The Huron Expositor, 1899-07-14, Page 44 '1899 --e-ju& e5 t W Hoff 7 -me. Wam and more the end of the ses lion, and i: no unforgeen event oil to prevent, the 10 /I 12 16 It 8 9 wo %1t X 2 0 _NNEW ADVERTISI il The figure between the one, deno" the page of the P advertisement will.be found. 11st, Talk -Greig & Mall ald A C%ph Offor-Mc Klonon & Co - surniner Sil Wilils-5 Binder Twine -Sills & 311urdfil Wimmil Business College -6 rarm for S&W-8, Smillie -6 !rollet Sil Etm-c. W. Papst - A Splondid ObAnce-T. E. 114ye- cheap Ricy-cles-G. Baldwin -8 Binder Twin,6-Johnsou Bros, -6 VokerW Ltet Notill 0, Morrill 01'earing King -8 Two Hundred Booke-:4. Winter- Legat Card-[ -l-Collins & StAribi Seafill Fouadry-J. Bell, Jr.-$ Food Cora-[31-Hamillou & Kerf Auil gale -Q. J­Sutherlapd- Voill ListNotice, Wiflill Ellic SEAkORTH, FRIDAY, J -5 Will ' il each on i whiob the I 1411h, The, course of the Cono6 v ti lad C oil servative politicians u th Vest Elgin election fraudm' ren orcibly of the above adge. �The o aid to i ave taken lace in tE is co p lave fur aisbed a sweet mcl I to I If ician 9, � 6nd the assumed in. ig aa vinicli they have be�ela disculsacd .Mll were it not no baril xitical. One would be led thir PutcrFrkisedby these partief land ligna bicl i which they assumo ti at Drigol ter ' some of the incidert n f their own party, and i de vhicl they tried to:excuse flil I Tot tc) mention minor tran# 1 , gi eas a those onnected With the Icnd )ntario, and other electioni, on .ave not forgotten tie great �a )ifi he IA'OG eevy-Lang),vin outit" an Bridge steal, and t' e Bra wli ag Brood of Bribel wh ears ago, tried to buy the eprqi f th( people on the floors 0. thf are End were captured in i he .hese and many otE er. simill, r Les were perpetra di under, tie lie limservative pa5ty, and ere Dndemned by those I very patties ow i i df ,Dger of going into to be ,guh rities have oc rre in Itwo ollin g all bdivisions in one , 'on nd L.beial works are. ac sed- mnecte " with then irregll Irities We do not wish it to be an, e at( koment t at we justify or desire t4 is irregut arities wh!ioh have1taken V'est EIg In or elsew ere und r Li ices, but !we do say thst it i's in ad hype Iritical for he IEl of -rvalive Party, and �the lead Ing jo iat 1,,6rt,, to as verely con le mn i.1 :o vely tri to of wrong doin art of th ir opponentaf, wher) they lind to t e mighty o enses Pc in ie inclos re of --their own par' y at Ivan bagE. However, pell s the a exc used from the fact thai . P he rten riave an opportunity of ice 2au -ivia' lap Beis on the part of t IlLe! r o id waen an occasion' ces oll ur t m.rhalos be pardoned for go Tie Liberals have' bee it, atario for nearly thirty yea,,s, an is pr 3sexi t day not one ai . ; gle )rrur tio or even w . ilful wA ni -d t I rer b)en sustained agains L be -nment in this Province, no . r ag .embi ir of a Liberaf Govertd�rn nt less iro,amstances, andin vie wn iecori. it is, thefefore,!� 16t irpriting that those Can's �vs ti -e actua solely by a desi f r 3rsonal dvantage, irrespelle ve of iteres -a (if the Province, it in not g, wi a , that these shoule � tr r ke me 3t f any little -lapse _o it I he Low cl nents when it does�, o(eu Lan this, the present Prerl of is been a member of the L* I er I . ent OF ti a Province for Will nigh ir of a ce tury, an I has had 16arg the lal nioney receivin Lending ( epartmento of the, G v id an 0 day r o, -charge �iof of wilfi 11 1 rrong-doi ig, eitherj� pE is ficiall y, ias ever( vera been hit its a 8 prov,en, agains him, His 0 T ail men of equal probity. i It i I re, a Government and a iPrem Leh a reeDrd as we have - il�tdicfat Less Gon ervative ijourn Is and ve politi ians of the Tupper' C ar ce and I aggard stamp are ski ig ,e of thin Province to turn f�.pm o by ? Because they have-.' be In Alty of trialifievance in c ffied at ch ,oven in connection with tie uebeC ,ands, I, the tcl or ih ridge ? Oh� no, but beciule 3puty.returi4,'ingofficers ln a y ssupposed fo have don( I I ,�mie h ight otito 4ave done in n r Lippor or of �9'the GoverEmEnt A evenlito insinuat t9at t, e ent,cranyinember.of. thle Glow Lilanypartla these pocleedi 9 aowledge o 1 them. Culd, aty oreludioroul'or hypocritical �h hese ar �ies Must surely place timate upon- the intolliglanil and irness and gratitude possessed by e of tilisli the banner Proivinl of iniou'l I But, 1%f er all, the row whill th e are 1�iil tip -about tl�� We fair, rbay be taken as in omo mplimen�ary to the Govern erilb. A ap�th ng more serious to bri, 9 , they would not make sucl a If to )out t6is, and the very fal h4 makil so much capital out o ing, sindl one with Wbich th L I ind- endence it pan a�cdotnplish this result, pretence that public rights are safe -guarded had the opportunity,'and we are sure he by -the appointment of e heriffs and registrars would not emerge frot i the. contest second it w not have acted the hypocrite for I best. ve papern not ng. - But the mcist amusing part A the- -as returning officers. �� 1. long term of office e so-called Star�o scheme is its assumed ;: ignorei ice of by ithe Liberals has rest Ited in the filling of , The Internat cl Convention of the inds one the 1%ctions of its O'w party. It says : nearly all the county'of ices from the ranks Chriatiala Endeavor Eciel which closed courrances 9 ' Tbere may have be, m times whe a t he 'of heir partT. These i ifficies have been fill. t this week in Detroit, Vag, in many ways, a 4, btock contention ; tl at both parti, in - i 6re natibuiency 641 in near y every 1 stance with active pai tizana-men closely connected with the remarkalble gathering. Ti.e.re vyere twenty these poli. "equally gailty, might, have corfuied I riffing organizations, an in two many in. thousand accredited eliiga'�es, representing tion with them, but no such p1mbarraaament per- sta 2ces they havo not I t their partizan hip almost ei ery ci�ilized ountry in the world would be plexeg the people �)f Ontario to -day." bel ind them." hi's is i false accusation v na lel.against the officis ill this Province. present. That many young people, all ly 'hypo- How innocent I Does the Stalir not now It in said that thel 4oeption someti i a animate, by the Blame aims, could be gath- I k by the that the " machine " of the Conner "ative pr( ves the rule, end it ;Vs so in the casc of erod together in earnest work for their fel- the in. party was as much in evidence in the Nest W, st Elgin, During thle twenty odd yc irs they have Elgin and other elections as was the " in&,- thi t those officials have . can filling the phai. Iowa, shows the pews land potency of the tio is of returninN offic'er the West El �in influences which actu to them. It shows the career chibe " of the Liberal � party ?I It known - the powerful hol&,whi In thegospel hat upoa I c 3 is the first instance where it han'ben the people at the'eloo of this nineteenth nts also, right well that Mr. ]Robert Birmingham, proven that the Onties were not property cover up, the chief organizer or the Conservative and im artially porformilE d. This being bh� century. Never befor in the history of no.such party, and his retinue of re we I re on cas�, We Sun sho'Old be more careful in I its t,he world has its influence been so strong or no far reaching. Derniouitrations such as sta;emento if it dioeirea t) maintain its repu- 6n, North hand at all the elections, and it was only t hese, if 'they do do n t do any othier good, ation frr indepe dence nd fairness. t Ow rely they to circumvent them dat sh the Lil orate doubters and pessimists, that the c scandal ; brought in help from Aside. . Of murse World isnot retrograd ng morally, as some the Cur. we are free to admit tha I they ade a mis- The Toronto World a its exhdberance good people would haN 0 us believe. Some say: The'failure of Ae-Liberals to sub. are of the opinion, alell that the money ex- nemorable take, but in making the istak� there are eta tiate a single charge against Mr. Mon. ended in connection with these gatherings o a few extenuating eircurnstane which� the Star could be much more advantageously spent I teit in the Soutili Perth electi oil trial is a in Ot entatives and its hypocritical contemporaries purpil i . her ways. But, iowever, this may be, Legiola- ly over400k. complete refutation of 11 e Glole's theory, it can scarcely be doub ;ed that the inspir- that'it is the people who are to � blame for �tion-alnd information ain'ed at these meet - very act. loge must have a bene cial effect, not only the bribery and corruption that figures in no pebuliari. Mr. 09ilvie's Repo upon the individual: d deg4tes but upon all many recent elections. In South Perth the whoome within the i cope of their influ- leaders of Mr. William Ogilvie, ,.ommissipner 0 the election. was -left, in the 1, inds of the people ence, In this and in )ther ways, we have not even Yukon district, who has recent) cond cted f the constituene i outside -8 were �m- no doubt but a good ri turn is received -for 0 Y. N4 who are a searching investigati i I into �he chi irges ported, at least not by �he Coi servatites. the �ime,� trouble a ad: expense which theme cause ir- made by sundry parties 11 f alleged rn.ido- The result was a pure is wtion, he judkes and kindred gatheritll cost. No enterprise or three ings of the officials the I el, has anom itted so deciding and dismissing the petitioq of will amount to much ff the ngaged in. it the Liberals." This is rot a fair! statern nt are lscki6g in enthus a im. atituency, �he evidence P I taken, an' his report to the of thv case. It was proven that money was .-Ticivernment at Ottawa. circufated in Mr. �- Monteith's behalf, one of being We mar Bay that There 'is serious izouble in the British Ar. Ogilvie found that r i at of ilhe charges man testifying that he had received ten dol- Columbia GovernlmeD). The Government t lars from some unknown liciarce. �� here were oil for a iad little grounds -to rehll � �pcl bile r ny also ther cases, but the Ccl� tives bad has only been in existe ace a few months. It belittle Df them were' entirel ut I f?unded, He con. Sol adroitly managed theii � organi aition that is what :may be called a coalition. Two place in 3ludes hi s report by t el folloLg al ate. it was impossible to prim e agend . t was f' 9 1, . I the same in the East 11Igin case a short members the Premier �nd another, are Con- beral &us- eub, the reasonablene, a 'of which wi I be servatives, while the opher three members time ago. It was clearly proven that brib- consistent 3vident. to every perso� who Will " "Y' eiry had been rampant, bi ti there had been are Liberals, that is ta�ing Dominion poli - the Con- ?on ider the situation a's. it mdat exist in no convention to bring ot t the Conservative ties as a standard. But, hitherto, party urnals of he Yukon country. Hit sa a candidate, and, �Ithoiugl good work had e not been strictly, drawn in Pro. Y, been done in hills behalf, r o organization, ap- lines hav compara- Before concluding, it may be as,ked w parently, existed, and agency could net be vincial politics in Briish Columbia. Mr. g on the id these rum a got started' and'becom so I I proven,,and Mr. Brower retained his Beat, Semlin, the Premier, is a Conservative, while were so enerally credi ed ? In reply, I � may tate while i other cases, where here was not a- Mr.,Joseph Martin, his colleague, is a Lib - hat there is a arge. por(ent�ge of pop la- tithe of the bribery, the ME diber was un- nitted in ton here wholare Watching for the ch nee seated, simply becausethroughrgamization oral. The, Premier-hai notifled his colleague d for its o. make something. If I they are !forest lied agency as proven. and Attorney -General, that he must resign y are to y someone Ell they immediately jum to his position in the Cabinet. The reasons y do not he conclusion that there has been some. The Alanitoba LegialattIre �s at present in assigned for this requE st are that he, Mr. hing crooked between that someone else Martin, does not pro )erly attend to the ring even End the officials, by whom the traneac :iion session, flnishi ng up the b asi see of this leg- duties of"his office, and that he has been pponerits, 3vas consummated. It ias not been n a. islative term, and it is Qho 3ght, that the making statements in, itaide of Parliament i : that are detrimental tc the Government and hey May Mary hereto do more t ian insinuate , iliat general �,Iection will be old at ones, probably I ome 6ffi-,ial or officials I ad been guilt: r calculated to compromise, its membera. vild oiver of by,the firat of next month. Both I�lrties Mr. Maitin replies 64 he declines to re - i. (orrupt acto to have it m ithin a few hours power, in generally so reported, and, I regret to sll�, are doni ing their war paint atld feathers,and sign, and- that if incom etency and inability d up fo generally so believed nolmithotanding ettligready for the to attend to the duties of a department are el V IF hap are g fr y. The don charg of there may not be a titW of evidence in i iuP� servatiVen will go to the ou itry under the reasons for resigning, t at the Premier him - 1 lort of the cha rge. Tral isactions that I iave self is the person who should resign, as he oing, as I een actuated by the plreat and leadership of Mr. Hugh Joan. MoDcl had to be removed fro n one de big ieoti partmelar, to ral G v- motivesbave teen' attri uted to the ery son of the venerated chle ft in. Mr. Mc- another, as be was un ble to 'perform the Ell ny worst. Of thin I have lersonal knovirl:dge Donald has been nominated for one of the d uties of the first department which he un - Under and experience. In conclud' I may say Winnipeg constituencied Whether the dertook to manage, and that his present do. h a class t1a, I partmentis neglected b cause he has neither that with one ne Zu'Dot exist (in charm att-aching to his natne and the mem� I f their their minds a least) aiy honest Govern. ory of his illustrious fathe will be sufficient the ability nor indfastr5 t� conduct it prop, h%p% not ment at all, for reasons that -are obvious to see re him his election j'and a decent fol- erly. He also tell hi I - der that' he has au ares, Who c nough not to need meni ion. not the confidence of hi J:r'-ty in the Leg - .or lowing in the Legialabil remains to.be islature and that he dt si so him, Martin, party seen. In the Legislature �rbi h i d is ral out of the Cabinet me a� to get a Tory he best" tditorial Notes d Comments. to a close, the Greenway 'Government he almost the unanimous outllport, there being in, and in this way make U an exclusively surpria- The West iHuron eledion ease came u in ee Conservatives 4 i Did two Independ- Tory Cabinet. Mr. Marti a also makes sev. I I only tbr lv eral othei statemetits to his leader al46njg a d-rnake thecourtat. orontoon Friday. Linkla onto. Hugh John should be able to impro e part of the missing itness, was, still ab ent, i .�d, on this. Mr. Greenway i a ia'rd opponent these lin a which are not -Any more.compli- mentary. � The Lieutenai it- Governor in away. r. More notwithstanding the striing protestratons to tackle. His career � an ! Pr 3mier has been On his rf turn, no doul Mr. Semlin will i phenominally successful., �Ht has given the Ontario of the reopen lent's counool against ano, �fier demand ihat be dismis r. Martin from Govern. ostponemen),the judges ecided they mll people. good and'useful legislation, while his' the Cabi: Let. If he roll Be to do this, then Eave Linklater, and a administration has been honest and soon I in postponed the oml-, the only resort Mr. Sil will have will be a quar- case until the 5th of 8 ember. cal, and such that little fault can be fo und. to reoigr� himself'. Ith 3 so this, then, of of one Wo person seriously think that he will be course, toe Government will be broken up, d money Mr. Nelson Monteith, . P, uth defeated, and the probabi too are that he nother 0,overnment w1l be formed &-' for Sil will make as clean a owes mill did at the- oil a ernment, I lerth,has beonconfirmeii n hi new else lon -will be bel, 1. This is the way 11 i. seat by the last election, If the peol e of Manitoba are ting matt �r stands at pi ement. Mr. Martin orruption section court judges., he c( ntention of wise they will show thei l: appreciation Of is an abl, i man and a fig t r, and he has it onally or tie petitioners that the oleciti )n was not what Mr. Greenway has i one'for them, and in him ti make things.1 vely in British Col - continue the regime unde -1, *which they have d, much 1, igal because the writ ha, I- eet issued and so long prospered. They � eat i not do any urfibis- politico, and no ic ubt he will do so tie election held during a sitting of . whether he remains in ;h a Cabinet or goes olleagues the better by making a chan is and they are out. 3 I I egialature was not sukained, Mr. IYLOD- almost certain to do a gre kt deal worse. 