The Huron Expositor, 1899-04-21, Page 71 1 80 011.0308401141M5, • • )AST roof as a c. Touh new and Canada mp priced ..oe. FOR'rEf. it of Life. .1thiie the dealt nanv titnee le,efore. vtoil pessed by, exeure lit his eye, mrd the merry' song a he wet along. the window wept M the churchyard slept, ort her heeri, g te1; I knew- and laved 80 welt, urnine tears was- stayee, pg her lips essayed. 'heard the tender strut; ;nod the sweet refrain, on that one song bore ;from doer to door. - in Deeember Ladies' R * IRS find Da. LOW'S- WO !eine to expel worms, C Dog Story. nen I was boarded at in Argyllshire. T r'ge Torn cat tailed Baul dog called Rosie. Bei the two (Biatddy r inseparable friends,' allies, as thei folio About ehirty yards 11 stream raa and f ng the spawning a was in &pate trout ip ;a spawn. For about the place could end don Bauidy and Rosiet he burn. One day, he was solved. After woe, I, to nay surprise, Bawl .dy int6 the top a a s and repteseing the wal rer down; atream eroneL. t, being disturbed at the ; rushed :down atream II) to the shallow ea died. Ali at once midstream, and after 4 ,ygle landed with a ately carried to the stable to Mr. Beuldy and hee ng ones, • - E of tbe bowele ie necessiaryto PILLS . are the best eve*, Ly or geheral use. Price 15M APRai 1899 Perhaps you have had the grippe or a hard cold. You mey be recovering from malaria or a slow fever; or possibly some of the chil- dren are just getting over the measles or whooping cough. Are you recovering as fast as you should Has not your old trouble left your blood full of impurities? And isn't this the reason you keep so poo ly? Don't delay recovery longer but Ta10 It will remove all I,Impuri- ties froen VOW bloodie It is els° a tortic 0 i ITICpSC vahze.Give n tirre little help at this tir id her hy removing all he p Iiducts of dize....sc from rour blood. if your how Is ete not last rigtt, Ayer's P'lls will make- them so. 'S id for cur book on Diet in nsti- petion. , .1. W 3,110 ,10-G1:0:0 0,SWfca 4c0, Wo liave thia excluEivo r:orvices ef s an, a the inoacr.linant pliyaf- eiana In tlie L'Ititod Etztet. I Virlto -freely aed recc,..via z. prompt, rcply, ivitlitgie t mt. Aedress, DR.. JI. C. AYER. Lowell, Mass. .4....11=gfigacatarrzsgza•vIA,„_ A 11 ;lier's Pucldnag-.- purest driok, of dear rice sink, th es water' e gone -- a. Stir with a spoon af iik ooe quart ; ens as it ought. the eforeseed spoon and whit e ate& clone, :gg yelks beaten light, i all granted, right, r *ell refined, aticring thue combixed lief tura in a dish, you may wish, L While with a fork hies as light as Cork— hree eggs, I mean. 're beaten stiff and el efale at sugar ilight, ;thing nice and white, ding like a coaer— ead it nicely over, Et it brown adding will go down. na Gaspe. traced:me gf bhos who, are remptly relieved by a few Liesesd and Turpentine. • avant took place at this ohn D. lleckea, of Am e of last week, it bng daugheer, Miss Kati t Rice, of Caseell.Mi Vellesle+, performed thee oid, while Mr. Christafl the bride, ably sapper Ceremony mate perform L, Lutheran minister,ia ;amber of guests. never PePsia, arnach, se ini- Iche, and id =fail-, ily in ,ETS. a Pepsin -1-- i pinea,ppie pine.applc your meals each. Tbig he tablets give im- stoenach Y. on, BY -LAIN NO 4. —OF T E— I Town of Seaforth, FOR 1899. $3; 0,000 for the purpose s her inetter mentioned. A By -Law to raise by ei.ttr of Joan the sum of Whereas the corporation qf the Town of Seaforth h authorized by special Act bf the Le islature of the mince of Ontario to subm t a By -L -w to the rate- payers of the said Town, qualified to N CIO thereon, to eaable eaid corporation to raise, by er y of Iona the a en of 820,600 for the purposee h teinafter men - t creed. 1 And whereto it will require the 8 ne of $800, to e raised annually by Bpecial rate, for he payment of i terest ae hereinafter mentioned. And whereas it will require the sum of 8871.64, to e raised annually for the payme.u6 of said debt, as Is° hereinafter mentioned. And whereas the amount of the vhole rateable Property of the Town of Seafotth, irre pe3tive of any noresse in the nature of tolls, inter ,st, dividende, ent3, or fees from the said property, and also =es- ect ve of any income to be derived rom the ter4- -.oraryinvestmet of the Sinking Fu id, or:any part hereof, according to the last revise assessment oil fie field Town, being for the year 189 , is the s m of 39,460. . And whereas -the existing debentur debt o the • own of Seaforth is as follows: $5,1500 borrowed under the authority of By -Law o. 11 A of the, Tciwn of Seaforth, for 1886. $6,000 borrowel under the authority of By -Law "ci. $, of the Town of Seaforth, for 1887. $2,1500 borrowed under the authority of By -Law 'o. 8, of the Town of Seaforth, for 1891. $f4,000 borrowed under the authority of By -Law a. 8, of the Town of Seaforth, for 1892. 8-11,000 borrowed under- the authority of By-Lsw 'a. 6 A of the Town of Seaforth. 