The Huron Expositor, 1898-12-02, Page 51898, 'ass 'NIG; -e statement f Dry goods, - 4 ion lo our nf,se, ienica, new .,ssods s emir ting fs„ Etc. • r, were in the y , or sa with er friends,— Toronto this - be Coneerva- Shirray has with friends pent a couple dichigan, re - part of this on, was last Neelands.- ed by their !eat the par- risiting their r.—Npeeial a the Metha- Jarnes John - las returned v. J. S. Hen - Rev, flobt. Lt pulpits on to state that considerably x some time oil, was the he Coutruer- ad this.—A if the village ibly in Mc - telling of last rotrunittoe of !Zurich, was ing last. re- .6aneth Mae- , the village 7,.NIr. George Lis in Port. L—Mr. and t Lucknow„ .., r—Lover s of Lag .forward w return of t lionthron , her sister, sdian Order a large ix: - week. We ris all vil- and mein- nds of Mr_ ba, second Shirray, of -rn that he injured in to bean - It here for rest of the ereaved by e, past, few ndon, was ,er, Mr, T. er of For- Wednes- Nothing nook, who rter's, re- . n tug. —M r. ,was and Mr. John dinner at Thanks - Mrs. of par- , in Hill's ai pres- xing the 'election. be as toi- ler, tem - rues Watt, .hannahan, Wood- ( No, 5, : No. • Londes- ouse No passed for ued until I that ail I be set- t in the 's annual dition of re were • he year o re,:over- of tuber - both in- troit!, all ,istrarr be popu- hal in were of Ir . Par - onto, and (fssed t hes DECEMBEtt Z, • 98. Exeter.1 BR Ers.—On %Vedne.dy last was the first good sleighing of the on.—Mr. M. sa. bite, of the Exeter Tine,, is 0010fi ed to his home through jIfl —Miss Mate Willis, of Detroit, dangl4ter of the Jste George Willis, of this p1c4, died at Det it on ThursdaY last, and was buried in N irs cemetery, McGillivray towiahip, on Sunday bait. —Miss May Sanders viite4 Claude ye friends this week—Mr. V. Ratz, M. P., was in town on Wednesday last. —Mr. J B. Middleton, Staples, intends starting a etave factory and saw Mill in Go ild's old stand if Se eau secure stave timber enough in this distriet.—The Trivia Mem rial church to., waian was held in the oper house, on Mon .415y: lett, was a grand once se financially.— Mr. John Grigg, of the Matt, is in Totonto this week, on a purohasin Ballantyne, license inspe tor for South Heron, was in town on Wedneday Messrs. L Bullard and . Ityokman, of Ilensall,were in town on Wednesda.y.—M re. .John Glenn, sr., Lumley, d ed on the 23rd la, aged 88 years and 9 months. She was &sister of Messrs. James a d Andrew Stew- art, of this place. —Mr. Th mpson and wife, of Seaforth, were in town n Monday last. William Piper, of eaforth, was in town on Tuesday last. --M . John Nellie, of Seaforth, spent Thanksgi ing in town.- -Miss Alicks Jarrett, who h been in London for the past month, retu ned home last week.'—Mr. Robert Higgin took a • trip to • Clinton last week. News of the *eek. $50,000 NUGGET FOR KNOLAND.-A gold eugget, valued at $50,000 was shipped to urope from New York, by the Cunarder mania. The nugget was found in the londike, and is to be placed on exhibition the Union Bank, Leaden. The nufneet is he property of II. Maitland Kersey, form- erly manager of the White Star Steamship Company, and now associated with ai, com- pany that was recently catiitalized for pros- .peotirg in the Klondike. THE MARK1-itT9 SRATORTII, December 1, 1408. •Fall Wheat (new), Standard' .. - $0 e8 to 80 70 Spring Wheat per boobs!, 0 68 to 0 70 Oats per bushel _ _ , 0 27 10 Peas per .• • • - . • 0 58 .o Batter, No. 1, loose_ 0 pe Berkey per bushel .... 0 40 to Ater, tub 0 13 to Etgtpor 13 to our, per 100 ree., _ . 200 to Hay per ton new _ 5 00 xo Rides per 100 — 6 00 to Sheep Seine...-. f 60 to Wool . .... . 0 16 Potatoes per 'bush" 0 50 to Bait (retail) per tom,- .1 00 • wood per cord (lonio.„ 3 00 to Wood per cord (shert; .i ru te Apples per k • Clover Seed- .. • . . . 13 00 Timothy Seed :1 0 to 'Pork, perlOit lbs..- 4 73 st. tallow, per,th .2 to • O 27 f0 O4 0 I, 4 of 14 00 '1 00 6 50 O 70 O 18. 060 O 00 3 76 1 75 1 00 8 60 2 00 5 00 0.1 08 Tortosto, Dacember 1. -rad wriest.. 40 71 ; oaring wheat,. 10.69 oats, 31o;:peas, per bush, 67e; barley, 49 to 50c; hay per too, j8 60 to 49.50; butter, 163 40 170 ; notatees oar bag-, 60o to 65c.; eggs per dos 191 ; to 22J ; dressed beg., par 100 the, 15 50 to $5.60. Dairy Markets. Tortorro, November 291h—Batter—The receipts are fair, there is a good demand for choice, and the market ie stea4 at 13 to He for the best large, rolls, the latter for small lotto and 12 to Ine for dairy tubs. 