The Huron Expositor, 1898-12-09, Page 7N98
bee been phyeS.
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L c.10 IITLICh to be
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the toes made
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siodvely and see
hasitaucl has'
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and a
ainni,. Deja
atensiant barn-
af the kitehen'
Theee ought to
be buried and
enough delight-
: to talk of and
{ly the discus -
1 hurtful. And
lave been men
ef such sorrow,.
TOLIg that they
10 came within
moral eourage
Bost ef ue need
of which baa
wcrins. Children
, and bagpipe
UC. It was a-
n an American
puzzled the
ply sinking in -
tit cause The
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the sick man.
eerAts the sound
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one afternoon
n up the Firth
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eubject, which
40111trl L. The
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einied'e necke
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hei husband
'r red that, he
{gein a0 walk-
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{T. le go in ?"
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Pumor not
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44,44ii we did.
r ute,y, , and we
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ae sot ri,ling a
ti-{e'ce and
.ser -
Are you frequently hoarse?
Do you have that annoying''
tickling in your throat? Would
you feel relieved if you could
saise something? Does your
cough annoy you at night, and
Io you raise more mucus in
'the morning?
Then you should always keep
on hand a bottle of
If you vo a weak
throat you !cannot be too
careful. 'nit Cannot begin
treatment too 'early. Each
cold makes you more liable
to another, ind the last
one is always harder to
cure than the One before it.
protects The fres OW
Help at Hand.
If you have iny complaint
whatever and 4esire the 'best
medical advice you can {pos-
sibly obtain, wr te the dector
freely. You will recatirtse ts.
prompt reply.
Address, DR. jr. C. AVER,
Lowell, Mae&
• •":"'"
' ueee
Our direct connections will save you
.time and money for all points.
Canadian North West
Via Toronto or Chicago,
British Columbia and California
Our rates are the lowest. We have them
to suit everybody and PULLMAN TOITR-
RR CARS for your accommodation. Call
for further information.
Grand Trunk Railway.
Trains leave Seaforth aud Clinton stations as
OOMO Wssr-
Passenger.... ..
Mixed Train.... ..
Mixed Train ....
taxed ..
- -
12.40 P. M. 12.55 P. M
1.&12?. M. 10.27 P. M.
9.20 A. M. 10.16 A. M.
6.16 P. M. 7.06 P. M
7.66 A. M. 7.40 A.M.
3.11 P. M. 2,66 P. M,
6.20 1'. M. 4.85P. M.
Wellington, Grey and Bruce.
Bluevale • . „.,
430nI8 NORCO-- Passenger.
London, depart 8.15 A.M. 4.46 P.M.
Centralia 0.18 5.66
Exeter 9 80 8,07
Bengali , 9.44 A 15
Kippen .... ... .. . .... 9.60 6,25
Brimfield 9.68 6.83
Clinton - ...... - 10.16 8.65
Londesboro .... .... 10 337.14
Blyth. 10.41 7.28
Belgrau • .. .. ..... ... . 10 66 737
Wingham arrive ...... 11.10 8.00
= Passenger.
6,53 A.M. 3.30 P. lc
7.04 8.45
; 7.18 4.00
.. - 7.24 4,10
1747 480
l3.06 4.50
817 4.59
8{24 6.04
8.88 6.16
8.50 6.25
9.50 a, ai. 6.20
Passenger. Mixed.
10.04 r, u. 1.40 r. M.
10.16 2.10
0.50 A. M.
.... . .
• .0-:•• •
3 06
8.56 A. M.
9 17
London, Huron and Bruce.
Wingham, depart........
Brucefield ..... .........
Henson- .. . . . .
London, (arrive)
We west the aervices of a number of I fami-
lea to do knitting for us at home, wh le or
spare time. We furnh.h itIS0 machine an sup-
ply the yarn free, and pay for the work a sent
Distance no hindranee. $7 to $J0 pe week
made, accord 'ng time devoted to the w rk.
Write at once. Name references.
Cook's Cotton Root Com OUni
Is successfully used monthly over
10,000 Ladies. Safe, effeotual. es ask
_your druggist for Cooks Wee It Cod -
{Pend. -Take no other as all Mixtures, p no and
imi tstions are dangerous. Priem, No. .1, 21 per
box; No. 10 -degrees stronger,$11 per box. No.
1 or 2. mailed en receipt of price and two S-eent
stamps. The Cook Compady.fWindsor• Ont.
larl•Toil. 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all
responsible Druggists in Canada.
• i
No. I and No. 2 sold:in Seaforth by Lutrion &
'Wason, dmggiste.
IYIusical Instrunient
T BLUSHED, 1873.
