The Huron Expositor, 1899-07-07, Page 8THE HITAON EXPOSITOR
Look in our Window.
We wchdd ask you to look in our south
window en Friday, July 7th, or any day fol-
lowing in' ide,,,of a week, and see the special
we are o ering in writing pa er.
a We will put on sale 100 pa kag s of extra
quality 24ote paper, both ru ed a d plain,
each package containing five uire of super.
fine note., We bought this hea. and we
intend tOell it in the same ay.
Buvini in the regular W y, y u would
pay 10e ps,31. quire, or 50c per ack ge.
liow,, while these la t e will
sell them at 20c per p cktt e.
Just think I Only 4c per quir for fine
quality mate paper. Look i ou window,
come d examine, and, if you hink it is
bargaini, why buy it ; if no , le ve it for
isome oneelee.
Remerrber the place--
8 A F RT
CAPITAL (Paid Up), - $1,5
REST, • - $1,5
M in Street, Seafo
A Gen rat' Banking Busine
acted. armers' Sale Notes c
and adv nces made on same
Drafts sold on all oints in anada,
the -Unit d States an Europe.
allowed cin deposits of One Dollar and
R. S. AYS, W. K. PE ' CE,
olicitor A:e. t.
s trans-
! I ected,
t lovvest
I am,noweselling a first-class new impr ved High
Arm Sewing Machine, with the latest at el attach-
ments, -finiehed in 'eak or walnut, and ith coter
and five draWers, or fancy drop head and five draw-
ers for $25 its.h. This machine is the " Queent"
manufactur d by the White Sewin Machine
Company." All mullion fully warranted and guar-
anteed to d firet-elass work, light or heav • '
i 1\T,
'General Insurance Agent
er n Sewing Machine
Deal -
Wilson s Cash Grocery
New fruits and new esason's Teas now n stock
We have now in stock the best values in new sea
son's Teas We ever had, comprieing Youn Hyson.
Ceylon and Japan Teas. We guarantee ea isfaction
or will refund tbe money. The best wrath of new
Raising, Currants, Nuts, Peels, etc, now in stock at
lowest prices Some nice lines in Dinner, Tea and
Teilet Sets j et received, and at pricee w as the
Icrweet. Wanted good butter, eggs, drie apples,
potatoes, dressed fowl, and all kinds of in rketa.ble
produce, for ',Mich we wtil pay the highest price.
C. WILSON, Sea ,orth,
Bank of Commero Block.
Our stock olf Ready -to -Wear Suits in Men' ,Youths',
Boys' and Chtidren's is now full. Assortme t larger
than usual, rices on the bed rock basis. inspect-
ors and buy ere pronounce value imprecedented.
-Wool Suits at $4.75 are trade bringers.
$10 you
2.75 up.
that we
duced in
Our Men s Al
Excellent Sui
"can buy a sui
Tweed Suits
One fact we
handle the he
the country.
s in Men's at $6 sod $8. At
fit for a prince to wear.
from $150 up, Boys' from
ish to impress upon buyers i
t fitting and made goods pr
Wrr. Pickard & Co.
Christian E deavor Convention at Detreit. July
5th to lObb. ickete on sale 3rd to 6th, inclusive.
Single. fare $ .80 far round trip. Good, to return
July 15th. 1 onamion Day -Single flrat.class fare.
Good going une 30th to July 1st, inclusive. Re-
turning July rd. To avoid the usual rush at holi-
day time tiek ts always on sale here previdus night
tor early mor ing train.
7 ----.
Commercial Building, Seaforth.
Picnic and
Camila-lig Grounds
The old re iable Picnic Grounds " JOWETT'S
POINT" is 13 III open for visiPers. Every Con-
venitnee. Bo t,, re%ing and sailing, for hire Good
stabling and geed v.ater and room for all. f644
I JOWETT BROS., PropHetor.
Fall Tenn Opens Septerabet 5th.
&,46?-'? (d<z_ 0
Write tosiay for our new catalogue. It's
the finest business college catalogue in Can-.
ada, and represents the most progreesive
and best, Helmet.
W. j. ELLIOTT, Principal. 4444-52
With Waltham or Elgin mo;vements,
at very lo,,v prices.
W tch reparring is a specialty of ours. All
work warranted at lowest prices.
flu non (Expositoi,,
ORANGFNILLE WINS. ----The first match in
the senior seeies of the Canadian Lecrosse
Association was pla,yed on the recretion
grounds here on Tuesday afterndon, be-
tween Orangeville and the Beavers, before .tt,
small sized crowd. The result wee a de-
cided victory for Orangeville by a ecore cif
atix goale to one. The Beavers soared the
est goal, but Orangeville scored the follow -
ng six in stiocessien. The cause of the
eavers' defeat was not hard to finde hey
ere in ne shaPe, whatever, to play with a
eam sue& as Orangeville, _ Lack of pro, tice
s the only reason te which their idefe t is
ttributable. ' The players individually are
It right, but they cannot expect - to lay
ood laceosse anless they get down to ard
nd systematic training, and the game ues-
' day ehould be a good lesson to t em.
rangeville, on the other hand, were i the
st of condition. The Beavers had lush
tter have stayed out of the senior s ries
ban play the way they did on Tuesda,y. We
knit, however, that they will accept the
lesson and get into shape. e_
TRAVELLERS. -The following were ti ket-
ed out of town this week to distant p into
by W. Somerville, uP-town agent G. T. R. :
Miss Carlini to Duluth, Minnesota ; the'
;Misses Stobie to West Brandt, Michi an ;
[Mies Tillie Smith to Perry, Michigan ; iss
Hoffman and M' a McLean, Seaforth, and
it ;
the Misses geld r, of Grey, to Det
,James Robb, mo her and Meter, of Har
Stud Jesse E ge, Seaforth, to Detr
I Mies S. D,onovan to Niagara Fells, to
'her sister, Mns. . Dalton ; Mrs. Sim
a d daughter, Miss Simpson, teacher,
t n ; Mrs. T omas McFadzean, Mrs. J
array, Wa ton, and Mrs. Thomas
m 11, Tucker mith, to Glasgow, &eel
T ey sail fro New York by -the
te line st amer " State of Nehru
ION, -A very pleasant e ent
Tuesday evening, at the r gu.
f the Christian }Indeavor so -
Presbyterian church. This
ntation to IMiss Grace Elder ef
and valuable volumes bearing
ndeavor ork. The presen-
de on beh If of the members
the society by Mr. Jcihn A. Wilson, who,
a few ;remarks, commended Mies Elder
her zeal and good work, not alone in
-811 has been a faithfu
in the church and ma
k -place o
ty, in th
the pees
ion was m
it ;
al -
neotion w
bbath echo
rah work.
nding see
re, and h
fellow w
the. eve of
h the sod
m the t
ognition o
th this society, bat in the
1 and in other departments of
Miss Elder has been corre-
etary of the society for many
s been one of ita most active
embers, and this presentation
to mark the appreciation of
rkers for her valuable services
hee severing her connection
ty on aceount of her removing
wn to tratford. This neat
her services was well merited.
and valuable worker
y of its important
anizations will mi s her. The best
hes of heaco-worke s and many friends
1 followber to her new home, where, we
e no doubt, she wil prove as useful as
has been here.
