The Huron Expositor, 1900-08-10, Page 700
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IKOMST 10,1900
o t
Look at your tongue.
Is it coated ?
Then you have a bad
taste in your mouth every
morning. Your appetite
is poor, and food dis-
tresses you. You have
frequent headaches and
are often dizzy. Your
stomach is weak and
your bowels are always
There's an old and re-
liable cure:
• Don't take a cathartic
dose and thenstop. Bet-
ter take a laxative dose
ach night, just enough to
a u se onegood free move -
Ment the clay following.
1 You feel better. the
Very next day, :Your
!appetite returns, .your
dyspepsia Is cured, your
headaches pass away,
our tongue clears up,
our liver acts well, and
our bowels no longer
give you trouble.
Price, 25 cents, All druggists.
oi I have taken Ayer's Pills for 35
3.e -ars, and I consider them the best
made. One pill does me more good
than half a box of any other kind I
Iiavo ever tried."
faroh 30, 1899, Arrington, Kans.
amalmilillimmuummisimewarms ow,oinsonney
gitr imolirtxpositor.
LTile following items were intended
for le, t week, hut were received too`
late.] il
- Stanley.
GARIOEN PARTY. -A meet successful gar-
den party was held on the Goehen line, on
Tuesday last, in aid of the Methodist
church, when a most pleasant time
Was Vent, by all present. A splendid
programme of music, recitations, etc., was
furnished and delighted all. A great deal
of the auccesa of the affair is due to the in-
defatigable pastor, Rev. J. W. Andrews,
who worked hard, and his labors were
crowned with victory, as there was a splen-
did tarnout. The proceeds amounted to
:-$60. The good people of the Goshen line
desire to extend their thanks to all who lent
theni a helping hand in making their social
a- success.
• ,
Read It in the Faces.
This id the age of brain trouble, of heart failure,
of pare! Isis, and of body wealnesses. You oan read
it in Uri faces of the people you meet. Nervous dis-
eases do not get well of the'r own acoord. Regular
and pore stout tve of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is the
only tre tment that oan be absolutely relied upon to
stop the wasting process which saps vitality from the
system. 1 Dr. Chase's Nerve Food create new ech
blood, Witallz3s the nerves, and permanently cures
all nervohs diseases. 60 cents a box.
JorrgNos -The Misses Code, of Trow-
bridge, are visiting friends in this vicinity
M present. -Mrs. D. Beattie and Miss Laid,
law, of London, are guests of Mrs. Nichol.
--Mr. Robert B. Manson returned henna on
Monday last from a tour through the British
Wee, 'While across the ocean he visited the
Paris exposition. -Mrs. Pat ison, of Caro,
Michigan, and Miss Zellah Eder, of Chi-
cago, are visiting at the pa ental home. -
Miss A gie Malloch returne4 to her home
in London after a few week' visit at Mr.
Nichol'. -A large number of the young
people from here attended the lawn social
held on the grounds of the Methodist
church,: Goshen line, on Tuesday evening
and report having enjoyed themselves
splendk ly.-Mr. Arthur Marc, spent Sun-
day last at his home in Henisall.--Miss M.
Erb, who has been spending a few weeks'
holidayhere, with frienda, returned to
Loadon on Saturday.--a-Mr. and Mrs. A.
Edighoffer have returned from GoderiCh.
While there they were the guests of Mrs.
Edighoffer's sister, Mrs. Deiteih.
Of Montreal, Cured of' Diabetes by
Doddis Kidney Pills.
MONTREAL., Aug. 6. -Proof positive and
convineine has been already given in Mont-
real, thate'Doddis Kidney Pills are the !only
sure cure for that, dread diaase Diabetes.
And day after day fresh eariance comes to
light, to make the,peedf more emphatic and
Engineer James Graham 50 Victoria
Square, says :-" I suffered with Diabetes
for six years. One of my best doctors told
me a coalcl not be cured.
" I read of Dodd'e Kidney Pills and de-
cided tia try them. Three boxes made me
well, and I have not suffered from Diabetes
Such if.1/4ures as this prove the efficacy of
Dood's Kidney Pills.
JunINGs.-11Iiss Ellen Bell, of the Baby-
lon line, Hay, has returned home Eater vis•
iting friends in London and St,. Thomas. -
On Sunday last, the annual missionary ser -
Vices in connection with the Lutheran
church were held. The pastor; Rev. P.
Hehuelker presided' and was assisted by
Rev. Mt. Genzner, of Auburn, and Rev.
Mr. Eggers, of Hesneler. There was a large
attendance and the services were most suc-
cessful. A large cellection was taken Lep in
aid of missions. -The children's day/cele-
bration in the Evangelical church, on
Sunday last, was a grand success. At the
morning service an appropriate and inter-
esting sermon was preached by the pastor,
Rev. C S. Finkbeiner. In the afternoon
addresses were delivered by Messrs. U. S.
Faust, vice-president ;W. la Schwalm, S.
