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The Huron Expositor, 1899-07-21, Page 3
.jULY 8 9. THE HURON E POSITOR. torrl ft e, props OPinnr, i• sant. Illinois or ; Feverish- . Caiitoria [dim and regnlateg gFvi 'Wren's - ;71.a. pedt� Children; ;Iperior to any pr1/4.1 D. Air4ok4n, 4V. y E OF PER, apeeia have -tees. a -aa h...a7- 1)est g int wa ocn, a Holmes, Goder- Rfiga. MININNisaiiii riANSWER Icet one Cent Yrtey. 1 n the yirtg ill Un- represented the plettire t trt. Find the lark it, arid us, and te "of our pat e w 110 irttere this puzxlss e.tly, we Will a beautiful rily Plated 't Bangle EHE RSOLE CELET, , I strate d. this marvellow I. 4.; P rio desire to • r 'Arc benefactors. 'ransartion in order ..; of Phosphatest er into the bands p• Allier is put up V ;th suffictent irr zfalocrs of ;HAM -' atet triune, re- ehttIIly erten+. A ho re awarded Re require to dia- f; h.lids, 25 5.t.TOPI6 popl,..1wo require later cliff - i ft have 'never heed on the highest HInply ask ;.s ea to ; and send you, I.; to tom/1,000ns nrore fair? Avail. se Picture Orales .orCalt.? 6nt: (qi'$ invp.Hids' track of a tite and its (-ovary iz..; rt. tones th. invigoratea km and re - 0 wner that S 10st. fl7S• t371 --)ort with [krk in propota rib44 by the nd French eiaj4 'Tis an zer. ILSON. AN. nt, per fillunttT' ;security. AP' Building, Fretta IMPORTA.NT N J.VOKI2iNA, Dominion Surveyor, Member of the SurveyOrs, Dublin, Onta ES. Irvinoial Lend tion of Oaten° 1348.52 ..mm ONEY TO LOAN. -To los JY.Lthotssand dellire, privet 9tfntrest, on first mortgage on pie et TaxF xeosrron Oftlee, Sea , fro fund farm or th. one to three • at lowest rate property. Ap- 1647-U Goma, County Oommiseio BEAraIE, Clerk el mouser, Land, Loan end Insn (Dratted aud to Leen. 0 trent' store, Mein /streak Sego S nd Dividon Huron, Con - erste Funds ver Sharp k 1289 or, ADO8 00-- • • MI I NI ellIMBER FOR SALE. -The u dere gned offers for sale the tember or the t heti of Lot 82, (Jon - 9, leKillep, There 1 a geantity of good me h rdwood bush, , and has apppinted he ea e. GEORGIC 1618 oral euitable for rails v bah will be sold b eir buses Lockhart HALL. _nio TES LAD1E5.-Mr. Stni h vei 1. HMI les of Seaforth and vicini PoPated to ao up hair combin, into An awns ment of switches for ps ewitches e changed. She will 3100 b -r black balt. ilesidence corner Market Streets, 3eaforth. MRS LEV also the aor to sell hes to inform y that she is switches, etc. re Hair and y dark brown f Jarvie and SMITH. 1637 tf AND BEES.-Egge for etching from 3 mild pen of large pure White ks. Black ellnorease-Fiee in color, large a ze br cid, bred from bas *trek in Caraas. Burr ,Bents-- eal beauties, good toter and fine tie feathering. per setting. 20 coloulei of Italian Bees at moderate price. A1130 a tall line of Beekeepers' supplier, such Foundation Meet, Smokers, Extractors, 1 seoon -hand Lang - Aria geteactor. Bees wax taken in exchange for anmJlIe. WILLIAM HARTRY, Chu h St. North, (nth. 1636. REAL ESTATE FOR LE. L1ARM FOR SALE,- South half of r half of 29, 5th Concession, tew known err the Stargeon firm. The soil with good fences and underdreining. stellar. Tole is a aplendid !arra, in a aalwal be sold cheep, Apply to SAMU %Mall. *Ili North ship of Hay, s unexcelled, he buildings ood location L SMILLIE, 1648-tt 'LlARM FOR SALE. -For rale, Lot 20, X Tuckersmith, containing 98 acres, sd smile sores of bush. The land is w enrianderdrsined. On the place is a see frame ban, with goo 1 stablest. Th otgoed wster, and an orchard This is stable hum, being only about two mil forth, It 011ie sold chap and on eas3 further partieulare, apply to WM'. FO Bout or Seaforth P. u. • Hum Road, aores clear - II oultialited rame house re is plenty a most de- s from Sea - termite For LER, Huron 1646 tf itESIDENCE IN SEAFORTE1 FOR ear, cheap, the residence ferain Square in tiesarth, the properta of Dere le a corefortaale frame house, wi osilar, head and soft water, and all o h eonveniencee The house contains 8 pentriee, ole. There are two- lots, well all kinds of fruit and ornamental trees Aloe& 'urge stable. This is one of t eavenientand most pleaaantly situate inSesiforth and %ell be sold cheep. Ap WARD. SALE. -For on Victoria ohn Ward. h good stone r necessary rooms, with granted- wish and shrubs. e best, ruoet residences y 4, JOHN 1640V tan' FOR SALE. -For rale, Lot 86, Landon ▪ Road, Tuekeremith, contaluing I 9 (soros. 00 acres cleared and in a very high state of cultivebion, the balance le tread hardweod bush. he tann la well fenced and a ell utderdrainedr Th re Is a fine new barite barn, a good orchard and ple ty of water. It le within a mile and a quai ter of Br cefield, and four miles from Clintoe. This 15 a fir t class farm Want be sold cheap and on easy te nis of pay- ment. For further part -curers app y to II. R, HIGGINa, Brucefield. 