OR sale at a bargai ode Massey -Harris
hor e hayarake. Rain & WII/SON, Se..forth. 1647-1
ANTED. -- Any quantity tub butter.
Ingham egg conthination " is the first ever known
tn t e intereets of tha producers. Everyboiy pays
12e cash, or 14c trade. G. E. King, Wingham.
pecial prices on gasoline and coal oi
ate% es, also refrigere.tors, the next 30 days S,
Mullett & Co., Seafoith. 1647-1
ATM LOST. -Lost, on Tuesday mornin
between McGionis' store and tlie railway stat'on
Strtet,Seaforth, an open laced, stem winding,
watch. The fierier will be liberally rewarded by
ng the same at Tits Iftinox EXPOSITOR Office
rth. 1647x2
argest and hest assortment of granite
Wan , preserving kettles, etc., at rock bottom prices{
S. ullett & Co,, Seaforth. 1647-1 '
. tMMOCKS. -The most comfortable place
to r st during tha hot weather is in a hammock. We
hay, a firm assortment of these useful summer goods
fro. 50c to 83 each. Rim) & WILSON, Seaforth.
BINDER TWINE. - Gold Medal, Green
Chie , Plymouth Speclal and Flast at right prices.
S. M liett & Co, sole agents, peaforth. 1647-1
ATRIMONIAL.`-Thu following paragraph,
whi h we take frlom the Clinton New -Era
of 1 st week,tells, of an important step taken
b ne of our yo ng men ; " A very pretty
a d important wedding ccurred at three
o cl ck Wedneed. y after oon, June 28th,
a t e residence of Mr. Cornelius -Hoare,
u on Central F uit Farm, when the nup-
t al. of Mr. Rob rt A. Brett te Miss Mary
arrison was olemnized bY Rev. T. J.
A u dock, pastor of Clinton Baptist church.
he bride, pretti y and handscimely attired
c eam with bridal veil and wreath, was
van away by h r uncle, Col, Hoare. The
c rations trans ormed the wedding room
to a floral rece s and the wedding march
pretty. Mis 'Mason, also in a pleasing
c st me, perform d the services of brides -
After co gratulations a splendid
d n ger was par aken of. Beautiful` and
an were the presents rec ived. They
will reside in Sea orth, with th well wishes
o t eir nurneron friends."
A o her of uro 's pioneer* the person
of r. Gil ert IeMichael, d parl':ed this
e n Friday aft rnoon last, at the resi-
d nc of his' son -i -law, Mr. 'amuel Dor-
ra c , ao cession 6, McKil op, havin
re el ed the good age of 82 ears and
m n hs. a r. M Michael. wax a Scotchman
b b b t ca e to this country about 54
y ar ago. He first settled- in Goderich,
w e e he re ided for about two years, in
the inpl of t e late Dr. Dunlop. He
then pur hesed he farm on the and conces-
sa n Hullett, ow occupied by Mr. Thos.
hael. A ter . residing here a few
y ar C sol thi farm and bought the one
VI e 4th come sion, which he continued
o n unti his death, but which has been
u ied fo several years by his youngest
albeit F r many years he had been
led wi h failing eye sight, and for the
en yeaes or so had- been completely
. Otheree e he usually enjoyed good
h. He spel t the past winter with his
loan, of this town, but in
desiring a change, he re-
ngest daughterat, Mrs. S.
ince, where/1-e died after about two
s' illness. He did not aeem to be
ed with any" particular disease, but
way to a gradual wearing out of the
m. His wife died many years ago.
as a thrifty, well doing man, and left
mpetency for his children, of whom
are two sons and four daughters liv-
He was upright and honorable in all
alings with his fellow inen, and was
ed by all who knew him. He was a
yterian in religion and a Liberal in
es. The remains were laid to rest in
urhey cemetery on Sunday last, and
ineral was very largely attended.
tr ul
pa t
daug ter, Mrs. g
th rly spring,
m v d to,his yo
D rr
w ek
ail ie
ga e
sy te
es ee
po it
th f
?WTI/NM:11,LE NOTE8.-A sad accident
oc si red at the pond here on Monday after -
no n Three boys had come down from
Se forth to bathe, and one of them, a vis -
iter 'rem Coderich, was deawned. From
what can be learned from the other two it
appe rs the lad .was the first to plunge into
the mater, but from some cans° he failed to
come up again. iThe other beys at once ran
to th tannery, about 80 rods away, for as-
sis a, cc. This was speedily' rendered, and
th b dy was soon recovered, but though
medi al aid WatEi uickly procured and every
effOrt made to restore consciousness, all was
usele s, as the Vital apark bad fled. The
rema ns were t ken to the residence of Mr.
