The Huron Expositor, 1898-12-02, Page 84
'Wilson!'s OiSh Grocery
New fruite arid new season's TOSS now In stook.
We have now ir stock the best values in new sea-
son's Tess we ever bad, comprising Young Hyson,
or will refund t e money. The- best qua ity of new
Ceylon and Jar Tose. We guarantee satisfaction
Raisins, entrap s, Nuts, Peels, etc., now in erode at
lowest prices. 1 ame nice lines in Din -er, Tea and
Toilet Sete jue received, and at prices as low -as the
lowest. Wanted good butter, eggs, dried apples,
potatoes, deessitd fowl, and all kinds of filarketable
produce, for wl lob we will pay the highest price,
C. WILSON, Seaforth.
Bank of Commove? Block.
CAPITAL '111:0aid Up), - $1,500,000.
R EST, !* - .- S1,500,000.
• .
Mai street, Sesfokh. ,
A general banking business transacted. Farmers'
Salo Note* collected, and advances made on same at
lowest rates. 1
! --
Deposits of eitiollar and upwards eecetved, and
Interest allow at highest current rates. 'Interest
added to prinifipal twice each year -at .the end of
lune and Dec mint. No -notice of withdraw' IS
required for th whole or any portion of a deposit.
Solieitor • Agent.
Large Soho& in a Small City.
Gives the blest training in ;commercial
science, ahorthand, typewriting,, &c., which
enables the pOsseseor tesecure the beat situ-
ations. Our graduates are alwaYs agrou-
nd. Write t -day for beautiful catalogue.
Moderate rat of, board cheep, enter any time.
W. J. ELLI TT, Principal. 4444-52
in Ladies' Coats.
We find we have too many Ladies' Coats on hand
for this time in the season. In order to olear them,
we have deterna ned upou the following sweeping re-
ductions, comm wing ron Fridey, November 26th ,
$12 coats go for ; $1.6 coats for $6.07 ; $8 coats for
0.33 ; 06 coats r All lower line; will be cleared
at 20 per cent. or regular price. We have also two
Sable floats te clear at half price. Now is your golden
opportunity. member, the goods we offer are all
this eesion's sty es, up-to-date goods. At their usual
regular prices, e have never shown better gorde nor
better made gat ants for the price. We strongly
'advise Mies or heir children in need of a wit to in-
spect them.
Wm. Pickard & Co.
Pure D Tea advertised all over town, but YOU DO
FIND eatieted customers 'ladling over a well brewed
cup in nearly all the beet families In this country.
We are Sole Agents in this town for the above line.
Call and get a sample.
Every line is complste now for the Fall and Holt -
ay Season, in new Fruits, Peels, Spices, etc. We
ave just to band !Hants'? Sweet Pickles in bulk.
Our Butcher Shop
full of ths most Toothsome Meats, Fowl, delery
and Sausages to be found anywhere, we care not
where you go.
Remember tbe stand -South Main Street.
- Grocers Butchers,
Grand Trunk Railway
The Railway Rate War is over, and all
Old Rates were restored Monday, We can,
now home through tickets to all points iti
Manitoba,- the Territories, and British
Columbia, either via Chieago or North Bay.
We ean ticket you over any Railroad or
Steamship Line.
-A- G -M
Commercial Building, Seaforth.
furou txpositet.
We would call the attention , of our
readers to the large advertisement of
Smith & McLaren, of Brussels, on
page 7 of this issue.
MAsostc AT -Home. --The m mbers of Brit-
annia Masonic lodge entertai ed their gen-
tlemen friends, to the number of about one
hundred at an informal at-home, in their
lodge room, on Tuesday evening. During
the early part. of the evening many an en-
jayable and interesting game of car& was
played, end many a good smoke indulged in.
Later od light refreshmente were served,
following which a short musicaJ programme
was given, which was fully appretiated by
all. Those taking part in the programme
were ; Messrs. Stoneman, of Hamilton ; J.
Da,ly, W. -McLeod, G. B. Seott, W. Peace
and Mills.
manta have been made for the holding of
Farmere' Institute meetings in this county,
Each meeting will be addressed by able and
practical men, ,further notice of which will
be given later. The dates set are ; Huron
Fast - 1,Vroxeter, January 16 ; Brussels,
January 18 •;- Londeisboro, January 31 ; Blue -
vale, February 1 ; Fordwich, Febrautry ;
Ethel, February 3. Huron South-Bruee-
field, danuary 3 ; Exeter, January 4 ; Bay-
field, Jtmuary 31 ; Dashwood, February 1 ;
Farquhar, February '2. nu-ron wet,' t-Bly th,
January 19 ; Carlow, January 20 ; Wing -
ham, February 23 ; Londeeboro, February
24 ; Holmeeville, February 25 ; Dungannon,
Febenstry 27.
EusioN'tiviLLE NOTES. -The Misses Laura
and Flora Porter epent, the Thanksgiving
season, from Thursday till Monday, as the
gueats of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Welsh, of
Stratford. -Mrs, Manson spent the past
week with Miss Marion Hulliston, of Tuck-
ersmith, who has been seriously ill for eorne
time, and we regret to say that at the presP
ant writing, elle doer, not seem to make
much improvement.-" Our lady of the
*tows " is bat scantily clad so far this win-
ter. Iler white robe is very thin in texture.
We °cold stend a much heavier one in this
village to cover up the new gravel being
put on our street. -Mr. Con. VenEgmond
was taken seriously ill on Monday morning,
but we are pleased to say is now improving
nicely, --A goodly number of our people at-
tended the Lely concert on Monday evening,
and were amply rewarded for their expense
and trouble. Mr. _and Mrs. Lely certainly
provide an entertemment of great worth,
and intensely interesting. The gentlemen
of Seaforth, who secured AfraLely's servicee,
are to be, congratulated on furnishing the
people of the town and vicinity with the
opportunity of euch,pure enjoyment. -After
a prolonged aud times very painful ill-
ness, Mlle Walser Rankin died on Monday
evening laza She had resided for some
0 II"'
. '
, THE H17R011
FIX P0E31'1'011
DECEMBER 42 1898
years with her daughter, Mite. Robert Haw-
thorne, of this village, who e kindly minis-
tration tended greatly to lleviate the in--/
firmitiee of advance years and pains of an
incurable disease. lie re aine were inter-
red in the Harpurhey cemetery on Wednes-
• da afternoon. --Miss jennie Hills has been
off duty for some days, but we hope soon to
se her as active as ever.
