The Huron Expositor, 1900-06-15, Page 3"900 - aunt. liVoirau any pre - r 4 NI1A I.srass Seventh rle latest lnts. ting and , !s-11 With th far ao-het frs;e.; ater el! end h awe. v re- -w it the CO.1,looka. forth JUNE 154 1900 THE HURON EXPOSiTORe IMPORTANT NOTICES. aurasoals WANTED. -Three or four good atone j3.1 masons wanted immediately, apply at JOHN MoEWEN'S near Bengali. 1004x4 -17fOR SALE. -.A. second hand cream sepatator suit - Jo able for farmer with 5 to 12 cows, is in good order and will be Bold cheap. Reason for selling, want a larger one. Not used much. J. D. WALKER, Staffs, Outwit). 1694-8 'ACBER WANTED.-ApplIcations will be re- ceived by the secretary of school section No. 9; oanship of Grey, up to the 7th of July, for a male or fensele teacher, holding a second class certificate. Pemonel applieation preferred. D ties to begin after acation ALEXANDER Molt a, flecretary v. School Section No. 9, Grey, Moncrieff, JE. 0. 1694-4 risti iRENT.--The co1pfortb1e1. story frame house recupled 'by Mon Muldrew, in Egmondville. • The home is in good repair, and there ig plenty of bMd atd soft eater on the premiees. Also about an acre t f land. Awls- at nix Exeosivon. Office. 1002-tf • TOI•N BEATTIE, Clerk of the Second Da -talon 0- lomat, County Corerniasioner, of- Huron, 0011- tayar f.and, Loan and Inautatioe Agent. Funds enve-ti•d and to Loan. Mies -Over Sharp & ivette store, Main street, Seaforth. 1289 Ths EFS" AND POULTRY.- 20 colonies of Italian ID 1 eelrn gcod pamted hivee,•at from $6 ta86.60 ORL11. AlE0 full line ef =bee keeper' euppliee. Bug taken in txebeirge for supplies. Poultry. -A grand pen of White Rocks, prize winners et Car ada's biggest thou a Black Minoraaer large, geed color, a very desirable fowl for eggs and table. Eggs for tatchleg 91 per rotting. WM. HARTRY, Meaforth. 16891f . I FARM I•'OR SALE. -For sale Lot 21, Coneeesion 10 lifelfillop, containing nas acres, 80 of which are cleared and ready for orop, being well uncierdrained and well kneed with cedar and black ash. The bal. ance i tituber and pasture. There is a small or- chard and three good wells. There le a good frame house and wood the& a barn and stables 51x80 feet also sheep houae, pig pen, implement house and all other necessary- out buildings. It is 1 miles east of the porth gravel road and is convenient to schools, churches, post eflice, etc. Is 71, tulles from Seaforth and ten miles from Brussels. it le ope of the best farn.s in the toenship and will be sold on easy tenne as the proprietor wishee to retire, Apply on the -15fialases or addrems WinthropP. 0. WM, MORRI. SON. 16984f STOCK FOR SERVICE. lab PIG BREEDERS. -The undersigned will keep en Lot 26, Concession 6, L. R. S., Tuckersnah, a thoroughbred CHESTER WHITE Pia, also a thorough- bred YORKSHIRE Pre, A limited number of sows will be ululated to each. Terra% 91, payable at the time of service, or $L 50 if charged. Also a few Chester White Piga for sate. JAMES GEMMILL. 1608-62 IAMWORTH BOAR, _ VICE. -The rindtholgoed the Brueeflekt Jeceele tanv, orch Boar, .eith -; parable at tone of ming if tecessary-. •ed young Tainworth EIGII MotiARTNEY, FOR SALE AND FOR SI will keep for sere! Fitotory, a thoroughbi registeredpedigree. Teri service witb privilege -of Aleo a number of thoroui Beare and Sows for sr Bruofieid. 14051 STOCK FOR SALE. 1.SHORT HORN 2 months cid, roan on, App :v on Lo oad, li miles south e 1180N, Brucetield. 'LL FOR SALE. -- Twe in color, eligible for regist 25, -1st Colecession, Lone 1 Brueefield. JAMES 1'1 ' 1589 I ea , • Canadian North West Via Toro to oi. Chicago, British Col ia and California oints. Our rates are the lowest. We have them se suit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR - 4.8T CARS for your accommodation. Call for fueiher information. Grand Trunk Railway. Traina leave Seaforth and Clinton stations 13 0110WS : i ol=sestakaai. itiht";151- 171.1 - 0.41 _trt, NY*,/ R. 00, red 08, re - le, toe ra - Lon T- Our direct eonn etions will save you time and mo ey for all points, ° I 14 0 ea 0 WEST- BEAPOP.T11.- 'CLINTON. Passenger 12.40 P. M. 12.66 P. hi Passenger.. .. .. . 10.12 P. M. - ' 10.27 P. M. Mixed Train.. .. .. 9.20 A. M. . 10.16 A. M. Mixed Train.-- .. 0.15 P. M. . 