The Huron Expositor, 1900-08-31, Page 7AUGUST 31 1900.
✓ Frr•(�
nd. with
rc raised
b the aid
€. He is
used are
ahrrit the
empire --
Knee -eery to
▪ €est occas -
Price 25c_
Why let
all your
bors and
think you
must I3e
older than you are?
Yet it's impossible to
look young with the
color of 70 years in
the hair. It's sad to
see young persons
look prematurely old
in this way. Sacl be-
cause it's all unneces-
sary; for gray hair
may always be re-
to its
u r a 1
by us-
Chinese discriminate bet* en the various
European nations—Engl , Russian Of
Germans being simply look d upon as mem-
bers of the vae foreign pOWer, which must
be kept oub o the Chinese
whatsoever o anything ° tside their im-
siders that t e ides of the nited States to
demand an in emnity for hose massaored
by the Beim se would hav no effect on the
nation at larg
" I think t China nee, s a lesson pow
that can ne er be forgo ten," said Dr.
Leslie, " othe wise the real power of Eur-
ope will not realized by he Chinese,"
The doctor aid that the Chinese Govern-
ment had lime t muoh time and money in
inereasing ir armament since the late
many 'new rts, well fort fled by modern
guns, boughb, in Germany and France, in
his travels doWn the Yang se river. The
army was in SA officered y Europeans or
by men wh had receild training in
modern warfa e from Europ an officers.
The doctor ave as his reason for leaving
the mission:at tion, the war ing cable from
Montreal, bu stated that he miseioneries
had remained for two wep after its re.
ception, unti an actual at aek from the
Boxers comp° led them to lea e,
which the meat merious ere those on his
right leg_end eight hand. The tendons of
hie hand we e severed by, a s ord out, and
it is feared th t the hand will remain use.
Mrs. Leslie
but the she
causing temp rary prostratio
eaa voyage.
she has now revered greetly,
and men a
they could
When t
to put his
mal reare
hind legs,
in every w
stion not
laet the a
jag and tre
went Wald
tenwho ha
his charge,
"Oh, fat
behemoth i
est pig yo
Poor Bet
loose durin
lion or a tger,
braver me
piteous pr
e goo
nd p
to g
ed e
s fate
imalit found w ab refuge
parson returned and went
p, that usually I placid ant -
cad, enorted, stood on his
wed the air, and evinced
unmistakeable determin-
r his neual quarter.. At
g, before the front door,and
t help. Hie little daugh-
e friends with a keeper and
d to meet him vrith a shout
she cried excitedly, " the
r barn, and it ie the clean-
aw It lives on cookies 1'
was a sad one. She broke
xhibition, and the pantie -
oaring her no less than a
fled, shrieking, while the
ran f r guns, and, despite the
tests f her owner, shpt the big,
sylvani is very heavy, as a whole, Record-
ing to the information gathered by the
committee. The central, western, soathern
and sou, western ti rs of States, while not
reportin a general' full crop, all antici-
pate a oderate yield, while some have a
promis of a heavy yeeld in certain sections.
The or p of the far Weat will be a good one,
while !Made, and ova Scotia expect the
heavies °rope on reward. ;
" The summing up of the investigetions
of the committee is that the general apple
yield of the entire • country will have no
parallel n the past, 4nd that ib is generally
of good uality, The peach and peae crop
will be equally as good as the apple crop,
and in a 1 sections neted for the former fruit
the crop will be very large."
Eight ho
less, little
Pills. Mil
and day,
ach, Liver
drug etore
y in Cape-
r Zealand
a in Ana -
in New
a a good
e) of them
Lred for a
Ek instead
Iclaate of
ift, Ghau-
reiess tele -
roomer, the
;ad 11},000
nated that
'tore z eces-
t will bear
3 oak, and
t without
astrals Sian
bora of the
ee Legisi-
has dust
e attached
• ordinary
ed for tow-
al it towed
er of three
ra are the
pen before
tinning be -
has twig
rails a uu-
cgiue al the
ruination is
"or the sur-
e:, enabling
ee. With
• the other
he curving
For over half a cen-
tury this has been the
standard hair prepara-
tion. _It is an elegant
dressing; stops fall-
ing of the hair; makes
the hair grow; and
cleanses the scalp
from dandruff. —
Si AO bottle. MI druggists.
ti I have been using .A.yer's Hair
Vigor for over 20 years and I can
heartily recommend it to the public
as the best hair tonic in existence."
April 24, 1890. Eater, Tex.
escaped withou
has unstrung
or beast ; sp
any wouvds,
her nerves,
, from which
owing to the
or ng Overti e.
rdaw are ignored b those tire.
orker —br. King's New Life
n, Sic H adache an all Stem.
