The Huron Expositor, 1900-08-31, Page 2sloieteemeime
'V IRK IN STANLEY Fait BALE -For sale Let
JD 9, Coueessloa 1, Loaders Road, near the villag
of Brueelisid, cootelning about 100 aorta,- 00. cross
cleared and in a good state of oultivetion. the ra-
n &tilde is hard wood bash. There ire good build-
nge,12 mom of wheat, 35 seeded to grass, a good
archard and plenty of water. WM be gold cheap.
and on easy term. Applf;to A. .I. RO33, Bruce.
field P. O.
jj SALE -Beautifully eltuated on Centre Street
edjolning Betttle's Grove. There are two lots planted
with the of fruit trees of 0 kinds and
shrubs. A frame house, tone cellar underneath the
whole, hone°, a sitting room, dining roonOsummer
aud winter kitchens and four bedrooms, liard and
soft water. 11 13 one of the roost pleasantly touted,
comfortable and convenient residence's in Seatorth
and will he sold cheap. Apply to JOSIAH WAT-
SON, Seatorth.
-:1 — 1700-tt
rnINE FARM FOR SALE. -For sate Lot 24, Con-
cession So Stanley, containing 100 acres. The
d is all dear but 12 sores which is In good hard-
wood hush. Fifty acres STE under cultivation, 8
acres is in wheat and the balance Is Needed to grass.
There Is a good frame house, frame barn and stables.
The farm is well fenced and underdrained and has
* Email, never -falling spring oreek running through
one corner of It. It_ la completely free from all
foul weeds. Terms cash. Poseesslon given Immo.
diately. For further partleulars apply to JOON
GILMORE, erticefield P. O., 1.681 -Of
4,Conoession10, nulled, containing 76 acres,
all cleared, underdrained, well fenced, nd about 40
. ores seeded to grass. These are fa • buildings.
There lea good orchard, and a never- ailing spring
creek runs through the firm, and a gad well at the
house. It is near school and post office, and con.
verdent to the best markets. It le a splendid farm,
not aloot of waste land op It, and as well adapted for
stoek raising. It will be sold chliap and on easy
terms. Apply to the undersigned, Seaforth P. O.
..0 Lot 24, Concession 8, FL R. Sg, Tuckersmith,
eontaining 100 store., 90 sores cleared and In a goad
state of cultivation, 10 acres of good hardwood bush.
There Is on the premises a good brick house and
kitchen; a large new bank barn, with stone stabling
underneath ; an open shed ; driving house, and other
buildings; two good well and orohard. It is five
a\nalles from Seaforth and iliac from Clinton on a good
ravel road. School don by. Will be sold cheap.
Apply on the premises to ROBERT MoVETY, or Sea-
, orth P. O. 1689x4tf
.E• Lot 11, Companion 8, Tueleersmith, containing
100 sores, all cleared but about 8 acres of good bush.
It is utdordraIned, well- fenced, and In a high state
of oultivation. There hi tegood stone house ; geed
barns, stablest and ouleheuses. It adjoins a goad
school ; is within five miles of Seaforth and three
idles from Eippen. There Is plenty of iced water.
Will be told with or without the crop. t is one of
the best farms in tho township, and will be sold on
easy tonne. as the proprietor wants to retire. Also
60 acres within a mile and a (puler, a good grasing
lot, well fenced, but no buildings. Will be sold to •
other or eeparately. Apply on the premises, or ad-
dress EgnaondvIlle P. O. JAMES MoTAVISILI
- ' 188011
II -ARM FOR SALE. -For sale Lot 18, Concession 8,
Tuoltersmith, 1i- miles from Serdorth, contain -
ng 07i acres. The land is in a good state of cultiva-
tion. On the place is a large inane house • in good
repair and heated by a furnace, bank barn with good
stabling, new etone pig pen 24x46,- driving shed,
woodshed and everything in first Class condition.
Ploaty of good water and windmill to pump it. The
land is way tonderdralned. There is about 12 sores
of fall wheat'and the ploughlog is radon°. It will
be sold cheap and on easy •terms as the proprietor
is going West. Possession given at any time. For
further particularsapply to WILLIAM ERERRART,
on the premises, or to Seatorth poat (Moe, 1684-tf.
je 9 and the west half of liot 8, on the 121h conces-
sion, or Brownson Line, ot Stanley. This farm con-
tains 150 sores), all of which is cleared, except four_
scree. It is in a state of first -clue cultivation, well
fencedand all underdrained, mostly with tile. There
10 a large frame dwelling house as good as new,
ood stone foundation and °eller, large bankbarn
?Mb stone stabling underneath, and numerous other
buildings, Including a large pig house. Two good
orchards of choice fruit, else nice shade and crrna
mental trees. There are two spring creeks running
hrough the farm, and plenty of good water all the
year round without pumping. It is well situated for
. *Orate, churches, schools, poet office, arce, and good
gravel roads leading from it in all directions. It is
within view of Lake ninon, and the boats can be
, soon leveeing up and down from ah house. This Is
one of the best equipped fame as the county, and
will be sold on easy term, IS the proprietor wants to
retire on amount of Ill health. Apply on the prem.
