The Huron Expositor, 1900-06-22, Page 1)0 3 popular d hy ite eat is if it ' -o go home excellent izain, the ein show "het they lied which - !the very de to ite von it 'ea eoods, ite nice. 4; there is eat meats. .e expect - this way ems, To kind of bat as . large hapee and „ g pleased its work- 4SIDD, pro - before the het ? or very r looked the Peo. " lieuse _ 4 for home !beet kind led sheet- , ewe pillow ed educe:oil e be said ot in honey 'ergo size, iigneil. for your otes search would end patteru values end iu crash d tailored inulin., it in Mean eigne make ern- sefee- ;.C4`.S. ein dehinge end 4pt full of " -but. poseibly lie found Cask '..rinrauriampior [pile will, be belonging Golly, uf reley, sell- s te nlauk- ' from old f file pod. titewart Mre T. J.' 4.4day...es-Mr. ay. Sunday ' 'el re J oeeph h 8(h001 n Armen - Ler baby --eity in the 4 Burdette ie. -Lemon .boot ),000 . thoy autde :o.; have a One ot horror, ler of one way in eoke of it. 1,..-:113 dread. ing to the envies, d dirty, rd them Many of eliirte and .thein much de laugh in 1 THIRTY-FIRST YEAR. WHOLE NUMBER, 1,097. JUNE HIE 0 v••••~4,wwww•••~0~00 No am unt of talk or reason will make you. acquainted with people. We know that we have been. talking though these columns for years with, people whom we have never had 'the p easure of meOting, or of selling goods to, We have no desire to toot our bWn praises u. duly , yet we t unk that generally speaking the chancOs are that you will bel well pleased should you beconle ac-- quainted with us. :We do not run after peopl and yet you vill fin civil common .sense treament t this store. tilhere is nothing more to be ,Stated wi h re- gard to the sale price, except that in addition ti the lines quoted las week, we will offer the f011owin 1i4es of furnishings, virhich will give you an opportunity to buy new goods nd seasonable goods at -figures sut of the ordinary: Twenty dozen Shirts, at priee which were formeely $1,25 to, $2; will be cleared at 75F. Nothing in tile world wrong with th'e-goods, save that hey are odd. lines, and we wisi to clear the lot. - We, have 500, men's hats in al colors, which we will clear, your choice ur -50e. Some -Of these hats IV re'sold as higli as $2,50, There is only cne way of selling an odd hat, hat is, as in this case, Making the price an object. We have a lot of Slimmer Ti s clearing at thrdi for 25e. ' A line of burnrnel. = Sox, two pairs for 25c these are fastIbh'ick, We are -making a sPecial in a Linen Collar, the price set will be -three for 2'5e. in Br ces, we are establishing alow rice for a rdliablel brace:far better wear, w, tile the line lasts, at lfic a pair. LOT 1-19 Suits, sizes 34 to 44 serges and to3ds,tLdl Colors, .odd in ea, the sale price'$3.50. LOT 2-41 Suits, ,sizes 34 to 44, cofors brown4 fawn grey, blue and black, the sale price $4.25. . LOT 3--23 Suits,, sizes 34 to 44, all shades ani patOrns. These are oc d a number of which solfl as high as ,S10 and 11, and will be s.ld, sale Nice $6.45, LOT 4—.27 Suits, sizes 34 to 44; mostly brow Land grey colors. Som of out own make -of suit, sterling elothes, sale price$6.95. • LOT 5—A number of Dress Suits, sizes 42, .40 3, 37, 36, 35, and :34, lue and black ipsorted serge, 'rill we have left f this: line go at the sale pie° $6. , LOT 6—L9.rge piles of, Tweed Suits, sizes 34 to .12, Vrown, greet' brown checks and stripes, $11 and $12 suits, sale 11 88. JO; , LOT 7-17 suits, sizes 34 to 42, double breast4, blue and black, se gcs, our make.. Best value onithe market, sale pm $8.50, ' LOT -Boys' 3 -piece suits, sizes 27 to 33, all c� or tweed choice of lot, sale price $2.90. LOT J—Boy' 3 -piece eras, sizes 27 to 33 all s ia,&s and patterns regular price ranging front $4.50 to $6.75, sale pri 0, $3.60. LOT 10-r-BOys', 3 -piece suits, sizes 23 to 33, single _ and double breaste 1 tweed aind, serge virorsted dress suits, sale price $4 65 LOT 1I—Boys' 2 -piece Suits, sizes 22 to 29, all ", hade.s- and styles 1 his lot will go per suit, sale price $1.50. -LOT 1-2—Bop.? 2-1iece Suits, sizes 22 to 29., all 1 atterns, good, stro made snits, fine quality, sale price $2.55; r "2 -piece 6uit8, sizes 22 to 20, al s lades. and patter lot contains the very _finest goods and make-up of 2 -piece suits which ranged in price,es high as $6. _We offer them at the s $2.75 tok$1. LOT 11—Boys'-Brownie Suits, size age 3 to 8 years We o er this 1 per cent. discount. The lines are broken, And to clear the odd sale price will be from $2 to $3.25; LOT 15—Boys' Linen Suit?, choice of a lot of linen suits, 'differ= sale price Si. I Dfl: 16—Tweed Pants, a laFge pile of 'LW eed pan s,,your choice sale r DYP -17—Tweed Trousers, your choice of -$2 and $2:50 trousers, s st 9j LOT Black Pants, choice Of fine blaek worsted, stripe troll; price $1.50. LOT t9 --Rain Coats, the tin.est rain coat for -the $ .25. LOT 20—Suits to semure, A very h_trac range of - your measure in Weeds of all shiides, worsteds, lino mixtules, h144, grey and br $1E: and $1ii, 4-11-+÷+÷+++++.1± Orei iClothiers an( On the Wrong Side of thefitreet, STRONG BLOCK; price will be placed c g well s This some of le price • ne at 25 sizes the shades, rice 81. le price rs, sale n sale at cloths for suiting made to serges, .blue and black, fine Jwn,.sale prices $10, $12, $14 F RE:At-1011,TH Cfi011ft 3 Huron Notes. Captai Combo, of -Clinton ha been appointe junior major of the 3317d ref ment. -L. . Dickson and 5"ames Wa er, of Exeter, ill leave in a few days for tie old country: -W. Uwden and A, McDonell, of Exe• ter, left 4ri Tuesday for Scotland. 