The Huron Expositor, 1900-08-10, Page 3900 11E rURE A tes only, It 'erne te soft enlist:. that It er %xery pure ammo* ee is an eeety v. -mama 11.11111111. 'bre „„r, ,!•-,o a I of e. to n , atia1. l t Hithnea • resses. re 27t1I, IOW. hier ftwere the value of as you state, • Huitea ter it favor as I it, or, If / ae much bu- ns advertise - nal be with - $5 pet bet- inoinTwk- ✓ horees WAS a drum, and ery sica horse te gen-some hoommen ✓ thenthat," tie (lure." We d in hell an te -A hie night, oat in fn- hia wOrk. nitury et thia at every harm- er, inlay vela - nth a remedy 's hos proved dijkite,Y, tioa- rorth 'etovee, tan remov- 4ne etock. ino • • ATTGUST 10, 1900 ' ten v alawieesiownsons. • TILE HURON EXPOSITOR. IMPORTANT NOTICES. ARM TO RENT. -A good 130 acre farm to rent ; situated on the Thema Road ; -possession given at once. lApply to THOMAS RUSSELL, Exeter P.O. Ontario.I 17084f t . ....----1 FboR SALE, -The consfortehle 11; story frame house occupied by Isfranitteldrew, in Egrnondville. e house is in stood repair, and there is plenty of sedan& soft water on the promisee. Also about an nese of laud. Apply at TILE EXPOSITOR Office, 169241 3-01IN BEA.TTIE, Clerk If the Second Division Court, County Commissioner, of Huron, Con - "punier, Land, Loan and Hammes Agent. Funds invested and to Loan. Office -Over Sharp & stem Main street, Seaforth, 1289 1D-EE8 AND POULTRY,- 20 colonies of Italien bees in geed painted 'hiyee, at frau $5 to$13.50 earl. Alto full line ef bee keepets' supplies. Les taken in txcharge for supplioal. Poultry. -A gratd ice of White Rookie prize whir;ere et Cu ada's biggest ehows. Black Minorca, large, good cclor, a very desirable fowl for eggs and table. t ggs for latching en. per settlegi WU. HARTRYi teatorth. . 168941 TEACHERS WANTED •TEACHER WANTED. -For School Sectiop No 8, Giey ; second class certificate, mete or ifemale, for balance of 1000. Duties to commence after vacis tion ; rational applications preferred; applications received up to Augutt 16th, stating salary a anted, WM. STRaTlf, Secretary, Lot 17, Conceasion 16, Grey, Cranbrook G. 1703-2 rpEACHER WANTED. -Wanted, for School set. tion No, 13, Stanley, a female teaeher, holding either a eecond or third class certificate. Duties to commence August 20th, 1000. Applications, stating eatery, ete., will he received by the secretary up till August 10th. Personal applicatien preferred. ARR . ISAAC ATT, Secretary 8. S. No. 13, StanleY, Varca P. O., Ontario. • 1702x3 STOCK FOR SERVICE. -iv PIG BREEDERS. -The undersigned will keep is on Lot 26, Concession 5, L. R. S., Tuckersmith, a thoroughbred CilESTBR WHITS Pm, also a thorough- bred YORKSHIRE pee A limited number of sows will be admitted to each. Terms, SI, payable at the time of service, or 11.50 if charged. Alec, a few Chester White Pigs for sale. JAMES GEMMILL. 1608-52 frAHWORTH BOAR FOR SALE AND FOR SER. 1 VICE. -The undereigned will keep forservice,- . at the Brucelleld Sates° Factory, a thoroughbred Taniworth Boar, with registered pedigree. Terms, 11; payable at tare of service with privilege of re- turning 11. necessary Aleo a number of thorough- , bred young Tataworth Boars and Sows for sale. FIUGH 1100ARTNEV,1 Brumfield. 1405 -if 'REAL ESTATE FOR -SALE. FOR SALE.-Nirie acres cf land for sale, being Let 12, Concession 8, Hay. There is a frame house and barn a'ao small orchard. Particulars upon application. tuRs. RDBERT HYLD,-SR., Zuticio e 169941 T_Torsa AND TaRB1 CRES FOR SALE,-'--The undersigned offerti /pi Hale his cottage In Har- purhey with 3 acres of 'arid ia good state et cultiva- tion,plaeted with fruit abellarnamental tress. There is a good stable en 41i6 place, with plenty, of hard and soft water. Fences are in good order:. There are even rooms in the house which is good repair. The promises may be viewed at any tme. JOSEPH P. BRINE. - • -1695-41 QOOD FARM IN STANLEY FOR SALE -For sale, the guth half ot Lot 18, Ocncinsion 9, Stanley, containing (0 acres '• about agnates cleared, the balance geed hardwood bush ; a good frame barn and log. house ; a goad well, is within a.mile and a hall of the Vill3geRf Varna; will be sold cheap and • en eav terms. Apply to DAVID ROBERTSON, ' Varna, N. B. -Also for sale a number of Sheep and Mare whh apriog, foal. 1702 tf . ITALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE ▪ -For sale in V the, tillage of Egmondville, the' valuable and pleasantly located premises of the undersigned. The prepay consists of te o ac 03 of gcod land, well drained eau eultisated. There is ft comfortable frame home, a gocd stable, pig -yen and other nets- , celery cutbuildings-on the premises, also hard and got water. There are also 14 good fruit trees, aa plea, learnt s and rears ; besides sum choice small fruita. It fa a most desirable place for a retired far- , • mir or weskit gardener, and will go cheap. Apply to WM. C. Cloak, Egmendville. 