The Huron Expositor, 1900-08-31, Page 31=900
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AUGUST 31, 1900
Stevens and Burns Engines, one White and ono
Waterous, in good working order, or rade at very low
ice. It not sold we would hire these out to part,
zoo who may re.ouire:an engine or use, Apply at the
foundry. ROBER.T BELL, Seeforth, 1706.3 -
_ .
TORN BICATITE, Clerk of the Second Division
g) Court. County Commleeloner, of Huron, Con.
reyancer, Lend, Loon and Ineurance Agent. Funds
inverted Ana to Loan. Office—Over Sharp &
Ivens' store, Rain etreet, Eleaforth, 1289
BAND POULTRY.— 20 colonies of Italian
beee in good pointed hives, at from 6r5 to$6.50
each, Also full line of hoe keepers' supplies.
Bete taken in txchaoge for supplies.
poultry.—A grand pen of White Rocks, prize
winners' at Caroada% biggest grows. Black Minoraos,
large, good color, a vary desirable fowl for ogge and
table. Eggs for hatching $1. per Hotting. WM.
HARTRY, deaforth, I 680-tf
'PO PIG BREEDERS.—The undersigned will keep
on Lot 20, Concession 6, L. R. So Tuokoremith,
a thoroughbred Cinterxe. Winni Pro, alga a thorough-
bred Y.01m8111101 Pro, A limited number sof sows will
be admitted te cub. Terme, II, payable at the time
of service, or 81,50 if Merged. Ale° a few Chester
White Pigs for ogle. JAMES OEIIMILL. 1608-52
VICE.—The undorained will keep for sprviee,
it the Brucelield ,:lheeee notary, a thoroughbred
Toreworth Boar, erith registered pedigree. Terme,
peyoble at time of service with privilege of re.
turning if noteesary. Also a number of 'thorough-
bred young Tamworth Boars and Bows for sole.
HUGH kio0ARTNEY, Brucefleid. 1406 -if
131011. SALE.—The comfortable 1 etory_framo house
je °coupled by Mreoirlanidrew, in Egniondoille,
The Immo, le in good repair, and there le plenty of
hard and eoft water on the premiers% Also about an
acre of land. Apply at Tits EXPOSITOR. Ofilee. 180241
1710R SALM—Nino wares of land for sale, being
X Lot 12, Conceeeion 8, Hay. There ig frame
'levee and barn atm) small orchard. Particulars
upon application. MRS. ROBERT KYDD, SR.,
Zurich. 10994f
lUrODERN HOUSE FOR SALE,—Solid brick-, nine
In rooms, furnace and bath room, elegant 'arena,
ornamental abode Greets, large and email fruit&
Terme-0ov. Apply to C. CLARKSON, proprioteor ;
or to HENRY BEATTIE, Barrister, Cady% Sleek,
Seatorth, 17044t
X sale part of Lot 11, Conceasion 3, H. a, S.,
Tuckersmith, adjoining the village of Egmondville,
containing 50 amiss 45 aeree all cleared and in excel-
lent atato of cultivation. The remainder fe ln
tureen(' contains a never failing epilog. For full
particular% address Egreandville P. O. MRS. C. R.
VAN` EGMOND. 1706.2
undersigned offere for sale his cottage in Bar-
purhey with 3 acme, of land in good state of cultivp
tionsplarited with fr'ult and ornamental tresor. Thoro
ea good stable on the place, with plenty of hard und
eoft water, Armee are in good order. Thero aro
even roome in the houeo winoh is good repair. The
promisee may bo viewed at any time. JOSEPH P.
INE 1606,0
sale, the south half ot Lot 18, Conoession 0,
Stanley, containing; 10 acres ; about 40 acted cleated,
the balance good hardwood bush; a good frame barn
and log house; a good well; is within a mile arid a
half of the villoge of 'Varna ; will be sold cheap end
on essay terms. Apply to DAVID ROBERTSON,
Varna. N. 13.—Mao for sale a number of Sheep and
7 a Marc with spring foal. 1702 tf
FARM FOR SA LE.—For Salo Lot 25 Concerrelon
4, L, R. S., Tuckersurith, containing 60 acres
all clear and in °a Ora Oasis state of cultivation.
