The Huron Expositor, 1899-07-14, Page 2THE
JULY 14, 1899
Catarrhal Deafness.
The last stage development of IN mil Ca-
tarrh, Japanese Catarrh Cure goes away past
the points where even specialists on the
disease have been able to reach. Ithe a pene-
trating, soothing, healing and strengthening
compound, allaying the inflammaelon an
healing without leaving the slightest bad-.
after -results. The only guaranteed, Catarrh
cure, 50c at all druggists. 119
Canndn's Greatest Linintent.
Griffiths! Menthol Liniraent is the great-
est curative discoveryof the age. Pene-
trates muscle, membrane and tissue to the
'eery bone, banishes pains and aches with a
power Impossible with any other remedy.
Use It for rheumatism, neuralgia, head-
aches and all soreness, swelling and in-
fiammatio0. All druggists, 25 cts. 32
Clark,e'e Kola, Compound Officially
Tostocipy the British Columbia Gov-
ernment, ss'It the Rome for Incur-
ables; liCumloops, 13.C,—The Medical
Superintendent Pronounced Long -
Standing Citses Cured.
Many temporary relief asthma remedies
have, during the past few years, been plac-
ed before the pubilo, but untll the Introduc-
tion te the medical profession of Clarke's
Kola Compound, nothing has been found
to have any effect on preventine future at-
tacks. The Medical Superintendent for the
Home forl Incurables' in Eaniloops„ 13. G.,
has lisd probably tho best chance la Can-
ada to tborouglAs hest this wonderful re-
medy for asthma. lie reports that on the
three oases of asthma a hc,re Clarke's Kola
Oompound, has been tried, in not a single
Instanoe did it fail to Ore, and on one
,particular ;case a lady had bean confined to
-laer bed tillost of the time for nearly a year
previous qo taking- this remedy, and less
than three bottles have ompletely cured
her. °vet one year has now passed, and
there has lion been the el gittest indication
of asthin returning. T re e bottles of
Clarke' .ola Compound it o guaranteed to
mire any lease of asthma. Over GOO oases
have already been ourod u Canada alone
by this reetedy. Sold by al druggists. Price
Iwo dollars; three bottles, with cure guar-
anteed, Or five dollars. The Ge-IffIths dr
Macpherson, 0o., solo Canadian importers.
121 ehuroli street,Tomtit , or arancoaver,
15 .
Sold by J. S Roberts.
SAL.—In the Village Of Bengali, a fine brick
dwelling and store combined, well situated near
centre of yillage. Terms reasonable. Apply to
MISS S. C SLISLE, Hensall. 1615
ARM FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot 5, Concession 6,
Mullett, near village of !Coburn, ciontainIng
about 100 wires, all cleared and to a good state of
oultivation.I There are good bilins, good orchard
and plenty Of excellent water. This is a splendid
farm and wbil be sold cheap. II:mediate possession.
Apply to WIS. SCIIGALES, Constance P 0.
MURK Fr SALE—Lot 30, Coneession 1, town•
J etiti,o Tuckersmith. II. 11. S., the property of
the late Wilitiam Whitely is °deiced for sate. On the
farm is erected a two story stione house, barn and
sheds. Th re is also a good bearing orchard, and
the farm is ell watered with a living spring and a
well. Appl W. S. LAWRENCE, Clinton P. 0.; or
to E. WIII ELY on the premi es. 1642-tf
MIAMI FR SALE. --For sal, in the Township of
ii., WEB op, the north 60 Re es of Lot 15, Conces-
sion 14, bo ndary line. About 7 sores cleared, three
acres of g hardwood bush,sabout two acres of
ehoiee fruit trees, soil unsurpsed, well drained and
eneed ; edhool half a mile away, poet office and
church conyenient ; will be Sold cheap. For par-
ticulars, apnly to the proprieter on the promisee, or
Walton P. O. DANIEL 114331.114LAN, Proprietor.
1599 -ti
BUII:DING LOT FOR SALE.—The very desirable
building lots, being nuMbers 37, 38, 39 and
Is situated on Main street of Fgmoridville and Sea -
forth. The whole contains about one acre, and will
rie sold in a parate paroels or together to ' suit the
purchaser. This property i jdst south of the
Woollen Mi s, and Mr. S.Diekson s property south of
the corporation, and is coneide ed the most desirable
building aite either for pay te residence's or a
factory. Itlis high and convert' ent. and has a street
south and %lest. Apply to JAN or JOHN SPEOAT,
Fgmondville P. 0, Executors 113 the Estate of the
te John Spiroat.. = = 1583-11
13 splendi farm of Mr. Robert Govenlock, 012 the
North Road, a tulle and a half from Seaforth. I
contains 176 acres, nearly all !eared and in a high
state of ou ttvatron, Tnere i a two story brick
house, good bank barn and everything in fire -team
condition and well underdr ined. It will e mold on
easy terms, 58 the propriet • r desires to etire. = If
not sold before the fall it ill 'be rented., Addrese
ROBERT' GOVENLOCK, Se forth P. 0. 1593•M
sale, the residence in
oupied by the undersigne&
house, bricked inside, and
and a half of land, also a Bpi
of fruit, both large and sma
main street, and has all nec
he park lot immediately in
containing ei sures, on whi
and large stable, also an or
properties will be sold oget
properties are admirably a
er or market gardener. A
the proprietor, or address El
arpurhey at present 00 -
There is a good frame
stable, also over an acre
ndid orchard f all kinds
I. It is shoo ed on the
Emery convenie cos. Also
the rear of the above,
h there is a good house
hard and w II. These
er or separate y. These
apted for a re trod farm.
