The Huron Expositor, 1900-09-21, Page 47 _T _7 t _4� -nv ?i� 7 -THE HURO SE 9,00 N E POSITOR. �TEMBE-R 211, 1 .4 &It. E to 11or ability through experience.. bu%_,be i ot�_, thoroughbreds, the �,fiu herds of Mosers'. H. W., G. Bissett. Oulleation si birds, bly Ing A McPherson. Fine 8 xEw AmBRTISHNIENTS, Smith and Jagob Road ofa cob Road It a young man-, Hei over fift, e of Hay,had things George Samuel, Mrs. J. Rieh=a 7 Bel. Sol b Co, Packing saltv Exeter 3altleco. y ye r: � a I 1 6.1 my -of gian Muir & Company, Ist and their a* way, and tho rabbitm, Thomas Ellerington, Joseph Fa tory qui a �t-nrned froi pretty much t parontheigis, or each 'd i I Senior. u1nea Fowl D raham N"EW FALL (1X00D,8 coo I + -#,,hnmn h& AN, Aff The figure 14twoen the and if he has any sp�cial abilities it l _I 1 2' 1. tweedso Muir &. Qompany, S. � 0 *51 ^n which the ntilel An Credit al Factory one, aeriONS v 0 V -g- Q j, V� 1 0 1 1 j! be. ton have shown.them be are this.. Ho 0 -of the re-* WillUms. Bir i 1900, -'Light lot and 2a4. Factory flannel, [Muir advorliffement wi nd. toanyokow, ring. 0 account is farm buildings, Me. Brahmax, James Grieve,! Carling Rros. Co npany, I Clothing-4raig k Blacdonald-1 so ? Theme arer-ftriportant questio ch� at destructI of h at and 2od. Factqry blankets, 5.0ouxicy litguyidg-MeWnrion & Co -6 qe 1 0 lat'and 0-nd. Mi ir & Company, let and 2nd, !Tweeds, 1jelfabt. Boots -A, MIN & Son -5 every elootar,,lisvingi the wilf4re of the 0- Thomas Russell, of R verside Farm - Us- Dark Brahmse, George IrwI n' AT Grieve. 0. T. R. Office- borns, was not reprose ited. T4a swow of Bsrr6d Rocks, Oarliffly Bros, George Irwin. Ja on Single harness,,, George Minion at � hear'b shoulq carefully can ider Kodgi-C. W. sheop was Cod, as to quality,but.qot large. White Books, Jamei drieve, James Jewell. Fa rett, Robert Sweet. Cured h J men astin his MI t on electin day. lochins, Th in Thomas- Prior. Uphol8teri, Dress Siaking-341sa r9 In Pig!, faivever, there - wa's splendid Buff Books, James Jewell. Buff C Aug:-tlirg Salo -John McOonnell-5 Bob breeds were rep-' George Irwin, John Moore. PartriAge sh * R0 Store goods, J A Stewart,, Vrm for Sale -Wm. �&Geovh�6 The faeV of his Ing displayed I boldness ow, and most of the 61 a &1ger region Cochins, George Irw�n, let E J ndoning t hingNow-8-John Landsborough-8 - , I - White Cochins, George 1rivin. Langshans, Farm for SaleI Dunlop -r, and courage" iq %ba t ted and Nd. E J- Spackman. Boots and is N Th e;- Corner ...St'ore bay er The speeding in.the ring, as usnal at0act- S� ickman Carpenter work, Dye: ' 4"& RII Cider M111-0ibson Rr ts�g &sition'to grasp b� g aiter; or. whe E. Doupoi Silver Gra;y Dorkins,.George tan . Bak�r 4. broad, E A 10�llick, -A big. . ,.q_ re -tb Bi-, in. ed the most atten'tion! Thbre .* were two Apples -John Thirsk -5 doing so he has di'pI ed kreat o(ouras 6 or viry interesting- contents. The firat was Irwin. Any variety Bantami , aA Breezv Time-Cardnoljq Opera Uall-8 a Thomas " h ' 6w. Cider blill-Roger Pep er-6 the reverse, are questions of very' ninq to borses that had; never beaten. 2-.35. Brook. Silver -spangled - Hamburgo, D'-'-&- wER&-Three varieties in plots, Mrs The Rfack Knight - Methodist Chvirch�S im- T' , 'raham, William Cartero Silver encilled Janes Richardson. Fuchsias, M�n James 07o'r'i thin - the: following, horseq competed f G Auction portance to othera.such ao.we hav out Jued no, p1sativ, Rev burt's, William Carter, " Heads RiI �hardson. Foliage Mr Mar. E F iiarguirite J. Merper Zurioh - " Pat,') Ham WITH TH BLU :RONTS above. Iii common parlanbe, hai he I Farm for Sale 'von -Alex. Goydan-6. T D.� Hodgins, Donfleld; "Melva,- W. James rieve, William Carter. WhAe tiE , John Cottle. Begonias (in flower d Illack Polands, William Carter.. Jo in Cottle, V H Trott. . Geraniums, John Sorvants"Wanted-Queen's Irotel-8 -his.opurs, aid.has he shown hims'!If worthy 0 dmore, * Seaforth. :The prizes were 0'reate i -D. McLachlan & Co.�Ifi oi and capable for the great trust. tie se -4:9 ? a %rded Jn-- the order named. The second Golden Polands, William Carter. W h i te CoMe, Mrs J Richardson. Harigin g basket, Pocket Book:Goo",ampgg IL Bcll-_� %Y, Ortaift-& C test was open to horses that had never Legborne, D A Graham, Medd Bros. hirej Richardson. Collection in lots, Win Milliner3, Openin If go, when and where ? Cider Milt -D. Vrquhart-8 ton three minutes, And'the prizes 'were grown Lethhorne, Medd Broo., lot Harburn, Mrs J Richardson, alifilis -hing . Our stock of Dress Goods this season excels anyt Wanted -P. Dill -8 ad. hite Leghorno (rose comb) (standard)o John Cottle, George Samwell. a ard6d in the following order: " Crnia," and 2 Editorial Ndtea and Co6men:bs. i bs, 0 R. PollQsky, Mitchell Lady -Mac- William Carter, lot and 2a Buff Leg- John Cottle, German -as re, H E donnell -6 have a splendid e have ever offered. n home pun, N; Lord Roberts reports 00 ers T. D. Hodgins, Dehfield Sid- horns, B'Fuke, N Jarrott. Black Java, Hu esto , E 11 Fish. Ten weekep of eke (Col. W inly Pointer," Alexander Dow, Exeter. George Irwin, lot and 2ad. Andalubians, lee ion) of.var by t�e Bi h. Dress Goo s we believe i � T�. 1 0 John Cottle. Petunias, J Ancot. range-- and our- stock'of Black '51, Thd following in the Orize list James Jewell,Carling Bros.- Black Spanish, Bi ney, John Cottle. Verbenae, Charles via* ran WpOwtor the Other reports say they Are jweJ;,I fed nd mars, Moore, 18t!snd 2ad. - Black MinoreAs, tl Pf I x Dr mondi HOMES.