The Huron Expositor, 1898-12-23, Page 31898 ,rce. 6,000000 Countess, s•;nd upwards. e District. Manager. pretty "Inter )erfect shoe. > you, 1 fact ; Ru b- Conti.- ate ISI tblllty heel. s Co. sle 898 'if you wan the Stock .e grit's. `e rly run hiooci named dr `e. !e& 411 FIB • 4 one, rfk Tim e; work zees. a Canada. 1 i:I11�r r , .)el* Ire is. fed. 1'eeilely =te, with a We have =td free (,f t attention. acs, (roder- DECEMBER 23 1 g98. T IIE • H[T'RO N '94-)ST`rO H 3 IMPORTANT NOTICES. itIVATI•% FUNDS TO LOAN at 6 per cent., y able yoarly, on first-class farm security. Apply WE. S. IIAYS, Dominion Bank Building, Se forth. 566 J.1deEENNA, Dominion and Provincial Land Surveyor, Member of thoAssooiation of Ontario g„and8urveyora, Dublin, Ontario. 1886.62 OR SALE.—In the Village of Hensall, a fine brick : dwelling and store cninbined, well situated near centre of village Terms reasonable. Aptly to MISS S. CARLISLE, Ilensall. 1615 ONEY AT f PER CENT.—A large aruount of money has been placed in my hands to lend to tarnmers, in aurae and on terms to suit the borrower. ,;ppl) to J. M. Bur, Barrister, Seaforth. 1678•tf IATANTED. A Teaoher, at once, holding a =hi -d '. T class cettitfcate(female); atate age and ealrry u s : t. 1599. RTE'S ITTLE IVER Pius required ; d tic to commence Janu tap is JOSEPH LYONS, Secretary, Ironbridge 1618-2 1' 0,, Algoma, Ontario. TORN BI.CATTIE, Clerk -rf the Second Division Court, County Commsaioner, of = Huron,, Con- veyancer, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Fends ,Invested void to Loan. Office—Over Shari, a Ivens' store, mucin street, 8eaforth - 1249 FtlIM1tER FOtt SALE. The undersigned ctiera for Bale the timber on the East half of Lot 3s, Con- cession 9, MCK.Ilep. There is a q .•ntity of good ash suitable; for rail•, ; also scute hardwood bush, which mill he Fold by the acre, and has an,rointed Mr. 'James Lockhart to seri the sane. GEOR E HALL.- - _-. — — _ ESTRAY NOTICES. TRAY CATTLE.—Strayed to the premises of the +0 undersign d, on or about the 1st of November, One red and bite calf. the owner tuay have sante by proving property and pad ing charges. THOMAS DENNISON, Varna P. O. 1617x4 4TRAYED CATTLE.—Strayed from the under- signed, on. Lot 34, North Thames road, Russel - dale, on or about the tat of N vember, 8 head of cattle - 3 heifers rising three 3 ears old, red, with a few white spots ; 5 steeers rising two years old, three red, with some white smote, at,d two of a greyish color. A reward of Set) will be given to any person giving any inf._rmation that will lead to their recovery. JOHN COLE, Russeldale P. 0., Ontario. 1616x4 STOCK FOR SALE. SHORTHORNS FOR SALE.—Tho undersigned has for sale two good young Shorthorn Buis ; prices and terms right. HECTOR REID, Lot 7, Coneea'ion 3, Stanley, Brueeheld P. 0. 1618-8 I}LLLS FOR SALE.—The undersigned has . for sale three Durham bulls, from 8 to 13 months old ; roan and red in color. These are first-class animals, and are registered. Two of them were bred from Thomas Russal'e prize bull. THOMAS CUD - MORE, Lot 30, Concession 4, U sborne, or Lumley 1' 0. 1616 -ti OR SALE, auumber of Scotch Short -horn Bulls, from 8 to 11 months old, $65 to 385 ; and a few from 12 to '8 months old. They are a grand lot of breeding lusty fellows, In good gro sing condition, are good coin's. Mao either of the two bulle bred by J. & W. B. Watt, of Salem, Ontarro, viz : Vieoou.it 3706, two }ears old, dara red ; or May Duke 21048, dark roan, four years old, active and sure getter. Also a few cows and h ifera ; no pets ; must sell to make room, as herd numbers 49 head, and more com- ing; tonna easy. DAVID MILNE, Ethel, Ont. 1618 STOCK VOR SERVICE ROAR FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned will keep for service on Lot 31, ConcesFion 9, Me- Kiliop, a thoroughbred Yorkshire Boar. Terme—$1, payable at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if necesaary. THOMAS A. DODDS. 