ply on the p emises to
*forth P. 0. WILLIAM
"[TILLAGE LOTS FOR ALE.—For sale in the
V Village of Hayfield, t following lots : Lois 8,
in Range F, in the townshi of Stanley (excepting
therefrom ti acres own si by Mrs. L. Clark).
the land to be sold containi g seven acres second—
Northeast corner of Lot 7, i Range F, in the town-
ship of Stanley, containing hrea acres. these tots
are both situated oa the B , yfielcl road,ithin the
corporation of Bayfield. I.. mediate possi ssion will
be given. Title free from all enoumbra 088. For
further particulars appl to the unneraiened.
Bayfield, Executors. 163641
je , Lot 24, Conessaion 3, H. R. K., Tuekersmith,
containing 100 acres, 90 acr s cleared and in a g-ood
ate of cultivate:on, 10 acre of good hard ood bush.
There is on the premises good brick ouse and
kite cn ; a large new bank ern, with stone stabling
und meath ; an open shed ; driving house, and other
buil ings ; two gc.od wells and orchard. It is live
m1tei from Seaforth and six flow Clinton, on a good
grey 1 road- School close by. Will be sold cheap.
Appl - on the premises to R BERT McVETY, or Sea -
fort P. G. =1639x411
For sale that well -knot n and first -claw farm on
the Mill Read, Tuckersmit , known as the " Fanson
Faroe" It is close to the villa re of Egmondville, and
within one mile and a half
97 mires, with brick reside
plenty of 'good water an
will he sold as a whole, or
and en easy terms of pay
oppo tunity for any pars
of t
ply t
f Seaforth. It contains
me and good buildings ;
well Onderdrained. It
pasuit urchasere,
t.' This is a splendid
1 desiring to, get a very
nt locatioa for a ten ence Alec, the residence
e undersigned in S %forth. A comfortable
and good lot : cony° lent to Main street. Ap-
the Proprietor, Sento h, or the Thal EXPOSITOR
• ROBERT FANSO , Seaforth. 1641-tf
Lot 11, Concession 8,
100 acres, all cleared bub a
It la tirderdrained, well fe
of cultivation. There is a
barns, stables and out -ho
school; is within five mil
ealilee from Kippen. There
Will be sold with or withou
the beat farms in the town
easy terms, as the propriet
60 acres within a mile and
II FOR SALE —For sale,
Tuckersmith, containing
ut 8 acres of ;good bush.
cad, and in ailhigh state
ood stone ho se ; good
sea. It adjoIns a good
of Seaforth, and three
is plenty of iood. water.
the orop. it is one of
hip, and will e sold on
r wants to r tire. Also
od graaing
e sold to •
sea, or ad -
16M tf
a quarter, a go
lot, well fenced, but no buldings. Will
gether or separately. App y on the pre
dress EgmondvIlle P. 0. j MES MeTAV
"UtOR SALE.—tate of
JU Heine Lot ea Conceal
Huron county, oontaining
mile south of the thriving
is on the proprrty a large
straw Fined, all with stone f
and implement sheds, with
separate frame horse stab
wale stone cellar, and good
clue bearing. orchard. S
state re cultivation, well
Maitland through one oar
ulars apply to the execut
Rochester p. o:, Mich. ; JA
he late Mark! Cassels.—
on 14, of East Wawanosh, ,
331 acres. It is on half.
wn of Wingh 'to_ There
auk barn, ha. tarn, and .
undations ; t o driving
workshop over one and
e ; good frami dwelling,
ell at door. Also first -
11 clay loam 1 in a high
watered with • nianch of
er. For flirt er partic-
ES GOLLEY Winglaam
, Wingham p. o. ; or to
oral:lilies. 1644.5 •
Snap Bargains in
Live S
ferm—a firat-elass grain a
Village of Zurich, in the to
Huron; good buildings, go
and s, moot desirable place •
short horn bulls and three '
eereice; also several roads
and pricea right. For p
Zurich P. 0.
Real Es ate and
cre will buy
d stock farm
nship of Hay,
fences, plen
also three tho
orkshire boar
er horses; all
eulare apply
184 acre
ear the
County of
y of water
, all flt for
ood [kook,
o S. RAN.
Boarding Houses --The Wholesome Influences
Surrounding the Home.
Washington, July 9.e Heine life versus
1:0 el 11 'e is the theme f Dr. Talmage's
no. mon for to -day, thedisadvantrtges of
e l'fe pent at .n ere or less temporary
st, pping places being sharply eontrasted
wah the blessings that ire found in the
;re, 1 home. howeve . hu ble. The text is
Li ke ea 84, 35: " .nd rought hin to an
inn and etook cars of im. And n the
m rrow when he 1epa4ed he to k out
tav pence and gar them to the in st and
sa:d , unto him, ake care of hii , and
ea. etsoever thou s ends t more sjhen I
'cc co again I will epee, thee."