0, thered t iith will now have peaceful possession un- ier with til the end of the present term, ad, that The Went Huron elecl f,l the Domin- txetl ion is ikely to have an ai ing I in the Domin- A INVVI I .9 KE. -In its r eport of V.6 Orange ,')onoerva- The Hensall Observer does not bel -eve celebration.bere on'Wcdnesday, �he Toren- ke Wal e ectoral impuri� rowing Bvil ion Parliament. A few diya'ago Mr. Bor- to Star says: 11 The pa,ale and clemonstra' t at t I in a den, a ' Halifax, made a m otion to the effect tione her il were unusual y ellattendedan , d the peo- nd hat there is more ollIrruptlon at else - I that the ballots and all other matters in suedessful. Henry Eilbe , M. P.JP., deli - Bee, and than in former, years. It says : e I d the, twelfth of Jul oratiol Thex,e proven now well romembei connecition with West Hu 3n and Brockville .can the time hen Zest ho� ome mistake bout this, as tt, e 5ewere made drunk for days befort a bye-elO3tiona for the Dominion be -laid on I I as was n genial M; P. P. for South Huron,: althou Pacific a ection and were spiritiod outof the riffing. the table of the House, and that they be a Imember of the Order, took no part in t Es Those were the good old d when submitted to the committee on privileges celebratiob,-was.not even in town e Curr -an one good chriatian toy on his iels%abed praying and electionn for investig Ltion. In making NOTES -LMOot of 4e farmers' in till a Couple Of 6r the success of his party at the polls, his motion, Mr. Borden ins icinity are about done Laying, And Bove I e -election while another good christan, anxious that �anced certain v irregularities which, he said, bad been com- of them hive commenced cutting the f I ings they. this prayer sh'buld be an iwerill 'went out wheat. Hay in not a hil avy crop this ye f a al bought votes at fiftee 2 mitted in both co'notitA In West but fall wheat in fairly i ood in most plac ests 0, dollars a head. Huron, , licials L Therewash b�ppy combination of f%ibh for example, he Said that in certain -Mr. William avette a having the sto I e They do 011ing-subdivisions, wheO ai�nd works that lwould hardly be endorsed in , only thirty bal- on Main street, whi c 1 be recently pu, leto had -been marked for cLean, thill chased, enlarge I odelled, and w I Govern- this enlightened age." and r, - servative candidate, 43 e eaters had made have a new 'pat front put in arr ernment, atthey had D, il a n fin. vot- otherwise improvece g :� declarations to t is effect I � 1. be ished it WLL a or any We are pleased to notice that the Lon Ion ad for him, thus showing. that the ballots be one of the neatest, business places 12 thing be dvertiRer, Forest Free Press, Picton Times had been t�anper 3d with. !Sir Wilfrid Laur- towD, -Pontoffice Inspector Hobkirk was A 2 an thin ? and other. papers endorse Tjim ExFOSITOX;S ior at one _ alesealted to th motion, and the town last week, and wat driven to Dasb - very low position in favor of -a compulsory attendance subject in now e0gaging tie a tention of the wood by Postmaster Clarlifitio, and made alt - committee, to w4ich it has In, son relegated. rangements for t1he re-cstablishment of the sense oi of electors at the polls, Thin is a reform This is "m In 11 proceeding, new mail route etween. Exeter and Dasb- which is reasonable and i the public inber- Mat, & so Ily referred the peo. t e r j. o f t In I �,wn d ltr on JLE olu as 4 to wood. The noti so are now out for tenders the coutto for adjustment, but' the 06' - for the carrying the mails daily between the Do- to, and will com I or later. It Doer Iso gratifying to notice that the Globe la vatives',in bothWest Harlin and Brookville, each place. Th" in .1 route $hould neve a's having jailed to enter pr tests against the have been discontiniu:d,14nd its re-establis�� one peo- taken up the cause of the country aga []'at return la� 6f the successful c didates, are now ment will be gla ly hail d by the bugine at Elgin r ilway promoters, and comes out squarely. adoptin" thi means to gen at them. It is interesto of botb places. -Messrs. Ba Iv 6wd f1l like y large business i e measure in opposition �to any more money being not at a, they wi I Make anything & Macdonell d A gi i� the public p irse to as at in out of their-prooeliediage, i a if they had any- buying, hill 'Ire OLD -the old coun If they,1 - ven out of si )a and ohi!pp i ng to constructing new railways or extend" thing tangibletil upon they wouldhave try, The i tend senfillog off another loi against 0 A ones. If any aid is required in this i Z proceede,fin the -ordinary way. The last next I welf'Mrs, Ch4�rles Senior, an old t ie Globe says it should I e made as a I , 7 ud noinel ?:n time a case of this time casne before Parlia- and respected resident ."of Exeter, died a i ey t -aid not as a bonus. ThiE is a proposit � n ment was during the regime of the Conser. the rosidence of her son:lhere last Sunday ry which TILE EXPOSITOR as advociated for vative Government, when Mr. Edgar, the For the past ten years Urs. Senior has bee little The Ameriemn G vernment, in bhe gesent Speaker, preferred char a a so against hiring in Blenheim, where her hanbsud is it ernmentl ey:r1rar days of railway oo 2struction in t ist ir Adolphe Caron, a member �c the Gov- business. She came to Exeter a few weela I4ULY 149� 1899 14, tHiiEE SPE IALS The recent bla U is -1 belre, I .21" noiderabli -musing 00- eni AT T" � tdil E -th the -parin 00 W, . I D&W Of- public fof all Atioll papers abeen,haudied � It Co R ER 1� TO by the- school E Ila the prill by : and FOR -school law, weref--ban As 'eat, to tb�e PRIDAY AND S TURDAY OIL thie tr8l ding the fire at ly ost, andestrli FIRST—One hundred (100) Sh' Wit t aists, fagt colos Stanley -ains ba, rec,ent r Oro. Otic dtg of hay jA thin as at .... ....... ................. ................... 25c each. IdiddleiOle-9 C4rne-rl v1 P1 - SECOND—Fifty (50) pieces int, guaranteed fast vidin Y ober.ries at 'Mr. )itlmne tols-11 sad 4. colors, at ..... ........ 5c per Yard. er,$ood edic but lind #­ Iferbert THIRD—A 45 -inch Black Lustrb, r gular 50c a yard dinner old time decime, bell fron while, it 19'sts we will sell it av� ......... 33c. In his Anj of hisew barn, it will be one 01 in -the ecil ,EAFORTH, B G N,, S s. "eter- I UN I��_�ite is lal bre.ae inal flume on Tues W, to visit her son, and while here took the ining room, where the table, in the dwwster in the dam havim c and was n9b able to return hom---_ f a liorse-sh by the great rains I h 11 was -61 years o age, and was nauch and -for 0 oe, was elaborately spread Bwak, vnth his so rived espe t d by all who knew her. 'Wit good things, which helps to terminate r. ;i right. -M r. Ar hur Rolli iia,whose mill in Wiarton sny� leas � g event. After supper, and an t1i the guests were amusing themselves in ear of fat �cat � destroyed by f re a few weeks ago, has vari us 8, the bride appeared in rich Tom BrDwn i d ed not to ret n to that place, but while plavir blac, silk, trimmed with jets and creal likely remai in.IlExeter, which de- ti . Among the 250 guests were some lineroy hasr,6tui is I will be very leasing to our Uizens, ;ro:1 Montreal Toronto, London, - North aspendin Rollins Is e of' our moist popular a heri.-A tinst. Bayi Goderieb and Clinz;on. The wedding 4-n I and Enterprising b inane men. -The Exeter -Jpta Douglas had tbi gifts were costly and numerous, among - �j s �r4mery is doin a larger business this I llsh 140 collar bone will 't thern being a present f $50 from her Real than ever before. It is one of fmts on botsebimck Ex4blirlo most va.uablo industries. -At a brotier John. We join ' with the any -ara Ahippi frieuIde of the happy pair in wishing them A. son meot: ng of the dire Aorsbf the Stepheand lil' happ3 and prosperous journey through 138YO -ne Agricultu &I -Society, held on Sat- life. *W4 bit to far the wet 1. L:il , evening, it was-idecided to get up a back ift this live., ;ood ist of special attrautione for the fall W iho W1, and liberal contributions have been OnlV. and t on', mal e by the society and the business men B. R. Hi ailaws, Brucefield, Notary Public of Mr, Steplat A t is town to t at end. Conv4yancer, -Fire and Life Insuranoe age JWtlatbefrieds nt. Any nw� Yhis _ontinued ol I a F TwELFTli.— -The Orangemen of the 11,11110uht of in( Dill to loan at 15 yer cent., on first-class He is lying in W_ in], eil - Mortgages drawn and money #A. 0 iistriet!' of South Huron celebrated the 111;nmll� free l expense to he borrower. Also a :-Waimileald, rsilWSY `COUtrap. ;welph of July in. Exeter, on Wednenday. fill stnotnt of private funds at 5 per oens, ragelf in a bob rhel ay was favorable for the occasion, and At ,,"SWly shot bi home evi morning xud Weduesdal eseh , i we, ;he�e! was A large turnout of members of the &', Sevol rT iWax formerly a �cil I I good farmili for sale. -,The Pon tax is Dow be. d th i f i do, although the crowd UR AN O.— ro. )rdp an sit, non William Scott has was] cl so large as Ion some �ormer dernon- retutflned fn in Missouri, where she has been itratH as of the name kind- here. The visiting he- sister, Mrs. McCartney— Im -1 r attendance was due t� the fact that Missba Beams and Lottie McGregor hovers- Dublin- anallar celebrations were �einig held in turned frory Detroit, where they have pless- XGS -3fiss 30 ary Evanis W i4-4 gh:.m- and London, and the train &r- sntli�, and profitably spent a week attending Bee c lawood wit being more favor ble for these the ;voild's Christian Endeavor convention. Carrir il 9 4 .)Ial good many went the who would .-Rev. Mr. Hamilton, of Mimieo", took t of her --kwu week the gues lither w as have come to Exete to spend the oharP of ti e mormng and evening services- May Wf, I lay. ' lowever, the demons ation was, in in Union el urch last. Sabbath. as Rev. Mr. Mk visiting Mtn. ave Ill weyy i 5her respect, a succosi.1 The Exeter Murirsy wi a unable to preach. Rev. r. -who has b Lucy Mrray, -omniii �ee left.nothing un4oll o to przvide Gilchrist will conduct the servies next holidays with friends in Sabbiath.- III the farmers are taking ad. _M Ld6qda ely for the comfort I a ad hospitable home. _jeff Aggle- -nt� :iainment of e The town vent e of r J their a he fin,Pweathelr to get their bay wood,'visite,d �ber friend.. wa6 ne4tly decor wi S rT a so, bunting, und cove andthe Bound of the mower laws �-T since last issue 4 lag! em, and p one ted a very pretty sp- and- irse- ke are heard on every side.- a, ei, i 6 *MNMU6-Sund&y In towuwit 3earsall The to we 'thronged with The One ra a which have fallen in the past .. I I 36* Q`Day,-Miss arner, of ,718 L 1. a d the 11 melo cl sounds of two iveeks ave been a boon to the spring -mal I na her holiday2s i fhe Ind 'he I di i1fo drum an o is , musical bands Crrok and are now looking fine. -Fall IYuses King, 6f Winglism fal d entertainment fort %14 At the ap. wheit will ripe in a few days, and has hq*0 holiAay feason With r.4 .3ointe'll! time the brethren formed in proces. I ever appeaa-an3e of a good crop. -Mr. Joba Michael mdig lion, and the various lodges, to the number Hart(ba dioposed of his blacksmith shop wak vititing friends in'- Sea )f thir*n, headed by the I ands, marched and- lbusine' 9 to Mr. Dan Campbell, of jww Wessell- of Goderich street to the public odhool grounds, Van Campbell gets possession next I day A *s bomeof his parew Ile speaking t wel H 2�. onne, r. chool 10 the coun that 1 as prettier or west before long t WWI ta friendo -in tcirwn; nore co�,nmodious sch oil g., undo than the 1, WiDDING1 BIELLS.-A pretty and int f o"I erest- ere admire, ?,xeter,Ochool has, ard t e bly ing W'eddin U-1 for* re bl�nae e Elo ng a .4swas celebratedat the beautif ,daptedifor this oci3a hady,con of J. Neivin, of Brucefield, last f9belfilie-mr. Davis, -our gel ties renien dcommodipu platform - had Tues By a bernool when her youngest 18making attractive improvem, lleen e I Do, atone i r *the weakers, daug ter, Miss Emma Florence, was United reghtoo.-The raising of Mr.' 6nd aro Ind. this the crow sembled. On in marria e to Mr. R, G. Simpson, of this -in Urge barn was very tsuct: rder Wing restored, Coun Master John villel Tie ceremony was performed by ""point of vleo,- ;carlil of McKill P. in; neat speech Rev. �S. Act soon, of Kippen, in the pres- FelCOM the brethr la of t district to the enc of the inediate relatives and friends ChiftlhUrlstii !elebratpla, :congratulated them on the Of th. coat cting parties, the bridal party luspiel a circumstai ices ulmder which they ing be ath & beautiful arch of flowers. sAN ABSEST M-INDAD ,XAAL-1 d as - mbled, and ele: med the many The bride was handsomely attired and _40t the new minister of the� tided to show their sympathies looked charming. She carried a bouquet of vho law: 1, or the bje to of the Orde'. Mr. H. Spack- i -Aurdh here, who resides at He T rvses� and was attended by her cousin, miss Lien, r' ve of Exeter, resd an address of M US tovesch his appointinentat I z An McIntosh, -who ws -costumed in a not yet - living a horse of hi relcom, of the council and citi. ! beautiful f own and carried, carnations. �ens, an etiauded tie ft eqdom of the town ;Miss Rattenbury, also a cousin. acted as ill _. h A4ortby.tiesident of tha� 0 the visitors, and, in alneat speech, ex- 0 member of th maid of honor. She was. prettily dressed r I and the Hnsallite, wh� ireamed the pleasur 3 i , fforded himself, and I rried is basket of flowers. The groom leraotially, as well 'Is his �olleagues i6 the was buippor d bv his brother, Mr. 0, D. to,do & good turn to at LEL ge keram y ouncil,�iarld. the citizen , to enter- Simp�son. a bridegroom is a popular and .W obeerfully. consented t� siin so largo and resFecta* a body of peo- e merchant of this place, A1K;ytn= -to Chiselhurst in til Aterprinin being Owlrift on 13unday. It was all fie, Thin address w1a remoorlded to by Mr. the eldest Still the late Rev. J. H..Si.mp- j. H. ickion, barrii ter, of Exiter, on be. t wife should also son, for many years the pastor of -Union men, Mr. Nti accompany I [Alf of he Orangeme .: Alodresses suitable church, and whose -memory is still so dew zien, in due fit D the o casion -were afterwards delivered to the con regation. It to gotthe 0-lergynnat, leavinj ,y M r. D. M. Germa ' i f 1 Wiat ton. Grand f The bride is ne of *0 W41tipS . for him, and -telling 0 Brucifield a fairest daughters, much so- faster of Ontario. West, *he was intro- teemod and ��Lighly' aceomplish-ed, and will wdd ftH for her jm he w" i ___ need by the chairil isis in old Biddulph. qualified to share the joys and fortune of - Mile from the rninimter!s rewl oy; M�, William Le�*is, of Crediton, Man- her h6shand. The presents were costly and *&Yto 01bi"16ralt. Mr. citio er of Biddulph distriet,,,anA Rev. Messrs. apppropris, , and much admired. After 2610t4r, and driving past his 1 lartin,'of Exeter; Salon, of Centralia, and part4lingg 0 the wedding dejeuner the ha�- *Pt A about his Arrangement tout, of Kirktorl. During the 'afternoon C�uplie eft by the evening train for "a Mael and -it neveroectirred moical 1 elections were, given by the Exeter d and t hall. faded to keep - is a"? introit, Cl lan her poiwfl, where . h d the Varna p�idcalo band, both of e Was sittl and they. intend spending their 1,ioneymooln, **ad t1hat sh 'nJ ittOg for _b rbich played very n oely. The proceed- Your, cortesponclent joins with many others MM . im, in is- house A Ige were brought to close about 4,30, n wishing t iem good sailing on life's Ocean, UdWOndered hat in tile wor,14 illigblln, vlatil, his was seated in rhen the several lodges �formed in proil and, �t last a safe harbor., I ion and marched back to the own, where. '4 ()hWilhurst,'When the �17;txrtsl lltey dispersed. 