The Huron Expositor, 1899-07-14, Page 7y v%•-atohed dur- re. Every She bon after ieav- )r. !ather or work, tp of the knife - condemns the' • FORT st-paid, at 50 - $2.50, by ad ,edicine Co., Bre in Corea. Ws Bound Tam* ef the Coreans ale ption of the erindy F- do not eat segue is of a quality &r t of the Canadeea es**, nearly Bo sweet, eel k, it no particular satee sanliness. Ries kt country, and i of the ceanly. ked. and then boi its rice is added wpm* .portiona of five of% he latter. The irment and Ootwarta _ ko dextrine and ether with plent ed and the liq en hours. It be ind a.hout the etsCisse‘ eker. This forma andy. By allow: de cantle° fori :it is termed ' or white -a! the black candy of th ticke. It in si of this country, - Different varieti red rice, wakinta, serieswhere thaw very crude esta o the accounts o view of a native es ng different front an native house. It * a. mud floor. Th cask with an iron pith a piece of in "eh is a very dirty in stone basins tis impossiblelo an or not. The -cited iv shapes, in which ir he workmen are he goods. The raaw ale only. Every mozn . besieged with .tock. The latter uiutl. or seeds they desks• r fend of their eandy rge quantities. T rir confection, lant it ckble morsel to thegee .. wening cif lest waihe` ,y wedding took efuI home of Mr.Jaistt Rev. George W. line 'dile Ready and. Xe, >tial knot. The brills iter of the groom, Ma tford, and the grooll* aing, of Ingereoll. , McFarlane, of N 'ow escape from seri ising On the farnaf ' on Monday afternees- rectien of the buildhsg- eeteche when a ref* struok Ma McFarlane hulders, knooking kke ; to all a distance of none. down heavily'ea. sturined for sometime home. 1.11.1111MillMOMINEMINOMMilitt pIcss flibfjS r,ticf, or s ars it was car& ilat the caus hth to look old • ctarved hair. have been t -roper food or force. , circulation ifl zs more poWCf 'suppliessins, to the ban" ding to diree4 beginh to rt a few daYs4 r- It the softness nd of- youth a Tly life returns. :like our book [We will g1.41.: f:t. us! obtain ali rexpected ite the (1009 may be able to [thing of Vse ress, Dr. J. veii Maas. jtrtY 144 18" Seaforth FoundrY AND Machine Works Are now in FULL OPERATION And will be prepared to do all kinds of REPAIR WORK Engines, Rollers and Mill Work a opecialty. Farmers and Threahers having repairing to do aillreceive prompt attention. i gaping to be favored with a 'call from all the Old au/foment aud many new ones, . i ------,- R 0 BT. BELL, Jr., PROPRIETOR. ie4s.tfi . • 'Notice to 0i -editors. , i xotto is hereby given, that all persons halting any against the Constance C eese and Butter Manta bowing Company, are regal red on or before the .blia day of July, 1899, to Send or deliver to the t asealgned LI dator of said ompany, full portion. hao.of aisles imsand the ee nrity (if aoy), held by thetn, dale verified by an ffidavit. And , further take notlea, that after the 2 t day of July, 1,809. the ungeas ed will proeted o ietribute the assets of tbe si!d company among th dies entitled thereto, bving rcuud only to OiAiIII f which he shall-haye thear er such _disteibution the ved notice, and af awdoraigned will not be re -.p nsible for any alaim of which he shall not have rece v d notice. Thia notice is given parauant to the stat Vein that behalf. Dated saseaferth, this 30th day ofJ ne, 1899. R. 8.1 HAYS, Anidator of the Conatene Cheeae and; Butter kanufacturing Company, Belot tth, Ont. 10173 HICH urn EMPO ADE tue RIM Leatherdale Land borough SEAFOR H, Dealers in first-class urniture 3f all kinds, in latest design Uphols ering neatly done We also do picture fram- ing, and a choice sele tion of pi tures always on hand. _Our ain poles t all price and and put up. We ale also (lents for the New illiam's S wing Machine, best in the market f r do- mestic use, no trave ling agent no high prices. "CrINT3D1R.1.E' G-, In the Undertaking D our goods from the best and guarantee eatisfactio merit of our work. We it a point to furnish chai dikes for funerals, ricasbetter than hereto ore. Axterial and cavity e saientifie principles. P. Sr Night and Su attended to at Mr. La dense, directly in the rear Bank. partment, °uses in, 0 in every ave always E4,- and all ot REE OF balming d day mile dsborough' of the Do Leatherd le & Lands orou SEAFO TH. e buy tario, epart- made er re- n. ne on ill be resi- 11.7 WITTS 0_ Miss Sarah Louisa Moore, L. C. IL, Acedeu le grad- uate of London Conservatory of Mug°, is prepared 'termini a, limited number of pupile for instruction enplane. Walton. Monday a d Thesday; Brussels, Wednesday and ThUrsday ; Seaforth, Friday and Saturday. Qualified to prepa e pupils for Principal's form In the Conservatory of tad°. Apply to MI S MOORE, Seaforth. 1638-13 'Money te Loan. Any amount of money to lo.n Ofl good farm pro. perty,at 5 per, cent. per an um. Straigh loans, elements masts to suit borro or! satisfaetion guar- anteed, charges low. At raffia Friday afternoon and ell day Saturday. ABNER COSENS liaDon ld Block, Wingham. 