Nes, or address Blake P. O. JOIIN DUNpt, 1640-11
sale, Lot 22, on the North Boundary.of Hay
ownship. This farm contains 100 sores86” acres
cleared, the rest good hardwood bush, 11 19 well un-
dordrained and fenced. There is a good gape house
with a No, 1 cellar; large bank Wars ; Iriaplernent
shod; sheep house 70x75, with first -elate stabling
and root cellar underneath; a good °tabard ; 2 good
welts and cistern. There is 12i- armee of fall wheat
lowed on a rich fallow, well manureci ; 40 acres
seeded down recently, the rest in good shape for
orop. This Is a No. 1 farm, well situated for
i markets, (Marches, sehools,; poet office, oto,, and
will be sold reasonably. Apply on tho premises, or
eddrese ROBERT N. DOUGLAS,Blake,f)nb.1668x8tf
did farm and hotel property. This farm is on
the lath commies' of the Township of McKillop, at
the Village of Leadbury. Ib contains 112i ernes, all
of which are cleared, except about three sores. 11 le
in a good date of oultivation, being well fenced and
underdrained, and suitable for grain growing Or stook
raising and feeding. There -is not a foot of waste
land on the farm. There are to good dwelling
homes, a largo bank barn with done stabling under-
neath, a large implement house and all neeesssry
buildings in firs t-olass repair. There are three -„or -
°bards and four nevesafalling wolls; The Wan -ad.
joins the Villageof Lestibur), whore aro stores, post
r, office, blacksmith shop, school. etc. The well known
Leadbury hotel is on the farm, and will be sold with
rt is now under lease for a term of years. This
Is one of the best and Most profitable farm proper.
Mos in the County of Huron, and will be sold cheap
on etlay terms of payment. For further partioulafs,
apply on the promisee, or address the- undersigned
proprietor, Leadbury P. O. JOHNSTON KINNEY.
Store And Grocery 'Business
For Sale.
For sato in the thriving town of- Seelforth ; a good
brick dere with dwelling a,bove, --and good brick
stable at t14 back, also a first-class stosik of groceries
all fresh, boot part of town and doing good business,
good reasons for selling. Apply quiekly to box 872,
Seaferth, Ontario.
Funds of private 'parties, also oonopen - funds, to
loan at lowest rates- °refine; mortgage.:;..4erms to Suit
borrowere. JAMES L Irl.J.Rn7.0,- barrister,
ArY., -
A Reliable and Speedy Remedy for Curbs,
Splints, Spaying, Sweeny, Etc.
It can be used In every cavil) of Veterinary Practice
where Stimulating Liniments or Blisters aro pro.
scribed. See pamphlet which %companies every
bottle. It has no superior. Every bottle sold le
fitutranteed to give Haft traction. Price 76o a bottle.
Sold by all druggist. Invaluable In the treatment
of Lump Jaw in oatttle. Bee Pamphlet.
Prepared by -
London' Ont. 1604 52
Special Attention
to Herseshoeing mCARRIAGE ad' oapi)
General Jobbing,
MAKER i(1117
Goderich utreet, • - Sealotth.
Merton Stock Farm
Thoroughbred Durham Cors,
Heifers and Bulis
of the most faehionable strains for sale at
reasonable prices. Post office reldrees,
US 11E111
Or. Talmage
ran to •Sp
ikons God' Child -
ohs of Riik ity,
- 1
Higher Biwa y /for MOIL: I italtrions
Station Than hat Occupied I y Christ-
ians as Meath s- of .the Boy -1 House
, i
of Jesus. - I
Washington, ug. 26.—In
course Dr. T41 age, eyho d
journey home v rd.has seen 1
royal and int ) rial Splendors
ing through e capitals'.of
sheSes that the e is no hi ire
nor mote strious .s -e,
those Whicht. e 0htIst.Jar h
child of Gqd;I ext, Jadges
Each one re Misled the Ch
Zebail and L Inumna hid
a king." • •
to battle; and when the c
they were aske Wha.t kiid
they had seen,
the people had
"Each one eese
a king." Tha
is not eXtip,at,.
W13 0 have this
they are the s
the Lord Almi
exile, they aha
ithr ones. Ther
that stand for
pr intelligence.
ington among
sent patriotism
Medici atood
of letters, Th
childs is sign'
loss:of $40,00
thein to no in
,11 a few yea4
sia 4112,00i),001
Austria $40,
pen on the•cou•ting room d
everything fro . the Irish se
1)anube. They opentheir h
there is war, they- shut it
is peace, . The Itontanoff.4 o
the 1 I ohenzolie ins of Ge •m
'Bourbonsof le ance, the St
Guelphs of Gra t Britain; ar
:whose namere intertwin
;the history of their SresPec
Mons Syndeolic of imperi 1 a
1 But I preach of a fam ly.
1 t eat lel, more rich and Mo
sive—the royal house of" J.(
,whout the NO ale family i
and on earth
,blood relations
the cross: all
of the Xing.
