The Huron Expositor, 1898-12-23, Page 2*1141110,010030:w Ninety-five Cures In Ono Hundred Cases. .." Within a period of sixty days, °tie bun - sired cases of Asthma treated by Clarke's Kola Compound showed the marvellous per - tentage of 'ninety -live absolute cures -and these figures are gathered from hospital records. $2 a bottle; three bottles for *5. SOld by all druggists, of The Carifliths & Maepherson Co, 121 Church street, Toron- to. 21. Canada's Greatest Liniment. Griffiths' Menthol Liniment is the great- est curative discovery of the age. Pene- trates muscle, membrane and tissue to the very bone, banishes pains and aches with a power impossible with any other remedy. Use it for rheumatism, neuralgia, head- aches and all soreness, swelling and in- - nammation. All druggiats, 25 eta. 32 Head Stopped Up! Cat arrhWas X a st or u t .J*paneseCatNrrh Cure Dethroned the Plouster Disease Quietly, Calmly, lileasautly. but Surely - Mrs A. Nett's Case Was a Hard One Dist This New Remedy Worked the Wonder. Miss Nett is a well-known lady of Beaeh- yille, Onto and anybody is at liberty to verify by correspondence what le printed bare or her core of oatarrh of long etand- frog by Japanese Catarrh Cure. She says - fa I had catarrh for years. My head was so stopped up I could not breathe through my nostrILI. My breath was disgust foul: I had exontant pain in my head over U1 y eyes. Nothing I could get gave mo any relief permanently until I used Japane Catarrh Cure. The first application gave me almost instant relief, and in A very . short while mynose and throat were clear; the -pain left my bead and oyes; and its effeot ea my breath was truly wonderhal s It purified it, and has removed every ves- tige of the disease," A gu-noantee to oure printed in every paokige or money refund- ed. 50 cents at all druggists or by malL lariffithe & Macpberson Co., Toronto. 105 • Sold by 3. S. Roberts. 09.1111PIRPOINILINS2 31, 3 REe• 1 e XI' lei OUR SALE. VOR SALK-Fifty-four and a half acres of bush U lane, beieg t e east half of the south half of Lot No. 3, in the second cnncession of the, Township of Turnberry, Couety of Huron. On this lot there is a quantity of valuable timber. and it will be sold cheap. Apply to J. COWAN, Wroxeter. 1606-11 DOR SALE, olt TO LET. -A dwelling house X situat d on Goderioh street, containing ten rooms, good cellar, hard and soft water and good ont.buildines Now °coupled by J. L. Smith, mer- chant. Ps essinn elven about tho lab of Aloust. Apply ta A G. AULT, Seaforth. 1697af $700 -watIlltril;7,thtteretdhecoototmTort:blaemaened st.10eaeSt: Seafortb, at present occupied by Mr. A. Scott. There aro 8 r Peas, with hard and soft water, also a large stab e. The lot is a corner lot ana well planted with fruit and ornamental trees. Apply to A. SCOTT, Seafortb. 1593-11 DESIDENCE IN FIRDTIEFIELD FOR SALE. - jai For sale she frame dwelling house and lot near the railway station In Bruoefleld. The house eon- taina ten rooms ; a stone cellar and hard and soft water in the house ; also a good stable. There is a quarter Store of land. Apply to ALEX. MUSTARD, Brumfield. 1546-tf WIOR SALE -The north west comer of Lot 25, X Concesal In 4, McKillart, containing 24 acres of land, good orshsrd handsomely situated, with an abundant Hupp y of hard and soft water For fur- ther• partivelare, appiv to MRS. M. MURDIE, on the premises, r to PETER KERR. or WM, MURDIE, Seat01th P. 0. 1602-11 UMW FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 6, Concession 6, Hullett, near village of Kinburn, containing about 100 sons, all cleared and in a good state af cultivation There are good builings,good orchard • and plenty of . xcelisnt water. Tina is a splendid fann and will be sold cheap. Immediate possession. Apply to MRS SCHOALES, Constance P. 0. 1607 IDESIDENCE IN SE AFORTH FOR SALE. -For 14 sale the rood otable cottage on North Main street, Seaforth. belonging to the estate of the late Moore Boyd. The house contains seven rooms, be - Bides a large 'rummer kitchen and a good atone cellar and stable. Also hard and soft water. The property will be sold cheap, SR the estate must be wound up. Apply to JOHN LANDSBOROUGH, Seaforth. 1597-11 FOR SALE -Fat sale 220 acre farm in McKiliop, being Les 24 and 26, Concession 10, and north part of Lot 25, Concession 9. This land has been in pasture since, -first oleared, 25 or 80 years ago, therefore is rich and free hem foul weeds. is situated on the gravel road, five miles north of Sea - forth and nine from Brussels. Terms of payment made to suit purchaser For particulars apply to W. GOYENLOCK Seaforth. 1694-11 _ o FARM FOR SALE. -For sale, in the Township of MeKillop, the north 60 acres of Lot 16, Conces- sion 14, boondary line. About 47 acres leared, three acres of good hardwood bush, about two acres of choice fruit to es, soil uneurpassed, well drained and fenced; school half a mile away, post office and church convenient; will be sold cheap. For par- ticulars, apply to the proprietor on the premises, or Walton P. 0. DANIEL McMILLAN, Proprietor. 