The di
tions wa
the offie
come am.
His curl
A slice
and a pi
sire's a
and the
Just t
Three. Remarkable •Weekk of It In
th-e Petersburg Trenches.
"Speaking of delicacies," said an old
veteran of one of the Louisiana regiments
the other afternoon, "the highest living
that ever fell to my Iot was dueing three;
weeks in the winter and spring. of 1865;
that I spent in the trenches at Peters-
burg. I don't mean to. say that the bill of ,
fare would greatly apPeal to me iiow, but
at the time of which I speak I thought 1.
was living in reyal style. -
The reporter to whom he was talking
remarked at this point that, while he had
not been there at the time, he had al-
ways, understood from those wfio had
that the trenehes of Petersburg did not
afford much scope or the gormand..
Then the veteran continued:
"It came about in this way: There were
eight of us in. our mess, and all of us ex-
cept one had managed eto get through the
winter with some sort of covering for
our feet. We called them 'shoes' then,
but I don't suppose ehat the term would
be used by many people of the present
generation who are used to patent leath-
er, vici kid tiled tan shoes. The eighth
man, however had gene barefooted from
November, 1844, until the middle of Feb-
ruaey, 1865. d don't know how it came
about, but he was finaliy issued re pair of
new shoes. The day the shoes were
given we all gathered ebout him and ea-
amined them with curiosity, and, it must
be confessed, a rather envious interest
Our messmate tooled at the shoes, then
at his are feet and then at us, as if de-
bating 'serious problem. Then he said;
'I'll tell ou what we'll do. I've gone
stand it now until Su men If two of
you fellows will take these shoes and
trade 'em off for something to eat, rn
make' a contribution to the bill of fare of
the mess.'
"That night two of us slipped out from
, the trenches, got through the Yankee
lines and went 20 miles out in Diitividdie
, county to a gristmill. We succeeded
trading the shoes for two bushels of
cornmeal and bore it back in triumph, ,
Well, sir, for two weeks our mess lived .
like lords. Three times a day we had
cornmeal 'coffee,' cornmeal cakes and
cornmeal gravy, and I reckon when we
surrendered at Appomettox we were the
eight fattest Correederetes re-aut ever got
hold of.'
A Boy Again.
rector of one of our large coppera-
s in the habit of prowling eround
e. One moping he happened to
oss the dinner pail of the office boy.
sity led him to take off the eover.
home-made bread, two doughnuts
ce of apple. ie tempted the million -
inner pail e emed to be one he oar-.
n the offi e boy came in and sur-
prised th, old man eating the pie—he had
finiehed the bread arid the doughnuts.
" Thatee my dinner you're eating," said
" Yes, shnny, I suspect it may be ; but
it's a first rate one kr all that. Pee not
eaten so geed a melee sixty' years."
" There,1" he added, as he finished the
pie, " ta,k that and, go out and buy your-
self a dinn r ; but yeti won't get so good a
one," and he handed the boy a five.dollar
For dayshfter, the old man kept referring
to the first -Claes dinner he had °plea from
the boy's pail.
Should Not Lack a Name.
Kate's pletee was in the dining -room She
was not th , cook, but she had a fine talent
for deesertfe; and often went into therkitchen
to make up some special dainty.
So it happened that when the m stress
had a clerked dinner, with the bishop and
two or three other- charchmen, Kate was
author of the pudding. She was very much
pleased when the bishop praised the dish
and the other clergymen echoed his opinion,
but she meeked her enjoyment of theesitua.
tion behind the solemn face which she al-
ways wore when waiting on the table.
" Pray toll me," said the bishop, ' what
is the name of this wonderful pudding ?"
Kate, very proud of the importanee be-
stowed up n her but with featuree un.
hadn't time to name it, but, sure, weth so
mady of the reverend clergy here this even-
ing; it'll not be long before 'tis christened."
There w
old of see
handy. E
more equal
bands may
There ie
sorely trie
()cession a
seen a fa
title " The
said he.
Ilisins,. outs, bruises,
Never for et to give a ciheering word
whenever yo can. The lafe Mr. Moody
fa rn home. t was only twe ve miles, but
ve never be n so far away nee as that
seemed to me then. I had 1 ft my mother
and sisters fo the first time I my Mee and
if I ever nee ed a kind wo d or word of
cheer it was hen,
brother, who had gone there year before,
and as we were going Along my brother
said, pointi g out an oil gentleman.
There a n who will give youia cent ;
he gives eyer new boy that comes to the
town a cent. He gave nee ne, and he'll
give you one.
