The Huron Expositor, 1899-07-07, Page 4J
or that Usi I
an ers . ag in t Loriclon a ut lree yearis ago -to sup r1n, Camad L In ISM, locating at Bowmariville 'for
Is a tend th -construction of the Kend gt few vearm before moving to Mortis in Feb.
I Z/Z.- W*D, Mov. nur ",-A r a are at w 11 th - this, it in the best sanctity of riaor�I%E;D ; if they Ar nit
r-.%? -1899 ol dne it ipula, ally wine, and here are laws ii6 �rea(h oB d
—CA.A. The
severe enough It t them
n 4ohine lat:r tholiot i be amended, But. furniture act son 1 had since lived , Ito -Hodder took up 100
.1,1,0,rilp a usually pre 3110i 1860., Mr.
fog fired a it ',,Psoudidate and is most hi whea a judge be cornes party to su�h a until'hio tpmo 1 .1 wa tort time. ago to Good r so rz�
6, Z 8 7 ghly' travesty as that onacte - in Ngiw BilubsMok, stock, whore was in the employ. o th a�. ,Ot 20, 2iid concession, which had
Maorec! his party, only fi acres of bush out at the time, and
10 11 12 0 M ZJ no ir attar -on . which there should, in the interests of respeci for Anderson 1 fu iturog company. He wag b ind try and economy soon transformed
$I M of 1 political forice be ma It is Canadian, law, away to summaril de- about fifty! yea l'of age, abd left a wife, who i nto- rable fields, About 60 V
lot IS 19 20 21 - 2Z -�.be. �i i ears ago, he
ive him of th -p
a Over'to fur esty wan with hirri
a )out the name on the one side as on th r Woodstock, two daugh term, was m ried to Miss Ellen Peshan, Who
291 25 26 OW . ZS 29 In her. I ow, the question in, if we desire Mrs. L. Buxtc and.Miis Woods, both of survii a him, -although now 82 years of A.
-- - I Goderich, and son. g?.
t clur electious The j ui gee at A' Mr. Hit dder had an attack of I il, grippe: in
WE W ADVE RT ISEMENTS.- purify to how aire,we to lessen � 0 South Perth election —Aboub 1, le- took advants (a of. Febru a y, and never fully recovered from.
t a poweri of the machine and increase the be Eillet H 0 Par erR1 Ins
ga"ve a peo*lia� decision. A voter wits t ur titute excu, 41sion it, pn.-i monia being the cause, of death.
powerof pealed v romp t Guelph, on Tuigoday the o r lodren are William and Eli, engineers
A grTbe figure between! the parenthesis-, or each he platform -and reason, because all agains because he had the Model 4. Irm
until this t
one, d(notes the page, of tbi pApor on which the v e never ill have pure ole a 6flast week. on the � lock Island railway, running out!
adi ertd iieniont will be found. bough he wa ot i 21 years of ag of
long e —The inf&4'n Son f Norman Graharl 9.
H . c lwJaallifier Itenis-Greig & Mae . donali is done, �tad the ptiople0loil I every now and name,hel ever, hal . d been on the' vo, tern' GodelJoh, was, perim nently blinded in 1 Of Ohio 91", -who were both present when their
Sp dials at pentecoors-5 me father ied, and Mrs.Joel Sellars, of Morris.
0 an be shocked by diselbalL 8 such as to dedided that as h
B76 at —Eloright Bros.—fi hose list. reour a name eyeb�yanothppmeol child who threw @6 —�T I following ersons Wit - Brussels
0A Ai s--iu Smith -5 0 igiarthed in ! �- table fork at I im.
ft I rnl-i-w. J. Elliot" Loudon and I fan;toba a few, �ae on tbe'list, and- as he bad beat i a rest- Spatiol I last week on. , the home-Aleekers' Box -
Y, iaris ago and in West: EIg ii � a few weeks d —John Bea om, ayfield line, C d It etirsio, I to the Northwest : Miss Annie His -
In. he uroprate Court -n H linclated-6 ept of t 9 ridi g, as required by ship, has rpote his farm of It
Lo, k.1 : Our Window—on, W. ipott-8 16p and Mrs.� Thoma's Strachan, of Grey
r�n� W `1 I -W town re'ree's
04o. The influences w' vote Was cod, ut ani other elector, 0110 as
hich lave produced for a term of y�ars In Mr. Bell, of Oth
No too to Crodftors--John .9. olsh-6 t
No tic tor oreditora-R. S. 11sio, rs--6 lt,wno�'Po� to E tiavan - Miss Christina HaI-
o re on. B tends rg i vi I
Iw ir 84le-R. Willis�5 age scandals are used, � sit . h perhaps- bile props age, but who, had n t d6d �n p. , acom in It' ; dayll o MorTis township, to � MOOSOMIA ; IF1
SO4, ug concessi ' 110
Gold'V rilto to London to Inal rwill NJ ism, 8 rib Vorbes, of Brusee4, to - Bins -
es Humbor k Son -8 tc a less extent, in 4,3very ele ton in every the riding the r -quired bime, alt hi; in the fall, a id
work a far it his father4li-law th i a earth -1. chin 0. and Miss Lizzie MoLauch.
bludel Tw no -J. CAnning-8 cc notituenoy and by both p EL ties, under the name was still (in the voterar., liats, as c a-
cample Ira' Suppiles-F. A. Edw irds-8 61axed to have UO right to vote. —Thomas Man,. I a former resid ljo, oidwely ti�ownshi
Mcney to toriarl-Expositor Offiao5 pi anent sysi-tern. la, gra 0 P, to R011111t,0111i ; Misses
Clinton, died aU Itinigif 11 N W T.0
Carosa cer rAnted-J. Wation -5 re hir, an I tht. interpretatio I �be In a, ;line Lizzie andf Ccora Ferguson, of Brussels aid;
but a Teeswalak ; Win. Hall and wife' Mri
Farm for 8xio-lohn Berry -6 The great question is, do tfig; people Want Jy 1peescruned ' d e Moo aged 67 years. ro."Ailan, a �81
h jes is even more i hort time ago. di Y Wili.
Notico,--Win, Eillott-5 tf. is sort of thing sto he South Kert election furnish )a tbr 1-* 14pencej� A. G.�Velsh, of Ethe?, ana John
Watch Mot-Exp6sifor Offiep- -9 pped ? We are not ,, illat examp,
11 .-The Wing
litfide Itc. of the nee 4's I liarn riv* g Park Asap,
Mee r Twine, E �-&Mullett Cc at re that we could �Lyivle an:'- affirmative a of 64 lil ition *Clnto hill of,.qrey, to Deloraine.
so Factory for S I St,,phenwn having the have loan bit
voters' lists 1 party . �,u r y n a for their race' " to i -On TuescifIy afternoon of last week a
at ewer to this qu I be bold In 19 all d 20. The assoei ljoining M orningstar's p�mp factoryo;'
Hammooks-Reld & i t n--� stiOd. 'But if- they do looked after. 'T here were efor M soei tion stable's
At a ftrg-aln-Reid oft, Mince- 8 n(b, then,.oertain y it 4otes enough le t�o 7 giving 2;000. in i� Wini ham, baught fire, it in supposed 1�
is the duty of the ff the lists and Qo iserva- 1 roes this year.
�ive votes left o who voted . Witt Gig t any -Miss Ale�ha ostefoo daughter thi i eglgi4. The brigade Was called t,
ptiblio press to ad catethe 1 61 H. from
right, to g ve the Liberal oar di late a
+'�Lgp to the point 1"'gal �oster, a d Miss Holmes,'both of, -131in. out, and :adjoining buildings were savid.
a which-1hey would desire A demand a -a at Toi onto The cot ban a A the stable and i shed were -
t rl� Majority pf ove hundred. ton, . pas 3ed he. a amigiation.
nou Woof fielt o ange. And there -is �J 1 week, la for- saved, 9 pith t th a exception of the hay. 'Loss
no more powerful Conservapry. of Mu ke last t
m diurn for this I urpose 1; a this countTy !"The two Tup)er;,Ifather and son', am 0 mor also �recei ing' rat -class honors. partly (overed by insuranc�. � While I. this
-�-Thu aday or, ng of last week, re. Ore was in pro�
the Globe. I t ha dorle good w big vieing with 4 &all other am to w ii h o n Wm."Th I mpa rese Mr. Brad in's house
SZAFO-RT-H, IDAY, July 7t; ork in Ethel, passed i way 1 0*
this way many tin as alie blow off the md C40 hill caught fire, but a few pilile of water
ad Yo, b tit is 0 fit! wind. Sir ChE r a t e after a lohg an co inued illp 4
P*P She was- eiitivg L timbeclit before much amage wil
a le of doing muc� bettert, senior set the pikes a& a daughter of Mir Gill. A" husbau� and
rly in the. me is done
The: Dom. fion I Ilarhommeift,, spoiking for fivio, hours at a str' four child ran shrv�
If we are to getirld of the baneful in- An ther nuptial wave r$plilad over the
The past week Lao beat a fairly busy' one L, Fisher hi a handed in his rem gns- I th con" Sol W
a 11 us
fluences of th Charles the younger sought to go it* I Goderich to hip, when on b f
with the law inacilline and dop' I P , tion as-tepolaeriolf Bolmeaville schoolo and I Vedne of I wee to at the ato
in& ra at 0 Uwi, and Oespite end upon &Y v ning
mra � 3a no he Aeaves for SaskAtOO 1, Saskatchewan dial rict, i iton, a quiet wedding Wa
the more enlightened sood decidedly more one betteri and when hii t N. W. T., where- li Parson a, last to
thia-ladliday, fairly good )regress hos: beea spoke -for six hoars, and the otWer ay -be ters-st once upon a
i4elligent influences 6f thol platform, we splem d the contracting parti
made with buld �he expect"Ltion is so 1.