106 mind ny ( f the visitors left, Odness burst )r home by th linine . going north Bluevale. 'It Moe. The congregatiol ad so I h, and b w,en- in the evening 'iss Ag *he left the thurch to in 'fat lost of the visitors hall -laken their depar- OTES. gie Herbert haareturned Aialddle of thessrumo from' months' course X1. $of ire. The proceedi'aga throughout the entire a three the Toronto and so pe, Bervatior, Knight, all were of the most ci�� erly 9haracter, and �Con , .7 of Alusic.-Miso 9thel '!*L*V�t of the reckoning *b Lof RiPley, is the glilet" Of M'So Mabel *4 redi-able alike to all interested. The cele- asbe- johould meet b ratio,ii ill year will likely be held in Sea. tie*-Thili Orangemen attended divine ser- ""W10tteu AlIpOusie. They wil vice urch on 6unday 10W"4t that his cwwwm t litith. at the etodist ch forenoon I �ev D. Rogers, the pastor, e truis cupied this Lizzie McEwen, of ftX:A1ii for Mrs. 40itizen, his r srldck. vini ed Mism Alice Duff last '-week. the Pew-. She reached C -Uft# and b f A If kppy 11 FNT, the even -,ng of. -Mrs. Cowden, of Winglian), and her 1"Ji" _ all for Vedn�esAay, Jul daughter, Kittimeyer, of Ch : 1. a y 5bh,� nearly 12250 invit-ed ipplaws, _Vfttreairctifor ber, were visiting old friends in the village on elilid, 11esti �aaisembled at t6 beautiful home of 41f 1110 SeVRD Ir. a 6d'Mrs. Jo' Mike, Mount Pleasant Thurad e are much pleased to learn ,in SY.- I that Mr. Th Stewart in improving rap- arm,'Hullett, to vditneas one of the pret. is L -eat ilill most fall b i mable weddings of the ialy.-Rev. J. West, M. A., tl ---------- Z__ By and Aso an eve it ng he prob ition convention at Toronto. hich sends a young XOWS,6,r Vie we, 3uplo fi�rbh on tfie voyage of life as one. Georg McDonald has purchased Mr. bPBMTAINED � 31y his rincipals m re Miss Amelia Millm, ohn Robei Itsou's farm for the murn of VEE� the' �conil daughter 0 1e host, and Rev. C. C, $6,100. -Mil McGuire, of Weston, and ' _Qlmona , Coilived al ell 'of the 1. of Bethel circuit, London Confer- G ire, of Toronto, are visiting .aine Mr. T. Me er ;0 ace. 'I Plecisely four' o'clock, to the heir broth , Mr. W. W. M-cGuire.-Miss 'grPA Lelodfous r i 'he wedding march, Olive'Scritt in holidaying with relatives in )ZINT, �)Ffts. 3 b" beeful oeted 0 '�: :of Seaforth, the )ude;ed b is r Seaforth.-Bev, W. T. Hall, of Belgrave, . � n alostiended to the lawn, co f orill 'eddirg p ce preached in the Presbyterian church on _46W , - i i:�; b g r 'here! there w 0 erected Sunday level a rdi�e as : an arch of ever. Ira Bardsly,. of 14G - reeno� decorated with flowers and ribbon, Ypsilanti, M chigan, in spending the sum- "TKING's QUXEn FRZA.'r.- 12 ys�LrA, ad a handsome bell suspended from the mer at the re idence of her father, Mr. Wmi, 14 stru. tri,1119 this stor mtre, under wh ch the bride stool Messl Miss Sadie Greenaway and Min %n, t CA -1 d during Th ie cereftnony. laclutyre re I t- uftday night �of -isint The procession w" headed imed to Toronto on Saturd ;Y iffied. 7 the groom and groomemain, who took L-MinsLaur Buell is- visiting friends at tfti t*0 Ott he was leir places under the arch, followed by the Kinburn.- ins Smith, of Riple is the er thildren,.-neit in the h guest -of her nt, Mrs. LW. W. M yt , = "' ride, leaning on her fqlther's arm, while the cGuire.- done to the house. lt,tle page boy, (�oeil Oksi, nephew of the hir. John Xfing has purchased Mr. Irs _* `07 Rol Rox"Pt, .-ide, scattered A�wera in �fro.nt of her, and Etobjer's farm for $3,760. -Mr. and Mrs. T. York stly, the bridest 'aid and maid of he q J. Watt and Mrs. Snell attended the wed- As' ToNishet of the he core L many was nor. 'ding Of Miss Amelia Mills to Rev. C. C. X%ft of- famous horses �Performed by Rev. W. Yio rk city, lof Kincardine, insisted by Rev. Kaine, Hallett, on Wednesday. 2-ft"r had boola,lill fo .eamrs. 'Garbutt, 1 of is GoIrrie ; Penhall, of able to be about Dutill lyth, "d Tiffini; 6f Walton. The bride, a US mtiful Young lsid�-,. who (+reenway. 'Wjw d to 4 goner bre presented an al 47ste mrance: of ideal , be&Uty,'L Ift- &j I r. w W- in. was attired in JOTTINGS. -Mr. Parkinson, of Toronto, a bite-bricaded Bilk,; trimmed with he preached in the Boston Methodist church to ON A W's i de Al _� d U* RT com W rian congTega L St, Louis -arls and chiffon, an ted &ivtK the Presbyte ' tion o" Corbetto I Of beautiful wreath of rosei and bridal veil, I&st Sabbath. His discourse was interesting n,__.;Yy# Of _* - U, Ced id carried in her hand a � mperb bouquet of and instructive. -A very large ftr� Wer ar Oil 447 snwx�ed v-aile ridw, hite roses. She was at Anded - in a very assembled in Grace church, on Sunday isfor- r -at St. editable manner bv her I ,rister,� Miss Kezla� noon lost, to listen to en inter�sting semon afternoon. epl ills, who was - in pi , It, covered to thei Orangemen by Rev. Mr. Grassick- The Purpose a dresse - -Oft Lth white sk i -br r.gandie.Tnuali , And decorated The trout pews were reserved for the Xud his i(le in beig 16h flowero ribbon to atc , w i the Orangliamen, who turned out in large nUM- PI&O's - was a des 0 and j ' Mhuh bell L( M the bridie.aln aid of, honor, 34a d gre I in Greenw&Y- it *4 Inuoh. the epoe­ ke eice of the here fio Parkhill, Moray and ids, was attired in orestr i k. The groom Thmilmistees subject was an interesting ]s 41�%sa ARRED­--:The Engli onis W assisted by his brothc ohn, principal one, al1ad was listened to with ifnarked St- Ittan r e. scted the be the school in Sault Stel is, who ieer- tentioi.-Mr. Thomas Stinson, of Byfieldii, 0"tument bilt,_ #_ ago e rmed his duties in proper 8 byte. After 'd his friondis here iallying visit last Mos- tlflft Leo U ria Es ceremony andt con at Is bione were ray.-� e happy c, tMrs. Baker, of Whitechurch, Visit- OcW4- Amel foe the Wen iuvited to ing he'; sis Mrs. James Wal panittIi er th M the The Dominion 4liament. D&y by day appearances indicate more and more the end of the ses lion, and i: no unforgeen event oil to prevent, the balities are that the first. of kiagust will see Iall the legislators scattered i from 0 tta wa. shows what On Monday the Governor. G neral gave big Ipassed assent to some 62 bills which had flu fly something to at different times during the sees on, r)w and Sim, assented to as much of the suf ply the Liberal party bill as. had been voted by th 3 House. "'he o'clock same day the redistributionbill received its their represents, third reading in the Comn ons, aad ow assembled only awaits the assent of the Senate to be- for thirty come law. It is not likely, iowever, to be earn, taken up by that body for some days, so their opp that its fate is as yet a roll of speco la - ff tion. It was not nearly so stubbornly op- can tq4kd agaist them is that a suppo, posed in the Commons as we a expected it w 'Urld be and no amendment a a were me- -ed elected to it by the Opposition. The Oppositim, police were evidently, either consider it so fair Aat proper means, and that his friend i they can not make political capital by j iv- I'pposition, ing it prolonked o or they ire of his depending on their friends in the Senate: to demolished or rende d useless veto it. Before it passed its third readi ng i However, of late years it has bil Tonse. men, do not seem to', be as courageous an Sir Wilfred Laurier announced the names belonging t the company Df of the jadges who form the commission to they are able, or else their spirit of vindia. sub -divide the dounties when there is more several and of the sm- than one member in a county or city. This it is 'ly, and is less of a bur( en upon the public. tiveness in stronger than their courage or ley commission will be composed of Chief Jis- were . struck and. i Q ad. �4 tice Sir G. W. Barton, Chan(ell.or Sir J. A. sense of fair play. T are both wont to and Mr. Justice Fale aBoyd nbrid 'he erious divisions wi ill not be made by evide ce take L 'tinie the matriculation qua ifleations made more shield themselvea beh fad the privileges of orally, but the'commission w I be furnished when the mayor and �s� eriff -- r-dered i and again, sufficient p' with maps and'statiatics, and. on t ais data out the Wi 11 make the divisions of th several y did wrong, E y o per- ed'by one year. In th lse ways the expenses have been decreased, b t it to the in private life wh a distasteful to them V litions counties costs soon succeeds n die 3eraing son will deny alth h � something can The Senate are still struggling and who are not in p to defend therm. as ves. All rein I will ber the d IL astardly at- ith t he �,l Intercolonial Railway Extension bil Is. The 11benefit which the peo It. generally derive Conservative members of that boll ha ve As a case f i point, held several caucuses to determine vir- from the institution. In the House, the if they temp �ed could not agree upon unite d a clion ,oncern- paper, the Montreal lother da, the Minister' of Militia gave the fOlIDWigg information as to its operations : ing them, but whether or n)t th,�y have doubt will he run 80 8 on ail sill been able to attain the end t ley sought, tone Up to June 30th, 1898, 261 had gradu- is military not known. At any rate, ir MaCkenlie looks when some i I wrong is u 4- 'Bowell, the Conservative I ader i a If the company wil,l 1, av to give I Senate, has given notice of a aml�,�ndme and which i t i to one of thebills which he in nds �o me e.' 3 1 oiiy. The object of this motion, it is saidl� 0 week, Charles Tal perpook advantage of kill the bills 'in an indirect way, as it is not sentiment of th Is ce is e In r1r, likely either the Government or the Grand _thweat mounted police ; 20 were em - ra of -ployed in the civil service of Canada ; 55 % the occasion to induig 3 in tyrade of abuse and vindictive statements against Mr. W. T. Trunk will accept' Sir Uackenzie's.� amen I- goody ment.' I this is the case, and, the amen I- R. Preston, a One t me organizer for the ment -is carried in the Senate, tb e b1i'lls w, .111 This, be virtually killfid, and the BOILOme �pf get. gineering in Canada - .5 were engaged in [n its A Liberal party,and no in the old coantry &a . ting a Montreal terminus for the I Govern - meat railway, 'which the Governuent to tender advice no Emigration 0"ornmiesioner. is prac is Thi t* e of attacking private char"te r behind the de- ment earnestly desire in order to make it pay i A to Liberals. It advises �nt them to vote against way will be balked. The 0 P. R. a -e had be-e'n in existence, and, both very bitterly opposed this arra�gem ei it parties betweenthe Government and the Grand their It ould just w Isuit the rurpose Trunk, and have for weeks be n conductin il,;r is a cowardly and ehenroible one and case to a vigorous lobby in, the SaUat) againab the I its and lothers 6f Its ilk if bills, and this, it is suspected, is till main should not -be permlit"i M . Preston may not be perfect any more than Sir Charles decisioll3j. cause of the trouble. It is to be' hoped, reappct Were acted upol 1. It is, evidenitly, � The Toronto Farmers' Sun is not as fair however, that the C. P. R., throligh the ispIttled at-th'e very outse;, and 2 :q muoh instrumentafity of Sir Mackenzie Bowell, see -in its statements an it hould be, when it a y be t him be h4 always hitherto had a a U 9 bad ffel�jnig will not be allowed to frustrate the deliber. ollars Libelraliam,both Provincial and Federal, tel expressed will of the pe y �oplef repra- to all 1. ip�rties � - would have be4 Isived. P sentatives. tra pled upon, and if; t rough its L Yuj - Be 'of tion has been to' show how hollow is the fend himself from' atto ak, and we' have no doubt hs% would din a- - tfis The ballots, poll books and other doe - :t- meats in connection with the West' lf�ron land Brookville bye -elections, whioh me a - tion, in nil elsewhere, have been placed i t the disposal of the Committee on Privileg, a and Electionaii and will likely be investi- gated by that body at an eat ly date. All other subjects, however, are c ver-she.dowe d n interest by speculations as to the fl, action of the Senate on the Intereolotll Railway,^and the redistributi n bit Is, and there will be a feeling of unrest in the IHouse and the country un�il 1ese matte -8 are finally disp osed- of. A Riot in Londo n� t e Less. The long 'endi p g dispute b etween the London Street Railway Coi npany.' their employees and the citizens, �Ulminated in a riot on Saturday afternoon last. Over a year ago ithe employees of the Street Rail- way Comipany struck for higher wages- aid fairer tteatment at the hinds of the company'with which they were employed. good deal of trou # ble and m h neg #tfa�ting the striking work men were i a. duced to r&Jurn to their P)titiong. The truce, lkowever, did not laost ver y long, A caluplo 41 months ago the em oyees )it aga in stracV, claiming that the com)an had n:,t carried out the agreement made with them Whea they returned to work On the last 0- basionf- The strike has continued evar Idid since. The, company got a f aw men w1lo not belong the union to work for them, an A were running their cara in a sort A The striking emplo es were alko 1 running busses. That the sym pathy of' tile Ottizens was strongly witb tb e workmen and ag ainat the company was manifested by the most of them preferied to walk or bump along in a strikers' bua rather than patronize the cars, and as a consequenee the cars, which did, run, were marcialy &-vail- ed of by the people of the ci The difli- J1tyJ*tLween, the company or the one aide, and employees and citizei is M the otherf has been gradually growing 11 '(its &ontls, and' The, course of the Cono6 v ti lad C oil servative politicians u th Vest Elgin election fraudm' ren orcibly of the above adge. �The o aid to i ave taken lace in tE is co p lave fur aisbed a sweet mcl I to I If ician 9, � 6nd the assumed in. ig aa vinicli they have be�ela disculsacd .Mll were it not no baril xitical. One would be led thir PutcrFrkisedby these partief land ligna bicl i which they assumo ti at Drigol ter ' some of the incidert n f their own party, and i de vhicl they tried to:excuse flil I Tot tc) mention minor tran# 1 , gi eas a those onnected With the Icnd )ntario, and other electioni, on .ave not forgotten tie great �a )ifi he IA'OG eevy-Lang),vin outit" an Bridge steal, and t' e Bra wli ag Brood of Bribel wh ears ago, tried to buy the eprqi f th( people on the floors 0. thf are End were captured in i he .hese and many otE er. simill, r Les were perpetra di under, tie lie limservative pa5ty, and ere Dndemned by those I very patties ow i i df ,Dger of going into to be ,guh rities have oc rre in Itwo ollin g all bdivisions in one , 'on nd L.beial works are. ac sed- mnecte " with then irregll Irities We do not wish it to be an, e at( koment t at we justify or desire t4 is irregut arities wh!ioh have1taken V'est EIg In or elsew ere und r Li ices, but !we do say thst it i's in ad hype Iritical for he IEl of -rvalive Party, and �the lead Ing jo iat 1,,6rt,, to as verely con le mn i.1 :o vely tri to of wrong doin art of th ir opponentaf, wher) they lind to t e mighty o enses Pc in ie inclos re of --their own par' y at Ivan bagE. However, pell s the a exc used from the fact thai . P he rten riave an opportunity of ice 2au -ivia' lap Beis on the part of t IlLe! r o id waen an occasion' ces oll ur t m.rhalos be pardoned for go Tie Liberals have' bee it, atario for nearly thirty yea,,s, an is pr 3sexi t day not one ai . ; gle )rrur tio or even w . ilful wA ni -d t I rer b)en sustained agains L be -nment in this Province, no . r ag .embi ir of a Liberaf Govertd�rn nt less iro,amstances, andin vie wn iecori. it is, thefefore,!