EANERY MEETINO.-The clergy of the
Church of England, in the county of Huron,
have been called together to -day, (Friday),
at St. Thomas' church, Seaforth, to meet
:with His Lordship the ishop, for prayer,
1-tiln study of God's word and for seeking an
-increase of the Holy pirit in this work.
The day's proceedings* 11 open with a eele-
br Lion of the Holy ommunion at 9:30
., and close with public 'Service in the
ch colt at 8 o'clock p. in., the intervening,
cl rgy arlone. The Bitaop is always listened
to with pleasure by • the members of all
ho rs being spent b the Bishop and his
ch robes, and, no doubt, the citizens of Sea,
fo th w
he ring
11 again embrace the opportunity of
this eminent divine to -night, ,
.1111,111'1I Swam. -A very ple sant evep-
in wae spent in the basement f the Pres-
erian church, on Tuesday e enin last.
he occasion was a /,social gi en y the
,Young People's Society of the church, in
'order that those of the congregation, par-
ticularly the strangers, might have au op-
portunity of meeting in a Imolai capacity.
During the fore part of the evening a short
programme was given. Dr. McDonald, pas-
tor of the congregation, occupied the chair,
and in his kindly manner hoped all would -
have an enjoyable time, and that the object
of the meeting might be fully realized by
those present, After the programme was
given the remainder of the evening 'was
epent chatting one with another and par-
taking of refreshments provided by the
yeung people.
sary services in connection wit the First
Presbyterian °herd), in this t wn, will be
held on Sunday and Menday, D °ember 18th
and 19th. Arrangements .hav been made
ivith Rev. J. M. iGlass ord, of uelph ; Rev.
J. Grant, of St. Marys and Rey. j. A. An-
derson, of Goderich, together with the local
clergy to assist at the services. I
service will be held morning and eviSenilinndgaayi
the usual hours, when Rey. Mr. Glass -
ford will officiate. On !the Monday evening
a tes-mecting vvill be held. Tea wil_l)e
served in the basement of tne church, • after
which a good programme will be given in
the auditorium:" -A special feature of the
services will be the singing of Mies Queenie
McCoy, gold medelist Of Toronto Conserint-
tory of Music, who has been engaged for 'he
entire services. The -church choir is a so
preparing special; ;finale. Altogether he
services promisei• tZt:he 'the most interesti
of the many whieh have been held by
Crockery and fancy china at A. Youn
Seaforth Two orates opened out this week, a d
more COMIDFr. Som thin Dew in dinner sets, nd
sole °thing new in the pr ca a; well. Fancy chi a,
aboat half the price it wse last year. For wedding
prt stints and Christ as presents you min ba suitsd at
A. Young's. (No tr uble to show goods). 1610 -
FOR SALE.--- ne good aecond-hand t °-
horse Pit p. wer ; one good grain crusher,
ply to 0. C. Willsonolfileaferth. 1616
, Another car load of feed corn just recei
ed at Hamilton & Kerslake's, &Worth. ' 1616-1
MRS. R. HowAno's sale of House, .and L t
and Household Effect*, willto held at thfr,Comm e-
erie] Hotel, Sea,forth on Saturday. December 3r
This is one of the choicest dwellings In Egmondvil re
The house contains eight rooros, with all neoessa
canvthiencee, and siltueted directly weet of Presb
tenth church, and will bo sold on easy terms. 1616 1
For cross -cut paws and axes, cow tie ,
etc., try us. Mullett & CI, Seaforth. 1616-1
Crockibole boards fer 65 gents while they
hist, at Papet's Booketere, lioafectb. '616.1
The largest and best assorted stock f
watches ever ehowp in Seaforth, is at C. W. Papet s
book 9,nd jeweller ho Ise. W. R. Counter, Manag r
Jewelry Department l616.1
Big assortment isf eleigh bells and horse
blankets at rock bottom prices. 8, Mullett & Co
Sesforth, :616 1
Elegant fancy calendars for '99 at 10c an
16c, Papet's lBooketorer Seatorth. 1616 1
For Pale cheap a new McLaughlin Por
laud cntter. The firrcst this well-known firm make
Will be sold at le 0 than wholesale cost. Reid
Wilson, Hardware ateeatiaras, Main street. Saelort .
16. 6-3
Sunday Magazine 'and others now in at
Paps t -s Bookstore, Sea forth 16104
Call and exemineleur stock of new fane
°bins. prices guarantoedlower than ottit-rs. Papst;
Bookstore, Seeforth. ' ' 1610-1
Call at C. W. Papst's' book and je w,elle
house, &Worth, on `Siturcl4y, December ard, an
get out'. pr:eo on th fil.e 17.7!! !. Pat strike igbt da
clocks. W IL Cr outer, Madager Jewelry Depor
1 -
recut. lett-1
WANTED.-TOI rent, goon farim in goo(
location. For partimilars pply to C. 8., car- Ex-
positor Oahe, faecal:4th I 1616)(2
1 ,,,
WANTED, -Choice bu ter 17cs dried ap„
pies and poultry. G. E, Kref , la/Ingham. I600-tf
CASU FOR POULTRY. People wishing to
fret cash and the hie heat price for their oultry,
ehould call at T.' R. F Cue, Sc Co.'s butcher shop,
Carmiehaere Block, Seaforth. 1611 .tf
DINIM1 ROOM Gnu- WANTED at the Am-
, a.
cerian Betel, Brussold. JUI "i 41IIIENT. 1611-tt
Headquarters , for to m end dolls. New
stock at Papet'e Bodkstore, Seeforth 1416-1
SRATERS' Als4aTio.x.--1We ha,ve imported
this season the ihrge' f... and beet assortment of hockey
and spring ['Wee ct er ete,wn by ue, and prices; will
surprise the pito %set Como and Fld0 thorn,
whether you buy or not. S. Mullett & Co., Seaforth,
' 1616-1
A large choice stock of !Christmas grocer•
lee et A. Young* 8 af nth, fresh and mew. All the
different kinds , f trait cleaned Vostehs, ' musette
seeded raisins, Iliac r basket, elehiss cluster , figs,
dates, libelled nuts, cranbarrioa, Cross • Eilackwdirs
dipped peels, they are the best Finned haddie re.
oeived fresh every week, direet froth ile peckers.