1687 THE SEAFORTH Musical strument EMPOR ESTABLISH D, 1873. Owing to hard tim eluded to sell Pianos a s, we have con - d Organs it Greatly Reduced PPI cos, Organs at $25 and. upwards, and Pianos at corresponding prices. See us before purchasing. SCOTT BE Gookts Cod?,tcn 1a succesaf War ion thly over 10,000Ladies. Sa7fe,I.:Taratia I. Lai.i'..aa Your druggist for C3o! s Cettea Rt et Con: - ',Nod. Take no- other as all M ix tares, pilin and tra ons are dangerous. box, No. 2,10 degrees stro ter 2. mailed on receipt of stamps The Cool( coin larNos. I and 2 aoid arm hlitponsiblelaruggists in C Palen, No. 1, f1 pl.r g•er,*`.3 per br x. No. rive pnti two zi-cen may Windec,r. Ont. ecommended by all nada. Ie. 1 and No.2 sold in Sea °nil by Luinaden & /Nona druggiake, McLEOD'S System R novator —AND E aElt— TESTED - R MEDIES. liTsoine and antidote fer I pure, Weak and Ira- terlebed Blood, Dyspepsia., leeplessneee, Palpate - n 01 the Heart, Liver Corr Neuralaia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con mption, Gall Stones IN— Pe: Kinney and Urina y Diseases, St. Vitus a,auett, Female Inegularieles nd General Debility. LABORATORY--Goderieh, ljurlo. J.M. McLEOD, Pro rietor and Manu facture Sold by J. S. RoBn 1.60141 TS, Seafortl, TIMBER W uigheli cash price paid for res and white oak,hard and so and rook elm. Either stumpa For testate particulars apply GUS. WAGNER, Manager to NTED. laak ash, wlate ash, maple, herelook,soft e or delivered in yard. the S. L Co., Exeter, 363-2-tf —Stier -F,1 THE HITliON EXPOSITOR. C amps and C011 Al ays relieved promptly r. Fowler's Ext. of Wild Strawberry. en ypu are seized with an attack of Cra ps o dOubled up with Colic, yOu' wan a remedy you are sure will give ydu relie and give it quickly, too. You don't want an untried something that MAY help you. You want Dr. Fowlerls Ext ct of Wild Strawberry, which every one nows will positively cure Cramps and Colic quickly. Ju$t a dose or two and you have ease. - But now a word f proof to back up thee assertions, and we have it from Mr. John Hawke, Coldwater, Ont., who writes!: "Dr. Fowler's Extra& of Wild Strawberry a wonderful cure f r "Diarrlicea, Crams and ains hi the stomach. I was a gre t sufferer until I gave it a trial, but now I hav perfect comfort." 16 urnitxproitcq. DISTRICT MATTERS. he following it ms were intend d for 1st week, but ere received teo late. Hay. Co Nara —Council met on July 3rd. 11 prese • t. Prevision *is made for the bo rowi g of funds for cu rent expenses, un il the axes are comin in. The followi amouot • wer duly pas ed and ordered paid ..li He hoefer, drain C. R., $2 18 .V. J edema, lake gravel, $4 • Henry Rup . team for gra,er, $3.751; F. Slettler, hauli tile, I ender, Canada Company sta H. ute ab'or, 10.40;e 11., Magel, vvorki grad r, $11.5 ; A. McCormick, bridge a work cone ssions 6 and 7, $43 ' • (rig, bridge concessions 18 and 19, $1 J. A. Willie s & Co,, flour for indigen $10.6 ; F. W. Hess, printing, 85.75; ( Witn er, rep iring culvert, concession , 75c ; J. MoD nald, culvert and teaming a d cede. , '2.75 ; Wm. Coleman, culvert co cessi n 4 an 1 5, 82; R. Luker, dra n acresroad, c neessions 4 and 5, $3 ; E . Troy -r, gray lling, $5 ; Samuel Ranni lumb r $48.7 ; F. Hess, sr., part salar $65. Council will meet again- on Neonda Aug stIth, at 10 o'clock a. m., when r genii ions of chool trustees must be se t in. Hullet-t. M marmoNrAo.—A very pleasant eve t took place atithe residence of John Mil s, Esq. Lowe Iiie, Hullett, cn Wednesda , the 5th inst. This was the marriage f Miss ia , second daughter of Mr. Mil s, to R v. C.• C. Keine, of Pane River,Ashfiel , and ormerly jof G-orrie. Rev. W. Rigsbjy, of K ncardin , assisted by -Rev. R. J. G r - butt, L. L. i., of Gorrie, tied the mat i- moni I bow th the presence of a large ooiln- pany The bride was attended by her sis- ter, ¥ise Florence, and John Keine, teacher at S 'uIt Ste. Marie, and brother of t e groo4ri, was groomsman. The ceremo was erformed at 4 o'clock. A very enjo able 1 time was spent by all. Numero s, cost1r and useful were the wedding gif0. A s mptuou -repast was served by the host ss. 'Re . and Mrs. Keine will go to theial new cir uit, Bethel, Pine River, afeer a ho day vis t among relatiees and friends. The3 begin n erried life und r most faster - able uspices and their nu ierous frieads nd prospereus wioh; them many happy year. • Grey. . C terane Donnos.—The council of his towi ship meas a court of tevision on !the Boyl drain by-law on the 26th ult. The 1 asse sreent o Ira Taylor on the north ,' ,55 acre of lot 3 , concession 12, was redhead $150 and th amount chaeg,ed againet the road ., of the unieipality. This being the only appeal he court was clesed and the by -1 w finall adopted as reivised and cor- rec d. At meeting of the council euboe- que tly held a petition from Dougald Mc - Tag art and there to have the undeebrush on t e road llowanee on aide road 4, con- cessi n 15, c t down to the proper width of said road, w a considered and the r quest .gran ed, and Mr. Livingstone was appoint- ed t have t e work done. In comp iance with a reque t from John Ross, Isaac Lake was nstruct d to have a ditch dug on road in fr nt of lo 24, concession 6. The clerk was uthoriz d to notify all parties asssepsed for he . pro osed drainage work, to be Nl kno n as th Fraser drain, of the amount of