The Huron Expositor, 1899-07-21, Page 2-TI 71- POSITO T-TLY 219 Noma'
-rittleton, Charles -G. F11.11ley Th: subJ b does ve -tge picture Ahljopl 1; That at fbe coffeembo Fa or and ed the I INCONSISTENCIES of the past who griAaLly f Fidilra Z, Lloyd, lin Loidon,l plied
althe 1�' o-110 e or t pargo s. b t is a gallery in
advan ,,Ingdom o Q d consecrated will thous rids of peoi, a may their augbtl
DON'T 11 E f .'P OUR rids of the principles of marInd jnu�artco theIr wit and: their humor to the cause like ssen. or . ins . noo, all bho;o people them, by, tba� onibar(lii, lirltiab ob I' -muft- or ins REV, _,PR. TALMAGE IN HIS SERIVON of S) It has been in all the ages, who,, while :they v ou ors have Sent their ship fo r frh ww li not rob their a wis wl
DISCUSSES SOME CF THEM. and I sa;v to all, our young tbeologtcal heig4loors of a farthing, appropriate the feelings of absoltito saf6fy, for they bold Whatis 80donts. Sharpen your wits Until the it paper underwritten at Iiloyls its irood Illon and the treasure of the-publio. A �PLAS E S� are ILA keen ljaLschniterg nd hen take man ius a house to sell nd he lis his. Lis gold. In ease of acol Ont to tbelr t is STRAINING OUT THE GNATS' Phorn tito th a holy war. It Is a very custo rier I orth $2 )00., Next day property. TItf board -of (lip oforg I th)s ab rb bridge ba6veeb a smile an" tear, the a Liessor 0,01 es arou and t [a owner CC re 5113p:Pilig rporabJon rel�iresent the a
spension bridge 10 GrIffitWa Lininlient appll?d to Lum. a frona eye to lip, and 'says � 6 is War h $15,DWO ., The Governi interest of Great Brivain, 'It bas 1,50.0 bago, laime back,' Sore back or�-slde iv -111 It As 'Soon ro and a smile is We Are irory Punetillou ssed, over. ment of tho rifted 8 ;At tes loc I c off the agent a7jous, parts 01 I u About Small a In v the world� penetrate i1nd -stop paAn- a nd sorene, ofilettmes j sulas sIored it's it tear. Thera tax from pero.oi al Income, arno-Ig other man 1 with th(rougl) knoirledge of ships In less time than it takes to prepar! I Thirlgs;' )Ijut Neglectful of Arairs of is as much r Oligion, and I ; I think, a. little rea . jjo� Is beoikugE uld tell In nerar, hose, caw ft!is to report so few ople V1 onesielf for a plaster appflication—it'; Great lllawultude�- Pointed Itlemarks More In a sprinamorning than In a. the truth, and many a an wit )Ip Jng now.. clean and healing ---cure an in- sl As i result4 Lloyds is a S w %re pla5ter; starless Idt igbt. eligious wiark with- fall—the quickest -Acting rheumatt - That May Well Be Pondered 6wer y come ot hundrf ds of del s'a made tFElln'81)(19118 po er; tb0i %vop6 of Its 03;- out any xAmor or , it III I b � Is a banquet 0 parts are accep ad healer In, the whole medicine lOngdom. People of All Classes. stater rients W�' ch seeii d � to I ply h betoro . P&I'llamentary I. Woodward of 138 Shaw street, Toronto with a 9 0, of bee' and. that raw, and wag. about toi b handed vor to a over- coin,witteas as 0rulams, and Its authority L -N, 'X
P i Was a great sufferer front rheumatism. Washington. July 16.ommommaRev. Dr. Ta no condi rits and ho do3sert succeeding, seer�. 'in tings bawgiven Jr, the �t little SuCeeg riot sit JOIVU to Snob c f the poor, Carof their t: manner of ris Tried many remedies ` for his text thiii moriffig Pao Is w1il a Dan- Dag Liver to NnOw York-, dr): traffi C Is for llnfau mid Children. n applying Griffith's Afe't iol.Uniment p IneL 9a Za froo. con ral of t a world's ov 64 Ca.storla .1ega ' ' Matthew xxiii, 94,- "Ye blind guides y - . I . 8 no appileatloilL of it gave bill more relier, quet, By 11 arif remove all frivolit yet smugglin�g in their Saratoga trunk than anything he had over t 1,d. He say and all pabicis and.61i lightness and,vul- or Castor OR, Paregorile, .is which .strain At a . gnat arid. swallow 71 too AIM dresses from �Paris and a-balf "It certainly a Wonderful I Ilment." 12 , : I I camel..", He said: garity. Sthiju -t��jm out through Lthe dozeni watches porn Gen V ryday Are of that ILyina,; V,)Iy1 va, Switzerland, nd oothiu- Syrul s. Ift contaillLs, neitller Opi Atp um A pro erb is Oompsat wisdom, know]- of hol y I discrimination, but, on,the Here In a Foruin We 0 tol Ano the k4toms hot m officbr on the re the So diell's ging grol'Tr, oi- advancing wlb� orpiflue nor I rctle sbstance. it LS pleasaut edg cs,� it library in a fienten other band' I aware of that in onster Which wi art Tharel is nothi 2g in that trunk a in chunk $
the electiriolty overshadow of many Clouds disobar!9011 be Chrisbian Church to -day bu; wbaring apparel, id putting a.five -bleaEtured ead among the unordered ! IrmaraiRtee is t1tirty y�e.-,Lrs-1 Use -by Minions IIrl t F III one bolt, a river put through a mill oQuventiolinlity—coming, up fron, the do] latil gold throngs, puFhJng id] antllOrJtL0veJy asid6 ece in his I and to punctu - g ad t S'h!ra -desert of ecclesiasticism Nei. Castoria deAtroys Worms and allayI5
race. Wberl Christ quotas the proverb of lZroll, &te the fitatem` elpt. and preservi ng order. Ifere, at er the text, h baiing on.�kq� a meting to set �back a humlfL-of sanctinlon- od �h the tax ho all 010186 people any I I id Wind C011e. Ca$torft forth the ludi Descri be t are all those w iwcupiltjon� iouk gloo and v6hewt�ltly refu )jarrhceam bel avlor of those who m4i"e it gre se to are particula of Who appearf d 0(-,�ry veak at the A r never to break the law ;tor6- Constipation and swAllow tba,t grammar an4 i ho wanl* all their lart gu- h,)tiqe oil th(, Tibar.for grain, v,hofouah S. corAes
blui Lbout small slus a d have n TC0GAAi3l-- Trouble