Owing to hard tirnes, we have con-
;Ittded to sell Pianos and Organs at
Greatly Reduced rice 8.
Oigans at .S25 and unwards, and
121anos at con L:Aponding prices.
See us before puiehasiug.
ts,-. 4,4,4,444 1.4
, Teaching Girb Gymnastics.
Gymnastic teaching,{ in the specialised
form in which it exists to -day in the major-
ity of the public schools for girls, is a new
fie d of remunerative employment for wo-
m n, and if carried out with moderation,
an I always with reference te the physique
anjI needs of ; girlhood and womanhood,
w ose { physical training ought not to be
rigidly carried out on the tome lines as
that otl the masculine being, i is a step in
the rigit direetion, offeringne opportune
ties fo healthy,for the growin g generatiou,
an a Ieasant and profitabl form of ni-
p1cyme t for healthy,intelligent women who
lik te (Ming. I have mentioned the word
"Mod ration "-a quality Which needs im-
pressin on the minds of the advanced per.
eons be t upon turning girls into boys, and
compel ing them, even after puberty, to, en -
Ger int the same violent athletics which,
whilst ealthful for their brothers, are from
every esthetic and physical stand point
unclesi able for young females. This ex-
treme i ttitude is, one hopes, merely the in-
evita.b1 fanatism, accompanying ne* move-
ments, vhich will disappear when physical
culture becomes as imcortant a part of
girls' e ucation as book -learning. Already
the chi f girls' schools are adopting a sys-
tem Of hysteal education founded oo ration-
al prin iples,and entrusting it to competent,
well-trained women ; and this, as a, substi-
tute for the "drill" of the old sergeant or
dancing -master, is unquestionably an im-
The system which is being adopted in the
most enlightened girls' schools throughout
the country is that knowa as the "Swedish
System," originated by Ling and perfected
at the Royal Central Iostitute in 1 Stock-
holm. It has the great merit of being based
open a scientific study of the body ; each
Movement is calculated for a special end,
ancl every limb and evety other ergan is
8tr ngthened by particular exercises, so that
a thorOugh application o this system re -
quits in a correspondingly thorough develop-
ment of the entire body. In England the
Only place where Lang's s stem is thorough-
ly taught is at Madame Bergman Oester-
lhergh's College, at Dartfo d, in Kent. -The
Woman at Home.
T ke Laxative Broino Quinine Tablets. All Drug -
gets rtfund the money if it fails to (Jure. 25e.
1681-36 '
Tragedy in the Church.
The Baltimore News says that not lcing
ago an official bishop was a guest at a din -I
ner party in Baltimore.
By the way," said one of the guests, a
woinan, "do you know that there are
times when it is dangerous to enter an
Episcopal church ?"
What is that, madam ?" said the bis.
bop, with great dignity, straightening him.
self up in his chair.
"1 say there are time when it is posi-
tively dangerous to enter the church," she
"That eannot be," said the bishop.
Pray explain, madam ?"
" Why,' said she, "it is when there is a
canon in the reading desk, a big gun in the
pulpit, when the bishop is charging his
clergy'the choir is murdering the anthem
and the orgitniet is trying to drown the
A hearty laugh 'went the round of the
table at the bishop's expense, and he ack-
nowledged that at such a time he could well
imagine it disagreeable at least if uot dan-
gerous to be present.
THAT aching head can be instantly relieved b
POWDERS. One pdwder, 6e ; three for 100, ten fo
via • Ow
Early Canadian 8ettlers.
Canada was &et Orplored by the French
in the firet half of the sixteenth. century
BLit though the early French explorers wei
breve and enterprising men, all { that the
did was to clear the way for British posses
gore There were few gubstantiall results o
Freneh colonization in Canada.. 'Great pro
jeets were in the air, but they were neve
realized. Ilhe French could net compar
with the English as colonizers. They found-
ed missions, trading -posts, forts and scatter
Mg settlements. While they w re suocas
fill explorer?, hunters, trappers &harm e
and soldiers, they neglected gricuiture.
Though they left their permane t impress
on various countries of North America, men
of Anglo-Saxon blood entered into their
lebors. An enormous expenditure of life
and treasure availed not so save , their sov-
ereignty in the new world. Their exploits
will live in history and fiction, but, after
all, the real work of developing the resources
of their westernsprovinces was left to the
English-speaking- race-" Engliah Coloniz-
ation in the Western World," bv Eugene
Parsons in The Chautauquan for' October.
Domestic HintEl. •
Better sleep can be obtained with a low
thin with a high pillow.