F. B rgard, wh re they were prepared for
baths , and by he 10 p. m. train were tent
to Goderich. , he lad'a name was Robert -
eon, nd his companions were his cousins,
nne a son of Mr. William McKay and the
ther a son of Mr. James Coleman. -Mrs.
horn s Gennnell left this week for Scotland
n a nut to relatives and the scenes of her
outh. She will be accompanied by her
later , Mrs. Simpson, of Walton and Mrs.
horn s McFadzerin, of Grey. Miss Simp-
on, t acher, will also be of the party. --The
1 ospi able residence of Mr. Thomas Hills
as a lively scene of visitation during the
olid y season. .Among the 'guests so priv-
ileged were Mr. nd Mrs. 'Cox, of Toronto,
and their little s n. Mr. pox is the super-
intendent of t e celebrated T ylor Safe
works of that el y. Mini M. MeLarty, of
anthrax, and A r. Bolton and Miss
Whetstone, of woul be of in-
tereet to know b what process of ealoula-
tion 1899-ia mad to do duty as the last
year of tae p esent century. learned
writer in 1 tswe kai ExeosiTon, see it in
that way, nd w sometimes hear t referred
to in a aim lar rn nner by speake s. Now,
1901 is sur 1 th first year of the next
century. hat is to become of 1900 ?-
Mr. and M . L uis Reirilte spent the holi-
day season with friends` 'n Wingham and
CONORAT LAT ONS.-Ths. gen leman re-
ferred to in the followinglperag aph, which
we take from , he Toledo Rev'ew of the
23rd of June, s well known ere, being
a son of Mr. Ja es Kehoe, of S &forth, and
a native of this vicinity. I Mr. a shoe has
numerous friend here who wil join with
us in wishing hi the greatest measure of
happiness in hie ew relations. he Review
says : " Mr. T J. Kehoe stole a march on
hie friendethe p st week.] Tues ay raorn-
ing he left on an early tram for arnia,Ont.,
where he was rn cried to Mies . A. Green -
sides, of that pl ce. The wed ing 7ii a
very quiet one, nd, altnough lenne for
some time, he m naged to' keep the event a
secret until Tue day. T e we ding took
place at the chi], oh of the Sister of Mercy,
Father Kennedy performi g th ceremony.
As soon as his Wends lea ned of the event
they ascertained phat the ouple xpected to
return here Wedaesday e ening, nd ple,nned
a little surprise ior him • in re urn for his
cute move. The did not get t the train
in time to give th m a r oe re epti ri, but
found them in t e hom of h s eis er, on
Wade street. T ey took full oh rge f the
house, and mad thing hum for everal
hours. Music wa broug t in nd d noing
was indulged in, t abrade and room, join-
ing in the festiviti e. Th youn cotiple in-
tend making their home here in he future.
Mrs. Kehoe is a e arming, pen n, and will
certainly endear h rself in' the h arts of all
who meet her. M . Kehoe is a member of
the Oathesists, an took ill pro anent part
tn the Sunday school wor of t at organ z -
lotion, where he ha many riends. Mr. and
Mem. Kehoe have t e good wiehe of many
Toledo peop e."
i .. i-
Condit of the footba l' match play d here, n
Moaday of last e k, betwee Wingh m
a d the Hu one, h Wingha Ad /wee
a e : " Fr m the fi st it was e ident th t
S aforth wa bound tn win ; the rick tri d
unsuccessful y at B u' eels o die ble Ile
by, Wingha 's era ,k goal -keeper, was tri d
again. The ame ba not een i pr gr se
five minutes when I" 11, o e of Seaf rt 's
pl yers,!• aft r the ball had asse t e
st kes, j-umped int. llen y, st iking Mtn
so heav ly in the c t wit his nee th t
h was unab e to p y fori the est of t e
game. It w. s the arranged tha Seafor h
should play en me to Wingham s ten, b t
they afterw rds yly slipped on the
eleventh ma ." 'A ter the match 'in Wing -
ham, earlier n the eitson, he Advance ea*
fit to pass so e ver unco plime tary and
uncalled for rema a abo t . th Hurona,
which were 1 y the n alio ed t pass un-
noticed. Th Hur s, althlough eying on -
g g
ly had an inf rior t m, acpepted their de-
feat without wor of grumbli g. Novr,
however, wh n the Vinglia 1 tea has bean
defeated, the Adva ce, inst ad of accepti
the inevitabl , stoo to re ort w iat is n
only ungentl manl and unfair, b it untru
The Wingb m goo, -keeper was certain y
laid out, hut there was n thing premed i-
tated abeet i . Th ball w s dos on t e
Winghain go 1,a oh( t was a out to be mad ,
and, as a par of th play, the g al -keep r
was checked to pr vent, f pos ible, h a
stopping the ball It wes all air, and
would hay passed amnotided ha he ncit
been -injured, fa, thin which ie lift le to ; oc-
cur at any ime and I n any art of the fibld.
Nor is it a " old tr ck," it is 'do e every-
where and y the b st tea s. ftee this
accident, tbe illuro s agre d to lay with
ten men, findl Murray, t eir go Iskeeper,
dropped out. Thee was n thing compul-
sory in thisi act, the did it as a atter of
courtesy, Where, if hey ha desi ed, they -
might have continued vrith a f 11 team.
When the Advance aye Ws t " t ey after-
wards slyly slipped n the love. gh man,"
it says what .is liner e. Su b ak' assertion
is an insult to the . urons, and , ould cer-
tainly be resented br any t ae s rtsman.
The Hurons had no need p the .eleventh
man," the game w s all it eirs a it was.
The Advance wou d slue much better
taste, and would do its te m a reat deal
more good, if it wou d learn to a .cept de-
feat in good part, i stead o offering unfair;
and untrue excuses. The urons have a
provincial re,putatio for. fa nese both on
the field and off it, ad coul affor to al-
low such remarke to go by efaul , were it
ndt that persons una quaint d with the facts
might be led to beli ve the unge tlemanly
remarks of the Agyance. It is now in
order for the Advan e to offer an apology
fo its statements, a d we !trust that edi-
tor's fair-minded ess will sd far vercome
hi3 spleen as to permit of ;is en Cavoring
to eradicate any inj ry . his past c rnments
m y have done. ,
i I
;LOCAL BRIE11-.1'.- r. Jo n A' Oa illan,
At P. returned leo Ottaw on S burday,
1 r ' •
and left again for th Capita on uesday.
-:-Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith of N w Ham-
burg, spent Dominiot Day a Mrs mith's
notice that Mr. J hn Aic leson o Rox-
home, in AlcKillop. We aire p1( asled - to
boro, McK llop, is a ain sufficientl recov-
ed to be ab e to driv to to n.- r and
Mrs. Geor e Turnbul return d ho e from
their trip t the old country on riday of
last week. Dr. and rs, K Ilam, of Nia-
gara Foals, !Tea Do inion D y in t wn, the
guests of r. and Mr . Jame Beatt e. -Mr.
amination t Detroit Dente Coll ge, and
A_ S. roff forngerly a pupil f the eaforth
Colleg ate nstitute, as pass d his final ex -
has oPene an office in Wyandotte, Michi-
gan. -Miss Sarabel IV cLean and Mi s Carrie
Hoffman le t on Mon( ay for Detroi , where
they will ttend th great; Chris ian En-
deavor Oo vention eiug held th re this
week, and pend a fe weekS vvith friends.