1617x4 ROAR FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned will keel, for service on Lot 26, Concession 4, Stanley, a tbdroughbred Chesterwhite boar. Terms— $1, payable at the time of servloe with the privilege of returning if necessary. JOHN V. DIEHL. 1691-tf -UST.ILL FOR SERVICE..—The undersigned will keep for service on his premises at Roxboro. a thoroughbred Durham bull. Terme, $1 ; if paid oefdre January, 1899, or $L26 afterwards. JOHN S .10Tt. }67141 AMWORTH BOAR F014 SERVICE --•Tse under signed has for cervi%:e on Lot 34,Coueet.sion 8,Mc- tiillop, a thoroughbred ta!nworth Boar, bred by H George & Sons, Crompton Middlesex county, from the aseapstakea herd at Toronto fair. Terms -81, at t nie of service. WM. A ROSS. 1618x4 ] O PIG BREEDERS.—The undersigned will keep on Lot 26, 0 nceseion 6, L. R. S., Tuckersm°th, a t oroughbred CHESTER WI1ITF PIa, also a thorou. h- br d Yoxxsivas Fie. A limited number of sows will e emitted to each. Terrine, $1, payable at the'tir- ot' service, or $1.50 if ch rged. Afro a few Chester White Piga for sale. . JAMES GEMMILL. 1608.52 Ai" WORTH BOAR FOR SALE AND FOR SER- VICE.—The under .igued will keep for service, at 'Cie Brucefield ii ecce Factory, a thoroughbred Sa worth Boar, .tth registered pedigree. Terms, $1 payable at e . e ,f eervioe with privilege of re- tn ning If necessary. Mao a number of thorough- br d. young Tamworth Boars and Sows for sale { . 0Ii Mc(IARTNEY. Brnoefield. 1406 -ti 1IAMWORTH PIG FOR SERVICE.—Tse under - 1 signed hat for service on lot 82, concession 8, ff McKillop, a thcro'bred Tamworth pig, to which a limited number of sows will be taken. Thi. is an extra good pig and breeders find it advantageous to erns their berksbire sows with this breed of pig. Ttlrme 51, with privilege of returning if necessary. TOIEN MoMILLAN 1606xtf $ LIGS FOR SALE AND FOR SERVICE.— TGC', J undersigned, breeder of Large English Berk - eh rea,bi. for sate boars and sows in farrow. He wil. also keep for service the stook boar, " King Lee, archased from Mr. George Green, of Fairview,! and winner at Montreal, Toronto and Ottawa. Term'. —$1.pa; able at the time of service with the privilege of returning if neceeaary, if booked 31.60. JAMES D )RRANCE, Lot 28, Concession 6, MoKillop, Sea f.rth P. O. 1486.64 NOTICE TO FARMERS After December the '181, you will find an unlimited market for dressed hogs at the highest market prices at T. R. F. CASE & C0.'S, Seaforth. 1014 - Municipal Elections. TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH. ACHE Positively cure by- these Little P Is. hey also relieve Distres- from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Heart ,• Eating. A per- fec remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi- ta s, Bad Tastein the Mou ' ,Coated Tongue P in the Side, TORPI a LIVER. They Re urate the Bowels. P ely Vegetable. Sall Pill. Small Pr Substitution the fraud of the See- you get Ca Ask for Carter's mall Doee, Cee day. ter's, fl Insist and- dem. nd Carter's Little iver Pills, TT P & S TO he Canada Bus ess College CHATHAM, 0 TARIO, Is certainly entitled to a distinct positio. amongst the Canadian bu•iness schools# It': work stands clear and abo'e its competitors. Ito graduates are emine ' tly successful i th? business world. We ave been too bus' of late to write advert sements, but the good work of placing pupils is still going. on Twenty or more have been placed since ou last ad. -was sent out, and our .space is to. ited to allow ns to list'them here. Fro n on we hope to keep l'ou posted in wha w are doing. Write for atalogue of eiite department to D. MoLACHLAN Co. Chatham, One. ASSESSMENT-YSTEM. L.B. The Canadian Or has a iarger Surplus still larger for each carried, than any othe kind in Canada. Suri 521.82; per $r,000. oo of JJby Notice is hereby given, that the annual meeting fo the nomination of candidates for the offices of Re ve and Couneilhrs for the Township of Tacker smith, for the next ensuing year, willbe h. Id In D xon's Hall, in the Village of Brucefield AT 1 O'CLOCK P. M., Oil Monday, December' 26tb, 1898, And in case m re than the necessary nuns' er of can- didates are proposed and a poll is necessary, polls - wi f be opened on MONDAY, JANUARY 2nd, 1899, A follows: For polling sub -division No. 1; at Smith's old sadiery shop, in the Village, of Egrnondv'.11n, Joseph Weber, deputy returning officer ; for division 51 . 