1599-tf "DARR IN ALGOMA FOR SALE. -For sale the J' South East quarter of motion F., township of Laird, oontainieg- 160 sores. There are fatty acres °leered and free from stumps and under °rep. Com- fortable log buildings. The balance is well timbered. It is within, four roam nf Eebobay railway station, and six miles of the prosperous village of Port Findlay. This Is a good lot, and will be sold cheap, and on easy terma. Apply to WILLIAM SIMPSON on the premises, or to ALEX. MUSTARD, Bruce- fleld. 1546-tf - BUILDING LOT FOR SALE. -The very i desirable building iota befog numbers 37, 313, 39 and Is situated on Main street of Eg'mondvillei and Ssa- forth. The whole contsins about one acre, and will be sold in separate portals or together to suit the purchaser. Tnis property is just south of the Woollen Mille, and Mr. El Dickson's property south of the corporation, and is considered the most desirable building site either for private residence's or a factory. It is high and convenient, and has a street south and west. Apply to JANE nr JOHN SPROAT, Etemonciville P 0., Executor@ to the Estate of the late John Sproat. 1683.11 OPLENDID FA.RM FOR SALE. -For eale the 0 splendid farm of Mr. Robert Govenloik, on the North Road, a mile and a half from aforth. I contains 176 acres, nearly all cleared and in a high state ot cultivation, Tiler° is a two story brick house, good bank barn and everything in 'first-class condition and well nnderdrained. It will be sold on easy tcrms, ae the proprietor desires to retire. If not sold before the fall It will be rented. Address ROBEKT GOVENLOCK, Seaforth P. 0. • 1693.11 -LIAM! FOR SALE. -Farm in township of Tucker - X sroithp being Lot 29, Concession 2,11. 11.8., con- taining 100 acre a f good lend, well adapted for either grain or stock raising; land in good state o oultive- Mona?. acres of good hardwood brash. On the place are two good frame barna stone stabling under ono; driving shot, never.failing spring near barn, brick house and kiteton, soft water inaide, good well, or- ohord, etc. The farm la well situated, being five nailea from Clinton and six from Seaforth, on good grovel road; conveirient to school, °lour& oppoeite place; will be sold cheap, as proprietor intends giv- ng up farming. For particulars apply on the prem - or to A. E. TURNER., Clinton, Ont. 1610.11 MIAMI IN TUCKER.SMITH FOR SALE ---For sale, J Lot 34, Concession 2, L. Ft. 8., Tuckersmith, containing 1. 0 acres, 90 of which are cleared, under - drained and in a high state of cultivation. The re- rnainiag 10 acres are unoulled hard woad bush. There is a good frame house; a large bank barn, with stone stabling ; also a largo shed and other buildings; a large orchard of good bearing trees. There fe plenty of water. Tbo land is of the very best quality and it is a firsta'ass farm and must be old. to close up the affairs of the i estate of the late John Walker It is wahin six mires of Soaforth and Clinton, and two miles from arucetleld station. Also within three quarters of 'a mile of a good school: Apply on the premises, or to the under- signed, Bruoefield P. 0. JAMES WALKER. 1611stf ,Snap Bargains Live in Real, Estate and Stock. THIRTY DOLLARS an sore will bu' a 181 acre farm -a first -relate grain LILA 6toqk fano-near tho Village of Zurich, in the township of Hay, County of Huron; rod buildings, good fences, plenty of solder and a most desiralee place ; also thrue thereto,. hbred short horn bulls and three Yorkshire boater all lit1 ir_ ear -rico; also so end rondster horses, all gond street, - .nd prices ritrat For partictulors apply to 8 RAN - ME, Zurich I'. O. 11312-11 Saw Logs Wanted. Wanted, at the Rippen Mills, say quantity of good Saw Logs of all kande. cut 10, 12 and 14 feet long; $7 a thousand will br paid fa good soft ohn and bass- wood. CORN FOR SALE. For sole, a large quantity ef good Feed Corn at the lowest prices. JOHN MeNEVIN, Kippen. 1916.4 of Counsel Rev. Dr. Talmage Gives Words Washington, Deo. and practical - sem° will reach many heart ial inspiration to th starting in life. Hie 1 4, "Run, speak to thi There was no gnaw rropLet of my text, a had left their 'nark ne riahwas a young • Unwary Feet --Warning C m o cot °o 4-0 d) fyi 09 0,1 c c 0 4-0 - 01 8. -This arousing by Dr. Talmage. and be an 1espee- se who are now xt is Zeohrirlah 11, young man." n the beard of the d no crow's feat r his eyes. Zeoha- an, and in a day dream be saw and he;'d two angels talk Ing about the rebuild Jerusalem. One of th that young Zechariah formed about the rebu its circumference and alls." and he says t "Run, speak to thin. not Walk, but run, f urgent and imminent. man needs to have about the dimensions, circumference of that he is to build -namely ter and destiny. No al Pr 11 do. A little fart w'll be of no advan :naust be the practical g stions, or they migh ni de at all. Run at th It • hour and speak to IR n, before this yea IR n, before this oentu before his character is to two worlds; this W H w many of us bare a id bitter experience ought to have been &A 25 years of age! Now yo gem° things which Ion ly and prayerfully no master of the situa kr now placed and me: al tlion in which you ev And in order that m