1 They purpose i ril porting more horses. -The countpeounoil have passed e grant of $100 t aid in the reception of the Huron Old Boy in Groderich on July 4th, , elseheese factory have sold the !Of May cheese 'to Ballantynef & rather& at 9g ciente. nnual rneeting,of the West kluron nstitute . was held_ in the town , on Wednesday, June 20th, rangemen of Wingham will hold extursion to Detroit on Sat rday, hi returning the following Mon. is'a probability Of GOderic hav- Opera House this summer. Bev - gentlemen have it under co eider - --Bras first hall Son, of' S . -The Farmere' hall, Nil- -The an all rai August I day. i.. I local lia.17-1011 fiVeain *Oheenh e tho m r of kfr� s e. age valid f -T1 No. 1, picnic son, F- e -D miles on Thi eleotri instan ' . THE CA.INAI?1 A 'PAC! Will run Home Seekers' 60 day exeursion return'Fares : 2 ; 'Winnipeg, Deloraine, ,Antler, Estevan, B Swazi River, $2s, Regina, Moosejaw, Yorkton $35. Rea Deer, Edmonton, $40. Going June 2001. (AR rail or S. S. Alberta,) Going July her 12th. .(All rail only.) Going july 17th, (All mil or S. S. Alberta.). Commencing MONDAY, JUNE ilth, 11 -er the Imperial Limited," Will run DAD couver, 'making the run in 96 hours, • Leaves Tc -Q. P. R. boats will leave Owen Sounc• - days, commencing May '1st, for the So6 and issued at this office for all woints West, eithe boat:. Also ocean tickets via Montreal and Eld Telegraph and money order business respectfully R. J. MACD C. P. R. AGEN C. BETHUNE, Agent for IVIercha Fire Insurance Co -0 son or Jamb forty had at four hu LO ing ar hep, tramp and b work --D farm which Alex. across ing 7 - figure -0 rwan hrow am,. ay. was U result capin of the -past Rom and a new 1 A. W. 1 feren tered and parel of mo -an u after glar ro for 1.0 $1,12 1899 4,220 1,534 of re w. town drivi count of aai ran ,a to re and f ceive folios of near effec visiting out drie The io Mr. twe - r Stan ey fatal ac He was -fell and his che He, i COUSI ton,ha himself ley boy from L point o pitale i • valua is to a you week form week staff Com C. Ua of th •his d • sente Hous �f M s. with Man lived and. cal 1• will ing not is now tice. -3 has cut has aide also thu ed has 0E181 ble. rig . Bennett, agent of the B nk of e Blyth, was married On T esday Oth inst., at Toronto, to Mies of Winnipeg. lotion in aid of the India amine: taken up in the Main street ohurch, Exeter, on Sunda', 10th nting to nearly $70.- 1 Meiklejohn, of the 5th me of led on SundayedOth inst., t the ' tteyrs. " Deceased had ebeen n in - ria 'timber of years. e lSabbath school' and school eection Gy, pupils will' hold their annual nithe grove of Mr. Thornea avd- til conccssion, on Saturday aft rnoon. i 1 'O'Brien, a armer, livin four ii Centralia; wjhile closing gate, aenniglit of la t week, during an rm was etrubk by lightning and killed.. 114 was unmarried. feturday, the 2nd .inst., some per- reons enter d the barn of MieDavid Ashfield, and Stole upwards of o lers' worth of cured pork, which he r1 in the granary, there being about red pounds, which was all taken. hursday of last week, while wink - wed the farm, John Rowe, o Step. sa knocked dOwn by his b 11 and diliupon. His right arm was broken Y splintered. He will be aid off 04 oorne time. tevene, of Hallett, who ad the the ' lath concession rented, on in Mr. resides ontadn- s, the pI e, to the Canadian Northwest at nscarth, Moosomin,.'Hamiota, $30, -Prince Albert, Qalgary, 19th, returning ,until August 1.3th, returning until Septem- turning until September. 16 th; • he Clanadian Pacific .overland. Y between Toronto and Van- • nonto at 1 p., m. esdays; Thursdays and Satur- ort William. Through tickets -ail rail or.,.via our magnificent r Dempster .Steamship solicited. • o h is livting„ has bought it •fr S ith, he proprietor; who t p road/ It is a good- farm, a es, with splendid buildin id being $3,700. friday, 8th insa, Mrs. Davi Tay- ughter w re returning from Wing - n the axlej of their buggy broke, them bot1 out, and the horse ran orbunatelyl,- :though Mre. Taylor k100i0US for some time, no lseri008 flowed, she and her daughter es- iith some bruin& A. C. Tiffinewho has been, pastor thodist church, Walton, for the e years, has been a,ppoilted to on lake Erie shore,. Kent bounty, il e leaving in a few weeks for his el . He will be sucoecled by Rev. ever, who was ordained at the Con-, e lust (hosed. n Friday night, 8eh inst., burglars en. th store of H. Bishop & Son, Exeter, a ied off considerable wearing ap- groceries, as well as