Hardy, •Itet-. Mr. Mulock, of Daehwood,
and by the pastor. At the evening eervices
addressos were delivered by Messrs, D. h.
Faust, NI, Geiger, G., and S.
liardy. A number of excellent dialogues,
nodal:tams, etc,, were given by the _pupils of
the eehool. A he rty vote of thanks was
tendered the choi and the v done speakers',
Tho altar was ery. tastef Ily decorated
with flowers, w ile the U ion Jecdc our -
mounted t e wh le. Altogether the ser-
vices were I most decided sueoess arid were
thoroughly enjoy d by both old and young.
The oolleot ow; e ounted to $41.53, an will
be devoted to Int sionary p rposems- rum)
Reeding a d his rother are ere frb Til-
sonburg, vi iting their num roue relatives.
Sund y last the grim m amen er oath
entered th home of !sir. J Soh ell and
carried off heir s' n Jacob. peceaed, who
was only 1 years of age, tied o ly been
sick fourel y . he remainsl were fol owed
to their las resting place by about 100 rigs,
testifying t • the s mpathy fe t fozj th be-
reaved rela ives y his frie :84 0' offiee
Inspeetor f , London, caIledi a the
office here he oth r day, an found very -
thing eon.° t, an was p eased wi li the
way things are o•nduoted.- r. and Mrs.
L. Peffer, o Milv rton, visit d at Mr W.
B. Battler' last eek, and w ile here ailed
on their umer us old fri nds.4-M .
Kibler, wh has ben in the 1 orthwest for
some time, has raturned, ho e. e looka
as though t e tri agreed ith h m. • He
was well- •leased with that eoun ry, and
purohaeed ome la'd near Al erta, but we
have not le rned' hether he ntends ti be-
come a reei entb that count y or ot.
Sersten ed to D
" You a e in't, e last stage
tion and ea not li e more th
were the w rdsof doom hear.
Richardson • of L' urel Sprits
her doctor., " b t she beg
King's Ne Dii overy,"
Daughton, if that place, "a'
cured by it. Shei 's now a s
--man." It's the su reme 'afire
diseases of hroat nd lungs.
Ceughs, Co de, Bronchitis',
Whooping lough. Guarente
and $1.00. Trial bottles free
drug store.
of Sons mp,-
n a o • th, '
by 08ft
;,N. Q,from
n t a Dr.
rites R L.
d molly
out, 11 wo-
Info. lib
(ri3f for rate
sthm C onp,
d bo 50e
at I. ear's
R se of The Widow
" Does t ot look annyt'ing loike
laminted innis, Mrs. O'Too,e ?" a
widow Clin hy, pointing to a lith
portrait whieh she had, recently hu
"T. 11 me, d'ycz detiot an
blanee at all?"
"01 do riot," truthfully replied
itor, who •ad dropped in for a eh
Ll; surpr sed at the question,
co• as delft desave me, thot is p
thot idigan mon, Admiral Dewey,
" Vie, 'ti thot," said the widow.
phwisper; hen Con Duffy, dhe ;Jai
er, *slips in an' paintsa plug bat
head, a Sai t Patheriek'a; clay Brinell
face an' a rano sash across it's oh
me, now, d yaz t'ing ut would fool •h
f. re-hande widower, Phalim M
who has wa e eyes, into hel'avin' LI
wins me 8'11 be marelyin' a led
proud av a gocel husband whin
wan ? Lif
e late
me -
e ay
' But
pon its
▪ its
at tc 11
ot oine
ar ity,
ot•v he
she has
• ,
Tro bles of a Minist
To bens& Others Rev. J. T. W. Ve non,
of Hartwe 1, Ga., writes : " Fe la long
time I had running Ore, on m le. I
tried many emedies without benefit u til I
used a bottle of Electric Bitters an a box
of Bucklen' Arnica. Salve, which , re me
sound and ell." Sores, Eruption oils,
•Eczema, Te ter, Salt Rheum, show Inn .ure
blood. Th usands haVe found in Fie trio
-Bitters a rand blood purifier tha bare
lutely cures these troubles. Satisf tio is
guaranteed or money refunded I V.
Fear, drugg at, Seaforth. Large b e on -
Ignoranci Regarding the
Probably little wearied of diseu
nes= fort. e -falling 'off 'in e urch
anee, -some writer in the nite
opened up neW queition few
ago, by deel ring that the ig Dram
people -eves of intelligent p ople
Bible and13.ble subjects was a most
able, To t oroughly test th ma
Thwing, of he :Western Rese veU
selected a n mber of-quotatio 5 fro
son's works lluding to Bible passe
submitted hem to the m mber
Freshman e ass in an English exa
He subsequ fitly gave the; sam que
a Freshma 's class in a woman's
Therm stud nts were all of an ,int
class, and w uld certainly b expe
have a fai knowledge 'of the se
The selectio s Were as follows :
1-" My in was a thorn amengt
that girt th brow."
2-" As m mut on my wilderness."
3-" That God would Move
And stri e the hard i had ro
. thence,
T ..
