The Huron Expositor, 1898-12-16, Page 44
ese -
erTho figute i otwee rho parenthesis, or each
one, denotes the page of tho paper on which the
advertisement wit! be found.
Xmas SuggestiOns-Greig & nerulonal i -I
A Brisk Busin se-McKnt eite& G
Sold at Once R. B. Smith -5 '
Special to Fart ers-Case & Co. --;
ChristmasSuPpliesAlexe Winter -1
Christmas Ratea-W. Sommerville -8
For Sale -David Millie -5
Wanted -Joseph Lyons -5
Boar for Service -W. A. Rose -5
Municipal Nominations -J. 0. lelorrison-5
Cutters -L. Beattie -8
New Cook Stove -C, Hart1oib-8
Poultry -G. E. King -8
Foot Warmers -Reid & Wilaon-8
ROaeting Pans -Reid & VV ilsolt---5
Forniture-Leatherdale & Landsborough-8
Winter Term -A. S. Nimmo-5
Shorthorns for Sale -H. Raid -5
Cash Store -W. A. McKim -5
Christmas Turkeys -Beattie Bre8.--8
What to Give-Robt. Wi1lis-5
Winter God -3--8. Mullett & Oa -8
Christmate-Wileon & MoNatighton-8
Christmas Gift --4--J, F. D4y--8
To the Lailies-Mrs. L. Smith --8
Fancy Biscuits -A. Young -8
Dinner Sets- -A. Young -8
Money to Loan -J. L Killoran -8
Pictures and Frames --, . P. 1{enderson-8
Robes -M. Broderick - 8
Present ----J. S. Robert - 8
flifts-4----C. W. Papsti -8
Boots and Rubbers -6-W. R. Willis -8
Christmas Goods --C. A. Humber & Son ---8
rat won gxpositor.
SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, Dec. 16th, 1898
West Huron and Halton.
As we stated lent Week, the by-elections
for the ProVincial Legislature in West Hur-
on and Halton, took place on Thursday, and
resulted in the election of the Liberal candi-
dates, Hon. J. T. Garrow and Mr. John R.
Barber. These elections, however, do not
• puska any charge in the political complexion
of the Legislature, as both the successful
candidates on Thursday were elected last
March, Mr. Garrow resigning .his seat and
Mr. Barber having been unseated by the
election court. The candidates at both
elections were .the same, and in each
stance the successful candidates were
elected by increased majorities. In W
Huron there _was a short, but keen fig
Both parties put forth their beet efforts, a
the result can not but be satisfactory
Liberals, not alone in West Huron,
throughout the province. Mr. Beck, ho
ever, from first to last, has made a go
fight, and has proven himself ,a strong a
popular candidate, and with a better ca
would, no doubt, have made even a bet
that the
to convin
is not de
vient," a
that the
ing the g
the road,
and the
the publ
oharge a
basis up
larly as
unfair a
the Sun
whioh t
s. It will be noti
rant .to the Oro
he assent of bot
his in itself oho
o any person th
rving of the ve
in by the Sun.
ti not " cor
d the Sun alone
But, let, th
has the Sun
ain object of
ant" was not the construetiov of
hut the enrichm nt of the C P.R.,
dventage of cert in politioiane at
o expense." Thi
d the Public she
n which it is ma
he Sun, in this in
he whole parliary
d deceptive to m
does, that the
e country derive
is simply the co
f it wanted to d
parties int rested, it woul
the eon es ions which th
bonus e cured from the C.
In the r4 place, the G
control v r the local freig
second laee, it has secure
over th road for any othe
pany th t it maysiee fit to
and in t e third place it h
tions in the freight rates o
cifio Railway which, at th
a year
portant' considerations and
concessioiis would have be
ed the Rim admites . succeed where hie on party leaders have
's Nest Penis road no offten failed. And he would rather suffer 1
tc'o? iderable injury' himself than that his '
partil iwile-
ld be si'fficient t po dicei
opponents should make so
t the taansaotion
et severe oriticisria
Surely the entire
upt and eubser.
rum and incle-
t 'pass. What
for its statement
arliament in mak-
is a very serious
14 b given the
•e, more particu-
Lana , is arrayed
ent. It is, also,
ke it appear, as
only advantages
from the money
strueeion of the
al fairly by all
have mentioned
'granting of this
P. R. 'company.
vernment "secure
t rates ; in the
running powers
railway or coni.
grant them to,
'3 secured reduce
the Canada Pa.
present rate of
ill amount to a ea g of $700,000
o the people of s anitoba and the
est territories. T ese are very im
none of these
n granted, had
been constructed as an independ
aided enterpris , In fact, it is
by some that es concessions are
try than the entire
the roa
ent, u
worth , ore to the cott
money icrant.
We may say here that
was as much opposed to
granting a bonus to assist
ion of the 'Crow's Nest Pass
person c uld be. We oppo
in', believe th D‘bminion has
re' much in the way of aiding
est can afford to do, arid that w
record. In fact, we doubt if there is
other man in West Huron who could ha
polled so strong a vote against such an able
and popular opponent.
These two elections were looked upon, by
both parties, to some extent as the pivotal
• point in the history of the Government.
the o
be ve
the Dominion
ithe construct -
Railway as any
led it because we
done about as
railways as it
atever tallwaye
may be hereafter required •to deirelop the
mineral tie other resources f , theL country
should be provided tor by t e special inter -
the province
mainly benefit.
nd tie to the
ain a different
we hold the
t blind UR to
gee which the
they pay. The
le truth, and
with its read-
nt a part. -
faet that
an- the v
ve peopi
the S
ere in
be promoted, or b
th ee interests will
his Fbelief does not bl
others may enter
tat as honestly a
O have ; nor doee
ubstantial advent
hey been won by the tJonservatives,
tlook for the Government would not
y bright, while the prospects for the
ition would be correspondingly bright-
ened. Now, however, the Government are
safe for this PMliamentary, term. Out of
five by-elections they have won every one.