164a -t1 IN McKILLOP FOR SALE,- or sale; lots • 34 and 35, concession 12, conteinin, 127 amass, on which le abate 22 acres of unculled leash balance is underdreaned, and in a good et to of eulti. vation. There is pl. nty of f. 'int! t 'Mbar or the , farm ; there le a good bank ha r erre homes and large drivirg abed; there is a good oreha d, and two good spine wells; it is half way between aeaforth and Brussels, Leine within ten miles of e eh ; it lea isplendiel property, and will be Fold che.p nd oneaey terms. Apply on the premises, or to W alton P. 0, JOHN BERRY. 1647x4 OPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. -For a le, L4 1 O South Thames Read, Usborne, eon retsina 100 soya 05 acme under cultivetion ond 5 ea ed of good wood. Good bric:k resid. nee, with brick itchee and woodshed, and law batik barn with stone atet ling, and good driving bone. All well fen ed, Wider - drained with tile and fres firsaclass st 0 of eulta 'ration. There le a good orchard of °hole fruit and the:rands are web set out v.ith ornam ntal trees. Jr le within four miles of Eeeter ; a j3ins two dweller, Aleth_dict aed 'Presbyterian, a d a aehrol within a mile. There is plenty of wat r, both for house arid etables. Also a windmill fo pumping, grinding, ete. This le one of the }est f the couety of Huron, and is in firencloas eb pe inevery respect and will be sold on reeserieble rms, se the proprietor desires to retire. Apply on t e premises or addresselhames hoed P. 0. D. hicIN IS 161a-tf STOCK FOR SE toncE BOAR FOR SERVICE. -Th undo igned will •keep for service on Lot 05, Co cession 4, Stanley, * thoroughbred Chester, bite bo r. Terme- • 81, payable at the time of servic+ 5vith 6 e privilege of returning if neeeasery. JOH v. DI .Efir. 159141 116 PIG BREEDERS. -The undersign° will keep 1 on Lot 26, Concession 6, L. R S., T ekersmith, e thoroughbred CHESTER Werra Pio, also thoroucrh- bred YelteeMen Pio. A limited nein ber sower will be Omitted to each; Terms, $1, peyabie at the time of service, or 81.50 if oharaed. Also a ew °heater White Pigs for sale. JAMES GEMMILL. 1608-52 TA'AWORTH BOAR FOR SALE AND VICE. -The undereigned will keep - al the Brucefield Jeoese Factory, a th a Tenegorrla Boar, Filth reefatered podlgr II; payable at I ree ef makes wit pri liege of re- turning if oteeseary. Ala a number of thorough- bred young Tamworth Bears and Sow for sale. MIA MatJARTNEY, Brimfield. . 140541 TULMWORTH PIG FOR SERVICE,- he under- '. signed has for service on lot 82, co • cession 3, McKillop, k thcro'brod Tarnworta pig, to which a Mulled number of sows will be taken. Tha _is an extra good pig and breeders find it advar tageous to JOHN liellULLAN ereartheir berkshire sows with ti is br od of pig. Terms $1, with privilege of returitug if noceasary. 1605xtf FOR SER - or service, roughbred e. Terms, STOCK FOR SALE. BULLS FOR SALE.-Fo eale, two II thoroughbred Durham bulls ; both 12 months old, one roan and thc other red. JOHN A ORRISON, Lot 22, Concession In McKillop, Winthrop P. 0, 163541 AUCTION SALES. A ticanOla sALE OF VALUABLE F' 81i4 PRO- RRTY.-Mr. Wililam McCloy, nue ioneer, has been inatrueted by Mrs afarearet Whit u and G. J. Sutherland, of Housielt the Executors o the estate saofttuirda,3ul3 layteJamets Whittin e, to Sell by Patina auction on 22nd, at the hour of 2 o' lock p, m., the following valuable farm prorerty of the late Amos White. Known as Lot number1 , in the lot Caression, of the Townohlp of Hay, co tabling b adrneasurement 07 acres at land, more or 108. Tht� tine farm is situated on the London Ito d, and Se'flhIla arnieoesgnnitnayi 8011th01ientall ; milee north of Exeter, situar d as to rehoole ,There is a good frame house and large stabling, bar is and out - build:,, ; fine orehard d three wolli. Land in gad nate of caltivatiota well fenced a d drained. Six acres of fall wher t to be put in by prot-ent ()c- apita. Terrna matte known on day 1 sale and 1 1:ciap 111blis taelini; as re payments. For ft rther par- te MRS. MARGARET BITE, or 0. J. SUTHERLAND, Bennet P. 0., th Executors ot the Estate of the late James White. 1648-2 BARGAIN How do they sel1 shoes so heap SMITHat They have no 0 (1 stock every- thing new. 