-Reavy draught, -Brood John !. I E1 1) e 0 John Cattle. Zen. made- comfortable in every wa It -a a Dickson A�Son, George Rutherford Win Thomas Prior, - Can -White Minorcas, Was, �Lbn C de, Thom.as Elleringtou, pity that some means could not a do mod Keraick, Foal, George Rutherford, I Win M.edd Bros., Ja.'es j-.'wel-1. Silver Laced Bai iket i ut 11 owitra, Rev Mr MartiO, George finest shown outside the citieS1 b'gAFORTIT, FRIDA, 8ept. 21st, 1900 7 1 -Dickson & Son. Three-year - Sa we Annuals, in bloom, John Cottle. to make them,,firjeful. It will a at a g;t-of Kernick, -old Wyand ' ottes, W Howard, let and 2nd. money -to provision -add clothe 1 000 ble filly -or gelding, Di6hocni & Son, let and 2ad. White Wyaniottea� Joseph Senior, lot and Or ame tal garden and fountaii, W H bodied men. The Wars. Two�yeaf-old filly or got ding, James Patter 2nd. Golden Wyandottes, K Doupe, Madd Trett. Spebial, collection start George son, Diakson Son, E R William's & Son. Bros. Buff Wyand6ttes, Modd Bros., lst Ander n. There is little to ridto from Sout - h Africa The Toronto says holda, a of One-yeai-old filly or gel in* , Josiah Creary, and 2ad. Black Wyandotces Gg�br _e LAD11W WORK. -Woollen ra, t Wm .9 e this week. The war tbere -are -said- iave e ITM is dragging along the federal electi no �,een bickson-& Son, Wrfi Doe. Team, Dickson Irwin, Ist and 2ad. Bronze -tu' 4r, Cbeone . Cotto rp t a" Thom,. HILL]. Ye &8on, Alex Dow' Douglas, George Irwin. White tu- , Ha insh ISO. rag a rkeys' w Moked, ia a very desultory iiianner. The old policy fixed; 'The W`orld has -this on a insid tip. t, Mire !Agricultural. -B"rood are, John Thomp- bhdd Bros. AoT variety. turkeys, George Ge �ge Nott, Hanuah Wise., 8 ed rag of attack on the part of the BriLih and run- 1he nominations w 11 take pisce 1 00 lober Pekin 'dog r mat, Hannah Wine, Mrs, M son James bioir, Win rock, - Foal, Win. Irwin.' Wild Geese, A. Bisole't. Thom. MISS ROSS will be ple sed to shol-w the ladies One of ning away on thei, part of the Bo'ers' is still 222ad-and-the eleo- Ions on �Ootober 21 thp a rook, John Thompse , Charles Godbolt, ducks, D A Graham, George Irwin, Roue Ho )ked rag hearth mat, Thomase 9 et, Mrs being coirtinued,. with the result that the week later." The World may bi xighi 1, but Threeryear-old filly.or, jeld ng, D McDon. ducks, George Irwin, lot and 2ad. CUP Ge irge Nott. Sewed rag hearth in& Mrs. M the finest stocks of Millinery the neVreSt styles, and she W Country is beip.g gradually, athough slowly, it is a- great deal-m6re. likely to be W on . ad, Ndrman,Jarroft. 0 year-old filly -or laction pigeons, Thomas A - 3rock.- Belgian J hom, James Thom. Wool oks, M. gelding, Robert- Love, , And rab Buell, Or ghton, M, Jamieson. W I Cleared of the enemy, The Boers are -still The World has hid -so' many " inside ips .,erson, James bits, Joe h Senior, ' William ockin -year. old 6 ly or. gelding, Dick. - Guinea fowl,T Williams, William Carter, M rcsip ht -on, M -Jamieson. a a a -the I idies call ai and C01111 - y which have piroven fakIiij, that no� Allen. One t 0M, would be pleased to have I inspect recentl sniping the Britiiih soldiers, and blowing u a 3801 body pay much heed to its retei ided son & San, A Buchanan James Moir. Team, M. mi 2, M Creighton. a t 1 stock. VEGETABLES. -Potatoes, --American won- re a bridge and tea -ring up d rallway here pid tis Jqhn Dale, 'r, John De ker, John'Hirn;7. George ShraAer, A issett. Beauty Ighton', M. Jamieson. Ladies' ar Any lady desiring an eirly Fall de e. at, will be accoUl- wo mi� there wherever they, can get a ohand.e. The General &rpose,­11 Food mare, D oth. of ikebron, Joshua Heyw000, Miss Alcock. wo 1 9, Mrs )� J Thom, Mrs Ja I es Rich. The finanIcio'isteefinent of th' Dom nion Pearl of Savoy, Mrs J Heywood, Thomas MenPa wocl mitt ames, hom, MraL eringham. &. Son, W Smith, James Moir. arc son. .8 one �otablc �ettire ie, that President modated after'Thursday mormin year ending onj . aiiq 30b4 IE at, a owo J Harding, W Smith, D Fdtheringharn Brook. Empire state, Joshua Heywood, A Ge)rge Nobt. �Men's *601 gloy0s, James for th Foal, 9 Kruger has left South Africa, no Aoubt for &Son. Three-year-oldfilly orgeldi Them, M Creighton. Counterpanesi Hannah nf, JOB Bissett. Red elephant, 'George Shroeder, a surplus of $7,94q,000 on 'arope, accompanie `01 50li( &tOd Bin n,:Thomaf4 - Shapton.' Two.v;ar.ol filly 0 e ar Wise. Knitted counterpanes, X�a goodT Iand has gone to X d Mae ohn De k r. C men. M Bret hour. Rural fund, or.. ordinary at gelding, Richard Birch, T 6 Eller- Ne i*ge ShroIeder, A Bisse(G. by Mij. Kruger, a H4 exact deatin- Account, whiih, . i dong . Thom, 11 Creighton. Crochet counterpanes, w Yorkers, Goo ad, will wipe 1109 014, a an John De COME WITH THE CRO with 82,000,000 of "'a sinking fu t 2 d d 3rd. wo-year-old filly or ck. M. .0 , htou, John Thomps S TO -as Any variety, Georpe Shro On. -el Bircl, - homes . eder Tafted -ertain liering- er. Three new varieties, *Joe h na ffeyv�ood. so. aiou has. not yet been definl� V . . - elding, Richard inter nee, M Brethour out the entire eirpongliture on�:oaitaj ao. Cou Hanni 'h Wi- ed� It is said bv hier "friends thit'he has ton, W Smith. Team, J cob Roeder, Joseph Calico p tch quilt Mira George Nctt Han - Winter cabbage, H I, Kraft, George Ander. an of nearly 0,000 to reduce the' pub c e t. arriage,-Brood mare, J mes L Rouble a h iee. Silk patch work ilt, Jas Yo Deavitt. Globe beets, Mrs P Bavideri, C in,- _LTNN S. w"RTR count f6r the year, and leave &'bL JLl �e nah Wil A Cloth Patch quilt, Jam's �Tho left f4r the benefit of his heLvIth, which is $_70 11 b son. Blood beet, Mrs Joshua Heywood, Ha� no doubt true, as it would not bo : hoalt6y�-. Only once since Confedera on, and tha was Be Be G John Essery. Foal, F )Tr, en, W V4 t zel Th in, Mrs M J Thom L R Walper. Sugar bieti, harles Dyer, George CA, Z atch for hi -M to sojourn As a prisoner in Ilelen4 in 1882, has there been so large. ia red )bion George Monteith. Tiree,year-old.gildiag Shroeder, t ro George N;tt,01,&,me1 f -of the public debt. ong mangold's, P Hartman, A tp forth6romaad�rofhiodaya. Hioremory ition or All The Splendid I on y, ames Smillie, N 8 ihoellig, J Bjesett, C Bir Frozy w rk silk quilt, Mrs M -j Th:)m, Mrs amen neV. Globe afsiagolds, Henry maxks� the begivaing of the- end of Y4 Pagemori well, &W6a-He no doubt of the finanLees afid the enormous, grow,,Ib of L Roublej. Two-year,, ild p elding or fill George Sam ofin W ite. Wool shawl, Mabel Brooks _ywood. uring, It a ter r ilf.