a small Cunt . Au entrance was effected through re window by means of a ladder, utile attempt to bore through atbur- .f store door. . imminent roll of West Wawanosh gives the value of real property at 0„ -an increasoof about $4,200 over pulation'2,056; head of cattle, °mese. 1,108' ; sheep, 337;2,hogs, There were no appeals et the court n, which speaks well for assessor 'flame._ He has been assessing the • for eleven years. on Mr. G. Davie, of Clinton, was team of spirited horses into the n Saturday, 9th • inst., for a load 0 ist, they got beyond his control and T. Mr. Davis, not deeming it wise ja a in the wegonejumped out behind, 11 ng on his face cut his lip, and re - 'shaking up but noeierious results 4341, 1r Joseph Mahood,of Lakelet, relative . Galbraith, of-Wingham, is laid up h shores of Lake Huron, from , the a Of .an accident recently. Ile was Ps friend beyond Amberly and while ing his horse backed over a • bridge. se fell over on its back, and kicked lahood in the face, besides breaking f is ribs. • Wm. Reid, of the 5th concession of met with a very severe and almost ident on Friday evening, 8th inst. taking down a scaffold When a plank struck him across the face, breaking k bone and severely cutting his face. n w doing as well as can be expected, e ing the severe shaking up he gob. understand that Dr. Gunn, pf Clin- • admitted into partnership with Dr. F. A. Scott, a well-known Stan - but who a few weeks ago returned ndon, England. where he lield the of house surgeon in one ofthe hos- that city. Dr. Scott will prove a 1 accession to Olinton, and Dr. Gunn e congratulated on securing eo eligible man for a partner. h Sault Ste. Marie Express, of last eaye : "Mr. Allan M. Cameron', rl a Goderieb, arrived in town this nd has accepted a position on the f the Sault Ste. Marie Pulp and Paper ay. He is a son of the 'late lion. M. m ron, who was Lieutenant -Governor Torthweet territories at the time of ,ah, and who for sonnany years repre- Huron constituency in the Canadian f Commons. learn that Dr, R. M. Gibson, son R. McLellan, of Clinton was down ainpox at the Canadian Sault. ill remember the doctor when he i4 Clinton until he went to the Sault ol owed up his profession in the medi- ae His many friends in this oounty pleased to know that, althoogh hey - quarantined for the disease, it did elop any dangerous symptoins. He ecovered, and has resumed his pm. 0 t,h AL Se'aforth. ts and Berlin Mutual panies. a st IS hi ry SEAFORT FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 1900. MoLEAN BROS.. Publishers. $1. a Year in Advance. out a settled pastor. T ey first choose Mr. Burnett, of Keady, but, wing to ' illnees, he was obliged to decline After- hearing a - „number of other students, the congregations decided to extend a call o Mr i George Mil- ler Dunn, of Toronto. T e call was anent - ed, and in due time suet's ned by the Pres- bytery. He was ordaine and induotes1 on the day received. A lar congregation was present, deeply intereste in the services. -Berman Voyt, one the workmen at Button SeFessient's chair aotory, Wingham, met with an accident, on hureday morning of last week. He was p 'thing a oar load of lumber, plod failed to noti e that the oar was passing a poet. Unfort lately, his head was caught between the ar and post, the Momentum of the car being suffioient to wedge his head fastwas released as soon as possible, but his face was terribly out, and 'pearly half of o e ear almost sev- ered. With a bleeding and bruised. face he was assisted -to Dr. Chis plm's office and his painfulwounds dress d. -The following officia orders • respecting the 33rd Huron Regiment have been published : Provisiona second lieuten- ant C. Chisholm, 1 aving failed to qualify, his name is remo Ted from the list of officers of the active militia. To be seeond lieutenant provisionally H. C. Dunlop, gentleman, vice C. Chisholm, retired. Pro- vieonel eecond lieutenant T. C. Bruce hav- ing left limits, his name is removed from the list of the active nillibite. To be second lieu- tenants provisionally-e-Oolor Sergeant W. E. Miller, vice J. F. gpooner, retired; J. J. Fisher, gentleman, vice T. C. Bruce, retired. To be lieutenant -W. W. Vicar, gentleman, to complete establishment. -The report is current that Rev. Father West, of Goderich, is 'Ito be transferred to the Irishtown parish, ooe of the !nest im- portant in thediocese, eontaining as it does some nine hundred faroilies, This number_ will be loosened by about three hundred on the completion of the -March now in course of construction at Dublin, but it will still remain a very extensive charge. It is also said that Father West will be made Dean, -in-sum/ohm to the late Father Murphy. These • reports may not prove to be quite correct, but they go to show that in the estimation of his people and the public in general, who know of this popular priest, that he is well worthy of promotion. -Our old friend Mr. James Bulger, of the North Gravel road, Mors, writes, as fol- lows : ” I will give yoo a few