They have not only held their own, but
they have gained one seat. The swing
seems to be in favor of the Government, and
the electioneyet to be held will likely go
the same way as those which have already
taken place: The Government will hold
East Northumberland and Nipissing, and
• etand a good chance to win North Hastings
and WesteElgin. Besides these there is
North -Waterloo, West York, Sou h Perth
• and East Elgin, which are still b fore the
courts. The prospects are that tha sitting
• Members in West York and East Egin will
• be confirmed in their seats, the fo mer be-
• ing a Liberal and the latter a Cons rvetive.
In North Waterloo and South Pert , where
the' election judges have voided t e seats,
and where aa appeal has been take to the
higher courts in each case, the respects
are that the deciaions of the electio judges
will be sustained, and that new elections
will have to be held. In this event, the
Liberals will stand a good chance to redeem
• North Waterloo, and will certainly hold
South Perth. It need not surprise any per-
son, therefore, if, when the Legislature
meets next February, the Government wil
have a solid majority of at least fourteen
besides the Speaker. This is as large a ma-
jority as is good for them.
-Since the above was in type the East
Northumberland by-election has taken place,
and has resulted .in the election of Mr.
Douglas, Liberal, over Dr. Willoughby,
Conservative, by a large majority. Thus,
out of six by-elections thus far held, ever
one has gone in favor of the Government
The next to be held are North Hastings and
Nipissing, which take place on the 27th
Unfair, Criticism.
In its last issue the Canada Farmers' Sun
derive for the money
should know the wh
n henot dealing justly
withholding so import
Editorial Notes and
The &flowing is a displa
recent issue of the Mail
Leader' Trenchant Criticis
log Gov rnment Of Mr. Har
position leader's criticism
trencha t, but the recent
not seine to indicate that ti
is tottering very much.
The statement is made th
Vernon Harcourt has resign°
ship of the Liberal party in
reasons for this step are the i
skins in the party which he
to reconcile. He announces
hereafter pursue the part of
Liberal. The English Libe
never recovered from the dis
casioned ie the party by M
strong espousal of the came, o
ie not announced who is likel
Harcourt's successor.
heading in a
: Opposition
of the Totter-
y." The Op.
ay have been
ye-electimes do
e dovernment
r William
t e leader -
England. His
ternal dissen-
ppears unable
that he Will
n iedependent
al party has
atiefaction oc•
. Gladstone's
Ireland. It
be Mr.
, Poor old General Garcia, he Insurgent
Cuban leader, is dead. He di d at WaSh-
, ington a few days ago. He came to the
United States at the head of a deputation
from the Cuban Insurgents to interview the
nt American
President and other promin
official,' regarding the future
change from the humid climat
the more severe of New York
ton, after his long strain and
as leader of the Cuban army,
for him, and he became affl ic
gestion of the lungs, and his t
world were ended after a few
There is trouble brewing betwefM the tele-
graph operiators on the Grand Triunk Rail-
way and the officers of the road. The tele-
graphers threaten that if their de ands are
not conceded they will strike. Should they
do so, there will, likely, be a ie -up on the
road, as trains cannot run without opera-
f- Cube. The
of Cuba ;to
nd Washing -
as too mueh
ed with con-
oubles in this
ties' illness.
tors. The difficulty will likel be settled
one 'way or . the other Ithis. week.
Y It is becoming more ani more ap-
• parent every eiey that Parliament unlit
take up this queetion of disputes between 1
large cozlporavions and their employees, and
appoint ome aortof a commis ion for their'
settlarne t, requiring both parties to
submit t eir caseto the cotemission and
abide tit ir decision. The public interests
deniand omethingof this nature.
has the following :
Some Liberal journals still attempt to
justify the action of the Dominion Govern-
ment in donating over $3,600,000 to the
Canadian Pacific Railway fo the construc-
tion of the Crow's Nest line. As a justifi,
cation for the donation hey state that
large quantities of Canadian goods are being
carried ine) the mining dist' icts of British
The statement
one ovet the
; but assuming
it shrive ? It
Railway is a
C. P. R. had
ey instead of
building it with ours, it would have proved
a profitable undertaking. If the object of
Parliament had been the construction of
the line, thee object could have been id. t ,Li -
ed by advancing the money and securing it
by a first mortgage on the road. .The main
object, however, was not the construction
of the reed, but the enrichment of the le 1'.
It., aud the aavantage of certain politicians
at the public expense. The incideus it, one
of the meat disgraceful in the history of
Canadian politics. The granting of the
money without a dissenting vote places the
responsibility on both political parties, but
shows the corruption and -subserviency of
our national legislature.
The Farmers' Sun is neutral in politics.
It claims a special license to criticise both
Columbia,over this route.
as to the amount of trade
route is perhaps exaggerated
it to be correct, what does
shows that the Crow's Nes
paying line, and that if the
built it with its own mo
parties. Like all such papers, it, makes
great professions of fairness and honesty in
dealing with public questions. Judging
from the above extract, however, its prac-
tise does not on all occasions square with its
The e ntract for the extensilen of the
Intercolo ial dock at St. John [and other
improvenients necess ry to m e sthe rail-
way terminus therceacceasible
eels of deep draught as been
Mr. M. K. Connolly, the price
$320,000. This is an importan
echeme of Intercoloni 1 improv -
has been undertaken y the Mi
ways, and foe which appropr
been voted by Parlia ant. In
enlarged dockage at t. John,
will be erected of ufficient
handle a large grain raffia. 11
may be a very good c ntractor,
capades in connection with the
bor are not yet forgot en by th
he will bear close wa ching by
ment under whose au ervision
ant contract is being
to Ocean vete
ataarded to
being about
part of the
mint which
ister of Rail-
ations have
• addition to
an elevator
capacity to
Ir. Connolly
but his es -
Quebec har-
people and
the depart -
this import-
arried out.