'Sweet in heir utmost, bitterness,
Wouldaiss e tears of penitence."
4-" Like diab strange:angel which
Until the 'reeking of the light,
Wrestled -ith wondering Israel."
5-" Like : ezekia,h's, bil.ckward r
The shack of my dap."
6-" Joshu 's moon in A jab*"
7-"A hea t as rough as Esaa's he.n
8-" Gash thyself, priest, end h
brute B el."
9-" Ruth mong the fie ds of corn
10-" Phar oh's darknes ."
11-"A Jon h's gourd, .
ale in one night anddu to sudd
12--" Stiff s Lot's wife."
131 -"Arima haean Joseph." -,
14a-" For I have flung thee,pe
find the swine." ,
14 b-" No red like Iscariot's."
15-" Perh ps like him of Cana,
ajVrit. ,
Oar Arth r kept, his beat mail th
16 -"And arked me even as Cain.
17-" The c urch on Peter's reek."
18-e" Let hr eat it likeithe serpent
driven sut of her paradise"
19-" A whsle Peter's sbeet."
20---" The odless Jepthivows his c
- To one ca:t of the dice., '
21-"A Jae• b's ladder fails.".
22-" Till y u find the deathless an
ed in th vacant tomb."
Now to • oat people who are,
quainted wi h the scripthres to p
incidents in
tions refer,
able taskab
students wo
the assertio
deplorably i
The result o
gives in a re
To both the
the result w
men wore ap
young men-,
question coy
mistake, an
centage ot co
forty-nine p
Retie. less th
"Of the 8,
" a. quarter
thorns or of.
not explain t
angel .which
ladder, ; abot
of Esau, or t
Cain, or the
tomb.- Alio
of Lot's Wife
pent, but 22
either. Hez
ten; Jonah'
Joshua's mo
60 victims eaeh." , :
" Some a azing 'examales o wro
were are giv n : Iscariot means th
on which Ch ist was crucified ; Arim
Joseph was ihrist's father, and sever
of his coat of many colors '• Reith wa
ing for her c ildren, and Jonah's s,
Bi le.
fil;n the
tt nd-
S fates
mo • the
of the
of the
nor, dite
ter, Dr.
Teeny -
•es, and
ions to
ted to
e thorns
, end
Of ?Id,
I sun."
ls and
n Holy
nd be
I seat -
all ac-
nt out
heBible to, whie the selee-
ould`not seem a very frmid
t the answers gie en ,b he 85
Id eertainlY„see to 1 ar out
that the peeple opera I were
norant of the bo'k of books.
the exo.minations Dr. hwing
ent number -of the entury.,
ollege professor a d th publid
s a surprise: Th young wo-
larently'bett r po ted hen the
or one of thetn a sweri every
eetly, another m de ly one
another made th eee per.
rect answera, was a litt e aboae
r cent. for the omen and a
n forty-three per cent. f r the
students," 'Dr. hwin says,
new nothingl of he c.wn of
he manna ; labou thirt could
e striking of the rock, r the
restled with Isl. el, or acob's
t40 could not re all ti story
at of Ruth,'
the n rk of
angel seated i the acant
the girls but, th ee cstld tell
and all but ten • bout t e ser -
en out pf 04 kn w no ing of
kiah's shadow fi ()red a I but
guard. stumpe 66 while
n and Peter's she n bered
I tell
g -
ourd is
an allusion to the emesis Of Jouah by the
whale, one of many ingeniona efforts to make
the whale story, with which. all seemed
familiar, fit in with the unknown gourd."
Dr. Thwing's °conclusion is that the Bible
' is not read or taught as it used to be, and
finds eine reason of it is decline of family
worship and Bible teaching in the homes and
in the schools.
News Notes.
-it is stated that the Joint High •
'minims will meet again in November.
-A. Hamilton street railway empl
has been dismissed because he refused
work on Sunday.
-Bowman & Zinkans' tannery, at So
ampton, was destroyed by fire on Tues
night of last week. The loss ie about $1
000,, • • •
HAGYARD'S YELLOW OIL cures idI palt In man
or beast ; for sprains, outs, bruises, callous lu'pe
swellings, inflammation, rheumatism and tabu Igia
t le a speaflo. 1
a Grand Trunk train was b ing
shunted to the docks at Montreal, by ay
of Wellirgton street, a misplaced w tch
sent the cars aoress Ann street on a aid ng,
.and into a house near by. Mrs. ob,
with a young child, was in the kitchen at
the time. Fortunately she saw the ars
coming and Made her edeape as the ars
crashed into the kitchen, and convert° it
into a heels of bricks and broken be M8.
No one al as hurt.
SYRUP Ma best medicine to ex el worms. Chil
like it -worms don't.
-The Department of Agriculture has re-
ceived se warning from the experime tal
station of the State of Ohio, regarding the
operations of a company of men who are
g to plant orchards for 'farm re.
n say that the trees are furnished
io Experimental Station, but the
8 there declare that they have no
•e planters; are believed to ave
lleoted several -sums of mo ey
era in various_ parts of Onta io,
clients hate been deceived a to
y of the trees furnished.