83,500 borrowed under the authority of By -Law 'O. 25 B of the Town of Seaforth. And there is nothing in arrears either for principal er interest on said debentures. And whereas it is necessary to appoint the time and places for taking the votes of the duly qualified !Electors, and to appoint Deputy -Returning Officers Ito tAke the votes or the said Electors. I Be it therefore epaeted by the Munieipa Council lof the Town of Seatorth. I. Thet it shall I» lawful for the Corporation of the Town of Seaforth to raise by way of loan frotn ' any person or persona, body or bodies corporate, who inay be willing to advance the same on the debenteres hereinafter mentioned, a sum not exceeding in the aggregate tne sum cif e20,000. II. It shall be laeful for the said Corporation to came to be made any number of debentures, not leas than $ioo each and nc t exceeding in the aggregate the sum of $20,000, which shall be payable not later than twenty years from the issue thereof, and Buell de- bentures shall he sealed with the Beal of the said Corporation, and shall also be signed by the Mayor end the Treasurer thereof. 1 MI. The said debentures shall have attached thereto coupons for the payment of interest thereon at the rate of four per cent. per annum from date thereof, payable annually on the first day of June in each year at the office of the Treasurer of the muni- cipedity. IV. For the purpose:I of forming a sinking fund for the payment of said debentures the KIM of $67L64 in addition to all ot or rates shall ba levied and collected by special rat upon all the rateable property in the said Town f Seaforth annually dur- Ing the enrreney of the Oa d debentures or any of them and for the purpose o paving the interest on the mid debentures the aim of ee00 shall in addition to all other rates be levied and collected by special rate upon all the rateable 14operty- in the Raid Town eaf Seaforth annually during the currency of the said ;debentures or any of them. 1. 1 V. It shall be lawful fo the Corporation of the 'said Town of Seaforth to ler d the sum of 820,000 to be raised under this By -Lave to T. II. F. Case & ao. for the purpose of aiding Alain in the establialament , of a pork packing house in the Town of Seaforth withoue interest, to be seeu ed by a mortgage upon the lands. buildings, !melee ery and plant of the seid' T. R. F. Case & Co., to he rtpaid by twenty annual instalments sufficient to pro ade for the payment of the sinking fund. and upon 3vieh other terms ae to the said Corporatien rney seem proper, said lands-, buildings, machinery and plant to be exempted ham taxes, except school taxes, naid all over an assess- ment of 85,000 for a period of twenty ys are. VI. r The votes of the Electors qualified to vote on thi e BY -Law &ball be taken on Tueeday, the second day of --May, A. D. 1899, netween th, hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clook in the after- noon, al the following places: Polling. Sub -Division lie. 1, at Edward Oash' store, GoderIch street; poll- ing sub -division No. 2, at the Council Chamb r, in the Town hall; Polling Sub -Division No. 3, at Strong's office, south side of Market street, Sea orth. That Edward Cash be Deputy Returning Offi er at Polling Sub -Division No. 1; that William Elli tt be Dewy Returning Officer at Polling Sub -Di talon No. 2; and that Oliver C. Willson tie Deputy Return- ing Officer at Polling Sub -Division No. 3. , VII. That the Mayor of said mil i i I .......-n.c.pa. Corpora• tion shall attend at the Couneil Gharnoer, ie the Town ed Seaforth, on Wednesday, i the 26th ay of APell, A. D. mop, at the hour of !eleven o'el ck in the forenoon, for the purpose of Appointing p piens to attend at the several polling places •afeernsai , and are finel summing up of the votes re peaty ly on behalf of persons interested in and pro oting r op- Potlinghe By -Law respectively-. VIII The Clerk of the Munieipal Corporation shall, at the hour of twelve o'clock noon, on the third d,ay of May. A. D. 1899, attend at the Counoil Chamber, in the Town Hall, Seaforth, and sum up the VOUS given for and against, the By -Law, and grant eertificatee thereunder. IX. The By -Law, if carried by the vote of the ltatepeyers, shall take effect on wid from the first day of June, A. D. 18e9. DISTRIC txpooilor. MATTBMS. 1The followins items were intended r last week, b t were received too te.] Morris. NOTES, —A. Halliday had a valuable cow de this spring.—The snow 1=10 are mov- g slowly.—Aaron McFadden died at the r sidence of Mr. David Walker, flth line, on Monday of this week. Deceand had been ailing for a good while. The funeral took pace on Wednesday, 12th.—A. T. Cole s Id a fine three,year-old colt a few days a o for a good figure.e-Mesers. James Speir aid James Patch held an auction stile on Wednesday, 12th.—A number of young. people called on W m. Ward and his bride oo Monday evening of this week, and spent an enjoyable time.—There seems to be a big demand for household furniture this spring. • O , Stanley. 1 Cotneeite—Sta,nley council met on Mon- d y, April 10th, all the members present. T e appointnient of pa.thmasters, pound - kc epers and fenceviewers was confirmed by b -law. • The clerk was instructed to write for prices on gravel screens,it being thought advisable to screen the gravel taken from so e of tie pits. The telegraph companies ar to be notified to remove any poles which ar in th ditch on the Bayfield ;road, and ot er paries having fences set dn road al- io 'ance re to have them removed. Coermil meets as court of revision on the assess - mut mill at 10 o'clock, on Monday, May ,29 h, and for general business in the after - no n. St. Joseph. OTBS.