The Huron Expositor, 1899-08-25, Page 22
•". '
Canada's Greatest Ilan -Lent.
Griffiths' Menthol Liniment is -the great -
bat curative discovery of the age. Pene-
trates muscle, membrane and time to the
(very bone, banishes pains in aches with a
power imposesibIe- with any other remedY.
roe it for rheumatism, ne tralgla, head-
aches and all serenest, sw !ling and in-
nailiMatiets, All druggists, eta. 82
Catarrhal DOf ess.
The lett Stage deVelOpMent of Nasal Ca-
tarrh. Japanese Catarrh Core goes away peat
the points where even spe lalists on the
inisease have been able to rea We a pene-
trating, seething, healing and strengthening.
compound, allaying the Intl mmation arid
healing without leaving the slightest bad
after -results. The only guar nteed Catir
cure. 50e at all druggists.
Positive Cure for As ;hma Dis-
It h9.long been recogniz d by !medical
scientists throughout the wor d. th4 nature
has supplied all creation with :me remedy in
the v getable or min
eral kingdoms, where-
with 1 forms of ail-
ments can be cured,
but it was net until
thodli °every by Stan •
ley of the wonderful
Kola lant along the
Congo River in Africa
that a thaa was per -
mane tly minable. In
fact,it asnotuntil the
invest gations mad e
by Dr. Clarke some
Tag KOLA PLANT. years ater thi disq
ease was foith1 cur-
able 7 he found that by com 'fling the exa
treat of Kola Nut with ot er vegetable
extraets the compound ob aimed would
rmanently cure Asthma. larkeas Kola
raps:rand was then tried on over 100 oases
int different hospitals, with the marvellous
result that over 95 per centj were perma-
nently eared in less than BO days' treat -
Merit. Clarkes Kola Compound is now reeog-
seized to be the only perrnapent cure for
this' dre.aded disease. Sold by all druggists.
Price two dollars; three bottles with core
guaranteed for five dollar& *The Griffiths
& Macpherson Co., 121 Church street, To-
ronto, or Vancouver, B. 0., sole Canadian
limper tors.
lliq FiviTyp iCalailcgruae'rsaICIxelealetnopOeuunrd.
J4Hay .Fevor. Afl Drug.
•ghats 8811 It. 17
Sold by J. S. Roberts.
MIAMI TO RENT. -To rent, Lot 20, Concession 6,
r Hibbert. Tenant can plough after 1st October,
1899 acd get full poseession let April, 1900. Land-
lord wduld prefer t) rent for grazing cnly. Plenty
of wafrer. For particulars app'y to F. HOLSIESTED,
Barrister, Seaforth. 1652x4
VARM FOR SALE.- Smith half of 30 end North
▪ half 01 29, fith Coaceseion, township of Hay,
known al the Sturgeon farnn Th3 soil is unexcelled,
with good fences and underdraining. The buildi gs
are fair. This is a splendid farm, in a good loca% on
and will be sold che3p. Apply to SAMUEL SMILE, E,
1618 /
MIARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 6, Concession 6,
J Hulled, near village Of Milburn, contain ng
about 100 aores, all cleared and in a good state Of
cultivation. There arefgood builings, good mesh ed
and plenty of excellent water. Thus is a splen
farm and will be sold cheap. Immediate possessi
Apply to MRS, SCHOALES, Constance -P 0.
FUM FOR SALE. -Lot 30, Coneeseirn 1, to-n.hip of Tuokeramith. II. R. S., the property of
the late William Whitely is offecei for sato. On se
farm he erected a two story stone house, barn a 0
sheds. There is also a good bearing orchard, nd
the farm is well watered with a living spring an a
well. Apply W. S. LAWRENCE, Clinton P. 0.; •r
to E. WHITELY on tbe premises. 18424
PLBlerille FARM FOR SALE. -For sale e
splendid farm of Mr. Robert Goveolock, en t e
orth Road, a mile and a half from Seaforth. I
contains 176 acres, nearly an cleared and in a hi h
state of cultivation, Tiaere is a two story br k
house, good bank barn and everything in &Wotan
condition and well undordrained. It will be sold pe
easy terms, as the proprietor desires to retire. If
ROBERT OOVENLOCK, Seaforth P. 0. 1593 t
not sold before the fall it will be rented. Addles
I sale, tbe reeidence in liarpurhey at present a
cupted by the undersigned. There is a goodtrarie
house, bricked inside, and a stable, alas over an acre
and a half of land, also a splendid orchard of al kin1e
of fruit, both lame and small. It is situated on tio
main street, and has all necessary convenienetae: AI 0
he park lot immediately in the rear of the ab3 e,
containing 81 acres,bn which there is a gent ho es
and large stable, also an orchard and well. iTheo
properties will be sold 'together or separately. lThese
properties are admirably adapted for a retired: farm-
er or market gardener. Apply on the premiees to
- the proprietor, or address Seeforth P. 0. WILLIAM
• DYNES. 16 -MI
TIARM FOR SALE, -For sale, Lot 30, Cone selOn
V 10, Maintop, con'aining 100 acres, all c ear d
and free from stumps. On it is a large frame Jtouo
bank barn, hay shed, implement houee and net pen,
with a good orchard and three wells. There are 0
acres leaded to grass, with good fences and rsirs.
It is within two miles of Winthrop, where are stow,
grist and saw min and churohes, and Is within three
quarters of a mile of echos!, with good roads in every
direction. Far full particulars, apply to MRS.