� 16t irpriting that those Can's �vs ti -e actua solely by a desi f r 3rsonal dvantage, irrespelle ve of iteres -a (if the Province, it in not g, wi a , that these shoule � tr r ke me 3t f any little -lapse _o it I he Low cl nents when it does�, o(eu Lan this, the present Prerl of is been a member of the L* I er I . ent OF ti a Province for Will nigh ir of a ce tury, an I has had 16arg the lal nioney receivin Lending ( epartmento of the, G v id an 0 day r o, -charge �iof of wilfi 11 1 rrong-doi ig, eitherj� pE is ficiall y, ias ever( vera been hit its a 8 prov,en, agains him, His 0 T ail men of equal probity. i It i I re, a Government and a iPrem Leh a reeDrd as we have - il�tdicfat Less Gon ervative ijourn Is and ve politi ians of the Tupper' C ar ce and I aggard stamp are ski ig ,e of thin Province to turn f�.pm o by ? Because they have-.' be In Alty of trialifievance in c ffied at ch ,oven in connection with tie uebeC ,ands, I, the tcl or ih ridge ? Oh� no, but beciule 3puty.returi4,'ingofficers ln a y ssupposed fo have don( I I ,�mie h ight otito 4ave done in n r Lippor or of �9'the GoverEmEnt A evenlito insinuat t9at t, e ent,cranyinember.of. thle Glow Lilanypartla these pocleedi 9 aowledge o 1 them. Culd, aty oreludioroul'or hypocritical �h hese ar �ies Must surely place timate upon- the intolliglanil and irness and gratitude possessed by e of tilisli the banner Proivinl of iniou'l I But, 1%f er all, the row whill th e are 1�iil tip -about tl�� We fair, rbay be taken as in omo mplimen�ary to the Govern erilb. A ap�th ng more serious to bri, 9 , they would not make sucl a If to )out t6is, and the very fal h4 makil so much capital out o ing, sindl one with Wbich th L I ind- endence it pan a�cdotnplish this result, pretence that public rights are safe -guarded had the opportunity,'and we are sure he by -the appointment of e heriffs and registrars would not emerge frot i the. contest second it w not have acted the hypocrite for I best. ve papern not ng. - But the mcist amusing part A the- -as returning officers. �� 1. long term of office e so-called Star�o scheme is its assumed ;: ignorei ice of by ithe Liberals has rest Ited in the filling of , The Internat cl Convention of the inds one the 1%ctions of its O'w party. It says : nearly all the county'of ices from the ranks Chriatiala Endeavor Eciel which closed courrances 9 ' Tbere may have be, m times whe a t he 'of heir partT. These i ifficies have been fill. t this week in Detroit, Vag, in many ways, a 4, btock contention ; tl at both parti, in - i 6re natibuiency 641 in near y every 1 stance with active pai tizana-men closely connected with the remarkalble gathering. Ti.e.re vyere twenty these poli. "equally gailty, might, have corfuied I riffing organizations, an in two many in. thousand accredited eliiga'�es, representing tion with them, but no such p1mbarraaament per- sta 2ces they havo not I t their partizan hip almost ei ery ci�ilized ountry in the world would be plexeg the people �)f Ontario to -day." bel ind them." hi's is i false accusation v na lel.against the officis ill this Province. present. That many young people, all ly 'hypo- How innocent I Does the Stalir not now It in said that thel 4oeption someti i a animate, by the Blame aims, could be gath- I k by the that the " machine " of the Conner "ative pr( ves the rule, end it ;Vs so in the casc of erod together in earnest work for their fel- the in. party was as much in evidence in the Nest W, st Elgin, During thle twenty odd yc irs they have Elgin and other elections as was the " in&,- thi t those officials have . can filling the phai. Iowa, shows the pews land potency of the tio is of returninN offic'er the West El �in influences which actu to them. It shows the career chibe " of the Liberal � party ?I It known - the powerful hol&,whi In thegospel hat upoa I c 3 is the first instance where it han'ben the people at the'eloo of this nineteenth nts also, right well that Mr. ]Robert Birmingham, proven that the Onties were not property cover up, the chief organizer or the Conservative and im artially porformilE d. This being bh� century. Never befor in the history of no.such party, and his retinue of re we I re on cas�, We Sun sho'Old be more careful in I its t,he world has its influence been so strong or no far reaching. Derniouitrations such as sta;emento if it dioeirea t) maintain its repu- 6n, North hand at all the elections, and it was only t hese, if 'they do do n t do any othier good, ation frr indepe dence nd fairness. t Ow rely they to circumvent them dat sh the Lil orate doubters and pessimists, that the c scandal ; brought in help from Aside. . Of murse World isnot retrograd ng morally, as some the Cur. we are free to admit tha I they ade a mis- The Toronto World a its exhdberance good people would haN 0 us believe. Some say: The'failure of Ae-Liberals to sub. are of the opinion, alell that the money ex- nemorable take, but in making the istak� there are eta tiate a single charge against Mr. Mon. ended in connection with these gatherings o a few extenuating eircurnstane which� the Star could be much more advantageously spent I teit in the Soutili Perth electi oil trial is a in Ot entatives and its hypocritical contemporaries purpil i . her ways. But, iowever, this may be, Legiola- ly over400k. complete refutation of 11 e Glole's theory, it can scarcely be doub ;ed that the inspir- that'it is the people who are to � blame for �tion-alnd information ain'ed at these meet - very act. loge must have a bene cial effect, not only the bribery and corruption that figures in no pebuliari. Mr. 09ilvie's Repo upon the individual: d deg4tes but upon all many recent elections. In South Perth the whoome within the i cope of their influ- leaders of Mr. William Ogilvie, ,.ommissipner 0 the election. was -left, in the 1, inds of the people ence, In this and in )ther ways, we have not even Yukon district, who has recent) cond cted f the constituene i outside -8 were �m- no doubt but a good ri turn is received -for 0 Y. N4 who are a searching investigati i I into �he chi irges ported, at least not by �he Coi servatites. the �ime,� trouble a ad: expense which theme cause ir- made by sundry parties 11 f alleged rn.ido- The result was a pure is wtion, he judkes and kindred gatheritll cost. No enterprise or three ings of the officials the I el, has anom itted so deciding and dismissing the petitioq of will amount to much ff the ngaged in. it the Liberals." This is rot a fair! statern nt are lscki6g in enthus a im. atituency, �he evidence P I taken, an' his report to the of thv case. It was proven that money was .-Ticivernment at Ottawa. circufated in Mr. �- Monteith's behalf, one of being We mar Bay that There 'is serious izouble in the British Ar. Ogilvie found that r i at of ilhe charges man testifying that he had received ten dol- Columbia GovernlmeD). The Government t lars from some unknown liciarce. �� here were oil for a iad little grounds -to rehll � �pcl bile r ny also ther cases, but the Ccl� tives bad has only been in existe ace a few months. It belittle Df them were' entirel ut I f?unded, He con. Sol adroitly managed theii � organi aition that is what :may be called a coalition. Two place in 3ludes hi s report by t el folloLg al ate. it was impossible to prim e agend . t was f' 9 1, . I the same in the East 11Igin case a short members the Premier �nd another, are Con- beral &us- eub, the reasonablene, a 'of which wi I be servatives, while the opher three members time ago. It was clearly proven that brib- consistent 3vident. to every perso� who Will " "Y' eiry had been rampant, bi ti there had been are Liberals, that is ta�ing Dominion poli - the Con- ?on ider the situation a's. it mdat exist in no convention to bring ot t the Conservative ties as a standard. But, hitherto, party urnals of he Yukon country. Hit sa a candidate, and, �Ithoiugl good work had e not been strictly, drawn in Pro. Y, been done in hills behalf, r o organization, ap- lines hav compara- Before concluding, it may be as,ked w parently, existed, and agency could net be vincial politics in Briish Columbia. Mr. g on the id these rum a got started' and'becom so I I proven,,and Mr. Brower retained his Beat, Semlin, the Premier, is a Conservative, while were so enerally credi ed ? In reply, I � may tate while i other cases, where here was not a- Mr.,Joseph Martin, his colleague, is a Lib - hat there is a arge. por(ent�ge of pop la- tithe of the bribery, the ME diber was un- nitted in ton here wholare Watching for the ch nee seated, simply becausethroughrgamization oral. The, Premier-hai notifled his colleague d for its o. make something. If I they are !forest lied agency as proven. and Attorney -General, that he must resign y are to y someone Ell they immediately jum to his position in the Cabinet. The reasons y do not he conclusion that there has been some. The Alanitoba LegialattIre �s at present in assigned for this requE st are that he, Mr. hing crooked between that someone else Martin, does not pro )erly attend to the ring even End the officials, by whom the traneac :iion session, flnishi ng up the b asi see of this leg- duties of"his office, and that he has been pponerits, 3vas consummated. It ias not been n a. islative term, and it is Qho 3ght, that the making statements in, itaide of Parliament i : that are detrimental tc the Government and hey May Mary hereto do more t ian insinuate , iliat general �,Iection will be old at ones, probably I ome 6ffi-,ial or officials I ad been guilt: r calculated to compromise, its membera. vild oiver of by,the firat of next month. Both I�lrties Mr. Maitin replies 64 he declines to re - i. (orrupt acto to have it m ithin a few hours power, in generally so reported, and, I regret to sll�, are doni ing their war paint atld feathers,and sign, and- that if incom etency and inability d up fo generally so believed nolmithotanding ettligready for the to attend to the duties of a department are el V IF hap are g fr y. The don charg of there may not be a titW of evidence in i iuP� servatiVen will go to the ou itry under the reasons for resigning, t at the Premier him - 1 lort of the cha rge. Tral isactions that I iave self is the person who should resign, as he oing, as I een actuated by the plreat and leadership of Mr. Hugh Joan. MoDcl had to be removed fro n one de big ieoti partmelar, to ral G v- motivesbave teen' attri uted to the ery son of the venerated chle ft in. Mr. Mc- another, as be was un ble to 'perform the Ell ny worst. Of thin I have lersonal knovirl:dge Donald has been nominated for one of the d uties of the first department which he un - Under and experience. In conclud' I may say Winnipeg constituencied Whether the dertook to manage, and that his present do. h a class t1a, I partmentis neglected b cause he has neither that with one ne Zu'Dot exist (in charm att-aching to his natne and the mem� I f their their minds a least) aiy honest Govern. ory of his illustrious fathe will be sufficient the ability nor indfastr5 t� conduct it prop, h%p% not ment at all, for reasons that -are obvious to see re him his election j'and a decent fol- erly. He also tell hi I - der that' he has au ares, Who c nough not to need meni ion. not the confidence of hi J:r'-ty in the Leg - .or lowing in the Legialabil remains to.be islature and that he dt si so him, Martin, party seen. In the Legislature �rbi h i d is ral out of the Cabinet me a� to get a Tory he best" tditorial Notes d Comments. to a close, the Greenway 'Government he almost the unanimous outllport, there being in, and in this way make U an exclusively surpria- The West iHuron eledion ease came u in ee Conservatives 4 i Did two Independ- Tory Cabinet. Mr. Marti a also makes sev. I I only tbr lv eral othei statemetits to his leader al46njg a d-rnake thecourtat. orontoon Friday. Linkla onto. Hugh John should be able to impro e part of the missing itness, was, still ab ent, i .�d, on this. Mr. Greenway i a ia'rd opponent these lin a which are not -Any more.compli- mentary. � The Lieutenai it- Governor in away. r. More notwithstanding the striing protestratons to tackle. His career � an ! Pr 3mier has been On his rf turn, no doul Mr. Semlin will i phenominally successful., �Ht has given the Ontario of the reopen lent's counool against ano, �fier demand ihat be dismis r. Martin from Govern. ostponemen),the judges ecided they mll people. good and'useful legislation, while his' the Cabi: Let. If he roll Be to do this, then Eave Linklater, and a administration has been honest and soon I in postponed the oml-, the only resort Mr. Sil will have will be a quar- case until the 5th of 8 ember. cal, and such that little fault can be fo und. to reoigr� himself'. Ith 3 so this, then, of of one Wo person seriously think that he will be course, toe Government will be broken up, d money Mr. Nelson Monteith, . P, uth defeated, and the probabi too are that he nother 0,overnment w1l be formed &-' for Sil will make as clean a owes mill did at the- oil a ernment, I lerth,has beonconfirmeii n hi new else lon -will be bel, 1. This is the way 11 i. seat by the last election, If the peol e of Manitoba are ting matt �r stands at pi ement. Mr. Martin orruption section court judges., he c( ntention of wise they will show thei l: appreciation Of is an abl, i man and a fig t r, and he has it onally or tie petitioners that the oleciti )n was not what Mr. Greenway has i one'for them, and in him ti make things.1 vely in British Col - continue the regime unde -1, *which they have d, much 1, igal because the writ ha, I- eet issued and so long prospered. They � eat i not do any urfibis- politico, and no ic ubt he will do so tie election held during a sitting of . whether he remains in ;h a Cabinet or goes olleagues the better by making a chan is and they are out. 3 I I egialature was not sukained, Mr. IYLOD- almost certain to do a gre kt deal worse. 