—Mr. James Delgaty, of Blake, p ached a very able and instructive sermon in he Methodist church on Sunday last.— Mr. Nelson M. Coutine, who has bee e away on a businese trip toi London, Toronto and other points, has returned home.—Mr. O. B sodef c put in quite a large stock of ice L s iw, ele. IThe ice was about 12 inches tiak, and t4ie best taken from Lake Huron ehi Beason. Mr. 'Amos Overholt intends building a iew. house and stable as spon as wje other per its.—Mr. Remmie Jeffrey has p i chased allot and will build a new house t. t coming surnmere—Messrs, Durand and P pirleau, our pondnet fishernien, are build - i g anew dreesry on the beach, so they can r h ndje their fish to qae best 1 advantage..— r. thristopher Campbell, m nager �fi the ayfield sawmill, intends b 'ding a new g ist and flour _ mill this s nmer at, St. J aeph. 1 • Tuckersnart . DkaTII OF A GOOD MAN. -0 r Hensall eor- r spoindent alluded briefly la t week to the eath of Mr. Robert McLarni don road, Tuckersmith, whicll 8aturday, April 8th. Mr. one of irature s noblemen, an pity that such as he grow Many virtues and few faults his life he earnestly strove t towards making the world 1 ound it. He was a useful c , of the took plac cLaren it does s old. nd thr do hi etter tizen, ie ug 95 lean !sin hristian, a true friend, an a ind neighbor. The Hens,allObbisieg ti rives the following partieula. s concer ilim : Some months ago Mr. .FcLaren on- racted a cold, which dev loped intn la / trippe. This took such a hol on him ti at, Ithough a man of rugged con titution nd trong, well -knit frame, it 1 ft him very much reduced in strength. It was thou ht he was regaining his old-bimr. vigor, nd with the return.of the war weather he would be himself again. He • ad so far re- covered as to walk out. H spent a ew ays last week lwit.h his so -in-law, 1r. Vm. Dougal, and was on i'aturday est repa.ring to return to his h me. = He at down to ewait the conveyance, when ih a moment end without a strugg e, he paseed to that better home, for which durliug life he had ndt forgotten to prepare. peceo.Oed was born; in Edinburgh, Scotland, l in 1820, and came to this country in 1845, , settliing on lot 7, Tuckersmith, where he reeided Un- til death. He was a Man of splendid physique, of energetic nature, of industrious habits, one who threw himself with en- thusiasm into his work, and so became one of the successful farmers of the Huron tract. Being possessed of a genial dispoaitien and that fine sense of honor that always inspires confidence, he was a true frietal and wise_ councillor. In politics he was a Reformer, and in religion a Presbyterian. In his re- moval Carmel church loses one of its repre- sentative men. He has, from the beginning of its history, been closely identified with its life and work. For upwards of a quar- ter of a century he led the bervice osong in i: , the old Rodgervilie church. For 4 years he was superintendent of the Sunda school and for 31 years served in the eldership. With true devotion to his Master he never spared himself when he could serve the in- terests of the church. In the year 1847 he was married to Miss Mary Ingrarp. Mrs. Mel' oxen died in 1864. There vere ten chil ren been to them, three sons aid seven dau Mere, of whom four are marri d,—Mr. R. IcLaren, on the old homestead.; Mrs. G. lurray, of Iowa; Mrs. Wm. Dougal and Mrs. D. Taylor, of Hay. Mr. John Mei aren is the onl surviving brother. The funeral service co ducted by Rev. J. S. Henderson, in Carmel church, on Tuesday gee noon, was very 1 rgely attended. The me hers of 8088.013, W o acted as pall -bear- ers, placed a •eautif 1 wreath upon the coffin. n- on 55 em rad out • are he are ng, ver ing NOTICE. The above is a true and correct copy of a Bpi ay.' which has been taken fete consideration by the Municipal Counsel Of the Town of Seaforth and which will be finally passed by the raid Counoil in the event of the aeseot of ho Etcetera being ob- tained thereto after eine month frorn the firs° publi- cation of Add By -Law In the newepaper oatled THE HURON Exeariteoe, the date of whieh firet publiaation W& s Friday, the 7th day of April, A. D 1899, and on the day rad at the hour and places flx.d therein for taking the votes oI the Electors the polls will be held. WILLIAM ELLIOTT, Town Clerk. • sup For the Brain Worker. • STRENGTH F STAMINA F°r r ,the Men, e PhYsical Worker. Vomen andChildren. •DIVIAROS ,0,1'74,, BODO &NERVE TWOO*1_,NERVE) PliCS READ THE PROOF! GENTLEMEN, —I have for n long time needed pomet1 ing to make blood and build up y system. My blood was watery and thi lacking strehgth and vitality. Last Ja uary a friend said Why not try Dr. ard's Blood ,and Nerve Pills? They vi I supply the oxygen iyour blood needs a d give you health and strength." 