" This was true. He came up to us, and
he said to m brother, Thi is a new boy,
" The old an took off my hat, and put
his tremblin hand on my he d, and said,
Well, Ged less you, my oy ; I'm told
your father ie dead, but you' e got a Father
" He gave me a brand new ent. I don't
know what h s become of th cent, --but It
eau feel the ressure of the o d man's fiend ,
upon my hea to -day. He g ve me whet I
w nted so uch—a -kind and °heeling
in words of indness ; thek ill never be
en harvests.
all pain In man
callous lumps,
ancl 'neuralgia
fireside ea
Man's Companion.
stepped in o the
big Londe shop,
anger utte ed the
!" The
is top-
ut he q
said he
t thing,
ad a
re man
ding wi
in thei
have g
tory tel
by hie
riend as
in, bye,
his wi
t's my
hole Edition.
ales told in the days of
and henpecked hue -
e ladies are becoming
tempers, or their hus-
the " upper hand."
of a poor man wbo was
ife's temper. On one
d him if he had ever
book which bore the
an's Companion."
If you do not obtain all the benedits
you expected from the Vigor, writs
the Doctor about it. Address, ,zahoss
Lowell, Wass.
Tiding com-
a neve steel
e river at
s.Jfeet long
is enabling
[I., will eon-
on-et each and•
The bridge
a roadway,
on each
am'e Pain-
r emedy to
of corns;,
Frr:ghaut the
rum's Sure-
r w
ure-rw here,
of " deaf
a,: of Dover
epi: of bear-
ear while
wawa to
.Inas how
In, and the
haa hia
is not
t. happened:
o patronage
'couldn't get
.scents. But
r Mr. (zago.
Ewn," he ex-
d I want
We (and up-
f f " bec Bush
eeid I et-.
gent. "
ssitor in-
Il appoint-
ad from hie
I cant
re is no use
ng the see-
the deaf
up went
le 1 you I
4. your 1118.11
-give him a
'for hinnand.
He looked
was a blank,
. bell for an
the conatitu-
ble, to find
a hook., halide
a expression,
place, Tho
The seere.
tilt fttron Cxpoolior.
COUNCIL Doneos„—At the last meeting of
Turnberry eouncil the reeve reported hay-
ing, along with East Wawanosh, let a job of
filling opening over concrete culvert on
boundary to Robert Currie, at $19.50,
East Whwanosh to pay half ; alao that Wm.
,Patterson has tiniehed job of gravelling on
west gravel road, aed recommended pay-
ment. Mr. Moegrove reported that he had
employed a number of men to protect area-
way on road from fire set out by Robert
Harris on 4th concession, lot 6. The clerk
was instructed to notify Robert let Harris
to attend next meeting of °council, to be held
in Esty's Bluevale, on Monday, Sep.
tember 24th, to make some arrangements
respecting the expense incurred by fire dam.
aging public) road, and in case of no action
the cest will be placed on collector's roll for
oolleeeion. The clerk was also instructed
to notify Wm. Grey to clean out his portion
of municipal drak before 2001 Deceinber
next. It was resolved that Messrs. Mos.
grove and Lovell let job of repairing road
on 4th concession line, where croesway ham
been damaged by pre. Wm. 0. Stuart was
appointed inspector for the Armstrong
drain; A by-law was paused impowering
the council to procure money to pay school
grents. The rate of taxation for the our -
rent year was fixed at two and a half mills
on the dollar. Mr. Paul Powell was ap-
pointed tax -collector, at a salary of $55 and
postage. A by-law was (deo paised impow-
erieg the reeve and treasurer to borrow the
money necessary for currene expenses until
the taxes are collected. After passing a
number of accounts, the council, adjourned
until September 24th, to meet at iBluevale.
THAT aching head can be instantly relieved by
POWDERS. One powder, 6c ; three for ;10o, ten for
Bret Harte and the Waitress.
Bret Harte has been so long a resident of
Great Britain that the days of his early
fame, when he was a new writer, and when
from time to time he appeared on American
leature platforms, seem very far away.
He still loves to tell anecdotes of those
early days, and among his stories is one of
the time that he lectured at the famous
New England town of Concord, Mass.
On the morning fellowing his lecture he
went down into the dining -room of the inn,
with hie mind filled: with thoughts of the
men who' had made the name of Concord so
widely famous.
Re looked dreamily from the window,
fancying Hawthorne and Emeison and
Thoreau and Aleott as they once paced
along that Village street. He was so wrap-
ped up in thoughts of tho past that he for-
got the present, and did not notice that h
prim young woman waiter was standing
patiently beside him.
When she saw that at length she was ob-
eerved, ahe rattled out, swiftly and without
a break between any of the words :
" Mush, coffee, teEk, ham, eggs, and bacon.