A nice dark sugar for bakingi purp cm 1 Call and
eXarnine the goods end prices. , II.geest Price. paid
for poultry, dried apples, butter and e go. ifil6-1
TIIOROIDDItItiep Po Lrfer FO t ,A 1,E. --A
few barred make, white seas, light mimes and
Lengthen cookrels and 'lilacs for ale, Willeon
Bros„ Seaforth, at O. C. I illeen's 161612
IN SEA tatirris'a INTERESTS, ---In complia#ce
with a numerously signed re uisition, a
public meeting of the ratepaye b vvas held
in the town hall on Wednesd y evening.
The object of the Meeting was to discuris
and, if possible devise ineans whereby the
languishing industrial intereste df our, town
may be revived.1 We revieveed this matter
thoroughly a couple of weeks ago, and it is,
therefore, unneeeesary to enter into details
here. The large and representative gather-
ing showed that the ratepayers have become
alive to the fact that we have reached a
crisis, and that the time is DOW at hand
when we meet take strenuous and prompt
action if we whit' our town to go ahead, or
even to hold its own. The chair was taken
by Mayor Gunn, and in a few words he ex-
plained the object of the 'meeting and
briefly referred to the excellent financial
standing of the town. In pursuance with
the object of the meeting, it was Dioved by
Mr, D. D. Wilson, and secondedbysAlr. W.
K. Pearce, " That it is desirable, in the in-
terests of the residents of the town, that
some steps should be taken to foster and en-
courage induetriee in the town and, if possi-
ble, for that purpose, that aid besgranted by
the town." In speaking to this motion,
Mr, Wilson reviewed the past history .of
the town's industries and the various steps
which have lead up to our present condi-
tion. In the course of his remarks ,he
showed conclusively that the loans given by
t e town in the caae of VanEgmond's
woollen mill and the Broadfoot & BOX COM -
any had been most prefitable investments.
'he expenses, and interest in connection
with the Broadfoot & Box loan had been re-
turned to the town treaeury in taxes in a
sum almost equal to the amount paid as
interest on the debentures issued in
'General servant wanted, no uptairs wor
highest wages. Apelly to Mrs. Idington, Strained
lien of that lo 0,while the Wired: brefit
drived tii, the town in'the veci,y of increased
population an earning power of the citizens
made it a ino ey-making investment. He
further! ibowe the town'e financial Standing
to be excellent Mr. Pearce, the seconder
of the Motian, fully indorsed Mr. Wilson's
statements he motion was carried
Holme ted an seconded by M . F. C. G.
-out a issenti g vote. To get things in
defini sh pe, it was moved by 1 Mr. F.
Minty, tha " with a view to e trying out
the intenti n if the former resolution, it is
desirable t at Board of Trade e organ zed
in the tow of Seaforth, and that :steps be
taken to or an'zo the :same." The m • ver
and seeond r f thia motion each depl red
the fa it th t e are going back instep, of
forwar , and Oxon ly aivocated a Boar
Trade as an ouwarc step, The ma ter
thoroughly jimmied from all si es,
on a , vo being taken, it was oarr
like its redecessor, without a
senting vo cc! A long list 9f th se
were desire s Of becoming members of
Board was then taken, and the um
signing augers Well for the success of
move 'ent. Al ratepayers aro ele ible
mem rship, a d it is.hoped that a
large embers ip will be received, so hat
the mo -ement to boom our town wi Arm ive
Any vir o have ot yet signified their de ire
a moe heart and enthusiastic, Supp rt.
to became me hers, and who wish to do so,
can hair° their names entered on tille list
applying to the secretary, Mr. W. D.
Lean, !at TIIB EXPOSITOR office. A
meeting of the members of the Board is
ed for Monday !night, in the council eh
was born in Watnrloo county, After hini
marriage to Mr. Dynes she became a resi-
dent of McKillop, where she was very high
eted by all Who kne
orthy neighbor. 0
a 'couple o years ago
bey, but she was not
ly esteemed and res
her, as a kind and!
retiring from farming
they moved to Har 'u
long spared to enjo he pleasure and gine
nese of retired life4 The deceased was
true Christian wornan and a oonsisten
member 1 of the blithodist eht.rch. The
bad na_children and er husband is now d
privecl itif a loving ife. In his hour f
trial he *ill have the sympathy of a larg
circle of fiends, Th remains were laid t
rest in t o Maitlandb nk cemetery on We
ber, when officers -will be elected and other
business relative to its organization will be
transacted. All members should make it a
point to be preaent, while all ratepayers !are
extended a hearty welcome.
' •
Lawrence Ivlelv Ile, one of the earliest io-
neer:: of Hulletb township, passed over to
the silent majo4ty on Tuesday last, at he
age of 69 years and 2 months. The ad
event took place at the home of her dau h-
4er, Mrs. illohri Warwick, in the to n.
Mrs. blelVille, whose maiden name as
Mary Robison, as born in Dumfrieshire,
Scotland, and when but a child her pare ts
came to Canada, settling in Markham. he
was married there to her late husba d,
About forty years. ago , they came to t is
county, settling ihrst on the London ro d,
shortly afterwards taking up a farm in H I-
lett, near what, was Bandon post offi e
Here she continned to reside until a.b u
eight years ago, 1whenshe went to live w t
her daughter. Mr. Melville died about 1
years ago. Dezeased bad been 'in p or
health for over a year past, and death as
due to dropsy. She leaves a family of f ur
sons and one daughter, Lawrence, Jam a
and John in Seaforth, and one son in t e
west, and Mrs. John Warwick, Seder h.
The remains were interred in Barna' ce e -
Wry, Hallett, int Thnrsday. '
'COLLEGIATE LITE ARY.-The election f r
the varions offie,ers i connection with t e
Collegiate Institnte iterary Society, ir
held on Wednesday ast, and there was
much excitement am ng the pupils as if it
were a real old time olitical election. Ca
Hegel', bedecked wit ribbons of the cole s
of the respective parties, did a rushi g
business getting voters to the pol
The parties hed an equal number of n i -
dates elected. -but we presume a „d lo k
will be overcome by a pOint or two ext a
being accorded to the blue party, as t et o
principal executive officers were of tb ir
color. The following is the list of th suc-
cessful ones : President, Frank Neal, blu ;
vice-president, Maggie McDonald, blu ;
secretary, C. Sanders, red ; treasure 5
, .
. McKay, red ; mlanaging committee, Ruj h
1 Johnson and Bert! VanEgmond, red r Be t•
I rice Scott and A, S. McLean, blue ; edit r-
ial 'committee, lilinnie Beattie and Llo d
1 Hodgins, red ; Robert Kemp and R. 1-
i hott, blue.
