, of Seattle, Wash-
ington, is On a visit to friends in Bayfield.
He is accompanied by his wite.-Rev.
Joseph Elliott, qf Nairn visited friende in
town, Tuesday arid Nairn,
of this
week. -The fishernien are preparing for the
fall fishing at Kettle Poina-Our people are
wondering if the village streets are to be
left in darkness this winter. It seems a
pity when the plant is in position and the
line up, that the electric light cannot be
used, We think that the council should at
once take the matter in hand, and light our
streets for the fall andoeinter.-It has 'late-
ly been reported that there would be no
fall show at Bayfield this year. - Such a
statement is wholly untrue. The society
was never in a more prosperous state, and
this year's exhibition promisee to eclipse all
past records. Tuesday and V,Vednesday,
October 2ad and 3rd, are the day a appoint-
ed. -The Varna District Teachers' Meeting
iii to be held at Varna, Saturday, Septem-
ber 29th. Goodprogramme.
If you want something good in rubbera
buy the King Quality, they are a little dearer but
are worth two pairs of ordinary brands. W. II.
Willis, sole agent for Seaforth.:.
'BARNS BURNED. -During the '-ithuni
storm, early Sunday morning, the barns on
the farm of Mr. Wm. Plewes,on the 4th
concession, were struck by lightning and
destroyed, together with the seteson'a crop.
The farm is rented by Mr. John Johnston,
who owned the contents of the barn. As he
had no insurance, the loss will be very
heavy. Mr. Plewes had a partial insurance
on the barn.
D. II" Commissioner, Conveyancer, wills,
gages and deeds drawn up. Mpney loaned at the
owest ratesof interest.
West of Toronto there is no other town
the size of- Seaforth with Dry Goods stores
as enterprising and up-to-date. You should
be grateful for having such a town within
your easy reach. Do you know of h more
Ovular stere than ,The E. McFaul Co's.?
Their endeavor to be always ahead of other
stores makes it a very profitable shopping
place for all classes of customers. Note the
things you shoeld always buy from' them,
Jackets, There, Millinery, Drees Goods,
Ready -To -Wear Clothing and Carpete.
NOTES.--clr. Alex. Stewart is down at
Lakeside this week aesisting his sister, Mrs.
A. Ye -ling, -0 dispose of her stock and chat -
tele, prepar tory to her removal from there.,
She has dis osed of her burliness, and is
busy takin stock this Week. -Mr. Alex. ;
Swan and his wife were the guests ar his=
.mother-indew, Mrs. Ireland, in Logan; the
.beginning of this week. -Although the
turnip crop up to lately was such a prom'sing one, it iS new turning out to be a com-
plete failure in most cases. The leaves are
turning yellow and dropping off and the
root is rottiog, bat fortunately the man -
golds are soiend and healthy as yet, and
every appearance of yielding well. -Mr. D.
Hay and family, who spent the most of the
summer here:left for Kippen on Monday,
where he has purchased the property and
hiisinees of Mr. J. Canning. They intend.
to open up business the latter end of this
'Heavy shoes for lladies,,
something that
will wear well and are cur,nfortable. We have the
best lines made, no sholdy, all leather otiffners W.
RizWidis, boots and shoes, Seaforth. s 1710.1 -
RUSTLE Soln.-Will, perhaps you don't
have it. Others agaiil have. The E. Mc -
Paul Co., Seaforth have to. If you would
know what "hustle", means take a good
look at their immense Dry Goods. Now
take occasional glimpser' during the Fall
months and another by the end of the year.
You'll have your eyes opened atsroeggardtthey athe
amount of ierchandise you huh
could handl . You have learned`what hustle
means, or b tter, What it can do. It has
been their g eat trade -builder. 1/1.0-1
NOTES.- Ir. F. Hackney spent last week
with his cou in, Dr. Hackney, of Fullerton.
Fred goes to Detroit Medical College short-.
ly to resume his studies. -Mr. D. McDoug-
all, who lute sitccessfully taught the Plug.
town school or the paet tWo years, has been
re-engaged Of 1901, at a good advance- in
salary. -M George Beaver was on the sick
list during the past week, but is around
again. -Th little daughter of Mr. Kay
has for sone time been very low with dysen-
tery, but is ecovering.-Mr. Thos. Camer-
on, who has been indisposed for some time,
is able to- b out and around again.
