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The Huron Expositor, 1899-09-08, Page 7
1899 ut efts situp Iy ey 0 t un ovely tete two -- only to be 1,* LTEL k--,1 a woman ae the b OEMs called to while the birci in. the worna4,, g ePlinte, set - ng on a soothing *wary and las,4 t of the birds in relieved of ns.in, Reg --New ichmond id's Kidney Elliott, of iia city recently, riPs and was inter. ce in the use of dished some tame that time : " I ag 4 good reliable for which they are hear people corn- tomatio Trouble I you take Dodd's eay this testimen- and only 'good - a allow my names 'motion." Elliott fully and is first testimony. Earden. k of pure merino, excellent place to as there is a great the surface that e fowls. one from which he farmer. It is lent care of hire !rom winter egg. r farm flocks ever vents is not con- ngland the saute 'Arrnere are corn hands than they udsomely for the Ire. p farmer in Scot - warmly debated .tial market town, at it fir probably - Duke's holdin.gs ,mous, and are ne- igh the fact that iamb. wing turkeys are a gobbler two, 1 he still better. )re eggs the first year after, and if ,o year or over, ve and vigorous. efuliy, and remove aid, lest they be WOMEN 'COMPOUND. gew Health s of Life. :VEIL DURING D HAPPY IN THE Soti. nen and women math% have taken anishing and life. elersr Compound. svmting disease& uriehed, and they full of life and }py sear8 before j numbered with hut, nervous, dye - de, or your life y disease, liver and have met t wider inedicar 'arong medicinee, It the wisdom of 31oriiirl, a medicine at you. It is the 4 -tat has the fuII ncated men and haa,received tbe :ebet physicians. PertS. rly eriginal, -evert rtainly this was gentleman fare , ernatt'e Life, made' I lost its mother pity on the little itehen, where she feeding bottle, in t, and needt°` - ft could bald- [ attraotion that ee ben ita quail er. t Wita that ef a young girl U re out from under tabe fed with le to her room had ness, was a c -on• to te regularly morning to se! awn hands and walk ah°4 her feminine gender turkey, andde- • eaten, but die' ich ib did of old ary instanoe it any rate, we* rercame the nat. r na to tarfl. ght in her titer* rag her treatmeht nimal would take Urgers - Lis home, in le-ls - EPTEMBER 8 18 CENTRAL Hardware Store, Complete stock of Builders' Hardware— was, Butts, tee and strap hinges. Barn Door Track and Hangers. mite Lead and .Linseed Oil, Patty and OW. Robertson's ready -mixed Paints. Agents for Thorold Cement. 'Eavetroughing and furnace work JpeCiAltYc $ills & Murdie HARDWARE, counter's Old Stand, Seaforth seen Bargains' in Real Estate and Live Stock. 1111EIr DOLLARS an are will buy a 184 aore tereeeetrst-elass grain and steck farm—near the village a Zurich, in the township of Hay, county of %Iron; good buildings, good femme, plenty of water pea mod desirable place ; also three thoroughbred ehort horn bulls and three Yorkshire !swims, all fib for woo; also leveret roadster hordes, U good stook, old tutees right. For particulars apply to S. RAN- WE:Zurich P. 0. 10I2-tf Special Attention to iilerseshoeing and General Jobbing. Robert Devereux BLACKSMITH and CARRIAGE Opp MAKER::Eteeln Goderich street, - - - Seaforth. CODERiCH Staani Boiler Works, (ESTABLISHED 1880.) A. OIIRYSTA.L Succesaor o Ohrystal & Meek, Manniaeturers of sdl kind e of Stetionera Marine, Upright & Tuhalar -Boni-Ens Stilt Fauramo ke Straoks Sheet Iror Worke eto., Ako dealeis a Upright end Horizontal Slide newt nines. automatic Cut -Off Engines speoleity. AD eee of pipe end pipe-Atting cocetently on baud lit:metes furnished on shortnotioe, Worke—Onnoeito G. T. R. Station. Goderieh -relents a year we have had the agency for the sale ot MVO. Our first order was for a wieder of a dozen, eeriest for be Hundred and Forty-four Dollars worth. IltillarintElfindap Made a well Man of e:2 INDAPO 1111 OBLIT aliNDOO RE ME DY thODUCES TILE ',nova Baum ir. SO day,. Cures allNervous Meows. Failing Memory Panels, 81eep1essness, Nightly Emis- sions etc.„ caused by past abuses. gisee riiica:and size to Shrunken organs, and quickly but surely restores least Manhood in old or young. Easily carried in seat pocket. Price $1.0° a package. Bator 0.00,144th, a sr/Hite-ri guarantee to oure or Money refunded. DON'T BUY AN IMITATION, but insist on having INDAPO. If your druggist has not got it, we still send it prepaid. snII00 ggiLEDY CO., rivers, Chicago, III. or one agertts. Tills tepid increase proves it is a remedy that everyone no tries It speaks well of. Yours respectfully, I Y. FEAR, Seaforth, Ont. H. R. Jackson & SON. Mawr IMPORTEB.S or Jules Robin & Co's Brandy, Cognac, France; Jno. de Kuyper & Son, Hol- land Gin, Rotterdam, Holland; Booth's Tom Gin, London, England; Bulloch & Co.'s Scotch Whisky, Glas- gow, Scotland ; Jamieson's Irish Whisky, Dublin, Ireland; also Port and 8herry Wine from France and Spain, Agents for Walker's Whisky- -Ontario ; Royal Distillery and Davie' Ale