0, thered t iith will now have peaceful possession un- ier with til the end of the present term, ad, that The Went Huron elecl f,l the Domin- txetl ion is ikely to have an ai ing I in the Domin- A INVVI I .9 KE. -In its r eport of V.6 Orange ,')onoerva- The Hensall Observer does not bel -eve celebration.bere on'Wcdnesday, �he Toren- ke Wal e ectoral impuri� rowing Bvil ion Parliament. A few diya'ago Mr. Bor- to Star says: 11 The pa,ale and clemonstra' t at t I in a den, a ' Halifax, made a m otion to the effect tione her il were unusual y ellattendedan , d the peo- nd hat there is more ollIrruptlon at else - I that the ballots and all other matters in suedessful. Henry Eilbe , M. P.JP., deli - Bee, and than in former, years. It says : e I d the, twelfth of Jul oratiol Thex,e proven now well romembei connecition with West Hu 3n and Brockville .can the time hen Zest ho� ome mistake bout this, as tt, e 5ewere made drunk for days befort a bye-elO3tiona for the Dominion be -laid on I I as was n genial M; P. P. for South Huron,: althou Pacific a ection and were spiritiod outof the riffing. the table of the House, and that they be a Imember of the Order, took no part in t Es Those were the good old d when submitted to the committee on privileges celebratiob,-was.not even in town e Curr -an one good chriatian toy on his iels%abed praying and electionn for investig Ltion. In making NOTES -LMOot of 4e farmers' in till a Couple Of 6r the success of his party at the polls, his motion, Mr. Borden ins icinity are about done Laying, And Bove I e -election while another good christan, anxious that �anced certain v irregularities which, he said, bad been com- of them hive commenced cutting the f I ings they. this prayer sh'buld be an iwerill 'went out wheat. Hay in not a hil avy crop this ye f a al bought votes at fiftee 2 mitted in both co'notitA In West but fall wheat in fairly i ood in most plac ests 0, dollars a head. Huron, , licials L Therewash b�ppy combination of f%ibh for example, he Said that in certain -Mr. William avette a having the sto I e They do 011ing-subdivisions, wheO ai�nd works that lwould hardly be endorsed in , only thirty bal- on Main street, whi c 1 be recently pu, leto had -been marked for cLean, thill chased, enlarge I odelled, and w I Govern- this enlightened age." and r, - servative candidate, 43 e eaters had made have a new 'pat front put in arr ernment, atthey had D, il a n fin. vot- otherwise improvece g :� declarations to t is effect I � 1. be ished it WLL a or any We are pleased to notice that the Lon Ion ad for him, thus showing. that the ballots be one of the neatest, business places 12 thing be dvertiRer, Forest Free Press, Picton Times had been t�anper 3d with. !Sir Wilfrid Laur- towD, -Pontoffice Inspector Hobkirk was A 2 an thin ? and other. papers endorse Tjim ExFOSITOX;S ior at one _ alesealted to th motion, and the town last week, and wat driven to Dasb - very low position in favor of -a compulsory attendance subject in now e0gaging tie a tention of the wood by Postmaster Clarlifitio, and made alt - committee, to w4ich it has In, son relegated. rangements for t1he re-cstablishment of the sense oi of electors at the polls, Thin is a reform This is "m In 11 proceeding, new mail route etween. Exeter and Dasb- which is reasonable and i the public inber- Mat, & so Ily referred the peo. t e r j. o f t In I �,wn d ltr on JLE olu as 4 to wood. The noti so are now out for tenders the coutto for adjustment, but' the 06' - for the carrying the mails daily between the Do- to, and will com I or later. It Doer Iso gratifying to notice that the Globe la vatives',in bothWest Harlin and Brookville, each place. Th" in .1 route $hould neve a's having jailed to enter pr tests against the have been discontiniu:d,14nd its re-establis�� one peo- taken up the cause of the country aga []'at return la� 6f the successful c didates, are now ment will be gla ly hail d by the bugine at Elgin r ilway promoters, and comes out squarely. adoptin" thi means to gen at them. It is interesto of botb places. -Messrs. Ba Iv 6wd f1l like y large business i e measure in opposition �to any more money being not at a, they wi I Make anything & Macdonell d A gi i� the public p irse to as at in out of their-prooeliediage, i a if they had any- buying, hill 'Ire OLD -the old coun If they,1 - ven out of si )a and ohi!pp i ng to constructing new railways or extend" thing tangibletil upon they wouldhave try, The i tend senfillog off another loi against 0 A ones. If any aid is required in this i Z proceede,fin the -ordinary way. The last next I welf'Mrs, Ch4�rles Senior, an old t ie Globe says it should I e made as a I , 7 ud noinel ?:n time a case of this time casne before Parlia- and respected resident ."of Exeter, died a i ey t -aid not as a bonus. ThiE is a proposit � n ment was during the regime of the Conser. the rosidence of her son:lhere last Sunday ry which TILE EXPOSITOR as advociated for vative Government, when Mr. Edgar, the For the past ten years Urs. Senior has bee little The Ameriemn G vernment, in bhe gesent Speaker, preferred char a a so against hiring in Blenheim, where her hanbsud is it ernmentl ey:r1rar days of railway oo 2struction in t ist ir Adolphe Caron, a member �c the Gov- business. She came to Exeter a few weela I4ULY 149� 1899 14, tHiiEE SPE IALS The recent bla U is -1 belre, I .21" noiderabli -musing 00- eni AT T" � tdil E -th the -parin 00 W, . I D&W Of- public fof all Atioll papers abeen,haudied � It Co R ER 1� TO by the- school E Ila the prill by : and FOR -school law, weref--ban As 'eat, to tb�e PRIDAY AND S TURDAY OIL thie tr8l ding the fire at ly ost, andestrli FIRST—One hundred (100) Sh' Wit t aists, fagt colos Stanley -ains ba, rec,ent r Oro. Otic dtg of hay jA thin as at .... ....... ................. ................... 25c each. IdiddleiOle-9 C4rne-rl v1 P1 - SECOND—Fifty (50) pieces int, guaranteed fast vidin Y ober.ries at 'Mr. )itlmne tols-11 sad 4. colors, at ..... ........ 5c per Yard. er,$ood edic but lind #­ Iferbert THIRD—A 45 -inch Black Lustrb, r gular 50c a yard dinner old time decime, bell fron while, it 19'sts we will sell it av� ......... 33c. In his Anj of hisew barn, it will be one 01 in -the ecil ,EAFORTH, B G N,, S s. "eter- I UN I��_�ite is lal bre.ae inal flume on Tues W, to visit her son, and while here took the ining room, where the table, in the dwwster in the dam havim c and was n9b able to return hom---_ f a liorse-sh by the great rains I h 11 was -61 years o age, and was nauch and -for 0 oe, was elaborately spread Bwak, vnth his so rived espe t d by all who knew her. 'Wit good things, which helps to terminate r. ;i right. -M r. Ar hur Rolli iia,whose mill in Wiarton sny� leas � g event. After supper, and an t1i the guests were amusing themselves in ear of fat �cat � destroyed by f re a few weeks ago, has vari us 8, the bride appeared in rich Tom BrDwn i d ed not to ret n to that place, but while plavir blac, silk, trimmed with jets and creal likely remai in.IlExeter, which de- ti . Among the 250 guests were some lineroy hasr,6tui is I will be very leasing to our Uizens, ;ro:1 Montreal Toronto, London, - North aspendin Rollins Is e of' our moist popular a heri.-A tinst. Bayi Goderieb and Clinz;on. The wedding 4-n I and Enterprising b inane men. -The Exeter -Jpta Douglas had tbi gifts were costly and numerous, among - �j s �r4mery is doin a larger business this I llsh 140 collar bone will 't thern being a present f $50 from her Real than ever before. It is one of fmts on botsebimck Ex4blirlo most va.uablo industries. -At a brotier John. We join ' with the any -ara Ahippi frieuIde of the happy pair in wishing them A. son meot: ng of the dire Aorsbf the Stepheand lil' happ3 and prosperous journey through 138YO -ne Agricultu &I -Society, held on Sat- life. *W4 bit to far the wet 1. L:il , evening, it was-idecided to get up a back ift this live., ;ood ist of special attrautione for the fall W iho W1, and liberal contributions have been OnlV. and t on', mal e by the society and the business men B. R. Hi ailaws, Brucefield, Notary Public of Mr, Steplat A t is town to t at end. Conv4yancer, -Fire and Life Insuranoe age JWtlatbefrieds nt. Any nw� Yhis _ontinued ol I a F TwELFTli.— -The Orangemen of the 11,11110uht of in( Dill to loan at 15 yer cent., on first-class He is lying in W_ in], eil - Mortgages drawn and money #A. 0 iistriet!' of South Huron celebrated the 111;nmll� free l expense to he borrower. Also a :-Waimileald, rsilWSY `COUtrap. ;welph of July in. Exeter, on Wednenday. fill stnotnt of private funds at 5 per oens, ragelf in a bob rhel ay was favorable for the occasion, and At ,,"SWly shot bi home evi morning xud Weduesdal eseh , i we, ;he�e! was A large turnout of members of the &', Sevol rT iWax formerly a �cil I I good farmili for sale. -,The Pon tax is Dow be. d th i f i do, although the crowd UR AN O.— ro. )rdp an sit, non William Scott has was] cl so large as Ion some �ormer dernon- retutflned fn in Missouri, where she has been itratH as of the name kind- here. The visiting he- sister, Mrs. McCartney— Im -1 r attendance was due t� the fact that Missba Beams and Lottie McGregor hovers- Dublin- anallar celebrations were �einig held in turned frory Detroit, where they have pless- XGS -3fiss 30 ary Evanis W i4-4 gh:.m- and London, and the train &r- sntli�, and profitably spent a week attending Bee c lawood wit being more favor ble for these the ;voild's Christian Endeavor convention. Carrir il 9 4 .)Ial good many went the who would .-Rev. Mr. Hamilton, of Mimieo", took t of her --kwu week the gues lither w as have come to Exete to spend the oharP of ti e mormng and evening services- May Wf, I lay. ' lowever, the demons ation was, in in Union el urch last. Sabbath. as Rev. Mr. Mk visiting Mtn. ave Ill weyy i 5her respect, a succosi.1 The Exeter Murirsy wi a unable to preach. Rev. r. -who has b Lucy Mrray, -omniii �ee left.nothing un4oll o to przvide Gilchrist will conduct the servies next holidays with friends in Sabbiath.- III the farmers are taking ad. _M Ld6qda ely for the comfort I a ad hospitable home. _jeff Aggle- -nt� :iainment of e The town vent e of r J their a he fin,Pweathelr to get their bay wood,'visite,d �ber friend.. wa6 ne4tly decor wi S rT a so, bunting, und cove andthe Bound of the mower laws �-T since last issue 4 lag! em, and p one ted a very pretty sp- and- irse- ke are heard on every side.- a, ei, i 6 *MNMU6-Sund&y In towuwit 3earsall The to we 'thronged with The One ra a which have fallen in the past .. I I 36* Q`Day,-Miss arner, of ,718 L 1. a d the 11 melo cl sounds of two iveeks ave been a boon to the spring -mal I na her holiday2s i fhe Ind 'he I di i1fo drum an o is , musical bands Crrok and are now looking fine. -Fall IYuses King, 6f Winglism fal d entertainment fort %14 At the ap. wheit will ripe in a few days, and has hq*0 holiAay feason With r.4 .3ointe'll! time the brethren formed in proces. I ever appeaa-an3e of a good crop. -Mr. Joba Michael mdig lion, and the various lodges, to the number Hart(ba dioposed of his blacksmith shop wak vititing friends in'- Sea )f thir*n, headed by the I ands, marched and- lbusine' 9 to Mr. Dan Campbell, of jww Wessell- of Goderich street to the public odhool grounds, Van Campbell gets possession next I day A *s bomeof his parew Ile speaking t wel H 2�. onne, r. chool 10 the coun that 1 as prettier or west before long t WWI ta friendo -in tcirwn; nore co�,nmodious sch oil g., undo than the 1, WiDDING1 BIELLS.-A pretty and int f o"I erest- ere admire, ?,xeter,Ochool has, ard t e bly ing W'eddin U-1 for* re bl�nae e Elo ng a .4swas celebratedat the beautif ,daptedifor this oci3a hady,con of J. Neivin, of Brucefield, last f9belfilie-mr. Davis, -our gel ties renien dcommodipu platform - had Tues By a bernool when her youngest 18making attractive improvem, lleen e I Do, atone i r *the weakers, daug ter, Miss Emma Florence, was United reghtoo.-The raising of Mr.' 6nd aro Ind. this the crow sembled. On in marria e to Mr. R, G. Simpson, of this -in Urge barn was very tsuct: rder Wing restored, Coun Master John villel Tie ceremony was performed by ""point of vleo,- ;carlil of McKill P. in; neat speech Rev. �S. Act soon, of Kippen, in the pres- FelCOM the brethr la of t district to the enc of the inediate relatives and friends ChiftlhUrlstii !elebratpla, :congratulated them on the Of th. coat cting parties, the bridal party luspiel a circumstai ices ulmder which they ing be ath & beautiful arch of flowers. sAN ABSEST M-INDAD ,XAAL-1 d as - mbled, and ele: med the many The bride was handsomely attired and _40t the new minister of the� tided to show their sympathies looked charming. She carried a bouquet of vho law: 1, or the bje to of the Orde'. Mr. H. Spack- i -Aurdh here, who resides at He T rvses� and was attended by her cousin, miss Lien, r' ve of Exeter, resd an address of M US tovesch his appointinentat I z An McIntosh, -who ws -costumed in a not yet - living a horse of hi relcom, of the council and citi. ! beautiful f own and carried, carnations. �ens, an etiauded tie ft eqdom of the town ;Miss Rattenbury, also a cousin. acted as ill _. h A4ortby.tiesident of tha� 0 the visitors, and, in alneat speech, ex- 0 member of th maid of honor. She was. prettily dressed r I and the Hnsallite, wh� ireamed the pleasur 3 i , fforded himself, and I rried is basket of flowers. The groom leraotially, as well 'Is his �olleagues i6 the was buippor d bv his brother, Mr. 0, D. to,do & good turn to at LEL ge keram y ouncil,�iarld. the citizen , to enter- Simp�son. a bridegroom is a popular and .W obeerfully. consented t� siin so largo and resFecta* a body of peo- e merchant of this place, A1K;ytn= -to Chiselhurst in til Aterprinin being Owlrift on 13unday. It was all fie, Thin address w1a remoorlded to by Mr. the eldest Still the late Rev. J. H..Si.mp- j. H. ickion, barrii ter, of Exiter, on be. t wife should also son, for many years the pastor of -Union men, Mr. Nti accompany I [Alf of he Orangeme .: Alodresses suitable church, and whose -memory is still so dew zien, in due fit D the o casion -were afterwards delivered to the con regation. It to gotthe 0-lergynnat, leavinj ,y M r. D. M. Germa ' i f 1 Wiat ton. Grand f The bride is ne of *0 W41tipS . for him, and -telling 0 Brucifield a fairest daughters, much so- faster of Ontario. West, *he was intro- teemod and ��Lighly' aceomplish-ed, and will wdd ftH for her jm he w" i ___ need by the chairil isis in old Biddulph. qualified to share the joys and fortune of - Mile from the rninimter!s rewl oy; M�, William Le�*is, of Crediton, Man- her h6shand. The presents were costly and *&Yto 01bi"16ralt. Mr. citio er of Biddulph distriet,,,anA Rev. Messrs. apppropris, , and much admired. After 2610t4r, and driving past his 1 lartin,'of Exeter; Salon, of Centralia, and part4lingg 0 the wedding dejeuner the ha�- *Pt A about his Arrangement tout, of Kirktorl. During the 'afternoon C�uplie eft by the evening train for "a Mael and -it neveroectirred moical 1 elections were, given by the Exeter d and t hall. faded to keep - is a"? introit, Cl lan her poiwfl, where . h d the Varna p�idcalo band, both of e Was sittl and they. intend spending their 1,ioneymooln, **ad t1hat sh 'nJ ittOg for _b rbich played very n oely. The proceed- Your, cortesponclent joins with many others MM . im, in is- house A Ige were brought to close about 4,30, n wishing t iem good sailing on life's Ocean, UdWOndered hat in tile wor,14 illigblln, vlatil, his was seated in rhen the several lodges �formed in proil and, �t last a safe harbor., I ion and marched back to the own, where. '4 ()hWilhurst,'When the �17;txrtsl lltey dispersed. 106 mind ny ( f the visitors left, Odness burst )r home by th linine . going north Bluevale. 'It Moe. The congregatiol ad so I h, and b w,en- in the evening 'iss Ag *he left the thurch to in 'fat lost of the visitors hall -laken their depar- OTES. gie Herbert haareturned Aialddle of thessrumo from' months' course X1. $of ire. The proceedi'aga throughout the entire a three the Toronto and so pe, Bervatior, Knight, all were of the most ci�� erly 9haracter, and �Con , .7 of Alusic.-Miso 9thel '!*L*V�t of the reckoning *b Lof RiPley, is the glilet" Of M'So Mabel *4 redi-able alike to all interested. The cele- asbe- johould meet b ratio,ii ill year will likely be held in Sea. tie*-Thili Orangemen attended divine ser- ""W10tteu AlIpOusie. They wil vice urch on 6unday 10W"4t that his cwwwm t litith. at the etodist ch forenoon I �ev D. Rogers, the pastor, e truis cupied this Lizzie McEwen, of ftX:A1ii for Mrs. 40itizen, his r srldck. vini ed Mism Alice Duff last '-week. the Pew-. She reached C -Uft# and b f A If kppy 11 FNT, the even -,ng of. -Mrs. Cowden, of Winglian), and her 1"Ji" _ all for Vedn�esAay, Jul daughter, Kittimeyer, of Ch : 1. a y 5bh,� nearly 12250 invit-ed ipplaws, _Vfttreairctifor ber, were visiting old friends in the village on elilid, 11esti �aaisembled at t6 beautiful home of 41f 1110 SeVRD Ir. a 6d'Mrs. Jo' Mike, Mount Pleasant Thurad e are much pleased to learn ,in SY.- I that Mr. Th Stewart in improving rap- arm,'Hullett, to vditneas one of the pret. is L -eat ilill most fall b i mable weddings of the ialy.-Rev. J. West, M. A., tl ---------- Z__ By and Aso an eve it ng he prob ition convention at Toronto. hich sends a young XOWS,6,r Vie we, 3uplo fi�rbh on tfie voyage of life as one. Georg McDonald has purchased Mr. bPBMTAINED � 31y his rincipals m re Miss Amelia Millm, ohn Robei Itsou's farm for the murn of VEE� the' �conil daughter 0 1e host, and Rev. C. C, $6,100. -Mil McGuire, of Weston, and ' _Qlmona , Coilived al ell 'of the 1. of Bethel circuit, London Confer- G ire, of Toronto, are visiting .aine Mr. T. Me er ;0 ace. 'I Plecisely four' o'clock, to the heir broth , Mr. W. W. M-cGuire.-Miss 'grPA Lelodfous r i 'he wedding march, Olive'Scritt in holidaying with relatives in )ZINT, �)Ffts. 3 b" beeful oeted 0 '�: :of Seaforth, the )ude;ed b is r Seaforth.