- to
These m
by the 0
trees. T
to have e
from far
and their
the quali
health. L
lomat cattle
Any druggi
-A flo
feet, and
A. Stryk
claims till
during th
stiff thu
a propel
if given a
they will
railway t
ing, with
with 10•
taking one
cows at t
with the
broken a
blade die
,noon on
longing t
ship, one
struck by
and ode c
the horse
for $2,00
R ACTION 1 the bowels is necessar to
XA-LIVER PILLS. are the beet o6
tic for famil • or general use. Price 5e,
ing well f mineral water • as
• at Chath m, at a depth of 984
syndicat vgill developit. Jo, es
r, who fvas working near by,
t a few a plieations of the w ter
day rest red to him the use a
ataraet P wer Company has ent
ion to the eity of Hamilton hat
right of Way through the e ty,
buiid a &1st-c1ass line of electric
Galt and ilater to Guelph, br
connections, the city into to eh
,090 people through an ho rly
Ing head an be instantly relieve by
One powd r, 60 ; three for 10e, beni for
Glenn, ag d 85 years, was mil ing
e farm of re. Marshall, M unt
hen the nimals got into a ta sle,
result th the aged lady was
nder foot She was found in an
conditi n. Three ribs were
d her eo lar -bone and shoulder.
g a thund rstorm shortly before
uesday of rase week, the barn be.
Noah Cressiman, in Wilmot to wn-
ile east 1 New Hamburg, was
lightning and entirely consumed,
ith the se son's crops and- a colt
• w. The rest of the cattle s,nd
were sa ed. Contents insured
The Produc of Education.
Helvetiva says : " Man is the product
his education." The properly °dues, ed,
l.rained a d qualified druggist, it he is ac-
quainted ith true business principles, uet
win the e nfidenee of his townspeople. 'he
liberal pa. renege beetowed on us up to the
present is ample prolof that our efforts to
pileaie th public are appreciated. Fa ily
dispensin is our special forte.
Under 11 circumstances of sickness nd
disease Pine's Celery Compound is a fe,
sure and nfailing in its effects for . all gee
and cond"tions of people. Paine's Celery
Compoun saves life when other medie'nes
fail, and its euree are permanent.
LUMSDEN & WILSON, Druggists, Seale th,
• 1
:-The home of Malcolm McNaughton, of
Gadmancllieeter, about two miles below the
village of auntingdon, Quebec, was struck
by lightni g and somewhat damaged Tues-
day night of last week. His daughter Jane,
aged 14 y are, had a miraculous escape.
She was standing on the baloony when the
bolt eame She was knocked down and be -
Caine unconscioura One arm and both feet
were scorched and her shoes were torn , te
ribbons. A tin oup in her hand was flatten-
ed out of all sembla,nee of shape.
To Cure la Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it failo to
cure. 25e. E. W. Grove's signature is on
each box.
-Jacob Payne, one of the oldest of Lon-
don's citizens, died at the family residence
in that city on Tuesday of last week. Mr.
Payne, who was a reepected colored resi-
dent, was born at Bowling Green, Ken-
tucky, twelve years before the battle of
Waterloo was fought, and was 97 years of
age. •
-Albert Werner, the 18•year•o1d Toron-
to youth, who swallowed a $160 diamond a
couple of weeks ago, is happy once more,
and so are his employers, J. J. -Zeck &
Company. The reason for their rejoicing
is that the stone was recovered the other
day at the General Hompital.
Blown to Atoms.
The old idea that the body sometimes
needs -a powerful drastic, purgative pill has
been exploded ; for Dr. King's New Life
Pills, which are perfectly harmless, geutly
stimulate liver and bowels to expel poison-
ous matter, cleanse the system and abso-
lutely cure Constipatiou and Sick Headache.
Only 25c at I. V. Fear's drug store.
-A fatal accident occurred Wedneeday
afternoon on Barton street east, near the
toll gate, in Hamilton. When J. Blaefoot
was driving out of his place be was struck
by a trolley car, and so seriously injured
that he died shortly afterwards.
-A New York deepatch says : "There
were brought to the seizure rooms of the
public stores to -day three cases of valuable
chemicals seized by the United States cus-
toms officers. The bhemicals were phenace-
tine, eulphonal, trional. The total value of
the goods seized is about, $2,500: It was
hinted that the goods had been brought in
from Canada by a gang which had baen
operating for some time.
Her Head a Fright.
Large sores covered the head and face
ofeour child," writes C. D. Isbill, of Mor-
ganton, Tenn., "that no treatment helped
till we used Bucklen's Arnica Salve, which
quickly cured her." Iefallible in Eruptions,
Bruises, Accidents and katles. Cure guaran-
teed. Only 2ac at Fear's drug store.
