The Huron Expositor, 1899-07-14, Page 8TH HURON E POSITOR JULY 14 18 TOILET SOAPS - We °arty a fine line of both Toile and Medica d Soaps, which we sell a very close p ices. A few special Ines : Heliotrope Toilet Sap at 5c per eke; Alkalai Toilet itioaP (in bars of 1 lb. each), at 13c per bar; Old Brown ind- oor at le per oaket or 10c per , ozen cakes; Panay Blossnm Toilet Soap four cakes in a box, at 10p per box. A I the leading brands at the very 1 west prices. LADIES' BELTS - We will 'clear out the balancie o our stook of .Ladies'' Belts, with jew Iled settings,' at half prtee. Good a sort- ment yet to choose from. BOOKS - Home you read "David Harum ? If not, why not? We have it. PAPST'S BOOKSTORE SEAFORTH DOMI ION BAN CAPITAL( aid Up), REST, SEAFO TH Main Street, A General Barking acted. Far ers' Sale and advance made on rates. e $1,500,0 $1,500,0 RANO eafbrth. usiness tr otos collec same at lo Drafts sol on all po the United S tes and E d on el posi s of SAVINGS DE ART upw ds - R. S. HAY . Solicit r IA/PORTA w. o. 0. ns - ed, est nts in Cana a, urope. ENT. -Inter st •ne Dollar nd K. PEARC Agent. OTIC i I am now sellin a finit-elasa new Improved 11 Arm Sewing Mach ne, with the latest steel alt silents, finished i tak or walnut, and with co s4nd five drawers, r fancy drop bead and five dr elm for $25 cash. This machine is the " Quee - Manufactured hy ihe " White Sewing leach Company." All • /whines fully warranted and gu steed to do first- lass work, light or heavy. W..A.TS 0 NORTH AIN ST., SEIFORTIL, General Ins rance Agent & De er in Swing Machines. 163 gh h• er w. ne r- -2 1 - Wilson's 1New fruits and n lire have now in st ernes .Teas we ev Ceylon and Japan or will refund the Raisins. Currants, loVvest prices. So Teitlet Sets just re lowest. Wanted ig Ixttatoes, dressed` 1 produce, for which 1 13T4 Cash 'Grocer w season's Teas now in sto k ck the best values in new 81 ✓ had, comprising Young Hyso eae. We guarantee satisfaction oney. The best qua,ity of new 'uts. Peels, etc., now in stock t e nice lines in Dinner, Tea and eived, and at prices as low as the od butter, eggs, dried apples, • wi, and all kinds of mirketable we will pay the bighest price. • WILSON, Seaforth. Bank of Commerce Block. ,READY -T -WEAR Our stook of Read Bo -a' and Children's th4n usual. Prices ore and buyers pi Our Men's All -Wool Exbellent Snits in MI nag buy a suit fit for Tweed Sults from One fact we wish to handle the best fittin thei country. 1 SUITS. -to-Wear Suit in Men's,Youths', ia now full. A sortment larger n the bed roc baste. inspect- nounee value unprecedented. nits at $4.75 are trade bringers. n's at $6 and $8. At $10 you a prince to wear. Children's 150 up, Boyd from $275 up. mpress upon buyers is that we and mode ods produced in Wm. P ckard SEAFORTH. &-O0. Grand T unk Annual Exci To Minnesota an tickets sold on J 18th, good for 60 last year, but fare Manitoba and C aions on above da all rail colonist vi Deloraine, Win Moosomm, Cowan Regina, Moosej Prince Albert, Full particulars ailway mons North Da -ota. Return ne 27th, JuLy 13th, July days, to same points as vary. nadian Northwest exeur- es and son e time limits, North Bay lpeg, Rest n, Binseartli, 28. w, Yorkton S30. 'algary, Ed onton, $40. on a,pplicati n. W. SOME VILLE Agent, Commercial B ilding, SE FORTH. 1645 Picnic nd Canspin Gr The old r..atable 'knit- Ground POINT" is still ope for visitors veni. nee. Boat,,, rowing and sailing, stabling and goad w -at and mom fo OWETT SRO Fall Term Op ns Sept CENT e;ize• STRATFO• Write to -day for the finest business ada, and represents the most and best school. W. J. ELLIOTT, unds " JOWETT'S Every con - or hire Good all. 1044 , Proprietor. mber 5th. _ 4K-je D, ONT RIO. oar new eat elogue. It's -ollege critaldgite Can - progressive rincipal. 4441-52 LADIES' an4 GENTS' GOLD W TCHES Ske futon err OW. DISTRICT MATTE S. THE VOTERS' LIST. --The vote s' list for the town of Seaforth have jest ben issued. There is a total of 855 voters on the list,. and of these 253 are eligible t serve as jurors. Five hundred and sixty two er- sons are entitled to vote at both municipal elections and elections to the Legislative Aseembly ; 186 are entitled to vote at mtini- cipal elections only, and 107 are entitled, to vote at ekotions to the Legislative Assembly only. • ENTRANCE A D PUBLIC S HOOL LEAVING -EXAMINATIONS -The folk hag are the numbers who rote on Jun 28th, 29th end 30th, at the va ious centres l'in East Huron : Centres, Entrdnee P. S.L. Clinton 2 21 I Blyth 0 1 Wingham 56 8 1 34 I Seaforth 53 6 Brussels 48 29 ' Wroxeter 28 Fordwich 15 8 Totals 292 115 The ne,mes ofc'the successful candidates will be published in the local papers about the 27th. inst. The physiology answer papers for the Brussels centre were destroY- ed in the Brussels railway station fire en July 1st. The loss' of these papers will heve no effect on the results of the examina- tion as this is not an important subje t. anadian Express Company is entire y Bible for the loss. The retina SZYTERY OF HURON. --This Presbytery met i Clinton on the llth hien Rev. J. A. Ande son, B. A., was appointed Moderatnr for t e ensuing six months. Commissioners to th Assembly reported their attendance at tb meeting of that court. A letter front Dr. ampbell, moderator, of the General Asee bly, was read respecting the "century fu d, suggesting ;hat a meeting of Presb ter e appointed at a time when it woul be o venient for him to, attend it; that the Pres') tery be divided into gtoups of eon grega ions, each of which t be under the care o a member ot the Pre bytery. With regard to the firstt it was I ft to Dr. Camp- bell to name the Mine when t would be con- venient for him to attend, aid with regard to the latter the Preabyte was divided into six groups, un er the aee of Messrs Anderson, McLean, J. A. ansilton, in the absence of Mr. St wart; Mnsgrave, J. Si Henderson and Ma tin. T e etanding com mittees for the y ar wer appointed, of which the followi g are onveners : tdri Anderson, home 1 lesions ; M. Acheson,1 church life and wor ; Mr. T. Hamilton Sabbath schools; Mr. Shaw finance ; Mr. ance of tudenta ; Mr. ristian &cleaver ; Mr. on, etc ; Mr. Musgrave, Stewart, superinten J. S. Henderson, C McLean, augmentat foreign missions. r Shaw submitted a deliverance Oh M. Muir's resignation, which was adopted. The next Imeeting of Presbytery is to be held on the 12th Sep. tember, at 10:30 a. m. 1 • 1 IIIIRON BOY, ABROAD.