The Canadian High Commissioners are
still at the American capital,and meetings
held. It is said, however, that the commis -
of the treaty commision are being daily
sion will adjourn to -day until after the
Christmas holidays. There numerous,
rumors in circulation as to the progress of
their negotiations. 11he Conseierative press
are giving it out the the co mission has
eutirely failed and that no trety will be
made. It is possible, however, that the
'wish may be father to the thought, as noth-
ing would rejoice the heart of ithe died in
the wool Tory more than that the commis-
! sioners should fail, as it would be gall and 1
wormwood to him that Mr. Larier should '
a point as the arrangement of a satisfac-
y treaty with onr American neighbors.
ere, however, k much more hope- -
y, and it is likely there are prospects of
cesie.else the conamissionere would not
kicking their heels and picking their
h around Waehihgton so long. It is
ly the public will get a glimpse behind
curtain before long.
A Big Day Far Liberalism.
S xl byeeleetionS were held Wednesday,
1 ,
five being to fill yeomen°s in the Dominion
5 .
He se and one for l the Ontario Legislature.
Of he Federal byel-ehictions, two were held
in ( ntario,two in Quebec, and one in Prince,
Ed ard Island. In Ontario, West Lamb.
ton returned Dr4Johnston- by the very
lar.e majority ef 1969, and incident-
ally celebrating the 47th anniversary of the
adv nt of the late Hon. George Brown into
poli heal life. North Simcoe remaine inde-
pen ent, returning Mr. Leighton McCarthy,
a nephew of the late D'Altori McCarthy,who
represented that riding for so many years.
Pro ably the greatesttsurprise of the day
was the return for the first timi since Con-
federation of a Liberal in Bagot, Quebec.
Mr. Marcile is thteeticeesisful candidate. In
1896 Mr. Dupont, Coemerative, Was elected
by acclamatio . The Liberal majority in
Montmagny,he lother Quebec constitu-
ency, has been increased from 242 in
1896 to over 500., Mr. Martineau is the
member -elect. In Eaiit Prince, a wealthy
and popular ConMervntivo candidate sun,
ceded in slighti y reducing the Liberal ma-
jority. n Ea,t Northumberland, for the
Ontario egisl tur , Mr. Douglas was not
only re -e ected but simply overwhelmed Dr.
Willoughby by a majority of over 600.
Wet Huron.
The followin is the; official statement of
the votes cast i West Huron et the last ,
and preceding lec ions ;
No. 1 72
No. 2 97
No. 3 64
No. 5 35
No. 6 25
No. 7 27
Mai for
; No. 1
At 11.
65 84
No. 2 64 33
No. 3 99 66
No. 4 ,45 54
273 2371
Maj. for 36
No. 1 71 54
No. 2
o. 3
o. 4 51 64
o.5 53 55
o. 6 82 70
o. 7 41 , 50
' ,29,
Maj. for
o. 1 90
o. 2 63
o. 5 75
laj. for 105
No. 5
No. 6
No. 7 26
Maj. for
happy ev nt hich paseeffi, off pleasantly.
They wil tak uptheir abode in Mr. Stew-
art's fine new rick house en the farm he
recently pure aped from Jo n Kay.
-4). serious incident , hajipened to Mrs.
Samuel Caldwell, , of Auburn, one day
recently. Mhe was out in. he garden andin
some unaccou table way fell and broke her
--WhiIe Ch ries Lee of, Goderich, was
handling In p the otilery, it exploded,
and the burnt g oil destroYea portion of
his hair and s verely burned portions of his
- Mies Ter a, daughteri f Judge Doyle,
Goderieh,i me with a rnost severo accident
by falling and breaking heti I' b just above
the ankle •T e break is a very bad one.
-The true es of school section No. 2,
East Wawano h, have seen fit to exchange
the teacher f r the eusuiiig year, having
engaged Mr. llhurch, of G de ich, at a sal-
ary of $230.
-Rev. Mr., ed Mrs. MillY rd,of Clinton,
entertained th member, and their- wives,
of the quarter official and trust hoards of
Rattenbury et eet church One evening last
week. I .
- A meetin cif the (oderich local teach-
er's associatie as held in the model se loot
on Saturday ternoon, Decernber 3rd, a
good number teachers beltng present, and
a number of in resting pa ere given.
-The C Ile te Institu literary society,
their first open meeting in
all one night last week., It
every way nd a gond pro-
p by the p pile.
en new me hers were re-
illis Pres terian church,
ay of lest week. This is
s ever know in the history
as being eceived. at one
eyers, wh has for some
1 cient seer tary of the Y.
✓ tford, ha resigned, and
agency of he Temperance
urance Co' pany for the
n He will Iva in Clinton.
eorge Whi , of Wingha.m,
his duties a his blacksmith
i a eevero k ck from a horse
e has no to use crutches
e time be re he will be
duty agai .
tin , whi h netted over
p est Sunday in ,Cole's
township, and presented
v, Mr Shaw; this shows
n which he is held. Mrs.
home shortly.
of Mr. W. W. Maevicar,
Miss Urs la Barrick, of
placeon Wednesday, De-
e family r sidence of the
Mrs. act, ear have taken
rich, and are receiving the
f many friends.
ter of Mr. George Ander-
et with a ainfut accident
She was be ng chased by a
he acciden ally slipped and
11 broke th tendon of, her
I be confined to the, house
ane, of W nghem,received
rother in the Ion ike,
n last June,. At hat ime
gold, but Said (hat t mos
wages from $1, $2
kinds of provisions very
of Clinton, he
their aese bly
was a success i
gramme was g
Clinton, on Su
the largest cle
of Willis chur.