7.05 P.M e GOING. EAST-- . Paeeenger.. .. .... 1 7.E3 A. M. ' 7.38 A.M. Passenger.. ,. ,. _ , 3.11 P. M. - 2.66 P. M. Mixed Tre.in... -. , 6.29P. M. 4.86 P.M. 1 i Wellington, Grey and Bruce. , 1 • GOO NORT11-- Passenger. Ethel. 10.05 P, M. Brussels.. .. 10.17 Bluevale.. 10.30 Winwham_ 10.37 GiOnto &porn- Passenger. Winghate...r........ 6.60 A. M. 13luevale 7.00 Brume's-. ....,.. .. 7.16 Ethel_ 7.28 London, 13,uron a GOING NORTH - London, depart.... .. . .. . Centralia....... Exeter.-- .... . -- ! Bengali. ...Klppen. Brueefield*„ ... . . . Clinton Loudesboro Myth_ ..... . Belgrave. Wincham arrive, -00mo , - Wingham, Beigrave... . Blyth Londoeborp....4:1.-. Clinton Brocefield- Eippono. 4' • eneall _ .1. ; . . ... .. • .. • eetitralia.. -. - London, (airiv... . 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • s • Mixed. ' 1.40 P. 2.10 226 3.16 Mixed. 8.66 A. M. 9.17 9.46 10.02 ndBruce. Passenger. 8.15 A.M. 4.40 P.M, 9.18 5.55 9 80 6,07 9.44 6.18 9.60 6.26 9.68 6.83 10.16 6.66 10.38 ' 7.14 10.41 7.23 10 56 7.37 11.10 8.00 Paseenger- 6.53 A.M. 3.16 P. M. 7.04 3.140 7.10 P 3.46• 7.24 3.66 7.47 4.25 8.00 4.49 8.15 4.67 8,22 5.02 8.35 11 534 8.40 1 6420 9.60 ao, m. 3.26 I • .... I THE KIPPEN MILLS (fries mill running night seid clay, and all kinda• of work done oniths-shortest node(' First -cause roller flour eXehanged for wheat. d•CD 3E24.1\T Cialiand a quantity of good feedecorn for sale at lowest prices, _. LOGS WANTED. AM kind's of first-elass logs wanted at the mill, for which the highe.st cash price will _be paid. Call and see us before diaposing of your logs. JOHN MeNEVIN, Kippen. 1070 tf J. 11 NicTiAB, C. E., ONTARIO .LAND SURVEYOR, SEAFORTA - P. O. Engineer for Winghane, Seaforth, Hoaeick, Cement 8idowalks, Sewers and Township Drainwill be given special attentioe. 1693-tf SEAFORTH DYE WO KS loaCoo, ar,d gentlemen, thanking you all or plot pationee. and now that a new season ie at hand wish to :et you know that I am dill in the business, ready to do my best to give you every ESILi faction dolug (Jur work in the line of cleaning ah dyeing ienU'»a Ws and ladies' clothing, done without being pried as will se to have .thein ripped. Ali wool • goat. Rears:a, ( d to give good satiefaction •ehort- evt tr.ti:' •• l'hawls, eurtaine, etc., at iodorato roeise do not fail to give use a 0111. Butter aoel eggs taken in exchange for wprk. ENRY Gederich street east, opposite the etholic Churok 69 tstf .Dissolution of Partners , is bireby given that the partners ip here- to -faro subsisting between us, 'ftlie undersigned, as reillers at the Town of Seafortle. rn the Coint Of under the firm name of " Gadke & •Le ns," has tea day Leen dissolved by mutual eons ra. All debts owing to eaid partnerehip are to be paid to Amid Gadke, and all claims against the said firtner- s ip are to.bo presented- to the said David G .ke, by wheal sales are to be paid. Daaed at Seale th, this 30th day cf May, A. D. 1900. DAVID Gap tE and JOHN LEIS. Witness -R. S. Hays. • 695x2 ip. " BSOLOTE scuci Cenuine aietter's ittle Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of See PaceSim le Wrapper Below. Very email and as ow Ue afi sugar. 'FON-REAOACHE, FOR DIZZINESS FOR BILIOUSNEit. FOR.TONPIO LIYER FONCONSTIPATION., FON SALLOW,SKIN., FOR THECOMPLEXION purely Vegc*ab1. CAKUKS ITTLE IVCR PILLS. rade ite colas CURE SICK,HEADAGHE. Owl Guess; At Results. This Man Itn• ows what he did!. and how he did it. Such, ndoisements as the following are are a sufficient proof of its Merits. _see... esssesseia. o•iawaj ar., Feb. 22,1888. Dear Sirs: -Please send m. c your Treatise on the Horse, your new book a.1 advertised on your bottles, English print. I h, 0 ured two Spavina and one Curb "with two betties of your Kendall's Spavin -Cure in four weeks. MANX ILTERIKN. Price, $41 six for $e. lAn a liniment for family use it has no equal. Ask your druggist Lor KENDALL'S SPAWN CUIZE, also ''A Treatise on the Horse," book free, or address . DR. J. B. KENDALL, CO., ENOSBURO FALLS, VT. 444+44444.4144?