----DEAR1 EDITOR, - THE Exrosrro never wearies in recounting with pleasure nd ride the , duccesees of " Huron's son " in distant :parts. The writer was p ompted to pen • this item through a rece • t visit to Detroit,' the pleas- ure derived fro the trip being added to considerably b co ing in contact with some from ho e, ho have distinguished themselves in the beautiful city of the straits. Notic bly a ong these i we might first mention D • R. Hislop, son of Mr. Thomas Hislo , la e of Seaforth, and brother of Mr. James 'Hislop,' merchant, Cromarty. The doctor, whose office rooms are in the Bamlet 'building, near the Gris- wold House, enjoys a luerative practice, in, the city. His elegant, red pressed brick residence, on Grand' river avenge, , affords him all the comforts modern conveniences can supply. Hie brother Thomas, at one time also one of Huron's public school teachers, is fast making. a name for himself in the legal profession. - We might also couple the names of Dr. McLeod And Dr. J. L. McTaggart, formerly f Chiselhurst, who, we regret to learn, has been forced to take a rest indefinitely on account of ill - health. We also met with familiar faces but recently removed from eaforth, in the ersone of Mr. John Robb aid Mr. Charles Stewart, our late band leader, both of whom expressed their contentmeneiwit their new home. We might add many more, but these are sufficient to represent tie many.- SEAFORTIISTE. • :-All 10e line and sum. id for butter and August. 1648-tt TRY KINC'S CLEARING. faAL -: prints /or 5e. Iligh &ass organdie nip mer dress goods at half price. Cash p •and eggs. Try the sale during July G. E. King, Wingham. • MR. W. SOMERVILLE, Se fort , Ontario. 1 Dear Sir, -I beg ta inform jou ' hat he ladies ar- rived on Grand Trunk train No. $ at 1:47 ,p. m. I was on hand to meet them and - assst with their baggage, ete. I also aocompalie where they spent the afternoon si on our train at 6:10 p. rn. well ple ladies will have a pleasant voyag speetfully, C. 1% McDonald, age way. CHEAP BICYCLES. -lIaving'secured a num- ber of cheap wheelsin Toronto, we are now offering the same ; teal snaps in wheels --new .and second. hand. Gt. nerlal repotting done promptIV and in goed etyle. G. sl. inar,swiri, Seafortb, 164-8-1 FEED CgRzt.---:Another car load of feed corn just arrayed at Ifamiltoa & Kerslake% Seaforth. ..„,.. 1 T ` 1648.1 . , biOUSE Ty Li. -Lately occupied by J. W. Elder. Akily to F. Holmested, Seaterth. 1648 i them to the Falls ht seeing, and lett sed. Trusting the I run yours re - West Shore Hall 16481 • THE TONV,IN COUNCIL. -The regular meet- ing, of ,the Own council was held on Mionday evening. l'here was a full attendance of membere. !Accounts for street improve- ments, salaries, etc., to the amount of $325 were passed. The public school beard asked to have the sum of $3,050' placed to their credit in the hands of the treasurer, and a resolution to this effect was passed. The street cormrittas report recommended , ex- penditures as follows : Sidewalks, $766 ; gravelling, $506 ; drains, $1,133, making the total expenditure recommended $2,406. The report Was amended by reducing Ithe amount for Sidewalks to $374 and drains to $372, to be psed mainly in necessary repairs, the new wotk to be done on the frontage tax system. i The amount for gravelling was left as in till) report, thus making the total 1. estimated e penditure fcr streets this year $1,252. Th s, of course, will be in addition to the proposed new granolithie walks. The report 98 amended was adopted. In this conneetkon the following resohition was adopted : "!That no new drains be put down this y ment out of epared an next muni I work sae done unde t that the do the nee ired." Th opted : " With Waith in or Elgin movements Pr at very low prices. at Watch repotting is specialty ri'f. ours. All al. work warran ed at lowest prices. be 71— bu C. A. HUMBER & SON itc)ti JEWELER, SEAFORTH. an 1618 pr dr --Wm. Manning, of bietowel, a laborer, by 40 years of age wh heating his wife whe liquor, did sio on 5 thorized to operty own ains or wal at least tw was in the habit of chmmend the he got the worse of feel it practio turday morning, after such drains or which she laid a coriplaint against him he- provement a fore the magistrate. When he found it out I Etolnnested, so he gave her another i beating on Satuiday the Silver Cre evening. Finding the constable was ing to arrest, him Ttmday morning, he he would never appearIbefore the rr agist ate. ci He took a dose of Ian anum, from which he a died. He leaves a lar e family in very koor vi ar undeF the old system of paY., own funds,but that a by-law e submitted to the ratepaye s ipal election, providing th t as new drains, sidewalkg,ete., the local improvement ae treet committee be empower,e ssary repairs to drains as following resolution was ale 'hat the street committee b consider petitione from sue Mae may desire to have ne s, said petitions to be aigne -thirds in number, and re to the council as far as the ble or judicious to pat dow walks under the local im t." A letter from Mr-., icitor for Mr. C. Wilson in k drain matter, was read and letter was the result of an Oen a committee of the (men - loon, which cominittee was rview Mr. Wilson with a a settlement without fur- edings, if possible. The let- om- • said received. Thi interview bet and Mr. W pointed to in sy of teachin r legal pro circumstances. th 1 te , from Mr.Hol este was to the following effect : "tithe t wn