'Creamery; is steady at 19 to 20o for prints, and 18 to 181c for peeked. Eggs—New laid are searce and in good demand, at 20c ; fresh gathered are quoted at 18c, and lined at 14o. MONTREAL, November 29th—Butter----A mach firmer feeling has developed in this market, and for finest creamery as high as 190 is spoken of. The range, however, ap- pears to be 18a to Mao for general business. Dairy ranges from 14,i, to 15c. Eggs—There ia a fair trade in a small way at firm prices. We quote :—Strictly new laid, 23 to 24o; No. 1 candled, 16c; No. 2 candled, 12 to 13-ia ; Montreal limed, 14 to 14e ; west- ern limed, 13 to laic, and culls 9c per dozen. Toronto Poultry Market. The supply is small, the demand is fair, and the market isisteady at 8 to 9.e for tur- keys, 5 to 6c forgeese, 40 to 60c for ducks, and 30 to 50c for chickens. S .. Live Stock Ma*ets. LONDON, November 28th—re are sev- eral cattle steamers over-duand the live stock markets are firm. American cattle are quoted at so ; Canadian a at 5d; Ar- gentines, Rcl. Canadian sheep, 52d to 6d; Argent'ne, 54d to 5td. iP4a Live POOL, November 28th -L -Canadian cattle, d ; heep, 5to Qd. MONTREAL, November 29th—The weather was beautiful and the butchers turned out strong, bat, pretty good cattle were much more plentiful than on Thursday, and brought lower prices than on that day. A number of prime Northwest cattle were sold at a little under <tic per pound; prime On- tario beeves seld at aboutoCc per pound; pretty good beast a sold atleom n to nearly 4o pee polled, an the common stock at 2 to.3c pound-; ci $8' each. Shippe were paying 3ic per 1alves sold at from $3 to 3 o pound for good large sheep; lambs usually sold in lots at from 4 to 4.ic per pound; choice iambs brought 4ie per pound ; fat hogs sold to -day at from $4.40 to 34.45 for 100 pounds off the cars. • BUFFALO, November ,29th—Cattle—The fact is that the demand for stockers on the feeding grounde is about over, and, in the opinion of the best informed observers, there will be more pressure to sell than desire to buy at the prices that have ruled so steadily for some time past. The prospects on stock- er prices for the future are lower. Good to beat smooth fat export cattle,$5,35 to $5.50; good to best, $5 to $5.25 ; good to choice butchers' steers, $4.75 to 35; common to good butchers' bulls, $3 to 83.40; good to best heifers, $4 to 34.25-; fair to good heif- ers, $3.60 to 34.10; mixed fat cows and heifers, good to choice, $3.60 to $4.10 ; -fat- cows, good to choice, $3.75 to 34; stookers, choice to extra qu lity.; $3.60 to 44.10; common to good do., $3.25 to $3.60; feeders, good to. extra, $3.80 o 34.10; com- mon to good, $3.65 to $3.75 ; springers, good to extra, $35 to $45. S eep and lambs —There were about 18 lo de of Canada lambs, which sold from 0.35 to $5.50. There were a few Balite of extra selected ative Iambs that exceed d the general l n basis of sales as quoted. CEoice to extra native lambs, $5.50 to $5.65 ; good to choice, .i5.25 to $550; fair to goo , $5 to $5.25. Sheep—Choice to extra, $1.25 to 34.40; good to choice, $4 to $4 25 ; fair to good, 42.50.to $3.50. At the close lambs were steady; but sheep were very doll and lower. Hogs—The market opened with the bulk of the sales of Yorkers and medium at $3.60 ; RP, $3.65, with a few at $3 70. After the .oataide reports came in prices weakened, and the best mediums closed at $3.55 ; /roughs, $:3 to $3.20 ;pigs, $2.50 to $3. TORoNTo, November 30th.—Export Cat- I:le—Cables from Great Britain showed an improvement, and the prices were 5o higher. Ileavy exporters fetched $4 to $4.30 per •ewt. Butelaers' Cattle—The offerings were not any too big tor the heavy demand, which made prices steady to firm. Choice were -quoted at $4. Common were in fair demand at $3 to $3.25. Bulls—There was a modero ate supply. Prices were firm. Heavy ex- oorterrefetched $3.75 to $4 per cwt. Light were in fait demand nt $2 to $2.50. Stock- ers and Feeders—Although the supply of stockers was not large or even up to offer - lags of, the previous weeks the prices were a little higher. Stockers for Buffalo brought *1-25 to43.50 per cwt. Feeders were in- clined to be a trifle firmer, .and were quot- able at $3.50 to $3.75. Miloh Co a and Springers—The supply was