their asses ment, and it y as determined that the engi ear's report wi I be read and considered b the council or the 10th day of. July next, at 2 o'clock in 1 the afternoon. After passin numerous a000iunts for town- ship improv ments the cou cil adjourned until July 1 th, at 2 o'clock Ip. m. the visio was Zen oessi lot 7 S., en te Kn� Albe tere thee ed a ized was twee and fenc poin Cam John ray, Hoo Ram The tend drai °outs Afte ship 7th A Alla that 1 b wentand reue frigh wage Crea,' Mrs. Spei knee him wick more Spei Os over MeA ward • MOMS. CRT OF REvfaION ANI COUNCIL. —At djourned mee ing of tie court of re- , held on the 26th ul ., John Mills ntered owner Si lot 12, concession 6 ; s Lockman entered M, F, lot 1, cote '1E1 n 2 ; L. J. illiams entered M. F., concesslion 2; M. Mageire entered F. lot 8, conce sion 2; Gilbert Stepheas ed tens. t Si lot 4, coneession 3; Wm. entere F. S., Si lot 1:3, concession 3; a David and erbert Russell each en - F. S., -"i lot 9, concession 6. With alterati no t e roll was finally adopt - d the o urt clesed. The council organ - or ordi ary business, when Mr. Shaw lastruct d to eeamine the seleroad he- lots 2 and 01, in the 4th concession, ell the timberthereon. The following -viewer and pound•keepers were ap- ed, viz. Wiliam Jackson and D. W. bell, feeee-vi wers ; and James Logen, Hunte;, Peter Jackson, James Mr - W. H. ‘ atsoti, James Sharp, William er, R. loomfield, Thomas Jewitt, A: ay andi Q. Anderson, pound -keepers. clerk was instructed to advertise for re for t e construction of the Garness ' tende n to be opened at the next 11 meeti g on the 7th of August next. ,passin numerous accohnts for town- orka t e council. adjouened lentil the f Angus . ' 1IDENT. r- Wednei day bf last week, !Speir, 'th line, n et with an accident Might 1 ave easil prohed fatal. He to Belg ave static> i with a load of 20 es of be ed hay an 1 in some way, after ing the station yard, his team got ned wed ran away. Part of the o and rahk were tI rown into Mr. Mc - field, and the t am was caught by Davide; at the section house. Mr. in atterepting to 'imp offstruck his On the wagon rao , which necessitated hsing crutches r a time. For as d a runaway ti e ma vel was that damage was not d ne. We hope Mr. will soon be all ri ht. TITARY.—After a il4ess extending year, Elizabeth, loved wife of John thur, 9th line, pa sed away to her re - on Tuesday afte noon J of last week. The cause of death Was a general decline. Deceated's maiden rame was Eliza eth Mul- hollan1 and her irthplace W118 lillllett. She, arried to hr now beref partner 25 yea a ago last Apri.. In additi n to the : husba, d, four daughtera surviv . • . Two , brothelra and a sister f Mrs. WA. thur live , in Tuclkeremith, a bro her in Hay nd a sis- ter in linton., The a bjeat of thla entice j enjoyed the respect p.i d esteem of a large circle if relatives and riends, and the close of life was happy an bright. Slae was a true ife, a, loving me her and a 4arst.class neiah or, and will be greatly misa d. The funera took place on Thursday a ternoon, interment being made t Brussels elemeterly. Mr. *Arthur and dal ghters are accorded the sincere sympathy f the community. Bru eels. GOO AS 'FAR AS IT GOES. —The iollowing Tartab 11 and Isbister of Grey an Morris, gravel ing contracts h ve been let Reeves on the gravel road no th and south of Brus- eels iJ 30 job to Willi m Pollard, at COUOM• sions 16 and 17, at thirty ciente* par yard ; anot1.r job to the so e person ofl $25, at cone s ions 14 and 15 at the above price; James Smith, $40, at coneessibne 9 and 10, at 33 ents per yard, ind $36 to same at emcee ion 1, at 35 ce ts per yard; Richard Miller at conceseioris 2 wad 3, get e a con- tract 1820 at 281 es. ts per yea,; James Smith at eoncesdion 4 and 5, $ 5, at 39 cents er yard; and Vatter Youill, $15, at conces ions' 6 and 7, t 43 cents. The work will b don‘ forthwit 1. The trouble with these contracts is hat not half enough money is expended to do the work Properly, as is i staneed by th above, where $190 is made o coyer about li miles of road, a good s are of it bull in need of r pair. A road aahine on this road for a flew days would do a wonderfu amount of 1 good in cuttin off the sho lders that keeps the water ram getting a ay, etc. I • , • . Tuck 2 rsmitti. Cou-ca,.—The c uncil met a Kyle's hall, o Tuesday, uly 4th, an .having taken he required o th, sat as a court of revisio on the Shep erd creek dra nage by. law. he appeal of mob Latta, o mer lot 3, con esion 13, as sing too high asessed, was eu tained, and t e assessthent lowered $80 ;s peal of Jame; Connor, lot 1, con. 13, austei ed, lowed $451; appeal of T. . Ey/ e, lot Is4 2, con, 13,dis lased; Jelin raquair, lot 4, on. 14, dism seed ; John boLean, lot 6, on. 13, app al sustained, lowered $30. ots Ea 2, concesoions 8 and 2, con- cession 14 were add.). to the list of lands assesse , at the requoit of the own rs, and each a stowed $1 for .utlet liability After closin the court of evision council sat for genera business. requisition as pre- sented from; the true ees of school section No. 14 asking the c uncil to sell $800 of debent -res to assis them in p ying for their ew school, ow in the eurse of erectio 1. Action d ferred until ne t meet- ing. he most imp rtant busines of the day w e the letting f the contuse for the constr ction of the Shepherd dra n. Ten- ders w ire received f om Messrs. 