+.441. Home Droggists Will Not Try To Subs tote Anything. For D r's Pitcher's MA RON ANDMAID. Wr a A rs. Henry N. Smith of mo, nd., vas buried rece tidy, ir4iX ;intes not el as pallbearers and t flow r bea La y A. drey• Buller retnains nt shot durin the war in ctdct per to s perils; end the dIstri to t � wo en and ehildr the e•ont. A. *len h paper name -Own ring 111 Austri is Al olio Ringer, e of age and still acles. •'BacicaChe K dney Tablets • - :Because they know ,•elaout the Loca Testimony, Of Peeple in SEAFORTH -Cured by the Medicine. , Mrs. John Pinkney, Goderich Ste, West, Seaforth, skys :--" My little' girl, aged 11 years, has from childhood been delicate. The back and kidney's have given lots of pain and trouble, particularly in the bed wetting, so common in children. • Nothing seemed to release her in ay way until I got a bottle of Dr. Pitcher's Beekaehe .Kidney Tablets from Robert's drug etore. The tablets began to take effect immediately,and by th ia time the first and only 'bottle was cione,j the trouble that had existed so long was one. I am delighted with them, and recon4mend. them heartily." J. 13. Thompson, grain buyer, Board .of; Trad Seaforth, Says :-" Some years ago, I had an accident, resulting in a• back and kidney trouble. .The pain was first it front, and finalleeshifting to the Small of the back and hip. change in the weather or exer- tion aggravated it. After using mapy things suggested without relief, I got a bottle of Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney-Tableta at J. S. Robert's drug etore, and found them just what I wanted. They. took hold lin-. mediately, and although I 'did not quite fin- ish the bottle, the pain, soreness and kid- ney derangement was cleared away. I am glad to endorse them." If you have .the slightest symptoms of Kidney or Bladder trouble you can test thie greet medieine free. Arrangements have been - made whereby every reader of this paper can obtain a trial Package of Dr. Pitcher's Baekaehe Kidney Tablets ebsolute- ly free by enclosing two cent stamp for postage to The Pitaher Tablet Co., Toronto, Ont., Whep giving address mention this papat.. I If you are convinced Pitther's Tablets are wiiat. you want, you can obtain, a reguIar size,for 50 cents per bottle. If not .obtain- able Ftt druggists, mailed free of 'postage on receipt of price." - . AN ITEM OF 1NTERE T. • Farm loans taken at lo euit -borrower ; satisfaction 'spore:fencecheerfully anew WIngham; Ont. Office -At Patriek streets ; c very Matti est rates; payments to guaranteed; all °erre- rod. ABNER COSENS, center of Minnie and rcfay all day. 1_687 • For over a year we have ha MUM Our first order wa our last for One ffupdred sad TRADEMARK 44 EGISTERED. the agency Inc The sale oi for a quarter of a dozen, rty.fourRollars worth. 111jep apo ade a well .Man of eg thes year spec , E ba t the ed-. t Com late AI cou and in ti pres pros M .s. Aeassiz has resigned the presiden- cy of ta cliff° college, sometimecalled ,the a v trd annex, an office svh eh she had 1ie11 ince the beginning of th • insti- tuti n Ihir health no longer perinitting her cep .1. 'arm its duties. M .s. DI ve A. Leach of Eliot, Me., now 90 . ear •Id, has almost one descendant for ve •y year of her life, the number .. .w be u .. 84 -via, 4 children, 19 grand- • ih ten 54 great-grandchildren and 7 ere -at -ear .: t-grandehildren. Tie h ti Mrs. Abby L. A. Faulkner of Jam tic' lain, Mass., bequeathed all her eleg 'rt j for the erection of a hospital the • . "or the people" on the death of • Iii i• us nd, Dr. George Faulkner. She lied put ased n site PA. it. M s. 1 W. Thomas, wife of the Rev. los' Th i es of the People's chereh of Chi ego, has followed in her husband's foot •tep by being ordained a minister. A f ay . mdays ago ahe preached from - tier Intel ild's pulpit a sermon oli "The Uosi of ight." I M •s. 1 . M. Laferriere, a teneher ofi French i Minneapolis, has been selected by t to g vernor of New Mexico to g° to the Peri expoeition to exploit that re- gion s tu quoise mines. She is a s ster of A.. Damc lies, the "turquoise kin ," ,who . was knit 1 a short time ago. . . , 2 T1 e -pi sent Lady Methuen bel ngs to a' w 11 keown Somerset& iire fami y. She is a ous h of liar busban 's, and her mar- ring , to ;the famous soldier too place fie*.year after' the death of his fi st wife and just before 'he was appointed D. A. GJ t th Citpe of Good Hope. 1 M s. hoodore Birney, nationall preah den