4pproolistioil of grear, an ehow particular a great many foi- letter tickets to the Irlou �-M as. In my -age an eleks t specimen of L syntaX, ffllenei-v Castoria simillates t e Tod, re lunall insect and it- large quaSru-ped people ate about -the fjifinit4simal%� while straining 01 -the Inaccurnoico of '11T)Gnt their I Jgbts In rickety* ho.. 568 in out RXWZVZ9 TOE U(STAlf'r 'PrJZD. they are quite rpc*loss, about the magal th nd Bf) CIS of 111fauts
brought In comparison—& gnat and oh with� 4 it a sieve of literary criti- beyond the 7ivor tWox sulrin q stoolatr and Childrexi, tudesl What did. Christ say? Did he not cism, Vvbjlo Ith, ough their conversation amb days tinder covered I po' I looi y AT ALL DRUQQISTS— 5 CENT 8 mel. You have in museum or on th E ;�t--'and 1i e,Alflly I trnd naturltl 'Icel). Castoria is I r I thO Childrents esert 94, excoriate ' Ill fdUl PatiDEZ 11011SCIS' Of the $� 1 on latter,� a 10eak awkward a eople in his timg who wore go slander a innuendo and profani on IMPOrt0sat to AtIll, too. I by F Mr. Mack Whit the nown trainer -prawlh g qreature. with back tvro siorle so.earef ul. i rash their', hands before a and falsehoo I rger tbali a hole ca�avan- the M11vican bridge, or before 3'tbe Friend. iigh ard,kornachhavl 'acolleetiono meal, but Idnotwafili-th6ir -hearts? It of calnels, 0 they ml, lit better fri of the, great, wiler from time Of nto- the Toronto consider Grittaths, Castoria. Iment out t nequalled for ny taste,: ind better lot were thr9wn to tb in, Bi 6st of; Ileart. Ho In n People there are In our very U * no ina- all, portfolio of't fill is an excellent mediaint for to
athl"'etes or th6seltraining. I have usLmd It �pratumg. Dtitled "th( ship of the verb ioe� in vain for Its no base a1w Rs; '.�Castorlm- Is so well adApted
-with the best 'a Ce ays o rant- _cIllixtu and recomend it us superior fidt, ti egg, so neffs. sprains 1190 of that custom of the Rornan zubles, to auy pg. ef n heartily re. text time and every houn for Its government � hild, ,- 'I
Llacrosse Clu and Osgoode .egarvoil -18 a bad t no to have unclean hands. It tu ' every law 0 trage and shock es of Castoria. I
Hall Football , WrIL tea: ervoii s fo;r desert travel, an isnimal for- re a ei v wir o the lani to tilme relilant from t 0 to) 3fentholutin Jddon to tbe Jews as fo& and in ma is a wor �,bing to have an unclean their intellec�t
de-sert. P ' who very anxJous that after tiv ve repeate4ly ,jd me that I
commend It The gnat spoken of in the am lia, of it... 6bd efr-.C� upon their c ;q ,hl
; r I'll a d inflamma. L gr pool or their deat. the a - burled with- And lot every pr�positlol lose Its way J� who desired to shine as fmy�ns of the L hildren.' i scription Itnownto nle.11 and all forms' ub form. It is Iorn Lin y shall b 0, - ct. ont It 6or is few weeks becomes a rleir-faces toward. the cast and not at all the tion. All dru ' nblic. to in elves H. A. A)wrPR, X. ch Illy - .�entenco, and adjeotiies and i partJoill 'P Lke theirls DA C. OSGOOD, D- r ulls a Tia�xol & ilit—hMA a i-r�. d i t6en after a few days be,)OTIICS anxious tb A, (, uring their whole life they Aosland.pronoUns got in' a grand riot It must be remembered that " in Jilose t.he gnat should fact, in' the right ir
as o recognize it, But tbo- in. direction, so that days _%, urt fforthy of the F urth Witrd qf Now York a patron's� nobility ivaq measured ay, an - OMM FAC Positive and ImIted confilence in the I �f In the text A; n its vory —si MILE.SIGNATURE OF Kolar Plant its natur ect pokel they Shall ed roe up In- the resurrection )n election O�al by -the numberlof clients w o mus5er e's sure remedy for C a in � i I .. _4 , L - Asthma has bOen abundantly sustained In '411"Illest shape, and It yet inbabits thi'o of the just, ' whichever- way they are nitcouracy. Better s' Jn the me wallow a tHousand rning a d Saluted bim as his the many reintirkable cures obtained , a tor. orl 111Y. text is a Ini3print and buried I How-: many there are chiefly first appearance ion the, balcony of his through the use: of Clarke's Ko: a Compound. gnats thn one camel. it Is a great distovery. Eaftrated by the -Oui tc r 04 " t 1.11 I n oil t I 6 gnat. anxious t1lat a minister of the gospel Stich persoD are also cribed in bile house, hereafter they lounged for the t sbolms yott the prince of Inco - shall coin medical' protesslor everywhere. Over W My to C n a in he line otapostolic succes- t02:b, who are inoch alarined about remainder of the I clay In the t I nd boolutely =ed In Canada.. Cure sistenoW. A in n a ter o g b ery ion sion, not car he 1 small fa,filts� of Others and have no POrMcoo of tbe!14'oruln a a a at ng so much whIather hd ThTprynpw gillarateecL Sold )y all dru 2T 99 has forn a the slisplolon that In a, cup of contes froirai postle Paul or Apostle f1lar abobb their n 1great trangrc�s- vity the laggffigi hours whIchl soparateg 'HVR 0 U
0; Iwo: Inp d
b U a ar Iflead I 01
0 he
n a orycommuriltv sold .1 3r . S. there i u; slong.;Th PC are -in evj thein froni. the ;hoped for Invitation th rts. w for h3 It about to dri AO CY: lave it way measurlag a and grub or ib� grapdp, gnat until t it i larger th In Cilve, church watohdo who feel qall-pd dh7e w3h. their patron ' by � scratching! rent of a ginut- He an a caruel, goe" and gets a sleve or strainer. iHe Again, ROALL HS - takes : . y, subject photographs' all upi)il to keep. Acir eye 'on others and )-nd%! vorsea and coarse jestoli'41le 'walls T X FOR AL.E. the Nvatu-.qjid pours it throtILS11 Ae sieve those who ILT abhorrant of Nri�ull sins growl. bpy tire f till of at spiclong, L They 01' pillars agaInst which they leaned, 0 ir VOLR SALE.—In the Villago at Hen iall, a fine brick in t t oy are reckless in regitrd to Nvonder If this; man Is lot dishonest,'If by tra4lig on tile PF.Yenients gaillin he :)r�ad ligh 'He sivs 't I 'i'l would VviliI6 th EVERY WRAPPER.,"
