The Huron Expositor, 1900-05-04, Page 71400 Hsawsaft fassit=3*4 , :1 f4 • atete, asaarawft# eherafec e glimpse of as , le? eth t he hat- ian aeges it -S the titek f et c'ice, rit- -e, nee ni 'rely the et, 1 -et the history y ( f life efin _ Story.. .b vunetion of woual erteinly out tisltina etories. The e...-.111-8 how LI4 wheel - tar neighborhood of i*,11 na brawny! eon- ,. I faenetided to irtiow a lieu! e ligh.Not a e forti the tayelifit, tee,. " Se.0 that bi- aieliie en, ahead to the it tile reed. " e ter h1f ; it is part. un I er etand. I was perte became UE1. 1-30t knowing ; nen 1 tecovered my of el:outing cliatence," . It aid still gasping • get_ up to 1 rnilesaa et.' h. REILEA ED. Disf-ase escapes tehes by means of Xhium.y 3 I T eenty yeale de.oek first evel arid other tbet _lay he has -rrimedietely. _ ',tete cure, has been like le fa, but his sen - r ety year of pain, er irtertey trouble, ▪ neer), that I have ltreiflo„. ithe box Of Dodds aere* r ra. I have dle:e reeeivine NOteee eefereeit laughter of e;re f rfl, was married Ireh, eie-,afer a last week, aerd, t IP Ian. (enter, ea:clew:4d meeting evi-eriet, nureti, London, eeti evienee el the con- .tA it ef Mr. Met ;illivray's rim; entree., his salary $1,4tie --I. 600, the in. Thtee ti, st of the year. keewlf egit 1 this kind- aseur Fa the cong,rega- - time %wild be Erevoted eur h completed. uew in- neat e hail been re- - e *Ult.!, opened, three eleee ▪ i.f bribery in iattfee, r tr;,, Provincial a, Milton. last . fel e en 1 bribed receiv- s. V.1•If• proven, ,f,si LI14L (;eorge te. tee ,Jelin Event., end H. H. • &Udy, Evane, Thomas and s fie a were fined if, LE, tt 4,1n. three fl. :3: ;On, $200 tying of h .-. b1ibee are tee m eahe and the t-th A:t. I,tt -tea were -it vi ere April lath, at 'r,ttilit Fin M re. James thif eaddr.en, wtth an- tt Fior Buffering Om*e children, Ftliihut a, an I the other i.,}ett el t ha . leek ing boys, te the twoin- • 0111 tiren are left. aril:, eta atarS (if age, and Itt lea= Mr Bradley, who te Mee. Peter is highly E who knew her, and the • ilitilflerierl lay her un- ha beeo operating eine finery farmer was tt en -I oily tongue(l r-priectived himself as the el of eat f le food maritifae- ilie privilege of leaving a -1"1 tAITIMilal in catie ee a. geed one. The un- Bigned a tegirrionial and of•i.f. reeiger. In a (ewe! ni in drove up to r•Kitgitte.'t from his buggy pea rra rit of $180, pro-- reeing to t,eke the ettttle lie farmer' a signature ining the testimonial, el her, thie sharper Intuit- ytt order at the setae • the Surgeons. Ifemilton, of ,.o, %free' eitIffering ls Ftetitia, hei would die ir tate wart performed ; with Buckler:tat Arnie% tt vrorid. Surest lite A I'1; Seld by I. V. 5orft Exhibit. Lxpet.;ted happens, the- grr,uiturt&I implements irit ger exhibit at the &ter- ltrwighout the province. et urera was held at the onto, on Taeaday, "Plea rrived at, and it it sub-. "rgt3 aa well as aloe small - fie reasons given for thia hioh will &fleet the T'o- her exhibitiona, le that riR is too great in eau1te achieved. It is a strain rrie.nufaeturer to exhibit during two- lorte, and the totel east re to exhibit at Toronto, ,a, hair beeti computed at • $11$),()(0, 4Q. MAY 4, 1900. THE HMOS EXPOSITOR. Notice to Or,..ditors. In the create of Joseph Wild, late of the Township of Stenlee, in the County of eat -ice ffuron, yeoman, cleeeseeed. ereter Kiven, under chapter 1N, section s. a , atea oetv to, thq all persons having ditius, as eredit:4rs o -otherwise, again -it the estate „id 1,1, wh*, died on the 27th 1 Feltrua*, A. f/.. 1900 are to send in euch ( loofalitEehc':, duly proven, to Valt table Wild, of the To N n- !'Ilm field postotli and flenrv 1. 