n, go, and MfIst have legislation which' will discredit 0 oncluded an address which laste( nine �eaching duties-at�a clod Salary. It is his 'eing oma Webster anit Miss Maggie It
now expressed thix� pror(gatio intention to enterli w in the west. emps 'b b well and favorably known in
rm as t at co
a, may take blie,one and uplift the t ro; a h1l ours and moved a -resolution whicib took --7Rev. Dr. I?aeco) I , I `G
now, to co ul It
place before the grat of August. SiF Hib- 9 Oe Spegiker one, hour and a quarter to i read. has closed his y. The ceremony was per -
florid can think. ilf no better Median to this pastor of the Wigagla(4 Methodist ch
'bert. T11pper's long resola, 46a, askin ligich, f timed Y q Rev. Mr. Nillyard, after
for a ��lr Wilfrid Lau ier"spoke on the Sam) sub- and the 46th year of ;Iao
a 'd than those- which continuous eerviqe in hich t d Yo I ig couple left for the howei of , . I
commission of judges t love tAi t hi - proposed two JA, let for an -hour, and tb 1� more the ministry. Dr.'Pa'coe is now superan. the bri c�s arents, where� a number kof fee
q I - a ft ag . ere was real 6
on O�o .1 a a. First, let eve elector Whose h � his speech th n there wai in nine nuated and wil-1.0daide � ith his daughter in friends: ad i i ited guests were abselablelA. Eon
charges against, the rl_
8, was 7ek iW
nalmels one the votertli fturs" effort of Sir Hilibert.
Of do r ie Sir Hamilton* T�e.yo' Ing Obilible will live on the 9th coa�
voted down by a majorit offffty. All -the at. ])a required I to � ibbert's 'effort counted vant-1k I ir 3re ia -On ;,'�eod '' I- , -
ailtend at the poll and cai a ballot, on alel * ;one 21, Miss Mary ceeission I
charge ay,
a are P.ow being iny atigated b� -Ur alit is cords - but after deducting the chaff froth M(
or being disfranchised at Cann, clan nter of Peter McCann of �, -A I elly Want and i6tereebing event'
the following die w'heau Sir W Ifrid had the Vest of it. West Wawan 'b,, w united in the bonds to6k pli ion
Ogilvie, Whoio�is in charg there, a -ad the P 4
election unless he can giv a Sa t c ednesday, 21st ult., at the 0
H-ouse-seemed to tild-ulk t at a further in. tisfactory There is no doub,, but Sir Hibbert's speech of matrintonyor! Re ' Father MoKeron, of P�e . abyt 3rian use at Brussels, when Wit.
reason for.his.failu' d w sa an able one, as an man, St-'August4ne,l to T Oman *A. Breen, i of ter Mel '.0y and Miso Ids Ms'Y- i.Hodges, A
veatigatiou was. re to so vote. Bacon to able
of neces ry. Sir Itibbert w iich no person enies, but his volub lity is hi
let the not of personal carv, a d London_ The �'will a' ide in London. Gr
has hied bimself ofl 0 tfiL Ing or in may much, that a,pe 8 n has to go throtgh an, George*'Ec wards, of Brussels, had the y a
t th Pacifi. elope, and I d in the holy bonds of wo'd:. ii
io.';Cv. J( hn Ross-, B. A. i After the bIr
Way priiately or personall Soliciting votes inimene r fuse before the neat is 10Z .1
it is not likely he will ba can in the House .!a deal of the midortum a :t I hi: �ight hand kn�ee7i�jsbt ad t iey drove back to th6 refli- b 3re
a this session, The Senate are still r is ag 111 [reached, whereme'the very reve.rse is -the thrown lagains t
agai by a candidate o hi t )a an offence 6n e ble g
is n his fac- A, tolorn's parenta I th conces- Mr.
-void an ele io cia SIB with the Pr mier. Sir Ilibber5 is a, tory on Satue( a5 ja
w-Testling with, the bills loroviding for the that will derio the saw I 3�f lip, -rk d as a siola, Or y, whe re. a grand recepi ion awaited
ma pro nige,' and it ie a pity that consequence be! alto ( eo)
does. Th a two.. remedies he 'a wee
bribery now young n -of is off a portion of the their ar iiral. About 100 guests had arrived u
extension,of the luterecloillial. railwayto oaffectually des i should"injure h a influence by a deg ire' to inside uf him th an �b an part of the' lot and totialke part in -ithe- various. games sa,
-a passed by the Com- i - 2u�fibnge
Montreal which we viould troy a machine by 'Nar himself talk. d r.
too and hey Would at vening. ruf
repodec ,
n- Some ol the ald ladies ha Wm. Thomson, a Dancin was indulged in by all who- wished
MO a. Imovi�g the use for i to amusern nts to while away bl: a a
On -IThe T t W rld the junior To br6therof the
Go uplift the. platfibrim by Making it a oron o I y or-
vato these bills, 'at r Thomson of r
seetA disposed o th -ate L
gin in Toronto, is Prue- to. They take up,housekeeping on the old
more to spite ainc chief medium of communiAtion oing a very unfair and sets, 9truckg i ich a recent
c enin al
a ; oreri r Eoun
harx ass th Govern- between y g6ld die- honteste ild.
me the candidate and the people, thual making dishonest thing I publiabing the All of y and disposed of At ille, corn Neincement exercises a
to As-
ut -th-an in l6e public ilInterests, his farnit for th 6 a at i of $600000 the other o I College) Windsor, last week, the
rob Bi it
4 residehto of Huron we ra- promin. i
but it is p" able. ;he majolriby will it a necessary adjanioct of on election cam- pairbiculars as furn' hei by the solicit ore of day. He is an uno a t Mrs. James Jones',
the petitioner in t eat E'lgia election of Brussels,
take A more gionsib paign. These two objects accon' plished ent iiina r )M
sond. pass Ithent as
Is viev rom the Corn- factious would s+ beemne un t ie prize list, having won the follow- A tk6
they wera given to them, f inpure 1 a protest case, and tr in vs; to represent these -Mrs! Bert Potitp, of Clinton, met with a ing Go)d conduct, seniors, M ,
I aiufttl 'eciden Thomas Hue -
Known, and as a natural r t t1i4 ot er day by falling say b id i too
particulars as evide cc really taigin ab the logo ri, a ;
t mono. The redistribution bill is now being es4lt we would rom a "ir ipon chl,�. she had at I Christian Doctrine, fo III
trial, or as charges that i been Micha fiingabridge, 14relibishop's.
t give abler and more honee't legialaters, bpt- have -eally been banding while W wil
diseussedin the Commons, and the proba- rges 4 ad a cuss winding -he clock. In fall- medal 3ratory, honors, Thomos Hassey; ap
A* se cha tru k a &just the
ill be &need by th a more ho bet adrninigitratio�- 9 garary-society, Francisi Bills, Sea.
bilities are that it w P er law ad proven, whqreas th Mrs,,Potts a sideboard Junicir I
: M% L
7 tions have simply b)en gotten of -on nd sustained an in, ary which has confined forthl; n turat p8ilosophy, Tharnas Hussey; is h'(l
n we ight also say' a rhore intell gent,
body this week, after which. it will have to Speou.
lation and were 6 or �fd bed.
run the, gauntlet in 0 abituency. firown towetier 1� the the B udy, prize for Gre assics, Li
the Senate �eforeit Sorel heg a obje' : -Mr. Hooey, loi,sgi buyer, of Clifford, Tho am us
c to 6r 0 lawyers with the hc pe that Some of theril y ;! St. Basil"s litee
Cc th striving for. iriry (a) oEciety,
a Af ter thli. i bill, the only and formlerly of MeGi
becomes I' w. might be true. Th( or is alhoer ty I ol 7ick, died, on Tuesday Mich el i`Neil, Thomas Hussey EngliA Olt Ze
in its fl t
business of special importa rice to be dealt outcries for a scare . a week. 11m.Hooe biiying essay on ife alnd� poetry of Horace, honors, t
111112f investi atioin and
or�mes in the " iarton 'dis rict and w
with in the resolutions to be Submitted by ico�llrial Note 'and comments. the punishment of the ailty in- thin case Eke "It i h i fl I y It . a4 been - a Thomas gisey ; mental phil ister,
it may be in U I Wit I 11,111111111ficion on Monday of ore, 41ic osophy,, hog�. A
I . I V �ged from itio conduct in try: ng to I O'Neil. Ten of bbe students thou
the reconstruction of Tha:West Huron electio awn off I these 1�aat ii id
the Government for week and on Tu day evening. graduate in rhetoric, Thomas Hussey hea re
it Case received fairy tales for 1 oven The bereaved f M W a
the Senate, Sir Richard Cartwright was Son in th c u - " charges. The Worli used to pride itself 1 .1; ill '�aiv: the sympathy Ing tl�le I t.