of he mothers' congress, is urging the mei ers of that body to do all in . tbei • pos er to investigate afld remedy the evil of •erstudy among children. It is her oph n that children study to hard and , tha overwork has often. M de pu- pils , hys rice!. Koko - f her wo ILO AJder- onally ution of relief n of sold ers at nine . The el ho is nen reads lily filbert Gibson veites fr int a ter making a darefnl it ituation there she is Arpely e iwi ediate need of Cuba is She. thinks politice way be ntena- est of IY 115 ithout Is Cu - of *Time - value s. Kr ger is, to the damektems et her tryw men, the tdeal Beer' there is scarcely' a young eisl. remit e Tr nsvaal buthas a- pith". 'et Ike dent' wife by way' Of a a smelly nte atnple. A ear wer d NVh t car Tle b Wei g first ftp eled 8,0 A teie boo !T • tut 66 per, Wo • ; taw IN D A P0 THE filitEAT HINDOO REMEDY Bee IDttjecinEt4tgdoilg A111°V 1It• Dotes nil N i'YOUK Diseases. Failtn Pares a eieeplesseowe Nigi slow etc., caused by nant.a vigor ndloizo to ahruniten sureli restores Lost dflanho Efts IT carried in vest Rock Six f r 41.5.00 with- a *mitt nion4y refunded. Dotes tn'n1i on having INDAPO. got it. reWi,14 send it pree num o REEEDY CO., Prop Thl gePid Increase proms who tries It speaks well oti 1. GLEANINGS. Ing to tradition, Arabic figures rived from Solomon's seed, upon ley can all be traced with; a little bonic plague spreads with eaten- etpidity. In two years after it eared at Hongkong it had tray - 0 miles to the westward. i ong the Barmese football is as pop- es it as inl English speakink coma But the 13urrhan scorns to wear s.. He kicks and shoots goals with I've feet. • e• biggest idol in the world I is Dia n, the Japensise god, which is over eetihigh. The image is made of cop - tin, ercurY and gold and has been :hIpel for mare than 12 centuries. - e autlhoritie' in Algeria gave $40,000 rd. 11 ghting grasshoppers. In one dist:ict • ,200 c mels were employed to early th meter al for burning over the places w ere eggs had been deposited. :B Alin is emulating the eccentricities of Lug and. A society has been formed theta t combat the heresy of the circu- lath n of lood. The members shctw their zeal by at ti e triversity by protests. terrupting the medical ectures Ho bro golc of 13 ger •in 1 'the Viae na m the 180 OREIGN NOTES. er t ons of the Bid ish mint in 1899 .e1111 records. The total coinage of' w s £8,520,313; of silver, it 55,950; bs d ary bronze coi , £130,055. . ram Is.'s new civil , code, the "Bur - jell( s' Gesetzbuch," tvhich was taken an 7 years ago, came into foreo for wh 1 enipiro on Jan. 1 of thia year. w an hanged for child imirder in a, few days ago !was the f 0. eituted in that city since 1 first in the Austrian monarc rot wo- 09 and y since •ee nd shrub planting along tbe Suez cane! t protect it-frorn drifting sand is in pro trss. Reeds have been placed alo t !nut nine 'miles of water line of the cal al proper. • Pack of wolves; driven from the moun- taii di •t icts of France by severe cold, are causing terror in the vicinity of Bi - do.. '110 villagers are keepipg their ho ses aiid barns barricaded. ust.in-Hungary has now adapted a no in .4tary standard, the krone, made up of 00 heller and worth half a. florin, tak ng the place of the florin or gulden, wit) it divisions -into kreuzer. he. meatic ANIMAL LIFE. et do key is the longest liv of do - an he b1 wil ata Whern be 'I take girl ffe at mit ;edth 1 great eat:eat ng Ile is trai by bOng ladle are , avc id ?tut hig . A vvpm she suttee Chicago Af tee a heft re, around, tl Myer -I A Boo -vorce ap wooldn't Merroory ly Ends - uses, gives mans, and imam DIM et in old or smug. price SLOO a package. n guarantee to cure or NT AN IMITATION, but If your druggist has not id. • Maga, M. or our Agents. Is a remedy that ,everyone ours respedially, V. FEA1t Senior*, Oat. , MAR THE mats.• ck jaguar of Central America ' :k any Iman by day or night nds lying down. - a good horse to run down a d if thelleast advantage is per - wild creature the race is lost. deal of trouble is expended in the showy, high stepping horse. ed to step high and act showily driven along a path tvhereon et ceoestvise. He steps high te bling and In time always stele OMEN'S WAYS. n is more tiflueneed by what ts than by what site is told.