The Huron Expositor, 1899-03-31, Page 22
areada's Gress o t Liniment.
Xirifntha' Menthol iniment Is the great-
rewcurative discovery of the age. Pene-
tes muscle, membrane and tissue to the
ry bone, banishes pains and aches with a
power impossible with any other remedy..
il'se It for rheumat inn, neuralgia, head-
aches and all Soren ss, swelling and In-
flammation. All dru::lets, 25 ets. 82
Catarrhal Deafness
The last stage dev lopment of Nasal Ca-
tarrh. Japanese Cater h Cure goes away past
the potato where e en specialists on the
'disease have been abl to reach. It's a pene-
trating, soothing. hen fug and strengthening
compound, allaying he Inflammation and
healing without leay ng the slightest bad
after-resuIts. The only guaranteed Catarrh
cure. 50c at all drug lets. 119
Clarke's Kola Compound Officially
Tasted by the British Columbia Gov-
ernment, at the Rome for Incur -
abler, Kamloopo, B.C.—The Medical
Superintendent Pronounced Long -
Standing Cases Cured.
Many temporary relief asthma remedies
hare, during the east' few years, been plac-
ed before the publio, but until the introduc-
tionl to the modloal profession of Clarke's
Rola Compound, nothing has been found
to have any effect on proventine future et -
tack's. The Medical Superintendent for the
Home for Incurables in. Kamloops, 13. G.,
has ;awl probably tho best chance le Can-
ada to thoroughly test this wonderful re-
medy for asthma. 110 reports that on the
three cases of asthma where Clarke's -Kola
Oompound has been tried, la not a single
Instance did it fait to cure, and on ehe
_ particular case a Iaay had been (manned to
her bed most of the trine for nearly a year
previous to taking- this remedy, and less
than three bottles have completely cured
there hae not been the slightest indicat n
of asthma returning. Three bottles of
Clarke's Kola Compound are guaranteed to
acre any ease of asthma. Over 500 es
!Faye already been cured in Canada ale e
ilky this remedee Sold by all druggists. Pri
two dollars ; t ree bottles, with cure r
=steed, for five dollars. The Griffit
Macpherson 0 ., sale Canadian importe
Sold by j. S. Roberts. I
_L-1. The house contains dining room, parlor, k t-
eller) and four bedrooms, a woothhed and hard a d
"LIOR SALE. -1 tbe Village of Hensel!, a fine bri k
X dwelling an store combined, well situated n ar
;titre of villag Ternis reasonable. Apply to
SS 8. CARL'S E, HensalL 161
For ssle the frame dwelling house and lot ar
the railway station in Brimfield. The house con-
tains ten rooms ra btone cellar and hard and soft
water in the house ; also a good !stable. There is a
quarter acre of land. Apply to ALEX. MUSTARD,
MURK FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot 6, Coneeseion 6,
X Mullett, near village of Klnburn, containing
about 100 acres, oleared and in a good state of
cultivation, There are good bulling., good orchard
and plenty of excellent water. This is a splendid
farm and will be sold cheap, Immediate passession.
Apply to MRS, 80110ALES, Constance P. 0.
The undersigned offere ior sale eeo acres of
unimproved land in Horner township, midland
County, Michigan, or would exchange for store or
town property, and pay tbe difference, if any, in
cash. For further particulars, addrese B. J. DRYS.
DALE, Drysdale P, O., Ont. 1620x8
'VCR SALK—For sale, in the Village of Wroxeter,
X a dwelling house and shop They are connect.
ed, and in the centre of the business part of the vil-
lage. There is over a, quarter of an acre of land.
The place is situate in a first-olass place for business,
and is now occupied by a tenant. The property will
be sold cheap, and good terms giveii for payment.