There are on the premises a comfortable log bootee,
a geed frame barn 35x.90 feet with etobling attirehed,
plenty of wator, Is couvetiont to markete, with good
gravel roads and ia coneidered to be ono of the boat -
50 euro forme in the township, Will be sold cheap as
the proprietor wiehee t) get more land. Apply on
the premlues or to ALEX. GORDON, Egmorolville
P, 0. 17C6x4
,17- A !AMBLE P 110 PERTY FOR S A LE, —For sal e In
the village of Egmondvillo, the valuable and
p cogently located promises of the undertigned.
Tho property consistof two acres of good landowell
drained and eultivated. There fir a comMrtable
frame house a good stables -pig pen and other nee -
orrery ontbrilldinge on the prerniSea, -oleo hatd and
soft water. There are - oleo 14 good fruit trees,
apples, plumes and pears ; beeldee Boma choice small
butte. It is a most desirable place- for a retired far.
mer or nituket gardener, and will go cheap. • Apply
to WM. C. Clark, Egniondville. 1600.51
vARM FOR SALE.—For sale Lot 0, Coucossion 2,
. II. R. S., Tookersmith, 100 acres, 00acres
aimed and the *alums good hardwood bush.- Tho
farm le all wall d ordo a in ed and well fenced. On
the phoning arelva atory and a half blick .!houeo,
with wood shed -attached, good bank barn 00 feet
Erman). There le oleo a good orchard_ and plenty of
good water. 'rhie excellent farm- la Within two miles
of Seaforth and Is l tulles from a school. -It will be
sold cheap and on Goa), terme. Apply on the mint-
fieS or address Egnonciville P. O., WM. MaGE0011,
- his farm fe'situatod in the. County of Huron, town-
; ship of Stanley, being Lot 4; Concession 18. It pton-
tains SO acme, 10 acres of which Is hardwood birth,
the balance is all cleared and well fenced and under -
drained. There is a good comfortable dwelling ,
house, a good bank barn and a frame straw shodsza-
good well at the hone° and one at the barn and a.
neYer failing ('reek runs through the back end of
the farm. There is a floe orohard with all kinds of
fruit, This farm is convenient to churohes, schools.
market:etc. For full 'partioulars apply upon the.
premises or address ROBERT P. sHOUOLAS, Box 13,
Blake P. 0. 1705-13
F'tm FOR. SALE.—For sale, a choice fifty Aare
farm in Tuckeranlith, being Lot 2, on the 131h
COneessien. This choieo farm 80 rod frontage,
ie well fenced and drained; it is nearly all seeded,
and is froe frau bad wade. There is also n good
orchard and a email buah. On the premises Is a gcoil
frame house, containing eight rooms, with stone cel-
lar and woodshed, and -fa new bank barn. There is a
never -falling spring atothe home. It is within a
quarter of a mile of ,a viihg., Inhere there aro
churches, pest office, state, etc., and is throe and a
half tulles from Hecsall. For further particulars,
arp'.1 on the promists, or addrees Chiseihurst P. 0.
T. F. EYES. ' 1702-11
FARM FOR SALE.—For sale Lot 21, Conceseloia 10
MeRillop, containing 100 acres, 80 of which are
eleartd and ready for crops being well ttoderdraincd
and e ell fenced with cedar and black ash. The bal-
ance is timber and pasture. There Is a small or-
chard and thrto good Wella. There Is a good frame
house and weed sired, a barn and stables 61x80 foet
ahm sheep house, pig pen, implement house and all
other neeeesary out imilclings. It is 11 miles cost of
the north gravel road aed le convenient to schools,
churches, pont cflice, etc. Is 71, miles from Seaforth
and ten miles from Brussels. It is one of the best
farms in the tonahip and will be sold on easy terms
AEI the proprietor wielloB to retire. Apply on tho
premises or addre.i Winthrop P. 0. W141. MO1tRI-
10N. 109341
CIIORTIIORNS FOR SALE. --One cow and 1 two -
10 car -old heifer, supposed to calve lo October;
1 yearling heifer, 1 heifer calf, all good anitnale with
registered pedigree. 1 alro lamp for service an, im-
proved Yorkshire boar, bred from Toronto Sweep -
take winners. A. G. SMILL1E, Hensel' P. 0.
The Seaforth
Tea Store
Is the right place to buy your goods.
Very speeial value in all kinds of goods.
Call and get ourAprice before purchasing
elsewhere. We know we can pleeee
you both in price and quality of goods.