Or' tur o rt ab Toronto on- (if their friends. `laE era
given a very warm reception by his fellow upon its fairne's and was wont to ul braid
Fri ay, and proceed' go were again adjourn-, the Mail Two of Ail ip Amen �,gi chilOren had a M( rrii i
I I a virtlonce. his re. rom a to o 8
members on fTuesday, on his returning to c d "or another week. The trouble cently ma� C�oso call f us in- firy, lit Lakelet. his " W
I now is a a not death,
the House after an vibience, of threQ weeks t ha; Linklater, of Wingbam ti�chanp its course, i nd is 0 the Grand T ank r4 11wayl, crossing, in BRYEZ S OFF Tun LAKE. -Cool and re. 'ceT let)
in watited to now Striving rd the Mail in its
11 p
31 p
�113 c
p 0
1 h
I n
at b
a 4
or �l
at Mount Clemens, Michi'g vl u- B aterealgi, on, To d V mo of last week. calling By are now, and !nany a he
and the petitioners major rig ith lFg
the to enjoy hem and have a
an, v�bere be g ve evidence, lance and intruthfu ael a when deali w ru in was 6 &7 on fr of
frequen The J in inte, 0 (Lay , s, a; a ing In
tly goes for treatment f its political I opponell is it' t Ahe
or hit' rheum- can lot find him to summons iint, , and it- is once- i It iii
and the amazingly'. e3diog *eat delight of o Is the 14ke. We cannot, It cl IM4 DuoR, 4
atism. Sir Richard is one of the rant pop.- C DU t refuses to go on until L miclater, is pro. a 40 pw the situ- owever, la r I 80'ur
C U01 tion from the d I op, bit were unable to to ali on "It crowds as day after, d; ly t4on
ular as well as one of the most abli mern- d. And so the matter all ends. If this 9 it to the dange ?I Be ii r Pikel�' we*t
In defending the Do err time to get the ;talk(, which is situated in betwee
w ribriiess is not forthcoming at the I minion Gov' meat c iildren away.
bers: of the none:. me4ing of against the charge be Cliffo'd and Mount Forest." 160A 4
tib0urtto-day,-thecaose wIl,likely have -ing made against them " -On'Wednes( a; McL4ugh I M ri, No aft6ru
� I I p f I ai 1111 wpok Mrs. Duffy, a, of Gorrie, in the now 4remosurek
t) go over until after the ong vacation. by the Conservativeii, t at they are ir orne- 0 oderich'wh Ante A6A --i h .4 of th tov nahin of Howicir TTI ; � ding tA
a con an.
Whattis trating a gprrymaud r by the n th i council chamber,and it is in every
Required. A;taohed to her r i on ient
r (ell I and th
a red istri- a, re,
The tr9alkillrY officials of the United States bution bill,' the Piet a Times very trul, r re. a g of one! of her apippintmen't.
The Toronto Globe, in discuss ng the stilt was the br a k ;legs reope A a rood and popular M
ae f aid t' be rejoicing o above the knee. Mr. I looe r is superintending the work of to r.,
ver the finan a very old,
recan --as. the ady�i'
t electoral impurities as diack sed by il ion c f that c at marks Piirhaps th are doing 3oM-'e 1ing over eighty-ei the b !gheto theiiiia J. el
pion cou ghl, �he cident lays at" statute labor
a is a roost
& lool into i iot the close of ti the danger 113 a each year' ng,
he More, and somethin I �O�e is There
election courts, says ntry a di� closed by to age than they r, light serious one, 4nd I ways tot of work done here cia
a nancial year. of'the brokel lirr I not u ting. ear t By are gravelling ouf east of the del
What is req uired is a determination to do in the Oremises. Thev This � r til
migi t re3tore
T Is leflei b be tw
be governed by discussion and not )y Ma- Ban rebeiblis and 'expen'di. GO n and bave done a big stretch of it. ma.
unty rod ye7b in th -Last week Fit' a palssitig
boundaries, i div ding around the tow y
chiller 14 our party conflicts we ire too turei onlj amounts to The have bought a to of lumber and will roo 'a.
Y. $88 8751989, whereas ofcounties ain'd oil jet; into rid ago they yard, Mrs. Rh�gtas,. of Goderich, t
�pt to suppase, that the all-important poin pate pi rs
t Jt we a- exi iected it would stepped on a 1)3 nall that protruded 'h1up bhe sidewalks afterwards. -The
r one hundred !night let the To1iiies know with a tiestle
is whether in a poll of several vo �es one on Xi )ga. 'here notbin uci ting through a On o' lumbor' and the slike came C
9 li being - joyf of p members c f the League from Orange Hill
impressiveneis how it felt to )a gerry. passed throl.1 It 0 light1iboo she wore P to visit our members on Thursday v't
man shall obtain a -few more than another. ut der all Arcums Don naa c or, miaadered until the 9 night Mai oral
tances. I
-a trath, there are many contests in which 'U all) San i a mint of m cry party dic! a'b know clear through Bad spent a very pleasant,
oney sh d he haal her Got. 'he lady's father, time.
the discussion. that Ot whether they were'a living entity w A dea who was pres, Stra berries and lice cream Gre-nai
-precedes the Salt is far yet r aacht A the beginning of t le end.' were partaken
more important than the result . itself. If issue. But the Libe -als bave not d mt, eMoved the -nail, but so f
hA ush,o re.
o on 0dr. n, after which a -
�iv�n any firmly was'it -lxQ i# be :,and foot, that it alma4e?q lam
A-1 both candidates make their ceIMpaign on evidence of vindicti or repose requi good �rog the ;ro
haSou th Perth petition a I y r h,s a
entims. The ilinime 'Wits furnished bythe visit -
tricks ad all It release it.
inst the re -
and a peals to preja lice, it. matte to take from the Tor as Ing llnembars.--�Mita. William
ra ta. the undue ad.van- gt mAqh
-On Wedueed Wallace
a of Mr. Nelson Monteith I' , leve ing 01 last week re uroe by ithoe
little which f them is sent to misrepresent as heard at tages they gained by the gerrymand , and the i mony tieing the matri. t ' d on Wednesday from --Galt, Jentlie
,,,r latereotin
hie constituency in a, legi0ative body. If St -aitl`ord ast week-, and &JIt charges dig- they leave to the ju( gas of the - rid the monial bow where, she visited relatives for
ok ace at the home of John
five tle *a I
th -ig, i is an appeal bo'; reason, and mi 3893. t was proven that, money dividing of the Muni lipalities that have to K wee Ste as a
ar campa, k
night, east f 0 anbroo in the presence sc ecociftipanied home by her Dim
as , nd, of cn, &MIS, boci� took n the Model Farm at
lot is the record of iutelljge�t Jadgment on ted,but the. petitioners were unable lays. W
t I being ashamed of daugl I am ere went to Gott.- MCI: Ity, I
I - - to prove agency. The poin it grooll,
the election � a fair, and the or6as on the bal- cir on am be divided. If the rory pre their large c m ;n his estimable
backern were capable of iter Miss E Xgie, was united in Mar on T r ill
here is a tri imph.fQr democracy and free to v -as rained. by anything they might do for poll &al si riage to Wm.'Heitsbfter, a ell -k aided the Model Farm,
nown young , Thia�c owd Wit %its dreeii 1
institutions, no- ma1ter whether Liberal or th petitioners, howei that the writ foro vantage, they would feel too much ashamed gentleman In r. a a t, must have been almost
on I I
Fthe localit,
The ceremony rL t
chiff n,!
of the gerrymander be try to save it, The was performed b, lRev !J. G. Yelland, Lb �ror I South Huron, of which' I
Conservative Maygain the da;y. th) election having been i Sued clurin'
on 9 late Dalton McCarthy confessed h a regret Methodist mi
e, never utter- had t 0&1 (TOR T e�e were a great many from W
h. le'j at mod' any par as Minnie X ii ht 14 H. Siemon. b
oiste.. I Th y� were etttended
Truer wori I& th Ze at of the legislature, he 'I, mentiFn. WE 9 n iscle in a recent issue of Tuic
ant see war' t �lectjon
is il- thaU he in i ; and ere are- by Mi lh ried
must be declare v 38
this oid. Thia� is others. The uppe fact ti ol !an -were
e& But how axe we to secur hit
by ion will ob. gain - "-Mrs. Elizabe here, and we are told by those who
e a line point, an.d the judges reserved decis y ghti so' abaci old and re- preseu L, dresses
ernm by iseugision, and r ot;� by mitchin- - anything b fi )SOlute y' fair 9, spected resident o'Cre i on an ' tha a) tie train was uncomfortably:
jet - It is not . likely that the objecti61n measure as the re is ribution b d re" of filled.� Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Way and Mrs.' whit
lobe and every 6son e ill 0* be- the late Henry W Af, die I'last West-,
ip at Tuesday for Manitoba, ittl
'hIa wi I be, hoald go6d, - and Mr. ith will, fore Parliament.' Goorg� Scoi it left Is Tlehgh( rn
-lee who I, at the
an- d 13 days.
y xperien a age of 89 yon, -s, 2 morithe an
has ha I ani ce in at actions in this no doubt, be allowed to retai'monte I
III his seat for ra. id with dropsy where, for i Gin a weeks, sit reI&-.