'his is the good ".ani ritan payi g the
he el bill of a man who had been obbed
al. 1 elmost killed y la ndits. Th good
niaritan had fou id th unforbun =Lte on
e. welly. rocky Mai, vvi ere to th s very
1.. depredations a e so otimes co nmit-
re, upon. travelers, and ad put ti e in-
jii e‘d man into ti e s &Ile, whil this
.rn rciful and well-to-do man had alked
01 they got to the hotel alad the ound-
eel man was put to bid and can d for
lr., must hare been a ver Y Superior hotel
in it accommodations, foe, thou h in
country, the landlord Was paid at the
. riL e of what in our cou, try would -be $4
ri it!d
'oe aay, a penny he ng then aday's
gee, and the two pen ies paid ill this
ea c about two -days' wa es. Moreorer, it
ea s one ot those kind-hearted landlords
,w' o are wrapped up in the happinese of
al, er guests, because t e good Siktnari-
: at i loaves the poor w' unded fel1oW to
hi entire care, promisi that when he
,ea ee that way again- h would pay all
i 'bus until the inval ' got well.
' Iotels and boarding I.uses are neces-
aa es. In very ancien times they were
°IL Iknown, because the world had own -
n. atively few inhabit nta and those
re nat much given to travel, and priy-
Ink hospitality met all he wants of so-
eo, rners, as when Abr ham -rushed out
ee Mauer° to !invite the .ree men to sit
do n to a idinner of . 3 1; as when the
pa ple were positively ISM mended to be
;.: il an td hospitality; as in many of the
pl: ces in the east these ancient customs
tie practiced to -day. ut we have now
ho .els presided over b good landlord.
aril boarding houses resided over ley
eee (alone host or hostess in all neighbor -
ho de, villages and citie , and it is our
rer gratulation that those of our land stir -
pa. e all'other lands. They rightly be -
col ie the permanent r sidence of many
pe ole, , such as those who are without
fai iliesi such as those whose business
ke .ps them migratory, welch as those who
011 /ht not for various r sons of health
or peculiarity of cireum tames, to take
n themselves the ca es of .housekeep-
lany a in fallin sick in 000 of
th ee beardin houses ot hotels has been
kindly watch cl and nu sed; and by the
m mory of hr own guff rings and losses
Cu lady at t a head of uch a house has
. do le all. that a mother c uld do for a sick
eh Id, and th s1umberles eye of God sees
an appreciates her sa rifioes in behalf
of he strang r. Among he most marvel- -
oil oases of patlence and Christian fidel-
it. are many of those ¶ho keep board -
le houses, e during without resentment
ti. unreason ble demands of their guests
fo expensiv food and attentions for
a ich they a_e - not wililing to pay an
eq iivalent—a lot of *Wry men and
a men who are not Worthy to tie the
e of their queenly caterer. The out-
eous way in which boarders some -
ti ies act 4 their Ian lords and land -
lin les shows that thes critical guests
ha bad ea ly rearing and that in the
im king up o their natu es all that con-
sti utes the gentleman a d lady was left
ou . Some c. the most frincely men and,
sone of the ost elegan women that L
know of to -d y keep hot Is and boarding
ho see,
Lawtul an Unlawful Use of Hotels.
ut one of the great e ells of this day
is ound in tie ,fact that, a large popula-
ti n_of our ti wias and Oties are giving
in am-. have given up their homes and
tis en apart ents, that, they may have
more freedon from doinestic duties a,nd
more time fo social life and because they
ii 0 the whiIil of publicity better than
Vhs quiet and privacy of a residenoe they
ca call theie own. The; lawful use of
th Ise hotels' and boardrig homies is for
ii.t people khile they ; are in transitu,
bt t as a terminue they are in inany '
yeses demoralization, utter and. complete,
tj lab is the oint at Wibich families In-
riiunerable have begun to disintegrate.
T iere never has been a time wh.en so
many famili s, healthy and abundantly
aljile to supp rt and direet homes of their
o n, have struck tent and taken per-
manent alio( e in these public establish-
ments. It is o evil wide as Christendom,
tu d by voic and throughthe new paper
press I utt r warning nd burni g pro-
test and ask Almighty Ciod to bl,ss the
wierd, wheal r in the hearing or reading.
• In these p ibito caravansaries the demon
of gossip is pt to get full sway. All the
boarders ru daily the gauntlet q general
inspection— ow they - look whezi they
come down in : the morning and when
they get in t night, and what they do
fo a llvin , and who; they receive as
•gt este in t eir rooms :and 'What they
wiisr and what they donot wear, and
h w they eat. and wheel they eat, and
is stm
b. w much they eat, and lhow little they
ea . If a an preposeli in -Such a place
to be Isola ed and reticent. and alone,
_ thy begin guess aboUtl him: Who is
b ? Where d d he come tonm? How. long
he going to ? Has he paid his
bo rd? How much he pay? Perhaps
hel has committed some rerime and does
nolt want to be known. 'Ti here must be
so ething winng about him, or he would
sp k. The 'whole house goes, into the
deeot1v. bus ness. They
ab ut him. Ehey must
hI4u right a ay. If ha i
u looked by accident, ha
h . WOWS hite been Lsj
muse find out
iind out about
leaves his door
Will find that
td$d. hie- trunk
4cpxoreti, his 1 tears fOlded, 0 liTerently
f one the *Tay they were I folded when he
ut them away. Who islbe? is the ques-
tion asked with intensor interest nntil
the subject ba become a monomenia.
'rho simple fact s that be is nobody in
particular but i Inds his .own business.