1 told hi 1 was ver3eskeptical as to any benefit hat could be derived from any propriet try medicine and had no faith in them. here the matter rested until four months go, when reading so =much about what D . Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills have do e for so many people with im- poveris ed blood, I concluded to give them a t al. I have taken four boxes and my unb lief so far as Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills are concerned has been e.ntirely removed. They are a splendid blood builder and strength restorer, and an inva uable medicine for weak, ener- vated p ople. This has been my experi- ence, they having given me strength of body an strong healthy blood. (Sign d), PETER LAWRENC WHYTE, 98 Queen, St. West, To onto, Ont. All g od druggists can sup ly you. If they wo 't, we ;will by man. Price 50c. nor box; 5 boxes for 2.00. T B DOCTOR WARD OMPANY, Lim ted, Toonto, Ont. Perth Items. —It is proposed to establish library in Shakespeare' —Dr. Kidd, of AtWood, has gone York, to take a tie t graduate cours —The South P rt% Farmers' will run an exeursi n! to the Model Guelph, some time Jin June. A. McGill veee; of Hampst sold Borne flue Dar am cattle to Mr. Stewart, for shipn nt to Motnitobte. —Mr. Charles J k, of Newton, to British Oolum$ii1, where he is with a canning co Patty. —Henry Glenn, for a number of prosperous businese man of Milver tends going west shortly. —Mee Hossie Thonipaon, of Mita gone to Gilmer, exile, where he to spend the sun mer, associated brothers in some nterpise down the —Mr. Jabez Jewell has sold acre lot, on the t vn line of Hibb Fullerton, just in tear of M. Hen slow's farm, for t sum of $2,000 ea George Davidson the buyer. eorge A. Re se, druggist, of Ta was found dead i hie bed on Wedn last week. Dece sed, who was in h year, had not be n it very good late. e Heart diee se was the cameo —Mr. W. R. 13 11, V, S., has sold blacksmith shop in Cromarty, a bought the prope ty in Staffa, villa ed by Dr. Miami h, of Milverton, moved to it. —Otie day last pu lie to N w nst it te Fa m, ad, •as Don Id as g nga years on, n e !rpo i, l uuoil ith liS e. isrt fiat 'Yld; y in h. Mr. ne ed ist c ad yof s h eolith out his uis d hes e, ow nd h ts week Theoddre, he 1 year-old son of Mb Edward WettL uffe , if South Easthope, had the mitsforbune to ha e one of his hands t rribly lacerated i a ur- nip pulper. The ristbone isibro en, d two of the fingers had to be amputa ed. —Mr. W. Elli tt, of St. Marys, as so'd a horse, weighing 1,700 pounds, to i Ir. Jo n Fraser, of London, for $147.50, nd r. Thomas Holland, of St. Marys, hs sold very fine heavy snare to Mr. Le South London, fo $135. — On Saturday, lst inst., Is be la! ea wife of Mr. Alexander Rae, of he se ocneession of Eline, died inthe thi ty-thi d year of her age. Deceased was a aught ta of Mr. George Gr erson, of the firs cone s, sion of Elma, and had been ill for some ti e with lung trouble —Mr. F. C. Hied, of Mitchell, left n Tuesday afternoo , last week, for D nnvil where he was ma ried the following day o Miss Minnie eld st daughter of Rev. C. Stafford, at (me t me pastor of the Met oe dist church, Mit hell. The ceremony was' performed- on VN edneschey, by the brid 's father. —Matthew Ad tiers of Wellesl me, on y, died near Macton, on Mond after a lingering illness of duration. Mr, . of Wellesleyaf e the time of his d his age. —The folio week tor the to Glaeston, Nor ot Hibbert, to Jli bia, ; Mr. Jame Douglas, .M anito bert, to Winnip —A quiet wed deuce of Mr. Ja ford, on Thursd aftern when his only d tighter, Miss Janet Y., united in marria to Mr John A. Woo prosperous youn farme of Downie. duties of the b idesmae were dis ensed of the oldest s t- at his residen c, y, the 3rd ins some two mon dams hes been a resid bout 0 years, and was, ath, in the 70th year ing persens left Mitchell 1 est : bire. Henry Mether h Dakota ; John R. Dru ancouver, 13ritish Colu Drury, of Hibbert, ; Ge rge Nixon, of g, Manii oba. ding too es L. ut at of st 11, m - to ib - place at the r [A- rmstrong, Strat- on of last we k, as , it he and grooms ao :with, and the bride as given aW y by h r father. Rev.; Mr.Leit h, of Knox 4hurch, performed the ceremon _sees Wm. eyes, of Prospect Rill, as taken middenly ill on Sunday, Febru ry 26th. Medical id was immediately se m- rnoned, blut in s ite 6f every effort to ro- long her life, she rapidly sank during he week, anl on Satnrday, morning, April st, she pass d away. She Iliad reached wh is known a "a good oldlage " lacking onl a few mon les of eighty years. Your children mourn tite departure of an aged mother. —A v ry iiAteresting event took placc at the horn of Mr' and Mrs. H. Lander of Logan, d Wedn sday evening of last w ek, when th ir third daughter, Miss Sarah, jwas married ,o a pr gressive young farmerl of Hibbert, Mr. I. J. Worden, second so of Thomas Worden, Eeq , of the Huron rad. The ma doge took place early in the e en- ing, in t e presence of a large gatherin of invited riendai —The death rof Mrs. Thomas Smith, one of the rieost ehteemed residents of El ice, took pla re on Saturday forenoon, 1st i st., after an illness lasting (rely a few days,ri on - frequent epon her confinement and a co