-id A.Biseett, - A Kerr' WaI -. Y rmediste,'H Paskmore,' Joseph Bawden, y r -old, -Inte will bo the liardest things *,A hich -the ing or filly, Joh -isery F O'Brie' Sf� John Hunter. Early horn carrotq, John in Patchi ng, John the war. trade d h* ma -si W 9 '4 'HanCriiade Mena shirt, M ea D4 Oreigiton. THRE STORE8—Nd. 1, D ry. Go -ads, ladies' gpo*ds onl eld n a' ieso. ii, Mrs -D McIntyre. Ta Obina,, tht-atnioephere is elearin The Opposition will havg� to 66ntend with ii i the No. 2, Plothing, ulenz's goods onl No-. 3, Oro. - h raps .9 Rrsona. Pair'carriage horaBii, John Brock- Decker, Joseph Bawden, A Devett. Nantes n, MraL M J Thom. Dart irig, Mrs y coming poli�ical cam�Algn. powerg have com to a united agreement, enshire, C Walker. gle carriage horse, carrots, Wm Newcombe, John Horn M ceries--4peci"sl canned goc i s, butter and te- 8. ey. Tbom, M Creighton.. ButLonh)leo, Mrrl Them, Mrs M n �,rrier, B. S. O'Ne 1, Blyron & Hicks. Orange or red darrots, George Shroeder, H 'The -Goderich 9iguigl pute'the matter very Li -Hung -Chang is to b accepted As a III J M D McIntyre. Pill)wsha Road stera, �Brood in ire, Joseph- Rinn, A M Crei,,Yhton, M Jamieson. Ta E Rueston. Field carrots, 0 Walper, J to Mate" g6tiatot ; a central 0,ov6rnmeat,sa�isfactory I L doylioa -IgW8 The way the rory Buchanan, W Wetiel. Foal, -W Wetzel, Airbb.- Sweetcorn, M Brethour, George I -rooks M.Ore' hton. atly as fal Mabel The 1310YOLE e -ocked to the powers, is to be establiahed the f ull- -.old reig ton, D I prints itre. shedding crocodile teari ove the 11cIntyre. T ilet Tab I on next Joseph Rinn, A Buchapiin. Three-year hire Shroeder. Indian corn, Mrs M J Tom, A M C met Brett i ti e eFit retribution bt to bq eacted for the ap. gelding or filly, Win lCent Win 'Dale, Bissett. Water mclons, 0 Walper, A Per. ii Pin rcushift, Monday, at 3 oclock p., M Par i of Peter Ryan to got 'the U tat York- M our, Hannah Wise. s avina keys Jame&Alla;iii�, Two-year-oldgeldingor'filly, king. M a7anahiWise, Mrs George ask melons, C Walper, A Perkins. Nott. 30fa Oil- H4nnah Wise, Mrs k D 31clutyre. W the foreigixers. W by the manner in which iihey vi, out spit. gelding -pr filly, W Wet It me, S hetiwork M Creighton, Mabel Brooks. Willm taeko on -the Legations and the m0Iasacil-.of i -Lib 'al nomination, could be exbeeded. only� Win Kidd, R Williams, D Mrood. Ye�r-old Swede turnips, John- er, J Roeder, Thomas Brock. Any - lCiety turnips, J lCor HeYW venom -&t him had 'ha' been a saf I in Parsov6_' Pair 4adste %V Kunz, R Roederi Mrs Joshua ood. Pumpkine MBrethour. Paperflowers', ucc M cramp war getting the nomination." That is, all; uit, Roe. Single roadster, C H Baskerville, A Bissett, J Airth. Squash, 0 Pym Ja6e8 I Lano or 'May I a to red away. Booming -Hugh John' h6m,- Mrs -H J Thom. Pi Donald, f Mgilesworth,spent Sund�y with that they t 't The -all John Voplker,'Thomas.,f'�.'H.inford. Saddle val�le scarf, HannaI WiSCL true, but the: grief is on the s, d'e the Weekes Brothers, Red oniptis, Mis J �Hey' Mrs Ge Nott. le,.Mr. George McDonsI -M. farmao-V gerVativo. 'The efforts of the Con Ryan - 6 not horse John Farmer, Jo is care.-. L!.vdy Table cc ver, M. Creig their unp rs. crop is hi-te.-! ryellow onions ton, Mrs D ntyre- Rutherf4d. is suffering With very eore leg, e silos havel pro cii too small -for the press to 8ajd_L_.11T6ry prints." Mr. Ryan wood, R Williams, W 11 - ph Ff�� v even at th' �r, Miss M Spro t,' Miss, Dale, Mrs Geo Wbisk holder, M Cmighton, M. an rge Anderson_ Tomat H E Hues. d so,,, fa as any' driv 'Oretifur. boom r. Hugh John Xacdonald, who is e convefation -Judge Masson he d court of reviai()A here season's cro f w a yy: vai'labl, . last P, Mr.- . Orank Upshall, V errion knows, was not ln,'A ofin Decker.' Wo'rkedj ottoman, Thomas Hazelwood, TAIrs ith, th a past! week, i uat now touring Oiataxio with- 4i tou, A Perkins, -Odlery, G 'brge Anders3n, on Thursday of Week. He was a,pcom- Tuckeram. Charles P lost a, Ane MI�I`Th)m- Paintin on China i Tu HP, is an able. ma and, woull-be a. crbd it 1.0 CATTLE.-Thorotigbbied Durham, -Aged. Rev N1 r MarUn. Citrons oseph Bawdbn, - 0 neono baLiji pp6r, IM r. Foster an qrs John panied by E. L. Dickir st�er, of 09 --blog5d pojsaning.�-Mr d, M Whitney, any constitu Cawl H Smith let '2n': and Vd. Three. 0 Pym. Pekh: White, k screen, Wingliam.-M.r. James Grey has bought Arthur McLean, 4 te road, was via- oncy or party, but he is gigloo a Hiwaton M. B qrffAlcoc � Drawingtoo i wouldbe Amusing were they not so �child- sefisible man, and ao'he yea -old cow, H'.Smi, Jacob Roeder.' Callectio Mis Ge(rje -Nott. .1 and screen now holda'a Gbvern.' our. of vegotibles, Weekes Mr. John Gannetts farm of 50 * atzies, in ting friends here the lorio part of the week. rs Goo ishl ridiculous. The naussou and ful- ment Position 'worth three -or f;ur lhosand Two-year-old hheifer, H mith. let and 3rd.. Brothers, George Anders Ntt. " nnerettes, ra George an Mrs J_ Righ. NOtt- Ai Turnborry, near the village.-Mri B, H, -Mr. (X4e0rgA e our. ra( ulhollAnd,, of Harpurhe ars year, which go - have to One,year-old heifer, H 3xnibh, lat'aind 2ad, ardson. Br -1 et. pery, Thai n Ili wet some flattery of the Toronto Mail h _jw6u A8 !Hot- Townsend, proprietot of the Wroxeter Star, the pas' vLisit g his old nei ites ifI he becae a canaidat0' COTTLMOU Jacob Roeder. Heifer calf, H Smith, IS' deir, hire George V M gORTICULTURAL PTS. -A les, Penelooe or was in the village on Monday. -At the last Mr. Alex. Monteith. r. Mulh pp re ghto 0 Waild and Montreal Star Is to be expected, I sense wil. show -any. person' that -the 26d and 3rd.