Bathing the neck and face in bold water
will often check bleeding of the nose.
l'orty-four muscles are called into play in
the production of the human voice.
After cutting bread turn the cut end
down on the bread board toprevent its dry-
Powdered rice is said to be of great
efficacy in checking bleediisg froth cuts and
A healthy baby trebles its own weight at
birth in the course of the first three
Brass can be cleaned by dipping it in
sour milk and then scouring with a woollen
cloth and warm water.
Cups are now being made in Britain with
small thermometers which tell the degree of
temperature of the liquid they hold.
Scientists say, that the whale human
body is full of microbea, and that a person
is healthy so long as the microbes are in
good condition.
For sprains, bruises or inflammation apply
flannel rung out of hot water. In a case of
croup it will be fund most beneficial, and
as soon as oneplica,tion cools another
must be ready.
When boiling cabbage use a ltirge pan so
as to have plenty of water, add a small
piece of soda and asspoonful of salt. When
the vegetable boils up take off the lid from
the saucepan and keep the pot boiling at a
gallop, _
The use Of tea for quenching the thirst of
-men on the march is approved by many
authorities! Commanders of British troops
in India have asserted that no drink has
been found comparable to cold tea for satis-
fying thirs
A good ry • is benefical tea woman. Cry-
ing does net consist merely in the shendmg
of tears, bit includes so general{ and wide-
sp ead an lction of the mimics that the
w ole bod is convulsed, and the blood
pr ssure in the brain is much reduced.
Our senses fall asleep in a definite order.
First the yelids close, and the sense of
sight is lost, then th ie sense of taste follows,
and after tat smell, hearing and touch go
in the ord r named. Touch is Said to be
th o lightes sleeper of all, and the first to be
For kng Bulbs in- Winter.
Forcing ulbs for winter flowering may be
-haetenedi r retarded by . the amount of
pi! r
..-4,.4444444.444V4v442.4.4. .
armth used. To hurry them along use
More eat ; to keep them back put them in
a eool place. Those forced by excessive
warm$h are inferior tol those allowed a
1cngezf time to develop an their 1owers will
nett 1 t as long.- eceml er La ies" Home
Baby Ecthem and caldcIea.d.
Infants and loung c Wren a e arly subjeet
tolthis terrible disorda ,and if n t pron# tly arrest
it ill ventually beco a chron o. Dr. phase ma
a tpoci1 study of Bezel la and !sew o the ski
ant.t wq can confidently recomm nd Dr. age's Oin
m nt to cure all forms i f Eczema The tlnt appli
tioi soothes the irritat on and gra the little sufferdr
Sheldon' Newspaper.
The Rev. Chas.' . Sheldon'e books, no
so universally rea , make it plain tha
that writer's hopes of the regeneration o
the world lie in; etting individuals mor
aiil more to do the r daily, textile on Chris, -
ti n principles no 1 atter What the sacrifice
involves. In the b st known of his books,
" n His Steps," b clearly looker to the
newspaper, earn d on upon Christian prin-
ciples, as largely the hope of the I" coming
kingdom." In baiting about him for a
newepaper upon his model, he seems to
have hit . on the IMontreal WITNESS, 1
whieh he has addressed a letter, part of
\vhieh we quote :
. have read t eWrrtiges with 'much in-
" terest. I cannetisay that I know of any
" ther daily paper' in the United States
" hat is Monductesion such high Christian
" rinciples. I wishI did, for if ever we
" eeded such a paper in our coantry , we
" eed, it now. ,
" Let me express to you my appreciation
" pf the Christian heroism and considerat-
"lowhich make apaper like the WITNESS
" Cpoesibility. have always believed it
" possible for a Christian daily to succeed.
" Yea; have proved that it can. So much
"of Itheideal newspaper in 'In His Steps'
" is 'therefore real. '
"1 praythat yeti' , in
continue to be
"blessed in your *oh. I do not know a
"more glorious opportunity for building up
" the kingdom' otrearth than by means of
"Christian journalism. I take the great-
"est'pleasure in Sending the copies of the
":WITNESS to newspaper friends of mine for.
" their inspection.
" Very cordially yours,
"Topeka., Kansas."
Stanley Council.
Si nley council met on Monday, Novem-
b r 29th. All the {members were present.
T e minutes of the previous meeting were
read and adopted. Thefollowing gentle -
en were appointed, deputy returning °M-
c re Thomas Frassr, John Murdoch, Wm.
athwell, Andrew Armstrong. Gravel ac-
e mats were paid to the amount of $176.44.