-Mr. W. C.
time been the
M. C. A. in $
has accepted t
and General I
county of Hur.
-While Mr.
was dischargin
hop, he reseeiv
n the right lag
and it will be so
able to attend t
+-A thank -a
$2", wee taken
69 84
58 30
98 65
40 47
__s_ --
265 226
• 56
• 32
356 422
55 94
26 70
31 41
No. 1 41 F6
No. 2 46 7
87 13
Maj. for 6
vOcara 51
No. I 56 3
No. 2 36
No. 3 61 47
No. 4 83 80
236 224
for 12
eese. wa
No. 1 ro
es, 70 1
No. 2 72
No. 3 35 64
No. 4 35 59
. —
- 194 255
Maj. for 6
67 5
NN°o: 21 67 4
No. 3 62 25
No. 4 :37 77
233 201
Maj. for 32
No. 1 34 31
No. 2 26 36
No. 3 39 • 40
No. 4 35 48
No. 5 36 35
No. 6 29 27
No. 7 29 25
No. 8 40 35
268 277 -
Maj. for 9
Goderich township
East WP wanosh
West. Wawanosh
Goderich town
• Total
Majority for Garrowi
252 102 '
38 32
32 61
.26 57
-- --
96 150
• 46
96 112
59 43
50 47
:79 43
93 7,6
281 209
53 61 -
73 72
41 70
31 •49
198 252
71 60
63 43
65 29
42 75-
26 63
2;3'1 270
96 1
2457 I 2502
45 ,
' 33
rah, Goderi
he pastor,
high Wee
Lw is expect
The marri
clerk, an
W Ikerville, to
cernber 1s1, at
bride. - Mr. ata
up house in Go
-Flora, dau
on, ef Exeter,
on Friday last.
little -dog, when
fell, end in the
left lag. She wi
for some time.
-Mr. Rober
a letter from hi
which was writ
he had not stru
were very good ;
per hour, but al
-On Tueeda,
Rands and Carr
ling a gun, it in
powder burning,
charge of shot Ile
was called Oo dr
painful, is not s
--Mrs. James
from her visit t
whither she was
owing to the ill
of her son, Geer
fever. Mrs. La
tinue to live in
-Mr. Jame*
extensive sheep
Stanley, or coun
ter, the other d
sheep to Mr. W
who took them
-A painful ac
of HoImesville,
has been laid up
his cow in the st Ide, he in some jam
000 several of hi fingers iieVer ly pint
one of them cut so nearly off that he ha
have it amputated the other day.
-On Thursday, December let,
Mamie Smith, daughter of Abram
Godench, passed to her reward, a
father and mother, brothers Will and
lingering inmate She leave ltehipd
of Chicago, and Abram, MrH. Hamlin
Miss Eva. of Goderich.
-Mr. I). Cantalon, of C sh4
last week two th
Liverpool and t
They are for the
unforeeen does n
destination in ti
tables of the Brit
-Last week a
was splitting.wo
wood flew up' an
force as to ren
est, while wo boys nal ed
k, of Clint n, were h nd-
erne mann r went off, the
ands leg, and part, of the
ging the ein. it. doctor
e,the won d,whic th ugh
aird, of Ethel, is h me
Crystal, North Dak ta,
=atoned ewe months ago.
al and aniasequenti d sth
A., who died of typ oid
on -
d and ch'
ceders in he tovvn,shi
y of Huron for that
sold riine y-ene of his
neland, o Avoca, I
estafor bri ing purp
idint befe
e time a
ever since.
dren will
one of th
r. Ed. Le ie,
o, by whic he
While put ing
usand barreIaof app
o c rload o Gla
hris mas tae, and
t hap en reach
e to dd go cheer t
ohm .111
John Wynn, of Gode i h,
wit an axe the piec of
str ck hin ewith eh
er him nt nsible. 11 he
point of the piece struck n the CO er
of the eye, break4g a leading lood yeti el,
and it is said tha the Wound ray result
,the loss of the sy
r a
• l ,,t
-There pased eacefully away on Wed-
nesday morning, ecernber 6tIdelat the h e
of her father, in Clinton, Maleky Elizab h
eldest daughter o Henry Car rk, at , he
age of 24 years d 6 menti . Deceit; ed
had only been ill 1 for some 8 days, having
merely caueht col'i, developingeinto erysip-
elas, and which carried her off.'
-W. Yeo, e1deijt son of J. V. Yeo, lof
Holmesville,whe 1ae been in Manitoba si ce
living n southn
last August, got ack home tn Satur
• last. He has relives
25 Manitoba, where lie spent most of the ti e
and enjoyed his e4perierice spleiadidly. ije
was also in the mldst of the Galician sett e-
ment, and speaks bf them as an induatriolis
OW clam
-While threshitelon's, Groderich ing at Mr. Albert
•township, one day I ' t
week, the straw a ack tbok a sli e, coverizig
One of Mr. Cantel n'te eifers th t was fee
ing at the side ed he stack in . about e
feet of straw. T e achiee as _stopp d
end all hands cam to the scene d
e animal fromith living grave.
I 295
r 422
Huron ;Notes. ,
-A hockey club h i been organized in
Clinton, and the pr pects are that the
game will boom in th:I" hub" this season.
-A Clinton youth jas been committed
for trial, on a dharge ob stealing an overcoat
from the Queen's hotel in that town.
-A fire occurred in Vingbam one night
last week, when the h se of Mrs. Kincaid
was burned. The fa ily barely escaped
with their liv s.
-Over 17, , 45 bus Is of apples were
handled at the Clinton venerator this fall.
During the season 29 h nds were employed,
and about $2,000 was id out in wages.