JAMES H. WRIGHT, Point Edward P. 0., 0 tario.
• 188x5
VARli IN TUCKER -31113H FOR SALE.-Fok ea e,
r Lot 24, Concession 3, H. R. S. Tuckers i1tli,
aontaining 100 sores, 90 acres o eared and in a god
state of oultivenon, 10 stereo of gooci bardwood eon.
There is on the premises a good brick hous arid
kitehen ; a large new bank -barn, with stone at bill e
underneath f an open shed ; driv ng house, and th r
buildinge ; two good wollesand orcbard. It 1 di e
miles from Seaforth and elk ho -n, Clinton on a go d
gravel road. School close by. ' Will he sold c isa
Apply on the presniees t) ROBERT MoVETY, o Se
forth P. 0. 1639t4tf
12 For sale thet well-known aril Eirst-class (sem n
- tho Mill Read, Tuokersmith, known as the " Flinson
Farm." It is ologe te the villase of Egmondville, and
within one mile and la half of Seaforth. It coatains
97 acres, with brick residence and good buildings •,
plenty of good we er and we 1 underdrained. et
wilt be sold ase who e, or in par a tn suit purchaaere,
and on easy terms ef payment. This is a splendid
oppo tunity for any petson- d airing to get a vety
pleasant location for a I e-idence Also the residence
of the undersigned in Sealer h. A comfortable
house and good. lot; convenient to Main street. Asa -
ply to the Proprietor, Seatorth, or the TOR EXPOSITOR
OffiCO. ROBERT FANSON, Seaforth. 164 tat
E Let 11, Concession 8, Tuelteramith, containing
100 acres, alt cleared but about 8 acres of good bush.
It is Of derdrained, well fenced, and irs a hish state
of cultivatien. There is a good Btone house; good
barna, stables and out -houses. It adjoins; a -good
school ; is within five miles of seatertb, and three
wiles from Kippers. There le plenty a good water.
Will be told with or without the prop. It is one of
the beet farms in the township, and wi I be sold on
easy ternss. as the proprietor wants toj retire. Also
50 acres within a mile arid a quarter, a g�od grassing
lot, well feneed, but no buildings:. Wil be aold to.
gether or separately. Apply on the pr relees, or ad-
dress Egmonciville P. 0. JAMES MGT VISIT.
FARM FOR SALE. -Lot 33, Coact. sion 4, East
Wawanosh, containing 12a acres IThere is on
the place a good briar dwelling lime 20x28, with
wing 18x28, In storey h'gh ; atone cell r full eize ;
frame eurnoser kitchen and woodshed 16x4 ; hard
and soft water; frame bsrn 56x58, with stone stables
underneath ; frame pig pen 16x32 t o gocd or•
chards; 95 acres cleared, balance is grad hardwood
bush; well fenced with cedar rails, and well watered
by three good epriog wells; shoot and church eon-
venient ; five miles from Myth, 12 milefrom Wing.
ham, 17 miles from Goderich ; must be Sold to close
the estate. Apply to JOHN WALLACE, Exeoutor
for the Joseph Jackson eat tte, BlythO., or to C
Hamilton, Blyth. 1653t1
9 and the west half of Lot 8, on the 121h conces-
sion, or Brawneen Line, of Stanley. This farm con -
Ulna 150 scree, all of which is cleared, exeept four
WO& It in in a state of first -claw cultivation, well
fenced and all underdrained, mostly with tile, There
is a large frame dwelling house as good ea new, with
good stone foundation and cellar, large bank barn
with stone stabling undernsatla and nureeroue other
butldings, including a large pig houee Two good
orchards of choice fruit, aloe nice shade and oras,
mental trees. There are two spring creekrunning.
through the farm, and plenty o! good water all the
year round without pumping. It is well sitsated for
markets, churches, Kasten, post an o, &c., sted good
gravel roads leading from it in all directio3s, It se
within view of Lake Huron, and the boats ,can be
eeen passing up and down from the house. This is
one of the best equipped fapns in the couaty, and
will be sold on easy terms, as the proprietor wants to
retire on account of ill health. Apply on tne prem.
'sea, or address Blake P. 0. JOHN DUNN. ,161941
Snap Bargains in Real Esta and
Live Stock.
THIRTY DOLLARS an acre will buy a
fartn-a first -claw grain and stock tarn: -
Village of Zurich, in the township of Hay,
Huron; good buildings, good fences, plenty
and tamest desirable place; also three
abort twat bulls and three Yorkshire bouts,
aervice ; also several roadster horses, all go
and prices right. For particulars apply to
NIX, Zunolt P. 0.
84 acre
ear " the
tarty of
flb for
Z ,
Washington, At. g. 20. -At thi1season
d the year, when all who cal g t a vaca-
tion are.taking it this discot r e of Dr.
Talmage is suggeStive and p ropriate.
a he text is John e, 2, 3: "A joliL which
is called in the Hebrew tongu !I ethesdas
treultitude of impotent folk of blind,
etving flee potches. In these 11 y a great
halt, withered welting for th re owing of
the weter." 1
Outside the city of Joni a em there
!was a sanative watering place, he popii-
itir resort for inVandS. To, this day there
i3 a dry basin f rook which bows that
f there may ha e been a poo there 360
! feet long; 1:30 eat wide and 75 feat deep.