ill deepen the drain ontthe 1 wer end of th west side of Cole - men str et as de p as leceseary to get all the fall hat oan be ob ained at the railway bridge, nd put in ate.inch tile connecting Mr. Wil on's Ian wit this drain, and pay the lege expense e alre dy incurred by /4/1r. Wilson the amount of $60, the matter can be a ttled," The following reeolution was pro osed : " That in reference to the me of r. Charles ilson, this council will agr e to give Mr. ikon the sum of $150, pr viding he w thdraws his action against he town and g yea a proper bond indemni ying the town rom all further or future c eta in the m tter, and that the town wi 1 Alsosive Mr Wilson permission to deepe and use the t wn dram on Cole. man ser t,' providing the work on said drain is one under the supervision of the council. That a copy ot this resolution be subrnitte • to the town's solicitor in this case for hisa prove] and for submission by him to Mr. I ilson." IThieitesolution, on being voted on was lost, molt at the matter now stands, it did before 1 these negotiations took ple, and the law will be allowed to take it ouree if Mr. Wileon proceeds. A motion t construat a new six inch tile drain on ohn street, from High street to Main, w s lost, as it was the opinion of the council t at this drain should come in with the other ' in . the looal improvement or .:1 frontage x seheme. Te council adjourn- ed to meet again at the 1all of the mayor. &mole ver,Le NOTES - Instructive les- sons may be learned fro the drowning ac- cident ich °et:stirred here last week. Boys wi 1, go into the wa er in Rummer, and should, are early age, e taught to swim under p ot er conditions t is benefice!, They and tak rompt mearni for asehiting each other in e of necessity There is, how- ever, fa o much dabbl ng in the water in warm w a her, especiall during the school holidays hen some boy are nearly washect to death i the filthy, at gnant water of out rivers a d' creeks. In t is connection w would a g est that boys nd young men b very car f I not to make hemeelves a nuie ance by a bath bathing, and the small boy should 1 aye rem mbe parental advio 11 when told to keep out of the water, as many a bp has never liv d to walk home who has di obeyed quch instruction.-Mis Maggie Fl urscheute his been spending a couple of • *take with rela Ives and friends in Toronto -._The site ef the old Dufferin House, in • ur village, 'h a been a lively place durine,the petit w ek. Nightly en- tertainmen s have been h Id under canvas and a real edicine man as dispensed the blessings o , his art durieg the daye. He is said to be clever, gentle anly fellow, and 1 many a wo se 'show has b en presented for public patr nage.-Mrs; rehibald Burns, of St. Mar s, has been p nding part of this week here ith her siste , Mrs. • Thomas Hille.-Th unprovements in the interior of our church are about co piste, and add much to its appearance an comfort. -As a your Egma dville ecribb er, in common member of early twenty years' ilbanding, with many thers,ear esti protest° against the action 1 tely said o h e been taken by the director of the cKil op Mutual Fire Insurance C mpany 1 the matter of the destruction f propert by a tornado. We trust that w have be -n isinformed and that they h ve not be n sto blind to the best interests of 'heir com any s to treat their patrons wits, so little •onsi eration. • LOCAL B tees. -T e ! C ildren of St. James' churc Sabbat sch ol held their an- nual picnic n'Case's gro e on Thursday afternoon f ast week, whe the young peo- ple spent a most e joybis time. -The South Hu on, Farmers Ins itute excursion to Guelph n tted the Ips itute $259, and the railw y ,company $1e5 0. -Several far- mers laths icinity are co plaining of rust on the f 11 heat.-Mr1 a d Mrs Robert McAlliste , p Hay, and dl and Mrs. Geo. Anderson, of Stanley, paese through town on Saturd y , ra their way h me horn Grey, where the h d been spen ing a few days 3 with Mr. c llister's daeg ter.-- ev. Mr. Nottrass, 1 mherstburg, preache ,in the Presbyterian hureh here fo the next two Sabbaths. iss Florence hitele , has re- turned bo e rom Zurich Ifo the holidaya. -Mrs. T 0. Kemp and family took up their' sum,me quarters ia Bayfie d this week, °coop ing the satire cottag in the Cedars which they occupied last ye r. -Mr. Keith MeLe n sailed • hot Mon real on ,Wednesday o last week for Liverp 01, and will -go from hence to Lond n, to isit hire brother Allan who is lo ad ther .--Mr; William Pick rd and famil left o Tues day for llayfi ld to spend t e heat d term under maws in the Ce a s. -Mr .Jameti Gillespie, is I ividing hi tore i o Main street into •wo :compart entre ; a d has rented (Me t• Mies •Kinse for al millinery ,store, and the other to a ge Memel from I 'distance, wh purposes 8 t rting , a gents furnishine est blishment.-lt r. Win. Cs.rnm bell has war ed the edittr et for the placl ,ing of a pl te glass freest in Mr. B. B. teunn's store.] Mr. Cemphell is a good land.: lord, and take pride in keepng his proper- ty in the fro t rank. -Mr. James Young who has been • the Sun office here for sev- ral years, lei on Tuesday last for Wal- aceburg, whe ation in the o town. -Mrs. Toronto on T law, who is se went .to Nia Mrs. (Dr.) K her holidays board have de school buildi g so as to '11 heated with ot air. The furnaces requit ed. The wor for -the baseme These improve thousand and a work w years ago, in t fert and health open by notice agricultural gr f r sale by t s ciety is, if th urcharie less h e r part of t t eir hall. -Th tended celebra southern breth able to arrange Seaforth, they to go to Wiegh, taking the trai year ending tered with,Tricv 12 births and 1c a lengthy lett rison, in reply t McKillop, but over until next will not spoil al warm. -The T last contained a ,the Toronto Ge group we notice Dr. Bethune, of Grand Have her uncle's, Mr. of bowlere went and defeated tw shots. -Mies N home from where she was t acience.