Inopol,'kn we very well qlat; p M. The Parkhill Gazette put the cilI for a number of yog ar I bad be ta.
the remainder of the ter I H4 has I had a a Wolf had bet in an inv`,&I they will vi
PrOv ublic dia- me very tives there kind in Dako Their diestina- hit d4
cosmic ,as a &just the machine and the pr to cowl eil it eye for 12years. She blind I ag, the home of Mr.! Wm
a ani tion *'It be
43 rough experience wi h. plainly Bond correctly when it a Some 2 d
TN -o elections and two protest -at vor leaves to mourn. her de -
In ci of our church courts are much- aillarmed at mise one Son, thre,li Oaug tiara, a nu labor of Way, who, i �r. ago last winter along-
ine, weighs op wir '-;f his parliamentary c with bis-wi! eiloLf
sid.u. us fall eaces of the mac4 t
9 a rear, � is more 0 att re,
!&largo number a
weight. Let than rlOelt Young Paliticiaug; ha 7e- to b ek - on b of friends
as a fe ther a ainat a pound the gro gran Visited relativ's 1nL 'goaforth
Wing corry, ,Lhildren and
p V, of the lody forle V
who a the sympa by c f the community. re.
and h
in an electio, ag dinab.
one pa�tyll politic. Were the rr embe
n contest discuss the re of theEei courts pai�ed
Friday,, 2ird ult. Mr.
public questic as as ably and as' exhaustively ry
to study up the poliLical into' f the�-
�tl I 1�i Great Stinson, of Cliv to
Faith Fenton, the clever an n, celebrated the
ussed, 91
an they can, be disc d-Accom ished Britain, and even of Ca 7ould ninopty-thir& aunive?sary of his birthday No, FIB -The poementitled Oar 1L, nd rain ur
and-Aepend upon I)a tied&, they
Woon. corrospordent of the oronto find much cause in the company of gl� 'ew f ?iends at the resi. bar of The Westmi 6 a
mai Ar her, of Hdilett. is frog I the pen of the Rev. I It er,
der, 'to)
b says !" the, river ice in f rent of the ro ing for - thainkfulness for the dence of Mr. Tho in las
that alone, an -lot the other ty.'eIrty 'Aiscard Globe enti a
public, disca Sion �ud depo 611' g W purity of our else Week'm t um a rvet
dd upon the R. G. A
town stirred'frOm its wi ter fastnelsess on At The old gentlema in Aughrimoo 6, T resbyl eri an minister of this lace. t re left!
in n M as Drin
f Machin bloom iQf the rnaxlvine,;a�d in one, binne corruption field �tsel 11 boldl � Ireland, in 1806, A& cam 3 to this country he p eture-ac(ompany jg it, a well a on
nilnetY- Me y I 7th, and three days - thereaft er the and with unabashed f
Mae eaties out� of a hundr ma' y ithe on
ace. w t It 1835. pece, roe
whine rivar Was open for -navigation, much! ir children' and kpp
oi Bid :the No ides and Goderich town if ip it In 1844 ont Wroxetc egg
a Wil lo
I win,
motho to the and is &fugitive froin ju8tige. Th they moved t6 Stai it 3y, a id i ere t�ken bylolr. Anderson.
How then ire we be I a a was a Six years ago I -Chief YL uger
h time when corruptiot -to Clinto of tf a Canadian Order of Force term
d-1 for so actised; or wh we r. Sbillson hopes
lieve from the machine metbodal said
relieve joy of '� one who had been ice-boun wag -icopenly p came ioti
many Month% not,only amongst th %a 'at to round out his, day i�
'air o 116 'ing timates thegold
th 11 ndl i4f ble--abo es ectoralte f Great as Pre on, Monday last, and in the i ive'n-
demeraiiV tiences, and 01, Britain but even in tie H6, -The Brussels Pio t B James Aiken, ing a r c ti on Was held in his honor, hen Dot's.
ut for the see son just clo line of C mmons, P
said at; $25,- 4 ' hi ith a ready a r an in'VITtatliou wa's extioded to the Gd'rrie, XZ%bj
ecure'," the e4osa on. the balloti!as the record 00, an a w I w an uncle of Mrs. Ja rr Be nes, of Brussels
n 314
I desp.-ibing the great pi f pply v
NO I breeLiolle to 3taol She Mall tgusion re
of inte 'as is i wag c�nsileored an i Ji ble 0! Money ban been isiting. :r Rapids, an I Bl'utivalt
-figent adgment by increas- of ilie 7 13 penna, on to A om Big Fordwich courts. -Much. gym. Mr. a` d!
.0 n
a g er fG
nif mm i _ ai 6overnmerif bg Michfizan. He wag r nity fG.
statemaii a 1 are nadians er resident of the pathy a felt a this comocau r the sev. 'Kirk �sr.!,
ing the atring�ucy of the electim law I Ong Lippy el im on who dan rerpomber th 4th line;of Morris, Ind reinoved over. t irty I
1; At tb(,, I
th sa a rich time . when in thi ere an tryix g illness
the old;, lines 1 upon which v P, have been at caporclant n1try the polls years ago. Mr. Uken owned th first of M of Mr.Andrew Miller ith fungi
held cue C111 your ccrr ' con 8 1
workin an tl�, a G Six nuggets that filled two hano� 8, and war taken pose anion 'f a or is, br Dither of ohn . R. and Robeit his Y citii,
riven , 1;
dvo3ate. we to'dgether worth $2,000. 1 0
'lobe seent ao: andi ollectore d to the bust threshing machine 1 a this jection, cI r. Gib ion bro
a 0 Ti less , ago like nd sed Mille thers 'are erecting an don it, ILI
are to Shea
,p,, Wh
We had w an we rea�l of isolated cases of oxen instead
v tried that, and be sent cast to a of 4 f team i for propel ing. their saw mi
th �-k rer the olden weddin office c ose to it. Ted Berge
Globe w'ill adnli$ be aelebrated t to summer. supposed bOibery, elud once in.& Ldecade Very few of Mr. A.ken's former a 'No. I pine lath this ee , an letc6r�
a, fail- 4 r rhe were tandes are living in � ihio Ic bility , q 111,112. a, car o:
are. -0,e requIC hat been swil le _glaggets of� all shapes an( leard i of some mem' bar Who - apparently gaow.� m, pect a mr of British Coclumbia shilagles Ii
60 long its the machine is so nab dre c a of them Ove rflowing in ca � siz 1p,� 1lun without rea�on# chan a f root "one side of �hedoden and his go )d la 4th line,, or- mhorttime.-A. car of:coal was I unloaded pen the
a ar: a cans the House to the othe r, i Ii re two of the a rviv I ere ol Mon i last for local u
More potent than public disOussion, j tl�t so and various commonplace recept %cle while It. IS Well tq look at ria, e. Pr. nd ant get)
long. wi th I the p4st, and we can , ioe, eve ad at t ie As I
e Ohine, and its method be do, 7 1 or th It cabin floo: W e a in ti a prom- -There died at t ie As old parsonage, in Ira' Jsmes.. udson, of Bent- k vle he not' able
prol y h parties., tin Bea sa-I two inenciii given to -occ Lucknow village, oi I use ay eveninp., J In I are
Ferre - b lar ode: 8 boxes filled w t asimal cases of corrupt- une j nest �f Mr. Thomike Gibson, JF: reoelittly. hat,city,
tory dui _geld ion, the great advance made in pub io senti- 'Gth, Kuth.Amaondi ! 610 ad wife of f
Inctiliodt.. are a opted to force the - -Mr �1,eorg Brown is,home f -om Ottawa .1,115.1d
i -Rev, E Olivant, in �h 56t ed
Oth Bid a to talent With respect to I he use of, tl;ie fran- year of her age., f)r th 3,holid yo. -Mrs. Wm. laontgom
k, ll abando# the rr�aichiva said depe d upon chise. Some te*u years ago Mrs. Ii- he f irm,
b- .,in geina New Brunswic. vaut had acan- 't Fho w a seri Italy ill lately, r du humf roulli
discussion tor their a court re car removed 9.
and a fp y
uccel tenced &!inan to ten d ys in jail Mr. John Knox. is having a Octal arel
a. The e is cenbly , an iiassed racover na.
Bud a
no use in morl.,Wng;er sentiman-talizink on Wh I!ia ither opiT)r a from wFhic a
through anothero br tioi
Eluron Noteg. "11� h' sh t Illie i ingle ut on his bar a. -Mr. Miss Lil
ha been foudd guilt' by a ju' p
ry of -The Stavely meminiiI b never fully recoverifid. Flolor the
this suh aln in, a repainted. months r
er health 11
a car g him on ton is ne hee d T'&ulil I �s bs ing his hous
If we are in am best i uilding in Clin� a wore
lir, another man and killi weeks It ieipalklijit two
ma its arly complet, latte the Alexam er G odfellow in having a sum er on So tur I
fx� desire t do &�ay with the acc)ttn of criminal relations
f ev. withr� part of lai e3k alle was stricken kitchen Ill
his wife. Mr. Hall, ol'Wile, died osn� Th are. b 'It Wm. Koakes b ing ' to Ma 1,83
evil in ences' we must go ab -Alt ho h t' inward pi ;a a, a d so' peacefully rnlgocha�ic at he job. r i
day from a paralytic t broke. i
out the cood he jury found him Wit ltyof mur- passed a y Iral Th r3
sai eil rg
Work in the mbot direct and effeetive a der, th accompan at cKelvie, of Wingham, '1 -01, DoompmoN DAY CELEBRATIO 0
Y. as A' 64 f r tie Bill(
yo, 22 trer
I ng 11
da the d y fo ri a' eel bration never di d an St. 1-1
j, ng oe- residence of W. Als, *ne
lis, (Oncess
(rhere ig no a o' in our disguisibg the fact stron g 'ecommenclation. of Mer y, !Acting cu�i; for $1,450. hie ion 9, God- t) at bf July at, tbp natal day of this Can- vimjt�
ied th ir v rdiet by a chased the shop and d welli W hopur, Thu;" nd ult., at
erich townshibl, one (ft I ag wi
from ou selvel'that, one part apt; Gal Me rccommo�ndibidn, and in coldl hcee happy events &I a of oilurs, nd notwithstanding a day of two i reeks,
1': - it y )L' a rmity inety candidat(s wrote o the 'an- took place in whiolif iss I ertha A., daugh - al orts,,�vas b ing he d in tw
Wt the u a of a machine am th� 0 ther ad W blic syni &thy, the * d o neighboring on Monday
ve p X-eitor affair WIN
its -ihis heart to get -in, of M bill ., Maryland, son of ti a f ull to
p J.0 to �,rancieo and public sch(ol leaving eXamina- ter of John M r? lut I no, and Albert vi Ilagefl, the '�u has
fl�jbu P1 Sopron
the one arty is just as saseepo�ible (rinitted
tions Pot Wingham last week. ro
the:lbetter E. Jery y
e:age. I a poin
evil Infl eaces:as the other. -Miss Della O'Nei� of Clintonio.has �Beln of gate re oatpts� he
sentencing of -a
has 0harles Jervis,'cut Ift a, were joined in the pit
14 fact it an to av the k nd in
wai i opened bv a bicyo a and cili- housso is nei
t n d eugag�d as assistant it, thei Auliur 0 day is f n
to� )�b In sch .