-Messrs. A. T. Wocd and T. H. Mac-
Pherson, of Hamiltonl have stated that
they would not be cand dates at the coming
-An explosion in a qhicago celluloid fac-
tory reveals a danger olf which many are
unaware. C
widely ample
toilet artie es,
is ineautiousl
is an impletssa
flammable aat
be exercised i
away from th
Iluloid is a substance now
pd in the manufacture of
and oomsionally when a 'comb
thrust close to a gas jet there
t reminder of its highly in.
re. Too imech care easinot
keeping this modern material
The livelong
A momelt's
Cheep CAP pin
The tears tar
A ain b for
Flitt'ng Rode
Peso., enviou
Sli re I'itLlo
Mour Ity us
To th wild c
An Ilet me
Drea ing Rod
--W. 11, D. Hou
he asked
which is
then he
tain, the'
bage, as
into fine,
darrels o
layer, us
each 25
with clea
and upo
presses t
serves it
then be a
from thre
should tb
a cool plac
white wi
are filled,
are also
A local
of .sauerk
scribed i
part. Tha
origin on,
took well
man, ."w
large nui
bis powe
one he le
have Get
nig 'Soca
have th
ight I mourn, and when the day
rest had brought
swallows drive sweat sleep away,
welling from my wakeful eyes;
my thought
the's image geems to rise.
chatterers, Peace; it was n4 1
elaai tongue;
mong the mountains -fly
ve of Epope, thither wing
rest, not lfte, '
iithe't arms about me cling. ,
e in "An Echo of Greek Song'
Methods Closely nil -
1 In Thio Country.
States vice consul at Mag -
any, in an official conimuni-
s that efforts to ascertain hose-
s manufeotured there were
11, because the concerns where
or information look upon their
valuable business secret
the'r chief stock in trade, and
I 'es, as near as he could ascer-
roeess of raanufaeturing this
an food article:,
mber of heads of white cab -
as possible, and cut them
shreds. Place in layers in
rs, strewing salt over each
one-half pound of salt for
bb ges. Press the mass down
fe .1t, wooden shoes or a heavy
PI ce a cover on. the barrel,'
this lay a- heavy stone. This
auerkritut -more and can-
ter. The sauerkraut must
to ferment in a cellar for.
eiglat days, according to the
e of the room. The barrel
e tightly closed and kept in:
, referably in a cellar.
ra les are produced by pouring
into the barrels after they
apples, chopped very fine,
gimes mixed with the cab-
ealer who eel's large quanthies
tut says that the process as de-
co:reef, except the bare feet
Is an old fable that had its
the minstrel stage, where it
I Titan," said the delicatessen
i ea he came to this country in
• ets in the forties, (lid all in
o make his new home like the
t behind. It was not enough to
O an churches, turnvercins, sing -
ties and schools; theyhad to
it lager beer and their sauer-
kraut, which were dearer to them than
baked bear s and hard cider were to their
neighbor As the German population
increase( 1 c' cabbage became a better
source o itcome for the farmer, because
nearly. a 'cry German family laid in its
stock oi at erkraut every fall. Men
made it a Risiness to do the cutting and,
with th fr board, in which knives were
inserted, n ride the rounds, preparing the
cabbage f( r 'heir customers. This man
was knew i r s `Der Krauthobler.' The
.artiele 'via so distinctively German that
in the day of Know Nothingism it was
not unte na t i hear the term `Sauerkraut
Dutelun in' uei
ed. ,
"But he Anierican became a eonsumeir
Of the icrseited cabbage as well as of
the Ger nal' lager beer, and his kraut-
hobler 'cake for himself and sold h s
precinct by t ie quart, as his customet s
wa n fed 11. ut it wasn't 'like moth( r
used to make ' and to satisfy the fastidi-
ous Gentians the homemade article was
imported fro' Europe, and the 'Magda -
burg so erkr tut became a popular arti-
cle in t e American grocery business."
There are everal large naanufacturors
of the a -tide in New York, one of whom
said: " Ve h tve the same cutting and
pressin machinery here as they have in
Europe, but .he quality of the, cabbage
is not q ite u to that of the German ar-
The • urop an article is imported in
large casks. • nd repacked here in Small
barrels, and one dealer puts it up in
pound an, which contaiu also a few
small pi •cee o Germau sausage each.
d'Emp y en of these cans into a pot,"
he said, "and put it on a hot stove, and
the smell will make you think you are in
a dorfk eipe but it may also. induce
your ne ghbo ei to call in the board of
nd Competent.
He w nted a position in a bank. The
manager was satisfied with his creden-
tials, but bef re engaging him put him
through a little civil 'service cross exam, -
1 nation.
"Supp se, •ow, a man was to come in
here an4 de osit £50 in £5 notes, how
would y u cot nt them?"
wet m fingers and lift up each
note unt 1 I g t to the last one."
"Why would you not lift up the last
"Because ti ere might possibly he on
more un er i and if the depositor; wer
to see i he vould want it back, but 1,
the tent I not is not lifted up andJher
should 1. e an ther one in the Pile, th
!rank ma -es i , don't you see?"
"You ill d.," said the bank matiageil.