'Why they s 11 for 0&SII UZI- L They have no los es to mak up at the expense of those who pay. Cash buyers will do well t buy their shoes there. L. SMI'T THE NEW SHOE STOR Under the Town Clock, Beaforth SIOK HEADACH Positively cured by these Little Pills. TItey also relieve Distress front Dy Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A pe tut !remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drow Deall# Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Ton gi Pain in the -ide, TORPID LIVER. Th Regulate th Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small 111. Small Dos mall Price. Substit tion the aud of the day. See yo get Carter's, Ask fo Carter's, Insist d demand Carter's Little Liver ,Pills, yaluable 9 eese and Butter iFacto and Plant for Sale. Tenders will the '6th day of Constance Chee e received by the undersigned up o July, 1899, for the purc,hase of t e and Butt a' Manufacturing Co pany's factory and plant, situete on part of lot No. rith concession, townehlp of Hulett, in tl e Corns of Hume. . Ten ere Ina.v be sent in for t 0 buildin and plant ea bloc, or in detail, as may suit intendi g purchaeors The factory 18 86 feet by 30 feet,the h g pens 100 feet by4 feet, and the whole i la good r pair. The pl• engine and boll r, ono Babcock teeter, three vats f an consists of an eight Orse-pow r 60o gallons capai ty, two curd sinks, one a.urd mill, four presses and aoops, two rat i of scales one pum , piping, titers, rano, Bro. A splendid opportunity s offeresato practical ahem and butter rn nafacture a Lo acme a first -el 83 n.ctory and plant. Intendi purebasers can Make an inspection 011he feet lry an plant on application to MESeRS, GEv. STEPHE sON and 3, D. If INCHLEY, at Conetence ' For fu ther par tieniere, apply to the undersigned. IL. t a. Maeulaeturing Company, Seaforth, taat Date he 30th day of J HAYS, Liquidator of the Constance Cheeee, ainG(41.:3.au rne, ism 8EAFORLII1 DYE ' W9RK Take your clotaes to the Seaforth Dye Works] an have them clead or dyed and made to look .like new. All work guaranteed to give satisfactio , HENRY NICKLE, Ooderich street, epposire the Catholic church, Seaforth. 1630tf 3 To Stratford Ladies Tell liow burn's Heart and Nerve Pills liak Weak People Strong, MRS. EL1ZA1p3TH BARTON, Brittariia St., says: "1 s eak a good word for Mil - burn's Heart a d Nerve Pills with pleasure. They proved to me a most ex'cellent remedy for n rvousness, nervous debility and exhaustio , and I can heartily recom- mend them." MRS. POLA D, Brunswick Street, says: "My husban suffered greatly with ner- vousness, coMplicated by heart troubles. Milburn's He rt and Nerve Pills! have cured him, • nd be now is we 1 and strong." LAXA•LI PILL gripe, curing Constipation a feel better in t ER Take one at night be- fore retiring. 'Twill work while yon sleep without a rtip or iliousness, Sick Headache, d Dyspepsia, and Make you e morning. etea, y , _ • Our direct onneetions will s ve you time an money for all po nts, Canadian North West Via Toronto or Chicago, British Celuinbia and Calif.)rnia ' points. Our rates are the lowest. We have them 00 suit everybody and PULtMAN TOUR- IST CARS for yollf accommodation. Call fofurther informa ion. Grand l nk Railw Thane leave Seafo4h and 'Clinton ol ows : Jolter Wen-- pissenger meseneer.... . Mixed Train.. , Mi ed Train ..... Go NO EAST - 1 assentor.. • • essonger„ *Itkod Train.... ay. 'stations se SKAFORTIT. CLINTON. 12.40 P. M. 12.66 P. M 10.12 P. M. 10,27 P. M. 9.20 A. M. 10,16 A. M. 6.15 P. M. 7.05 P. M 7.56 A. M. 7.40 A.M. 3.11 P. M. 2,65 P. M. 5.20 P. M. 4.86 P. M. Wellington, 1 Grey and GO NG NORTH- Passenger. 10.04 P. M. russets.. 10.16 luevale,. 10.28 ingham .. 10.40 Go NO SOUTH- Passenger. Ingham 6.60 A. .81. luevale ...... 7.00 4 7,16 thel 7.28 L,Ondon, Huron GO NO ISORTH- LoDdon, depart Centralia Exeter Hameln Kippon Brucefleld__ • Clinton. Londesboro Blyth. Belgvave Wingham arrive ..... GOING SOUTH- Wtiigham, depart: Bolgreeve ' Blyth Londesboro • Clinton Bruhefield Kippen Hensel! Exeter Ceatraila London, (arrive) Bruce. , Mixed. 1.40 re M. 2.10 2,46 3.06 Mixed. 8.55 A. re 9.17 9.46 10.02 and Brnce. aesenger. 8.15 A.M. 4.46 res. 9.18 5.55 9,30 6.07 9.44 • 6.18 9.60 6.25 9.68 6.33 10.16 6.56 10.83 7.14 10.41 7.23 10.66 7.87 11.10 8.00 Passenger. 6.68A.M. 8.30?. 81. 7.04 8.46 7.16 4.00 7.24 4.10 7,47 4.80 8.06 4.60 8.17 4.69 8.24 , 6.04 8,88 5.18 8.60 5.26 9.50 6.20 114fc're* Aft"' Wooa's Phoop °dine, The Great _English eeneiIy. Sold and recomme ded by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine disco ered. Biz kages guaranteed U cure all forms o Sexua Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, mental Worry. Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants, Mailed on receipt of price, one package $1, six, $5. Onewill please. riz will cure. "Pamphlets free to any address. Tho Wo4X1 Company, Windsor, 011te Wood's Phoephodine is Sold id aestortY by Mims - den & Wilson, druggIste. A GLIM SE OF MARS. SOME OF THo WONDERS OF THIS IN- TER STING PL,.ANET. • frer They airelns Her Network of. - Gigantic Cr stales rend! What the Awe tron °niers Have ite Say About Thein -The lane+i Atnaaphere. Seen throng a I -hie telescope, Mani • presents the ppeararre of a. miniature earth floating ;Pverheatl, he ruddy mark- ings indicatin ' land, th le greenish mark- ings outliningi seas an water courses, while white ca s adorn 1 e regions corre- sponding to 4e polar eaions on earth. The aStronomet, in the Oa and ease of his observatoatia can intike a study of these regions, vbich may not as yet have ever been see1n by thinhabitants of Mare because f the dan erg which pre- vent access to them. •We ioiy well doubt whether the 1rayest Matian ever suc- ceeded in reaphing eithea pole of the planet. Yet ur eyeslave rested on those polar r gions, eve I, on the very potes themselv s. - Mars turns aroand on ite. axis just as the earth does, except th t;Ithe day lasts longer than th day on e ath. With the telescePe it i to • follow the howl* change that take Place on Mars from Simrise t sunset. e can see the mists, of mo ning gradually dealing away and th gathering of clouds to- wardevening, •robably t pass from the skies at night; eaving th kers to shine with s grea er splendor th-ough a rarer atmosphere. .P rhaps one �r both of the 'little moon o Mars (f r it has two, named Dei os nd Pb�boi»may be shin-. Ing In the s 7.1 Deimos ri es in the east like other st I-8 but the ine r.moon, Pho- bos, hurries.t at und Mars 1 hree, times a day. For this. iasou it nee in the west every night a sets in 1e east after about five end half hour ,. Neith,r of the nioo s give: .uch lighttasince P obos supplies only o sixtieth ef the a aunt ot light iven h our moon, *bile Deimos gives only one 1s elve hundredth. But the sinnlInes of th Martian moons ninlit be C011el ie (ration,- since Phobos is n mil .diamater and Deimos taken in only sev live.or six. Contin ing o r observation of the plan- et Mars during ts daytime, we sae in imagination the white shore line along which tl e Mtn. ming v,aves ripple or dash in )reakers against t•ock and prom- ontory. Clouds OrM and rain falls on the aurf ce of M., vs, though not on such nu exten ire seal as here., Nevertheless, .during t e latterhalf, of October, 1894, an area much It rgeia thnn Europe re- mained densely o i seured. ',On another oc- casion Sir - Norm in Lockyer noticed a . great mass of chin:1h spreading oVer a sea many thousa id'setiare miles in ex - tont, As the, ho irs passed away the. clouds slowly disp_rsed, eitber melti g on account of the su 's heat o dissolv.ng in rain. When Loci yer ceased bservin forr III ,g(b portion of t e sea w lel) had been co , , icealed gradual y came 1 to view. On - it th, evenina- it bout hal past 1-a On- th s .saine night: Mr. Wi liam te 1) 1 wes. known as "the eagl eyed a. row od eV," was also , tudying he plan -it. of war. keeping It 'ell untie.observation until the -wee naa' houri," whe i he 'wide an excelleni drawing f the planet. C rnparing this with a dra ing macie an hour earlier by L ckyer, it ifras seen that th, clouds which had conc aled th sea during the earlier part of th evenin had passed entirely way. Referring these events to Mart an time, the cloudy wither on this ccasion a parentlY oc- cuyred in the for noon,, the midday 'hour br; nging clear readier, vhich would se en to have la ted till t e afternoon w.! s far advanced . n 1877 Schlep, relli obsei ed some pe- en iar lines owth surface 1 the planet led them canals. For s the onl M rs, and he ea oiiitie years he w w cacould see the astronomer , and when by 1881 he fu aher annbuncer that the canals had dobbled it was's pposed for a time that the Milanese astionomer was the victim of an illusion. owever, s nee thep the re ults of his Jab ervations of the canals of Mars have been abundantly confirmed bo h in Europe nd Anieri a, especially at the Lialc obs rvatory aid the Flag- st ff obaervatoiy. The observations ip de by Mr. Lo • ell at the atter observ- t ry and those ilready m de by Schia- a •elli tend to in ke us feel very -mulch at ho e on planet ars.' ' 'he canals ar not . visib e during the. i iter season o Mars, b it as spring-. t n e advances t ey make hci,r appear - as faint, dr rk lines, g -owing wider nn l'avider until t ey are 50 miles across,: an then, by wa of variety they double. In feet, single c nals have been known. to ,double thems Ives literaly at a day's notice, the twi canals running along side by side like railroad tracks, only in this faatance the railroad tr chs are sep- arated by a dist nce of over 200 or 300 miles. Some of the canals extend to a cll. tance varying frOm 300 e upward of 4, 00 miles and ippar to be as accurate- ly straight as lines an be upon a sphere. 