. First, 1 spea
Whca we see
one greatly celebrated in
centary,-. we lock at hin 'iv
found interest.. To hav h
querors, kings' ler princes in
cestral line gives lustre to
ily name. -1n bur Bee e as
and a Conquer( r.. The Act
East with ;bat( n of light N
the eternal orc estra that 1
sic at hisebirt , From ti
started forth t ) conquer!. all
not by trampli g them dow
lifting them Ur • St. John
on a white ho se.. :.,When h
ho will not br rik the natio
ed to his wheel or in Iron c
I hear the sled a of the •ho
snow White c valcade i th
them to the get, es in triamp
Our family n me take S lu
the star that leralded him
spear that pierced him and t
that •was giv n hitin - It
fragranee . •fro n - the fra
brought to, his cradle and
that flueg thei sweetneSS
sermons and the box of
that broke at
er at 13etheny.
Nein. The su
Bethsaida, I ,
world and 'the
The storm liiS
his smile?: Th
'They' an we
a royal api
'bled' the ehil
There are st
ne and .da,u
lity. - Thong
1 yet come
are /steal
wealth or p
This nalule
s will alwass rerire-
The , fitihil of the
s the repre enta,tive
ef t Moths -
cant of wea h., the
,000 in 1 putting
onvenienc d with -
they had ed Rus -
Naples 00,000,
6%000 England
nd the st of their
k shakes
to ,thee
nd anal
nd there -
ny, the
arts and
d With -
ive na-
noi•e pat
e exten-
sus,: of
s naed.' We are
by :the relati inship of
t :us arb the, children
of our thin ly,name.
descendant of some
the last
th pro-
d con -
the. ant:
the fame
a, Xing
In the
roke.. up
lade' um --
price he
, but by
aw him
s Chain-
ges, but
fs of the
t brings
• •
tre from
nci .the
e crown
• kincen,se
he lilies
nto his
is feet The ,Co int o r t -
The Ileturr ltor
ernaturall Oe list, at
lie. Saviour of. one
chief joy of anoTher.
froWn. The, sunlight •
spring mon ing his
' breath. The etrthquake th stamp
of his foot. Ti e thunder th whisper
of his voic:ed he ocean a :frope on
the tip of hie Inger. -sIleavei a spar-
kle en the Misr m of his lov . • Eter-
nity the twInk ing of „his eee, The
universe the fl ing dust of 1 is chari-
ot wheels. ble to heal ia heart-
break or huh tempest or 'drown a
world or flood immensity ith hie
his dis-
ing his
uch of
in pass -
Europe, '
on than,
s as a
ldren of
een off
ne bank
f people
ed that
'en of
f people .
11 many
hters 4 of
noW in •
• their
f Wash
,, a
glory. What o her family. tut e coul.i
ever beast of s ich an Myst bus per-
ision age?
Henceforth n ing out the coat of
arriiS I Great heir -poet
iteir ecvl 1Q1Zir
of arms on t
of the coach
they go Out on flags
land eneigefi Sign is
SOMetimeS! or an
eagle. Our rn right
over the hen
cross, a lain
and a dove
�f alt ef,;eute
I must .have
the dove, the, ross, the mali
when 1 fall ,avt ap mn
e it
old Christian II tg, so 'that tl
coat of arms shall be_ right
breast, that all the woi
that I looked to the 1
Spirit and chin ;to the (
pended UpOn the Land) of G
taketh attray t le sin of the
fa nilies wear
ho dress, cl)r on
• r on. the ,hel
t battle,! or
he 'heraldic
n or a (Wage
t of armee w
-hereafter siu,11 be a
standing against it
ig over lit., Rae -West
ne! In everk battle
Waging ci nity flag—
ib, and
LO hardly
over my
lay see
of .the
and de-,
5r os
Asha mod of Jc
On Whom niy,
No! When T
That I no n 01
sus, that det
hopes of life
blush br‘
e revere J
Next, T. s tot k of tin fa
rows, If tr ,u 1.' come it c
bee of the fan ily all. feet it
he custom, af er the' be tv
ed into .the gr ave, .far ili
lives to (tone to the vetge
grave anal hu down it to
those fleatio; I he • dela rte
t hen. 1. hose ext of kin, un
ha\ 0 all loo o the gr
AVIIOn emu .an d, grit
throug,h t 1Ie h art Of on n
he .faln 11,1, , 1. 10y go (I( a'ii
t 1.1 en 1. 11 . Tit( Sad 1.1 FiSR
SaillIVSS Of all. A COMp 11‘.