- ews. girl is married It is a long time e quits tagging her husband e house with a cigar ash re- dianapolis Journal. lyn woman has sued for a di- e n the ground that her husband lit. Some women never prop- reciate their . blessinge.-New A SKY FANCY. ....••••••••••••••••••••••••• 01), the znoon'e a mighty golf ball, By Stroke of Titan hurled; From oft the far hor17,01170 "tele' 'Tis driven round the -world! And -Venus looks in wonder, And the war.god redly blinks , As the big white ball goes sailing MO Along the starry linka IL soars o'er cloudy bunkers That seek Its flight to stay, And in its path it cremes swift The misty utility way. And when it has completed Its course across the sky On yonder hilltop of: the wet It finds its diatant."lie," Where wet ts a giant player Who "lofts" atilt steady aim, And so without a pause goes on The everlasting game. -Jenenie Betts Ilartswiele In Life, HIS FIRST LECTURE. The Way Artemus Ward Made lt a Brilliant Success. "I told a story several years ago in my hoUse, • when I was :living in Philadel- phia," said Robert C.- Ogden, the famous New York merchant, "about a traveler on a New England railroad. When I ended it, I added, SQ Artemus Ward once Said.' " 'Yes,' spoke up John Sears, a Phila- delphie journalist of wide fame and brand attainments.' 'Yes,' he repeated,' 'that is just what Artemus Ward did saja' . " 'How do you know?' I asked. Now, I had known Ma Sears for many years, and 1 had never heard him mention Ward before. "Ja..11 us all about it?. " '1 beard him' say it. I was there,' said; Mr. Sears. 'In 1859 or 1860 Browne, wild had made et great aeputation by his humm•ous work in the west and in New York under the un:ue of Artemns Ward, worked for one of the metropolitan pa- pers. 1 was empleeed by another one, and we had two frieeds who Were work- ing in other offices. -We used to dine to- gether every night. aVentivised Ward to heroine a lecturer.. We told him that he 600141 make inueh more meney lecturing •than waiting, But Ward demurred:. He • S'Ves afraid to venture it. One day, how- evele he went to a lecture bureau and eave him name. elmsfor the title of his lecture "The Children In the Wood." 'flint night he told us alt nbont it. With- in a few days he received an offer to lec- ture for the benefit of the Mechanics' library -in Brooklyn; and he told is of that too. " "I'm afield 1 shall fail utterly," he ettid. "1' know 1 can't face an audience." "But you'll have your manuscript," some one said. " a"I know fa"' he replied, "but Pll be too flustered toenanage oven that." '""In that case," .1 said, "you can tell stories, just as you jell them to us, and the t will earry you through all right." " 'The night'of the leeta re we three men went with \\raid to Brooklyn, and it was just as he bad 'feared. He' forgot his linos, and he was se ;frightened that he el -P11 forgot his thanoscript. Ile faced his niellence with a blank look of despair that most of the Peciale took to be assum- ed. But 1 knew its Was real. Then he started off with a atory that bad no more to do with 'Ile Children In the Wood" than with the tariff question, and when he ended it he observed, "That is what- I should have told Too if I were not lectur- ing upon 'Tbe ,Cbildren In the Wood.'" From that heavent on in his own inimita- ble fashion, story following story, until he had his audience convulsed with laughter, and -.the lecture Was a brilliant success. That was Arteinus Ward's first appearance on the platform. Now, Mr. 9gden, what do you know about it?' "'1 arranged that lecture,' I replied. 'That is all. 1 was tieing in Brooklyn and was interested. in the library. We wanted a lecture. 