and Porter, Toronto. To THE PUBLIC: 9 i know a nothing better to tear the lining of Your throat and lungs. It is, better than wet feet to cause bronchitis and pneumonia. Only keep it up long enough and you will' succeed in reducing your weight, losing your appetite, bringing on a slow fever tind insIdeg everything exactly rijot for the germs of colic tumptien. Stop coughing and you will get well. • We have opened a retail store in connection with our wholesale busi- business in the rear of the new Do- minion Bank, in Good's old stand, where we will sell the best goods in1 the market at bottom prices. Goods I delivered to any part of the town free. IELEPHONE II. 151&-bf The MeKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED J. E, McLean, Preeident, Kippen P. 0. ; Thomas Fearer, vice-president, Brucefield P. 0. ; W J. han. ileey-Treee. fioaforth P, 0.; Thomas E. Iftwo, Inspootor of Losses, Seaforth P. 0. DLICSOTORS. W.G. Broedfoot, Seaforth ; John G. Grieve, Win broil; George Dale, Soistorth ; Thomas E. /tape liesforth ; James Evans, Beechwood ; John Watt &dose ; Themes Fraser, Bruedield • John B. Mo- t450 Einpen ; Jamea Connolly, Clinton. Aciaars. ' Robb. Smith, Harlock ; Robt. McMti1fl, Seeforth ; JAMBS Cumming Egtriondv e; J. W. Yeo, Holmes. vine P. O.; John. Govonlock and John 0. klorrlson, auditois Parties clestrona' to effect Ineurs.resea or trees. yet other businese will he promptly attended to or 'PRP -aeon to any of the above officer, addressed le 'Weir reapective post o950es. ma.Eopis System Renovator —AND OTHER— TESTED - REMEDIES. —1 Alpeeine and autidote far Impure, Weak and Ina- foTerished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness', Palpate - ton of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Coneuraption, Gall Stones, handDiseases, St. Vitus Dme, Kidney and Urinary ON, Female Irregularieles and General Debility. LABORATORY-TOodarloh, Ontario. licLEOD, Proprietor and Mann facturer. 1501S0ld by J. ROBERTS, Seaforth. -tt Goon Cotton 11.00t Compound. 11; successfuliy useri itiont lily by over 10.000 Ladies. Safe, eget:tool. Lad tea ask OUT drugis gist for Cook Cotton Root Com - .P011114. T_yake no other as all M ixtures„pille and imitations are dangerous. 'r1co, No. 1,. per rbox; No. 2,, 10 degrees s tro nee r. $3 per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of p riee and two 8.eent 'atamps The Cook Company Windgov, Ont. ler -Nos. 1 and 2 mold ano recommended ty all responsible Druggists in Canada. • 'He. 1 and No. 2 sold In Seaforth by,-.Lureeden & 'Wilton, eruggiato, cures coughs of every kind. An ordinary cough ciisap- peers in a single night. The reeling coughs of bronchitis are eoon completely. mas- tered.- And, if not tots far. alone, the coughs ef con- sttsnption are completely cured. Ask your druggist for one e f Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Pkister. It will aid the action of the Cherry Pectoral. - If YOu have any complaint what- ever and desire the heist medical nti . ire you ran possibly obtain, write us frroly. You will receive a prompt reply that may be of great -t:sitte 1.1 you. Address, DLL J 0, AYER, Lowell, Mass. Perth Items. —Mrs. John Kidd, who spent a month or two in Manitoba, has returned to her home in Fullerton, ---Miss Jennie Cameron, of Mitchell, has secured a school in Warren, not far from Sudbury. —Messrs. Carson & McKee have given up their branch store in Mitchell and moved the stock to Listowel. —Dr. Wood, who has been spending a couple of months in Mitchell, has returned to his duties at Nashville, Tenn. —On Thursday of last week, Mr. Hugh C Richardson, of Elms, township, died at the age of 65 yeara. Mr. Richardson was one of - the old timers of that neighborhood. —Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Campbell, of Mit- chell, have arrived home from a trip to Manitoba, British Coluinlaia and Califor- nia. —Mr. W. Kerr, of Little Rapids, Algoma, a once prominent citizen of Mitchell, spent a few days recently renewing acquaintances in his old home. —Fifteen hundred people took in the Stratford Grand Trunk employees excursion to Niagara last week. It required two large specials to take the excursionists, —Mr. Peter-Hepburn,of Youngstown, 0,, ie hie father, Ar. Alex. Hepburn, Stratford: It is about two years since Mr. Hepburn was in that city. —Mr. D. Hamilton, sixth concession, Elma, has sold his farm to Mr. Wm. Booth and intends going to Muskoka, to recruit his health which has been very poor of late. —Farmers in South Easthope have been fighting bush fires for the past week. They had to turn out and plough up the earth across the path of the fire to arrest its pro- gr_ess\.vh yteBros., are preparing for the erec- tion of a large pork factory in Stratford. When completed the building will be the largest manufacturing one in the city, - outside of the Grand Trunk shops. —The $5 presented by the Perth county W. C. T. U., to the pupil passing highest in physiology and temperance at the high school entrance examination, has been won by Misr! Ruth Patton, of Stratford. —Mr. Thomas Melrose, of Palma, one of the pioneers of the township and a well known resident, has gone to Scotland, where it is likely he will make an extended visit. —Mrs. J. M. 