1696-t1 , FOR SALE. -For sale, a choice flfty acre It farm in Tuckereniith, being Lot 2, on tho 13th Concession, This choice farm has an 80 rod frontage, ir well fenced and dratted ; it Is nearly all seeded, and is- free from Lad weed!). There la also a good orchard and a sinall bush. On the premises is a gem' frame house, containing eight rooms, with stone cel- lar and woodshed, and a new bank barn. There is a nover-failitg spring at the house. it is within a quarter of a mile of • a aillago, where there are churches, post c thee, store, etc., and ie three and a halt mileJ from liecsall. Fur further particulars, apply on the premises, or address Chleolhurst P. 04 T. to,. EYRE. 170241 s -VARM FOR SALE. -For sale Lot 21, Concession 10 containing 100 acres, 80 of which aro cleared and ready for crop, being well underdrained and weil fenced eitha cedar and black ash. Tiao,hal- 'ince la timber aid immure. There is a small or- ehard and three ger. d welle. There is a good frarne house and wood third, a barn and stables 61i-80 feet also sheep houle, pig pen, implement house and all other neceseery out baildings. ft is i miles east of the not th gravel road arid is convenient te schoels, churches, post office, etc,. Is n mile from Seaforth and ten iallee from Brusselii. It is ono of the best tempi) in the tewnsbip and win be sold on oasy terms ith the proprietor wiehea to retire. Apply on the yreniiees er addrees Winthrop P. 0. WM. moan!, sON. , 1698-tf -STOCK FOR SALE. i ERSLY sr 0CM-fin co young registered Jersey, ts) , Cows and a Buff CiOf for Raid. The cows, St." Lambert, bet the calf oi iginally i from TonfitS3See. Good oi tortueity to introduce riew. blood. G. A. MADMAN, Dr uggiet, Bruatele, 0 : t. 1701x4 a CillORTHORNS FOR SALE: -One cow and 1 two- ° ear-oll heifer, suppeted ti calve in October ; 1 yearling heif, r, 1 heifer calf, all good n011131:I with register. d pedigree. I ai o keep for service an tiro pre -vial Yorkehlre hoar, bred fr., m Toronto Swe p- otato. einnere. A. C. bMILLJE, Hensel P. 0. 169741 • The Seaforth Tea Store Is the right place to leuY your goods. Very special value in all kinds of gooda Call and get our price before purchasing elsewhere. We knew we can please you both' in price and quality of goods. I handle a very darge stock of all kiln& of choice groecries and provisions, also a large assortment of Crockery, and tlieesware. A largo dieplay of dinner, tea and teilet sets, all of which will be sold cheep ; [deo a nioe line in Glassware. A epceiul line in Soap, re- gular pricie 5t: a bar, paw ten bars for 25c. Also a, freah Ion of red herrings to boxes, regular price 15c 1. box, now Ma Ono hundred and fifty dozen of wine and it/leerier gems to sell cheap. Wanted, buttcr and eggs, for which the highest price will be paid. Come.ene, come ail, to the Seaforth Tea Store. A. G. AULT SEAFORTII. THE SEAFORTH Musical - Instrument • ,EMPORIUM. ESTABLISHED, 1873. Owing to bard times, we have con- cluded to sell Pianos and Organs at Greatly Reduced Prices. oigans at 825 and, upwards, and Pianos at Corresponding -prices. Flee us befere purchasing, SCOTT BE CS. ,,DO YOU FEEL :TIRED • IN THE* NING zs .Slop net bring Refr sinfient -Do you feel wretched, Ittean and mis r - able in the mornings -as tire as twh n you went to bed? It's a series. s conditi n -too serious Ito neglect, arid unless .y • u have the heart and nervo s syste strengthened land the bloied e iriched • Milburn's He rt and Nerve Pil is almost certain to ensure.' 'II 'Graham, a we -known Youn Barrie, Ont., eays:-" I have h deal of trouble with my ' hea years.- I was easily agitated eitemer t caused myhe,art tot thee I had ci:zzines% . and shortness and often arose in the morning tired as whe I went to be terribly nervo s. Milburn's Nerve Pine h ve dime wonde They have rentored My heart healthy actio, giving me! b re!nful sleep, a,nd making my n tern strortg and vigorous." Milburn s Heart and Nerve P a box or 3 for $(.25 at all drug mail. -The T., Milburn Co., L ronto, !Ont. , 1 I - s, collapse . Fred. H. man, of d a great t for four nd my ex - b violently. of breath, feeling as . I was- eart and -s for me. to regular etc sound rvous sys- US are soe. ists or by exited, To- SpErvins,ilingbones, Curbs,land All For Latirtenees Yield esailli , • ., . . O , Works thousands Of cures &initially. E•dorsett by the best breedemencl horsemen - everywhere Price,. itta six for *5. As ti. ilninient for amity use it has no equal. Dn. 13. a. RENDAGL 00. . / , Iaiet Lem°, ) tartaric', Can, Dec. 11. 