I enjoyed your lecture last night very muoh,
Mr. Harte ; therawas a very select audi-
SYRUP the beet medicine to expel worms. Children
like it—worme don't.
Saved From a UhMese Mob,
Dr. Percy I Leslie and Mre. Lealie, for.
merly of the Presbyterian mission at Henan,
arrived in Toronto from China Friday morn-
ing, The returning missionaries were met
at, the Union station by Mr. Leslie" , of Mont-
real, a brother of the doctor, Rev. R. P.
Mackay, Rev. Mr, Winkle and two or three
Mende. Except for a little lameness from
the wound received in his leg during his
terrible experiencee in the attack on the
fleeing miesionarieS at Hein Tein by- the
Chinese, Dr. Leslie said ho wae quite well,
The doctor and his wife were driven to the
Queen's hotel, where they rested for the
dey, leaving Toronto fur Montreal in the
In an interview, Dr. Leslie said that anti -
foreign prejudiec, inherited for many gener-
ations, was the cerise of all the tremble in
China. The Chinese, as a whole, do mit
dietinguish between European merchants
end missionaries, bat, hate ell huropeane
of the Coepel or of husinets was their eire.
In the Ronan district the tieing was oee.
tainly not caused by any distilectively tenet.
Chriatian feeling, but merely from a deep
rooted deteetation of the foreign devils."
Dr. Leelic does nob think that the
To Cure a. Cold in One Day -
Al druggists refund the men y if it fail to
ake Lax tive Bromo inine Tablre
e. 25c; W. Grove's ignature i on
ea h been
She Did 't Want a
" Den't.k ow whether it's
heard it down in Bermuda,"
returned from
rich Widow 1 Ving just 'tit-
ored to lure or into m tri.
vter from the est, mar mg
evidences of ,go d living nd
that seeks con enial coin san-
he intractable idow, A ter
fficient advance ent had seen
home you have here."
look, fine trees, fine yard, 1 ery
who recently
" There is
aide of Penti
and after a
vainly endea
mone again,
she was a'
wealthy wid
with him the
the heartines
caller upon -
he thought s
made to just
feel his way.
fine all roan
You are ri
should think
these blessin
Are you p
be oonviace
Husband 1
and drinks.
like a pirate and I have
oue all nightti What in er a
with a hush ncl ?—Detroit
mined Editor
when all doet
eve his pain f
tions. Care guaranteed.
Sold by I. ae Fearedruggi
hew or not
Said the
the winter re-,
you would be
oposing, sir ?i
that you-shohldl have a
at that s
ion do I
ee Press.
g else, a
glad to
If you can
Alone suet
Seneca, Ill.
failed to refl.
o pike. hen
ly_ cured I int.
to" of Old et.
figure of mo e than one a using incid
She was gen le and friendl , but she
spired almoet as much terro as wonder
her beholders. Careful tow officials o
made specie stipulations a ut ropes
chains for h r due restraini g, initiated
she must om damag
hitching po
route,and re
might yield
have trust°
ed every bre
in -
• prevented f to
te, trees and ffsInoes along her
used her to ore a bridges w ioh
Bet herself to udge ; she est-
ge with her for foot, and w uld
never have stepped upon ree that was too
Once ehe
town near
minister of
son Micklefi
he took a ke
animal ; he
that it was
as the plain
suppose it
Ho would rea-
turn himself to
not the only
kat the re t he
Parson Mi kle-
beano° the little
g to a modern air -
as to be exhi
village whe
he old fashion
old acknowledg d frankly
n interest in the extraordi
pachyderm f ehe same fa
ornestic hog, belt he added
at there was xcellent reas
vas also the behemoth o
n to
owe it, but tl
feature of t
had coned°
The day b
field was cal
situated up
there was
violent stor
like much to e the great
e elephant
e show, and a
tious scruple
ed away to v
• During ht
through the N which was
n a river. The selectmen hest.
ferbade „the 'bridge to Bet ;
freshet and ford ; .and
coming on,- the show halted,
e Pointing to her, he
oho. o" The Afflicted
"1—Scottish American.
ofty Air.