equal to the de- mand, end prices were unchanged a $3010 $40 each. Calves—There were a f w sales of 0604 veal., weighing over 1130 pounds, at $3 to $6 each. Sheep and Lambs There was a fair demand. Prioes for bea sheep were 15c higher. Sheep, for exrt and butollers' use brought $3.25 to 50 per cwt. Spring lambs were in fair de and at 83.85 to $4,10 per cwt. Rucks we e slow at $2.50 to $2.75 per cwt. Hogs There was n active demand, and ohoio bacon hogs idvanoed" 12o per owt for ohoi e selec- tions The run was exceptionally heavy. Lightand thick fats fetched 84 to 25 per cwt. Sows were quit at $3 to $3,25 per cwt. THE /BEST JOB Invariably goes to the ono with best brain4one who has education -special training. Why bat qualify for one ot the hest places going. You have the chance. The Central Business Co1ege, ; of Toronto • Opens the door to success for many young ; Women each year. It Affen splendid rq thorough work, a strong staff and good resu You nia3f enter at any time. Write for pr riiepnrnaenne, te. speetus. pal. 586-6i, W. H. SHAW, Prin Ydnge and Gerrard stem, Toronto. ; SALE REGISTER. On Sa6rday, December, 3rd; at 2; o'clock p. m., &tithe Commercial Hotel, 5 aforth. House and Lot and Household 'hifoemote. Mrs. R. Howard, proprietress ; ae Brown, auctioneer. On Tuesday, December 6h, at 1 o'clock p. m., on Lot 17 Conce.aioi 4, MnKillop. Farm Stock and Implements, without re- serve. William Morrow, proprietor ,; Thos, Brown, auctioneer. On Monday, December sith, at 12 O'clock, noon on Lot o, Concession 2, L. R. S. Tuckersmith. Farm Stock- & -Implements. George Ingram, proprietor; William Mc. Cloy, auctioneer. On Tuesday, December 6th, at one o'clock p. in., on Lot26, Concession 10, Hibbert. Farm Stook and Implements. R. B. flog - gap th, proprietor; William McCloy, aucti- ont er. On Wednesday, December 14th,_at dne o'clotik on Lot 2, Concesaion 11,H. R. S., Tuckersmith, Farm Stock and Imple- ments. Duncan McTavish, proprietor ; Wm. MoCloy, auctioneer. 11 Births. , A ENT -In Brussels, on November 16th, the wife of Mr. P' Amen., of a daughter. SMITH -to 'Grey, on November 2let, the wife of I Mr: Oliphant Smith, of a daughter. ARMSTRONG -In Grey, on November 1(Itb, the wife 1 cf M. George Armstrong, of a son. PRITZ-In Creditsn, on Nevem]) .r 16th, the wife of Mr. W. Fritz of a daughter.. RPISELII-In Exeter, on November 22nd, the wife) of Mr. James Russell, of a son. TROMPS N -On the Thames Road, Usborn, on November 22cd, the wife of _Mr. JOhn Thompson, of a s n. BLISS -In Hullat, on November 25th, the wife of Mr. F. Bliss, of a son. , Marriages. . SINCLAIR-BELL-On November 23rd, at the reef- , de nce of the bride's parents, by Rev. E. Acheson, 1 Mr. Wm. Sinclair, to Mies Aegie, third daughter ' of Mr. Andrew Bell, Esq., London Road, all of Tuekersmith. IdcDONALD-MoASH-At the reeldenee of the bride'efather, by Rev. P. A. McDonald, on No- vember 24th, Mr. Donald H. McDonald, of Rip- ley, to Mies Annie, daughter of John MeAsh, Esq., of Varna. . McKENZIE-ANDERSON-At the residence of the ride's_ parents, on November 13th, by Rev. P. A. hertz' gal. SELLER paren Mr. W Mr. II FARR-K Blyth, Ewen, Kelly, MA KINS- eLeod. B. D., Mr. Donald Alexander Me - to Miss Helen Andereon, both of Done. , BONE -At the residence elf the bride's a, on November 23rd, by Rev. D. Rogers, . Sellers, to Mite Carrie, daughter. of nry Bone, both of Morris township LLY-At the ROM1111 Catholic church, on November 22nd, bY Rev. Father Mo. Mr. M. Farr, of Saltford, to bliss Annie of Blyth. POT TER --At the residence of ihe bride's sister, Holmesville, on Novetaber 22nd, by Rev, G. W. AI draws, Mr. George Making, of Norwich, to Miss Alice Potter. COOK -K RR -M the residenceLof the bride's par - ante, flear Nile, on Novembe 23rd, by Rev. Mr. Hall, r. D. C. Cook, of Clinton, to Miss Aggie, daugltr of•Mr. S. Kerr. . , ' 1 Deaths. RANKIN,- In Egmondville,on November 2Sth, Ariel° Olive r, relict of the late Walter Rankin, aged 71 yeare and 6 months. DYhRS-In Harputhey, on November 28th, Peanin- nab Lairdowife of Mr. Wm. Dynee, aged 64 years and 6 months. KA1N-In Goderich,on November 191h, Bartholomew Kale ; a native of Cnunty Clare, Ireland. HOWLETT-In MoKilloo, on November 2Ist,Minnie, daughter of Mr. E. Howlett, aged 16 years. MELVILLE-In Seliforth, on November 291h, Mary Robleon, wife of the late Lawrence Melville, aged 69 3 ears and 2 months. - SIdITH -In McKillop, on November 24th, Mrs. Rob- ert Srnith, aged 86 years. GLENN -4n Lumley, on November 23rd, Mrs. John Glenn, aged 88 years and 9 months. IMPORTANT NOTICES. TRAYED SHEEP. -Strayed from the premises of the undersigned, Lot 10, Concession 4, Mc- Killop, on October 16th, two young ewes. Any in , - formation thankfully received hy CORNELIUS DELANEY, Beechwood P. 0. 