'Climie, of Selma, .Ala., who is spending the summer in Canada, is in Listowel at present with her young son, John, and will spend some time there renew- ing old friendships. —Mr. Earl Hay, of Liatowel, who gradu- ated this summer from the dental depart- ment of the' Detroit School of Medicine, has located at Hancock, Michigan, and has been busy from the start with an excellent pros- pect of a good practice. —Mr. Fred 1Ve11s, of Harmony, met with an accident last week which caused him a good deal of pain. While assisting his brother in catching a horse, the latter threw a stone, intending it for the herse, but it hit the brother Fred in the eye land caused an ugly wound. • Sleeping in Cb.urch. A reverend gentleman is vefy much con- cerned because some of those who are Puri - Scrofula. Another permanent our* by B.B.B. after two dootors fain!. Ask any doctor and he will tell you that, next to cancer, scrofula is one of the hardest diseases to cure. Yet Burdock Blood Bitters applied externally to the parts affected and taken internally cured Rev. Stout, of Kirkton, Ont., permanently, after many prominent physicians failed ; Cured Mrs. W. Bennet, of Crewson's Corners, On., perman- ently, when everyone thought she would die. Now Mr. H. E. Forest, Windsor Mills, P. Q. , states his case as follows : "After having used Burdock Blood Bit- ters for scrofula in the bloOd, I feel it my duty to make known the results. I was treated by two skilled physicians, but they failed to cure me. I had running sores eln my hands and legs which I could "get cothing to heal until I tried B.B.B. This remedy healed them completely and per. nianently, leaving* the skin end flesh sound AO whole." THE tan enough to think it is a sin to smile in church are yet content to sleep there._ His plan is—enapshot- them in the act. He thinks ministers shOuld be provided with hand cameras so that they might take map - shore of the sleeping members of their con- gregations, and present copies to them. If people could see themselves asleep in ohuroh, he thought they would not do so again. A Word About One Thing and Another. DEAR EXPOSITOR,—J. C. Morrison, clerk of McKillop, got things down pretty fine its his little letter -two weeks ago. He sass his wife thinks he is religious. I did not hear her may so, but I suppose it Is alt right; and the children go to the Frame church as he does. Well, the church he attends has been painfully retrogading, both in member- ship and influence, for many years, con- sequently his family have lots of room at church; and he doss not take other ladies out to church or on public days neither. I suppose if he was driving and overtook a woman on the road he would ask her to haere a ride. The man who would not do this is certainly selfish, although not res mean as the one who will epeak foulmouth- ed words about women from the public plat- form. If Mr. Morrison never wtote t� Mr. Wood for the position of re -turning officer, it was a lying caper forahim to say he did of course. Mr. Shannon is the esteemed pre- sident of the Coneervative asrociation, and Mr. Jackson eecretary. I suppose it is cus- tomary for both to call a meeting jointly. Had I anticipated any hair-splitting on the part of Mr. Morrieoa I would probably have used more words in relation to the meteor. Politically speaking I require no advice or admonition, and am never found straddling the fence at either Provincial or Dominion elections. There is little or nothing in his last letter worthy of reply, and I think it was a Yankee who said that it jarred a fellow terribly to hick againet nothing. As far ai3 I am concerned this wranglesis at an end. In conclusion I would advise Mr. Morrision in future to attend to his public and private duties, and refrain from abus- ing and insulting respectable people, whose servant he is, and who help to keep hira living. J. J. IRVINE. DIAMOND DYES. Far AheadofOthers. Practical Experience Has Demon- strated That They Are the - Easiest to Use. It is the easiest matter in the world to dye with Diamond Dycs, as thousands of women know from practiced experience. By usiug these simple home dyes one cap make old clothing look like new, and save a great many dollars in the course of a year. Do not accept imitations of the original Diamond, Dyes from any dealer, no matter how strongly he may recommend them, for, while he makes a large profit on them, they do not dye as much goods, nor do they equal the Diamond Dyes in fastness of colors. When poor dyes are used, both your money and labor are thrown away, and the goods are spoiled forever. Use the Diamond Dyes only, and get the best possible results. All