-Mies ing her sister, Donald Guthrie has had the degr conferred upon College, Virgini ly assistant to Presbyterian e youngest man he in the Southern Guthrie expecte months in Canad tithe has seeur ce of the illiam Balla esday to see iously are Falls on llarn, and int there. -The ided to place furnace? in the vet the rooms wilitlbe four of eXeavating t has already ecireenenced. ents will cDst betsecen one fteen hundred dollars. This ich should lave been done e interests bot -of the com• of the pupill3.-As will be lsewhere in this liesue the ends in (hie wirtire offered nder. The bject of the y can sell the:e grounds, to expensive gr unds e town on Orangemen o ing the twelf en at Exeter, for a special t ecided, at the m, a,nct drove from there. une 30th, th • Clerk Elliott deaths. -We r from Mr. • Mr. J. J. Ir we are fore eek ; but it hough the wee ronto Globe icture of the eral Hospital d good situ- erald. of thet tynel went t er brother -in se Ada Beatti Monday wit •nds ?pending miblie school hich Mc ion es ro eine et dlop in - h wilth their 'at being un- ain service s,t las t to For moment, Binssels, the half re were regis- 7 tharriages, havb on hand Joh b C. Mor- ine, both of d to leave it 11 keep, and her may be f Saturday ouse staff at and in the Dr. Fred Bet une, son of ise Cherry, visiting at Two rinks 18 F'riday last town by 16 returned ssachusetts, n domestic n, is visit- ows,-Rev. , Virginia, f Divinity on Sydney asformer- 1 this town.- , Michigan, D. Johnson's. o Clinton on rinks of that ttie Wilson 11 orcester, M king a course arvey. of Lend re. (Dr.) Bur of Richmon a of Doctor him by Hamp Dr. Guthrie ev. Dr. McDonald, in the uroh here, and is the ding the degree of D. D. resbyterian church. Mr. to spend the next two .-Mr. Harold Cherry, of _zee - — Obiertiro fiends p eaoh rder n xt Su heeetmaet re. J, GIoderic guest at Mr. an eels, ripe Seaforth home on her holi Bessie T London, tgar of the Se next Tue invited t days. - letters w Herbert of w, blob Gilohrist Hensel', H. Ingra to.do qui business. of 125 p week to Annie Mc companiecl fat°, nepli Spence, spent som and Mrs. , Monday. : i intending his holidays I with ni town. -Rev. Mr. Ruseell wil a eclat sermon to the Ancient 'oreaters in the Methodist church, ay afternoon at half past three. ere of the Order are requested to eir lodge„room at three o'clock. - Greig is visiting at, her home in -bliss Murphy, of Kingston, is a r., John Killoran's John street.- '1Mrs. Charles Bart'cliffe, of Brus- t Sunday and Monday with Old riends.--Mies Ettie own arrived re with her. -Mrs. J. Ingram of aturday last, from Buffalo, for ye, bringing her neice, Miss s visiting her son,' Mr. A. 'H. i he annual bowlingtournament ay and Wednesday. , tidies are ,`, orth bowling club ill be held iett the green on Itournament are in receipt of two igteresting ten from Central Africa by Mr. • wrence, to his parents, extracts e will publish next Week. -Mrs. d her daughter, Mise Mattie, of e the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. -Mr. W. H. Willis continues a trade in the leather legging his week he made a ehipment irs.-Miss Bell Grieve left last • oliday with her cousin, Miss annoy, of Bervie. She was ac- hy Mr. Henry Campbell, of Buf- w of Mrs. Sutherland. -Mr. dent of Huron Cellege, who days here the guest of Mr. and . I H. , Reid, left for home .on n of Seaforth went fth.--Mr. Santini trip to Lansing, Arthur, and if he o on to Kansas, .-The band and e, on Wednesday celebration there. my will both bring back first elle pockets. Mr. Charles Glew, on Road, ullett, had seven our ewe?, out of a flock of 17, htning on iday last. They t force to br ak the axle. Dust in hi the fie d. -The watering ief on Ma n street on Thurs- . A wheel lo me off when the 1 o water, e d it came down in order unti it is repaired.- erville's expr se horse, attached , was atandi g in front of his day at noon, hen it started off account. It wheeled around, g the street, collided with a front of Willi ' shoe store. The meshed, bu no other damage As the public library board are a new syste with regard to stribntion, n books will be rn the librat for the next two 1 books now out must be re - 001 inst. The reading room s usual. 1 ,,4, tee/enable of Usbo e, hen e bush lot, 1 t whip he sold in 189 , a beautiful home. 1 He , was known and res ected' as a good neighbor, a kind h sba d and indulgent father, and an honill nd upright man. He teaves two sons d wo 'daughter to mourn his lose. In the absence of Rev. Colih Fletcher, of T ame road, Rev. r. Henderson, of Car 1 church, Heneall, kindly conducted t e funeral services on ed by Rev. Mr. Stew rt, of London. The i Thursday, in his 11- nown though ful and eIotfuent,manner. II was ably • has et - remains were interred in oTaggart's ce e - tory, and the large at en ance showed he esteem in which the d c ed was held. i he Orangem to Exeeer ' on the Twe Trott leaves shortly on a Michigan, to visit his so feels so disposed will where he has another so firemen go to St. Ma next, to take ant in a We trust money in t of the Hu limbs and killed by li were past cart came day mornii tenk was f 'with suffici will now b Mr. W. So to the wag office, Thu op its own and orossin hydrant in hydrant wa wee done. inauguratin the book d given out fr w eks, and be open turned by 1 • tickeriene th. I FEED CORN. -Anther car load of feed corn just arrived at Hamilton • Kerslake's, Seaforth. 