Apply to JOHN B. VOGT, Wroxeter P. 0. 1620-tf
VCR SALE.—For sale 220 acre farm in MeRillop,
being Lote 24 and 26, Conceseion 10, and north
part of Lot 25, Concession 9. Thia land has been
in paeture since first cleared, 25 or 80 years ago,
therefore is rich and free frere foul weeds. It is
Winded on the gravel road, five miles north of Sea -
forth and nine from Brussels. Terms of payment
made to suit purchaser. For particulars apply to
1G1ARAI FOR SALE.—For sale, in the Township of
X McKillop, the north 50 acres of bot 16, Commie
lion 14, boundary line. About 47 acres cleared, throe
acres of good hardwood bush, about two acres of
ohoice fruit trees, eon unsurpassed, well drained and
fenced ; school half a mile away, poet office and
church convenient ; will be sold cheap. For pan
Maulers, apply to the proprietor on the premises, ok
Walton P. O. DANIEL McMILLAN, Proprietor.
r South Beat quarter of section F., township of
- Laird, containing 160 acres, There are forty acres
Wowed and free from stumps and tinder crop. Clem-
fortable log buildings. The balance it well timbered,,
lit is within four miles of Eohobay railwsy station,
and six miles of the prosperous village of Port
Findlay. 1This is a good lot, and will be sold cheep,
and on ealy terms. Apply to WILLIAM SIMPS N
on the premises, or to ALEX. MUSTARD, Ken .e.
Sold. 1546- f
lasUILDING LOT FOR SALE.—The very desirahle
building lots, being numbers 37, 88, 39 and
is situated on Main street of F,gmondville and Sail -
forth. The whole contains about one acre, and will
De sold in separate parcels or torether to suit the
purchaser. Tilid property is List south of tbe
Woollen Mills, and Mr. &Dickson s property south of
the corporation, and is considered the most desirable
building site either for private residence's or A
factory. It is high and convenient, and has a street,
south and west. Apply to JANE nr JOHN SPRoAT,
agmondville P. 0., Execrators to the Estate of the
late John Sproat.
splendid farm of Mr. Robert Govenlock, on the
orth Road, a mile and a half tram kiesforth. I
containit175 acres, nearly ail cleared and in a high
state of cultivation, Tnere is a two story brick
house, good bank barn and everything in ftrelechuis
condition and well underdrsined. It will be sold on
easy tentle, Si the proprietor desires to retire. If
not sold before the fall it will be rented. Address
Snap Bargains 'in Real Estate and
Live Stock.
THIRTY DOLLARS an acre will buy a 184 acre
farm—a first-class grain and stock farm—near the
Village of Zurich, in the township of Hay, Counby of
Huron ; good buildings, good fences; plenty of water
and a most desirable place ; also three thoroughbred
short horn bulls and three Yorkshire hoars, all fit for
service ; also several roadster horses,, all good stock,
and prices right. For particulars apply to & RAN-
NIE; Zurich P. 0. 1612-tf
Hardware Store.
We have a complete steel 'of Sap Pails,
Spites and Sugar Kettlee et bottom prices.
We are also agents for the " Whirlpool"
Also agents for Thoreld Cement, and
quotations given for oar lots or any quan-
tity required.
Complete stock of Builders' Hardware.
Estimates given for Furnace Work and
Sills Murdie
Counter's Old Stand, Seaforth.
Being always in commuuloation with the lumber
dealers, the undersigned is in a position lo supply
Lumber, Shingles, Cedar Posts, etc.,
at the very lowest prices, either by the car load or
otherwise Yards—in the rear of the Queen's Hotel
fore 1
don, March
cone of C
Dr. Talma
ns of eon)
xt, John xi
ad received
The Great
urrg est crowns in •beaven win not qe
giv to those Who, in stirrups, clashed
to t o envairy charge, while the general
applauded, :incl the 'sound of clrushing
sabers r Lug through the land, but the
brightest , crown in heaven, I believe,
will be given to' those iwho trudged on
amid chronic at xnente which unnerved
their strc ng h, yet all the time maintain-
ing their faith hi God. It is comparative-
ly easy to fight ina regiment of a thou
Sand men, charing ilp the parapets to
the sound, o inar� tial music, but it is not
easy to endure .whop no one but the
arse and the doctor 'ate the witnesses of
he Christian fortitude.' Besides that, you
ever had any pains worse than Christ's.
he sha 'press that stung through his
rain, through Ibis hiands, through his'
eet, through his heart, were as great as
ours certainly. ' He was as sick and as
eery. Not a ne ave or muscle or ligament
seeped. All th pangs of all the nations
f all the ages ctirnprea ecl into one sour
pup. Ile : ;ook the vinegar!