-Bev, W. T. Hall, of Belgrave, . � n alostiended to the lawn, co f orill 'eddirg p ce preached in the Presbyterian church on _46W , - i i:�; b g r 'here! there w 0 erected Sunday level a rdi�e as : an arch of ever. Ira Bardsly,. of 14G - reeno� decorated with flowers and ribbon, Ypsilanti, M chigan, in spending the sum- "TKING's QUXEn FRZA.'r.- 12 ys�LrA, ad a handsome bell suspended from the mer at the re idence of her father, Mr. Wmi, 14 stru. tri,1119 this stor mtre, under wh ch the bride stool Messl Miss Sadie Greenaway and Min %n, t CA -1 d during Th ie cereftnony. laclutyre re I t- uftday night �of -isint The procession w" headed imed to Toronto on Saturd ;Y iffied. 7 the groom and groomemain, who took L-MinsLaur Buell is- visiting friends at tfti t*0 Ott he was leir places under the arch, followed by the Kinburn.- ins Smith, of Riple is the er thildren,.-neit in the h guest -of her nt, Mrs. LW. W. M yt , = "' ride, leaning on her fqlther's arm, while the cGuire.- done to the house. lt,tle page boy, (�oeil Oksi, nephew of the hir. John Xfing has purchased Mr. Irs _* `07 Rol Rox"Pt, .-ide, scattered A�wera in �fro.nt of her, and Etobjer's farm for $3,760. -Mr. and Mrs. T. York stly, the bridest 'aid and maid of he q J. Watt and Mrs. Snell attended the wed- As' ToNishet of the he core L many was nor. 'ding Of Miss Amelia Mills to Rev. C. C. X%ft of- famous horses �Performed by Rev. W. Yio rk city, lof Kincardine, insisted by Rev. Kaine, Hallett, on Wednesday. 2-ft"r had boola,lill fo .eamrs. 'Garbutt, 1 of is GoIrrie ; Penhall, of able to be about Dutill lyth, "d Tiffini; 6f Walton. The bride, a US mtiful Young lsid�-,. who (+reenway. 'Wjw d to 4 goner bre presented an al 47ste mrance: of ideal , be&Uty,'L Ift- &j I r. w W- in. was attired in JOTTINGS. -Mr. Parkinson, of Toronto, a bite-bricaded Bilk,; trimmed with he preached in the Boston Methodist church to ON A W's i de Al _� d U* RT com W rian congTega L St, Louis -arls and chiffon, an ted &ivtK the Presbyte ' tion o" Corbetto I Of beautiful wreath of rosei and bridal veil, I&st Sabbath. His discourse was interesting n,__.;Yy# Of _* - U, Ced id carried in her hand a � mperb bouquet of and instructive. -A very large ftr� Wer ar Oil 447 snwx�ed v-aile ridw, hite roses. She was at Anded - in a very assembled in Grace church, on Sunday isfor- r -at St. editable manner bv her I ,rister,� Miss Kezla� noon lost, to listen to en inter�sting semon afternoon. epl ills, who was - in pi , It, covered to thei Orangemen by Rev. Mr. Grassick- The Purpose a dresse - -Oft Lth white sk i -br r.gandie.Tnuali , And decorated The trout pews were reserved for the Xud his i(le in beig 16h flowero ribbon to atc , w i the Orangliamen, who turned out in large nUM- PI&O's - was a des 0 and j ' Mhuh bell L( M the bridie.aln aid of, honor, 34a d gre I in Greenw&Y- it *4 Inuoh. the epoe­ ke eice of the here fio Parkhill, Moray and ids, was attired in orestr i k. The groom Thmilmistees subject was an interesting ]s 41�%sa ARRED­--:The Engli onis W assisted by his brothc ohn, principal one, al1ad was listened to with ifnarked St- Ittan r e. scted the be the school in Sault Stel is, who ieer- tentioi.-Mr. Thomas Stinson, of Byfieldii, 0"tument bilt,_ #_ ago e rmed his duties in proper 8 byte. After 'd his friondis here iallying visit last Mos- tlflft Leo U ria Es ceremony andt con at Is bione were ray.-� e happy c, tMrs. Baker, of Whitechurch, Visit- OcW4- Amel foe the Wen iuvited to ing he'; sis Mrs. James Wal panittIi er th M the oulminstedin the: outbrom of Satfurday. are not A all connected, shows what they �country, adopted this eyst(m, and a short ernment. In markW contrast with the Wha i il i was that was the iintriediate i �Oause would do'did they have something to work �:time ago it received back 'roda these com- course pursued by the present Government, of the r)w is not stated. But, about In two on. It i gratifying the Liberal party Dies $60,000,000 of, be: Money granted. of ff"'CEL,nada had given al to t�e C. P. R. the Government of 1hat day refused to grant the motion an � had their supporters o'clock the afternoon imm rise crowds of this Province, that after their represents, 'instead of a bonus, it r Light no* be enjo y - ling'and vote it down, so t'ha �o investigation- was 'Had people assembled on the etlrEleth and attack- tives havo been in povl,er for thirty 'Years, using the mom y which has made hold. the present Government done edth3 earn, pelting them �wijlth stones and the tn�ootierious scous It,ion their opp I Dents �Sir Donald Smith, Sir ' -leorge Stephen, Sir this, what a howl of il�idignation would have other ff isales, and some Of t4e still sea of can tq4kd agaist them is that a suppo, William Van Horne an others millionaires. It.er in gone up from the v y same throsts that justified the Govern" ent in refusing the the company were roughly! handled, The one obnottuency has been elected Y im- There are 'difference i of opinion as to motion in Mr. Caron� 6ase. police were entirely unable i',te control the proper means, and that his friend i have 11 whether the Royal 10ilitary College at mob. Some seven.:or eight ol r i wer � i oom- been finrolbd,by I the practises i of his )ppon. Xingston should be continued t public ex- The two Toppers, �while undoubtedly able plete[y demolished or rende d useless and ents, in a If defence, to fight hills satantio i However, of late years it has bil Tonse. men, do not seem to', be as courageous an other property belonging t the company Df majesty with 11hough fir. A to do so is not ;made to yield a larger revenue than former. -- they are able, or else their spirit of vindia. was destroyed several and of the sm- just are may ifiable, th e times when it is 'ly, and is less of a bur( en upon the public. tiveness in stronger than their courage or ley ployces were . struck and. i Q ad. bingo exetasb1c, and if ther are, then, censinly, IThe fee a for students I Ave be - an inere - seed ; sense of fair play. T are both wont to were commencing to asauthe'l very an erious theLiberals in West � lgin have. had, L 'tinie the matriculation qua ifleations made more shield themselvea beh fad the privileges of aspect , when the mayor and �s� eriff -- r-dered i and again, sufficient p' c ovooati6n to t y the stringent and the time for.graduation lessen- Parliament to -make, charges against persons out the Military and had th riDt SO read, experiment, That th y did wrong, E y o per- ed'by one year. In th lse ways the expenses have been decreased, b t it to the in private life wh a distasteful to them V litions The red costs soon succeeds n die 3eraing son will deny alth h � something can %eeme us be cost to the count is till too large for the and who are not in p to defend therm. as ves. All rein I will ber the d IL astardly at- the do wd and at the time of ritin' � peace id at least ea, i n ext:nu tion of their action. 11benefit which the peo It. generally derive ip:evailf, but the compliny hive not a nee at. As a case f i point, h h. at ex;ee'diingly vir- from the institution. In the House, the tack made in Parlismont, a short time"al temp �ed to -run their care reg Ala rly, al lidugh tuous and in( epende paper, the Montreal lother da, the Minister' of Militia gave the fOlIDWigg information as to its operations : by Sir- Charles ibbert Tupper ' upon Major Walsh, and again a few they me doubt will he run 80 8 on ail sill Star, W Aich i4 oat virtuous iii tone Up to June 30th, 1898, 261 had gradu- ttepeqed days ago. When e discuenion of the military protection calm be secu: I ed. It looks when some i I wrong is u posed to have been Isted. Of these, 88 were commandin in the West Huron and Br kvi Is cases, referred now i a If the company wil,l 1, av to give I in,, �o , committed by Liberals' and which i imperial service ; 21 were commanling in only Ithe to elsewhere, were u in' the House last Sir or cet Be - i operating its care vl�ith in th 3 1 oiiy. independent when its i, i dependence enables Canadian perinament corps and the a 'iNor week, Charles Tal perpook advantage of The r n0lio sentiment of th Is ce is e In atirel it -the better to give a ISO at merab _thweat mounted police ; 20 were em - ra of -ployed in the civil service of Canada ; 55 % the occasion to induig 3 in tyrade of abuse and vindictive statements against Mr. W. T. with �Ia6 strikers, and this prett.� goody the Libe r I art '18 Y, seriously exercised wereengaged in different branchesof an. R. Preston, a One t me organizer for the evidence that they are in tile right. This, ov er this sam West Elgin affair. gineering in Canada - .5 were engaged in [n its A Liberal party,and no in the old coantry &a . would lie a very fitting case Jo r a C.rovern.. zeal it has thq impalence to tender advice �eommercial business ; 4 Were engineers in othei-British poseleesior a ; 12 were' civil en-' Emigration 0"ornmiesioner. is prac is Thi t* e of attacking private char"te r behind the de- ment commission to settile. !,If such 4 % COM. to Liberals. It advises �nt them to vote against gineers in the United.- 3tates ; the occupa- fenses of Parliament,. hen a man can not misai had be-e'n in existence, and, both the Governm at the' -first opportunity. tions of 24 -were unknoi Vail, and 7 were dead. be held responsible in ,,raw I or his utterances parties bad been compelled ih,',; siabuit, their It ould just w Isuit the rurpose pf the Thus, only about 5 per cent. of the- gradu- Star il,;r is a cowardly and ehenroible one and case to he commission and be alide I its and lothers 6f Its ilk if its advice in &tea were outside the British Empire. this should not -be permlit"i M . Preston may not be perfect any more than Sir Charles decisioll3j. the diffiloulty wo' Id bayie In been reappct Were acted upol 1. It is, evidenitly, � The Toronto Farmers' Sun is not as fair e on, is himself, but ther 3 thing we may justI5 ispIttled at-th'e very outse;, and 2 :q muoh the dearest object of ii a. existence to' see -in its statements an it hould be, when it a y be t him be h4 always hitherto had a a U 9 bad ffel�jnig and many thousands- of ollars Libelraliam,both Provincial and Federal, says One result Of 5he West Elgin elec. the courage and abilit to succesof Lilly . de, to all 1. ip�rties � - would have be4 Isived. P tra pled upon, and if; t rough its L Yuj - Be 'of tion has been to' show how hollow is the fend himself from' atto ak, and we' have no doubt hs% would din a- - tfis The, course of the Cono6 v ti lad C oil servative politicians u th Vest Elgin election fraudm' ren orcibly of the above adge. �The o aid to i ave taken lace in tE is co p lave fur aisbed a sweet mcl I to I If ician 9, � 6nd the assumed in. ig aa vinicli they have be�ela disculsacd .Mll were it not no baril xitical. One would be led thir PutcrFrkisedby these partief land ligna bicl i which they assumo ti at Drigol ter ' some of the incidert n f their own party, and i de vhicl they tried to:excuse flil I Tot tc) mention minor tran# 1 , gi eas a those onnected With the Icnd )ntario, and other electioni, on .ave not forgotten tie great �a )ifi he IA'OG eevy-Lang),vin outit" an Bridge steal, and t' e Bra wli ag Brood of Bribel wh ears ago, tried to buy the eprqi f th( people on the floors 0. thf are End were captured in i he .hese and many otE er. simill, r Les were perpetra di under, tie lie limservative pa5ty, and ere Dndemned by those I very patties ow i i df ,Dger of going into to be ,guh rities have oc rre in Itwo ollin g all bdivisions in one , 'on nd L.beial works are. ac sed- mnecte " with then irregll Irities We do not wish it to be an, e at( koment t at we justify or desire t4 is irregut arities wh!ioh have1taken V'est EIg In or elsew ere und r Li ices, but !we do say thst it i's in ad hype Iritical for he IEl of -rvalive Party, and �the lead Ing jo iat 1,,6rt,, to as verely con le mn i.1 :o vely tri to of wrong doin art of th ir opponentaf, wher) they lind to t e mighty o enses Pc in ie inclos re of --their own par' y at Ivan bagE. However, pell s the a exc used from the fact thai . P he rten riave an opportunity of ice 2au -ivia' lap Beis on the part of t IlLe! r o id waen an occasion' ces oll ur t m.rhalos be pardoned for go Tie Liberals have' bee it, atario for nearly thirty yea,,s, an is pr 3sexi t day not one ai . ; gle )rrur tio or even w . ilful wA ni -d t I rer b)en sustained agains L be -nment in this Province, no . r ag .embi ir of a Liberaf Govertd�rn nt less iro,amstances, andin vie wn iecori. it is, thefefore,!� 16t irpriting that those Can's �vs ti -e actua solely by a desi f r 3rsonal dvantage, irrespelle ve of iteres -a (if the Province, it in not g, wi a , that these shoule � tr r ke me 3t f any little -lapse _o it I he Low cl nents when it does�, o(eu Lan this, the present Prerl of is been a member of the L* I er I . ent OF ti a Province for Will nigh ir of a ce tury, an I has had 16arg the lal nioney receivin Lending ( epartmento of the, G v id an 0 day r o, -charge �iof of wilfi 11 1 rrong-doi ig, eitherj� pE is ficiall y, ias ever( vera been hit its a 8 prov,en, agains him, His 0 T ail men of equal probity. i It i I re, a Government and a iPrem Leh a reeDrd as we have - il�tdicfat Less Gon ervative ijourn Is and ve politi ians of the Tupper' C ar ce and I aggard stamp are ski ig ,e of thin Province to turn f�.pm o by ? Because they have-.' be In Alty of trialifievance in c ffied at ch ,oven in connection with tie uebeC ,ands, I, the tcl or ih ridge ? Oh� no, but beciule 3puty.returi4,'ingofficers ln a y ssupposed fo have don( I I ,�mie h ight otito 4ave done in n r Lippor or of �9'the GoverEmEnt A evenlito insinuat t9at t, e ent,cranyinember.of. thle Glow Lilanypartla these pocleedi 9 aowledge o 1 them. Culd, aty oreludioroul'or hypocritical �h hese ar �ies Must surely place timate upon- the intolliglanil and irness and gratitude possessed by e of tilisli the banner Proivinl of iniou'l I But, 1%f er all, the row whill th e are 1�iil tip -about tl�� We fair, rbay be taken as in omo mplimen�ary to the Govern erilb. A ap�th ng more serious to bri, 9 , they would not make sucl a If to )out t6is, and the very fal h4 makil so much capital out o ing, sindl one with Wbich th L I ind- endence it pan a�cdotnplish this result, pretence that public rights are safe -guarded had the opportunity,'and we are sure he by -the appointment of e heriffs and registrars would not emerge frot i the. contest second it w not have acted the hypocrite for I best. ve papern not ng. - But the mcist amusing part A the- -as returning officers. �� 1. long term of office e so-called Star�o scheme is its assumed ;: ignorei ice of by ithe Liberals has rest Ited in the filling of , The Internat cl Convention of the inds one the 1%ctions of its O'w party. It says : nearly all the county'of ices from the ranks Chriatiala Endeavor Eciel which closed courrances 9 ' Tbere may have be, m times whe a t he 'of heir partT. These i ifficies have been fill. t this week in Detroit, Vag, in many ways, a 4, btock contention ; tl at both parti, in - i 6re natibuiency 641 in near y every 1 stance with active pai tizana-men closely connected with the remarkalble gathering. Ti.e.re vyere twenty these poli. "equally gailty, might, have corfuied I riffing organizations, an in two many in. thousand accredited eliiga'�es, representing tion with them, but no such p1mbarraaament per- sta 2ces they havo not I t their partizan hip almost ei ery ci�ilized ountry in the world would be plexeg the people �)f Ontario to -day." bel ind them." hi's is i false accusation v na lel.against the officis ill this Province. present. That many young people, all ly 'hypo- How innocent I Does the Stalir not now It in said that thel 4oeption someti i a animate, by the Blame aims, could be gath- I k by the that the " machine " of the Conner "ative pr( ves the rule, end it ;Vs so in the casc of erod together in earnest work for their fel- the in. party