-L' dwallingandit ecombined, welloituated near A -
th rather do anything almoA thon drink- inagnificent You, will 13ud man thii,6 n-, an Is not tinclean, � I ther6 I not wborcon to pla cootie of villige;, orms reasonable. J Apply to !1,12 ;# &;1 I I' I I b n V1, -h 4. I —1-1 . . 0 y dfoe.—� as ce=100 a, VARJUISLE, onsall. 1.1 arva be exhirpa,od ca" vy IV, 'a L 110 is so, carel ul oluathing wrong'aboub the .other man, 4V. T, MUJIRAY STIIT=�, rly yonn CITy,
rar'(111 is broO'Ittt) under to would rich -take;a yard of cloth Tbey are alwa he f1rat to hour of aloy- y S ARM I ?ORSLLE. Foreale,Lot,f,Co aeslon 6 41 OxIlOri-Illent is Succe9sful. The wato� Or it spool 01 COW n frolu the counter -Nl� UtIA1114-MA of If a rit., thin wroog, - I'Vturos are always the FHull�tt, neari vilage of Kinbinln, ontafning .1j.1 , I 10.4 thrOugh the :,sieve und leaves without paying foT it, and who, If a lirsIL to S An intbroAting dialogiio, betN4eer a, 7,01,` aboutloo ores, all iolfired- &qd In a go State of )nell aqrrion. They,' are self- cultIvatio: There'arcgood bullinge, Imit tho side Of the�sleve the grub or barik cashier sliould Irnake Is mistake and appitnted. dutclotJvos, I lay this down as mlin andi is railway con4luotor—1 In wbJ gOD orchard " &,;' I Thy thi sndplent3�of excollent water. This is. s splendid 3 113111 Carefull removes �10nd in a roll 6 billl� $5 �00 much, would a rule 'Without any exception, that tboae the woman gov the besh, of it-2,is r3port3 farm. and i0ll be ocild e4evep. Trarnediato pog"asion. by The Philadelphia Press., i ,1, inAiot iI,hd drjnks the Witter In placid" uger in :hot haste to re-. ppo ile who hAve 05 iroit faults them- Apply to US. 80110�LES, Constame P ol 7 (Uspatch a ixioiig But g4ing Out Oil day, and hungry� 'turn the sut�)O. yet who IvIll go Wto a 31-0 in Sball have to aRk you for a tic at IM7 orp in,erciless n their watch- f the desert, ", the. 'stock oompisilyi in which after awhile he I jig bt others, 'From sealll -of head to sole for tbat, boy, inalarlo." AIM 0011. SALE, 80, Cono iota 1, town. Nv'bi1ah the Jewslwere forbidden to convrOl o,f the stock, . and then ' of � 'pot. t "I guai4s not." I [icy are I ull of Jealousies and -F ship Of Tackois th. Fr. Ri d" 110-1) '1'ILja M L the stock He's too old to travel free. He- oocu- pring Stock, of f gastrononler' ba, no companc- w"tters and inakes $100,000 hyp 41-cri the late W411 f r baffole 'y oe atn White On th t4clsin , Th 3y' spend their lire in 104 it whole seat, and the car's crowded,' farm is. erected a two i:ozi or conoefence, He sti 11ppeali 1 1 ke,' $' ,000,000, Ho only stole 1 torr stone h use, barn and ifers from no hunong for Inut4kitsts apd mud tu rtles Th puts jaw 4`100,000 by.the operation, Many of the -here are people standing, shedo.. �re is also gc ad bearin arc h%rd, and He the lowe'r in.ivlad of hunting :'or ROoky Mour sain tho farna IslWall water wt;h a l(vin spri ng and a mon of for�une, made their wealth 1h that alway for AoinetWng mean In. Our Sp* ek of Fumiture is complete, well, Apply W. & L WHENCE, C! ton P. 0. ; or tbo amel's foref , ot, and )IM upper all right." n We extend a special to E. WHITELY on th olfees, "I haven't time to argue th I Uvot 0 hump Of he camel's back liatte, ti�n to all ad�il' pro 1642-tf ethino grand.:! They lock at iers i of good furniturt to inspect our stock. We bavLe
grj Ves Ono ovilallow and tfie dromeddr One of 01 ose on engaged in such u Ma'alll. Yoli')l bare to pay for that boy� alwal"
n- thoO noigbboA' i0perfectibirs throu;h 804nothin gr ne* to show you in new designs and Bnish at close prices. RK FOR S&L' b4b evening, never paid for bbn yet, an4 I'm :!L.11)p('ar.q 1;Orevall. y aicts 1), rl-For�salo, In tb,- Township of !Hd 4trained out a -the evenin.- wiseposcope and look at their own! Im- not 'Coll Voug XA vion 14, boundary lips. Abc ut 47 norel i cleared, three M'hile Oh I let,(, :L was ybt sirill- ,�took, will fill a wharf. rat stealing it Zlow Tiven .. t y fa oll;ve got to. begln� doing lt�son a C 4 - F"McKillop, the')n acres of �ot 15, Condes. to begin it now. or th 60 he Swallowed 4 camel. of the very it when �Ioe Watered tbe norf0cbIons tl h a telescope upside
.7hole wo d b Lish, about au jilts of ! their own do 't had to pa Korea of Kpo d bar two acres of Iten u haven t the nd 'h Il ;�nlo. I vo a fruit roes, s11,1 io'urpaued, w A drained sod P. w1t,.of his dally paper fro the basement doorway not hurt them so much 0 one fault of up Ally onced; - ONO 001 h joLr they did, unless L and W III go otif and cat4bl the urchin. by somebody else, T I 4eir nalOh"bors' Imper- are for birn. youre mJghty.luckv, or 4rtment is complete with a lare election of the best g-004 and
fil 10 awayt post office and i dep church colly ie t 4 III be sold chiap. ob .1ging ktten'.ion given to this bran6h of the business.
pp n W Por par- were too stupid Ito underst"d the the collar aind t wl;st tbelcqllar 140 tlFhblv feetions 'are I [ke bill ou don't do much taveliIng. 11 ' ' : 1, ticula.rat a to the 3rop detor on t. ie promises, or N-perbole— 0hrist; plil oticalll poo OgNnatfil' 44d they "hat's all right,." igght calls romptly attended to Wait -on ]V. 0. DAW�Zl; hicUILLAN, roprietor, 11 I a said 6 the r feAlow bas no poiver to say, that thein! out; thEir . wn mperfections are y our Undertaker, 31r. S. T. Holmes, GWW. 1699-tf li-em "Thatiayou. Punctaious about it '%tas thirlt fo � knowledge that led! him I Ike eaniels, ar (�, they swal� iv them. You'll pay for that boy, hm'ano, Or eh:streel Sea ar'th, opposite the Methodist church.