bli aoterio I begin on hat advice, which ::o re important as the ow, if you would Sit ation do not expo 'ot get it. illew many tri vably mortgage the res woes that are qui Have the money either In a safety deposit or i U ited States bond bef oh ses or go into • exp or iitoh a spanking tea tuniout or conteaot for , mansion on thelPotom Do not depend ' n an yen!. father or nole. live on a good eal len peet, and the dry of yo mri e t may coei before decl ase. You cannot ma ism or heart failure its work. Longevity i im roved that you can peo le dying w en you to.: They live tb be se octegenarians or none centenariane, and mean go to bankruptcy, or, cry; or misadpropriation or vat,ering of railroad go nto the enitentiary bet er spree yourself o 15 r 20 p r cent. yo Inv stment. Most of : cent. invest' ents are a AAV the pr vilege of meet the ob igations of the affairs ' Of which Better get 3t1% per mint, roe t bond ban be pro div dend w lob will ne pal only ()ice or twice. yo deeper i before th &ntt you reit ive, inste div donde, a letter from socOtary of the oompan Very sorry. s If you ha Or ten years thee you ba spe d mone aft r you go geed a doll that you do mint servi splendid wo of men who sneaked out ter kin soli ary starvation and the poor do pot die; they absocin derstand how euoh spen less improvident men da app ar at the door of he mis ion when they have lies in the tophet of Limey. Such men de not and a harp and a marlin last ng poorhouse. :Fro or c1.grunt1ed state of this counsel, for life glad surprise, as it bas pia e disappointment. I of advantage or oppo everything has been to pleased amazement, but ng of the city of se angels desires hould be well in- IsIng of that oitY, the height of its the other 4nge1, oung man.' Do r the message is So every young mmecliate advice he height atid the which under God his oyen charao- w or laggard pace er on and counsel go. Swift footed nd important Bug - as well never be pace of five miles shat young man. of 1898 is aimed. y is closed. Run, nexorably deoided rid and the next. ound opt ny long things -that we before we ere I propose tp tell if you will eri- serve will aka ion in *hie you ter of every itu r will be p ed. subject in be the outside ge ill be mor and ubjeot unfo s. be master of the •a money be ore young men rree futere beetle a of sure to be th irs. n your hand or a bank or i 'n a re you make ur- nsive enterp Lies i) to a glitt ing the builiin 1 a o or the Hud on. nheritance ona he old man '.ay er than yo ex - r. eriferoed ay - the day Of his pend upon I. eu- or senility do so wonder i ily •ot depend son beak they o ht tuagenarian or narians br e en bile their hirs tempted to ferg- of trust funds r mining stook, Neither had you t because of the expect from an the 15 or 20 per t to pay nothing being assessed to the company in ou get involved. from a Govern - hied 15 per cent, er be declared or so as to tempt grand smash up of a payment of the president and saying the Y are u• bt I 5. toe a Little oney. e to wait a year or five years or most 1 your lifetime, • better alb rather than • you expeo to get. Then it do not s end it all. Never r until yo have 50 cents not spend. In the Govern - e in this city how many en who ar the daughters spent all they got and then of life to 1 avetheir daegh- penniless, to be loo ed after by Home Senator or other riend who might it for them a positi n on: small sal - but .enough to keep them from ouse! Such men . I cannot un - thrift and rack- s at their deeease von seeking ad - left their feral ant and mendi deserve a thion n. but an ever• DO disappointe mind do I give as been to me o een to most peoi xpeoted nothing tunity, and so me a matter of I have seen s many men ruined for t Me and °tenni; by going into expenditu 0, with uothin to depend upon except ntiolpation, tha if I bed power -to put al warnings into one olap of thunder I ould with that startling vehemence is, to all young inen what John Randol h paid In yon- der Senate Chamber as •• stretched, hitt long finger out toward me Benatoirlai opponent and with shrill "Gentlemen, pay as yoti Do not say you have member Isaac Newton astronomer of his day, bages in the street, and singing on the publio sq nies that he might plc Bunyan mending kettl, Judge Bradley of the lj voice oried. Out got" .81, o chance, bn re - the gre test es peddling .ab - Martin Luther are for any pen - up, and john , and the late ited States Su- ; -:- prams uourt, *no Was tits son Of a Oar - coal burner, and Turner, the politer, vrho was the son of a barber,- and Lord Clive, who saved India te England, 'shipped by his father to Madras as a use- less boy whom he wanted to get rid •ot, mid 1-Irldsaux, the world renowned scholar and thSologian, scouring pots and pans to work his Way through Ofilledei and the mother of *the late William E. Dodge, the philanthropist and magnifi- -cent man, keeping a thread and needle - store, an:I Peter CooPer, who; worked on sniall wages isi a glue faetorY, living to give $500,000 or tire founill g of an in- stitute that ha already \ educated thou- sands of the ioor sena and daughters of