WEDDING BELLS. -On Wed,pesday even-
ing of tut veek a happy event occurred at
the hon -e of Mr. Samuel Mc.Curdy, of the
Thames, Rad, when hi3 third daughter,
Elizabeth, ad Robert Norris, a prosperous
young farm r of Staffa, were united in the
holy bonds 4f matrimony. The ceremony;
was perform,ed by the Rev. Colin Fletcher,
in the presence of a large number of friends
and relatives. The wedding march was
played by Miss M. Horney, after which all
repaired to the dining room, where a sum -
tuella weddiug dinner was in readiness.
The bride was the recipient of numerous
and costly presents, testifying to the esteem
in which she was held in the neighborhood.
The young couple left on Thursday morning
for al honeymeon trip to Niagara and other
points. after vehich they will settle on Mr.
Norris' beautiful homestead, on the ninth
concession of Hibbert. TIIE EXPOSITOR
joins with your correspondent in wishing
the young couple a happy and prosperous
wedded life.
Exeter. ,
J. 4. STANBURY, B. A., (late with MC-
Carthy, Oster & Co., Torento,) Barrister, Convey -
sneer, Notary. Money to loan. Ofilees lately oc-
cupied by Collins & Stanbury, over. O'Neira Bank,
Estetei, Ont. 188441
LOCAL BRI. -W. J. Heaman went to
London Monday evening, to attend the
wedding of his brother. -Rev. Mr. Thomp-
80n, of bear Mitchell, and Rev. R. MillYard,
of Main street Method* church, exchang-
ed pulpits last Sabbath. -Mrs. Wil3on, of
Woodstock, was the guest oft Mrs. Powell
for several -clays last week. -Exeter 'has a
young artist in the person of Master Prank
Weekes, son of William D. Weekes, of
whom any town might juttly. feel proud.
Frank is only- 13 years of age, but his
drawings'exhibited last week at the West-
ern Fair, London, took first prize over all
those in a class open to persons under the
age of 18 years.. A bright future is predict-
ed -for the young artist.-Gidley's opera
house was filled in every part on Tuesday
evening, many being obliged to stand, to
see the comic nlrish drama, " Finnigan's
Fortune," played by -the new Garrick club,
of Exeter. -The 9 -year-old daughter of Mr.
-Wm. Johns he now laid up with the fever.
at Goderich on Mon
day, Gm; SletgaanlbtursYwineasss.
-s—.......4 i
, Bruoefleld.
B. R. Hoeohis, Brucefield, Notary .Publie
Conveyancer, Fire and Life Insurance agent. Any
amount of money to loan at 5 per cent., on first -claps
farm security. Mortgages drawn and money ad-
vanced free of expense to the borrower. Also a
limited amount of private funds at 5 per cent.
At home every morning and Wednesday of each
week. Several good farms for sale. 157
THEY HAVE THEM. -They are neat, orig-
inal, stylish and practical, and will please
your particular fancy. This can be said of
this Autumn's outing hats. You cannot go
wrong by buying your autumn's .headgear,
and Fall Millinery from the E. McFaul Co.,
Seaforth. They have a good assortment of
the popular outings hats on sale. Call and
see them when in town, also the many other
new things shown in their -Millinery room.
_ r 1710-1
PAINFUL ACCIDENT. -Mr, Thomas Fraser,
of Stanley, near this village, has had hie
share of bad luck, at least enough to, last
him for some years. It is not so very long
ago that Mr. Fraser was laid up for.a con-
siderable length of time, as the remit of a
runaway accident. Now he is nursing a
broken rib. A few days ago, he was assist-
ing in filling a silo, when in some way he
fell, striking against elle .,side of ' the rack,
the result being a broken rib. WC trust
that it will not be long before he is whole
NOTES. -The many friends of R. J. Hee-
ris, in this neighborhood, will regret to
hear of hie illness, he being laid up at Nap-
inga, Manitoba, with an attack of tYphoid
fever. Mre. Harris is a charter member of
will hope for his speedy recovery . e is a
our Foresters' lodge, and his many riends
son of Mr. g. Harris, of MoKillap.--eQuite
a number or corn silos in this vicinity were
blown downin the wind storm of last!week.