1803: Dear ilirs:-,A year ago 1 had a valhabl . hey's() which got lame. 1 took him to the Veterinar Surgeon who pronounced it flee at Spa -In and gave n e little hope, although he a poi [e la sharp blister, This. made matters only WOITO and the hon -e became Lao iron, thst it weld not stand up.. After tr3ring everything n iny power I went to a neighbor and told him about th. ease. Heftily° me one. of your books and I studied it en efuily and be- ing resolved to do the utmost in favor of 1 ay beast, Went to the nearest drug store and got a bottle I it your Spavin Cure and applied I t Ririe no according to ( irections. Be- fore the first bottle ww.; uNed 1 noticed tan Improvement, and when the seventh bot tie was about attlf used.any horse was completely cored and with nit leaving a blemish on itim. After ceasing treatm ut I gave the 13orse good care and did smile light work ,Ith hi m,wisil- leg to see lf It had -effected a eure,i then s arted to work , the lion% hard anrato my entire Katisfae ion he never showed any more.14,pieness through 001 hole Rummer. I can recommend Kendall's Si' Cure not only as an - excellent, hopas.a, sure renu.dy, to any 010 that it.may rsoncern. ,-ours truly,- • IMMUE TRITTEN. i, Ask your drfingist fin' itegMellis Seav n Cure, sato •6.A. Treatise inethe Itorse,” the book t 0, or addrosa. OR, Be L.101/ALI. COMPANY, ENOS1UR FALLS, VT. AN ITEM ,OF INTE EST. Farm loans taken at -lowest rates; ayments t3 suithorrower ; satisfaction guarantee ; all corre-• apondence cheeifullv answered. AB ER COSENS, Wingbarr, Ont. ( filee-At corner o blinnie- and Patrilk itrreto ; every Saturday ell do, 1667 SEAFORTH DYE ORKS Ladies arai, entlemen, thenkleg ye all for pail patrenage and now that a neve seas, it Is at hand wish to let you tura* thst I am still in the bueinese, ready to do itis best to give you ever satisfaction In doing your a ork in the line of *leant g and dyeing gentlemen's an ladiee clothing, dcrie ithotit being ripped as well s th -have thein rippe Alt. wool goods rivarant cd to give gond Batista Mon on rhert- est notice. khowle, curtain,- ate e at moderate prices Pleese do not fail to ,eive me call. Butter and cgge taken in exchange for wo k.. HENRY NICFIOL, Ooderich etreet eatt,•oepoiet the Catholic Church. • 1691-41 , "1100...Eat What -11,1:-Ike. Many people suffer terr pain in 'the stomach af mouthful they. eat. Dyspepsia and indigest them in constant misery. After trying the hundred new-fangled remedies with benefit, why not use the ol Burdock. Blood Bitters and perfect and permanent cur Here ia:a tase in point: "I was troubled evith indig dyspepsia for three or four year alniost evetny doctor round here ent dyspepsia remedies, but got ".1 then started using Burd Bitters, and when I had finished bottle I was almost well, but PP ,bly with er every on keep and one ut much reliable obtain a stion and , and tried and differ- ittle relief. ck Blood he second_ continued taking it until,I had .completee the third bottle, whettnevaii perfectly wen.. Before taking 13_,B.Be I could scarcbl eat any- thing- without having a pain in my stomach, Now I eat whatever I like witlin out causing me the leaet discomferten! M as. THOMAS Cement, Brussels,. Out. MEN ARE CREA OF HABIT, Thous. nds of 'business spend inne and money when they -might do th quieke s cheaper and j isfaeto ily by LONO DISTA URES men still travelling, Ir business et as sat- TCE TELEPHO E For over a year no have had the fleecy tor the sale el 1NDAPO. Our first order was for a quart o of ai dozen, cur last for One Hun red and Forty-four Dollars worth: . ;.1 MOE? ARK 41 REGt tERCD. El ma e• well Man of mep INOAPO THE PitEAT HIN1300 RE EDY enonceas Tun A OVE Results in 30 (lags. Cures all Nervous Miens Paresis, bleeplessn eons, etc., caused vigor anti size to it surely restores Los Easily carried in Six for $3.00 wit/ money roliendod imaet haviele s. Failing Memory , ss, Nightly Ernie - sr poet abuses, Ores Tonkel] .ortraus, end Manhood in old or est pocket. Price $1. I. ioriiten guarani DON'T BUY AN •151 DAI-'0. li your dru got it, we will sen i it prepaid. Ili:WOO ItENEDY c .. Prop,x. Chleneo, Ill. or our Agnes. , This mid hwrease proves it Is a remedy that everyone wite trfos II f Nilo *ell of. Years respectl illy, 1 1 VeFEAR. Se forth, Ont.' quickly but Oa package, • to cure or TATUM but gist hag apt ON V SITI G PARIS. TIMELY HINTS. F R THOSE GOING TC THE E POSITION. Veritable I ()melba -Lotman • aformittln A.betat. the cabsi es, Tkamevays. and River Boats t Rates. ne and rices at the Restau- - . rants ofAlt Grrad se -Money Unless one has'speciskt reason for Visiting t exhibition- when there is no crowd t ie not advisable to do so beforee10 'clock, says the Paris cor- resporiden of The ew York Jour- nal. . 