1 handle a very large stock of .all kinds
of choice groceries and provisions, also
a large assortment of Crockery, China
ad Glassware. A large display of
dinner, tea and toilet sets, all of which
will be sold cheap; also a IllOO line in
Glasswaie. A special line in Soap, re-
gular price 50 a bar, now ten bars for
25c. Also a fresh lot of red herrings
in boxes, regular price 15c 13 box, now
lOc. One hundred and fifty dozen of
wine and imperial gems to sell cheap.
Wanted, butter and eggs, for which the
highest price will be paid. Come one,
come all, to the Seaforth Tea Store,
just what
woman ne
They cu
and sinkin
the heart
, to'
s Heart and
v ry weak, ne
s to make her
re those feeling
g that come on
beat strong an
sweet, refreshing sleep an
aches andnervousness.
life and et* gy into dispirit
tercd womle , who have co
is no cure for them.
Read t e words of enc
this letter from Mrs. Thcis,[S
ton, Now Lond.on, P.E.Ii
" Last II' I Was in a ver
dition .su e ing from A
weakness, I got so bad at
hardly mo
getting wcil
Nerve Pily
conditions I
notice an in
when I hjtc
pie" tei iyweau e
away that
and ga
g, irveec
bor who 'v
and they C
is nothin
Nerve pin .
erve Pills are
ous, run-down
trong and well.
f smothering
egular, give
banish head -
h y infuse new
, health -shat -
to think there
o ragement in
mmars, CU -
serious con-
opsness and
t that I could
around, and 4pairedofever
Seeing Milbluln's Heart and
ighly reco niended for such
purchased b
had taken lb
rovement Id r
If of it I could
ylcondition and
used two ho e,s I was coin-
itblese pills took
Of mervousness
onderful ho
readlul feeli g
o strength.
t mended th re lo my neigh-
s troubled with nervousness,
ed her, too. Waflth1nkt1ire
equal to Mille rn's Heart end
, arid arms ,pf
arnerteps Yield to
fi 1,7 .4
bent breeder
for Ortt As
Iiit. 13. .1.- ICEN
Dear 8Ire i..- year ago.1 had ti. %limbic horn() itineh
got lame._ i t ilc hire to the 1 a erinary Surgeon who
pronounced 11 /yen It San vi u a u gave me little hot e,
although lie ntlc41 a sheen bil (Lc1r. Thin made matters
only wont() and thciltomo Macon o 140 Iain o that It could .
not sta.nd up, Al. ter tryfror Ott rything in my posk•c . I
wont to ft 1101 1 her end VOW hie eheet the CCM. HO WPM
nip ono of yo it books:OW 1 atm b d lt carefully and bo,:.
Ing resolved ( (Icitho Utmost; 1111 floor of my beast, went
to the noares rug rstoro rt lid got bottio of your Spay' n
Oure-and upr I it titrletly ttee( 141111g to directions. Be-
fore tho first 1»ttlo wan iminl I o iced am I in provement,
and when th eventh bottle NV about half uned, my
borne wan , 11 pletely cured d without leaving a
blemish on, 1 301. After rennin m
treatent 1 gave the'
11011-40 good eAa• and Old Homo I,r t work with Iiirn,wish-
ing to 800 if it had effected a cu i e I then gaited to work
the nom Int 11 and to my entl e satisfaction he never
ehowed any 1 ( ro lainenenn Or( mai the whole summer.
11(80 rocon 8011(1 Kondallfi
,s r a n (Afro not only as an
excellent, bu 1 ti a Mire retnedy, t0 any one that It may
concern. Yours truly, - . i SAMUEL TR1TTEN.
Atilt your d'iftimitit for Vend fro Sorrel's Cure, also
0A 'I'reat1c on the Horne," I IF) book free, or addreor
Farm lo a taken at !owes rates; payments to
suit borrow r ; satletaction garanteod ; alt corn.
h Antony answer
'Winohare, ( rt. Offloo—At •POrner of Minnie and
spondence d. ABNER 008,
'Patrlok ttrt, as ; every Seturcity all day. 16E6N7S
. .
do of curer/41mila ly, Endorsod-by the
ni horsemen. evler where, Priee, tpiraiz
eliecei, rel. nerely tee it has no equal.
Vent Louie, Ontelrl ), Om; Dec.14.1898.