1 arclay & Johnsi on, Toronto; Wm. Gaffney & Co., Kenni ott, Ontario Joh a J, Moylar, To- ronto, and Mr. Geo e Oliver, of Loudon. Mr. Oliver's tender, being the lowest, was accepted, the contrast. price being $3,320. As thil amount is a out 20 per cent. lower than the estimate, he assessment will be lowered to corres iond. Accounts were passed amounting te over $400. A special meeting will be he d at Mr. Chapman's resideece on July 18 h, at 6 o'clock ip. m. I E eter. NoTEs ee-Principa 1 Boyd, of thel Exeter public school, left T esday evening' to spend -the holidays at his home in Belta.at. He purpoiles returning ere in a fe weeks with his family, and will take up his resi- dence a one of Mr. . Fuke'a hon es.—Mr. Thom4s Russell, of Riverside Farm, Us - borne, and Mr. Wm Brooks, of ti is place, who left here some eeks ago for the old country, with a shipment of cattle returned home pa Saturday last. The fchmer parchaaJ number of horough- bred r' ite while th re, which an now in quara tin and wi I be shipped shortly. ' They repot a pleas nt trip.—At the last .: meetieg f the to n council a petition signed by two -third of the owner of real prope ty On the eas side of Mai street, from'.Tama street to North st eet, was presepted, praying the council to ave con- structed a granolit ic pavement between Jame d and North at eets, on the at side of Main street, the orporation to efray 40 per cent. of cost of s me and the other 60 per cent. borne by h e owners of real prop- erty in front of whi h the said wal is to be laid. The council a ceded to the zequeet of the petitioners and tlook the necess ry steps to have the work cj.rried out, h hen this walk is completed t will ,matei lally im- prove the appearan .e of Main 1 street.—The stage mail route, sv.ich was cut of between here and DashWood few years ag , is, We undetatand, t be e -established. Tenders are to be aske for t once by the Govern- ment for the lcarrying of Fier ajesty's mails etween these points, and the stage will b put on as a on as possib e. Both Exete and Dashwo d have suffer d much incon enience since his privilege was cut off, at1d its re•establ shment will meet with the a probation of he general public. It is to le hoped that he former c ntractor, Mr. . IcIsaac, f Dashwood,I who is genial obliging and painetaking, nlay again secure the contract. 14isc llaneo • s News N tes. .; d 200 to 79,634 —Fcarrie been eder in New South, W —Thus sidiers have d ed from yelloce fev .r, at Santiago, and th re are 18 OWE: in th hospital One civilianhas died from the dhease, an there aie three civil- ian seipe —At 3 MoKe4ze,1 a prospe near 1ruod Mines, harboxj at Kincardi He ws waising for and had fallen aslee when the boat was 'over the pier into th very dark J at the tion has es by 101 ar four $ ts. 'clock las Friday morn ng,John one farmer, who lived lgoma, fell into the e and was rowned. the steamer armona, He wasawakened ighted, and wa harbor basin. time, and effo a Whut yspept cs need is n ficial dig stolnts but somethin will pot he r s omach right will man fa tur its iown dig fee ts. Fp twen y y ars now Blu dock Bloc4 Bi ters h4 been perainently curih se er caSes of 1yspepji4t and indi stio it at .ther remedir. wers powe less to rea h. Jai e G. Keirstead, C Kin S Co4, .B , says: "I suffered ith vspepsia for y ars and tried overythi g I 'heard qf, hut got no relic' until I 'O. sk urdock Blood Bitters. "11only used thr e bottles and n w 1 son well,' and can ea meat, which. I dared n t touch before- without b ing in great edistresti I always recomrend W, B. B. Rs being the best, -.7 for all stomach dis eve and as a lapilly me a." lked out It was rts were • arti- that so it stive 'Made to rescue him, The body washecove relatives at Bruce ed with, His little when the accident oc W88 a resident of Kin ago, and has relative —Adolphe Martin dent of Hall, attemp the other day, becau permit him to marry Adolphe stabbed hi over the heart, but —At the Royal A at Maidstone, the Q prizes and severed Prince of Wales w prizes, and to the D mendation. —It has been defin young Duke of Alba Victoria, is to suece Grand Duchy of Sax the abdication of th and the renunciation naught. — Mr. Nelson Dix of Age, committed hanging himself wi beam in the barn at Deceased had been for 20 years. He I large family. Despo have been the cause life. but without success. ed at daylight, and his (nes were comrnunicat- aughter was with him erred. Mr. McKenzie ardine until 18 yeats living there. aged 18 years, a resi- d to commit suicide e his mother would not the girl of his choice. self with a pen knife ay recover. ricultural Show, held een received four first ther awards. To the re awarded to fine ke of York one com- tely decided that the Ly, grandson of Queen d to the throne of the ,Coburg and Gotha, on Duke of Edinburgh of the Duke of Con- n, of Listowel, 60 years Maisie last week, by h binder twine to a he back Of his house. resident of Listowel