-The,regu ar month y meeti g of tl e Leper
mission wil be held on Al 'nday evening
next, at 8 'clock, in the us al pl ce, and
for which a interest, ng prog amme is being
prepared. A hallelu ah wed ling to k place
in Cardno' hall on Wedn sday evening
last. The captain f the , eafort corps
was the principal act r in th trag c affair.
-Mr. H. S Roberts n, of he 0 llegiate
Institute staff, has gone t his ome in
Perth, Lanark count:, to s end his hell -
days. -Mr. and Mr . Jam a M Michael
spent a few daye this week ith fr ends in
Colborne township.- Ir. With. Ba den, of
Exeter, was in to n on uesda .-Mr.
1W. K. Pearce, of the Domini n Ba k, took
'his family to Bayfiel on S turda , where
they will spend the a mmer in a c ttage in
the Cedars. -Mr. Ro ert W lker, f or-
anto, and Mr. Nichol , a fri nd, s ent sev-
oral days last week w th Mr. Welke 's f tin
ler and mother, Mr. a d Mrs. John Val en
at Roxboro. They ok back with hem to
oronto Mr. Walker a " ba y da ght r,"
nd property here are for sal& Mr Lyons
1,iss Allice, and Mr. nd Mr . Wal air re
ow left as they bega , by t emsel es. -A
rnholm correspon ent wrates : ,P Mr.
Olin Lyons, our estee ed miiler, h
hued a half interest in an up -to -d te flPotlurr
nd chopping mill in Seaforth. T e mill
ill have no trouble i selliagit, as it ie a
ood property and th mill is' in fi st-clase
rder. A man from Newmerket h been
to see the Bornholm ill this week, vvith a
view to buying it. T e Sudo th mi I is be-
nig refitted with the latest mpiro ed ma -
clattery. We are sorry to lose such good
citizens as Mr. Lye, and family, , but our
loss is Seaforth's gain." -Mrs. Raffia, of
Buffalo, spent a few 4ayii with Mrs. J. 0.
Greig this week.-Mtss Winnifrecl Killoran,
of Duluth, and Mies Annie Killoran, of
Windsor, are home for the holidays. -A
number of people from town went to Gode-
rich on Monday- to see the sports there.
Two rinks of the bowlersalso went, defeat-
ing& couple of the crack Goderich rinks by
sixteen shots. The players were, James
Anderson, R. Speare, T. Stephens, J. Mc -
Mir: ael, W. El, A. Beet, L. C. Jackson,
and W. D. MoLean.-Misses Bella and
Jen ie Ballantyne are spending their holi-
days at their home here. -Mr. and Mrs. D.
Johason drove to London on Saturday, and
spent a few days with friends there. --Miss
Birdie Stephens, teacher in the Berlin pub-
lic school, is home for the holidays. -Mr.
j. K. Richardson is, having hie residence
newly painted. -A Monkton correspondent
writes that Mr. ft., Thompson, of Lietowel,
brought 1,500 dozen eggs tos Monkton on
Tuesday, and was met by Mi. J. Daly, of
the firm of D. D. Wi son & Co., of Seaforth,
who took his load n to Seaforth.-Mies
Maud Fowler, who as been attending the
Bishop Strichan soh ol, in Toronto, is home
for the holidays. --T ,e Coleman Salt Com- ,
pany, of this town lost a car load of table i
i i
salt in the fire at the Brussels station on
Saturday lut. The car was all loaded
awaiting shipment. -Mrs. and Miss VVilk-
inson, of Woodstook, were visiting at Mr.
John A, Wilson's this week. -Mr, Wm.
McKay, barrister, ef Toronto, spent acimin-
ion Day with friends in town. -Mr. Robert
Winter shipped six car loads of very fine
fat cattle to Liverpool- on Monday. -Mr.
James Gillespie, who has been on ebb sick
list for two weelrea is getting around all
right again. -A little daughter of Mr, Isaac
Langstraith, who bas been serieuely in, is,
we ere pleased to learn, recovering. ---1rM ise
A. Cowan, of Toronto, was in this vicinity
last week, vititing her brother, sister's and
other friends. -Me. Andrew Scott, of ' Sea -
forth; and Mr. Fowler, of Hallett town -
shit), are superintendiag the students who
are sweltering at theirs examinations in the
Collegiate Institute bnilding this week. -
Re . and Mrs. A. L. !Beverly, of Forest,
spe t a few days in to grn this week, visiting
at he home of their sister, Mrs. J. H.
Re d. -Messrs. Tyerman & Spading have
the frame work of Mr. Fear's new residence
up. It is to be brick veneered, and will be
on of the finest reside ces in town when
co pleted.-Two rink froth the Seaforth
bo ling club -are in Tor nto this week, ecomL
pet ng in the Dominion Toureament in pro-
gre s there. The players are : E. C. Cole -
ma , T. F. Coleman, W, 0, Reid, W. K.
Pe rce, R. 8, Hap, Fa Helmested, Jamee
Sco t, J. S. Roberts.- r. and Mrs. Ball„
of loronto, who spent ome days here, the
gue ts of Mr, and Mrs. W. , . Bright, left
for their home on T esdaiy -Dr. F. W,
Tw ddle has gone to oren o, to take ti,
pos -graduate ' course 1n de tistry.-Revi.
Mr Mahaffey, of Milton, pre ched very ad,-
ce ably iri the Presbyteria church Iasi
Sa bath, and will occupy the same pulpit
next Sabbath. Mr. A ahaff y is an old
Hueon boy, being a son f Mr. Mahaffey, a
once well-known resid nt of the London
Road, Tuckersnlith,-T e fifteenth annual
Dominion Day McKillo picnic was held on
Saturday afternoon, in t e beautiful grdve
at Grieve's bridge. Th re waa a consider-
able gathering of the clans, and all spent a
most enjoyable time, being happy to meet
and sorry to part. There was no night
meeting held this year, es has been the cas-
tom in past years. -Mr. Gerald Thompsen,
of Orilla, is on a visit to his grand -mother,
Mrs, M. Thompson, of John street. -The
frequent showers this week have been re-
freshing to sweltering humanity, but have
not been welcome to hay makers.-Part1es
having magazines, papees, tracts, or useful
literature of any kind Which they do not
need, would greatly oblige the ladies of the
Seaforth W. C. T. I.Y. if they would sendlin
the same as soon as : poeeible to Mrs. J.