-Dr: Gunn, of Clinton, was in our hillage
on Monday last. -Rev. E. If. Sewers was in
London on Tuesday last. -Miss iLizzie
Rattenbury has returned from visiting
friends in Goderich.-Mr. Murrey Gibson
returned from London on Friday last.; -Mr.
B. R. Higgins took in the Western! Fair,
London last Friday. -Mr. Will McIntosh
has returned from. Dakota where he has
been for some time peat. His many friends
are pleased to see him again-Mr.:lt. G.'
Simpson was in London on Tuesday of last
week. -Miss Ella Graham attended the fair
in London last week. -Mrs. McInnis, of
Saginaw, visited at the home of her Mother,
Mrs. McGregor, Stanley, hist week. -Mr.
William Graham has returned from the old
lend, but in a very poor state of health.
We are pleased to know he is slowly im-
proving. -Miss Higgins, who has beep quite
ill, has alenost completely 4ecovered,-We
are pleased to state that Mr. Plewels still
,keeps a little better.-Hdlise Mary Gibson,
who has been visitingfriendel in London for
some time,
has returned tether home here.
-Mr. and Mrs. Joseph" Ketcheideaf-Wing-
ham, visited- their nieces, the Misses
Chrysler, on Tuesday. -A telegram was re-
ceived here on Wednesday annou.neing the
death of Mrs. F. G. Rumbill, of Lendon.
Mrs, Rumballehad been in inor health for
-some time, hub. of late had been some
better and hopes were enterkined for her
recovery. Early in ehe weet she suddenly
became worse and continual to sink until
death claimed her early Wednesday morn-
ing. Mrs. Rumball was juat in
of life, and leaves a hueband and ! three
bhildren, together v. ith a large circle of
relative, to mourn the loss .of their dear
.one. Mrs. Rumball's maiden name, was
,Aikenhead and- she was born on the old
'.homestead, just north of the village, where;
she spent the early yeers of her life. The
sympathy of the whole community -goes out
to the bereaved family and friends in tide
their hour of sore trial. -Mrs. Heyner,
with her mother'of Georgetown, are this
week vieiting at Alex. Thomson's, Bayfield
road. -Miss Bell Ailtenhead returned home
on Monday, after spending some days in
London, eeeing the fair and visiting friends
in the city.
W DAT Yu I.; WANT, YOU'VE GOT. -Within -
your easy reach you want an up-to-date
Dry. Goods trading place, yeu've got it. In
Seaforth, The E. leleFaul Co. will meet
your every need. Never have they present-
ed to you a more worthy and attractive,
and rnoney-savieg 'stock of Millinery, Jack-
ets, Furs, Dress Goods, Ready -To -Wear
Clothing and eto Buying for the different
departments was done with such great care,
you can depend upon the best possible value
being given for your imouey. 1710-1
Loreeta.-Mr. R. A. Cranston, wbo has
very acceptably supplied the pulpit in Duff's
Presbyterian church during the summer
months, returned to his home on Monday
last. After a short vacation, he will resume
his studies in Knox College, Toronto. Mr.
Craneton has proved, himself to be , a very,
clever student, and his _many friends here
will' wish him every success, and no doubt a
brilliant career is in store for him in future
years. Next Sunday, morning and evening,
services will be conducted here by Rev. Mr.
Matheson, of Caledon East. --Ree, C. M.
Filer, pastor of the U. P. chorea after a
month's vacation, spent in visiting his
parents and friends in Liberty, Indiana, and
eturned on Saturday evening
y J. Ramsay has returned
other places,
last. -Mies 1
from a very pl asant trip to Deketef and
Manitoba. Ddring her visit, she recognized
many once familiar faces from this vicinity,
and we are pleased to hear that all seem to
be prorpering in the Prairie Province. -Mr,
T. Johnston left this week, to learn the
blacksmithing with Mr. Neil McNeil, of
Winthrop. Tommy is a quiet, inoffensive
young man, and we will miss his familiar
figure and smiling countenance, but are as-
sured that Mr. McNeil will find him a truth-
ful and industrious apprentice. -Mr. Wil-
liam T. Gernmill paid his relatives and
friends a flying visie last Saturday, prior to
his departure for the Medical College, To-
rento.-Farmers who have silos are, thin
week busily engaged in filling them Iwith
corn, which is an excellent crop. Notice-
able among the number who are engaged in
this industry, are Mr. Alex. Gardineraand
Mr. W. J. Dickson who are among' our
most prosperous and enterprising farmers,
and from a visit to their premises, 'with
Our store is now crowded with new.
goods. Every department is a picture of
plenty. I
• Loads of new stock have been rolling in
on us these last few weeks.'