- -Bull "Cal H Smith let and Four varieties fall apAes,' 1 Win he Jainie2on,' M.0 rochet- tidy, M till I Y. neeting ;oItland Presb tery, in Toes- a hankering ifter hii old friends ber.e.' t igh n, a Knitf�d tidyg water, on- September 6th, Rev. W. J, -Cliff Watson, a ttle bay of our VjIILa_ge" t and no, portion payn any attention to it, but croqodile tears being shed. ov�rMr. Rv&a1s 3rd, -J Roeder. Heid H Smith,list and' Twel%',e winIter applel mes Horton. Or H nE aW, y Wah Red failure to obtain the niommatio'n 01 a 15)liti- Twelve- fall 6,ppleal Win -Chi guey, H. Ches. better might be expected, from the� so,ca 2ad, Roeder, Mr M Thom, Al Creighton G 'r S tin- West A., was appointed moderator for climbing a tree for buttei nuts, when th IIM6" e cal. -convention in a d Grades,- Hicks, Silas Stan-'- ney. Rhode Island, Gres se. Etching, M. ou�Ml consti.Cueu(j; is Aged cow, 1, mi j gs, Win Ofisg- met work, Hannah Wi Creijh Independent p'qIp�mi. Ae an exivmplb �qf the next term. -A great number -of wellp broke, causing the IIU16� fellow to fall, He slimply a waste of very we�k brine, lake, or., Thomas 8h pt(P. Three-vear-old� ney H NdrI spie , M, are dry and many-new-ones-iike being dug. b I on and dial'cated his arm.. - 8 Win ton, Mrs D MdIntyre. : Applique *ork, was bady sk what- these professed nondesoripts daily "heifer, it Hi( St)inlake. T%�o.yeax­ ("he, Cright M. Brethour. Floral 1�applique ka, Sit& j oney,, L Brock. Roxbdr o russets, Th Farmers iarl determined not igi huye to drive Mr. George TaylDr bas sold 20 head of igr&I r m_ Mr. -Arebibad Campbell, M; Pi, ha i i ac - old beifer,'R Hicks, Th(r emit, we give the Rele6tion'if 0. nas Sfiapton, Juhn as Yellow,'A Me Work Creighfon, ArreBene em�roidery, their ci Donald. pitzenburge, A Mrs j ttle to the river in fuure drolutha.- ing steers to M R. -B, McLoanj, for- atalt. Elliott. One -year -o d heiferj Thomas Shap. McPherson. - Baldwins, T iomas Ellering- McIntyre, Mrs George Nott.j Crewel the Toronto Tele'grpim, which is dedidedly capted ithe nomination U n imon i in u usly The Cheese' h' d I t Friday broug on, let, 2ad and 3 d. Heifer calf, Mon. too, Jacobz Ro er. We tfield seek emb a Ippe as fedding. These,' :ill net Mr. Taylor close ed A 'd the beet -and most ab tenderedlhiin a- roidory, Mrs Georg Nott. roi ary j.-bfr..v 8dward Coultes, of Ripley, on $1,000._114 John maXievin was.at Is of its Claus. In a, by the Libor -ale of What ork, teith ]3�08,, ipVilli, on idlk, Miss M. Horn, em Creight centr Am W(stcobt. further, A McDonald, P M(Tagg%rti, Snow ;n. Em- opentSunAsoy at lijo. home here. -Mr' and Goderich, thisi %ek, aclinji as judge on us recent isiva of the Telegram we nobice the to aoxitest that constit ' ney sI N. BiAchers' Cattle -Two-year-old steer, sip les, H Chesney, Thornas 'Ellerin&n broddery on flannol, Mrs D M(I'ptyre) M th rs. Ma hall Hugliesi of Recaaba, Mich- horses at; the vir. go rectors of 1 a Thomas Shaptob, It Elioksf-R Brock. pippino;.Wm Bawden, Waper. Col. followingahoice mQrsel: Clarke Walabe., For A number f years One- pill a. Shiiiin a bitch em broid Mra D Tn,,,,.ha*e been visiting old' frio-nds- in county town. sho, v know where to t ' d year-old steer, Thonas Shaptop, -lob Jacob Roed Mellrityre,"Al Creight ge, 900 K ing TAberal jouinals will have to use consider. Mr. Cam Aell ham 'represented Ki at th and verts er, Wm. Chesney, on. Knitted ititch, em, Orr Mrs. Hughes also visitidd, 'Mrs. material for work. -Mr. W`. P. Dale 6 . . I . - the 9 2ad, R Brook.' Fab r steer, John Wood, of -Tompkins, Ir0heaney, A Biseetb. Alex. broidery, Mrs George Nott. - Rib h or rib- Philip homats, of Bluevale,-Mr. Louis of London'. geneiral agent the Max*ell argument -to rob Hugh John Macdon- Dominior House, but as 4.1.1 hia int ireab i are Ist 2ad and 3rd at ow o' heifer, R anders, James Horton. Caq%da Red, Jacob T 0 r b000e e mbroidery, X Creighton, 4 Broth- I ald of the qualities, of boldness -and oourago in West l'ork, Ifo has conceded to U, go- rcauemb Blake Duff went -to Stratford, at) Saturday works, St. M aI the past -W k Brock, Oheuille Work, Mrs Geols 6 Nott. he is conieded in R Hicks. o n, Wood. steer calf, - Roeder. Ribston pippino, W�m Cheoney,- H o rter on the Beacon.�Ou was callling 1 on he ;,ee nt' outrondering - the i promior- of the Mberals to stand for tha; ri lag. Thomas Sh pt It local a' ship of Mcmitoba R Brock, Chesney. Wagners, Win WdNrt, ThoMao. BraidiuA, M. Creighton, Hannah IV to take p%rit in thl se. Bead Tue d September 4th, Mr. David Ram. here, Mr. ohn M -Nevin., ­iMing P Federal In Kebt, Mr, Campbell gradually' ueri tied Ayrobirem, Beat *, Alex, D w,-latand Ellerington, Maidens' blv;ah' lri/m Chem. work, R Creighton. Berlin wool i rork, Mto fight. There is a warm spot in th6 heart of &-narrow majority to a wife thing, Ohio he 0 Walpe as I Be a t son of Mt. Allan Rasay, of the' Maudie Ricker, who -has been ViSiLtIng 2nd. One -year-old fig Ifer, R williamoi ney, D Ajoln, re, Thomas Hozelwo, C 6 y I es the efeatorate for a. good flgh-ter, a d H�jgLh i r. Golden russett, J Airth, H SLraw rat 111as now �illingly given 110 that be liel� Morris, was married to Miss with friends at P rantford and L Toronto John Macdonald in forsaking theertain hi partyz Tu� aid Chesney. Ben Davis, S. B,oek, lait'i H unah Wise,.Jamea T IL , bag ty is n hi own c'oi sti'tuenoy e is Jersey, -Best saw, Ti omas Prior, I Arm. Wealthy, b rg Nce, Mien hot Ral Martha Caldwell, of near Walkerton. returned home.4-Thauffflinde of bushels of tic of the present for the u strong, Two -V M Horn, M1 s, D Me- After the wedding, Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay lea are Ilying�,LOn the ground in this d1s, ertaf4y Of' the 'a large property holder in'the co ear-ok heifer, Thomas John Gill, A. McPherso�. Duchene- of 11 as Ruei PY, e�burj, James