'Pine s of entra ee in each of the enceintes ,in closures of the exhibit- tt Paris enel Vincennes — are as foll ws: ; In the i iorning, b fore 1.07 O'clock, two tickets; betwe it 10 and 6 o'clock, 01 e _ticket; after 6 in the af- ternoon, t vo tickets, except Sundays and holid ys, WIieyi the admission will ,be 01 e ticket. It will be seen Chat by er tering th exhibition after 10 one tic -et is god *until 6. En- , trance tickets can be 'bought da from • 11 to .13 c tits outside the exhibition.. Stranger are advised to devote the inorniag t visiting places of. interest in Paris et gl to nonsecrate the after- noons to .t p exhibition. In that ease -the even in meal may be taken in the grounds it elf and the whole evening ;passed thete without further entrance fee. In et se -visitors desire to visit theetre, concert, etc., it -would prabaely Le best to leave the exhibi- thin early enough to dine in the eeighberhood of the place chosen to be isited , The price of cabe " undergoes no change during the . exhibition, being 80 cents for the simple course or 40 cents. by tip hour. A tip of from 3 to, 16 cents !is always given over and -above the regular pi -ice. Nearly afl. the bus and tram lines, 'either d:rect- ly or by the transfer system, give ac- cess to one of -the 36 entrances to the • exhibition: 'Six cents for inside seats, with right Co transfer tickets; top seats, 3 cents; 3 cents extra for teainsfer. • , The ri'vet boats, called -bateaux- omnibus," stop at stations along the exhibition water front on both sides of the 'river, as. follows• Pont de la Concorde, Pone des Invalides, Pont de l'Alma and Pont d'Iena. From Char- entnn to the, Pont du jour, 2 cents per person on week days:. on Sundays and holidaYS, 4. cents . per - person. This is the cheapest 'and most agree- - able means of transit. .Several -tram lines c.onia et ,clitIceent parts .of the suburbs wi th the centre of the capital and if used: would permit 'visitors: tO ,takelongh gs in the suburbs. n Transit in -the exhibition is ellected by means Of the trottoir mobile; or electric SitleWalk, :and the electric tramway, besides bath chairs and 'rickshaws, Price or rickshaws, $1 per hour, 50 .cents per half hour, 30 rents per c tauter hour and 20 cents per course from the ,Place du TrOca- dero to the Seine and vice versa. One mete breakfast and dine very well either at one's hotel or in any quarter of Paris 'where a visit may. 4 -lave led' one .at 60 cents, per meal. In the exhibition grounds restaurants of .all kinds at all prices abound. They may be classed as follows: lligh priced nest tutants, at the two ends of the Ale antler 111, bridge on the bank of the river, along the Rue des /nations in the Ipavilions 'of.. Turkey, AuStria, -BosniaeTlerzegovina, Hun- gary, Nock ay and Sweden, Germany,' Spain and Greece; on the Champ . de• Mars, borc er ng the central gardens, along the I. laces of the Industries ,INelectiniqme trid of the Industries Chine - :notes and n the part nearest .the Eiffel towe , along the 'palaces of the Fits et Tin us and of the Genie Civil, 1/ordering he A-vdriue de Sliffren, the Munich re taurante near the ledlel tower, at he Palais de Costtune, the 'four du Monde, the Chalet, Suisse,. the Touring club, the Palais de la 111 d the Cineoramoa at the TrOcatiero, both sides -of the Pont d'Iena, at Fin& Britannique, at -1"ingyptic,. t t the Irides Neerlandaises,. at la Chine , at l'Asicaltussie, etc. ' Restatura ats -of moderate price, two near the I tre- de Constantine, among the annexe ; two :near the Rue Fa- bert; ia ti e aIlllcX0S Of Austria and Japun; . . the putty d'Orsey, the Roumanian restaurant:, near the Pa- vilion de la Presse; on the (hemp de Mars, along the front of the palaces of yils et Tissus -and of the Genie CI oil, nearest the pnlaces of the Me - net -id one an I the l Industries rhimiques; at the 'Tin eider°, neat' the n.xposition of :Navigation de Plaisance, and in short all' the restaurants in the Rue de• intrisa • • _Resta ura Its a. prix ince thee, where' thetas are served a t, fieed:enneesa one at each, angle of the rhennp de Mara, a fifth ((ward the middle o'f the Ave- nue de Stsi'ren, a sixth lad sveen the ]'.:position of 'Sao iga t iyn de Plais- ance and Vieux ; Luncheon _kiosks, a. hundred or ,ecno of them sin--ead ov r the gt.;01M(IST, of the exhi- bition, make a specialty of the •sale • of eyr lain ttl'I lel es----b1-011c1, conser yes, chnNuterie, _ fruits, etc',—and UC( ()lITI1IUCE1l I i.011 . is made for those desh har to eat al fresco: Foreign moneys current in Fro n ce are Beigai 1,si.