THANKSOIVIt o DAY. -T hankigi ving d y
, passed over ve y quietly. The weather w
excellent, despite the fact that there h d
been a light fall of snow and the thermorn-
eter had dr p d quite low, giving things
a Christm ihe atmosphere. A num-
ber toOk ad antage of the cheap fares to
visit friends bih the majority enjoyed their
Thanksgivin turkey at home. , Services
i 1 .
were held in the 1Presbyterian and English
churchee in ho morning, and in the after-
noon the band played some excellent selec-
tions on Main Street. In the evening, the
•harvest home inner given by the Ladies'
Aid of the Met odiet church, drew a large
crowd: •An ex ellent dinner was served in
the school too , 4nd later on a good pro-
' gramme -was fu niehed in the auditorium of
the chinsch, Excellent and appropriate ad-
dresses were given by the , resident clerg -
elocutionist, of Londori. The affair vies
men, while the choir rendered good mus c.
An extra and a pleasing feature of the p o -
gramme, was the selections of Mrs., Ca e,
most successful, aiid, ite a result, the lathes
had a good balance to place to their credit.
ly lovers of Scotch -music, but those of all
good music, enjoYed a' treat n Monday
night, at the Durward Lely co cert. Dur-
ward Lely well deeerves to be ranked as
one of the best renderers of Sco tish song at
the present time. He has a vo ce of great
compass, while his clear enunciation and
power of expressien enable him to give to
the Scotch songs, With their sweetness end
intensity, just what is needed for their per-
fect rendering. Mrs. Lely, who acts as
piano accompanis for her hus and, seems
also to be thor ughly conversant with
Scotch music, an her selections of Scotch.
airs were much aPprociated *by the audi-
o*. Oae would aturally seppoee thet a
,the•one man, woul .1 be someWhat monoton-
programme given, with two exdeptions, by
ous, but•when sins • songs as " The Land o'
the 'Leal," "The tandard o' the Braes o'
Mar," , and " All liter MacAllister," each
with its own pec 1 ar sentiment or humor,
the Irishman's ' ruiskeen Lawn," and the -.
Englishman's ' ome Into the Garden,
Maude," an eve leg with Durward Lely is
by no means Imonotonous affair. Mr.
Lel), has also at nd of humorous anecdotes,
which; although lven at the expense of the '
Scotchman, no no- seems to enjoy more
than he. Cardn 'es hall, in which the con-
cert, was held, w s well filled with a most
appreciative aud e ce.
„ DEATIfS.-On nnday two old residents
of this neighborhOod were removed by
death. During the afternoon, Annie Oliver,
relict of the I t Walter Raiikin, an-
ewered to the cal , eying reached the age of
71 years and 5 monthe. The deceased lady
was born in Glas oW, Scotland, where she
was married, About 36 years ago she emi-
grated with her *and and family to Can-
ada, coming dire( tit, to Constance, in this
county, where th y sestled on a farm. Af-
ter a residence o about' five years there
they moved to R xhoro, tvhere Mr. Rankin
died 21 years a o. Eight years ago she
moved to Seafort , and 'after living here
for a short time st e went to stay with her
daughter, Mrs. Robert Hawthorne, in 144..
mondville, whe ' she died. About two
years ago she wa etricken with paralysis,
from which shin vet' rallied, She leaves a
family of five son aod one daughtee Two
of the sons are in the States, one in British
Columbia, and two, I James and John, in
Seaforth. The rc,mains were interred in the
Harpurhey ceme ry on Wednesday,
-On Monday, rat. Wm. Dynes dted at the ;
residence of her hilsband in Harpurhey,
after a lingering i Iness. The deceased had
been ailing for a ear or more but had only ,
been confined to ed,for about four weeks,
the cativo of her ti bei (consumption of
the blood. She as 54 ears of age and i
1 A DELIG IITFUL M tIsit.: 4L TB:ma-To giv
our readers au idea Lot he delightful tree
in store for them o pies:Jay evening nee
in Cerdno's hall, we qu 'te a few opinions
among inanY, of the o ' inent persons wh
have attended the R s D'Erina recitals
and are thus qualified t , speak ; The Duch-
ess of Abereorn,Lady ieutenant of Ireland
says 1 " Your matinee 'usicale has given u
, a delightful musical y , and I have muc
pleasure in giving you a letter of introduc-
tion to the Englishl bassador at aris
where you have bee e ected to perfo m a
the great exhibitian.' rd Dufferi , ou
!late Governor -Gen r , 1 has this to say
" On the part of IA y pufferin and m self
I welcome you toi i eau Hall. We hay
Peen delighted with y er performane , an
must say I heve miv r beard my mo her'
songs BO charmiligly r n lered." The pres
Opinions are equally tdogistic concerning
this gifted artist, and quote a couple to
show that her fame ex ads from the east of
Canada to the weft. 1 ' 6- VVinnipeg Dail
Tribune says : " The o a D'Erina concer
last night brought Mit O r music•loving citi
zens in full force. NO r before was th
city hall so crowded:, D ring the renditio
of some of her numbers s e held the audi
, nee literally spellboinv , and recall afte
!recall rewarded herl effe te." The Quebe
Teleeraph speaks thus : ' The Prima Donn
!was in grander voice! tha ever. Mr. Von
m has both voice Ind eatures well unde
mols.nd, and the ndienee Metaphorical!
atted him on the aok each time he sem
r recited." Plan o ha 1 opens at Fear'S
rug store this (briday) morning at 9
I° 1
LOCAL ' BRIEF'S -Mrs. M. A. Coulter
eacher of the primary-depa tment of th
ubliosohool, met with is, pa nful acciden
n Seturday last, and onetwhi h will cm*
er to the house for eome time She slip&
n the granolithic pave Int i front of th
ady block and fell, ithe :Iseult being a '
prain of one of her kl When h
now gets on this walk ' is ery slippe y,
i fact dangerous foe p estr any, and h
ouncil should take Som im ediate me s
te to have it rethe ied. Miss Bir i
tephens, who is on ; the tesihing staff o
the Berlin public school, ' . • . • t Thankegiv
ing at her home herel- Ir. F seer, of Mc-
Allister's flour mills, E ,hel, was in town
last week with a large co 'sign ent of flour
for Mr. H. Livens, who be n appointed
their agent here. Mr. 4ank reeman, for-
merly of Seaforth, is he m Iler for Mr.
McAllister, and he is tureing • nt firat-class
flour. -Mr. Benjamin Evans, i f Blyth, has
come to town to spend th wi ter with hie
son-in-law, Mr. William oope .-Mr. Thos.'