Horton, Intyre. Point laoe, Mrs D futue commends himself to this cular and is vey popular, andl the Libi rall' eel Broo�, A Dow. One ar-old heifer, Thos. Old Mrs George McIi t ip, M&rs-- --visitea a Toronto, and are now at their t, the renalt ic f the big wind atormof the 'y' trpipc elLeM_enfI. JjUgh John Macdonald'� cout 0 -age confide Prior, Thomas.Brock. Helfer calf, Thomas Nott. - Blenheim pipplus - A McDonald,. Jobn White, Hooiton lace, N r6- John h me in Morrie. -Miss Myra Ramsay went past week. Th qt� that they, willi be able Do Wb farmers are unable to do needs no furbhor demonstration than Is him a& ihliq head of the'Lpo�ls. Mri Brock, A Dow. WM�Wilsou. Carberry, ��iseett. ite, Mrs D McIntyre. Kni� see, �idk I Sister to Mani 13 anything w cFi raloo a Mrs M J Thom tobs a few days ago to e flarrIed ith them. -Miss M in his abatidonment of a Herefords, -Best cov, Mont.ith. B Peue,�Winter ears amt;el M ' Cref h ton c rack allaco 1will again 'be the Cou, ierv' ve,' rox 9 - Mr. Woods,. who taught in 14"am- has gone -to visit her brothers ia Manitoba. One wotk, M Creighton. Tatting, Mr, Col. ' Miss Ramsay is the youngesit -Xr, Gilb.6rt D k is putting an addition Gross of the Fc(loraf Gov. 2ad. Heifer Calf, oat ith Br6., ist and beaut�i Mrs John White... D66heem Angou. Mrs 0 1 ott. Darned, net, M. Cieighton, au r of Mr. Allan Rasay.-The very 11 ki ship to'combat a arity an -year-old heifer, Mot eith Br is., Jr Sweet, say's Bch to his resi acej a the WAY Of a now tchen d an individual ist s' IF&II pears, Mrs Bawden� Flemish backed by all the fc nominee. T orn-ment. Ther lime, Thomits Brock, ours Mrs G jott, Drawn thread and 6m stitch, e -that raged on Tuesday night of mite Ellerington, Ja an g� I as making other improve. i no doubt but &t the gtea;t maed' 2ndi & Clairgeau, Thg� stron oil and cellar Boldness SimEp.-Llicolon, -Aged ra, L F,Good. Thonias Brook, A McPhe on. Vicar . of men - Horton. Silk last wee and P�: Grea�' a7hil which was supposed to be ments.- T. u can courage," for soolh. of the ople %re abili Hay, of Farglubar,who win. 1 Shearling rami Thomas hapton, L.F Wingfield, Thomas:' war little� , L L Brock. Bell lucrative, k, M a John White; M. Creighton, Pan- part -of the terFible Texas -storm, did omee to do busit can and become a citiz4a of n, ele M Creighton, M Brethour. Fancy table, Poreaking the certainty of the present 'e�mentabl ig orent 48; eat And Goodwin. Ram lainb, T Shaj:Con, Win serious damageaboub here. Nearl all the ur villagej is I y n the gi Thomas track Sholdo in Newcombe V intyL of mad y w here' stock-takibg.- 4da, and its g eat 'Dansford, L F Goodwin. Pair owes, L F the unoerta the future is, good., But; *A.ried rewarceIii of Can' Thomas Brock, East Bourr 3, A Devett, A Mrili G N otti. Home ig broad, Mrs B fruit was blown from the trees, trees were re. Grah Toronto, Vi itin her Goodwin, Thorn&11 Sha ton. Pa McPherson. Bur au de. Aw ou, Win New Fake, N re J Deck off a paper making the lofty pretentions of extent. Tho.more intgoll ge6b claees 'have ir shear. er, Mrs Josh Heywood, split,- branches broken and- fences Ms. Win. Moo a i, Moorgo$ 0 8 village. - OM lingo, Th combo, Thomas Brook Crochet work in cotton, Win a Shapton. VVm Dan ford, L F 12 so me what enlighten d. Jamea M-cDaigall is n a cri ad -ich the Telegram. bee Within *the. est Goodwin. -Pair ewe lambe, Win, Duneford, Plumbs, - Lombards, Cadiag Brothers, Pools -Cotton embroidery, George Sam. sito' o, the first line of M I enixine. Independence wh heoneY- knocked down. Mr. Richard JohnstoI or�11511 was also oise. It got ite leg badly out in arb doce, should, at least, tell the whole , truth. three or four years,.butj there' omas Shapon, L F G:oodwin. Thomas Brook. well. icture fratne,,Jamen Credc h, 16wi but no' is a ill weat Th Any va riot Carling laid; reater harin! was done. vi I fence. is * gr 6tify,niz, go If ugh John has not yet forsaken. the.� room for enlightenment. It Brothers. Pond's seedling, H Trott,, IFr.., RTS. -Water color paint M, Shropshire,. Aged rar, Hannah Wise. The bush firex,,to e seen on all aides of us, I therefore, to. notice , th -the lam h t Alcook, ohn Horn IN t LIS' were'fan�ed to dangerous proportion@, but ertauti a of the. prououb.for the uncertainties auth6r ini;W Leicesters,'-Aged rat�,. T C urrelly) & Carling Brothers. PAiDtiDg in ities- are doing,,all hey o4 a 41 cong Grapes,*-Nisaara, Mrs John White, Mrs. Alcock,, Mrs J its, Crayon, sketch of the future." It is quite true that he has these li Son, lot and 2nd. , Shei rling rat i, T Cur I all who4a buildings were near them sat �p lesall. neli. In addition'to the 10 raistion - D MpIntyre. Concord, H L Kra Win Mrs J. White, John T rplly & Sqn, lot and 2a( , Georgi Penhale. ft, h0mP80n- Pencil and watched. On the second line of Morris 01I)ER MILL.4-Heneal -M accepted the nomination of the Couserva given through immigratiork Agents, ill and N�tvcombe. Delowafe, Rev Mr. MA-rUn, W sketch, Weekes Broth )hmph- Ram lamb, T Ourrelly g; -Son, le'l and 2nd, era. 'Photographs, about, fifty men fought bush fires all night. �1111' U111 will co q Monday, tives. of Brandon, and is now starring On. !eta, eto., they are now. attempting to ace it Trott, Rogers' No. 15, Win Newcombe, Joseph Senio'r. Heir dressers' work, E' H IoJR44ber 2itli ; h1y11I,,'jd1 sluloolo CjPW0&rpA)tt0�pnQ@we0j jggI a. George Penhale. . Pair e Ives, T C i rrelly & -On Tuesday of last week about poon, the aolty. D. UxquInAtt! informatic n directly in the heart *1 -the Son, George Rogers' No. 19, A, McP1 Croon, -Thornas Fish. I 171Qx2 Wrio with ir Charles Tupper, but, sensible cl Penhale, 2n and 3rd. PMr high wind carried a arks from abAab fire to the farm -homes.. , rho family ci e and in Brook. Rogers' No.! 41 Ri iv -Mr Martin. THE JUDGES CIDYR MILL gned, on Lot -rhe andgerai� In an an he evidently is, he has not yet rc� shearlingi,. George Penhale, let and 3rd, T 0 Mr. Thomas Bills' arn, on the th Ii of go, Concession 2, H4 hag him older mill in ruarging Government has offered, -throu,41il Iord Care . Ily & Rogerrs' No. 0, Revi Mr. M krUn. Rogers' HEAY HORM.