1616x2 -DULLS' FOR SALE. -The _13 Bile' three Durham bulls, old; roan and red in color. animals, end are registered. e T from Tho as Ruesses prize MORE, 7,ot 30, Concession 4 P. O. undersigned has ior from 8 to 13 menthe These, are first-class wo of them were bred ull. THOMAS CUD- Usborne, orLumley 1616-tf 1 iTRAYED CATTLE. -Strayed from the under- pJ pigned, on Lot 34, North harms road, Russel - dale, on or about the let o November, 8 head of cattle ; 3 heifers rising three , eats old, red, with a few wobite repots ; 5 steeere I sing two years old, throe red,- with some whit mots, and two of a greyish ootor. A reward of St will be given to any person giving any information that will Ned to their recovery. JOHN COLE, Ru eidale. P. O., Ontario. 16164 PUBLIC AUCTION SALE OF FARM 'STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. -Te undersigned hat re. ceived instructions to sell by Walla auction on Lot 2, Concession 1, H. R. S., Tuo ersmith, 00 Wednes- day, December 14th, 1898, a 1 o'clock p. mother following property : Horses.- ne general purpose brood mare, supposed to be inoal ; I drought geld- ing ritiug four years 016, 1 apis driving fillies rising four years old, I driving gelding rising two years old, 1 suckieg' foal. Ca -- ttle.fOne mulch cow, up - pored to be in calf ; 1 heifer r sing three years old, 1 heifer rislng two yeare old, 1 steer rieing two years old. Pigs. -Four brood sow, to litter about Feb- ruary 1st ; 9 pigs about threg months old. About 30 hens. futplements.-One litaiber wagon, 1 pair bobsleighs, 1 combined Massey Harris seed drill and cultivator, 1 Brantford bind r, 1 cutting bot, 1 itaasey-Elarris root pulper, 1 t p buggy, 1 road trt, 1 cutter, 1 Chatham fanning nill, with baggin at. tachment ; 1 set double team harness, 1 pet single ab3ay. A lot of ober roi h 3 harness, 1 mot cart saw, 1 ag bultural furnace A quantity of clover and tim articles toe numerous to me tion. The above will to giving Up farmiog. Tema Of sale.- All sums f $6 positively be sold without reserve, as the propritor and under, cash ; over that amount 10 mouths' credit will be given on furnishing approved feint notes. A discount of 6 cents on the dollar will be allowed off tor cash on all oredit amounts DUNCAN fetcTAVISH, Proprietor; WM. MeCLOY, Auctioneer. 161612 1 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLE. MENTS.-Mr William Morrow has instructed Me. Thomas Brown to sell by public *notion on Lot 17, Concession, 4, MeKillop, on Tuesday, Deo° ber 6th, 1898, at 1 o'clock, p. w., Ahern, the foin Ing property, viz. : Horsee.-One horse rising Mx }ears old, sired by Lord of the Manor; 1 mare rising five years old, sired by Lord of the Manor ; 1 mare r6ing vine years old, 1 filly rising three years old, sire by Crystal City ;• I driving horse rising five year old. Cattle. -Four first-class young cows. to calve i the spring ; 2 first-class young cows, about to e Ivo ; 6 steers rising two years old, 6 heifers nein two years old, 3 steers rising three years old, I h ifer rising three years old, 4 sin ing calves. Sheep. Ten first-class young ewes. Pit's.-- One large brood R0W, 4 young pigs eight weelis old. Also 120 l4one. Implements. ---One mowr, 1 hay rake, 1 com ined drill, 1 Whitemao pci hen es er, 1 pair bobele ghs, 1 lumber wagon, 1 anning mill, 1 eingle plow, met Diamond barrows, Also, forks, hoes, clasher, whiffle - trees, neckyokee, and other articles. The Whole must be sold withent reserve, T. rine -All sures of $5 and under, earth:; over that amount 10 mo the' audit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 5 cents on the dollar u II ta allowed for cash on all 'Freda amounts. WIL TAM* MORROW, .Proprietor; THOMAS BROWN, IAuo. tioneer, 16116-1 THE Saw Lbgs Wanted. Wanted, at the Klippen Ws, *toy quantity pt _good Saw Loge of all kinds, out 10, 12 and 14 feet long; 1/ a thousand will be paid for good ioft elm and baste wood. • CORN FOR SALE, For este, a large entintity of good Feed (fern at the lowest prices. JORN MONEVIN, Kippen. 