011,01uPg, n°,t1h1011-rf'"own*hip of Goderich, Goderich post• office, the ex( tutors of the will of the said deceased, with full part.culars thertof, and a stat meat of securities, if Any. held liv them, on or before the tet day of June, A. It.. 1000, and further, take untie° that the taid executors after the said lst day of June 1,m prome•I t diA•ibuto the proceeds of the Jd cltate AMP` fr.:6t tl e partiee entitled there t hiving regard only to tha elarms of which they Shall thee have notice, and *11,.% executore shs-11 not be liable for such procc,(1.i, or any part thereof so dia. itie lrt'I o I eriperttIll of oh.iee claims they shall il at tho tlme of distributing b this 17th day of April, t(letb lebtotastd,‘:e t°1hi3:idtueliltat x A. D, woo. E N LEW Is, t4olieitor for thi titers, Ctederich, i68 1.8; _ THE SEAFORTH So_A:vv- „ AND . 'Chopping Mills B. L CLARK Having purchased frem Mr, Josiah Watson the Seaforth Saw Mills, has placed in the rnili A new and improved Grain Crusher, And is prepared to crush grain on the shortest not, and for 5c a bag. t:ive Its a trial. A_RK C40.1. 1686 tf CAIRNBROGIE & Muldoon, Propriatore. ai.a..tas wet leave his own citable, 1 mile south of Lied, tay, at coon, and go east to Findlay- McIn- tosh's- fcr Tueeday—North to Robert Doug- las', Cgre(Bbion IG, Or, y. for noon : the l west to W.fihnItitee'P. eravti =road, for night,- -Wednesday -- West to Win. T:41 ,r's, 0 h Collect; ,Inri of Morris, for lir o: .th( to Queen's II A.A, for night. Thrinicia To Wm. 1U1, Iluilezr, for nowt ; then east tr ChristopherMut& cm's, 12th Concession of MeKt..p, for supper ; then to hl ,4 own stable for nigl-t, Friday- To John Campbell'', Concession 7, Mth1p, tcr cool ; then to Charks Dadds' for the • si,turday •To 1.11 own stable, whe:e he will resale. toad the following Monday morning. 16 0-2 WILDER LEE. damea Berry & J. Livingstone, Propirietore. mi:ty Will 14 foie !1.,4 0 V 1 stable, at Jaiho Li v- ingi,•-me`a, Staga, and proceed by way of Chisel - hurt to Scott's 11 AO, Ilensall, for noon ; thence eouth t ilawkRhaw'it ffotel, Exeter, from 4- to fi o'cInt ; theme south to Moffatt's If .t.21, Centralia, for rh. uiSbt. Tu isday—West t Hill's Motel, Credit, 11, for mar ; then to Marmon's Hotel, Bhipka, for T:40. Wsdnesday—To Moser's lf ,tt‘l, Dash- wot,1, noon then to Grein's Hotel, Zurich, for ni4ht Tharsdav To Blake for noan ; thermal to Murrm's 'Varna, for the night. Friday By way et. Parr Line to James Hagan's, Hills Gree t, for noon; then by way of Kippen to Jame3 13:try's, 4th Conoeslion, Tuekeromith, for the night. Saturday— East to , theme to Irk owo stable, where he w.11 ruiiri uLt.1 the following Monday mornirg. 10b9-3 THE SEAFORTH Musical!--= instrumen EMPORIUM. ESTABLISHED, 1873. Owing to hard times, we have con- cluded to sell:Pianos and Organs at. Greatly Reduced Prices. Organs at $25 and upwards, and Pianos at corresponding prices. See us before purchasing. SCOTT BE OS, Give a Youth Resolution and a course Buiiness and ' Shorthand the ----A in at and who shall place limits..to his career. Catalogue f0e. J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. The McKillop Mutual kin Insurance Company. FARM AND ISOLATED TOYi/fa PROPERTY ONLY INSURED OVF1014%1I. J. B. McLean, President, Kipper' P. 0. ; Thomas Fraser, vice-president, f3rneefield P. 0. '” Thomas E. Have, fisoy-Treas. fleafortb P. 0. : W. 0. Broad foot, Inspector of Loseee, Seatorth P. 0. muscrrorts. W.0. Broadfool, Seaforth ; John 0. Grieve, WI throp ; George Dale, Pealorth ; John Benneweis, :Dublin ; James Evans, Peeohwood ; -John Watt, Hs.rlock ; Thomas rraser, Brueeileld '• John B. Mo Lean, Kippen ; James Connolly, Clinton. mestere. Robt. Smith, Harlook ; Robb. McMillan, Seatorth ; James Cumming Eigmoaclv e •, J. W. Yeo'Holmes. villa 0,; George hInrdio and John C. Morrison, Auditors Parties desiroue to effect Insruanoes or brume *et other business will be promptly Ilit5ndod to of pplication to Idly Of the above ofteerie, addressed tr they respective post offfons H. R. Jackson & SON. .Thitiaar ImeranTens