3 ab School. House No. 0 (Brcadfoot's), James B oadtoot, deputy returning officer ; for division No. ,est School house Na. 2, A. G. Smillie, deputy re- tt.rning officer ; for division No. 4, at Kyle's Hall, S1 illiam Sinclair, deputy returning oilloer. A. G. SMILLIE, Returning Officer. THE STCLAIR RIVER SARNIA.ONTARIO. WINTER term begins Tuesday, Ja tuary :;i•d, 1899. SUCCESS awaits all those who take course at this worthy college. WRITE for new catalogue. A. S. N]IMMO, Proprietor. 1615-52 CANCERS a N xternal or internal peri�tanently cured without aprgical operation or caustics, or causing pain. Write for book on cancers' and` tumors. Numerous testimonials. DR. SMITH, Cancer Specialist, Port, Huron, Michigan. P. 0. Box, 1048. 1616.52 All the money re monthly Insurance fe the Insurance Fund, a this fund or the intere from calx be used for a ever other than the liq claim certificates. N be used•for managing 1 MAP. Jo All risks carefully surely Canadian, we n foreign countries, ow death rate. Our c f last year, and the .97 for the past ninet or themselves. er of B'oresters per head, and $1,o0o of risk r Society of the les per member Insurance 520.96 44444 eived from the is placed into 1d portion of t ac ruing there- iy purpose what- tidat'on of death t a fraction can )urpgises. Ia 44444 or further particulars c era olr.Members of the corder, ELLIOTT, THOS. WHITE, iii C.R. Ingersoll. H R SAVED HER COLT A PLUCKY MARE'S DEADLY BATTLE WITH' A PANTHER. 'Fhe Cunning, Daring and Lightning- lioke Attacks of the Tiger Cat Were No Matclh For the Iron Shod Heels of the Brave Merse. In the little Arpostook camp where I worked the winter X was 18 years old there arl�jved an unusual kind- of visitor. It. wat- nothing .loss than a fine colt. The mother of this unlboked for visitor was a - bay mare called Vixen. She had line in- telligence' and great working qualities, but she was bad tempered to all but her master, who thought the world of her. Just now she was in a worse temper than Usual, for she thought her foal= ought to be in more civilived quarters than those Of the caro stables. The mar and her baby, however, were oared for With a `solicitude that should have softened her, heart. . It was spring weather, w�arrn in the sun at midday, and besides the roomy corner of the stable which had 'been fitted up for my lady's accommodation tie men had built her a wide pen in the ys , on the south side of the stable Wall, *here she could sun hor offspring at all convenient seasons. One clay; in the early afternoon, when the men had -goz c far off to their chop- ping, the nook ane I found ourselves alone in oainp. A week or so before this I had had the misfortune to sink my ax deep into my left foot. I The out was a bad one, able n b n I had not bee accident and since ac d to walk a step. I was sitting on a log where the cook -had placed me When some slight sound ' attracted my attention. Glancing toward the noise, my' oy naught a glimpse of a lank, tawny ore tura stealthily creeping between the trees Ion the outer edge of the clearing. His belly dragged the snow, so low did he crouch. He had not seen me, and he took the, utmost' pains to escape observation. Ha was ening Vixen and her foal over the low fence of their pen and was deciding on the tactics best cal- culated to give him oolt for supper. He crept slowly round the clearing un- observed, as he