1616.4 CArt*ICERS. External or Internal permanently cured witheut surgical operation - ,or eaustioe, or causing pair.. Write for book on cancers and tumors. Numerous tettimoniale. DR. SMITH, Cancer Specialist, k Port Huron, Michigan, P. O. Box, 1043, 1616.52. County Cbuncil Election COUNY OF HURON. Puhli Notice is hgreby given, that a meeting of the Electors of Cannty Division No. 6, camposed of the 111,11131elpalities of Tuokenunith, Meltillop and Seafortheovill be held in the TOWN HALL, SEAFORTH, On Monda*, Dec. 19th, 1898 • At the 4iour of 1 ofjtedock p. m., for the purpose of wi1be opa ' nomina Ind candid& s to represent them in the Council of the Coon y of Huron, for the years 1899 linldi anneddthat i 0188 a poll is .clemanded, •Ils On the ,Second Day of January, 1 99, In each polling. sub ivision, at the time and lace fixed by By -Law of the municipalities in the said County Division. , A. . MILLIE, Nominating 0 oar for County Connell Div eon No. 6. Dated this 1 t day of December, 1898. 161 -8 County 0 uncil Electi COUN Y OF HURON. Public), Notice is be thy given that a rneetin of the Electors of Cou ty CouncieDivirion No. 8, poled MU° municip Miles of the townehips of S n - ley and Hay, an th Villages of Bal field and en - sail, will* be hel in the TOWNSHIP HALL, in the VIL AE OF VARNA, On Monday, 1 th of December, 1898, At the hour of. 1 'clock p. m., for the purpose of nominating can Ida es to represent them in the Council of theou ty of, Huron for the years 1899 and 1900, and th t 1n cage a poll is demanded, polls Will be opened • On Monday, the' 2nd of January, 1899, In each polling fixed by By -La County Council u7ivision, at the time and place of the municipalities in the,ssid iv eion. • FRED. HESS, SR., Norninatieg s dicer for County Council Division - No. 3. Dated this 80th day of November, 1/48. 1616-8 Tenders for Supplies, 899. The unde signed wi I receive tenders for supplies up to IWO n MONDAY, DECEMBER 6th, 1898, for the aupply of butchers' meat, butter, dairy and creamery, lying pnce of each, flour, oatmeal, potatoes, o rdwood, etc, for the fallowing in- stitutions d ring the year 1899, viz. :- At the As lum for the Insane in Toronto, London, Kingston, Rr mitten, Mimioo, Brookville and Orillia ; the Central neon and Mercer Reformatory, Tonne to ; the Re ormatory, for Boys, Penstanguishene ; the instituti ne for the Deaf and Dumb, Belleville, and the Blin , at Brantford. Two senile ent sureties will be required for the due fulfillment o each contract. Specificati ne and forms of tender oan only be had by making applicati n to the Bursars of the re- epective Ina Rogow'. N. B. -Te dere are 4iot required tor the supply of meat to the sylum 14 Toronto, London, Kingston, Hamilton and Mimic.) nor to the Central Prison and Meroer Refo matory, Toronto. The lowes or any te der not necessarily accepted. Newspape insertink this advertisement without authority Ir'm the department will not be paid for it. (Signed) . CHRIS 1E, T. F. CHAMBERLAIN, JAMES NO ON, Insp otors of Prisons and Public' Charities, P rliament uildings, Toronto, November 2 let, 1898. 1616-1 -cIM'S- 11 STO E, ENSALL. Every purchaser in t businese. It is • eo-o concern. .The more b can supply your wants cheaper you buy, beea inkgin. You have no account, that the tithe not pay. , Men's heavy all -woo large starm collar, goo wool anellse Beaver, double or single breast farmer astir' lining, mo Men's all -wool Uletere, belt, etraight or slash and $9 -wind, frost ao er, but these are the be Men's -and Boys' Clot goods, with prices you Friday and Saturday b W. is store is a parker In the erative or workiog t gether siness we do, the better we The greater turn-over,I the se we can sell on a closer book-keeper to pI ay erre on fellow would not ot could 4..