Stewart, High street. This literature is
wanted for transmission to the lumberi g
and mining camps in the newer parts of
Ontario. In former, years the ladies h ve
sent supplies of literature to these camps,
and they have received many grateful eek-
nowledgments from, the men there, thus
showing their efforts are appreciated ay
those in whose interests ehey are being dx-
erted.-Mr. John Depp, iyho has been en-
gaged in the butchering business here for
several yeara, intends re eying to Berlin
next week, with the vie of starting in
burliness there. Mr. Dopp is a good citizen,
an obliging, industrious bu iness man, aied
while we regret his emoval from Sea -
forth, we can heart ly recommend him
_to the good people ef ' he German town, -
A full attcindance of rne bers of Camp Lady
Nairn is r quested at t e next regular meet-
ing, July 9tb, whee Mr. Stobie, represen-
tative to the Grand -11/ p, Al give his re-
port. ; Matters of 1 te est to members will
be discussed, -Miss i nie Dorsey is on a
visit to her brother in Duluth. -Mr. Alex.
Stobie, chief of Lady airn Camp, Sons Of ,
resented the camp with a very
brooch, wh ch will adorn the
the chi t of the camp hereafter.
tyne, on lx111 11 of the members
, thanke M • Stobie for hit very
Mrs. G. G. Wilson
n Tuesday evening,
residence of Mr.
street. --1-A gentle-
ld watch from his
rning, while going
re to the railway
eattie entertained
de at a thimble party
n. Although the
with the arrange -
shoulder o
_Mr. Balla
of the cam
'generous gift. -Mr. an
m their teip
eying at th
north Mai
n lost g
pocket on Tuesday m
from _Mr. McGinnis' st
station. -Mrs. Jame
about forty lady frie
on Wednesday afte
rai interfered somei
arrived fr
and are a
man in to
mLts, they had an e joyable time. -Dr.
Hotham, of Stafta,'vvacl in town this week,
visiting his brotheri.inilaw, Mr. ;Edward
Ha ilton, and other f iends. The doctor
just graduated° from Trin ty Medical
ege, Toeonto, where he made a brilliant
rd for himself, and is now in quest of a
able location in Which to h ug out his
Dominion bEi, Celebration. ,
he celebration re on Saturday lase.
pro ed a success. ' e Weather, although
pre ty warm, was o erwise delightful, and
the 6 was a good o owd in town, while,
a g od programme f sports wao providedj
Ab ut nine o'clock th fua was started by
the band parading lain etreet, and then to
the eecreation grou ds, Where the games
too place. A fair crovk‘, assembled, and
we e lir) doubt pleas,ed with the exhibitions
of football. Twa o d4ime rivale, faced each
lin had to lower their coleys to the Kippen-
other when the Kippen arid Dublin football
teams lined up. E flier in the eeason Dub-
ites, and it was plaits o be seen . that they
intended to celebrate he day by , retrieving
their lost leerels. e game, , from the
kick off, was a hot coetested. one, and
each teani did its ut , o ts ,and henors were
pretty evenly divideoka far as the play was
concerned, but the DO in boys forced mat-
ters too decisively ler their southern op.
ponents,and at the ca 1 f time had two goals
to their 'credit, while' ippen had failed to
score. It ' was e grea Victory for the Irish
Capitals. -This gam was followed by a
football match betwe picked teams from
tbe band and the fire en. It may be that
this game•was not so eientifically played as
it has sometimes been butt that did not de-
tract from the exciteraent, and the rooters
were strongly in evideace. The band boys
may have developed 'more wind, but, of
course, were not as fleet of foot as the fire
extinguishers, and it *ass probably on this
account that the gaine went to the fire
braves, by a score of three goals to none.
However, even although they were defeated,
no person objected to the band boys after-
wards blowingt their own horne.-After din-
ner a splendid oragedl gathered on the
groundia! The first event wee the lacrosse
match between Galt andthreB a ere. Galt
halve distinguished themaelves n the Minor
leagues dueing the past two se so s, and a
very close game was looked fo . However,
the visitors' had run up against a team con-
siderably better than themeelv e, and loot
by a score Of five pals to on Good la-
crosse wage. played by both tea s, and sev-
eral brilliant plays served to k ep the matah
from lagging. In the field the visitors
played a gpod combination ga e, but were
not effective when it came to ti ring, and
it was only on a few owes o that the
Beavers' goal was in any imin nt danger. -
The footbell match, for the Cal onia oup,
between a team picked from th dubs in
the Toronto league and a picked team from
the clubtrin the Western Assoc ation; Was
one of the finest exhibitions of fo tball seep
here for some time. The wester team was
composed of seven Seaforth players -
Messrs. Murray, Gerry, Mail ey, Aber-
hardt, Dickson, Tom Wilson nd John
Jacket:01,-1-4nd fbur from Berlin -Messrs.
KraeMer,', -Gibson and Bhoeme brothers.
The Caledonia our ie the 0040 bone with
the two leagues, and thisi year th honor of
holding it still remains with th western
players. !They won a great Vide y on Sat-
urday, and a most conclusive iatory at
that, the !score being 4 to.O. Ear y in the
gime honors were pretty even, but the
western players kept forging &hes , and by
exceedingly clever combination e ored two
1 goals in the first hali. In the e cond half
the game; was more their way, bu play was
never allowed to lag; and the Tor are boys'
did not seem to give up hope till the last,
although the western leaguers s ored two
more goals. The game wags won on its
merits, and the large crowd +was highly de-
lighted with it. -In the evening the Nash-
ville Students gave one of their excellent
entertainments in Cardno's hall, Which was
fairly well patronized. It was a great day
of eport, and the reputation of Seatorth for
putting up a good day's fun was thoroughly
maintained. And what is perhaps of more
importance those having the celebration
in dharge, t ere was a neat surplus. The
band added aterially to the pleasure of
the ,day wit their excellent mueic.-The
bowlers had a small celebration on their
own hook. They were visited by two rinks
from the ruseels club. match wae
pla ed in th morning, when both Seaforth
rui won. After witnessing the games at
he Irecreatien grounds in the afternoon,
nether mateh was played on the green,'
hob each club had a rink wins -Besides
hose who etayed at home to enjoy the holi-
ay, a number went to Stratford to see the
orse races, ome went to other points to
isit friends, while a goodly number went
Bayfield tp get the benefit of th lake
reeees. Bat in whatever wey the da was
8 ant, our Icitizens loyally beerve our
natal day, and after a day of recre tion,
followed by one of rest, would o ba k
work with renewed vigor and energy.