reliable dealers ean supply you with the Diamond Dye& Miscellaneous News News Notes. ooJdos eerph Kidd, of Toronto, and formerly of — ch, has been appointed grand or- ganizer hof t e Catholic Mutual Benefit As- sociation of Canada, in succession to the late W, P. Killackeyeof Windsor. —Mr. Jehri • Thaler, New Germany, Waterloo county, while assisting at a threshing, lost his right hand Tuessinv.raoen- ing. They weie threshing at the farm of Mr. Charles Tuck, near Mosboroh While working around the separator Thaler's band got caught in the gearing and was crushed to a jelly. —The Ontario Government has passed an Order -in -Council appointing Professor Day, at present lecturer on agriculture at the Guelph college, to the position of farm superintendent, which has just been vacated by Mr. William Rennie. The latter has been very successful in his work, having during the past two years brought the farm to a high etate of productivity. In re- turning into private life Mr. Rennie carries with him the respect and good wishes of all the officials with whom he has been associ- ated in his late field of labor. —Shipments of new wheat are now being made daily from Emerson, Gretna, Plum Coulee and other points in Manitoba. The convention of Reformers to nominate a candidate for the local in the west riding of Elgin, will be held at Wallacetown on Tuesday, September 12th, and the ex- pectations are that Mr. Donald Macnish will again be the candidate, The Censer- va.tives have again eelected Mr. McDermid as their candidate. The old gladiators will likely fight the battle to a decisive finish this time. —Hon. Israel Tarte, who has been in the old country for the benefit of his health and who underwent a critical operation in Paris, France, is reported near- ly recovered, and is expected home this month. —The Liberal petty intends to hold an important public meeting in Halifax next week. The principal speakers will be :— Hon. W. S. Fielding, Minister of Finance; Hon A. G. Blair, Minister of Railways, and Hon. Clifford , Sitton, Minister of the In- terior. A committee has been appointed to complete arrangements. The date will be about the 6ch of September. —The northern Pacific express from St. 'Paul met with a serious accident about eight miles from Winnipeg on Tuesday afternoon. The axle of the refrigerator car broke, and the train was ditched. George Johnson, express messenger, was killed, and a number of, passengers injured, but none seriously. Johnson's home is at St. Paul. The refrigerator ear was badly smashed and many other oars ditched. Monday afternoon of last week, Annie .Menagh, daughter of Mr. Robert Mepagh, and Sophia Gallipeau, daughter of Mr. Charles Gallipeau, two little girls of about Von years of age, were drowned at Smiths Falls. They had gone in bathing, together with two other girls, in the Rideau river, and got beyond their depth. The bodies were revered in from fifteen to twenty minutes and medical aid was soon at hand, but all minutes, to revive them proved un- availing. --Father Tiernan, who for 25 years has been rector of St. Ptter's cathedral, Lon- don, was, a few nights ago, presented with a purse containing $912, on the occasion of his giving up his oharge. The presentation was made at the Catholic club, and repre- sented subscriptions from parishioners and citizens generally. Father Tiernan leaves shortly for Ireland. —There was shipped from Fergus, On- tario, a few days ago, to the Industrial Fair, at Toronto, the mammoth Canadian white ok, "Fergus," fed by Nelsdn Brothers of that. place. This mountain of flesh stands 6 feet high, 10a feet long, and weighs 3,870 pounds, and is believed to be the largest ox in the world. He *ill be on ex- hibition at the fair as one of the special at- tractions, thus sustaining the county of Wellington's reputation for stock raising. —The -death occurred lest week of Mr. George Atkinson, a respected resident of St. Thomas. A year ago last April Mr. Atkinson left St. Thomas for the Klondike. Sic weeks ago he returned to the city, after having undergone imany hardships. While Cra Always Dr. When Cramps want a re relief and You d that MAY Extract o one know HURON EXPOSITOR. fipS and 601IC relieved promptly by Fowler's Ext. of Wild Strawberry. ou are seized with an attack of ✓ doubled up with Colic, you edy you are sure will give you give it quickly, too; n't want an untried something elp you. You want Dr. Fowler's Weld Strawberry, which every wiltpositively cure Cramps and Colic quickly. Just a dose or two and you have ease. But now a word of proof to bank up these assertions, and we have it from Mr. John Hawke, Coldwater, Ont., who writes: "Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a wonderful cure for Diarrhcea, Cramps and pains in the stomach. I was a great sufferer until I gave it a trial, but now I havtifierf ct comfort." away he health w ago he wa resulted i in the cou had resid He was e Rail way turned