.1 ns_ join land arouncii a.
be t 1 pry; t he .1 "o. persono 'at
of the. line I; nO h • the • lini ter,
the (*Iraqi. feels , he shock
' reason' of 11- 0 filial, mail er
'paternal ride(' tes life,: -a
erO close tbget tor that •whei
✓ friefi 1,
is my
nily sor-
tie' 1 1
. • rt is
Is lower -
the rela-
of the
it. First;
1 come;
il they
VC'. So,
go d 0A.Vu
ember of
ne is the
of per-
• eleetria
the end
' and all
'bus, by
al and
e 'stand
s ft e
distress. in
ily 1 he sorts
the sorrtee •
AIL nre pees:
'r4 nIl feel the 1 lirill of
tle "great UhriSt Urn fau'i-
vji of one ciugi 1 to -be
. Is eta, pe secuted?
, less? We till -butler loss. IS
riqt‘ ed?, We a V all bereave
:Their! strean in
• For Linen eyes toga* flow
lt and morte4 woe.
° .y u. rejoice at another's
101 thmu ou are not One of the eheeP•
'but o e of the goats, and, the vula
of sin hath alighted on Your
s�u1 a
After •
his d
"day t
d not the Dove of the Spirit,:
notice the family property,
man of large estate diesethe
es_ assemble to hear the Will
So much of the property • is
to his sons and so much to
ughters and so much to bene-
soeieties, Our Lord Jesus
led, end we are easembled toe
hear the will read. He says,
"MY r.1eae I give unto you." Through
hi ap
are c
and b
the h
you f
(Rep c
ties • o
lily w
and t
er o
Shephe d g
Light for
lamps to b
cest aid ib
'itig eY s anc
sties he says, "All things are
• What, everything? Yes, every-
This- world and the next: In
uished families there are old
• hangin on the wall. They
lied _the "heirlooms" of the
They are very old and have
own from generation to gen-
. $o I look uptin all the
sof the natural world as the
MS of our royal family. The
g breaks from the east. The
travel up, .hill above hill,
in above mountain,- until sky
The forests are full of chirp
z and .songTrree's leaf and
wing flutter. with gladness.
makers in the log and beak
the bark and squirrels chat -
on the rail, and tite call of
k out •of _a clear sky, make
el' glad. The sun, which kin-
nflageations among the cite-
clou 1 and sets minaret and
•'ail e, stoops to paint the
ite 4nd the buttercup yellow
e for etmenot blue. What can
he s n? Light or the voyag-
er he.. deep! Light for the
arding the flocks afieldt
the poor 'who have no
rn! Light for the down -
lowly! Light for arch -
burning brain and wast -
.ed c ptiv ! Light for the smooth
brow of ch iclhood and for the dim
vision -of he octogenarian! Light
for q een's 'coronet and for sewing
girl's .neeZ ler Let there be light!
Whose mo ning is this? My morn-
ing. you morning. Our Father
gave s thd picture and hung it on
the sl
shatt, red mirrors, and the ocean,
under • her glance, conies up, with
giteat tides, panting upon the beach,
mingi ng, a it were, foam and fire.
'rho p or in n blesses God for throw-
ing st ch a cheap light through the
ow pane into 11 iS cabin,
ick it seems a, light from
lore which bounds this,
o1. human pain and woe.
eem like a song full and
13,razeo instrutnents that
ngt earth with great har-:
moon is plaintive and
ng beneath the throne of
up her soft, sweet voice
'hilt the stars listen and
No mother ever more
arded the stoic cradle
nit long this pale watch -
y bends over the weary,
slumbering earth. Whose
Is this bla ic framed, black tasseled
plait e of the night? It is the heir--
our o
of th
• Yo
is oo
eral N
. inoun
of gl
Htthree ts
on t
OtS a
inf r°vuke cf.
y In
in of
oops -of fire, It is the
our family. And so the
Is the full moon, The
hore to shore .gleam like
a.n t
the o
If, the
•fill he
of pr.
er -of
• win
her •
von i
en din
y g
11 al
the 8
of out
- the
of 1,
ty of
elks to get any idea of its ex --
the- first walk be arottnd
, ••Ali these valleys, the
t wave in themeand the
pasture them—all these
and the precious' things'
ath 'them and the crown
family. Ours the grand-
jering, the crystals of the
coralt of the beach, -the
te. garden, the harmordeo
ot see a large estate in
g. Yon must take say -
around it. The family
this royal hOuse 01 sJesus
that we must take time.
ts th
.ciee t. eY cast at the feet efithe,
intreicanee-all these 1,ak,
islanls;: these continents, are
le second. walk go among
lainps of • heaven and see
ff On every side -a wilder -
In t
f worlds. For ue they shine.
