The Huron Expositor, 1899-07-07, Page 24 HEAD AND NEUR Too many times the ache is miscalculated, dosing the stomach or grlication of Griffith's tiraw out the pain and relief—It will cure any how severe. "I tuffered from Hove eould not obtain any retie Griffith's Menthol Lite soothing action of this m always takes away the had a headache last longer since I began using th Lent," L. DUOS, 187 Cent 6RJLF. 111M CH %LCIA. rigin of a he and one be it, when an , Liniment ri give immedi ache, no mat Emmy= Mt INFO AT ALL DRUGGIST A Guaranteed Ca Japanese Catarrh Cur buy them at one time—a cording to the directions—a cured see your druggist; to pay you your money positioe. guarantee with Japanese Catarrh Cure wit you get your money back every package. 50 cents at ni n- ld te er ntil I had d headaches ia d ut ent—the cool g, gical applicati n ain. I have not than ten minnten Wonderful l- e avenue, Toren- THell 'L .N Topmost's; 25 (marl' rrh Cure. I use six box ply exactly a d if you are 41 he will arra ack. There* very box th t cure. No cur4, Guarantee lfl 11 druggists. lifinatrtivo Cures in ;One ttndred • Within a period of sixty days, one hue *red clews of Asthma tre ted by Clarke' Kola Compound showed the marvellous per ventage of ninety-five ebs lute curee—al these figures, are gathere from hospita reeords. $2 si bottle; thr bottles for $15 Ited by all druggists, or •e Griffiths & Macpherson Co., 121 Chum street, Toren 21. Sold by J., S. Roberts. REAL ESTATE FO SALE. FOR• SALE—In the Village of ensall, a fine brink dwelling and (store combined well situated nea centre of vIIiaa. Terms rase nable. Apply MISS S. CARTA LE, Hermit. 161.6 ARM FOR LE. --For sale, t 6. Conceseien 6, Hullett, ne r village of Kloburn, oontainie about 100 sores, II cleared and 1 a good state Of cultivation. _ There are good built go, good orchard end plenty of exeellene water. his is i splendid farm and wilt be sold cheap, Ins oedtite poesess1on.1 Apply to MRS. EGHOALES, Cons arm P 0. 1 16071' -LURIE FOR SALE. -Lot 80, Gismos/ilea 1, town. _U ehip of Tuokeremith, H. R. EI.'the property of the late William Whitely le offerei! for &ale. On the; farm is erected a two story stone( hout, barn and sheds. There Is also a good boring rchard, and the farm le well Watered with a listing spring and 'a well. Apply W. f8. AWRENCE, Clint n 0. •, or to E. WHITELY on the premises. 1612-tf 1 MIAMI FOR SALE.—For sale, in the ownship of X MoKillop, the north 50 aoree Of Lo 16, Comes. sion 14, boundary line. About 47 stares cleared, three acres of good hsrdwood bush, about two sores of ehoice fruit trees, soll unsurpassed, wellldrained and enoed ; school half a mile away, pt office and , church convenient ; will be sold cheap. For par- ticulars, apply to the proprietor cin the premises, or Walton P. 0. DANIEL blisMILLAN, Proprietor. 169941 ADUILDING LOT FOR SALE.—The very desirable 1,11 building lots, being numbees 87, 38, 89 and la situated on Main street of EgMondville and Sea. forth. The whole contains about One acre, and will De sold in separate parcels or *Tether to suit tho th purchaser. This property is cat souof the Woollen Mills, and Ildr. S.Dickson e property south of the corporation, and Is considered the most desirable building site either for private reeidence's or a factory. It is high and convenient, and has a street ' south and west. .Apply to JANE or JON SPROAT, Egniondville P. O., Executors to the Estate of the te John Sproat. 1588-0f PLENDID FARM FOR SALE.—For sale the splendid farm of Mr. Robert Govenlook, on the § orth Read, a mile and a half from Seaforth. I je contains 175 -acres, nearly all clear d and in * high state of cultivation, There is A wo eltory tirick house, good bank barn and everyth ng in flrefeelase oondition and well underdrained. t will be sold on easy terms, as the proprietor desires to retire. If not sold before the fail it will be rented, Address ROBERT GOVENLOOK, Seaforth P. 0. 159841 "DROPERTY IN HARPURHEY FOR SLE.—For gale, the residence in Harpurhey at present ()c- oupled by the undersigned. There 'is a good frime house, bricked inside, and a stable, also over an acre and a hail of land, also a splendid orchard of all kinds - of fruit, both large and small. It is situated on the main street, and has all necessary conveniences. Also he park lot immediately in the reae of the above, containing S acres, on which there is a good house and large stable, also an orchard ad well. These properties will be sold together or separately. These properties are admirably adapted for a retired farm- er or market gardener, Apply on the premises to the proprietor, or address Seaforth P. 0. WILLIAM DYNES. 183441 • *XTILLAGE LOTS FOR SALE.—For sale in the V Village of Bayfleld, the fo lowing lots : Lot 8, - in Range F, in the, township of Stanley (excepting therefrom la sores owned by Mrd. L,. Clark). the land to be sold containing seven acres ; second— Northeast corner of Lot 7, in Rahge F, in the town- ship of Stanley, containing three acres. These lots are both situated on the Bayfield road, within the Corporation of Bayfield. Immediate possession will be given. Title free from all eneumbrances. For further particulars epply to the undersigced. ROBERT WATSON, Brut:lel:181d ; HENRY _ PECK, Bayfteld, Executors. 