11 lOoked as though we couldn't }mese
them prOperly, It did take much planning
and maneuvering, but now they're arranged,,
priced aid ready for swift selling.
People will have to pick their Way
through our store edgewize, with their eyes
einit, to not notice what extensive pur-
chases we've made.
Some merchants are greedy for large
profits. , Too much is never asked for goods -
thoisitos es we do the store an injus tice-
by askidg too little,. It's all right tio long
as our customer/ get the benefits.
Retnember, this store is -partly f or your
interest, partly for ours. We want to give
such value as will show plainly we're di-
viding the profits with you. It's this kind
of thing. that has, made the People's Store so
Go0 S.
The Deese Goods get first showing.
The vastness of the assortment in this Drew
Goode stick is its predominating feature.
Each wOman has a taste peculiarly her own,
and where
e could it be suited if not here S'
why, ou variety of new fabrics embratesevery
stylish eave, every fashionable coloring.
Those of you who are interested in what
the most attractive and eye pleasing dresses
will be made from, should have an early
introduction to our new dress and costume
beauties.1 _Again right styles and right
prices prevail.
Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday,
opt 26, 27 and 28.15,
Headquarters for everything
new in Millinery.
The Jaoket Department is a very busy
art. of our store thein days. All are nob
uyere, 1iauy are, and every one is in-
terested in seeing what's going to be worn
by Seaf rth's beat people this season.
We'veleen as careful as any house in the
land to ijave the JarsketStoek exactly right.
We're n t disappointed. There aren't any
other co ts like them within you're easy
reach, ae we're veiling away at these to
ti'ose w e've found. eat the priees.
It IS said that flannel waists win be
very pop lar. Everybody says it -we be -
Neve it. If everybody is right we're going
to do qu. te a business in Opera Manuaa
this fall For we've gathered in many
pretty p tterns. Flannel is adaptable as a
waist fa rie. It is servieeable, it is
sightly. Buy all your flannels; as well as
your other Dry Goods wants from the ------
Peo le's Popular Trading
. The . . .
ry Goods Cio.
's Greatest Gash
rij Goods Store.
their commodious out buildings and hand -
some residences, we would derive the con-
clusion that they are among theiie who have
made farming not, only pleasant,- but also
profitable. -Mr. John McArthur has sold
his farm, west of this place, to his neighbor,
Mr. George McCall. The farm is a 'good
one, with a large brick house and good out
building, and contains 125 acres. The
price pad was $7,000. We congratulate
Mi. McCall on his parchaee. He will now
be the possessor of 325 acres of as good land
as is to be found in the township, and we look
upon him as one who, by indomitable pluck
and ,perseverance, has gathered together the
wherewithal to purchase his broad acres.
As Mr. McArthur intends to retire from
farmiug, we have not yet learned where he
purposes to reside, but hope it will be some
place not far, distant -Messrs. Harris
Brothers' have also sold the honiestead farm
to Mr. James Houston, who owns the ad-
joining 100 acres. The priee paid was about
$5,700. This isealeo a good farm with good
buildings. It looks -as thongh a number of
farms are changing -hands this summer -
Mrs. R. Blair invited a few of her friend&
to dinner one day recently, and entertained
them as only she knows how, -Miss Carrie
Johnston has for some time been on the eiek
list, but we hope soon to hear of her re-
-Sergeants A. H. L. Richardson and
Arthur Lindsay, of the Strathcona Horse,
have each been awarded the Victoria cross
for bravery in the South African campaign.
T. McLellan, aged 14 years, and
Charles T. Mummery, aged 21, were killed
while driving on the Vietoria, avenue et -ma-
ins of the Grand Trunk railway at Hamel -
too, on Saturday night,
There is
The n
Our ma:
• 0-11 the
is witho
apply to