WM. Logan was refunded $2 for statute
laborreturned against him. Robert Drys-
dale and D. Dewar were each r funded $1
for dog tax wrongfully collected
T e following *mints were p
itchell, advertising, 50 cents ;
e, repairing culvert on south
$..25 ; John Cameron, iluling approaeh to
bridge, $14 ; W. ,,McBeath, building bridge
on, Fisher's side line and timber furnished,
$311.. .!5; McNaughton and Sparrow, work
done with grader ori south boundary, $40.50.
Connell will meet at 10 o'clock a. m. on
December 15th.
from theni.
id: W. J.
ohn Coch-
N o Right.
Little Archibald was saying his prayers
the other evening, while his mother was
stroking his curly head and thinking of
sotnething else. uddenly it *struck her
th t the child had andered from the text
of the supplication that he had been taught
to repeat. Whet is that, darling ?" she
interropted "g� inter that part again."
"Give us this day Our daily pie and cake,
and forgive--" " Why, my love, that isn't
right,":,the sur rieed mother broke in.;
that isn't what {mamma taught you to
8 4" "1 know,1' little Archibald replied,
"but I don t want any more daily bread.
I'd rather him pie and cake, and when
y u're prayin' for Wings you might as well
ask for what you want the most."
Dodd's Kidney Pills the Only
Cure for Bl dder Disease.
Ingersoll, Dee. 5t, -If there could be the
sl.ghtest shadow of doubt about the un-
failing efficacy of Dodd's Kidney Pills, in all
cases of Kidney and Bladder Disease and
Rheumatism, the experience of Mr. Michael
Sherlock, of Ingersoljl, would positively dis-
p 1 it for ever.
Mr. Sherlock suff red unceasing tortures
from Bladder and Iidney trouble, aggra-
vated by Rheumatism, for five years.
Every remedy he us d failed to help him,
u til be began to ta e Dodd's Kidney Pills.
T ey cured him q iekly, completely and
p rmanently.
Dodd's Kidney Pi s should be used by
ejrery sufferer from' i ese complaints. They
never fail to cure, a are, besides, the best
tonic and strengthen r known. •
Beyond Hope.
"Just sit down ji that chair." said the
oculist to the pati- t, whose reputation
was well knotyn to It . "1 will test your
eyes." Then he held a printed schedule of
his prices with a " o trust" line at the
bottom in front of { is eyes, and asked:
"Can you read that,
am afraid," replied the patient,
reaching for his hat, " that my case is be-
yond the reach of uman skill." -Chicago
Bost. •
leep-Walkers' E centric Ways.
From time to time ention is made in thle
n wspapers of the w nderful adventures of
seep -walkers. .
The writer remem ers the case of a friend
,ho was found wa dering about on the
hbuse-top, all unrn ndful of his danger,
while a member of his family was at his -
wits' end to know how to get him in before
he should make a i' isstep and fall to the
ground. Usually th eyes of the somnam-
bulist are wide open, and now and then a
story indicates that t ie vision mint be fair-
ly good at times.
Fer inatance, a gen' leman remembers that
when he was a young man an acquaintance
was badly given to ti e habit, and he would
often go out into he yard and wander
about. One might a 1 umber of them lay in
ambush for him just o watch his operations.
By and by the door o ened in a business -like
way and out came the young man. He
went straight across the s reet into a field
where there was a nu tre and proceeded
to pick up nuts and sut them into s pile.
A few moments at his task and then he
started toward the h use. In getting over
the fence he tripped and fell. This awak-
ened him, and while e wall in the first act
of collecting his th ughts he saw in the
darkness the ,young en 540 were watching
him. Just at that time ,their appearance
startled him and he ed like a deer. The
circumetance was s impressed upon hie
mind that he never afterwards indulged in
the habit. 1 ;
A gentlerrian tells, an einuoing incident
that happened in his eatly life. He was
sure that he could mit have been more than
five or six years old at the time. He often
found himself at the'far end of the old un-
finished room where,lhe slept, and usually
could not wake suffieiently to find his way
to bed again,loo one or the other of his par-
ents would hear him crying and come'to his
rally they get a little tired of the
bother, and no one shouiji be blamed for
what followed. As stated , the room Was an
Unfinished one, and in chic of the guard
rail at the danger end of 1 the stairway a
number of bairels had been placed. '
1 When the night's somne balletic totir oc-
curred t at left a lasting 1 pression On his
mind, ,as well as his body, e was near !those
barrels, nd it seemed had been struggling
to get thateiugh between the , when he must
keurely h ve been killed by f lling down the
The noise aroused the par. nts, and oo this
memorable occasion the fa her visited the
chamber just in time to sa e !the lad' from
etting through. A little orporal pettish-
mat administered on the s t was effective
in working a complete cure.