16484 JUTriNos-Haying is ri full i3ving at present amongst the far, era. The habit- .'i1 w rd weather of twit week and the fast ri ening wheat fields are making a beetle mat places, -Wheat 1 cutting has cam, - menced in some parte. Mire James Dallas ar- leeding the way. This is e. very early h ve t. -A large number attended the Oran cel bration at Exeter od Wednesday. La orers have no difficulty in securing work he e, and good weges prevail. The dema seems to exceed the supply. James N. Reid, eldest spn, Reid, of, the Mill Rod, as been on al visit at tte with his britlMr. Reid is more, Ohio, where he has a nd is now on his wedding ited Torontio and other On - his .route. Mr. Reid is an , and he has numeraus old uts who wilt unite with us' elf and Mrs. Reid 8.11 the ge ON A VISIT. of Mr. Samue Tlkeramith, pa ental home located in Syc geed position, tour, having vi i tar o centres o old Hullett bo friends hereabo in Wishing him co plimenta common on such pleasing oe- (Nikons. Mr. and Mrs. Reid left for home on Monday. • Varna. OIIANGE SERMON. -On Senday la t, quite a number of the Varna °rattle men rove to Bayfield, and in company with the ayfield lodge, marched to the English churc . The sermon by the incumbent, cnov. .io . Jen- , flings, was very-- appropriate{ for t e occa- sion. It is needless to say thet the e was a large congregation, the church being packed to the door, and 8„ large umber could not get in. In the evening t e mem- bers of the Varna lodge assenibled t their lodge room and merched t the 'M thodist church, when Rev. Mr. Andrews ad reseed the brethren and preached a _very forcible and Ipritetical sermon. a enerally is the case, the church was uch too sma 1 to ac- commodate the im ens cro d. NoTes.-Mr. D C. am bell, w o seld his blacksmith bus ness in Varna sone time ago, has bought out Mr. Hart; of Bruce. field, He takes possession next, week. - Mrs. Byers and son, of Kansas City, Mis- souri, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Johne. -Mr. Robeet Reid, B. A., wife and family, of RidgetoWn, are visiting friends in this vicinity. -Messrs. Jones and White, of Leadbury, spent Sunday with Mr. Mur- ray. -Mr. J. Keys and wife, of Nashville, are visiting friends in this locality. -Mr. B. A. Higgins drove to London i to celebrate St. John's chu ch, Varna, will be held on the twelfthiThe. annual garden party of Mrs. Seeord's lewn, on Friday evening, the 21st inst. The 33rd battalion band, 'of Sea• forth, has been engaged for the occasion; also Mr. Will McLeod, comic vocaliet, of Seaforth. The coinmittee are sparing no pains to make 9ii's he event of the season. Everybody corre and have a good time. 0 Zurich. . COLLINS & S'IANBJRY, barristers, convey- ancers, notaries, etc. ,Exeter, Ont. R. II. Collins and J. G. Stanburv, 13:A., (late with hloCarthy, Osier & Co., barriaten, Toronto). 1648-tf GATHERINGS --- Au,. and Mrs. Jacob Hauch, of Chicago, vielted over Sunday with his uncle, Mr. Philip Rauch. They left on their wheels on Tuesday for Walker. ton, to vieit Mr. , Hauch's father,-Misa Lizzie Hess, of soutih Bend, Indiana, and Miss Amelia Hess, of Chicago, are visiting their father, r. Fred Hess sr. -Miss Annie Hess, whh ha been in geuth Bend since the spring, is orne again. -Mrs. W. F. 1Finkbeiner end Mrs. Kneehtel have returned to their home in Milverton, after a few weeks' visit to ftienda here. -The chil- dren's day celebration in connection with the Evangelical chureh, on Sunday last, was a decided success. The attendance was very large. -A few days ago Mr. George Merner gave an exhibition with his treetion engine. It worked sp endidle.-Mr. Wesley Kibler, who is emplo ed a wholesale shoe store in Toronto, is h me for his holidays. -Rev. E. J. Valentine as had a cement sidewalk laid down from t e parsonage to the street. It is a great im rovement.-A number of the farmers in th s vicinity are through with their hay and have searted cutting the fall wheat. -Mia Clare Buchanan 18 home for her holidays -The Goshen line Orange lodge celebra d the Twelfth at Exeter. - • lermnley. Grinnell -in -I -One by one the old settlers pass away. We r et to say that Mr. Peter McQueen died t noon tin Tuesday, McQueen, north-east June 27th, at the hotie of Mal son, John aged 78 years. He hi d been fe ole and in- th was not Perthahire, ada in the conceesion boundary f Uaborne, firmfor some time, rued his de unexpected. He waa a native of Scotland, and emigre ed to Ca year 1850, and settle on lot 30, Drys • NOTES. -The recent r in storms have damaged the hay in this cinity.-Me ere. A. Sereenan, H. Johnston and VV. -Tu ner spent Thursday in Zuriih.-Farmers are busy summer fallowing.- e are please to learn of Miss E. Snosvdon' speedy recovery frone her bioyole accident f last week. - Miss Kate Campbell, who as been spend- ing a few months in Berlin returned hPme last week, and hopes to do a ruehing ness as dresimaker.---Mr. Slack is bine, making shingles in Mr. ntinn's bush. - Mr. R. Talbot spent Saturday and Monday asking help to Mr. A, Muray's raising - Mr. W. Turner took his merryego-roundi to I Exeter for 12th. -Mr. Wm Wild and r Maggie spent Sunday at their sister's, M a. George Campbell's. Blyth. JOTTINGS. -The Christie Endeavor ciety will hold a lawn social on the grounds of the Presbyterian manse on ednesday evening, July 19th. Everybody welcome. -Mre. Arthur Carter left on Thursday for a few months' visit in th ' Northwest. - Sandy Taylor, of Montreal, is vtisiting at the residence of his brother, Mr. A. Taylor, and Mr, Joseph Carter, J. P.• -Miss Jean Gibson, of Goderich, is visiting at the resi- dence of Mr. James Irelan :-Mee. Curtis is visiting Wingbam friend thie week. - Mrs. M. E. Claxton, of Det pit, 1visiting her friends and 'relatives. in own for a few weeks. -A large number frim the village and surrounding country attended the Orange celebration in Wing, am on Wed- , nesday.-Mr. A. M. Babb 1 ft on Tuesday morning for Toronto, where a e will visit for a few weeks prior 'to going i to hilliness. • . Clinton. SAD DROWNING ACCIDEN . -The picnic of the Willis church Sunday chool ,verte held at Bayfield, on Tuesday, mni wad marred by a most melancholy drew ing accident. While bathing in the lake, lex. Houston, son of Mr. John Houston, plrineipal of the Collegiete Institute here g t beyond his rived he was as only eleven fterwarda ne- ast a gloom nd the grief depth, and before assietance a drowned. The little fellow years of age. The bddy was covered. The sad affiiir has over the entire commenity, stricken parents have!the syrripathy of all. • Constance. FEED CORN. -Another ea load of feed corn just arrived at Hamilton & Ke slake's, Seaforth. 