Go! li'ig%�','91iln jall'fer t kin, he �Ioly bonds of msotrj�o)ny, which ceremony tt umpian pAi aide, ) [[as 6ed by I a Brussels it will add
Come to be that it is the maohi e and not a, fel- Her d1uties commence after the holida am solemni
low belingma-kes ea a i
ar -zed by):Rev. Mr., Greene, of bilind. This, -vita go Did enough 0 . far as it? Promises.-
th law ce, is that. Aev. A. Stewarb, pastor of i ' 'esen,e of;
the platform that does the Teal Woo k in socirl (if thing that. leads to I 'hin Me' Olmie'eville, in thel� t, but we
T�e Presbyterian church, Olinton, left lot of wln suot longoted in b the young lKethodiat
t part, and tel that the murderer caught 1. latives and ir T a 1'1�cu'Jig couple left men of the tc wu wi al t a old -ti a zeal or 0- U n a
elections ; it plays the promineb, vi tj v; ask:
withOat ib an; election can not be we M in on an iextended trip th rough Scotland. iendo.,
d 'it h his (the murderer's i fter the ceremony ;I!
on fe) -is not -Prior to his depsor;ure from W t ir home in the enterilri'se. 'Ube Brussels
elth, r ei�e. 1p sq aelittoredue ng M,: tates. and Wro,xeter R ell,
atteranot, by' a the crime of mui or to the members of the Al -thodist basoball tean a theniplayed a ga a, and the
i whom the a in d chur,,..h re-'
Mae, Lae is engineered a it" JL]b �At I o'clock, o V, red aday morning of
!at a misderneanor, as the ju. ge ireafed sented Rev. Dr. former were b dl 0
a y1defeated, sic 'badly, in t
nd- propelled. It Pasoc 3 with a gold he ad ast week, the spirt e, ar era
rrio took
will be an evil day lior qja acia, when cane. (f men Hodder, of fact; that we refrain from Pullishing the h i
May be )y- rep�table local politicians, 6� it theic a 6 gets abroad that such ark plxcuse Joseph Wade, until a, -few weeks ag i t fro the earthly tab- score. A bic yele r4co was the next event, ona her
ional heelers. act Deces a a a aired the 'good and was won by Jaq'k Brawn, of Wroxeter. glublic, �c
a or f� - -
linay be 'W ornphliciplIed profess Wi4 b 3 'ceepted for murder, and the jealous resident of Goderich, Ic ied at Woodstock a public'
and th re- are, d Weis a well- This was followed football match be -
the machine all the sameI; fail day night of last w wk, after an : it eas wn resident of t a 2n oonciassion for tween.Listowei and, Wingham teams, in I s-
it is' and iurderounly inclined will I i not Fri cia 1, age of nearly 83
0. avail 1, t emselves cf -6 : to of but a few days of all opendicitis and p ri- a rly 40 years. H
Suit* arli tho s 0 of
And it is the best lma�
pall'to bi 1, or eve, justify, th A. F1
dr olri�nea. rat w the light of which the former tr �amphed over the team Clarke, of
tonitis. Mr. Wade came to Goderioh )in ay at Plymouth, gui Ian and, came to that- wPia IlLch 111,11"011111 IRA 8014on. The days with
JULY 7 -9
NE.? $TO
't 7 1
1.1.1toll ed (100)i Shi t -W ai�sts
fast coloys V
10N]i Lllih (50) ecids P Hut
Y guaranteed fast
color$y ........... 1.5
- C POr Ywdo
I L if- I
mch BlaCk e, regular 50c a
whflo� i ;Afts we will sell, it a
*jsh tj
thpa -*X1
the 0001116P
fir J
]Wr� John
an of J
wtut loadif
t'ate jilorse A
%bi is tat:
Mr '11
ur -V
611tA0t.,Jeab,t by oan"
40f BrUffig" I
Lloachlala, -over
---Miss Mrs.
.186tarday lb
ime bf a a y hea took P [see Mission Lizzie and Letitia 'Smith and
to 4cide I clianL pioriship, bet Tee ie Ste art-, of St. Marya, are ded ithe bai
W the u
team and tffie
a 3 Palmerston bat, =all of ra. R. Fletcher. -While Mr I 4,on 8.4turi
whio rZ t ed in 4 severe d. bb' Ha2lewoodwas shinglingon Air. Ric
forrier. ? I'm Sta osulting in
rt to B h R-emner!s barn he slipped and &J-1 a Ais
we , air super rity Its f '08 feet, receivin a broken leg,
art16 at� go,&s to Mai a goo 9 the
In broliien none and a fractured arm besid
and a onsequo nee the, sevete internal injurieft;i His
Intel we *c badly snowed under.'o Cove, is looked for. .0howers at tU
1 6 tiol 2 h ad team
a defeated team seem all ittereating F.,
11 only I)t f � it 11own, but the' gym
4 ;Uto isn ei � should be lef b at hom Constance..
�,m 4( w'11 o behave themselves.; N L- The topic of the air fell firdin
atte'' l'? It While -tandl
iii L 'I ingaged the ation ol Lea ue v;7ill -be itktroduced by Miss Money AY, �
1 0 beiia, -and was 1
wool, h h ia�'� rim b6ing varioisly di- Mchifiollael, of Alma, at
7,3 P. in-, on Bun.
d ton, visit,41
bet is I 60s 1 and outsid6 talent, day,4—Mias Carria, Berry, of Wal
I Dead ;h
a ort, and in the o her sWeter, Mrs. (Dr.) Waters, last week.-..
11 Oat i was' a of; the best ever I at last Week via. 13reY
Am 9 f on! who formerly. live I 'd M�r
irti*rn-tnriela'ltiavLe-ii4jaadt"ws spent P1JONkM
ii ca oe to i' INS M�Tly
Ind the day we Scho es, of Wingbam,-paid a visit
L at bar
a es X 9; 1, wife,; of Brussels ; Mr. ro's here On-' the 'first. -Mr. J. -W.; V
a Da (1, w !a, -of Hamilto 1�1 I- "I
it ; Mr. King4went to Bluevale to spent! his va"i
1 Junn hao 4, ir., of Matryborough ; tidn. Mr. Bert Rogers, of Toronto is vil.
Mille 0 ;
of Toronto, and otberi- iting it his uncle"s Mr. D. MeGre 9 r1s.
ele wall 11 �presented by many of' Woi�D.IING Bzu�i.-On We a r a with his paren
Ny best i & It 113,
28th, pne of those bappy events in which 1of *i fimily in IS'S
two bo�arts are made, to beat as one -- man I of 1-9
solern ized t the Me up 200 aeres;
a thodiat - Rpiseo
;11 Vale.
chure Constance, when Mr. Robert 13 in the 15th,
E, -a. win Con-Itess is home, derson a prosperous young farmer of Bay- ich have eoptilli
Et.' ley for It ii' a. -Miss Minniei fleld nd M' a Lottie Coo
k, only -daughter lu 1862,d"
n of Qin'�Ol , in * the guest, of of 14-1 Will. Cook, were joined in ho Apo
-4 brown, of'
J lice Duf Mr. *Rankin, of Sea- wedloc by Rev. Mr. Musgrave, this 100 13 Yeam�
isited , h Of Win.