fr old positi —W. trate Ros to a char one year' 12th, 189 who was Harry M married first wife keep ho peered in --A f Pacific R one nigh ditched. horses, N Exhibiti was han ed a fire, and the as attacked by scurvy, and his s greatly undermined. A week taken ill with peritonitis, which death. Mr. Atkinson was born Ly of Perth 56 years ago, and d in St. Thomas for twenty years. ployed in the Michigan Central ar department, and when he re- m the Klondike he resumed his n. . Perry appeared before Magis- 1 , at areie, on Friday, to answer 1 e of b gamy, and was sentenced to imprisonment. Perry, on August , mareied Margaret McDonough, t that time keeping house for one res. On the 14th of August Perry lies Anna Dempster, Vespra, his hae;ing left him and _returned to se for Myres. Both women ap- court. et freight train on the Canadian ilway was derailed near Milton, lest week, and fourteen cars were One of the cars contained two fine hich were on their way to the n to Toronto. A iaditern, which ing in the car, exploded and start - which badly burned both horses, had to be killed. The animals were prh eavinners at several fairs last year, valued at $3,000. They were be. ht to Toronto by their owners, lexander &-McKiegan. The mei- eausedeby the breaking of an axle ily-loaded car. Edward Robinson, a Christian , died at her home in Galt, Friday fter an illness of two or three ration. No regular medical prac- as called, the family being all be- lievers in Christian Science. A noted and were ing brou Messrs. dent was on a hea --Mrs. S cientis morning weeks' d titioner Scientist patient. had the r earlier el band an Robinson, Science c insthe de ventions. healer of Toronto ministered to the The bereaved family claim that eceased undergone the treatment, e would still be alive. The bus - seven children survive. Mrs. was thoroughly versed in the octrines, and took a leading part ominational conferences and con. LEVER ton, yellow tive power to ou re. When ROUBLES, biliousness, sallow complex' eyre, Jaundice, etie yield to the cure - of LAXA.LIVER.PILLS. They are sure • ncle Isaac Comes To The Fair. [By on] swalwel in Toronto World Jones lives off Spadina-avenue. Coming he street car the other morning he the peculiarities of Mrs. Jones' c, who paysthem a yearly visit at ar Miele hams arrived Monday oond week. Uncle Isaac hi a • in Huron County. Early' to rly to rise is Uncle Isaac's mot - clock on the next morning after ed arrival Mre. Jones heard what ht was burglars in the house. ly trying to arouse Jones she ✓ wrapper and went downstairs. was lighted, the kettle • on and o busy splitting wood in the abed t of the yard. Uncle Isaac, we don't want you to . You came -to see the Exhibition yourself. Come back to bed for f hours ; it's only 5 o'clock. We o, he comes to chop wood." o'clock 1 Why, up to hum we hev milked and breakfast over tiy now. r, you city folks sleep your y". And Uncle Isaac stayed with -pile. sday morning Uncle Isaac was up g the garden fence. ay morning he put new hinges on -shed door, morning at 5 he was busy fixing up bin. ay he returned home, saying he had oing the few chores- around the Much as he enjoyed the show Fair. ane has a poor opinion of city folks p half the night and lie in bed half down on told abou Uncle Isa Fair time . Last y in the, s farmer u bed and e to. Five Uncle Isa she thou After yea donned h The stov -Uncle Isa at the fo "Why chop woo and enjo a couple have a m "Five the cows My de lives aw the woo Wedn at 5, fixi Thurs the woo Frida the coal Satur enjoyed place as Uncle I who sit the day. Jones wood ju comes t WORM when DR dealers. has just got in a cord of four -foot t to amuse Uncle Isaac when he the Fair. • cannot exist either in children or adults LOW'S WORM SYRUP is used. 25c. All • St ange Marriage Custora. It, wa an old idea that a husband whose wife at er marriage was clothed only in a sheet or in the moat elementary, linen gar- ment w s not in any way liable for the debts p eviously contracted by -her, says the writer f Love and Legend of the English Church.!' Our parish registers and loco, AIN traditions give us ample illustration4 of this quaint idea. At Chiltern All Sainte', Wilt- shire, is the following entry: "John Brid- more and Annie Selwood were matried on October 17th, 1714. The aforesaid Annie Selwood was married in her smock, 'without any clothes or headgear on." Similar ease3 occurred at Gordon Green in 1738; at Ashion-under-Lyne, in 1771, and at Otley, in 1808. Avis' Birmingham Gazitte, for 1797, vouches for an extraordinarstory, according to w,bich a bride disrobed in the vestry and appeared at the altar without even the amount of clothing worn by the ladiee in the above cases. The latest example of which- the 'pres- ent writer knows comes frorn Lincoln- shire. The register of Gedney has this commonplace entry: "December 2nd, 1842, David Wilkinson, full age, bachelor, labor- er, of Gedney, to Susan Ferran, full