-Robert C ates,j a rmer Clintonian, re-
cently of the Toronfto orld staff, haa been
engaged as pr vate See tary to J. S. Wil-
lison, editor of the Glol e.
-Sextus E. Kent, Wingham, was in
Toronto last week Our 1 using a new stock of
hardware, etc., arid i tends opening out
busines in that towe.
•, -At the residence of the bride's parents,
on Wednesday of last w ek, Fred Stewart,
Son of William Stewart, of Farquhar, was
Wedded to Miss Reb cett, daughter of George
Kerslake, of Lumle . 'There were a num-
ber of invited guest pre ent to witness the
-The nuptial
Miss Martha. LiVe
the home of the b
day evening last.
affeir. Rev. Mr.
Curely, and the g
Castles, and the b
Livermore, acted
maid in the most
-As Bob Laren
from Hensall to Z
he happened to ha
team which was n
sober gait so essen
The new hormetoo
took the other hor
ceeded in upsettin
half on the other s
damage resulted.
-On Wednesda
Of Herbert
Castle. a
inore were solemnized
ide, Clinton, en Wedne
• a
ter,, li
ew h
It wa,
de's si
s groo
e was
rich on
al to
a no
etty ho
he knot e
r, Edwa
iss Minn
nd held
el' •
the sta
last wee
roe' in hs
to the staid and
he daily routine.
ion co run and
, H finally true -
the ng .8 i ile and
e of durich I No eerie
nig t, Deeember i4,
One ofIfowick's el est, a d highly respecte
ploneere died, in th person 5if 'Mr. Philip
McIntosh. There aine were aid to rest
in the Gerrie °erne ry o .Saturday afteri-
noon, the funeral b mg a very large one
Deceased was b rn at ing 4oren, near
Glasgow, Scotia d, on ugust 20th, 1821
and came to Cand2 with his pairents in th
year 1832. The a ttled in the townthip of
Dalhousie, Lanark ount , whe e he took
unto himself a w fe He move to Ellowick
with ine family it the fall of 1 ani setJ[
tled on lots 10 and 1 on the 7t eonc
which he cleared n1d aultivated until fewl
years ago, when heretired an4 mov d
Gerrie. He leaves widow and F6ewn njf
family of three sons and two clau fitters td
mourn his demise, who have th iynpathy
of all in their bereavemeuti ,
-There passed beyond at het 1$o resi-
dence in Clinton, Jane hall, rlict» of the
late T. Gill, at the ripe old age cif Tl years.
Deceased peened away on Wed eaday after.
noon of last week, after an illne
two weeks' but she had riot be
the best ofhealth for mailer yeal•
born in the connty of Halton i
was ma ried in 1843 to ' the 1
Gill, w o died 14 years ago.
Halton ounty for a number of
later in the counties of Haldim
lington, she moved to Clinton,
aresi!,e t of that town for so
-Last week Mr. and Mrs. Ro
Goderic4i, received a telegram
them t at •their daughter, Mr
was seri us ill, and Mrs. Robert
the next outgoing train to atten
hour after the lady had left a
rived conveying the news of Mr
death. Some few mouths since t
lady left to enter a New Jersey
nurse, and a few weeks since she
down by an attack of typhoid
few days ago her family received
that h
that she'had nearly leo
r alniost sudden death
from a relapse:
so some
n enjoying
he was
83, and
n nd Is -
r , then
Ling in
aving. been
110 saxteen
ertedn, of
. Hopkins,
on - left by
• her. One
legrem al.-
. Hopkins'
e deceased
otipital as
wee struck
ver. A
he intel-
s ered, so
list have
GAT] ERINOS.-The services in c enection
with lhe Sabbath school anniv essay all
provedf very profitable. Sunday morning
Rev. . E. Pfair, of London, p eached
very i premise) serrnon to the schoel. Many
were p eased to see their old pastor's face
again. Mr. Pickard, of Holmesville, will
preach in the Methodist church next Sun-
day m ruing and evening. -The examina-
tion of chool section No, 8 will be held in
the sch ol on December 21st. A good pro-
gramm is being prepared. Alt are wel-
come. Dr. McCallum, of Clinton, restudent
of McGill College, Montreal, Will take Dr.
Agnew practice while he is aWay to Eng-
land ta ing a higher course. He does not
intend oing Until ;January. We Wish him
1 Kirkton.
BRIE .R.--(; uite a number from here at-
tended the tit meeting held in Albert hall,
Woodham, u der the auspices of the Metho-
dist ch rch.- A very pretty wedding PM
celebrated a the ref:adobe° of Mrs. C.
Switzer whe her eldeetl daughter, Miss
AMlibnenrite ., w a united in hyten'a bonds to
hacker, of ' „eeswater. The
bride wa ass sted by her seer, Miss Nellie
Switzer, ,whil Me. John Thacker, of Tees -
water, adted best man. After their wed-
ding to0 to eetern points, they will reside
in Teeswe,ter. THE EXPOSITOR joins hands
with a host o friends in wishing the young
couple a Ion • and prosperous life. -Mr.