• 1
B. R. IIIGGINS, Brucefield, N tary Public
Conveyano r, Fire and Life Insurance agent Any
amount of oney to loan at 5 per cent, onstiret-elass
farm seen ity. Mortgagee drawn and money ad,
vaneed fr e of expense to the borrower. Also a
limited an ount of private funds at 6 peg cent/
At -herne very morning and Wednesday of eac
week. Se oral good farms for sele. 157
MONE TO LOAN. -$3,000 of private fund
to loan, at 6 per cent., on firet-clatIe farm, security
Apply to I ck box 16, Brucefield p. O. 1640x8
HORSE,4 SOLD. -Mr. Peter NeGregor haa
just aold three first-class harness geldirigs td
Mr. ‘Vm Cudmore, for Liverpool market,
Mr. McGreg-
Blaiae. The
These horses were gill got by
or's thoroughbred stallion St
horses were sold for a good p
STRAWBERRY -7ESTIVAL.- he strawberry
festiVal held oh r. Hector eid's lawn, on
Junei 22nd, was e decided su eess in every
respept, The ,weather being 11 that could
be expected, a goodly num er attended.
After tea was over, the chai was taken by
.Mr. James IVIcDiermid, and lengthy pro-
gramme Was given, consistin of addresses
by Bevds. M ir, of Br cefield, and
AtchOson, of Ki pen, and D Giassick, of
Dakota ; instru ental musi by Messrs,
McLean, Cooper and Crawfor of Kippen,
and salmi by Mi see Moore nd Kerr, of
Hensel' ;I Miss L gan, of Hil Green, and
Messes. McDoug il and Craw rd, ef Kip -
pen ; also club s inging by iss Petty, of
Hensel!. The p dceeds amou ted to nearly
$40. I
friends ana aegKetrIexkltDrainnKcaEL of Mr. William
FRO31 THE — Many of the
Foote, son of Mr' john Foote, of the Bay-
field road, who 1 it for the Uondike last
March, will be g ad to hear t at his friends
have had word f om him thia week. His
lettee was dated May 26t11.11, He reached
Dawion all right, although e had many
thrilling experie Os by the way. A very
interesting letter from , him will appear in
THE Exrosnon. e,kt week.
TH VOTERS' it, ST. -The voters' list for
the township has ewe issued.' The town-
ship 'hi divided int eight polling sub -divi-
sions. There are ,240 who are entitled to
vote at electione to, the Legieletive Assem-
bly ; 108 who are entitled te vote at muni-
cipal elections only', and 109 who are en-
titled to vote only at elecuions to the Legis-
lature. There aro 49 female voters, and
679 who are eligible to serve as jurors.
Exeter. "
See -A dispateh from Buffalo, dated
July 2nd, says : " James K. Tom, who was
on his way from New York to his old home
in Exeter Ontario,'after an absence of 20
years, died Saturday aboard' a New York
Central Railroad train, just out of Roches-
ter. He was 44 years old. Mr. Tom was a
printer by trade, and was employed in a big
New York establishment. He contracted
consumption and sank rapidly. A short
time ago he wao removed to Bellevue hos-
pital, end it was later decided to take bim
to his old home in Exeter. The remains
were forwarded to Exeter." The deceased
was a son of Mr. James Tom our resPected
townsman, and a brother of kr. John Elgin
Tom, school inspector. The sympathy of
rnany friends will be extended to the
bereaved relati ves.
NOTES. A pretty wedding took place at
the reside ee of Mr. Alex. Ross, on Thurs-
day evening of last week. This was the
marriage pf Miss Christina Ross and Mr.
James Simpson. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. P. Musgrave, in the pres-
ence of the relatives and a small number of
personal friends of the contracting parties.
The newly married couple commence house-
keeping %lacier the moat favorable - circum-
stances, and we join their many friends 'n
wishing them happiness and prosperity.
A son of Mr. George K, Holland, mercha t,
of Beecbwood, now visits the Leadhuey
line in the capacity of egg buyer. -Mr.
Petea McLaughlin had a bee conetructing a
gangway of earth at his new barn the other'
day. This was followed by a well attended
dancing party at night. -The picnic held to
the east of here, on Dominion Day, was an
immense success. The attendance was large
and the crowd good-looking, as wen se
good-natured. The, refreshments were all
that could be desired. A number of young
friends gave vocal selections as well as selee-
tions on the organ, to the delight of all, and
the playing of Mr. !James Campbell, on the
violin, was much admired. In tbe young
girls' foot race Rosa Smith took first prize,
and Alberta iobinson second ; in the bops'
foot race Enanaerson Dennis and Lloyld
Dennis tea first and second money ; in the
other rac s we e not learned who were
successfua T re Was a tug of war be wenn
six marri d and si single men. The Dung
fellows h d the est of it. Had ther beela
a largee umber of married men to eleet
from the resalt av uld have, no doubt, been
different.1 The leotball collapsed, an , ; .
censequte, there was no match. W ha
almost fo gotten! to saY that Rev. Mr. Mut!.
grave waa present, an' gave an interaetin;g
and instritotive at dre s. Mr. Musgraye in
good to a tend s 0 atherings, and everya
bady is ir ad to eet im. The emcees af
the pienie was lai gely due to the untiring
lotto of Mr. Ae ibeld Forbes, tette* iti
s ction N . 9. hatever Mr, Forbea mi.
dertakes o do he does with all his ir i/ht.
1 .
, Blyth. ,,
Miss Edna Curti, ere in Goderich on Sun -I
, NoTEs.4-Mr. lcsi J. Cook, Miss Cook' an0
day. --Mrs, Bell, f ndon, WM the estt
of Mrs. T. H. Ao ur for the past we kaas
Mr. John S. ninon, of Toronto w
visiting his pare s the past week,
Herbert Ashbur of Thorold, was v. iting
his friends in to Dominion,Day.-S veral,
ftom here attende a wedding in Hull tt oia
Wednesday.-Ral Walter Rigsby, of Kina
.cardine, paid a fli g visit to our villa e the,
fermer part of 1 e 1 week. -Mr. W Mani
'Belfry, of ASinti 1, is Visiting his g andt'
• fither, Mr. Win m, Share, at pres , t. -k
?We unders d 4 at , Mr. A. H. Pluntmera
'principal of nr p brie school, has resigned'
his peeition n age unt of ill -health. . ,,,
Morris. .