' This pool was jsurroundecl by five piazzas,
or porches, or athing houses, whore the
patiente tarried until tbe time when they
were to step h to -the water. So far as
reinvigorating Was concerne , it must
have been a St ratoga and a L ng Branch
on a small scale; a Leaming on and a ,
11: iehton conitined-medleal ind thera-
peutic. Tradition says that a a certain
eranin of the year there was n officer of
'ea government who would • o down to1.
!ho water i.ncl pohr in it some healing,
eeelity, a d after that the ople would,
°me and et lhe iinedloation. But I pre -
pt ure, that
time down
water, and
he healing.
eel Up the
Is counter -
ho, in our
waters of
r Springs,
ea at Ca e May and
Itit des wh ' are worn
cial and jrofessbonaI
s those whe are afflict -
ter the pinin s atement.of Scr
i.e. a certarie season an angel
eae. stirred upor troubled the
t.littn the .people came .and got
That angel of !God that stir
Jadaean watering !plaoe had
--;:rt in the angel Of healing
sy, steps into the mineral
Congress or Sharon or Suleh
or into the salt
Nalitint, where m
e Lee -with comme
enxietiee, as well
.with rheumatbo1 nenralgic and spiene-
cid diseases, go .tind are cured by the
r housands. These blessed Be hesdas are
s3a tterecl all up ancl down o r country.
We aro at a season of the ear when
rail trains are laden w th pas engers and
baggage on their ,wa o the mountains
and the lakes and the seasho e. Multi-
tudes of our citizens' are way for a
iestorative absenoe. The cit heats are
pussuing the people with toron and fear
ef sunstroke. The long, sil nt halls of
ennaptuous hotels are all abuz with ex-
oii!ed arrivals. The antlers of direndack
Jeer rattle under the shot of o ty 'sports-
men, the trout noitird fatal s ap at the
hook of adroit sportsmen, who toss their
rated brilliants into the genie basket;
tele baton of the Orchestral leader taps
the music stand on the hotel green, and
• Airerican life has put on festal array,
and the rumblingt of the tenpin alley.
and the crack of the ivory balls on the
green belied billiard table' , and the jolt-
ing of the barroorulgoblet , and the ex-
plosive uncorking ef the hanspagne bot
ties, and the whirlland th33 rustle of the
ballroom dance, and the c attering hoofs
of the race coursee and other signs of
social'dissipation attest that the season
for the great American atering , places
is in full play. Music! lute and drum
and cornet-a-pistonland clapping cymbals
wake the echoes of the m untains. Glad
am I that fagged Out A °Mean life for
the most part has on oppo tunity to rest
and that nerves raced andi destroyed will
find a Bethesda. I belie e in watering
places. They recuperate f r active service
many who were worn outl with trouble
or overwork. They are n tional restora-
Need of Vacat ens. .
. Le not the commercial firm begrudge
the C erk, or the employer the journey-
man, or the church its paetor a season of
inocc ipation. Luther used to sport with
his hildren; Edmund Burke used to
cares. his favorite bOrse; Thomas Chal-
mers, in the dark hours of the church's
dieru rtion, played kite foe recreation -so
I was told by his own daeghter-and, the
busy- Christ said to the busy apostles.
"Con o ye apart awhile' into the desert
and r st yourselves." -And I have observed
that ehey ll'10 do not kn w how to rest
do no know how to work ,But I have
to de lare this truth to -day --that some
of oui faehionable watering places are
th e 1 inporal and eternal destruction of
"a in ititude that no man can num ber, "
and a nid the congratulations of this sea-
son a d the prospects of tie departure of
many of you for -theJcoun I must utter
a wa ning, plain, earnest and umnistak-
l'le. first temptation that is apt to
hover in this direction is to leave your
piety at home. You will send the dog
and cat and 'canary bird to be well cared
for somewhere else, but the temptation
will be to leave your religion in the
room with the blinds own and the
dooes bolted, and then y on will come
back in the autumn to find that it is
starved and suffocated, lyieg stretched on
the rug, stark dead. There is no surplus
of piety at the watering places. I never
knew any one to grow vety rapidly in
grace at the Catskill Mountain House or
Sharon Springs or the. Fall ti of Montmor-
ency. It is generally the case, that the
Sabbath iS' more of a carousal than any
other day, and 'there are Sunday walks,
and Sunday rides, and Sunday excur-
sions. Elders and deacons and ministers of
religion who are entirely at home, some-
times when . the Sabbath dawns on them
at Niagara Falls or the White Meuntains
take a day to themselves. If they go to
the ohurch, it is apt to be a sacred par-
ade, and the digs:mord°, instead of being
a plain talk about the soul, ie apt to be
what is called a crack sermen-that is,
some discouree .picked out of the effusions
of the year as the one most adapted to
excite admiration, and in those churches,
from the way the ladies hold their fans,
you know that they are not so much
impressed with the heat as with the
picturesqueness of half disclosed features.
Four puny sortie stand in the organ loft
and squall a tune that nobody knows,
and worshippers, with $2,000 worth of
diamonds on the right hand, drop a cent
bete ttneseeor lea, and than the benedie-
mon is pronoun ea, an the tame is end-
ed. The tsziughe t thing I over tried to do
was to be good t a watering place. The
air is bewitche with 'the "world, the
flesh and the de 11." There are Christians
who, in ! three ir four weeks in such a
place, have had such terrible rents made
In their ! Ohrlstii n robe that they had to
keep darning it until Christmas to get it
Take t is Bible Along.