a disb nes i ut Igrip the opilar But lest- too many thin they escape thiings; recki+-, about affairs of to th b' 11 stop the train and put birn:off,11 i N LOT �Olt SALE.—The very dvairable vre�iib inagn I hrlitur and .11ZI ter, saying: I I ave to tell Jrn off if UILDINO 6) I . rutiny of the te�ct, I� buildin act Over winced I ... l'bat's all right. You put:4)
a vo 0 of et0nity. COne now, ler 4s all go into P How old is thab B lota,�being numbers S7, 88, 39 and gj[ru:eon'sC1tu1fe inore bitte y looking for ou a ]on .0,ou think that's the w to get anytb...,, ,I I have lbeen the a
rl g while, YOU 0018 3TIl 11111t WO All conrle no er Illy oj'Nll FOO 'BOX & Co.
situated n Blain, str oat f Egalond vIi le and Sam- the divine forth, The *Lholo cooti,filis about one acre, and will did he' Pbarl e under Christ's ]fly Paper f 'ur r. five Mink haVOD't �,VOII. !-atird when wo ma4ca th questions o., t of me."' Do sold in separate ogethi 1 to sulb the par( 318 r t of truth. As n anatomist will You mise le rarch?i A'.nd then the old thne [more pror]aln You ought to know wh purchaser. �Thio pro ent �than� 16 questions at' the rules of woollen Mills, and If% Ith can 1 rt� Is Just auth of the a human body to p13ces and put the Gock 1, w1bli tiois road ar ma'am- 'ji
D k9on u ro )&ry south of a the corporation, and 1; boy? t asIdered 4he n finddr a micro ope for exismina- hvar three b ocks, iil cry o'Ut, "Police, Lhe c6nfosR1oAal. Are not all terlipted to de 0 building alto either hr private re a Flo i: Clirlijit finds h way to the heart pollco!" 'I T at n an the evening of make'the er 'I don't kno never saw him boll fsatory� It Is high and 'onvenient. a uesbiol, Wh hall I - live App Isouth and weet. I ��a a street of the d� d Pharisee aid cuts it out and the day in hich he Watered the Stock- now? stioll, here fore. If you want a ticket for him, yould y to JANE nr J RK 8PROAT Lyreater t an the quo� .N It! ura or the gl� 45 0 Pgroondville F. O., Executors to the f Inspection for Will kneel w th his fmfly1n prayers and 4 live fo aver? L HOW better ask that old gentleman down thOO t�ste of th� lihall 7 get
to John Sproat. - I moradons to Those Pbarl- t i FOR EVERY $.it is 1588 tf it, . gL hank God , r ihe prosperity of the dy'y�, woreldolldrg h(voof gre4ter th! the ques- aile, He got oXi with him." X=_
ee, tbought that G irist would flatter then Ili H children good nig t with 49 ANSWER Q PLENDID FARB� tion, ;, How all ill I Id, easures in SALE. For sale the splendid farm 6� M We ask not one C&nt teru and, homplimez t them, and how an air which segins to say, "I ho'e You hoave�j P the 4 ju�stlon, shall I pay An A tr4tllan Riding Robert Govenlack, on the North Bond, a mile an a h4-lf from Seaforth. must bave writhed under the edhob all will grow up to be- as good ag u` of your money. In t -h6 your my debts to mt �n r greater it 411 the ques- The Australi#n's Outfit is an adapta- contains 176 scres, tie all cleayed arid in a high %yords as -hB said, "' re fools, e whited fathdr," Pit Olis for sins inscebile In tion, 11owshu'l. I meet accompanyJng lltus state of cultivati'm, ere Is a two re blind g lid obligations Mon of the BritbWs. The colonlisl sad�16 .story brIcR e, which skisin ,.No, bt palke'es for orinioR dromedarJan, to G!od Y the quiestion, 4o** I shall I gain 'tratftn 19 represented d swallo a Ca,11161. Sins animalcule In prop the VVoAd? greater thariffie grows a peaky' pommel and a.high p In outline the pictUre condition sod well undo rained. a '1�0 me y for hOuse, good bank barn a d everything In. firit-clao Itwillbe sold a, Is g a 13 ny lion, but grq or- question, tooting Cantle; he mild English krjaa� 01 not sold before theL I pill it will be rented. I'll ere arle in ouil fd mastm n In- 'Whai; � if I I 113.7. thd question becomes in. A stralia a firm,.doop. Of Npoleon. findf6ht easy terms, as the propir ator deelres to retire. it V a great a onioncy for 050 ,T; 7LIf a Address ,qits Stl d out and iquity. A Tod.r boy�slyly tako,3 from the ROBERT GoVeNLOOK Sesfor a great Can hT, clid God let sin come into -the World Pictur0ji mark it, an;t th P. 0. I598-tf vallials sivallow,ed, and Wls C of basicat of a id I ket woman a chok) pear grea�,Or than tb� ? Irih pad, and an the I*ok of the, thigh return to us, and t
the 03, ot ar q Liestion, I How shall I iAl hold in plac by. a -0
solid flancre 1 glowed OPERTY IN HAR URH sermon to sketch a few-persono who -`91lving so r, � one else from the c 3010ra got ft�extlrpated from my nature? the each of our pat- EY FOI SALK.—Foi. -<ten. --and you F, not ior upon tbe mddle4lap. As with lii�fff d ro.n
gale, the re8idence a Harpurhey at present oc 91v( ly angaired in that bu nags. �tll I:do N or WLh:o later-
d'a' .3
bila in the horrible ques�I�n, What sll� vith the 20 so With the rest of the stockl1der cu.pledbytheunderWgn d. There is Kood frame re nark that all those mi Istars =111losillore of Raymond Street "'ail or 40 or 70years of My stib-It nar existence? eq I tripment—it is as the Httrlshman, prets thia d a stabie, als over an acre of the go-si:el who are very so us -Now York I oin bs, while his co ulo usir, who greiii6or than . the quoi.ition, What shall I but moulded and strengt:Iiene( to st4kner correctly, splendidorcha d of A kinds about the ( onventionali ties or re gion. 1has been sk !'it I enough to steal t io.000 do with the million of iaye of fruit, bot. larxe, and a�nall- It Is si itated an the main abreet,auct has all but J)ut no parbioular stress upon ni� itters N' Of my Post usage, The mild—and mostly )rnamental give a beautiful nocs. Also City. You make a' candidate for terrosir-i'lad existence'r Timer -bow sm HeaVily hopsrkIotL1nninedl4el;io the Yearc, the ALbove, of vasb im nState Le v r; all it �4hunting-orop becomes 4 talt Oot—and ock-Whip ' hoollain, I The form -W Contaloinr 8J xures, d hich there is porfance, are photorapI ad, 8 Iture. ii 1 Ht ernity—h6w -vast, it I. terribly effective— st a a rt
good bouse the text. Church services ought i o be' There I i a 'F odd deal of �noasln+ and 'Inore Insignificant In comparl 8 and large stable, Mso at -orchmild. and wall. These noryoush on W10 t a curb, the � double re'lli, % � d: B 11 propel grave and solemn. There N E THE RSOLIE
These less how among. some. peonle the lUttor tha a gnat if Insignifica"t or less fancy attaolinanints 0 strip- URACEL
k wether or eapal �tely. is no - roo n for I the
propel IbI r adapted for a retired farim- Irivolity In religious convocation,, I in our thne r loo have got unri �7 LE T�1,
er.or Markut g4rdene- renitses to LOU gb teo us iihen compared with it barrel, Wado'dged ped froin'' the bridle 14 fa 0� or the 23 Illustraed.