thought, till he had the stable between himself and the pen; then he left his cover. But he had underrated Vixen's keenness} Her .ye had been upon him from the flrSt, and the moment he But. That disappeared frons her view she set up an Mar excited whinny,iwhioh was intended to At 5 o`oloc summon help from the camp. great attack. The cook heard her pall. Without wait- ing momen ing for. more than a glimpse of the panther long lines of orse the nook started on the run for the chop- was full of he -ale ping where the mon were at work. I stirrup. The squad knew he had gone for his gun, the only ing themsely s out into(gallop las they one in camp, which Jean Batiste had reached t o =summit of the ridge when taken with him ;after dinner. they were s Seeing no help mile from the damp, French le an he middle of the ana'close squadrons few wild whirling s were in fl That stroke! to his oavelr� numerous th tered. "I ea fortunate Ti the battle w brief, had charge. Th vanished, an heads and w of a thousaz innumerable galloping British cavalry. Tallard's enter was broken as with the stroke of a derboti His infantry was swept ins, is cavalry hurled into disorde t and his any fairly out in twa a le wing ell back, fighting de y, b t his right, the elite of his my, as opelessly shut up in Blenheim itself. Al night fell Marl - his Anes closely round the bb, with the Queen's regi - d one avu$o of escape, and a —one reginient•of which coa- ts grsiys—guarded the other. general in c ►mmand of Blam- ing the situation to be du- ly abandoned- his men ata►d his horse `rose the Danube properly diowned in the at- nhill. ;elected. Being :ontract no risks hus ensuring s eath rate of 5.44 average rate of en years, speak nqnire of any of the or address gh Sec'y, Braantford 3RNST OAFTUNO, 5.0., Brantford. Special Attention Hotee'shoeing and General ••Jobl�ing. oderich stree BY - Robert Devereux 1ACKSMi'rH and ARRIACE opp. MAKER Hotel Seaforth. AW —OF T' OWN of s FOR FREE LUNCi-lES FOR EMPLOYEES. Big Business of Dona t 1 Houses 142' a Sundred. s Daily That Way. Many rich ,corporations wn business di triot find eat their emp o ees to a s1 cal in the ins dle of the w them to g out and sp ;nd their own oney for it. !Three of th larger insur- ance companies, with- big buildings of their own, sev'cra banks and a great tole- aph corporatio maintai lle expense kf tc4hens, dini aff of servants to provide In for their el rks. In the case o the tel.gr hich feeds about 800 p+ nominal suis is charged, ce Cost of the food. But Coe oompanie t furnished i aired of the all not leave incheon time e shortened, t in the down it cheaper to ibstantial free lay than to al- a 81 e ti a q It at consider - g halls and a a good lunch- ph company; ople a day, it covering only ith the insur- a and the banks everything roe. The nly•thing ro- i ployee is hat he br she i $he buildi g during the and that t i e usual hour one-half h ur. This arrant g1lment is no prompted by motives of philanthropy .y any Means. The oorporatibn makes oney by it, in spite of the range expense involved. Where several hundr d clerks are employed the rhanagement de the worksl�g force becomes f allowed to go re tQ be a great ho do not get hour. The low ere always ever - excuse of many not get waited h many of the ink stimulants oheon ie also a matter for con -ideration, lout the saving of e company dur- hours is the main 'factor. graph oorp� ration, for In- tel g in o one-half hour ,loyee very ay is enormous. Murano oo panics t1I i am- t obli ed aooept the oom- oh, but the are very few of not to -e ad antage o it. A meal s se ved that would tar ore than the could d to s endbut of the build- ompa t tin s1 complioated !question. out for, lunch, there are st number of d linquents v back within he allotted priced public restaurants crowded at nolo, and the of the clerks hat they oa. upon is a vali one. Wi mon the temp anon to d when they go out for lu � time to th the employee ing working With the tel stance,- the t from eaoh e With the ployees aro may lunch them who o good sour Dost the cls k probably a o ing. As the $300 worth afford to be liberal. 