Miscellaneous News Notes.
-Mabel Davidson, the sk ter, well known
hroughout Canada and the United States,
ied in St. Paul, Minnesotat, of consump-
ion, aged 25 years. The body will be cre-
ated. {
-A severe earthquake shock occurred at
'atm, Greece, the other evening, causing
he inhabitants to become panie-stricken.
eecond 'Monk was experien{eed. No fatal-
ities, however, have been reported. ,
. -Spain has accepted the{ United States'
ffer of $20,00K),000, and, at ,ti, joint session
f the Peace ommission con ent watt given,
ithout condition, to relinq ish Ceiba and
• cede Porto Rico, Guam nd the Philip-
meal,he Re.
v- .. Dr. Lyman Abbott, of New
ork, from his pulpit on Sunday, 27th ult.,
nnounoed his intention to reign the pas.
orate of Plymouth church, { which he has
lied for 10, years. Failing healthi is the
eason assigned. 1
. -It is knewn that at least 35 ,vessela
hav-e,gene ashore in a gale on the Netv Eng-
land coast, and the probabilities are that
the list will,he larger when{ coast points,
cut off from 'clommunieationw are heard
from. In Boston harbor Eden eighteen ves-
tiels, two oel which were' a amers were
driven on th rocks. Not sinice 1852' has a
storm 'tamed such destructioe of property
and loss of li e so near the city.
-The Pr'nee of Wales' ; popularity in
l'ngland has never been more heartily de-
onstrated t ian in the delight created by
e official announcement n the Lancet
at 1is tecovery from the s vere accident
t his knee in July last , is now pertnanent.
' a Friday last, when his Royal Highness
a ten ed a meeting of the goviernore of Wel-
l'ngton College,sat Marlbormigh House, he
{ as the recipient of a flood of congratula-
t ons. -The Postmaster-G,eneraj at Madras
•pea shortly to make arrangements for the
attsmission of the 'mails frptn Madras to
aliegal by bicycles, the distence being over
) miles. {By the present tong service not
or than six miles an hour can be made,
hie, of eburse, the hicycle speed is con-
derably greater. The use of the wheel for
e collection and delivery off mail in large
w s is not novel in this conntry, but the
nsion ,of the system to greater distances
i teresting,.
--I-Three important lettera addreesed to
b siness Men of Newport, .Virginia, were
1 und in the waste pile in re r of the post-
e the other day. The let ters were tied
gether with regulation -p stoffice twine,
d had not been stamped by the receiving
erk. The epistles were "eked up by a
all boy, who was playing in the trash
pile, and, after many vjcissitiiidoa, including
a narrow escape from burn ng, they were
finally returned to the posto ce and deliv-
ered to their owner'. 0nc Of the letters
contained a Security Trust potnpany bond
for $15,000.
, -South Dakota cettlem n have been
much alarmed recently by thI appearance of
0, disease among range cattle, 'Which in a me
herds has caused a loss of as high as 10 per
ent, of the animals. It is partieul rly
prevalent:as far west as Chantberlain, nd
north; south and east of Kimball. Vet rin-
ry J. 3. Millar, of Sioux- dity, Iowa, has
just returned from the region where the die
ase is most virulent, and reports that t is
ot contagious, as was feared at firet, but
is simply what is known as bron hial
roupous pneumonia, euperi (laced by the
uddeachange in temperatur about Oct ber
-Mi. C. W. Couldock, th oldest
n the,American stage, died in New.
n Sunday, 27th ult. He w a' 84 yea
go. He had acted with .1i2dwin B
arrett, the elder South° n, Macre
anny Kemble and Chart tte Cush
is fame as a versatileactor r4is some
immed by the long periled e devote
ortrayal of one part -that of the blind
✓ in "Hazel Kirke." He vis a life
fiend of Jheeph Jeffersote ttu Toront
ill be remembered chiefly as the ma
1 the Grand Opera House St, leek Com
hen Mrs. Morrison was th lessee o
s of
mil -
• he
-In return for an oak mbedioom set o five
•en -and a dozen yards of barpet, lelix
uskenen, of Hoboken, and Rosa Ta kan-
, of New York Citee cense ted to be mar -
ed in a show window in eboken. The ,
ore and the street in fro t{ of it were
owded when the couple i ppeared i the
indow escorted by Justic of the eace
&mud Stanton. Both the bride an the-
idegroom were in plain e ery-day rese.
s the justice read the ma riage vows to
em the crowd in the str et shouted ap-
ause. The bride gave he age as 22 and
• d the bridegroom said he as 29. They
ere born in Germany, ;an knew each
her there. Kuskenen is a ainter, and has
ed in Hoboken several years,.