"You have ben in the business before
but I idn't suppose you knew- the
trick." ond n Tit:Bits.
Some hing of sa, -Phasic°. ,
"Did ou le I her father just what yon
thought f hit ?"I
"Yes, did, confound him!"
- "Wha did 10 say?"
"Well, 1 wi ote it to him, and': I Imade
It might. hot too."
"Wha did he answer?" I ,
. "Nothi ega I -I was so mad that X' 1014-
got -to pt t
"Oh, 'el, to
,irobably they'll take lit •
• 1 8:amp on the letter."
, am hell pay the missing postage!"
o they won't."
"Why not?"
"Because when I saw that I- had
forgottm to at a stamp on the le ter I
was so i rose:Led at iny stupidity t1i4it It
I _tore it up!"
Ace dent Insurance.
(111 11 z11rai0--0.co1ipa1lies (10 mot*.
Av1101. time.; all. hard than till
ev(1-y ope prm.perow4," says
.• MPH. "The workingina
11.0 1,1 family fil.lainSt
f•f 1A. p,) ---.Cole danger Ivh ..13 he
poen ito ti.e Flood.
-IC 11:::1 rroul?
-1 50. 1l(
11:-. kV;1•4i10 c:
: Tiat• N•):1:1 11-11
•If "•, f‘I !: !•11?
«1 V: ; 1 ;2,-; ot has
•••• 1. -ant's
it his liutt it, but lute
The long sashes and Scarf draperies on
dress)- gowns or the stemmer become
more and more fashione.bli.
Silk, chiffon and point d'esprit para-
sols tucked over theif Wire surface are
among the latest novelties in French sun-
shades. .
The fronts of the waists of many of
the handsome tailor costumes of the sea-
son are made with triple front edges
shaped in various odd ways and formed
of materials and colors artistically com-
bined. I
A new diagonal si k Serge will be
among the popular dre s materials of the
autumn season. It is manufactured in
handsome colors and n jet black and
will be used for tailor costumes, jackets
and cloaks.
Sultana satin Is the name of a new
mercerized cotton that ,,is given a very
rich Instrous gloss by the process.' It is
used for skirtings and linings and teseni-
bles sateen, only the sultana weaves are
softer, finer and more flexible.
The imnsual number Q f open fronted
jackets has caus,ed a denaand for t nder-
bodices . of different kindle and thi sea-
son's varied sty.Les inelcude dal, orate
French gilets, English and Russian Waist-
coats and plain American vests.
Hemstitched taffeta is 'Much used for
fancy waists, accordion plaited trim-
mings and bodice and, sliihrt le 'lls and
flouuces. It is sold in maby ( eiors, but
the favorite shades are black, ivory white
and soft beige or creamy brown.
Each recurring- season the stiff, dead
white piques of other day a are replaced
by improved grades and Colorings that
render this eless of goods more 'and more
attractive. This year many of them are
mereetized, so that they lbak like ben-
galine silks.
Draped skirts appear on n odels already
being prepared for early utumn wear.
The "movement," as the I, rench call it,
is as yet very slight and the succession of
curved lines are more like ripples than
actual folds. But the effect is at least in
Before his death Stephch Crane had
finished his novel, l\\rond8 In the
Rain," whirl; is announce( for publica-
tion in the fall.
The friends of Amelie Ri+es, the novel -
1st, deny that she is a wreck, as has been
widely stated. She is living a. secluded
life in -the' Blue Ridge ma -enfants, they
say, hot because of poor health, but be-
cause elle is hard at work on a new novel.
Dr. Max Nordau, who is to visit'Eng-
land in August, has intimated frankly to
his literary friends that he will onle be
concernea during his visit with the ques-
tion which now constitutes the _aluef
problem in Judaism -the Zionist ues-
William Dean Howells, ; in a recently
published Boston interview, expresses
himself as of the opluion that there was
never so much good American verso as
is now being published in books and
newepepere. Of the magazine verse he
dia not have so high an opinion.
Mr. Kipliug has used his recent experi-
ences in South Africa as the basis ofa
series of stories which he la about to pub-
lish. It is stated that th.esie sketches will
present, under the guise of fiction, phases
of both the admiuistration and the actual
conduct of the war which Mr. Kipling
felt he could not embody in letters which
he sent home.
Mix cornmeal dry and crumbly.
Milk contains all of the elements that
make eggs.
Fowls fed largely on Milk are almost
sure to be healthy.
The first eggs of a clutch are always
the best for hatching.
No better place can be found for i.he
poultry than the orchard.
A low roost has more advantages than
a high one. Hens can get on and off
easily, bumble foot is avoided, less space
is taken, and they are easily movable.
Ducks grOW very rapidly. If the busi-
ness of raising them is gone into sys-
tematically and advantage is taken of the
good poiuts, money can .b made quickly.
Nearly all crop bound fiowis can trace
their trooble to the 1acb of gravel or
sharp, gritty material a well as to
fibrous substances, suchas potato and
aPPlo parings or hla.des ea --ass. .