America, and 3owdtoh, the seientist, be- kt had been ginning his useful 113arning and affluent career by readipg th books th drive ethers from a shipwreckitiat Salem. There is, young man, a groat nenoial or literary or mbral er .religieue enemas . ii awaiting you n you nly knost how to go up and take it. The take it 4r get ready to take it, The mihtier the opposition: the grander the triumph when yen have ooriquered, There irett flower ln piberia that blooms only. in January, 'that sever- est month of that cold climate rt is. a star ehaped flower and oovored with glis- tening specks tat look like diamonds. A Russian took grime. of- the seeds ;of that flower to St. Petersburg- aid Planted them, and they grew; and on the coldest day, of January they pushed back the sziow and ice and burst into fill :blown. They called it. the "snow &we ," and it makes me think of .those ryhom the world tries to freeze out and owonder, but who in thand out abloom in e etrength of God push thieugh and npe hardest weather of the w rld's cold il th. treatment, started and radiant _With a beauty given oily to those .who find life a struggle and- urn it into a victory. Aveld GomblIng. i 1 , Again, if you would be master of the satiation, expect nothing from good look or haphazard or gaming adventures. In thie time, when it is estimated 1bat gam- bling exchanges money to the amen= of about 480,000,090 ' a day, this remark ' may be usefuh - There come 1 times in inany a man's life when he hoes to get something for Which he does not give an equivalent, and there are 50 kinds of gambling. :Stand aloof from all! of them. Understand that the gamblin g !Writ is a disease, and the more succeed I you are the:mere certain you are to go right on to yoor -Own ruin. Having made his thoueands, why does not tho gambler Stop and make a sere investment of what he hes gained and Rend the rest of his life in quiet or less hazardons etyle of ocoupatiun? The reeson, is h cannot stop.. Nothing but death ev r cures a co firmed -gambler. Dr. Keeley's gold on e rescues the drunkard, and :there are an :tobacco 'preparations that will arrest the . iotim of nicotine, and religion can save any one -except a gambler. The fact Is he is irreeponeible. Having got the hal* in him, he is no more responsible for keeping on than a man fallingfrom - the roof of a fou e storey house an atop at the window of the siecond storey. Here and placire you may find an instance where, a' gambler has been reported jor reports himeelf.as being converted, but in that easeethe man wee not fully tinder the hestiof the passion. The realimbler is i a Though passenger lo death a d perdi- tion The only nee in. referein to _him Is in the way Of prevention. He began by takitig chances on a beekoase or, a sewing macitiee at a church fair and ended by getti g a few pennies for his last vela- ablo in a pawnbrhker'e ehop. The only man who gambles successfully lathe man who loses so fearfully at the etart that he is disgusted and enits. Let him win at the start and win again, and it means farewell to home and heavelt. Most merciless of althsibits!: Horace Walpole says that :a man drop- ped clown at the door I of a clubhouse in London and was carried in, and the gam. blare began to bet ,whether he ;was dead or not, and when it was proposed to bleed him for his.recovery the !gamblers objeoted that it Would affect thee fairness of the bet. What'noble men they muse have been! To -day, Not TO -morrows. Again, if you would be mas r of the situation, never adjourn until t1 -morrow ,wha1 you can die to -day. . The ifference between balmy and inspiring ork land wear lug and exhausting and d 'spiriting work la the difference between Work be- hind you and work before you. ,But al- waye - wait until ;you feel like ,11, wait • until circumstances are more prepitious, wait till next week or wait till next year, and the probability is the work' will be only half done or never done at all. Post- ponement is the °nue of a vast popula- tion„ After .awhile all the things that ought to have been done previously will rush. in upon you,:and, it being too much for your brain and nerves, you will be a fit subject for paralysis or nervous prom - trotter]. How mealy battles have been lost hecause the general did no strike quick enough, and the enemy hal full tirne,to gather reenforcement! You in- tend some time to write, that important letter. You intend some time to make that 'business call. You intend some time to finish that book. You intend some timeto preach that sermon. Where is sometime? What iff some time? Does it walk:or does it float about you? Will it :happen to come? No! Some tiro is never. !There are -no stragglers in the daYi and 'months and years. If one day hould re- fuse to keep step end -become a t aggler, it would wreck the unlyeree. rompt- nese! Up to time! To -day! Now! You will get only what you win. There are accidents, like the printer's mistake whioh oadsed Louis Napoleon to he called "Napolecin III." A Parisian Mi- ter at the time that Louis Napoleon by las e strategy turned the republic into a Monarchy wrote In - derision the word ' Napoleon," folloWed by three exclama- t on points. Thdeb exclamation points t a printer mistoek for the letter 'I" *tree times writt n, and hence be was :soiled "Napoleon. II." But promotions by itoindent are nob to be depended on. Depend on gado nothing exoept that Which under God, y your ewe industry . and good sense yo 'achieve. .That was a good maxim of olden time, "Get thy spindle ready, ansil God will sand thee flax." . Bell glop Necessary.; Again, if you weuld be roaster ef the situation, and I name it last .