or Julea Robin & Go's Brandy, C gnao, France; Jno. de Kuyper & on Hol- land Gin, Rotterdam,Holland ; Booth's Tom Gin, London, England; Bulloch At Co.'s Scotch Whisky Glaa- gow, Scotland ; Jarnieson's Irath Whielry, Dublin, Ireland ; ale° Port and Sherry Wine from France and Spain, Agents for Walker's Whisk," Ontario ; Royal Distillery- and Davi,' Ale and Porter, Toronto-. To THE PUBLIC: We have opened a. retail- store in eenneetiou with our wholcoale bled- but:di:wee in the rear of he ueiv Do- minion Bank, in Good's old tand, where we will Bell the best goods in the market at bottom prices. Goode delivered- to any part of the town free, TELEPHONE II. 151ie41 Many a- school- _ girl is Said to be lazy and shiftless when she doesn't deserve the least - bit of it. She can't study, easily fs at,lecp, is nervous and tired ail the time. wilf.t can ,you ex - 13 being I. -d impure blood hr. -r v.::eic System is '::in poisoning. Such irs are wonder7 fully helped and greatly (.:‘..;u7ged, by taking - ' ! •.% 11 • / • Hundreds of thbusands of schoolgirls have. taken it c;urinfr, the past 50 years. i'ffiafty of these girls now have homes of their own. They remember what creel them, and now thy aivc the same medi- Cillet0 theirown children. Ye.? can ;•.ifford to trust a -• -,arilla that has been • for half a century. . a Mlle. All drugglMs. J. your bowels are consti:- talk Ayer's Pills. You 02.1'1' hay:, enod health unless Leve daily action of the t 21; cif. a box. e tee: fe .1) 's Pills cured my Lit. (*Alu)Wna, 13atli,N: Y. tileatee etato 0..enefier. 7.•,•, .1t 111.(,•tii V111111. {vhsttever ova', ..''7*iI dt lee you .1. 1. :Vst.n 111A1 the doctor : Y(-1 V.:11 I n prompt re- : : "•;• : er A.,:•tteNs, .'. C. !7,1"Ipls. in the South African campaign, and the story to the effect that when Colonel Keke- wichiheliographed from Kimberley that he had trouble with Cecil Rhodes, and Kit- chener signalled back, " Put him in a cell," is fully believed and regarded as highly characteristic of Kitcheners' iron hand.— San Francisco Call. • Staffa. Ora Selma, --The following is the stand- ing of the pupils of the school in section No. 4, Hibbert, of which Mr. Thomas Courlav is the efficient teacher, at the East- er examinations : Public school leaving.— Maria Da a is, 512. Entrance class, --Wil- liam Morris, 591 ; Francis Eberhart, 551 ; William McIver. 420 ; Lizzie Morrison, 283. Junior 4th,—Euphemis Hamilton, 416 ; Peter McIver, 412 ; Joseph Connolly, 359. Senior 3rd,—William Morrison, 505 ; James Connolly,- 227 ; Jennie Hamilton, 504 ; WilIim Connolly, 175. Junior 3rd, —Lucinda, Drake, 444 ; Stewart Hamilton, 443 ; David Davis, 393 ; Agnes Morris, 381 ; Percy Smale, 348 ; Francis Connolly, 322 ; Julia Gormley, 300. • Insects That G -et Drunk. Yes, bumble bees, flies, butterflies and beetleare habitual drunkards, if the state- ments of a pertain Dr. Weir are to bo % be- lieved. 'He found that in some of the south- ern states these insects alighted on certain plants (Kosmos diversifolious and Kosmos bipannatus), drink heartily from the calixes of the blossoms, fall prostrate to the ground and after a while rise into the air and fly around like mad, just as drunken men would do if they could fly. Dr. Weir then eellected the pelen of these plants, half a teaspoonful, to see whether it would affect a man in the same way. He swallowed this, and after 15 minutes found that his pulse beat feeler and there was a slight rise in the temperature of his body. Then he gathered the blossoms, distilled them in water, and administered a hypo• aermic injection in his left arm. Almost immediately the pulse was accelerated and after a half hour he felt decidedly dizzy. By this observation of the insecte Dr. Weir was led to the discovery of an aetherizieg oil in theee plants, affecting man and insect alike.