NoTEs. - eavy thunderstorms agaiall I
passed over ,his lo ality this week.-Statuter
labor is being finis ed this week. -The late
raina have helped he root crop wonderfullyr
-Mt, G. Ho d, 5t line, has 11, new reef rat
his rn.--Messre. James and A. Smith, 8th,
line, have also got their barns shingl d. -r
The sound of the 'mower is heard in the.
lande The eather is not the best at Iprese
ent f r maki g gacid hey. -A good many
'from this tio nehr took in the picnic ik
Jam a Lo an a bu h, On Saturday of las&
wee .-T esday .' f this week was the
wannest ay sol far 1 this season. -Mr:,
Engem 5t line, a eatting hay for Mra
Joseph' Ole g.- ew attended the sports
at Blyth o Mon se A lady is now 'doing
she meets s a friend oif hers.
the towns ip on beg ing tour. She nye.
her home a • in Kincar ine, and every one.
BINDER wine is 1 veer, now is the time!
to buy. I h ve in st ek h well-known brands asi
Blue Ribbon and PI ,rno Special, also Sewall dtts
Day standar brandi. J 'Assincs,
PERSON LS.- McMordie retiu647rned;':
home Sat rday,,, af a week's visit
Owen Se nd. Mi M. E, McMordie,'
teacher of eater' s r et school, London, is
home for v catio
THE NEW MET] o fa'r Cnuncif.-The ser-
vices in cohnection ith the laying of the
corner stoue of the n w Methodist church
her4 held ore Sa ba h and Monday last,
were very intere tin and in every way
successful. The ari sus services on Sunday
were largely atte de by devout and iater-
ested worshipers he tormal proceedings
on Monday after oo were also largely at-
tended and int res mg. Our Methodist.
friends hera have to ongiatulate themselves'
on the succees of he' efforts in connection
with their bander me new church thus far,
and we have no d u t the enterprise will
be carried com le on with equal success,
and that the ,ope in ceremonies will be
held in due time whe their labors and lib-
erality will be mailifg.3t. A fuller report of
tnheextcowrneeekr.stone proeeedings will be given
'wants of suanner campers and cotta,gers, and solicits
,your patronage. Goods delivered every morning,
, ,_ F. A. EDWARDS is prepared to supailov47:e
A PLEASANT SroT.-Attention is directed
to the advertisement ef Jewett brcaers,
.proprietors of that well-known and palmier ,
,picnic grounds, Jowett's point. This tea -
son they are better prepared than ever to
acco*odate the large numbers who de- '
light to spend a day by the shores of Lake
Hur n. The cottages and camping privil-
eges are being rapidly taken up, each season
seei g larger numbers availing themselves
of the privileges p ovided. There is no
heal hier spot than Bayfield. Be wise ;
take a cottage by the 1.____ake for the sumrner !
mon ha and renew your youth. -
1314o vs. A number of our tovenspeople
atteeded, the Bead and Bayfield picnics,
while Bayfield peo e attended Maple
Gro e picnic, on 1 ly let. -Mr. John
Wa sley, BaySeld's ventriloquist, gave an
ente tainrnent at Johnston's Mills, on Fri-
day vening, June 23rd, and he also gave a
lect re on the teleph ne connection between
!Davicliburg and Johnston's Mills. -Mr.
IJohn Etue has moved into Mr. W. Ban-
aseriniairs house on Picnic avenue. -The
hous latel occupied by Mr. M. De La-
frainsr has een purchased by Mr. H. Tal-
bot, who had a succesidul bee for. two days
moving it tq his homeatead.-Mr. Turner's
new barn is almost completed. ---Mr. H.
Johnstotespant a few aye last week visit-
ing aiends up nort in Hanover, Grey
eoun y. -St, Joligephis shoemaker has been
maki g a deal with Mr. Jeffrey. -Mr. T.
Sno den ham been vi iting friende on the
neighborieg line r cently,-Walter M.
estlake hes been on the sick list.
LOCAL .13RIEM-llofrninion Day was cele-
ated here end quite a large. number came
witness the sports, but the attendance
as not as large as was hoped for, which
as due largely to the fact that many had
nember of 4ur villagers spent a bleasant
ranged to go to the different points along
t ee el a:se en isehao ewe ao en tvheartyd awy.en Tahtet ecnodneede.r_e iAn
eyening at the home o.f. Mr. James Hagan,
sr., a week or so ago.e-Mr. John G. Troyer
about a little, although le will be some time
has sufficien ly recovered from his recent
serieus Hines to permit of his walking
yet before he is able to, :resume his acens-
tamed worka-Mr. Dunattn McEwen, of. the
Landon road,. had a barn raising on Monday
afternbon. Mr. McEwen has recently been
very much improving his outbuildings. --
Mrs. James White is ill Detroit this week,
where ehe intends spending a week or eo
with her son and daughter. We hope the
change will b nefit ber health, as she has
Decide, both
Day end Sab ath with, friends here. -Me.
David Pikie, the veteran soldier and pen-
sioner, spent several days in Goderiek dues
ing the pest week. -Mrs. Gfay is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Sinnuel Smillie. --Mrs.
}tumbril!, son and danghter, of London, are.
vieiting Mrs. Rurnball's mother, Mrs. M.
MeGregor, of Sexsmith.-The farmers in
tine section ere bueily engaged beeline. The
crOp is not a very heavy nne, the cold weather
ea ly in the spring having stunted its growth.
- he annuei Pitman of St. Paul's Sabbath
se ool was held at Bayfield on Wedneoday
Cabtelon is shipping away large quantities
las , and a viiiry pl masa time was spent by
all on the abeam f lake Huron. --Mr. D„
of aherries.-sMes. J. E. Dignan, of Exeter,
wee visiting herlbrother, Mr. Charles A.
Re morid, oaHay,i t
Th mson has the
wkle sharpening .a. S
So Severely that be
anyi work for *eve
Ewen, of Ottawa, 'fin
gether With their' br
Mrs. Thames Parlme
the summer vae tio
Mr. and Mrs. bh
ery poorly since her husband's
. McCraeken and Mr. C. H.
of Bruesels, spent Dominion
week. -Mr. Bernard
iefottune this week,
ythe, to cut his hand
ill not be able to do
ral weeks. --Miss Mc -
Mrs. Rose are, te-
ther, home spending
n with their parents,
MeEwen.-Mr. and
, ef Blyth, formerly
J17LY 7, 1899
3 ur stock of eool, breezy summer
rigs is very complete -qualities
ricer right,
Good serviceable waists, your choiea
Fine Percale Waiste in etripes and deck;
new patterns, 60c.