sang at a Saviour's no-
us they will wheel into
ith their flaming torehes_
splendorof our triumph
for iVhicti all ether days
lin the third walk. go
eternal city. As We Come
k ttoethe rush of its chart-.
wedding ,peal ofits great
The , bell of heaven has
. 'It is high noon. We
offr upon the chaplets which
fade, the eyes that never weep,
ea that never close, the
that never parte the pro -
at never thalts, the trees
s the
O the
e day
,d the
•d th
n th
never; wither, :the walls that
can e captere.d, the sun that
set e until we can no longer'
and 0 hide our eyes and ex-
,. "Ey hat]) nOi; seen nor ear
, neitier have ;entered into the
of min the things which God
, bath ,prepa ed fer thein that love
' him!" As these'. tides of glory. rise
we aveto retreat!, and hold fast.
lest r0 be ' wept offi and drowned in
the enotlotjs of gladiness and thanks-
givin and triuniph,
Wit t thi k -you of the family pro-
. party ? It, is considdred an honor to
.marr into', a family where there is
great wealth.m he. Cord, the bride.;
. grooil ! cart i and heaven, offers
you is h*rt a d Ads hand, etteeing
In t words of the Canticles, "Rise'
,u,p, , ler hive, my fair one, and uome
aWe. ' .3A nd Oncl having put on
thy and the signet ring of his love,
yo:u vill be endowdd with all the
. weal h of earth and all the honors
of heaven, i. .
Al ost evlry family looks back to
„ a h mestead—somej country place
wilier yoti .rew up. You sat on the.
doer ill. You heard the footsteps,
' . ;rain On the garret roof. You
swun on the gate. You ranstdcked
'the barn. 1 You waded into the
hroo . Yoh thrashed the orchard
for apples- and the neighboring
woo.e - for nuts, anal everythitrie
arom a the old homestead is of in -
teres -. to you. I tell you of the old
hom tend of eternity. "Iri my fath-
er's houee are . many mansions "
When we La k of mansions, we think
,of rha;tsw rth - and its park Wee
miles in' i'ir nanference and: itscon-
serv tory- ti at astonishes the world,
-its fel:nodes of art that eontain the
triun phs ce Chantrte., Cnnova- and
Thor valdset , of the kings kind (motets
„who have e anted il stately hallS, or
flyin over the b ea liter, hit V e hnot,..1
th e grouse But all the elwelliar
niece. of hikes and princes and
cowl s are s ntthipg to the fat, ily
mansion that is already awn:f ing
our t rrival. The hand of the T.ord
Jesu lifted the p4i1ars c•nd f.. -..-ung
the doors and planted the parks.
Ange s wal there :and the good of
eat e r IQ. PQDrOg t tatkla in alit
-est a
e$ We
It, t
feet in
the Val
the bla
-God sh
and all
it, and
the ch
not se
lend. •
1.1.14- to
and s
have '1
not in ch t
or p00, or
or loves
eyes a las
land by t
It is ot
month, soo
mansto , W
it was buil
with t 0 iv
urns t t
with t e ce
The Q men
halls, nd,
ette a d La
and je •emY
erford nd
ow w o g
poor men
two 1 t pe
kings rid
A. fa ily
Some f yot
scatter d,
went ff , to
Cherie toin,
year y u cd
place, ' Ho
piano :hat le
Father and
How you
and • r mmag
old s apbop
and cr and
thpug you
act •-• s the
soon 1 is do
and g odby,
But h w wil
in the
It is
at ti
will b
and C
and si
eye br
and ti
HP to
say, '
in het
, grief
the gl
will 1 elp t1-14." And with his one
arm round us st,nd the other arm
aroun our cived ones he shall hold
us up in the eternal jubilee.
While sp mkt some of you with
broken heart can hardly hold your
patine., u feel as if you would
speak out at say: "Oh, blessed day,
speed 'on! T ward thee I press with
over the desert way.
AV -OUST -2i. 1900.
ilfionaire and the low- prices, You can get a shilling for
Ing, nd the tamest word he
Is a. anthem and the short-
en nity. .,
ok PaIrecoa to build for
rth covering for the won -
fie Victoria Regia, five
di ter. But our Lily, of
ley s 11 need no shelter iron
t and in the open gardens of
all pt forth its full bloom,
heave shall COane to looli at
Its oma, shall be as though
rubi had swung before the
a th sand censers. I have
n it et. 1 ant in a foreig•
ut y Father is waiting for
001116 tome. I have brothers
sters there. In the' Bible I
tters from- there, telling me
fine lace it is. It raatters
me whether I am rich
hether the world hates
e, or whether I go
i., if only I may lift
on the family rnansio
frail 'house, built in a
to crumble, but an o d
ich is as firm as the y
Its walls are cover d
of many ages, and to
gateway are abloO
1 ury plants of eternit .
Sheba hath walked i s
ther and Maria Antoin.