—Philadelphia Enquirer. • WORMS cannot exist either In children or adults when DR, LOW'S WORM SYRUP is used. 25e. All dealers, ' - • How They Say Good -Bye. The/York will solemnly cross hands upon hie breast, and make a profound obeisance when he bids you farewell. The genial Jap will take his slipper off as you depart, and say with a smile : "You are going to leave my despicable house in your honorable journeying—I regard thee !" In the Philippines the parting benediction iS bestowed in the form of rubbing one's friend's face with one'a hand. The German " lobe wohl " ia not particul- arly sympathetic in ita sound, but, it is less embarrarioing to those it speeds than the Sale of Old Wines. Hindooar performance, who, when you go An auction sale of old wines occurred in from him, falls in the duet at your feet. New York on Tuesday forenoon, old sherries The Fiji Islanders cross two red feathers. aed Madeiraa belonging to the estate of The natives of New Guinea exchange °Iwo - Eugene Ketaltas, and which had been in his late. The Burmese bend low and say " Hib private cellar since 109. It was said that 1 -Jib !" same of the wines were more than one bun- The " Auf widersehen " of the Austrians dred years old. The prices secured, as given is the moat, felling expression of farewell, in the New York papers, seem abaurdly The Cuban would consider his good -by email for such excellent, old tipple as was anything but a cordial one unless he was disposed of. Thirty•two Potties of Ferdin• given a good cigar. The South Sea Nand - and sherry, said to be the very last of a cele- ere rattle each other's whale teeth neck. brated Montillo wine, brotaghq5,per bottle, lace. a. The Sioux and Blackfoot will at parting ht from $1.75 dig their spears in the -earth, as a sign of fid d t I This is the divided among three purchase The other old sherries b)rou to $2.75 per bottae. The Madeiras brought Elven bottles of the vietag for $,5 per bottle. Some ver not dated, 116 bottles in alto ranging from $2 50 to P, bottles of Old Gordon Medd. $3. The most eager bidding o over eleven bottles of old BI Water" aladeria. This wine "of the old style of the having been made probably in It was bought by James A. M York, for $8 50 a bottle. Som of Bao, of which there wer bottles, brought $10,25 a b bottles of old Gibbs brandy bottle. About, two-thirds of purchased by dealers. • To Cure a Cold in Take Laxative Bromo Qu All druggista refund the mon cure. •25a. W. Grove's s each box. con enee an mu ua esteem. Etter prices. origin of the term, " burying th,e torna- of 1828 sold hawk." old Madeira In the islands in the straits of the sound .ent we- prices the natives at your going will stoop down •nd seventeen and clasp your foot. were sold at the sale was e Seal " Rain was deacribed The Russian form of parting ealutiation is brief, consieting of the single word " prate chal," said to sound tike a sneeze. The Otaheite islander will twist the end of the departing guest's robe, and then last century, solemnly shake his own hanis three times. 1740 or 1750." • ntant, of New FOR iuternal or external use HAGYARD'S YEL. peach brandy but thirteen ttle, and two i -ought $6.60 a he wines were e Day. nine Tablets. y if it fails to ignature is on • Seventeen Years of Torture. "1 had a bad cough for se enteen years," writes Mrs. Samuel Hamilton, of Lawn - or medicine ville, Tenn. " No doctor could cure it until one year use Dr. King's New Discover tion, which did me more goo medicines I ever ulied. It is sure for stubborn Coughs, Co and Lung troubles." Positii gumption, Pneumonia, Gri Asthma, Hay Fever and Or and $1.00 Guaranteed. T at I. V. Fear's drug store. a , • W01801ey i td Go. It is not generally known 'n this country go I began to for Consump than all other truly a grand ds and Throat ely cures Con- , Bronehit it, up. Price 50e ial bottles free that, the term of office of Lor commander-in•chief of the