MeCosh, of Paris, was sitin qld friends
in town last week. -!Mr. Day d Sproat,, of
Belgrave, was here for a few ays, looking
up did friends, of whom h a host. -Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Davis, of itchell, were vis-
iting at the home of M D vie' parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Da Mao .7 --Mise Ada
Cline, of Wingham, spent; a fe days wit
relatives here. -Mr. S. 4 Die n came up
from Toronto. to a nd Th nksgiving at
home. -Mies Bela allantyn , teacher at
Hamburg, was home for t e ho idays.-Mrs.
D. T. Hepburn is visiting relat ves in Lon-
don. She was accompanied boy her brother,
Mr. W. Conithard, of 0 haw , Who spent
shoulcfbe sum arily deal with. -Mr. Alex.
Thanksgiving ay -here. -A co ple of tough
looking tram s! Made a nuisa ce of them-
selves on the s tests on S tur y, and, as a
consequence, cire up, bef e t e magistrate.
They were gi ,en a Bev re cture, were
'thoroughly fri htened, an , o promieing to
leave town, w re let off. ' All such fellow's
Oldham spent hankegivi g with his sister,
Mrs. T. O. Ke p. --Miss litchell, of Paris,
is visiting he aunt, Mre. P, Logan. -A
lady narrowly soaped ser ous injury at the
station on Satairday night , She was seeing
a friend off, and remained on the train until
it had gained considerable speed, and then
jumped off, and was thro n to the gro nd,
It was a wonder she did not fall ben ath
the wheels. People s,houl be more car fill.
--Mr. and Mrs. John A (Allister, of the
Parr line, Hay, spent Sun ay with Mr. nd
Mrs. A. Forbes. -11r. G orge Delman has
gone to Woodstock, wher he has aecur d a
position in theAnderson ,urnitures fact rya
-I-It looks as if we were g ing to have in•
ter now. The cold spell, hich set in est
week, has stayed with s, and suffic ent
snow has fallen to entice uite a numbe of
(litters and sleighs out, although t e ale gh-
ing is still pretty scratchy , Sleighing f om
low on,until after Christmas at leest, w uld
ake the hearts of our me chants glad, but
i would make a long inter. -Mr. nd
Mrs. A. Forbes attended , the ro rriag of
Miss Annie Matish, of nea Varna to Ir.
Donald McDonald, of Ripleya on Tha ks-
giving day, --Mr. William liege!' is visi ing
in town. -Rev. Mr. Caruso „ 'formerly pa, tor
of the Methodist church ere, will occ py
his former pulpit here on S nday next, oth
merning and evening -M s. (Dr.) Nic ol,
of Millbank, spent the T ankegiving oli-
days at the reotory.-The regular rime ing
of the Library and Debating club wil be
hojd in the council cham er next Tues ay
evening. A full attendan e hi desire ,-
The joint stock sale held at the Que n s
hotel yarde, on Saturday la t, by Mr. T os.
Brewn, was, considering t e weather, nd
tir fact that it was the
8 me terenty h ad of e,attl were sold at
rot, al sum es.
fair priees. M . Brown w 11 have •ano her
sale ehertly- Ise Mary erphy, of to n,
spent her Th nksgiving olidaye al . the
Lorette ,Acade y, Stratfer .-The Bay eld
stage made its rst trip for the season on
rennet* on Thu day.-Mr.1M, Y. Mc an,
who hats been c nfined to the house for over
a week, has' ow nearly ,ecovered.---Mrs.
their brother, r. J. S. W 1sh, &ping the
Robert McGrat , of Dobbi gton and Mrs.
Henri Oliver, Keady, w re th'e guests of
Thanksgiving h lidays.-fil . A. H, Ingresn,
manager =of t e Seaforth , Electeic Light
Company, is in Bowmanvil e this week on
business. -Mr. ohn A, Wi son is attending
the fat stook show in Bra tfordes-, Mr. H.
Humber spent Thanksgivin with his sister,
bin. R,, N. Cassels, in Stra ford.
1 t
Varna. ,
NOTES, -Mr, and Mrs. Harnwell attended
the funeral of her grandinather Mrs. El-
liott, of Goderich, on Sunda las't.-Mr. P.
McCool is this week vieitin him mother at
Londesboro, who is serious ill. -Mr. and
Mrs. Haxby, of Clinton, arel visiting friends
here this week. -Mrs. liar a, of MeKillop,
ivvisiting friends in and around Varva.
She came to attend the edding of Miss
Annie McAsh.-Mrs. baw, 4# Wing -
ham, returned home on Titeaday.
FATAL ACCIDENT. -On nday last, Mr,
James Johns received a tel gram from Bay
City, Michigan, conveying he sad intelli-
gence that his eldest son William James,
had been killed in the Bay oal mine. He
was blasting, and the suppo ition is that his
death. was caused by the. pr mature explos-
ion of a cartridge. He was ernoved to the
surface and died a few mom nts afterwards.
His brother Thomas, on r iving the sad
news, went at 'once to B*y C ty and brought
the body home, The re:nal s were interred
n the Varna cemetery on ednesday last,
r •
And a very
out to pay
been away
most of the.
and family
the entire
their afflict
arge number of people It rued
he last tribute of respect 6 the
Ile was 27 yearel of age, a had
from home abou nine earii,
time in Bay City, . Mr. ohne
eV', the sincere symp tihy of
niminity in this, the h ur of
NOTES rofessor H. D. Brush, horse
educator, h la a school for training hors s
in our villa last week. -Mr. De Malone ,
of Killarne , Manitoba, is spending fe
weeks with friende here. -The 'eubject f r
the Epwort ,League meeting, on Sunda
evening, is " Witneseing for Christ," b
taken by Mr. J. Stanley. On Tu sda
evening a literary- meeting is to be hel
when a moitd programme will be ren ered
All are wale') e.
of the cong
was held, a
day. The
this congre
sold his far
6, Morris, t
farm contai
farm and
Littlefair w
property h
the George
B4sth. "‘•4'
4 „,.
ETING, s-rne annual meeting
egation of St. Andrew's church
in past years, on Thankegieing
reports siibmitted showedi that
ation is holding well on its way.
n, ---Mr. 1411ward Littlefair has
sou h half of lot 3, concession -
'Mr. obert [Craig, of Hellett
Th *ce paid was $4,500, I The.
s 90 acres, It is an excellent
has good bitildings On it. i Mr.