Livingstone, Of St. Marys, now operates the
station here Ur place of Mr. W. M. Leigh
who is laid u with a sore hand. -Thomas
Hazlewood a d wife'of Exeter, are visiting
at W. H. arshall's.-The election of
officers will t ke place on Friday evening
next in the E worth League. -Mies Willa
Stout is im roving very slowly. -Edgar
Dawson is ve y low. --Mrs. David Rule -
wood is oonva escent.-Mr. Jamee Creighl
ton, of St. M rys, spent part of lad week
with Mr, Nor an T. Fletcher. 1
1 Farquhar.
NOTES. -MT. James Gardiner, who is
going more extensively into the shipping _of
young stock t the Western States, will
dispose of his arge herd of dairy cows, large
item alid young horses by public auction on
Thurecla nex .-Mr. Fred Stewart brought
his brid into heir handsome new home last
week. We w sh them a pleasant journey
through life.
tassel) Al •AY -0n Thursday of last
week death re oved from our midst one of
th early sett era of this neighborhood, in
th person of Mr. John Hewitt, of the
Th mes road. Deceased, who was $1 years
of 4ge, had be n in poor health for some
tine, and g adually slipped away. He
mo ed into th a settlement 46 years ago,and
bei g of a stu dy and robust eonstitution,
he Iid much't make this sett ement what
it ow is T e deceased was a staunch Lib
era in politic ; an honest, kin and oblig
hig neighbor, ind was respected by all o
his acqueinta cm His aged partner an
onr eon are 1eft to mourn hie loss. Th
fun ral Vilt/8 belld on Saturday last, and wa
largely attended. A large circle of friend
extend their si cerest sympathy to the be
reaved Widow. The funeral services wer
conduce° by ley. C. Fletcher, and the re
mains 1,4e e lai to. rest in the 'Thames roa
1 1
Looeirs. M
Monday, la t f
a Loretto. N
Sunday in he
chell and Maa
last week, for
who has been
-Thomas Rya
ing the coutse
of the county
Monday mOrn
place on Wade
Gormley are q
a bright little 1
kopf is confiee
-Mrs. Millar,
daughter, left
-John Davis,
borhood for a
Wednesday tif
age, and hiare
Catholic cetnet
J. Matthews, o
and not eX,pe
Fogarty, of la%
town, to r pl
Feeney has # tu
he has been !to
eveninglastik r
opera . hall O
ada's Queeii
musical trerit
hemeward Mor
" music heal, cli
taiement will b
ren on Wednes
opdra hall. Go
down the ehi
gladden the hen
girls. 1
Du lin.
me MIL y McKenna left o
r Toro to, to join the Ladie
ise Ca roll, Stratford, spen
ome c rcle.-Mrs. , Dr. Mit
er Be tie were in Mitchell
a few ays.-Mrs. McCann,'
ute il , is regaining strength.
was i the Classic City dur-
last eek, in the interests
J. Hughes died on
z, Wad his funeral took
day. -Mr. and Mrs. John
ire happy over the arrival of
ay girl. -Mrs. John Krous-
to her home through aim.
compamed by her son and
ew days ago for Michigan.
o has lived in this neigh -
ii umber of years, died on
f week, at an advanced
ins were interred in the
ry the following Friday. -
McKillop, is seriously ill,
ted to recover. -Rev. F.
afford, has come to Irish-
ce Father Kealy. -Martin
ned from Manitoba., where
some time past. -Monday
ther fair afidience filled the
ear "Rose D'Erina," Can.
f Song. All enjoyed the
immensely, and returned
strongly convinced that
arms." -A Christmas enter -
given by the school child -
ay, December 21st, in the
d Ola Santa Claus will come
ney, generously laden to
ts of good little boys and
LOCALITJES.-4L&St Monday Harry 'Finn
and family left for Toronto, where they
purpose making their home for the fu ure.
They have resided in this locality forj the
past 14 years. Councillor William sbi.ter e fine new re idence has been completed
and the family ve moved into it. A gen-
uine house -war mg was given by Mr. and
Mrs. Isbister to any friends. There Were
over one hundre present and a very leae-
ant evening was pent. Mr. Iebister 'ldoes
not believe in ing anything by have;
We hope to con tulate him on the corni g
reeeeship shortl A very enjoyable tine
was spent at the liome of Williatri MeCa
on Thursday eve ng of last week, When the •
old people of the 7th and 8th lines weee
treated to a fowl upper, after which the .
time was spent iln playing orokinole and
other interestin 1 games until Midnight:
when they quietlr 1 wended thatway
BARN AND GR ARV BURNED. -911 T1.18111 -
day evening of 1 week the log barn and
frame granary of qhe 50 -acre farm of Virre. .
Oakley, one and half miles south of Bruit- 1
eels, were destroYed by fire, and the we- I
tents as well. The barn contained twenty I
pow, land
of hay, a gntity of straw, • a gan
plow, narrow land roller, mower
g 1
DECEMBER 165 1898
We think
IVO have demonstrated to tlie satisfaction of everbody, for these past
three months, that we- are selling '
At prices not apprOached outside this store,
!Any person who hasn't •yet tested the truth of the above statement
kzndly inTest" ate our integrity next time you are purchasing a bill of Dry Goods.
f It
For the next six weeks we are going to give • special attention to our
ery Depa tmen . Select Raisins; cleaned Currants; new Orange, Lemon
Aron P el the best qualities in the. market. Also all the new goods
red as a e ult of the e,00king lessons given by Miss Wilson, consisting
lian Maea ni, finest Cream Cheese, Dutch Coeoa, Canded Fruits, Etc.
Our Butte is Al.
Also Poult y every day in the week in abundance.
We are pa ing 41-c, per pound fo'r. Al Bright Dried Apples,
liar They
• 1,000 TurIccl8 at 8c per pound
1,000 Daeks at 61c per pound.
1,000 Geese at 5c per pound.
1,000 Youna Chickens at 5c per pound.
must be dry piciced and heads off.
.18 • •
GUN.N, Seafortit,
seed drill, hay rake, etc., and the granary
Were stowed 50 or 60 bushels of oats. An
effort was made to get our some of the im-
plements, but the fire, fanned by a ',strong
wind, was too fierce, and prevented people
from getting near the burning building. It
is quite evident that it was the work of an
Incendiary, as Me. Oakley had not been at
the barn for several days, • as he keeps hie
stock at the frame barn across the !road.
He only moved his sheep from the log ; barn
on Thursday of the previous week or: they
would have gene to, 'ry probably. Mr.