comes to a close this fall. be valid reasons for retaining olseley in ent to aecept e is one reason to do so. Ac - gement, Lord is to become Wolseley as British army hile there may office, in case he should con. sontinued responsibility, the why heimight not be incline cording to the present arra Kitchener, of Khaitonan, permanent mini,ter of war, and this would rendrr Wolseley subbordinate to Kitchener, a condition that would be very repugnant to the former, as he would be compelled to receive orders from the man who avenged Chinese Gordon. To those who have ac- cess behind the scenes of the great war drama now occupying the stage of actio, Kitchener is recognized as the master spirit Wild with Piles... A Torturing Disease for which Dr. Chase'sbintment hi a Positive Curt. "1 was wild with piles when I began to se Dr. Chase's Ointment. It has coal. - pletely cured me." This is the substance of secret and hundreds of letters received at 'these offices from every nook and corner of Canada. If -you could only look ovii theseietters you would be sure to find the evidence of your friends and neighbors. -You could tot then be skeptical of the. merits of Dr. base's Ointment, the only guaranteed cure i• for spile s. Ask your neighbor about It; ask your druggist te dealer what he knows about Dr. Chase's Ointment. If you prefer, sent -a two Cent stamp to theses offices to pay postage on a free sample, tvhich will be sent by return mail if you mention -this piper. Dr. Chase's Ointment has never yet been known to fail to eute'piles. It- will not fail in your eesei----lt maireisinot what kin 6 of piles yeti, have or of bow long standing, if )ou use Dr. —Chase's Ointment freely and replarly it Will cure you. For women suffering -from itching, Dr. Chase's Ointment is a prompt relief. it also cures pimples, blackheads, eczema, -salt rheum and all -.itching skin diseases. It is of inestimable worth in every 11-84c, 6-oc. a bcix, at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. LOW OIL cannot be excelled ao a pain rOlieving and woothing reuiedy for all pain. Varieties. It always increases a man's respect to know that his wife is a good cook. If (led had intended the human stomach for whiskey he would hive lined it with asbestos. Some men are so stingy that they take very long breaths, to keep from wearing out their lungs. A Kansas girl says- that there is nothing that makes her BO mad as to have a grass- hopper erawl up and dowit her back just as her lover is about to come to the proposing point. • How He Managed. A young city elerk one day !feeling very hungry, and not having sufficient money in his pocket to pay for his mid-day meal, went into restaurant and had the following con- versation with the Waiter : "-1 say, waiter, what do you charge for a plate of beef ?" Waiter—" Sixpence, sir." " And how much for vegetebles?" Waiter—" Fourpen3e, sir." " And do you make any charge for bread and gravy ?" Waiter—" No, sir." " Well, I will have a plate gravy, please." • LIVER. TROUBLES, bilidueuees, sallow complex ion, yellow eyes, jaundice, etc , yield to the puree tive powers of LAXA•LIVER PILLS. They are sure to cure, • Followed Instructions. It was a little Hancock county girl who, after rushing through her evening prayer se rapidly that the words were 'scarcely intel- ligible, while yet kneeling, looked up and softly said : " Mamma, I couldn't help saying my prayers fast, for I was going to hiccough, any you know what is said on my Sunday school card about praying without ceasing, and so I didn't want to stop."L-Lewiston Journal. • The Best Fad. The best fad a woman can take is hotiee- keeping, which ought to be, if she is a for- tunate woman, her real business in life. If to this business she can bring the enthus- bum of the faddist, and the staying powers of the true reformer, then will she be indeed that perfect woman