'he canals se,m to meet at a number of small spots r jiinctions which have .n termed "la -es" by Scl iaparelli and ISCS" by _Mr. be ,i0 Lowell. These small sp ts are scatteaed over the ruddy por- tio of the pia et's 'surfac , forming a ciaious networl With the canals, the spets at the jun l don of -the canals being as I important i feature a the canals themselves. INIr. Lowell ass mes that the ana is corre- sponde to the ci in eatth and that the canal arently con- structed foe all, f fertilizing this region and 1 the midst of the wilderness. ' hat we see is not the venal itaelf, but ve etation along its banks. Yet , his does not account for a canal doublin region intersecti.d by the .ser region ere api Purpose he oases in 'herefore for, romance as can scarcely im Ing with such a Mr. Lowell ail speculations as tificial formatio rious difficulty Mars. He se skill in the con tem, which he ability of the cu ni stances w (supposed) inh ing the neces protection agai of the annual years ago Mr. tronomical ass tion that the c would require men workingl Mary Proctor itself wit we may ab gine veget azing rapi so enters in o the canal , ignoring s to the temperature of engineering e canal sys- the superior nder the cir- imagine the ars recogniz- canals as a uctive e fects but several Britieis As- • on calcula- iin 24 hours, ut Mars, we tion develop- ity, o interesting • being of ar- e rather se - evidence • trnetion of ttributes t fartians. • can well bitants of ity of such St the dest inundations J. Or of tlei clad 3n foun ristructien o such canals an arady of 200,000,000 for 2,000 years. -Miss St. Nieholas. I The wall aro nd tae city of Babylon at the height of s presperity was 56 miles on length. • MARRIA E LI9ENSES I suit!, ATI THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE, AFO TE4 ONTARIO. WITN SSkS REQLJIREDI THE flUOM .-T light the hour. HoW doubly 16.i -flight here, WI ere early hlent are roof and architrave (Ai in a mou tutu hollowed to a cave), An ev'n the glance of 'noonday ils austere! No v, what re erberatioils fill the leer, As though cm mingling storm and torrent gave So e waste place spceeh or 'prophet message claee . Fo the first time the desert Vast and drearl . . So ree of thesoends, beyond the altar high A preachlng nonk. Hie -burden ,he repeats, esu in Crie el" , lime his accents thrill, • A.3, in the wil , the firet eyang I cry! " • And still I Irar them, Midst the. murmuring street!, . i : , - In ,twilight Florence, Meditteral s 111. . -Eclith It. The s in Century. .,0 • SOMEj RASH : i S. -,. 1 Efforts to K eetp nrhm Inanniti y an4 D If there is na limit to there is equally no liniit verseness, end tne.nY a t rash people, make are as are perverse. The most i recent Of these foolish mak- ers of vows ia a native of russels who has morn that he will ma e a tour of the world walking baCkward. It ,is to be hoped that his fate will be happier than that of the man airCho swore that he would never rest unte he could- walk on the Ceiling like et fly,l nd -a•he lost his reason without gaining his .wish. , There was "method li thle madness" pf the great French Oil te, Ziem, who vowed that ha would never leave his studio until a certain rap rtanta picture was finished. He gaVe ins ructions that he should be 'locked i hs studio and that the door shpuld a beaopened under any conditions,1 his rde Is o be hand d to him through a hale i th door. Th s he worked for months idutj, ng the cri is that ended in Napelean's I famous co p d'etat and his accession .ti the thro e, of which Ziem knew noth ng until is picture was completed and his door un- locked. Another French artist, G ricauld, w e equally determined to .alle no distr c - tion to interfere with the p inting ot hi great pieture,' "The Wreck .of the Me dusa." He had hiS head shaved an vowed that he would neVer a low his hai to grow until his .work was done. Thi vow he religiously kept lin sp te of stra temptation to break it, and the rover of his heroism was the Host perfec painting of his life. A story is told of a great hess enthu ainst who was so annoyed a his failur to solve an apparently simple proble that he vowed he would neit ter sleep no eat until the solution was ound. q ,iint himself up in a disuse room an !MIS found four days later by is relative terribly emaciated end out o his mind. the result of his ras I -caw. a d the prole He spent "a *Yea r in a limed asylum as loin remains unsolved. ! Woman appears o be at he root of many of these eecen ric vows for it was a hatred of the sex hat imp lied a once veil known . lawyei to swe tr that he would never speak to a 'womi n again as long as he lived', laothiug w nild induce Iiiin to see a lady elietil, an 1 he would never conduct a case in ,whic a vvoniiin appIl eared as a witness. e never ern- ployed a female seryLant u-1 eliberately "cut" all his lady acquhinti aces. The inevitable result was. that t ie 'men ' de- serted him, his practice dwiu lled and he died, alone and unattended, 18 a squalid attic rOom. [ The Air: Cxtre. "It's queer to me." aaid n h althy look- ing citizen, "that niore peopl don't take theair cure. There's not ing like a breath of fresh air. it IS de ightful and refreshing, renovating