Christ'■ Privation.,
26.—From the
rist's last. hour of
e in this sermon
ort for people in
the vinegar."
erusalem had done
sTefil ‘3 W1/5 dying. Pe isons in crucifixion
ofte 1 ling Ted -on froni day to day, cry-
ing, beg,,ing, eursin , but Christ had
tee! exha isved by yerrs of maltreatment..
rill Av ess Dowdy fed flogged, as bent
owe a d tied to a loes; nest his bare back
was ir ila ned with lie scourges inter-;
sae a vit1 pieces of lead and bone, and
mew fo 1 hele hour the weight of, his
botl_ h in); on delicate' tendons, and, ac -
let; a d op of rain strike on his burning ,
tong le 011, world, with rolling rivers
thole b( al y pity in earth or heaven or
helk le It now be lemonstrated in be -
to lu yeea und of in ney with which they
pray tied t Inc 1or these people :who died
in c 'nein.. -1011-11, slyerful opiate to
aeke it. 0 wanted die•sober, and so
he it fused the wine. But afterward they
in it and ut it on a stick:of hyssop and
t hen pres, it agaii st the hot lips of
Carl. a Yon Say the wind was an anaes-
thetic and "ntended to'relieve or deaden
the p tin. ut the v negar ;was an insult.
ives the Isaccharine seems to
then yant days res
311 tiny case there ar
sunshine on a bank
or in January, look -
heir table, - they see all their
1th . rubicund., skies
Ilona But in a great
not se many sugars
ances, and the vexa-
tions, and the dist ppointments of life
orerpOver he sueeesees. There is a gravel
in. alniost very shoe' ,An Arabian legend -
says th It 41 ere was, a worm in. Solomona3
staff na mg its strength ;away, and
there is a weak spot in every earthly
George of England forgot all. tl e grand -
curs of his throne because one c y in an
in tervi NY eau Brummel called him by
his firs me and . addressed him as a
.servantl c ing, "George, ring the bell!"
;Miss Lang lon, honored. all the world
over for he poetic genius, - is so worried
over the ev 1 reports set afloat regarding
her Vila sh 3 is found dead with an empr
bottle o prussic acid in her hand. Gold-
smith si id hat his life was a wretched
being, nd hat all that want andcori-
tempt c ulc bring to it had been brought,
and cri s out, "What, then, is there
paintin is hung up for a tavern sign.
makes t e eat fresco inl the Church of
the An unc late at Florence and gets for
anees and vexations in hig places as
well as {in 1 w places, showiln that in a
great m Iny lives are . the So rs greater
had ree iv the vinegar." i 1
It is bsu to suppose that a man who •
has al ays been well can sympathize
with th so ho are siok, or that one who
that on w o been 'born to a great,
foi•tene an un erstand the distress and
the s re: ts of hose ho are destitute.
The nut at Christ himself took the
-vitutteer Ina es him able to sympathize
to-caryt and, orever with all those whose
cup is !loci with the sharp aeids Of this
The Treacherous Friend. ,
In the fin t place, there was the sour-
ness of lletrayal. The treakhery of Judas
hurt Christ's feelings more than all the
friendship of his disciples did him good.
You hate had many:, friends, but there,
was one fi lend unon whom you put
especial stress. You feaated him. You
loaned him money. Yon befriended him
in the dark passes of life, when he
especial y needed a friend. Afterward, he
tit riied pen you, and he toek advantage
of youi former intimacie . He wrote
against you. He talked aga nst you. He
contempt at, you, when you ought th
have reed, ed nothing but kr atitude. At
first you Could not sleep at night. Then
you went about with a sense of having
been stung. That diffidulty will never be
healed, for though mntual friends may
arbitrate in the matter until. you shall
shake hands, the old ccirdiality will never
,eoetee back. Now co nmand th all such
teey sold lean for le s than our $201
They all forsook' him a d fied. -They cut
hini to the quick. He drank that cup to
the dregs. He-tOok the vinegar,
There is also; the Sournets of pain.