The be land ords and landledies J can-
not some t mes hinder their, plIcee from
becoming a pan ernonium of - hisperers,
and ropuf Wens i re torn to tatters and
evil suspi ions a 0 aroused, and saahdals
, started, a d the parliament of the family
Is blown o aton s by some Guy FaWlieti
who was ot cat ght in time, as was his
English p edam. sor of gunpowder eepu-
tation. T o rea on is that while in priv-
ate homes fanaiii s have so Much to keep
thern buy in 'these promiscuous and
multitudi ious esidenoes tiler are so
many wh have °thing to do, and that
always mikes m echief. They gather in
each oth 's roo is and spend hours in
oonsultati n abet t °thee's. If 4 ey had to
walk a ha f mile before they ot to the
willing .8r of soi ie listener to etraction,
• they wou d be o 't of breath be ore reach-
ing there nd npi feel in full.g ow or ani-
mosity o sland.r, or ;night,• ecause of
the distance, not o at all. lent rooms 20,
21, 22, 3, 24 a d 25 are on the same
corridor, and w len one oar ion crow
goes "Ca ! Caw!" all the o her orows
hear it an. 1ook ogether over the same
carcass. "9h, I ' have heard =omelmhing
rich! Sit down I nd let me t 11 you, all
And the first guffa increases
it has to e told, all
, and i s they sopa ate eiach
ark fro • the altar of Gaip to
✓ cirole untilfro the °al
he cella to the !nal 1 the top
e garret all are awa e of the
, and that evening 11 Who
house • will bear it lo othor
til aut mnal fires sweeping
iois nrai les are less r ging end
that fla ne of consm Ing repu-
ing acr ss the vlllai e or city.
. about it."
the gathe Ing, an
over agai
carries a s
some oth
heaver in
room Of t
leave the
houses u
across 1111
-swift than
nation bla:
Guam p of the BoarclInc Nouse.
Those o us who were brough up In the
country now, t at the old fashioned
hatching I f eggs i the haymo equired
four or fivweeks • f brooding, b t there
are new nodes of hatching bmachin-
ery, whlc1 take ess time a d do the
'work by rhoIesa1 . So, while t e priv-
ate home nay bre d into lif n occa-
sional fals ty,- and ake a long irio to do
it, many of the i boarding hues and
family hotels after a swifter and more
multitudinous styl of moral. 1 c bation,
and one Old gose '3 will get oi the nest
after one hour's rooding, el u king a
flock Of 80 lies aft her, .eaoh .rie pick-
ing up its little vorm of ju cy regale-
ment. It is no vantage t• acar too
much- about you neighbors, fOr your
time will be so nit' t h 'occupied in taking
care of their faults that you • ill have
no time to look' ,after your .wn. And
while you are pul Ing the chic -weed out
of thelr garden, y urs will get all over-
grown with here: sorrel an neullen-
One of the worst damages that come
from the herding 1 so many . ople into
•boarding houses a d family h tels is in-
flicted upon childr re It is on y another
way of bringing! hem up on the com-
mons. While you have your o •n private
house you can, for the most pa t, conirrol
their oompanionsi ip and the r where -
:shouts, but by 12 ! ears of ag in these
peblic resorts eh y will have picked up
a 1 the bad thinge i hat can be furnished
b • the prurient minds of ozens of
ple. They veil, overhear bl sphemies
A d see quarrels r -id get pre.ocious in
si a and What the bartender do -s not tell
t em the porter 1 r hostler or bell boy
w•Bile'sides that, th i children ill go out
i to this world 1 ithout the re-training,
al choring, steady ng and all oghtrolling
memory of a home. From th t none of
us whoihave been; blessed of sue 1 memory
have escaped. I grips a mi n for 80
years, if he lives o long. It ulls him
baek from doors ilnto ,which be • therwise
would enter. It mites him wi h contri-
tion in the very i idst of his dis-ipations.
As the! tish alrea ly surrounde by the
long wide net swell out to sea, thinking
they can go as far as they p ease, and
with gay toss of ilvery scale hey defy
tho sportsman o the beach, and after
avehile the fishe men' begin t draw in
the net hand o er .hand and and'over
hand, and it is a long while 1fore the
captured fins be, in to feel th net, and
then they dart this way and tb t, hoping
to get out, but find themselves pproach-
ing the shore an.Hiro are brought ip to the
very feet of the captors, se th ,mernory
of an early hol e sometimes seems to
relax and let mei out farther ai d farther
from God and arther and 1 her from
shore -5 years, 10 years, 20 years, 30
years—but some ay they find an irre-
sistible 'mesh d awing them ,ick, and
• they are compel ed to retreat fi om their
prodigality and enduing, any, though
they rnake desp rate effort to escape the
impression and t y to dive dee ser down
in sin, after a hile are bro 1 ght clear
back and held 1 pon the Roc of Ages.
11 14 be possib , oh, father and mother!
let your sons an daughters ko out into
the world uncle the semio nipotent
memory of a tamed, Mire h ro About
your two or thr e rooms i boarding
house or a famil hotel you n cast no
such glorious ear ctity. They • ill think
of these earaya series as an rly stop-
ping place, male orous with;) 1. rictuals,
coffees perpetuall steaming n meats in
everlasting stew or broil, t e air sur-
charged with car ..nic acid an corridors
along which d unlean hoer ers come
staggering at 1 o'clock in the morning,
rapping at the door till the 'freighted
wife lets them i . Do not be guilty of
the sacrilege o blasphemy 41 codling
such a place a h me.