" Neckties
as if the as
notice. T
ber of late
very newe
at a shilli )I
like a man who wo
tie? Is t ere any
sir," meekl inter
-dressed gentleman "
ecktie department of a
nd in a supercilious tone
tled a graven image into
single mandatory word
lee drew back his head
ail entirely beneath his
o ty air aggravated the
ith a deferential air.
beequiously, " are the
a d are excellent quality
shilling ! Do I look'
wear a shitling neck -
h ng about me to indi-
I beg your pardon,
os d the assistant, "the
t the other end of the
A well k own, in recently review-
ing. a era k regi :nte under orders for
South Af ice., sus a •nly stopped before a
splendid lo king fe low and asked abrupely,
" Which is the bes horse in the regiment ?"
he is the b et horse ?" " Because he is so
biga walk r, troteladd gallops well, and is
in his prim ." "And who is the best sol-
dier in the regiment ?'' "Jim Nolan, sir."
man, is ob dient andI tidy, takes good' care
of his equi men; and his horses, and does
his duty ell.1 "And who is the rider of
general co ld not lielp smiling ea he vvished
He Let Go.
He was big rishman, and his name was
Pat. He as 11 ing the telephone wires and
whistling o himself as he worked. Juet
then a mil boy came drivieg down the
street and at made a fatal mistake. In-
stead of at ending to his own business, he
at the ea e Millet The consequence was
that he di nei her. What he did do was
to loose hi fo ting. There was a cry of -
horror fron th bystanders below, echoed
by. a lusty ell rein above. I
Every tor ath wes suspended, and then a
shout of r lief I went up from the erowd.
Pat had m de a frantic dive for the wire
and -had ea gilt! it.
" Hold o , Pat," shouted some one Who
knew him. " We will get you down some-
" Run fo mattresses!" yelled one intel-
"Get al dder from somewhere 1" bawled
nantly. " The man ean't hold on forever.
Only on man in the crowd did not say
anything he as busy climbing 'up the
telephone ole. 1 ,;
The excl. ed oroVed condescended to notice
him and aa hiti intention. -
"Hold n, Pat, help is comingi!" they
Then a av ot horror swept over the
crowd. T e ' Map suspended between the
earth and wren euddenly loosened his hold
and fell ba kward, seriking the ground with
" He is dead el groaned the crowd, and_
men cover d their; faces from the eight
But he waen't , An Irishman has as
many live as a gat; When Pat came to
and sat pp dizzilyi teying to realize that he
was once ore n terra firms, some one said
" What did ou let go for, Pat? Why
didn't you hold, on a little while longer ?"
" Be j bers !" replied Pat, earnestly,
The nd aVourers' Farewell.
The last gat eeing of the Christian En-
deavourer in L,ondon had an element of
novelty, a out it. Strictly, it was not ac-
cording to pro ramme. After the services
in St. Pa l's, everal of the Endeavourers
made ther w y to the principal entrance
and comm nce inging " Blest be the tie
that binds " o sidering that the majority
belonged t th Free Churches, it was not
an inapp oprhte beginning, The hymn
could be ist netly I heard in the cathedral,
and natur Ily attracted the members still
within, until be singers assumed respect.
able propo tio se, For forty minutes they
sang, led see an American gentleman, who
waved a 8 ars aad Stripee flag, Their clos-
ing hymn w s 'e God be with you till we
meet aga n." With a cheer they then
Apple Crop.
apple crop promeses to be even targer this
year than it al in 189e, and that was a
year in w ich the °roes of other years were
greatly ex ee cid. The members of the Na.
tional Am le L hippers' Association have re.
ceived a ire lar letter from their press
committe ea in that the - crop is to he the
largest in the hi tory ot the business in the
United S atp , Canada and Nova Scotia.
'While oer alit a ple-bearing sections in the
United S ate r pore moderate and even
light yiel s, t e proportion of auch to the
whole is uni ortant, The crop of New
England, e 'e ork, New Jersey and Penn.
News NOtes.
—Heather grows in many parts of South
of St. And
Brampton 'ea
tour years ore, ing six in all, or at-
tempting to break jail, and ssaulting Jailor
Mo 'Island.
—William A. Duffield, oun est Son of
the late Williain Duffield,, of ondchn for
years pres'dent of the City! Gas Company,
died Mon ay morning, in the 39th year of
—Shortly after 8 o'cloek Monday evening,
Fred ThoMpson a London cigar -Maker,
about 21 years of' age, was struck by alstreet
ear and hrown a considerable distance.
W, Ross laid the corner -stone
ew's church, Parry Sound last
Coreair, under senteace at
r horse -stealing, was given
He was
in Windso
by lightaing during the 'heavy thunder
storm which passed over Windsor Mianday
afternoon.L She was Bitting near 4 wall
down which the lightning bolt passed, and
was knockled senseless by the shock. , Mrs.
E. Moone , a next- door neighbor; aleo felt
the force f the shock to such an extent
that she ,as partially stunned.