‘‘ iss, Awal rian, Rus- sian, Spa lish, 1t1ini and Servian gold-pieves frtmc I ta fiats pieces are etirreit , hill. not the fract how silver curt* ewe' of It's ni tie. Copper coinage of' foreign 'countries is notin circulatiOn '11 -he following prices tin- dergo a s ight; depreciation by ex- change: ta rlriuu mark, \nine 1 franc 20 centimes 2 1 cents; Innenish sovereign, value 23 francs, or an5; United. Stt trs (toiler, Va i'lle -Napes 1)0 centims s, or 0-1- cents; Dutch !ffor-; in, value ' francs., or -10 ceets. . A. b.oin untie 31 urrie:e: of Jefferson that marriage Davis was of a romantic! character. tleeperately id love esviiie_ sei- ne Taylor,daughter of Colonel Zach- it re. Tit ylor who did not it pprooe of the at tit thimei t , 'tire young 'people :tools matt( rs in their own hands and eloped . Si. •1 eon • e curs s -ed before id aa ee Id' lAt'101(1.,111.1(1 ttip \e‘i.k .las 1.01)ecli ili-1111st.Z 01111; '11)10111 had covered t hem - glory at the battle of ti and his re selves witl. Entine. Vist MARRI GE LICENSES ISSUED AT THE' HUR N EXPOSITOR OFFICE SRA ORTH, ONTARIO. Ne W TNESSES REQUIRED The Old Reliable Remedy for Diarr cea and Dysentery. Grand a Mrs. Thos. Sherlock, Arn- prior, Ont., recently wrote: UMW Its "My little girl, three years of age, was aken very bad with diarrhoea, and we tho ght we were going to lose her, when I re embered that my grandmother always us d Dr. Fowler's Extaet of Wild Strawber and often saki that it saved her life. I got bottle and gave it to my child, and after t e third dose she began to get better and slept well that night. She un- proved ri ht along and was soon com- pletely cur d." The E. adian bic States bu with Fou AXIS OF HU D. Quality Satisfies" • & D. & D. wheel, is the only Can ole that has built up 'United iness. It is the only bicycle -Point Baring& ---,Ten-tet‘Senin'7471-r-r-.; -e- rike'n'r -v _ D In four- oint bearings the load is trans- mitted in direct line, and there is no jam- ming of ba Is in the races. In ordinary bear- ings the 1 ad is transmitted at an angle, which grea ly increases the pressure on the parts of t e bearing. In the E. & D. four - point bear ug, the bearing never sustains greater pre sure than the actual load oh the bicycle. I ordinary beariegs the pressure is often th ee times the actual load. E. & D. locally uaranteed National bicycles have four -point iearings in the crank -hanger, the hubs, and he head. The bearings are guar- anteed -for hree years. E. &D. oad Modtls, men's $60 E & D. oad Modela, ladies' $60 E & D. 1pcclaI Models, with gear ease.$70 E. & D. lacing Models $70 Liberal opt ons are given in saddles, goirs, tires. The E. & . being a national wheel, Is locally guar- anteed. Cat toga° on application. Lum den & Wilson, SEAFORTH. eart Humbug It is fashionable to -day to have a new heart scare every 24 hours. The commonest symptoms of dys- pepsia or nerve trouble, such as pal- pitation, weak spells, loss of appe- tite, and poor circulation,lare magni- fied and distorted into serious signs of heart trouble, with the object of frightening the public into taking this or that heart remedy. If a hundredth part of the heart trouble we hear about were real, the ceine- teries wculd be Tilled in a month. A wrong c nstruction is put upon com- mon ail the peo disease heart tr suddenl. a rare d ents in order to hurrIbug le into the belief that heart is prevalent, Nvhereas rea; wli:.ch is r.a pacily anA fatal when it claf.--..s cccur, Lor '2(71 caullot con v:r_ce Iron is Vie vital Tsan itaa ?1. of splrit A 10:-,o3 of. .eit:11 "i'h ". • Ir. 0 !jd Id foi•ri you :e2e(.1, ot'ler rim--incr tha c. a't rc:Lt action. You vai1. \-'1'7,71 you -rel."..;:.? Bioor..1 -.,Tervf; j fis.sara THE KIP EN MILLS •••••••••1,111•••• Grist mill mailing night and day, and all kinds of work done on the shortest notice Firste.las roller flour exchanged for wheat, 00 la 1•T On han it quantity of good feed corn for Bale at los, est pricea. GS WANTED. All kin mill, for be paid. of your lo wont le of first- lass logs wanted at the inch the Inghest cash price will Call and ;E e us before disposing 8. JOHN ItIeNEVIN, Kippen. is 'obtainable .through the aid of perfect fitting glasses, Our s ectacles and lenses are gu ranteed perfec in fit and focus. J. ROBERTS, DRUG( frANDOPTICIANt TAKING THE REINS. — A, mile In 2:50 is the best Pilatns. 