‘ The Pr vacy of Thema
1 II
A home ' is f
family with id
privacy from out
plate that it is a
entering except
and barred and
side inquisitiveu
used in law b
mightily sugges
is his castle. As 3
drawbridge, por
and armed turre
law may not ent
the door be volu
Burglary or the
offensive that
jaws on anyone
it be necessary
shorter time in f
house—and the
'fiances in which
showed you at
this exceptional
husband consent
The probabili
have to divide he
public smoking o
some coquettish
wary flies, and if
your husband it
divinely protecte
have whelrned t
with as good inte
should the hush
reason consent to
sure his wife can
tion of social d'
aoross such plac
Atlantic ocean
tember equinox.
their homes for
that the" mu'
ur walls Inc osing one
ntity of inte est and a
•ide inspection so Dem -
world in its1f, no one
by permissi n—bolted
hained again t all out -
ss. The phra e so often
oke and lege, circles is
ive—every m ns' house
uch so as thiugh it had
cullis, redouilt, bastion
. Even the o leer of tne
r to serve a. rit except
tarily opened unto him.
nvasion of it crime so
e law clash s its iron
who attempts it. Unless
to stay for longer or
mily hotel ori boarding
are thousa « ds of in -
it is noes •ry,: to I -
the beginni g—uittess
. se, let notch° WifIS aft'
a suoh perm nent resl-
is that the «ifo will
husband's t me with
reading reel or with
pider in sea ch of Ma-
you do not en irely lose
will be bees, se ha is
from the di eters that
ousands of husbands
tions as your=. Neither
nd without i • perative
such a life u less he is
withstand t e tempta-
seipation whi h sweeps
with the fors of the
hen driven by a Sep -
Many fwiv give up
ese public re deuces so
tbeir ent time to
, I .
operas, tamers, DSOS, reeeritlOBS aim
levees, and they are in a perpetual whirl,
like a whiptop spi riltig rOund and round
.and round very prettily, until it loses its
equipoise and shoots off into a tangent.
But the difference. is, ;in one case it is a
top and in the oth r a soul.
Besides this t ere is an assiduous
accumulation of 11 le things around the
private home which in the aggregate
make a great -attraction, while the deni-
zen of ono of these p4b110 residences is apt
to say, 'What is t e use? 1 bave no
place to keep thonl 11 11 should take thorn."
Mementos, bricA- r c, curiosities, quaint
chair or cozy 1 unge, upholsteries, pic-
tures one a thous nd thingS that accrete
in a home are diecarded or neglected be-
cause there is no homesteain . which to
arrange them. And yet the are the- case
in which, the pearl of, dome tic happiness
: is set. YOu can nitver beret e as attaehed
to the aPpointme ts of a 'b4ardlng heuse
or family hotel as to tbo a things that
you. can aall your.own and arassooleted
with the different1mernbees of , our house-
hold or 1 1th scones Of Wallin.t g, import
in your 4omestio iistory. leased is that
home in vihlch fo • a,wholei lifletime they
have bee i gatheri ig•untii elverey figure in
the earpet and very p,aiael olf the door
and every-caseme t of' the Witi.deve has a
chirography of its awns 1spelaking out
something -about thee or Inother on son,
or daughter or fri nid' that was With us
The Grace of aospitallty. ,
1 The publics r sidence of hotel and
boarding house abolishes the grace of
hospitality. Your ;guest does not want to
come to such a table'. No on wants to
run such a gauntlet of acute and merci-
less hypercriticisM. Unless you have a
home of your own you• will not be able
to exercise the best rewarded of all the
gra,ces. For exereise ef this grace what
!blessing carne to the Shunammite in the
'restoration of her eon to life because she
entertained Elisha, and to the widow of
of Zarephatib 'in the perpetual oil well of
the miraculous cruse because- she fed a
:hungry prophet, end to Rabele in the _
preservation of hoe life at the demolition
of Jericho because she entertained the
spies, and to Laban in the fbrmation of
an interesting fainily relation because of
his entertaininera, of Jacob, aid to Lot
In his rescue from the destroyed ()Ay be-
cause of his enter ainrnent of the angels,
and to Mary ani Martha and Zaceheus
in spiritual blessi ig beeause tbey enter-
tained Christ, . a d eo Publins in the
ieland of Manta 1 the healing of his
father bemuse of thd entertainment of
Paul, drenched fr m the shipwreck, and
of BB-Winer/tin 4 • uses throughout
.Christendom -u n N hioh have come
blessings front ene tion to generation
because thelr doo e s -ung easily open in
the enlargin.g, en oblieg, irradiating and
divine grace of hot! aitality. I do not
know what you! ex.:Hence has been.
but I have had ni n • 41:1 women visiting
33,1t my house who i left a benediction on
every room—in t e •essing they ;asked
at the table, in 4 e p yer they offered
at the family itar, in. the good advice
they gave the . ch Idre ,An the gospeliza-
tion that lookedou from every linea-
ment of their a not nancen, land their
departure was th s'cd of bereavement.
The Queen of 1 Toay, . S-Weden and,
Denmark had a r pal Op of ten curves,
or lips, eaeh" OD having on it the name
of the. distinguished person who had
drunk from it. = nd that cup, which we
offer to others i = Christian hospitality,
though it be of th plainest earthenware,
Is a royal cup,. an Go1 can read on all
sides the names o tho. e who have taken
from it refreshme a but all this is im-
possible unless yo have a home Of your
esi t, ng 1" •ple.