Good Advic
A ,little boy in Glasgow as going past a
blic-house-the door of wtiich was wide
•en -with his dog, Sport. The dog, not
• owing any better, went in; but his little
aster was soon after him with the. follow -
g piece of good advice : Come out of
ere, Sport; don't be displacing the
Sandy and the
Sandy McBride, the farmer, wet to Ed-
inburgh to see his son,, Re vaa 4way from
, the office, but the elerk told him 1 he could
peak to him through the tele honh. Sandy
handled it very gingerly, fo it was the
rst time he had, ever ustd it: Voice;
" Hello." Sandy ; " Hello end', and see
ow you like it." Voice : "1 ello. Sandy:
" Tuts, tuts, this bairn at th machine can
nly say "' Voice : " Come closer
the telephone."' Sandy "Haw, haw
'm n�' sae green aS a' thee. I aee'd a ehasi
o that in the 8how once and he got flour
hewed intae his frree."
What Pretext 3 eant.
A few evenings ago a little pt. Louis boy
was busily engaged in learning his leasons.
His father, one of the leading citizens of
St. Louis, had gone to the lodge. His
mother was busy sewing.' The little boy
loo ed up and asked :
Mamma, what does 'pretext' meen ?"
When' your father has to go to the
lode three times ti'week, that is a pretext.
to et away from his family."
Next day, when the boy read out the
de nation of 'pretext' to the' whole school,
he reated a sensation. -Nes York World.
The Right of Chilthen.
he purpose of education i eharader,and
ch ratter is the accretions of , daily practice
of he mind. For this reason education be-
gi is with birth and ends with the going out
of neelligence. The eduesitien that counts
/or most isthat which develo s every faeulty
un il its highest function is ttained. This
is possible only where every opportunity is
given to each faculty to play its part in the,
Rigby ,'Waterproofed
Freie L*ters
Made film pore wool, i2 OZ. to the yard
Frieze. Five pockets.- Deep flaps. -Six
inch collar, with throat ta .-Double stich-
ed edges+.Raised'sCarns., ength 54 inches.
Nine colors. BlaCk, )31 c, Mid Brown,
Drab, Claret, Heather, q$ford, Blue mix-
ture and Olive mixture.
Waterpro6f, Wi
Frostproof, Cr
soik by all repntable 4a1ers
N Sootia to British Colum
Shorty's Guarantee
of -course. Insist:4i se
square graraiitee.
a for$ A U. 75
aid in the pocket,
ing it, it is a good
1 ife of the sou . To give this fr edom is the
other's di cult part. Eve in morals
here must b liberty of choice f the moral
ature is to b trained. In childhood there
s a choice be ween right and w ong which.
elongs to th Odd ; not to give this right
8 to defraud he child. Parents who ac-
id° m
the ora affairs of the lit le ch Ideen
'vett to them Will find that as these , hild-
en come to maturity the fiabb will !offers
ut little pro ction against e • vironMent.
the record recently publishes of the lives
f two sisters thee father was v nerated as
is wisdom and gentleness des•rvede One
of his characteristics which the aughbers in
their maturity recognised as tha which was
of greatest help to them was his cl. mand
for an immediate choice, and th corn' ailing
of adhering to that choice when made. This
resulted in training the mind to et quickly,
andehaving acted, to spend its energies in
ccomplishing. There was no t me !Vested
n bewailing, bemoaning a deeisi in. !
A child should be compelled to decide all
he minor matters' that affect his owri life.
• is likes and dislikes should , be t ea.ted
ith courtesy sind respect. If his de isions
re contrart to his ultimate good,it is{v orth
hile to spend the time to convince IS me if
•()risible. Compulsion is the firet resort of
To decide questions presen d becaus
he child is too lazy to use his o zemind,or
s is frequently the case, becaus he desires
o be the central thought o a mother's
ind, is to do the Child the eru, loot iinius-
ice. The day eorriee when he { mit {{sten
lone ; when his dependence on{ th aeabout
im will be the largest obstrue ion to his
nding his place among his peers --The Out-
: / •
...- 9313,
! '
6f i Salt
Tells How He Was Cure
is Fingers, Ifisieds and Wrista Were a
Mass of Craoki3 and Sores, by E,ertrion
of Which Ile Was Unable hie Wok. '
o the Editor of he Enterprise! :-.-•
1 '
I have read from week to w ek in{ your
paper, testimonials from •thos who: have
_been cured through using D . ' Williams'
Pink Pills, and, as,I have expe ienced much
benefit from the tute of tham dieine; I he-
her • knoW they
Pvaei a urn' I netiaat the
present time, end ln, fact
a course of Dr. Williams' P'nk
two years ago, ,have been e jo
health. Beforthat time 1 ha
for some months,finally 1 w s
salt rheum, which came ou m
hands. It wait not long a,f er
pearance before I was Opals
work at all with my handa.{
all the domestic cures I cold
the disease kept on its couese,
a d worse, until the palms of
y fingers were a mass of
a d hideous scabs. 1 th
om the doctor, which I
eeks, with no benefit
h nds still becomieg
ith the disease.