particulars concerning a piece of wieek which has just been completed in the township of Morris, viz., the moving of a Win, 40x50 feetefairly heavy timber; from myresidence to the fifty acre lot, sonthwesten the concession south, near Walton, ld mile's, in aboet 7 days. JOeeph Riley, of Londeshoro, was the con- tractor and manager, and with ours end the neighbors' assistance the barn movedstead- ily along, down grade and up grade, without a kink or a oatoh, arriving at the eud. of its journey not much worm; from the trip and only two or three loose braces. E any town- ship in the county can beat this I would like to hear," -In a recent electric storm Mr. J. W. Hupfer's dwelling, Wroxeter, was struck by lightning. Not a brick of the west chim- ney was left in its plece, and one of the stove pipes had a inch hole in diameter. The electrieiby passed eiong the attic and down between the partition and , tore the plaster off. It than caught the electric wire and went' outside. Curtains and blinds were burned. The heir of Mr. Hupfer's daughter, Maggie, wan singed. Mrs. Hup- fer was sitting at the window at the time of the dash. The loss is elovered by insurance, which Mr. Hupfer had placed only a week before, The lightningfollowed the wire down street, and destroyed generators op- posite the Walker House and near the poet - office. The damage to the electric light company is from $80 to $150. -A case to decide t le. value of a lot in front of R. Irwin'e elevator, Clinton, through which the Ge nd Trunk Railway will run a switch to th organ factory, /Was heard, on Thursday f last week, befoire Judge Masson. Thom a Wetherald, Pxo- vinoiah Land Surveyor,,Goderich ; Engineer • Crowley, of the Grad Trunk Railway ; Assessor T. Cottle ; Co lector J. Wheatley, and Isaac Prout were 0 -a,mined as witnesses for the company, and G. Smith as a wit- ness for Mr, Irwin. Mr. Donald, of Belle- ville, and Mt. 3. Scot , of Clinton, were counsel for the Grand *1 runk Railway, and Mr. W. Bryden for he other side. The award to Mr. Irwin wa $75 for one-seventh of an acre, the amount »f land to be used for the switch. • -Mir. W. J. Howse , of Wingham, hag a Jeeseet cow whose reoo d for a time of test is worth noting. She bears the name of "Mijhie Beach," an is registered No. 106,"i35 in the America Jersey Cattle Club. During a week of seve days, from June 2nd to 8th, she gave 259 pa nds of milk. This made eighteen pound and ten ounces of butter, when weighed eady for the market. This was thirty-seven pounds of milk per day; fourteen pounde if the milk making one pound oi butter. he had been milking sixty-one days; is our years old, and weighe 820 pounds. d r. Howson says she would have teeted bet er, only that the cir- cus camped near by, a •eduring the excite- ment she dropped foi r pounds of milk a day. This Shows the ecessity of quiet for milch cows, if the bes resells are to be Ob- tained. -During the the e mentioned the Jer- sey was on pasture, an 1 was fed 35 pounds of chopped oats and 3' pounds of bran in the seven days. We fano this record will be difficult to surpaes. 8 ee t, I 0 a la .oted the hand and arm, and has cc - d Mr. Bell no small amount' of trou- e hope they will both soon be all n R. Bell, of the 8th line of Morris, n bothered with a lame hand. He st spring with an axe,and the wound healed well and is giving him con- k) pain. Hie brother, William, is d up with a disabled right hand, the of which was supposed to be poison. he prod of a thorn. The swelling 'PICTURES -OF ALL THE - BRITISH GENERALS -AND- Battles Fought In South Africa, Printed in colors, at 1.5o, 25o and 350 each. PIC EURE FRAMES Made any size. ALEX WIA TEit,- SEAFORT 1. station, and, in fact,the whole business por- tion of Killarney were saved. About 20,000 hellhole of wheat was destroyed. "-Mr. Wm. Scott, a retired farmer, who lives in London, was returning to the city from Nilestown a few days ago, when his horse took fright at a load of gravel near the White bridge. The rig was thrown into the ditchewhere it fell on Mr. Scott, crushing his chest and causing internal injuries. The injured man was removed to the house of a farmer near by. His recovery is doubtful. !-A Winnipeg despatch, dated June 14th, says : "Reports sent from every section of the Province show that the hay orop in al- most every township is a total failure, ow- ing to lack of rain, and if the present dry Ma; er continues the wheat crop will be indifferent. The Northern Pacific Rail ay crop returns from Minnesota and the Uakotat plaoe a gloomy outlook on the crop situation." -Miss Mabel Cannon, kindergarten di- rectress of Lorne avenue school, London, was *ceasing a street in that city, when she was run into by a scorching bicyclist and thrown ° to the ground, sustaining painful aid possibly serious injuries. The lady was taken to her home in an unconscious condi, Mon, while the scorcher °hurried away with. mit troubling to find out the result of hie heedlessness. (-The secretary of the Toronto board of teade has received