Oakley was in Brussels hen the fire took
place, and Mrs. °aide was at the rime
barn Where the cows are1 kept on the1 Grey
side, when the alarm 8.8 given. Those
Who got there early say 1 the fire was started
in the south side of thto barn and tracks
were !seen in the field lehdiug to the barn.
The building was iusure1 for $150 and the
contents for $700 in t1p Howick Mutual.
It is about 2 years sine the granary, 1740
feat was put up. Mr. iOakley says dining
, the past week he -found his stable door un-
, hookedone morning an4 a sow that was in
I the.barnyard inside. He thought he had
miesed chop and oats at 'different times.
A GIAND 81:1COESS..-" The necktie nodal
held lirier the auspices of Cava.n churchcholrinthrop, the residence of Mrs,
Archibald Wright On Friday evening last,
was a grand suetese in levery respect.De-
spite the stormy weather and bad condition
of the roads, the young gentlemen seemed
bound to secure a necktie to wear, so ure
tered out in large n mbers with their beit
girls; Who !nought along the most beautiful
boxes with their mysterious contezits.
After the rendering of an excellent mu ical
and literary programme, in which every one
did their part well, then began the exciting
auction iitle,conduc ed by Mr. R. Common,
and the way in in whi h he drew out the bids,
would Put to .eha. e rnany old a,nd ex-
perience . auctioneers. hen the gentle-
menifou lithe ladle with the correspond-
ing tie, dilsat down to teat the contents of
the boxeb and the eepressem of satisfaction
on their faces, was aeure indieatioti of their
' full enjoyment of t. The kindness and
',hospitality of Mr. and Mai. Wright, in ,giv-
ing the freedom of heir residence for the
occasion,' was full ' appreciated by those
present and they ful y sustained the repu-
tation they have as; entertainers, and the
choir most heartily th-aiik them and all
others wh� took part in the programme for
their kindness and assistance. After all
had done ample justiice to , the contents of •
the boxes, the evening's njoyment was
brought to o dos: b • the p tor pronouncing
the benediaticars • u all departed to their
respective homes ha opy and eatisfied. The
proceeds, despite tit: --stormy weather, a-
mounted to the and ome sir of $20, which
goes toward. t e improv ments of the
church. T e ch ir are to b congratulated
upon the suoeeu t nding heir efforts on
this occasion,
- ter.
THE ELECTRIC, LI I IT. E -eter has as fine
an electric lighti g p ant as an be found in
any town of its sizc in th province. It
was establiehed by a joint e ck. company,
but a few Months ea the p ent and huffi-
ness was purchased.' Meas s. Tremain and
Snell, Whose sole pro oerty i now ie. It is
being well looked liter and is giving the
very beet "aatiefactioti to the patrons and all
are nowanitified with the service, and it is
hoped it Will be a paying en well as being
the public. Mr. Tremain
electrician, and gives the bu
would be greatly benefitted by wise legisla-
tion regarding the proper training of teach-
ers. A resolution of regret was tendered
Mr. Delgatty on account of his removal
from the profession, and the hope -expressed
that he would soon be restored to good
health. Mr. Delgatty, in a few well chosen
words, thanked the convention for this
token of regard, and expressed his regret at
leaving the profession.
NoTes.---Tne Exeter., dramatic club will
make their first appearance in Gidlefe
opera house on Wednesday evening next,
the 21st. They are putting on a first-class
play entitled, The social giass,nar the vic-
tims of the bottle." Proceeds in aid of the
poor of the village. -The Darktown Sivas
company are billed to play at the opera
house on Monday evening next, under the
auspices of the Exeter fire brigade. -The
proceeds of the James street anniversary
• tea, on Monday evening, amounted to $180.
-Rumor has it that there will be four can-
didates in the field in this district for the
county council, Dr. Rollins'Donald Mc-
Innis, Wm. Bawden and John Delbridge,-
S. Sanders, jr., Stephen Powell and Thomas
Boyle attended the assizes at Goderich this
week as petit -jurymen -The nomination
for county councillors will be held in the
town hell here on Monday next -A ,Christ -
Inas dance will be held at the Exeter North
temperance house on Friday evening, the
23rd. -Mr. F. W. Collins, of the poet office
staff, is still off duty on account of illness.
We trust Fred will soon be able to resume
his labors behind the wicket. -Mr. James
Weetcott, of Douglas, Manitoba, is visiting
relatives in and around this place. --South
Huron Fat Stock show *ill be held here
(to -day) Friday. -Mr. Thomas Russell, of
the Riverside stock farm, 1 disposed of eight
of his fat stock at the Guelph Fat Stock
show a few days ago.
Npres.-The snow has been piled up
round here mountainous high by the late
stoma -Mr. Lou Farnham spent a, week
back north on important bueinees lately, -
Mr. Wm. Jamieson has been confined to his
bed lately with a severe attack of asthma.
We hope to hear of his recovery soon. -Mr.
R. Smith, township tax collector, was kept
busy last Monday receiving taxes, the time
haeing about expired for payment without
the extra 5 per cent.-Thetmunicipal elec-
tions will soon be on. Woncier if there are
any new aspirants this year? There will
likely be a county election any way, and
local men might as well try their strength,
-Messrs. Watson and Emigh, of Blyth,
dreivers, were around this !week ordering
out their .Christmas lambs. They got II
choice lot from Mr. C. Dale. -Mr. Albert
McGregor has a choice young thoroughbred
Durham bull calf,of superier breeding,which
he intends to keep for service. -Quite a num-
ber of aged bulls from this township were
shipped from Clinton last week.