of whom poets have dreamed and sung. Though the words fad and reformer are of recent origin, yet a combination of both must have been in the mind of that ancient wiiter of the book who described a perfect housekeeper, and then declared " her price is far above rubies." of St. Helena on April 10. They were met by the Governor and commander-in-chief of St. Helena, His Excellency, Robert Stern - dale and Mrs. Sterndale, at the castle, where the party remained for an hour, afterwards proceeding to the Kent building. General Cronje looks well and appears cheerful. The other Boer prisoners are also there. DROWNED.—Wesley East, only son of Mr. William East, engineer at Fair's flour mill, was accidently drowned Wednesday after- noon in what is known as Fair's_pond. In compeny with another boy, lie went out on a raft, and both fell in. His companion was saved by Master Guy Miller. Young • Requiring a Bottle. A short time ago an Irishman, requiring a small bottle, and aeeing one in a chemist's shop, which he thought would suit him, en- tered the ahop and inquired the price of the bottle. " Well," said the shopman, " as it is, it will be twopence, but if you want anything in it I won't charge for the bot- tle." " Faith, sir," said the Irishman, " please put a cork in." • MILBURN'FI STERLING HEADACHE POWDERS ari easy to take„ harmlees in action and sure to cure any headache in frotn k to 29 minutes. • Reflections of a Bachelor. What a man seweth, that shall he also rip. How foolish an angel would look with an Easter bonnet on The man who gets to bo famous too easily is the only one who knows how hard it is to etay famous. Whenever a man kieses his wife anywhere except in church, he runs the risk of kissing a hairpin. No man knows the strength or weakness of his own will till be butts its head up aga,inet a woman's won't.—New York Press. • By Common Consent. It is admitted by common consent that our long experience in the drug business,our perfect system in dispensing and our cfforts to keep in touch with modern ideas, entitle us to a large measure of confidence from every class of eeople. We are headquarters for that best of all medicines, Paine'a Celery Compound, "the kind that °urea." Every bottle is fresh, and every drop of' the noted medicine is full of virtue and healing power. If you are we:, nervous or sleepless, try a bottle. LUMSDEN & WILSON, Druggists, Seaforth, o of bread and Epps's Cocoa GRATEFUL • Found the Three Ends. An Irishinan, who was out of work, went on board a vessel that was in the harbor and asked thecaptain if he could find him Work on the Chip. " Well," said the captain; at the same time handing the Iri.hruan a piece of rope, " if you can find' three ends to that, rope you shall have some work." The Iriahman got hold of the rope, and, showing it to the captain as before, said : " And that's two ends, your honor." Then, taking hold of both ends of the rope, he threw it overboard, saying : "And, faith, there's another end to it, your honor." He was immediately s.tiagaged. • • CRONJE AT ST. HELENA.—General Cronje and his wife and three members of the staff of the former Boer commandant who, with other Boer prieoners, arrived at the Island COMFORTING Distinguished everywhere for De- licacy of Flavour, Superior Quality, and Highly Nutritive Properties. Specially grateful and comforting to the nervous and dyepeptio. Sold only in, quarteryound tins, labelled JAMES EPPS & CO., Limited liamoiopathie Chen.:ats, London, England. BREAKFAST SUPPER Epps's -Cocoa 1660:26 had a very sore 'mot throne) having a nail run In ib, and was unable to walk. I start 1 applying liegyard's Yell)w 011, and in a short thno the sore. 1100 wal eon°, and I W1R soon able to walk again. David McLellan, Pelee Island North, Ont. • Bad With Worms. . 'Some time aro nty little boy was very bad with i,Vorms. 