1 n a les ave from $200 to - eaih day they can FALTER T O. S E • 1AF -RTI 898 - By -Law to provide fo Publio Library in the Town Whereas, sixty-eight oleo Council of the mid Town, p ment of a Pubiio Library, ur Ane. I -Be it, therefore, enac Connell of the Kid Town, t the Electors is given to this be established in this Mu with the provisions of the P II.—And be it further en the Electors be tak• n on t the 2nd day of January, A. nine o'clock in the morni D F R Al INSTANT. )ne Ilnetailat Had Given born gh ictory. Marl oro gh launched the S1owv y at at, bu't:gather- m a they advanced, the en Dame on. !The air ngor of scabbard on ons even justetretoh- the estafrliehmont of a f Seaforth. petitioned the the establish- tblio Libraries e Municiptf the assents of By-law, a Public Library icipality in accordance blic Libr ries Act. cted. that the Votes of is By -La , on Monday, 1,, 1899, a mmencing at g, and oo tinning until five o'clock in the afternoon at the u dermentioned places. For Polling Sub -D' vision No. 1, at E. Cash's Store, E. Cash, Deputy -Ret ruing O ser. For Poll. ing Sub -Division No 2, in he Council Room, Town Hall, William E li<.tt, D putt' -Rett rning Officer. And for Polling Suh-divisio No. 8, at O. C. Willson's Store, 0. C. Willson, Deput.Returning Officer. III.—That on the AOtb d y of December, !text, at his ofiiee in the Council Ro.m, .at. 12 g'olook the Mayor shall -appoint in writing, signed 1 two persons to attend .to th : flnbl summing u Votes by the, Clark, and on' person to attend Polling place, on bt half of t • e 'petunia intere and desirous of promot By=Law, And a like number interested in and desirous this By.Law. IV.—That the Clerk of th Mien, shall attend -at the hour of 19 o'clock, noon, o A. D., 1899, to sum up ib; respectively for and 'gains ors have eying for dor the P ted by ti at in ccs Vixen took her colt to pen and stood with i right under her nose, while she kept a easeless watch on all sides. The ort seemed to reals a from its mother's alarm that there was danger astir and huddl4d itself pprehensi sly to- gether: f Presently round the oorfer of th stable crept the p nth_er, a tawny shad w, Sat on the snow, The moment he saw through the openings of the fence that th. eye of the mare was upon hien he bouided to the top of the fence and made oiie bold spring for his prey, but the mare was no less lightning swift than Himself. At the first glimpse of him she had whirled so that her heels were toward the enemy and had waited in a crouching attitude -that one might ha*e taken to indicate the ex- treme of terror. As the panther sprang her iron heels met bins with a thud that forced out of him an involuntary snarling gasp,' and he fell against the pen fence. In, an instant he flashed over the fence and lay down' is ! the snow to recover his breat'ts. Instead of making another direct attack the panther next rose�to the fence, and thane. sprang i to the roof of the stable, where he motioned down and gnarled fiercely. The colt was still the object of his heart's desire. The moment he mounted to the roof Vixen had withdrawn to the farther edge' of the pen, and now she stood hunched together with her head turned backward, so elite let zee movement of her toe escape her eye From his superior height the panther fancied that be could escape her heels and teach the mare's! back. As he sprang from ' his vantage ground the impetus of his at- tack was tremendous and almost irresisti- ble. Vixen almost stood on her head, and her heels met Min fair in the stomach, so that he shrieked; under the blow, but the mere momentuni of kce leap overcame the resistance of V ' en'S hoofs to the extent that he reached helti • back and bore the brave mare to the ground with his de- scending force. She nimbly recovered her= self, however, acid shpok him off, and -by this time the nook oxime running toward gun000ked, expecting to at ter throat. But no; figh� t left in him. He as • e tried to crawl out of the pen, and:the took was on the point either side. She next of Xlnishing hiii(t with a charge of buck - mouths oft }�1 the recap shalt, but Vixe intervened. lime women $. Having T Leaving her o�olt, ails darted forward and she then do bt es went On her way, sa tors his nook �fleree1y with her powerful fled all h$ st rolled over on his back,that a the{{ y, and as Vixen trampled But jus her f ont hoofs be doubled little was daws1 into her neck and once; for, ng the passing on behalf of the persons 1 op sing the passage of e id Municipal Corpor- .unbil Chamber, at the the 8rd day of January, number of Votes given the By -Lay. , noon, y him, of the it each ted in, of this D. NOTICE.—Tho above is By -Law, which will be to the Council of Seaforth a 9th day of December, A D the first publication, there ing the Votes of the Elee hour, day said places nam w true copy of a proposed en into eonelderauon by ter one month from the , 18 8, being the date of 1, and the- Polls for Mk - re will be held at the in the said By -Lay. LLIAM ELLIOTT, Clerk. 1617-3 the pen with his Dee the panther there was 11111, looked very sic: itte by iithe' fire of the ry an artillery. Sit deadly va the olley that the leading w nt do n before it, and fora anI ut-os, under the canopy of m ke, Marlborough's horsemen roti confusion. es the omel t for a ?oounter- all%►rd sa� it tiled gave the -Word to oh ge. They were more to the British, yet they fal- v an instant," wrote the un- !lard efts ard, "in which is gained if "—bis cavalry, in harged 1Jut it failed to moment o possible victory i ore the crest, with bent nd - -bl wn crests, the gleam d sw rds and the thunder of hoofs, name the thun nto ru ed flag n. 13 berate borough village. went, bl 'cavalry f misted of Th. Fran helm, bel perate, la tried to svl•i and was ver tempt.—Co ere k ro c h e 0 It is gen unerringly 1 • best way ie nests and s spring- Tlt under pare that instino A friend; in an open position in uncorked. a matter of been apprO She had pie in the oentN serve as fa proceeded t Wasp's Mistake. rally euppoeed that instinct caches bird and insects the which to bui d their homes or tiro to prow de for their ff- e following noident, reoen ly anal obsery ion, ' will w is not always infallible: placed three shall empty vials sox on a • she f in an upright close contao , and they ware A short time, afterward it Was Surprise to ft d that these bad slated by a 1 male mud wag. sed a goodly umber of spiders r vial, doubt ess intended to d for her fn urs brood, then deposit her ggs in those 'en dosed tightly the oles with a herd ished her woi i, Sa/iv sati sue essful, for style, fit, priee an of t e satisfied feelings of our eu; us 1 ew customers and a.rettirri of old ones. For the Fall and Wi iter trail, we will still eontin e to satisfy, and if you want to ha+e that satisfied feeling you hill; make 'it a point to leave your order with u� for you> Fall or ',Winter quit and Ove rcoat. 1.i�I,W:NS zed Cus/oners. It is our belief HIGH GRADE • b best advertising we can do is to • utuje- ;fy that the our customers. In this line of °ad. wri= ii.g we are most 1 1 workmare-hip, .6 say nothing topers, are • constantly bringing Leat er .ase Landsborough SEAFORTH, EMPORIUM WE ATI )" N + / Yi - 5 r , y M1 U 111 �.f�.la.-•t.. DELIGHTFUL Cr,IGAR l _ 'f e Pr end I, ewhoTries it gat Mak or Every .1.RATt,RAY°' coIa ONTREAL. teeth. The be Dore awing and him down with and sank kis shoulders. There for a'. clawed, while streamed with been dope or her offeprins htful mothe could do. • ;hinkof the Mnsationsof those when they looms into exisb- hile starving in their sealed monQent he snarled and cages, the loan plainly see, through the impenetrable glass ways, the bountiful the l brave mares neck supply of! `ood which was provided for loud and the cook sought their use.