-J. Handford, Centralia; Morris. T �r thneth ge 11 y, Wednesday and Fri. _LBod Pair e we lambi, T Our, he',,buildiug, togethe hape,'and will grin Mond �A signed the Preginiershp of Manitoba rathcons, High Comm' issioner f f or An da, No. 22, W Newoombe Ri,gers' No. 45. John Duncan, Usborne. relly & Son, George Per hale, 2nd -and 3rd. season a crop, a colt and over a 22z�n pigv,' ,of each week -6�.iougho:it Miesasorg. p.&ytiel schools 1 there ij no certainty that lie V0 td.supply gratis to rural' Win Newcombe, Thomas Brdek. Any'other LiairT Hopqns -W.'R. Carr, V,8., Kirk- was burned. The horses were taken out in Iff, do so, But I eat Grade -sheep,-Ewe lambs, %'m Dunsa a in toget frindIng done will receive pfompi before; Brifaiu, books and atlases, 'giv ng he variety, Thomak-B obt on, Sat 611act on gu.sruateed, John Elde even supposing that be should ford, lot and--2tigl; on; Xr, Gundry, Goderich. safety. The buildings of Messrs. Tihomas I sall V. 0. geograhy and maps of Cpmaida, an, sits )I to MISCELLANEOUS. -Canned fruit, M Broth- CATTLE.-Jamen Hazelwood, Kirktn Bone and John Ellis were -in great danger of Pros. �Yorkshi re, -Year- old bear, D A the Dominion elections take place, we do' dona i Ae.-pryei; for the ou'166essful F ipil our, John Decker. Ho�ey, ;A McPherson. LoCAL B=Fs'-I-Rev. Mr.wils(311, Of IAA_� 14 - i a -beine bestroyed also. but the neighbors Graharn. Boar,littered in 1900, 1, F Good. Joh: Sutherland, 131anobardi 0 Y. on, will conduct services in Carmel PrI not sOe that he would bd displayii'g an' ` those schools ad6pting.the books o - te ch. Home made buqs, James Thom, Hannah Sirimm,.-Richaird. Elicks, Centralia, war ed bar and saved hern..-Messrs. .11 Orion church 'on Sabbath, morning 'and win, Iab and 3rdj.D A-Graheim. ged ing pur great ourage or that he would be making poses,_ The offer! is made wit, a and od6r.old sowD A Graham. Youn Row Wise.,; Bottled pickles and 11 ?%nned veges PiG.S.--Frank Hamilton� Cromarty R. Jackson and Benjamin Wilson, of Chi artiall ar saor view to in bfucting the y leago, epirig.- uite formerly of Bluevale, have been visiting rural populatior as Win M 9 'low' tables, Mrs J �iqhardson. 1 number of our vifl ny p i F1 Delbridge Ugiborne. cc: The facL_of his re. to Canadi's advantagei, and thereby en. onteith, let and 2ad, L F Gopdwia. Borksh ire, -Aged, b r, D A Graham. -Farm wagm, . Chatham'- - Pour -Ti �Iy I ors.attended a fall fair hcld at 14,xieter .-Edwlard Howard E now, w not prevent his being couraging emigration to ;be Dominion f -orn xeter. several places in Huron county. , The gor T)p buggy, Wm eaday ]&a., d report &.1 irge-attend. Yearpold bnar, John & Manufacturing Compan IIVFIILEA ]&XTS. �8. A. Moffatt, Varna D. Messrs. Wilson are evangelists and intend TU 4p t Son, David Y. poin-od to the same position. later on., the Agricultural classes. In the rural 0 and good e it.' Mr.- 13en -ColdweRI tricti;,� however, we are sorry Douglas. Young-boiLr, aged sow, year-old Kunz, Went:kej &Fritz. Pia mo box c McNicho , Farquabar. utter, oting to England shortly to preach. Mr. in Coldwell,of he town - Of Mr. to le ra, the GRAIN AND Mcj.(','Wen, Hen Sackson Wilson is well known in Morris, a ji . \ He reeign8 the smaller poaition in. the hope NOW, young Be* D A Graham, Ist'and 2ad.' W. Grey &-Sov, McLaughli & lolenanK. t ird-.sou project is not viewed wibh anyth,ng lik P, of Hay, has gaged with Mr., H. Ban - 8 in & e Me 411 A. Rollins, F of gram ping the larger cne, and if he fail .1 Tamwortb,- Age&boar, John Hord Portland Cutter, W Gr 9 having taught in Ramsay's school. favor, and in - some , localities it s stolitly 11 le, general' mc r hunt, &a a that 6) can fall back to li�s first love. If proteqted on the ground that depo mla Son, D on. Year-old"boar, John Hord on lin - & Company, Roal & Wentzel & ROOTS AND V- Hogarth -as Welsh r4 contly vqry much boar,I)Douglao, lob and - mill, Camp. all improv. 6'rali Government id defeated at in �hose places to proceeding I Doughi. Young' Friiz, ]lst and, 2od. Fannian the U6 the' 1pee lily 3rd, JAhn Hord & Son. AgeA` sow, john - bell � Manufacturing Cam any. , Roller, P, A T.S. - W in. W go e k Is ed his dwelling, , r 2ich he purchased from en-ough. In. the oourse of time, howe Irer, Mr. Robe y havilig. it tastily fo ing clowbione, 1ju 1.1 John is Chatham MarLufacturifigCo pany. . Drain. ujT. -Robert, ang and H. U'. Huse un'ber from this ds- rthe d Hord.& Son, D Douglas. Year. old sow, ITE.NI large n rt Bell, r., I foe the le'adership of the 01ansarvative and in t,4 -fade of . pero�stcati efforb, hL ton L F Goodwin, D Dougl' ing tile uildi g brick, John I ated. -Rev. Jewitt prn' ad in Oar - so. Yo ing-- _,John Kerr. B Exe,.er. trict attended the London exhibition and Pat barty, prkijudice roay bc'overeomp. Mel Presbyterian (hureb on Sabbath evon. `o.ha,Hord & Son, L F Goodwin, D '-Doow' Kerr, LADIE'S' M�K,,7-hlrs. E. J. Spaekman sport a good time and large attendance I it g last, delivering a very line ser -The and- consequently the Promiurshi t gourg� lam. Diploma -Pen, any breed, Jchn hito) a Eoor isp Mon. OftAIN AIM SEEM -Fall wheat (w and Mrs Dou but di lay. -The East Huron fair Exeter. maertment of the Lord's S -die- er it a kmcri' -on October -4 and 5. u per %a I & Son, D. Douglas, D A Graham. will be old in Brussels, )01:111 ion. Who would consid Josh Heywood, Michael Brethour. Fall flee toL &j)a'n(joU ynsied in Carmel churob a abbatwtmorri. Premiership of ti, ai m all The ExOter Fair.'. a, Caring Bros., -Lai n Povirvr.-Light Brahma' wheat (red), Al. Brethour, Jaines Patterson. AiBlast for Dr. McDonald, of ge preparations- are being made in the g �ast.