- because It is the meet important, for you: know that "Atoll il last mentioned is apt to be best tentembered, I charge you get; into your eart and life, your oonverssition and *our manaere, your body, mind and }Soul, the near 8,0 Otyearold 'religion of the Bible. Why so? FA:cause+ the large majority of peoph quit this -life before 25.years of age, ind the possibility is that if you do not tako possession of this religion„, and religion does not take poseeesion of you while you are young, you will never co o into alliance. Mrs Heraolitus, awarding to Plato, said that no man bathes twice in the same river. But, suppo e you live to be octo- genarians, do yeti iot see that postpone- iment is an awful waste of nerve and tahe vy load all your life meals and brain What is the use of ciur pulling a ben you can ha ones ths essed to eat mil that mill bY a mill 4, - DECEMBER 23, 11,498 1 . poureu ..y a small brocek, or you can put !mop down and net tneir oneness? it along he deep arta swift St. Law- rence, which will roll through the mill race tons if water ever' second bf time. i 008 ries and ruin That Are Delicious ,-for: Dlr. Tier Fin 1 she.. I 5 Are you g ing to : r your li e by the i CRANBERRY DESSERTS. I . H The Canadian Bank of ‘fiommerce. ' op,piTA,.. (RAID UP) SIX MILLION DOLLAR Zi • $0,000000 , ivilanerai banki--ng blEnAesFsOtrRanTsHacifeBd.RAFardrmOeteirs„ , Notes discounted, and , eclat eaten ion'given to the collection of Sba,le0N.oat.eslyi. wry, Manager. SAVINGS BAN K.—Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards. Special fst fifties for:transaction of business in the Kloicike District. , '1', 1101,11114;STED, Soliaitor. ; Mobey Orders, payable at any baok, issued at the following rates • . , Undelio, to $20 shallow drippingo of rally i linen or ny the rolling ri s of o nipotent power? Are you goin o under ake the work of life with o11g but our own brain and arm boec p by all the ter- restrial and all the col Mal forces of the Almighty? I mak reat an :offer as was ever made by n4.I1 I offer you God. He tells me to ra ke 1 hat poI nt blank proposition. If ye wa t them you can hare them :on yourl sidel for th earnest asking --bmnisoier, omnipresence, mnipoten el Can o i agine a greater ,,, o /ft contrast th4n a yoring z an undertaking life alonee-life, with al ts coefrentrnents of temptatl n andobst es -and a young man under eking life th every wing of angel and yore; tbund rbolt of heaven pledged for his defense nd advancement -the dlffereuoe botwei a y.eutig man alone and 4 young 1 r4n befriended by the Maker nd:Uphold of the Universe? The battle ot life is zio severe that no young mani can affor 1 td decline any help, and the mighties lien is God. One night m the year 17 Count'Leseock went to escort the Pri ess Elizabeth to Russia to a throne *al i was then un- occupied. he halted, e hesitated, she wondered bother she •ad better go to the palace 4nd mount le throne of all the Russias Then Co it Leseook drew on a paper wo sketohe , the one .of her- selfeand tbO count ih d apace and on ths scaffold anli the: oth of herfielf on a throne am!1 braising subjeotsq When she saw pla nly that •e mud make a choice, she hose the th ne. I pt before the young iin of ,Wa ington and the young men of Americaa choice between 4 overthrow nd enthron ent. Yell may have what on will. 11 you be the slave of pas ion and el and det th or a conqueror e palacedi?a Spaniih prov- erb was rig 1 when it s td, "The road of ' By and By eads to the own of Never." ret Ciotti! t 4�d. More you vantage wh have the no into &Trees for instano "You ought it were you man I woul me. On- th as though y While in thi the tied 'w varnish of o ligion.' Get through Jes bother your two minutes funeral. H that will ex that ought t it with ever with every a Neither w other absurd of this world compared wi 000 trary, 'yo ate the imp° decides your well deepise g men teott oh I speak ion th t r ng pro° ss. , the, bed to sit” i.vtit ver la not w oontrar u were world and: rid, *ere tlin lid in In rhigrh is Cis elf the about re is irpete f om be extirpat -virtue ax ticipation. uld I have I on adopt the preachment that the thing are of little importance a th the next tvorld. On th cermet sufficiently appreoi tanoe of thie world, for it next world. You might as - schoolhouse because it is not a univer, ity. In the 1sichoollionse we prepare for the university. If this -world Is of Such ' tittle importiancee I do not th'ink the fir t born and tee last born of heaven, woul have spent 33 years !down , here to rodeo it. 1 - I Start Right, Youpg man, start. right, and