The health f a great many people
makes an annua ;visit to some mineral
spring an abso ute necessity, but take
your Bible aloa with you, and itake an
lector for secret smayer every day, though
you be surro (led by guffaw; and
saturnalia. Ko p holy the Sabbath,
though they d ride you as a bigoted
Puritan. Stand off from gambling hells
and those other nsfitotions which pro-
pose to imitate n this side the water the
iniquities of 11 den Baden. Let your
moral and you immoral health keep
pace with your physical recuperation,
d remembert at all the , sulphur and
oh lybeate sprin s cannot de you so much
good as the heal ng, perennial flood that
breaks forth froze the "Rook of .Ages."
T is may be yo r last sunemer. If so,
in ke it a fit yes ibule of heeven.
Another temp ation hovering around
ntrly all our watering plane is the
ho se racing bus nese. We all admire the
h+e, but we donot think that its
beauty or speed ught to be cultured at
the expense of 11 Man degradation. The
horse race is not of such importanoe as
the human race . Tlie Bible intimates
that a man is be ter than a sheep, and I
suppose he s be er than a horse, though,
like Job's s llio , his neck be clothed
with thund H rse races in olden times
were Under the n of Christian people,
and in our day e same institution has
come up under 4 otitious names. And it
Is oalled 11 "91 miner mooting," almost
suggestive af po 'aye religious exercises:
I never knee a inan yet who could
give himself to t e plaits -Ores of the turf
for a long keneth of time and not be bat-
tered in mora1., Meekhook up'their
eam abd put On their sportin
ht tl °Jr cigar and take th
ash cl ilwn on the road to per
e, gre!1 day at Saratoga an
Beach I and .Cepo May an
the ot er watering places is tn
The hotels are thronged,
elpage is! taken up at a
rice. and there are 11101147
!mingling with jockeys
nd libeetines and fo
flashy women. T e
up the brandy sums
. The greenhorns, su
1 is fair, put in their mom
gh to 1 se it. Three weeks be
ce tak s Otte the struggle s
nd the len in the secret kno v
steed ti bet:their money. 'Die
e hors s riding around long
ed wt.) shall 'win. Leaning
tand o frOm the carriages are
wome 1 so alesorbed in the
f bone nd muscle and mettle
make grand harvest for the
ts, who carry off the pocket-
' the po ternonnales. Men loole-
only string of horses with
s around.the ring. Bit
any a an on the stand wholie
domes ic happiness and fortune
ane, w lite foot, white flank
ring. r icing with inebrieby an
and N ,ith 'profanity and wit
k neck, black foot, black flank.
neck o the leaders in that
som. Vhite horse of honor;
e ()fru n. Death says, "1 wi/1
black orse." spectator sayti,
on t e white! horse."
e of ho4 or a little way abitild.
horse 'ruin, Satan mounted
e. gain ng on him'. Specteto
They put on the lash, dig i
Thor ! They are past th
re. J st as I expected; Th
O of uin has .won the raco
s of darkness "heilia I
devils come in to plc
Ah, my friends, :ha,v
h horse racing dissipa
cap and 11
reins and
dition. T
nearly all
day of the races.
everyklni of eq
almost fa ulous
1ospeotabl& poonl
and. gam lers
mouthed en an
bartender stirs
The bets. un big
posing a
soon ono
fore the r
on which
MEM on t
ago arran
from the
men ancl
struggle ;
that they
books 0111
ing on fie
their ride
there is i.
honor an
-white r
are In the
with frau
Neck and
moral El
black hot
bet on the
-"I will b
white -bort
The black
all the tin
the spurs,
stand. S
black I;or
and the golferl
huzza!" and the
up their wave&
nothing tol do wi
tions this umnie
a tealnst Horse Racing.
Long ago tbe
through lbokin
dragoon and t
,They found out
the stock, and i
Thomas Hughes
!rnent and the
World over, h
enterprise was
country, wrote a
"Heaven help.),
cankers of our
nothing in this
unblushing mea
ing its head big
tution of the
famous sportsma
fine domains ha
these hosts of
the last 200 year
be altered, how
to fall into the
bull fights of S
of the pit, may t
the infamons an
of England and
I. go fuether
temptationthatlace. and hat
rifle° phys cal s
Bethesda, j st 11
text, waS i tondo
steal health; and
from the w itorin
absolutely lestrp
lasasting of havin
Cengress wt ter b
11 s, accust nnecl
o clock at ight,
o clock in t e mo
ally very oautiot
1 ingling ice crea
s er salads. and c
• j ices lift tile all
tion and protest.
brainless, young
1 to vertigo and
nien and women
w tering places i
foundations laid
la t them all thei
Sum «er R
Another enipt
t e waterip pia
h sty and 11 elon
Ing places a e res
&Moeda inf licit
nearly all o her t
ety is so a t fici
merit of o acte
who form i.mpa
ounastances o in
are 20 blank to
tug of life y u
and splash ife
the music 0 aide
prance an 1 race
can make T1 i for
You roigh s we
painted ya. hts o
find war v seels
spray of t e sum
find ehara tor th t
the great s rUggl
is any Tmarl n tib
cites my odnte
excite the oonte
woman, it Is the s
dude, wile, per u
actually sok, $
striking ki ling
sentimenta BAlle x
mal nothings, an
the set of a lave _
ngli3h Government go
to the turf for the
light cavalry horse
at the, turf depreciate
is worse yet for men
the meinber of Parlia
uthor known ael th
ring that a new ture
ing Started in this
letter in which he said
,then for of all th
old °iv lzation there ie
untry approaching in
ness, iz rascality hold
, to tient belauded insti
ritish turf." Another,
wri s, "How many,
e beei shared among;
apaoioi4s sharks during
; and melees the system
any mbre are doomed!