Ladiee an gentlemen, th4 ing you all for paet
patronage n id now that a newi season is at hand
wish to let ouknow that 1 4n still in the briefness,
ready to do try best to, give 1 ou every eatiefaction
In doing yot r work in the lino of cleaning anddyeing
gentlemen's and ladies' clothl g, done without being
ripped as w I' BS to have, th- ripped. All wool
goods tam n ;eed to give goc -satisfactiOn on short-
est notice. Shawls, eurtal etc., at moderate
prices. P1 to do Lot fail to give me a call. Butter
and eggs t en in exchange for work. HENRY
NICHOL, G derlah street easP, opp08ite tho Catholic
.R017; A / Cf -i.
51,o it; al:
oroom ony
re inArnei-b14fnr young men and
”:0,-0 0. 101 1i014 Edoeclon,
•t! .:11.r:L r Thoz-ungti
Scy-t•itin enure year. t'tutiet,ta
(•`1, al!
F. I. \1/2 1'; See.
13. B.
"I 11.11
for nea
ringworM on my head
ly a year.
nsulted three doctors
but derived little or no benefit
from their treatrnpt.
" I '1 en omninced to use
Burclok Blood kers.
," Be -ides takin , It internally
I washad the affe t d parts with
it and' vvhen th bottle was
finishe I was completely
cured.' Elsie Slazht, Teeter-
Burdoci< Blood Bitterdi cures sores,
elvers tali; s, pimples, eczOna and all skin
eruptions of the most chronic type. It
makethe blood rich aid pure, drives all
fdul inatelial from the system and builds
up thc tls es of the body.
For over - ear we have had the agency tor the safe ot
INDAPO. r first order was for 4 wrier of a dozen,
our last fpr 1,0 Hundred and Forty.f ur Dollars worth.
Maue a welt
Man of
Rama, i 0 days. Cures
all Novvopp footmen. FailingMe or
paresis, 81 plenums* Nigh is, Emis-
sions, eta.. • word by past a urrelgiven
vigor and e to shrunken orga e, and quickly but
surely roe •r o Lost Manhood iniold or young.
Ensile on led in vest pocket. rdoo *1.00 a package,
Six for $.5 0 luith, a writteu Ourorouteo to cure or
money r• *dad. Dozer 13trz lAN IMITATION, but
inerst on h i ing INDAPO. If y nr druggiet, has not
got it, rta atili send it prepaid,
ItINDOO It NEOT CO„ Prspro, Chl Ara III, or oar Agents.
This reel Increase proves it is kremedy that everyone
Who tries it speaks well of. Vours'res fully,
I. V. FEAR. Seaforth. Ont.
A sower sowed his eeed, with doubts end fears.
dare not hone," he %rid, "for fruitful care;
or bath tae harvest been in other years."
'IJlt ere the August moon had waxen old
t'lir stoOd Ada fields, a wavering sea of gold;
lie rebind a thousandfold! 1
in a dark place One dropt a kindly word;
3o weak my voice," he eighod, 'perchance none
Or if they did, no answering iinpulee etirred."
Yet in an hour hie fortunes were at otake;
O e nut a life in peril for him sake
13 cause.. ths t word he snakel
tale 1 h we to give, 0 Lord!" one cried;
"A wayward heart that ,oft hath thee denied;
:i:ouldst thou with such a_ gift be eatiafled?"
et When the soul had ceased its mournful plaint,
Cod took the love that seemed so poor and faint
n&from F made a mint!
—Christian Burke in Sunday Magazine.
4 4
lee me oiness Displayed by Room-
tes on an Oeesin Liner.
"here s one place above all others
,here a man 'exhibits bis meanness,"
s id the revelers 'as& tipitis aboard an
o ean lin r and toward the man who in
o 'heed t occupy the *amp stateroom.
ith you You ere /mad to. begin With
t at you ave•te bunk he with somebody.
I he get the lower berth, he' e done you
mortal- injury. If lie's. seasick, you
have a c ntempt for him; if he• iii nof,
ou are i bit envious. I've ciossed• the
‘ tlantleline times and. elWays shared a
s ateroo , and I was never more than
on. speak ng teems ,with my _roommate.
ou can be all, right toward everybody
else aboard, but he's your enemy, The
ase is 'ors° when it's a pair of old
t srvelers, ae each is posted as to bis
rights and privileges and is zealous in
enforcing them. When I crossed to Lon -
on S last year, I had a Chicago man for
r nctlilluintrip,
. ood fellow, but it Was his sixth -or sev-
Na ooddhoeu,bdt got
wasposted an. aaslltaorvi-o,:nond
nd 'how to exhibit his meanness. I.
ound him in the stateroom when I came
board. - We recognized each other as
eterans, but a few words must be ut-
ered .for decency's- sake. .