tl� Apply on, the P there are I 1utrations, and there ar r t deal - of� uncasinesS the to t � We said �"That does not moun si plo snafflo,, and a heaqple a and ingle In making this mawrvtjloo the ro otor,;or add.rei i Sesforth P. 0. WILLIAid r
4-,yp6rboles- I ire that of Christ in the textt libout, dy 11 ag(f Ithat (161c,si'tiot, inean me, and rein at leather, so snbat*nt 1 a nai W. I tell thom that God I oller we have, no dedrafa
Ito defy Will Irr tdi.ate' with smiles any in-' will put'underL their tinrigh ous fortunes with it r4inous benevolence wearegiving 'A, t pose as public I)m
I roguery 'or terror oTA Inar ILLAGE, LOTS FOR sALE.—For sale in &he rolligent. an lience. There L are men like; F-01i)(AbIng 300m explosive than dyjia- the wholb se aItispur.ely iisbusiness transactionin V rmon away. lo� rse to brealc them. Of' UDI ord 'T breast- to put samplepookages -4LDf -r*e4pU"
Villagi of Ba�field, the following lots : Lot 8, those blind guides of the text who advo- mite—the wrthquake of is 144 r)?CDler to the charge. hite, martlngale—th(.�sc in In the town! IMP of Stanley (exce tbtibs omnipotent But 101"i su r left 11noe Fruit Iro'der In6 tbehow
of the public. This powder 'is put i
ting cate only thqse things in roll I as.serrice indignation.. � It is thne welearn in What an, Lido abo, p ;do, aecording, to tile ,,r,e,,' IF In 10 ith suffiewd 1111
th=900111114 acres owned by hfn L. 0 a 9 ut things hero I What 11,.s ar1r). which draw the corners of the land to be gold oant% ven me a t mouth America s and cent packages, u,
nl[lif 913 second— atb4l; 41n is notl excusable in poor preparatio A for a grea eternity I As te1nPPr Of the inount, NY Is eye PUZZLE each to inake ten Slasts" 01jftW
Northeast corner of Lo , 1102 Ristalfre F in the town. (town and denounco al n 0 -Wdcolares large dividends thong I %Pj -
t I thoa things� propertic, a minnow were arger than a to 118(ifull, ship of Stanley, contSIDIL
af nd-no thouZht -oil the cordial—amost 4e11rftNp4V&
aorea. These lots which have a tendency to dra the corn. and has outriles in equipa . Many a bo6enloth, as though Find.
are both stbuated on the Bayffeld roac,withio the a wallow took jWs'likIlma ad 41clightfully ple@f�
f.r.4 0 i Naj)oleon's ant Arlit'k. and all wh6 are Aii&
corporation of Bayflold. Immediate possession will f the mouth up, and thes man will man is rldir�g ' to porditio I, postillon wider circuit tb�n an albatiOss, as though I speak of a work-adav atti he given. Title ff0c fr(m fill eticumt ranoes. For tallotions, and to presbyterioi, :ahpad and ladkeir behind. %1) steal one it netUa were 1allor this a, Lebanon dler %,.nd sad- Picture one of our Bracelets we mquire'WAillip, further particulars ?Ply :V. not of the ficering glo fis 5f a holl- tribute pa!kne�. t!lfttl our goods may not fall jint,) the hands of un for us, among friends, 25mm*
to the underafZcdd. arid to, oonterences, and to associations, COPY of- a newspaper is a 119: iat; to steal cedar, as though a gnat 'were greater 112,01 appredative people, we nqq
RODERT WATSON - moeffeld ; HENRY PECK, akein, ban dil'r and, h [is, 1 t �Tl a.qt I to collef- C Irl) i i i c-, ch 1 ift-son v re, DO camel, as th "a Bay-fleld, Executo their I full Of fine gloves to strain niany thousands of dollars is It camel. I ough a ininuts were I)e s.,I(l 1;111,t the is tri oulea"easal"PleNt"11, 5 Cents, balft1he s0ling price ofsatnu, Aftai&,
out the gn 8, while In their owfi There is manya, fruit deitlerwho would longer thani a century, as �houg al sces yollreturnus the monLy Wemill tben give Yonfor thisservice V -ARK IN TUOKER3j —For stile - y meplanned. with a singlo eveni ttil IJF f I'd bt Addition to the Brav�iei, NVIliell wtks a,warded 011urches at ome ever Sun ty- ph you Jn tile lirst
XTH FOR SAE E. -d there are not Consent t s0eal buishel of peaches were higher�, deeper, broads: than etern- 0141 G41111 Slke,ll RIng, beautifully 6hgy;L%-L1I, and toall'Wil return X . Lot 24, Concessi6n S, H. R. Ill, Tuckeramlth,' 00 people so ni�d wsle0p. They make their from a neigh or a stall bu� bo, would Ity. So the text with light- mle ithin three days from in -ben seen first, we Nvill awh flaphc� 0011tsininir 100 iscirea, 9D res clestred churches k great dormitory and their! not AicrupI the' f Utt market. Ing of wit as 04rist uttered It is follow iag, almo free, a splendid sinjillat9lIX R11by, Emerald or Saw 'lad in a goad 0 L QtAt6 Of cultIvAt'011, 10 a res a good on dwood bush. t4o' 1) 1kire (Aenallme Tiffany hitle j4 fick Plit. To n)qny thts irniferous serops ar a or dle and the and as ng s can romem or we have oil b th: torialling th To a# Buch wesav-ftlocez-taiiilyul.rthin- There is on -the preinit % a good lo un ers. of awful instrumenta bric OUR$ - sn I h now as the kitah(n ; a large new bat k barn, with a. drawled o ymns heard eve 2I n ab U 11 a lullay, mlille some ry �!str rimer the :pf all crop of catas OP those Who m4ke the ques- 'k -phone . and irderophone L fberiskisnotbing as we ask llalieof vournioney, Ive underneath ; an open s ng a 8t ro of cot - I .�,L buildings ; two g.od wc Ils and 0 IT Maryland is M; fBillare, and 1y n 8� btsen1n' buxiiiessin Toronto for ten years, and hive never failed to h( d ; driv - ( I 1Z 11- in. 1, VOW, W th hor fan, the tinte tions 4f time gro, ter t4on ;he questions Mi'litiVely' recent, Jilventlo 11 t tb ftt'.Ill evefy promise religiously. ,and )ther akeful sou� 'aw' w rAjon A Our business is a l(i9itinirtepaying It Is five koups the �ics of! 1p 9 the vrorj, comes in the misralwesentation of th b - on fgjn he many oreba . unconac.lous pe �i f burs, t, a a m ng, over or enI carried on upon the i) of co-operaoin