'Count Castellano Is again in need of
money. The count ought to have secured
a little backing and started a hotel in
Paris during the expositiou.-Washington
It seems that Captain Paul Boyton,
who has not been heard fromlately, is at
Coney Island trying to raise on ,the bot-
tle an orphan baby seal. He is still at his
u1(1 business of life saving, you see. -Bos-
ton Globe.
New Yorkers are again proudly allud-
ing to the thoughtfulness of Uncle Rus-
sell Sage. He wrote a real nice letter to
a young man who had gre tly aided Mrs.
Sage on the occasion of helr receut severe
Munster, Germany, has, a high school
which has been in existencle 1,100 years.
Frank P. Beebe, formeitly of Melrose,
lass., has been elected superintendent of
public schools in New HaVen. He has
been serving as principal 1 of the Hill- •
house High school in that ity since leav-
ing alassachueetta.
In 1SS2 the Chicago sch ols got 30 per
:Tilt of the total tax levy. The corporate
interests of the city got 6 per cent and
the city 40. The cost o teaching one
pupil one year jumped rom .$1(a51 in
1S2 to $28.78 in 1899. he number of
pupils to each teacher ha decreased 18
per cent.
The Japanese battleshiplalikasa is to
cost nearly $4,000,000. '
For an atuty of 30,000.Men and 10,000
nwses for .three montbe. ie is estimated
hat 11,000 tuns- of focat and forage are
rile British ironclad elleisle, 'which
vas built in IS7S at a cos of $1,200,000,
_las 1)0011 condemned and vi11 be used as
target by the channel acjjunc1ron
The three new cruisers or the Russian
navy, the Askold, the B gatyr and the
\oviels, will be. -fitted with five tall and
lender smokestacks, giving them in odd
eppearance. •
The Bears of K • ink.
- The biggest bears in the world a e to be
(mild on Kraliak island, in the ulf of
Alaska, south of the gr( at shou der of
erritory that stretches o 1 t into t e Pa-
sefic. The Iaatilink bears re of th polar
weed, perfectly white, w th long, heavY,
ftilr, and at full growth ar twice s larg•
as the ordinary black bear
Peacocks of the familiar ordinary va-
riety are raised by the breeders of fancy
fotvls of one sort or another, and they
are not very costly nor is there much de-
mand for them. A pair of such peacocks
might cost froni. $12 to IF20. They might
be sold for collections or for public parks,
but not often for private parks or
grounds, where the white peacock would
be preferred,
• White peacocks are rarer and more
costly than those of the ordinary kind,
ranging in price from $100 to .$225 a pair.
Some of these birds are raised in this
country, but the greater number are 1m-
40orted from Europe. White peacocks are
'like ordinary peacocks 14 their general
characteristics, but instead of having
lurnnge of the familiar 11ue and green
nd black, their plumage i. white. Some-
times the "eyes" in the white peacock's
t are of a creamy tint, , giving to the
t 11 when spread the effectl of lace, from
hich such birds are called: white lace
p .acocks. •
The demand for peacocks ,of any varle-
t is small, and no dealer in birds and an-
imals keeps them in stock, supplying
them. only on order.
but when he does he sticks to it tense
I\reddy does not often have an Idea,
-.Suet the :point.
ciously. Per instance, he eame out with
this conundrum the other day with a
glow of self conscious pride: ,
"Why is an eagle like a man?"
Everybody gave it up, when Freddy ex-
claimed with a chuclde:
"Becnuse it is baldheaded."
"But," said somebody, "all eagles are
not baldheaded."
"That's just it," responded Freddy.
are all men baldheaded."
Wheeze in the Chest.
Mrs Wm. Young, Frome, Ont,says : One year
ago o r little boy had an attack ocroup which left
a'bed wheeze in his chest. We ueed Dr. Wood's
NOT% ty Pine Syrup, and lb coropleteiy cured him"
If y ur child is suffering from worms, give him Dr
Low'sPloaean1 Worm Syrup. It is perfectly harm
lose atel contains its own catba.rtlo, so that there is
no ne01 of giving a pu: gltive. Price 25c,
Blind With Headache.
I was 80 bad with headwhe that I could hardly
see I could get =thing to help Inc till I fried Mil -
burn's Sterling Headache Powders, and they quick-
ly cured me." Joseph Murphy, Emerald, P. E. I.
Kr, Arthur Byrns, Reck 1111, Ont'writes: "
was laid up with stiff joints for about four years.and
could get no relief until I used three bottles of Hag -
3 ard'e Yelow 011, ehieli cured rue." Price :6e.
Cured of Constipation.
Miss Bessie Nason, Clover B111, N. 8 , says : '1
glic1134 recommend Laxa,Liver Pillo, as they cured me
comp1 etely of constipation -before I had fteished the
third box."
Don't suffer from toothache when a ten cm t bottle
of Dr. Law's Toothache GUM w'.11 cure it quickly
without, blistering your lips or cheeks."
tch him carefully, -On the
rst indication of Diarrhcea
ive Dr. Fowler's Extract of
Wild Strawberry.