-Miss 3orts, of Denfieldj is visit. Provir ce like M anitcylia for the Premier . slup The ann,u.al f.411 Show of the Soutli.-Hurop James Grieve, Dark Brahmas George Any variety spring wheat,L M. Bretbour, way- of special attractions �nd,_weather R6 an d nL RL� i East Huron. irg �her grand-m4her, Mrs. Reitb�-M,168 Stoph d Usborn6 A$rieultiiru1'SdI. Irwin permitting, the directors expeab a record of this v4at Doininion/ If lie fails in Barred Rocks, Carling �ros:, A. James Airth Six -rowed barl-y, M Bret. P III Moore viaitiB, I London friends several ap woue igr -I)ouFe,: D.- A, cictics wa helo on th hour, Josh Heywood. Two -rowed barley, LVVIrittea for T iE ExposrreR,j breaker. Watch for the bills, -David Dob- e c a oundi oi Biss.Z. White Rocks, E. ye -last, week.' -Harvest Home services latter, he catt simply mad easily drop back the latteI in Exeter, on ond ties Grah M Brethoue, James Patterson. Any other W A T am, uff ochins, George lrw�nJno. McDonald! McDonald ! we hill thee again son, of Kansas, is visiting his many old taut day laaL, and 'was a gm4fYingTsu,cedE in . More. Partrid o 10o:hins ell will beheld in St" Paul's church, morning irtto 0 (., former. This is: a- very impor New. varie' grreat chief of her Liberal m friends in this district. He still looks hale willia I ty. barley,, Jacob Roeder.- Laige oats, E3ggt Ifuron's Slid wening, on Sabbath, September' 300, For years thou babb led us to victory grand, and beartv.-The cement aide walks are part ol the programme thta the Tele every respect:, On Monday, the Weather combe. White Coch�ins,. Georg).. Irwin. M Brethour, Josh Heywood. common grtvni Patt We're ready somin round thy banner to stand. Dr� Crawford, of London, will ?reach. - was anYthiag I:but promil ing, the inorn ing- ats, M. Brethour, James Crean. Black now completed, except a number' of private Lfings-hans, D A raham, E Doupe. Si does iI 1we fit to dial4yao, Lo its readers. W. J. Doherty bas ed rom Lou. _d gloomy, and thii rain kept Gray Dorkins, leotge Irwin. Black red Oats, 4M Breth6ur. Small pea 1, M. Brethour, We'll oend tbeq,,agaln to old Parliament Hil Ike. -Several-, good Fraues will be on. the r opeping Wet iii wa Rev. return Nov�,, is, no doubt, a at and 2ad, `L M Brethour.' Where tb5, pledges thou ever did'st suri don, where he had spent the past couple of vary up ixt iatervals during the day. Notwi th. GamQ. Bantams, Thomas Brock. Brown arge peas, �Iy fg�ifil programme of Brussela all fair. -Several of and no person. shod1cl btandin Thy colors we bbbre see the uall to the magit, w8eka.-Mr. and, rA. Johnston and three this, owever, th.o ineidg-show Jid red Banf-&ms, Carling Bros,, WillUm West- Timothyseed, M. Brethour, Silas Staplake, our townspeople are attending the, Gods - In spite of the storm &ad -in spite of the blast. ngx� seem.to su 1, r, as not -for years Er. Flax oeed, M Brethour. Merchant's tich fair this week, childIren, of Michipab", are here visitig rela- find, fti,111L With the ve the cott. Any variety Bantarnsj Johri koore, tive. Mr. James W. Johnston, of Rodger. if they flofir, Joseph -Cobbledick. White be& 8 exhibitibig:buildings oen eo well ith Thomas Brock.' ' Silver SpaIlgled Ham. n T e noise of the battle we Rmell from afar, -ir heat La u(jat(-aL,;g,ujl Make The sbout of the captain, the terrors of war Ville,. left here ther fret p'arb of the week. for I so vried a, collection of[ proddets, wl ich burgs, William Carter, D A Graham.- Johp Decker, Mrs. Joseph He wood. Clov" Put come when It may, e'll stand to our g'llus, Ki pen. go, to attend all the v,tpital out (if the fact of hijo miq 1.)o fairly taken.',to indicate the livo! ific Golden Spangled Hamburgs, willisim, er seed, Josh J1eV Chic he f=eral of his brother wood, M Biethour. 001' Till vIcOry'A gained and the ouemv runs, f(reman in a brass works ic. .1 thislear of farm pro�luctu of all kit do Carter Black Haburgs, 1). A. Graham. lection grain in' ear,. Josh Heywood, M S TJIF -So.me people por Is who was faffier'u soti. 1) Lif, t ll(,y p 1 0. balance on the edge of faeh�ion when they C! tureL hirn aq a gt-(-,kt TheLfiibrchtintfi of 1"X.eter also deserve cr( lloudans,- James Grieve, William Carter. Brothour. that city. He was also -for the, bxcellant -displayg WhiCh _t Blueval e. might as Well be in it. You are about to v1 3iti ng his piLren -a, who resix] e in Chicago. n1ply (l(.Ct.jV0 I Who 0 P( ottegillan, they ti nds butter, anti' whivh &!(led materially " le .0,olden Polands, Jfime& nior William' Dtiity PRODUCT.S.-Fiv a buy your' fall wants. Let yourNew Hat, - M r and Mi o. Uffer and farnily, of Au - 'William sahed, James Horton, John Blatchf-)rd, -,.--Miss Mary Black has In im4 'Carter. Any variety polands, NOTE. arrived t 17113t it' t h( 'it, I)( 'a"Ine 11 is neil her. 'At proving 'the internal -appearamee of Lho� Carter, iSit to Yoir burn, ere in the! Village during the past -ledd Br '' homas,Shmptot, Ten pounds homd from 'a, - Scotland. _ W White Leghorns, N v u -Jacket, Your Collarette, Your'Dress The Second day, whia is the Do of L Algoma, formerly of 0 leaRt he li not, thum Nr t. - x1jil) I ite(j Itly (,f main 11411, upe, Brown Leghorns. A Bisebt, Medgi butter, salted, James Horton, P McTag Map-4ie Burgessi r whatever your wants may be, have style week, visiting MrI 0. F. Yubgblutt.-Miso one which counts in the - cas4 box, tur ied Bros. Brown Leghorris (rose con was a recent visitor at nd aomelfriess. Follow the beacon lights, thf-Re. vtlifieq. 11�11 tile j111(:1j1e(kf Canada b)' D. A. gart,, John Decker. Pound r(l], 1) MaT Brti�sels, M-,1nityre-, of near Varna, has purchased L Mr,'John a W $ Oil Th� weatUr the- ladies of fashion and culture, and you'll r. , W. Benne At present ras (1raham.. Buff Legho,rns, John liott, D. gart, ag. Bu!gelss'.