" 'Nam ;Tones,' says I as I clnicked
1 waY my steamer trunk.
" 'Nam .'s Brown,' says he as he bang -
03] hi. bat. .
"We d dn't speak again or four days..
hen we got a heavy gale and to big sea,
nd as I was lying in my bunk he came
ip for some cigars and growled:
"'Got t9'
"'No; lave you?'
"'No, :loped you badr
"An hour before we landed I -handed
im a japer on which I bad written
c ownmy feelings concerning him. I call-
ed him a crank, 'a curmudgeon) a bear, a
heathen nd lots of Other things and ex-
pressed he fervent hope that it might
never oc ur that the same hotel would
ive - us. both shelter In Europe, As I
anded ut my -paper be extended one.
Ie had vritten down his feelings toward
ne, and I pledge you my -word if the
two pap .rs Nuren't alike to a word! , I
met him in Paris six weeks later, and We
jrushed o greet each - other like old
friends, and fer two weeks we walked.
bout like two brothers and were grieved
hen th parting came. - That was on
and, yo 1, know, and we weren't bunk
:rtes. . 'm going over again next month,
tit I'm inking no promises of better be
. ftV 01. Whether my roommate is a
tninister from Boston or a cattle raiser
• tfrom Arizona, I shall probably do all I
Can to make his position uncomfortable,
and I a sure he will do as much for
The Largest.
Ya kee visitor to England during
thesjubi ee celebrations was staying at e
certain hotel in Liverpool. The morning
after hi arrival he was taking a look -
round tl e hotel when he curiae across one
of the w iters. Glancing up at the build -
tag, the Ynekee said, "Say, stranger,- is
this the biggest hotel you have her in
Liverpo(1?" "Well, yes," answered the
, waiter, "I believe it is one of the largest
in Lire pool." "Oh," said -the Yankee,
"then I uess we are ahead of you in• our
country, for we could put this place in
the pore of one of our American hotels
and not e at all Inconvenienced!" -
A sho .t time after the waiter again
came ac oss the Yankee and, wishing to
get stra ght with him, said, "Have you
been in Birmingham yet; 'sir?' "No,"
says' the Yankee' -,•"I have not; but I guess
1 will k before I leave the old country."
"Well," Said thel waiter, "if you go,be
sure yot put up' at the Great 'Western
hotel. t will rveit you down to the
ground. 'The coffee room is a snoozer.
It is thr a miles long, and the waiters go
about o horseback."
. . AND ...
Chaping, Mills
Having purehased from Mr. Josiah Watson
She Seaforth Saw Mills, has placed in the
mill '
A new and improved Grain
And is prepared to crush grain on the
shortestnotice, and for 5e a bag.
Give us a trial,
L. CL ARK, 04th.
The Brain and Names.
An Austrian savant has declared that
the -human brain contains 'a "name cen,
ter." He says that it is the office of thhi
cell to retain 1.1111110.
A. striking case •which would seem tc
confirm this theory' occurred at Cleveland,
A hrakeinan was shot by a conductof
' and the former could not remember the
names of persons or things, although he
could perfectly Well describe the Nuc.
tions of all articles exhibited to him.' ,
The surgeon" probed for the bullet and
- found it in the exact spot necessary to
affect the remembrance of names, -ac•
cording to the AuStrian's'theory. heti
the pressure on the brain had been re.
lie -red, the petient _yemembered names.
as well as he had done before his injury
and told the - nrime of his assailant.—
Scientific American.,
Wonderful Bees.
Bees go out all day gathering honey
and work at night in the hive, building
their combs as perfectly as if an electric
light shone there all the time. They
work in the dark because honey crystal-
lizes when exposed to light; hence we see
Why the bees are so careful to obscure'
the glass Windows which are; placed in
their hives. The existence of the young
depends on the liquidity of the saccharine
food presented to them, and if the light
were allowed access to this it would in all
probability prove 'fatal to the inmates of
the hive.
The Jaded 'Ushers.
Some of the insurance companies re-
fuse to take risks on the lives of . theat-
rical ushers. They assign- as a reason
that the usher, being compelled to listen,
night after night, to repetitions of the
same old jokes, soon becomes spiritless,
sees no joy in existence and at an early
age welcomes death as a relief.