me g4ilf1" With the;
In and the bear baitings
e Lord God' annihilate
accursed horse racing
merica I
nd sPeak of another
overs avIer the watering
the teMptation to sac-
rength; The mei:km
e this Bethesda of the
to reOuporate the phy-
yet hOw many come
places theft health
ed I Pity simpletons
imbibed 20 glasses of
tore breakfast. Fami-
to go to bed at 10
gosiriping until 1 or 2
ning. Dyspepties, usu-
s about their health,
s and:lemon and lob-
oanute; until the gastric
heir voices of lamenta-
De1ic4e women and
en dancing theweives
atalepgy. Thousands of
°ming back from our
the alitunin with the
for ail -n entsthat will
life 1cng,
sort Temptation.
tion hovering around
O is the formation of
alliamies. The water-
nsiblel for more of the
es of this country than
ings Combined. Soci-
there that no sure judg-
oan be formed. They
ionship amid such etr-
e lottery where there
ne prize. In the severe
ant more than glitter
s not a ballroom where
the step, and bow and
ul, swing of long train
trong oommon sense.
go among the gaidy
a summer regatta to
a to go among the light
or watering place to
oan stand the test of
of human life. If there
commnnity who ex-
ert and who ought to
pt of every man and
oft handed, soft headed '
med until the air is
ends his summer in
ttitudes and waving
, and talking infinitesi-
finding his heaven in
er kid glove. Boots as
a fl
as an inquisition. aleVo noUrs cn
uninsate skill exhibited in the tie of
shit:1g cravat. His convereation made
f `11.Alisl" and "Ohs!" and "He
ere is only one ()counterpart to such
a man as that, and that le the frothy
yoting woman at the watering places;
her 'conirersa ion made up ef French
only equal
moonshine. hat she has her headed by what she has on her
back; useless ever since sh was born,
and to be treeless until she is dead unless
she becomes an intelligent aristian.
We may admire musio and fa r faces and
graceful step; ;but amid the beartlessneirs
and the infiat on and the . fantastic luau -
places be -
hovers over
of baneful
starting off
ading mat -
rare, or off
the boy
rs. I really
erous trash
encore of our
ware how yo
Another le
the watering
111 lit
°dein watering
make lifeIorg
ptation that
place is that
eiture, A most every one
for the summer takes some r
ter.1 It is a book out of the 11
the bookstanI or bought
hawking book through the c
bel eve there is more pest'
reaI among the intelligent °homes in
July and August than in all the other
ten,months of the year. Men and women
wh at home would not be satisfied with
a b ok that Was not really serisible I find
sitting On hotel piazza or un
reading books the index of N
make them blush if they kn
knew What the book was.
isay, "you must have intellig
tion." Yes. There is no nee
take along to a watering phi e
ton's Metaphysics" or somo ponderous
discourse on Clio eternal decrees of "Fara-
day's PhilosoPhy." There are many !easy
books that are good. You mi
say, "I propose now to give
to my digestive organs, an
eating heavy 1 ieat and veget
for a little w ile, take ligh
little stryohni e and a few gr
bane." Liter ry poison in Angust
bad as literal! poison in December. gark
that. Do no let the frogs of a corrupt
printing press jump into you Saratoga
trunk or White Mountain Valise. Are
there not good books that pre easy to
read-bcoks of entertaining travel; books
of congenial history; books ofl pure fun;
books of poetry, ringing with merry
canto; book of new engraving; books
'that will rest the mind as well as purify
the heart and elevate the whole life?
There will not be an hour between, this
,and your death when you can afford to
read a book lacking in moral principle.
Dangers or Intemperance.
Another temptation hovering all around
our watering places is intoxicating boyar -
!ages. I am told that it is becoming more
and more fashionable for women to
drink. I care not how well a Woman may
drunk. She inay be ha d -
carriage and have dia-
to astound the Titranys
- She may be a graduate
ng ladies' seminary and
some man he danger of
d for the Presidency -she
may have a larger vocabu-
e, and you may say in
at she is "convivial" or
or she is "festive" or she
' but'you cannot with all
of verbiage cover up the
it is an old fashioned case
er the trees
hicb Would
w that you
Oh," they
nt recrea-
that you
ht as well
little rest
instead of
les I !will,
er food -a
ins of ats08
dri3es, if she hti.s taken enough of wine
Bush her chee and put a glassiness il
her eye, she is
ed into a 82,50
monds enoug
-she is Oink
of the best yo
the -daughter o
being nominat
is drunk. You
lary than I ha
regard to hor t
she is "merry'
is "exhilarated
your garlands
plain fact that
of drunk. -
' Now, the wat ring ,places are full of
temptations to 41en and women to tipple.