and re ewing. up- lifting and invigorating, timulating and exalting and without any dep •ession, and all this is absolutely freei , T iere lire far more people now than ev r b fore in this 1 country that go in for out oar sports, for bicycling and all tha sort of thing, and so get the fresh alt; but there are many left who do not give themselves the benefit Of it as they might. It isn't necessary for a man to have a bicycle or a horse or a steam yacht to en ible him to take the .air cure, Such helps, of course, might make it eapier to take. but the Y are not essential. It can ae taken effectively walking, and there's nothing like it. Air might not heal a br ken leg, but for many ills of mind and body it will he found a sovereign •emedy."-New York Sun. , Locuati Usi - , In Morocco wagonload. of loeusts are brought to the market ii Fez, because they form a regular arti le.of food for the 'Moors who inhabit th s part of north Africa. Here, also, the I custs are eaten in every style, pickled, salted, simply dried, smoked or in an' other possible waY, except raw. The egroes on the northern coast of Africa ' refer locusts to pigeons, and they •eat fr m 200 to 300 at a sitting. They remote had, wings -and legs, boil them forhalf tn hour in water, l, then add salt and pepper and fry them in vinegar. In a t.iniilar way lo- custs are prepared at other' points ,in Africa and Asia: Preserted in salt pinto they forth a. staple article of Icommerce. Locusts in Africa ate also cPinpresa-ed, when fresh. in barrels. lied are then di8h- eel out like butter at meal times. -Chica- go Tribune. Ave lied tee th. uman, folly, • human per - 'e vowie that oolish as they And He Ate +hem. The art of "putting two :odd two to- gether" 114 humorously exemplified in this dialogue from the New York Weekly. Mrs. De Gree ---How did you t-nanage to get home so early tonight? Yon said there Were to be a ntimher of Mr. -De Gree (plan -hint -int Mason1-7-The initiations had to he postinnied. All die regalia. draperies and sci forth had mys- te riouslY dine ppea red. Mrs. De Gree -Aha! I've found out all about you INIashas! ,So it's true, after all, and yon said it weal -1'a Mr. De Gree -What's true? Mrs. De Gree -You keep a, goat. A Havant" Ad. Here is an advertisement that appeared the other .day in a ELIO/tin paper: is without doubt one ofthe, frictories of first claae and of the :mOSt universal, cred- it, and we affirm that .no other has this ciedit with more merita, by the good - nes, inteiligency and care employed in , the prepiii-etion and perfectionment of his productions." • Time. is like a_ river made up of the eients which happen.1 and a , violent stream, for as soon as a thing has been seen it Is carried away, and another cOmes in its place, and this ,will be car- ried away too. ,Despite all his refinement the I ght and habitual taking of God's name in vain betrays a coarse and brutal will -E. 11, Claa pin. • -The judges whose duty iti. shall be to apportion the counties of Ontario into rid- ings as provided by the new redistribution bill, are Chief Justice Barton, C ancellor Boyd and tr. Justice Faloonbridg -The Giland Duke George, brot er of the Czar of 1ueaia, is dead. He ifru born April 27th, 101, and had been in -health from COD/311 ption for number of eare. CURTAIN RAISEO. Next season Rose Coghlan rriaY star in "The White Heather!' Otis Skinner is to star In " landet," and so is Lewis Morrison. A joint stock company has ben formed for the production in London 0 sonae of the successful operas of Reginad de Ko - Yen. The father of Coquelin, the Parisian actor, was a baker, and his high st ambi- tion was to see his son a trade man like himself. 1 , Mrs. Josephine Wallace, mot er of Ed- na Wallace Hopper, has purcha ed a 300 $alcroe0,0f0aorm. near San Leandro, Cal., for The Chinese recently celeb ated the one thousandth anniversary of he death of Tong Wong, the inventor of the Chi- oese theater. I ,Lillian Blauvelt, who has been appear - Jing with pronounced success in concert in Italy and Germany, may be at member f the Gran Opera company net season. The coming fall Nat 0, Goodwin Pro- oses to give a performance of 1"Nathan Tale" in New York, the proceeds to be given to Yale college for the er ction of a statue of Nathan Hale in the ampus. . Della Rogers, an .American si ger who bas not yet had an opportunity o appear lb her own -country, has made wo bril- liant successes in "Samson an Defile at the Stadt theater, Elberfiel a and in "Aida" at the Stadt theater, Co ogne. The English ideal of "the idea coon" is very funny to American humor 1 A per- former there who is supposed t' realize this ideal dresses somewhat likel a Mex - icon and something like -a co boy -in short striped trousers and loW necked bleuse. Irving's latest success has star d sortie of the English •exeuisites to caring RObespierre hats -not imitations in pli- ant felt, but the real article in bel• ck and glossy silk. As yet they have to e made • to order, but there is, no telling; ow far the fashion may spread. I PERT PERSONALS. Admiral Kautz is also on h s ay home. Here's a hero who deserVe soie Deweyiaing for his good- deeds. -p ila el - villa North American. , We may expect at any time a paaer from Hon. Ignaliiis Donnelly ,oing to show that Lord !Bacon wrote tia bor. dereau.