the only way td, start right is to pt yourself into oompanionsh p with the best friOnd a., young man ever had -Ch let the iLord. you equipois neertaintien ay of doss. coms. to w not whici you in you nough to.b 4 take t tho ed- it they , id not igion juta ono hey hav4 heard, id praa hment, :day as though Suob a lachrymose nt atjywhere 'around y, y ii ougnt to live gold to live a great is live forever in is no mell of er genulne re - rel tion with God , an you n ed not est f your liife for eatti or aboub your n.41y religion, one our nature all d and irradiate make it glow I To: make cranberry pie with eggs Take one coffe cupful of fineltehopped oranberries an 1 ,a oup of sugar beaten with one whol ega and the yolks of two eggs. Mix th in thoroughly and turn Into 0 plate I eed with pie °rust, artd bake in a m derate oven. ,Beat the whites of two ggs to a stiff froth and add two tables oonfuls of sugar. When the pie is bak d spread • the meringue roughly over 1 :o top and retnrn to the oven for a few ii ornente to brovfrn ligh• ly. Another deli ions pie may ; be made thus: Take two cups of chapped cran- berries, and a d to them one carp of raisins, seeded, nd chopped, half a cup of granulated s gar, he same amount of water, two tr bleapoonfuls of flour, and one egg. Line ie plate with rich crust and fill with t Is mixture; cover with an upperordst rid bake in rather a slow °vSi Sifta Cana ian cranberry pudding: into a large bowl two cups ' of flour and a half a tea poonful of salt. Mix into this one half of oup of molasses and two-thirds of a oup of sour milk, in which half a t spoonful Of soda has been dissolved. dd one beaten egg and one and one -ha f oups of cranberries. Turn into a but ered pudding dish and steam an hour a d a quarter: Serve wibh , a sweet sauce. A dainty and pretty dessert ie cran- berry Bavarian eam, Rub' through a sieve while hot o e pint of cooked . oran- berries, and ad to them ori oup of granulated suga . Soak half a box of gelatine .in half cup of water and add it while the herr es are bot. When thd sugar and geiati e are dieseling , place the dish oontaini g the mixture1i a pan of los water and stir until it begins to thicken. Then a d one cup of mi1ie and whip light one up of cream an all jt lent. Beat there ghly and turze 1 into a mould and set in a cold place to arden. Serve it with wb pped cream. - Lightecranberr puffs are mad thus: Rub through a leve one pint o flour, two teaspoonfuls 1 baking powd r and half a Leaepoonfu of salt. Add two eggs well beaten and ilk enough to make a batter as thick a for pancakes, and stir In one pint of o anberries. Butter cust- ard orips pa 1 a d tiy fill them :with the mixture. Place hem in a steamer and steam one ,hour ithout lifting the cover. .1 , , ; They should be • ry light and like puffs. Serve with he f llowing sawni: Cream together one oup 1 powdered auger, half a. cup of butter, one egg and one tea- spoonful of vent la extract. Have one oup of milk bolli g and when ready -to serve etir it into he creamed rnixture. .e A Qu er Incident. t , A Chicego- man, according to the fribune of that oity, used the telegraph A the other day in Mn odd way. A visitor s Whom he had m.t frequenti . in New e York stepped into his office, It Was bust- _ . lgs as well as inolination to bs exceed - in iy cordi 1 to the New Yorker, but for th life of ire ii!. Gould 'not recall the • itor's e me. In the midst f the con- ve sedan t e Chicago mat was reminded' of a ti telt. m be ad forgotten to nand. ng u a blank he meet the follow- ing to his ew ork house: "What'. the name of Y nkin'I bead man? Can't re- call it. Ho is here." They oha ted aim* for half n hour, when the answer came. It read: "Sinapkins." And now, Mr, Simpkin , t Is .about time for lunch," reinarked the Chinni) man, "We'll go over to 1 e club. I want yoi to meet seine of My frien s there." ., He will give Ing of life's port you in you when yo road and kn He will guid you are wise your own. perity, he wi 1 a fortune. If you are put 1 see to it that for your soul hard s ip wil of a man'. I will =ke th as and perha li morning twil on earth is ti 11 .sn amid the rook - He will sup- s will -direct forke Of the road to take. ;home life, if ye a hams of you live enti to great pros - show ycrizi ow to manage our earthly project, fail and financial etraits, he wil that is the _best oondition and the (Madonna and the make you more and more you live ore to old age, he evening twdight as bright s brighter than waiz the ght, and whn your !work one the ga s of a potter orld will op'n on expan ions and en- hronements and fellciti s whichS. ohn describ ometi 'nos as mes aa a o mos as an o ants, blow "Play" Sawing Wood (Jtnaaianj Grocer thin there is anneponi g for a ood young min in Bab Portage, ta1ug La opinion up n the 101 - lowing a vertise ent: Wanted—A yo ng man tolook after ;Must I:4 okkeeper. and to week in meetings evenings. epees arid L., News Id to bis son; "There's 07,. 80 you piny go out " "And what can I ood, of coursit."