IN. John Wiseman thin throp. The bridia looked charming a"4$ stie d 2 Asia hte�,, T
ilia BIB Milker, of X soisle, - indiw -,'! 1
ry Vingham, walked up the last*- on the arm of Wr=,Y"
u ider. the parental roof._ her fat or, to the stradiballonT Mendelessohn's Mrs. kaut0Z Ai
In , to miler, if East Wnwainosh eddin March, playe by Mr. DeLacy, of of Portage Ia,PrAT1
id itig at heme,-Mlas Zilliax, of Beafor. by Mr. Daly An I uges t gonlioo J61ant, I
el Wa her sister, Mrs. W.' of Seafqrth, o The bA&-*-M
it, n the violin. rt ad beenaffing I
r 'last-wedk, 4 --8ome of our patriotio dressed in white silk and bridal veil and
8 Spent Do i n ay at the Metho- o . range blossoms. Miss Lennie Simpson, Of
elf �o Morri WAS tbe
few went to Wrox- MclUllop, also dressed in White, assistood ali jamet Owevol
the maj il y at Lyed at home. - Al- the bridle, while Mr. W-11liam Sanderson, of
bhe cale.. life as o4ped
A ti011 at Clifford was Londeall'oro, did duty as groomemeno The -90 jolt, ad -wax i
a i than hi ls beer
i*san- whotinjoyea i
none of the vil; little tr�aid of honor, Miss IVY COAtegill
a -ended it, Ur. - imeon Hodder, of looked ry -Sweet. Af ber the Miarriate:
4 -400=ify� He held to
led at bij reside ce on Tuesday of py C U L le, an. Ue$ts to
ei, and the num r of wasia, Liberal
r, -*,,a -1 urie in the Brussels I !about t o hurldred and fifty, repaired to viapyad higs ter.
on. Th�iri day afternoon. -Miss 1!the ban some "residence of Mr. Cook, whell. r4everal ye&
alliam, of T ioron , is visiting her �Slf sat III Wn to so SaLwiptuous repast whicill Sat; of health ai
1) C. . Soole.-Mr x. Stewart
M -0s. (Dr . W. J. :the host saknew me well how to prepare.
e4� on a ba# -in- as t'i alia on
f IP Centro fter Ce
musict games and danoiLai filled -16th corloessli
'A eop a in the vicinity the remainder of the evening,- The p he 14th looncei
iYtL h to. 9 a d July 3rd.' te . ; V181111 . . . . . . .
11 were.numeroug slid costly, among the Of the deteaso
Y DWO.-LOn Wednesdav eidn, aline-upriVhtpiano, the gi 111.
1A ft Of thoo
• Joi June 0 It a �cry pretty Ned- a father, - v
• �place ill! h Presbyterian church, argon on securing one f the -fairest and
�;;Gx eanaway,' daughter of most popular of Kli u a daughters, but- 'NoT*$,-Olae of the X:
'penaw a united in. marriage loss will be Bay at -JAW's ever he
enaw V 8
. Me 1 e� of Toronto. Rev W. gain Id in corin(
ji t
on N I . ook pl,
t, A., at, Of the chlIrch, offi- 424 in Mr. James GIB
12 chu.. h Le simply and pret- MC]Kinop- p an
t wit I I rograrnme i
ol� og I k -and white musk- PRONABLY� FATAL Accimm%- 40holsoft Land some tsleat
, 1i
t( bury bells and pink lKillop correspondent of the Clinton ew- �Aff- Plam. Mr.'- All
t oe of the church, two John Reginald Sim beit . . . . .
A. In the!geE Z'
ith, a fire -
on the 13
it er si le, ecorated with white
0. P. R., fell out of him a
a er ad fil W seplaxated the in- cab window near Ittgolf agine
the. More a I a hundred miles Non -credit -is A
pectators. east of Winnipeg, early Bunday morning, 1wher, ]din X P1. 0
ex nder, . 011tigOmery and Frank and fraciur.dd his sk.ull. He was brought P*1 Ahe has alogray-8 ta;kv
a brother & the briae, were t.u.
Em. a McIntyre, sister of , into Wi nip-eg-1169pital the surgeons of: motion is sorry b
is which sal
n ];a wi nOtl' I`., Smith formerly fk Q"$
id I've She
idel goes to a
P ei asohn's we I dding riesided - ear Beachwood, in this township mMI after bolidays.-�.
I i to he br, at n owed where It as said rite arents still reside, 00 last -Wftk B;t the i
id Strait insole Maggie and C d DoTxos P Oka ROQU
OUN IL .-The McKillo
-i an council een, when I
my, goistiers.of the bride, lit- rlet at dook".0 hotel, Dubli, oh- Mvinday Of
imient,' dauphter of Mn Harry one, of the
14st wide - This members were sill Dream
I I ald, f ho i ut. 901111try, died rai
telolo, , or, 'd Mr. Everett The by- w for dividing the to*aship into
a YO f r pollin t
d tj Irani brothev of the -squ re g sub -divisions -was pawed iWapt out lalft� dropped 9
a] a (bu �ch. filur
The briolib"is sod sign d. The demand of Charlen Gold -
No o( whi e' sit The funei
L trimmed with jog for . n dollars damages to harness and,
a a wore the usual whiteL �474 nesday. V
veil ba meoGunt-ofa Culvert 'bajiag cat of 16
oral� blo' . : ggy Ilowed the ztraa��
98 Monts. She car,
r pair, as ]not paid, as
It was shown
J!Iug� of �re M roses, tied with I a eal�ert V that 17. He had 1116
ri. bon. 1 � Th Thr emplained of was *in oad th lora year
h ured musli �rideslnaida wore In -der. ree dollars were Paid to fohn doted 4apgoorctim.
6, trimmed with iv. -
ingle for da
d chiffonii and lao�ge white 0, mages caused by a broken i
immed ' Ivert. Accounts for culverta, g'r.'a'llng and i
with net and flowers. gravelling., to the amount of
3 baid of hono lo4ked odaiinty in 4 oi dered to be paid. The next Meeting of
I E,;wibh a wre It i of flowers Ronatwxis VIM Tead-l'
ong her dark: 3111' Tones? hall
ii,� party out,: )f th an- the council will be held in
She preced- Leadbury, on Monday, August 7th, at -11 o " r
e church and 46 Y.�w
0" lock m.,when th tax rate for the U A for 4therosi
10ge blosaoO,s,
,d rom bar bas =401 to
ke it, bwflio other, f hii
yflar wiiI bid apportie t4�jft L
art Mon orled. Trustees vv 10 Per tallon,
After the' y the guests h 'Ve not Sent in the names of their secre-
th6 resid neq of the bride's
a enjoya BLE40T;
acil for school takes, ED,___�O
tos�ries can receive -forma for application to
ble a reni g Was spent in 27" L
I leed countrylathe, The heavy th the
ir I the afternoo ITnAT Cow' BY-LAw.-DEAR EXPOhITO-i- for the . young
poiled arrange- Flior the information of yLour correspondent purpose of *14
i awhatoo as t 1W I to have been of 'I Iasi week, I would say if he will refer to tung berm of 41-1 mic
,be. lawn. ad Mrs. McIn- cliapter 223, section 54,-6 U flillowJ1
: Alfred 3'
'in Tor Mial is, vilei I
lo'ihei 1 of the revised . . . . . . . . . . . . .
r f a uIrIB la me "a WI
ay. We wijsh� them Success Onto at ktates, he, will find. that' municipal conno Schoelfi- m
and Ois are giVi6n. authority to pass by-law.45 -ew
througlill a JL�rii,!!�� wf dcled life. I L Uawellor r-dirogj
re),illating the running at a*-ge,or other-
�*J- brags
W�l Be of vattle on public high7 I- - I I . urer
ways, and no' U4111 Winnie Do
6(n 549: given power to punish drunken X1
men and for the re laition of M �Md
Ira, JaIllie a 'Powell. and family, of all y. I mra a gu oralm gener Miss Mabel:
LO tute,
baltreet, on,'Lare visiting at Ob aware that the 'at& Miss L -Y
I rsl R. Flo tit; gii as power to pass berld laws or to "sue dia
=-identGf the JXXI110
Ratepayer, JWd Miss Va
lei r, 4 time of writing kn WS -Where such authority" in. given,
9 *cry rrs�-Mr. William tai a. If your correspondent
I i be..
up I
roublie.- 2tilbe a number from. WO Id quoie the clause,
t 7 took'sod& age of the exeur- i Ca, tle 0
MO a d not be impounded for running IT, 6f this pial, ry J -
p F the 22gad��- without a by-law, tia $8 they 0 asse
g4earst, Wrm BOr.Wa, W. J. ge don a
ge- The suggestion Of
W John L. Kirk, corkresp6n ent are good, but there * .0Y10.Uw no � oettiti j
rson a d;! Norman
Fletcher authQrWin councils to carry them out. a alie an(t
,a ult. in knailag, taking ad. rs, PUN C. MORRISON.
, 1, . tb one to Bri
ih X01 Middlesex7 Farmers, had tw
CIA Itc !the Model bralsimid list ThIlred
4 ion Farm in
The exfti
a on was a fair]
ly large Gooderich.