Hu,ntingdon and Cecil
a.ylor and Samuel Rut
lin Milton and the wi -
0 two mites and the
ioni the hospital—thee
epit. outshining all the
eens of eternity.
ansion means reunion.
families are very much
e children married and
L. Louis or Chicago or
But perhaps once a
• e together at the old
you wake up the old
s been silent for years,
other do not play on it.
ring out the old relies
the garret and open
s and ,shout and laugh
talk over old times and,
lay be 45 years of age,
igh you were 16. Yet
dby at the car window
t" the steamboat wharf.
we act at the reunion
old fa lily mansion of heaven?.
good while since you parted
e dohr of the grave. There
Gralce and Mary and Martha
arlie arid Liznie and all the
s of our household, not pale
k an gasping for breath., as
ou oa NV them last, but their
ght Ith the lustre of heaven
eir 1 eek roseate With the
f celes 'lel summer.
t deer ing of hands! What em -
21 at coining together of
rip! Yliat tears of joyl You
1 th aglit there were no tears
ven.": There must be, for the
saysthat "God shall wipe
-way and if there were no
here [how could he wipe them
They cannot be tears of
•r tears of disappointment.
must be tears of gladness.
will 'Come and say: ' "What,
sf heaven, is it too much for
Dost thou break down under
dnese of this reunion? Then I
blistered fee
My eyes fail for their weeping.
faint from ligening for feet that will
not come and the sound of voices
that *ill net speak. Speed on, oh
day of reunion! And then, Lord
Jesus, be net angry with nie if after
I have kissed thy blessed feet t turn
ther up the long .lost
tny heart. Oh, be not
e. One look at thee
But all these reunions
ncircling heaven, heaven
heaven, heaven come
h heaven!"
Tount Vernon and went
ng room in which our
first pt•esident entertained the promi-
nent men of this and other lands. It
Was a very nteresting spot, But oh,
the banqueting hall of the faanily
mernsi n of i.vhich I speak! Spread
the taJble, spread it wide for a gneat
multitude are to sit at iti From the
y the river gather the 12
✓ of fruits for the table. Take
"stars , from the heavenly vine -
and press them into the golden
ds for that table. On baskets
In the bread of which if a man
shall never hunger. Take all
ot tor flags of earthly con -
twine them among the
t David come with his
abriel with his trumpet
with the timbrel, for
are at home, and the
free, and the FaCher
the mighty of heaven
emed of earth to come
around to g
treasures of
angry with
were heaven
are heaven
thlngling w
I was at
into the di
ten° n
the ci
ec aarr y
the s
quest and e
harp nd
and iiriarn
the ptjodigal
captiv s are
hath invite
and the red
and dine!
In4inct of Frogs.
a frbg prepares to catch his
he int; inctively seeks a place
harin nizes with the colored
on his back, He does this to
t himS lf and to entice unwary
' The
notono in 1 ook of City Houiest-'-T
erme art journal, Kuns
;is w ging war against the
0110119 appearance of City
housee. I -Wants them painted in the
diverse colo .of old. viillagest
Lord 1toberts 1 Ives Ton my Atkins" tills
• Choice -4- e Walt -es Doer Bunion.
Lora Roble is ;giving his troeps
the option
or ".Nruger"
Thrffty "
t� th
.ieg o
1 being i aid in British
sovereigi s. 1
ommiee" tiSe taking the
'coins, and send ng then -1 hoine
te• rel; lives, - Who are disptios-
:then at a considerable profit.
.soldie •s- generally aro procer-
ing, • "Krugers." as possibge,
for the Se ird has gone round the
camps, that hey will be wor th -tav ce
their lace V Ilse in England.
The statement is not incoreect, aid
ast few . days a nundf er
' sovereigns have leen
,• for £2 and £3 'each!.
chering the ;1_
f) "Nor llgeriS
sold privattd
A Dgtily representative yester--
day interx;iewed ..a loading Londion
jeweler on illit subject of these Niles,
and asterta tied their present prices:
Kruger rolt
the !liege I
10s., the nq
the Transvai
like suin is
The , larger
nies are lteing sold at
figura Of from 78 (id 1o
ibie three -penny bit of
fetches 8s 6d., and a
ing for the Transvaal
South African Repu11i-
cq4 galas. ar._ 1191 brining kingh laitze
2s 6c1„, a florin for 8s, a half-crown
for 88 64,, a half -sovereign for 150,
and a, sovereign for 30s.
Questioned as to the remarkably
high figures-- paid for the snutller
Kruger coins, the Jeweler stated
that they were due to- the scarcity
of thesecoins in London. ---London
The Way She Managed It.
He was a. timid young man, hut
she swung upon his arm with the
ease and grace of a new gate On
greased hinges. He tried to think
of ecmethina to say, for a lull in the
conversation was to him as picking a
boil with a dull pin. Finally, he
made the same remark that every
bashful loVer since Adam has, made
uncic,. similar circumstances, to wit:
"It's a nice evening."