age, widow, of Gedney." Local traditicin sup- plements this brief account by relating that the bride was dressed in a sheet, Stitched about her, with holes out for the prtesage of her bare arms. Kidney -Bladder Trouble. There is no more serious menace to good health in the present age than kidney dieordere, and Wean ap- palling fact, but a true one, that four-fifthe of the country's people have the taint off this insidious die - epee with them. Dr. Chase'e Kidney -Liver Pills cure 4111 Kidney disease • -1 • Good Recipes. SOUP WITHOUT MEAT. Twelve mealypotatoes ; one quart toma- toes ; half an onion; two stalks celery; one tablespoonful minced parsley; four table- spoonfuls of butter cut upand rolled in flour; one tablespoonful cornstereh web with cold water; one lump white sugar; three quarts cold water. Par -boil the pota- toes fifteen minutes; drain off the. water; put potatoes, tomatoes, onion, celery and parsley on in three quarts of cold water and cook gently two hours then rub them through a colander; return the soup to the pot; drop in the lump of sugar, pepper and salt; boil up °nee before adding the floured butter, and when thie is diseolved, raid the cornstarch; stir two minutes over ,the fire and serve. SPICED GOOSEBERRIES. Six quarts gooseberries; nine peunds of sugar. Cook one and a half hou s ; then add one pint vinegar, one table poonful each of cloves, cinnamon and allspt e ; boil a few minutes. When cold they should be like jam. Boil longer if not thick 4nough. • FOR internal or external use HAGYA111313 YEL- LOW OIL cannot be excelled as a pain rel eying and soothing remedy for all pain. , . Some Things That Coet. Some of the things to which we hardly give a‘thought cost a pretty penny. For examine, simply to salute the rising and the setting of the sun costs Uncle Sam $20,000 a year for ammunition, er $54 79 each day. For the pleasure of maintaining a royal --family, the United Kingdom experide from her taxpayere a sum in the neighberbood of 870,000 weekly, or $10,000 a day, not even Sunday being excluded. The Prince of Wiles does not have the privilege of franking his mail, iand his stamps, stationery and telegrams out him $5,000 per.annum. The maids of honor in attendaece upon Queen- Viotoria receive an annual allowance oyfeT5ar2hl,ye5(,), j9a,pbauntesnepaydearly the entire allOwanee is spent in dressmakers' bilis; it isi an un-; written but mandatory regulation! of the: court that the same dress shall iriot apd pear more than twice in the roYal laves- eneeli Te total cost to Russia of th-e ith- perial family is $17,500,000. TheiGertnan Emperor costs his country $,0O0000 dearly for the pleaeure of having a Mikado rule over than, science thing like $2,500,000 a year, and otice Upon a time it was a crime, punishable with , death'eVen to mention the narne of his Majesty. The funeral of President Felix Fianre, of France, cost the Government $30,1)00, the largest sum expended', even ha France, for such a purpose. Carnet's funeral 4xpenseti amounted to $22,000, while to bur Victor Hugo only $4,000 was required. • MILBURN'S STERLING HEADACHE liOWDERE are easy to take, harmless in action and me to cure any headache in from 5 to 20 minutes. i • Vindicating Her Rights. A plucky wheel-teoman broughta -rude meddler to justice in the Flatbush eburt, New York, "Not alone to avenge his insult on me, but in the interest of all Wornen;" she said. The evening before at dusk, Mara Sanchy Vere Schenck was riding her diamohd frame wheel in Prospect Park. Is the result of Overwork and an Exhausted Nervous System. Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food ereate.s New Brain and Nerve Tissue. Bus ness and professional men, accountants, , Stenographers, teachers, students and all brain worke s know only too well What it means to have the brain so tired out that concentration of thought is almost impossible. One-fifth of all the blood in the human body is found in the brain, and unless the blood is pure and rich the brain becomes exhausted for want of proper nourishment. Dr. A. W. Chase's Blood Food creates new brain and nerve tissue, and produces rich red blOod the vital fluid" of the body. All brain workers quickly recognize the merits of this great food cure, and after a few doses enter on their work with new energy and ambi- tion. ' 1 Brain fag is unknown to persons whose brein and nerve have been invigorated by the use of Dr. A. W. Chases Nerve Food, which is or sale by all dealers at soc. a box. Dr. Chase's New Book,. "The Lib of Life and How To Cere Them," sent free to your address. Edmanson, Bates at Co., Toronto. war'""'""'•"""" "1 wore," she said, "the only costume fitted to a diamond frame wheel—a, divided skirt, coming just below the knees. Sud- denly I heard a surry approaching from be- hind. An oldish looking man leaned out of it and murmured: "Why don't pm ride a proper wheel, properly attired?" I rode away from him. He followed, stil talking tn to