.At the close f the tenpin or billiard
gaine they tiprile. At the close of the
cotillon they tipple. Seated on the piazza
cooling thernsel es off they tipple. The
tinged glasees o me around with bright
straws and theytipple. First they take
"light wines," as they !call them, lent
"light wines" a e heavy enough to debase
the appetite. Teere is not a very long
road between champagne at $5 a bottle
and whisky, at 10 cents a glass. Satan
has three or four grades down which he
takes men to destruction. One man he
takes up and thrOugh one spree pitches
him into eternal 'darkness. That is a rare
case. Very seldom indeed'oati you find a
man who will bg such a fool as that.
Satan will take another than .to a grade,
to a deticenteat an angle 'about like the
Perinsylvan a coat shoot. or the Mount
Washington rail track; tiritl shove hira
off. But Wile is very rare. When a inan
goes down to destruction, Satan brings
him to a plane. It is almbst a level. The
deression le se slight that you can hard-
ly see it. ' The man does not actually
kncw that he is on the aoven grade, and
it tips only a little teward darkness-jud
a little. And the ilrat mile it is claret
and the second mile i is - sherry and the
third mile it Is pu oh and the fourth
mil it is ala and t e fifth mile it ie
whisky and the slxtlixai10 it is. brandy,
and then it gots stee r and steeper and
stee er, unti 'it is mpossible to stop.
ThallOnly Sat? Shelter.
'se hether yr tarry at home -which
will bo quite s safe and perhaps. quite
as comfortable -or go into the country,
arm yourself 1 against temptation. The
grace of God is the only safe shelter,
whether in tolwn or country. There are
watering pla es accessible to all of us.
Yon cannot open a book of the Bible
'without finding out some such watering
place. Fountains open for sin and un-
cleanness. W Ils of salvation. Streams
from Lebano . A flood struck out of the
rock by Mose. Fountain e in the wilder-
ness discover by Hagar. Water to drink
and water to I bathe in. The river' of God,
-which is full of water. Water of which
11 a man drink he shall never thiret.
Wells of water in the valley of Baca.
Living fountains of water. A pure river
of water as r al as crystal from under
the throne ofi,God. These are _watering
places accessil le to all of us. We do not
have a labordeus peeking up be ore We
start -only. the throwing away of our
transgressionii No expeneive hote bills
to tiay; it is without money and with-
out price." No long and dusty travel
before we get -there; it is only one step
away. ,
-.A young Fren;clinaan Travels front- Vienna
to Parls,‘785 Hiles, in Twelve: Days
anal Fourteen Hours.
.A very remarkable feat of horseman-
ship has jus e been accomplished by a
yoimg Frenchman of good family, M.
Charles Cottu. He rode tee wholes of the
way from -Vienna to Paris, 785 miles, in
12 days 14 heurs, using only one, horse.
and, what is still more noteworthy,
breught hie niount into Paris in thor-
oughly good , condition. As everyone
kr.bws, 62 mifes is a good deal more than
the!' average inirse can be expected to
accomplish ina day, and to keep up this
average for 18 days at a stretch, with 188
,pounds weight on the animal's back,
iinnlies not Only great stamina in the
steed, but altogether exceptional care and,
'management on the part of the rider.
Cottu's main object was to beat
Lieut. Zuoowitz's record of 15 days 5
hours over the same road, and he set
about his preparations with the utmost
thoroughness. He began to train his
mount -a half -bred Irish mare, Irish Lams,
7 years old, attending just under 15 bands
-on Easter Monday, beginning with a
gentle ride of 15 miles or so, and gradu-
ally increasing the daily distance up to
40 miles. After a fortnight of this prelim -
Juan .work.M. Oottn started for Vienna,
covering nuei distance tip easy 97age3, lie
!bad previou ly taken a course of lessons
• from a blacsmith, so that in the event
of Irish Las casting a shoe at an incon-
venient moi ent he could put on another
before any 1 Benne was done to ihe foot.
The journe, to Vienna occupied 34 days,
the Austri n capital being .reached on
May 11. Irish Lass and her owner kept
In steady ttaining until June 1, 'when
they started on the long ride to Paris.
By this Mine M. Cottu and his 1113TO were
"hard as nails," and accomplished the
journey with only. one hitch, the mare
being temporarily upset by .the change of
food after Crossing the German frontier
on the third day. .
In conv isation with a Paris °erre-
-spondent, 41. Cottu explained that the
great seer° of success on long-distance
rides is to Vold overheating your mount.
"I never," be said, "kept Irish Lass at the
trot for in re than a mile and a quarter.
I awaye di Mounted when we eame to a
hill and leL her up it. Some days I
walked at wet 20 miles. When Sire came
to our stop ing place, 1 let her stand a
few minutes to cocl, and then unsaddled
her and gently rubbed her back with the
bare hand, to restore the circulation in
the parts weighed upon by the saddle,'
Then I groomed her oarefully, took her
into her strble and gave her her fecal. As
soon as she had taken it she used to lie
rigeit down at once, but she was always
ready for the road again. I gave her be-
tween 20 and 24 liters of oats and between!
15 and 18 liters of milk every day, with
a fair amount of water whenever she
wanted it, provided the wat r was not
too cold. I gave her from our to six
hours' rest in the middle of he day, se
as to escape the heat, and only about
Iwo hours at night. I always s opt in the
stable with her and did not o oe alee off
my clothes from leaving Vien a to arrlY-
ing Pt Paris. There was n time for
baths or anything of that leer e As we
never did more than 6% miles ari hour,
even over level country, we has to spend
a good many hours a day on he road."