1 went to the bureau, and, -seeing the nanie of Aatemns Ward, 1 engaged bina"-4- Saturday Evening post. German Searchlight on Hamlet. This Shakespeare -story comes from the Frankfurter .Zeitung: The question has oftenboon asked why Shakespeare re- .. moved Hamlet, who- was born in Jutland, to tie, castle of Kronborg, near Helsin- gor, or Elsinore, in Seelaud, end how. he enme to have such a curiously exact. knowledge of the local conditions of the little seri pert. These questions are answered by an old document found a short time ago in the archives of Helsingote The document says that the laiirgemaster of the town had a wooden fence erected in the year 1585 and that thie ;fence was desttoyed by a troupe of English actors. The names of the latter are mentioned, and among them are found some who, itis certain, were members of Shakespeare's corn - t ms or several eaembers' thereof had m this it ` concluded that .this given represeutations in the year named in Helsingor and that Shakespeare had obtaiued from thema description of the castle of Kronborg ii.nd its neighborhood. Hireaki rig Even. "Excuse me, Brother Sogback," said an Arkansas matron who was one of the high pit•ates at the church festival, ad- dressing a determinp looking4gentleraan who was-gastronomizing at one of the ta- bles, "but are you -Ph! going to stop eat- .ing pretty soon? You have your fifth bowl of oyster stew now, and -ah!"- - case," replied Brother Sogback, with his . mouth full, "stands like this, Sister gooks: You made nfe pay in ad- vance. I forked over., a $5 bill, and you sweetly told me that as it was for the -benefit of the church it was against abi rules to give any change back. So, n sister, I'm goin to keep right on eatin, ill tine of three things haPpens-till the rues nee emended for my benefit or I tget iny ,money'S worth or bust. That's the kind of man I am, Sister Hooks." -Life. Known What He's About. • "I believe Higginside smokes the vilest eigars on earth. When he drops in at my iiice, I :always gire'llim a good cigar to seep him from lighting one of his own." "Drops in every day, doesn't he?" "Generally." , "I thought so. I know Higginside.He is a fellow of a good deal of thrift and in- genuity."-Ohicago Tribune. IAGE LICENSES ISSUED AT RON EXPOSITOR OFFICE, FORTH, ONTARIO. ITNESSES' REQUIRED, , Wit amd Humor. "What's the difference between wit and humor?" • "If a man says humorous things about you, it makes you laugh; if he says witty things about you, it makes you Chicago Record. Record. In France and It1y it is believed that the maiden whl 1 uries a drop of ber blood under a rose tish will be rewarded with rose tinted cheeks. • 1, A miser is c ef the things that will keep In any alha-Chicago News, The Bookseller's Stamp. "It used to make me mad," said a woman teacher, "to find the backs of new bought periodicals disfigured by the aniline Stamp of the newrdealer. 'What right,' I used to say, 'have these fellows to print their advertise- ments on things I pay fox?' Now I It c me about aid to nother eity eased through the nafwaZine at the feel differently. through a, visit last week. As depot I bought newstand, and la,tOr on, when I was uptown, I had oSasion to step into a large department store. "As usual, they had a book coun- ter, and while loo ng at the volume that caught my e e I laid my maga- zine carel ssly on top of a pile of peri- odicals. en I was walkling away a strange nan st*ed up htistily and • said: " 'ExcuSe me, Madam, but yeu have forgotten to pay fir that naagazine.' " 'Why,' I didn't get if, here,' I re- plied, greatly startled. 'Iihad(it with me and have been holding it in MY hand all the time.' 1 As soon as I spoke 1 rOalized that that wasn't strictly true, and the girl clerk, who had. rushed !around the counter, contradicted me at once. '"It ain't so!' she said, breathless- ly. 'She wasn't holding it in her handl I saw her pick ilii up myself right off the top f the pile!" I wit- nessed that myself,' saidthe floor- walker, 'madam has probably for- gotten, ' he adled, ir nically. I thought I should faint. - "A tho sand ad one things rushed to my mind. Of ourse, could prove my innocence by he man at the de- pot, but that vim d invol e the scan- dal of an inquiry-fr-probab y an arrest -and some people would lways have doubts. On the other hand, payment would be a confesSion of guilt. The affair would certainly cbst me my position and bliglit my character for- ever. I held out the magazine me- chanically, and , there on the cover was the1ig, hideous, bleshed stamp of 1. the cleale 1 We all saw it at once,' and, oh! I wish you could have wit- nessed the abasement of the floor- walker. He grovelled. Th.e verv curl L'EL1110 out of his moustache. He