• Ad•io' I
Young married men, as soon as y'on
can, buy such a pace,' even if you have
to put on it a in rtg ge reaching from
base to capston4 Phe much abused
mortgage, Which: is ruin to a reckless
man, to one prud nt and provident is the
beginning of a coi pe enoy and a fortune
for the reason e Will not be satisfied
until he has paid it co , , and all the house-
hold are put on s ringent economies
until then. Deny yourself all superflui-
ties and all luxuries until you can say,•
, " th s liCuse is mine, thank
Godi—every tim er, every brick, every
foot of plumbing e ery doorsill." Do
' not have your chi dre born in a board-
ing house, and do not yourself be buried
from one. Have a place where your
children can shou ad sing and romp
without being ov =rhdiled for the racket.
Have a kitchen hp 0 you can do some-
thing toward tibi reformation of evil
cookery and the 1 veiling of this nation
of dyspeptics. As Napoleon lost one of
-his great-baaties an attack of indiges-
tion, so many m n have such a daily
wrestle with the food swallowed that
they have no etre • ebh left for the battle
of life; and• houg yeur wife May know
how too -play on al ntaeeeal instruments
and rival a rima dohna, she is not well
educated unless he can boil an Irish
potato and blroil mutton chop, since the
diet somptirnes de ides the fate of families
and nations. 1.
Have a sittin room with et least one
easy chair, even though you have to take
turns at sitting lin it, arid boOks out of
the public library, or of your own pur-
chase for the rnaliing of yourlarnily in-
telligent, and chsieker boards and guess-
ing matches, witri an occasional blind
man's buff—whicli is of all games my
favorite. Rouse up your home with all
styles of innocent ninth, and gather up
in your children's nature a eservoir of
exuberance that will pour dotfru refresh-
ing streams when life gets p rched, and
the dark days come, and th lights go
out, and the laughter is amot ered into a
sob. .
First, last and all the time have
Christ in your. .home. Julius Caesar
palmed the fears ol!' are affrighted boatman
who was rowing im in a stream to' say-
ing, "So long as Caesar is with = you in
the same boat nle harm oan happen."
And whatever storm of adversity or be-
reavement or polverty may strike your
home all is welil as long as yon ham
C rist the king 1
hame so far -reach
down to the last
reit's life you
a board. Make your
ng in its influence that
omenof your child -
ay hold them with a
heavenly charm. =1 At 76 years of age the
Ehtmosthenes of the American Senate
dying at Washington—I mean Henry
ls pastor sat at his
d man elogtient,"
olting public life,
el Mantic, was back
f his boyhood, and
ream over and
other, another,
tal influence we
y ipolential, but holy,
on ea th be the ves
e 14i heaven, in which
m et—fatheri mother,
er; sister, grand-
nd grandchild and
precious = ones, of
In the 'words of
my of Kentucky
side, and "the a
er a. long and
nsatlantio and
in in the scenes
kept saying in hi
r again, "Nty
m thee!" May the
exert be not on
an so the =home
e of our h
oe may we all
her, grandmot
entire group
om we must
nsporting Char
• I
Oro family we d
ne church Mee
T ough now divl
he narrow ter
Orie army of the
o his comman
Pit of the host h
4.nd part are c
ell in him,
e, eneath;
ed by the stream—
of death;
g God,
• lorossed .the flood
s4ug now.
Some 'Queer Thinge About sieop
Their Explanation.
One of the meet remarkable fects to
be found in the history of sleep!cnsists
in the utter inability to resist itsonset
in eases of extreme faeigue. Severei re-
markable instances are given in which
persons have continued to walk onward
while sleep has overeo3ne them, the au-
tomatic centers of the brain evidently
controlling and stiMulating thel meseles
when consciousness iteelf had been com-
pletely abrogated, It is recorded that at
the battle of the Nile, amidst the rloar of
cannon and the fall of wreckage, mime
of the overfatigued beys serving the guns
with powder fell aelelep on, the deck.
I)r. Carpenter (dine ianothor instance of
allied kind. In the c tirse of the Burmese
war the captain of a frigate actively en-
gaged in combat fel , asleep from sheer
exhaustion and she t soundly for two
hours within a yard of one of the biggest
guns, which was actively worked durizur
his' slumbers. It is a matter 011cm/in1an
medical knowledge that extreme exhaus-
tion in face of the severest pain will 6:1 -
duce sleep. Here the imperative demand
of the, body—a deman1 implanted, as 'We
have seen, in the cr.onstitution of our
'frames—asserts its nefluence, and even
pain, the ordinary coaqperor of repo4e,
has in its turn to suceureb.
One of the most extraordinary cases in
which the overruling power of sleep was
ever exemplified was that of Damien's,
condemned for treason! in Paris in 1757.
He was barbarously, tcirtured, but re-
marked that the deprivation of= sleep had
been the greatest tartar° of all. It was
reportea that he .slept soundly even in
the short intervals :which elapse: be-
tween his periocla of torture. Amon tbe
Chinese a form I punishment for orimes
.consists in keeping the prisoner continn-
ally ii.wake. or in aroueing him incesant-
ly after short intervals of repose. 1, After
the -eighth day of such sleeplessfiese one
criminal besought his captors to pat him
to death by any meaans they could Choose
or = Invent, so great . was his pain and
torrnent due to the absenee of Inrstiire's
soft nurse," Persons engaged in mechan-
ical labor, such as attending a machine
In a, factory, have often fallen asleep,
despite the plain record !of pains' and
_penalties attending suchderelictioa of
dvitiy, to say nothing of the sense of1per-
sond danger which was plainly kept be-
fore their eyes.—Dr. Andrew Wi son.