It Was There,
"There's a boy wants to see you, sir."
"Has he got a bill in bis hand?"
"No, sir."
"Then he's got it In his pocket! Send
him awityl"—Phil May in Punch.
Money to loin at 4i per cent on first -ohm farm
land security, Apply to R S. HAYS, Dominion
Bank Building, Seaforth- 1807
"E., & D. Quality Satisfies"
EN 84 D.
The E. & D. wheel la the only Clan
adian bicycle that has built up United
States business. It is the only bicycle
with Four -Point Barings,
A Y P7
In four -point bearings the load is trans-
mitted 41 b. direct line, and there is no jam-
ming of balls in the races. In orslinary bear-
ings the load is transmitted at an, angle,
Which greatly increases the pressure on the
parts of the bearing. In the E. & four -
point bearing, the bearing never sustains
greeter immure than the actual load on the
bicycle. In ordinary beariegs the pressure
is eften three times the actual load' E. &
D. locally guaranteed National bicyc es have
four•point bearings in the erank.han er, the
hubs, and the head. The bearings a e guar-
anteed for three years.
E. & D. Road Models, men's
E &D. Road Diodels„ ladles' 4.880E & p. Special Models, with !tear case .870
E. & D. Racing Models .170
T o E. l& DS being a notionel wheel, is tooIly guar.
L bora!, options are given in ,eaddles, gertires.
ant ed. ;Catalogue on application. 1
L nisden &
That the children may not
conic from school heavr'reyed,
languid, and listless.
Thgt ihey may be cheerful,
ilappy, and contented, gtiowing
stranger and sturdier day by
dal y.
To have strength for pleasure
after the duties of the day are
No to have the body so tired
that the mind cannot be •culti-
- \rated.
' To have the sensibilitie keen,
the wits sharp, pereOptione;
clear, and the ability to rnake
affairs run smoothly, take
1 od- and- Ney3vo Fii
.Systernatic:2,11y, send you. vi 1 -.‘ss
delighted with tile
Why? Because they en-
-able you to • sleep soundly, eat
.heartily, and .6:gest whe:t you
do eat, thereby keepinp mind
aaci body in pro2er conc,:rtion.
5 c„ per box, fivo boxes for
All tirugtiritti, 0111 W1:1:11.1.t.3
Co_,iln Toronto, tint,
rist mill running night and dayl, and all
ki cla of Iwork done on the shortest notice
Fi st-elass roller flour exchanged fo wheat,
'Ic:E]J OCDR.,
On laand a quantity of good feedcorn for
sa e at lowest prices,
All kinds of first-class logs wanted at the
11, fer which the highest cash price will
paid. Call and see us before disposing
your loge.
16 0-tf
Mrs. Dewey has a brooch of diamonds
et in steel from a Spanish vessel sunk
t Manila.
Mrs. John V. L. Prayn of Albany owns
everal specimens of the handiwork of
aul Revere as a silversmith.
Miss Helen Gould Is much bothered by
equests for autographs. She receives
ometimes as many as 25 of these re -
nests in a day.
ALBS Kate Sanborn persistently re -
arks that so long as Woman wears trail -
ng skirts clutched by the left hand and
impeding freedom of motion she isn't fit
or the ballot.
Miss Susannah Whitney is the oldest
lying public school teacher in New York.
he began her -work in 1836, six years
efore the board of education was estab-
London artists declare that Miss Van-
erbilteWackerman of New York is the
andsomest woman in the world, possess -
ng the most perfect face and figUre and
hat spiritual poise which makes the ex-
eptional model. -
Mrs. Phoebe Hearst, who has done so
such for the UniversitY of California,
s, in appearance, rather a fragile worn -
a. She is often worn out by her cease-
ess activity and unwillingly delegates
er work to assistants.
Mrs, Roosevelt, the Wife of Governor
oosevelt, or, as the governor himself
ails her, "Teddy's chum," is a quiet, un-
ssuming, modest, housewifely little body
ho has absolutely no distinguishing
haracteristics from thousands of good,
rue American wives and mothers.
Mrs. Henry N. Couden is the only per -
on, outside of members of congress, who
s allowed In the speaker's lobby while
he house is in session. Her husband,
he Rev. Mr. Couden, chaplain of the
ouse, Is blind. ° He is brought to the
louse daily by Mrs. Couden and remains
ntil she comes for him.