A lot of nice Cambric Waists, very Fatty
and a good choice, 75c.
Six own assorted dimity, pique and leak
lin waists, your choice for $1.
very good Ceash Skirt , for every dap
ear, 50a.
Ext a quality, latest cut Linen Crash
hite Piques in narrow or wide
xtra quality, 25o.
In cords, stripes and cheeks, fineeheee,..,
eool material, 20c.
ten pieces plain white, very fair tent,
Finer. make, linen finish, 15c.
rge' aesortment, with several shod
le gths to clear, 40c musline now 25e,
C ol and serviceable, nice quality, 15e,
3/tde specially for hot weatherse
al sizes in stock, 500,
F 11 assortment of sizes in the Mit
, po ular summer shades, a very nix-
gl ve at 25e.
a large range of Bailor
finerhats itt 25c.
II te, at remarkably low prices. Ow-
let going at 15c, and another lot re
Prices -15e, 20c, 25e, 35c and 50c.
W ' are 'closing out the balance of our: -
at° k of trimmed Hate and Bennett.
Th t means positively large reductions,
as a won't earry over anything et ant
pri e.
. The .
Dry Goods Co.
's Greatest Cask
ry Goods Store,
of Hens 11, accomiianied by" Miss Young,
spent D minion Day in B.ensall with Mrs.
Parliner s parents.4-Miss Hilda Beek wait
in Lond sborojastiveek visiting friends, -
The dw 'ling o 'Mr. F. Grigg, during the -
severe e ectric storm of Monday evening,
was str ck by lightning, but, fortunately,
beyond he knocking down of part of the
chiinney and some of the plaster on the.up.
stair ceiiing, no further injury was done*, :,
the bu lding. The Ifamily however re.
ceived uite a shock, but feel thankful that
they es aped as well as tho , Tr& Mr.
Grigg w away from home -at the time, far
ing in t e old country. -Miss Doherty, grt
London is visiting her brother, Rev. Vsr. I.
Dohert , of St. Paul's ehurch.-Mies Maggie
McLean who is engaged as a teacher 4t
Huntin field, near Clifford, is home spend-
ing her acation.-Miss Jessie Ben, youngest '
daughteir of Mr. Janice 13e11, of Hamill, is
in McBride, Michigan, visiting her brother,
Dr. Belh Miss M. Bell, second daughterof
Mr. Bel , who is teaching at Milverton, it
home en'oying the mid -summer holidays.- -
Rev. M . Long, of Minnedoaa, Manitoba,
auccesso on the Kippen circuit to Rev.*,
Waddel , arrived in the village on Satua
evening, and has entered upon his worke--
Rev. Ma. Jewitt, iraccessor to Rev. W.fig
Kerr, aleo entered on big pastorate hersibAt
week, and on Sabbath last delivered eta.
lent seritione to large congregation& -les
and Mrst. James Sutherland spent part id.
last week a.nd this with friends ,in Foreat
and viciaity.-Miss Amy Murdock returned
home latst week from Toronto, where sie
had been attending the Conservatory of
Music. She paased with healers, and has
resumed her music class hcre.-Mrs. Glenne
of Toren o, accompanied by her children,
who wa here visiting her mother, *Is
William McDougall, returned home On Sat-
urday la t, -Alias Ella McPherson is visits,
hag rela ives and friends in Kincardine, --
Mee. Mc hereon returned home last week
after a p aliment visit With relatives in the
northern part of this county. ---Mise Awe
Elder haa returned home from Goderich,a0-
companied by her consin, Miss Murray. --
Mr. Thornas Murray, high sailed teachera
Owen Soand, is home enjoying the mewl
vacation i -Mr. James Coxwortb, of gala
village, Who purchased what was known a
the BroWn farm, has raised the barn, pate
ting in a basement, and is now erecting ite
neat dwelling. --Mise Urquhart, of Exelere
is this w ek visiting at Mrs. Shirraft-a
Dr. and Mrs. Ferguson and Mr, I "re--
Ortwein - re in Detroit this week attending
the Chrietien Endeavor convention.-Vaa
Tens Swan returned home lase week fee* ,
Goderich 'where she had heen visiting reles
tives.-A iss Alice Petty, who has been a
Watford , ngaged au a milliner, is homier
the Burnt -per holidays. -Mies Francis (.10k
worth of, London, spent Dominion Def
1 , I
with her parents. -Mr, George Chemin'
and brida, of Caledonia, have been spen
the past Week with relatives in Hensel!
vicinity.-ePicnice to the lake are now fir
order of the day. --Berries are very Oa?*
ful, and al number of our villagers are last-
ing daily the neighboring woods and. swamis-
-Mrs. Simpson, of London, is visiting's& '
sister, Mrs. D. Urquhart. -Mr, Lea„lieek -
will, who has been teaching at blarksa
in the Algoma district, is home spembot
vacation ,with his parents, -Mr. Rebel*
Carlislie, ief Ripley, was in the village -0*
week renewing acquaintances, -Miss a'rfeees
who has sittisfactorily filled the position
milliner f r Mr. E. Rennie for a numbed
years, ret rued to her home near imams
this week -Miss Dolly Johnston, of WIS.3r
ham, was in the village this week vital*
her broth re. -The annual picnic of
Presbyte an Sabbath , school will be
this year n Tuesday fiext in Mr. Maloolssa
woods.- las Tens Shirray returned
this wee from Hamilton, where i
been visit ng for several 'weeks.
Tb.e era o
and all out of
ecessity of b
weight shirts, h
-Sell at 50c, 75e,
and out of the
The swim
50 ; according
A rapid gel
at $1 and. $1.2
We have
laundry work
laun 1
ted in on
g som
dozen at $1
ordinary val
Staying to
value, it will.
that the bucks
and well merits
every day use t
The glaze
favor. The p
the wide milita
" Our own
fect fitting, wel
and $12. We
prove just the t
day. Take a lo
will be interest
The new
smaller. We
stiff hats—the
What size
we are clearing
at a speciali)ri
$4.50, but the
fall. If you h
no doubt be of
prices the cash.
On the fir
lots of boys' pa
is our desire
season's make.
what remains,
membered that
ducement for a
seen as an extr
Otithe Wrong
The fast
and re
$30 ;
Deer a