If. R. S. E.
Rye Bread Almeat Bath. ly Suppla
by White Bre el.
In several Europen.n countries the
different fOrms of edible p ste known as
macaroni, spaghetti, vermicelli, nouilles,
etc, are produced, in la go quantitiee.
Froin a small and somew at local timid -
noes it has become a la ge, prosp ro s
and constantly increasing industry, Upon
which naillions of people epend for jh1r
food. It is estineated that he French ent-
put of these pastes is fro 120,00O,00 fo
170,000,000 pounds per an sum, and 1 this
product is unquestionab y destine o
increase greatly. To Ca • adians it
scent strange that the pow r to pur ha
wheat foods is only now wowing ge
eral in most of the civili d countrie
Thinty years ago black ifye bread was
universally consumed by the wor ing
elassses and the peasantry in Frtlnc.
Bakers say they all ,sold rye bread tp to
aboue 1870; now it is rarely found in
any bakery, and is eaten only ii the
count4ry. The president of the ini lees'
ayndicate of Lyons reports that t e
masses of the French people want hi
bread, and the best of it.
The president of a British econ1m10
association stated last August ha t e
wheat eaters of the world were 71.?00-
000 in 1871 and 516,000,000 in 89 , n
increase of 145,000,000. Every gr at ail -
road ppened adds to tho number f
Lord Itirsebory's Cant.
"The gentle nan at the door," always
a figure at he public meethig, was
simply splend d at Lord Roseber 's Car-
shalton gathering—be iulfilled, = in fact,
the part of th Greek chorus. Wh n Lord
Roaebery aske1 his audience, in a dreamy
dilettante way What is the real dvent-
age of being N ell off? the gentle nan at
the door bawl d out, "You know it well,
my lord." After reading Lord Rolebeey's
little homily lbout the exaggeraeed ad-
vantages of Wealth, we felt inclined to
say, "Let us clear our minds of caret."
It is quite true, as Lord Rosebery said,
that a man can only eat one dinner,
wear one suit of clothes, and ri,dejone
horse—at a time, Lord Rosebery might
have been reminded. Lord Salisbury }laid
moch the same sort of thing a short dine
ago; and in Lord Salisbury's ruoiethlth
saying had some, though not mnch,
meaning, for Lord Salisbury is a Man
- who really does not care what he wears,
eats or drinks, and who does not know
whether his brougham is drawn by a
pur sang or a mule But Lord Rosebery
is an epicurean. w o lives every da Y of
his life. and .feoin his lips this kin of
moralizing is dowi right, unadulte ted
The note paper p
etor of the hotel
th t peace cominies
has a design of 'bay
non, over whip th
web. On the *nth
sits undisturhol, an
te raper.
ovided by the pro ri-
The Ilague, whore
oners are quartered.
nets, rifles and nen-
spider has woven his
of the daimon a dove
peacef 1.
ee-George WraY, d Coln
aged 103 years, has •een gra
by Judge Hord, fro Susan
30 years. Wray had been
times, outliving his cther thr
said that his last ife cam
offered. to take care of him if
her.; 1
bus, Iedi na,'
ted a divPree
. Wray, aged
married lour
e wives. He
to him, And
e would marry
nine eillealleent111111liellelleillIIIIII111111111111ffileensime
¶o() DROPS
111111100MM117 1I
titig theToottantlitegula-
the tom/irks AntiPtowels of
des estion,Cheerful-
Nness and frest.Contains neither
Opmec,Morphine nor Mineral.
.••••cm•vmo••••••I••••• • • •
-7441;t9 ealffSAMEZEMZER
217, ,,onak.fetk,.
314142- -
a , =SO
Rerriedy for Cons tipa-
r S tomach,Diarrhoea,
onvuts ions , Feveri shr
'Lac Si le Signature of
w yortic.
boTamE or
Caitoria is put up in one -size bottles only. It
is not siold in bulk. Don't allow anyone to nil
you anything else on the, plea or promise that it
IS "just as good" and "will answer every pee..
pose." !itar- Bee flat you get 0 -A -S -T-0-2441.
The fatal
ur Spring
tion to all ladmir
S,)lflCthlflLrinew t
ring. Stock.
Lock of Furniture is coraplete. We extenda special inyits
rs of good furniture to inspect our stock. We have always
show you in new designs and finish at close prices.
hIs epartment is complete with a large selection of the best goods, and
- ,
obliging' attention given to this branch of the 14isiness.
Night calls promptly attended to by our undertaker, Mr. S. T. Holmes,
ich sttect, Seaforth, opposite the Methodist church.
For a surgruu cum
E take the
The OreateSt Perfection yet attained in Boat construction —Luxurious
Equipment, Artistic Furnishing, Decoratioe and Efficient Service
TO Detroit9 = acitioac9 Georgiall Ua, • Peteskegl Qicago
No other ',hie offers a panorama of 460 miles of equal variety and interest.
and Mackinac
Toedo, Detro
and Return, inciud
from Toledo, $0,3
icturesque Mackinac
g Meals and Berths.
pm Cleveland,Sfeeeo
Far4, $1.50 Each Direction.
• Bert s, 73e., $s. Stateroom, $s.75.