1648-1 NOTES. -Miss Nancy McMi hael,of Alma, gave an excellent and approp iate topie at League, on Sunday evening, u on the sub- ject, "A Good Vacation." -L -Mr. J. H. Medd will take charge of the on Sunday, at 7.30 p. m. -Re is at the home of his parents h his vacation until the opening Mr. Wm. McIntosh is able to after several days' .illness. -M has resigned his poaition of teacher here, and has purchase Bluevale.-Mrs. Cooper return week from Cleveland, where a for several months. • St. Joseph. NOT -S.-Mr. Christopher C has ben in Montreal ,for ti weeks, has returned. -Mr. Ne is expected to return inea few rumored that he has induced se gentlemen W invest in St. Jo will bring back with him $ welcome Mr. Contine and also he "boodle." There will 4 a hot time in the new town when he returns. -Mr. Miller opened up a kiln of brick en will open up a kiln of tile Mr. Ben Sherrit, of this-pl into town a riew threshing the Waterloe Manufacturi is an up-to.dete machine No doubt Mt. Sherrit will do son's work, party of Am this place. the lake. T and a tent., able for saili their tent. seem to enjo time and a ea ague service . A. Rapson re, spending of college. - )C out again '.3. W. King ublic school a farm at d home this e has been in Seaf Miss L aunt, li plentif the atom are ur are being ship ed of Glasgow, Scotia! Mrs. John Bell, s. Willis and, ent of hoga t. -Local i to use an ol teeth. -Mr. A. For rth last week visiting Mre, .ase rrooleo of Hamilton, is visiting re. Sh'rray.-Srnall fruit 1 iu, tit' se tion, and besides w asing, large quanti way. -Mr; Neil Itt-eC d, is visittng his don and other relatives bepherd Made a la m this station ore me are as scares t Cool Mess shin day 1 week expression, as hen's s, of Seatorth, as in Hens 11 on Monday calling on his fat ete'n- law, r. John M Allister.--eMiss a eis Cox* ith, who'wee home on al visit during the p et week or so; has returned to n - don. Dr. and M s. Ferguson returned fronn etroit the fir t of this jweek, trhere they had been a ten ing the CO:mistier} En- deavit conventi n. Rev. J. S. Henderson _al rR, wv.mW. s. Jhi. o rty have also ret rned. ra , of Detroit, is visitinghis mot er t is week. -Mr. Wood; wife and children, of tendon, have .been here Orin he past week vititing their any relatives and friends.. -Dr. Crawfo d, of London, conducted servece in St. Paul's churn with much acceptance, en Sabbat eveninglestt-Mrs. McLeiu hli parents; Mr. and Mrs. R. Wright. 0 r . accompanied by her children, is visitingh r council are etting in a quantity. of pine and hemloci for sidewalks. -Mrs. Gil hri t tives and friends. -Mies Hattie Sutherland and daughter, MissiMartha, have been n Seaforth during the past week visiting rel - left here this week to join friends on tr p to Muskoka. -Mr. J. W. Qrtwein returned home on Wednesday from attending t e Christian Endeavor convention held a D troit. °MC Heron • Hay„ FAR SOLD. -The 100 -acre farm of th late W . Dougall, en the 2nd concession f tais to ship, was sold by auction on Sa urday at, the purchaser being Mr. 1,Vm Dougal e-jr., and the price paid was $641 This is one of the finest farms in the connt and h excellent bhildings on it, and th price p id was a good one. Hullett. A Go D TIME. -Last week Mr. Reber Arinetr ng, of the 7th concession, had ai ha bee; a d on the fol owing evening he the yOung people party. This w t show hie eppree-atIto of the way the oy bad one their ork Early in the eve in the yrning men With their best girls b ga• to arrive, and by de k a large and merr crowd had gra** d. Dancing was the principal amuse' ent and everybody danced until their feet ere sore. As the sun be- gan to announce ano her day the party dis- persed, all feelin th.at they had had a !host enjoyable time. EXcellent music was fur- nished by the Mesas. Best, Allan and 'taple,•., Mr. rms rong knovve howl to iv a good part , end all are looking " for- wa d to the nex one-. ° I I av mpbell, who e past two son Contine days. It is eral wealth eph, and he 00,000. We in a ce, ou ev Nom, -R are much app vicinity. Gr sermon which Sunday eventig.-Both jurco ast Monday eveti he Senior Lea " Papers wer s he is an Id ricans are crienpi onday. He few days,_, has bronght fit built by ompany. It ry respect. h rgesohoecir.-seai g south of hey are on se cru sing trip up ey have iseVeral small boats is disagree - and pitch crew, and hem a good When the wee g they come a They are a life. We w sh e return. • Londesboro. v. Mr. Copeland eciated by the pe at intereat was t Mr. Copeland d ther shor joll Leaguee met The topic for good vacation and family ple of this ken in the livered last and senior g, as usual. Was "A read by Miss Lyon, Mrs. Crawford and ts. Parlmer, :after which Mr. Copeland gaveen address. lAn excellent eport of the xeter conven- tioni was give by Miss L. Br g am, and by the way it was given we could 11 imagine we were there -Mies V, Herein ton is the 'guest of Miss A. Bell this wee .-Mrs. R. . Jeffrey returned home fro Cleveland ast Thursday. -Mr. and Mrs. Hill spent the twelfth at Exeter. -Mrs. J. Rhyley, of Saltford, was eisitieg her parent en Tues. day. -Haying is the order of the day with the farmers. -A number left her for Mani- toba on Thursday. Among them were Mr. and Mrs. Whitely, Mrs. Brogden and Mrs. Magridge.-Many from here t ok in the twelfth at Wingham.--Mr. cLeod was (tailed home, near London, en Thursday, on account of his brother meeting with a seri- dus accident. ---Mrs. McKenzie w visiting friends in Owen Sound this week • fiensallel LOCAL BRIEFS. -The local lodge of Orangemen attended the celebrat on of the battle of the Boyne, held in teeter on Wednesday last. Quite a. number of our Villagers also drove down to spend the day. -Trade is somewhat quiet in the village the farmers being too busily engaged mak- ing hay to come out. -The annual Sunday sehool picnic of Carmel Presbyter an church Was held in Malcolm's woods, o Tuesday afternoon last, and was fairly well attended, perticularly by the young memb rs of tbe school. With swings, games, ra ea, etc., the afternoon was very pleasant y spent. The day was very fine, which rid ed much te the pleasure of the occasione r. Wm, Carlisle, who was here spending the patt, month with hit parents and friend ,returned to, Buffalo on Wednesday last.