There are some of you ho have not seen
out of drafts and by refully studying
dietetlea, you continue tO this time, but
oh, the heacaches, and the side aches,
and the btattaches, an the heartachee
Which have been; your ompaniment all
the way through You have struggted .
under a heavy mortgage of physical dis-
abilities and instead of the placidity t at
once characterized you I it • is now o ly
with great effort that you keep away
from irritability and sharp.retort. Ditll-
eulties of respiratiirki, of digestion, 'of
locomotion, make up the great obstatle
in your life, and pout tug and sweat
along the pathway and onder when the
exhaustion will end. vv friends. the
There is also the- sourness - -of poverty.
.eut. incame does . net' meet you outgo -
that !always gives an honest
4 you—pleasant appearance and
home for you—but •God enly
at a time you have had th Man-
rivate finances. just as the
p the wages seem to run doWn.
say nothing, but life to yen; , is
sh, and when yen. Sit dawn
wife and talk over the expenses
tsie up discouraged. Yell abridge
you abridge there, and you get
ig for rniooth: sailing, and, lo,
there IS a large doctor's hill th
ebtor has failedi and. you lam
am eat& Well, brotheis you' aro
s company. Christ; owned:not
ha whieh he stopped or the 'colt
herode or tilt) boat in which he
I lived In a borrowed house; he
s of weather, yet he had - Only
clothes. He breakfasted in the
old no 'one could posSibly toll 1
mild get anythiing to eat before '
would have- been pronounced a
inure. !I He had to perform a
get namey to pay a taX bill.
, privation of nutritious food,
of a 1 comfortable • couch on
Jeep, 1 rivation of all worldly
The; ings of the earth had
dices nit of which to drink,
had °thing but a plain cup
him, aad it was -very sharp,
very sem. • He_ took the vine -
'The Vacant Chair.
Ther ere years that passed along
before o r familY circle -Was invaded hy
.death, u the moment -the •charmed cir-
cle was b ken everything seemed to dis-
solve. It rdly have yen put- the :black
again te ake .14 out. Gratit and rapid
changes' h your family record. . You got
the hot s and rejoiced in it, bat the
charm av is gone as seen as,the crape
hung on the doorbell. The Ono upon
whom . u most depended was taken
away fr Ill you, - cold marble slab lies
on youlth rt"toa y. Once, as the chil-
dren rotai ed thro gh the house, you. put
your haM over, your aching• head and
said, "Oh, if I conld only have it still!"
Oh, it is ,00 still Mow! . You lost your
patience 1 hen the tops and the ,strings
and the s lens Nvinxi left amid Boer but
oh, yoa ould I be willing to have the
trinkets: itterell all over the floor again
if they w re scattered by•the same hands.
With 1 hat a . ruthless plowshare ber-
eavement rips up the heart! :13itt .Tesus
knows all about that. You cannot tell
him anyt dug pew' in regard to bereave-
ment. lie had only a few friends,. and
buried, -nd C nast breaks down with
when he ost one it, brought ,teart to his
eves. Laaarus had !often entertaihed him
au:his home. N w !Lazarus is dead and
emotion, he con vtilsion of grief shudder-
ing throu th all the ages of bereavement.
Christ k IONWS W11/4 itls to go 'through
the hout missing a familiar inmate.
Christ knows what it is ,th see an unoccu-
pied plata at the tibia Were there not
four of hein—Mary and Martha, and
Christ an 1 Lazarus 1)1 Four' of them. But
where is ..azarus? Lonely and afflicted
Christ, his great loving eyes filled with
- tears! Oh yes, yes! 'He knows all about
the loneli less and the heartbreak. He
- took the
ngs and
Man. aux
tion abo
knows w
age your
bills rim
You may
vith you
'you both
liar°, and
pay, Or yc
or some d
thrown b(
in gloriou
; the ho use
OD which
was buriet
to all kin(
one suit o
nights He
financial 1
miracle to
Nat a doll
which tlo
resources t
chased 1ch
but Clutist
set before
and it
Then 41 ere is he- urness of . the death
hour W stover sise we may escape, that
acid will be Pressed to our lips. I
sonic time, have a anriosity to knoW how
. 1 Will 1 _have when I come -to die.