11 come to Blyth to live on ,,the
purchased last su mer Ifiorn
armenter estate.
, tiflOrna.
NOTES.-GOod wheeling. -Ed
fair, 6th lin , will hold an auctio
Friday cc ts-J. and H. MeAr
line, have' s ld out to R, Miller.
contains 100 acres. The price psi
800. -Walter Miller talks -of goin
orado.-Mr. E. Littlefair, 6th lin
hie farm to Mr. Craig, of Hullet
surn of $4,500 Mr. Littlefair in
ing retired. -t is hinted that so
councillors wi 1 get a scorching 1 i
this year.- rmers are taking ou
ird L ttl
hur, 5t
he far
to ; ol-
, hat s ld
, for
e of ;u
MO ria
a, lot, of
L, ken-)
has en
sfullb ini
r a pre-
ees ihavi
ala for
t is is
of ,
ney, who h taught most eucc
school secti No. 12, MoKillop,
re-engaged f 1899. To show the
ciation of or services, the true
given her a abstantial increase in
next year.
the time of oar when the gentl me
thinking of etting their supply of
wear for the winter, the young ladi
Cavan chore , Winthrop, have taken eom-
passion on t eni, and are going to p+ide
for their w iite in that line by eying a
necktie soca , at the residence of rs. roll.
Wright, one, mile west of this vi age, on
the evening f Friday, December Oth. An
excellent pro ramme, consisting of readings,
recitations, ad vocal and ' inst umental
music, will 0 provided for the coasion.
The ladies ar requested to provide a neck-
tie for thei box, also one for t Rik own
adornment. Come one and all and spend a
pleasant and ociable evening,
JOTTINGS. Some of the local e ortsmen
have been eh oting game in the pin ry, neer
Grand Bend. The recent fall of a ow' hits
made prett fair sleighing.- iss M.
O'Rourke, w o has been visiting n Port
Huron, ha. eturned.-Miss Dun an and
Mrs..Daniel Coward spent Then egiving
day at Khiv .
DEallt.- r. Patrick O'Rourke died near
Hensel, Nor h Dakota, on Novemb r 118th.
Deceased lef his heme here in Atig st and
went to Dak ta, where he has brat era and
other relativ e residing. A few We ago
he contracte typhoid fever and It ough
receiving the best of medical at nclende
suceumhed to the attack. Hiii brother
Thomas ace Mpanied the remain to his
framer home lat Khiva, A large n ber at-
tended the f neral at Mount Carmel on the
29nd ult. r. O'Rourke was a gen ral fay -
o ite among he young men of his a uaint-
a ce, and he was universally res e .ted by
a 1 who kne him.
, Zurich.
UTTERS, leighs, Buggies, &o., a
lor Inge Shop. 41 you contemplate buyin
or eigh ;hie w nter, it will be to your dv
call at our shots room, whore you will find t
displity of cobb rigs we ever had in stook.
sclme 30 cutters to ec'eot from, and is large
bobsleighs. Se our natural wood finish
they are dandie . Our Portland» are of t
styles and patt rns We haves few of our c
three quarter 1 uggies in stook ; eiseltimb
alw e reedy run out ; big stook of the
mat ; car , Wheelbarrows, &c. Out p
righ . A coil s Bolted. Faso HMS, SR"
.Z nrich
a putter
ntige to
e litrgeet
We have
steak of
le rated
e wagons
er best
I are.
BRIEFS.- lasers. Faust & Rickbeil have
mo4ed their arm implements to their new
warerooms, west of Mr. D. Steinbach'a
store. They have a commodious and well
fitted up sh p. -Mrs. David Schluchter has
retairned to er home near Berne, Michigan.
-Mr. Alf. ossenberry has returned from
Manitoba, w ere lie spent the summer. -
Rev: J. P. auch, of Berlin, general agent
for the Uppe Canada Bible Society for thiS
district, hel the annual meeting in the
Eva gelical church, on Tuesday evening,
He elivered an excellent address, and told
of t e good ork being done by the society.
The old offic re were re-elected for the en
suin year. -Mr. Samuel Levigood has sol
his farm to Mr. Broderick, - and intend
mov ng to Zarich.-Mr. D. LevigOod, er,
was east ou mimes last week. -Mr. Aug
ust l'Ahnes ha received word from his son
Rev M. .Ehn e, saying that he and his wif ,
had arrived s fely in Africa, and will af
on take up their mission work. It took
the a mont to reach their destination. --1
Rev at y. aist started revival meetinge
on t e 14th c neession last Monday evening.
-M Beav r, of Crediton, has been vieits
ing re. G. oltzman for a week or so.
Rev Mr. Pet hke, of Heidelburg, and Rev.
Mr. Twidmei , of Hanover, both reache
in t le Luthesan church on Sun ay last.
The e were good congregations both morn-
ing nd evening. -
D ,Amir. -We have this week to chronicle
the eath of ooe of our oldest and most
high y rupee ,ed,resiclents, and one who aid-
ed i making Hay toWnship the fine town-
ship that it now is. ,We refer to the death
of M s. Daniel Zeller,: which sad event took
pike 'last week at het home in Zurich. The
dece sed lady, who Was 78 years of age, set-
tled n a farm on theblind line, Hay, when
it w s all a forest. Here her husband clear-
ed u a fine farm. Of late years they have
,been living i the village. Her husband,
who is 88 yes a of age, survives her, and
has he sincer st sympathy of - all in the ee-
vere lose he has sustained. The remains
were interred in the Lutheran cemetery on
Sun ay, and were followed to their last
testi g place y a large concourse of eorrow-
ing iends an. neighbors.
, N s. -S atirig ie the fun of the boys
on t e mill d m these frosty days., -R. Rae,
jr., o James wn, and Robert Dodds and
John Ireland ave returned from Manitoba.
-M ry YOnn and her little sister have
gone to Port lbert, Northwest Territory.
-On •of the reatest shocks the village has
had years, qui when the death of Mrs.