a,ves a widow and a • dency ia supposed to 1 his taking his own' —The expenses to the -United States cif the war with Spain nd the present war in the Philippines, as shown by the official treasurY figures, ha e averaged during the past fiscal year $800, 00 a day, ,or a total of $283,000,000. To his expense must be added a large inereas in civil expenditures, which swells the gra d total chargeable to maintaining the arm and naval establish- ments to more than 300,000,000. : —A compilation s owing Michigan's di- vorce record has jus been made from the official returns of the clerks of the various counties for 1898. reoapitu1atioi shows that there were a otal of 1,808 ivorces granted during the y ar, the wife bei g com- plainent in 1,336 eases and tl e husband in 472. Thisotal does not flc ude 62 degrees which were granted ut not enterec_ on the records of the respec ive co rts beeause of the non-payment of t e requ red fee. —Rev. J. R. 0 wega, pastor of the Church of God, Bent n Har or, Michigan, is nearly distracted ith grieff. His daugh- ter Stella, a bright gi I of 12 ears, was just reoovering from an a tack o the ineasles and the preacher as at ending :to her want. The doctor had orde ed quinine for her, and the father g ve his 1aughte what he supposed to be a d se f c Winne, but the drug given was not q inioe ut morphine. The girl died from th effe ts of the drug: —Francis E. Broo s, a mi chinist at E. Leonard & Son's fou dry i London, has been informed that o t i11 alifornia, there is a fortune of $7,000, 00 va ting for him. Ilia uncle, Charles P titt , San Francisco stock broker, died re entl nd made Mr. Brooks his heir, the repo t says, and the estate is valued at $7 .000, 001. Mr. Brooks is about 50 years of a e. 1Hd came to Lon- don from Ingersoll- i 1898, and was mar- ried last fall, =A horrible gra Madoe, north of Bell of that village, owne other morning he stet which he had just b some stones on the t the unfortunate ma emptied kiln.. He w in the day, and whe him he was found wi off, and when he wa peeled off his bones. was only three mont prominent Orangema — What might hay as well as a heavy lo the timely arrival at Monkton, the oth the kiln of tile in t caught into the woo got ten minutes star saved the entire ya struction as well as and the cheese facto poor chance to es blowing the fire in t —Sir Charles Tup of the Conservative seventy-eighth birth Amhurst, Nova Scot r is 1.eported from James Pringle, O litne kiln, and the ted to take out a kiln rnt. It appears that p had have way, and. fdli ioto the partly not missed till late seerch was made for h hip slothing burnt taken out the flesh The uafortunate man s married, and was a and Freemason. been 4 conflagration 8, was 1 prevented by of the men at Messrs. Barnhardt & McKeneic's briek and tile yard r day. j A spark from he coitse of burning, pile el se by. Had it nothing would have a from complete de- r. 13arnhardt's house, y would have had a ape, as the wind WWI at direction. er, the veteran leader party, has passed his ay.: He was born at a, oia July 2nd, 1821. He must have been la ,hard student in his youth for he appear S to have taken an Arts course in Acadia Col gree of M. 1). and th College of Surgeon 1843, when he was May, 1855, he was e Nova Scotia Assem forty-four years in p —Miss Louise Uru man of Kendall, Peterboro, committe ege, and he had the de- diplana of the Royal from Edinburgh, in uly 22 years old. In ected a member of Ile ly, and he has been blic life. erwood, a young wo- larke tewnsihip, near suicide by drowning] at Stony Lake on Fridar night, June 30th. With a brother and a ais'er Miss Under- wood had gone up tdStony Lake the previ- ous Monday. The Charles Reynolds' co land, near Boschink. not been in good hea from melancholia, a benefitting her heal Stony Lake was night. While her si into the cottage, M into the lake, and water. The deed w brother, who, with bot on the lake n distant. — The worse stor northern section o years, a wept over about 7 o'clock on week. It was pres Then came a terrific wind storrn, followed by a downpour of rain and hail Many of ver an inci in diame- from the northwest, fences, tore up trees, ed hundreds of panes crops to a consider- uth as the fifteenth township. The wheat much of it was head- ible to estimate the . Mrs. D. Collison, line, near the London evened. A bank barn o Brownlee, on the ar Lucan, was also red lights of glass in field, were broken; to in the enterprise any chimneys were arty had rented Mr., tage at Black Rock Is - Mise Underwood had' th, and had suffered; d it was in the hope of] h that the outing at rrariged on the fatal, ter had left her to go se Underwood walked was drowned in deep LS d ne in View of her co pa,niori, was in a t fonr hundred yards that has visited the Middlesex county in Lucan a d vicinity onday evening of last ged by stifling heat. the hailstones were ter. The storm cam and ' scattered rail levelled barna, smas of glass, and' damage able extent as far s concession of London crop suffered most, a ed out. It is impos extent of the damag living on the Roman road, had a neW birn belonging to Wili fourth concessien, destroyed. One hen the Royal hotel, 111g so were numerous li office, Lucan, a d blown over. LEAPED TO DEAT1 dropped from the cen lyn bridge on Saterdis the water. He neve clear case of suicide. ROOSEVELT NOT r Roosevelt has decla candidate for the p advised the renomin Kinley. DIAMONDS ON HIS of 109 West 112th confined in gaol at D smuggling from Can diamonds -which he h The diamonds were f ankles, wrapped in GOT ONE THOITSAN A. -Altmann, clerk in house at Racine Wis ceived a silver dollar that brought him $1, 1804 and very value a„ few of that dello Altmann sent the coi pronounced it genuin $1,000.4=t,do An unkno e span of the , about 130 f rose again. I • n inan Brook - et from was a HE RACE.