163541 1giARM IN TUGKER3MITH FOR SALE.—For sale, X Lot 24, Conceesion 3, H. R. S., Tinikeremith, containing 100 acres, 90 acres cleared and in a good state- of cultivetton, 10 acme of good hardwood bash. There Is on the premises a good brick house and kitohen ; a large new bank barn, with seone etab.:ing underneath ; an open shed ; driving house, and other buildings; two good wells and orchard. - It is able :miles from Seaforth and six from Clinton on a g(ood gravel road. School close bv. Will be sold oh ap. Apply on the prenalees to ROBERT hicVETY, or ea - forth P. 0. 1689x4 f MIAMI LANDS IN TUOKERSMITH FOR SALE.— .12 For sale that well-known and firet-claes farm on the Mill Road, Tuokersmith, known air the " Fanson Farm." It is obese to the villaze of Egnsondville, and within one mile and a half of &Morn. Ifs contains 97 acres, with bricki_residence and gool buildioge ; pl nty of good water end well underdrained,' It we I be sold as a whole, or in parts to suit purchaSere, an on easy terms df payment. This is a eple did op o•tunity for any peeson desiring to get a ery pi agent location for a reeidence Also the reeld nee of the undereigned in Seaforth. A comfort bis ho se and good lot ; convenient to Main street Ap- pia to the Proprietor, Seaforth, or the TIM EXPOS TOR Ot ce. ROBERT PARSON, Seaforth. 1641-tf VARII IN TUOKERSMITH FOR SALE.—For Bele, sU Lot 11, Conceseion 8, Tuokeresnith, containing 100 acres, all cleered but about 8 acres of good bileh. It( s urderdrained, well fenced, and in a high state of au tiv Baton. There is a good stone house ; good barns, stables and outhouses. It aliciins a good eobool , is within five miles of Seafortb and three gni es from Kippers. There is plenty of good water. WI I be sold wish or without the crop. It Is one of the( beat farms in the township, and will be sold on oasfr terms, as the proprietor wants to retire. Aleo 5�*ye within a mile and a quarter, a gdod graeing lot,t well lensed, but no built:liege. Will be sold to get er or separately. Apply on the prernisee, or ad. doe EgmondvIlle P. 0. JAMES MeTAVISH. 1680 tf FR SALE.—tate of the late Mark Caste:1s.— Being Lot 42, Corceseeion 14, of East Wawanosh, Huron county, containing 134 sores. It Is one half mile south of the thriving towo of Wirsgha m, There is on the property a large bank barn, hay barn, and strati shed, all wIth stone foundations ; tee driving. and implement shedis, with workshop °vet one and sepalrate frame horse stable ; good train() dwelling, with stone cellar, and good well at door. Also first - 01 bearing' orchard. Soil clay loam ; in a high etAt of cultivation, well watered with oranch of Malt and through one corner. For Asti er partic- uhsr apply to the executors: GEORGE ,3ASSELS, Roo ester p. fa, Mich.; JAMES GOLLEY, Wingham p, o. • JAMES THOMPSON, WIngham p o. ; or to 1 1614-5 THOAA8 CASSELS, on the premises. -Sna Bargains in Real Estate and Live Stock. 1 TR RTY DOLLARS an acre will buy a 181 acre farna &first-class grain and stock farm—near the VIII1e of Zara's, in the township of Hay, °Minty 01 Hurop ; good buildings, good fences, plenty of water and atmost desirable place; also three thoreuehbrod short (horn hulls and three Yorkshire boars, alt fit for servi ; elite several roadster horses, all plod stook, and p ces right. For pada:mars apply to 8. RAN. NM, lira% P, 0, 1612-tf cdr) 0 0 1. i Washington, Julv 2.—In this discourlie Dr. Talmage vigor) sly arraigns one of the great evils . th t _have cursed the everld and, urges gets rous -interpretation of the cherac ere of there; text, Romans i, 20, "FulIj of ery,murder, debate, deceit, Tricilig ity—Thisperers." Paul Was ere co ling the long roll of the world is v Rainy and he puts in the midst of this 'oJ1 Mose persons known in all cities and comm mit' s and places as • whisperers. phey ee o called because f h ey generallY epee um ervoice and in a vonlidential way, t reir lurid to the side of their mouth- acting as a funnel to ;woo the precious! in °reflation . from J speak softly n t bec ins() hey have lack o wandering into th wrong ear. They of lung force or , bt cause they are over - 1'0 leered with the sp'rit .4 gentleness, but aucauxe they ant o eseape the conse-: enemies of def mati n. =If no ono hears hat the pe,rso whi. pored unto and the offender be ar aigne , he can • deny the whole thing, or w isperers ere . always first class liar ! ' I 1 Some people whie ler because they are hoarse from a cold r becaase they wish to convey some usef il iriformation with - ..tit dieturbing, other , teat the creatures eliotoaraphed by the apostle in my text .riva muffled utteran e from, sinister and ri..eraved -motive, an sometimes youeoan only hear the .sibila t soundas the leiter • "S" drops from the ongue into the listen- ing ear, the brief hi of the serpent as it • projects its venom. W'hisperers are hitt With a tendency to 1 ajority On the side or thosb who are, Called "the lords of ereation." Whisperekss aro heard at every' (,Vindow of bank cashier and are -heard in all counting rooms a well as in sewing sweeties -and at meet ngs of atiylum dim-. tors and