-• reefers or short overcoats, lining, at 13.60. kl We all- avy and Black Ove coats, , velvet collar, silk et tolled, air sleeve lining, $7 Ilk d $10. own and black, storm collar, ockets, tweed lining at 16 rain proof. We have cheap - to buy. , ng, all kinds of depe dable way. Tailoring a spe iality. rgains. A. McKIM, Hensall. CADY' COI Snap BLOCK. The clerk of he weather warns us ta be pre axed for decidedly colder weath r, with snow flurries. This will ma e one think of some- thing comfo table and warm for the feet, and while your thoughts are on the Footwear, come and see our sto k of Foot -warmers. We can sell you Men's Knitted Socks and bined) as lo Leather Leg Shoes (cons 4 Buckle Fel and $2.50 Lined Over $1.50 a pair. Rubbers for Buttoned 0 pair Ladie for 50c a pat , of Boys' So Ladies' Over gaiters-Chil -7 Rubbers at the trade, eavy. Rubbers (com- as $1.75. Men's ings and Felt Lined used) for $3. Men's 1. Boots for $2, $2.25 pair. Men's Red hoes for $1.40 and Men's Red Lined 75c a pair. Ladies' eialroes for $1.35 a ' Red Lined Rubbers , Good assortment ks and Rubbers - stockings and Over- dren's Overshoes and the lowest prices in -e- ON EXPOITPR• e have just re e nsig,nment of c eith bound, or ei th value. You can get $1,50, the works o authors. Who wo - library's? . See them LUMSbEN. sourrs BLOOK, - SMA.H ed another large se cheap books, itle, marvellous' ten volumes for the very best lad not have a in our window. MAI -18TREB7 inn T.1 AiL We start Decemb is store has ever kno e correepon ing mon ehind the other mont nd plenty of push wil 1.11ing with seasonable 4 'Super White Wool B orth $2.50„ for $1.95. ned, trimmed with Ango ingwood Gloves, worth rice 30o, for 25o. Ladie ibbed Wool Sox, regular 5c, for 20o. Men's fine ning, velvet collar, wort iggerhead, opened this nd twisted warp, in fanc hosting, two yards wide, This store has gro less than average prices money if you f• ay so. MoKIN 111 ECOR r with the reco n. Every mo las of last year, s' record of in accomplish the goods at special ankets, soft • finis hildren's 14.liderdo a, at $1,95, $2.50 00, for 25o. Lad ' Black Wool H 25c, .for 200. Men's Black Cashmere Sox, heavy weight, Worth eaver Overeoats, double breasted, blue and black, qnilted ;satin $13.50, for $10. Ladies' Cloth Jackets iiirt plain beaver and ek, at 32.95, $3.t0, $4 and $5. Heavy An ola Shirting; donbled checks and stiipes, worth laic, for 10c. Grey Flannelette ;extra heavy and warm, a snap at 25c. n to greatness by distributing reliable merchandise at end standing 'sack of the goods, ready to refund your DS BROKEN. d back of us- of the best year's business th shows a large increase in sales over nd we don't intend to let December lag rearie, if abundance of goods, fair Prices result. This month we set the 1 ball prices: with fanoy combination colored borders, n Jackets, in plain and !fancy colors, sateen $2.75 and $3. Ladie0 heavy warm ;clack es' fine Cashmere Glove, fleece -lined, regular se, full size, veil special 150. Men's Heavy .A.1\TID Col\TZ ON Sc' CO., BLYTH. Footwear And the Best Pla e To 13,1y I No matter who you occupation is, this se and weather midi as will make you give mo thought to your feet. properly cared for in t covering by having au Shoes, and these tarot kind of an Overshoe. In the first place call at our store ; beca and are recognized by he quality of all our g000 be price which Will sear c he perfect fit in the differ goods, whioh we ask ,they :— Call and see our Trun particularly not ce. essential points in 'con every detail We hay a special study and an era as being up-to-date ich De Whitn rdson lers in Good Pootwear, y's Bloc Sedorth. re or what your son of the year we are having, e than a passing If they are not e way of leather table Boots and cted by a right e invite you to se we claim to ld time custom - and reliable in made Footwear proud of three elation with our purchasers L, to And these are nt lines. e. mparison. e and Valises. Others F try. u will find it to he Seafortii so AO am the ol est gro and- can give rou th I have just received a ve of,all kinds of new Cu Primes, Dates, Figs, Spjees, Corn, Peas, To Lebsters, Sardines, M kitills of Fish, in fact all that are kept in a flrst-c a very large stock of all Crockery and Glasawa sortrnent of Dinner, and 10.piece Toilet Sets, China Tea Sets, Lamps Sets. Flour, Oatmeal, wheat Flour, Mineeme Molasses, and all other visions. A call is soli No trouble to show goo( Wanted :—Potatoes, White Beans, and all k for which the highest m be paid. !low our interest to I 1 1 er in eaforth, best- bargain. ry large etock tints Raisons, ,Candied Peel, atoes, Salmon, kerell and all kinds of goods as house. Also inds of China, ., A large as - Tea Sets, also ety Sets and a d:Lemonade Ormeal, Buck - t, sy ups and j kind of pro - ted rem- all. . priedi Apple, nds of Poultry, rket pricee will A. G. A SEAFOR SOU rH HURON FAT STOCK SHOW 1 Tile South Huron Agrioulthral Society will h Id a show for the exhibition of rot Stook and Poulk •' in the ' Agricultural Buildinge, in the VILLAG OF EXETER, ,00n ! 