-=Soientifio American. a chance for a Ishot. ; But Vixen's plung- Ings gave hia no opportunity. It was plain to the nook the the mare would kill er adversary n a ti `_nuts or two more, but he dread lest raleanwhile she should be seriously injured. With some isgiv ing as to the reception be might have fliom Vixen himself, though he was going to her as:ristanoe, he dropped his gun, drew his long knife and jumped into tte pee As an opportunity showed itself a drove the knife with all his force straight through the beast'! backbone, dividing the spine, and the lank carcass s aightened out on the snow. The brave are stood ever her pilau ad- versary and blunted triumphantly, and phureside it plain to the cook that she ap- preciated his assistance. Then the nook got water in !hie dishpan and washed her wounds. Th dressing of thorn he left for ,her maste t0 see to on his r turn, but ever afterwar Vixen was as go tie to the 000k as town her owner, `th ugh with the rest of mankind she w uld have naught to dos—Youth's Compa ion. Magistratei The assault you !tatted on yoUr poor young wif bretal one. Do you know of Prisoner— f you do, your ho brenk up Our boasynki•sn. MARRIpsGE 'issuLc .7 EAFORTH, AVID 00111 - is a most ny reason isonf or, it will nden Tit - WITI4ESBES REQUIRED. ,14/11 neral in awn ohurch ard, says a writer over, and fleuit given dust, the green sod sinoothed. down ova the narrow bed, the company departed. ut a worthy MBA remained itehind and aPproaohed the par- son with. solem false, as though ;for moral?" Many se ioui reflections have come to or41 there, nd he ,olergyman ex - "go. What is it youl, always think?"' The answer was, "I iiiy• think I'm des- perate gledd it's no er r4" The incumbent of that parish was o ifled. march?" 'asked the o uroh organise. "The ding m als?" sawed Os fsp tiler of th bride. Yes; t e march the brid processiOn1 1110Y85 aisle. W oh one woul you pre fro artily PO ."ithn,yridtffrer, 'nos. in 'he expen ef" "Thin! lay the one thi 's tit Unseat.' --(Waage Tribtoae. orey's C1thirg� for Youths, B ys and Childre 1 • woribetimitewilmiwy W give this fine Watch, Chain &Charm is f t selling two doz. packages of Exqui• s te Perfume at ten cents each Seed ddress and we forward the 'perfume, tpaid, and Our Premium List. No oney require& sell the perfume ong your friends, return money, and e send the watch. prepaid. Tills is a 1 g eine American Watch. guaranteed a' . gee timepiece. Mention this paper. Samet5 ecielty Co 6o Victoria St.T onto' LOG$ ATWT.A. NTED1W. ,LJOEFILD SA STAVE ILLS. Any nuraber ot Basswood and Rol Elm Logs, for which 37 per thousand ,will pa d for flret-clasEi Fret-clase Nuird and Soft Maple, per thouSand, Delivered at the Bruoefield Mills, CUSTOM SAWING Done on the Shortest notice, and first -clue tijob CHOPPING Done Tuesday and Friday of e h week. Done while you Wait, and first-class work aranteed. HEMLOCK LUMBE Any amount of Hemlock ,Lumber,iall usual dna, kept conger tly on hand, 161 -12 i Leai Others 011ow Yo try t will find it e Seaforth ST o your interest too BE As 1 m the oldest gro and , can give you the of all kinds of new Cur Prun e, Dates, Figs, Stale , Corn, Peas, To Lobs rs, Sardines, Ma kind f Fish, in fact all a ver large stook of all Croo ry and Glasswa sort nt of Dinner and 10 -pi pe Toilet Sets, Chin Tea Sets, Lamps Sets. Flour, Oatmeal, Mol vide No t Whi for be p at is played whoa A The bee lace , In Ameirice. tor you or. n en and tem of Actit FBuSineFn. ii .1.311.in e:31,1114 ye. r. :44',.1 louts .,;,begin any time. eatn.lry ho Free. l(49.tel er, e. all ses, and all ot 01. A call is Wile to show tited e ---Potato Beans, and al hide the highest er oli oo G. A VVats F r and Life Insurance