• Questioned in regard to his own regi
men, M. Cotbn said be bad tak n dark in
preference to white meat whenever ht1
Mild. HO 011101C0d very little nd drank
no alcohol except light ev ne freely
diluted. En route he ate bread and sugar
in preference to chocolate. I) ring the
last two days he Vide obliges to drink
large quantities of coffee to ke• 1 hilinself
awake, with the result that for some
time after hilil arrival in Paris e suffered
• from cerebral cloudiness and 11 ability to I
collect his thoughte. Otherwis his long!
ride bad not the least effect on him. M. '
Cottu is only 20 years of age.
Filament Covered With a W.Iii a Coating
of Rare Earth. ,
In the recently patented lamp; devised
by Thomas A. Edison the filament con-
sists of a highly refractory, Porous, non-
conducting material of a rare earth oxide;
incorporated in the body thereof i are iso-
lated particles of carbon, between_ whioh
are spark gaps, whereby hightension
currents, either alternating, continuous
or intermittent, will be conductedfrom
particle to particle of the carbon and thus
raise the filament to incandesceace. As
eho filament is of a highly refractory,
non -conducting -Ss porous material, the
interior will be subjected to the effect of
the vacuum hi rthe globe, which- will
assist in the conduction of the current
through the carbon particles, says The
_Electrical World. The highly' refractory'
material consists of an oxide or oxides
ofjhe rare earths, suth as oxide of zirco-
ni m or thorium. In order to provide an
exerior surface for the filament which
wit I radiateitis light momentarily dipped
In the gat of oxide, such as the acetate,
whioh will leave no carbon upon carboni-
zation, and provide a white eadiaing
surface. In making the filament a 4om-
pound, such as a so/ution, of taiga;
asphalt or a tartrate of the oxide it alt,
Is mixed with the refractory mated 1 a
residue of carbon thus resulting u on
carbonization. .
The mixture is forced by heavy res -
sure through a small opening and gu ded
- to form a filament of the desired o se -
section, vehicle is then bent into pr per
. shape, carefully dried and carben" ed.
Owing to its high resistance, a vol age
of several hundred is necessary ini op
tion. The filament may also be roi, ed
by soaking threads of cotton in ; 1ui( alt
of the oxide, such as acetate, and ar-
bonized to form, a deposit -Of the o ide
thereon; then resoaked ai d reheated use-
cessively until the -desir d qtna1tiit of
oxide has been deposited, after Which the
filament may be soaked 1 the earbe iz-
Ing substance. After b ing dried i t is
dipped in the solution f a salt of the
oxide of a rare earth, suol as zireonla or
thorium, preferably an acetate of 0 ch
oxide, to form the 'white radiating el at-
ing desired.
• The Largest Stamp Mil.
. The largest stamp mill in the World
:_just started up at the old TreadWell gold
mine on Douglas Island, Alaska, hale 60
batteries, each of five stamps, ail(' each
having a crushing capacity- of fourbus
daily. The Treadwell mines now operate
880 stamps and. crush 3,520 tons of ore
daily, representing 814,000.
An Evening Up.
Yeast -I saw a man throw a banana
skin on the sidewalk to -day.
Crimsonbeak-Well, that eventhings
up; I saw a banana skin throw a man
on the sidewalk yesterday. -Yonkers
-What proved to be a very pleas'ng event
took plaee the other evening in th fire hell
in St. Marys, when the steamer fir brigade
met and with the able assietance f !Mayor
Richardson presented Mayor Mose ip, who
bas recently been appointed clerk of the
Surrogate Court, Stratford, with a, handsome
gold headed cane, which was nicely engraved
with his name and address.
F0-03 D -D -2S
111111111111111111141111M411111i 11 I I.
ineS andilest.Con(airts neither
iutir,Morphine, nor Wtheral.
gawdlf for Constips-
,1 so ur Stomach,Diarrhoes,
s and Loss OF SLEEP.
c Swede !Signature of
.e-earain/ ,
0 F •
Outoria is put up in one-sle bottles only. It
is not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyone to sot
you anything else on the plea or promise tiatit
Is "just as good" and "will answer every pyre
pose," !liar See that you get 104-13-T-0-244.
The W-
Agnate.° way
Our Sp
tion to all a
something n
ring -
in siok of Furniture is complete. We extend a'peave
cial ainhvviat;:
mixers of good furniture tO inspect our stock. W h
w to show you in new designs and finish at close pries.
i\Tiii=z,T_A_)". 1•T
, I
This deparincnt is complete with a large selection of the est goods, and
)lig'ng atter' ion given to this branch Of the business.
N ght calls promptly attended to by our undertaker, Mr, S. T. Ames, Goder-
h s reet, S ar orth, opposite the Difethodist church.
il I
• S.A...T'0 •=EL
ara,nce Counts
Great Deal.
Youl i4ay not have considered the matter, b t the way
a 133i13 is clothed may change the whole tr nd of his
liteThe well dressed Man invariably gain's the pre-
ferenc over his brother of less tidy get-up.
are a guarantee of the perfect garment. They do not
cost any more-th-an- the inferior kind, but -1 ok better,
wear better, feel better.
are good clothes. Be sure yours have the name.
Brig4 in them, and yoll will always haveZt te satisfied
feeling of a well dressed,
Def c s c4r
c i dren a
dan erous p
adv n ing y
A rprfer corr
prevjert erio
tion 14ter.
ely noticeable
oportiOns with
ection now will
is complica-
only positive, never -falling cure,
On earth, for all Kidney disease*.