-Naw general store on Ramny River. I sober, honest aria a practical Will be expectedto distribu make up mail three *Imes a summer, aitdto conduct prays (Presbyteti o WednesdaY Apply by 1 tter, 1 olosing rete stating wages e peoted, to A office, Rat ortag As the farmer s nothing to kio to and play awhile play? Sawing England Grocer. s eometimee: as orchards; shaded streats and ome- ystalline rly r and ome- chestra With1enighty tnstru- on by il a oharuhlo Or thrummed by fingers sera hie, and in- habitants: alWays tearlee 'and songful and resplendent, 110 thit the mightiest oalamity of Um universe ithe portion of that one wholfails to enter it. Young man, seek only : levatingand : improaing co panionshipe 00 not let the last seton of noble tan]y, a follo :with a big nae, but badhabits, for he w drinks and s ears and isdlsso]uto,I take your arm to 1 alk down the str et or spend an evening wltb yiou, either at your room or his room. Rrnembor that sin is the moet.expensivelt leg in God's universe. I h ve read that . ir Brasil., th• knight, tired ut wilin th- chase, had a falcon on his vr1.t, as tinty.did in 1 days CI of falconry, hen with ha ks or falcons they went,for h to bring 0 Wn partridges or ,grouse or leigeonze an , being very thirsty, cam to a strea struggling from a rock, and, relealing the falcon from his *ria, he took thebugle Which he carried, ant, stopping the mouthpiece of his bugle ith a tuft of r mom he put Mit extempor zed cup und-r the Water whd h came d wn drop by drop trona the roe until Ibol oup Wei 'full and thee lift- ed 1 to drink when the falcon he had rule sod with udden mwoopl: dashed the sup from his and. By.the, same process he lied the o p agaiwand •,•was about to _dr! k when t e falcon by another swoop dast ed dowe he oup. Enraged at • this ins lone' and violence of the hied, he orbs , "I Wil wring ebyJ neck if thou doe t that again." But, having filled the coup a third tine and trying _ to drink, a thi a time the faloon dashed it down. Then Sir Bra 11 with his filst struok the and reproao fully at dsint land dropped dead. which fl , ttered and loOked lovinglY a great of the rook w, ono, drin the water, so Then Sir Melt, lookinitg4p to the top above told, th venom front his mouth it li 1 roan serpent coiled fold dropping into hat from which Sir Brazil had filled bis: up. Than eXelaimed the hat I killed :. / knight, "Wb a a kind thin it was, for the falcon to ' ash down , hat poisoned OUP, and who a sad thing him, and wha a narrowesaape I had I" So now there, re no more -Certainly wa- ters that refre h than Water that' poison. ThIll 11101111113 there are honsands of young mei, u wittingly ani not know- ing what they do. taking into their bugle oup of earthly joy that which is deadly because 1* dri iii from the j we of that old serpent, t devil, -and he dove of agtown and agan filled and i 1: God's Spirit 1 kindly warning dashes down the cup, but again it is filled and ain dashed ain dashed own. Why net turn away d slake yenr thirst at the clear, ght, perennial fountain that • breaks m the Roc* of Agee, de and so deep that all th inhabitante i o fountain s earth and eilil the armies Of heaven roaT i e two of the white all t Sc Jo1u saw in heaven har- an your load? Suppose you have a bri •wheel te turn. You oan pus fro wheel where it will be turned wi race of 1 water one foot den _ of In Sioltn ss and Sorrow -i- . God takes noipl asure in pain 'or sor- row, but He wi 1 mpose both if ithereby He may bring 4s o love Him or maks us more like H elf. At such al time it is selfish, unbele ing, to oomplitin and murmur -very iwi ked 10 and fain with Goa. There are edloines whieh, takes with wisdom abd in moderatiob, baffie disease and resto e health but abused, they weaken and estsoy. 'So with skis- nefid and sorroW, as we please to use them. To EIOLUalith y are whateGod means them for all, a ira or ot life unto; life;*. others, a savor of eath unto death. At such a time it is only .wise to:be very considerate, very unable, my pubmis- , sive. . 1 No Drunk In Waldeck, a 11 ity a deorao has b ; license to marry w any indivictial wh of getting drunk. been a drunkard a he must produce formation to warr rd Can Harry. tie German principal - en proolaimed that a 11 not be granted to has been in the habit If anyone who has )plies for such a license ullielent proof of re- nt his receiving it. • rt, of Logan, has pur- burn's 50 acre farm on n. Mr. Leyburts has term at Whirl Creek. Coppin, of Logan, has farm in Hibbert from ate Wrn. Meehan, V. accident recently, in ' W tn. Herb Mr,, John Le the Imirth coucessi purchased the Waug --Mi. Simnel G. bought the fifty acre the rxecutotti of the who died..froin Nev. York sioWn ?hat is It is the b partly digest bined with phites and gl will it\do ? the pooyi bloo rich and red. It will give to the overw nerves. It w • the thin for wasted from It is every edged as Th the World. sac. and x.oc SCOTT at BOWNE, cott's Emul- st cod-liver oil, d, and com- he hypophog- cerine. What It will make of the anxmic nervous energy rked brain and ll add fiegh to of a child, fat -starvation. here' acknowl- Standard of all druggists. Chemists, Toronto. , • $10 i.08 $20 to $30 .12 .10 $30 to $50 .12 Pretty Foot