miles from Seaforth and ix froui 01111ton on a good 11pproximate., Now, conducted bv loll (if 0 1, gravel road. School oft 4a b$r, will h 3 sold cheap, say It Is worse to joak83 a difforeme of millions*of dollar. sbadowin futuke. Olif Eternity I Etern- V08"N. 17) 1827 �1 boutstono, giva Mle T)l-L)II0 and business Wearefurweinwenou- t MI)III
Apply on the promises to ROBERT MCI ETY, or Sea. sleep In church than to gluile in.oburob, A rri'an who would that -r!1lllt-0av1j;:;weofrer the quicker olir goo,!, ,-)i to linow forth P. 0. not Steal no basket Ityl Eter fty! of mle oplione to fLn Inilar, amlsva lippara to oTLr ily;nstrieA uilich baye neverbom Jor the latter Implies at least �%ttention, of p0ao �v gro I i, J,.
has ateals .50,000 has ti of p0aches, bb atL "; -. ol-4;)If ... .1y, -� any similar Our is coullueted tbroxighoubon thehighest ies the in ifference nt th bli libritry, in Window I'Va4hip U130 in 1845 a steam ivercriryontanj kOti 11, lo rander *eak fihunft while the former impl Go down "KERSI41TH I Unipet; int-Lrprel, r;ir I iut re 11 JUld X�nd 11114
TU—,-- 1-t
ARM LANDS IN I tic No Bar. We simply 01c You to
OR SALE.— of the hearers and the stupidity of the the reding o ins, our sit] -x:u aw-ar(i
41ass farm on 0 crops f on i a e,25 y 10" FFur 8%10 thist well-ki own anli flot and siie the. news- ca giving roaring in fog V wellUbor f Dille Frij t. Distribute them arcording to instruct
the Mill Rral, Tuakerstia th, kn wn as the " Fanson paper par R a lawyer1practicilig At�the bar'be -was called telephone by elf CaJ, n John �111, th "u the Brueelet and acid yA reports of h Fghic voll Ir L e� olid "'o'd Shell pi,,, (loidd Pny proposition be 1norawr? A+1A at the game tinli it orke? his LO wiiho nayne, Ufar, Wer bile all have th else will clit.out I�heplciturop.UZA4 - within one mile and -aseo �Ogy is Ta lor, while Sudre oved th P Farm." Itionloseto-thevilla/uPfEgal In old age, or from physiol I �nflrinlby, of the Court and their h questim 1p noNr, 't ri a �y ondville, and 4gl g he 4nd it Ivil hotilllioya )I ezi 97 &ores, , mem 'er In 1854 for a sys�rn of musl us- 4 — inso LL a f afe%ortb. It contains Or from ]on,,., watching wiv'h the sick, V07 inu,310 th i;Lme, and t90 sam, , in of �0e legal professIon in ungary. Aj with brick resl on �d gool bu1dDg9 an
Plenty (5tKood water . uade 111")WHIMSS will 'sometimes dverpower wrote them, me hodi nt Infi'11:10, pbon.' TISO U 00 LY CO. Adelaide St., Toront6, Will be sold faL-IL&I -whole id wel one, but when a min t �le gO.8pel 1Y CarlrYt. ct4lly i yourIg brielless ]harrlster, ti ad of wait [ng, OA, mud on e I I I ia part to Sal � purchasero ister of ing ou t he'hugo lying abc ut the for clients, asy terms of' meut., This too�c to earni g money by oppo tunity fo, grain criop froy year to r a a splendia looh-8 off' upon an. audience and finds and f6r a —While preparing a pail of whitevvagh r any person deoirtng :a ire I painti�lk, decorating, w n ow -c eaning, Adonee � Also the residene' of years. fteir awhile therb ill be the other day, Mrs. John Archibald Mo- pleasant location for a tL t 0, van- henithy and Iritolligelit peopl( s-ruggling. Scope wi I
and o forth, InIthe?provino al towns in nd Kood lot. conientent to Blatt] street. Ap- Wre. out t4ic doxolog!y or nounoe the men whO had i onterlipt for petty, otioad at 0 poured 4 pail of -water upon, soxne stone 7" of the und r8igned lit SeVorth, A cotufortible Nvf rh drowslDcas It Is time for him to 11 oornor" iti the -4heat mark , and Donald, of Glen Nevis, near Cornwall, house a the distrIct in v�hic ' be pri to tile Pro Prietor, Sea prc ply orth, OrLtheTup E.xi,os1-r(,)jL 1,tinedictfon. I The great fau t of church will b larize thOft bar.'I n efforb w 1.8 LOST t a wheat bin of a jistion na to hays 8 lime, which 6xploded, throwingtbe hot 011100- 110REKTFANSON,8eaforth. 164 L-tf lnp� em t to-dity Is not too mu oh vivacity, kind cluo rimIt I sr any npontho Am can n sod from �e roll f advaes s, lime into her face. Although a doctor was i but the lord chief jnstioio ru ad that btlt too Intich sonmoloncu. T. ie )no is all corncrib And some of the Mail M Immediately summoned, she is now totally ARM IN TUCKMAI LTir FoR SAL sit y1pung legal revolublo'nist w Put Wilon's In
—For sml�, Irritating gnat thar, may be e LsI sbpa�rl. in ebtiro es and n reformatory, ir stitu pea to:save the vsiw