managers. rThoy ere the worst foes Of society, responsible for inieeriee innumerable; they are the scavengers of the world, driving their - exit through every. community, an. -to -day I hold up for your holy anath ma and execration these, whisperers. From the frequono speaks of them wide conclude that he r A oinewhat from them ouline aid feminine with which Paul . different titles -.1 ust have suffered His personal pres- ence was very defecti e, and that made him perhaps the target of their ridicule, iind besides that he was a baoheior, parr lesting in his celibacy down into the sixties—indeed, all the way through— and, some having failed in their connu- bial designs upon hire, the little mission - r y was put under the raking fire of thes•e iiyhisperers. He was no doubt a rere • morsel for their scandalization, and he ' cannot keep his' patience any longer, and • be lays hold of these miscreants Cif the tongue and gives them a very hard set- tiing down in 'my • text among the • • ecoundrelly and the murderous. "Env, meurrds." er, m , debate, deceit, alignity—whis. lare The law ef libel Inakes rick and stont rip of 'open slander. If should in a plain way, calling you by name,"cliarge ou with fraud or theft or murder or un- ei eanness, to -morrow morning ii might have peremptory documents served on e, and I would have • to pay in dollars and'oents for the damage I had done Pour character. But these creatures spoke p of in my text are so small that they escape the fine tooth comb of the Mw.- They go en, and they go on, escap- ing the judges and the juries and the penitentiaries. The district attorney can- fitd them, the sh4riff cannot find them, the grand jury cannot find them. Shut them off from one route of perfidy, arid they start on another. You cannot 1 by the foroe of moral sentiment perimade them to desist. You might as well read the Ten Commandments to la flock of crows, expecting them to retreat under, the fore of moral sentiment. They are to be feiund everywhere, these whisperers. 1 Oink their paradise is a country village, of about 1,000 or 2,000 people where everybody knows everybody, but they ale() are to be found in large quantities in all our cities. They have a prying disposition. They ' lo k into the basement windows at the- taalee of their neighbors and can tell just w lot they have morning and night to cat. They mar see as far through a • key- leele as other people can see with_ a door wide open. They can hear conversation on the opposite side of the room. Indeed, the, world to them is 4 whispering gal- lery. They always put the worst con- stpuction on everything Oorne morning a wife descends into the street, her oyes damp with tears, area that is a stbnulus to the tattler and is enough to set up a business for throe or four weeks. "I guess that husband and 3 With fe don't live happily together. I won- der fah° hasn't been abusing h1r? Its outrageous! He ought to be diseiplined. He ought to • be brought up before the chnrch. I'll go right over to my neigh- bors, and I'll let them knowabout this matter." She rushes in all out of breath to a neighbor's house and says: "Oh, hirr1. Allow, have you heard the dreadful news? Why, Our neighbor, poor thing, carne down off the steps in a flood of tearls. That brute of- a husband has been abheing her. Well, it's just as 1 expected. I saw hint tae other afternoon very snail - in jand very graWous to some etas who - sr i es back, and I thought then I would .just e up to hita and tell hirn he had bet sr go honest and look after his wife and faintly, who probably M that very time were upstairs crying their eyes out. Oh, I Mrs. Allem, do have yetsi 'Inesband go bor It' o ow and put an end te Sista troubleal mpty onti&geous that our neigh - hod should Ito disturbed in this wayl wful!" e fact ir that one man or woman set of this hellish spirit will keep a neighborhOod a -boil. It does not ass any very Ifgreat brain. The chief sit* is tits the woman have a tamilr or no fatillY tr all. bteause en wh req Peg 11 • 1TRON EXPOSITO ft' she vs a !area fartaly then She wou1d. have stay at home and look after them. It is very important that she be single Ir have no children nt all, and then so can attend to all the secrets of the ne ghborhood all the time. A woman with a large family makes a ery poor whisp-er. It is astonishing how these hisperers gather up everything. They kn w every- thing •hat happens, There are e1ephone and te egraph wires reaching fr m their ears to all the houses in the neighbor- • hood. They have no taste for healthy news, ut for the scraps and peelings thrown out of the scullery into he back- yard t have great avidity. on the day when t ere is a new scandal in the news- papers hey have no time to go l ab oad. On the day when there are four orl five column of delightful private 1tt6rs published in g divorce case she eta s at borne a d reads and reads and reads. No time fo her Rible that day, but toward night, erhaps, she may find tirne to run out a 1 ttle while and see whether there are any new developments. Sato does not have to keep a very sharp 1 okout for his evil dOninion in the wh le dontraot. She gots husbands that ne ghborhood, ite ha