a this time wxis poo
a together, believing
t e terrible cohaplai
s reading over my h
t Wards my arms.
nversation with a
illiams',Pink Pills
n ction with sem° o
b rhood, and it was
t em for salt rheum
ini the trial, but con
see What good they
dedight, after using
rovernent in the eta
lieve it my du
can be relieve
I am now 75 y
y to let
frorn a very
ars{ of age;
y gen
t tha
nds a
t hap
her ea
s ugg
ight d
he bo
ing ex
been ailiug
ttacked with
stly On my
t ap-
o any
d to
f, bob
s and
ita fir
e to
y han
rac s, ope
n. et, Medicine
used for Reverie'
whatever, --my
nd More crippled
ral health; too,
got discouraged
was tio help for
was gradually
d up tny {wrists
ened one day ir•
c intancie that Dr.
lentimied in con-
e in the !neigh-
ed that I try
not much faith
o get , a bex and
. To ely great
I found an im-
f myi hands,and
f got 'six boxes mo • I did net rise all
these, for before they were gone the disease
had vanished and my hands were as sound
as ever. The new skin ciente on {as mooth
and fresh as if nothing had been the matter.
I took no other mdicine { while using the
pills, and the wholeipraise Of the cure is due
to them., My general health was also great-
ly benefitted by their use, and I attended to
my work with more energy and in !better
spirits than I had done for a nunlber of
yeare. I have been in excellent health ever
sincefor a man of my years, and {no Sign of
salt rheum has since appeared. The box or
two of Pink Pills which I left unused were
taken by my wife, and did her much good.
1 cannot speak too highly of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills and am pleased to give my testi-
mony to their merit, hoping Ohm% may
thereby be induced to use them in cases like
my own.
etc and God blesses those who do. But I
wis t some' of us might cast a look,
aro nd and give a thought to those who
are not sick, who are not perhaps
poor, as phe world judges, yet who are
alo e. Some girl, perhaps, alone; some
wo un alone; some youug man ; some old
ma a alone! Alone at ChristmasI-Ed-
wa, d BOx ill the December Ladies' Home
Jot rnal.
Distinguished everywhere for De-
licacy Of Flavour, Superior Qual-
ity, - and Nutritive Properties.
Specially grateful and comforting
to the nervous and dyepeptie.
Sold only in quarter -pound. tins,
labelled JAMES EPPS & CO.,
Limited, Homccopathie Chemists;
London, England.
Coughs Cured
Leidy permanently and pleasantly by the use of
Wood' s Nor ay Pine Syrup. The most satisfac-
cough rem dy made. Price 26o.
. Low's Pi sant Worm Syrup is nice to take and
h to ell wclrme. 'Contains its own purgative.
e 26o.
Hagyard's Yellow Oil.
(ed cxtotjnally urea sprains, Bruises, Cuts,
,OhulbIahFs, Lu bago and pain of any kind.,
internally ours Croup, Whooping Cough,
Sori TbroAt, etc Price 2.5o.
aMps, Coil, Choi ra and Diarrhoea are always
nptly reliev by ?)r. Fowler's Extract of Wild
P Oubuc,
three bottles of
and IDyepeysia
Milburn's Rh
and atisfacto
Lum ago, Goa
crqu1a Cured.
og, 4ue., writee "1 have used
B. B. . fpr Scrofula, Impure Blood
and was completelY restored to
uniatie Pills are the only reliable
remedy for rheumatism, Sciatica,
and Neuralgia. Price 60c., all drug -
The editor of the Enterprise can add that
Mr. Chesley is a representative fernier liv-
ing about three miles from the town of
Bridgewater, N. S., and the utmost reliance
I can be placed on his statement.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills create pewblood, and in this way drive disease f orn
the system. A fair trial will constin,ce sthe
most skeptical. Sold only in bOxes, the
wrapper around which bears the full trade
mark, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
People." If your dealer does not have
them they will be sent post paid a50 cents
a box or six boxes for $2.50 by ad4ressing
the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., B oekvilles
Alone at Christmasi
If in this age of organizations in umer.