-An epidemic of distemper is a dwelling, t most delightfolly. M It nor too cc Id, A. On hi , 'Bi ck J ogs - have died- be attracted to The R, McFaul Co's 9 ty it, i lie bri lit, and neither too warm. I James Horton, I Armstrong. ava, George Rwin, let Table butter (special), V,'illiam Wil- laying the dogs low. Alany d tore., I re by r. Joh Pope, and intends mov !!.�kll It im 'a f,,( -t, its Aq a there wag an iom�tnensc crow(I of in and 2nd. An'dauslans, James Jewell. son, 'James H. and around Bluevale and 'Alingham,- Seaforth. I/Ili I in into our villaI with hie mother, in th,6*. orton, I Armpt ng. 0,reagn W1. tlfl, ll.h�tl x,-6 of a few veek­wTbe barn of r.: t people pregent, the gaAe receipti bein,,- 131ack Spantab, oore, ThomA3.13rock, cry �utter, A, Bobier. Mrs.. obn McCracken, of the Bluevale XOTF%-Rev. and Mrb'. Gauld, who have 11 f 1w (;Vt lit (if I Jolla or _7ree l'irgt!r thau for suveral ye re, T ha id- Black -Minorcas, E' Doupb, Thomag Prior. -!or tVa- paet year on fur. road, is recovering from her recent illnes. li-een in Canada V at he Woven home-made nalade, who is a residont of our V1 a IDS was destroyed by fire, together with� of wits takan in at gateEr- Silver Laced WyandoLtes, William Eloward, quilt, Hannah rs Oe-)rge Nott. Do. week. The thE -51 itis Strachan, of J-6mestown, and Al 4-s tough from China, Will, the fore pfi'rt of hi er)p, onFridaynight of last %sill thia in� all,lition, to dw m6mberihip list, George IrNvini White %V andottEs, D. -A Tena of Brumels, iBited at r, next month, be bidding-good�bye to friend y th, hrs Greorge Nott, Win Chem ca so of the fire 15 not known, as there was ask of tile each mi mber receiving G'raham, ose to mestic CIO ph Senior. GAden Wy ney. annel, M Jarnipson, \ iiii Chesney. Georgri INIeDonald's this week and herd,, as they purposo 'returning their three tic k(ts. The outjitl(,. show wo 'raham -kets, Hannah IVI I Creighton, n ri a living on thr farm, There was Eome fill I" 1. 1 li, ve a nA I ver dottes, D A F, Wool bla"n -Misii; E Daup( Mr. William Sanderson, for many years mibsionary work in Formosa. innur�nce in the Hay Coin iny, on both the I'lic improved I' rso Cappi, A. De.tvitt. Brovxo . _tu_rlteys,�'., Home-niade, horae blankets, Creighton, state *t)f the 16, I.o 11 ftyr the t1oemaker of our village, has clased his Smith, of Cleveland, -is vieiting with ber 111iti,kct Aviq� quite evigjejj� in both t1le, lie4vy barn 6nd contnts --Miss gs;tlewart of Cliu- Tolifouse geese, 1), A. - is nM 131 (tthour, "'in Chesney. oolen yarn shop add _gone to Toronto to work in a mother and compartions. --n�Mas ter Alvin Me- ft"d rings, the youngstei a, both Graham, David lJouglas. Wild A. Hainiah Wige, Win C manu There is 11 Lean, son of Mr. and N ton, was here recen,ly, Visiting M a Yung - h rt I atd. t, I lie he j, in riiGher.4 and quality, coming, Ddinestic facturing establishment, B. blilttt.' cloB, tip to, BiLisett. Pokin ducks, D. A. raham, cotton Wm Chesney, Brethour. now an opening in Bluevale for a ehoe- 'I Lean, 12-b smitho I n, R(juen duaka, 1). A. machine, Williame !vjanufac 8ewing maker. - W. hoo?in fV wi!_11 ry tt rvalv i I -concession - of Tuker the gret, d splays of years ago, when horses George Irwi tur na'Company, ery creditab, y at the recent exaI 'oorge Irvine, Aylesbury ducks, IsG and '2nd. Organ, Bell Org n isitar in our 00 ty.-Scrament service atiou. for the* firstpartof the second - claBS d his bimwiug. * In cttle, we hav) solon Graham, (I jcough is an unwelcome passed v I 11114y hc naid-tht III- is a yotiug Co in p n y, �J�Ohn Illyneol, I of FullArton, Be] 'xeter, but. the baeac- George I�win. Any variety diielii, ohn Istand 2nd, Parlor will be held in the Presbyterian church cortificat . e. -The past week has been busy fa m of 94 ac the -ra at E rr tlmt Ife will g�dfi isdatil an([ greater. numbL I I furnitu, R N Roe. res forl Sam of to ter ofthe �nimals was equal to ally. In Elliott. Collection pigeons, floorge i next Sabbath morning. -The Mises Me- time with our big corn. growers, 1 14�. Park. R N oe, Stuffed ia in a e 1, Bedroom' furniture, n order I he n h in b TET Ow t te 0 W a V� rc The -I is jbe, FA -ria I -Mr. 1 mouth. -Rev. A into the Ps ,Food BI -After the, licenal ones to, his 50 at -J. T. -An action I -Age$ sustai defeeti-vt A family V 0 urvivie bil -Mr. I has atcepb Stratford I night prej smauuting a letter fr-0. I come iut�l Aaager, he of Dowuie.� da y -of last AXIS# Iseveri to St-"tfa member Vn --The uq' 1 blew dowul tanner being vree!, �blown do factory a demalighod' h6me *f V W_e d k4 a ne Elsie Was I Il Hume, a, pr' Atwool - I Rev, P, A. -About i of - Mr. . -A. Sth eaneesel" in8t,,, to, W -A. -tter, Ruphe� ;of Sebri 119VI at rdx,p. o B. D. 1week fbI 1hutabI Dawson, tcI josephus, a will remain for -0-4 T;hl; "Duly daugh! I helm. -of 1-31 age two; Ing, g4.0 Play vblth abe I iso, dreadfal very slight - 'The mi. 1-6f )3runnei iseriouo Keei olternooI I just conab iti, the 1AoW 1.16ft 1 atraw thowi tunate mat i . -w aipp� stram h iand havin 9 i Alighted dii, ioh pene for several ex", iGroI I* i i -towever. o Ing as easili 'Monda �`Itwe excelle an Address dersold. iho enteitt ane. Brig White, Mr� B. A.- (31, 1 tor. the Misses] all, discout -a i"Boyd. rec H-uteh-111011, -and ability tbank-oftr about $3.4, former yes itsh lions. of 1 TueI �'barn* an V ;destroyed, tents. � Th: fieltherbous Vd- by. his About -75 10 1 I besides !, Monts, 1ZO but I h 1 were 44pot a half to j "Agoo and iago, hati. Im 10.9s bV th :_Tflo of th Fiif St. Mar iidav aftern '..''noroes Asm lumber Iry vii thenorl .Massey bai' 'WeltiligtO from the'ai undernext-1 'Irbieb, withteami ber todr Sul water, .of =t -tapoizq zeath -the j: ly ,given 1, 'Was q1ok] i:got hurt I The borff4 wagon amd ond hrui-ae On Tin r Wown, ap on We, P Stocky " It niture. Brown, On Sat Q1 clock, Ijz f4oderich Farm StIc acres of In Thomas D 0n Von