T. B, Sanders was announced on Wednes-
day vening; 3rd ult., after an illness al
but a few hou e, Mrs. Sanders was natur-
ally o a retiri g disposition, but her kind-
ness end gene osity endeared her to a large
circle, , She tv'll be greatly missed in the
village and n- the Preebyterian church,
where she had been a consistent and worthy
member for 30 years. Her funeral on Sat-
urday was largely attended. Mr, Sanders
and family hale the eyriipathy of the entire
nriminvinity in their bereavement.--Rdbert
: - i
Miller was in the Queen City last week. -
Thomas Hemphill had a business trip to
Shelburne! last Wednesday.-Harvy BrOWn
Vas in Torontoilast week. -The Bishop of
liuron preached in the Church of England
here last Sabbath evening, after holding
eonfleinati n strvices in Gorrie.-Tenders
re being kedl for the management of the
kating ri k foe this ses.son.-John Hainil-
,on shi pe a car load of Iambs on Monday
last.- ra n buying ie lively on the market
I here' at present. -The Methodist cher&
I will held nnivereary seryices in December,
-Mrs, J /in Brethour entertained a lerge
company yonng people on Thanksgieing
evening,- ibs 'n Brothers' are getting their
mill in shape or a busy season's saing.
They ;hay a i contract for 20,000 meple
blo kei whnh eans a lot of logs. Higher
prices, t,b y ea , will rule this winter fdr
earl? all kind of timber. -Robert Black
e having t e annual supply of large stones
laid in a ainst the bridge abutment, ea a
ilafegu rd gainet tbe spring floods.--Jarnes
Thom on, of B noels, was in town on Sab-
bath 1 at.
1 •
urondale. -
LIT RARY Soo, tesrv.-Usborne townahip
has a eW iociety to be known as the Bur-
ondale lit ary and musical society. Meet-
ings will held on every alternate Wed-
nesdaY. . he °Meets of the society are for
the titu -benefit and enjoyment of 1 its
memb rs and there eihould_be a large mem-
bershiP, as much pl asure and profit is' td
be obtaineel from a society of this nature.
Members cill alway be most gladly re-
• .i
I;.,e btuy.
8AD EvvieT..,We regret to have to an-
nounce the death of Miss Minnie Howlett,
whieh sa,d event took place on Mon' ay
evening of last ' week. The deceased ad
been ill wick typhoid fever for three or f ur
weeks, andr in finite otall that medical skill
and kind and loving friends could do in her
behalfs shelwas not able to withstand that
terrible dispase. Mies Howlett • was OM am-
iable, intelligent add industrious girl, add a
member of Bethel Methodist church. The
funeral took place on Wednesday to the
Bruesels cemetery, and was largely ,at-
Mr. James Davidson had a wood
bee on Friday 1 st, and got considerable
Iwork done.', -Mr. Jamea Bell is preparing
!material, With th intention of building a
!new I hone 1 in the near future. -Mr. sDen-
nison, of A, itchell,, has been around intro-
ducin, gan w sty] of wire fenee.-We re-
gret to he r of th serious illness. of Miss
Tessie GI 0, daug ter of Mr. Wm. Glass.
This youn ,lady went out to Manitobe last
spring wi h the linpe that the change of
climate woiild benefit her health, but --6ve
eaffreeeir).rry te say that it had not the desired
Nom .---A granDauc!)nlicenr.t under the .ans-
pices of he C. M. )3. A. is to be given! in
McKen a's hall, on Monday evening. The
branch have neared the services of the
Rosa D' rine concert company, one Of the
best in anada and a great treat ie in store
for eve one. 'Thill company has appeared
in all th leading cities in thwast, and le in
every' way an up-to-date indlgrst-class com-
any.-ReV. Father Kealy, late curate, at
rishtown, left for !etcher, Ontario, early
last Week.,M. Wi liam's residence narrqw-
ly escaped destrub ion by fire On Tuesday
last. But for time y dieeovery everything
. would have been b rned.' Children playing
with. matches is tb ught to have caused the
fire, - .
Tut) ersmith. •
Landeborougin o Moosejaw, Northwest
Territory, sent h me to his mother, ' in
TuOkeremith an acceptable Thanksgiving
present in the shape of four fine wild geese
that • he had himself Met. Mr. lAndsbor-
ough, like all our young men, is prospering
in his adopted home in the west. He is
now a brakesman on the Soo express, run-
ning between Moorttjaiv and Medicine Hat.
Laet week
he had to st
nal ,than
arou d zer
unpl skint essea
e exper enced a real Northwest
heir tr in became blocked, and
nd for five hours acting as sig.
ith th thermometer hovering
. But that is just one of the
many pleasant expert -
ORINA 1, EDDIN :.-1-On Saturday last,
Mr, and AI- Samu 1 Cluff, Of the 8th cian-
cerieibn, cel brated heir china wedding,1 it,
being the 2 h stin versary of their mar-
riage. Abe t thin neighbors and idea* s
asiieriible4 Oo honor to tbe occasion, and,
as tokens o their good will towards their
worthy hos and hoitess, brought with them
many bandeorne aad valuable presents.
After a wit stunp uons dinner and supper
had been a taken of, the evening was very
pleasantl s put with games and social con-
vereation. At a late hour the happy 000-
pany diaper ed, all extending to Mr. and
Mrs. Cluff t eir hearty congratulations apd
expressing the wish that they may be spared
to leelebratel many More such anniversaries,
even unto their golden and diamond wed-
dinCgoeu.ncit.LA me tin bf council was held
1 i
at Brucefield on Fr day last. All the mein:
hers were present; 'cept Reeve Shepherd,
who was in Buffalo ; the deputy -reeve, John
MeCloy, was in he, chair. The annital
meeting of the elec rs; for the nominati n
,of a council for 189 4 will be held in Dixon's
hill, Brucefield, 1Monday, Deeember
20th, at i (:41ock . m., and, if a poll is
necessary,' polls wil be opened on Monday,
january 2ud,lat th urinal places. Engineer
J. W. Farneomb eported the Broadfoot
Creek' contraet com leted to his entire sat's-
faction, exce t a mall portion on lot ,
concession; 5, L. I EL, which contractor
Olivet war, u able 6 get trimmed up prop-
erly owing t the eontinued wet weathar,
and for whili the council held back $100
until it is mpleted. Mr, Oliver was al-
lowed $100 for extra work done in the bed
of he river to improve the outlet of the
eree . A lar e nu bar of gravel and other
sec unto wer pave d for payment. Paths
mas rs who ave net returned their lists
will confer a favor by doing so immediately.