- icnies to the lake are now the order of the day, while others are arranging to ea p at the lake, Grand Bend being the moat ttractive point.-Th�. friends of Mrs. Williani Whiteside will regret to learn that she still pert. OLLINS & ST Nli RY, barristers, con+ey- anctire notaries, et ., 1 Exeter, Ont. R. H. Collins here.t-Mr. Alex. Martin,of Exeter, is visit- ingand J. G. Stanbury, A. (late with McCarthy, Osler & Co., barristers, Toronto. 1648, tf ane a°preEhscli n :RC haonodlliNlt rel. t iBo n Sammiol inj eg' ° ff friends vi la e. --Mr. John 13.! McKay, of Kingston, with Mr. and Mire. John Balfour, of this m de a hurriel visit et the parental home of Me. and Mrs. Thonitis McKay, leaving 'hi son Fronk there fo a time. -Mise May Attie ard, of Londe , was a guest at her home for a few days. Messrs. James end Geprge Mulholland, ii company with tlieir sister,t . Miss Mulholl nd, last week were cal e to attend the f neral of their, sisthr, M s. McArthur, o Morris. This fairAly has been very sorely Meted of late, Mrs. McArthur being the hird sister that lias been laid to rest in th 13 short spaceof 116 e months. -Mr. and iMr. A. Bishop, of borne,Ifa- were the past weck visiting at the home of Mr. James Cooper. -Mrs. Me- Ketv r, of Clinton, isisiting at the homeof Mr, „James McDougall. -The potato ernp ; never promised better, and a big yield ;is looked for. -Mr. Charles Lawrence and i 1 daughter, of BelgraVe spent a pleasant visit at the hourie of,Mr. and Mrs. John Jones, ,of Stan] y.---IMiss Annie Murray, teacher, Her°, wofileSk't. 14',J4%dsel‘pihi8,8ari4elli stlaYenMcG dingregeochr,teaoo catio aiming friends. -The berry season now n, wi&h a good crop, which is keep busy ungers bustling The manse has be .unde going repairs. 1new roof has be e put o , and other necessary improveme made Mr. R. Patterson, jr., of Hensa did t e work. Our pennpla have confiden in RD • ert, as he does his work satiefact ily.- r. John MoNevtn finished haying i the fit t of July. John is not among aft noon rmers.-Mrs. Watson, of Stratfor in co 'piny with her daughter, Mrs. W tleton, were visiting the latter's sister -i law, re. Watson Hugh cheson is ; of this village. -Mr pending a month's vi with ienda at Nit fnlvillage . -Haying now i full swing, , nd farmers are all bus With few fine days, the drop will be ato ✓ nother season. -.-A large number • on Saturdaii est, turnecitout in go ancemplished in good shape. Mr.. t to do good service to their old frien Thomas Dinsdele, in the way of assis n the raising of his large barn. Th eth; the veteran contractor, had h all eorrect and in order, and all ti werit together li e clock work. isll or accident happe ed,despite the lar er of men assistingin the work. Th of Mr. Duardale,s, when complete mei ere favorably 1with the many., fin of ithis vicinity. Some fifty ladi on the scene, assisting in the way read of the tables, all which goes the' high esteem in which Mr. an DinSdale are held by their neighbors. laritse Mellis was in Seaforth for som vieiting wieh her brother. -The Misse eson, who have been attending school at ton; are now home at the manse during school vacatinne-Mies May Mellis is week visiting with friends in Exe-I Mr. and Mrs. John Bowden, of Exe' the fore part of 7 -the- week- were th gue ts of Mr. and Mrs. Rickers.-Mr. Cuell mor has been to Blyth the past week, i the nterest of the haying business. -One o the leasanteat da3's outings of the seaso was spent by a number of citizens of thi vicieity, in company w4th Mr. and Mrs Tholes Murdock, Mrs. E. , of Hen sell, and Mr, and Mrs. Simon unter, o Usberne, when all enjoycd a beautiful day' picnic at the raneh of r. James Dick, o Benroiller. On arriving at Mr. Dick's al were cordially welcomed and no pains were by Mr. and Mrs. Dick, in the way o ining the crowd nd to let them fee hey had struck th right spot for a ay's e joymeet. Good, full baskets 4D0I1 hauled from the different vehic- nd in Mort order the ladies had a ul spread laid, that would do honor ug and which iwas sweetly relished by n appetites. Lunch being over, a hat, With 4 whiff Of the pipe, and r. Dick took the visitors to eee the and picturesetie scenes of his ranch ed fo hand style Mr. ing thy MciBie wok* bers haat numb barti will c barns were the sp show Mrs. Miss() day, Ac Cli the this ter. ter, spared tehnatetr ti good d i b., weeeea,rue taisf ;no a i continues very seriously ill. ---Ain will be And i, ' oho% eee hen 1 -ght I 1, ver alk hey seen elsewhere in this issue, the texecntors Scene of the estate of the late James 4hi3 in. seein . ampl 4 tend selling the homestead ferm, et Ro/dger. Mr. vine, by publics auction sale, on (Saturday, with July 22nd. -The Misses Det, qtachers in i b the Stratford public school, , who eVere t here Stew far the past week: or so visiting their 4ant, J. Sutherland, returne to Stra ford on Monday last. --Mrs. 4 RaiIingt, of Forest, is the guest of Mrs. J. Slither and. -Mrs. Hunt and Mrs. John Hobkirk Were Mr. and 00 acret, on whIch et presenh t e has 300 head of Cattle. After this, all d over 'to Mr. S ewart's nursery,where I were received with open hospitality, iven full acceee to all the sights and y of their bea NW nursery. After all the workings of this large nursery, tewart Made his company acquainted fine strawberry patch, which all did just* to, and all pronounced Mr rt's bernes of the best. The company again returned to lutieh, and when all was over they packed up end started for home, everybody having -enjoyed themselves to the