tc lot out to her and wi es into a quarrel and brothers • and sis ers into antagonisin, and she dis- gusts ti. pastor with the fleck and the flock ith the' pastor. and , sho makes neigh re who before were kindly dis- posed t ward. each other overmuspicious and ori 'cal, so when one of the neighbors passes •y init oarriage they hiss through their ti. th and say, "Ah, we could all keep ci rriages if we never paid our debts!" •When twol or three whisperers get to- gether, they stir a caldron of trouble, which iakes me think of the :three witehes of "Afacbtith" dancing around it boiling aldron in a dark cave: Doub e, -double, toil and trouble, Fire turn and caldron bubble. Fillet of a fenny snake In tie caldron boil and bake, Eye ) newt and toe to frog, - . Wool if bat and tongue of dog, •Addei's fork and blind worm's stifig, Lizarc 's leg and owlet's wing For a charm of powerful trouble Like hell both boil and bubble. Doubli, double, •toil and trouble, 1 , Fire urn and caldron bubble, • ' Scale 1 dragon, tooth of wolf, Witch s' mummy, maw and gulf Of the ravin'd salt sea shark; Make he gruel thick and stark; Add tl ereto a tiger's chaudron For th ingredients of our caldron. Doubt , double, toil and trouble; Fire lei rn and caldron bubble; Cool it with a baboon's blood, • Then t e therm is firm and good. i woul4 only change Shakespeare in this, tha whore he puts the . word "witch" , should put the +word "whis- perer," Ah, what.a cauldron! 'Did you over get a, taste of it? I have more re- spect for the -poor waif of the street that goes down ' under the gaslight with no twine and no God—for she. deceiver': no one as to hat she is—than I have for these hag of -respectable society who cover up ti.eir , tiger claws with a fine FIIILAW1 and bolt the bell of their heart with a dialeond breastpin. . The win- of masculine whisperers is chiefly seen in the embarrassment of ,busi- nees. Now, I st pposo there are hundreds of men here wh at some time have been IA business rou le. I wiThundertake to say that in ine oases out of i ten It was the result of sense whispe er's Work. The whiepeter uttered sonie uspicion in re- gard to you eredit. You old your horse , and carriage because you. 1 ed no use for , th and t e whisperer s Ltd: "Sold hi li nd ca Huge beca,use he h d to sell , th The f at that besot his b rse an 1 ca sho s he is going down in busi- ness." , , -One of you friends get emb massed and you are little involv xl. with him. The whisperee says: "I W nder 1he can ; stand under 11 this; press re? I hink he is going dow. L thinke will have to give up." Yu borrow I oney put of a bank, and th director w Japers outside about it, and after awhile the suspicion gets fairly sti rtede, and it 1 ps from one whisperer's 1 ps to anotljcr whisperer's lips until all the people frou owe want their money nd want it r ght away, and ,the business circles come aeound -you like a pack of %sell es, and, thieugh you -had assets four einies more than Wore Ewes - eery to meet , everything. business men Sometiinds We discuss inerehants tell you wh Dy the tins S are worn cm business lif meannens pa their whole ie Rather tha names it seeie as honorable it a box of mato razor in your 1 streets and see burn down an can out. That ness. The destruction of a man's name is worse than the destruction of hislife. A woman cru.e itt confessional to it priest and told him that she had been slandering her neighbors. The priest promiecd her it solution on eondition of, her performing a penanoe. gaie her a thistle top and said, "You oaa take that thistleand scat field." She w back. "Now,'' up all those see "Ah," he sal Neither can yoi you spoke abou good men and sometimes had John Wesley's whispered all our liabilities, oz -ash went hisperers! 9h, holy much aye suffered! n the circles of clergymen y it is that a- great ma y ot go to ohuroh. I w 11 hey do not go to church. turday night comes th with the annoyances They have had anon tioed upon them to VOUS eystera a -twitch. the defamation of go to me it would be alrno d useful if you just tok. es in your pooket and it nd and go through tlie how many houses you can how many throats you s not it much worse busi- er the seeds ell over the nt and did Co and camp said the priest, "gather s," She said, "1 ottit't.':' "I know you oan't. gather up tht evil worth] your neigh ors." All all good wOrnen have detractors after them. ife whispered About him, eer lEngland kept on whispering about that goill man—as good a man as ver lived—and 1kept en whispering unti the connubial relation was dissolved. Jesus Christ had these *Waterers after him, and hey charged him with drinking too much and keeping bad com- pany. "A wine ibber and the friend of publicans and s nnere." You 'take the beat man that e er lived and put a deteo- tive on his trac for ten years, watohipg where he gots d When he comes and with a determi don tp miscontrue every- thing and to th k he goes hero for a bad purpose and 11 re fOr a . bad purpose, With that delta 'nation of destroying hint. at the end 1 ten years he will be held despiesible teeny people. If it is an out xpan's thereat tp damage a w that evil grows and it is all don plolon is starte