Whether I will be calm, or eaciteal,
ut come to the. poiht I must and you
.rust. A i. °Mean from the future world
ill knee - at thc door of our hearts and
we will have to surrender. And we will
wake up 1 fter these 1antumnal and win-
try and ve rnal arid summery glories have
vanished rom our vision. tWe will wake
up into a realm whigh has only one seat
son and hat the season of everlasting'
But yo say: "I dn't. want to break
out from ny presentiassociations. It is so
chilly and so dan p to go; Own the etairs
den1 Want anything
of that t ault.
were only some ay ;of breaking through
the partition be wean Worlds without!
tearing th s body all ito shreds! I wonder
if the,. sot. cons nd the doctors cannot
compound a rnixtureby which! this body
and soul an 1111- the time be kept- to-
gether? I there no escape from -this
separation " None, absolutely none. A
great ma y, men timible itin•ough the
gates of the future, as it were, and we do
not .know Where • they hav gone, and
they only ld gloorni and my tery to the
passage, tit Je us 1 Christ so mightily
stormed the ga s of that tuttire world
that they ave - ever since ben closely
this worl of t o beauty of which he
was more ppree. alto than w . ever could
be. He nows the exquisi floss of the
phosphore cence of the sea.: e trod it.
He knows the glories of the midnight
heavens, f r they were the siingled can-.
opy of Us wilderne•ss pillow. He knows
about the: flies,. Be tWisted in into his
sermon. :1 e knows. about e fowls of
the air. Tl ey whtrred their ay through
his disco se. . He knows abbut the sor-
rows of 1 vine this beautiful world. Not
a taper wa kindled in the darkness. • Ile
died physic ianless. He died in cold sweat
that have tut him in sympathy with all
the dying. He goes through Christen-
dom, and e gathers up the etings out of
under his dwn neck and head. He thers
on his own tongue the . burning 'thirsts
of many g nerations.: The sponge Is soak-
ed in the rrows of all those who have
died in the r beds, as well as soaked in
the sorrow 'of all those who perished in
icy or fie martyrdom. While heaven
was pityin , and earth was mocking, and
hell was de iding, he took the vinegar! '
• Ca ry Sorrows to Jollies.
Te all th se th whom life has been an
acerbity—a dose they could not svvallow,
a draft tlaa set their teeth on edge and
rathv of J s Ch The sister Of Her -
wort& hi an
thiS hour dee
*dal vision so t
dark nigh' of y
may behol the
a Saviour' mer
Oh, my f ends,
your ills lone. ,
shoulder nder
your burd
of any ki
way, and
say about
about it,
and that
to the hea
our own
took the v
tossed on
weeks .and
dying of
saw a sail
it. When
ple oft the
captain o
some wat
tbat was
mouth of
scores of
about you
And then they dropped their
over th side of the vessel and b
up the le/
out the fir
to -day, aft
eternal lif
use of you
state whil
' clear, with, sin
mad drink
will, let hi
of life free
omer,.nsed to spend Much
he brought the distant
it is my ambiti n now
r the lens of yo spirit -
at, looking thro gh the
ur earthly troub es, you.
y, and a Savioms love.
do not try to carry all
Do not put yonr poor
he Apennines when the
up all
d that
an will
ill say
er pre -
hat for
ac,e he
Chri i is ready to lift
ns. When you have a,
d, yo ruah this way a
ou ander what this ir
it an what that man
and ou try this pre
Oh, hy do you not go
innit g and suffering
as te vessel that htu
the seas for a great
been ditabledi and the
ave out, and the ere
gainst the sky. They si milled
he -vessel came nearer, t ie peo-
stiff ;ring ship cried the
th other vessel: "S .nd US
r. M e aro dying for ack of
hail , I responded: "Dip your
here yo,11 are. You aro lin the
the Amazon, and there are
illos of fresh water all around
Laid hundreds of feet deep."
d put
11 you:
g for
is the
r, btaght, fresh water: a
of their thirst. So 1:h
s you are for pardo
r comfort and thirsti
, an I ask you what
goi tg in that death
all around you is th
rkling flood of Gad'
Oh, dip your b
lye forever. "Wh
me and take; of the
Div ne Sympathy.