—G vernor d that he i not a sidency in 1900, but Ion of President Mc- KLES.— mils Bush, epte Newi York, is roit on e epicion of a $20,000 worth of d in hie posseesion. nd tied around his r. FOR ONE DOLLAR.. — he leading dry goods nain, a week ago re- payment for goods The c,oia is dated there being only nation in existence. to Chicage, experts and it was ; sold for GRANDPA ANO Grandpa and I are beaus. Lillian has had hers over a year, nd Harry has got one and calls her "de nd mamma has papa, goodness knows, o there wasn't any for him and me ntil he thought it out, you see— ,'Little love, let us two be beans," Says he. 'Then in his arms he held me tight While I smoothed his hair, so fine and hie,' And sang him a little lullaby song, • And he thought and thought and thoujgbt so: long— Till I patted his head And softly said, • ''You mustn't be. lonestom, riew se hel 4," And then a tar rolled down his nose. Etut grandpa and I are the dearest 'beaus,. 1 —O'Neill Latham in Brooklyn Life. ]SPRUCE GUM HUNTING.. i The Adventurous Maine Woodeneen 1 Who Carry It On. Although chewing gum 01 various nds —pepsin and special dige0tion aids an be pro tired at every city corner froiJ the penny slot machines, nothing has ever taken the place of the genuine spruceeand it still sells at a high price It can et be imitated, nor is there any counterfeit vehichls anything like H. Some o ' the drugglsts in eastern Maine have con ts • for spruce gum aggregating thousands of . dollare. Some of them hav 'staked' gum hunters and sent them i to the enoods. Most of the Maine gum nds its Wey to the city Markets that dei and for con- sumption the round, red lu ps that llama with inner fires like the bloedstone. This choice guns is readily sold by the Maine wholesalers at $1.50 a pbund. Gum hunting ha a many lelements like rubber cutting in the trdpics, the men burying themselves ia the wild for months. The expenses [of the hunter are almost nothing, and the receipts froi his quest are likely to be la the nature of a small Klondike Bud. Some tobacco, few bushels of beans, some coffee, fiour and. fat meat, with the game he kills, furnish him bodily fuel for the season, whiLe he will frequently in a single day secure gum that will net him $10 in the market. He is independent, too, with his cano:i, his snowehoes and his gun. His cano ill be laid up du ing the winter, but hen, sl the riivers open ie will bring down hi in- ter's finds. H is not likely, bowevif, to workl any too industriously in gum nt- ing Jut rather to snake short days ri,nd fishlalnd hunt the balance of the tim4ti 0.1 A. r few days' hard hvork _will furnish 1 a coz shack in I the deep forest nea he bank of a streapn, and with wood unl it - ed 4nd a sharp ax he is not likely tc uf- ler, and when E storm is on he doe4 laot lea e his comfoirtable camp. Phe solitude of the thing would drive man men mad, but the northern oeds- man is different from most men. H car- ries a pack w_th him at all times, even when hunting so that should 1181 run acres an old gum scar he can tak ad- vantage of it without making a other trip i When - spring opens, he retu ns to civilization, tough, rugged and ha4d as acasioned oak, and he may have a p ck of gum to the value of several, hundred .1o1- 1ars,; but long, long before the next season the iiioney is all gone, and probably Some ono will have to "grub stake" him if he is to gdfor gum again. , i The Canadian Porcupine. Uncler any and all circumstances hle is clunhsy. Ungainliness with, him scone to be a virtue. He can walk, even to gi llop- ing a bit in a painful, impotent end as -or to eS4ape insults, but it is merely an ffort to tern tail against his pursuer, and this accomplished, he is content to huncili. up and tall around and over himself and s gh and moan like a very Falstaff beca e he can get no -farther. A northern pore pine - never scorns to have any faith in hi I out- door surroundings. Catch one up a trfee, and ten to one he begins to back own right into your arms if you dare tor eive him in that fashion. And what a aok down it is! Tail thrashing from site to side As if it would cast its owuer boss; long claws deeply scratching the treo trunk; snorts and pauses and quill r4t1sa lugs ts one foot deviously follows th oth- er, ad as a grand finale a tumble oi two or t ree feet to the ground, wheie he floun ers about like a great ball of q ills. If you catch one on the ground,ant1 his den among the rooks be not ne hla is sure to reverse proceedings