ri baru The r
a, abo t 1000 people visiting the crops -14r
TTAN'CJI03',Y AccijDzxT.-About teven
ideug 'sr., Who h -
ch c pfise's 670 acres, with Qel ck laist.Saturday Levenillig, Katie Me
,a d b' Idi'19so, but it cannot be Le *'v*
r . t!!i'** 4ir teme
liaed 9. d relors, in at I
lita on a4biter of Mr. John Mc�
hot , or the pas 0 d friends WA
t three fro* -";Xr TrOtt, photost-ji
13 for, 0 win Guelph farm.- Login, 'it ism street, Goderich, was miesed
led in't le4 , her omeb Not having been seen for
. 0 and, returned home, twic hours and '",tied A gallery next
at. I as there was a large water 111111111ft # And wi
r,,' ad Treble, of St. tant near y that was being f 11 -be here
t Suit'd Mad U
eking.- -3(T -
( bi 00, - I If. Week
� ja
neighborl . edinand Saw the ohili a at few d Y,
ass b nd !furnished the - music floaquiz 0 tke Witier. An -there -was cGri. for 4
garde in p rty on Friday . even. lilig 0 af 116rou ay" reltv
sido ra r in In- to liere -vinit,
.r. F. Witil'a' ble wate . the tank and three losiole lC. 1JO
me, who has been of ic irt, had been dumped in after the thild -an his beenj
th ir.�,Nvin."Kirk for the past 3
Wag up ad to have fallen in the $team Minnie DI�
re! arhe to� his home i to
n Loadon fire ngine was 9 school -at L,1wan
t, the water .4
of h0t w4k, taken tothe spo' V' -
-Robert Elliott pu d ot t, and a few soy 1-3f ra' WM
ad �a 0ei r Racyale, the first of the a minutes afterwards t -
ttle 10 'owes found a few inches under
ho, lv�li
gieo--�-Wia J. Tuft"s new the irt. rhe body Was laid on the road, E
0 ipletion� When finished d Vale Visiting her
east bed a pitiable eight, as it was al -
Tr er
,a ly t4e improvement of his a"
111100 encai ad in mud. The coroner, Dr. J. one to
u ei�rssryiserm nefor the W. ate. to
uAdays 0 9011ne 3, who was present, decided that
bdol heO were preached lan iiliquest was n
unz Z00, gilt., L ecessary. The tank is au %a air rother4n
by the Rev. A. L. old 4ne thl it was I here
usedforfire purpow be -
AI, of aforth-L-Ph ieB are a forelthe to had waterworks. It was cov- rews a
a �his. iricjaity.�- err e with r! Wi OF
A number of do g logo about a foob in disim- 4,h - . ,
told on,
a u n d here h4ve commenced ereer, 1%;Which had been removeld4o ta e
h next,
ifial izzie Shier !returned home Alto a 11114 bega a
ir $ . 9 -c"Cuftit red
7 the up andit wits through V pro
t 08 as teacher of the Linwood ope %red III locat
ol-Missies Ethel and ming t 4 made that the little one nuai iterit ch
Ebbs, h falle . There were a great malay poo Me, urch',workla
re 'ton, are'tho guests of bee Irl
lie 1.11 Prepar=*
w an the body was found, and wsiam -
I g- recitA
or. -Mr. and Un. Zilulnieua tPhe go so that a
was nab comment about theopening ed, 00
giPen Ing S, few into the A ttL ..� An are wo, 9 ,
r bon, are di 11 being left unguarded during t com
r and be
Mrs. R. Fletcher.- �,he lliug-�n procou. 3(Z� todcou all ALt own IN
-m, ag
JULY 7 -9
NE.? $TO
't 7 1
1.1.1toll ed (100)i Shi t -W ai�sts
fast coloys V
10N]i Lllih (50) ecids P Hut
Y guaranteed fast
color$y ........... 1.5
- C POr Ywdo
I L if- I
mch BlaCk e, regular 50c a
whflo� i ;Afts we will sell, it a
*jsh tj
thpa -*X1
the 0001116P
fir J
]Wr� John
an of J
wtut loadif
t'ate jilorse A
%bi is tat:
Mr '11
ur -V
611tA0t.,Jeab,t by oan"
40f BrUffig" I
Lloachlala, -over
---Miss Mrs.
.186tarday lb
ime bf a a y hea took P [see Mission Lizzie and Letitia 'Smith and
to 4cide I clianL pioriship, bet Tee ie Ste art-, of St. Marya, are ded ithe bai
W the u
team and tffie
a 3 Palmerston bat, =all of ra. R. Fletcher. -While Mr I 4,on 8.4turi
whio rZ t ed in 4 severe d. bb' Ha2lewoodwas shinglingon Air. Ric
forrier. ? I'm Sta osulting in
rt to B h R-emner!s barn he slipped and &J-1 a Ais
we , air super rity Its f '08 feet, receivin a broken leg,
art16 at� go,&s to Mai a goo 9 the
In broliien none and a fractured arm besid
and a onsequo nee the, sevete internal injurieft;i His
Intel we *c badly snowed under.'o Cove, is looked for. .0howers at tU
1 6 tiol 2 h ad team
a defeated team seem all ittereating F.,
11 only I)t f � it 11own, but the' gym
4 ;Uto isn ei � should be lef b at hom Constance..
�,m 4( w'11 o behave themselves.; N L- The topic of the air fell firdin
atte'' l'? It While -tandl
iii L 'I ingaged the ation ol Lea ue v;7ill -be itktroduced by Miss Money AY, �
1 0 beiia, -and was 1
wool, h h ia�'� rim b6ing varioisly di- Mchifiollael, of Alma, at
7,3 P. in-, on Bun.
d ton, visit,41
bet is I 60s 1 and outsid6 talent, day,4—Mias Carria, Berry, of Wal
I Dead ;h
a ort, and in the o her sWeter, Mrs. (Dr.) Waters, last week.-..
11 Oat i was' a of; the best ever I at last Week via. 13reY
Am 9 f on! who formerly. live I 'd M�r
irti*rn-tnriela'ltiavLe-ii4jaadt"ws spent P1JONkM
ii ca oe to i' INS M�Tly
Ind the day we Scho es, of Wingbam,-paid a visit
L at bar
a es X 9; 1, wife,; of Brussels ; Mr. ro's here On-' the 'first. -Mr. J. -W.; V
a Da (1, w !a, -of Hamilto 1�1 I- "I
it ; Mr. King4went to Bluevale to spent! his va"i
1 Junn hao 4, ir., of Matryborough ; tidn. Mr. Bert Rogers, of Toronto is vil.
Mille 0 ;
of Toronto, and otberi- iting it his uncle"s Mr. D. MeGre 9 r1s.
ele wall 11 �presented by many of' Woi�D.IING Bzu�i.-On We a r a with his paren
Ny best i & It 113,
28th, pne of those bappy events in which 1of *i fimily in IS'S
two bo�arts are made, to beat as one -- man I of 1-9
solern ized t the Me up 200 aeres;
a thodiat - Rpiseo
;11 Vale.
chure Constance, when Mr. Robert 13 in the 15th,
E, -a. win Con-Itess is home, derson a prosperous young farmer of Bay- ich have eoptilli
Et.' ley for It ii' a. -Miss Minniei fleld nd M' a Lottie Coo
k, only -daughter lu 1862,d"
n of Qin'�Ol , in * the guest, of of 14-1 Will. Cook, were joined in ho Apo
-4 brown, of'
J lice Duf Mr. *Rankin, of Sea- wedloc by Rev. Mr. Musgrave, this 100 13 Yeam�
isited , h Of Win.
IN. John Wiseman thin throp. The bridia looked charming a"4$ stie d 2 Asia hte�,, T
ilia BIB Milker, of X soisle, - indiw -,'! 1
ry Vingham, walked up the last*- on the arm of Wr=,Y"
u ider. the parental roof._ her fat or, to the stradiballonT Mendelessohn's Mrs. kaut0Z Ai
In , to miler, if East Wnwainosh eddin March, playe by Mr. DeLacy, of of Portage Ia,PrAT1
id itig at heme,-Mlas Zilliax, of Beafor. by Mr. Daly An I uges t gonlioo J61ant, I
el Wa her sister, Mrs. W.' of Seafqrth, o The bA&-*-M
it, n the violin. rt ad beenaffing I
r 'last-wedk, 4 --8ome of our patriotio dressed in white silk and bridal veil and
8 Spent Do i n ay at the Metho- o . range blossoms. Miss Lennie Simpson, Of
elf �o Morri WAS tbe
few went to Wrox- MclUllop, also dressed in White, assistood ali jamet Owevol
the maj il y at Lyed at home. - Al- the bridle, while Mr. W-11liam Sanderson, of
bhe cale.. life as o4ped
A ti011 at Clifford was Londeall'oro, did duty as groomemeno The -90 jolt, ad -wax i
a i than hi ls beer
i*san- whotinjoyea i
none of the vil; little tr�aid of honor, Miss IVY COAtegill
a -ended it, Ur. - imeon Hodder, of looked ry -Sweet. Af ber the Miarriate:
4 -400=ify� He held to
led at bij reside ce on Tuesday of py C U L le, an. Ue$ts to
ei, and the num r of wasia, Liberal
r, -*,,a -1 urie in the Brussels I !about t o hurldred and fifty, repaired to viapyad higs ter.
on. Th�iri day afternoon. -Miss 1!the ban some "residence of Mr. Cook, whell. r4everal ye&
alliam, of T ioron , is visiting her �Slf sat III Wn to so SaLwiptuous repast whicill Sat; of health ai
1) C. . Soole.-Mr x. Stewart
M -0s. (Dr . W. J. :the host saknew me well how to prepare.
e4� on a ba# -in- as t'i alia on
f IP Centro fter Ce
musict games and danoiLai filled -16th corloessli
'A eop a in the vicinity the remainder of the evening,- The p he 14th looncei
iYtL h to. 9 a d July 3rd.' te . ; V181111 . . . . . . .
11 were.numeroug slid costly, among the Of the deteaso
Y DWO.-LOn Wednesdav eidn, aline-upriVhtpiano, the gi 111.
1A ft Of thoo
• Joi June 0 It a �cry pretty Ned- a father, - v
• �place ill! h Presbyterian church, argon on securing one f the -fairest and
�;;Gx eanaway,' daughter of most popular of Kli u a daughters, but- 'NoT*$,-Olae of the X:
'penaw a united in. marriage loss will be Bay at -JAW's ever he
enaw V 8
. Me 1 e� of Toronto. Rev W. gain Id in corin(
ji t
on N I . ook pl,
t, A., at, Of the chlIrch, offi- 424 in Mr. James GIB
12 chu.. h Le simply and pret- MC]Kinop- p an
t wit I I rograrnme i
ol� og I k -and white musk- PRONABLY� FATAL Accimm%- 40holsoft Land some tsleat
, 1i
t( bury bells and pink lKillop correspondent of the Clinton ew- �Aff- Plam. Mr.'- All
t oe of the church, two John Reginald Sim beit . . . . .