utmost extent and leeving many thanks to Mrs. Dick for the kind reception, Wearable Waslable. Our stock of cool, breezy sannner a*, terials is very complete-qualitiee peel prices right. SHIRT WAISTS - Good serviceable waists, your thitiesf 50c., Fine Percale Waists in stripes and ltheek new patterns, 60c. 1 A lot of nice Cambric Waists, very p and a good choke, 75c. Six dozen assorted dimity, pique and nue lin waists, your choice for $1. CRASH SKIRTS - A very good Crash Skirt for evetyniee. wear, 50c. Extra quality, latest cut Linen emelt entin $L25. is not wh course PIQUE h i St el PiquesING iSn-narrow or wi extra quality, 25e. DIMITIES FOR VVAISTS- In cords, stripes and cheeks, fine - tool material, 20o. WilTiTenEpLieAceWs pN1Sai-n white, very fair qua. SUMilR71c.CORSETS- SUMMER UNDERWEAR - Made specially for hot Cooll and serviceable, nice quality, lee lengths to clear, 40c muweleinasthneorws 2$0,ervirit. Finer make, linen finish, 15e. FANCY MUSLINS- Large assortment, with several dine all sizes in stock, 50c. SUMMER GLOVES - Full 'assortment of sizes in the tasst popular summer shades, a very nine glove, at 25o. SAILIV°eReilrlleAoffTeSr-ing a large range of Sailor Hale at remarkably low prime. Ow lot going at 15c, and another lot of finer hats at 25e. CHILDREN'S .rASH BONNETS - Prime -15c, 20e, 25e, 35e and.50c. TRIMMED MI LINERY- We are cies* g out the balance of Our stock of triinmed Hats and Bonnete. Thaterneans Positively large reductions,. as we won't carry over anything at any - price. now -1/ the: ces - of h The Idemar rights ant, istory gi whose de ndations esh they Ny age of th mingly What o the lel the bc he timi gs tiv ait upon. ro e what spl keptye_ar1 merits as PI ledge of t is not the suit _of-( enough to 'her importt 's suits at $8, 1 ht be justified reviously stated, are being clel m e room for tl workshop. . • . The • . . 111cFAUL kskin, the have a habit g at all nem Dry Goods Co. • C4th's Greatest CaA Dry Goods Store. mownrripsomirewumminmeruswilmemmimmimminme and with a promisoto return at another sea- son. No accidents occurred during the day; and all arrived home safe, feeling the better of being there. LAYING' OF THE CORNER STONB.-4s-1 previously announced, the services in con- neotion with the laying of the corner stone of the new Methodist church, Kippen, were held on Sabbath, July 2ad. At the MOM- ing service, the old church was nicely ; filled. Rev. J. E. Ford, of Parkhill, chair- 1 - man of the Exeter district, preached an exel cellent sermon from the words, "Rare i faith in God." A pleasant surprise to hied congregatien was the presence of their new pastor, Rev. T. Long, who took charge efl the afternoon service. In the evening Rev. J. E. Ford, by his elegant discourse, again delighted all who gathered for worship. Al- though the Weather was unfavorable, large I congregations assembled for eaoh'service,and we trust the day will long be remembered , by those who heard the word of life, On Monday, at 5 o'clock p. m., a large tom - party gathered to witness the solemn °ere. rnony of laying the corner stone, vvhich was I conducted by Rev. J. E. Ford. The stow was laid by MTIL Wm. Ivison and Mre,Joha Berry, after which an repaired to Thin. park Farm, the home of Mit George Tip tor, who, assieted by the several committees, had stared no pains in preparing the grounds and arranging everything in such way that all might have an enjoyable time. The tables, if possible, would have groaned beneath the loads of good things provided by the ladies for satisfying the wants of the inner man. The addresses of Revs. Jewett and Henderson, of Hensall ; Ford of Park-% hill, Acheson, of Kippen, W mem e Elimville, and the pastor were ttentively listened to and mneh appreciated. ,Only One thing marred the pleasure of thos leathered and of all who intended being th re. Rain began to fall about six o'clock, an °warden - al showers after made many leave for borne before the programme was begu Owing to the rain and the large supply provir inband, it was deemed wise to have a social on Tuesday evening, ber again aasembled, and, asAtgboe diwYeantnhaler- was fine, a very ilociable time wee enjoyed by all. The kindly spirit of the Presbyter- ian friends, who gave up their evening set- vice,and gave their church for the 'afternoon and evening serviees,was much appreciated. Special mention should also be made of the singing at all the eervices, and Miss le Whiteman, the organist, is to be cougar' lated on the success of the musical part �f the programme, it being of a high orderAnd all were delighted with it. The churl* choir were Ably assisted bv Mr. E. Rannitt of Hensall. and Mr. and Mrs. J. Balfour, Of Kippen. The proceeds amounted to $1144,54/ Blake. NOTES. -The. baying has been much 4e- layed by the rainy weather of last week. -- Miss Emma Thompson spent last week vie- iting friends in Centralia. --.Mr. Jack John son intends taking a, trip to Boise City in the near future. -Mr. R. Drysdale and 3lie P. Johneon, of Efeneall, paid Blake a flying visit one night last week. -Mr, R. 3. Scoofe our popular bicycle agent, had the misfore • tune of having his wheel stolen while et the repair shop one night lately. • The thief evidently was afraid to take it far, u was found in an adjoining field a few hour. later. -Quite a number of the young people' of Blake took in the Orange walk at Exeter, and report having had a splendid titnes--4 number of dyclists from Zurich through town on their way to Bayfiekl, ores evening last week.. -Mr. R. Delgatty, has eitarted a paint shop in Blake, On 316111 street. Re is well patronized. takes a long lien you get That is e/ ° 21:earnel4lisdeocelerdssilirta7 flannell We carry such linen hats, out may say it n3ade to ot may help England )3 *des it has to the wh interesting majdrity oj 1 , lothie e Wrong Sidg STRONG 1 ey -Order is er Order al OflifljQ the MOST , sented to ti y. The charg your inten re remains he use of the es or other in