Conn ctionsareenadeat Cleveland with
Farlies Trains for all points Bast, South
end uthwest, and at Detroit for all
Points orth and Northwest.
from Detroit,
dayiE :ips Jens, July, Sug.,Sep.,Oet.Ooly
Cie eland, Put-in...Bay and Toledo.
A. A 8 A • 00101100 Moil Navigation 6013011
eautiful = De igns,-sell-
g at 3c, 4 ' and 5c
Window Shades, cloth rollers,
price from 25e up.
- = Ontario.
• After laving gone to the trouble and
expense of applying Paris Green, it is
an awful nuisance to find that your
-work has been done for nothing, and
yOur money wasted Some greens are
aCtually useless, but the Paris Green
sOld at
J. S. R
5 bought in hulk tested, and packaged
b3r myself, so that 11 Can guarantee it
t be all right; o ino4aey will be re -
;funded. In one ouni1 packages, 25e;
isnialler ones at 15 anI 10e.
S. Ro eris, C4th.
only positi4e, never fail&
en earth, for all Riduey
Morley to lean
y amount oti flr
d5 per cent. per Annum.
.cIa1 Perm land security. Ap-
De aline Bank Bailding, atea
Put Wilson's invalids'
Port on the track of a
lost appetite and its
speedy recovery is
sured. It tones the
stomach, invigorates
the system, and re -
tares to its owner that
which was lost.
I' s a rich ruby port wig
Peruvian bark in proper
tions prescribed by tbe.
English and Frau*.
pharmacopoeias. °lbws
ideal appetiser.
, For 1,We in &Worth by
tfiOe,urvE"eytTrbs., Dublin
. Sni'veyor, Membe
of interest, on first Leo
jear:th::Bolondu, odOonr: :not oorr
led and to Lo
ST3v,AlYthEeD6rrenwEbTFirEe 6
ill or about the 28th of
el to preve property{
away. EDWARD DV.)
geseion 0, toRi11cp.
&1b ,ultahie Lfooerkbraatiris
which will be sold b
easpered to 50 up eair
Market Streets, eviler'
113. eeived by the und
'nth; for the position of
Church, Seaforth. Ape
ef *leery desired Armee
the eerstaker's house.
on eppileation to the
order el the managing
• a creed pen of lai
illnorcas—Plee in eoloi
bast stook in Catads.
good olor end One vie
00 colonies =of Italian Bi
•toll line of Beekeepene
gives, Smokers, Extv
'teethe Extraeter. Be
• _eappiies. WILLIAM I
Tuokeremith, cont
ed and 10aores ef bush
and underdreined. On
and frame barn, with ac
ot good water, and :an
eirable Item, being only
forth. 11 will be sold t
further parameters, nil
Road, or Seaforth_P. 0.
Xao tale, elaap, the
Square in Seakth, t
There is u cornea -table,
efollar, hood and toft
oonvenierees. The too
psntries, etc. There a
all kinds ef Istdt arid
Also a lerge sta,bie. 1
convenient and most !)!
in Seafotth and will be
X Road, Tueleerewl
acres cleared and In a I
the balance is good
well fene.ed and well I
. new barili barn, a good
lt is within a mile and
four milet from Clint
and will be cold their
inc-nt. For further
BIGGINS, Bruh"efield.,
X 34 and 35, conees
-on wbich is ahoet '2alance is underdraini2
-vatiolo, There is plot
farm ; there is a good'
large Ageing shed ; th
good epilog svelte; it
and trutsels, being wt
splendid preptrty, sea
terms. Apply on tie
vitni EOR
le leo acres, about
hush; fences, board ar
cellar, and is made -sui
married brothers; hoe
ood house; the barn!
and ether outbuilding=
are stoned and oree eri
of *torte ; a large o
fruits. Possession rari
and stabling for nne =4
stollen On the let, of
tieulars, epply to M-
elon 14, Grey, Mote
South names li
/lens, 95 acres under e
wood. Good brick re.
woodshed, and large b
And good driving
drained with tile 9,D
'oration. There is a goo
the grounds are welt
It is within four re
churches, Methodist
within a mile. There
house and stables.
grinding, tee This is
eouety of Huron, and
respect and will be sol
proprietor deeirts to r
or suidressiThames Re
STOCl . i
latia0AR FOR
1.) keep for servit
Stanley, a thorOughbr
in, payable at the tire
ef returning if imam
1. On Lot 26, Come
a thoroughbred Cezsv
bred YORKStitturEte,.
be Admitted to each.
ef eerviee, er $1.60 11
White Pigs for Tale. 1,
VICE.—The nnd
at the Bruceneld eer
Taniwerth Boer, eith
si; paerable tiros o
-turning if necessary;
bred young Tarnrroll
signed has for e
McKillop, a therein.'
limited number of so
ertre good pig and br.
ereee their herkshire :
Terme $1, with privil
Al thoroughbred D
old, one scan sod the
Lot 22, Concestion 11
Notice t
In the matter of
Town of Sea
Huron, baker
Notice is hereby giv
ling has this day assig
Chapter 147. A meeti
at the effiee of F.
Friday, the 14th day
a. Tn., to twelve a rts
inspector', and give
estate. Creditors ere
with me, and the pro
/said Act, on or before
-notice is farther given
instant, the Assignee
avower of the estate
to, heving regard only
shall then have been g
/table for the alette or
to any person of who
had notice. JOHN S.
Seaforth, July 3rd, 1