—A yonng man named Bernie GallIraith;
aged 22 years, aseistant at the Grand Trunk
Railway tation, ' at Walkerton, died on
bicycle a
was ridin
when it a
thrown i
He burst a blood -vessel in the brain, which
caused hie, death. His parents live at Chats -
ter has been received from Mr.
nes, a former Mitchell boy, and
Mr. James Jones and Mrs. Wm.
, of that town. Charles carried on
eggist business in Victoria, Brit-
bia, for many years, but went on
eing tour to the Klondike only a
e than three months ago. Shortly
hived there ho was taken down
pid fever, and for weeks was not
to live, and werd was Rent to his
4t he did not think he would ever
:write to them again, but the let-
ieh we make reference to above
e ii now recovering fast, and that
soon to be on the gold hunt
ater George Atlias arrived from
about a fortnight ago, on the
Lake Megantin, and has made
the etarting point of a world-wide
has to travel round the world
elve months according to wager,
e car, by rail' or by steamer, by any
qe, apparently, except his legs and
urney is required to make $25,000.
cites handsome bride, who stecom-
m is the daughter of Major•Gen-
0 'Moulton, of the British army,
ferriage took place last June. The
ide has every confidence in her hus-
ility to win his wager, and her en.
etit will go a long way to bring it
he wager is with the London
Joyner died suddenly
ay night, at his home in Kingston.
onversing with his family, when he
exclaimed, " My heart has ceased
end expired. Deceased was 72
age, and was a native of Frontenac
having been born in Portland town,
e early manifested interest in poll.
was once offered nomination for the
parliament. He was reeve of Port -
Kingston townships, and warden
unty. He was a Conservative and
Holm, and also interested in the
retiring from the 47th,battalion with
ey. , He was married several times,
Why" Jack Tar Drlysvms When Ile
Falls overitoard.
"In The Star recently," said a captain
iu the United States navy, "I saw a dis-
patch whi-ch recounted the death by
drowning of -sween men in a single day
in the waters, surrounding New York, of
whom two were sailors, one a petty offi-
"To a landsman I appears strange
that all sailers are ot ,swimmere, but
the conyerse of the p opesition is more
apt to bgtrue, and m a ashore, especial --
1y those who live near wa er, can usually
sw" afloat does - ot take kindly to
water, ahd, though he sp nde his life up-,
des he is apt to go do n I explain thel
incongruity by advan in another one,
which is, that they do ot have the oppor-
tunity to learn, and t ey are, as a rule,
disinclined to do so in any' event. Throw
a man overboard, and if he 'has not
learned to swim he sinks. All of the
lower animals swim paturally, from an
elephant to a kitten or a puppy. Man
haethe same sustaining power, but the
mental influence ot the ear of death is
so overpowering that h flounders, his
mouth and lungs fill wit water, and he
"Deep water sailors, Always on ship.
ashore. The latter 'mune when a boy 01
goes to the beach or river and picks it ue
stroke by stroke, but th re is initially- s
bottom upon which his feet may rest
No such opportunity is offered en board
of ship with the fatho iless ocean be.
"In the United State' s trd other navlei
swimming is a c-ompulsor part cif a sea.
man's education. Our landsteen art
trained by expert swim ers. They Iltf
placed in slings in the rst !miens and
dropped from the boom into the ocean
where they are taught th stroke. Sem(
of our jackies have no ptitude, and al
best make indifferent s immerse whils
others take to the water like dueks.
"Swimming ought to b made,. were 111
possible, a art of the c rriculuin of ell
ery school. If one can sustain himselli
even for -a minute oh t o and make e
life line, it ay mean pre ervation teems
watery gra e."
Morning, from the effecte of a
eident the previous evening. He
very fast on.a high -geared wheel,
uck some obstruction, and he was
eo the air alighting on his head.
Leh Celu
little mo
after he
with typ
friends t
be able t
ter of w
says tha
he expeo
trip. H
within t
in a mo
on the j
The doc
panies h
eral Ma
and the
young b
last Fn.
He was
years of
tics an
land an
of the c
an Ang
and is s
—Th assessment commission, promised
at the 1 st session of the Legislature, has
just be appointed by the Ontario Govern•
ment. he commission consists of Aer. Jus-
tice M lennan, of the Court of Appeal ;
Mr. J tice Macalahon, of the Queen's
Bench )ivision of the High °mire • X. Mc-
Kay, o St. Thomas, editor of the IVItinicepal
World d secretary of the Iunicipal As -
of the I perial Bank ; Thom s H. McPher-
son, M. Hamilton, senior t ember of the
grocers , Abraham Pratt, astessment com-
missioner, Ottawa ; Major M. D, „Butler,
Napans e, civil engineer. The commission is
ling with the assess lent of large
times, street railway, telephene,
h, departmental donee, etc,
to go i
ally de
Is the oldest, simplest, safest and
best remedy foe the relief and cure
ofDlarrho3a, Dysentery, Cramps,
collo, Cholera, Cholera Morbus,
Cholera Infantum, Summer Com-
plaint, Canker of the Mouth 'or
Stomach, and all fluxes of the
bowels of infants or adults.