a letter from Mr. C. A, Zaiitz, experimentaliet it the -Guelph Agri- ° ltural College, in regard to the production �f wild goose spring wheat. I1r. Zavitz stated that he had found under 4xperiment that wild goose spring wheat gIL e the larg- est yield per acre of about 100 v rieties ex- perimented upon. He found hat many semples submitted were inixe with the sefter wheats. ! -Bishop McEvay, of London, has made the following appointments in the diocese; ev. Father Parent, pester of Meldregor ; ev. Father Rochelea,u, pastor of 1St. Peter's o arch, Kent county; Rev. Father Boubab, pastor of Ridgetown '• Rev. Father Forster, Pastor of Bothwell; Rev. Father O'Donog- hue, 0. S. B., pastor of Raleigh; Rev. Father L'Heureux, pastor of Simcoe ; Rev. ether Fogarty, administrator of Triehtown. ev. Father Egan is appointed the bishop's s ()rotary. -Mr. A. E. Dyment, of Thessalon, M. . for Algoma, while in Toronto the other ay stated that the northern district had 8 ffered greatly for the lack of rain during the present season. The crops had been j.art1y saved by recent rains, but the timber i dustry had suffered, as the streams were ogts '. 1 u froireenstt permittfioreshadd of nileo a gt irnega b downdamatghee. 1cn one of Mr. Dyment's limits about 20,- 00,000 feet of the best standing pine has een destroyed. -A Hamilton nuin, writing from Dawson, yukon territory, to a friend, in that city, dlays : "Dawson is fast losing its singular - i y as a mining town, becoming almost like n eastern city; with telephones, telegraph, leetric lights' and I believe in the near • uture we willhave electric cars running to • he different. creeks. Dogteamel iare rapid - 1 being replaced by horses, and all the hinge -peculiar toeDe.wson are being rapidly one away with, so that we are settling own to a common Hamiltonian existence. Ye also have a very good waterworks sys- em, so that there is not much fear of ty- hoid fever this spring. What do,you think f getting wild flowers on Good Priday ?" t. T esday of last week was an iMportant day the history of Whitecherch and Laigs de Presbyterian congregations. For 80 018 onths past they have been with. -Canada. Thirty thousand farmers are expected to visib the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph during June. -Nine patients were .sent to thecamp field hospital, at Niagara camp, on Satur- day, the -majority suffering from sunstroke or heat prostration. t -A collision between an express train and a train filled with Windsor race -goers oc- curred eon Saturday, at, Slough, near Lon- don. Six persons Were killed and forty in- jured. -James Farley, a life convict, who served twelve years in the Kingston penitentiary, was pardoned on Saturday last. He WttS a circus attendant, and when the show was at Peterboro' he got int ° an altercation with an Indian and killed him. -At Toronto, on Monday morning, An- son Smith, a C. P. R. switchman stepped in frOut Df the 9:20 express from switchman, and was tossed across two tracks. By some miracle he escaped with only a scalp wound and many bruiees. -In order to increase the Provincial revenue the Manitoba Government have introduced a bill into the Legislature levying a tax upon railways. The proposal is toplace a tax of two per cent. for the first three years on the year's earnings, and. after that three per • cent. This should raise a considerable rev- enue. • -The large grain elevators of Bresely, Love & Tron end Deyell & Company, at Killarney, Manitoba, were totally destroyed by fire on Saturday morning. It was wi the greatest difficulty that the 0. P. . anadian ways. The Galician girls haite roved to be admirable servants, and win reat praise from those who employ them •r their neatness and the rapidity with bich they adapt themselves to the ways of he Canadian housekeeper. Numbers IA the • alioian women have already ecome the ives of Canadian farmers and shopkeepers. -A man named JECITI813 Turner, who was entenoed from Welland, and was Nerving a hree months term in the Central Prison, ne month of which hid passed, tried to cut ff the othertwo months, and almost lost is life in the attempt. He was -in the male ard at the east end of the gaol,. about six 'clock, and there tore 'a 16 -foot plank off he canal house. This he placed on the enoe between the male and female - yards, • nd it reached almost to the top. He then e -entered the cell and stole the clothes be- of Blanshard ; seeretary-treasurer, P. S. Armstrong, St. Marys ; directors, Wm. Gibb, V. 8.; John Legge, William John- ston, John Sutherland, J. W. Pearn, - George Frame, John Arbogast, T. II. Race, G. K. Mathieson, William White, William Forester, George Ball, J. D. Stuart, Joseph Jackson, Albert 001quhoun. -At Taylor's school house, Downie, Fri- day morning last, an electric bolt entered the chimney, making a complete wreck of it, and followed through the stove pipese bursting them at intervals of a few feet. Mr. Stoodley, the teacher, was partially stunned by the shock and had a very nar- row escape from serious