told. me he hall a wife and chi...then, also a mother, which I took the liberty to doubt. Hes anguish was all that saved me from hysterics. The clerk shed maudlin tears, • and 'oped the lady wouldn't ibear no malice. "I trea,ted thee both wW.1 scorn. I spurned tliem. "hen I Went =hostile I bought peanuts 01' the depot -.news- dealer." THE PE Professor Arthu the University of pointed to the c guages and literat of Michigan. The Harvard clu cided to found a $ - university, to be open to Missouri universit es and wish to follow a g aduatee at Harvard. President Eliot cently that a grea yard men were goi literature than in or profession, exc "And it is a good he added. DAGOGUE. Gravel Canfield of Kansas has been ap- air of romance Inu- re of t e University b of St. 300 echo :Will Work at Night. Countlesai thousands have found a hies- ing to the body in Dr. .King's New Life which positively cure Constipation, Sick Headache, Dizziness, JaundiceaMalaria Fever and Ague, and all Liver and Stomach troubles. Purely vegetable; never gripe or weaken. Only 25c at Fear's drug store. Louis has de- arship at the graduates of colleges who urse of study of Har‘ard said re- er proportion of Har - g into journalism and o any oiler business pt possibly the law. Ilace for them to go," RAIL. AY TIES. A Toronto stree been fined for no tittles on its cars conductors. The electric loc make its appeara this country, is fi "i n al" railw establishments. Special smoking tree], street rail v way cable mail also received an the same purpos THE railway company has providing rear vesti- for the protection of motive, while slow to co on the railroads of ding much us • on the ys of manufacturing cars arerun on Mon- ty The Broad - that of New York has -dditioa of 20 ears for OMINIE. Tbe Rea. Dr. R uen Thomas has been pastor of the Harvard church, Brookline, Mass., for 25 years, and is people re- cently presented iim witl a purse of $5,000 as an evide ea of th.ir esteem. The Rev. T. H. James, vbo has been, preaching in Oak ey, Kan„ on a $5001 enlary, recently in erited a fortune from England, and inte ds to u e $500,000 of it to endow a col ege and a hospital in Oklahoma. Many of the riends o Archbishop Corrigan expect in to return from his visit to Rome thcj ossessor kaf the red hat of a cardinal. .111 s claim to the distinc- tion, it 18 said, 11 be urged by prom- inent New Yor Catholies, who have gone to Rome in a vance of his visit. The Rev. Salem 1 E. Ea4tman and his Wife, the Rev. A. . Eastman, have been unarilmously elect d pastors of the Park chuaeb, Elmira, t succeed (be late Rev. Dr. Thomas K. eecher. Mr. and Mrs. Eastman had . b n Dr. Beecher's as- sistants for sever 1 years previous to his • death. ELECT IC SPARKS. The flashing ele tric sign -the kind that winks -is decided y unpopular in Lon- don. The eounty council has just made a regulation providing a fine of £5 for the exhibition of s eh signs in the streets. There are 1,20,000 miles of copper wire used In telepbone service in the United States, apd 4,000,000 calls are received daily in the telephone exchanges ; of the county. he wire would girdle the earth at the equator 48 times or I reach from the arth to the moon five times. ' • • The new eleetr c power plant at the: Armour pacting houses in Chicago re- places (13 steam oilers, 10 engin QS and: 17. refrigerat ng achines: It develop* 4,000 horseposver nd feeds 10,000 incan- descent laruPs, 3)0 are lamps and 120 , power motort, set ttered over an area of more than 60 a r 111 CAJroRIA The fae- • finite epees of s and Children. MG QUALITY Stands for allthat is finest in omen's shoes. It means grace tyle, comfort and economy, all for $3. It might easily be $5. These are the sort of shoes t piease fastidious dressers. We are sure they would. please you if you will allow us .to introduce you. R King Quality's the TRA" name -$3. itioUtJA Truest Economy to get the Best A cheaply made cream separator is dear at, any, prite, because faulty in construction, liable to break, end diffi- cult to operate. The Sharpies No. 1, with a capacity of 325 lbs, an hour, and the Sharpies W. IL S, with a ca- pacity of 300 lbs, aro the finest pro- , duets of the largest and best equipped eream separator