1 procured a bottle of Dr. Low's Worm Syrup, and am thankful to say It cured him quickly and co.npletely. Mrs. C. Carleton, Molfellar I'. 0., Cnt. *•-•41.-----.-- LAXA-LIVER PILLS work while you sleep v,ithl out a gripe or pain, curing Btilousness,Constipation• Dyspepsia, and Sick Headache, and make you fee, better in the morning. —*At A Harassing- Cough. Dr. Low's Norway Pine Syrup cured me of a Han using Cough and Haarrenese. I know of ro other better remedy for healing and toothlog the lungs and bronchial tube,. Price 25. MILBLIRN'd 'RHEUM .TC PILLS arc a specifie remedy for Rhetunatirin, Sciatica, Lumbago and Neuraigla, They eliminate the acids and poisons from the system, cue the pain and cure the die• ease. Price tee. Grand for Diarrhoea. " I hare been using Dr. Fo vler'e Extract cf Wild Strawberry 1)r the past siv. 3•eare, and consider it a grand remedy for diarrhoea, and it is especially good for children eutting teeth. /ills. Henry C. Thede, Port Elgin, Ont. You. Make A Mistake :1 you have Pale, Creenish, or Sallow Complexion, Cold Elands and Feet, Lose of . Ap- petite, Dyspepsia, Lack of Energy or Stomach Troubles, .You Make take When you do not use Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve .,Pilis to counter- act these. conditions: Whv ? Be- cause they icontain 11 the natural elements necessary to build up the human system. The way to a Co... -e lies along the road from the stomach to th& blood -anci nerves. Pill food is.„acted .ort by the stomach a,,d pre - 'pare d ler absorption into tlle, vstern. Dr. Ward's Pris e'er' tho pro- per help to a tired 1 fus-.1a whole he f :erne. You feel v.luvz.z;lf getting l'ia!:1 when yc- ert ek. per h '11`r.,', •irl. A '1 ta• on W it,. On (;•!..! :-.)-"L'.11.0. U.0" THE KIPPEN MILLS Men often 'dress 1 without knowin. bad taste it. If you wear Shorey's Clothing you cannot be otherwise than cor- rectly dressed. Shorey's 4 Button Sack Kilmamoc Tweed Suits, Retail at $12.00. They are as good r'as any one wants for a business suit and better than you can get to order. for $20.00. Sold only by the :best tJealers, and guaranteed in every particular. Not made to order, Wit made to fit. Grist mill running night and day, and all kinds of work done on the shOrtest notice. First-class roller flour exchanged for wheat. P' 0O...H.11-- On hand a quantity* of good feed corn for sale at lowest prices. LOGS WANTED. All kinds of first-class logs wanted at the mill, for which the bighest. cash price will be paid. Call and see •us before disposing of your loge. JOHN MeNEVIN, Kippen. 1670-tt - -- - The Thoroughbited Shirz 1The Seaforth I 'Tea Store _ Is the right place to get great balgaine in all kinds of goodie Yon can get four lbs. dried apples for 25c: 1 lbe. of good fresh prunes for 25e; 3 Hie, tea for 5c;2 3 lbs. lemon biscuits for 25ai ; a few her - zings left at 15c a dozen: 6 bars of soap and a nice large picture for 25e; 6 lbs. of rite for 25e. ; 5 lbe. tapioca for 25e; salmon trout, 5e a lb.- a line lot of F. Fearman's star 'hams, long clear bacon, bcst Collingwood lard; flour, rolled oatmeal, corn meal, granulated oatmeal, rolled wheat, standard oat- meal, ferina, split peas, pot barley, but- ter, eggs, all kinds of gerflen seeds in paper or bulk; peas, corn, potatece, best variety of mangold and turnip seed, flax seed. red clover, timothy and elflike, potato onions, shellats, Dutch rets; china, crockery and glassware at erst ; china tea sets, dinner sets and toilet sets in all colors and deaigns ; teas—green, blaek andJapan ; teas and coffees a epecialty ; everything right down in price. A cordial invitation to all to call and get some of the good bargaine while they are to be had. A. G. AULT SEAFORTH. Cook's Cotton Boot {4: Is successfully uyt* .1 m..mthly hy over 4,4310..000 Ladles. Safe, eileczual. Ladle: e1 -k your druggist for Cock s Colton goof -Com- pound. Take no other as all M.xtu and Imitations are dangerous. Fri re, No, 1.TI per box. No. 2,10 degrees stronger.1•3 per box. ;Nlo.. 1 or 2. mailed on receipt of prioc and tw-a 8 -rent stamps -1 fro Cook Compitoy Windsor, Ont. ckrNes. 