and ma 0 for O tree, perhaps the very ono he see •d go anxious to forsake when you chanoed to find him in it. Cut him off, and, Most likely, he will put his head down and, quillserect, charge for that special tree with fixed bayonets. It takes a zarp whack on the nose to turn hipa 11 OT such conditions. The groan which fol- lows leech a rebuff is pitiful in its huMan- like tone of helplessness. — Forest and The skin of the reindeer is so ous t the cold that any one ch such a dress, with the addition of of ti e saino material, may bear tensest rigors of an arctic) winter .TI e largest telescope in exist not rjake the planet,Mars appe_ar ger tan the moon does through alas EPPS'S COC th bl th nc an GRATEFUL COMP R n the Surrogate Co t of the County of Hu n. In the Estate of James Iiroadf t deceased. Notice is hereby giver; that' all p on or persons eying anyelaitri againunot eestTaute• f James Broad - f ot, late oftheTowh p i cksmith. in the Count y of HUCOIE, farmer, wiva died • n or about the 2 Otti day March, 189D, at the friA4 To r ship of Tuck - o retaitla, are n quired on or before • e 26th day of JU1Y, A. D. 1899, to send or delive to the under- ei n d Solicitor for the Executors fa I particulars of their claim, and the security' held them (if any), d ly verified by an affidavit. And ftp her take /IO- U 43, that after the said 25th day of Ju y, the Execu- tc.reiwill proved to distribatu the e t te among the p dies entitled thereto, ,having rferc ae only to the , claims cif which they, shill then have ived notice, and after such ditributIon, the said Executors will not be rrponsl I nar creditor for ay part of the eOate o whoa° alai they 613111 not have received nettle°. , This natio() a given pursuan t 1 the statute in'teheauttotore:alf. Date at Seaforth. t s 8rd day of Elig, A. D. 1899. F. HOLIIIESTED, elicitor for the 1947-s THOS. . AW INS Organist St. Thom% Chu eh, Saab° . Orga&-a Phmino Ler a at Itis Music Block, eatorth, fro.. Friday it a. in 3 lp. m At Brussel the remainde Trois on,application , s' h xpil Cream The ea, ' Separator 1 th, will give oom in Scott's until Monday of the week. 1645-tf Has no superioL and in simplicity management aod Ifyouyoruehnetvfi oe trvyeor o.1 s more and better lege labs> . A a asking. •Every m guaranteed to g VC OF tHE el o nst urability more cows, epeetor. butter, loge ma chin tattle W. se ruc it neh. ... • oob we put act on . 0 I LL tial feature, ion, ease of as no equal. it will pay ou will have calves and had for the in is fully Al the buyer. ETTE, ndesboro. CIRCULAR AW ct) tl RIMY EST TRANS C9Y.L.1.1). STEAMERS MONARCH and UNITED EMPIRE (We ther permitting) will leave WINDSOR on MONDAYS and -THURSDAYS at p. na, and and SARNIA on TUESDAYS and ,FRIDAYS at 3 p. WL as per sailing listo for SOO, PORT ARTHUR, FORT WILLIAM and DULUTH. making direct Permeations at these points for MaNITOBA and the NORTHWEST, KOOTENAY. BRITISH COLUMBIA, Pacific Coast Pointe and KLONDIKE. Lowest Rates. Choice of Routes. Best Accommodations. CHEAP EXCU RS1 ONS. On and after let of June, good to return until 3Ist October. For rates and information apply to G. T. R. town or Station Aont at Seaforth. jAmrs E. BRATTY, General Manager, Sarnia, oat. 1640.24 The Clydesdale Stallion, Flash Knot Is no's,/ standing his -own stable, Mill Road, Tuckersmith, near Brucefield, and a limited number of mare a will be admitted for service. 4 Owing to an accident this splendid horse has not been lit for service hitherto this seascn, but is new suffirjAcilesnaKNOT asvewred. F imported from Scotland lad fall by Idr. Charles E. Mason. He to a dark brown horse, will weigh 2,200 pounds in good condition ; his gra is Top Knot; his grand site Top Gallant, and his great grand sire is Darnley. Hie dam was sired by Ffashwood, the fall brother of MacGregor. Ills grand dam was sired by Garnet Cross; his third dam was 41yed by Emprees. It will thus be seen that this horse has a combination of the best blood in Scot - 0. E. MASON, Proprietor. .—Persons from a distance sending mares MB 1644-4 1:11:114dve::' B.—Persons pasture cheap. The Grandly Bred Stallion AND GREAT RACE HORSE ,McCorma,ck Willi stand for the Improvement of tock, during the season of 1899, —at -- R. Wilson's Stables/ SE.A.FORTA, Hu on County Breeders' Association. 1636 GODERICH steam Boiler Work& ; (ESTABLISHED 1880.) CHRYST A L Successor to Chrystal & Bleck, ManufaCturers of all kinds of Stationary )ktarine, Uptight & Tubular BOILERS altiPansonoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Works.. eta., tato. Alen dealers p Upright and Horizontal Slide Tease ngines. Automate Cut -Off Engines a specialty. All see of pipe and pipe -fitting oon*,htly en hood tatimateel in !shed on shortnotioe. Works write G. T. R. Stailmej, Gederlak. . 