Yet ther tire people who refus this
divine sym athar, and try to fight their
own battle , and drink their own vine-
gar, Mid rry their own Winton , and
hobbling o from defeat to defeat, until
they make final surrender to retri utive
up in my c rills all the woes of me and
take them ight to the feet of a Pat
Sahib, afte he ad lost his last ba le in
India, fell Lick nto the jungles o Ihetti
—jungles ) fi of. malaria that n mor-
tal ean live ther ). He carried wit him
value. Ile Idled in those jungles Ms
body was n ver mind, and 'the ru y has
never yet been reccivered. And I fear
—to be lo forcv r. Oh,' that that ruby
that to -day there are some who wi 1 fall
back from his ubject into the icken-
ing, killing jung es of their sin ca ing
might flash 1 tin khe eternal coronation!
13ut, no! There are some, I fear, who
turn away f oin this offered inerctly a,nd
standing the t Ch ist. for all who would
accept his ace, rudged the long way,
and suffered the 1 icerating thongS, and
the diseoura ed, and'the discomforted of
received in his f e the expectorat ons of
the filthy In b, ai d for the gull , and
the race, tool the vinegar. May God Al-
inighty brea the infatuation and lead
you out into • the strong hope, and the
this triumphant g spell
- According
Mr. Swadleigl
a mortifying
menally large
)310D to °hang
Sunday morni
his part, it we
He called his
stairs!, "Mari
would seer wh
shirt. The slee
can't find an
'tit, an went t
fons.'ii Mrs. S
wi I red till
ed, and then
good enough
faintly, "you
'on wrong sid
starched the w
his laundryman. On the
g Mowing this action on
s n Coed that he Was an
g ti ne making his toilet.
tory told on a
his nighbors,
ture. Ho has a,
e had
hone -
and she went up-
s the matter wi this
h les .for the collar but -
ad eigh gave one look at
to. _paroxysm of la ghter.
she had partially r over -
lad: "Perhaps you rill be
to ell' me what yOu are
' George," she rplied,
re rying to put that shirt
Royal us
Nothing ple
European hive
a touch of ma
has been enc
Queen's messa
interpreted by
livery of the
monious affair,
fired in honor
{the message,
Gond R
Three years
good roa
and invi
ways the
by the co
the Phonograp
tio which seems have
ic. Menelik of Abyssinia
an ed by hearing the
e hi in her own, tones
he ph nograph. The de -
a artillery salute being
he Queen. as s on as
en uttered.
ads Derelop Towns.
Igo a little farming tettle-
er ,y was intersected by
he erection of su mer
the advent of good high -
v up—made possible lely
tio 3. of hard and d able
d ads.
otri ity in Atmosphere.
In ce in ege4ndi ions of the atmo phere
the voice Mum Loa, in Hawaii, that
an Englis geclog st found that he could
trace dee io 1 tte with his fingers on
his blank t.
make his wayil anY'
particularly irof
getting u art cle
observed the h ti,
questioningly. 'T
him and excla me :
"Don't luau in
The ability
- but the know edg
standing near n
eager interest n
. paatt°‘tDniciillar ?"
you al
no: 'tention to
very often. T
an' I thought
this street I'd li
I would not int
the world if v u
"Well, there's
Ho a
eh of rugged an un -
he had manag to
hallenged to the room
f men were enga in
of • pith and moment
tion One of them, a
und and able writer,
der. He looked at .him
e visitor beamed on
Go right ah
looked at him
to resume his
that the etrang
with An expressi
is face banished t
as if
n of
i3ned along. Don't pay
I don't get into wn
long as I'd looked at
4st of the places long
to take a squint t the
up' you ler nuthi ' in
o doubt about my thav-
as the slightly sty
- "Well, go right ahead. I've been hang -
in' areund you here jes' out o' curiosite
"Haven't you seen me working fOr the
laat 16 minutes? Raven't you seen me
grabbing great thoughts out and hu;rilng
them through the world? Haven't.i you
noticed the way the perspiration11 has
poured off tny brow as my brain Vine&
with Titanic derebrati. spasm ?"
He took his pen and proceeded witithia
"Mister," inquired the stranger, 110
took hia hat from the top of his
where he had hung it on enteringi '"is
that what you call work?"