Mrs. Pullman, widow of George M.
ullnaan, is said to be one of the keenest
usiness -worne'n in this country. She
as the daughter of J. Y. Sanger of Ot-
awn, Ills. Mrs. Pullman delights in
ravel. Her private cars are fitted with
11 the conveniences of a home and are
quipped si'ith a full corps of servants.
Mrs. George Crocker, wife- of Cantor -
la's young millionaire, is said* to have
'ealized her ambition to become as great
social leader in New York as she was
n San Francisco. She is now a member
lot the inner exclusive set of the metropo-
lis, or, in other words, one of the "Thir-
ty-eight," the total number of the "best
tet" in New York.
Mrs. W. W. Ennis, Mrs. F. L. Briggs
Ond Mrs. 'William Haven of Ottumwa,
claim to be descendants ot the orig-
inal Ichabod Crane whom Washington
kving introduced in the "Legend of
Sleepy Hollow." Jesse Merwin, grand-
father. of these women, was the oriiinal
Ichabod, according to the documentary
levidence in their possession.
Dry earth is a good material to scatter
nder the roosts after cleaning up.
Hemp and sunflower seed are excellent
or imparting a glossy appearance to the
The loss of feathers often- proceeds
•from deficient or unclean dusting ar-
At all times and with all kinds of poul-
ry the evening ration should be of grain
nd liberally fed, the object being to keep
the crops full during the night.
A hen that is 2 years old mated with a
cockerel not less than 1 year old, if in
proper condition, will produce chickens
that will grow rapidly from the start.
Early layers depend upon the stock and
upon the wny they are raised. Pullets
from stock long bred for early maturity
will lay earlier than those from stoek
bred chiefly for show purposes.
The evening feed' of both ducks and
turkeys should be scattered near their
roosting places. This is the beyt way
known to induce them to cenre hcime ev-
ery night.
Never shut the sunshine out. Sunshine
means health.
Never clean an oil painting with soap.
Go- over it very carefully with a piece of
'wool saturated with linseed oil.
A small toy broom is more convenient
than a large one, or the usual dust brush,
for cleaning up the ashes and dust about
!the range or open grate.
In cleaning a sewing machine witl
;paraffin never allow it -lb remain on the
machine, as it heats the bearings and
; causes them to wear out.
Burn juniper berries ina room that has
been freshly painted or papered. Keen
the windows closed for 12 hours, then
air thoroughly, and the room is habitable.
A fire extinguisher which may easily
ihe made and kept stored in, bottles ready
for use consists of three pounds of salt
and one and one-half pounds of sal am-
moniac dissolved in a gallon of water.
Is obtained by our
scientifically fitted glasses.
They enable the eyes to do as
mud1 work and possiblk more
without tiring than they
ver lid. Satisfaction guar-
anteed. Eyes tested free.
There are three different railway gauges
In Australia -3 feet inches, 4 feet 81/2
inches and 5 feet 3 inches.
The Staten Island road has a special
car for hoodlums on Saturday nights.
They are locked in and are not allowed
to disturb the peace of respectable peo-
Among the curiosities in the new Rail-
road museum at Dresden is a proclatna-
tion printed in 1839 warning passengers
that trunks -cannot be forwarded unless
they are brought to the station at least
an hour before the departure Of the
In the western part of British Colum-
bia is a novel railway two miles in
length. The rails are made of trees from
which the bark has been stripped, rind
these are bolted together. Upon them
runs a car with grooved wheels ten inches
Hens' egg hailstones are out of date
hencefortt Illinois reports a storm in
which the hailstones were as big as base-,
balls.—Boston Globe.
.An Iowa town reports a rainfall of 1
inches Sunday. The report of hailstone
as big as footballs knocked out all coms
petitors in that line early in the _season,
gnd rivalry has necessarily turned to ()their
fields.—Omaha Bee.
These are the days when you are likely
to hear hailstorm stories. If he says they
were as big as watermelons, be sure te,
ask, before you strike. 11, old the mel-
ons were:.
For Infants and Children.
The W-
There is no fairer offer than that of
the King Quality Shoe for $3. We
have squeezed into this shoe actually
more than $3 worth of style, dura.
bility and ease.. Nowhere else that
we know of can you buy the same amount of shoe
satisfaction for $3.
You are a judge—every woman
and judge for yourself.
We are not afraid to have
you do so.