F jlAll,Concsaion I.TuckeroMith7contafnil 40 blind of one eye, but ho REEV"
g g a in earning: morloy, hvl hollegt ja 100 ac6s, all cleared but ed out, tho other Is prawling f other one, Port the track of I bout 8 acres a good a long tr ng to! 0 rain out the small 1 gnats It Is ur derdrAlaod, well fenced, andL bush. t l&I ior, high btate and sleepy oypd call)al Of X dr v desorb. Of scoui drolism. while In their 1gratil. Of cultivation. There is I k irood atone h 3use 108t appetite Sad * barns, stables &ad out mving gone o the trouble an(F speed goddL rn till our Sabbatli schools I all ou ejovator and In their Storehouses they After 1 -houles. It )ina a good ljjl)lt� C1118S2q QChool ; is Within flVe Lull leg Of in all 0 L y recovery Is Seafortit , and thrue up pulpits, we need aro4attaiing hage oamoig Whicfi� they "E3 13o on ex of applyin� Paris Green, it is ured. It tone8 tW
Miles train Kippen. The of good wa L to . to brIghcen up our roligio, J RITISH PLL0Y[),c;.01 iage witil expect alter awhile to owltilow. S Your an aiwf4l huisance t� find that your Will be kold wiLh or witho ro oclety i the best farms I a the to t P. It, Is one of stioll ChriAlie vivacity as we' Bnd in has to bo entlrel� reconstructed on this lo- V .0duct �oniaeh, inv%0140 w hip, and will bd sold on uf�200 Yourm, Experience wor�:has��eeh donelfor. othing, aild'
easy toruls. as the proprk or wants to tho text. subject, I We arO to find that a sin� to I % the system, and 0, letire. Also _ 11- your m 60 acres within A mile a a quarter, a I take down from my library he bio excusable In pr6portion as it is great. oney ��`ated Some greehs 'are Stolleg to its
lot. well fenced, but no Ildiaga- Wilt Dod grasin� A brief statement of Eniland's ooean Ally ul e�ess, buti tlie Paris Green owner tw be sold to. graphics )f ministers and writer,lls of the know In our Jinie the � tondenci to actu' dreea Eguloadville P. 0. - Pst ages Inspired and unillop 'charge religious T upromao will, wbieh,was lost,
Kethor or i4eparately. ly on the preinives, or ad I is It
1A red, who rauds upon goo man. think. be of interefib. DS sold MES hIcTAVISH. have dor o the most �'tdbrino souls to tillys H, Phelps at, ii 1630 tf They say, 110 Whitnarsh, nTbeA an VOR SALE.—Hgtate at the late f God-, n � this (.11.111.10 , pro- Jusus Christ, and - I flid that, without a you have in tl;' what a hoeb-of funds de. Groat Britain to -
Single oiception, they consecrated their � church a t , day stands Mar CasRete day I" And who sin older of a JY the Inipt,ess of the I S'Ir TS1 -V Being-Lot4!,Cone.e9Eiioul4,ofE3et W'awanosh I Urob, I wol I 8 .40 untY, containing 133� acre$. it Is , wit and their humor to Christ. Elijah or a deac I sh ipPg interest', H� r lonn ge is grea r *00 Milo gout h it or 0 the el, thun t4at of all the i ations of the wo soon Huron co [IN- uT- Uo F R usod it wbon he advised the Bnalites, as on, or. minist f osp atio
h of the thriving town or iVinzf ara. Ther4 ons d d" chool 'pub together- boj�. shi )s Ca ilve-eigbt 8 Is on the prepati- bank baen, they could not make their god respond, or a superintend nt of a Sabbath STORE widids straw shed, aft with atone foundation!s : 'iwo d-rivi nt to ouder, as their god might turns out a defa lter, what display heads Of tie 4eep-Water fro ght a oat and a a and lolploolt.-nt call 1 I workshapowr 0114.. aud be there are in buys a4d eb If sop" le; zood fristledNvelling a U sheds, wit] I P LLS 18bo ht in �bulk, tqsted, and packaged e frame horse eta I sund asleep: or gone &-hunting. - Job any of tho. newsp pers I the c rgoes oil t with atone 0011,Lr, andL goo used it when he said Great primer pe.. Five line pIcs, ocean. �by my If, so that E tan guarante Pod 9
well -at door. Aida flrgt: to his Self-concelted r Sai .1 e it MEOW
d. I I I 0 to be -a I 4gh, c' ney will be re- 01"s beainz orchar co -knother Saint Absconded," IC erical Her success is 0-59crot; ti basic I AM RD 'A& r m.o
OtAte of cultivation, well watered witti raiwh of Scoundrc in, eligio at a I unt, " 1Y not )eon due obwee, ut has grd n ip ifu Is a rich rubi
Mattland Mirougb Ono C( �nsr. used it In the text, but V Port, vio
Oil clay lost" in a hi -Ii "Ifortors. " Wisdom will die- with you, sm., ndedl I n9ne I 011DId packages, 25c -At�- Christ not only L
ulfirs apply ti the execu )rs: GEO ill 0 M10h - j IIG CA-SELS, d the ctor froln the spiritO 11torest in shi 14 - -OW' Peruvian bark in pro For NO ther prtic- " Shame on the huroh,6s,11 wlile�there -15
when he ironioa ,it It"Itum 11" P W-
11,r-complilliente 3res 8 t If $malleil bnes at IN 4nd 10c. A00boater p NES GOLLE Wingha rilpt Pharisee, sayfjog. "The are a thousand scoundrels outsi a the every British st bje, it ar'p' 015 tions 1) whole need tak Ld 0; prescribed by I
0. ; JA51ES Tif OUPSo A If English an
rea cor it III 11, ` L tS, rod, Pops on known as ti I o. ; or to not, a PhYlli0an," and when, b one misbehavior of �hose *ho never s fthe In the t 1 14iii, lilf% 1110 Armaicopoei".