2:6914, has been allowed to g�. Miller, 2;07Y2, recently paced an eighth in 14 seconds, a 1:52 gait., Flip showed a remarkably fast tiial at a hill° and a quarter the other morning, bo 'so watchers making it very close to Jockey Tod Sloane is taking a rest at present from the saddle, trying his skill at the traps, being entered to shoot at several Paris exposition events. Alice Farley broke down in the handi- cap at the Fort Erie track recently, and it is likely that Mrs. Gray's popular mare has enthid her racing career. - " kob Proctor is working Joe Bailey, 2: 1%, without hoppleS, and the son of 03 clone has stepped a mile over the Reedville track in 2:18, last half in 1:06. urses aggregating $5,000 will be of- fei ed by the Newburg Driving Park asso- ci. tion for a meeting to be held there At g. 14 to 17. A free for all for p.,000 wi I be one of the features. ccording to the new rule of the Amer- ican Trotting association, this season will be one of reform on the tracks of that or anizetion. Judges and officials who US4 improper language will be expelled. t Newcastle, England, the other day th4 race for the Northumberland Plate wajs won by Mr. J. C. Dyer's 3 -year-old ba colt Joe Chamberlain, ridden by J. 11.1 Martin. Innocence was second. and An eer was third. Eight horses ran. - IV. C. Whitney's Hanover colt Ilen • ste n is improving with every race, and the game fashion in which he responded to rt fierce drive recently toward the end of the Futurity _coin -se would seem to in - die te that he will develop into a -stayer. . H. Supplee of Rosemont, Pa., re- ce tly purchased a grand 4 -year-old pros- pect in Miss Sue, by Pickaway Boy, "");`) 14; dam by Jay Bird. As a 2 -year- old she showed quarters in 40 seconds. La .t seasoa she stepped a quarter in 84 seconds to cart. THE CRISIS IN CHINA. . Lhe Europeans in Asia are convinced that there is a strong dash of yellow in the white mauls burden. -Washington 'Star. . 4Contrary to popular belief the Chinese cau serve artillery *ell and are not de- voi 1 of courage in battle. -Kansas City Stat-. Peking was occupied by .Europeau for .es 40 yeaks ago in the interest of Dolce, and the empire and the city may be so occupied again without necessarily pre npitating new complications. --Chica- go nter Ocean. It is the dread of the. future -with the paitition of China and the inevitable squabbles over the division of. spoils- wh eh makes the civilized world regard thel situation in the Chinese empire with keen anxiety. Milani teeming millions In the- interior of he empire may have all the passive pos -ers of -resistance claimed for them, but if all their seaports fall into foreign hat ds the Chinese can do little more than stew in their own juice -St. Louis Globe - De nocrat . ahem is every reason to expect that the days of the Chinese empire are num- ber ,d. The damages and - indemnity wh ch will be exacted as the result of wh it is going en will be utterly beyond the power of the imperial treasury to 'me ,t. - RECENT INVENTIONS. nail insects_ have 'bean 'caught by -.a Ma 130 Man in a trap comprising a• lamp Inclosed in n conical shield and resting in • t nein practically filled with a liquid, inti which the insects fall after striking agieinst the shield. 4; Chicago woman. has invented a col- lar' which is designed .to bold the ,bair in a rpstentled position away from the neck after weshing, so that it will not dampen the: clothing. The collar permits a free circulation of air, which rapidly dries the hair. Ai -Chicago- man has designated a life saving net for use at fires which is easy for the firemen to support, having ,an outO grip rope looped at intervals to the rope which supports the net, the loops being curved sulliciently to allow the men to grip the rope without binding the bands. ; SISTERLY CITIES. Sleep is said to be a great beautifier. Philadelphia is a lovely city. -Boston Globe. C licago is said to be shy on population. Bu "shy" is nut a Chicago term. -New Yolk World. • I Ph ilad p h in ma kes a better show - hie than Chicago in the census returns it wil be because the people all staid at home to be counted. • lingo's census returns Lurenten to below .the 2,000,000 Mark, and the simpers are now telling about the who were skipped. -Cleveland der. - The opening at Chicago of a new