1 • / Por twat a year we have had the agenq for the Weal INDAP0. Our first order was fors quarter of a doreeta our teat lo Ose Hundred and Forty-four Didion worth. Taw MAP'S 4Inda MUTTERED. ' po Made a wen • Nan of Distinguished everywhere fo DO- licacy of Flavour, Superior ual- a ity, and Nutritive Propertiel Specially grateful and comforti to the nervous and dyepepti Sold only in quarter -pound tin labelled JAMES EPPS & CO , Limited, Homceopathic Cherrista, London, England, BREAKFAST Sul:TER El 'EPPS'S L cod0A. 1609-26 • Passed 15 Worms. "1 purchased a bottle of Dr. Low's Plemiant, Worm 4V ga e h er he !Tamed RV, K:1' Syrup the me fifteen inavag for my little girl 21 years old, and dicIne as directed, the result was E round wonno in five days. biro. B. , Ont." BA YARD'S YELLOW OIL is a clean preprtrat;on to uee, will not stain the skin or soil the clothing. It reduces swellina, allaya iellro ‘matioo takes out pain and cures mats, 'burns, bruise, spra'ne caked breast , sore thro .t, quinsy, etc. Price 25c. - B. B. B. Cures Shingleis. Mr. John W. Lamb, Diligent River, U. ,rites " I recently had a severe attack of Shinel s, but am glad to say that two bottlea of Burdock B1 od titters cured me completely. It le a wooderful etredy for blood disorders." Often people cath a worse cold in the flummer than In the winter. Don't neglect it. Cheek it at once by ie,ing Dr. Wr o i's Norway Pine Syrup; the best remedy for all kinds of lung and throat affee. From Stratford, Ont. Mr. H. Wilkinson writes that he experichatid great relief of Muscular Rheumatism from using Iwo boxes of adiliourn'e Rheumatic Pills. This remedy is a specific for Rheumatiena Sciatica, Lambs et Neural- gia and Gout. If you want to be healthy during the wan)? 'weather see that your bowels move regularly eve y day. If they don't, take Laxa-Liver Pills, the t ral taxa- tAvo, that never gripe*, purge, or sickens.; ....wig mom eot1dei 1ottu13o eh. ".4 JUST THE SEAFOlq TEA ST Another car of the bes granulated sugar, which will be sold at 20 lbs. for $1. Five lbs. of coffee for $1 •, 11 1b0. green coffee for St ; 6 lbs. rice for 250; 7 lba, ;cooking figs for 25c; 4 lbs. prunes or Errie 1 4 packages cern at -arch, ' arch, 25c • 6 lbs J pel tea for $1 • 6 lbs. green tea for $1; 1 gallon pail mixed pickles for 60c; 5 lbs. boneless fish for 250; 3 boxes matches for. 250 ; 13 bed cords for 25c; 3 packages mincemeat for 25c; 3 door mats for 25c; good sound potatoes at 60c a bushel; 97 piece gilt dinner ' see, regular price $9, no: $.....7.50 ; 44 piece China tea sets regular price $7, now $5.50; toilet sets -10, $8 ; fruit gems—tpv i3,nits e, quarts, half gallons— a very large stock at right prices. where. vgi 4;74_ 11 and 12 piece sets—from $2 a set up to A' call is solicited before purchasing else- & AULT sEAFouT4. , • IND:fil THE a HIND.O REMEDY TBODIJO 9 TICE ABOVE ileilUita In 30days. Cures ell Nerve a Diseases. Failing Maroon' Paresis, Se.p1aasneu, Nightly Ernie - s one, eto caused y past a uses, gives vigor and ize to shrunken organs, and quickly but surely restores Lost Manhood ill old or young. Easily carried in vestaloeket. Price $ -00 it Package, Six for tt5..00 with- a writtengurran1ee to *are or money refunded. DON'T BUT AN IMITATION, but basin pn bering INDAPO. If your druggist has not i. got it, w will send it prepaid. HINDOO RELIT CO., Propre. Chkago, 10. or our lresta. Ibis rap d 1111Cfe/Se pr011ell it fa a remedy that everyoai Who tries it speaks well of. Yours respedfally, .1. Y. FEAR, Seaforth, Ont. 11 R. Jackson & SON* DrREOT IMPORTERS or Jules Robin & Co's Brandy, Cognac* France; jno. de Kuyper it Son, Hol- land Gin, Rotterdam, Holland; Booth's Tom Gin, London, England; Bulloch & Co.'s Scotch Whisky, Glas- gow, Scotland; Jamieson's Irish Whisky, Dublin, Ireland ; also Port cl, Sherry Wine from France and Spain,. Agents for Walker's Whisky, Ontario; ; Royal Distillery and Davie' Ale and Porter, Toronto. Q To THE PUBLIC , We have opened a retail store itt connection with our wholesale brisi- business in the rear of the new Do- minion Bank, in Good's old stand, whore we will sell the best goods in the 'market at bottom prices. Goods , delivered to any part of the tem' free TELEPHONE 11. 151i-tf The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED 1 J. B. McLean, Preeidenk, Kippen P. 0.; Thomas Fraser, vioe-president, Brucefield P. O. ; W. J. Shan- non, ifleoy-Treas. Seaforth P. O. • Thomas B. Ham Inspector ot Losses, Seaforth P. 0, wasoross. W. 0. 'Broodiest, Seaforth; John G. Grieve, Win throp;; George Dale, Seaforth Thomas E. lbsyle Seaforth ; Janne Evans, Beechwood ; John Watt Harloak ; Thomas Fraser, Bruoefield ; John B. Me. Lean, Mapco ; James Connolly, Clinton. c AEBBTE Rohl,. Smith, Harlock Rohl, MoMillen, fieB101411 ; James Cumming Egnoondv e; J. W. Yeo, Holmes., vine P. O.; John Govenlook and John C. Morrison, auditor. Partials dealrons to effect Ineuranoes Or ill:AB• tot other business will be promptly attended to oe ppliestion to any of the above affieera, addressed W their respective post (Mee& ftlalirillop Directory for 1899. , ----- JOHN MORRISON, Reeve, Winthrop P. O. JAMES O'LAUGHLIN, Counaillo sr Bftehwood P. 0 JOSEPH C. MORRISON, Couneilleir, Winthrop P..0 ALEX. GA.RDINER, Councillor, Leadhury P. Oa JOHN G. GRIEVE, Councillor, Winthrop P. O. JOHN Q. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop P. O. DAVID M. ROSS, Treasurer, Winthrop P. O. WIL TAM EVENS, Asses/ter, Beachwood P. O. CHARLES DODDS, Collector, Seidl orth P. O. RICHARD POLLARD, Sanitary Inspecter, Led - bury fa 0.