B nfees.-eRev. Mr. Harriston,of Granton,
preached educational sermons in the Metho-
dist church here on Sabbath last. He is an
earnest exponent of gospel truths. -Miss
Annie Batt, who has been visiting among
friends at Clinton and in Goderich township,
has returned home. -If our winter hangs out
as it has begunove mustdraw the conclusion
that we are in for a stiff old time.-Mr.Win.
Doig, who has been on a two weeks' trip to
Algoma, combining business with pleasure,
rpnse to the visited his brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
satisfactory to and Mrs. Clark. While theee Mr. Doig dis-
h! a practical posed of a large block of timber from his
iness his per- [lands in Algoma. -Miss Retta Upshall, who
na ettention id eupervis on. He is as-
sieted by Mr. nry Chum* son of Mr.
Wm, Chesney, o Tuckersmith, who is also
a thoroughly ompetent.lectrician,. who
lunder tondo every branch off the buemess,
and is doing good work here4
- The second
district No. 1,
public school
ro ramme con-
meeting of the teachers in
West 1uron, was held in th
the 3rd.inst. The
here o
sisted lof readings and music, wTiile excellent
addreases.and ampere were given by Mr.
Andereen, Mr. P. Gardiner, Mr, Haggith
and tilr. Delgatty. Mears. Lockart,
Gardiner and Gowan and A. isses Gill and
Ball Were appointed to mak arrangements
for the evening programme rat the general
conveatioia in March. It Was decided to
hold the next meeting on the first Saturday
in February. Composition was chosen as
the subject for discussion 3,b the general
conventioe. It was decided by the meeting
that itlwould be unwise to raise the age
limit of teachers to twenty -cine, but it was
the gedoral opinion, in the interests of pub -
lie sch4o1 education, that the profession
has been at the tailoring in Seaforth for
some weeks, has returned home. -Mr,
Frank Taylor, while engaged in drawing
• gravel from the pit during the week, rnet
• with a very unpleasant experience, and one
which might have cost him his life He
was shovelling gravel out of the pit when
suddenly the bank fell in, burying him up
to the shoulders and pinning him fast. In
this perilous position he was foreed to re-
main until relieved by the aid of others who
• were working in the pit at the time. He
escaped without much injury, but left one
of his boots behind. -We again remind our
readers of the anniversary services in fit.
Andrew's church next Sabbath, and of the
anniversary tea -meeting on the followin
Monday evening. -All in this ,vicinity will
; remember the grand musical and literary
entertainment in connection with school
2, Tuckersmith, to be held in Kippen
public hall, on Thursday evening, December
22nd, commencing at 7.30 o'clock. There
will be a splendid musical and literary pro-
gramme and there is sure to be a large tuna
out. Everybody should come.
s• 13neees.- -Oul
- twt hheeee week
,ativeutat f3s, c :ell i:
• has been three:
the social in II
pieces, under
of J. A. Mort°
a good time m
-are well nigh i
. v:inie br'ssgso;n: rwe4n: yhai i nv:
- SUOV4.-The -C.
work on this e
• ' •TuesdaY..-Mi:
t:,:rkl:rainrt, Stockth:ii;
Mr. Knox kno
NOTES. -11101
deep during th
drifted to an ini
got in here evei.
rnail carrier, bai
evidence of thi
here, -it may be
time in 9 yei
closed for wazi
only two of the
. school was ties
• at all got out.
*is visiting her s
NIrs. Myles 8c0
day to ocean -ape,
_(Rev.) Shaw, of
• of Belmore, wa
we painting -8
st01111 to rsbate.
was: determin
The burghers
getting: wood t
Mr. 4.iftheson,..
thriving these d
now kind of cok
-them either and
feasa-R. Gard
concert here on
He will be an'
• a fine concert is
Clifford, bought
- for shipment las
the blocked roa
the grunters
paid was 4 een
rather had ther
Bible Society
We had no aged
• Revs. Young an
excellent addres
aniseed. The
agents are Cad
this inclety ga
miney that is n
• .diperninate a le
Jut ones, Our
wrk just as we
r4le state. Fa
tr4�ks, but it is
• vasis4ajyhite.arlidEt&osn
cillor for1299..ex:ceilent ceuncil
will no doubt be
be said of Mr.
oilier for divisio
?...ud,.1899. Ag
too, Electi
• :
h° ha.vDe D. and and
a, hard job to g
• visiting their
in the states u
Nichol leave
russeler lately,
pisinip be seen f
day evening. -
a thoroughbred
Corley, of Eas
• paid a hands=
-Christmas tree
evening now for
have a ret. -A
.ehine next Tue
-Mr. and Mr
ton, have just
-Mrs. Hann
her parents, Mr.
-of Fullerton.
-The Whites
le remove their
-Mr. Isaac 8
last week from
been since harv
-David Dicks
balf of south ha
nie, to James
a result o
al effort of the
-The Milve
gaged a Mr,
ter, se princips
ing year.
-Miss Annie
.A Grovt, of St.
York, where
school for nurses
-The Strati*
lug siteps to hav
the nee of the pti
-8t. M
cessfal Art
past two wee
-Mr. Wtrt. 11
chased Mr. John
the fOurth non
purchased the W
-Mr, &mud
bought the fifty
the executers of
8., who died fro
New York.
-Jacob Brenn
ka from WeIfeel
with his better
ding tour, and
moon -with his p
-T. H. Raee,
-from his visit to
the Ontario F
Be wits re-electe
-Rev. Dr,
eeived on Wedu
imouir invitatio
eark Street M
which he has a
•of the stationing
• -On Wednes
9WicNairn, of Lo
to Miss Lizzie 8
ceremony was pe
'Bradley at the r
• Mitchell„ only th
...oritracting parti
-Two men at
•GorliOn Purdy,
They *track at
boy managed t
flouriehed revol
been offered for t
Mr. Purdy oleo
-Mr. J. G.
boiler depertrnen
ehops, Stratford*
Mointyre had