cem- etcay and the cutting of rates by the un- dertakers may place tietlth within the reneh of all who desire to make else wa- wa d start from that city. FLOWER AND TREE. OW that foliage plants are SC) popular, why not try raising little orange and lem- on trees from seed? It is interesting to wa el them growing, and with age they bac ime very ornamental, their -leaves be- ing rich and glossy looking. s ough leaved plants are not so much bes q by insects as are smooth leaved one s, nor do they get so dusty. The line hal dint -cover them seem to be a pro - tee ion from both foes. They do not necd wiping or artificial showering. rilhe trailing arbutus emphatically de - es to. be transplanted. You may take up a big shovelful of its native earth with it t nd place it in conditions ns nearly like tho -e of its habitat as you possinly can, it will languish for a little and thee die of homesiekness ; perhaps. Wbo RAILWAY TIES. Ii proportion to Its size Givit Britain has eight times as many railways as . the United States. . ; Innglish end Irish railweys increased their earnings during the last half year $2,173,500, or 1% per cent. treet railways of Havana - are to eh nge the motive power from horses to.-lectricity. The city is in great need of rapid transit, and the delay in the nos improvement is caused by putting do *ri new sewers. jig • CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. ar Infra - atUr 0 of - Ito* every wrAppor. Perfect Harmony accounts for the perfection of the King Quality Shoe. The material, workman- ship, fit and finish are all equal—nothing is slighted. We want every woman to try them, because if she buys one pair, sbe will keep on buying as long as she lives. Tbey N\ ,it1114/ N' cost S3, ' z„,...vatfitzzuriz. and thee -are 41,:v s, 41411ttl worth snore. TRAD , ,,e sa• e. ,... You li-KitiPP- don't need to be a judge to lee that MAR te IN& QUALI 'Pt'nt Truest Feonemy to get the Best A. cheaply made cream separator. is dear at any price, because faulty in construction, liable to break, and cult to operate. The Sharpies No. 1, ,j with a capacity of 325 lbs, an hour, and the Sharpies W. II. 8, with a ca- pacity of 300 lbs„ are the Arrest pro- ducts of the...largest and best - equipped cream separator factory. in the world. The materials entering into the con- ! struction of these machines are the best oilbtainable. The -work, is done by Ekilled worknien, and is subjected to the most *igid inFpection. Without fear of substantial contradiction, we can say that for ease in operating, clean skimming and durability, thEre is no other hand power cream separator made by any one anywher( that is equal to the Sharp)es. We sell these machines on their merits. We beli, ve that the buyer should be allowed to decide which machine is best for him tc buy. We leave them to any intending buyer for a wEek or ten days, with privilege of returfling the machine if not perfectly satisfied with it. Price of No. 1 machine, $90; 'W. 11. S. ma- chine, $75. Write for illustrated catalogue. See sample machine at Hinchley Brothers' warerooms, Seaforth. W. L. OUIMErTE, Londesboro, Ontario. A WONDERFUL ANTISEPTIC COMPOUND - . .1\1-077-0 .. .. ..,,,a ' Alio, :?.%1 A Medicated Toilet Seep of the Purest. Awarded Silver Medal Greater Britain Exhibition, 1897. A FEW REASONS' WHY YOU SHOULD USE NOVO. Reg. No. 3007. WHAT IT WILL DO. I -Prevents all contagious diseases from 6 -It will clean and remove paint, oil and . approaching where it, is usedgrease stains from woolen and -cotton cloth - 2 -.-It Will clean and polish- paint Work and Inge Aleo cleans coat collars and hate. not kill the gloss of the paint. i 7 -It contains MO alkali and is etrongly re- commended for washing the head, at it 3 -It will clean carpets without taking them upimparts a silky and natural gloss to the 4—It will clean linoleum like newhair, and is especially useful for children. 5 -It will clean bicycle chain and rims. Novo le claimed to be the cheapest and beet paint cleaner on market. Try it on finer marks on doors. -.11110RICE 10e and 20e a BLOCIC Full directions on blocks. Estate JOHNSON BROS. Hardware Seaforth 1887-52 WITHOUT QUESTION The best equipped Business and Short hand School in Canada is the Forest City Business and Shorthand College, L ndon, Ontario. Large endowment a d strong faculty. Hundreds of stu- d nate in good positions. Years of ex - c llent work to its credit. Catalogues ojittecourse free. Correspondence i.v d. J W. WESTERVELT, Principal. 