Who gots hold of as a proven fa woman, as ho your mother, ha all kindly aR800 into the grave. no hell, but if th a despoiler of w high time that s one; But there i ed, Ond what a t 41,11_0e whisper° the sight of & great aeons thing to despoil how much worse is it an's reputation? Vat na century to oentury, by whisperers. A sus - The' next whisperer' states the suspicion , •and many a good rable as your wiae or en whispored gilt of tions, and whispered me people say there is e be h0 hell for such lolly character it le • philanthropist built oh a place establish- * they will have witin get down there to- 1 As g eti r rebearging tunigei Everlasting o rn val of mud. Were lt not for.the un - c inf rtable surroundings - you might a pp so they woullbp glad to get there.. I t i at region w. tele , they are all bad *bal opportunitioM ifor exploitation by these wh stamen. !Oa earth, to despoil their' neighbors semetimes they,had te lie eleout them. but clOsin there they can say tie worst things ossible about their neig bortiatid tell th truth. jubilee of whis erere-. Semi -het en of scandal -1 . mon ere stopping , t e r - gabble about' their diabolical nei 1 bore only long enou h to go up to the iron gate and as some newcomer from e earth, "Whit le the 1 et gossip in the pity en earth where we u d te live?" No , how are we tc War against this iniqu ty which curses 1tiaery oommunity on ea h? . First, by r flaring to listen to or believe a whisperer. tvery court of the land MS for a law anlcI all darent corn - muni les have for a. aw that you must hold people innocent until they are prove guilty. There s only Cue person Worse than the whispe er, and that ie the man r weman who 11 tens without pro- test. The itrouble is, ou hold the sack while they fill it, he recover of the stolen goode is just as bad as 17hi thief. An al oient writer deo 1 roe that a slander- er an a man who r elves the slander ought both to be hang d—the One by the tongu and the other b the eer—and I agree jv1u1i, him. Whei ypu hear so ebbing bad about your rklhbors, do no go all over and ask abet. it, whethe it is true and scatter it land spread it. You might as well gc te a emallpox ospital and take a patient and carry him all through the conini nity asking peo lo if they really thought it a cage of Irma lpox. That would be vel bad for the pa bent and for all the riot hhors. Do not &tail slanders and whispe .ings. Do not aka yoUrself the inspect r of warts, •and he super isor of carbun ilea, and the pmmiseio er for older of stakes etrpet for a di humor W01711111 to beware a 'gutter imp Besio s that, at your no deer otien.1 Teach speak elliof others, differen o fiietteeen a bee one, get reringi honey, th a Sting. I read of it f kept wiat they called " and w en any slande utteted in the house lib detrticrti n uttered it was this oofk. Tho book wa For he many01 no entri Are whisper suade a'( a great fly ulo cackle ,s know of peones) 1S4S/11(1 t -and they yo mouth they wo friends, avoid th not cock Let I make ri It is lo either w end to t makes _y wage. X servant t to have s him to g in the m gueste table. T four or utters, and the g fight. Can 1 be -that ou, an 1 man; that you, an •immortal oriel find no betIer businees than otor? m ily table allow our children te 'how thorn the and a wasp—the other thrusting mily where they Slander Book," ous words were ut anybody or all put down in kept carefully. great were first few weeks here were tries, but after while the e at all'. y of you given • this ha ng about others: Lot m u to desial1 nt. Tour nd cranes nd they eagles d they lace -for g that ) loud th their COM . Mo glee, 113a t th ellia a it of per- is was would would would ipon them1 and estroy tin ns. It at the old cranes found dile out, re they started on theirailight ld alwaye have a stone in their they could not cackle; and then ld fly in perfee e as wise as th folly of tbe yo e. e charge you, my friends, to ht and holy use of the tongue, se at one end and can swing y, but it is fastened at the other e floor of your raouth, and that u responsible for • the way it nthus, the philoiropher, told his at on the morrow he was going me friends to dine, and :told t the best thing he could find rket. The philosopher and his t down the next day at the ey. had nothing but tongue— five courses of tongue—tongue cooked ill this way and tongue cooked in that way,1 and the philosopher lost his nd said to his servant, "Didn't to get the best thing in the He said: "I did get the beet he market. Isn't the tongue of sociality, the organ of elo- e organ of kindness, the organ r?" 'anthus said, "To -morrow I to get the worst thing in the row the philos- awl there was four or five In this shape nd tho philos- ce and said, e worst thing ket?" The servant replied, "1 •n't the tongue the organ of the organ of defamation, 1 the lug?" f safety. Oh, my old cranes and ng cranes. Do patience tell you market?" thing in the organ quence, t of worshi Then Want you market." And on the rue opher sat at the table, nothing t ore but tongue courses of tongue—tongue and tongu in that shape, opher agai .lost his pAtie "Didn't I tell you to get t in the ma did, for i blaepheitly organ of 1 Oh, 'my which God organ of ta the organ 01 happy and whieport., w to the falle my friends when we av will be enf and, though sholand ephoean We o n o ly Whom we le onr hope of i While I sp are hundeed armee. 