injury. -Mr. L. R. Bridgman) organist and -choir master of the Methodist church, Mitchell, was successful in his final examination for bachelor of music. Mr. Bridgman is to be onging to Frank Barber, who was awaiting coneratulated, as be has the honor of being rial. Turner made a quiet change and the first candidate from the Toronto Con - hen climbed to the top of the wall. He servatory of Music to pass the final exam - ad not, however, made preparations for the ination for the degree at the University of • Toronto. escente and was under the necessity or 1 _ Mrs. Henry Morrow, of 13-ownie road, lopping over or returning the way he On the, eney fell throu h a trap door in thetharn,on Fri - ante. He decided to drop. g1 I. r She ddr_l ' day and broke severe ri ,s.) e . a _not own he scraped against the rough edges of seem to feel the pain at the time and - he stones, and lost his nerve. Instead of thought nothing serious had happeied. reeking the force of the fall by alighting on Later on, however, a doctor was tailed in is toes, he struck rigidly with his heels buri- and the fractured t ibee were attended to. d several inches in the ground. The shock Though the injuries are mime enough, necked him uneonacious, and be remained hopes are entertained that Mrs. Morrow n this condition until noticed by a passer- wi11 shortly be reetored toh‘alth, y, who notified the authorities, when he - as taken back to the priiton. ' ' Mrs. A. Large, of Poole, had the mis- ' fortune , to break a fruit jem which she was -Advioes from Victoria, British Colum- ni in, say : Mr. Martin has resigned the trying to open on Sunday morning of last week, and struck her wrist sgainst part of remiership. of British. Columbia, and Mr. which severed an artery. She bled mo ames Dunsmuir was -sent for by the Lieu- severely that at one time her life was dig- enant Governor. After a conference Of lau paired of. ' Methal skill had to be called to our'e duration, Mr. Dansmuir accepted bhe osition vacated by Mr., dress the wound.* She is 80 weak that she Martin, and has has been in bed since, but expecte to be able ormed a cabinet on noapartisan linesle to be up shortly s the son of Hon. Mr. Dunsmuir, and is he I. . tio The following were the applicants for in oat wealthy business an in the Provin e. the position of eounty treasurer of Perth) • t Comex, Wellington Alexandria and ec- e is half owner of the extensive eoal mire which nem council ; Ward n W. F. Sanderson, of recently filled by the county tension on Vancouver 'Island, and also hjalf Blansbard towns ip ; -George onuThabons a • wner of the E. & N. Railway. He is- ¶0 argest employer of labor in the Province, Sebringville ; Janes Jones, of Mitchell ; Duncan Stewar , of North Easthope ; nd his pay -roll, exclusive of steadiers, Thomas Fullerton!, of Atwood, R R Hema mounte to about $130,000 per month. He as elected to the Legislature from Comox ' ilton, of Stratford, Thomas J. Knox, of Donegal. Mr, George Hamilton, of Sebring - in 1898,' and at the late election was chosen by the people of South Nananimo as their ville, was the .sueteseful applieant. -Maplehurst, the home of Mr. and Mrs, representative. Mr. Dunsmuir is 48 years William Tier, of Motherwell, was the scene of age.1nPrernier Dunsmuir's advent into British Columbia politics an leader will be of a happy event on Wednesday evening, June 9, when their daughter Nellie and Mr. ' watched with critical interest. His reserve and unobtrusiveness in the house are notori- John Fairweather were united in marriage. The bride was attired in white silk, grace - owe and his longest speesh has neverex- ceeded a few sentences. It is safe to say fully adorned with flowers. After the cere- mony, conducted by Rev. Dr. Hamilton, that as leader of the house he will not weary was over, those present partook of a hounti- the members by loquacity. He and ' his ful repast. At an early hour Mr, and Mrs, deekmate, W. R. Robertson, were the sib John,Fairweather left for their home near ent members of the laet Legislature. Thorndale. - -A terrible tragedy was enacted lest -Arthur Ullyott, of the south boundary week in a farm house near Moosomiu, Mani- of Blanshard, wale driving into St. Marys on toba. A man named Morrison was working Thursday afternoim of last week with a light for a farmer named McArthur. Morrison cart and horse attached, and at the same time came home late on the night- of the tragedy, 'leading a colt hehind. When near the when McArthur and his family were asleep stone quarries a dog ran out as Ullyett in bed. Morrisson took the axe and killed drove past and nipped the colt's heels, caue- MeArthur, his wife and three of the chit- ing it to rear up, and the sudden pun back dren, pounding and mutilating them in a on "'Mr. Ullyott :caused the shafts to break horrible manner., The only member of the and let Mr. Ullyntt fall backwards on his family left alive was the eldest daughter, a head. He had it narrow escape from hal,- girl 'deceit 15 yeais of age, and -she was as- ing his