A. In the!geE Z'
ith, a fire -
on the 13
it er si le, ecorated with white
0. P. R., fell out of him a
a er ad fil W seplaxated the in- cab window near Ittgolf agine
the. More a I a hundred miles Non -credit -is A
pectators. east of Winnipeg, early Bunday morning, 1wher, ]din X P1. 0
ex nder, . 011tigOmery and Frank and fraciur.dd his sk.ull. He was brought P*1 Ahe has alogray-8 ta;kv
a brother & the briae, were t.u.
Em. a McIntyre, sister of , into Wi nip-eg-1169pital the surgeons of: motion is sorry b
is which sal
n ];a wi nOtl' I`., Smith formerly fk Q"$
id I've She
idel goes to a
P ei asohn's we I dding riesided - ear Beachwood, in this township mMI after bolidays.-�.
I i to he br, at n owed where It as said rite arents still reside, 00 last -Wftk B;t the i
id Strait insole Maggie and C d DoTxos P Oka ROQU
OUN IL .-The McKillo
-i an council een, when I
my, goistiers.of the bride, lit- rlet at dook".0 hotel, Dubli, oh- Mvinday Of
imient,' dauphter of Mn Harry one, of the
14st wide - This members were sill Dream
I I ald, f ho i ut. 901111try, died rai
telolo, , or, 'd Mr. Everett The by- w for dividing the to*aship into
a YO f r pollin t
d tj Irani brothev of the -squ re g sub -divisions -was pawed iWapt out lalft� dropped 9
a] a (bu �ch. filur
The briolib"is sod sign d. The demand of Charlen Gold -
No o( whi e' sit The funei
L trimmed with jog for . n dollars damages to harness and,
a a wore the usual whiteL �474 nesday. V
veil ba meoGunt-ofa Culvert 'bajiag cat of 16
oral� blo' . : ggy Ilowed the ztraa��
98 Monts. She car,
r pair, as ]not paid, as
It was shown
J!Iug� of �re M roses, tied with I a eal�ert V that 17. He had 1116
ri. bon. 1 � Th Thr emplained of was *in oad th lora year
h ured musli �rideslnaida wore In -der. ree dollars were Paid to fohn doted 4apgoorctim.
6, trimmed with iv. -
ingle for da
d chiffonii and lao�ge white 0, mages caused by a broken i
immed ' Ivert. Accounts for culverta, g'r.'a'llng and i
with net and flowers. gravelling., to the amount of
3 baid of hono lo4ked odaiinty in 4 oi dered to be paid. The next Meeting of
I E,;wibh a wre It i of flowers Ronatwxis VIM Tead-l'
ong her dark: 3111' Tones? hall
ii,� party out,: )f th an- the council will be held in
She preced- Leadbury, on Monday, August 7th, at -11 o " r
e church and 46 Y.�w
0" lock m.,when th tax rate for the U A for 4therosi
10ge blosaoO,s,
,d rom bar bas =401 to
ke it, bwflio other, f hii
yflar wiiI bid apportie t4�jft L
art Mon orled. Trustees vv 10 Per tallon,
After the' y the guests h 'Ve not Sent in the names of their secre-
th6 resid neq of the bride's
a enjoya BLE40T;
acil for school takes, ED,___�O
tos�ries can receive -forma for application to
ble a reni g Was spent in 27" L
I leed countrylathe, The heavy th the
ir I the afternoo ITnAT Cow' BY-LAw.-DEAR EXPOhITO-i- for the . young
poiled arrange- Flior the information of yLour correspondent purpose of *14
i awhatoo as t 1W I to have been of 'I Iasi week, I would say if he will refer to tung berm of 41-1 mic
,be. lawn. ad Mrs. McIn- cliapter 223, section 54,-6 U flillowJ1
: Alfred 3'
'in Tor Mial is, vilei I
lo'ihei 1 of the revised . . . . . . . . . . . . .
r f a uIrIB la me "a WI
ay. We wijsh� them Success Onto at ktates, he, will find. that' municipal conno Schoelfi- m
and Ois are giVi6n. authority to pass by-law.45 -ew
througlill a JL�rii,!!�� wf dcled life. I L Uawellor r-dirogj
re),illating the running at a*-ge,or other-
�*J- brags
W�l Be of vattle on public high7 I- - I I . urer
ways, and no' U4111 Winnie Do
6(n 549: given power to punish drunken X1
men and for the re laition of M �Md
Ira, JaIllie a 'Powell. and family, of all y. I mra a gu oralm gener Miss Mabel:
LO tute,
baltreet, on,'Lare visiting at Ob aware that the 'at& Miss L -Y
I rsl R. Flo tit; gii as power to pass berld laws or to "sue dia
=-identGf the JXXI110
Ratepayer, JWd Miss Va
lei r, 4 time of writing kn WS -Where such authority" in. given,
9 *cry rrs�-Mr. William tai a. If your correspondent
I i be..
up I
roublie.- 2tilbe a number from. WO Id quoie the clause,
t 7 took'sod& age of the exeur- i Ca, tle 0
MO a d not be impounded for running IT, 6f this pial, ry J -
p F the 22gad��- without a by-law, tia $8 they 0 asse
g4earst, Wrm BOr.Wa, W. J. ge don a
ge- The suggestion Of
W John L. Kirk, corkresp6n ent are good, but there * .0Y10.Uw no � oettiti j
rson a d;! Norman
Fletcher authQrWin councils to carry them out. a alie an(t
,a ult. in knailag, taking ad. rs, PUN C. MORRISON.
, 1, . tb one to Bri
ih X01 Middlesex7 Farmers, had tw
CIA Itc !the Model bralsimid list ThIlred
4 ion Farm in
The exfti
a on was a fair]
ly large Gooderich.
ri baru The r
a, abo t 1000 people visiting the crops -14r
TTAN'CJI03',Y AccijDzxT.-About teven
ideug 'sr., Who h -
ch c pfise's 670 acres, with Qel ck laist.Saturday Levenillig, Katie Me
,a d b' Idi'19so, but it cannot be Le *'v*
r . t!!i'** 4ir teme
liaed 9. d relors, in at I
lita on a4biter of Mr. John Mc�
hot , or the pas 0 d friends WA
t three fro* -";Xr TrOtt, photost-ji
13 for, 0 win Guelph farm.- Login, 'it ism street, Goderich, was miesed
led in't le4 , her omeb Not having been seen for
. 0 and, returned home, twic hours and '",tied A gallery next
at. I as there was a large water 111111111ft # And wi
r,,' ad Treble, of St. tant near y that was being f 11 -be here
t Suit'd Mad U
eking.- -3(T -
( bi 00, - I If. Week
� ja
neighborl . edinand Saw the ohili a at few d Y,
ass b nd !furnished the - music floaquiz 0 tke Witier. An -there -was cGri. for 4
garde in p rty on Friday . even. lilig 0 af 116rou ay" reltv
sido ra r in In- to liere -vinit,
.r. F. Witil'a' ble wate . the tank and three losiole lC. 1JO
me, who has been of ic irt, had been dumped in after the thild -an his beenj
th ir.�,Nvin."Kirk for the past 3
Wag up ad to have fallen in the $team Minnie DI�
re! arhe to� his home i to
n Loadon fire ngine was 9 school -at L,1wan
t, the water .4
of h0t w4k, taken tothe spo' V' -
-Robert Elliott pu d ot t, and a few soy 1-3f ra' WM
ad �a 0ei r Racyale, the first of the a minutes afterwards t -
ttle 10 'owes found a few inches under
ho, lv�li
gieo--�-Wia J. Tuft"s new the irt. rhe body Was laid on the road, E
0 ipletion� When finished d Vale Visiting her
east bed a pitiable eight, as it was al -
Tr er
,a ly t4e improvement of his a"
111100 encai ad in mud. The coroner, Dr. J. one to
u ei�rssryiserm nefor the W. ate. to
uAdays 0 9011ne 3, who was present, decided that
bdol heO were preached lan iiliquest was n
unz Z00, gilt., L ecessary. The tank is au %a air rother4n
by the Rev. A. L. old 4ne thl it was I here
usedforfire purpow be -
AI, of aforth-L-Ph ieB are a forelthe to had waterworks. It was cov- rews a
a �his. iricjaity.�- err e with r! Wi OF
A number of do g logo about a foob in disim- 4,h - . ,
told on,
a u n d here h4ve commenced ereer, 1%;Which had been removeld4o ta e
h next,
ifial izzie Shier !returned home Alto a 11114 bega a
ir $ . 9 -c"Cuftit red
7 the up andit wits through V pro
t 08 as teacher of the Linwood ope %red III locat
ol-Missies Ethel and ming t 4 made that the little one nuai iterit ch
Ebbs, h falle . There were a great malay poo Me, urch',workla
re 'ton, are'tho guests of bee Irl
lie 1.11 Prepar=*
w an the body was found, and wsiam -
I g- recitA
or. -Mr. and Un. Zilulnieua tPhe go so that a
was nab comment about theopening ed, 00
giPen Ing S, few into the A ttL ..� An are wo, 9 ,
r bon, are di 11 being left unguarded during t com
r and be
Mrs. R. Fletcher.- �,he lliug-�n procou. 3(Z� todcou all ALt own IN