011, e te you and t may it be fo serve Christ, in, the earthl r end s, employ the tongue so wonderfully- created as the te, the organ of deglutition, articulation to make others n the service of God! -HI you ent Ah, OIflU ioe ;radss, hen 080 isper good—encourage and hOpe to the lost. the time will soon 11 all vrhisper! The ebled in the last siok that voice eould laugh $ijng and halloo until the f tiff red. it Will be so feeble whisper consolation to t ve behiad and only whi &Lyon. k this very moment t whispering their last u hen that solemn hour co me, as come soon it nd that we did our bes and to cheer our oomr struggle, and that we seerated not only our hand, but ur at the shadows tat •g pillow shall notl be ht of it 'gather ng night, but thb moriiing twilight of an everlasting c14.y. This morning at half past 4 o'clock I lectked out airily window, and the store were very ear memen ts afte ire r- oe 11, to es n - tongue to Go fall around the. evening . So t ✓ dyi twin bin. I looked out a 1 ,.and the stars.were almost Invisible. I llooked out an hour or tWso afterward. Not a star was to be n. Went was thel matter with the stars? ad 1,110y melted n to , darkness? No. had melted iiito the glorious light o Sabbath morn. ! ly Many a ma has g grave because he co Daniel and "No," and w whjte to pleas earth, though hey w ent on his merisy and wail the resultil The honored, and Itheir e forgOtten long ago. He the right need not fear o untO him; and honeet t hentoty and eonsistency. rigadier-general, Clinton B. Pis& was command of the military distriot of St. ouis, became his duty on one °imago to officially receive and Welcoine to ail eity an eminent major - _general coming te take command of the ent. I Gen. Fisk, accom- de-de-cimp, met his com- et side of the river (there kree." no to a drunk& ld not say "No e7a I 1 is assciciates dared to y uld n t drink a glass of the ighbiest king on re captives, depend - his bounty. What - wore blessed and names are known through the ag s, while the time -serving wine-bibbers a who stands fo what man can i.mep will resp 1 hen, as a amilitary depa .panied by an -a mender on the washes bridge then) ; and sweated him, with his aide -d -canap,! across the river by ferry and to MI hotel !in , which he had engaged a suits of rooins for him. 391 al- ithley Ite-rt wkishin th. parlor 1 4•1-•• • 1 —stis once essuming ens place or nest a reailv to treat the other • OftiCerS1;as 11 gue ts—the major -general ordered it se anti to bring four whisky puncheK "Only 'three, 11 you please, Geeent exatese ne,1' promptly and courteous spoie Gen. Fisk. " eu'll aot refuse to drink with you?"1said the superior officer. , "I I should drink now it wet ld the 1rst tinie. You would not ads lee to b gin now, would you, General?" o, God bless you! Long may ye week!". wita the gra,olous and gallant r °I)cuoeig. Lnhas, he waved since then an 1 long will generals and governoael and 'merchants And ministers and bootblaol s and 'laundrymen—men and W0121011 ith children of! all sects and conditi ins thank God for the genial and el lpfi 1 influence Which Gen. Fisk's b igh , cheery words and ways have shed upon then, s, S ten ogre, pity. The most extraordinary stenographi &Lei we have ever heard of was performe last Year bye Mr. Reed, an English/nen'. In the sittings of the opium commission in India, he reedrdeci -accurately, and afterwards read over, the evidence '.of two Brahmans ok whose language he kris)* nothing, an4 whom he had never see before. He t oic down the sounds mi the C071101, front t eir lips, representing 'eats sound by ts phonetic character. iTh New !York bristia,n Advocate, ad isin young men nd young Women to leer this rt itt o ,der te save time and labO in putting dciwn things that are worth H preserving, says: At ,a recen commencement of a in England not of stonograp Henry How rth, in responding presi ent's irv1tatlon, said he .wa. a c1ast who depioro the fact t were pot taught shorthand Vrh Were Young. In writing his great Atlas pertin stron Sistin rt. ifficulty bad been in copy in -ordinary longhand, tho nt to the subject. He ly on the subject that he on having his _own boys lea e had travelled in dangerou hool to the tie of at they they oleo his rig ver- reterial et �o am in - 11 the and ifficu t countries where he founc thnt no of; his greatest difficulties w s our eumbreus writing. We urge parents to eonsider the propriety of adding stolid- graphy to the educational course which they mark out, especially for their boy. nd indeed, it would be a valuable amp rifishment for girls. Pitiful ('11805 01 application to do co trig hare come under our notice he *here employment could have been ms Promptly if the applicants had be eccomelished stenogeaphers; but they wished to do the work in loneht nd. , N dna has any work of .that kind unless 117 be the copying of logal papera into; tint public records. a , One ;of the leading banks of the world bas recently decided that all boys wh• desire