51101 said: "Yes, it is truly delight-
ful, but then I think the company
one :nay chance to be in has it great
deal to do with the atmosphere."
He threw his eye up along the ga-
ble end of the market house and said
hn'd -bet there would be many a, good
steak and soup bone sold in that
hu ild
Six said she had no doubt but there
would be, and went on to remark
that it would be a nice thing for
newly -married people to get their
marketing a.t a- newly -finished market'
houset Then after a pause, she told
him of the funniest dream she had
the night previous — she dreamed
somebody had proposed Lc) her!
He replied that he believed- - that
dreams were nearly .always caused
by e tting • too much supper; but he
hoped hers would come true, provid-
ing it. Was himself that did -the pro -
posit'. This took her So completely
by surprise that she said he's have to
give her a week's time to think about
it. tad the young man is now un-
det•going all the agonies of suspense,
feari ig his forwardness has lost him
a br
A. Bird's Awning.
A contr ibut or to The American
Sportsman tells an interesting story
of a humming bird. "In front Of a
wind )W where 1 Worked last sum-
mer," he says, "was a butternut
tree. A humming bird built her nest
on a limb that grew near the win-
dow, and we had an opportunity_ to
wale 1 her closely. In fact, we could
look right into the nest. One day
When there was a heavy shower com-
ing up we thought we would see if
she covered her young during the
ra in . -
' 'Well, when the first drops fell ehe
came and took in her bill one a two
or -three large leaves growing close
by a ad laid this -leaf over the nest
so Eli to completely cover it; then
she flew away. On exa,mining the
leaf we found a. whole in it, and in
the side of the nest was a small
stick that, the leaf was fastened to
or hobked upon. After the storm
was over the old bird came back and
unhooked the leaf,' and the nest was
()CI' cc clay dry."
Bananas Are Wholesome.
13a.aanaelovers will be delighted to
know that their favorite fruit con-
tains 72 per cent, of water, 2.14 per
cent. of nitrogenous matter and 22
per cent. of saccharine substances. It
is the 22 per cent, of • "sweets" in
the banana which makos it a, nutri-
tious food. .4 Mexican chemist has
been comparing bananas with wheat
and potatoes for food, and has ar-
rived at the concluaion that for the
same space and under the same eon-
dftions of cultivation the production
of bananas is 40 times that of pota-
tees and 100 times that of wheat. He
has figured out that an area of land
which will raise enough wheat to
feed six men will produce enough ba -
aunts to feed 150 men.
How to Olean Oil Paintings.
4rt1sts sometimes use a raw po-
tato for this purpose,. Cut off the
end of the potato and rub the paint-
ing *very gently with the cut end. As
fast as the potato becomes soiled cut
off a thin slice and continue to use
it until the whole surface is clean,
Another method is to rub the soiled
surface with the finger wet in
warm water. If the dirt is very
hard and old use 011 instead of wa-
ter. Let it rest for & few hours AO
that the dirt may be softened, then
wash off with a , sponge and tepid
suds ,—Ladies'Hom• Journal. .
Goldfish in,Glass Bowls.
A scientific man &Lye there is cruel-
ty *in the keeping of goldfish. Half
of s ich captives die from sheer want
of rest. As fish have eyes so formed
that they cannot endure the light, in
a glass vessel they are in an entirely
wrong place, as is evident from the
way in whicb they dash about and
go round and round until fairly
worn out.
He Admitted It.
"A man," she said, "never knows
whee he is well off."
"True," he replied, "and it's a
MTighty fortunate thing for women
vho do not care to be old maids
that they don't."—Chicago Post.
You look tired," said Mr. Pitt to Mr.
Penn when the two met on Fifth avenue;
"what time did you get up this morning?"
" Didn't get up.' "What do you mean?"
"1 got down. Came from Philadelphia and
slept in an upper berth,all night."
Mania for
Amo g the Coders. No Need of the
Kn:fo to Cure Piles. A Surer, Cheaper
Ea ler Way., Or. Chase's .0hitment:
Dr ad of the surgeon's knife causes
mul itedes of people -to suffer on year
afte year with piles, when they could
be e red without risk, expense, or dan-
ger of an operation by. using Dr.
Cha O'S Ointment, the only preparation
gua rinteed to euro any case oritching,
blee•ting, or protruding piles.
Re • J. A. Baldwin, Baptist minister, -
Ark na, Ont., write0:-" For over
twe ty years I was a great sufferer
fron itching- and protruding piles. I
teed many remedies and underwent
thrt• t very painful surgical operations,
all 1-ithout obtaining any permanent
benefit. When about to give up in de -
semi). I was told to use Dr. Chase's Oint-
risen -„ and did so, finding relief at once.
I us 0 three boxes, and am almost en-
tire' cured. The itching is all gone. 1
hav advised others to use it, believing
It w ulcl cure them as it has me."