Goes a Long Way want to tom then ee Granby" on the I nays what 1 em But what is the use of a pretty foot, in this country in the winter time, if you do not have a perfect fitting Rubber or Overshoe. Now, this may be news to you, but you will find it to be a fact; there is only one make of Rub- ber's and Overshoes, in this -coun- try, that are right up-to-date in fit, finish, quality and durability and they are the anby Rubbers and OVERSHOES n, light, comfortable. Extra thick at ball and heel. GRANBY RUBBERS WEAR LIKE IRON." i_Every vestige of the Hoffman Stock must be sold out before A O'clock, Saturday, December 24th, 1898. Its a ease now of not what the goods cost, but what they are worth to you. R. B. SMITH, Dry Goods Co. .4116,01116,41116:10, - If you want Pry Goods for yourself and something for a friend; if you want - to load a-Christtnas Tree for almost nothing, come early to the road Closing Out Sale of the Hoffmati, Stock General and -Fancy, Dry Goods tadies' Coats at 95c, $1.95, and $2.95 ; worth three tiraes the price. 1: B. SMITH, Seaforth. 0 W. ANDREW S, Manager. /5-0-0.4,410-00.04) 40..4 0 O.* .40.***411111 ••••••••••••••••• PreNiention of Cruelty •0 e ra without loss of tissue and make him a cheerful, It pays to use Dick's Blood Purifier. 43, ness of a cow's milk. • to Horses. Many a poor horse, utterly run . I down by impoverishment of blood and its accompanying ills, is blamed for laziness and harshly treated, The use of DICK'S -BLOOD PURIFIER 2 Would strenghthen such an one,* would fortify him to endure fatigue ;• enable him to accomplish work willing worker. It greatly increases the flow and rich - 50 CENTS A PACKAGE', TAIAL SIZE 25 Greys, LEEMIND MILES & CO„ Agents, Montreal. DICK te CO., Proprietors. t ••••••••••••••464643.424-0464,04.044 44044440416•46464116••••••••46** a9 s 11 Pure Indian Fresh frOm the gardens of India to the tea tables of Canada. Fine Purniture for Xmas The multi ud of sensible people who are tired of giving and receiving useless nothin t Christmas, will appreciate the magnificient selection of Fine Furniture w have collected for this season's trade. Here are host of handsonte pieces you will find nowhere else. Oddments that wll give a if-ul return in use and pleasure for every cent of the extremely low prices we a, k. WE DELIVER,FITRNITURE FREE. , I 1:3717-13MIRrill-.4—IINTC+. pur UndertaltAng Department is corn lete and strictly up-to-date with a a quantity of suitable chairs to be used at f nerals, which we will lend free of larger selection than ever before, and prices o suit every one's needs. iP'e have , gl, char e, and any orders that we are favored With shall receive our best attention. Nigh calls promptly attended to by our undertaker, Mr. S. T. Holmes, Goder- ich street, Seaforth, opposite the Methodist church BOADFOOT, 13qX & CO., Sla.A...10JEVISEE. DECE toils . y e Surveyor, Ye land Sorvoszore, Du WOE ALE. -In X dwelling and centre of village 31188 8. CAM -43t, ONEY AT money has be 1&ame-8, slims a APPla. J' /1"3 yelr1y,, CD ATS, Do CaTANTED. A T VI( , class earth' lap:axed; -duties JosEru LYONS, Algoma, Ontario, ORN BEATTIE, tJ court, CountV vesteocer, Lends Lo rtivesred and to Ivens' etos 0, triton n.111113ER FOtt S sale the timbe cession O, IScKllr ash suitable ler r which sill be Fold Me, James Lo EST .1`11AY CATTLE. undersign d, one red and bile by -proving propert, DENNISON, Vaana C_4TRAYED CAT 0 signed, on Lot dale, on or about cattle ; 3 heifere ri few white spots; three red, with greyish -colors A r person giviog any i recovery. JOEIN HOItTaltailaa8 for esae two g 'and teEMS right. a, Stanley, Bromato 'DULLS FOR. ai eale three Dui old; roan -and red animals, .andarerrso from Thomas Russ MORE, Let 30,0 P. e _ GIOU SALE, a nm E from Ste 11 from 12 to IS most breeding lusty fe# are good colors. A byJ.W.B. Nirirt. =66, two years th dark roans fear Alsoa fewaeows astl make room, as her ring; terms easy. Btsit FOR keep for -se Kili0p, a thorough payable at the tun returning if neem IDOAR FOR * D ianiekl.tao eeirforow r ee $1, poyable It the of returning If neol TULL FOR JD keep for Wit thoroughbred T netore January, Soa0T1'. . • 1 1ti4i43ti ::t0liz;iAR;Bi1TmiBOad iignedhall°:*flop, ahotangh G:ekSng'° aPiI2ltieollioe ro en Lot 26 ahoroughbree 01 uedyezp Ile adrI:tedroae eviee;:cut uzgiioriia UTH B C::be:ee1d aworthBoar. it'11 pytbe lurg:ebeel br1:gI '1u 1 WORTH signed lila .1.4 11100110p, a they limIted number ,ot extregoodP*--en' arms their berksh 'Terme fa, with Pr JOHN KelfILLAI T108 FOR SA JE undersigned, ahlres,hes 'forage also keep for aervi strobased from and winner at No payable as Ed returning D0REA150E, Lot loth P. 0. NOTIOE After Demmbei market for drew pricee at T. IL 1614 !stun* TOWNSH3 ;Notice Is here fat the nominatie Reeve and 0oune smith, for the u On bliNtda3 And in case m didatea are prop will be wetted of, MONDA1 An follows: FOT old sadlery • Jbeeph Weber, M.2, at Seheol Broadfeet, depe 3, at School liosl tuning _officer; William Sinclair 17 WINTER' :3rd, 1899. SUCCESS ' ,course at thii WRITE 15.52 External or i surgical opera Write for book,' testimonials. DE. El