me. Suddenly y western blo d—I am an Ohio girl—was aroused. Pultting erry fear of publicity aside, I sunintnined the m nearest policeman and deanded t e man's arrest." Miss Schenck was rewarded *hen her would-be censor was fined $5 by 34agistrate Worth. —Alex. Chrystal, the steam boiler manu- facturer, is about to move from GOderich tee London. • EPPS'S COCOA GRATEFUL COM If ORTING Distinguished everywhere fer De- licacy of Flavour, Superior Qual- ity, and Nutritive ' Properties.., Specially grateful and comforting . to the nervous and dyspeptic. Sold only ia quarter -pound, tins, labelled JAMES EPPS & CO., Limited, Homceopathic Cheinists, London, England. BREAKFAST SUPPER EPPS'S - COQ 1609-26 a -- Immediate Relieti Mr. 11, M. Kemp, WO Brunswick Aire., Toronto, writes : " I have used Milburn's Bheun stio Pills for Rheumatism. I was so bad that I had tc be assisted in 'getting out of bed. The pills gave It4medl.te re- lief, se, after using one box the pin left and has not returned 'Ince." erie • ese Laxa-Liver Pills cure sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, water brash, sallow com- plexion, etc. They do not gripe, weaked or sicken. Small and easy to take. conetipat on, • If you notice your child grinding the dui ng Bleep picking the nose, eating ravengo sly, but not seeming to gain flesh, you may be surel worms ore present, and should not delay giving Dr, Lbw s Picas - ant Worm Syrup, price 2fec. ! -me .4. Stiff Joints 4 Yeas. Mr. Arthur Byrne, Rook Hill, Ont., writes : ," I was, laid up with stiff joints for about to ' r years and. could get no relief until I used three bo*tie of Hap yard's yellow Oil, which cured me." f , — Mr. Wm. Ferry, Blenheim, Ont., says "1 can recommend Dr. Wood's Norway Pia , Syrup as the very best medicine for eooghs, colds sore throat and weak lunge." 4141101111111111111111•11111 SEAFORTH Garden and Green ITOTTS_ A full line of Vegetables always on hand, We have at present a fine lot of Palms, Ferns and other Plants . . . . READY . FLORAL DESIGNS Of every description made up on the short- est notice. Plants taken in for winter storage at reagonethle 1 terms. A call solicited. 'PHONE 76. FRED. A. BAKER, 1654-tf Shingles and Lath. Just arrived two car leads red cedar shingles, extra quality, McNair's brand, Also a quantity of lath and lumber. The price of there goods bas greatly advanced, but we are eating at the old price while stink is on Wood. Cali at once. P. KEATING, Seaforth Lumber Yard. 1655-tf FREE,wabtaut* iful Gold. • leheneole Italre Ring in exquis- ite pInsh.lined case for selling e doz. geld topped Lev- er Collar Buttons at 10c. each. We send buttons postpaid. Sell them, return money, and wesend you ring, all charges I paid. Lever Button Cca, J Box S. E. Toronto. „ THE SOUTH IDE GROCERY. desire to inform the public that lave opened out a fresh stock of GROCERIES ire .the store just south of the railway track, and would like to meet all the old patrons and many row ones. My , stock is all fresh and new. Fancy Goods At greatly reduced prieee, to clear them out. Give me a call. JOHN LAIRD, SEAFORTH. 1654x4 Cured of' Ecze FREE! TiiidYne1"11, set ng 3 doz, of our full•sized Linen Doylies at 10 cents each, rine 13oy's Watch for selling 2 doz. Latest ahd prettiest designs ,• sell at sight. No Stoney Iteoyfred. Simply write and we send Doylies postpaid. Sell them, return money, and we mail your watch free. Unsold Doylies returnable. LINEN DOYLEY CO. DEPT. ,se -E. TORONTO 7 FOR SALE. A comfortable two- storey dwelling house; warehouse witt refrigerator., stable,: out -houses and :a good well. 4pply- to EDWARD PASH, EAFORTH. 1040 TIMBER WANTED. ;Highest cash price paid for black ash, white ash, red and white °skit -Arc! and soft Maple, hemlook,soft and -rock elm. Either etumpage oe delivered in yard. For further particulars apply to GUS. WAGNER, Manager for the S. I. .co., Exeter. 163241 THOS. A. HAWKINS Organist St. Thomas Chnreh, Siaforth, will give Organ or Piano Leesone at his Hue o Boom In Scott's Block, Seaforth, from Friday 11 a m, until Monday 3 p. m. At Brussels the remainder of the week. Terms on application. 1645-tf The Sharpies Cream SeparatO Has no superior in any e sential feature, and in simplicity of cons ruction, ease of management and durabilit , it has no equal. If you have five or more caws, it will pay you well to try a Separator You will have More and better butter, ood calves and Ieselabor. A catalogue my be had for the Wring. Every machine w put in is fully guaranteed to give satisfact on to the buyer. W. L OUJMETTE, Londesboro. SIGN OF THE I was troubled for several years with lEczeme, and tried several doctors, but to no purposel Then I Was advised to use Burdock . Blood MUT, and did so M with the greatest CCAW, as six bottles ntirely cured me. Wm. G. Uglow, Port HopeeOnt...L ...1...