Dr Chase's Ointment is the only
Pbsi lve and actual cure for every form
of piles, 60 cents a box, at all dealers,
or E manson, Bates and, Co,, Toronto.
- seat -ate:- -ere tei.••
What is
Set ea see
e eeeee ea'aeeeeetaSeeee•eveeeee.e.
Castoria is for Infants and Children. Cattoria Is a
harmles substitute for Castor 011, Paregoric, Drops
and So thing Syrups. It contains neither Opium/
Morphb e nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant.
Its gu4rantee Is thirty years' use by Millions of
Mother. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish-
ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castorla
relieves Teething Troubles, tures Constipation and
Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates
the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children, giving
healthy and natural sleep. Castorla is the Children's
Panacea—The Mother's Friend.
"Omiterla is an excellent medicine for
children, Mothers have repeatedly told we
ef its good effect upon their children."
Dn. G. C. Os000n, Lowell, Mass.
"Castor's is so well a4apted to children
that I recommend it as superior to any pre-
scription known to me."
IL A. Attarna, M. D. Brooklyn,•.M.
he Red Frujit Furniture Store
Has been renewed, renoVated and enlarged, and now we are
in a position to offer the public all the newest designs of- Parlor,
Bedroom and Dining Suites at very tempting paces. Also a
very nice line of Chairs in all the newest styles. New line of
Pictures just in, very cheap. We extend a cordial invitation to
every one to come -and see us and our stock.
DXfjggt O=ffjprg
This department is complete with a large selection of the best goods, and
obligirig attention given to this branch of the_business.
Night calla promptly attended to by our Undertaker, Mr. S. T. Holmes
Goderich street, Seaforth, opposite the Methodistt church. -
C4th s Leading Clothing & Furnishing Store
For the next two weeks we will close out OUT complete
line of Spring and Summer Shirts at exactly cost value. No
one can afford to go past this chance of getting these stylish
and up-to-date goods at such low prices. See our _window
for the two lines at 50c and 75c. They will not fail to
please you.
The above offer is just for the two opening weeks in
August, so come' early and get your choice.
Alteration Sale.
Estate Johnson Bros., Seaforth
We are about to refit and rent premises now occupied by our stoves, tin
and granite ware. The large stock of these goods now on hand must be remov-
ed into hardware department, We are short of room, and must reduce stock.
Hi it '1',1\T
We will sell you at largely reduced prices,
Coal and ood Heaters, Coal and. Wood Cook Stoveii,
Gasoline; Stoves, Mile Flame _Oil Stoves, Granite
Preserving Kettles all sizes, Steel Granite
Ware, all kinds Tinware, Pails, MO. and
Creara Cans, Copper Boilers and
Tea Kettles.
It will pay the housekeeper to come and secure some of these goods.
Binder Twine 10c, 11c and 12c. Hay Fork Rope—special
Estate Johnson Bros., Seaforth
Can afford to sell you hardware at lowest figures, because they buy for
CASH ONLY, They pay no rental, their expenses aro ligb,t.
'nimbi:1=as ee
tenedree BOB
Oonri pot
invu and
bees in at
each. Also
Bees taken 1
winners Ist,-Ca
lama good to
table. Egar
0 FIG 4
• en Let
bred Ttniula
be isdniitixd
od aervieeg or
White lige tat
st the -Brno
pap•hie M
The home is i
bard snd tort
acre of land,
'1Als 19,,
-honee and b
JIL X001-te,
-ornamental t
Tema tasy,
or to BENOr
Seafortb. '
Tuektion, t
containing 5
lentatate o
articulate es
AN Xemeei,
USE A- It*
Alk. undo*
they with
las good etikig
soft water, r
even rooms
premises ma5,
11X sale, th
Stanley, to
the bahame
• • and log
half ef the V
en emy ter
Ir*T131, ND.
a Hart with a
all clear m
There are ern
a good frame°
plenty ef
.gravel reads
be am lanai
the propriet
the prernists'
ho 1 tly
*hoed an
frame house,
smeary cutliul
soft wider.
apples, plum
fruits. It is'
suer or -mark
to WM,
"ElAittl POU
farm is all w
the premises:
with wood eh
equire. The
good water.
of Seafortb a
sold Cheap'
tesier addres
Thi fnn 41
ebip -of Sta.&
tainsf.0 sere
the balance
house, a g
good well al
never tabin
the farm
fruit, Thito.
crernires or
Mike P. 0,
II harm
is well fence
and is free 1
erebard and
frame 31.0U6C
ler end w
emitter of
helf miles 1
pply on th.
A' r ell MMd ea EnFdl -
*nd well len
oho:: endolliatthnildnitg:
house and w
pr:eleti:uener)freil,h3nietee:seP13, h
and ten n
farms inThe
As the propr
5 ear
yearling h
proved Ye
ertelse_ whin