Remember—King Quality.
is—so please come
ADE. 19 R *
itie QUA
to get the Best
A cheaply made cream separator,
is dear at any price, because faulty ih
construction, liable to break, and ditE-
cult to Operate. The Sharpies No. 1,
with a capacity of 325 lbsan hour,
and the Sharpies W. H. S , with a ca-
pacity of 300 lbs„ are the finest pro-
d-ucts of the largest and best equipped
cream separator factory in -L-ie world.
The materials entering into i the con-
struction of these machineEl are ..the
e, The wcrk is done by Ekilled 'Workmen, and is subjdted to the.
pection. Without fear of substantial contradiction, wel can -say
*n operating, clean skimming and dm ability, there is no i tiler hand
separator made by any one anywhey• that i.e; equal to th Sharpies.
machines on their merits. We beli, ve that the buyer :should be
ide which machine is best for him to buy. We leave them to any
er for a week or ten, days, with privilege of returning the machine
y satisfied with it. Price of No. I machine, $90; W. H. S. raa-
Write for illustrated catalogue. See sample machine at Hinchley
erooms, Seaforth.
W Li OUIMErTE, Londesboro, Ontario.
4,7-z. wry"
best obtaina
most rigid in
that for ease
power cream
'We sell thes
allowed to de
intending btij
if not perfect
chine, $75.
Brothers' war
A Medicated Toilet Soap of the Purest Awarded ,Silver Medal Greater
Britain Exhibition, 1897.
Reg. No. 007. WHAT IT WILL DO.
1—Prevents all contagious dieeases from 6—It will clean and remove paint, oil and
approaching where it, is treedgrease stains from woolen and cotton cloth-
2—It will clean and 'polish paint work and ing. Also cleans coat collars and hats.
not kill the gloss of the paint. 7—It contains no alkali and is strongly re-
3—It will clean carpets without taking commended for washing the head, as it
them upimparte a silky and natural gloss to the
4—It will clean linoleums like new. hair, and is especially useful for ehildrest.
5—It will clean bicycle chain and rims.
Novo is claimed to be the cheapest and best paint
cleaner on market. Try it on finger marks on doors.
PDEICE 10e and 20e a BLOCK
Full directions on blocks.
Estate JOHNgON BROS. Hardware, Seaforth
Mr. P. L Campbell, of Fortune
Bridge, P. E. I., a great sufferer
from pain in the back.
Doan's Kidney Pills completely and
permanently cured him.
Mr. P. L. Campbell, the ell -known gen-
eral merchant of Fortune Bridge, P.E.I.,
was troubled with severe p ins in his back
and hips for over two year.
At length he became a. are of the fact
that backache was slreply a symptom of
kidney trouble and did not hesitate long in
taking Doan's Kidney ills,and was
promptlyand permanently cured.
Here is his statement: "I was in an
awful state for two years with pains in my
back and hips. Some mornings these
pains were so severe that 1 couldn't stoop
to lace my boots. I started taking Doan's
Kidney Pills, and one box so completely
cured me that I have been perfectly well
for over a year now and free from the
least trace of pain."
best equipped Business and
hand School i Canada is the
t City Busin4ss and Short -
College, London, Ontario.
- enrolment and etrong faculty.
of Studentin good
Yearis of excellent work to its
creak. Catalogues of either cours.
free. Correspondence invited.
J, W. ESTERVELT, Principal.
kr= B
on of the He
of Memory, B
Jaundice, Hie
Danes, Tousle
M Renovator
antidote ler hire Week and Im
;‘,1241: P1641aint, Now g1n, Low
onchitis. Consumption, Gall Stones,
ey and Urinary Nowa, St. Vito,
lusgularieles and General Debility.
Y--Goderieh, Ontario.
J. M. lifoL IDi Proprietor and Mann
Sold by J. S. ROBERTS, Seaforth.
1601 -if
Township of McKillop.
Judges Court of Revision.
Notice is hereby given that a court will be held,
rimant to the Ontario Voters List Act, by His
or, the Judge of the county court of the county
of Huron, et Jones Hall, Leadbury, on Friday, the
145h of September 1900, et 10 o'clock forenoon, to
hear and det-rmlne the several oomplalete errors
and omissions in the Voter's Litt of the municipality
of MoKillop for 1.900. All persons having briefness
at the cold are required to attend at the time
and place. JOHN 0. MORRISON, Clerk of Mein!.
lop. Dated this Uth day of Auguet 1900, 1706-8