neck broken. milted by the human fiend before she ea- -Tuesday mooing of hint week, Taviss ()aped to a neighbor's and gave the alarmtock's new post olllce received the Troll hag Morrison, after killing his victims, attempt- for the first tfine. The building was -erected ed to commit suicide. Later developments by Mr. Krug. The ground floor is occupied.. prove Morrison's motive for the -murderby the Western Bank and the post office. After committing the terrible deed he as The office is one of the finest and most con - intuited the eldest girl. The priemier, in his aenient in Western Ontario. The wicket, desire to destroy leimeelf, attempted to die- the letter boxes, the newepeinier boxes -and charge both barrels of the gun eimultane- the place for staniping the letters are all u Maly, and had he succeeded he would have to -date. The pant of the °Moe for the pub blown the heart out of his body. He failed lie and that for the post master is spacious, to discharge the inner barrel, and thins -so that there is suffieient room at all times, simply tore the side of his body near the -Mr. William' Collins, who was at one heart, exposing some of the ribs. He has time a resident of Mitchell, but for some since made a confession to Rev, M. Scott, years has been 'running a livery _stable huge Presbyterian minister at Fleming. In sub- nese in Stratford, met with a bad Accident stenohe said that he knew that he was on Tuesday afternoon of last week, H -e going to the, that he did the deed and w" was driving with his team of horses past sorry for in - When asked if he had any ac. the Commereial lhotel yards,- and turning compliees, he replied : "No ; I did it, and around too qutcklly the vehicle was upset, no one else." He asked how many cif his and Mr. Collins was thrown out. He was victims were dead, and when the reply .was at one taken to a. doctor's office, and on given he wept bitterly. ISI orrison 18 a examination, it was found that his right Scotchmen, and has only been in this mire leg was brohen in two places below the try a few months. He ie about 25 years of knee and badly barn from the knee to the age; McArthur was an industrious, well- moo. 1 to-do farmer, and had resided in M.auetoba -nja„ 'Charles W. Couplemd, of Sb. for about three years, having 'formerly res Marys, and Miss Katharine Smith, of Mit sided in the county of Wellingtonobeli-, were married in Stratford last Wed- nesday afternoon at the residence of the rth N otes bride's cousin, kr, James Smith, Bay Pe. street. The interesting ceremony was per.; -A tragic event took place during the regress of the Montreal -Shamrock lacrosse atch on the S. A. A. A. grounds on Sat- rday last. Among the spectators was rank Rafferty, a well known resident of t. Ann's Ward, and a prominent supporter f the Shamrocks. Mr. Rafferty was ac- ompanied by his young son, • and was greatly exoited over the closeness of the ame. During the fitth game when the xcitement was ab its height, dr. Rafferty, who was sitting in the bleachers, turned deathly pale and toppled over. He was re- moved to the field, and Da. Irvine, of the Montreal team, was called, but life was ex- tinct), death having been caused by heart failure. • -Mrs. Laughton, aged- 32 years, wife oft Mr. Wm. Laughton, of Metcalf township,1 swallowed two ounces of carbolic acid en1 Saturday last. She died ten minutes after- wards. She had recently returned home from London where she had undergone an operation. London, mind appeared to be affec- ed, and frequently she threatened to take her life and that of one of her children. On Saturday she accompanied her husband to Glencoe, and While their she bought the carbolic acid, saying that she wished to kill insect") with it. Mr. Laughton carried it for her. When they retterned home she put her arm around her husband and kissed him, at the same thne taking the poison from his pocket. She went to the pantry and swal- lowed it. Mrs. Laughton leaves a family of several children. -At the Toronto Conference of the Meth odist church, last week, the following mo ben was voted down by a large majority after a lengthy discussion, the lay member of the Conference being the strongest agains it: "That in the opinion of this: ence the time has come when in the' best in terests of our Canadian Methodism • w ahould discard forever the invitation sysi t tem which system, we believe, has don mueh to rob Methodism of its enthusiasti trust in God and the Stationing Committee' thereby bringing reproach on our minister and shaking the confidence- of the laity, a when, alas 1 too often they -have cause to be lieve that the call and appointment wa moie human than divine." -Mr. W. G. Rickert, of Montreal, h just returned from a two months visit to th Northwest. Mr. Rickert spent some time in the neighborhood of both the Galician and the Doukhobors. Be says the Galician are rapidly assimilating. Canadian manners and customs and habits of life, but, it is go- ing to be an exceedingly slow process with. th Doukhobor'''. The greatest