Nex meeting will hebeld at Kyle's hotel,
on ecember 15th; 4t 10 o'clock, as directed
by statute, Parties Who have accounts
:roi st the wns p Should present theM
before that d te, so that the financial
stat ment will be • coMplete as possible, 1
1 ,
Itetkis.---In this Pinity there have been
Op considerabl num er of sleighs out mak-
ing ood use, f the ittle bit of snow whin,'
has alien sof late, The sleighing proved
goo for the oyster Pupper held at Mr. John
3,1anson's,jr. ' I This 1111' Mr. and Mrs. Man-
sented Mr, and Mrt9 Manson with a beauti-
s0n'a fifth enniversa of their wedding dale
The 4roung peeple nlho gathered there, pra-
ful Centre tab e anclrocking chair. The ad-
dresi wee rea by . r. Atehinson, teacher
of the Dryeda e soh ol, and the presentation
was niade by Mr. .Aillati Eider and Mr. Wel-
lington Fee. Mr. Manson rendered a hearty
vote ot thank . ,A,t an early hour in the
morning the crowd dispersed to their homes,
all feeling benefittel by their evening's en-
joymefit,-Mrs. BOert Nichol is at preeent
visiting friende in Liondon.-We are pleased
to learn that Mr, Philip Murray's infant
daughter, Emily, e recovering from in at-
taek of whooping e ,ugh. -Mr. Fred MeTag-
gart, our former te her, visited Blake ISO
weels.-Miss Mabel Capling spent . Thanks-
giving under thepa ntal rooL-Miss Emma
ThOrlIpeOn Walt 9,186 borne on Thanksgiving.
--TvIirse Ethel Swagi intends going to Lon-
don on Saturday. n Monday evenin her
Sunday school class gathered at her ome
and presented her ith a beautiful lamp,
1:)E E E R
- This is the closing Month of the year, and
wenie anxious to close out a large portion
of eier-Wititer Stock by the new year, To
acooniplish this, we will offer every day this
month better values than you can usually
find. l'his will be
pecial Sale
OF --
C lot h Jackets.
Not as many in stock as we had at the
beginning of the season,' but still we have
some good ones left, which we will clear at
prices that you can't afford to pass by, if
you really need one. We want to finish our
jacket stock this month, so the prices will
be all your way. For the
Christmas Trade
We have a good assortnient of La-
dies' Umbrellas, Jaekets, Wraps,
Underwear, Hosiery and Gloves,
Silk Handkerchiefs, Embroidered
Handkerchief's, Ties and Scarit,
Veilings, Ribbons and Laces, Cor-
sets, Trimmed Millinery, Children's
Caps, Fancy Linens, Table Cloths,
Napkins, Towels, Quilts, Table
Covers, Curtains, &e.
. The
Dry Goods Go.
C.4th's Givatest Cash
Dry Goods Store.
which showed the esteem in which they
held her. We are all sorry td see Ethel
leave, but hope to have her back in the near.
ffiture.-Mr. and Mrs. Robert Douglas
spent Thanksgiving in Hensall.-Mr. Ned
Boyce, je., paid a flying visit to Seaforth on
Monday last. --Mr. Philip Murray, -our
hotel keeper, did some fine sheeting at Zur-
ich on Thanksgiving, taking first money in
the' second match. -Mime aggie Odle and
hr brother ware visiting friends in this
vicinity the past week, but returned home
to London, on Monday night.
Norrs.-The Christiati Endeavor Society
of the Presbyterian church gave an at-home
in the Foresters' hall, on Friday tensing
last, which was enjoyed by as large a ciewd
as the hall could comfortably bald. The
hall was made as homelike as possible, with
pictures, chairs and sofa*. Two rows of
tables were placed the length of the hall,
upon each of which was a game, and after
half an hour of games and eonversation, the
next half hour was spent listening to a por-
tion of the programme, then a layer of
games again, and so on " till the dish was
filled," to quotefrom a cook book, The pro-
gramme consisted of gleets by a choir of
oung people, reoitetiones, vocal eolos and
some very good violin music. At the end
of the programme sandwiches, eake and
coffee were served. The Endeavor members
succeeded in making everybody acquainted
with everybody else, and altogether a very
sociable and pleasant time was spent, -The
Bluevale literary and debating society te re-
organized for the winter, and will meet in
the Forester's hall every Monday evening.
The first meeting will take place next Mon-
day evening, when the following subject
will be ,debated " Resolved that a mon-
archy is a better form of gdvernment than a
republic." Messrs, W, J.Duff, A. AleEwen
and John McCracken take the affirma-
tive and Messrs, Robert G, Casemore,
Robert Shaw and William H. Fraser the
negative. -The annual meeting of the Blue -
vale branch of the British and Foreign Bible
Society was held in the basement of the
Methodist church, on Tuesday evening.
Mr.Edmunds, agent of the society, address-
ed the meeting, Rev. D. Rogers and Rev.
W. J. West also spoke a few words. The
attendance was larger tban usual. -The
usual Thankegiving service !was held in the
Presbyterian church lost Thursday inorning.
Rev. D. Rogers, pastor of the Methodist
church, preached the eerinon.-The special
anniversary services of the Methodist
church will be held on Deeernber llth„-The
children of both the Presbyterian and
Methodist Sabbath schools' are practising
for their annual Christmas entertainments,
-Miss Alice Duff, who is attendin tealintiats
Collegiate Institute, and Will Rogers, wbo
is attending Goderich model school, spent
Thanksigiving at their respective banes. -
Miss Mabel Coolies was visiting her brother,
Mr. Edgar Coultes, of Ripley, last week. -
Mr. Walter Huggin is borne from Manitoba.
-Mrs. Bickle returned tO London lash
week, after a visit with her mother, Mrs,
Rutherford. -Mrs. Robert Mosgrove spent,
Thanksgiving with friends, in Brussels,—
Mr. and Mrs, William Isbister,-of the 2nd,
line of Morris, invited a large number of'
young people to their fine , new house ow
Friday evening, of last week to warm it up.
with a good old dance, which, it is
needless to say, they succeeded in doing, -
While Mrs, John Gannett wee getting downi
off a load of wood the other day, her dress
caught in the wheel, and she was thrown to,
the ground, breaking her =wrist, -Mr, andi
Mrs. William Weir, of Howiek, were visit-
ing in the village on Saturday, -Miss
Flutter has been quite ill of late, but is now
recovering. -Mrs, Joseph Johnston, of East
Wawanosh, spent Sunday at Mr. R. NC-
Dufra.-Mrs, John Robertson has returns&
from Manitoba, where she was visiting tier
ohildren.-Miss Anderson, of the Bluevalet
road, has also returned from Manitoba,
where she has visited her brother since
epring.-Mr. and Mrs. Win, Sellars, of Clin-
ton, attended the wedding of Mr. Sellars'
nephew Mr, William Sellars, of .Morriso tO
Milli Pane, also of Morris, on Wednesday
evening of last week.
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