to enter its service mutt maks shorthand a part of theieeprepareition. ' 'Financing a Church Debit. There Was a debt of $15,000 upon the church property. There was rather more than 600 Members upon the roll. &pug were wealthy, the majority were in nem- fortabl4 circumstances, none were desti- tute orieven poor. It was at the close of the aniMal meeting of the congregation, When tho last item of business had been diposed of, and alroady a movement to ai'rano wraps had commenced. There visas it s If -satisfied look upon all faces, for the yuar I ad been a prosperous 0110, and the e Wit a comfortable surplus. he pastor ifose and quietly said: "1 havie it word, to say beforo we dismiss the m et- ing. I am abont to propose a scheme or c1Ieiiring off the entire church debt in three y ars. I want you to pledge $3, 00 of it be ore you leave the building to- night." A silence of painful i tens settled over the meeting, and tan zernent, incredulity, and latent pity looked out of the eyes now focused upon the i pastor. After a nromeni-, he went on again: "I ara not asking much of you, just s pledge that, over and above your usual giving. you shall each pledge ten cents P01' Sab- bath towards the extinction of the chur tY 14 debt. There are more than 600 members. Ten cents from each will mean S60 per Sabbath. In five years thla wi1 reach from dCbt." Then he dismissed the *15,600, $10,600, and our church would be cleard e ple titat they might think over it. Nte, give the ineM ident that others May be s t thinking. The secret of .finalncing your church debt is te secure regular contra. buttons in small sums from each member and adherent, rather than to depend. upon large contributions from all. The Gorman Eruprets*, costly Silk. The most expensive rnaterial ever pro- cluced for a dress is said to have been purchased by the German Empress lase year from Lyons. It was white silk bros oade, having flowers, bitds and foliage In relief, and cost £25 a yard, the actual' value of the raw silk, it is said, being £20. The Empress was so struck with itsi beauty that she had not the heart to cue it up, and it was eventually turned intoe curtain's. The price paid for this material is about double as much as the fainows cloth of gold that Louis XVI. had made into a dressing gown. A flesiturioefiti _Heroine. A curious incident. happened during t recent-performanoe of the "Dangers o London" at one of the London theatres: Half the train which was to run over. the! hero ran off the track and collided with some scenery, ‘whereupon the heroine; calmly put her shoulder to the wheel and h4uled it back again. 1 i 1 It is said that a negro has never been - known to tame an elephant or any wildl artimal. i - SOance-Skadow I DODDSt if KIDNEY j:;:" OtalTES „ 144111117;417,,, „„. easseet 11,1,10" • 47): 4 : If you want a hers* worth Moo, you'd be silly ae Pay Step ter his photo slily. If you amid DODO'S KIDNEY PILLS you'd be silly to buy an imitation. DODD'S ARE *OL IN BOXES LIKE TAIL , TARE ONLY D—D-2S \ J • aae,'!kaae--. JULY 8, 1899 hat is IMPOlt eoexeeesseeeeeeeeseesaeeeseeeseeeeeeesease., \we astoria is for Infants ; and Children. Castoria is a harmless subStitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothin Syrups. 1 It contains neither Opium, Morphine norlother Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty irear-s' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destrys Worms and allays Feverish. ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Whad Colic. Castoria relkwes Teething Troubles, Cures Constipation and FlatUleney. JaStoria ssimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children, giving heal hy and natitral sl kep. Castoria is the Children's Fan cea—The 'Mother's Friend. Castoria. Cristo 'la is an excellent rriedicin chi dress. :Mothers havei repentedly!tol of te good effect upon their children." Da. G. C. OSGOOD, Lowell, for d use foss. Castoria. "Castor's Is so Well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any pro„ scription known to ine," • 11. A. Ananuet., M. D. Brooklyn, Zs, y THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE OF ,IIPPEA1113 ON EVERY- WRAPPER. rir4.1• 4:044,PAti v. 77 PA tIRTIAY #71-74r rgzw YORK CiTY, " Mfar2MarIf22," 14""tti..21=1111111111111. <'4,aaWatcw.a....arzilLaYa'itEr pring Stock. ur Spring stock of Furniture is omplete. We extend a special invita- tion to all admirers of good furniture o inspect our stock We have always i3omething new tO show you in new degigns and finish at close prices. This deOrtinent is complete with large selection of the -best goods, and atteitiox given to this branch tof the business, Night calls pr mptly attended to by bur undertaker, Mr. S. T. Holmes, Garr* ch street, Seaforth, opposite the Methodist church. BOADFOOT, BOX & 00.1 • I I • S..A_TIO,TVITIT. For a sum pa cguisE take the AST, UN[ TO MACKIIIAC 7E117 STEEL. PASSENGER STEAMERS COMFORT, SPEED and SAFETY The Orenteet Perfection_ yet attained in Boat Constructien — Luxurious Equipment, Artistic Furnishing, Decoration and Efficient Service To Delioit,1ackiHas9 08011184 la§ P81figeg, CHIcago No other ref e offers a pauorama of 460 miles ofequal variety and