pli- cation o diseases, which rendered the est medical skill unavailing. Besides her dis- eonsolato husband, she leaves behind wo little ire aneboys, the eldest of whom is six- teen mo • ths, and the youngest only a few days. 1 eceased was it daughter of Jt mes Armatr ng, of the ' second emcee on. Downie and was born in the townshi1 of Ellice 1.es than thirty years ego. She was marrie• to Mr. Smith about three ars ago. •1 —Re . W. A. Bradley, of Knox eh ch, Mitche 1, has received an invitation f om the Pre byterian congregation at Pasa na, Califorrie, to go down there and ake charee. The invitation was eupporte by an offe tf $2,500i T e Mitchell Eeco der remark • " What it al Bradley Ma de- cide to do, we don't k • ow. But fron lay- man's tendpoint, we would not e o ong to cone der whether a ii1ivitation to de- sira,ble a, climate as so ithern Calif nia, with a salary of eh ,5(10 attacbed t it, was a p ovidential call pr not. The ch ate call is c ite strong en.iigh, apart fro the call of $2,500 eater . Pasadena iis o ly a few mil h from Los An eles, and a del ght- ful spot where they n er have sleighi g or frost in tae eellar in Aril." —Th 8 tratford E�rald says: " , ohn Velsh (- Son, the On rio street jewel ers, aye at preeent laid ut for repairs in heir tore, t '3 clocks whicl are probably as old r clder than any °the s for miles aro nd, i n t, in he province. One of these an rent or loge is the pro erty of His H nor ud e B rron. On the • face is the ate 77e., an • it looks it, every day. All the heels a e df wood and it is wound up b a ort of r pe and pulley arrangement. Its lder br :her bel ugs to Ald. E. 11. ilidt nd it is over two hundred years Sinet it rst et uak the hour. A, out this c ock also, th_ re is ve little metal. The face end case itod mos of the works are mad of wood h ig1 a fe of the wheels are to ass. One oM he curi us' features of this t me - worn 1 e jfiece is the fact that :all the i hinge a e made sf wire, showieg that hen the si t euth century clock maker fini hed this isip cim n •f his handiwork the flat hinge w e still A thought of." • • ecipe Three :ggs. One c p ptevede ed sugar. One c p sifted our. Juice f a lemon and half the grated eel. - Beat t e e go very light, the whites u til they are eti , the yelks to a cream. Add the suga to the latter and stir in the lemon juice, an t en beat in the flour and whi After th re in stir as little as possi le. Bake in iy.pans or in a small loa Christie hiltme Herrick. • lender Support. " I'm il ing to stand on my merits," claimed i lie Wishington. Miss C yenne ooked at him thoughtf and the xclaitned, "Mr. Wishing have you v r had any expe.ience as a ti rope walker ?"—Washington Star. or Sponge Cake. • • MR; e —A happ • WednescIty were made 1 aneous News Notes. event took place in Hullett on of lait week, when two he o beat sis one, We allude to THE 11 the marriage of Walter Miss E. Dunlop, 'which • house of Mrs. Dunlop, i number of friends and r Hamilton offi late& —The Mild ay Gazet in looking ove a hatch just gathered, MO. that one egg differed in the rest, and t oncs pr the cause, 0 opening to find a smal snake lively and hap y s a or —Mr. and re. M. S Ashfield town hip, recei ponce that the r son Ale had died on arch 9b sickness. Th two brot there for a nulrber of ye ing it till he g t married nary last. : 1 Heartl ss.1 Ethel—You say Algy as been heartlessly eceived by a young wo an. Did she lead im on to think that shelloved him? • May—Oh, no ; she led him on to believe that she didn't care a rat' for him, and then when he carelessly prop sed, accepted him n the spot.—Truth. EXPOSITOR. S. Rogerson 'nd toiok place at th the pregame f a latives. Rev. r e says : Last w ek, f eggs which or lulliton noti ed color from an et ceeded to find ut t, sbe was arna .ed quirming about, ae cket. aekleton, of Cre e,1 ed the sad inte ander, of Alber • after ten da a' ers have been ut rs, and were bath - on the 4th of J n - The Acquireme it of Correct Spee h. Correct speech is larg ly a matter of imi- ation. If the persons «ith whom a child onstantly associates ,spe k inelegantly the hild will certainly db li. ewise. No amount f instruction in gram ar, the theory of 1 nguage, will avail to •ounteract the de - lasing effect of precti al tuition in the rong direction. There is no such word in the English language as ' ain't." We may say "I'm not," because e merely eliminate the a in ant, but "ain't 'has no legitimate progenitor. The home s the true school of speech, and the mother the teacher whose influence will be the m st lasting.