1 1 I FRIDAY,-- DECEMBER 16, 198, When the following premiums will be offerg for competition: CATTLE -Pure Breeds. --Steer, two years old and und r three, let 17, 2nd $5. Steer, one year old and und r two, let /6. 2nd $4. Steer calf under one year, let f 4, 2nd 12. Cow or heifer, let 16, 2nd 14. , G des. --Steer, two years old and under three, , let 16, 2ncl 14, 3rd 12. - Steer, one year old and under 2, 1st $5, 2nd $8, 3rd $2. Steer calf under one year, let $4, 2nd 12, 8rd $1. Cow, three years or over,1 16, 2nd 83, 8rd $2, Helfer, two years and under three, 1s1 $5, 2nd $3, 3rd $2. i 811101'-I.ong Woolled.-Ewa, two years and over, lit $3, 2nd 12, 8rd $1. Erie, one year and under Iwo, let $3, 2nd $2, 3rd 81. Ewe under One year, lat $3, 2nd $2, 3rd $1. Wether, one year and over, let $3, 2nd 12, 3rd $1, %Aber 'under one year, let as, 2nd $2, 31c1 $1. Downe.--The same as long wool. i 1 Grade Sheep.a-The same es long woolled, eeeept that there is no third prize,. P GS. -Barrow, over Mx mouths and under twelve months, 1st $1, 2ad $2, 8rd $1, Barrow, under six and under •12 months, let 14, 2nd $2, 8rd $1. Sow,' tbs, - mo lit $4, 2nd 82, 8rd $1.Sow, over 0 mrthe und r six months, let St, Ind , 12, flret $1. P n of three -hogs beet suited for the bacon trade, all bred j and fed by the exhibitor, lat 810, 2nd 85, 8rd 83. A sweepstakes badge will he awarded to ah best bee ng animal, best sheep or beet pig of any ago or bre d. Age of all animals 11 be computed ifrom Decumber let DRESSED POULTRY. -Best pair of turkey cock- erel , teatehed in 1898-1s4 12, 20c1 $1, 8rd500. i Best pair of: turkey pullets, hatched in 1898-10 $2, 2nd $1, Srd 60o. Best and heaviest thrkey of any age, 82. Beat pair of geese„ hatched in ;1898 -1st 120 2rid $1, 3rd 60e. Beat pair of ducks hatched in 1898 -let 81, 2od 75o, 3rd 260. Best pair of cockerels hatched in 1898-1s1 $1, 2nd 75e, 8rd 25c. bit emir of ptrilete hatched in 1898 -let $1, 2nd 75c, 3r6 25c). Bea dis- play of dunned poultry -let $3, 2nd $2, Sid 11. I Dressed means dra Nn and Unified. I 2nd $3, 8rd $2. Beet and largest display of dressed meats -ltrt $3, • , - Ail stook exhibited will be for sale.Partial) de- Mring to well stook can haee the nee of the grenade, whether the stook is for exhibition or not. It ni ex- peeted that a large number of buyers will be prenent. Ample accommodation will be provided for all ani- mals and poultry. . i Entranee fees will be charged as follows: Thoro- bred cattle, lill each; grade cattle, 60e each '• Orem and swine, 60o each ; poultry, 25o per pair; display of poultry, 25e ; dressed meat, $1. Entrance to the • grounds, lb coda. Open to t e World. JOHN MURDOCH, President. 11, Y. MeLtaN, Secretary. 161 ta ' 1sTOTIOM, The Collostor of Taxes for the Township of Hay will be at Zurich on December 6th to receive taxes, After that date expenses will be incurred againat the taxpayers for unpaid taxes. 1 1615 CHARLES TROYER, Collecior. The Winthrop The Grist Mill la now working Monday, Tue Wednesday and Satarday of each week. Cho done while you it. Chopping at 6c per 1 Grain weighed in, chop weighed out, and satiefa(Aion guaranteed. Custom sawing done itt the Saw Mills at 8 thousand feet. f GOVENLOCK BROS., Winthror. 1616x4 PZ I; per Meeting of Huron County Counc The Council of the Cerg oration of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamoer in the Town of Goderich, on Tuesday, the 6111 day of December next, ab -3 o'clock p, ra. 1615-2 W. LANE, Clerk. MONEY TO LOAN. Private funds to loan at lowest rates, on good security of promissory note or firet mortgage. R. HICKS; Egmondville. 1014-2 '11.23.aCICE3_ • The ratepayers of Seaforth aro hereby rem nded that the taxes are due and payable on the first day of December, not On 14th as formerly. WILLIAM ELLIOTT, Tr. urer. 1614-3. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. .eari* 'Stock We find ou selves toes heavily loaded with several lines of goods. In order : to reduce theta - e offer the following special reductions, ecnnmeneing On Friday, November 25th. 1 1 LA'DIES' OATS. --Our assortment is still large A splendid lot to select from. Values and quality this season have been unprecedented ; but in order 1 to clear they will go at the following sweeping reductions, below cost : $12 coats for $8 K$10 Coats for $6.60 ; $8 Coats for $5.33 - $6 Coats for $4. All lower price Chats at 20 per cent. off„ regular. price. We have two tables of Coats to clear at half price. The aboive goods are all this years styles. ,JACICET CLOTHS, consisting of Beavers, Friezes, Nap Cloths, Tweeds, Blanket Cloths : $2 goods for $1.50 ; $1.50 goods for $1.12, 4 $L124- goods for 85c; 85e goods; for 64c. , We have four handsome Fur Lined Capes which will go at 25 per cent, off their price. 1 I DRESS GOODS. -A number 4 big drives in Dress Goods. Prices 50c rad 60e. The Jot goes for 35e per yard. s s Spei our speciallines Ladies' Underwear at 15c, 20c, 25c, 50e, 75c and $1. Men's Underwear at 35c, 50c, 70c and $1 needs no comment. The large qua titles selling are advertising thernselves thoroughly. N'S READY3fADE OVERCOATS. --The balance of all our Men's we Ovcrc�ats will go at 25 per cent. off regular prices. You can sest from us a excellent %weed Overcoat at43,75. Call and ask to see theist. Our whole stock of Men's, Youths', Boys' and Children's Overcoats , and Snits, also Odd.ants, Coats and Vests at the special reduction of 12i per cent. off. Now iS you p rtunity to clothe yourself!and boys at a low price. e sal lot of len's Octd Vests at 50c each. Special bargains in Men's Pants at 90e, $1.10i $1.30 and $1.75i Extra values in Men's Lined Gloves.. • 17 8, -We have the largest range of Fur Goods shown west of Toronto. Men's F r Coats Consisting of Canadian Poon, Australian Coon Tasmanian Coon; "ons at, Wallaby, Chinese Dog, Bulgarian Lamb and Siberian Calf. Our V hiss vero never so good as this season. Make your selections early be- fore te ey are too much picked over. The early buyer gets the best shoice. e ha'c atill 4 large range of Ladies' Coats and Capes left. * 'Erg ch ice in. Men's Caps and Ladies' Collars and Muffs, . Also a good stock of Robes in Saskatchewan Buffalo, Goat and Galloway t Cattle. S its made to order, lit guaranteed. $2,1We cordially invite inspection. No trouble to show goods. • P1CKAIMCO. IMPORTERS, DIRECT - Op site Town Building, Ccinser Main and Market Streets. s Suggestions Hi THE •Qse 'kit) oillocogt Store. h Leading Stdre or Novelties and FancyDry Goods, Etc ff. me ice Presents or Children A nice Coat; a nobby Tam or Hood; a, nice Plaid Dress a warm pair of Mitts; a good pair of Hese; a pretty HandlZer- chief ; a nice piece of triderwear, etc. Few Nice Things or Ladies Some S A nice Set of Furs ;la nice Fur Coat or Cape ; a pretty Silk Waist; a good Black', or Colored Dress -;.a nice Shirt Waist; al stylish. Wrapper ; nice Corsets fine underwear ; a 'stylish Parasol ; a warm Shawl ; fancy Vork Baskets. isiktle Presents for the Men and Boys ior, You Pretty X1110.8 Neckties; nice Cashmere Scarfs;:nice Black Cashmere Hose fancy Brace; nice Shirte(; Collars and Cuffs ; Sweaters; fine 'Underwear. _ Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Nephelv‘s, Neices, Hu band and Wifes, Brothers and Sisters. • Wor We will exhibt an imm.ense array of useful and snitable goods for the Xmas tradeAR the above mentioned lines will be sold as close as possibleA call at this store will pay you. Our Fancy Good' and Small -Ware Tablewill be full of N velties. Abotit Fur H 'sing had large experience in the Fur Trade (especially Furs o 1Ladies') we would invite any person to inspect .our stock of Cq.ts, Capes, Collarettes, Ruffs, Muffs, etc., befora' making your s „ pill chase. Stamped 'Linens, Etc. 1 We keep a full and complete stock of these goods. Agent for B ldings Art Wash Silks. These are nice things to work at for XI as presents. 1 . _ Agent for Butterick's Patterns, Delineator, Glass of Fashion . ; Ilig Snap in Ladies' jackets We have just purchased from a large concern. a complete set i:)f Traveller's Samples, which we bought at half price, and for 10 days we will sell this 14 of (60 only) Coats at the wholesale price. Remember we only hasile 10 or 12 ',days to sell these goods, as we want the room for Lies ,goods. Remember at the wholesale price A $5 Coat for 03.50 ; a $10 Coat for $6.75. The whole lot of 60 Coats to beS sold at these reductions. Its one great chance in Seaforth this all to get a good Coat at very little money. Under Town Clock tecost's one Price Cash, Store Cardno's Blom( osit's Pentecost's* -