--Memplti Cominercial Ap eat. Russell Sage Ilea paidibis stamp taxon "puts" and "calls" under protest. 'Caine to think of it, that is the way alliof expenditures are Made. -St. Louis plobe- Democrat. i. ninking inon.!y. It lan Maclaren ys that Americls pay too much attentoto was noticed that when in America' Mac - later' did_ as the. meric4ns do,- lansas City Journal. • Nicola Tesla, the electrcian, is aking so many wonderful invention claim peo- ple are beginning to notice that last name has just as many letters -in it as Keely, -Philadelphia Times. Lady .Randolph Churchill has olved the greatest problem she had to dea -with in reference to her new magazine. She has settled on ;a satisfactory dr as to wear when reading manuscripts. New York Sun. Henderson or Iowa is so nen the speakership, for, the time at least that the papers are se. riously consideri g the proposition to speak of him as Mr. Hen- derson, or the gederni, instead of ave." -Cincinnati Enquirer. Mr. Jeffries has now reached a giddy pinnacle of fame. He is a modest man, but truth and candor compel him o ad- mit that he is now the best man in the • world. He has fought not as on -who :beateth the air. -Baltimore Sun. 01 JEWELRY JOTTINGS Mexican pigskin with a monogram in brass furnishes one of the novelties in serviceable purses. Exceedingly attractive among pl. cquet pins are those o gold wire _supporting a single rosebud c rved from exquisite pink coral. Turquoise qu rtz is 'very hand oniely utilized . in de rating gold fram s • for chatelaine bags, tops of purses a d lor- gnette handles. White chatelaine broach timepie e8. re- main in the ascendaat. A few w tches are seen with -short fob chains whi h ter- minate in a ball, enarn.eled or jewe ed, o match the watch. ! , Earrings, which i'nade their reappear- ance in very modest:guise, being o sm 11 size and including only a few styl.s. a •e now taking on increased imp() tanc Larger stones are Used and desi as a e , l• not only more varied, but muc mo •e striking. -Jewelers' Cireular. LAW POINTS. _The place of acceptance of a ptoposal is generally the°place of contra t. An agreement to modify another Rale:la- ment must be established by clear ax#d satisfactory evidence. - A quotation of prices of goods by kft. ter, not covering any particulaif time, may be withdrawn at any time. A deed of trust 'In favor of ci edit° •s vests ewnership in I the trustde, thou h Only part of the creditors accept. The proprietor of la hotel is tie an ip- Surer of a guest against injury, but is Merely bound to exercise reasoba le cai•e that he be not injuted througl h s cape- lessness. The mere fact that a note s payabie at a certain place des not of its If cola- fer any agency upon the owner r ocean pant of such place tb receive payment In behalf of the payed,-Itecent Decisions, Highest Courts. LIBELS ON WOM Women are things of beauty aad jaWs forever. -Central 111113018 Dem crlat. ' A woman doesn't need a bl tter wh she writes. She use • her tinge s.' -Was ington Democrat. There may be sone women ho find a greater joy in sayng mone than nip spending it, but we have not met them.I--- Feminine Observer. One reason why ve1 went itujound she did was because, lik; any o her wo an, she disdained t b her ttln dre 8 - maker. -Kansas City Star. It always Ma es a danghter I1ndd to see her mother obey her %either, an he vows she will show ra re "spl it" whip she ha* a husband.-Atcjhison Glebe. Women are e ploYed s-eallo s in Den. mark, Norway and Finl nd. Ia America they are not eMployed in that capacity, but they sail all the ame St. Lows Star. ASTO For Infants an Its M- eans idpstate of r11A Woman's Shoe should. be like herself -dainty an.d. delicate -yet strong to endure. , This is the King 1 Quality all over. It's las pretty 4s a shoe can be made and as strong alz.e) and i 'yet it doesn't look as though it was made for a. man. e People who don't know it; guess he pri9e somewhere around $5, and et it i4 pray $3. Ask to See King Quality. 