—Febru- ary Ladies' Home Journ 1. • Guy Fawkes Lantern. It has been settled be ond a doubt that the identical lamp whicliiGuy Fawkes car- ried in poking about, in the cellar of the houses of parliament, w en he intended to blow them up, is now n existsnce. This lantern is in the Ashmolearr museum at Cambridge. Guy Fawkjes was carrying this lantern when he was ar ested. ¶1he history of the lantern has now 1eenfullyatab1ished and it must take its plebe among the most celebrated exhibits in t e museutne of the world. The Cecil Fam y History. Feiov families in the Meth a more remerkable tinuity than that of OCC of Lord Treasurer Burg seated to -day in the erected, and the deecen son in that built b 1608-11. That of years earlier. It i that from the time bury to that of th member of the famil tion. The owners. like the regretted p going, country ge ar re ritish peerage fur - illustration of con -i il. The descendants ley' e eldest son are a,nsion he himself dents of his sewn ir 'Robert Cecil i hley is some fort arkable, however s firet Earl of Salis resent marquis n rdse ha great distinc f Burghley have been er u I, st deceased, quiet tile en, living amon their own people, and n table generally fo a wide -reaching hos ita ity. The family o late years suffered e -eei tionally from agri cultural depression, b t their hospitabl traditions have as far a possible been main tained. • I What is hat? A Welsh, minister syas endeavoring t make a hardened sinner ee the error of hi ways. The sinner could not see thee be a ever done anything v ry wrong. "Bu even if you have done n thing wrong i you self, remember there is o iginal sin," vyarne 1 the minister. " What's that ?" ;innocentl queried the hardenedern " Original sin," gravely replied the minis er, "is the in f Adam, our first father. Adam }Anne , a d his guilt has fallen ori all of us. well," remarked the impe itent, with a. si of relief, " that's not muclh between Lll f us !" And the minister vas left meditatirjg on this new view of an old theologic I problem. 41 Absent Mi On the appointed day th the aeronaut, and the two car of the balloon, aceomp chutic umbrella, by intro, professor proposed to sink to the earth from an enor The balloon shot upwerd they were at an altitude a 30,000 feet, the professer s bered what he was there fo climbed out of the car and fore the aeronaut couldlsto He had dropped 10,000 f dropping, when he rema with great disgust• : "Good gracious I'vei co gotten my umbrelfa, , • MADAME WA LACE. Cured of Femali eaknese - Dodd's Kidne Pills. I ded. Professor join d men enter d t e nied by th pe, a- s of whic t oftly and safely ous height ' swiftly. Wh n little less th n ddenly rmein , and at orlce dropped ff be- bim. et and wa still ked to limself e away a d Montreal, April 17t .—o he ladies of 1his • city are rapidly cornio to realize the value of Dodd's Kidney Pills as r4 specific ;for all Female Troubles. IVIdme. Sarah Wallace, mixliste, 338 Pa i- neau ave., has had an erperience that g es to show that no other tried eine can eqUal Dodd'? Kidney Pills fo Fe ale Troublesi II Mdme. Wallace writes : " I suffered or three years with Female Weakness, ad none of our physicians could relieve me. ; I was advised to try Dodd's Kidney Pills, aid f had only used one box wheII felt hetit4rr. Now I am cured, and have taken only t o ox es." ; Dodd's Kidney' Pills aiwafys cure Female 1 Troubles. • , , • Hung -With lack. The darky has a ,sense of humor peculiarly Lis own, and by nd means objects to a joke containing an alluaion to to le color of his race—provided he Makes i himself. In' a New York town w aich has colony of col- ored people there i 3 one big darkey who has acquired considerable local renown tor his -taste in landscape gerdenin Some time ago this man was employed in setting out shrubs on the litven of a hand- some estate. The master 4f the house was nowhere to be seen, and number of the gardener's friends were lea ing comfortably 011 the fence at the foot of be lawn, watch- ing the operations with ab orbed interest. , Another darkey, who as driver fora physician living ne t door o the fine estate, looked curiously at his ro of spectator, and then addressed the d etor, who wes just getting into hi bugg . "Doctor Wileo et' dt he said, solemnly, " dere's somebody aMassa Jones', sartin sure." ' , " Dead 1" echoed the do tor. "No such thing, Caesar. I should h there had been any illness " Well, sah,° said Caes row of sable individuals on the pickets, "if dere a to Massa Jones's, sah, de yer Mournin' strung along ve heard of it 4 in the family." , r, pointing to the ho were hanging n't nobody dead w'at fer is all ds de fence ?" Yeast For DEAR Sm :—Thinking t some people in and around with send you, for publi reoipe of yeast to bake br Paire 12 medium-sized eutfieient water te keep t raaet i 13. ay benefiti Seaforth, I her ation, Mrs. H.' ad in five hour.: potatoes and—i ea well covered ...........o•Nrstmccomst="ar07=it '9r71 • 11 nature in recfa ni all mon hs w DR. W MS' ressing Season. Winter is the iliost trying season of the year, so far as health is concerned. Con* finement in -doors, and over- heated and impure air makes even usually strong people feel dull, languid, easily tired and generally run down. A tonic is needed to aid lost ehergy, April is the month of tonic is of most service. PINX PILLS FOR PALE PEOPLE dime. These pil4 make rich and transform listless, dull, tired women into smiling, healthy, le. m your neighbors—have been made Pills, but you must get the genuine. is the only tr d to ilc m red enegyrg and worn-out men n . WiCY k lovm T ou+11 s som ° .ti i well am y Dr. Oink hay In my with d tremei my ho knove N rs. Peter Mlahar,'Seal Co de ived from Dr. WlIliam ra e. My l health as 13 zzi ess, shotness ofibreal pele. 1 gave the iI1s1a iseHold work withouf ex* f for weak, tire cl pate pao i RVOUS c, Q 6.,1wri tes' ' Pin Pills, to okenown , a 'rt and pall:sited fair trinl, and ti rieneiog the lea ND' WORN OUT. • "It] gives me real pleasure to acknowledge the benefit believe had it not been for their 14e 1 would now ba he least exertion would fatigue me. I was troubled of the heart • my appetite was fickle, and I was exi• y have restore'a me to perfect health, and I can do all fatigue. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills dre the best tonic! goilllhe Ore soil !ORLI Vocillos li 11 torimm. lli WRAPPER14114TE; N ri. At all dealers, or Medicine Brockv• totes for $ 50. . ect fro nt,,, at While they are cooking ta-e one pint of our, three -quarte ,s of a tea up of salt, ne tea cup of sugar. Wet wit enough , c Id ater to make- a s ooth pa te. Pour o er till it looks -clear like starch. Pass thro gh r i two quarts of b iling wat r, and coo ii; a colander into a tWo gallon ar. When he potatoes are well done, pa:s 'through be colander also the water in 'Which theylw re boiled; fill the jar with lake warm water to within a finge hr leo rgelr of tl e I op.ir itiren this mixture i y -3I, lulte a an i ieie in f ur dried yeese ca ice, which haye heel ously disk:dee , an 1 set in a mein pi tee to rise. When a thiek white s nie rises fo he top it is reedy for low. Cot •r and se etc ay in a cool cle Ile plac e. Directens for ing,:e To Mut. -three pint .asin loa es take ehree pints of the y am t, no other etting, tir he a batter, and n ui. hour it will ,he light enough to onoplol i to loaves In Wi ter 1 always warm the flour; in s mmer i es not necessary. Walirt of Tact. Mrs, Brown—Bat you would rn Mr. White a bad man? Aire. Green.—N, but he is so lac tact ! He went f4shing last Sund brought the fsh in at the front d or, everybody pissing by could see iitn. ton Transcript. The rfkier Nile h in 1,000 Miles. Eartheew re sle of the Japan se rai atPiornot. estant in rather lees t an t i The deepe t coal mine i4 the world is the Lambert, in , Bel ium ; ou can descend 3,490 feet. The preseet p pulatioe of Bordeaux, France, is 29'1,000, of whaim 18,864 are in receipt of assistance fro charitable so- cieties. Simla, India, is built n the side of a steep hill, cued the roof f one house is often on'a lev 1 with the f undation of one ; in the next ti r. Parts of the useless fora cation which sur- round Paris are now comi g down, and the question is discussed of en arging the city. Itsb.oundariee have not be n exeendeci since n60 The largest library in th wor d is that of Paris. It contains upwa ds ef 2,000,000 printed books and 160,000 anu cripts. The British museum contains abou 1,500,000 volumes, and the Imperia lib ary at St. Petersburg about the sam number. These are the largest libraries in the orld. • TO CURE A COLD IN Take Laxative promo Quinine Table gistrefilled the money if it fails to Cu 1 • Tired of the Jo During the last Afghan wart joke was current through the dirtiness of the Afghan is proeer is said that on one occasion Gen once ordered one to be washed. TWd soldiers were told off for he purpose. They stripped the prisoner an scrubbed him for two hours, with formid iple brushes and soft soap. Then they t reer down their brushes in disgust and went to their captain. " What is it, men ?" he said. " Well, air," they replied, " we have washed that Agan chap tor two hour, knit it is no good. 'After scrubbing hint, sir, for two hours till ur arms ached fit to drOp of, blest if we did noti come upon another suit of clothes."— lid -Bite. 1 • .44. Costly Bargain BY TOM SWALWELL. " Yes,'" said Mrs. Jacque* a lawyer's wife of the town of Rochdale, ' I got that rocking -chair you are sitting o from a de - • oreig . s a fall of only call ing in y and where —Bos - six inches pers ar in mie in some lroads. Frane4 only number o per e mt. Of the popu- • N DAY a. 'All Drug.. e. 25e. )625.13 0 e fol wing rmy. The i al, -9,nd it ral Rhberts 4 art neat store for $3.98i Don't you think D is sargt4 ?" , veally don't," said. her friend, ci rs. 5ftpleticin, the doctor ts wife. " If you ew how Much it I wily did cost, you oul n't t} iiik sO either,'t " W y, what. do yoU mean ? That was 11 I re lly 1iid for it, ,xeept 40c. express ha ges " " Ilu the was not ail ie_cost you, my c car Mos. Jfrue .h." " Win 1.0511 how ynu the bill, Mrs .'a let i you doubt it." -±,st toe rkplain, my dear. Yoo know Mao Doe lot th furniture and carpet man, on Mein sbr et ? Welln he happened to be in the e othee and sa,w this chair with your fia b tech d, ailing with the name of the p op you got lit from. You are p oba ly • t aWare that Mr. Douglass bought t e hisholm property ? Up to the d his chair in the express office, y our: us had always done his legal b Ski ss. e at oonce went off to Mr. Mar- sball, th er lawyer, and engaged hi in to 1 lined Speci tot Sql lab r ed L Mile! L nd BREf It. A IS COCOA, COMFORTING fished everywhere for De- Flavouie Superior Quai- d Nut ti e Properties. gijitefu1 nd comforting ervous and dyepeptic. itt qu r er-pound tins, JAMES EPPS & CO., HOMQ2 pathic Chemists, ngland; • R Elehl TI you ivet red 3Irey' a4lieira e ed T'i back Price 5 ; ' r ;• MRS. JO !, she rtinaldist3tw.lrueo mir • 16 cents. SUPPER COCJOA l60 -P -2y 93L— • ave on 1 tried all the remedies r he rd of, brining for a euro? If still, take Milburn's Rheumatie Pills. , gueitanteed to cure, or your money TY, PORT GILBERT, N. S., SAYS: eould grind her teeth, 80 I concluded .' I gave her tbree dozes of Dr. Low's hich acted with good effect." Priee ••••• I'obacco Heart. Me. W. J Jddon. Curtis street, St. Thomas, Ont., says : "1 tad trouble wieh my heart for two years, calmed by XehtiiN use of Tobacco. I used one bgx of Milburn' Heart.nd Nerve Pills, and have net Buffered fro pa itatian !since." Severe Diarrhcea. byoawnee3l,,coomnP.laints of children." Mrs. O'Flynn, North ly recommand it to mothers as the best medicine for my child of la severe attaek of Diarrhoea, and I high- ., Dr. FovPler's Extra:11nd Strawberry cured • Imiimoe Blood Always ele need, purified and enriched by Burdoek Blood Bit re. Mrs.; John Douglas, Fuller P. Ga Ont., !opt . 1"..! I have Used IL 13. B. for impure blood,- pine les on my facand sick headache." Four bottles mr.do.my skin; clear and free from eruption, and cured ino completely, 1 - ; Athletesj Bicyclist Ilagyiarcrs Silow Of stiffnea• a diSorenes cuts, etc. A clean p ing. Pric 25e. ism others should always keep on iand. Nothing like it for 'of tjie muscles, sprains, bruises, epa &Mon, will not stain cloth- ed to tay Cured. It's ft w n erful reCord of permanent cures dock Oleo Bitters Is pre nting, Instanees are givelo of such se °Us diseaves a Cancers, Scrofulous sores, Salt !then Erysips Abscesses, Running Sores, etc., wher B. B. B. frnade a cure three, four and even twel it, ears a, and the disease has shown no signs of re u$nlng. MR. A writes *if and could lew Oil, THcit Y018, . ROCS HILL, ONT.: !lows : was laid up with stiff joints; get no reliOf ill I use& Havarti', Yel bleb ctarecil m," Price 26e. er search the titles and draw' ont the papers in connection with the transt,er of the property. The doctor told me that Douglass gave Marshall a cheque for $35 for his work. You know that Mr. Marthall's motto is " that it fie only just, right and proper to spend his Money among the people where he i makes his kliving," so you nee, my dear, this 1. chair cost You really about $25, allowing for ' Mr. Marshall's time doing:the work." When J equeth came hOme that evening to dinner, iis wife told him about the mean i way he ha been treated lay Douglass. Mr. Jacqueth was a 10e1 -headed fellow, and saw through the whdle thing at once, Said he: ';" Why a lot df people want to rush off and spend their neoney away ft -tot:. home, I cannob tell. Do you know, that blessed cha r of yours haecost over e$25 al- ready, and bow much more it will cost when it gets ab oad that I am sending away money to bi.y a lot of trumpery we don't want, I can ot tell. From this out, spend your mono where I have to make my living." The $3.98 rocker was the last importation into the Jae ueth household, Mortgag Sale of Fdrrn Property. Under and byl virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain indenture of mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public Auction, by Mr. Joseph P,, Brine. RUC- tioneer, at the Commercial Hotel, in the Town of Seaforth, onSaturday, the Oth day of May, 1899, at the hour of 12 o'cloek, noon, the fonowing,property All and singular those certain parcels or tracts of land and premlees situate, leing and being in the Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron, and Province of Oneario, being composed of the south hall of the north hail of lot twenty -41x <26), and the west half of the south half of eald lot twentrAx (20, and all of lot member tvienty-strOn (27), all In the seventh concession of the said Township of McKLI- lop, containing ;by admeasurement one hundred and fifty Berea, be the same more or 'less. Terms of Sale : Ten per cent. of the purchase money at the titete of sale, and the balance within thirty days thereafter, without i iterest. or, if the purchaser so deem, ten per cent, of the purthase money at the three of side, and the balance to be sr - ranged according to terme and conditions then to be made known. For further tonne and particulars apply to EDGAR & MALONE, 59 Yoneee St, Toroet0, Solicitors for the -Venders. Dated at Toronto, April Oth, 1899. 5.4 The Grandly Bred Stallion AND GREAT RACE HORSE McCormack Wil stand for the Improvement of stock, during the season of 1899, R. Wilson's Stables, SE &FORTH) Huron County Breeders' Association. 1635 Dem atm wows phosphodino; • The -Great ;Zvi -11h. Remedy. Sold and recommended 'by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Biz kages guaranteed to cure all forma o Beaus Weakness, all effects Of SIMS* or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of T°- baoco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed =receipt ef Price, on Vat $1, six, $5. One witiPlea itz tose, fii our,e. mp ets free to any address. _ Wood' Composy, Windsor, Out. Ni. 1 and No. 2 sold:in Seaforth by Lumeden & Wilson, druggists.