Refuse imitations, many of which
are highly dangerous.
Shakspeare in. Virginia,.
Once, during the days of his early -strug-
gles, Booth, a contemporary tells, was
" barn.storming " down in Virginia, ab
place Called Lee s Landing, The improvised
theatre was a tobacco warehouse, and it
was crowded by the planters from miles
around. Booth and his companions had ar-
ranged to take the weekly steamer expected
late that night, and between the acts were
busy packing up. The play was the' Mer-
chant of Venire," and they were just going
on for the trial scene, when they heard a
whistle, and the manager came running in
to say that elle steamer had arrived and
would leave again in ten minutes. As that
was their only chance for a week of getting
away, they were in a terrible quandry.
" If we explain matters," said the manager,
" the audience will think they are being
cheated, and we will have a free fight. The
only thing for you fellows to do is to get up
some sort of a natural like impromptu end-
ing for the piece end ring down the curtain.
Go right ahead, ladies and gentlemen and
take your cue from Ned here, ' and he hur-
ried away to get his luggage -aboard.
" Ned," Of course, was Booth, who resolved
to rely upon the ignorance of the Virginians
of those days to pull him through all right.
So, when old George Ruggles—ewho was
playing Shylook—began tp sharpen his knife
en his boot, Booth walked straight up to
him and said, solemnly Yeu are bound
to have the flesh, are you ?" " You bet
your life!" said Ruggles. " Now, I'll make
you one more offer,' continuedBooth. "In
addition to this big be; of ducets, I'll throw
in two kegs of niggerhead terback, a shot-
gun, and a couple of the best 'coon dogs in
responded Shylock, much to the approba-
tion of the audience, who were tobacco
raisers and 'coon hunters to a man. " And,
to show that there's no ill feeling,5? put in
Portia, " we'll wind up with the Virginny
reel." When the company got aboard the
steamer, the captain, who had 'witnessed
the conclusion of the play, remarked : " I'd
like so see the whole of that play some time.
etentlemen. I'm blamed if I thought that
fellow Shakspeare had so much snap in him!"
—New York World.
—Hon. Joseph Chamberlain's daughter,
Ethel, was married to Mr. Whitmore Rich-
ard'e, of London, England, last week.
Travelliirs' headaches are quickly relieved by Mil -
burn's Sterling Headache Powders. They do not up -
ret the stomach orsweaken the heart. Price 10c. and
26o. at all dealers, or by Ina The T. Milburn Co,,
Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Puti Roman on is NO110.
"Isn't it strange,"1 s id Mr. Burtot
general statement, hut to_ the ;case it
on. They were contiaually following the
laws of grafvitya and ifalling to the floor
The trouble was thae I did not. have
bridge of size, and I spent mouey an
time experimenting With. different kind
of springs and clasps and nose pieces
but all proved failures. -
"Now, the other night I had an ide
(that's all right, I am. guilty of an ide
once in awhile) that I would put som
powdered rosin on my nese that woul
hold 'em for awhile, so I accordiugl
hunted up iny friendi, the violinist, and
getting some rosin, mede the test •
t "Was it le success? Why I caa turn
handspring backward and those glasse
I are still doing busiuess at the old stand.'
Tire British .Cabinet.
I simple custhm or -usage cannot he bate
illustrated ehan in the fact tat, 'althoug
the cabinet Icas existed- as the. real e
more than a century and half, it Is at
institution entirely unknown to the 'roe
never having been recognized by any eel
of parliament. There Is no official an
nouncenient of the names of its member
and no offieial record of its meetings.
A Family Medicine.
" I have used Hagyard'a Yellow 011 for burns, nealds,
sprains and bruises, and it has always given Wis.
faction. It le a splendid family medicine, it can be
put to so many dIfferert uses." Pries 25e.
" Keep the head cool and the bowel. open " is
sensible advice to follow during the warm weat'her.
Ii,the bowels do dot move regularly once a day use
Laxa-Liver Pills. They are easy to take, and do not
gripe, weaken or Woken. Price 26c.
Toothache 2 Days.
Mrs. Fred Nedden, Eel River Crossing, N.B., says :
" I had the toothache for two days, and could get
nothing to stop it until I got Low's Toothache Gum,
which quickly cured mo." Price 10o.