was as much in evidence in the Nest W, st Elgin, During thle twenty odd yc irs they have Elgin and other elections as was the " in&,- thi t those officials have . can filling the phai. Iowa, shows the pews land potency of the tio is of returninN offic'er the West El �in influences which actu to them. It shows the career chibe " of the Liberal � party ?I It known - the powerful hol&,whi In thegospel hat upoa I c 3 is the first instance where it han'ben the people at the'eloo of this nineteenth nts also, right well that Mr. ]Robert Birmingham, proven that the Onties were not property cover up, the chief organizer or the Conservative and im artially porformilE d. This being bh� century. Never befor in the history of no.such party, and his retinue of re we I re on cas�, We Sun sho'Old be more careful in I its t,he world has its influence been so strong or no far reaching. Derniouitrations such as sta;emento if it dioeirea t) maintain its repu- 6n, North hand at all the elections, and it was only t hese, if 'they do do n t do any othier good, ation frr indepe dence nd fairness. t Ow rely they to circumvent them dat sh the Lil orate doubters and pessimists, that the c scandal ; brought in help from Aside. . Of murse World isnot retrograd ng morally, as some the Cur. we are free to admit tha I they ade a mis- The Toronto World a its exhdberance good people would haN 0 us believe. Some say: The'failure of Ae-Liberals to sub. are of the opinion, alell that the money ex- nemorable take, but in making the istak� there are eta tiate a single charge against Mr. Mon. ended in connection with these gatherings o a few extenuating eircurnstane which� the Star could be much more advantageously spent I teit in the Soutili Perth electi oil trial is a in Ot entatives and its hypocritical contemporaries purpil i . her ways. But, iowever, this may be, Legiola- ly over400k. complete refutation of 11 e Glole's theory, it can scarcely be doub ;ed that the inspir- that'it is the people who are to � blame for �tion-alnd information ain'ed at these meet - very act. loge must have a bene cial effect, not only the bribery and corruption that figures in no pebuliari. Mr. 09ilvie's Repo upon the individual: d deg4tes but upon all many recent elections. In South Perth the whoome within the i cope of their influ- leaders of Mr. William Ogilvie, ,.ommissipner 0 the election. was -left, in the 1, inds of the people ence, In this and in )ther ways, we have not even Yukon district, who has recent) cond cted f the constituene i outside -8 were �m- no doubt but a good ri turn is received -for 0 Y. N4 who are a searching investigati i I into �he chi irges ported, at least not by �he Coi servatites. the �ime,� trouble a ad: expense which theme cause ir- made by sundry parties 11 f alleged rn.ido- The result was a pure is wtion, he judkes and kindred gatheritll cost. No enterprise or three ings of the officials the I el, has anom itted so deciding and dismissing the petitioq of will amount to much ff the ngaged in. it the Liberals." This is rot a fair! statern nt are lscki6g in enthus a im. atituency, �he evidence P I taken, an' his report to the of thv case. It was proven that money was .-Ticivernment at Ottawa. circufated in Mr. �- Monteith's behalf, one of being We mar Bay that There 'is serious izouble in the British Ar. Ogilvie found that r i at of ilhe charges man testifying that he had received ten dol- Columbia GovernlmeD). The Government t lars from some unknown liciarce. �� here were oil for a iad little grounds -to rehll � �pcl bile r ny also ther cases, but the Ccl� tives bad has only been in existe ace a few months. It belittle Df them were' entirel ut I f?unded, He con. Sol adroitly managed theii � organi aition that is what :may be called a coalition. Two place in 3ludes hi s report by t el folloLg al ate. it was impossible to prim e agend . t was f' 9 1, . I the same in the East 11Igin case a short members the Premier �nd another, are Con- beral &us- eub, the reasonablene, a 'of which wi I be servatives, while the opher three members time ago. It was clearly proven that brib- consistent 3vident. to every perso� who Will " "Y' eiry had been rampant, bi ti there had been are Liberals, that is ta�ing Dominion poli - the Con- ?on ider the situation a's. it mdat exist in no convention to bring ot t the Conservative ties as a standard. But, hitherto, party urnals of he Yukon country. Hit sa a candidate, and, �Ithoiugl good work had e not been strictly, drawn in Pro. Y, been done in hills behalf, r o organization, ap- lines hav compara- Before concluding, it may be as,ked w parently, existed, and agency could net be vincial politics in Briish Columbia. Mr. g on the id these rum a got started' and'becom so I I proven,,and Mr. Brower retained his Beat, Semlin, the Premier, is a Conservative, while were so enerally credi ed ? In reply, I � may tate while i other cases, where here was not a- Mr.,Joseph Martin, his colleague, is a Lib - hat there is a arge. por(ent�ge of pop la- tithe of the bribery, the ME diber was un- nitted in ton here wholare Watching for the ch nee seated, simply becausethroughrgamization oral. The, Premier-hai notifled his colleague d for its o. make something. If I they are !forest lied agency as proven. and Attorney -General, that he must resign y are to y someone Ell they immediately jum to his position in the Cabinet. The reasons y do not he conclusion that there has been some. The Alanitoba LegialattIre �s at present in assigned for this requE st are that he, Mr. hing crooked between that someone else Martin, does not pro )erly attend to the ring even End the officials, by whom the traneac :iion session, flnishi ng up the b asi see of this leg- duties of"his office, and that he has been pponerits, 3vas consummated. It ias not been n a. islative term, and it is Qho 3ght, that the making statements in, itaide of Parliament i : that are detrimental tc the Government and hey May Mary hereto do more t ian insinuate , iliat general �,Iection will be old at ones, probably I ome 6ffi-,ial or officials I ad been guilt: r calculated to compromise, its membera. vild oiver of by,the firat of next month. Both I�lrties Mr. Maitin replies 64 he declines to re - i. (orrupt acto to have it m ithin a few hours power, in generally so reported, and, I regret to sll�, are doni ing their war paint atld feathers,and sign, and- that if incom etency and inability d up fo generally so believed nolmithotanding ettligready for the to attend to the duties of a department are el V IF hap are g fr y. The don charg of there may not be a titW of evidence in i iuP� servatiVen will go to the ou itry under the reasons for resigning, t at the Premier him - 1 lort of the cha rge. Tral isactions that I iave self is the person who should resign, as he oing, as I een actuated by the plreat and leadership of Mr. Hugh Joan. MoDcl had to be removed fro n one de big ieoti partmelar, to ral G v- motivesbave teen' attri uted to the ery son of the venerated chle ft in. Mr. Mc- another, as be was un ble to 'perform the Ell ny worst. Of thin I have lersonal knovirl:dge Donald has been nominated for one of the d uties of the first department which he un - Under and experience. In conclud' I may say Winnipeg constituencied Whether the dertook to manage, and that his present do. h a class t1a, I partmentis neglected b cause he has neither that with one ne Zu'Dot exist (in charm att-aching to his natne and the mem� I f their their minds a least) aiy honest Govern. ory of his illustrious fathe will be sufficient the ability nor indfastr5 t� conduct it prop, h%p% not ment at all, for reasons that -are obvious to see re him his election j'and a decent fol- erly. He also tell hi I - der that' he has au ares, Who c nough not to need meni ion. not the confidence of hi J:r'-ty in the Leg - .or lowing in the Legialabil remains to.be islature and that he dt si so him, Martin, party seen. In the Legislature �rbi h i d is ral out of the Cabinet me a� to get a Tory he best" tditorial Notes d Comments. to a close, the Greenway 'Government he almost the unanimous outllport, there being in, and in this way make U an exclusively surpria- The West iHuron eledion ease came u in ee Conservatives 4 i Did two Independ- Tory Cabinet. Mr. Marti a also makes sev. I I only tbr lv eral othei statemetits to his leader al46njg a d-rnake thecourtat. orontoon Friday. Linkla onto. Hugh John should be able to impro e part of the missing itness, was, still ab ent, i .�d, on this. Mr. Greenway i a ia'rd opponent these lin a which are not -Any more.compli- mentary. � The Lieutenai it- Governor in away. r. More notwithstanding the striing protestratons to tackle. His career � an ! Pr 3mier has been On his rf turn, no doul Mr. Semlin will i phenominally successful., �Ht has given the Ontario of the reopen lent's counool against ano, �fier demand ihat be dismis r. Martin from Govern. ostponemen),the judges ecided they mll people. good and'useful legislation, while his' the Cabi: Let. If he roll Be to do this, then Eave Linklater, and a administration has been honest and soon I in postponed the oml-, the only resort Mr. Sil will have will be a quar- case until the 5th of 8 ember. cal, and such that little fault can be fo und. to reoigr� himself'. Ith 3 so this, then, of of one Wo person seriously think that he will be course, toe Government will be broken up, d money Mr. Nelson Monteith, . P, uth defeated, and the probabi too are that he nother 0,overnment w1l be formed &-' for Sil will make as clean a owes mill did at the- oil a ernment, I lerth,has beonconfirmeii n hi new else lon -will be bel, 1. This is the way 11 i. seat by the last election, If the peol e of Manitoba are ting matt �r stands at pi ement. Mr. Martin orruption section court judges., he c( ntention of wise they will show thei l: appreciation Of is an abl, i man and a fig t r, and he has it onally or tie petitioners that the oleciti )n was not what Mr. Greenway has i one'for them, and in him ti make things.1 vely in British Col - continue the regime unde -1, *which they have d, much 1, igal because the writ ha, I- eet issued and so long prospered. They � eat i not do any urfibis- politico, and no ic ubt he will do so tie election held during a sitting of . whether he remains in ;h a Cabinet or goes olleagues the better by making a chan is and they are out. 3 I I egialature was not sukained, Mr. IYLOD- almost certain to do a gre kt deal worse. 0, thered t iith will now have peaceful possession un- ier with til the end of the present term, ad, that The Went Huron elecl f,l the Domin- txetl ion is ikely to have an ai ing I in the Domin- A INVVI I .9 KE. -In its r eport of V.6 Orange ,')onoerva- The Hensall Observer does not bel -eve celebration.bere on'Wcdnesday, �he Toren- ke Wal e ectoral impuri� rowing Bvil ion Parliament. A few diya'ago Mr. Bor- to Star says: 11 The pa,ale and clemonstra' t at t I in a den, a ' Halifax, made a m otion to the effect tione her il were unusual y ellattendedan , d the peo- nd hat there is more ollIrruptlon at else - I that the ballots and all other matters in suedessful. Henry Eilbe , M. P.JP., deli - Bee, and than in former, years. It says : e I d the, twelfth of Jul oratiol Thex,e proven now well romembei connecition with West Hu 3n and Brockville .can the time hen Zest ho� ome mistake bout this, as tt, e 5ewere made drunk for days befort a bye-elO3tiona for the Dominion be -laid on I I as was n genial M; P. P. for South Huron,: althou Pacific a ection and were spiritiod outof the riffing. the table of the House, and that they be a Imember of the Order, took no part in t Es Those were the good old d when submitted to the committee on privileges celebratiob,-was.not even in town e Curr -an one good chriatian toy on his iels%abed praying and electionn for investig Ltion. In making NOTES -LMOot of 4e farmers' in till a Couple Of 6r the success of his party at the polls, his motion, Mr. Borden ins icinity are about done Laying, And Bove I e -election while another good christan, anxious that �anced certain v irregularities which, he said, bad been com- of them hive commenced cutting the f I ings they. this prayer sh'buld be an iwerill 'went out wheat. Hay in not a hil avy crop this ye f a al bought votes at fiftee 2 mitted in both co'notitA In West but fall wheat in fairly i ood in most plac ests 0, dollars a head. Huron, , licials L Therewash b�ppy combination of f%ibh for example, he Said that in certain -Mr. William avette a having the sto I e They do 011ing-subdivisions, wheO ai�nd works that lwould hardly be endorsed in , only thirty bal- on Main street, whi c 1 be recently pu, leto had -been marked for cLean, thill chased, enlarge I odelled, and w I Govern- this enlightened age." and r, - servative candidate, 43 e eaters had made have a new 'pat front put in arr ernment, atthey had D, il a n fin. vot- otherwise improvece g :� declarations to t is effect I � 1. be ished it WLL a or any We are pleased to notice that the Lon Ion ad for him, thus showing. that the ballots be one of the neatest, business places 12 thing be dvertiRer, Forest Free Press, Picton Times had been t�anper 3d with. !Sir Wilfrid Laur- towD, -Pontoffice Inspector Hobkirk was A 2 an thin ? and other. papers endorse Tjim ExFOSITOX;S ior at one _ alesealted to th motion, and the town last week, and wat driven to Dasb - very low position in favor of -a compulsory attendance subject in now e0gaging tie a tention of the wood by Postmaster Clarlifitio, and made alt - committee, to w4ich it has In, son relegated. rangements for t1he re-cstablishment of the sense oi of electors at the polls, Thin is a reform This is "m In 11 proceeding, new mail route etween. Exeter and Dasb- which is reasonable and i the public inber- Mat, & so Ily referred the peo. t e r j. o f t In I �,wn d ltr on JLE olu as 4 to wood. The noti so are now out for tenders the coutto for adjustment, but' the 06' - for the carrying the mails daily between the Do- to, and will com I or later. It Doer Iso gratifying to notice that the Globe la vatives',in bothWest Harlin and Brookville, each place. Th" in .1 route $hould neve a's having jailed to enter pr tests against the have been discontiniu:d,14nd its re-establis�� one peo- taken up the cause of the country aga []'at return la� 6f the successful c didates, are now ment will be gla ly hail d by the bugine at Elgin r ilway promoters, and comes out squarely. adoptin" thi means to gen at them. It is interesto of botb places. -Messrs. Ba Iv 6wd f1l like y large business i e measure in opposition �to any more money being not at a, they wi I Make anything & Macdonell d A gi i� the public p irse to as at in out of their-prooeliediage, i a if they had any- buying, hill 'Ire OLD -the old coun If they,1 - ven out of si )a and ohi!pp i ng to constructing new railways or extend" thing tangibletil upon they wouldhave try, The i tend senfillog off another loi against 0 A ones. If any aid is required in this i Z proceede,fin the -ordinary way. The last next I welf'Mrs, Ch4�rles Senior, an old t ie Globe says it should I e made as a I , 7 ud noinel ?:n time a case of this time casne before Parlia- and respected resident ."of Exeter, died a i ey t -aid not as a bonus. ThiE is a proposit � n ment was during the regime of the Conser. the rosidence of her son:lhere last Sunday ry which TILE EXPOSITOR as advociated for vative Government, when Mr. Edgar, the For the past ten years Urs. Senior has bee little The Ameriemn G vernment, in bhe gesent Speaker, preferred char a a so against hiring in Blenheim, where her hanbsud is it ernmentl ey:r1rar days of railway oo 2struction in t ist ir Adolphe Caron, a member �c the Gov- business. She came to Exeter a few weela I4ULY 149� 1899 14, tHiiEE SPE IALS The recent bla U is -1 belre, I .21" noiderabli -musing 00- eni AT T" � tdil E -th the -parin 00 W, . I D&W Of- public fof all Atioll papers abeen,haudied � It Co R ER 1� TO by the- school E Ila the prill by : and FOR -school law, weref--ban As 'eat, to tb�e PRIDAY AND S TURDAY OIL thie tr8l ding the fire at ly ost, andestrli FIRST—One hundred (100) Sh' Wit t aists, fagt colos Stanley -ains ba, rec,ent r Oro. Otic dtg of hay jA thin as at .... ....... ................. ................... 