17 341 Mu, VOTERS' LIST, 1900. ieipality of the Town of 8eaforth, County of Huron. Notice is hereby given Ih,.t I have fransmittsd or delivered to the persona mentioned in Sections 8 and 9 of the Ontario Voters' Lilts Act, the cranes requir- ed by said sections to be to trenerniited or delivered of the list made, pureuant to the paid Act, of all per- sons appearine by the last revised Asseegment iloli of the sald municipality to be entitled to vote In the -said inunivipality at elections for members of' the legislative Aesembly, and at Municipal Election, and that the said Ilst was first posted up at my effice ab Seaforth on the 30th day of July, 1000, and re- mains there ler inepectien. E cetors aro celled upon to examine ihe said list, and if any Ornisstons or other errors are found there- in, to take Innen diate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. WM. ELLIOTT, Clerk of Seaforth. Executors' ale Of V luable Farm Lands in he Town- s ip of Hullett, County of uron. The xecutors' of the Estate ofthe tato Michael Fisher will offer for sale, by public a ct'on, at the ROYA HOTEL, In the TOWN OF 8 AFORTH, On uesday, August 21 tf 1900 At 8 'elrck p. m , by Themes Brown auctioneer, the fol owing lande and premises: Lot number 8, in the St Conceesion of the tswnthip el Hullett, in tho Count of Huron. consisting of 100 tiered, more er less. There £1113 :86 acres cleared, end there. are 14 acres of second growth bush. The builtlinge are as follows: Howe, frau e, with attachment], in fair condition: and bun 72x46, frame, with stabling in barn, and are in fair repair. The Um Is fairly well fenced, and there le it go d well of water; there is also a good orchard. Terms -Ten per cent, to be paid,at the thne of sale, and the balance on the ht day of April, A. D. 1901, when deed will be granted and porsession given Thepurchmer to have privi- lege of doing fall plowing in fell of 1900. For fur- ther particulars and conditions of Palo, apply to the Executors, JOHN NATTRESfeand JOHN EMSLER, Woodbridge P. O.; MESSRS. PR01IDY0Or a BAYS, Barri tere, &c., Goalerieh, or to DUNCAN, GRANT, SHEA & MILLER, 25 King Street West, Toronto, 1708x3 McLEOD'S S stem Renovator , -AND OTHER- \ T STED - REMEDIES. ! , A . • “ ,o and antidote for Impure, Weak and Im pove s. ed Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepleesnen, Palpate - Mon of the Heart, /elver Complaint, Ne raten s, Lo I of Mem ry, Bronchitis, Consumption, all Stones, Jatuseito , Kkney and Urinary Dleesee , St. Vitus Dance, amble Irtegularieies and General, Debility. LABO ATORY-Goderieh, Ontario. i 11•11•1111M1Mil• J. M. k eLEOD, Proprietor and Mann lecturer. Sold by J. 8. Roneness, Seafortb. 150141 THE SEAFORTH SIA.W ,.AND.. Chopping Mills R. L. CLARK Having purchased from Mr. Joeiah Watson the Seaforth Saw Mills, has placed iu the mill A new and improved Grain Crusher, And is prepared to crush grain on a the) shortest notice, and for 5e a bag. Give us a trial. It. L. CLARK :4thL 686-tf The hest la better' tban ever, THE CANADA. BUSINESS COLLEGE, Chatham, Ont„ eternal the, beat) ear In the overdo of the school on June 29, and will re -open for the Fall Term on Tuesday, Sep- tember 4. It wee the best es to attendance. It was the beet as to reetille. It was the beet as fo the number of pupils placed. TWO hundred and thirty secured poeitione hi the 10 menthe ecnirneocing September 1, 3890, and ending June 80, 1900, au average of 28 per month, as against 14 eel. wreath during the previous year. Good board for g Me at 92.50 per week and for ladies 82. We pay railway. fare to tho extent of $8 to ttudents hom a distance. If yoa have not nen our catalogue you are not famtitar with the beat Canada has to offer In the line of Businese or Sherthend training. Write for it. D. MeLACHLAN & CO, 1084 Chatham' Ont H. R. Jackson & SON. DIRECT IMPORTERS 01' Jules Robin & Co's Brandy, Cognac, France, Jnio. de Kuypet & Son, Hol- land Gin, e4tothordam, Holland; Booth's Tom Gin,'London, England ; Balbach & Co.'s Scotch Whisky, Glas- gow, Scotland, Jamieson's Irish WhiskDublin Ireland also Port and Sherry Wine frOITI Frame and Spain, Agents for Walker's Whisker. Ontario ; Royal Distillery and Davie Ale and Porter, Toronto, To THE PUBLIC We have opened a retail store in connection with our wholesale buei- business in the rear of the new Do- minion Bank, in Good's old stand, where we will sell the best goods in the market at bottom prices. Gooda delivered to any part of the town free. ELEPHONE 11. 151.3-tf MONEY TO LOAN. Money to loen et 41 per cent -on f1rst,c'se3 farm land security. Apply to R S. HAYS, Doini:mi Bank Building, Seaforth. 1807