interest. ., Fowl Tines pee WEEK BETWEEN DAY ARO tiDGHT SERVICE Beerverre Toledo,Detrol ITTOSKEYs "IlrefE AfxD LOW RATES Ito P and Return,. Inc udi from Toledo, $ ,u5; Approximate st ft (i CleV Send c. for Illuetrat A.11h. 8011Aarrz4 and Mackinac 00? MARQUOTTE LOTH, DETROIT AND CIEVEIAND Fars, $1.q0 Each Direction-. Bertha, 75c., i. stateroom. $1.7g. Connectionsare modest Cleveland with cturesque Mackinac Earliest Trains for all points East, South g Meals and Berths. and Southwest, and at Detroit for all tnCleveland,So.go points North and Northwest. front Detroit, $l..75 Sunday Trips Junt,fuly, Aug„Sep.,Oct. Only Emir oar AKI RilaHT SETwEEN .Puti•ingal3ay and Toledo. • pr'oalnaiepuhilieTti.101Aididruies4 • Detroit 111111 GieVONIM EIRJOileri COMP011Y. I Beatitiful D ing 11 at 30, per roll. 111 1 signs, sell- ? and 50 Pr' indow Shades, -cloth ro ce from 25c up9 a ers OEN WILSON, SO TT'S BLOCK, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, - Ontario. PARIS GREEN After laving gone to the trouble and expense of applying Paris Green, it ie an awful ' nuisance to find that, your workhas been don for nothing, and your money wastei Some greens are actually USeless, u the Paris Green sold!at ' J. SeBERTS _ DRIJG1- ORE Is belnaght in bulk), te ted, and packaged by myself, so that I can guarantee it to be all right,; or money will be re-! funded. In one mad packarces,,25c smaller ones at 15 and 10c. Ro4 rts, citth. MONEY liro LO -AN. Any (Met on firstelase farm land security, Ap- ply to IS. HAYS, Dominion auk Building, 1 *th1Sea- mono x. to rasa at 4/ ad 5 ear Gent. per efilee:. ' al 1 , - TS% etE 1.0ST Put Wilson's Invalidat Port on the track of lost appetite and its speedy recovery is aik sured. It tones the stomach, invigorates the system, and re- stores to its owner that which was lost. Wilson's Invalids' :77 , IjI Define useeeesses, s_.=. 410104,*".- Is a rich ruby port Peruvian bark ist fr tions prescribed by tliw English and French pharmacopoeias. Milli ideal appetizer. sale in Seaforth by MSDEN & WILSON. 1.1toggna, yarrow, Wei ooze, Du W FOR meadow, en t seam oucty *rid 10 fie::.nesoelpet;sronspireom:prinEepre preticr:lor.i.iirmujlivilib:tEhRous:Fdr"1300 goc28D eY« p.0- intioneitsiegeitxibeel fah nt for)1g1be deo evesech will be sold At bisosoortn3TH: LAD1E jrarketthesltradeetsles,C: Tyout,TRY AND irreed Pea 'of Atleoreass—Fitie in beat stook in Cam rod color end fine Se celestes of It* Janne Of Seeks eve*, Smokers, •'-tb. Extractor. ispe. WILLI orth. EAL ES TURN FOR SA. _r Tookennaitte ad end 10 sate -of b uaresdreined, smdfrne belna with iw a:good-water. SEA noble fermi being o be aol turtieer partionigre, 31004, or Seaforth 1101ESIDENCE IN jni tale, ebtap, t -Square le Seshrth There is a torofortab airier, bird and toit - oenveniences.The pactriota ete. There. kinds of Milt and AMA lergettable. taavenient and Tricot: Seeforth and will WARD. ji ride sores eleared and in the balanee is good - well famed and well 1361,/ bstdc barn, a g It is within i mile an lourmiles from Cli 41141will be void be ment. For curlew iiIGGIES, Brumfield WARM FOR SALE IV 100 acres, &ben tsteb; fences, boatd *eller, and is made ou married brothers; ho . wood house; the ba and -other outbuildin Are itoped and ane e of 'tone; a large fruits. Possession c end -stalling for one session on tbe let 01 elettara enele sloe 14, Grey, Mauer PLEXPID FARM South Thames acres, 05 &CMS under wood. Good brick re woodshed, and large' and gooddriving h drained, with tile vation. There lea the grounds are weli It is within four ohurchet, ' within it inile. Thar haulm and stobles. grinding, ete. This 1 vounty of Heron, am respect end win be se proprietor desires to 'Ox addressi,Tbaines .i3TooK 10100AS, FCR SEE MO keep for torsi Stanley, s. thoroughb 11, payable at the ti of returning If neoe .110 PIO BREED on Lot 2t3, Con a thoroughbred Curs bred YOlOttinine be admitted to each. - of eereice, or $1.50 1 White Pigs for sale. frIAMWORTH Be VION,--The n al the Bruceflold Taanworth Boar. with 11; payable at Vole o turning t neoeeeary. bred yoring T4731.70 ;WWI ARTNEY, WORTH PIG Signed bets for licKilloh a thcro'br llxnjd number of so extra good pig and br cross their berksbire Termarl, with pri JOHN tioluLLAZi ST DURH AM BULLS thoroughbred D old, one rcan and the 22, Coneession 11 AUC IIARM FOR SAL _V Mr. Wrn. efeCloy Ida James Bonthron, late Wm, Dougall, o'clock, p. m., on eatt cession 2, Hey, on farm eontaining lee erected a romfortable barn 40,030 feet, go • acreed choice fruit busb. Aleo 2 never farm well fenced s. I. -Nation. It le half 2 miles from the thriv is one of the beet rarer will be sold without cent of the purah else balance within JASIES /30NTHRON, A,uctioneer. UCTION SAL -Cis THE TOWNSH COUNTY OF HURO Meares, has received George Plewee, d auction on Saturday 2 o'clock, p. m., at Town of Beaforth,in followirsg valuable far the 5th CODCSEW.OD, of °entraining 100 *meek. Gravel Road, 23 nitlee 13rucefleid, It is in About 80 acres clear are a frame dwelling leanto, and a ttable on °robard. Thl 18 one fames in the Towns For further par Broadish'o , or Solicitor. I;ted, loth :EMU A la HEMLOCK LUMBE PINE LUMBER, SHINGLES ORD ST. JOSEPH GEORGE CA