1 and / sold ana reeommended 1 y 311 reSponsible Druggists in Canada, qo. 1 and No. 2 soldin fk_sforth by Luncsden & Wilson, druggists. „ _ , • ":7; '!:*1 9. • 1,1'2 * 0,4 r •", tr Stallion ,VA'14 , • . ...,4,• ..1.4;•• s. r: rr. ef. The abor is an exact representation of this horse. B ELSllAZZAR, (No. 13855 Vol. 14) The property of Bawden & AfeDonell, Exeter, Ontario, FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF STOCK. Will stand at their Sale Stables, EXETER _ DESCRIPTION.--" Belshamar " (13855) is considered by competent judges tra be a true type of a' shire horse, and the finest stallion ever imported into this eountry. His proportions are excellent, has massive should-ers, handsome quarters, large flat bone and abundance, of fine silky hair, which, with well shaped and perfect feet, withal, constitutes all that is elainp-,d for him : The finest stamp q shire horse in. °attach. His weight is 2,300 pounds. PEDICREEr" B. lshazzar " (138b5) VoL ,14, Shire Stud B6olc, Co:or, bay. Foaled in 1S91. . Breeder, Richard Tomlinson Micklehey, Rishton, Blackburi, Lancashire. Imported by McDonell Bawden, of Exeter, Septem- ber 1899. Sire, Tirron (5394) by "Rupert" (3297) by " Cromwell " i(2415) by "Thumper" (2136) by Waxwork" (2298) by " Matchless " (1509) by " Active " (29) by "Farmer's Profit" (873). Belshazzar won let at Western Fair, London, Ontario, September, 1899, after a voyage of 17 days, beating a large field. Belshazzar's dam 12596, " Ivue " Vol. 13, by " St. Ives" (2919) by " Major " (1472) by "Waxwork "(2309) by " Major " (1458) She won 1st prlize at the Royal Agricultural Society show of England six years in succession. She also received prizes at numerour oAter shows and never left a show ring without a prize. For further particulars see, cards, whieh will be furnished on appiicr.ltion to the proprietors. TERMS—To insure a foal $115.. Satisfaction Guaranteed Our guar- antee means something. We are not here to -day and away to -morrow; you know just where to find us. Comfortable vision or your money back. No guess work. Accurate, scientific measurements and tests. Difficult cases a specialty. J. S ROBERTS, DRUG( FT AN D OPTICIAN, SEAFORTH. HAVE YOU TRIED THE NEW METALLIC Long distance teieglinue lim s between ONTR E AL, [TORO NTO, HAMILTON, BUFFALO, LONDON and DETROIT Service. perfect. Half rates front 6 p. m. to 6 a. m. The minimum Night Rate is 25c except where the day rate is lose. SATE YOUR DOCTOR BILL TIIIS SPRING By investing in one of our Waterproof Top Coats and a good tervice- able Unabrells. If you get it at Bright Bros.—(and that is what we want. you to do)—$3 will buy you the outfit. The black rain 'Coat, with detachable cape, which we are offering the public, is -without a peer at $2. nice and quality combine to make it a seller, - See it LIU(' you are sure to waLt one. An umbrella will be as useful- this Spring as it was last, and, as 011e in the office is worth two in the house, business men cannot afford to overlook the targain we are off. -ring them in our $1 umbrella, -1-/÷1.4•44-1-1•44-1-1÷1.-1-4-1-1 I -I 44-14 BRIGHT BROS., FURNISLIERS, &WORTH AN- ITEM OF INTEREST. Farm loans taken at lOWOBt rates; pay:c.ents to eutt borrower; satisfaction guaranteed"; all oorre- spondence cheerfully answered. ABNER COSENS. Wingbrun, Ont. Offiee---At corner • f Minnie and l'atrink fitreete; every saturday all day. 1667 MONEY TO LOAN. Money 0 loan at 41 per cent, on first-class farm land security. Apply to R S. HAYS, Dominion Bank Building, Seifert& 1007 • Special Attention to Horseshoeintz and General Jobbing. Gederieh street, Robert Devereux RLACKSM*ITH CARRIAGE Opp. MAKER altIr Seaforth.