difference is n ticeable between the Galicians who cane at a year ago and those just arriving. Toe former meet the latter and hurry them away Mies Alma Shepherd will succeed Mrs. formed by 418 Rev. T. A. Cosgrove, in the Percy King as organist at Knox church, presence of only the near relatives and in- . St. Marys, whoee reeignation will take timate friends of the contracting parties. effeet on July letThe bride's 1 sister, Miss Maggie Smith* . -A lively lacrosse match was played in acted as bridesmaid, The bride wore a Mitchell last Friday between the Exeter dress of gra Y cloth, trimmed with white, and Mitchell clubs, resulting in a win for the bridesmaid was similiarly attired. Af- the latter. ter 14 wedding supper had been partaken .of -The five-year-old son of Mr. James the young eonple came to their home in St. Morrison, of Hibbert, while in the gravel aleayie pit with his father, was buried up to ' the -The following gentlemen from Strat- head by the caving he of the bankford and Perth county have gone to Halifax . -The Willow Grove Butter and Chleeee to attend the general assembly of the Pres - Company had a successful annual d'heethIn byterian church of Canada at Halifax; . . .. . . on Friday of last weekl- A *ten per (lentRevMLLeitch, Stratford, RevRF . dividend was declared, andthe 61d officers cameron and Mr. Duncan Stewart, North eleotedEasthope; Mr. Canipbell, Carlingford; e. -A. F. Harrison, found guilty, at Stmt. Rev. Mr. Hardie, Listowel, Rev. Mr. ford, on Saturday, of ;having eounteitfeit Graham, Anonton ; Rev. Dr. Hamilton, coins and dies for manufacturing them in Motherwell ; Rev. Mr, - Scott, Hibbert. his possession, was sentenced to two years They expect to return a week from next and six months in Kingston penitentiary. Saturdl During -the abeence of Aev, Mr. -Forty-seven persons left Mi station on the excursion to Niager Thursday morning of last week. A those from Mitchell were T, H. Race wife, Mr. J. J. 13. Little and wife and Willie. • . -Miss Nora Clench, violinist, of St. Marys, played at an entertainment giv n at Loudon, England, on Friday evening last, under the patronage of Queen, Victoria. The -concert was under the personal direc- tion of Madame Albani. 4 -An oldresident of Mitchell) r. D. H. i Stewart, died in Omaha. on Ma th. The deceased was a brother of la William Stewart, of Fullerton, and used to do hue -i- nfo' in Mitchell. He left that town for the west 24 years ago, and had been pretty site - easeful in business. --.During the thunder storm on Thursday of last week, lightning entered the Canadian Pacific Railway telegraph office, St. Marys, by the wires. An explosion occurred and Miss Currie was stunned by the shock, bud was not seriously injure& i t -Two car loads) of bronchos from the Northwest were unloaded in Stratford on Monday of last week at noon) and brought to the Commercial hotel yard. All after- noon a crowd of adnairers and purchasers were present at the yard, admiring the wiry ttle animals, -The South Perth Farmers' Institute held its annual meeting in Mitchell on the afternoon of Tuesday, June 12th. There was a large attendance of directors and mem- bers, the chair being occupied by President Hamilton. Pb. election of officens resulted as follows : President, W. W. Ballaotyne, hell Leitch, no X church pulpit, Stratford, will be occupied by Rev. Mr. Witcher, who has jusb recently returned from taking Delimit graduate course in Germany. -The annual meeting of the North Perth Farmers' Institute . was held at Grosch's hail, Alilverton, on Tuesday after- noon, June 5th, and was veell represented. The election of officers followed the reading of the reports and resulted as lollows : President, D, A. DerripseY,-Btratford; vice- president, Jacob Bray, Liiitowel ; secretary - treasurer, S. H. Pugh, Milverton, Direc- tors : Wallace—A. Torrance, R. W. Curtis; Listowel—J. W. Philips, Dr. Berger, Blunt. —James Dickson, R. Smith ; Logan—A. Stewart, D. DeCoureey, ; Mornington-j. 1?. Griffin, J, Bry one, D, Curtis; Milver- i ton -G. E. Good and, J. Goodale; North Eitsthope-D. F bes, A. Hart, Ellice - Foley. - Auditors, John George Goetz, Munro and M. lelatBeth. -The corner stone of the new Kirton Episcopal church was laid on 'Thursday of last week by the bishop of Huron, who made an eloquent addeess. Addresses fol- lowed by Rev. Rural Dean , Deacon, of Stratford, Rev. Mr, Ilnglieh, of London, Rev. Mr. Ball, of the Methodist church, Kirkton ; Rev. W. Taylor, of St. Marys ; Rev. 4. T. Kerrin, of Mitchell, Messrs. Bilber and Nelson Menteith, M. P. P's for South Huron and 'South Perth respectively. Rev. Mr. Stout, the rector, outlined the history of the -parish. The ladies of the ohurch served a dainty repast inthe village hall. In the evening the Bishop of Huron • conducted a largely attended service, The to the stores to buy Canadian garmente. collections totaled v2,700 and the ladies of Then they proceed to initiate them into of Downie; viola -president, James Donald, the church have a fund of $600. -