"I should say so,"
He turned in silence and walked to
the doo . Then he cast a loo of reproac
on the an at the desk.
"Jos' sets there and sticks a pen hi the
bottle / it' -drags it over a p eco of pher,
au' the When the iek runs ut stielts
in the bottle ag'in an' then rags it.over
the pa telt some more. An' 1 full-gtoWni
man. et lls that work! Well, be
dogged "
Hard Work.
*Boys, do not shun hard work. Ga t
it, rejoiett'in it. It is a blessing to y u.
And understand us. By real hard Wo k
we. do not mean study, or -sticking clo
ly th keeping books, keeping store pr
teaching school, or any of the professional,
pursuits. These are all honorable and'
when followed closely exhaust the nervt1
ous energy and Make men tired too. But
by hard work ava mean werk that re -11
quires a great deal of muscular f rce,11
siath as chopping, rolling logs qua in
rock, doing carpenter work, b ck,
carrying the hod, and working ill th
forges, furnaces, rolling mills, mines and
ear shops., This kind of work develops
muscular strength, the power of phySical
endurance, grit, courage and good health.
Said an 'old man, now up in the eight-
, tea to .nte a year ago; "When I Was
fifteen years old I was a weak, spindly
kind of a boy, and Vve.nt into a black -
'smith shop, learned the trade, worked at
tsitution worth a million -dollars." :He
has ever since been a healthy, vigorous
man, and 'old as he is,, still walks the
etreets, pert, cheerful and straight ati an.
Indian's arrow.
Hard werk is good medicine for bays,
and especially for young men.
Silk From Spider Webs..
In spite of the fact that the nutnufac-
turers of Great Britain have for years
offered $19,000 to. anyone who conld
devise a means of ueing spiders' webs for
weaving silk, no one could! solve, Ithe
stepped inth the arena. He haS discovered
the procesS by. which a silk finer and
softer than any we have dreamed of May
be made from the web Of tao comMon
spider. Ile designed a Machine With
diminutive bobbins kept coastantly re-
volving. The end of the Web is caught
when a spider begins te weave and
attached to the bobbin. As the spider
pulls ;th get liWay the web it wound -en
the babbitt. Then the spider is petted
and fed until it is ready th weave another
web. IL Cachot has advertised for spi irs
and says he will buy all supplied. Nat
ally, Worhen will be hard to find ho
will work in his factory.
! Suicide Machine
Had the entle art of cidarer ising
the dead walls and f nces of t at country
every man his own eadsmani" for it is
said that a machine exis ed then, cc:in-
structed solely for the us Of would-be
suicides, whereby they cool Out off their
own heads. It was in the s ape of a half
moon, with a sharp edge, a idwas fasten-
ed at the back of the neck, 'cheins being
attaehtel to the ends. The man who den-
ned this instrument death put his feet
in the chains, gave a sharp jerk down-
ward, and thus sever d -his head from Ids
, Scotty Collapses.
In a certain regiment, an
versation turned to feats o
Says Scotty to Pat: "Scotland
of the strongest man in the
Sc tty, "we have a man in Septl
cin put his arms around the big
an pull it np by the roots." 1"
AIM' an and
11, says
nd that
rest tree
Pat, "that's nothing. IDA qu1411.e-
d we have a man that can' get into; a
t and pull up the river." (Collapse
As Yet 1
' Henry, dear, trehat are you going ta
' I shall probably preach front the text,
'And the wineptess was trodden without
the city, and bleed came out of the wine-
press, even unto' the horse bridles by the
-space of a thousand and six hundred futa
"What is the meaning of tat past: -
"I haven't the slightest idea, My dear.'
[1.1 there is any disorder in Our lives
We trace it th restlessness. What maket
tihrest? Pride, ambition, sel*thness--t
When we feel slighthd or are disappolitted
in anything, then peatse1
Deacon Johnson—' It's one ob de frailtiee
ob our poor human nature dat mattee
how much a man gets he wants mote.' JiM
Jackson (thoughtfully) -0 Oh, dunno 'bout
dat ; not in a police court, he don't.'
'Pm deeply interested in the . study o4
pre-historie man,' remarked Miss Fesdiek.
'It is just the opposite with me, replied
I think about, and I hope he e inter-{
ested in me.'