Coughs and colds that other remedies seem power-
less to relieve are promptly cured by Dr. Wood's
Norway Pine Syrup. Try it, and it will convince
you of its efficacy by curing you. Price 250.
The undersigned 'having purch ed from
the Ogilvie Milling Company, of Montreal,
the Well-known
Seaforth Flour Mills,
Are now prepared te do all kinds of
Custom Work
Special Attention will be
The very beat quality of Flour given in
exchange for wheat,
Chopping of all kinds done on the short-
est notice. Price, five cents per bag.
The beet brands of Flour always on hand,
and will be delivered in any part of the
town free of abarge.
The highest price in cash paid for all
kinds of grain.
Feed of all kinds constantly on hand.
The Seaforth Milling- Co.
Hardware Store.
Machine Oils for Binders and
Threshers' Use
At Bottom Prices.
Consumers! Cordage Co.'s Binding
Counter's Stand, Seaforth
J. D. McNAB, C. E,
Engineer for Wingharn, Seaforth
Howick, Blyth, &c,
Cement Sidewalks, Sewers and Township
Drains will be given special attention.
At Queen's Hotel.
Our direct connections will you
time and money for all points.
Canadian North West
Via Toronto or Chicago
British Colunibia and CalifCrnia
Our rates are the lowest. We have them
be suit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR.
+ST CARS for your accommodation. Call -
for further information.
Grand Trunk Railway.
Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton stations as
-40114 Warr— 811A7011111. • eentrosa
Paseenger Ito r. N. 12.55 le
dome EAST --
Nice Worm Medicine.
Mrs, Win. Graham, Sheppardton, Ont., writes :—
" I have given my boy Dr. Low's W431211 Syrup, and
find it an excellent worm medicine. It is nice to
take, and does not make the child sick. Price 2ic.
havingret3tted the Cider Mill in
first-class shape, is now prepared to do all kinds of _
workfin that line In making Jelly and Apple Butter.
Cider and Jelly kept for sale. All work guaranteed
M. MeGRATH, Seaforth. 17014
A' Scene In Sardinia.
On a fete day in Sardinia the wives
and daughters of the farmers and trade
men preseet a wonderful spectacle fro
the gorgeeusness of their costume
never vary in fashion and are hande
.down. again and again from- Mother
Little GleA (to visitor)—Don't you thin
I look just! likg mamma?
Her Moithert— Hush, deer; don't
vain.—Ohih State Journal.
A Good Logger.
"John " She asked, "do you ever play
"No," he replied thoughtfully; "tile
Poker for profit?"
game serves as my way nt being chant -
I would rather be call_ed the childrin
H. R. Jackson
ellington, Grey and Bruce.
Gois Noma— ' Passenger.
Glow Sours— I Passenger,
London, Huron and Bruce.
001,42,Toztu— Passenger.
Centralia vs" 9.18 6.55
Lo• ndon's:ire 10138 7.14
Myth— 10,41 7.28
Wingham arrive .. 11.10 S.00
Goma SOUTH— Passenger.
Myt• h 7.14 3,55
8-06 4.49
France ; Jno. de Kuyper & Son, Hol-
land Gin, Rotterdam, Holland ;
Booth's Tom Gin, London, England ;
gow, Scotland ; Jamieson's Irish
VVhisky, Dublin, Ireland ; also Port
and Sherry Wine from France and
Spain, Agents for Walker's Whisky,
Ontario ; RoYal Distillery and Davis
Ale and Porter, Toronto.
,We haVe opened a retail store in
connection with our wholesale busi-
btudness in the rear of the new Do-
minion Bank, in Good's old etand,
where we will sell the best goads in
the market at bottom prices. Goods
delivered to any part of the town
Musical - Instrument
Owing to hard7nTes, we have -con-
cluded to sell Pianos and Organs at
Greatly Reduoed Prices.
Organs at $25 and upwards,
Pianos at corresponding prices.
See us before purchasing.
Dealers in first-class Furniture of all
kinds, in latest designs. Upholstering
neatly done. We alSo -do picture ham-
ing, and a choice selection of pictures
always on hand. Curtain poles at all
prices, and. put up. We WO /118C
Agents for the New INIlliam's Sewing
Machine, best in the arket for do -
high prices.
In the Undertaking DePartment, we buy
our goods from the best boatmen in Ontario
and guarantee satiefaction lin every depart!
ment of our work. We have alwayi made
it a point to furnieh chairsi and all other re.
quisites for funerals, En 07 CRAWL
Prices better than heretof re.
Arterita and cavity embalming done on
P. S. /eight and Sun ay e albs will be
attended to ate Mr, hltanishoreughss resi-
dence, direetly in Dee rear of the Domimen