25c each. IdiddleiOle-9 C4rne-rl v1 P1 - SECOND—Fifty (50) pieces int, guaranteed fast vidin Y ober.ries at 'Mr. )itlmne tols-11 sad 4. colors, at ..... ........ 5c per Yard. er,$ood edic but lind #­ Iferbert THIRD—A 45 -inch Black Lustrb, r gular 50c a yard dinner old time decime, bell fron while, it 19'sts we will sell it av� ......... 33c. In his Anj of hisew barn, it will be one 01 in -the ecil ,EAFORTH, B G N,, S s. "eter- I UN I��_�ite is lal bre.ae inal flume on Tues W, to visit her son, and while here took the ining room, where the table, in the dwwster in the dam havim c and was n9b able to return hom---_ f a liorse-sh by the great rains I h 11 was -61 years o age, and was nauch and -for 0 oe, was elaborately spread Bwak, vnth his so rived espe t d by all who knew her. 'Wit good things, which helps to terminate r. ;i right. -M r. Ar hur Rolli iia,whose mill in Wiarton sny� leas � g event. After supper, and an t1i the guests were amusing themselves in ear of fat �cat � destroyed by f re a few weeks ago, has vari us 8, the bride appeared in rich Tom BrDwn i d ed not to ret n to that place, but while plavir blac, silk, trimmed with jets and creal likely remai in.IlExeter, which de- ti . Among the 250 guests were some lineroy hasr,6tui is I will be very leasing to our Uizens, ;ro:1 Montreal Toronto, London, - North aspendin Rollins Is e of' our moist popular a heri.-A tinst. Bayi Goderieb and Clinz;on. The wedding 4-n I and Enterprising b inane men. -The Exeter -Jpta Douglas had tbi gifts were costly and numerous, among - �j s �r4mery is doin a larger business this I llsh 140 collar bone will 't thern being a present f $50 from her Real than ever before. It is one of fmts on botsebimck Ex4blirlo most va.uablo industries. -At a brotier John. We join ' with the any -ara Ahippi frieuIde of the happy pair in wishing them A. son meot: ng of the dire Aorsbf the Stepheand lil' happ3 and prosperous journey through 138YO -ne Agricultu &I -Society, held on Sat- life. *W4 bit to far the wet 1. L:il , evening, it was-idecided to get up a back ift this live., ;ood ist of special attrautione for the fall W iho W1, and liberal contributions have been OnlV. and t on', mal e by the society and the business men B. R. Hi ailaws, Brucefield, Notary Public of Mr, Steplat A t is town to t at end. Conv4yancer, -Fire and Life Insuranoe age JWtlatbefrieds nt. Any nw� Yhis _ontinued ol I a F TwELFTli.— -The Orangemen of the 11,11110uht of in( Dill to loan at 15 yer cent., on first-class He is lying in W_ in], eil - Mortgages drawn and money #A. 0 iistriet!' of South Huron celebrated the 111;nmll� free l expense to he borrower. Also a :-Waimileald, rsilWSY `COUtrap. ;welph of July in. Exeter, on Wednenday. fill stnotnt of private funds at 5 per oens, ragelf in a bob rhel ay was favorable for the occasion, and At ,,"SWly shot bi home evi morning xud Weduesdal eseh , i we, ;he�e! was A large turnout of members of the &', Sevol rT iWax formerly a �cil I I good farmili for sale. -,The Pon tax is Dow be. d th i f i do, although the crowd UR AN O.— ro. )rdp an sit, non William Scott has was] cl so large as Ion some �ormer dernon- retutflned fn in Missouri, where she has been itratH as of the name kind- here. The visiting he- sister, Mrs. McCartney— Im -1 r attendance was due t� the fact that Missba Beams and Lottie McGregor hovers- Dublin- anallar celebrations were �einig held in turned frory Detroit, where they have pless- XGS -3fiss 30 ary Evanis W i4-4 gh:.m- and London, and the train &r- sntli�, and profitably spent a week attending Bee c lawood wit being more favor ble for these the ;voild's Christian Endeavor convention. Carrir il 9 4 .)Ial good many went the who would .-Rev. Mr. Hamilton, of Mimieo", took t of her --kwu week the gues lither w as have come to Exete to spend the oharP of ti e mormng and evening services- May Wf, I lay. ' lowever, the demons ation was, in in Union el urch last. Sabbath. as Rev. Mr. Mk visiting Mtn. ave Ill weyy i 5her respect, a succosi.1 The Exeter Murirsy wi a unable to preach. Rev. r. -who has b Lucy Mrray, -omniii �ee left.nothing un4oll o to przvide Gilchrist will conduct the servies next holidays with friends in Sabbiath.- III the farmers are taking ad. _M Ld6qda ely for the comfort I a ad hospitable home. _jeff Aggle- -nt� :iainment of e The town vent e of r J their a he fin,Pweathelr to get their bay wood,'visite,d �ber friend.. wa6 ne4tly decor wi S rT a so, bunting, und cove andthe Bound of the mower laws �-T since last issue 4 lag! em, and p one ted a very pretty sp- and- irse- ke are heard on every side.- a, ei, i 6 *MNMU6-Sund&y In towuwit 3earsall The to we 'thronged with The One ra a which have fallen in the past .. I I 36* Q`Day,-Miss arner, of ,718 L 1. a d the 11 melo cl sounds of two iveeks ave been a boon to the spring -mal I na her holiday2s i fhe Ind 'he I di i1fo drum an o is , musical bands Crrok and are now looking fine. -Fall IYuses King, 6f Winglism fal d entertainment fort %14 At the ap. wheit will ripe in a few days, and has hq*0 holiAay feason With r.4 .3ointe'll! time the brethren formed in proces. I ever appeaa-an3e of a good crop. -Mr. Joba Michael mdig lion, and the various lodges, to the number Hart(ba dioposed of his blacksmith shop wak vititing friends in'- Sea )f thir*n, headed by the I ands, marched and- lbusine' 9 to Mr. Dan Campbell, of jww Wessell- of Goderich street to the public odhool grounds, Van Campbell gets possession next I day A *s bomeof his parew Ile speaking t wel H 2�. onne, r. chool 10 the coun that 1 as prettier or west before long t WWI ta friendo -in tcirwn; nore co�,nmodious sch oil g., undo than the 1, WiDDING1 BIELLS.-A pretty and int f o"I erest- ere admire, ?,xeter,Ochool has, ard t e bly ing W'eddin U-1 for* re bl�nae e Elo ng a .4swas celebratedat the beautif ,daptedifor this oci3a hady,con of J. Neivin, of Brucefield, last f9belfilie-mr. Davis, -our gel ties renien dcommodipu platform - had Tues By a bernool when her youngest 18making attractive improvem, lleen e I Do, atone i r *the weakers, daug ter, Miss Emma Florence, was United reghtoo.-The raising of Mr.' 6nd aro Ind. this the crow sembled. On in marria e to Mr. R, G. Simpson, of this -in Urge barn was very tsuct: rder Wing restored, Coun Master John villel Tie ceremony was performed by ""point of vleo,- ;carlil of McKill P. in; neat speech Rev. �S. Act soon, of Kippen, in the pres- FelCOM the brethr la of t district to the enc of the inediate relatives and friends ChiftlhUrlstii !elebratpla, :congratulated them on the Of th. coat cting parties, the bridal party luspiel a circumstai ices ulmder which they ing be ath & beautiful arch of flowers. sAN ABSEST M-INDAD ,XAAL-1 d as - mbled, and ele: med the many The bride was handsomely attired and _40t the new minister of the� tided to show their sympathies looked charming. She carried a bouquet of vho law: 1, or the bje to of the Orde'. Mr. H. Spack- i -Aurdh here, who resides at He T rvses� and was attended by her cousin, miss Lien, r' ve of Exeter, resd an address of M US tovesch his appointinentat I z An McIntosh, -who ws -costumed in a not yet - living a horse of hi relcom, of the council and citi. ! beautiful f own and carried, carnations. �ens, an etiauded tie ft eqdom of the town ;Miss Rattenbury, also a cousin. acted as ill _. h A4ortby.tiesident of tha� 0 the visitors, and, in alneat speech, ex- 0 member of th maid of honor. She was. prettily dressed r I and the Hnsallite, wh� ireamed the pleasur 3 i , fforded himself, and I rried is basket of flowers. The groom leraotially, as well 'Is his �olleagues i6 the was buippor d bv his brother, Mr. 0, D. to,do & good turn to at LEL ge keram y ouncil,�iarld. the citizen , to enter- Simp�son. a bridegroom is a popular and .W obeerfully. consented t� siin so largo and resFecta* a body of peo- e merchant of this place, A1K;ytn= -to Chiselhurst in til Aterprinin being Owlrift on 13unday. It was all fie, Thin address w1a remoorlded to by Mr. the eldest Still the late Rev. J. H..Si.mp- j. H. ickion, barrii ter, of Exiter, on be. t wife should also son, for many years the pastor of -Union men, Mr. Nti accompany I [Alf of he Orangeme .: Alodresses suitable church, and whose -memory is still so dew zien, in due fit D the o casion -were afterwards delivered to the con regation. It to gotthe 0-lergynnat, leavinj ,y M r. D. M. Germa ' i f 1 Wiat ton. Grand f The bride is ne of *0 W41tipS . for him, and -telling 0 Brucifield a fairest daughters, much so- faster of Ontario. West, *he was intro- teemod and ��Lighly' aceomplish-ed, and will wdd ftH for her jm he w" i ___ need by the chairil isis in old Biddulph. qualified to share the joys and fortune of - Mile from the rninimter!s rewl oy; M�, William Le�*is, of Crediton, Man- her h6shand. The presents were costly and *&Yto 01bi"16ralt. Mr. citio er of Biddulph distriet,,,anA Rev. Messrs. apppropris, , and much admired. After 2610t4r, and driving past his 1 lartin,'of Exeter; Salon, of Centralia, and part4lingg 0 the wedding dejeuner the ha�- *Pt A about his Arrangement tout, of Kirktorl. During the 'afternoon C�uplie eft by the evening train for "a Mael and -it neveroectirred moical 1 elections were, given by the Exeter d and t hall. faded to keep - is a"? introit, Cl lan her poiwfl, where . h d the Varna p�idcalo band, both of e Was sittl and they. intend spending their 1,ioneymooln, **ad t1hat sh 'nJ ittOg for _b rbich played very n oely. The proceed- Your, cortesponclent joins with many others MM . im, in is- house A Ige were brought to close about 4,30, n wishing t iem good sailing on life's Ocean, UdWOndered hat in tile wor,14 illigblln, vlatil, his was seated in rhen the several lodges �formed in proil and, �t last a safe harbor., I ion and marched back to the own, where. '4 ()hWilhurst,'When the �17;txrtsl lltey dispersed. 106 mind ny ( f the visitors left, Odness burst )r home by th linine . going north Bluevale. 'It Moe. The congregatiol ad so I h, and b w,en- in the evening 'iss Ag *he left the thurch to in 'fat lost of the visitors hall -laken their depar- OTES. gie Herbert haareturned Aialddle of thessrumo from' months' course X1. $of ire. The proceedi'aga throughout the entire a three the Toronto and so pe, Bervatior, Knight, all were of the most ci�� erly 9haracter, and �Con , .7 of Alusic.-Miso 9thel '!*L*V�t of the reckoning *b Lof RiPley, is the glilet" Of M'So Mabel *4 redi-able alike to all interested. The cele- asbe- johould meet b ratio,ii ill year will likely be held in Sea. tie*-Thili Orangemen attended divine ser- ""W10tteu AlIpOusie. They wil vice urch on 6unday 10W"4t that his cwwwm t litith. at the etodist ch forenoon I �ev D. Rogers, the pastor, e truis cupied this Lizzie McEwen, of ftX:A1ii for Mrs. 40itizen, his r srldck. vini ed Mism Alice Duff last '-week. the Pew-. She reached C -Uft# and b f A If kppy 11 FNT, the even -,ng of. -Mrs. Cowden, of Winglian), and her 1"Ji" _ all for Vedn�esAay, Jul daughter, Kittimeyer, of Ch : 1. a y 5bh,� nearly 12250 invit-ed ipplaws, _Vfttreairctifor ber, were visiting old friends in the village on elilid, 11esti �aaisembled at t6 beautiful home of 41f 1110 SeVRD Ir. a 6d'Mrs. Jo' Mike, Mount Pleasant Thurad e are much pleased to learn ,in SY.- I that Mr. Th Stewart in improving rap- arm,'Hullett, to vditneas one of the pret. is L -eat ilill most fall b i mable weddings of the ialy.-Rev. J. West, M. A., tl ---------- Z__ By and Aso an eve it ng he prob ition convention at Toronto. hich sends a young XOWS,6,r Vie we, 3uplo fi�rbh on tfie voyage of life as one. Georg McDonald has purchased Mr. bPBMTAINED � 31y his rincipals m re Miss Amelia Millm, ohn Robei Itsou's farm for the murn of VEE� the' �conil daughter 0 1e host, and Rev. C. C, $6,100. -Mil McGuire, of Weston, and ' _Qlmona , Coilived al ell 'of the 1. of Bethel circuit, London Confer- G ire, of Toronto, are visiting .aine Mr. T. Me er ;0 ace. 'I Plecisely four' o'clock, to the heir broth , Mr. W. W. M-cGuire.-Miss 'grPA Lelodfous r i 'he wedding march, Olive'Scritt in holidaying with relatives in )ZINT, �)Ffts. 3 b" beeful oeted 0 '�: :of Seaforth, the )ude;ed b is r Seaforth.-Bev, W. T. Hall, of Belgrave, . � n alostiended to the lawn, co f orill 'eddirg p ce preached in the Presbyterian church on _46W , - i i:�; b g r 'here! there w 0 erected Sunday level a rdi�e as : an arch of ever. Ira Bardsly,. of 14G - reeno� decorated with flowers and ribbon, Ypsilanti, M chigan, in spending the sum- "TKING's QUXEn FRZA.'r.- 12 ys�LrA, ad a handsome bell suspended from the mer at the re idence of her father, Mr. Wmi, 14 stru. tri,1119 this stor mtre, under wh ch the bride stool Messl Miss Sadie Greenaway and Min %n, t CA -1 d during Th ie cereftnony. laclutyre re I t- uftday night �of -isint The procession w" headed imed to Toronto on Saturd ;Y iffied. 7 the groom and groomemain, who took L-MinsLaur Buell is- visiting friends at tfti t*0 Ott he was leir places under the arch, followed by the Kinburn.- ins Smith, of Riple is the er thildren,.-neit in the h guest -of her nt, Mrs. LW. W. M yt , = "' ride, leaning on her fqlther's arm, while the cGuire.- done to the house. lt,tle page boy, (�oeil Oksi, nephew of the hir. John Xfing has purchased Mr. Irs _* `07 Rol Rox"Pt, .-ide, scattered A�wera in �fro.nt of her, and Etobjer's farm for $3,760. -Mr. and Mrs. T. York stly, the bridest 'aid and maid of he q J. Watt and Mrs. Snell attended the wed- As' ToNishet of the he core L many was nor. 'ding Of Miss Amelia Mills to Rev. C. C. X%ft of- famous horses �Performed by Rev. W. Yio rk city, lof Kincardine, insisted by Rev. Kaine, Hallett, on Wednesday. 2-ft"r had boola,lill fo .eamrs. 'Garbutt, 1 of is GoIrrie ; Penhall, of able to be about Dutill lyth, "d Tiffini; 6f Walton. The bride, a US mtiful Young lsid�-,. who (+reenway. 'Wjw d to 4 goner bre presented an al 47ste mrance: of ideal , be&Uty,'L Ift- &j I r. w W- in. was attired in JOTTINGS. -Mr. Parkinson, of Toronto, a bite-bricaded Bilk,; trimmed with he preached in the Boston Methodist church to ON A W's i de Al _� d U* RT com W rian congTega L St, Louis -arls and chiffon, an ted &ivtK the Presbyte ' tion o" Corbetto I Of beautiful wreath of rosei and bridal veil, I&st Sabbath. His discourse was interesting n,__.;Yy# Of _* - U, Ced id carried in her hand a � mperb bouquet of and instructive. -A very large ftr� Wer ar Oil 447 snwx�ed v-aile ridw, hite roses. She was at Anded - in a very assembled in Grace church, on Sunday isfor- r -at St. editable manner bv her I ,rister,� Miss Kezla� noon lost, to listen to en inter�sting semon afternoon. epl ills, who was - in pi , It, covered to thei Orangemen by Rev. Mr. Grassick- The Purpose a dresse - -Oft Lth white sk i -br r.gandie.Tnuali , And decorated The trout pews were reserved for the Xud his i(le in beig 16h flowero ribbon to atc , w i the Orangliamen, who turned out in large nUM- PI&O's - was a des 0 and j ' Mhuh bell L( M the bridie.aln aid of, honor, 34a d gre I in Greenw&Y- it *4 Inuoh. the epoe­ ke eice of the here fio Parkhill, Moray and ids, was attired in orestr i k. The groom Thmilmistees subject was an interesting ]s 41�%sa ARRED­--:The Engli onis W assisted by his brothc ohn, principal one, al1ad was listened to with ifnarked St- Ittan r e. scted the be the school in Sault Stel is, who ieer- tentioi.-Mr. Thomas Stinson, of Byfieldii, 0"tument bilt,_ #_ ago e rmed his duties in proper 8 byte. After 'd his friondis here iallying visit last Mos- tlflft Leo U ria Es ceremony andt con at Is bione were ray.-� e happy c, tMrs. Baker, of Whitechurch, Visit- OcW4- Amel foe the Wen iuvited to ing he'; sis Mrs. James Wal panittIi er th M the