Hotw ether comes
hard on babies, espe-
cially those cutting
The little form soon
wastes and fades
.away when diarrhcea
11-1 4'
seizes upon it.
or cholera infantum
As you love your child, mother, and
wish to save his life, give hirn Dr. -Fowles
Extract of Wild Strawberry.
There is no other remedy, so safe to
give to children and none so effectual.
Mrs. Chas. Smith, Shoal Lake, Man.,
sae -s: "I think Dr. Fowler's Extract of
Wild Strawberry is the best medicine that
wa. ever made for diarrlicea, dysentery
an summer complaint. It is the best
thi g to give children when they are teeth-
ing I have always used it tin our owsi
family and it has neve yet failed."
The undersigned having purehased from
the Ogilvie Milling Company, of Montreal,
the well-known
Seaforth FlOur Mills
Are net prepared to do all kinds of
Custom Work
Special Attention will be
The very best quality of Flour given in
exchange for wheat.
Chopping of all kinds done on the short-
est notice. Price, five eents per bag.
The best brands of Flour always on hand,
and will be delivered in any part of the
town free of eharge.
The highest price in cash paid for all
kinds of grain.
Feed of all kinds constantly on hand,
The geaforth Milling (1-,0.
Hardware • Store
Machine Oils for Binders and
Threshers' the
At Bottom Prices.
Consumers' Cordage Co.'s Binding
Sills & Murdie
Counteriitipld Stand, Seaforth
J. D. 'MoNAB, C. E.,
- P. 0.
13EAFORiti -
Engineer for Wingham, Seaforth„
Howick, eee,
Cement Sidewalks, Sewers and Township
Drains will be given special attention.
At Queetde Hotel.
1 934
.”14 Etialat,• 11111N1101
• •
Our direet connections will alive yon
• time and money for all points,
Canadian North West
Via Toronto or Chicago'
British Columbia and California
i points.
Our rates e
trthe lowest. We have them
ue suit every o dy and PULLMAN TOUR,
)8T OARS for your accommodation. Call
for further information. -
Grand Trunk Railway.
Trains leaVe ,Seaforth and Clinton sbablons as
(Wows: I
louts WAsT-- , 8siromTu. • CLINTON.
Passenger....i..-. 12.40 P. N. 12.65p. ii.
Plissetiger ...i.. .. 10.12 P. M. 10.27 P. M.
Mixed Tralti..,.. - 9,20 A. M. 10.15 A. M.
Mixed Train....4.. - 615P. M. 7.05 P. M
Goma Emu-
Passenger- .4 .
Passenger.. .4 ....
Ethel. . . ..
Brussels- ..
Bluevale.. ..
Goma Bourg- 1
WinghaM• • • 4...
Brussels. .
Ethel- -
7.83 A. 51.
8.11 P. M.
on, Grey and Bruce.
7.38 A.M.
2.55 P. M.
4.25 P.M.
Genie Noun -
London, 'dsrt ire
Cenholia. .. ...
Exeter_ - . . ..
Brumfield- ... A4
•-• s• >pay
8.07P. K.
.ALIO 0.58 A. kr.
_ 7,02
•• Iwo 7.18
.004 7.28
1.40 r. i.
8.55 A.x.
Huron and Bruce.
8.15 A.m. 4.40
9.18 5.55
9.80 6.07
9.44 6.18
9.50 6.25
9.58 0.88
10.15 5.65
10.88 7,14
10,41 7.23
10 56 7.37
11.10 8.00
6.53 L. 3.15 7. m.
7.01 840
7.14 3.55
742 4.05
7.47 4.25
8.05 4.49
8.15 4.57
8,22 B.92
8.85 5.14
8.48 5.23
2.37 A. m. 8.12
Myth-- -
Winghard •
Wingham, d part-.
Belgrsve. .4. .
.... . saftIVIN
Londesboro .......-
Clinton- .....
• Brucefield..
Kipper' _
Centro -Ho -
London, (or
..... .••••
Fu niture
Leathe dale &
• SE
Dealers in
kinds, in lat
rieatly done,
ng, and a c
ways on h
prices, and
Agents for
Machine, be
mestic use,
high prices.
tr 1\T JD
In the Un
our goods fro
and guaran
ment of our w
it a point to f
quisites for
Prices better
Arterial an
scientific prin
P. S. Nig
attended to
dence, direct]
rst-class Furniture of all
s t designs. Upholstering
We also do picture fram-
oice selection of pictures
nd. Curtain poles at all
put up. , We are also
e New William's Sewing
t in the market for do -
no travelling agents, no
1.r.A.MCIiseT Or-
ertaking Department, we buy
the best houses in Ontario,
atisfaction in every depart-
rk. We have always made
Lish chairs, and all other re.
funerals, rims ON CLIABOII.
ham heretofore.
cavity embalmingadone on
t and Sunday calls will be
Mr. Landeborough's real -
in the rear of the Domini -1i