-..... Pumps, - Cisterns AND WELLS. J. g• WELSH & SON, THE OLD RELIABLES, SEAFORTH. Now that the time has ,come for well dig- ging, cleaning and reet.'45N, we are prepar- ed to attend to this wate`nll its branches on the shortest notice. F,stima.tes for wells and cisterns cheerfully given. Pump making attended to promptly, and every pump warrant -ed. J. S. WELSH & SON, 1635-13 GOLD PLATED. Fig .end it to us with your name and address, and we will forward this watch to you by express for examination. It is a .nap -bad k and bezeldust•prool open face, stein wind and set, gold plated, handsomely En- graved. It looks like a solid gold watch, is fitted with s 7 -Jewelled American Model Movement that we warrantio give good satisfaction, and is Just the watch for trading pur• posse. If after careful exam. Watt= you ilnd this watch to be exactly is represented, pay the express agent 552.95 and charges, and 11 1. yours, Terry Watch Co„ Toronto, Of, Dtpt S. E. 3NIT OTT 0 M , Mr. Mi McGrath, Agent' for the Singer Sewing Ma. 'chineCmpany, has opened out a. sale room in Mr. i Alex. inter's book store, opposite the Dominion Bank, fi aforth, where he has for sale all makes of Singer llarbineis. Mao a full 'tack of repairs and oil kept on hand. 0;e1 machines repaired on leaving order at the store. M. McGRATH, Agent, Seaforth. 1653-4 Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the Estate of GIT.,DF,11.2 MO- M CHAEL, deceased. All pe sons having any plaint againet the Estate of Gilbert McMichael, late et the township of Hollett, fanner, 1eceased, who died en the 30th day of June, 1899, ari recioired on or before the let day of °dole er, 1899, to send part milers of their olaims, duly verified ny affidavit, to the undersigned Solicitor for John Cr bib, Executorof the will of the said Gil- bert Mc !chats), Har;ock P. 0. After said date, the seid Ex cutor will proceed to distribute the assets of the Est te amoog the puttee entitled thereto, hav- ing reference only to the claims of which he has re- ceived n tiers, and' after suchelistribution he will not be 11101 for any part of the astets to any creditor of whose c aim be shall not " have received due notieS: This no ice is given 'punivant to the statute eejlet, behalf, • Deted at Seaforth this 29th day of August, 1899, F. HOLMESTED, Solifitor for John Crosbie, Executor. 1655x4 tlice.4_-to Creditors. In the estate of WILLIAM Locus of the Vii- . in re of Bayfield, in the Couney of Huron, E quire, deceased. - TAKE NOTICE that'in pursuance of Chapter 129, R. SJO. 1897, all pereons hiving cleines as creditors or othevi se aeainst the l estate of -William Logen, late of he Vintage of 13ayfield, Esquire, who died on or &bon the 26th day of June, 1899, aro required to send b post, prepaid, or otherwise to deliver to Philip olt, of the Town of Goderich, solicitor lot George Anderson and Samuel Cleave, executors of the sal ,deceased, on or before the Sth day of Se tern er, 1899, their name! addresses and de - se ptio e of eir claims end the nature of the security, if any, held by them. The said Executors after the said 6th day ,of September next will pro - ate& to distribute the proceeds of the said estate anion the dies entitled,thereto, and will not be Irle f r rue proo 8 or any part thereof to any omen of, wbsc clef • they shall not then have had notice. Daill1 te at Goderinh, this lOth day of Auguet, 1891 PH IL I P IllitT SoiciOr the Executors; 658.8 ; God crich, Ontario. I , CIRCULAR SAW - • O.' DO 0 PD CD PI 11) t<1 *1 0 0 I:1 • CAI ' ts2_, -pc-s Ro CO r-ta tj 0 t -t1 49 P' . =1 - 1-d- 111 01 g Pc• 4.' " 0 1"1.1 Zo-1 iee -CD cr- .-. er- gb .ce SO • P*-:-,‘ g 0 leat t$ a1P-.17:10 cDca, go vz. iC2. M OE ee ee, 1, SC' C..Tr PS 'co 5' 0 ca 0 93 cr.) • IR° "CD p t 1' '•=1 rn c --t- iesilsb, 20 t -ti 0 5 ; 4 g, CD car sc.'s.; !CD /este eias ce (t© )-1J▪ • CD 1:7-.1 5 'To g co - 93p 121 0 We cannot replace them at the money. J STEA: 1 RS MONARCH aijd UNITEt EMPIRE Weather permitting) will Jeave WINDSOR on ONDAYS and THURSDA fid at 6 p. 113,, and ud SARNIA on TUESDAYS! and FRIDAYS ist 3 . n, as per sailing lista for S0OPORT ARTHUR M ; ORT WILLIAand DUL 'VI, making direct eonneetions at these points, for MANITOBA and the NORTHWEST, KOOTENAY. 1RIT1SH COLUMBIA, 'Pacific Coast Pointe and .1C.L0 IKE, Lowest Rates. Ch ce of Routes. Best ACCOMM dations. CHEAP EXC RSIONS. On and after let of June, go -to return until get October. For rates and information apply to G. T. R. town or Station Agent at Seaforth. JAMES IL BEATTY, General Manager, Sarnia, Ont, 1640-24 D4f°re' Aft". 1700fri PhOi13110dinV The Great English Remelt. Sold and reeoramended by all druggIsta in Canada. -Only reli- able medicine discOvered. 81:s kers Oggrantee to cure ail Weakness an effects of abuse forms o or excess, Mental Worry, baceo, Opium or Stimuli's of price, one paoka.ge $1, a a IOW xeessive use of To- . Mailed en receipt $5. One toitiplcases -Pam hleta zree to -ani address. • liVoad c.nlp.B7, Windor, Ont. Wood's Phoophodine is Sold in Seeforth by Dame - den & Wilsou, druggfits.