Agent, Ho ses to nt, Real Estate Agent. Dealer in the valossia and Wines family and menu - f attiring Sowing Machines. All kind of S wing Machines repaired. Charges moderate. WOITE AND OODERICH BICYCLES, Filrst-class who's in Every Respe 62 qS1-011IS 'To F4rtners' and Others. Dealers in first-class Furniture of all kinds, in latest designs. Upholstering neatly done. We also do picture fram- ing, and a choice selection of pictures always on hand. Curtain poles at all prices, and put up. We aie also Agents for the New William's Sewing Machine, best in the market for do- np-stic use, no travelling agents, no high prices. In the Undertaking Department, we buss, our goods from the best houses in Ontario, and guarantee satisfaction in every depart- ment of our work. We have always made it a point to furnish chairs, and all other re- quisites for funerals, FREE OF CHARGE. Prices better than heretofore. Arterial and cavity embalming done on scientific principles. P. S. Night and Sunday calls will be attended to at Mr. Landsborough's resi- dence, direetly in the rear of the Dominssn Bank. er in Seafohli, best bargain, large stook ants Raisons, andied Peel, atoes, Salmon, keret, and all kinds of goods s house. Alto inds of China, . A large as - Tea Sete, also erry Sets and andsLernonade ormeal, Buck - t, syrups and kinds o pro. ted fro all. s. Dried 4ples, ds of Poultry, ket prices will LT SEAFO Money to loan at 4/ and 5 ptir cent. per annum. immonsommis Any amount on Stet -class farm ; and security. Ap- acto IL. , HAYS, Dominion Bank Bui10..ng, Rea - 1007 Any a potty, at paymen all day oney to Loan.1 niiiio mint of money to loan ion tood farm pro. pa mat. per annum. t ht loans aside to suit borrower, eatisfae n VAC- rges low. At offlosi Friday afternoon and leer Leatherdale Landsborough, SEAFORTH. SIGN OF THE If you want genuine Joliette Grinders and Joliette Grinder Plates, call at A. M. CAMPBELL'S, sEAFoRTH, Second' Dolr North of Dominion Bank. Plates will t Maple Leaf grinder, also I..arge line of Implements. Call ancl ex- amine them before buying elsewhere—It 1614-8 s. CIRCULAR SAW SHINGLES MID LUMBER, FOR SALE. The' undersigned has for sale, cheap, gni and second class Pun AND Canes SHINGLES. Also a lot of Hamnocar tosimm, allkinds. Shingles and lumber can'be seen at Kippen station. A car load of Pine and Hemlock Planks Scantlings, etc., just rooeived. Orders loan be left the station, or with JAMES COOPFJI, London B.bad. Bebtv" After" Vocal Phogilioalin; The Great English Remscly. ,Sold and recoramended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- forme able medicine discovered. Biz Weakness, all effects ot isbuse kages guaranteed to cure ail or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco; Oplum or Stimulants. Mailed on Modell of prior), otie package_ 0, six, $5. One teitt please, siz will cure. Tam, phiets free to any address. SOld in Seaforth Lumsden & druggists. Sppculators' ATTE:NTION. p.m 1:0 17:1 11.721, 0 -pal CD tw r.T2 CD 1-41 0 CD wilim 0 In 1.1 co el" 't IQ' a Pd w CD g p„ CD Ci Cr CD 0 a 1=1 acti:1 PL lag a; ES' c+ 7141 :c 2° g )6: 5: -e Ca 'S D ria 11J atl a - MPb If speculation as a method of making money interests you, communicate with us at once, and we will demonstrate ta yen how large profits can be made in the. stook market, where, perhaps, yea formerly made heavy losses. V'Ve give such service ,as en- titles tts to the patronage of proleasional speculators, and to those who deal lay cor- respondence, we extend every means of help known to WI after years of experience. Investment Compani, Prudential Building, Buffalo, N. Y. 16174 CD 1-1-1 CD ct • BEFORE USING. A teaspoonful of Fear's Condition Powder in his feed makes all this difference. AFTER USING. No wonder that every f mer who uses it recommen s it to his neighbor as the best and cheapest condition pow- der made. Three pounds for 50c at FEAR'S DRUG STORE