,L$, on th I remiaes. church to one In, ide the churol, ar!i alwayslaken, Tf, Is s Arit h t .01 d THOMAS CA88F Us a it 0, RO TULP -
p word, he described thevanning of intMde of a chure Is s� 0 culmillt5 i�er C4th Bri tJ i ideal appetizer. ds which corporatI4 n Snap B saying, a ye, and 11 that enough to tem t a man to lbacalr�,e a I'll 0 11c ass dorn �na b argains ox,,, Mab� great Ithat # Is :Lloy if 0 in Real Estate and I -11 8 every vessel, no I I thew Hen Live ck. 8 Common tarJ es,froin the first Christian to 9 t out of their company. matter what na ifor, lItY, that salls n 93060SON665 on 10AXACME. For sale in Seaforth b
L . I y
THIRTY DOLLAM an iscre will I)uv 184 acre Pago to ti e IMI; corruscated with humor But In all circle , religious and, irreligill foreign trade, 11 it, listi of abippix fartin—afirst-cluu grall, is d stock farnl as summer cloudo with heat Ii ling, ou�, bhe tendeno s to 9 ME BEST Ils always Village of Zurich, 10 the to of -near the gb tr excuse sin in pro- (Lloyds' Registe: it has, stamped i ir L A larg4od. tAntity of LUMSDEN & WILSOM,
' County of John B inyan's writings are -its f u.11 of nammoth. Even John onlitted to stant 's fdno Pill.s. &l1 only 119MLOCR LUM Huron; good buildings, go f one pition as it is, I Dodd P d 'he quality a and a most desirable place itigo t Milton in his ' amclise Lost," while he foreign -going tMits this,* are widely , plea , of water burner ai they are of. saving truth, and f erval r in box* III PINE L orks a boar "red there Is nO, -condemns 1 abort horn bulls and th�roo f) th ou, ves 01 agont. It has been b so tbV are the .11 t for an Aged man here Who has 11, gives'such a grand Wet UM Tako none eel 9 TIMBI
C A-1
and prices hb. For pArtioulars apply 'vice; sloo ffeveral roads r homes, all ood fitar ever read �IPJlgrimls Progress" who-doosi 8011010111 of,him you h a hardi work to Surance busin , ND EDAR POSTS AT NEY TO LOAN. ,k =' do the mellIns-Of cenlralizing tfie marine In- I 911, 088 ;o stich an extent that RAK-' not rometriber 'that- while reading it be withhold your admi tion. h, this 13:ritlgh compania KIE, Zurich P. 0. 16124f * sniled as often &a he Wept. straining o ca:rry sevon-eighths of J084PEE Chryfiostom, [me BER YARD. Money to -IoLn 41 and b per C-eak Y#r 0000�
Ut of 11 B;s like gnats and the r Isks, of the m orlai Ar thiej iulpint dc grOat ties like Fo.- ., 200 Gwrge Ifforbert, Acibert bouth, George wn iniqu GIEORQE- OAM Ei.L, Pr Any istnount on firoWlan forto land sow ears since t�e days wha a D— on Uak 801.11111110,
Whitefteld. Jaremy lmd camol I U opeietor. blytoll S, RAYS, Domial Tarlar. Row n40writerITQ, Mon cofineated vlt� 1045 -if i0ith
— TEy TO W",
IWE gWriliind d0310A
1901401"70 on lirstmo
say At - �;� isomon. �o
jo 819AMN M.
AmunsT va
La". Loon 4
V00 4g and to Lo
I .-- = swre. sma Are
ultolAt for roffixi
,bi,lb *A be Wd b�
Java" LADIES.—]
TO -fto bAleS of S004
"ed to 40 up buir.
An loWtue - tot of bUc warket ar"te. 3"forl
AND Big,
grtud pen of lar
J1In0rCXS--1Uo In 00101
W4k in Carads. "d tolf rr _"
d fine V)o
1W colonies of It0im a
.1011 gne or Jupeepers' �
owes,, #WoVirs, Utir
ArAh rorador. Set
balf Of 20, 6th C
*66wn a4 the Stargiso 1
felloes jmd uz
mmUb i;Z i�dirndadrsiioed, 0111
I) -an, with gm
otgoodwst%andim a,,
mirablCIA1110- I Only'
I.W fardw paot!culam, spp]
id r 801ttOyth P- 0- X*
obtap, thelf
R vellar, bud. and solt wAl
The box
FWtdo4,,etc. There an
ja INds of frult amd or
Utgesitisble. Th.
and most plo
lingWotth -and wil be s
'am FOR $AL9.
wAw --jeazed snd in it Ve
$hob*ljsuee in irood bw
well fenot d and now bank barn, -n,gwd-. it iswithin a mte -and lour,wiles from Cliatioln,
sad will be sold ehmpj
ment. For further Bracefleld. atoncespi;
on willch lu abont bAUnce is undardiraf000d,-
law ; there Is a good b
0. 1iv1rg)shtd; thtr
epring *ello ; It Is Aied rumis, in- Wifh
-Vcrty, and v,,,'
splendid prc
terms. Apply on the JOHN BERRY. rLENDID PARK F0
South Tbaines Xua
I cull
96 Ares under
Good brick redd,
voodshed, %j3d la7go bali
sud good dr.ving boui
dralh-ed witli tile and I
TAtift. ThortissFoodz,
11it grounds are MAset;
Jli#�.wltbln forit U-116
V "W h02, Neth-idlEt isl��
witbill a Mile. Thcre 11
boom Aud aUbles, Ah
Onding, *W. T -h -,s is iolz
iiDuhty0f Iftron,audUi
Mpect and will be sold I
Vroprijetor destria lo reti
rSTOCK XV4,0.:
A04" 00U "ERVII
: r �r"eo
b =ghb
I't the tim�
g 01 reptaurkatElat -00 PIG BREDERS.-�'
X on Lo 26 4Ddnomll
4 -fteroughbred Uuunn bred Yb)nwams VIG, &
be Admitted to iimsch. IT10
of service, r $1.60 It 41
Whitil PlZi Toll aale� JAI,
Emoefeld T-MbWovrb Boar, *#b re
$1 -, ayabl,o 0 * x-6 41 iii
Tum hQr If awomry, A
WOE! YOUng TLmw4ortb 1 1
nUQf1 JL signed MaKill0p, a limited number of vown
extra, od go plg And bree&
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'T"'ns *4 4th ;Otrivilve
- th(Orotlgbfired Dutb�
old, 0110 ftv;i and 1be ptli
Lot 220 Can,"" ion 11, jdtl
A TUICTION SALE or -4-1- RRTY�—X-r� W11
been 1176trueted �y Xr Ifenfall ,of the late j*M?5 wbite s�
,%baduy, Auly-220d, Z .*
the 101lowing, valuAble James WhIR Xnown am
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InIles South Of Heall 1100d 1rme house And )arm
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T11ey Ilaye no 0
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They have o lo
the expene, Of Cash buers will their .8boes tbere'.
THE NI -7,w Under t&e Tewu.