Lost flesh lately?
Does your brain ti e?
Losing control) ove your
Are your muscles becom-
ing exhausted?
You certainly know' the
remedy. It is nothing neW;
just the same remedy that
es for
Sc tep
-has been curing the
of thinness and pale
twenty-five years.
Emulsion. The cod -
oil in it is the food
makes the flesh, and he
pophosphites give tone t
the nerves.
six, and fir.00, all druggists.
MARCH 31, 1898
e Fijrnilur
useles nothings; will appreciate the magnificien selection of Fine
tare w have collected for this Season's trade.
re e hosts of handsome pieces you will find nowhere else, Oddm
that will e a full return in use and pleasure for every cent of the extrem
low prices we ask.
Our U derta.king Department is complete an strictly up-to-date, with
larger selee ion than ever before, and prices to suit e ery one's needs. We have
a quantity Of suitable chairs to be used at funerals, hich we will lend. free
charge, and any orders that we are favored with sha receive our best attention
Night calls promptly attended to by our undertake Mr. S. T, Helmes, Goder.
ickstreet, Seaforth, opposite the Methodist church,
A untie;
take stock.
only, This le
your money—
Rm. 'Tice for IS -
mincemeat for
raisins- tor ;
six 1 lb, tine b
pee soap to
wholesale pri
gains. Waiste
it is absolutely
pure. On very package
of Ratan l's Tea are
directibns how to make
tea ptoperly.' Follow
these 'directions
cerefilly aid
cu of pure
S. .114 -
As Spring appreaches the thrifty hous wife thinks
of house-cleaning and plans many 1 ttle changes
to make the home brighter. At this same time,
it is necessary{ for the men to hous -clean there
stock of Clothing for Spring a Summer.
When doing so you will probably ncl that you
need a New Suif-. a Spring Overcoat, Or perhaps it
is that your t.}..aly of Underclothing or Shirts is
exhausted, if SCi, 1 iR311. that is where we come in.
We have an ex6a fine range of Suifings at prices
of the hist. In Furnishings we excel.
that -will surprisie you, while the wor manship is
s_woRTH, 0,-,,,,,,,,,,
here „will be
Mondavi the
4suctioneer, first,
Y.. in the towns
These lots ate
within the oorp
'session 'WM be
brit/lees. Te
chase n3oney
in 1lb days, a;
For further ps
Any amount n
pertvost4 per
payments made
Begin -
yourself f
The surest
is to get 1
Business k
ed free. t
is is the place to get it, as our stock is, perhaps, one df the
largest in the county, and our priees speak ;for themselves. We
athan papers at 3c, 4c and 5c per roll ; we have beautiful American papers at
50, fic nd 7e per roll ; we have fine gilt goods and ingrains at 119c, 12c and 15e
a lot of Remnants at 2e and 3c per roll ; We have choice new Can-
Wethave the newfst thing; a complete pole in oa or rosewood, with wo
and rings complete, for. 250 ; also other trimming in brass, onyx, etc.
We ve a great variety to, offer you, and only ask a ,-,ofnparison of quality
'a d priee. We have reduced' all last year's patterns to clearing out prices, at
BAllb TEE, - - - Ontario,
T 'R Si -10E1
r large and up-to-date date stock of New Spring Shoes complete,
ast r hipment jist arrived somewhat lielayed, owing to some new ideas that
ad o e to light after the travellers had made their tour for Spring goods,
ew to 0, new .las . new finish.„ All our stock is new—made this Spring--
cOreet fotm the 1 ing Manufacturers. A pair of our stylish Spring Shoes
ould help wonde fully to complete your new Easter costume.
We make a s ecialty of selling only the best shoes—shoes that re depen
ble, fit perfectly, tylish and up-to-date. You will do well to see our stoe
el re, purchasing xour Spring Shoes.
Highest cash prices paid for raw furs.
Dealers in
kinds, in late
neatly done.
ing, and a oh
es, and
nts for 41
Machine, bes
mestie use,
high prices,
In the Thad<
our goods from
and guarantee
ment of our wo
it a, point th fui
Priees better t,
Arterial and.
scientific Princi
attended to a
donee, directly