041 TRADt NAIRN ISiN QUALi ( air lo Yourse( f • ming the very warm weather,„Teople are ve 4. often in an erritable mood. This may be e,au"eci by ill -health, but in the majority of cases it 1 because -people are not properly clothed for sue+ trying weather. We can furnish you. with S3 or • of those comfortable, fitable, wearable kind tha i will save your temper, because you are dre eed to suit the weather. We can supply you wit anything in Men's Wear of thislrature, but would be pleased to supply you with Taj3y part of - an Outfit. Part of itis better than none. Call and see our hot weather tonic for the temper. NT BROS., URXISBER S) AS E./11101'1TH • Bea tifu 1) signs, sell- Prnegr Q 4,ncl 5e 11. Window Shades, cloth rollers, price from 25c up. Papers LUMDEN WILSON, SOyTT'S BLOCK MAIN STREET, SE AFORTH - - Ontario. Perm nent GUMP of Cancer. Some twelve years ago Mrs. Elizabeth Gilhula, wife of the postmaster of Bux- ton, Ont., was taken ill with an obscure stomach trouble which her physi- cians pronounced cancer of the stom- ach and informed I her that her lease of MRS. life would be short. ' On the advice of friends she corn coded' taking Burdock Biood Bitters. T e results that followed were little short of marvellous. Her strength and vigor returned and in a short Lillie she was completely cured. Mrs. G !hula isto-day in' the full enjoyment of good health, and in all these years there has hot beeeni5Ithe hes ightiat return of the trouble. Her iett cure; Oflrs. Gilhula wrote at the tirne herc "About foul years ago I was taken sick with stomach rouble and consulted several ‘.11'. the leadingiphySieiens here, all of whom stomach Of an inctira le nature, and told pronounced the dileasc to be cancer of the thatcne it was. hardly to be expected that I could livelong. Afterward the two doctors Who were attcnding me gave me up to die. "By the advice of some of my friends, Who liew of the virtues of Burdock Blood Bitter5, I was 'induced to try it, and I am now ba.ppy to say hat after using part of the first bottle 1 felt so much better I was able to get 'up. I am thankful to state that Itam complete y cu red,of the disease by the kilse of 13. B.13., although it had baffled the doctors for a long time. I am firmly con- vinced that Burdock Blood Bitters saved MYH1 s the letter received from her a short ime ago : I am still in good health. I thank Burdock Blood J3itters for saving my life twelve years ago, and highly recommend it to other suffercrs kern stomach troubles of any Iti d." ELIZAIOETH GILHULA. FROM OCEAN TO OCEAN, Pupils are in attendance at The Canada Business College CHATHAM, ONTARIO. rom the Atlantic Coast te the Pacific Slope, One hundred end thirty-three cities, towns and Magee in Canada end the United States, during the eat year. Beet ue nearly 300 mile. There are new. 8 Conaties and Die tricts in Omario, 5 States rf the nion, together with Manitoba and the Northwest errito les represented. Over 300 01 our pupils have een jlaeed in geed position. since January let, 898. We recently had four calla within three week* 43 sup ly teacher's for ether business allegro. • mong those wbo bave accepted rotitions lately, re: J mine Batmen, as stenographer and assistant ook-k eper, Waakerville Brewing Go; Annie Me- ae, is stenographer and aseietant book-keeper, • ilton Proceed Wick & Fewer Co. ; Catharine Mo se, a stenographer, George :Viola Wholesale Art :uppU4e, Detroit, adichigen • George Carthwright, es sten rapher, with North' American Life Amur- nce Clo., Toronto, The spring term is one of the est se eons of the year for making a start. Enter 019-. D. ifol4CHLAN & Co. Qbatharn, Ort, 8 c1 Atte don eicseshoeing and *rod Jobbing. God rieh street, Robert Devereux BLACKSMITH and CARRIAGE. MAKER §:it! - • Seaforth. "0 ; r1. 0 • 4.11,71. 4 Cfq 17' C -i F?1 OwID:t.t7 re; Cf- P.4 Cr) "Ij 52 g 2.wa' rn" °cid 4 sl w b©. .411•• 1;••••1 IIcD4431./ CC A SPL;ENDID CHANCE The Agricultural Grounds in Seafortit for Sale by Tender The Tuckerernith Branch Agricultural Society hav- ing decided to dispose of their present show grounds with the view of pure,beeing less expensive ground*, tenders for the purchase of the grounds will be re- ceived by the undersigned until l'uesday, August 1st, at 6 p. m. ;Pantalets as to terms of payment and any Otber faformation desired, oan be reived Irom the under - *nod on application, either personally or be letter. Tim lowest or any tender need not be accepted un- less otherwise saUsfectory, Theeec grounds contain eight acre,* of high, dry land, situated on the iorruth si)de of Goderich street, convenient to the Inucluess pert of the tows, and in the most desirable residen- tial part of Seaforth. The grounds have a aired run- nlng in front and rear, and can aridly be subdivided lilto lots with little waste of land for intersecting' reeta, and will make the most eligible and desirable building WU in the town, and can searoely fail to sell riadily for building purposes st good /311006. This le ail opportunity rarely offered for sure mosey in ses,culation. T. E. HAYS, Secretary, Seaforth 10484