ble there is room for one more, it is for aa
• rganization which would bring together,.
specially on Christmas, those who are alone
n the world, particularly women who are
lone. I do not think that many f us who
ave our kin closest to us on hristmas
ay stop to realize what our feeli ge would
• e if they were not with us. It n so hard
to imagine ourselves in a position ther than
the one we are in. And yet tha position
might easily he other than it se With
many that position is other than God has
made our own; a fact we are all pi to for.
get. We remember some poor fatnuly at
Christmas, but at least it is a family. It is
together. The one is company for the
other, even in poverty. We remember the
Dn4noT Inirourrms OF
Jules Robin 8i Co's Brandy, Cognac,
France s Jno. de Suyper & Son, Hol-
land in, Rotterdam, Holland;
Booth's Tom Gin, Loudon, England;
Bulloch & Co.'s Scotch Whisky, Glas-
gow, Scotland; JaMieson's Irish
'Whisky, Dublin, Ireland; also Port
and Sherry -Wine frem France and
Spain, Agents for Walker's Whisky,
- Ontario; Royal Distillery and Davie
Ale and Porter, Toronto.
ve {opened a retail store in
nnee ion With our wholesale bust -
b duets in the rear of the new Do -
inion Bank, in Good's old ;stand,
hero re Will sell the best goods in
t e na ket at bottom prices. Goode
d liver d to any part of the town
tELE HO 1E- 11, 1518-tf
Boiler Works.
Successor to Chryetal k Black,
tures ef all kinds of Stationary
srine, Upright & Tubular
ealt Faie,nio ke Staoke, Shoat Iron Works,
orre9 eta, •
Also dealer. a 17pright and Horizontal Slide Valve
twines. An • .. tlo eut-ild Engines a specialty. Ail
zes of pipe and pipe•fitling oonetantly on hand
Tstimatee In •imbed on ehortnotloe.
Worka--0 G. T. R. Station. Goderiels.
Leat erdale
Dealers in first-class Furniture of 'all
kinds, in latest designs. Upholstering
neatly do e. We also do picture !ram -
mg, and choice selection of pictures
always on hand. Curtain poles at all
prices, and put up. We me also
Agents for the New William's Sewing
Machine, best in the market for do-
mestic use, no travelling agents, no
high prices.
In the Undertaking Department, we buy
our goods from the best houses in Ontario,
and guarantee satisfaction :in: every depart-
ment of our work. We have always made
it a point to furnish ghats, and all other re-
quisites fer funerals, Faint OF omARcee.
Prices better than heretofore
Arterial and cavity embalming done on
scientific principles.
P., S. Night and Sunday -calls will be
attended to at Mr. Landsborough's resi-
dence, directly in the rear iof the Dembasen
11 0 441
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filcgillo Directory for 1898
JOHN MOREISON, Reeve, Winthrop P. O.
DANIEL MANLEY, Deputy -Reeve, &eel:two:4
P. 0.
WM. MoGAVIN, neillor, Leadintry P. 0.
JOSEPH O. MO I802i, Councillor, Beechwood
JOHN S. BROW Councillor. Seaforth P. 0,
JOHN O. MOR: #N, Clerk, Winthrop P. 0.
DAVID M. ROSS, Treasurer, Winthrop P. O.
WM. EV dery Beeehwood P. O.
CHARLES )50D # Colleotor, Seaforth P. O.
RICHARD POL RD, Sanitary Inspector, Lead.
harp P . O.
The Mc
O. Mutual Fire
ce :company.
Geo. Watt o Pr Went, Harlook P. 0. ; J. B.
MeLean, Kippen P 0.; W. J. Shannon, Seoy-Treas„.
Seaforth P. 0.; Thome* E. Hays, Inspector, 4-1
Losses, Seaforth P. 0.
W. G. Brosetest Ps; john G. Grieve, Wile
throp •, George ale, Seiforth ; Thomas E.°Hayit,
Seaforth ; James vans, Beechwood; Thos. Garbnti,
Clinton ; Thonlas raser, Bruoefield ; John B, KO.
itial HAFIPOklarTSRob`t. Seaforth.;
James Cumming Egmondv .e; 3, W. Yeo, /foliose-
ville P. O.; John ovenlock arid John 0, Morrison,
Parties dedr to steed tssnranoss or mos*
rot other baftese Will be promptly attended -to ets
pplication to any et the above odious, addressed SO
ihilirespective pod Woes.
A teaspoonful of Fear's
Condition. Powder in his feed
makes ll this difference.
No wonder that every far-
mer who uses it recommends
it to his neighbor as the best
and cheapest condition pow-
der made. Three pounds for
50c at