factory in the world. The materials entering inte t1.14 con- struction of these machines art the best obtainable. The work is done by drilled 'workmen, and is subjectedlto the most rigid inspecfion. Without fear of subetantial contradiction, we can say that for ease in operating, clean skimming and durability, there is no othei hand power cream separator made by any one anywhere that is equal to the Sharpies. We sell these machines on their.merits. We believe that the buyer ehonid be allowed to decide which machine is best for him to buy. We have them y) any intending buyer for a week or ten days, with privilege of returning the roachine if not petfectly satisfied with it. Price of No. I machine, $90; W. E S. ma- chine, $75, Write for illustrated catalogue. See earapie machine at Brothers' warerooms, Seaforth. W. L. (MIME TTE, Lorides:boro1 Ontario. GOOD-BYE to kitchen troubles -to all veiatiois waiting for thepre-to the oven that only bakes well occasionally, mid then just on one side ----and to ail exorbitant purse-wrecking:deraands for fuel, When you buy Gurniy's , m pe Hai Oxf rd. Have you seen them yet? Their patent improvements make them OA easiest txunning, most economi- cal and most delightfully convenient range made -an unequalled success. Whan you're in a "new range mood," call at our nearest agents. For sale by SILL MURDIE, Seaforth. The Gurney 'Foundry do., Limited, Toronto Winnip,g, Vancouver.- emember. that you =not possibly' be happy or successful unless you sleep soundly, eat heartily, and digest what you eat. Remember that if your nervous system needs toning you will be miser- able yourself s.nd make those you come in contact with mis- erable. . einem er that in Dr. Ward's Blood land Nerve Pills you have a rentedy that has never yet failed to icure anyl disease caused by im- pov rished blood, such as1Fa"le Gre nish or Sallow Cornaleaiion, Nervous Prostration, Wealaiara, LosLs of Appetite, Dypei..s:a and Stomach Disorders, • ache, Dcprcsion of Lack of Enrgy Pufficcss and Dark Circles under the Fa:c 'Pain in the Back, Kidney' a- :al Liver Disorders, and Catarea. Pula per box., five box. 4 I a. or aeon WiLoano La Co., Torso...4 of.a. Merton Stock Farm, LOT 27, cowepsnow 8, HOBERT Thoroughbred Diahain Cows, Haters and Bulls of the most fashionable strains for sale at reasonable prices. Post (ace address, DAVID HILL, Staff's. 100141 MONEY TO LOAN s4Trunde of private parties, ate ° company ilinda, least lowed rates on lint mortgage; terms to snit bO.rower5. JAMES L RILLORAN, Barrister, rth. 1869-tf "E Quality Sa Mee II Si E 86 D The E. & D. wheel is .the oa y Can adian bicycle that has built up Jnited States bueiness. It is the -only bicycle with Four -Point Baring. r4 - (7T.5 Ittit5 ; AXIS OF NW AX/S e9. ea: In four-point.bearings the load its trans! witted. in a direct line, and there is no j'am- tning of balls in the races. In ordinary bear. ings-the load Is transmitted at Pi4 angle' which greatly increases the premium on the point bearing, the bearing never 'afittoubisr- parts of the( bearing. In the E. & greater pressure than the actual loa4 on the bicycle. In ordinary beerier' the ressure is often three times the actual load ‘. D. locally guaranteed National bicycles have four -point bearings in the crank-hae er, the hubs, and the head. The hearings a s guar- anteed for three years. E.* D. Road klocl4ds, men's $60 E & Road Models, ladies'. 980 & D. Special Medals, with gear es,se,..S70 E. A.D. Wng Modsle. .370 Liberal options ate given in saddles gen* OYES, The E. & D. being a national wheel; is 1o1hy guar- anteed. Catalogue on application. Lumsden Wi 1ton SEAFOBT11, McLEOD S System Renovator -AND OTHER - TESTED - A epectftc and antidote ter impure, Weak and Ins poreriahed Blood, Dyipopetia, Sleeplesen Palpatas on of the Heart, Liver Coropleint, Ncuretgia, Lott of Memory, Bronchitis, Communplion, Gal! Mon Jaundsee, Mei* And Urinary Disesates, iSt. Vitus' Deno°, Female Irregular!** end General LABORATORY-Ciodeiriola Ontario. J. M. MoLKOD, Proprietor and Mann faoturer. Bold by J, 8, Beemers, Beafe#b,„: 1130141 MONEY TO LOAN.1 Money to lean at per teat, on first-4lass farm land security. Apply to 2 S. HAYS, 'Dominiaa Bank Bulldog, Seateeta.