'Lake No Other.
04 thee Gennine.
Refine lip Rations.
There's Only 4his Deere.
!!Of o,ur gr duates secured good po
sitions since January 3rd. FALB
, TERM opens September
Good board e n be obteeined here for
per -week. ¶rite now for our new
1615-52 '
Lands orough
ealers in first-class 'Fa niture of a
Finds, in latest designs. Upholstering
neatly done. We also d picture fain-
mg, and a choice selecti n of pietaree
always .on hand. Curtain poles at all
prices, and put up. We are also
Agents for the New Wil iam's Sewing
Machine, best in the narket for do-
mpstic use, no travelling agents, 110
iigh prices.
! In the Undertaking Dep+tment, we buy
eur geode from the best ho es in Ottesiete
and guarantee satisfaction iji every depart,
ent of our work. We hay always made
it a point to furnish chairs, 4nd all other re-
'uisites for funerals, FR OF CRAWS:
rices better than heretofor.
1 -Arterial and cavity embalming done on'
scientific principles.
! P. S. Night and Sunday calls will b*
attended to at Mr. Lan borough's red'
dence, directly in the rear f the Donl1ni.J3 ank.
$3,76 Leatherda
eata- '
• A. 8, icIMMO, Proprietor.
tbdiladies of SW°
pripared to do up hair
AD sseortinent of swi
switehertxthseged. S
e or hi.eis bate. Resie
Market Streets, 3eator1
eland pen of ista
Flee In color
404 In teseada.
sod toler sad fine .tne
colonise of Italian Bs
NB 'hoof Beekeepers'
Rives, Stcoiters, Itxtti
11111•01 motor. Bee
FOR 1ALIC..*4n the
dwelling and -there
osettn of-Vinf_e_._ To
auses. yearmax,
voluir FOR BALE 01
on 3, Huron Ras
taint 1004.0res ; gool
Imiteannit; also:a geed
sad trogood -wills. It
- *MP 'Worth, and is !
inboalit. IS is well nod
Of hardsnxid bush, Fa
IWO* P, O.
FOR BA1.19.--
-the nort
14, -boundiwy line. :
Antis Of . good Isardwoo
-411afics Insit trete, soil t
*seed *abed half I
*arch convenient ;
14011116ris. *play So the
Welton P. 0. DANIEL.
. .
nd 10 MIMI el bush
TIM/luekovat sum.-
nottlet, ,
sad underdrained. On
and frame Wit with Sr
ot good wetter, ;ad an 4
*able bane, being isnie
forth. It will be .old
nailer pertieuteeteepi
Bead, or Seaforth P. ts.
„De take cheap, the
Square in Beskrth, t
• There is a comfortable
asilar, hatd and soft wt
oonverdenc,es. The In
pantries, etc. There A
all kinds of twit and 4
Also a Urge stable. T
ansvecient and most
Iti leaforth and will he
• X L. Tuckers'
acres olestred, and the
-Theisndie4lllD agoo(
underdrained and well,
a good two:storey brieI
00 feet quire, withSte
Ilan Sore and a half e
iseetueted two inilesal
,*.goad Voads leading.
mile and A -quarters 1
sante dittutee front X
*her pertieulara apply
tsmondville P. 0, W
X 11, Concession 2,
of which about 90 sera
timbered. It is well I
cultivation, There is 4
hones, kitchen and WO1
. underneath, -driving 116
miles from Bruce!
For further poulleular
R. BOYCE, Bruce0eki
V Village of Daytie
in Range F, in the tov
therefrom 1 acres
the land to he sold non
Northeast corner -of Ix
ship of Stanley, contai
are bottreitnated on
corporation of Bayfieli
be given. Title free
further particulars
%Ovid, Executors.
Routh Thame,E
serfs, 95 seresdander e
wood. Good brick rev
w(xxished, and large h
and good driving n:
drained with tile- an
vation. There is ft
• the grounds are we
' 1.1 is within four tx
churches, Methodist
within a mile.
house and stables.
• grinding, de. This -1$
(*linty of Huron and
respect and will Huron,
proprietor deans to t
Ot -addreekahsmes Th
did farm and hot
the 13th concesdion ol
the Village ot Lattanzi
of which are cleared,
in a red etate of en
nndei drained, Ind tot
raising e.ncl feeding. -
land nn the farm.
homes, A large baok
neatb, &large impiet
- buildings in Bret -ciao
chards and four neve
joins the Village of I
*Mee, blacks-I.:31th she
Leadbury hotel is on 1
ft, II is now under 1
is one of the best .and
- ties in .the County of
and on ea -y terms of
not told in s reasons./
if a suitable tenant of
apply nit the p:emise
Proprietor, Leadbuty
keep !or sera'
tanley, a thoronglab
- Si, nityable st the tin
of returning if neeess
1 on Lot 26, Cone
thoroughbred cats
bred Yeaasmaz
be admitted to v,aoh.'
01 serviee, or *1.o 1
White Pigs for sae.
at the Bruoinsid Olt
Tarowerth Boar, wit
payahla at Alma
surnmg if necessary
**nod has for
11°10116P. a am%
Istumbtr Of s
relenRael BULL
*die *De rest and th
Conoestrian 1
itocey to loan
Any amount•on Arse
Ply toll S. 114.,